Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 23, 1865, Image 3

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g _A_ V A. In TSTA-H ot M«aoufclp» »»d tlMutn. roK KSW tom. Steamship Constitution, Thursday, Nov. 23d, at HU o'clock a. m. Sieamsblp Herman Livingston, Saturday. Nov, 25. at o’clock. Steamship San Salvador, Saturday, November 24, at o’clock. Steamship Chase, Saturday, November M, at - O’clock. Steamship Leo, Saturday, November 26th, at - o’clock. FOB BALTIMOBE. Steamship Fannie, Saturday, November 24, at - o’clock. fob boston. Steamship William Tibbetts, Wednesday, Nov. 29, at _ o'clock. FOB PALATKA. Steamer Lizzie Baker, Thursday, November 23d, at 10 o’closk a. m. FOB AtJOUSTA. St miner Scorpio, Saturday. November 24th, at S oclotk a. m. Steamer Caldwell, Thursday, November 33d, at - o’clock. steamer Win. G. Gibbons, every Saturday morning . at 0 a. m. FOB CHARLESTON. Steamer City Point, every Sunday morning, at 9 o'clock. FOB DOCTORTOWN. Steamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at 9 o’clock. Steamer Gen. Sliepley, every Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. Steamer Clarion, every Saturday morning, at 9 o’clock. FOB FLORIDA. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer City Point, every Wednesday aftednoon, at 4 o'clock. • Oi k Acousta Price Current.—We have effected an arrangement with Messrs. Maude A Wright, Os Augusta, to furnish us with a reliable Price Current of that market, supplying quotations in which the fullest confidence may be placed, coming as they do from one of the most responsible and respectable firms in the State. We propose to spare neither pains nor expense in this, as in other matters,to make the Herald a paper to which the business community may look for the most complete and trustworthy commercial Intelligence. . f Hiqh-handkd Outrage—A Store-keeper GthltOTED ASD R iBBBD AT HIS OWN COUNTER. One ot ibe boldest aud most outrageous at tempts at robbery which it has falleu to our lot ol late to record, took place night before last at the store ol Mr. A. Cordcs, a respec table grocer, northeast corner of Bryan aud Ann streets. At about seven o’clock on the evening of Tuesday last, a party of eight “roughs,” sup posed to be parlies who came with the re cent importation of laborers for the At lantic &Guif Railroad, from New York, entered the store of Mr. Cordes, while he was serving them, a rush was made upon him, and while two of the villains seized him by the throat, the others rifled his pockets and emptied the till. Mr. Cordes, although somewhat advanced in years, made a manful struggle with the ruffians, hut was overpowered by their numbers.— His revolver was taken I’rem him in the melee, hut uot before he had shot and w ounded with it one of his cowardly assail ants The thieves decamped, having secur ed about $32 iu money. Mr. Cordcs was very severely handled by tbu villians, aud his throat and face, and, in deed, his entire body, hear cruel marks of the brutal attack which will probably never be elf iced. His condition, yesterday, was somewhat improved, through the exertions a fiiiibi'ul nurse and excellent medical atten dance. Tue police are upon the track of the gang of New York “professionals” who commit ted this outrage. Complimentav Benefit to Mb. and Mbs. W. 11. Crisp.—A complimentary beuefit has been tendered to these artists, with the fol lowing correspondence: Savannah, Nov. 21, 1865. Mr. V/. H. Crisp : Dear Sir—Looking back through the many years which have elapsed since your first visit to our city; aud remembering with much pleasure the satisfaction which your efforts, both as a manager and an artiste, have always afforded the people of the South, witu whom you have been so long associated and ideulified, both professionally and iu the social walks of lifo; and remem bering, too, with pride, your citizenship of our State, we desire, before your departure from our city, to express the interest—the deep regard—we lee! in the welfare of yourself and family, by tendering Mrs. Crisp and yourself a "Complimentary Benefit,” to lake place during this, your iarcwell week. With high regards, we remain, Yovrs with respect, R. D. Arnold, Mayor of Savaunali. M. Reilly, R. H. Audersou, William F. Law, Heury R. Christian, R- B. Ft rrill, R. A. Wayne, H. A. Richmond, H. H. Woodbrldge, Octuvus Cohen, E. J. Purse, James Leavy. Edgar L. Guerard, John Foley, W. M. Davidson, Lydc Goodwin, Eiwiu E. Heriz, Wm. R. Pritchard, John R. Morton, D. Fish, Win. H. May, Go. A. McClesky, James T. Stewart, J 0. Bartels, A. W. Stone, baui'l B. Palmer, C. H. Eckman, 3 C. Schreiner & Sons. L. D Arnold, Mayor of the City, R. 11. Ander *ou, O. Cohen, Esq*., and others : Gentlemen: Your kind, very kind letter, lias afforded Mrs. Crisp and myself uufeign ’ and gratification ; after so many years au seuce aud such trials, to be assured we are Jtmemhered by the good old citizens of Sa '.’suuah— recalls the happy days of our reai , ence ln ibis city. My family will abate jeir mother’s aud my own sense of the com pliment tendered us. Respectfully naming Friday as the occa ir°° ?r Ur Benefit and farewell, I subscribe nyseii, (with every wish for your health aud appiuess, aud grateful feelings of regard,) Yours, truly, p„i i. tt W. H. Crisp. “ulaski House, Nov. 22d. Mayor’s Court.—The usual number of disorderly characters, jvere disposed of by is Honor the Mayor, yesterday. A case of crystalling fke market was tried, the por- Ulc P° u ßry confiscated for the vl „a Hie Orphan Asylutn. Owing to pre ■tu good character o; Mrs. McUjwii the CCu "‘ J ' »he was fluod only In cost Arrival of the America.—'Tue Steamship mfc rica, Capt. Lindt, with a full osrgo and a ar <f'! number of passengers arrived yester win ? u,,n fr<m ‘ Nuw York. Purser Owen 1 »uuept our thanks for favors. ' aluasls Heal Kstatm at Auction.— Messrs. York, William*, Mclotire * Cos., *, sell at auction TMfl Day, the followlug Watn ls.? 1 Lot No. 9, FraultlUi * Mf* siahle thereon. Other vain mil* r«al..i»t, will also tie offered. *un tuTm,,, ■»*»■—Belt, y'ly • Chris’ lan sold at auethM on yester ’ hits I, f, | and 4 frootlug on Jones and WMenn streot, Walton Ward, opposite the 1 lUhroed, The Ittiprureuients wm .fVf Uimaient itpoais. The priee •-hied |..» the firopert/ #w f River Nawa.—At an early hour yester day moroiog the si tamer Fannie, Capt. W. McNulty, arrived from Florida aud depart ed at 10 a. m. lor Charleston. The splendid steamer Lizzie Baker, Capt. Richardson, with a large number of passen gers and a full freight, arrived yesterday morning from Florida. The Lizzie Baker reports the Circus which she carried down to Florida as ding a very floe business at Jacksouvilie, they having opened there on the Ist. The Lizzie Baker will leave this morning Florida. About half-past five o'clock last evening the steamer City Point, Capt. Holland, from Charleston; arrived. haviDg on board a very heavy freight a number of passengers. The City Point is consigued to Mr. R. W. Adams and this Is her first trip. She is the pioneer of anew line of coast packets. Lahqb Sale of Damaged Cotton.—Messrs. Bell, Wylly & Christian, will sell to-day at the Lower Hydraulic Cotton Press, 151 bales upland cotton, damaged on board the steam er Fannie, on the voyage from Darien to Sa vannah. Messers. Bell, Wylly & Christian will also, in front of store, this forenoon at public outcry, sell a large amount of goods saved from the steamer Savannah, recently wrecked on the Savannau river bouud to Augusta. Rev. A. M. Wvnn.—A telegram received yester. day from Macon, where the Georgia Conference of the M. F_ Church is, or has been, sitting, conveys the intelligence that the Rev. Mr. Wynn has been returned again to his station ln this city. Thla will be gratifying news, uot only to his p&risliiouers. to whom Ills faithful ministrations for so long a period have endeared him, but to the community at large, who have found in him an earnest and aelf-devoted laborer In every Held of usefulness and benevolence, pnblic and private. Arrival of the U. A Steamer Taconv from a Cruise.—The U. S. steamer Tacony, Commander Wm. Q. Temple, arrived in Savannah River on Tues day evenlug last, und lies at anchor of Scriven’s Colon Ferry. The Tacony has returned from a cruise on the South AUantlc Coast, which was extended as far as Feruaedina. We annex the following list of her officers: Commander, Wm. Q. Temple; Lieut. Com. and Ex- Offlcer H. M. Blue, Lieut. E. M. Shepard; Surgeon, Geo. D. Slocum; Paymaster, A. D. Bache; Act. Mas' ter, C. E. Waffenhaus; Act. Ensign, Norman Mc- Cloud, H. C. Jones; Chief Engineer, N. B. Clark; First Assistant Engineer, H. C. Blye; Second do. Wm. E. Holland; Third do. M. U. Perry; Fourth do. Geo. E. Tower. Fiee Lunch at the Cosmopolitan Saloon and Res turant, on Broughton street, near Drayton, this day, at 11 o’clock, where may be had at ali times choice wines, liquors and ales, together with the bes> brands of cigars, Ac. Mr. Newman will give one of his pleasing concerls, next Monday eveulng November 27th, assisted by his class of 150 children, P,oL Gorres, aud the Savan. nah quartette club. Another New Steamer for the Augusta Trade —The flue steamer P. B. Goodsel arrived here last night from Hartford, Conn., consigned to her own ers. She is owned by Messrs. Chapman if- Fenton, and is destined Tor the river trade, running between this city and Augusta. Furniture at Auction.—We have been reqnested by Messrs. Bill, Wylly A Christian, to call the atten tion of the public to sale of fine furniture at the res -1 tence corner of South Broad and Bull streets, at 11 o’clock today. Thanes.—We are Indebted to Parser B. L. Butter field, of the steamer Fannie, (or late Charleston pa (ifiiipplui; Intelligence. Jttluialui-e Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 6 38 Moon rises 9 -10 Sun sets 4 58jiligli water........ 11 01 PORT OF SAVANNAH. WEDNSSOAY, Nov. 22, 13«5. Arrived. Steamship America, Lindt, New York—Brigham Baldwin A Cos. Steamship Leo, Merrill, from New York Octavos Cohen. Steamer Fannie, McNelty, Charleston, Ac—F M Myrell. Steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham, Palatka, Fla—L S Bennett. Steamer Lizzie Baker. Richardson, Palatka, etc— OaghornA Cunningham. C S steamer Facony, Wm G Temple, Fernandina. Steamer City Point, Holland, Charleston, Ac.—R Adams. Steamer P B. Goodsell, Hartford—Chapman A Fenton, Tor Augusta trade. Barge No. 2, with 700 bales upland cotton—Erwlu A Hardee. Cleared. Steamer Fannie, McNulty, Palatka, etc—F M My rell. Imports Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka—77 balea square cotton, 67 do sea island do, 10 bbls oranges, l piano, 2 cases mdse. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Palatka—4l bales sea island cotton, IU bxs oranges, 44 dry hides, aud mdse. Passengers. Per steamship America, from New York—J Clark, J H Hood, B Barchstt, W Van Doru, W B McMurtry, J M Roberts, W J Shore, W Drypotcher, M Murphey, M Ilian, wile aud 2 cniidren, J Barrett, M Collins. Per steamship Leo. from New York—G A Wright and lady, Mrs G It Mallory, Mrs Sandford aud daugh ter, Mlss Perkins, Miss Harris, Miss Gray, Miss Os good, Miss Case, Miss Forsatth, MiasTJ Phillips, C E Hopkins, Miss A Case, Miss E Hill, L H Pease, W Belcher aud lady, Rev C 8 Martihdale, Rev W Hem ron, C R Gignan, J V Muugluser, D W IngersolJ, W B Dickey, R Grant, R Pierson, A Blanchard, II Hey mau, J lieyman, II C White, W W Blake, Jas Clark, G U Dixon, W H French, G E Brown, U French, O Murphy, A Leibe, A Emercle, A Williams, W GritUth, aud 37 steerage. Per steamer Fannie, from Charleston, etc--BB Bee, J W Murdock, J Bickier, J 11 Btoue, J Carman, R Couodle, Mrs Johnson, Mrs Seabruok and daugh ter, D A Dudley, C F Gianer, T C Herne, D Ewart and lady, E P Wood, J G Reynolds, J 8 Reynolds, J F Stuck, Mr Arnold, Mr Chase, O P Luther, Miss Fauule Emerson, C W Frost, J U Ltddy, lady and 2 children, F Dinkey, Mr Freeman. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Palatka, etc—A J Brown, A F Spillar, 8 D Smoke, M J Doyle, G W Green, Miss Brooks, Miss Lascine, Mrs Robertson, Mrs Gardner, E D Tracy, J Low, H Parley and 6 on deck. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka—Dr Lewis, O J Thompson, D Ainsworth, W P itembert, F Hail luck, il P Easton, J Cameron, Mrs Kuudy, Mrs Win gard, J Cardy, W L Hays, H D Hawley, Mrs Lee, L A Hardee, B Prindle. Consignees. Per steamship America, from New York—Brady A Smith, D Biug, E O’Byrne, F W Coouey A Do, E II Caiiiu A Go, Dewitt A Morgan. E Ehrlich, Guckeu itetmer A Saltg. R M Hunt, Hetdt A Ludlow, Halsey, Watson A Cos, U A Hudson, N li Knapp, J Leary & Cos, La.hrop A Go, J Lathrop, J Lama, L McSorley, H Melnhard A Bro, M S Meyer, J C McMahon A Cos, EL Seidinger, U Newutark, J Oliver, A Reseller, H U Ituwe A Cos, Richardson A Barnard, H Riley, A A Solomon A Cos. Seaborn A Goodall, B Straus, W H Stark, Seymour, Klngland A Cos, J C Sehreiuer A Son, J TTH'iinpsbu, B G Tddeu, B V Ulmer, EH Nan Ness A Go, J Velsel, L D Waddel, W H Wilt her ger, Dr W M Walsh, M G White, Youug A Nixon, J W Anderson A Spu, P Reilly, B, Wylly it Christian, Bothwell A Whitehead, 2J, Baldwin A Cos. M A Cohen O Cohen, 0, Johnaou A Graybill, Erwiu A Hardee, H U Gammell, J M Kmchley, Kelu <t Go, R J Larcomhc A Miller, JO Maliliewaou, R A Gauu, Southern Ex Cos, Steamship Cos, W Sheppard A Go, Sims A Cos, W Wolf, Schuster A Helnslus, J R Wilder, E Zacharlas I It -*alj'. 141 iu a diamonds, IHI in a diamond, J G Pittman, V Gordon, E II Klrilu, G Semkel, 0 A P, W Parker, M J C C, O Utbney, so) in a diamond, Wilson HuittU A Go, J Kuuer, Cooper A Cos, K A B, Llgutfoot A Cos, J S Sullivan, AM S, D Malieti, W A it A Cos, WAR Mclntlre A Cos, C M liilismau, S U Lnfli eau, lleet A Gutman, M Ryan, HUtoa A ltaudall, J Villa, louga, W J Siiaio. Per aieaioehip Leo, from New York—Adame Rx 00, J W A tide, win A Hon, ft, smith A Cos, B, Wyllt A Christian, it, Baldwin * Cos, K Eiaolsy. Bothwell A Wnlieiiead, J W Buffington, 0 Cohen. Claghorn A U'uunlngluin, 0, Jobuaon It Go, O L Oollw A Cos, M A Oohen a Cos, Uunulngliam A Pur«, W M Davidson, J Daviaog, Dunesii A Juliusou, J U Denpish, Darling lou A BiakforU, E P Deyo. Ei win A ftardee, fc fclir- Holt, G 0 Freemsu, u Fried, J Gilliland A co, Click, eubelimr A sell*, h A lUrdss, G M Usldt, G M HUM man, Muicumbe 4 00. li A Uaminsli. A ft Ivea A 00, Kain 4 Cos, J M KiuuAlsy, J Uma, UMocUe. Uodeit A Unekles, W l| Lucas, lUiouilial A ffoin, Lore 11 A Conn, II A HtuAntomi, it Holmiu, T ffiisa, a X now aeons A Go, Hoanipn. Hgilin * Cos, J I. hues, Hehu.ur A Hsiusius, Ueo N Mlehois, F Wnwisis. a «‘ Mall, JV) w • dSim«»jJ, r W 'Wms Ai« a h Koapp, w U H'SI k J > fleltieinai A H.,0, C Mflutnb, G II Johoeou it U Tilde it. H II Tilsw, J I Th OHS* A Cos, w Mr ul> li I A Gw, s U T'iioiopsoa A to, Vsu hswwu A w»r.i, ki. VilWitMtas, l if WaOd.ll, WMWsisH, i H tAuusi M WMbsTgiu 6 < o. M MfMOM, T A Jvrwuess. |) WfluMfi CT# Mott, Wight, MOH tit A Us, w A Cos, ali twrgfr Per steamer Lizzie Maker, from Palatka—Ctaghora m Cunningham. J L VlUatunga, M J itu/le. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka—F Uad lock. F U Myrell, J L Viualungs, G J Taon-i sou, h Harmdge A Cos. 1> Klrliu A Cos, Stuart and Cos, A G Mason, E Metcalf A Cos, and others. A Card. At a meeting held by the passengers on board the steamship Leo, from New York, off Tybee Islan 1, Nov. 21st, las, a committee was appointed to draft resolutions complimentary to the Captain aud offl cers commanding said vessel. In accordance with the above, the following were submitted aud adopted: Resolved, That our many thanks and expressions of gratitude be tendered to Capt-F A Merrill, aud his gentlemanly officers for thru- uniformly kind aud courteous attentions during the preseut voyage. Resolved, That we most cordially reeommend to those of the travelling public that prefer experienced officers, a staunch vessel, good accommodations ami well supplied, take the steamer Leo. of Messrs. Mur ray A Nephew's new line to be van nah Also, Resolved, That a copy of the above resolutions be furnished to the Savaunali, New York and Philadel phia press lor publication. Kobt Grant, L H Pease, Geo Peason, Committee. C. MaktiNsuale, Chairman. C E Hopkins, G A Wright, Secretaries. LIST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Nov. 23, 1866. SHIPS. Mont Blanc, Donnell, 700, loading ror Liverpool— Laßoche, Gaden A Unekles. Republic (Brem) Smith, SOO, loading for Liver pool—Weber Bros. Virginia, Weeks, 1044, ioading at Lamar's Press for Liverpool—Chas L Colby A Cos. BARKS. Thomas Whitney (Br), Kelly—Bell, Wylly A Chris tian. Craeseo (Br), tons discharging—Brigham. Bald win A Cos. TERNS. Lizzie Batchelder, English, 409, up for New Y’ork —Hunter A GammeU. BRIGS. Clara Pickens, Rodgers, 450, loading for Liverpool —Wm Starr. Ida McLeod, Cook, 395, loading for Boston—Hun ter A Gammell. Redwood, Boyle, discharging—Rogers A Cann. Rush. Kay nor, discharging—Patterson A Tucker. SCHOONERS. Trade Wind, loading for Philadelphia—C, Johnson A Graybill. Ueo Darby, Snow, from New York, disch'g— Hunter A GammeU. De Sota, Crook, 150, loading for Baltimore—La Roche, Gadeu A Unekles. Wm E Stevenson, Burton, ISO, discharging. Vapor, Bogart, 300 tons, loading for New York— Laßoche, Gaden A Unekles. Antelope, Jones, 70 tons, discharging—Crane, John son A Graybiil. AUCTION SALES. AT PRIVATE SALE. = By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having been so many applications for Small Tracts of Laud lor location, the owner of the above Land, feeling a disposition to meet this demand- tins placed in the market, for a lew days, Lots of Five Acres, or more, part cleared, on the Augusta Road, op posite to the three mile stoue, also on the White Bluff Road, opposite to the two mile stone. tf-nlO By Beil. Wylly it Christian. AT PRIVATE SALE. 46 acres of fine Garden Land, within the limits of the city. The improvements consists of a fii at class cottage dwelling, gothic style, containing six large rooms, with marble mantel piece, dining room, kitchen, library room famished with shelves and gloss doois. Outbuilding* consists of farmhouse, containing seven rooms, barn, carriage house and -tables. Porch* er can have ihe re fusil of corn, fodder, hoy, horses, mules, buggies and wagons. Also, 2430 acres ot heavily timbered land, situated twenty (20) milt s from the city, between the Ugeechee and Cmoo ochee Roads. Au excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation. 100 acres of the above e'egred. Improvements consists of two small dwelling houses with stables, crib#, Ac. U'-nlB By Bell, Wylly & Christian. On THURSDAY, at It o’clock, *t the residence corner of Bull and South Broad streets, will be sold. The Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of sideboards. Bureaus, Solos, Chairs, Bedsteads, Car pets, Ac. n2l UNDERWRITERS SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, wiU be sold, on Stoddard’s wharf, foot of Lincoln street, 140 bbls Flonr, more or less 50 bbls Potatoes, Onions and Fruit, Damaged on board steamer Savannah, and sold for account of Underwriters and all concerned. Terms cash before delivery. n23 UNDERWRITERS SALE. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. TO-MORROW, Friday, 21th inst., at 11 o’clock, at De mand’s Press will be sold for uccoaut of Uueor- writers aud ail concerned, 15 bales Cotton 12 bales Cotton 0 bales Cotton 1 lot boose Pickings 1 lot Loose Pickings. Damaged on board the Steamer Laura's Barges, and auld under inspection of the Port Wardens. Terms c tsh before delivery "23 UNDERWRITER'S SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. On THURSDAY, 23d inst, at 10)4 o'clock,at the Lower Hvdranlic Press, will he sold, for account of Under writers and all concerned, 48 BALES COTTON 90 BALES COTTON 1? BALES COTTON Damaged on bo\rd of Stamer Annie, from Darien, and sank in the Savannah river. Sold under inspection ol Port Wardens. Terms, cash before delivery S-n2l UNDERWRITER’S SALE. BY BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. TO-MORROW, Thursday, at 11 o'clock, a. m., will be sold, in front of store, for account of Underwriters and all concerned, A portion of the carge recover'd from steamer Sa vannah, that was sank iu the Savannah river, consist ing of a general assortment of Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors. Crockery, Glassware, Drugs, Medicines,Wood ware, Fancy Articles, Ac. Damaged on board of said steamer, and sold under inspection ofthe Port Wardens. Terms cash before delivery. n22 BY SELL, WYLLY As CHRISTIAN. AT PRIVATE SALE. A Se* bland Cotton Plantation, of 700 acres, 800 of which are cleared and the balance well wooded, situa ted on SkiJaway Island. Fronting on the river are twenty very soperior and desirable building lots. n22-5 BY BLITIV & MEYER. THIS DAY, at lt> o’clock, in front of store, will be sold,’ 1 Melodeon Rosewood case, ln perfect order. 1 Mallet Net, «0 feet long. b 23 By Blun & Meyer. THIS DAY, 23d Instant, at In o'clock, a. m., in front of store, will be sold, 4bbla Smoked Hams 6 bbls Smoked shoulders 12 bbls Smoked Bacon, Put up for the city trade, to which the attention of Grocer, is requested. * Also, 6# boxes. l«s. Tobacco, a good article M boxes, 6s, Tobacco, a good article 6 boxea Gold Leal Tobacco, some of the best ln the market, in lota to suit purchasers AUo, 10 bbls Stuart’s A Sugar I 10 bbls Crushed Loaf Sugar » bbis Powdered Loai Sugar lo bbl* Yellow Sugar. Aluo, Caa»* Print* Gingham*. Uelslaea, Merino* Blaacbad Shirt mgs aud Sliuutlng* Musllu*. Ac A lot of Uoalery. Ilesldea. 1 Marble Top Table I Hide Table 1 M V Bureau Modalead.. Wa.baUUd*, Wksl Mot* And outtr Article* Its VALUABLE PROPERTY' AT aUCTION York, WlJllwMu, MalmUni A U. Will sell at auction, in front of a lure on FRIDA I, Mo*. MHt, mat vaiuaht* w and huprevtuMaw bttoiMM tut * fraukhu tt aid lliu iiuvroveiiwuls are a large it- n Waivbuure, uo« uaed aa a stable Lot |lu. | aa4 it us uh Mu a Washington ward anoaiaH gt ilo holiur laai voIUM ot FMta aud May *tw«M. liw above uruperir la on Inn Bar, and ever t rare Ihgin lor UnprwVlinanl. . f.s Igjiiud pawnglnWi »ngoli» at in* > oanimg Moot* .. GROTFRIES, LIRUORI, * C„ fTj. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS. SEGARS. SC. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) invit* the attention ol the Trade and the Pnb lie generally to our large and elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquor*, Cord inis, Conwmi, Be gan, etc., etc, which not excelled by any similar establishment in the States. We are sole proprietors of DUNBAR'S CKLR BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, thr reputation of which Is fully established in this and foreign coun tries ; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BITTERS gn a ran feed enperior to any article of Ihe kiud, de signed expreenly for hotel and family use; DUN BAR'S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL 80IINAP1S, war ranted of the u mo-it purity, and put up expressly for our house, of wnich we are sole proprietors anil importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith's cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE. in cases and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALE and POUTER, BRANDY. Scotch and Bonrbon WHISKEY and AR RACK PUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United Stiil&s put up by us in cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D. a Cos. are sole agent* for H. & H. W. Catherwood's Pure RYE WHISKIES. XX and XXX brand*, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large and well se lected stock of iiOUEBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS #> f finest grades, manufactured aud imported expressly for this house, which we offer at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINKS, CHAMPAGNES, and every description aud grade of Foreigu Liquors imported directly by this bouß , and for sale in kind or dnty paid, at lowest market rate* novl-lm WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BEANDY, WINES, R Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike's Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Pine Kentucky Bonrbon. FOR SALK BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, 111 BA. Y STREET, (Herald Buildings,; also, Alaop's Ale, Mars’ Ale, Apples. Potatoes, Onions, Pickles Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar, octfi ts WM.M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS. TEAS, SEGARS, and. Cider. eep2 ts BLACK TEA. JUST received, a smal lot choice Oolong Tea. For sale by M J. SOLOMONS & CO., nl7-tf Jones' Landings, B.iy street. Biscuits, Biscuits. A LARGE assortment of Fresh Biscuits. Just re ceived and for sale by M. J. SOLOMONS & CO., nl7-tf Jones* Block, Bay street. CHEESE, SOAP. - J A BOXES CHEESK, Tv 76 boxes Fay’s Soap Just received and for sale by octlG BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Gao. R. Crump. Wm, A. W bigot, Angoata, Georgia. Late or Richmond, Va. GEO. K. CRIMP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Lipors, Tobacco, Segars, HALTED FISH, &c. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, tW~ Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tobacco, Produce, and Mlrcuandihb of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusta, Ga., Richmond. Va. and Jno. C. Ferrill, Esq., De- Witt A Morgan, Gaden & Unekles, A. A. Solomons A Cos., J. T. Paterson A Cos., R. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. QC(i KIRLIN.ERO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WIGS AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY DANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED It DELIVERED. an2l ts To Wholesale Grocers, Liquor Dealers, Distillers, Druggists and Soap Manufacturers. IpSSENTIAL Oils for flavoring and improving Bran dy, Rum. Port Wine, Bouroon, Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskies, age und body preparations for Neu tralising and Mollifying Whiskey and Spirit, Color ings. Syrups aud Fruit Juices lor Brauoy, Whiskey and Wines, Oils and Extracts of Coguuc aud other Brandies, Holland aud Londou'Gin, Ac. Dr F.’s Treatise on Fermented Liquors with 1000 llecipcs. FOR DRUGGISTS' USE. Persian Insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loadstone, Fluor-i ar aud Fluoric Acid, Manganese and ull rare Chemicals and Drugs. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS, S'llicateof Soda in Crystals, Liquid and Jelly China Clay aud Terra Alba, *kxtp stoue. Rosin, Soda, Ash, 4c. JOS. W. PKUCUTUANGKU, uovl-eodSm No. 66 Cedar st., N. Y. ruwe & co” "Wholesale GROCERIES I LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARS, Corner Bryan and Bt. Julian and Johnson Squar*, (FRONTING Pt'LASKI HUVIRj nr Aetata for ALE AND LAG EII. CeaatiiiUy on baud, au aaauitMtnt of HSBXN WINS. a«pM »" J ustßeceived, Ob Couwignni^nt M CAMKN IU>OT* AND MfloK* Whi«k l t*a m4W*#l id. 11, ArMs*> OtttNIKKIKk. blqPitltS. AW. PIERCE SKEHAN, YVliolrsulp and Retail Dealer In Pine Groceries, Boots and Shoea, Ciothiiia. Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segara. Also, Skchan'a Celebrated GOLDEN ALB AND CHAMPAGNE CIDKK, in bottle and In wood. London and Dublin Brown Stoat, Scotch and Eng lish Alee, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 174 BHOUOHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and *2 Liberty street. New York. BUYERS WISHINC Tobacco, Flour AND SUGARS, IN LARGE QUANTIE3 AND OF GOOD STANDARD BRANDS, Will find » fine stock at Hancioll rib Co’m. u2leodiw r -OREIGN Ajg DOMESTIcHiIIg 1 ALES INES JHuQUOKS 6 SEGARSJaBsSpIr SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. *U3O RANDELL & GO. A RE now offering to the trade a very choice aelec- IX lion of SOUCHONG, OOLONG, YOUNG HYSON OH* IMPEL TEAS , Also, NO 1 EXTRA AND FANCY SOAPS RAISINS, CURRANTS AND CITRON PURE GROUND SPICES CREAM TARTAR B. C. AND SAL SODA VERMICELLI, FARINA, JELLIES, Anil a general aarertment of Fancy Groceriea. n2l-eodlw E. H. VAN NESS & GO., GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS AND Produce Dealers, UNDER THE BLUFF, CORNER ABERCORN ST, Savannah, G-a- Orders from the Country Private, Families, Steamers and Sidling Vessel* respectfully solicited. Produce bought and sold on commission. l'Obhls Selected Apples 100 bbls Onions 100 bbls Potatoes 50 bbl* Extra Flour 60 bbls N«»s. 1 and 2 Mackerel 100 tubs Extra Batter 160 boxes Extra Chee»e s<»o kits Nos 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel 50 half-bids Fulton Market Beef 60 bbls Extra Family Pork. * tf-n£l APPLES, CORN AND OATS. | BBLS Choice Apples I O\J 2o< 0 bushels Mary hod White Corn I lo v bu-hel* Maryland uata. In store and for sale i>> CRANE, JOHNSON A GRAYBILL. n2O o JOHN VANDERBILT, NO. 23 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, DKALKB 18 Agricultural Implements OF every variety, embracing all tile different pat terns of Plows in use In the Southern States, Coru- Shellers, Hay and Stalk-Cutters, Ilorse-Powers and Threshing Machines, Fan-Mill* Wheel-Harrows, Cart* and Wagons, Cotton Gins, Gin Gear, Plow and other Castings, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Rakes and Garden and Farm Tools ano implements of every variety. SEEDS. The choicest Garden end Flower Seeds growu In this country or Kurope, including every desirable kind and Variety. The utmost care taken to hav e those only wllitli arc choice and reliable. Also, Gross, Field aud Bird Seeds of every variety. FERTILIZERS. Bone Dost, Animal Manure (a preparation of animal matter, blood aud bone) a good substitute for Guano and cheapest manure in use: Phosphate of Lime, Land Plaster, Guano, Ac. PLANTS, TREES, &c. Furnished from the most reliable Nurseries and Grow ers. E®—Orders respectfully solicited. Lettersof inquiry cheerfully responded to and price lists furnished on applicati on. law sw-u22 shipping. FOR AUGUSTA. THE Steamer Oak, CAPTAIN McCAI’LEY, Will hare qol.k despatch aa above. This boat is staunch and of light draught, and being of large capacity, shippers can rely on baring their orders go forward with despatch. Freight received and stored in fireproof warehouse* free of expense, loot of Lincoln street. AU ship ch irgee paid promptly. For freight, apply to J. B. PRESDEE, Agent, ton Broughton street. P. M. MYRELL, n23 Harris' Buildings, Bay street. FOR AUGUSTA. The Steamer SCORPIO, Captain Rogers, Will leave for Augusta, on SATURDAY MORNING, Nov. 26th, at 8 o'clock a. m. For freight or passage, having first class accommo dation*, apply to KKIN A CO, nov23 3 114 Bay st. FOR Rio De Janeiro. CALLINa AT •I. Tbflauu* ran, renumlHMo bml JUhla f.-ff WIG The Dulled Wale* and Nrakt Mall »'U ditpab* • dfcWkj-t SSfiK'l’wMla every «•»*», A NVW AMO FtIUITi’LAM HTMAMHMU'. TANARUS» Lmvi •« ■ •’•lawlt, |t, m„ From Plat 44, Muub Hlvw AU MtlaN have In m» UMvaglt Hi* Pwfl <!««• An eflg«kaw*i Huignwn «IM kg !• gllHßflgnan Ml «****' - TMttMAn AHHHi'M fl 111 m.*Ja*i.*t»i.i. .?' BHIPPIMO. STAR LINE. FOR NEW YORK. The floe Stetmahlp CONSTITUTION, Crewman, Commander, will leave for the above port on Tkanday, Nov. 23d, at 11 o’clock. For freight or passage, having anpei tor atate room accommodationa, apply to nil) BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK. The new and splendid steamship CHASE, W. D Koath, Commander, will leave for the above port on Saturday, Nov. 25, at o’clock. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to n22 HUNTER A GAMMELL FOR NEW YORK. THE dipper schooner LIZZIE BACHELLOR, Capt. Rne'i-b, will have de-patch for the above port, For freight engagements apply to Ht N IKK A GAMMELL. Murray’s Line, FOR NEW YORK. The splendid steamship LEO, Merrill, master, will leave for the above port on Saturday, Nov. 43th, at o’clock. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo lone, apply to nl9 OCTAVUS COHEN. Empire Line. FOR NEW YORK. /Vtlitntic Mull Steamship Company. j-, The new and fast side-wheel a team hip SAN SALVADOR, Adkins, mus SStSSS er > wiil aail •bove, on Saturday,MSth Instant, at 9 o’clock p. m. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply to B. H. HARDEE, n2l No. 12 Stoddard’s Range. FOR NEW - YORK, ATLANTIC COAST MIL STEAMSHIP HIM. SIDE-WHEEL SHIP. The splendid aud very fiat SIDE-WHEEL steamship Herman .Livingston, 1,400 Toils, BAKER, Commander, Having been placed on this line, will sail as above on Saturday, November 95th. For freight or passage, having very elegant accom modations, with accomplished stewards and attentive servants, apply to JNO. R. WILDER, Agent. Ship’s Bills of Lading famished and signed at tlic offlee of Consignee. nov2t forbostonT BOSTON & SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. The new and superior Steamship WM. TIBBETTS, 3. 8. CONY, Commander, Will aatt for the above port on Wednesday, Nov. 99tli, at o'clock. For freight or paoaage apply to RICHARDSON 6 BARNARD, nfl-tf Bay street, opposite Mariner’s Church. WANTED TO CHARTER. (A A Lighter, of 250 barrels capacity, on and under deck, for a abort trip. ■JHEa Apply to RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Opposite Mariner'e Choreb, n2l Bay street. For Augusta, THE STEAMER JR. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the above place. Goods receiv ed at all time and stored ln fire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free of cost. J. M. KTNCHLEY, Agent. Office ln Claghorn A Cunningham's. The May arrived In Augusta from Savannah on last Friday with her frill freight. ts oct9 FOR AUftUSTA, The Steamer Robert Lehr, Captain J. Cottrell, Will have quick deepatch. This Steamer being honeod Freight will be perfectly protected from all inclemency of the weal her. For freight engagements apply lo hll-tf OCTAVUS COHEN. Regular Weakly Steamer BETWEEN AUGUSTA ~ SAVANNAH. The Mew ben Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS, Cap* T. K. FamroT, jSXXtsISXinAWtg! I'fon Sawapaß avary Batarflay Moralag. at • ‘U..** Aagiuta every Wtflaewlay Maraiag, a4l “ W'Hfl »» HMMW'a Mlgff every Wtffiivediy Night. Il l*ui*fleaire ut Uw Ah*mi*oi Uh> '.Ude u. iu m*a* hvi a pviwsHenl A>>uuitu' d.ilog liual f i iha M' i aide ika Hitvww mw, awTatfh tM*’di> at in *'•». Mw tlutt will |l gbared «u iltv part ot hvt «»»;**. ...air |h MB*, i. to Md Uiv wsHW M Ike irereilug F* iMtelN i IIAUI/kB. a! ; MMIPPIMO.; For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS, FEB* NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new sad fait sailing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. King, Having been placed permanentlv noon this route win leave as above on Thursday Morning, 93d 4mat., at 10 o’clock And every Thursday thereafter. o " bOant lUhoK ° rid ‘ CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, F £ , ? h * received »t »1! times on the wharf. A?C,lU 020-4 ~~ FOR AUGUSTA, npHE nuderaigued nre prepared to receive goods at X their Warehouse*—free of expense and cov ered by Insnrarce—for shipment to Augusta and points beyond by their regular line of light draught boats. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, sept2»—tf cor. Bay and Abercora ats. For Palatka, Fla., VIA FERNANDINA AND JACKSON. VILLE. The new, exceedingly fast and splendid Steamer CITY POINT, Capt E. 8. Talbot, Will leava Telfair’s W harf, as above, Every Wednesday, at 4 p, ns. The City Point was built by her present owners without regard to costs, er stateroom and cabins being tarnished ln the most luxurious manner. For Height or passage apply to K. W. ADAMS, or J. S. CARUTHER9, “23-3 Hodgson's Range, Bay street. FOR AUGUSTA, The Steamer CALDWELL; Oaptuin Murray, WUI sail on Thursday Next. *3<l Inntaxtt. For freight or passage apply to JOHN R. WILDER. Goods will be received Into store previous to arrival. U2O For Charleston, The new Steamer CITY POINT, Capt. B. 8. Talbot, Will leave aa above Every Sunday, nt 9 a. nr. For freight orpaseage apply to K. W. ADAMS, or „„ . J. 6. CARUTHKBS, n “'-3 Hodgson’s Bangs, Bay street. FOE AB6DSTA. The Steamer AMAZON, Captain B. Johnson, U now receiving freight forth* shore port, at Dillon'* wharf, and will have despatch. Parties desiring to ship Iron, salt, and any other heavy freight, in any quantities, can do eo by this Steamer, without any fear of haring their goods re* turned to them. T _ _ ERWIN * HARDEE. J so. L. Koinitu at. Agent on wharf. nS3-tf For Doctortown ' AND Thomasville. The Steamers (Jen. Shaplay, Orient, and Clarion* Will make Tri-weekly Tripe to Doctortown, In com nection with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, leavtnc Sarannah on Tuesdays, Thai (days and Saturdays. Through freight payable by shippers at oor office. Freight received during the week, and stored free of expense. Fur freight or passage apply to CBAs L. COLBY A CO* »20 Cornar Abercorn and Bay afreets. FOR BILTIMORE. Pendergast’s Line. The fast sailing regular packet SCHOONER DE SOTO Crook, Master, Having the greater portion of her cargo engaged, will have quick despatch. For balanc aof frt ght an. ply to LaROCHE, GADEN * DNCKLKS, Comer Bay and Barnard streets. Agents In Baltimore—Pendergaat, Fenwick A Cos nctiS For Liverpool. The new first class dipper ship VIHQ-IKIA, WEEKS, Commander, la now loading rapidly at Lower Press, and bavin* large engagements wU hav* quick despatch. For freight or passage (taken at lowest rat os* apply to CUAS. L. COLBY A 00 .., ocSSS Corner Abercora and Bay at*. For Liverpool. nflßß»«i.c« »f freight (having room only tor a Aw “‘-tlSSft.tP« * CMBM urn if , • *l«rts- For Liverpool. . —. THE A! Anisrlran Whip NkW KNOUMO. Hodge. Maal.r, having a large pnrtloa or jyfTj lur c.rgqeagagad will ns leads to rwelve jrmlir cargo at Lower Uydrasllc Frees on tbs ittfc ImL Fus h< Ighl us passed* ip( ly to flulGll AM, BALDWIN A CO. For Liverpool. TNM tret alas* British berk Til' >MArt Will I NKY J. U vllh »•*<". h> nig h WM.II wateul'y, *lll save