Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 28, 1865, Image 3

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SaVAN X -A. f mrauislklp* *nd Ste*B»tr; • OrpUCiCFc ° f F FOB BBW TOM. ii|Jlllp werboawtl, Wednesday, Nov. ¥*fc. at * 1 1 rim ’b 1 1 !*, Wednesday, Nov. 29th, at 4 'i'J w. Thursday, November 30, at- Chase. Thor*.*,. November 30tb, at- U San Jacinto, Saturday, Member 2. at ll'ClU''*' FOB LIVERPOOL. s . atll p Darien. Saturday, December 2d, at odor rOK Boston. Sfiun.-MP William TTiiietta, Wednesday, Nov. 2», _o'clOC|. K<»U AUGUST A. Sli . alll ,. r U elen, Tueaday. November 2Stb, at 8 1 s , m'. i' ocneriil Kerry, Tuesday. November 28th, . , ~viock m. “sLmer ttok, Wednesday, November 20th, at 6 sieiimer'wm. C. Gibbous, every Saturday morning FOR I IUKI.KSTON. steamer City Point, every Saturday morning, at * for doctortown. Strainer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at ts " ulueV Two Boys, every Thursday morning, at 7 V steamer Gen. sliepley, every Saturday morning, at 9 o’clock. ■ steamer Clarion, every Sunday morning, at 7 FOB FLORID*. steamer Fountain, every Tueaday morning, at "steamer city Point, every Wednesday aftednoon, |l 4 o’clock. S!l urn r Lizzie Baker, every Thursday morning, at |0 o’clock. Sieamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at l„o'clock. ‘ ‘ 1 TUB theatre.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watkins U a,li' their first appearance for a number of years i!, ,i. Hi Savannah public, last evening and were tflcomed by a large and expectant audience.— Kathleen Muvourneen,” an Irish drama partaking oiilic nsuai characteristics of Irish plays, was the piece presented, and It was performed In a highly pleasing and creditable manner. Mrs. Watkins’ Kathieen” was a charming and most affecting ,ie,.(. of acting, and the beautiful songs in which the ar t abounds were given in a finished and effective itvle, eliciting warm demonstrations Af approval.— j r . Watkins gave an animated and pleasing person linn of Terence,” establishing himself at once In Hj>h favor. Messrs. Raymond and Hamilton and liases cameron and Gordon were excellent as usu il. Tin.' piece went oil' with entire success, and in,ved an auspicious introduction or the new -ta> e" to Savannah play goers. The second] night of Mr. anil Mrs. Watkins’ en rageiueui is devoted to “The Hidden Hand" a drama loin Mrs. Southworth’a novel of that name. SruMF-R Cuv Point.—This new and exceedingly list steamer, Capt. Talbdt, la now making regular veeklr trips between this city and Palatka, Florida, oic lung at I finamlina and Jacksonville. Her days if departure from this city are Wednesdaya at four I'clM'k, P. M., returning here on Saturday, and hence to charleston. The City Point is anew, jaunt'll boat fitted up in the most elegant style with iup, mo' accommodations for a large number of pas, and extensive freight capacity. Her officers re experienced, skillful and accommodating gen euirii. iml itic boat offers every inducement both n pi sige and freight between the points named. IstEREsTixoToSAB Conscmbrs.—A notice from i- 1 ..i -1 • liip.tny in another column, warns delin u* pis in the payment of gas bills, that after Wednes iiy die soth. “the flow or gas will be stopped indis rumuately on ull persons In arrears.” Him!,lx CL roll Sale.—A well finished brick house, ear the business part of the city, is advertised for le this morning. Apply at the Herald office. !• I -is. The liglit draught steamer P. B. "Ii h still reueiving freight at Padelford’s harf ■ :: lower Rice Mills, and will leave for Au pt, ivir/i dc patch. For freight engagements ap ! to M. A <;ohen. sm '.iiox Wanted.-The attention of parties in mi "i .i first-class salesman, agent or book keeper, limited to the advertisement "Wanted," in an her cadiiimi. The advertiser is a young man of igi xperience in the trade of this city|aud State, dill i l.i. Application is to be made ai the lisa o office. ■ Nm\ Si ii, mi. for run RfcOKGANIZATION OF ■ > Statics.— Tbe Washington Hniii iml H'lWyßHcan of Tuesday last, says 1 11 ' hill which it publishes has been draft ■ and presented to several Senators and ■> IRi.H'iiintives, and will propably be offered ■iru'-diHt.i'ly alter the organization ol the ■ousu, it it is not previously introduced in ■ S|, nate. It provides for the organization ■ !?"vcrnments for the States heretofore in ■ln limn, by the appointment of governors H 1 r"wer to call conventions to frame new ■noiimions, on the approval of which by W lll -"the reconstructed States are to be ■ raitted by special act. ■UoilßtßiEs, Murders, &c., in St. Louis,— ■gliway robberies and burglaries have be ■mo so frequent and daring in St. Louis ■ely as to create a general alarm, and the ■ztns are seriously contemplating the for ■uioti ot a vigilance committee. Two men Mere killed in au encounter with highway ■'brrs. About noon on Friday, 17th inst., a ■ messenger of the United States ■' " i having thirty-five thou ■'* in pouch, was knocked down in ■" ol tlie most frequented streets, and the ■ ,n, ' v selz “d. The collector, however, fired ■Revolver at the retreating robber, who the money and escaped. The bank ■ hn,Ke ot ' -Messrs. Benoiat was also robbed ■ it's one day of seven thousand dollars ■ uo cl “e_lo the robbers. V k ‘ mhksi Johnson Firm a»d .Hopeful.— ■ S|>l c ; u! ll <-'T'uteh to tbesifw fforis World ■ ll -Ist inst., says • —QOvernofr Morton, of ■"m i, had a protracted interview with the ■'siuuit yesterday. He found Mr. Johnson ■ - determined in support of his recon ■'l', 1 "" 1 P°l*cy. His excellency thought ■' ,J< re might be at first some opposition ■ '- ri -s which would soon pass away as ■ n 1,1 111 l)ec "me more fully developed.— ■ ml l ': r,pl . e > he **kM, thought that tbe Bn ," r ' S, '. lles m °ved rather slow, but all Bi ?, t " lls "lered, he believed they were ■"'S remarkably well ■miqsation to Brazil.—From tbe Mobil ■"i wc i ( . ar „ Ulttt M , tjor wltb< B'lic' "I Bail ,rum ,U “ l l' u>Uur Brazil Birni" ° f ® cce| uber. Emigrants from Ki T V arr * vc d at Rio Janeiro and 8i... " " llv by the government Bi Un * K ' von cvcr >’ encouragement K MM " ncu '-y the minister of agHcul -8., " Monroe, reports Ills B ,!|'v 1 ‘" •bburid lu a serene state Btu •’“tblOf is known at Fortress ■ " " ll,l| ve lu Jeff, (laris' trial, j.. ■ n's"",; 1 Assembly o| its* Presbyterlau ■ ' meets in Maiifltt .... tUilth H -m, *" Hnderstaml that ar ■ tug mails with tin various ■ "“''ha. in tlti, .at., ol fare ■ *•*" Bray stund Whipping ttttullitf«ttce. Miniature Almanac-ThU Day. Sun rises « 42 Moon rises: j 52 Sun sets 4 661 High water * 4# PORT OF SAVANNAH. Mondav. Nov. 27, 1*66. Arrived. Br ship Favorite, Spain Liverpool—K A Souilard Brig H C Wright, Hugg, Baltimore—K Habersham A Sou. Schr Albert Thomas, Van Brunt, New York—C L Colby A Cos. steamer Charles Houghton, T B Sprague, Charles ton, via Hiliau Head—Masters. Schr Win Brenwall, Philadelphia. Cleared. Steamer Resolute, Camion, Hilton Head. Schr Vapor, Bogart, New York—LaKoche, Gadeu A Luckies. Imports. Per Br ship Favorite, from Liverpool-425 tons coal, 8,000 seks salt. Exports. Per schr Vapor, for New York- 464 bales upland cotton, 13 do paper stoek, 117 empty libls and mdse. Consignees. Per schr Albert Thomas, from New York—Rogers A Calm, Holcombe A Go, Laßoche, liadcn A buckles K Koeihcke A Cos, II A Ganimell, J V Mathew sou, B, Baldwin it Cos, Kern A Cos, Krwiu A Hardee, C L Col by A Cos, J R Wilder, F A TANARUS, J K Larcoiube, W 4. Vrooni, W H Stark, A A S R R, C K R, Cumiiugham A Purse, E L> Smytli A Cos, Scribner A Whitman, and order. LIST UF VESSELS IN .THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. SAVANNAH, NOV. 28, 1804. STEAMSHICS. Win Tibbets, Cony, discharging—Richardson A Barnard. TERNS. Lizzie Batclielder, English, 4ud, loading New York —Hunter A Gammell. BRIGS. Clara Pickens, Rodgers, 450, loading for Liverpool —Wm Starr. Ida McLeod, Cook, 323, loading for Boston—Hun ter A Gammell. Redwood, Boyle, loading—Rogers A Cann. Rush. Raynor, discharging—Patterson A Tucker. Atlantic, Wark, 101 tons, discharging—B, Wylly A Christian. Olive Francia, Small, discharging—ebaa L Colby A Cos. SCHOONERS. Trade Wind, loading for Philadelphia—C, Johnson A Graybill. Geo Darby, Snow, from New York, dlsch’g— Hnnter A Gammell. Wm E Stevenson, Burton, 160, waiting. Antelope, Jones, 70 tons, loading, Baltimore—C, Johnson A Graybtil. D W Vaughan, Mont, 234, loading, New York — Patterson A Tucker. Electric Spark, Taber, loadiug lor Jacksonville, Fla—Wm A Beard. Ira Bliss, Braggs, loading for New York—Johnson <* La Roche. A E Snyrk, repairing, bound to Charleston. Abby tiee, waiting—W A Beard. A F Ames, Ames, discharging—Van Horn, Hol yoke A Murray. Oliver Cromwell, Delano, loading, StiHelona—C L Colby A Cos. Chattanooga, Black, discharging—Richardson A Barnard. BUYERS WISHING Tobacco, Flour AND SUGARS, IN LARGE QUANTLES AND OF GOOD STANDARD BRANDS, Will find a One stock at Raxxdell xffi Oo'». u2leodiw PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale anti Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segara. Also, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and 1b wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade; 176 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street, New York. Havana Segars. JUST received from the Importers, a few choice brands of genuine Havana**, comprising: the Ca ban at*. Ist and 3ds; Prince ot Wales; No Mr. Olive - des; Plantation* ; Cab&rga**. For sales on the lowest terms by SORREL BROTHERS, n26-3 82 Bay street. Crockery, China, Glassware. JOBBERS and Dealers from all parts of the count ry are invited to examine my Wholesale Stock, which includes packages containing complete assort ments, put up expressly for “Country Trade,” Goods re-packed to suit purchasers. Queensware House, 109 Broughton St., 2d door from Bull St oc Ift ts B. D. SMYTH. FOR SALE. *7 K HHDfi. Baltimore Bacon Sides and Shoulders Itv 50 tubs Oosben Butter 30 kegs New York State Butter WEST, BRYAN A CO., n253 Jones’ Block. LIVERPOOL SACK SALT. '. f ; THE Cargo of the British ship Herald Is offered for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by CHARLES GREEN A SON, 12 Bay street, Stoddard's Lower Range. 826-8 LOST, «, A small white POODLE DOG, highly TTSSSet prized by the owner. A suitable reward be paid for his return to the store, lus Bruugnton street. 825 J. B. PRESDEE. NOTICE. Heidt <fc Ludlow, • HAVE MOVED TO Gibbon’s Range, Nos. U 2 Congress and 71 81. Julien Streets. nro-to R# S ALLEN A Cos., 180 & 1 ©1 V r J I.H ►T NEW YORK. G RICULTIIILIMPIMNTS, AND MADNININV OF AU HIM, ffwioll TmU/or tkt Form, <s*if Garden. *'<**•«*•**''. SMa Hoes, Forts, Hnkm, Ar,,nmf/o. Grow Heats, ri-v’Aes. Srulk-SUmn, aiut Jyiieul (unit lliudumrr in ytntnl We offer, alto, s large assortment of our own menu ratlins or llsr loUara. Uoffhe and (train Mill., Sugar Mills tor Grocers' use, Nwr Trucks ot various pal kurus, Hosd Srrausra, Wheelbarrow*. At , > Ki’illlllaore of all kinds, ■nrli as t'-Ws Mu|»r|>tma phate aMJawi, purs Ground Itonu, ISrsvlsu Uuaim, HIiEDH. ■very ratiabls A star loan and Foody* variety id T»ysiUjdSi Wooer smdtfraesjieed aad Field OiaijHhsl I lilri MadaMw ’ --sta swell AUCTION SALES. AT PRIVATE SALE. ~~ By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having been so many applications for Small Tracts of Land for location, the owne»of the above Laud, feeling a dispositiou to meet this demaud, baa placed in tlie market, for * lew days. Lota of Five Acres, or more, part cleared, on the Angnsta Road, op posite to the three mile atone, also on the White Bluff Road, opposite to the two mile atone. tf-uIC By Bell, Wylly & Christian. AT PRIVATE SALE. 46 acres of fine Gard.ii Land, within the limits of the city. The improvements consists of a first class cottage dwelling, gothic stile, containing six large rooms, with marble mantel piece, dining room, kitchen, library room furnished with shelves and glass dome, outbuildings consists of farm house, containing seven rooms, barn, carriage bouse and .tallies. Purcha er can have the re fusal of corn, fodder, hay, horses, mules, buggies and wagons. Also. 2430 acres 11 heavily timbered land, situated twenty (20) miles from the city, between the Ogeechee and Canoocliee Roads. An excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpenliue plantation. 100 acres of tlie above cleared. Improvements consists of two small dwelling bouses, witti stables, cribs, Ac. tf-nlB UNDERWRITERS’ SALE. By Bell, Wylly It CbrUtian. THIS DAY, 28th inst., at 10 o’clock, am., in iron! of store, will be sold under inspection of the Port Wardens: 3 barrels Machinery Gil 4 cases Shoes 1 case Sashes 1 case Medicines * 1 case Dry Goods 1 box Caudles, etc., etc. Damaged on board steamer Savannah, wrecked In Savuuuuti river ou her way to Augusta, aud sold for acoouut ol the Underwriters and all concerned. u2s By Bell, Wylly & Chris! lan. AT AUCTION. THIS DAY, At 10 o’clock, will be sold at auction. In front of store, 16 cases Miiiuery Goods, in good order ALSO, 960 pairs Wool Socks ALSO, 150 barrels choice Apples, just received per steam ers from New York. UNDERWRITER’S SALE. By Bell» Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY, at 10}£ o’clock, at Lamar’s Press, will be sold on account of Underwriters and all con cerned : 14 bale* Cotton Damaged on board Colby & Co’s flat, No. 2, on her passage from Augusta to this port, aud sold under inspection of the Port Wardens. Terms, cash before delivery. n23 UNDERWRITERS’ SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. TOMORROW (Wednesday!, at 10V4 o’clock, at tlie dock bel ,w Miller’s Foundry, will be sold for ac arcouut of Underwriters aud all concerned : 14 bales Cotton, more or less Damaged on hoard steamer Annie, and sold under inspection of the Part Wardens. Terms, cash before delivery. * D3B-2 AI 7 PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. 100 acres of Land, situated on the Vernon river, aboat nine miles from this city. The improvements consist of dwelling, barn, stables, and other neces sary out bui KLngs. An abundance of fish, oysters, shrimp, Ac., con venientiy obtained. Price of property, S2,QUO. u2B ts UNDERWRITERS SALE. By Octavus Cohen. Will be sold THIS DAY. 23th, at 10 o’clock, iu front of store: 16 bales cotton Damaged on board Edward’s fiat. On her voyage from Dead Run Church to Doctortown, aud sold lor account of Underwriters and ail concerned. Terms, cash. n2S York, Williams, Mdutire <k Cos. Will sell at auction THIS DAY, in front of store, at 11 o'clock: 30 sacks Liverpool Salt 15 boxes Family Soap 20 boxes Family starch 0 hlids Bacon Sides 5 do Shoulders 16 cases Scotcli Whiskey 6 cases Boots and Shoes 15 kegs Butter -15 M Segars An assortment of Dry Goods, Jewell y, Yankee Notions. n2B York, Willia.nt«, Mdutire & Cos. WHI sell at auction THIS EVENING, at 7)4 o'clock, at tlielr store on Broughton street, three doors from BuU : Au assortment of Jewelry, Books, Fancy Goods, Dry Goods, etc., etc n2B BY BLUN & MEYER. On THURSDAY, Nov 30th, in ront of store, al 11 O’clo.k, will be sold. Lot and Improvements, No. 1 Franklin Wsrd, the Improvement# consisting of two fine brick Houses, two stories on basements, each house containing seven rooms. The Lot is subject to a ground rent of $29 75 per an num to the i Itt. n‘.’4 By T. J. Walsli. On TUESDAY, January, sth. ISG6, will be sold al the Court House, in the city of S ivaimah. at 11 o'clock: The Eastern Half of Lot No. 11 Jackson Wan), (fee simple, with improvements,), corner of Whitaker and Hull streets. The improvements are a two-story brick dwelling:, nine rooms, with water in the yard aud gap through tho house; brick stable. Both build ings have slate roofs. Sold by permission of the Ordinary of Chatham county, fora divhion among the heirs. TANARUS» rma cash, purchaser paying for titles. n24 1 Via COILS Manilla Bale Rope 1 Vv 500 bags Shot 100 Vices 50 Anvils 50 Smith'B Bellows 400 keg* Nails 50 tons Plow Steel 100 tons Swedes aud Refined Iron 1 ton Cast Steel, a-suited 150 doxen Axes Hi*hi pair Trace Chains 3 casks Sheet Zinc IS Cotton Trucks 12 Corn shelters 150 dor Sliovek and Spades, assorted brands 50 kegs Horse Shoes 50 kegs Mule Shoes 2(M» dozen Curry Combs 25 dozen Horse Brushes. For sale by n22-2w* WEED & CORNWKLL. Liverpool Salt. A CARGO of SALT, 10 sacks to the ton, just arrived per British bark I'r-eeco from Liyerpo 1, for safe BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Coffee, Tea. ,ir BACKS St. Domingo Coffee 25sacks Rio Coffee 5.1 mat. Extra Java lu.) caddies Imp. and Young Hyson Tea 100 caddies Oolong and English Breakfast Tea. For vale by HILTON & RANDELL, n27-6 I*3 Hay street CnTJTCKES. FIRST and only premium swarded at the American Institute Pair, ISO.I, and Siats fair or Pa, tSCS. for Crntrhea. Hartman s Patent Elavtic Rubber Crutrnes are pronounced hy surgeoua, and evwylsidy else, to be the very best ever Invented. T hey arc easy and con venient. they prevent paralysis of the nerves, do away with all the w. ayincss Itucpsrable front tbe uae of all others, and urwfu all respects unrivalled. Send fora clrcjlar Agents wanted everywhere LOVEJOY A T/i I LOE, Solo Maiiularliirere, No. 4i«H Urinulway, N. Y Om-nKi E- H. VAN NESS &CO., GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLIRB AN? • Pi’ortuco nctiloi’i*, UNDER THE BLUFF, CORNER AURBrOllg NT, Mavaiuttb, fta,' .gr®* Fru4u»« Iwughl and sold on CidUtoltobru. . lid) b.'l* He|e#i»d Apflo* * tun UN*(tolOM \ iuu liblv potato. • . 1* «f fa hbis Niiri Flour * . It boa M e I awl * Mo k»fvl INN tuna Kalita lie.lor tan hotK alfa. naww f B fctto ftjtM T. faM ll Ma.kei, I L MbaTt buto fuMoa MaiKel R*«r • | so bUs FaNllly P'Mk ll«|| URfH LtllFs. LtlllOUS. * t . T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, iC. 147 Hay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) lI r E invite the attention ot th« Trade and the Pnb "* lie generally to our large and elegant assort - ment of Wines, Liquors. Cordials. Coitaorve*. Se gara, etc., etc* which h not excelled by any similar establishment in the States. * We are sole proprietors of DUNBAR’S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of which is fully established in this aud foreign conn tri.-a ; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BlTTKßS guarnnteed buperior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel and family use; DUN BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted «>f the n most purity, and put up expressly for our house, of which we are sole proprietors and importers. Side Agents for Robert Smith’s cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE. iu cases and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bonrbon W'IIISKEY and AR RACK PUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United Spites put up by us In coses for export and home consumption. T. J. D. A Cos. ure sole agents for H. & H. W. Catherwood!s Pure RYE W’UISKIKS. XX aud XXX brands, guaranteed unsuipassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large aud well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of BBGARS *>f finest grades, manufactured aud imported expressly for this house, which we offer at the very lowest net cu«h prices. BRANDIES, GINS. WINES. CHAMPAGNES, and every description and grade of Foreign LiauorS imported directly by this house, and for sale in bond or duty paid, at lowest market rate3 novT-lm WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BEAM, WINES, Sc. Peach Valley Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, Spencer’s Old Rye, and Fine Kentncky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPS ON, At the Old Stand, 111 BA. Y 9TR K K 11,l 1 , (Herald Bnildings.j also, Aleop’s Ale, Mar*’ Ale, Apples. Potatoes, Onions, Pickles Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. octO ts RAND ELL & CO. ABE now offering to the trade a very choice seise lion of SOUCHONG, OOLONG, . YOUNG HYSON, and IMPERIAL TEAS Also, NO 1- EXTRA AND FANCY SOAPS RAISINS, CURRANTS AND CITRON PURE GROUND SPICKS CREAM TARTAK B. C. AND SAL SODA VERMICELLI, FARINA, JELLIES, And k general assortment of Fancy Groceries. . n2l-eodlw WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES. WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. sep2 ts BLACK TEA. JUST received, a small lot choice Oolong Tea. For sale by M J. SOLOMONS A CO., nl7-tf Jones’ Buildings, B <y street. Biscuits, Biscuits. A LARGE assortment of Fresh Biscuits. Just re ceived and for sale by M. J. SOLOMONS A CO., nIT-tf Jones’ Block, Bay etreet. CHEESE, SOAP. A A BOXES CHEEBR, TtU 76 boxes FayV Soap. J unt received and for sale by octlC BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Umo. R. Crump, Wm, A. Wkbut, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. It. UP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, Jtcc. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Ton ACC'S f*Koi»o<>E, and, Mkroband&br of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusta, Ga., Richmond, Va., and Juo. C. Ferrill, Esq., De- Witt A Morgan, Gotten A Unckles, A. A. Solomons k CJo., J. T. Pateroon &00., R. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. o ct4 EIELIN, BEO.&BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WB AND LI(|l ! Oll\, COItNKII WHITAKER STREET AND BAY DANK. ORDERS FROINFTI.V FILLED k DELIVERED. • au2l if To Wholesale Grocers, Liquor Dealers, Distillers, Druggists und Soap Manufacturers. L'KSENTIAI.OiI* for fl ivorloff usd Improving Hraa- JCj dy. Rum, Fort Wine, Bourbon, Rye, Scotch und Irish Wbi.vklev, age aud body preparatiomi for Neu tralising and Mollifying Whiakcy and spirit. Color ings, Syrups »i.(l Fruit Juices lor Branny, Whiskey nnd Wiues. Oils and Extracts of Cognac aud other Brandies, Holland and London Giu,. Ac. Dr F.’a Treatise on Fermented Liquors with JBOO Recipes. FOR DRUGGISTS’* “VSE. Persian Insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loadstone, Pluois ar and Piuorlc Acid, Mangaosse and all rare Cheui leals and Drugs. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS, SUUcate of Soda in Cryatalt Liquid and Jolly China Clajrlbd Terra Alba, soap stone, Kmiu, Bodu, Aali, *«. JUO. W. FEUCHTKANGKK, non-eodJtn No. 55 Cedar at., N. I, hTgTruwe & co; Wholesale" GROCERIES 5 LIQUORS. AND NEGARA, Cornar Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson tquaro, rrIUMWIM* Ht’I.ANKI HUINKg , %tr AffNilt to, Af. 10 ANII (to*d**utl|i UH bawd, go *<a-it*>i id ftR itnaiM wsif>• ~ oitottenilift, Liutoiii.Jk*. > Cheese, Butter. U\ BOXKS H. A R State Ddry Ctoeae so boxen BngUa’i Dairy Cheese 100 tubs Chouv tiofthen Butter 190 firkins Choice liiwhon Butter For sale by HILTON A RANDELIa. n2T-6 19a Bay street. j 7 GARDNER TAKES the liberty ot informing th«* public generally that he liae juel opened, and will always keep on hand a full supply «r Fresh Family Croceries, Os all descriptions and of the bent quality, which he offers for sale at reasonable rales. Tomer Jones and Barnard streets, at Ehrlich’s old stand. nIS-lin r FOREIGN DOMESTIC liiisiw 1 ALES_WINES jRuquORS 4SEGARS ■ MSBjB SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR TIIF. STATE OF GEORGIA. »n3O i lUN N Y CLOTH. Ropi'. Sea Inland Baggiug, Twine, Os Bacon, Sugar and Coffee. For sale by n25 6 OUTAVUa COHEN. SHIPPING. IfW /wcusYaT < , , §teame r Oak, C’apL Wm. McCauley. Is discharging This Day. at Ferry wharf; under Gas House Hill, and will leave as above, Wednesday, *49tli inst., al G p. m. TUs boat is in excellent order (rates A 1 in Insur ance Companies) and being of large capacity shippers can rely on having their orders go through with de spatch. For freight apply to J. B. PRESDEE, Agent, _ 109 Broughton Mreet. • F. M. MYRKLL, n2T Harris’Buildings, Bay street. For Charleston, The new Steamer CITY IPOIISTT, Capt. E. S. Talbot, Will leave as above Every Saturday, at 9 a. ni. For freight or passage apply to R. W. ADAMS, or J. 8. OAKUTHER9. ii-T .. Hodgson's Range, Bay «trent. For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S, FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND *• PICOLATA. i The new and ft at aniling Sieamer LIZZIE BAKER Capt. N. King, Having been placed permanently upon this route will leave for the above places ou Tliursday Morning,3Ut!t inst., at 10 o’clock And every Thursday thereafter. For freight or passage, having splendid cabin ac commodation, apply on board, at file Florida Steam Packet wharf, or to CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM, n2S Agents. . NOTICE. THE BRITISH, WEST INDIA ANI) PA CIFIC CO’S STEAMSHIP, DARIEN, Will leave for Liverpool Direct, os Saturday, Deo. S3 cl. 112S BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. ' FOR HIWKMLLE AND MACON. THE STEA-MEIY COMET, CAPTAIN HORNK, Will loave as above with despatch. For freight, which will be received at the Upper Hydraulic Press Yard, and covered by insurance until placed on boar-1 tbs steamer, apply to n29 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. For Palatka, Fla., Via Darien, Brunswick, SI. Mary's, Fer namlina, Jacksonville anil Picolata. Connecting with Huai iter Flora Temple for King'* Ferry, CenterrVlngp, cm<J all landings on the St. Margs River. mHE new and fast steamer FOUNTAIN, Tapt. G. -t W. (Jabtner, will leave ra above on TUkiSHAV, (he ‘JBth innt . at 10 o'clock a. m. For Freight or Passage apply />n board, at I’adcl ford’a H hail, near White’s Central Cotton Press, or to M. A. CUIIEN. Agent. Daring thetbaenoc of tho boat all goo4M will be re ceived at tbe wareliomieon the wharl,by Mr. W. R. H. Bruen Freight payable oh Wharf, f Shippers will furnish weight* and measurement of goods nov27 For Augusta, THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, Will have dispatch lor the alsiv. placa. Good* rocclv. sd at all time aud stored in Nra proof warehouae, foot of Liuoiiln sUeel, ftve ol co*t. ... J. M KlNrrit.KY, At-ct Office in Claghuni A Cunninghsm a. The May arrived In AngiP-ta from Savannah on last Friday wlUi tier full fn-lglit ts oq|| For Doctortown. Tbs new irimjld. whsal Htaatoer TWO BOYS, Uffirf, Tbdk. DaqMl. Will leaf* IMllou', Wharf torYWjHD** pla- * -Nf ■MI; W Fu, lisybl M paasas- n,*n,s etagsi-t a<■ nips-cU 1 W , KUWIN tlatll.Nk Ito, 1. Rug gfAkafi Agus,. va ahstf, at, a / ' MinJpiarU. PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK. The new and splendid'steamship CHASE, W. D. Roath, Commander, aril! leave for the above port on Thursday, Kov. 30, at o’clock. For freignt or passage, haying splendid accommo dations, apply to n22 HUNTER A GAMMELL Empire Lin e. FOR NEW YORK. Atlaufie Mail Steamship Company. The new and fa*t ride-wheel steam SAN JACINTO, Loveland, mas", ter, will sail as alove, on Saturday, Dec. ad, at o’clock. For freight nr passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply to B. H. IIARDEE, No. 12 Stoddard's Range. GARRISON A ALLEN, Agent*, n27 No. 5, Bowling Green, New York, FOR NEW YORK, ATLANTIC COAST NAIL STEAMSHIP (OMPAXA. The very rast sailing Steamship Euterpe, Eldridge, Commander, Will positively sail on her regular day, # Wednesday, ‘4‘Jth Inst., st 4 o’clock p. ns. For freight or passage apply to * JOHN R. WILDER, n27 Agent. Murray’s I< 1 n o FOR NEW Jffg.YORK. The splendid stejmship VIRGO, Bulkley, master, will leave for the above port on Saturday, Dec. 2jid, at o’clock. For freight or pas.-age, haring splendid afeommo tlone, apply to ' _ n27 OCTAVUS COHEN. STAR LINE.: Ytfty L... FOR NEW yqhk: The fine Steamship WEYBOSBKTT, Parish, Com mander will leave for the above port on Wednesday, Nov. tt9, at 4 o’cloc k p. m. For freight or passage, having superior state room accommodations, apply to u2T BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO. FOSTJOSTON. BOSTON & SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINK The new and superior Steamship WM. TIBBETTS, J. 8. COXY, Commander, Will sail for the above port on Wednesday, Nov. 99th, at .2 o’clock For freight or pansshe apply to RR HAKDSON A BARNARD, n2l-tf Bay street, opposite Msrinei’s Church. FOR AUGUSTA, The favortti steamer GreTieral Berry, Capt. Isaac Henry, Will leave for tlie above port on Tuesday, Nov. !4#, at 1 o’clock p. ill. * x* .. .» a A. in x o mti For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations. apply to * dirAßtfcs ltMLby a co, n27-2 Corner Aberbnrn and Bay sta. FOR ATJ GUST A. THE Steamer Oak, CAPTAIN McCAULF.Y, Will have quick despatch as above. This boat is stuun. li and of light draught, and being of large capacity, shippers can rely on hatiug their orders go forward with despatch. Freight received aud stored in fireproof warehouses free of expense, loot of Liucolu etreet. All ship charges paid promptly. For freight, apply to J. B. PRF.SDEE, Agent, 10» Broughton street. F. M. MYRRLL, n'23 (Parris’ Buddings Hay street. Regular Weekly Steamer BETWEEN AUGUSTA - SAVANNAH. The New Iron Steamer WM. G-. GIBBONS, Capt. T. N. Pint pot, Having superior accommudatldn Tor Freight and Paaaenge.a. will ply regularly between the above cltlea. Leaving Savannnti every Balarday Morning, at 9 o’rlockT I s-aving Angusta every WednNidny Morning, aIT o'clock. Laying at Mathew’s Blnff every WMtaeeday Night. It le tile deelre ol the Agents m the Gibbons to make her a permanent Accommodation Boat tor the Mer. Cbsata of Augnsta and Bavauhall and the Planters along I be line of tbe river, and with this object In view, ho effort will he spared on the part of her owners, ffgeuls and gfltcera to meet the wonts of U.e traveling and u- igl.llnjf publlr. - IRWIN to luiblt » hs FOR AUGUSTA: fl*« Uvh|.d«af( ii**i pc|HiUr H t «i.u mi* F H h I u ur, L ' 'splaln I, K. Mri-ly, [■ o dflesiee Iwt AngMlNtlN) TIJIMIAtr hue tatb I si > ->‘Nta la u 1 I'M iMly(•< Ms i ri»D<lgt t Htrtiiu mni niMllriiia I ' Ut - ■ . O.V . u * ewrii "J .Jfii M IMV J ' JOT freights FOR AUGUSTA, ritflE undersigned are prepared to receive goods at ■ their Warehouse!—free of expense and COT ered by Insura< ce—for shipment to Augusts and points beyond by their regular line of light draught boat.. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, aeptiS—tf cor. Buy and Abereorn st*. FOR PALATKA, VIA FERNANDINA AND JACKSON VILLE. The new, exceedingly fast and splendid Steamer CITY POINT, Capt. E. 8. Talbot, Will leave Telfair's W.harC, as above, Kvory Wednesday, at 4 p. at. The City Point was built by her present owners without regard to costs, cr stateroom and cabins being furnished In tbn most luxurious mauner Goods awaiting transportation can be stored. For freight or |ia*sage apply to R. W. ADAMS, or J. 8. CARUTHKRS, n27 Hodgson’s Range, Bay street. For Doctortown, The superior first class steamer O R*l H 2ST T , Will leave on her regular day Tuesday, Nov. 88, at 7 o'clock a. as. Connecting with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. For freight or passage, having superior sccotr**’- dations, apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., nov27.'J cor. Abereorn and Bay si For Doctortown AND Thomasville. The Steamers Gen. Shepley, Orient, and lj.| Clarion, Will make Tri weekly Trips to Doctortown, In con nection with the Atlantic and GnU Railroad, leaving Savannah on Tuesdays, Thmadavs and Sundays. Thhnugh freight payable by shippers at onr office. Freight received daring the week, and stand ftuu of expense. For freight or passage apply to CHAS L. COLBY * CO., 1120 Corner Abereorn and Bay streets. iJLJNTIi TO CHARTER. A of 250 barrels capacl Opposite jKarkfi^6i||jjgj^^. ; n»i Bkyatrost^ for Baltimore: Pendei-gast’s Line. The last sailing regular packet SCHOONER DE SOTO Crook, Master, Having the greater portion of bercaige engaged, will bate quick despatch. For balance of ft e ght ap ply to LaROCHB, GADKN * UNCKLKB, Corner Bay and Bernard streets. Agents In Baltimore—Pendergast, Ftnwick A Cos. ceils WO tt , Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St. Thkiuas, Para, Pernambuco and Bahia Tbe Dulled States and Brasil Mail Ste»n>»tiip Company wfil dispatch regularly, Du the 89th off every month, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at 3 o’clock, p. m., From Pier 43, North River. All letters have to ptas through the Post Office An experienced Surgeon will be in attendance oa board. For freight an nasaage, having splendM accommo datiuiiH, apply u * THOMAS ASENCIO A CO., _oc|3l-3m_ Jfb. 17, Broadway, New York. STEAMSHIP- LINE TO LIVERPOOL, DIRECT. The British West India tnd Pacific Company’* Steamship , D A R I E 3ST. Haring a targe part of her cargo engaged, will hays quick despatch. For freight of 1000 boles of Cotton, or passage, apply to n» BRIGHAM, BALDWIN to OQ. FOR LIVERPOOL ' The British bark dICESCO, Carrey, mas. te ’'* capacity 1( 00 Bales Cotton. For freight apply to fcOBT. i. CADGHEY. n2li ts W Bay street. For Liverpool. The qgm first class dipper ship VIRGINIA, weeks, Commander, Is now loading rapidly at Lower Preae. and baring large engagements will hare qwick deepatcb F»r freight or pdaaagc (token at lowest isteffi apply CHAB. L. COLBY to CO., _ corner A heron rn end Day «t». For Liverpool. J)S^rap!diy A iJ?-mig M !?’ P Wbßfr f-^aVlr y of freight (having room only tor a tow iMliSte ‘rߣ«is& , to uhCKuw. 3BK. For Liverpool. ’jSFjriier -«igo ewffsgsd wtiiha i«fHB so raaitow uuwuriLowevHrdreetle Hreaso«theMk »*t iHfffti » op. 'For Liverpool. Tll| if* Gm# ttritlste Uil> TM'iMa** WMM NMV '.U: 1 ; JiiXiitm aaaiaßMUl