Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 21, 1865, Image 3

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BAV ANN A.H. l),|)artarc of MeKMihipi and Ittaaun. rus MKW YOU. Mcamsbip ComtUiultoo, Thursday, Nov. 23J, ai nH .. clock a. in. seaiuship Herman IJvingsum, Saturday. Nov, 24, ,t o'clock. Steamship San Salvador. Saturday, November 24, at _ o'clock. FOB BALTIMORE. seamshlp Fannie, Saturday, Novemt)er 28, at o'clock. VOR BOSTON. Steamship WUllarn Tibbetts, Wednesday, Nov. », 8 t o’clock. FOB FALATKA. Steamer Lizzie Baker, Thursday, November 2Sd, at to o'cloek a. m. FOR AUGUSTA. Steamer Minnie Brandt, Tuesday, November 21, at 8 o'clock a. m. Steamer Two Boys, Wednesday, November 22, at o o'clock a. m. Steamer Caldwell, Thursday, November 33d, at o'clock. Steamer ffm. G. Gibbons, every Saturday morning at 9 a. m. FOR JACESONVILLE. steamer Fannie, Wednesday, November 22d, at 10 o'clock a. m. FOR DOCTOBTOWS. Steamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at 9 o'clock. Steamer Gen. Sbepley, every Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. Steamer Clarion, every Saturday nTomtng, at 9 o'clock. FOR FLORIDA. steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morniug, at 10 o’clock. City Improvements—The Marshall House During the past two months the frequenters of Broughton street did not fail to observe unmis takable signs of disruption and demolition going on from day to day wlihinithc walls of the old Marshall House Hotel. It waa very evident that something more than ordinary repairs were going forward.— That veteran constructor and architect, Mr. Gilbert Butler, was to be seen moving about with his ac customed activity—the noise of the saw, the hammer and the plane were heard, broken plaster and frag ments of scantling and plank strewed the streets— mechanics and laborers of every class were busy— but what they were doing, or what was to be the re sult ot the operations, were fruitful themes of specu lation. Mine Host Coolege, intelligent and obliging ly communicative as he usually is on most subjects, was reticent and mysterious, while his worthy oon frere, the amiable and accommodating Mr. Luce, when questioned in regard to the matter aeemed to have very loose ideas himself about what was really to come of all the bustle, dust, rublsh and confusion witli which he was surrounded. Thus matters pro gressed for weeks, and It Is only within the few days past that the mystery has began to clear itself up, anil curious persons have been enabled partially to com preheuil tile extent and character of the alterations and improvements which have been steadily going on, and which, when completed, will render what was originally a very 111 contrived and Inconveniently arranged pile of brick and morter, the most complete, convenient and elegant hotel building In the South, If not in the Unioh. What first strikes the observer Is the removal of a portion of the front wall leaving only the granite pillars, and running a recess which Is separated from the office and b tr, by a handsome partition with doors of highly omauien ted glass pannels. But passing into the interior of the house we soon discover that the changed front Is but a very small portion of the extensive alterations and improve ments that have been made. Os these we have not. time at present to speak. Suffice It to say that the house has been thoroughly remodeled,and that while nothing has been left undone that convenience or comfort could suggest, all has been done in the high est style of costly elegance. When completed wo repeat the Marshall House will compare In every respect with any hotel building of its size in the country, and if we may judge from the euterprlze and liberal expenditure of Its popular and expi. lienecd proprietors, 11 will be conducted In such a maimer as will entitle It to rank, in all the qualities ofa first class hotel, with the best houses, North or South. R using of tub Steamer Annie—This steamer, which put In here In distress about a month ago, having struck a snag at the mouth of the Altamalia river on her trip from Doctortowu, with a load of cotton for this port , is to be immediately raised. She was run ashore at Fig Island to prevent her sinking in deep water, and has been there ever 9lnce almost wholly submerged. . Captain Thomas Conklin, of the firm of Johnson A Higgins, wreckers and average adjusters of New York, arrived here yesterday, and will immediately commence operations In the work of raising the steamer. Capt. Conklin has brought with him steam pumps, diving apparatus, and all the material re quisite for the work, which with his well known ex. perience and ability In this bU9lnes, will insure a speedy and successful prosecution of the job. Accident to the Steamer Fannie Lehr.—On Saturday afternoon this new steamer of West, Bry an A Co's line, departed from Savannah for Augusta. When about five miles above Purysburg, on Sunday afternoon about three o’clock, she struck a snag. The injuries received were slight, and the steamer is now beached for repairs. The cargo Is not dam aged, and she will return to the city thl9 evening for full repairs. The passengers have been carefully provided for, and will be promptly forwarded to Au gusta. The steamer Minnie Brandt will this morning proceed to the relief of the Fannie Lehr. Miss Lesteu's Dramatic and Musical Enter' tainment— In our advertising columns will be louml the programme of the entertainment to be given by Miss Carrie C. Lester, at St. Andrew’s Hall tills evening, jt comprises gems from the most pop ular dramatic and lyric poets, with choice selections "f music mini the great composes. Asa daughter of the South, who by the ravages of war has been forced to rely upon her own exertions for a support, she appeals to the generous sympathy of our citizens for encouragement. STonu on tke Coast.—The schooner Chattanooga, Capt. B. l). Black, 12 days from Boston, arrived at this port yesterday, Capt. Black reports that yester day morning while at anchor outside of Tybee Bar, "Miapilot on board, encountered a heavy gale bora the northeast, parted port chains and was u "geil t 0 ship the other, to prevent her going ashore on Tybee. A hurricane was blowing, and It waa only •’! greai exertion that the vessel was saved. A heavy -iea, continuous rain and dense fog waa prevailing -on the coast. i KOM Diktortown.—The steamer Orient, Captain uthwalth, of Charles L. Colby A Co’s line of Alta t a u Packets, arrived last evening from Doctor n V! "“'dlhwalth reports the Altamaha, Oc- A | UUII conue rivets in goodbontiug condition. , a ' se “ ,n °iint of cotton is daily expected at Darien w Many cotton barges have recently been Ccked on the river, greatly impeding navigation. loJi IE r SLNKEN Steamer Savannah.—Another flat st.q, . eilo, ' a was received on yesterday from this lo " r ''apt. Spicer Is unceasing In his exertions sati- the vessel and cargo, and it Is expected that -iim,'"k 1 0n0 WoPlc t,le Savannah will bo raised and •brought to the city f„ r repairs. ThVil'ik w T,IS SAVA>INAH Gas Lioht company.— 1 0Tv i A ' Pl »Unors, Capt. Plnckham, arrived for tii.' u ,a ls 0U JO’dorday with 866 tons of coal ou-it B ' l '! l * lmall oaa Wor *»- WRh this fresh sup will glreuahlt , re b ni" oP ** ' hatthe Company •“Joyed for toMwroUwt fll " d W * UaVe 0N r JC,T,C - w Tn* Peace—An election •acoud of u,e Peac » for l "o or io«ll the vacancy y.„Z' ~h' 'l ea,h «*' ‘h* •<*> O. K. Be vane, •W re,,::*"* ‘‘"“O' 1 114 VOUB—Lavt U Hart, opposition. * U *" BUWUmou » **•. ‘here hem* no " * Ar " M O’*»“« i'uamt -One of the true : *•*«« haa.y wroth., «u the •ev,, -'.T' ’’“‘•T***’ *•«*«« Thl. hint r .* *hW*mdrivaa Inland by aem. r "" 1 * *•* eriU ktflini *1 A«*«et* I*,*,, "*•»- *he*lM waist mmi* t*v»im foot Ire tM cocHth. mi mmmmm, ww*h* or savannah Mtouem CLARK U. RKMICK. FMOVOMT MAMMAL, Savannah. November -jotli, lMa. The United States vs. km. lngeiaoll icutorwl.l— —and disorderly conduce Fined $* and costs The United mates vs. Yurk Ployed (colored.) 1m proper conduct. Dismissed ou payment of costs. Several other cates of disorderly conduct, and having stolen property Id possession were examined, bat for want of testimony on behalf of the United States, the cases were dismissed. Rkcsifts and Exports of cotton and Domestics. —The receipts of cotton from Fridsy up to Monday evening were: 649 bales uplaud cotton, from Darien and Aogusla, 41 bales sea Islands and 14 domestics. The exports daring tbe same period were : 9,612 bales upland cotton, 322 9ea islands, and 60 bales domestics. The exports were to the following ports: To Liverpool, 6,775 bates upland cotton, 20 do. aea islands; to New York, 2,711 bales upland cotton, 121 do. sea Islands, 60 do domestics; to Baltimore, 47 do. upland cotton; to Boston, 79 do. upland cotton. — The stock on hand at last reports was 10,461 bales upland cotton, 363 do. sea Islands, and 144 do. do' ■nestles. The Theatrb—“ The Brigand," which was pre sented for the first time last night, and received with great favor, Is to be repeated this evening.— The lover of the drama should not fail to see this magnificent play, in tbe truly creditable style In which It Is produced at our theatre. The beautital romantic play, founded on Scott’s poem, entitled ihe “ Lady or the Lake," introducing Mr. and Mrs. Crisp In ravorlte roles. Is Included in the bill. No better opportunity will be offered to see these eminent artists, who are now In the last week or their engagement. Ship Chandlery.—Attemion is directed to the ad vertisement of E. H. Van Ness A Cos., Grocers and Ship Chandlers. They have opened the store corner of Abercorn street, under the Bluff, where they are prepared to fill orders for country dealers, ship own ers, families, etc. From New Nora.—The steamship Constitution, Capt. Greenmail, with a fall freight and large num ber of passengers, arrived at this port yesterday morning. Purser Crocheran will accept our thanks for late New York papers. Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE. NOVEMBER 18, 1866. Wm. H.Wiltuerqer Sc Cos., Proprietors. Queen Capt B W Tilton, H ncad W W Waddell, Savh Wm S Floyd, Baltimore, R W O'Neale. Barbadoes E N Belt, Baltimore W Higgins, England Col Hamilton, S C J A Potter, B F Wickersliam, Phila R B Fagart, do W H Pritchard, Augusta E Buck, N V R Ottmau, Lake City Mrs Holmes, Fla Juo H Roe, S C H R Lawton, 8 C J A Roberts, Columbus R M Cook, J Spaulding, New York R H Dockill, do i R D Drake, do W A Arnold, do E A Flint, Boston I W Davis, Darien J M I.awton, do J P Kpping, do i M A Williams, Fla Mary Minchan, S C I D G White, Md S K Eshom, Augusta T J Bottom, do C F Keitb, Atlanta J M Ball, Ga N M Hodgkins, Macon 1 M Lewis, Augusta I H Lathrop, Savli D Scott, H Head I R J Connery, schr Island Mhippinj; lutellijvenco. Miniature Almanac—This Dap. Sun rl9es 6 36'Moon rises 7 62 Sun sets 4 67;High water* 9 28 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Monday, Nov. 20, 1866. Arrived. Steamship Constitution, Greenman, New York— Brigham, Baldwin Sc Cos. Steamer Orient, Goldwalthe, Darien—Chas L Colby A Cos. Schr Chattanoogo, Black, Boston—Richardson Sc Barnard. Bark Platinons, Plnckham, 22 days from Cow Bay —C L Colby A Cos. Imports. Per steamer Orient, from Doctortown—lo2 bales upland cotton, 34 do sea island do, 63 sacks ground nuts, 3 boxes tobacco, and sundry mdse. , s Per bark Platinous, from Cow flay—Bo6 tons coal 1 Savh Gas Light Cos. Passengers. Per steamship Constitution, from New York—J D Cummings, wile and 2 children, Mrs A CLamar, Mrs Knott and daughter, Miss llallidaii. Mary J Davis, 8 K Silverhlll, Mis G F Lambert, 8 Mitchell, E A Well, D W Roundtree and wife, 1) J Rowe, wife and 2 chil dren, W A Ramsay, W 8 Abbey, Mr Kolin and lady, Mrs S P Edwards, mother and servt, H Cook, J D Brandt, L Z Steinhelmer, A B McGregar, J Hudncch, E Frazer, Mrs J Budnoch, Miss Thompson, Miss Wil liams, Mrs L Williams, F W Reed, L Felteu. F Drew, A Masseras, W Gabbett, W N Holt, J E Lesig, J C Bates, wife and 2 children, R McKay. O Meseroe, K Morgan, C Hussey, N Arnow, W H llblzendorf, W C Kellows, G H llallett, T W Conklin, P Conklin, John Haggerty, L Quinn, J Berriun, W H Whitney, J C English, Mr Hardee, H Gutman, A Cordell. J F.hlen, M Murphy, AGraefe, J Davis, H H Liuvllle, L S Kates Mrs Jonnson and sister, colored, and 13 In steerage. Per steamer Orient, from Doctortown—Mrs Jones, Mrs Day, Mrs Cameron, Col W K Kimball, Col W D flarnard Ma) Geo Anderson, P McQuald, Col D H Stewart, T A Dial, C A Mnrphy, Dr W P Clours, J W Pool, U W Mitchell, E C Morgan, E J Acosta, Et A fl Goodwin, G W Malley, J Russell, W Bradley. Consignees. Per steamship Constitution, from New York—J W Anderson, Adams Ex Cos, G W Allen, B, Baldwin A Cos, E O’llyrnc, F H llolshaw, Botliwell A Whitehead B, Smith A Vo, Blun <f Meyer, D, Wyliy A Christian, V Basler, J A Barrou, T Bateson, F Blair, B, Hart ridge 1 1 Cos, U Cranston, Cutner and Silverhlll, F Con stant. Claghom A Cunningham, O Cohen, M A Cohen A Cook, T W Cooney, Central R R Cos, S M Colding, J C Dawson, Dewitt A Morgan, D Finnlgan, Erwiu A Hardee. J H Estill, M G Ehrlich, E Ehrllcli, Einstein A Eckman, O U Freemau, W U Fuller and Cos, A Faw cett A Cos, S Goodall, 0 L Gilbert, J Gilliland A Cos, L G Gullinartin, Guckenliclmer A Sellg, Hunter A G, llousman, Alsbery A Cos, A G Hawes, N A Hardee, R U Habersham A Sons, J K Hernandez, H A H, Kein A Cos N B Knapp, Kenneth, Mcl.ea <£■ Cos, Kenney A O’Brien, T M Ktnchley, J Lama, J Langsdurf, R J Larcombe, 8 M Lederer, A C Louelive, J Lippman, J Leavy A Cos, Ltnvtlle A Gleason, M S Meyer, D Mal lett A Cos, H Meluhard A Bro, A A Mitchell, F M My rell J McMahon A Cos, J C Maker A Cos, B Mallon, A F Mira, M Newm&rk, U Ott, U W Pease, Packard <t Berriun, W L Peabody, str Resolute, Richardson A Barnard, A Reciter, Randall A Cos, H O Ruwe A Cos. Rogers A Oaun, C D Rogers, 1 R Sealy, A Stamm, A A Solomons A Cos, F W Sims A Cos, T W Shea, Pierce Skeli&n, Southern Ex Cos, F Schuster, Schuster A Heinsius, W II Stark, T A Gordon, W H Fuller <£■ Cos, B O Tildeu, J P Thorndike, F C Tebeau, G V olger A Cos, J L Vlilalonga, V, Holyoke A Murray. Whitman and Scribner, Weed A Cornwell, J 8 Williams, S L Wdey. MAD Wadley, W M Walsh, J R Wilder, W II Wlltberger, E A Weil, Weil A Meluhard, Wm Woir. A R White, Young & Nixon, [B] in a diamond, B H B, A Backer, [F fl] in a diamond, E A Cooley, C A P, Mad J Clere, Dr M A Cletchley, M Davidson, Duncan A Johnson, Mrs M Hettrtck, Halsey, Watson A Cos, Johnson A Graybtll, S Johnson, Kirlin <f Burke, K M Kell in, R C Kcer, A B Luce, J R Ledley, W S Nott, E Paddleford, L Z Steinhelmer, J C Schreiner A Son W H W, Mrs E U Smith, T M Turner, E C Wade, J L Wiley, A N Wilson, Miss Wallisan, Johnson A Hig gins. Per steamer Orient, from Doctortown—F A Jann-y Tlson A Gordon, Erwin A Hardee, E C Wade, L Levi L J Guilmartin A Cos, R Habersham A Son, O Fallon A Cos, B, Baldwin A Cos, A G Brown, A M Cohen A Bro. Per schr Chattanooga, from Boston—M J Solomons W M Walsh, H Pitcher, J L Vlilalonga, Randall A Cos Bell. Wyliy A Christian, Tison A Gordon, M Lavin, B F Swanton, Erwin A Hardee, Richardson A Barnard C L Colby A Cos, O Cohen, S 8 Miller, D Falvey, M H Williams A Cos, C L Gilbert, T J Dunbar and Cos, 1 A Goodwin. A Card. On Board Steamer Orient, ) Nov. 17th, 1866. / Injustice to our feelings, we take much pleasure In extending to the gentlemanly and courteous offi cers of this boat, our heartfelt thanks for tbelr kind treatment and deportmeut towards us since it lias been our fortune to be among them; and recom mend them and their boat with a high degree of sat isfaction to a favorable con ildcratlon from the trav elling public. J Waldburg, 10 'vey, WA fleanL W G Bentley, Philip Hinslifield, Jos C Lee, p fl Wilson v S Barnwell, J W Staleraker, ITT r e Darlington, I R Sullivan, uit of Vessels in thic port of •AVANKAH. Savannah, Not. 21, 1866. MIPS. Mont Blanc, Donnell, 700, loading for Liverpool- Laßoche, Uaden A Unckles. Republic (lirein) Bmltli, 800, loading for Liver pool—Weber Bros. Virginia, Woeka, 1044, loading at Umar’s Prea* tor Liverpool—Chas L Colby A Cos. BASRA Thomas Whitney (Br), Kelly—Bell, Wyliy * Chris tlan. Craeeoo (Ur), tonedlacltanrlng Brigham. Bald win A Cos. ww*. _ _ IJule Ban-hauler. Buglleh, ¥». up fur New York -lluuMr A Uatttoeli. MUM. Clere I'token* Bodgere, ell. leading for Uverpool -Wm Marr. Ida McLeod, Cook, JH, loading tor Uoaloo—liuh ter A Oammeli iudwuud. Moyle, <Hu|ar»leg— Buffet* A Dane. Haeli, laynor, —— discharging l’altereoo A Tusker. 1 ,* aCMOKMR Trade Wind, loading tor PuttodetphM—C, Johnson A GrayldlL Geo Darl-V, Snow, from New York, diadi'g— Hunter A Caunueli. He Sola, Crook. 140, loading for Baltimore—La Roche, Gaden A Uncles. Win E Stevenson, Burton, 166, discharging. Vapor, Bogart, sou toos, loading tor New York— La Roche, uaden A Uncles. Antelope, Jones, 70 lons, discharging—Crane, John son A Gray Mil. I) W Vaughan, Mont, 834, discharging—Patterson A Tucker. Electric Spark, Taber, loading tor Jacksonville, Fla—Wm A Beard. Ira Blue. Braggs, loading for New York —Johnston Crane and Grayblll. A E Snyrk, repairing, bound to Charleston. Aoby Bee, waiting—W A Beard. AUCTION SALES. AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, fylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having been po many applications for Small Tracts of Land for locatiou, the owner of the above Land, feeling a disposition to meet this demand, has placed in the market, for a lew days, Lots of Five Acres, or more, part cleared, on the Augusta Road, op posite to the three mile atone, also on the White Bluff Road, opposite to the two mile stone. tf-nIG By Bell, Wyliy k Christian, AT PRIVATE SALE. 46 acres of fine Garden Land, within the limits of the city. The improvements consists of a first class cottage dwelling, gothic style, containing six large rooms, with marble mantel piece, diniug room, kitcheu, library room furnished with shelves and glass doors. Outbuilding* consists of farmhouse, co utaining seven rooms, barn, carriage house and "tables. Purcha-er can have the re fusal of corn, fodder, hay, horse*, mules, buggies and wagons. Also. 2430 acres ot heavily timbered land, situated twenty (20) miles from the city, between the Ogeechee and Citnoochee Roads. An excellent location for a mil), or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation. 100 acres of the a hove cleared. Improvements consists of two small dwelling houses with stables, cribs, &c. tf-nlB UNDERWRITERS SALE. By Bell, fylly & Christian. THIS DAY, 21st Inst., at 11 o’clock, a. m., in front of Blore, will be sold for account of Underwriters and all concerned, 8 hhds Sides 3 hlids Shoulders 2 hhds Sides 4 casks llams. Damaged on board of Steamer Fannie on her passage from Baltimore to this port, aud sold undei inspection of Port Wardens. Terms cash before delivery. n2l UNDERWRITER’S SALE. By Bell. Wyliy & Christian. Cn THURSDAY, 23d inst., at 11 o'clock, at the "Lower Hydraulic Press, will be sold, for account of Under writers and all concerned, 48 bales Cotton 89 bales Cotton 13 bales Cotton, Damaged on ho»rd of Stamer Annie, from Darien, and snuk in the Savannah river. Sold under inspection of Port Wardens. Terms, cash before delivery. 3-n2l By Bell, Wyliy & Christian. Ou WEDNESDAY, Nov. 22d, in lront of store, at 11 o'clock, will be sold, ISO acres of Land, in Bryan county, within a half mile of Way's Station. 4o acres cleared, balance well wooded. Improvements constat ot a two story dwel ling, with store attached. The above property is well located for a country store. n2l By Bell, Wyliy A. Christian. On THURSDAY, at 11 o’clock, at the residence corner of Ball and South Broad streets, will be sold, The Household and Kitchen Fnrnitnre, consisting of Sideboards, Bureaus, Solas, Chain-, Bedsteads, Car pets, Ac. n2l AT AUCTION. Administrator’s Sale. By Bell, Wyliy & Christian. On WKDNKSDAY. ‘22d inst., at 11 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold, Lots Nos. 1,2, 3 and 4, fronting on Jones and Wilson streets, opposite the Central Railroad Depot. The im provements consists of six tenement houses. Sudd by order of the Superior Court for the benefit of the heirs of the late John 8. Mont me llin, deceased. Terms cash, purchasers to pay for titles. 4-nlB UNDERWRITERS' SALE. Octa-vus Cohen, Will sell THIS MORNING. Tuesday, Nov. 21st, 1566, at 10 o'clock, lu front of hi. store. One case Goods, containing 23 Mauldins 4 dozen French Suspenders, Damaged on hoard of Steamer Varans, and sold nnder inspection of Underwriters. n2l BY BLUN A MEYER. THIS DAY, 21st instant, at 10 o'clock, a. m., in front of store, will be sold, 10 pieces Gingham 30 pieces Prints 2ti pieces Bleached Shirting 26 pieces Grey Twilled Flannel 10 dosen Wool Shirts 26 doaen Knitted Shirts and Drawers 3o doaen Wool Half Hose 10 boxes Chewing Tobacco 2-i boxes Family Soap 2 boxes latest style Silk Bonnets. . Also, 1 fine Draft Horse 2 sofas 1 M. F. Bureau 1 M. F. Centre Table 1 M. F. Stand Several Cooking and Parlor Stoves And a general assortment of Kitchen and House hold Furniture. n2l By York, Williams, Mcln tiro Jb Cos. THIS DAY, at 11 o’clock, will be aold at auction, in front of store, 1 hhd of Smoked Beef 1 hhd llams 1 tierce Dried Beef 1 case Tongues 15 boxes Family Soap 9 bbls Apples 26 bbls Potatoes 60 M Segars 15 cases Scotch Whiskey 5 cases Boots and Shoos 1 Spring Wagon 1 splendid four Mule Team, complete An Invoice of Dry Goods Buckskin Gloves, Woolen Gloves, Hats, Ac. A lot of Perfumery. AT PRIVATE SALE. At oar, on Broughton street, 3 dooia from Bull street, Meerschaum Pipes Hair Brushes Toilet Boap Satinette, Ac. n2l VALUABLE^PROPERTY AT AUCTION York, Williams, Mclatire it Cos. Will sell at auction, In front of Store on FRIDAY, Nov. 24th, That valuable lot and Improvements known as lot No. 3 Franklin Ward. The Improvements are a large Brick Warehouse, now used as a stable. Lot No. 1 and ); of lot No.’2, Warren Ward, situated at the South-East comer or Lincoln and Bay streets. The above property is on the Bay, and ever a rare chance for improvement. For further particulars, enquire at the Counting Room. AT PRIVATE SALE. York, WillinmH, Mclntire A Cos. Hhds Bacon Sides Hhds Bacon Shoulders Bbls Pig Shoulders Bbls Pig Hams Cases Bologna Sausages Cases Beef Tongues Half hide Mess Beef Half bbls ami bblsCrackera, all kinds Bbls Corn Meal Bids Hominy Bids Vinegar Bills Whiskey Boxce Pyle’s OK and other Soap Baga Black Pepi-er 100 M. Segars, various brands An Invoice of assorted Tin Ware Boxes Ground Coffee Sack* Out* white. 6-nl6 FOR SALE LOW, To Wind up an Latate A VALUABLE FARM. IM mllea from Augßsl* eoaulnlug -me hundred and sighi, aero* more at lorn; alirot one hundred nerw of It In vdufcto Wood. A good dwelling, with eeve* rnongut stable* e*r riroe house, and aevau fan* haHffigro. •tiow nlsee rtMMffiMW MmmM Far fiirttarnartlroJsre, rogalr* «f ' <ll4* L cul.liv a 00, n*vT-**dlw (Vtwi 6MMIK4 bf iM» | GnOrKttlEß, LI4VORB, fe C'., tTj. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS, SC. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLIC'AN OFFICE.) \1 T E invite the attention of the Trade and the Pnb "" lie generally to our large and elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Conserves, Se gsrs, etc., etc. which is not excelled by any similar establishment in the States. We are sole proprietors of DUNBAR’S CkLE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, Ihr reputation of which Is fully established in this and foreign coun tries ; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BlTTKßS guaranteed superior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel and family use; DUN BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the u most purity, and put up expressly for our house, of wbich we are sole proprietors and importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith's cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE. in cases and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALK and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK BUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United States, pnt up by us in cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D. A Cos. are sole agent* for H. A H. W. Catherwood’s Pure RYE W T HISKIES. XX and XXX brand*, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large and well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS of finest grades, manufactured and imported expressly for this house, which we offer at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every description and grade of Foreign Liquors imported directly by thia house, and for sale in bond or duty paid, atlowest market rates novl-lm WHISKEY ! WHISKEY] FINE OLD BRANDY. WINES, St. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, Spencer’s Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, 111 BA.Y STRKre'r, (Herald Buildings.) xiao, A loop's Ale, Mars' Ale, Apples. Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar, octfi ts WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES. WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. sep2 ts BLACK TEA. JUST received, a serial 1 lot choice Oolong Tea. For sale by M J. SOLOMONS A CO., nl7-tf Jones' Buildings, B y street Biscuits, Biscnils.' A LARGE assortment of Freah Biscuits. Just re ceived and for sale by M. J. SOLOMONS A CO., nl7-tf Jones* Block, Bay street. CHEESE, SOAP. A A BOXES CHEESE, x" 76 boxes Fay’s Soap Just received and lor sale bv octlfi BRIGHAM. BALDWIN k CO. Gao. R. Ceump, Wm, A. Weight, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. CEO. it. CRUMP k CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Tobacco, Segars, HALTED FISH, &c. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, ts Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tobaooo, Pkoduox, and Mekohandim of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusta, Ga., Kichmoud. Va., and Jno. C. Ferrill, Esq., De- Witt A Morgan, Gaden A Unckles. A. A. Solomons A Cos., J. T. Paterson &Cos.. R. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oct4 KIRLIN, BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAV LAKE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED It DELIVERED. au2l ______ To Wholesale Grocers, Liquor Dealers, Distillers, Druggists and Soap Manufacturers. ESSENTIAL Oils for flavoring and improving Bran dy, Rum, Port Wine, Bourbon, Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskies, age and body preparations for Neu tralising and Mollifying Whiskey and Spirit, Color ings, Syrups and Fruit Juices lor Branny, Whiakey and Wines, Oils and Extracts of Cognac and other Brandies, Holland and London Gin, Ac. Dr. F.’s Treatise on Fermented Liquors with 1000 Recipes. FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE. Persian Insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loadstone, Fluorspar and Fluoric Add, Manganese and all rare Chemicals and Drugs. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS, Slllicateof Boda In Crystals, Liquid and Jelly China Clay and Terra Alba, Soap atone, Hoain. Soda, Aah, Ac. JOS. W. FKUCHTRANGER, uovl-eod3m No. 65 Cedar at., N. Y. h7g. mjwe & co., “Wholesale GROCERIES 1 LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARS, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Jonnson Square, (FRONTING PULASKI HOUSE.) OT Agents for ALE AND LAGER. ConilaoUy on hand, an MOrtment of YLXXZIINr WINE. tap— 3 m INK. O K QROM INK, n aunda, al *6 60 per grot*. II s6O doaeu Arnold'. Writing Fluid, piota, alts per doaen. For tale by HAVILLI A LIACn a*l* ts <mr. Bryan alnwt and Market aquare. “guanoT” PERUVIAN and Swan laland Oaaam. Hnim'i-bo. ■but and Urn Br*-* GoMaatratod K.rUilaav, ana nib rad b>tl»jft*d» at ba l -waat *hutoa-- prim*, by <lKo It WUlftd CO , McNfMimt. Yoit, ■IMSI oßuesmii*. uumuiit,**., , PIERCE SKEHAN, Kh*leailf and Retsll Dealer la Fine Groceries, Boole and Sham, Clot hum Foreign and Pomoatlc Winm Liquor, and Segal*. AlmSkehan'a Celebrated GOLDEN ALB AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER. In bottle and In wood. London and Dublin Brown Stent, Scotch and Ing lwh Alee, Sc. Liberal deductions made to the trade. IT6 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH. and 62 Liberty street. New York. /»FOREIGN DOMESTIC |£|s I ALES WINES JKugUGRSASE6MS SI.MXAH ca SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OF— Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. an3o APPLES. CORN AND OATS. fC A BBLB Choice Apples vv 20r«) bushels Maryland White Coro 10' o bushels Maryland Oats. In store and for sal** by CRANE, JOHNSON A GRAYBILL. n2O C NOTICE TO THE SHIPPERS OF GOODS BY THE STEAMER SAVANNAH ON THE 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1865. ALL persons who shipped Goods by the Steamer Sa vannah, on the above named day, are requested to call immediately at the store of F. M. Myrell, Esq., Harris' Buildings, Buy street, and identify such goods as have been saved from the wreck ofthe stesmur. J. W. WOLCOTT, n2O Agent. ROCKLAND LIME. 100 CASKS, beat quality, now landing, and for sale by pATERSON & -pucKER, Opposite Marincr’a Church, n2O-3 Bay street. NOTICE. ti eidt & Ludlow, HAVE MOVED TO Gibbon’s Range, Kos. 152 Congress an* 71 St. Julli-n Street*. n2O-10 DO YOU WANT HEAVY CROPS? IF yon do ; manure your lands thoroughly, ami you will be compensated. We offer for sale on the most advantageous terms. The best FERTILIZER that has ever been introduced Into our country. It la pecularly suited to our climate and production, anil an investment la It will be the best paying or any that can be made. For sale In any quantities from a single barrel to one thousand tons. F. W. 81MS A Cos. novl7-lw Over Erwin A Hardee’s. Liveri»ool Salt, FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT Apply to Fordyre, Anderson A Janney, n!7 13 Stoddard's Range, up stairs. Notice. OFFICE OF I’KOVOST MARSHAL,! Distbiot of Savannah, > Savannah, Ga., Get. 31st, 1866. J ffIHE notice issued from the office of the Provost J Marshal, Sab-District of Ogeechee, dated Savan nah, Aug. 11th, 1866, ordering all Drinking or Bil liard Saloons, Ac., where liquor are sold to be closed at 10 o’clock, P. M., Is hereby revoked. By command of Bvt. Maj. Gen. BRANNAN. (Signed) CLARKE H. KRMICK, Capt. ami Provost Marshal. novl CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE THE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership nnder the name and style of Scranton, Smith A Cos., for the transaction of a Wholesale Grocery and Commission basinets in this city, st the head of Bay street, opposite Jefferson. D. T. SCRANTON, Formerly Scranton A Johnston. WM. H. SMITH. Formerly Rahnn A Smith. J. L. LARGE. Savannah, Nov. 14th, 1865. Im-nl6 SHIPPING FOR BOSTON. BOSTON A SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. The new and snperlor Steamship WM. TIBBETTS, J. S. CONY, Commander, Will sail for the above port on Wednesday, Nov. 40th, at o’clock. For freight or passage apply to RICHARDSON A BARNARD, n2l-tf Bay street, opposite Mariner’s Church. For Liverpool. c-TTN- The A. No. 1 Ship MONT BLANC Is now rapidly lorn I lug, »*. White’s Press. For bsl- ee of freight (having room only for a few hundred bales) Inquire Os LaROCHE, GADEN A UNCKLES, n2l-tf Agents. WANTED TO CHARTER. Ad A Lighter, of 250 barrels capacity, on )A) rvW ,n '* under deck - for * *" ort trip. RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Opposite Mariner's Church, u*l Bay street. Steam for Augusta. Tha new and elvgant • Gamer Minnie Brandt, Will roll fov Augusta, This Day, at •* m. Tha accommodation* tor paatOßcsr* ou b-ar-l HU* staemer will fully compare with th- ocean .Wam-re. and Auffietrat lo pleaas Hm tonal hsridtoa* F-r pswags apply lu WOT, BHYAM * CO, Ml I Jmm»- Itio-k - -- mupHao STAR LINE. FOR NEW YORK. •Htofm. Steamship CONSTITUTION, (Ircnman, Commander, will hm for the above port on Tharaday, Mar. 23d, at II 1-4 •’clock. For freight or passage, having auperlor atate room arcommoda*i*L*. apply to U2O BRIGHAM. BALLWIN A CO. FOR NEW YORK, Ike tost sailing clipper Schr. D- H. Vaughn, 254 tons. Captain Mount, Will have qntek despatch lor the above port. Fur freight engagement* apply to PATERSON A TUCKER, No. 9 Stoddard's Lower Range, n2O-3 Opposite Mariners Church. Empire Line. FOR NEW YORK. Atlantic Mall Nteamshlp Company. The new and last ride-wheel stesm- SAN SALVADOR, Adkina, mas gqjggJS4hter - will tail as above, on l*t*rday,23lh Instant, at o’cloek. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply lo B. H. HARDEE, n2l No. 12 Stoddard’a Range. FOR NEW YORK 7 ATLANTIC COAST NHL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. SIDE-WHEEL SHIP. The splendid and very fast SIDE-WHEEL steamship Herman Livingsto/i, 1,400 Tons, BAKER, Commander, Having been placed on this line, will sail as above on Saturday, November 45th. For freight or passage, having very elegant accom modations, with accomplished stewards and attentive servant* apply to JNO. R. WILDER, Agent. Ship’s Bills of lading furnished and signed at the office of Consignee. * nov2l FOR MACON Via Hawkinsville. The light draft Steamer COIVCKT, Capt O. C. Horn, will be ready to receive freight for Hnwkinsville and Macon, on Mondny, theVOth inst., at the Florida Steam Packet wharf, en<l will leave with despatch. For freight or p'lwurc anply on board or to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A 00., or C'LAGUORN A C’UNNINGHaM, nlB-3 Ago it*. FOR AUGUSTA. STEAMER S T AN DISH, CAPT. JAS. FABIAN, Will have quick despatch as above. This Boat la staunch and in good order and rive being full, shippers can roly on having their orders for warded with despatch. For freight apply to . F. M MYRELL. Agent. nov2o Harris’ Buildings, Buy street. FOR AUGUSTA, The Steamer CALDWELL, 1 Oaptaln Murray. Will sail ou 'Thursday Next, 83d Instant. For freight or pasnge apply to JOHN R. WILDER. Goods will be received into store previous to arrival. n2O FOR NEW YORK. THE clipper schooner LIZZIE BACHELLOR, Capt. English, will have despatch for the abovt port. For freight engagement., apply to n* HUNTER A GAMMBLL. Freights FOR AUGUSTA, rjIHE nnderalgned are prepared to receive goods al * their Warehouses—free of expense and cov ered by Insurance—for shipment to Augnara and points beyond by tbelr regular line of light draught boat*. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, sept29—tf cor. Bay gnd Abercorn sts. For Augusta, THE STEAMER F. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the above place. Goods receiv ed st all time and stored in fire proof warehouse, toot of Lincoln street, free of cost J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent Office In Claghorn A Cunningham .. The May arrived In Augusta from Savannah on laat Friday with her fall freight ts oct9 FOR AUGUSTA, The Steamer Robert Le hr, Captain J. Cottrell, Will have qnlck despatch. This Steamer being housed Prelght will be perfectly protected from all inclemeucy of the weather. For ft eight engagements apply to nIT-tf OCTAVUB COHEN. Regular Weekly Steamer BETWEEN AUGUSTA-SAVANNAH. Tbs New Iron Steamer WM. O. GIBBONS, Capt T. N. Pbiltot, Having superior accommodation hr Freight and Paroougera tegalarly.between the above I'rtntr** h* T »h“o> rrery Batorday Morning, at 9 Uatio*Aagueta every Wednesday Mnruiug. all o’clock. Bluff .very W.daaaday Night Urn the desire of the Agroteof the ulblH-u. u> make her a permanent hernmrii-datlini Boat l* tha Mvr clwale of Aagustoakd havanhah and the I’lautei. aloag the lIM M IB river, tud with Ihßroldcct In view, M sawvt will he spared un th* parr of her ow»w«, uwto rod officer* to mrot the wants ot Hi* tmvettng aid frriffhUaa roWto. KHWIN A II AN DR B. /«*» L. Bov mili av. Ages! al wharf. Iw *l* IttltfTlUi FOR PALATKA, Vl* Dark*. Braaawtck, >t. Mary’s, Wm* aiadiaa, JaskssavtUs sal Piss Uta. CvnntotinQ with guamtr nora TtcnpU Jbr Mine's Ferry, OnilrrviUnge, and all landing* on the St. Maty* SMur. TIHB new rad fast steamer FOUNTAIN, Capt. Q. *■ W. CaaTNKa,»ill leave rs above on TUESDAY, the 21st inst., at 10 o'clock s. m. For Freight or Pasaage apply on board, St Pade4- ford's Whan, near White's Central Cotton Proas, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Daring the absence of the boat all goods wilt be re ceived at the warehouse on the wharfhy Mr. W. K. H. Bruen Freight payable on Wharf. Shipper* will furnish weights and measurement of good*. no*M FOR AUGUSTA. The new iron light drift fsat aids whael Steamer TWO BOYS, Mate Boat to the Steamer Gibbons, Will leave for Augusta, Wednesday, Bov. 44, at 9 o'clock. Her accommodations an first-class In every particular. For freight or passage apply to ERWIN A HARDEE. Jno L. Roumillat, Agent on wharf. n2O-2 For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY'S, FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new and fast sailing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. King, Having been placed permanently upon this route will leave as above on Thursday Morning, 43d Inst., at 10o’clock* And every Thursday thereafter. For freight or passage apply on board, at the Florida Steam Packet wharf, or to CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, Agenta. Freight received at all time* on tha wharf. n2O-4 FOR JACKSONVILLE, VIA BRUNSWICK AND FERN AND IN A. The Steamer F .A. N" IN’ I E , Captain McNally, Will leave an above, Wednesday next, 22d lost, from Fade)ford’s wharf, at lu o'clock a. m. This boat is in excellent condition and has superior stateroom accommodations for passengers. Freight received and stored In fireproof warehouses, free of expense, loot of Lincoln street. For freightor passage apply to F. M. MYRELL, Agent, n2O Harris' Buildings, Bay street. For Doctortown AND Thomasville. The Steamers Gen. Shepley, Orient, and Clarion. Will make Tri weekly Trips to Doctortown, In con nection with the Atlantic and Gnlf Railroad, leaving Savannah on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satnrdaya. Through freight payable by shipper* at our office. Freight received daring tbe week and stared free of sxpense. For freight or passage apply to CHAS L. COLBY A CO., n2O Corner Abercorn and Bey street*. For Doctortown, The steamer ORIENT Will leave on WEDNESDAY, 2Snd. At 7 o’clock A. M. Connecting with tbe Atlantic A Golf Railroad. Through freight payable by Shippers. For Freight or Passage, having superior accommo datlons. apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A (XX, novfio cor. Abercorn and Bay its. FOR DALTIMORE. Pendergast’s Line. The tost sailing regular packet SCHOONER DE 80T0, Crook, Master, Having the greater portion of her cargo engaged, will have quick despatch. For balance of fre ght ap ply to LaROCHE, GADEN A UNCKLES, Corner Bay and Barnard streets. Agents in Baltimore—Pendergast, Fenwick A Cos. octlß For Liverpool. p-rrv. „THE A1 American Ship NEW ENGLAND, ■ECao Hodge, Master, having a lam portion of ■/JSHBy her cargo engaged will be ready to receive cargo at Lower Hydraulic Preea on the 18th For freight or passage apply to aepia-tr BBIQHAM. BALDWIN A 00. ' For Liverpool. The new Brat claas clipper afaip VIRGINIA, W KICKS, Commander, la now loading rapidly at Lower Press, and having large engagements wttl have quick despatch. ' f For freight or passage (taken at lowest ratcsj apply CHASI. L COLBY A CO., oct4 * corner Abercora and Bay ate. FOB Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St. Thainas, Para, I'enumbMO aid Bahia ■ The United States and Btasll Mail A NEW AND FIRST-LASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at S o'elark, p. at., From PWr SS, North River. All Wlere have to peas through the Fuel Office An MperleueeJ Surgoua will ha in ‘“udiaitt aa heard. For freight an oaeaaga, having apleadM arm aaM dalluaa. apply to THOMAS ASRNCIO S 11».. artll Sm No. it, Brveeway, M«w Verb.