Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 27, 1865, Image 2

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T;>e Savannah Daily Herald. bTs. w. mason a CO. »A'.IKL W. fort I lor, w . t mumoA, a*«i»<* wiw. >, montuv, xqvembi b v. iw- AMBNDHKATOF THE CO\STITI’TIO\. Tin* pending amendment of the Constitu tion ..'..o'i-Ung slavery, baa produced a cor r<>.»*>!:d€iice between tbe S<cretary of Slate and Governor Perry, of South Carolina W hicb lia-s tbe feature of novelty in the in terpr taiion of that instrument. Governor P. rry having ewted to tbe Washington au th runs that there was no objection to rati fy , „ the amendment except an apprehen si n that Congress might, under the second 6t inn of that amendment, claim the right t<-h-gi-late for the negro after slavery was abo isbed. To Mr Seward replied : 1 I'beobjeCti >n which you mention to the lari clause of the constitutional amendment is n gardi das qut-tulous and unreasonable, b c 7ist that < lajse is really restraining in its ibecs. instead of enlarging the power of Cu-tress." ti ivv Mr. Seward Can call that a retraining clause that enlarges the powers of Congress, we cann-'i Imagine. The second section of the act is in these words: 1 C egress shall have power to enforce this art c e by appropriate legislation.” We agr-e in npiuiou with the New York World “that the article belongs to the ca>s of laws that executes itself." The rule of interpretation has never been denied, that the power being given, the means o' its execution must be also presumed to be given, and, if not expressed, follows by ne cessary implication. It was in conformity with this rule of interpretation, that Chiel Justice Marshals decided in favor of the con sthutionaiity of the Bank of the United S alo in the c ise of McCulloch vs. the State of M irylund. In that case, the Court decid ed ti at the Bth section of tbe Ut articlo of the constitution, was not restrictivt but en a j' and the powers of Congress. The language of C ief J utic ■ Mirstiall was. ■Tue counsel for the State of Maryland, favi urg and various arguments to prove that this clause, though in terms a grant of pow er. is roiso in c fleet; but is really restrictivt o! the general right, which might otherwise be im lied, of selecting the eonumerated powcis." A ter some further remarks in illustration of il ls point, the Chief Justice concludes as ‘Tne clause is placed among the powers of Congress, not among the limitations on those powers. Its terms purport to enlarge not to d'unish the p >wers vested in the govern m at. It purports to be an additional power, ni t a restriction on those already granted." Now, the second section of the amend ment abolishing slavery is in these words : ‘•Congress shall have power to enforce this ani le by appropriate legislation.” There is no cliff.rence between this language and that employed in the Bth section of the Ist ar tii leg giving Congress power of making “al* laws which shall be necessary and proper for c irrying into execution tbe foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Cos istitntion in the government of tbe United States, or in any department thereof.” Mr. Seward and Chief Justice Marshall are, ‘therefore at issue on the point, whether re. siraiuiug words in a Constitution do not enlarge instead of restrict their power. Judge Marshall said that such WO r ds enlarged the power of Congress. Mr. Seward affirms that they restrain its power. The power to enforce, which, in tbe lan guage of of Judge Marshall, is additional power, Is mere surplusage, for two reasons: Ut, that all the affirmative grants of power, am mg which this amendment will be placed, are seif-cXeCutory or imply the means of ex ecution ; and, 2d, that the words giving the puw, r to enforce were already in tbe Con sii ution. Placing them there a becond time wa> calculated to alarm tbe Southern States. The power might be assumed by Congress to legislate with regard to negroes in all re sects, under color of the right to prohibit slavei y. Hence tbe apprehension of Gov. Perry, “ that Congress might claim the right to legislate for the negroes after slavery was abolished.” Bui after all the question in this aspect, ia oce as to propriety in the use of terms. The amendment of the Constitution is demanded, uo; in the spirit of the clause which provides for the amendment of that instrument, but as the only condition upon which the South ern States will be re-admitted as parties to the Constitution. The construction and prac tical aj plication of the amendment will be the subject of future discussion. Election Returns.— We have been furnish ed by a gentleman from Lownda with tho vote of that county. It was as follows : For Governor. Jenkius 241 For Representatives to Concrete. Cohen 170 S'yle*. 24 Hopkins 7 Brocks cont iy gives Cohen 189, Styles 38, Hopkins 6. For Senator: B. B. Moore, 64, P O. Wing 89, E. Tillman 35. W. B. Ber. nett is elected to the House. Doubtful K. Flbts mom Mexico.—A late Mu aa ras despatch reports that the Mexi can r< publicans raised tne tiege of that place on the night ot the Bth inst., some of them passing up the river and others going to ward. the interior. There were suspicions, however, that this movement was only a iu.-e. A Matamoras paper states that pre vi ,u, to leaving they were severely defeated in cue engagement, having t wo of their gen erals killed, and three others, including Cor una, wounded. A Galveston paper of a late due Bays that despatches, the purport of which is not known, were recently trans it led by Gen Weitsel, commanding United buntroops in Texas, to the commander ot n Fvrch war vessel at the mouth of the Ri o G a tide. The report of the arrival there of h Fr neb squadron, heretofore given, is re peated. Oug ConorEssioast Delegation Judg. 1 - lr an the returns of the election, as tar as “ y 1 aVc received, the Georgia Dele- K‘ uin Congress will be as blows Ist 6 ' " on Cohen j ad, Phil. Cook ; Bd, Hugh w ’ 4Ul > E 0. Cabanis; fith, J. D. \V If Td ' ° lU ’ J ' H ' ChrU,y; T,hl w T. Gov. Welles has organised four cavalry ' h >u hta of militia for tervlce in Northern ‘ br " leoß<, " ,lb w « ro ttwail pvg U on the tcaeaee in AUanle N.MMIAL ill) COMMERCIAL* l From our owa correspeadMt.) Raw York Market. Xxw Yore. Nov. 22, tK p. m. Aries Tbe market Is firmer soul fainy scrim— Sa.e *i fin 25 for pole, end ft 25 a 0 to for pearls Fiona, Ac —The market for Western and state Flour t-irp g ilai roandtsin uetnaud and firmer, hut unsomi.. mplen y .nd lower. The sales are Is -6 0 b ‘L. at $! 75 a !■ ut for superfine state, %t a a • 5 o ex ra slate, $> 6a a S 7i lor tancy Stale, *8 40 a |i ?u ior low grade! Os We-tern ext.o, lilt;, for snipping oli o $2 24 ait 00 for trade aud family brands, and 313 a 161a for St. Louis extras BucßWneat Flour la plenty and dull at t 4 40 a |5 | per lOu to*. Canadian Fleur Is fairly active and a shade firmer. S 1 B,of 300 bbb at »■> 85 a8 56 for the lower grade., of extra, and S3 6j a 12 00 for trade and family extras. southern Flour It more active but Irregular, sales of l.tQu bills, at $2 26 a 10 25 for mixed to S®l» {i.Tfiue country Baltimore, Ac , and $lO .5 a lti 00 Or trade and family branda Rye Flour la heavy and dull. Sales of 150 bbls at Cjru Meal Is heavy. Sales of 250 bbls at $4 25 a 4 35 for Jersey. $5 for Brandy wine. Whiskey —The market is lower and unsettled.— Sales or 15 bbls at $2 36 for western Paovisioks. —Tue demand for Pork is moderate, and pries are dull, lower and heavy. For future delivery, mess (H6P66) Has been taken at sellers’ op tio... December, at *3l 25 a 31 50; buyers' opuoa, sime monti., *62; new me«s (IjSS-S) sellers’ opium, January, at *3l, aud prime mess to arrive within 16 dais uts27 60. The sales today, caah aud regular, are 6' ,uo mils at 331 50 a 32, for mess, closing at In. hide firure, $27 6u a $2; 75 for Western prime mess. Pee, is more freely offered aud ratner heavy, ex cent fur small Jooblug parcels. Sales of 1,800 bbls at sl2 a 14 16 for plaiu mess, sl4 50 a $ 6 75 for extra a $-a to lor state beef. $lB to 20 tor new plaiu mess, aud *23 a 2* lor plain extra do. Tierce Beel is more plenty, but meets with no de mand, and prices are entirely nominal. Beet H >nis are selling moderately at s4l a 42 for Western. Cc'i 'Meats are more plenty and ratherdull Small lot city in bulk, sell at 13c. forgreen shoulders, 17RC. fordo Hams, 14XC. lor pickled Shoulders, 2uc., ior do Hams, ai.d 17c. forrougn Sides. Bacon is ottered lively and lower, closing dud and heavy. Sales on the spot • f City Cumbei laiid Out at 17c., do Short Ribbed 17>$c., short Rib bed for lac. half December delivery 17Ko„ and Cum berland seller all December at 16c. Dhessed Hogs are dull, heavy and lower. We quota at 14J< a \i\ for City. Lard is more plenty and rather easier. Sales at 25 a I'M tor No 1 to prime City, at a 28* for Western. 1 allow.—A fair demand prevails at steady rates. Sales at u a lllgc. for Western, and UH a 14Rc. for City. Gawix.—The Wheat market Is active. Pricea are lower for common grades, but firm for sound snd choice. Demand chiefly for milling. The sales are 63,000 bushels ut $1.65 a 1.75f0r Unsound Spring, 1.81 « 1.36 for Chicago Spring. 1.33 a 1.84 for Milwaukie Club ; 1.86 for Amber do. Barley is dull and heavy. Barley Malt Is inactive. Oats are tn good demand and higher. Sound are scarce aud wanted. The sates ure 60,000 bushels. , anadtau at 61c.; Unaouud Western at 44c.: State at 63 a 05(2 ; do Unsound at 43 a 65c, Kys is dull. corn Is Arm and more active. The sates are 11,400 bushels. Unsound at 91 a 05c. ; Western Mixed at 96 a 87Mc. ; the latter rate for very high mixed. Groceries On mo Coffee there lias been a farth er slight redaction In price, out there is noimucu disposition mardiested to realize, and at tbe decline the market clones steady. We quote ordinary to prime lots at Is a 21c. ; lair to good cargoes lsjg a 19fcc. duty paid, and do do 13K a 14J$c. In bond all gold. Otner styies of Coffee sell in a jobbing way at steady rates. Molasses is exttemely dull and lower but nominal at t>u a gloO for Porto Rico ; 40 a 65c. for Cuba, and 60 a 70c. for English Island. Rice is selling In Jobbing lots at 9.M a lojfic. for Rangoon, and 13M a 14c. for Carolina, bugars are almost entirely neglected, a few small parcels taken by the trade to supply Immediate wants being tbe only transactions. W e quote nominally at I3M a 13Jgc. for fair to good refining. Rediied are heavy at 19>4 a 19*0. for powdered granulated and crushed. • Bi tter and Cheese.—Orange county palls are more plenty anu rather caster. The demand Is fair ior Butter though not equ .1 to the arrivals. We quote Ohio and Western at 32 a 40c. Western Ro 30 a 40c.; Slate firkins 46 a 32c., do X firk.n tubs 53 a 65c., do welsh tubs 42 a 50c.. aud Orange couuty palls 55a 66c. cheese ismoderateiy active and steady at 18X a 19xc. lor factory 17 a 190. for farm dairies, 22 a 27c., for English dany, aud 34 a 39c for Pineapple. CoTion.—Within a day or two there has been a good business doing with manufacturers, exporters aud speculators and the market strengthened mate rially owing to the more favorable advices from Eu rope. At ttio close the demand Is very fair and prices are steady at 43a49c for low middlings, and 52 a 63c for middlings. Sales ot 10.000 bales for three day’s receipts. Same time 13.578 bales. Gold.—Tne market has been steady all day aud closes atl 47 Storm at the North. —A heavy rain storm, under the influence jof a strong northeast wind, set In on Monday night in New York city and vicinity, and continued throughout the greater part of Tuesday, causing a great rise of the water In the bay and the North and East rivers. Along South, West and Washington streets aud the streets leadiog to the North river the basements were sub merged, the occupants being driven out and large quantities of valuable properly being either completely destroyed or seriously damaged, lu many of the cellars the water attained a depth of four feet, and the tide is said to huve been higher than for eighteeu years previous. The river ironts of the sur rounding cities experienced similar inuuda tions. No great damage to the shipping in New York harbor is reported, though many vessels lyiug at the piers were considerably chafed, and some small craft had their deck loads washed away. There were no arrivals from sea on Tuesday evening, and several vessels which were to have sailed anchored in tbe bay. The wind blew down some trees, fences and portions of chimneys, but did not inflict any very heavy damage. Ac counts reach us of the prevalence of tbe storm as far east as Boston and as far south as Fortress Monroe. N*w England Mutual Life Insurance Cosifany.—The Hon. Willard Phillips, so well known as tho insurance authority ot America, having arrived at the ripe old age of four score, has retired from the presidency of this company after having seen it reach the highest position, and has been succeeded by Benj. F. Stevens, Esq. who has been con nected with the Company almost from its ex istence. Under his lead it will not go back ward, but forward, with renewed vigor. We can fully commend the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company to every one. Col. A. Wilbur, 89 Bay street, is the agent for Savannah. IN GENERAL. —The pardon business has been almost e itlrely discontinued. Humphrey Ma. shall, of Kentucky, has arrived iu Washington. —lt is understood that the President will not make any appointment to the New York Collectorshlp until after the meeting of Con gress. —Major Generals Rosseau and Barlow bar* resigned their positions, having been respectively promoted by the peo ples of Kentucky and New York to civlj appointments. —Tho only work now going on at the Springfield armory is the repairing ot old muskets,of which large numbers aro arriving there. —A trip to the Mediterranean and Black seas, stopping three or four days at each prominent place, to occupy ten months, is j projected at New York. The passengers are to go in a first class government ship, bs limited in number to 100, tail next spring, | and p a y $2,600 each. —Jefl. Davis is reported by Dr. Crane, his medical attendant, to be In good health. -Tom Sayers, the pugilist, died recently n Euglund of a lung disease. —ln the recent election in Maryland, not withstanding the effoits ol the Republicans to elect their ticket by disfrancbWng a large majority of their opponents, the Repulican ticket was defeated in ten counliee, namely • Montgomery, Prince Georgia rbarles, St. Mary's, Calvert Anna Arundel, Hartford, Kent, Queen Annie's and Worcester. |„ n lu other clrveo counties, in the most of which they bad uo opposition, and in Ualtiooi. city tkelr ticket was elected, ATTENTION! METROPOLITAN FIKE COMPI. .yps. AH- Di a regular monthly tneettec o j JKT the Comp'ny, at Firemen's Mall, Tata jy/farxf at 7 o'clock. Bul.cSf "I linpo tance will be brought up aud prompt ait ndancs Mexpot and Memos!s will come prepared to pay all dues. By order of THE PRESIDENT. Vau.sac. Secretary. * n*> St. G orge’s Church in New York, recent ly destroyed by fire, was oue of lUf finest Episcopal Churches in the country. It was built by.tbe efforts of Dr. Tyng, and could accommodate about 2,500 persons. The in ferior decorations were of very tasietuland costly kind. The edifice was commenced in 1848. Tne cost of ground and building was over §300,000. Tne towers alone cost §70,000. The organ cost §IO,OOO. There was an insurance ol §70,000 on the edifice. To tbe Electors of Cbaibai County. Gentlemen: Having been requested by numerous friends to allow my name to be u.-ed for the office of Sheriff of Chatham county, I have the honor to aunouuce myself as a candidate for that position, and resptet lully solicit your suffrage. u! CHARLES J. WHITE. Bull’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer lias proved itself to be tbe most perfect preparation for the hairever offered tothe public. It Is a vegetable compound, and contains no injuri ous properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIG INAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft, lus trous and silken. It is a splendid hair dressing. No person, old or young; should fail to use it. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. tW Ask for Fall’s Vegetable Sicilian Da l Reuewtr, aud take no other. R. P. HALL A CO., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. BARNES, WAPD A 00., New Orleans, La., n23-6m Sonthern Wholesale Agents. TOTHE VOTERSOF CHATHAM COUNTY I announce myself as a candidate for the office of TAX COLLECTOR of Chatham county, and respectfully solicit the votes of my friends. nov22-td ALEX. F. BENNETT. To <lie Voters of Chatham County. I respectfully announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Chatham County, and ask your support at the January election. ts Benjamin L. Colb. thekyTnews. Miss Carbie C. Lester, a daughter of Mississippi is authorized to visit the South, soliciting subscriptions for the New York News. She kindly asks the patronage of all our citizens. Please send your names or call at the Pulaski House frpm 10 A. M. to 8 P. M., when Miss Lesteb will be most hap py to reeeieve you. nov 18-ts. BATCHELORS HAIR DYE The Original and Best in the World I The only true and perfect Hair Dyo. Harmless. Reliable and Jn-tati. tancous. Produceß iminedlate.y a splendid Illauk or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or eUin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dye*. Buld by all Drug gists. The genuine Is signed William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLEFLEURB, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. aul4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR, New Yobk. Coffee, Tea. •»c SACKS St. Domingo Coffee 26 sacks Kio Coffee 50 matt Extra Java 100 caddies Imp. and Yoang Hyson Tea 100 caddies Oolong and English breakfast Tea. For sale by HILTON & RAN DELL* n27 C 103 bay street. Piano Tuning. PROFESSOR STARK will promptly attend to all orders, for Tuning Piano*, left at J. C. Schreiner & Son’s Music Store. Will also give LeesonS on Guitar. H*3-4 HOLCOMBE & CO., Old Stand 181 Bay street, (Tbos. Holcombe, established 1836. J We have landing a fine and carefully selected Stock of GROCERIES, And will sell at the Lowest Market Prices. Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Raisins, Almonds, * Floor. Soar,, Starch, Bacon. Sardines, Candles, Beef, Pork, Lard. Better, Cheese, Potatoes, Codfish. Mackerel, Bagalng, Rope, Twine Pcnvder, Lead, Shot, Brandy, Whiskey, Wine. _ * Vinegar, Ac. Our stock of Wince and Liquors areas flue as an, in the country. We invite our old friends and patrons to “lookm." codim n.13 J. GARDNER TARFS the liberty of Informing the public generully that he has jot topped, and will alwaya Iceep on band a full vupply «t Fresh Family Groceries, of all descriptions nud of the best quality, which he offers for eale at rea-onahle rates. cos ner Jones and Barnard streeis. at Ehrlich's old stand, nIS-lm notice: NO debts contracted by any of the Crew of orttiah bat k Craeseo will he paid by Captain or Consignee. Pi* BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO BILLIARDS. Six Tables* I lavtlc tke natron ate of my old A friends sad visitor, to tbs cily I have MU dried Ihi 'h 1 l0 ‘ ’“i 1 ",! *"• ol make, with the beat Balia, Lues Bridget, Mare., Ac, piocuratile US* JJ* JoainiadUms, and I ou1« ,vm 10 amploy ouly competent attendants. My Bar la aapidlrd wnb agtard aiiortmenuf Alaa, Winae, Uoin>r«.CWeie. Ac. waitlh O'MKAHA. MUMIKK Kill (.LOVES," A I»'» • *«• assortment of Mlk. W,«d and Hush earn < I lore, sad Uauin lei. dual miroed at , , BINMI'KIN A ii. KUAN LM U Ml (hugleSt St.rvt AIII«BMICRT|. Huv h an alt Theatre. Lw*vis xud ltarsgrrt . .Mssscs. i>moM> k Hamlm* Tbe Management Imve the pv»»are of announcing that they have »uu««ded Ut eff cling, for a brief period, an eng-genitn' wiib the accom plished A ti e,, aud Vocal I*l. Mrm. Harry Wntlklixm, (LATE MRS CHAS. HOWARD) . of ibe (ItstiLguL-ncd Amerleau Comedian, Mr. Harry Watlxiii*. MONDAY EVEIISoi NOV. 97, Will be prcaenied fh* Thrilling L-geudary Drama, iu Four Acts of KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN; OR. UNDER THE SPELL. Kathleen Mavouroeca Mrs. Harry Watltfna With ih beau iful B&ilads. ‘*ba^aevO , Toole, ,, **K‘th* leen MAVourneen,” and Tm Leafing thee lu borrow, Terence.” Terence O'More, a yovng Irish Peasant, in love with K itnleen. Mr. H<rry Watkine Thoae parte were originally played by Mr. and Mr*. Watkins throughout Ireland and Scotland. To conclude with the Laughable Farce of Sudden Thoughts. To-morrow, fTueed.iy,) will be presented Mr H. Wat kina' dramatizm on of Mrs. li. D E. N. s>ou?l»- worlh’scelebrated Novel oiihe Hlui>£N HaND; or, OLD VJitOINIA As iX WAS. ST. ANDRDEW’S HALL. Monday livening, Nov. 27,1865. Grand Concert. On© Hundred Performers, MR J. H. NEWMAN’S Clars, assisted by the “Sa vannah Quartette club," will five A Concert, at the above Had, To-Night, commencing ut 7 o’clock. Pi of. Gori es will preside at the Piano. Ticket* 76 cents each. For bale at the Music aud Book Stores, and at the Hail. l-n 27 * SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wines, Liquors. XA CASES Sazerac Brandy 10 quarter casks Jules. Robin & Co.’s Brandy 50 cases Old Tom and D-lby Gin 60 case* St. Julien Ciaret 60 cases Star Bourbon Whiskey 20 cases Drake's Plantation Bitters. For sale by HILTON & RANDELL, n*27-fl 193 Bay street. BRANDY. 4 OCTAVES Cognac Brandy, For sale by W. B. ADAMS, n27-3 No. 95 Bay street La dies, CALL AND EXAMINE MAOKEE’S PATENT COMBINATION DRESS FACINGS, A New and Desirable Article. n27-l John C. Mukcr Jk Cos., BEAUTIFUL WORSTED BLANKETS, FOR CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES, Opened To-Day. JOHN O MAKER A CO.. n27 1 139 Congress street. Ostrich Plumes, Blue, Black anil White, Received To-Day. JOHN C. MAKER & CO., n27-l 139 Cos tigress street. NOTICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF CHATHAM CO, I, RESPECTFULLY announce myself as a Candidate fpr the Office of Tax Collector at the election In January next, and hnmbly solicit yonr support. n ? 7 ts EDWARD POWER. To all interested in Edncation. Educational Bureau or School Institute for tke South. OBJECTS : Ist, TO aid Colleger Academies, School, and Fami lies. wno seek well qualified Teachers. ■id. To represent Teachers who desire places, sd. To give parents Information of good Bchools. . 4th To sell, rent, or ex hange School properties. 6th. To famish School Books and Materials, at pub lldharspricoe, thus saving the retail profits. HENRY C. WAYNE, Director. JOHN O. FERKILL, Secretaiy, For Circular giving turther information address John O. Ferrlll, Secretary, Savannah, Ua. n27-tf Potatoes g.Onions. 1 Bbls Potatoes 6 bbls Onions. Lauding md tor sale by HOLCOMBE A CO., n*7.3 ISI Bay street. Xjlwt of VALUABLE PACKAGES REMAINING IN THE OFFICE OF Adams’ Express Comp’y NOVEMBER 25th, 1865. B. Baurqvtln, Miss E. F. Beaumont, Mrs R. Bryan, Mrs. Jane E. Brain.. Dr. R. A. C. Chaves, Moses Chanler, Mrs. J. A. D Daniells, WUliain Bearing, Joshua, lttb Me. P. Ferguson, George L. Fabian, James e. Oanes, Mis* Body Otddeas, Mrs. Miry * * , H. Hogg, John B Headman, H. D. J. " Johnson, j jbn M M. Mills, Enoch P. Pains, Capt w w Patten. George > R Rogers, J. H. B. ■lebhiiw, Qjprge Bluff r, Mine R. ■ T. . Totlie, Will iff ni A « V. Ven Noraiaie. Juba N. yr'i mu%m. A K. W Yl'KMKM’tt. MACKEREL." Iriri Kirs No. 1 Bo.ton *VV jo kila No. 2 IV atuu to half bbla No 2 Boetoll. Fur sab by HILTON A R i UDELL, n27 6 193 B y street. NEWENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. B. F. STEVENS, President. Ptaxn rona. Wiillard Phillips, Wu>. B. Rvyuoldt, Chailea P. Curti* Geo. U. Foiger, Thomas A. Dexter. Francis < . Lowell, Marshal P. Wilder, H .mer Bartlett, Sewell Tappan, James 8. Amory, Char lea Hubbard. JOSH. M. GIBBENS, Secretary. Cash Assp.ts, $3,000,000 Last Cash Returns, $760,000 FORTY PER CENT. PAID TO ALL INSURED. This Company, established In Boston, Mass, In 18 ;3, Is the oldest snd most reliable wholly Mutual Life Insurance Company tn the United States, and has been nnfiormly successful, having always made large returns In cash to all the policy holders. Lost cash dividend 40 per cent. By the last report of tbo Insurance Commissioners, the enrplus of assets over liabilities was proportionate ly greater than any Life Insurance Company in the United States. This Company being purely mutual. Insures at the lowest possible rates; and if the premium paid ex ceed the actual coat, tbe surplus is returned to the parties insuring. Every fifth year, at the time of declaring tbe returns the business is. as it were, closed, so that Its actnal position and solvency are made manifest at that time; and the surplus funds are divided pro rata among all the insured. This guards the assured against any possible loss from inefllciency on the part of the Com pany, aud is a sure guaranty as regards the uture. Parties at a distance may insure from blanks, which will be supplied and fort arded free of expense. Printed documents of an interesting character, showing the benefits of the mntnal plan and tile ad vantages generally ot life insurance that this company lias to offer, supplied grails, or forwarded. A. WILBUR, General Agent for Georgia and Florida, n2T-tf 89 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. FINE OFFICE TO LETT O. V. ZZutcliixis, n27-8 155 Bay street. BY BLUN & MEYER. THIS DAY, at 10, o’clock, 4u front of store, will be sold, 200 sacks Liverpool Salt 60 boxes Tobacco 10 bbls Grape Fruits - 20 boxes Family Soap lu tabs Butter 15 boxes Cheese , 10 pair Wool Blankets 20 pitcas Delaines 20 pieces Prints 2o pieces Flannel 10 pieces line French Merino I lot H jsiery s'lotsflne Silk Bonnets And an assortment of Dry Goods. Also, 1 lot Hardware And an extensive assortment of Household snd Kitchen Furniture 2 Horees In good order. n27 130 Congress St. Cheese, Butter. 0(1(1 BOXES H *K State Dairy Cheese «uV B 0 boxes Bngllea Dairy C’neese 100 tuba Choice Gosbeu Butter 100 firkins Choice Goshen Butter For aale by HILTON & RANDELL, n27-6 193 Bay street. Dundee Bagging, IRope & Twine. FOR SALE BY W B. ADAMS, n2T-3 No. 95 Bay «tneet. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By permission of the Honorable C- ui t of Ord’nary of Chatham ci nnty, will be sold, an Friday, December Bth, st 11 o’clocs, on the premises, corner of Bryan and Ann streets, all the pel isnable property of Ahrend Cordes, deceased, conaistlug of au assorted Stock of Grocerio-, Ac., and articles of Furniture. HENRY BLCN, n2T-td Administrator ad col. NOTICE. BANK OF COMMERCE, 1 Savannah, November 26th, 1865. i t N election for Seveu Directors, to manage the A affairs of this Bank for one year, will bo held, at the Banking House, on the Second Monday in Janu ary next, being the Bth of that month, rolls opeo from 10 o’clock a. m. to 2 o’clock p. m. JOHN C. FERRILL, n27-lawtd* Cashier RICE. ONE hundred bbls India Rice, For eaio by W. B. ADAMS. n27-8 No. 94 Bay street. Printing Presses. FOR SALE, one Snper-Roysl Hand Press, with Ink Distributor, Roller Stocks Ac. Price. $176. Also, one Rugglos’ Rotary Diamond Card Prees, with Rioller Mould, Rollers, Stocks and Box and Chases. As good as new, Prid- siuo. Address KSTILL A BRO., Bull street, back of FostOfißce, u27-tf Savannah, Ga. JOHN H. DEPPISH, DBALEB IK HoA-E DWABB Cutlery, Files. Edge Tools, And Agricultural Implements. Also, SHOT, POWDER, LEAD and CAPS. 148 Congren and 67 St. Julian streets, SAVANNAH, OA. n27-lw Just Received. GAMES of all kinds Toy Books, In great variety Photograph Frames •Novels, Ac. B. MALLON, n27-l 143 Congresa street. Hilton & Bandell. KA BOXES Colgate's Family Soap Ov so boxes Colgate’s XX Slat ch 100 bbls Fnml y Flour, Pacific Mills 60 half bbls Family Floor, Flank Road 00bbls Premium Hominy In stare and for sale, at lowest market price, at n27-« 103 BAY STREET. Magazines for December. HARPER’S MONTHLY Mad. Demorefit's Mirror of Fashions Atlantic Monthly. At BffTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, Butt street, back of P. 0. Public Notice. A MEETING of tbs Commissioner, of Public Roads ot Chatham County Iscailsd for Wsduitday sail, the 2fnb November. at tbs Court Mum., iu the c ty of ffavamiab, at II o'clock a. in. By order of lbs Chairman h tk W. W. WASH, Secretary, Notice. HAVING relumed from Hu. North I bee* greet pleaeure tn uAt.liig to my blende ana th« public In geawial a nice a eori.d nuu.a Until lad Hover Weielp » < kalue and I. welty 1 eleo, iilver ami miver l*i Jed WffMi t lO'h* of ell ueeOi iptfffffg jp, a Eulvee. Mlagurs, I'etbei Bo,kg 4c f. KNOWN, •If 4 111 OikglMl MTVW Legal Notices. _ utA 1 1 dp'ctoli liT-t'ii/.T11\51 eou.vl i.-so ail »huin it may concern: WhvitMu*. i.eoi ge Uwill apply at th»* C »nrt of Or<lin«rt for Let era Dietnlaaoiy aa tiurdUn of the pep*m 2 ltd property of ibrUtopber J. Abbott, orphan and miner, i'N«fle<tre, therefore, to cite and admonish all «vhom it may <3ooc«‘t n, t*> Ih- aud nppear befo a aaid t’oart to make objection (if un> tLty nuvej on or b -fmo ibe dr»t Monday iu Dacembu ucxr, oikcrwUe Wald kite.# will lie ({railted. Witnaes niy hand and officio bignature tads ICih day ol UCLohcr. IS9O octlj law4od D. A. O*BYRNE, O C. C. GkOllOlA— Bl LEBLh '.OLnTY.—To .11 whom It amy couc^ru: Wnoieas, QUttm J O/liff aud JObepli Olliff will apply at Ibe Court of ‘»r<lu»arj of balloch couuty for Letter* of Adminis. 1 ution on tue estate ot John olliff. Senior, These are to cite and admonish all and singular tbe kiudrcti and creditors of said deceased, to ffio tbeir ob jections with said Conn cif ur.y they have) on or before tbe flrit Monday ia December next, otuer.vibe said letters will be grantod. # \Mtne!*a my band, officially, this i?tb day of Octo ber, 1f65. DAVID BEASLEY, Sen., ovt.s lawlm Ordinary. Ci iv >KOIa— tiLLLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom ft I may concern: gjag Where :*, Mathew Olliff and John Olliff. Jr , wul apply ut the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch couuty for Letters of Administration on the eaUttc of Joseph Olliff, deceased, 'lheee are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor*of said deceased loflle their ob jections with said Court sis any they have) on or l etore tbe flrr-t Monday in December next, otherwise said Letter* will be grunted. Witness my bund, officially, this .2th day of Octo ber, 1835. DAVID BEASLEY, sen , octStf lawlm Ordintry. Gi EOR . IA—BUILOCH COUNTY.—To all whom” f. may concern: Whereas. Chesley Parrish will at the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch County for Letters of Aumintstra tion on tbe estate of Ausell Parrish, with the will an nexed. These are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased to file their ob jection* with said Court on or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise said Letters will be“ granted. Witness my hand, officially, this 12th day of Octo ber, 1 C 6. DAVID BEASLEY, Sen , Qct26 lawlm Ordinary. laontUb alter date application will be made to X the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch, for leave to sell all the land* belonging to the estAto of ceorge Grooms, deceased. JAMES W MOORS, AdmT. ELIZABETH GROOMS, Adm’x _Bullock county, Oct. 2Sih, 1865 law4w oct3l STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Endora S. Abrahams will apply »»t the Court of urdinary for Letters Dbmistioiy as Adminis tratrix on the Estate oi Jacob M. AbrahHms, a- ceased. Tuese are, therefore, to cite and admouish all whom It may n, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the fl st Monday in May next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, my official signature, this 30th day of Oc tober, 1865. D A. O’BYiiNE, no\ 2 o. o. o. GEORGIA— CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all Whum it may couceru: Whereas John Cooprr will «pply at the Court of Or dinary ror Letters of Administration on the estate oi James B. Norris, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to he aid nppear before * ’id Court to make objection (if anv they have) on or be ore the first Monday in December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witn. s* iny hand and official signature, this <7’h day of October, 1t65. D. A. O’BYRNE, _nov2 Ordinary. all whom It va may concern : Whereas James E Cope will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters DL-miasoiy i* Administrator on the estato of James C. Thompson, late of county, deceased, These are, the.efore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to bo and appear before nai i Omi t to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in May next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witnwas my hand and official sientture th-s 2Cth day of October, 1865. D A. O'BYKNK, nov2-tnm6ra OrdlnaiyC. C. O L ATE •tV Ge6RGIA. HAiHaai COUN iY. -Ta O all whom it may concern : Whereas, Martha A. p- nnon will apply at th‘ Court of Ordinary ior Letteirf of Admini-uratiou on the es tate ot Charles Canuou late of said county deceased These are, therefore, to cite and arimonisit all Mh<»m it may concern, to be and appear before laid • ourt to make ob ectkm (if any they have) on or before t;e first Monday in December next, oiherwise snid letters wi:l be granted. Witness, my hand and official signature, this 23th day of Nocember, 1866 hov2 DPMI NT K A. O’I.YRNE. o o o. TWO Mouths alt« r datetipplicatioD will be m do to the c ourt of Ordinaly of Bulloch county for leave to sell all the Lauda belonging to the estate of John Driggers, deceased, for the bem fit of the heirs and cred itor* u: said estate. JOHN BRANNEN, Executor. ON the second Monday in next.application will be matte to the y of Chatham c »unty for leave to .-eli all the real fi-tate l>t longing tothe e* fate of p.-ttT late of w»id county, and« ceased, for distribution among the heirs of said • rt >te. JUL AN UARI RIDG* 7 , Administrator and Ihjihs non, cum elo-2am teetumi nto auuexo. STATE OF GEORGLATcHA i HAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern : Whereas, William 11. Ellioit and Miss Katherine 0. Stiles wil apply a. ti e Court of Ordinary tor Letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Mary A Sines, late of said county, deceased. These ure, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear be ore said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or be fore the second .Monday in January next, otherwise *aid tetters will be granted. Witness my hand and official siguature, this 13th day of November, 13C6. uovl4 D. A. O’BYRNE Ordinary TATE OF G-OKGIA, CHATHAM LGUn A.—To all whom it may concern : Where**, George C- Freeman will apply at the Court o Ordinary for Letters of Administrati n on the estate of Henry C. Freeman, late of said county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and a imonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear beiore said i ourt to make objection (if any they have) on or be fore ihe second Monday in January next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, thi* 10th day of November, 1866. n!3 D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. GEORQIA-CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Margaret Doyle will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the Estate ot James Doyle, laie of sad comity, deceased. These arc, there ore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to beard appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have; on or be ore tho Second Monday In January next, otherwise said letters w ill be granted. W irness my official signature this 7th day of Novem ber, lt>66. nIT D. A. O’BYRNE, o. c.c. Administratrix notice—ah persons having ciaimß against the estate of Charles A. L. Lamar, late deceased, will present the same, properly attested, within the tine prescrib and by law, and tho*., indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to CAROLINE A. LAMAR, n!8 la«6w Administratrix. GEORGIA— CHATHAM COUNTY —To all whom it may concern: Whereas, John C. Ferrlll will ai ply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Admlnl3 ration ou the tmde vlsed estate of Joseph Burke, late of said county, de ceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (If any they have) on or before the second Monday In January next, otherwise said letters win be granted. Withes.-, te.v hand and official signature, this 16th day of November, I »05. n22 D A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA LIBERTY COUNTY—To all whom It m ,y concern : Wbereaß, J- hn clo.m will apply at the Court Os Ordi nary for Latte e of Administration On tho estata of James Sloan, and» ceased, I hero arc. therefore, to cite and admnnt-b all whom it may concern, to be and appear btforo the < ouit to maku objection (it any th. y have), on or bciore the first Monday in DvCvmb r u,xu oth rwis. said Letters wil I be granted. Witness " . P. Girardeau. Esq., Ordluary for Libsr ty county, this 2d Octooer, 1866. o r tT W OIRARDK P. O L. C. Ulal'k Oh 1 ti.-oitt, IA. LlnEiu 1 cut.' 11.— ,oati Cos whom it may concutn t Whereas, Simon Harrington will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of .idmluistrallou on the e.iat* of H- P. Uarringtoa, Ue eased, Tiiese are. therefore, to fin and admonish all wh m It may to b-and appear b*fo e he Coll.t. to make o jniion (if any th bav<), on or bofmr tin first Monday In Deccmb.r next otherwise Aild Letters will b ■ granted. Witness W P. Girardeau, Eeq., Ordinary for Liberty county, tbia 2d October, 1866. oCiT W f, HIRARpa-Ar. O L r kg TATE OF GKOR..IA CHATHAM OoUNTY—TV I ’ all whom it may con eru: Whereas, Nathunlel Lovell wl,l arply at the Court 01 Ordinary fur Letiera of Administration on the es tate of Angle Lovell lets »i said fount), decs md; ’lheae are, therefore, to cl’4 aud ad., ouish all whom It may coucern. to bn and apjiear before said iamrt 10 make objection (If any they have; on or be fore the second Monday in January neat, other a iso •aid letters will be graiiMd. Wltneaa my band auu official signature, this 7th day of November, 1866. ’ ’DA. O’BYRNE, nil* Ordinary chain,.ui rounty. Ji atk of ukohuia ulynn coumT.'- O To all » bom It may concern t Whereas Ann J. WdulLvau will apply at IbsCourt ofOullnar/lor LalLtra of A liuluitl.ailon on the sa lats of Florsuos O’Kutlivau. lam of said CoUuly qp cvhMkli TUsss arts, tbsrsfors. to vita and adionnlsb all whom 11 may conaern. lo lie and appear lanors said Court in make ob.eeiloii fn an) Ho) haw) on or l*a fore Ihs ffrst Monday Hi loasiub-r uvat, olbsiwlsa •aid ielieie will bs g, suisd •llg-f offiflal signal urv this Hal M Mown* > HM ' ffTBI’UEN i. ttOlirUh.ff, •«. XAKKIAtti- AMD CELIBACY. -An t«.ay of Warning and Inalruai-.u for Vo ». mvn. Itm pablmhrd by the Howard Avolition . # d «nt Iu walud Icttvr t iivciopo, frw of charge Adtlrew Dr. J. BKII.UN HOUGHTON, Uow. fi >t*,ci-ill u Plnlttlelplvl i Pa. Qpuj^ lQ A I’ll YhiULOUICAL V(.w of .tfiAKUlAtiic i'lvDtslDlDff uwrty 3uo pagua, and 130 hue Plaiea anti Enpravlut. of the Anatomy of the Human Or gana in a sute of HtaltU and Maease. with a Trea- ÜBo on Early Errors, its Doplorable Uonsaqnt ncce upon me mind and Body, with the Authot ’a Plan of Treatment—he only rational and successful modu of cure, as shown by the report of cases treated, a truthful adviser to the married, and those contem plating marriage, who entertain doubts of then phj s leal condnlou. Sent frw of postage to any address on receipt of 24 cents, in stamps or postage currency by Addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane Albany, N. Y. Tbe author may be ecneolted upon any of the dis eases upon which his book treats either personally 0 r by mail, and medicines seat to any part of the world. octlO c ui VYe have learned not to be astonished at anything. Years of experience and a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities or the habitable globe have turned theories into facts and established a ha»ls from which we need not err. We are not surprised at such facts as the following -although the persons who write them are. We know the persons and dr. eumsiances, hence feel at liberty to Indorse their statements: ‘•New BunFORo, Mass., Nov. 24, 1863. Dear Sir,—l have been afflicted many years with severe prostrating cramps in my limbs, cold feet and hands, ands general disordered system. Physicians and medicines failed to relieve me. While visiting some friends iu New York who were using Plantation Bitters, they prevailed u, on mo to try them. I com menced with a small wine-glanml alter dinner. Feel ing Better by degrees. In a tew days I was ustouished to find the coldness and cramps hid entirely left me, and I could sleep tbo night Uuongb, which 1 have not doue for Heel Into aumher being My appe tite slid strength have also greatly improved by me use of the Plautatiou Bitters. Respectfully, Jl'Dim Russet.." Rxkosbcey, Wis.. Sept 16, 1863. • * * I have been in the army hospitals for four teen months-speechless and neatly dead At A,Uin, 111., they gave me i bottle of Plauiutiou Bitters. • • Three bottles lestoied my speech andcurea me. • • U. A. Fnxßrx." The following Is from tho Manager of the Union Home School ior the Children ot' Volunteers: ••liAVKMJtVEK M/.i-sioa 57th St,) • New York, August 2,1863. / Da. Dbak*:—Your wondenul pTaututi„u bitters have been go eu to some of our little chi.dren sunming trom weakness und weak tungs wim moat happy effect. One little girl iu particular, with pains iu ner nead. loss ot app.-iite, ana daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill hud been exaausieu, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a tuaspoonml oi Bitters a day. Her appetite and streugth rapidly increased, and i-he is new wed. ivespecttuily, Mrs O M. Di.voa." * * I owe much to you, for I verily believe the Plantation bitigrs have caved my life Rev. W. if. Waggon ns, Mauri, 1, N. Y. *•* - • Thou wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wi.u has been greatly benefited by tUeir use. Tuy friend. As, Ciiiuun, Philadelphia Pa.” *" • " I have been a great sufferer iron Dyepep sis. and had to abandon preaching. * * The Plan tation Bitters have cured me. Rev. J. 8. Cathobn, * Rochester, N. 1." •** * • I have given the Plantation Bitters to hundreds of onr disabled soldiers Wiln tue most as lOdismug effect. . G. W. D. Anobews, superintendent Soldiers’ U, me, ununnati, O.’’ “* * * The Plantation bitters have cured roe of Liver Uouiplaiut. of which I was lard up prostrate, and nad to shannon my htp-iiress. u. is., Cleveland, Ohio." **• * * The Plantation Ritters have cared me of a derangement of the Kinneys and Urinaiy Organs that has aistrisacd me tor years ft act- like a coarm. C. C. Moorx, No. i6r Rroadway." Ac.; • ' ac., etc., etc, Ac. The Plantation bit er& make the weak strong, the languid briltiauu and are exhausted nature’s great re storer. They aie composed of tue celebrated ualisaya Bark, Wunergreen, Sassafras, Routs, Hei bs. Ac., aU preserved ia perfectly pure t-t. Cro.x Rum. S'. T.—lß6o—X. • Persons of sideutary ha fits, troubled with weak ness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appe tite, distress a;ler eating, torpid liver, constipation, Ac., deserve to buffer i; they w 1:1 not try them They are recommonded by tbe highest medical au thorities, aud are warranted to produce an Immediate beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pare, and bui mless. Notice.—Auy person pretending to sell Plantation Bitters In bulk or by the gallon is u swindler and im postor. It Is put up only in our log cabin bottle. Be ware of bottles rulllled with lmit.t’.on deleterious stuff, for which several persons are already lu prison. See that every bottle has onr United States stamp over the cork nnmutilated, and our signature on steel-plate side label. Sold' by respectable dealers throughout tbe habitable world. P. H. DRAKC St CO , oct27-3m 202 Broadway.N. X. Agua de Magnolia. A toilet Relight 1 The ladles' treasure and gentle men's boon I The “sweetest thing’’ and largest quan tity. Manufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia Used for bathing the face and person, to render the skin soft ana fresh, to prevent eruptions, to perfume clothing, Ac. It overcomes the unpleasant odor of perspiration. It removes redness, tun, blotches, Ac. It cares nervous headache and allays Inflammation. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the skin. It yields a subdued and lasting perfume. It cares mosqneto bites and stings of insects. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronised by Actresses nnd Opera Singers. It Is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Try the Magnolia Water once and you will use no other Cologne, Perfumery, or Toilet Water afterwards. LAMAS BARNES A CO., oct2T-eodly Props, Exclusive Agents, N. Y. S. T.—1860 —X. Drake’s Plantation Bittera* They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipsil ’l aud late hours. They streuuthea the system and enliven the mlhd. They prevent miasmatic nnd intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the atomaoh. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Dlarrhtea, Cholera and cholera Morbns. They cure Liver Complain' and Nervous He«d»rhe. They are the beat Bit ors in the world They make tho weak strong, am art exhausted uatnre's great re etoror They are made of pure 81. Croix Rum, tbs ■ elebrated Callsaya Bat A roots and herbs and aro taken with His pleasure of . tx'versgo without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persoul requiring a penile stimulant Sold by all Groo. r», Druggists, Hotels aud Saloons. Only gen ulns wbeu Cork to covered by our private C. 8. BtamiS. Beware of counterfeits and rvttl.ed bottles. P, U DRAKE A CO.. octliffeodiy 21 Park Row New York. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH I SCRATCH I SCRATCH i! BIRXTCU 111 Wlumton'ff Olntmont. Will evil TNI ITIN IN HITMINHT HOMS. ffleu rare* Salt Rheum, Chen. Cklihlalaa, and all Eruptions of lbs ffhln Prlue U> eanla P«r enle by all l>rag*tois By sending 80 renla hi Wuelt# 4 Foliar, Hols All sulk in Washington Street I lotion, Mam 4 will Ua fin warded Wy m il. free of poet tea. hi aif part ol the United BUM*. feMIl-ffa