Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 18, 1865, Image 3

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v^risriNAijr »«.»m.hlp. •«<! «•*»•». FOK NKW YORK. Steam'l»*P Vuruno, Saurdajr, November IC, at u'clW^* Nevada, Saturday, Notaaber It, at » „-dock a. ui. FOR BiLTIMORB. North Point, Saturday, November It, at - o'clock. puotoktowj,. pteamer Olariuß, Saturday, November l»th, at 9 o'clock a. m. POK PAIATKA. gwaiucr Lizzie Baker, Saturday. November 18tb, St 10 o’clute »• “• POK AUOU9VA. Steamer Wui. 0. Ulbbouo, every Saturday morning a> Ste»mer Fanny Lehr, Saturday, November 18th, at 4 o'clock p. m. FOR FLORIDA. Steamer Fountain, ©very Tuesday morning, at iu u’dock. Steamer Hi. Johua, every Saturday morning, at lo o’clock. SWANNAU I’KICKO CUKBKNT.—CopIea of our Letter, elieet Prices Current of tlila dnte can be had at onr Couutiug Boom. Personal.— We had the pleasure of an interview yesterday with Capt C O. Buartelle, of the U S steamer j., W) , on coast survey duly. The citizens of Savan nah will he pleased to learn that this effleteut and intelligent officer is here,4iy~ direction of the Treasu ry Department at Washington, to make a thorough exploration of the obstructions in the Savannah rner, placed there by Confederate military authority during the progress of the late war, and to report the result to the proper Department, with such re coiuimenilatlons as he may deem expedient, with a tiew to their removal by the Government, at an early period. it is known to us that propositions have been made to the Government by certain parties to perform the job of removal, receiving as compensation therefor only the debris that form the obstructions; which might have been acceded to, bat for the timely in terposition of Caplafn 8., who tnform ed the Depart ment, from examinations previously made by him, that lo accomplish the work without serious peril to the present capacity of the channel of tho river, would require the exercise of the most skilfull Judg ment, uninfluenced by considerations of personal gain. Hence the determination of the Government not to Incur tho hazard thus Indicated and the as signment of the Important duty to one of its own agents in whom it lias confidence, and who will he held to a strict accountability for its faithful per formance. And for this we are indebted to the sub ject of our notice. , another Limb of Liuut Draught Stkamsks fob tub Augusta and Savannau Trade.—Several enter prising merchants of Baltimore who have successful ly established lines of steamers between Savannah and Baltimore, New Turk and Baltimore, Baltimore and Fortress Monroe, Norfolk and Richmond, are new about to establish a liue of light draft steamers, lo i>ly on the Savannah River, between Savannah and Augusta. Tile steamers for tills new line arrived at tills port yesterday morning. They are of exceed ingly light draft, of full carrying capacities, and their passenger accommodations are unsurpassed by those of any crafis now on the river. <Ca.ll the conveniences of saloons, closets, heating apparatus for the cabins, bathing fixtures, etc., are in superb style} The names «f the new steamers arc the Fannie Lehr, Capt. C. H. Lewis, and Minnie Brandt, Capt. A. Travis. Their tonnage is SJB tons each; length of keel, 140 feet, overall, Ido leet; breadth or beam ovcrpaddle boxes, 40 feet; depth ot hold, 8 feet 6 inches; breadth of paddle, i feet 4 Indies ; diameter of paddles, 20 feet. Beta steamers are side wheel, and built on the ferry boat or double-ender plan, having ruddersand wheel lonises fore and aft. The Fannie Lehr Is supplied with two low pressure eugines of separate action; diameter of cylinders, 14 incites ; stroke, 2 feet. She has lb double state-rooms and will accommodate to cabin passengers with every comfort. The Minnie Brandt lias ttiree high pressure boilers, and two high pressure engines of the same size and power of the Fannie Lehr. She has 17 double state-rooms and will accommodate 46 cabin passengers. Both boats being of very light draft, will lie able to navigate Hie river at nearly all seasons of the year. Gne of the boats will leave on Her first trip up the riitr today at, 3 p. m. Ttie Savannah Ageuts of tills new line will be Messrs. West, Bryan A Cos., the Agents of the Balti more Line pf steamers. THIS COURTS. IK VOSTCOUBT, DISTRICT OP SAVANNAU,BEFORE CAPT. CLARK B. RBMIOK, PROVOST MARSHAL, Savannah, November ITth, 1883. The Lulled States, vs. Joo Dubrois, toolored). im proper conduct in the Ftreets. Tho evidence was not sufficient to commit the prisoner, and he was discharged. The United States, vs. Joe Johnson, (colored). Im proper conduct and simple larceuy- Prisoner found guilty, ami scut to Jail for one month. The Lulled States, vs. Cyrus Satfon, (colored). Simple larceny and improper conduct. The evi deuce not being sufficient for conviction, the defen dant was discharged upon payment of costs. Albert Shelman, (colored) vs. Mr. Grainger. Re finery of a horse. The ownership of the horse was not proven by plaintiff, and it was ordered that the horse in controversy remain in the possession of the defendant, and the plaintiff pay the coats of suit. Counsel for defendant, Hon. D. A. O’Byrue. Mutiny on shipboard.—Upon complaint made to Justice Levi 8. Hart, on Thursday by Capt. Currey of Hie Hr Bark CSrovesco, that Richard Loreppo, Jo. sepli Whitney and John Armstrong, articled seamen of that vessel, had refused to perform their duties as seamen, the vessel being lit tire harbor of Savannah, Justice Hart immediately issued warrants and had the offenders arrested by officer Win. Swall and brought before him. Upon examination of ther cases, usticc Hart committed the seamen to tlie guardian, ship of the keeper of Chatham County Jail and gra ciously gave them safo and comfortable quarters, which they will occupy until It i9 the pleasure of Capt. Currey to release them. From the evidence in this case, it appears that Jm k was of the opiulon thore was no civil law in this city or State. Stringent laws werp enacted be. fore the war for tha protection of the Ship Masters in • lie conduct of their -seaman, and the prompt pnnisli meut cf srilcr thieves and r unners, and it is to be hoped that for tiro rair fame of our city, they will be enforced. We learn that several more arrests are to ire made of seamen who have bean mutinous and refuse to perform duty. hiviK Maws.—The Steamer Falcon arrived yesterday afternoon from Augusta. Wo aro indebt ed to the Purser for tho following memoranda : Nov. lsilr. —Passed at Cooney Gut ateamer Stan disli, bound up; at Nickerson’* landing, ateainor Caldwell, bound up ; below Shell Bluff steamer R. H, May, disabled. Nov. mu.— At Goldmire Reach, steamer Yolun 4eerhound up, Nov. 17th,—At Bee Tuck, steamer Express, bound «P; Keek's Ferry, steamer.« F. Potter: lioCollln’s Bluff, steamer Oak, bound up ; at mouth of Cold Main river, steamer Soorplo. ntbam Combunicatiom bktwkkn savannah and Boston.—u Ls with much gratification that we an ni'unue that the establishment of communication by steam between tills city and Boston is about being consummated. The splendid screw steamship Win. li'ljeia will sun from Boston tills day for Savannah. She is a vessel of great speed, hat excellent accom fftr passougers and lurge carrying capa- Vl , M «»srs. itichardaou A Barnard aro the bit ' lint!, 4. tt| f ßliu o' tlm Hue, which will ooualel of two first-class steamships. Morniso stjh Hai-uov.—Metar*. William H. Sltn terinau and u. Tow have recently opened a Saloon IIJ| the above name ou Bull atroet Lane, near the “other of hull (treat. They auuonuce ales, wines Bhd Ihmom, including all the standard imported •rauda, from s, w York, Baltimore eml elsewhere, fi* always ou htud | with the heat gradee of olgare, D»lt Wore, New York, Norfolk and native oyalew, mbe*, *o. The lunoli counter affords various re!- "'‘d •dililca, IB good Style | and the eipertene* ‘••l’kt’llliy of ihe proprietors Is HaeU • return rmmdsiioi, (or im, place, t'oaUf Maura riuTapUadM auTama*FloraTern I, u l **' l ' Ul departed yesterday umrathk for ro„. KU *" *••»*■« •»•«»» MW kMMUgem kbd a hvighl. Ihe Flora Temple to owned M»to*y bf JuttyU l.lyytiitii, of ||VDtlMl|> 9 1 i euT’TiT'Vf'Si* "1?" ePtaGd "ISbSm* Fuuote islfl,.. » MoUklfi. win, • largo uambw Jl.te, Mofc igAaok, ••©•‘l, ah trod |MINHf Dramatic and Musical Entertain mint—We an requested to stale that Mias Carrie C. Lester will five a Dramatic aad Musical Elitertalument at St. Andrew’s Rail, ou Tuesday evening next, the 91st instant, consisting or choice selections from the dramatic poele, with musical accompaniments. Miss Lester is a native of Natchez, Miss., and baa given readluga in Vicksborg, Memphis, Charleston, and other Sou hern clues, eliciting the favorable comments of the press. The Naw Tokk Daily Nuwa.-Mlss Carrie C. Les ter, the taleuled lady correspondent of the above able Journal, Is at present stopping at the Pulaski House, tu this city, where she will be pleased to receive the names of those who may desire to subscribe for either the daily or weekly editions of the News. GBOCBUisa.-‘The attention of our readers la called to the advertisement ol Mr. J. Gardner, grocer. The stand of Mr. Gardner is situated oil the southwest corner of Barnard and Jones streets, and has for years been known as one of the most decent and well kept of its class. Telegraphic Messages.—List of messages at the Telegraph Office, undelivered for waul of proper addresses : Major H. U. Mims (4); N. C. Nichols, W. M. Baker, Capt. M. Murray, T. L. An tony, George Johnson. Underwriter's Sale.—Messrs. Bell, Wyily, A Christian, sold at auction yesterday in front of the Exchange, the British Strip Marcianus, as she now lies wrecked at the second outer buoy. She was con demned by tire Board of Port Wardens, aud sold for the benefit of the Underwriters and ail concerneiL The vessel was knocked down for two hundred dollars. The TnBATRK.—The era of good houses has again dawned upon this establishment. A good house enjoyed powerful acting of Mr. Crisp iu the “ Wreck Ashore,” and the eccentricities of Mr. Raymond, whose “ grandfather lit into the Revolution,” last evening. The bill for tills (Saturday) night is -‘Alex auder the Great” and trie “ Lady and the Devil " Underw kiteks Sale op a Cargo op Cotton.— The cargo of the s learner Laura, consisting of ISO bales of cotton, more or less, damaged on the voy age from Augusta to Savaunah, will be sold at 11 o’clock A. M., at Demund’s Press. Salk of a Vessel.—The schooner Abble Bee was sold yesterday at auction for SI2OO. The Abbie Bee is of 75 toils burthen, and built of the best Pasture White Oak, wel I coppered and suited for either the West India or coast trade. Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE. NOVEMBER 17. 1865. Wm. ll.Wii.tiikrof.r A Cos., Proprietors. A Alford, N York IA Waldron Jr, Augusta C A Brown, do | R Dempster, Liverpool H Watkins, do J H Watkins, Ga W Ansell, do |J Price, 8 C T Foster, Middle Tenn 1C Reynolds Hhippi»i; Intelligence. Miniature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 6 33 Moon rises sets Sunsets 4 58!High water 7 20 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Thursday, Nov. 17, 1865. Arrived. Steamer Island City, Lawrence, Hilton Head. Steamer Falcon; Cates, Augusta—C L Colby A Cos. Steamer Lehr, Uortsell, Darien—M A Cohen. Steamer Fannie Lehr, Lewis, Baltimore via Nor folk, Roanoke Island and Morchead City, in ballast, to West, Bryan A Cos. Steamer Minnie Brandt, Travis, Baltimore, via Norfolk, Roanoke Island and Morehead City, in bal last, to West, Bryan A Cos. Steamer Fannie, W F McNelty, from Jacksonville Fernaudina, etc—F M Myrell. Cleared. Steamer Rockland, Beaurort, Charleston—L 8 Bennett. Steamer Scorpio, Morse, Augusta—C L Colby ACo Steamer Laura, Garnett, Angusta—Erwin & Har dee.. Steamer Helen, Reilly, Augusta—Kein A Cos. U S steamer Bibb, Charleston and Hilton Head Steamer Flora Temple. Crip, St Marys, Ga—Joseph Ltppman. Sclrr Bertha, Cook—Hilton Head. Sclir Witch Imogen, Perclval, Boston—Richardson i r Barnard. Imports. Per steamer Helen, from Augusta—4l bales sea Island cotton, 15 do domestics, 18 do cotton, 24 do yarns, 137 bales upland cotton, 6 do domestics. Exports. Per schooner Witch Queen, for Boston—79 bales upland cotton, 5,500 feet hewn timber, 94 dry hides, 73 bbls rice, 49 rolls leather, 16 whole and 5 half bbls liquor, 34>4 ton 9 old iron, 15 kegs tobacco, 21 boxes tripoli, and mdse. Passengers. Per steamer Helen, ttorn Augusta—Foster McLeod Mrs McLoud, J 0 Thompson, W U Dickson, R F Fen nell. Per steamer Fannie, from Jacksonville, etc—John Scott, J Wheeler, T M lleuly, J smith, 1 M Stout, B Vandouser, C Beach, J ll Stewart, F B smith, IF Malville, T Madden, J Hotchkiss, T O McAlister, S W Reynolds, D Wheaton. O Sheppard, 1 (Jowden, J Dicker, c Barnes, A S Martin, J llarnes, J F Davis, W B Gilbert, PGallighan, B F Ames, C Hutchinson, F Bowman, A L Moore, C Haik, S Ansell, J CI Fagan, CM Childs, S u Shaw, J Schaffer. J Murphy. J W Ferguson, 0 It Walsh, J Barrett, F Milton, U F, Dun ning, J Keepes, W 11 Smith, A H Mozter, T Ross, b Ames, A Ballis, C Buckley, E Clark, L G Brant, G F Marlott, C A Kellogg, SF Sibley, SGiiister F llolmes M s Cure. G E Bell, N A Symonds, J A Rice, A Ed wards, D B Miner, T B Smith, J PBowd, G PClaytou J Bogart, L English, G H Barrett, C Gates, E Ireland \V Kimball, T McDowell, G H Shulls. J J Coleman, W H Coatright, J Greene, G Booth, C Cameron, L W eb ster A Booth, W Donaldson, J D Shattuck, C Roof, JE Arnold, W C Purse, A Miller, BSpemeer, S Ware O N Chaffer. A 1> Eaton, F> Farrell, D Soper, 11 Ro gers. . Consignees. Per steamer Helen, lroin Augusta-Brlgham, B & Cos, F W Sims A Cos, W Barrett, N A llardee * Cos, J Llppman, Keln A Cos, J Duly. Per steamer Robt Lehr, from Darien— 2oo hales up land cotton and mdze to M A Cohen, Era in A Har dee, W M Davidson. Per steamer Faunie, from Jacksonville, etc-Clag liorn A Cunningham; and others. Per steamer F’iilcon, from Augusta—l7B bales up land cotton to M S Cohen, Hunter A Cammed. PORIH) F FERNANDINA, FLA. Fernandina, Fla., Nov. 16. Arrived. Nov is—U S Govt steamer Cosmopolitan, —, from Hilton Head. Nov 16—Steamer Fountain, ;Castner, from Savan- Nov B—Schr AunteSlms, A J Alois, from Savannah, for Traders’ Hill, St Mary’s river—F A Acosta it Cos. Steamer Ella, Rowland, from Savannah ; steamer St Marys, Ward, from Hilton Head. Nov 12—Steamers Helen Getty, Ingraham, Bavan - nali; Fannie, McNulty, from Charleston. Nov 14—Sohr A J Dyer, Jonesport, N C Rogers, from New York. Consignees—MaJ Sears, G Stark, c O Reynolds. Mrs Gowers, G L Roux, Mooney A Ryau SS Riddle A Cos. J fill lit. A Seydell <6 Aro. M Danery Robt Stafford, W W Heath, Capt J N Barber, Aronson A Aro. The Dyer brings out the boiler and machine ry for a lumber mill. in Port. Nov 16— Steamers Philip, Gaston, Wilmington, Del Fhmile McNulty, Charleston. Schooners J Lenthall, Tutliill • J E Hiss, 0 Arowu ; A F Kmdberg, Thomas; LA Edwards, —, put iu by stress or weather. Bailed. Nov 18—Steamers Ells and Helen Getty, foi Jack sonville. Nov 14— Steamer St Marys, for Jacksonville. Nov 15— Steamers Philip, Gaston, for New Orleans; Fannie McNulty, lor Jacksonville. Schr John Len thall, Tutliill, for New York. Nov in—Steamers Fountain' Oastncr, for I’alatka ; Fannie, McNulty, for Savannah. Memoranda The name of the man who was washed overboard from the schooner J E Illss, In the late gale, was Mathew Lowe, of l duke’s Terrace, Duke street, Liverpool Mtigiaud. Ha -hipped aa ordinary sea man. UfT OF VEaMKLN •*„' THE POET OK SAVANNAH. Savannah, Nov. 18, IMS. rriAHiinrs. North Point, Sml»>, loading, »alil|»ore-Bryan, W * Fiaiiae, Dearborn, loading fbr Now York-Octavui Nevada, l.'arneuui, loading for New York Vanina, Whltehuret, loading for New York—J H Wilder. , Mill*. Mom Blanc Donnell, feu, loading tor Liverpool- LaMuell*. Oadeu A I ii, lies. New England, fiodgm, 1,100, loading tor Liverpool Brigham, Baldwin • Cos Republic ißreud Smith, euo, loading tor Mver IMMiI HW*. w i», i,n»iu iHa j. Areas, mo, toed lag tor Liverpool - J vlrmeta, wi*kA 19*4, lumiMM ai Praae io> IjV-ruMitv-ihaa I. coin* At re. ~ " T " ' *4Am. __ Tknatsa WSUae) (Nr), lUlly- ItoU, Wdlf A DhjW' mm ivua, uia* f mm- lose diaehaigtsg hiigbam, Maid vpivi TERNS. Lizzie Batchelder. English, 489, up for Hew York l —Hunter A Uanmiell. BKIOS. Clara Plckena, Rodgers, 438, loading for Liverpool —Wm siarr. Ida McLeod, Cook, S9B, loading for Boston—Hun ter A Gummell. Redwood, Boyle, discharging—Rogers A Cairn. Rush. Raynor, discharging—Patterson A Tucker. SCHOONERS. Trade Wind, loading for Philadelphia—C, Johnson A GrayMll. Geo Darby, Snow, from New York, dlsch’g— Hunter A GammelL De Sola, Crook, 150, loading for Baltimore—La Roche, Gaden A Uncles. Wm E Stevumson, Burton, 158, discharging. Vapor, Bogart, 300 lons, loading for New York— Laßoche, Gaden A Uncles. Antelope, Jones, 70 tons, discharging—Crane, John son A.Grayblil. James L Bewiey, I-oveland, I*3 tons, loading for New York—Crane. Johnston A GraybllL D W Vaughan, Mont, 934, discharging—Patterson A Tucker. Electric Spark, Taber, loading for Jacksonville, Fla—Wm A Beard. Ira Bliss, Braggs, loading for New York—Johnstou Crane <t Grayhlll. A E Snyrk, repairing, bound to Charleston. Abby Boe, waiting—W A Heard. AUCTION SALES” ~~ AT PRIVATE IaLE. By Bell, Wyily & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having been §o many applications for Small Tracts of Land for location, the owner of the above Land, feeling a dispoeition to meet this demand; has placed in the market for a few days, Lota of Five Acres, or more, part cleared, on the Augusta Road, op* posite to the three mile atone, also on the White Bluff Hoad, opposite to the two mile stone. tf-nIC UNDERWRITERS’ SALE. By Bell, Wyily A Christian. On SATURDAY. 18th in3t„ at 11 o’clock, at Demund'i Press, will be sold lor account of Underwriters and all concerned: 160 bales COTTON, more ©r less. Damaged on barge by Steamer Laura, on the pas sage from Augusta, Ga., to this port, and sold under inspection of Port Wardens. Terms, cash before do* livery. nil By Bell# Wyily k Christian. At f Auotion.l THIS DAY, 18th Inst, at 10 o’clock, will be sold in front of store, in lots to suit purchasers, 98,000 Oranges 6,°0 Grai>« Fruits 000 Shaddocks 1,000 Oocoa Nut*. Just arrived in brigantine Atlantic, from Nassau. novlS UNDERWRITER’S SALE. By Bell, Wyily & Christian. THIS DAY, 18th inst., at 10,4 o’clock, a. m., in front of store, will be sold for accouut of Underwriters and ajl concerned, 1 cAse 758 yds Grey Tweeds 1 ca*e6lTJ£ yds Tweeds 1 case 4i9yda Kerseys Damaged on board of steamer C’base, on her passage from New York to this port, and sold under inspection of Port Wardens. nlB By Bell, Wyily k Christian* AT PRIVATE SALE. 45 acres of fine Garden Land, witbiD the limits of the city. The improvements consists of a fli st class cottage dwelling, gothic style, contaiuingsix large rooms, with marble mantel piece, dining room, kitchen, library room furnished with shelves and glass doois. Outbuilding* consists of farmhouse, containing seven rooms, barn, carriage house and “tables. Purch.v er can have the ie fusal ofcjrn, fodder, hay, horses, mules, buggies and wagons. Also. 2490 acre s < t heavily timbered land, situated twenty (20) uiilis from the city, between the Ogeechee and C'anoochee Roads. An excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation. 100 acres of the above cleared. Improvements consists of two 6mall dwelling bouses, witli stables, cribs, &c. if-n'.S UNDERWRITERS SALE. By Bell, Wyily & Christian. THIS DAY, at 10K o’clock, In front of store, for ac count of Underwriters and all concerned, 1 bale BLANKETS Damaged on board of Steamer Chase on her passage from New York to thiß port, and sold undei HiMwctlon of Port Wardens. , nlB AT AUCTION. By Bell, Wyily & Christian. THIS DAT, 18th instant, at 11 o'clock, a. m„ in front of store, will be sold, 1 Excellent Road Wagon, good as new, iron axles, with 6 Males and Harness. nlB AT AUCTION. Administrator’s Sale. By Bell, Wyily & Christian. On WEDNESDAY. 22d inst., at 11 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold, Lots Nos. 1,2, 3 and 4, front lug on Jones and Wilson streets, opposite the Central Railroad Depot. The im provements consists of six tenement houses. Sold by order of the Superior Court for the benefit of the heirs of the late John S. Montrnr llin, deceased. Terms cash, purchasers to pay for titles. 4-ulB BY BLUIV & MEYER. UNDERWRITER S SALE. THIS DAY, ISth inst, at 10 o’clock, in front of store, under survey of Port Wardens, will be sold, for ac count of Underwriters and all concerned, 18 bbls Sugar 14 bhds Bacon Sides aud Shoulders Damaged on board the Steamer Fannie, on her trip from Baltimore to this port. n!8 VALUABLE PROPERTY AT AUCTION York, Williams, Mclntire & C. Will aell at auction, in front of Store on FRIDAY, Nov. 24th, That valuable lot and improvement* known a* lot No. 3 Franklin Ward. Tire improvement* are a large Brick Warehouse, now used as a stable. also, Lot No. 1 and )( of lot No. 2, Warren Ward, situated at the South-East corner of Lincoln and Bay streets. The above property is on the Bay, and ever a rare chance for improvement. For further particulars, enquire at tire Counting B iom. -- UNDERWRITER'S SALE. Qv York, Williams, Mcln tiro At Cos. Oa SATURDAY, Nov 19th, in ront of E. E. HerU's store, al. 10 o'clock, 104 bag OATS, Damaged on board of steamer Fannie on her pas sage from Baltimore to this port, and sold under in spection of Port Wardens for benefit of all concerned. Terms cash. nl7 AT PRIVATE SALE. York, Williams, Mclutire & Cos. Hhda Bacon Sidea Hhda Bacon Shoulders Bids Pig Shoulders Bhla Pig Hams Cases B ilngna Sausages Coses Beef Tongues Half bbls Mess lieef Half bbls and bbl C ackers, all kinds Bbls Corn Meal Bhla Hominy Bbls Vinegar ltbls Whiskey Roxes Pyle’s OK and other Soap Bag* Block Pepper 100 M. Segars, various brand* An iuvoic* of assorted Tin Ware Boxes Ground Coffee Hscks Gats, white. 6-nl6 To the Electors of Ctiattiam County. Gkntlkmf.n : Having been requested by unmeroui friend* to allow my name to b» used for tbe office nf Mu-riff of Chatham county, I have tbe honor to announce myaelf a* quundUUte f«»r that poaillon, and re*iKot’ tally aull’ ii your vuffragn. BIT If GIIAKIdM I. WHITE.I. The tnffiinal sod Mast I* Uis World I The only Inis •iid perfect Ualr t»ya, llsimiem, HuiieMe and luMau UuMkiue I’ludaese Immediate y a eploudtd Mark of UMINI HroWU, without Injuring the hair or thin. Remedies the Ui effmaeuf had dyas hold by atl Iff ad BUM, Tha fiaanina l( atfinad William A. hahhulor Atew, MMKBKIU ting MTMiiTf 1 OF MtMJUfiJM’Nh, yw hrriftftad an. Nasal itytat Nr Man Mid If UIAHUO NATGUNiJiN, Mm V«a* GRI I'KHIK*. Liql’OHl. h C, T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS. SEGARS. SC. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH* CA. V (NEXT DOOR AIIOVB REPUBLICAN OPFICE.J WE invite the attention ot the Trade and the Pnb- Ikr generally to our large and, elegaut abut ment of Winea, Liquor*, Cordiali, Conserve*, Se gura, etc,, etc. which Is not excelled by auy similar establishment in tho States. We are sole proprietors of DUNBAR’S CKLE RRATKD WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of which is fully established in this and foreign coun tries; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH HlTTKßS guarsiateed superior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel and family use; DUN BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL BCUNAPI% war ranted of the utmost purity, and put up expressly for our houae, of wnich we aro sole proprietors and importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith's cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE. incases and barrels; Euglish, Scotch aud American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK BUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United States, put up by ua In cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D. A Cos. are sole agenta for H. A H. W. Catherwood’s Pure RYE WHISKIES XX and XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large and well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS of finest grades, manufactured aud imported expressly for this house, which we offer at the very lowest net cosh prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every description and grade of Foreign Liauors imported directly by this houso, and for sale In bond or duty paid, at lowest market rates nov7-lm WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDT, WINES, At. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALK BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand. 11l JtrY Y Ba' RKK T , "(Herald Buildings.) also, vlsop’s Ale, Mars’ Ale, Apples. Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar, octfi ts WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. sep2 ts Apples and Buckwheat, AT low figure*, with plenty Orange County Butter, in tubn, for sale. SEABORN GOOPALL, nl4-lw Wlliium.sonN Building. Just Received, Anti in Store on Consignment, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES Also, a lot of Fine Liqnora, consisting of BRANDIES, WHISKEY, SANTA CRUZ RUM, BORER’S BITTERS, Ac. Which we offer on the moat liberal terms. VAN HORN. HOLYOKE A MURRAY, octll-tf No. 9 Stoddard’s Block. MIORft & U VMMilini. Grocers and Ship Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS, Havannah, BEG leave to inform their former friends and cu«- tomers, and the public generally, that they have resumed bunineHs at their old stand, where they will keep constantly on hand a full aasortment of Goods in their line suitable for Private Families, Steameisand Sailing Veufels. Punctual attention given to all coun try ordere. lm octl9 G*o. R. Crump. Wm, A. Weight, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. CRUMP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, &n. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, HP" Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tobacco, Pnonuot, and Mkkijhandibb of every de scription. * Refers to the Merchant* and Bankers of Angnsta, Ga., Richmond, Va , and Jno. C. Ferrill, Esq., De- Witt A Morgan, Gaden A ’Jnckles, A. A. Solomons 4 Cos., J. T. Paterson ACo., R. Molina, Ffli , Savannah, Georgia. ' CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oct4 KIRLIN.BRO. &BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED & DELIVERED. anil ts To Wholesale Grocers, Liquor Dealers, Distillers, Druggists aud Soap Manufacturers. 1 ESSENTIAL oils for flavoring aud improving Bran dy. Rum Port Wine, B »urix>u, Rye, bcoich and Irish WhUkieß, age aud body preparations for Neu tralising and Mollifying Whiakey and Spirit, Color ings, Syrups and Fruit Juice* lor Brandy, Whiskey and Winea, Oil* aud Kxtrarta of Cognac and other Brandiea, Holland and London Gin, Ac. Dr. P.’s Treuthe on Fermente<l Liquors with 1000 Kecii»ea. FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE. Persian Insert Powder, Fly Paper, Loadstone, Fluorspar ami Fluoric Acid, Manganese and all rare Chemicals and Drugs. FOR BOAI* MANUFACTURERS, Hillicate of Soda In Crystals, Liquid and Jelly China Uay and Terra Alba, Soap -tone, Sods, Ash, Ac. JUS. W. FBUCHTKANGER, uovl-eodam Wo. 14 Oadsrst., N. Y, H. G. RUWE & CO., Wholoaalo GROCERIES ! LIQUORS, WINKB ANI) MEGAKH, f Corner Brytn «nd St. «lulUn *nd Johnson Squoro, WIUMTIKU FtlUIKi MllUhj ir AffWkbft Al* Id AND I.AOIHI. ikmkaaffft rn* hand, aa Mtuttetaal vl FI WWIN WIFS. Ml c.1,1.** ft*. (Gv*. 1.1*4 D ”ffk. hr. ... PIERCE SKEh'AN, Wholesale aud Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Bools and Shoes. Clothtn* Foreign aad Domestic Win***. Liquors and riogsrs. Also, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALB AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH. and 62 Liberty street. New York. [ IFOREIGN fifwMDOM ESTlC|ujs3ija 1 ALES WINES iHIIQUORS A SVGAS SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. au3o 50 FRENCH BRANDY, 50 IN BOND. WE offer Fifty case* Superior COGNAC BRANDY for sale an low as so good an article can be pur chased. It is of Direct Importation, Is now in bond, and has never been out of the bands of th> Custom House officers since it reached this country. Those in \va«t of q Choice Article OF Pure B randy Can now get it. A case will be sold singly if desired, F W. SIMS A CO., nIT-3 Over Erwin A Hardee’s. Cheese. K4k Boxes Superior Goshen Cheese, for aale low. OU F. W. SIMS A' Co. novl7-3t Over Erwin A Hardee’s. BLACK TEA. JUST received, a smaP lot choice Oolong Tea. For sale by M J. SOLOMONS A CO., nIT-tf Jones' Buildings, B y street. Buckwheat. PI {} PACKAGES of new Buckwheat, put up by Crom **"" well, in whole, half and qnarter barrels, bags and boxes, for sMle by n!7-3 CLAOHORN A CUNNINGHAM ‘APPLES & ONIONS. A FEW bbls. of each, for sal" very low. A F. W. SIMS A CO., nl7-2 Ovci Erwin A Ilardett’H. Biscuits, Biscuits. A LARGE assortment of Fresh Biscuits. Just re ceived and for sale by M. J. SOLOMONS A CO., niT-tf Jones' Block, Bay street. CHEESE, SOAP. JA BOXES CHEESE, tv 76 boxes Fay’s Soap Just received and for sale by octlf. BRTOIfAM. BALDWIN A CO £ILOAK ORNAMENTS Bugle Trimmings Colored Silk Cords Ladies' Dress Buttons, in every variety. LATHROP & CO. novlG 3 A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of MARRIAGE Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine Plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Or gans in a state or Health and Disease, with a Trea Use on Early Errors, Its Deplorable Consequences upon tire mind and Body, with the Author’s Plan of Treatment—tbe only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by tbe report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to tile married, and those contem plating marriage, who entertain doubts of their phys ical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or postage currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROLX, No. 31 Malden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consulted upon any of the dla eases upon which his book Qduts either personally or by mail, and medicines scat to any part of the world, octio 6m . Agua de Magnolia. A toilet delight! The ladieb’ treasure and gontlu men’s boon t The “sweetest thing” and largest quan tity. Manufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia Used for buthiug the face and perwon, to render the skin soft ana fresh, to prevent eruptions, to perftime clothing, Ac. It overcomes the unpleasant odor of porspiratioa. It removes redness, tun, blotches, Ac. It cures nervous headache and allays inflammation. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the akin. It yields a subdued and lasting perfume. It cures tnosqueto bites and stings of insects. It contains no material Injurious to the skin. Patronised by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Try the Magnolia Water once and you will use no other Cologne, Peifuracry, or Toilet Water afterwards. DAM AS BARNKB A CO., oct*?7-eodly Projis, Exclusive Agents, N. Y. Agents Wanted rot tuk New York ami I’roviiloiico Jt'wcllent* Aaao riatioii, A *’hslice for all. No money required In advance. For full particolsrs adilree* W. U RILEY, n 17-2* P"»t Office, Savannah. Night Services WILL lie ri'immcd In Christ Cbnrch «v*rr fivnday Night llin.nghout the winter, eommuuelit* Mun day bbxC Nov. 19th, at7H P-m. nil SAFETY MATCHES. 111 Ulto*w "nlvwfMl H-My Msk’luw. Tina. M.Uh Mari* iaa ullaily ••*>, and slu Kitnorhif tu auy and lutall, Ml hit I L’LAGIIOMM a OUNHIMUHAM. Petroleum] Corn. r»oo ratottaanajafifc-- t Fw ash*. i*u ihm ‘ '• hfun by mm mnum» ffM • ■( mi ftkwi . ffHIPPIIZO. " FOR NEW YORK! T 1 ' * C i M < '? ner , U “IB B.VCHKLLOR. Capt. *Rkir%Sa*hi rn h ‘" c d “l* tch for the above port, K»r freight vngHgcmeuis, apply tu “* HUNTER A GAMMELL. FOR NEW YORK. TUB a 1 dipper schooner JOSEPH W WEBSTER Beuwozfo. master, 480 ton. burthen, will have quick despatch for the above port. Freight taken at tne lowest rates. For freight engagements, apply to CHARLES L COLBY A CO., nil Corner Bay and Abercorn *ts for new York; A-tlnii tic* CoastMfttl Ntuam* ship Company. The very foil sailing steamship Whitehurst, commander, positively sail on hor regular Saturday, Nov. 18th, at o’clock. For Height or passage, having very elegant accom modations, apply to novl6 JNO. R. WILDER, Agent. STAR LINE. FOR NEW YORK. Hie fine Steamship NEVADA, Carperter, Commander, will leave for the above port on Saturday, Nov. 18th, at 8 o’clock a. na. For freight or passage, having superior state room accommodation apply to nl6 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Murray’s Line, FOR NEW YORK. The splendid steamship ZODIAO, Dearborn, muter, will leave for the above port oa Saturday, Nov. 18th, at • o’clock. A. M. For freight or passage, having splendid iceommo tlons, apply to nl6 OCTAVUB COHEN. Freights FOE AUGUSTA, rpilK undersigned are prepared to receive goods at ■ their Warehouses—free of expense and cov ered hv Insure* ce—for shipment to Augusta and pointa beyond by their regular line of light draught boats. Apply to CHAB. L. COLBY, aept29—tf cor. Bay and Abercorn sta. For Augusta, THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, - Will have dispatch for the above place. Goods receiv ed at all time and stored in fire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free of coat. J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent. Office in Clitghoru A Cunningham's, The May urtived In Augusta from Savannah on laat Friday with her full freight. ts oct9 FOR AUGUSTA. THROUGH IN 30 HOURS INCLUDING STOPPAGES. The new, first-class, fast iron steamer WM. G. GIBBONS, Capt. Thus. N. Phil pot, Is now receiving freight, at Dillon's wharf, and will leave as übove on Saturday Morniug, 18th in«t.,at 9o’clock, Being her regular day and hour of departure. Her accommod tit ions for freight and passengers are ample aud complete. Ul7-2 ERWIN A HARDER. FOR AUGUSTA, Tbe bteamar Robert Le hr, Captain J. Cottrell, Will have quick despatch. This Steamer being hooted Freight will be perfectly protected from all Inclemency of tbe weather. For f* eight engagements apply to nl7 ts OCTAVUS COHEN. Steam for Augusta. The new and elegautYteamcr Fanny Lehr. Will sail for Angnata, This Day, at 4 p. m. Tbe acrommodatlona for passenger* on board this steamer will folly compare with the ocean steamors. and aufllcientto please the most fastidious. For freight or paa.age apply to WEST, BRYAN A CO., n!8-l Jones’ Block. Regular Weekly Steamer between AUGUSTA - SAVANNAH. The New Iron Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS, Capt T. N. Puilpot, Having superior accommodation for Freight and Pasaengeia, will p’y regularly butweeu the above cities. Leaving Savannah every Saturday Morning, at 9 o’clock. leaving Augusta every Wednesday Morning, at 7 o'clock. Laying at Mathew’s Bluff every Wednesday Night It is the desire of the Agents ol the Gibbons to make her a permanent Accommodation Boat tor the Mer chants of Augusta and Havanhali and the Planters along the line of the river, and with this object In view, no effort will be spared on Ike part of her owners, agents and officers to meet the wants of the traveling and freighting public. ERWIN A HARDEE. John L. Rovkillat, Agent at wharf. lm ul3 No Detention. River 15 feet and Rising* For Augulsta, Steamer .Robert Lehr, Captain Cotrell, 18 RECEIVING FREIGHT TH I ■ SAT, ai »’•••«•*, wilts; Under Gas Boose HIU. AND WILL HAVH UUtUK DM*FA 18'H AH ABOVE t^H!3osaa? OiTAVDE fMMK> * gji! **• Hash* *** For Doctortown AND Th.omasville. The Steamers Gen. Shcpley, Orient, tad Clarion, Will make Tri-weekly Tripe to Doctortown, In con nection with the Atlantic and Gnif Railroad, leaving on Tuesdays, Th mutiny a and Saturdays. Throngh freight payable by shippers at our office. The Steamer Gen. Sheplev will leave on Thursday Morning, Nov. 18th, at 9 o’clock. For freight or paaeage apply to CHAS L. COLBY A CO., Dlt Corner Abercorn and Bay street*. For Doctortown, AND STATIONS ON THE ATLANTIC & GULF RAILROAD. r,.T h ®, S '. e f lmer CLAI * , «w will leave her wharf a°S!mßni» I, iS orn , street, for the above place, on SATURDAY, j*OT. 18, at 9 a. m.. taking Freight for Stations on Atlantic A Gulf Railroad. For Freight or Passage apply to CHAS. L. COLBY 4 00., norl* cor. Abercorn and Bay sts. For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S, FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new and fast wiling Steamer LIZZIE .BAKER, Capt. N. King, WUI iwva on SATURDAY MORNING, at 19 o’clock. Iff For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply on board, at the Florida Steam Packet wharf, or to CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, n!6-4 Agents. FOR MACON Via Hawkinsville. The light draft Steamer COMET, Ospt O. C: Horn, will be ready to receive freight for Hawkitnvllle and Macon, on Monday, the 20th inst., at tbe Florida Steam Packet wharf, and will leave with despatch. For freight or pasaage apply on board or to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A 00.,0r CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM. nIS-3 Agenta. FOR BALTIMORE. Pendergast’s Line. The Hast sailing regular packet SCHOONER DE SOTO, Crook, Master, Having the greater portion of her cargo engaged, will kave quick despatch. Fur balance of fregbt ap ply to LaROCHE, GADEN A UNCKLF.9, Corner Bay and Barnard streets. Agents In Baltimore—Pcndergaet, Fenwick A Or. QCtlB For Liverpool. Rjprv THE A1 American Ship NEW ENGLAND, Hodge, Meetew-having a large portion of -AHSr her a ' r K 0 engaged will ne ready to receive cargo st Lower Hydraulic Free- on tbe ISth Inat. For freight or panage apply to sepl4-tf BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * (X). For Rkcboro’. . The compact and that tailing Sloop FLEET, Capt. Chtrica Thompson, will have deepatch for the above place. /.Al Uvk. Shippers will furnish weight and meat -JfffiE'afi nrement of Gooda. Freight payable on 1 ~T. nrt— the wbarf. For particular# apply to the Captain on hoard, at Lower Rice Mills, or to tbe agent. M. J. DOYLE, No, 110 Bryan street. Particular. The Fleet baa been purchased expressly for the coasting trade; she is a craft of good capacity, a fast sailer and perfectly tight, and may be relied on as a. permanent institution. Everybody knows “Capfain Charley.*’ M. J. DOYLE. nlß.lw For Liverpool. ’ The new first clast clipper ship VIRGINIA, WEEKS, Commander, Is new loading rapidly at Lower Press, and having large engagements will have quick despatch. For freight or passage (taken at lowest rates) apply to CHAB. L. COLBY A CO., oetiS corner Aberoorn and Bay at* For Liverpool. THE drat class British bark THOMAS WHITNEY J. C. Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will hava quick dispatch. For freight, apply to octlO BELL. WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. For Rio De Janeiro, CALLING AT SI. TliHmas* Para, Pemmbueo and Bahia ■» The United States and Brasil Mall yajHMS Steamship Company will dispatch the 291 h of every utoath, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at 3 o'clock, p. m., From Pier 48, North River. AB letters have to pass through the Poet Office An experienced Surgeon will be In attendance on board. For freight and passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to THOIfAS ABBNCIO A CO., octßl-8m No. IT, Broadway, New York. S. T.—lß6o—X. Drake’s Plantation Bitters* They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They ereatc a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late boors. They strengthen the system end enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and Intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the etomach. They care Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrheas, Cholera and cholera Morbu*. They core Liver Complalut and Nervoaa Headache. They arethe beat Bitiers In the world. They make tbe weak strong, ana are exheusied nature's great rv spjrer. They are made of pure HL Croix Rum, U»e celebrated Cnllaaya tylaik. roots and her be. end ere taken with the ptaeanre of a beverage, without regard to age or Urw of day. Particularly recommeuded to delicate parsons requiring e gratia (Umalent. Hold by ell Oroorn, Drnggtoia Hotels audHetooae. Only gen aloe when Cork to covered by our private 0.8- Kemp. Beware of rouMerMU and refilled holUea. p. U DKAKH * CO.. oattewodly *' PlU * Yerk _ MAUI(i-G*'l. ANU tELIUACT* 4a Eater of Warutwd tastruetloa Yoosq ateu, just puidtohmi by the Howard Aseoetotlua, s«d wui Iu .eelod tetter euvelopas Awe of >barg». A.l,trees Hr. i HKIU.IN IIOUGHTUb, Howard .it*... I’«d.'t*l*. Fe teMAtte Oranges, &o. I.NIMII IktilMMl OtfiSffM, #M—I lUUQ M 4 Nut« l< Will AlhmUtr mm 4Am b| Atr MHU. Wll.l t t tHMlwileff,