Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 30, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BY s. W. MASON A CO. SAMIKI. \\. MAMON Kdllor, \» . T. THUNPMHI, AauxlaU Wllnr. SA \ ASSAU. THI ItoliAY. NOVKMBKK 30, 1865. W For Commercial Intelligence, see Fourth Page. immigration to bk invited- The early meeting of the Legislature is an event suggestive of the important fact that it will devolve upon the wisdom of that body to accomplish a vast deal, by prompt and wise legislation, for the resuscitation of the decaying interests ot our State. The remedial solution of many of the lead ing questions of domestic policy that must • immend themselves to the immediate con sideration and prompt action of our law ma kers, will, we feel assured, put to the highest possible test their capability to meet, and discharge successfully, the great responsi bilities of a crisis which has no parallel in all the past history of our good old Common wealth. Os the great variety of subjects that may be introduced, having for their object the speedy restoration of the material prosperity and social happiness that prevailed anterior to the war, that which contemplates the ear liest replacement, practicable, of the amouu< of labor lost to productive capital by Ihe emancipation of the slaves is, confessedly, the most important, and, how to till up this destructiye vacuum, in some measure at least, in time to meet the pressing demand for continuous and effective labor, which must arise between this and the approaching Spring, is the great economical problem that appeals for solution to the divinating powers of both legislature and people. We believe that the concession ia now made by all, who are not wilfully blind to signs of the times, that the freed man, as a mass, will not recover sufficiently from the demoralization of character and iudustry consequent on bis suddeu emancipation, to respond cheerfully and adequately to the la bor requirements of the country, and that to supply the tremenduous deficit of labor thus resulting, it will be necessary to invite and stimulate by extraordinary appliances, emi gration from abroad. It must be equally apparent, and we call attention to the fact with sorrow, that ex perience thus far has shown the almost utter impracticableness of the plans instituted by our people to induce any considerable amount of imigration to the South. And therefore it is, in the light of this unpleasant truth, we suggest to the people of Georgia, that, in stead of forming a number of disconnected, small, and, consequently inefficient societies, they unite their means and energies in the foi rnation of a great State society, as we re commended before the meeting of the late Convention, whose operations may have the directiou and sanction of a legislative charac ter and a legislative endowment. It should be recollected that in the effort to accomplish in Beason this great purpose, we are to encounter not only the organized com petition and immense capital in New York, operating almost exclusively in the interest of the Northwestern States and Territories, but that every Southern State will now enter the lists in eager quest of the same object. It is manifest that no great and general re sults can be reached in this State, against such competition, unless we have unity of purpose and the advantages that large capi tal commands. In this way too a supply of labor can be had of a better class than 4 is believed can be procured through the ordi nary channels, and at the least practicable cost. It would be iu the power of a society thus organized to send agents to the Northern States and to Europe, for the purpose of selecting and forwarding ,o its members such emigrants, as by their industry and intelli gence, and by their identity ot language and religion, would be peculiarly acceptable to our people. Should the Legislature and peo ple of Georgia lold their arms and rely upon the tide of immigration which may be ex pected to flow into the State, to supply the places ot the emancipated slaves, instead of the best, they will get the worst portion of the European population, which would prove a curse rather than a blessing. We commend this vital subject to the Legislature for such initiatory and encourag' ing action on their part as to them may seem meet and proper, reminding the members at the same time how largely they represent the landed interest of Georgia. POST ROUTES ACCEPTED IN FLORIDA. The Washington Chronicle of the 16th instant, announces the acceptance by the Poslotfice Department,of the following routes in Florida. Bailey’s Mill to Waukeenah ; accepted to William J. Barth, $l4O. Callahan to Traders Hill, Ga. ; accepted to John W. Price, S4OO. Carnpbelton to Geneva, Ala. ; accepted to Hannah and Skippen, $366. Enterprise to New Smyrna ; accepted to Joint W. Price, S4OO. Newport to St. Marks ; accepted to Gusta- Yis H. West, six times a week, $375. Si. Augustine to Picolata; accepted to D. B. Tomlinn, S2BO. it will be seen by the above that of the fifty-four routes advertised in Florida the Department could accept but six under the proposals offered. lUe Floridian of the 21st inst, states that the Srnail Pox lias made its appearance iu the city of Tallahassee. Gen. 1 attou Auderson has recently re turned to his home in Florida, quite recov ered trom the terrible wound received by him last year near Atlanta. Col. G. Iroup Maxwell, has been appoint ed by Governor Marvin, Adjutant General of the State, whose special duty it is, to re organize the Militia of the State, as requested by the late Convention. - Col. Osboru, the Assistant Commisoner oi the Freedman’s Bureau for Florida, has is sued an important circular, requesting the Judge of Probate in each county, nnd in his absence, the Clerk ot the Circuit Court, agent ot the Bureau, to conduct its affairs within the limit* of theircivil jurisdiction in most of the ccunties the Probate Judges are authorized to appoint the Justices of the iVace 11 assist tuem. Col. I A MiDonell. of Alncliua coumy, is announced hr i, candidate for Lieuleuaiit Governor. it is slated ibat tlie submarine telegraph entile lor Hchring. btraiu has been contract ed |or I lie cswiten ol the Unlvirtlty of Geor gla will bn ii turned January :id, lawi, aud ample air mynu will be made Ui ac iimuiiioitatr nil atudeul* who may lie pre jjori-d in eater IM ÜBIKUAL. —The last European steamer brought the news of the death of Mr. Dupin, a prominent official under the Government of the French Emperor. —A "great national prize fight" between two of the “fancy,” Wm. Davis and Jani'-s Elliot, was recently prevented at New York. —There were not more than a hall a dozen of members ot Congreaa in Washington on the 22d. —Marlin J. Crawford, ol Georgia, was among the visitors at the White House on the 22d. —Wira's ghost is a legular attendant at all the spiritualist's meetings now held through out the State. —lt ia proposed to organize a lottery for the relief of the families of those who have died from cholera in Paris. The capital is to be 4,000.n0<) francs. —The Secretary of the Interior informs the Commissioner of Patents in an official com munication that he has been instructed by t he President that no patent is to be granted to any resident of the lately rebellious States unless the applicant can furnish satisfactory proof of his loyalty. To the Editoks of the Hebald. —Pleasg J announce on authority, the following ticket for Mayor and Aldermen, of good men and true —which is recommended to the favor of all true southern patriots : FOR MAVOB. Col. E. C. ANDERSON. FOR ALDERMEN. Robt. Lachligon, Hiram Roberts. Geo. W. Wyily, Dr. Juriah Harris. John McMahon, John Cunningham. J. li. Johnson, A. N. Miller. Henry Mienhart, J. F. O'Byrne. Joseph Ltppmau, C. C. Casey. F. L. Gut, John C. Ferrell, nov 30 td Mr. Editor— Please announce the follow ing ticket for Mayor and Aldermen, and oblige many citizens. FOR MAYOR, DR. RICHARD D ARNOLD. FOR ALDERMEN, Robert Lachlison Christopher C. Casey, George W. Wyily, Hiram Roberts, John F. O'Byrne, Edward C. Wade, Henry Brigham, John L. Villalonga, Joseph Lippmau, Johu Cunningham, Frances L. Gue. Alvin N. Miller, nov. 28-td. TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY 1 announce myself as a candidate for the office of TAX COLLECTOR of Chatham county, and respectfully solicit the votes of my friends. nov22-td ALEX. F. BENNETT. To the Voters of Chatham County. I respectfully announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Chatham County, and ask your support at the January election. ts Benjamin L. Cos lb. To the Electors of Chatham County. Gentlemen : Having been requested by numerous friends to allow my name to be used for the office of Sheriff of Chatham county, I have tint honor to announce myself as a candidate for that position, and respect lully solicit your suffrage. * nn-tf CHARLES J. WHITE. Mr. Editor: Please announce the under named gentlemen as Candidates for the offices of Mayor and Aldermen at the next Municipal election. We have not consulted them, but presume they will serve if elected. They are not office Beckers, and probably have no friends to reward or enemies to punish. CITIZENS. fcOR MAY'OR. MILTON J. BUCKNER. TOR ALDERMEN. MONTGOMERY' CUMMING. JOHN McMAHON. JOHN LAMA. JOHN WILLIAMSON. WILLIAM REMSIIART. A. P. WETTER. A. N MILLER. G. GEMENDEN. JOHN FOLEY. JOHN C. FERRILL. JACOB WALDBURG. WM. H. TISON. W&S nov4 >- Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer Has proved Itself to be the most perfect preparation for th§ hair ever offered to the public. It is a vegetable compound, ami contains no injuri ous properties whatever. IT WILL RES 1 OUE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIG INAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the scalp anil makes the hair soft, lus trous and silken. It is a splendid hairdressing. No person, old or youug; should fail to use it. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. OF*Ask for Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian Ha i Renewer, and take no other. R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. 11., Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. BARNES, WARD & CO., New Orleans, La., n23 Cm Southern Wholoaale Agcutw. TBLK IST. Y . NEWS. Miss Carrie C. Lester, a daughter of Mississippi is authorized to visit the South, soliciting subscriptions for the New York News. She kindly nsks the patronage of ail our citizens. Please send your names or call at the Pulaski House from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M., when Miss Lester will be most hap py to reeeieve you. nov 18-ts- BATCHELOR'S BAIR DTE The Original and Best in the World! The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous. Produces immediate y a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. Alno, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLRFLEURS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. auU-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR, New York. COAL. THK cargo of ship Tliomaldaon, consisting of about one hundred tons Coke and six hnndr»»d and ►Uty t.»ns Coal, from the river Tynn, for sab* by BMP k stkwakT To Gentlemen. I r p"'D ‘>r Ihri-i: Urntlt'im-n can be iicennuiuxltlifi » aUUi in ll.ut ku.rd to » private family, toy .it ! K F .-41 tlil.i.fficc. 1,-u MESS PORK. Kitty fktiTelM, hail'llOtl .04 fn| ..Ur by MOUXWM * CO., "H wj |i*y at**.! |,VHt - Al.f A.i 1ni..1 1,.1 i,l Mill. ,in i|,„.,l ,i| In I .iutlwu Ills IlnrM. IU.I fr-Mi Hu Wwl. ai. iniw Im mI. .1 fctU'nuulan‘. Wavnu \ ~4, tonus •if Hut I*ll.l .ml film* Min i. .-*t,innali MM LIST OF LETTEBS Remaining in uu- BavaoJMb M Offlc* Nor. S')ill IS ... Ivraon*««.■ lluic for tlte-w tettrl* will • AitveiPaed." anil comg wall tlie necr*. mu change iln-Mla). mid preaeni a certificate ll.At Hi, e line ukrn U.e Amu. ijr cm., «f Ail, glance. Ladle*' List. A A.htou, Lizzie un An,lemon. Kate B mrs Anderson, L it uir.i Allcmun, Bet*/ nira B Bnurke, Josephine mr. B mtlty. Foggy mrs Broxlon. C E mrs Bow. Mary miss Butler, Win mrs Brown, Maria miss 2 Bennett. Valencia mrs Burchett. Matilda miss Broane, Surah c miss Hallers. Francis miss Bobaan. Email mis* Braneh. C 8 mrs, Busan mrs B »ggs, Cellier mrs Brewer, Susan mrs Boughs, Ann mrs Balnswall, Louisa mrs Brown, Xathan mrs Bland. Rebecca mis Brown, M E mra Butehier, I’erncalla miss Brister, mrs Buyed Polley miss Buael, Catherine mrs c. Connerut. Wm H mrs Clark, Mary mrs l aud, Onnei miss Constantine, mrs Clean, y, A C mrs Cape, Virginia mra Castellow, Henry mrs Conway. Cailmne mrs (Temeucr, Wm mis Chase, Lida miss 2 Callaghan, Stephen mrs Cullens, Miles mis Cohn, Kapliel mrs Coyne, Bridget miss Callaghan, mrs l urch, Chrabette in ss Cooper, u B mrs C'lere, Heuriette n a I D. Davis, Wm Hunter mrs Donualey, M C Daniels Thomas mrs Donohue. Maggie miss Daniels Susan Auu mrs Dillon, Johaiinati miss Dot, Rose miss Dickerson, Fanny Drigera, Kabecka mr* 2 Desliaw, Esie nil's Daley, .Mary mrs Donnelly, Catherine mrs Daumelsir, Margrett Delagal, Cornelia mra Deluroche, mrs Dally, Annie miss Deuslow, Margret miss E. Elliott, Wm H mrs Elarbee, mrs Elliott. Sarah B mrs F. Freeman, M A mrs Fisher, Mary Ford, Hannah H mra Foster, Dolle mra Fowler, H mrs Ferguson, Isaac Bmra Ferguson, G I* mra Fuller, Josephine miaa Fuller, Josephine miaa G. Grady, James C mrs Gamnan, Margaret mrs Gutie, Mary R miss Gordon, Minerva Guest, M A mrs Grant, Jessie I. miss Gibbons, Rebecca mrs Geary, Elizabeth mrs Gleeson, Margaret Geffelian, Elizabetli mrs Gibbons, K A miss Grant, Dapheuy mrs Garrison, Phillis Grant, Presella L George, Mary E miss H. Henderson, J M mrs Howard, Josie miss llarist, Mary Hamilton, Ellen miss llunlev, Margret mrs Hawkins, Elizabeth mrs Harris, Nancy Hentlle, E mrs Hartridge, Charles mrs Henry, Elizabeth mrs J. Jinken, Rachel mrs Jackson, Pillis mrs Johnson, Sydney mrs Jakens, Ella mrs Jones, Sarah miss Jackson, Ella ini's Jackson, Mary J mrs Judah, E B mrs Jones, Virginia miss Johnson, Affix miss J iska, Maria lines Junge, Semite Jasper, miss Jackson, Sarah miss Jackson, Rose K. Kinneavy, Mary Ann miss Kirk, Emma Louisa mlsa 2 Kavanaugh, Eliza miss Keller, Elizabeth J mrs L. Lamar, Silva mrs Larkin, Edward mrs Landersham, I. W mrs Leacey, mrs Lawrence, Sarah mrs Lewis, Mary mrs Lopez, Augoline miss Levy, mrs Law, Apha miss Lattlmore, Wm mrs Lynch, Thomas mrs Laurent, Isabella J mrs M. Malone, mrs Mauiden, Jane McCholester, Ann McCormick, Ed mrs McMahon, Mary McFarland, Ellen Merritt, MrsP Morrlsen, Frances Mclntosh, Sarah J 2 Myers, Georgia Mills, Pena Montmolliu, H W mrs Manning, Victor mrs Marlow, Amanda C Morgan, Lilia Murchison, M A mrs Mallon, Louisa Morrell, Julia Aun Marshall, Julia McNish, miss Moore, Artie F Mactuck, Mary Muinfor.l, Ann Mason, Melviia Manigault, Clarrissa Murphy, MC Moses, Clara Metiu, F'rank inrs N. Norton, M 0 miss Neidliuger, Tutula miss P. Prendergast, A M mrs Pinkner, Frances Prendergast, Margaret Porter, JennieC Papy, Fernandina Preston, Julia A Q Quantock, Grade R. Rogers, C M mrs Ryan, Mary Roberts, Emma 2 Russell, Mary A 2 Ricks Julia A Kuney, Rachael Ryan, Julia A Rogers, Sallle Riley, Lizzie Rantin, Jnlia A Riley, Margaret S. Sanchez, Harriett Smith, Rose Sanies, M mrs Staley, Sue M * . Stokes, Martha 2 Speildock, Sarah Sherlock, Anna Samina, Susan 2 Steinberg, A E mrs Smith, O mrs Sheppard, Anna Stewart, Sarah Stone, Mary Ann Sneek, V mrs StalTent, Alary Ann Scantlin, miss Sawyer, A mis T. Templeton, Susan u. Urqualiart, .1 A mrs W Williams, Marv Waters, Sarah Wayne, M lurs Williams, Rosa Webster, Matilda Wither. Dr inrs Waver, Maggie Wilkins, Butina Wilbur, Marv L Williams, E miss Wagner, W H miss 2 W .yne, Eliza C Wilson, Q A mr* Wayne, Alex C mrs Williams, Aun Waddle, Betty Ward, Ann Gentlemen’* List. A. Addison, Arthur Ambose, Lou a Atnbose, Christian Anderson, dr L P Adams, Bradick Agoston, Louis Addison, F and G A Adams, N R Ambose, Henry Alexander, P W Asendorf, Hed'wig Allen, Wm C Alford, rev J W Alliey, W S Asher, L P 2 Alexander, W E B. Berrien, Jas Bentley, rev Wm Bilbo, Jno Berger, WmH Butler, Jno G Betcher, Wm Brunner, Isaac Bryce, Wm A co Blount, Jno Bryant, W A Braclt, capt Jacob Besbay, Wm Baston, Jno Bakev, Thos B Betagh, Jno Brown, R J Booth, Jno Bailie, Robt Bannon, Jno Barry, P L 2 Btondeau, Gaston Burton, Paul Rnrdett, G T Bradley, Henry C Booth, Geo D Burch, John R Briau, Geo Bennett, A F Brown, O S Bankman, Geo Uoughtnan, dr G W Branch, H M Krauner, G M 800 l li, Henry Tims Booth, Geo Baseli, Israel Bassar. Felix 2 Belcher, Jno S Bonlineau, Eli B.iukson, Hyram Bovd, M E 2 Brady, James Bayndrd, E Butler, M Barrie, Ft C Bryan, M J Burke, Edward Butler, M Baldwin, Dunley Bond, M C Been, Daniel Brown, Joseph A Bates, Clias H Barksdale, J II Boyd. Wm R Bullet, Jas Brown, W G c. * • Crax, rev Dr Conway, Martin Clark, Geo A co Cohen, 0 N Clteny A Street. Coneratt. Wlllte Crotley, Richard Cowles, W A Cowley, Edward Coyle, M Conner, Edward Conklin, Platt Caffrey, Edward Clark, Peter Colcord, Ezra G Callis, Sen Prosper! Clapp, Chaining Conrter, s H Cali, C Cobb. 8 C 2 Clark, Clias Carroll, Thos Cowart, H S Claffey, S Charlton. Benj Charlton, dr Thos Chase, Asher M Conklin, Thos W Culser, capt Anson Cotmerat, Win H Callev, George Collier, Wm Alien Clairent, rev II T Cleary, Win Colton, it B Copier, Wm Collins, Jas H Cummings, Wm B Cross, Henry Cuimumgs, W Cornell, Joseph C Cooper, Wiu O Cunlley, Joint Cummings, Win J Collins, J I’ Clark, Wm Connery, Wm A Curry, capt Wm 4 Cooney, John M D. Davenport. A It Davis, Win E Durban, EJ Dodge, Wiu U Daniel), Chas Daniels, Win W Davidson, D Davidson, Will Davis, F E 2 Daniel, T ito* UeVillers, Frank 2 Doyle, M I. Dodd, Hotuer, Downey, eol S W Doe, J P Doyle, Alexaudel DcM-iigiiM, M J Doyle, A Davis W Hunter 2 Doty, A II INidgv, Juaupli o Davidson, B S li. laiiit), Join! Daveuuori, B U II Doonrr, Wm II E Ml lot l, lir W l| 2 union, linn U Ev»n>, T A E Eliw, il W a Met will. Joel Matelauli, II tafirurd, John Slliult. H Eaalliiad, II M Filing, rut A 9 KtfilwM, W II Forte*! . Belli Kartell, W If rnMat. Andie* A 11*wing Don Wm U riuw, Albert N Ptarmid. * Fond, a m Ffckclt, J u x Fahrenioai'b, Francis Parndi, J n Farmer A Heels; Fuchs, Prnuz . I nwell, Thiunaa Freeman, Edmond o. Guinea, Rev Win Godfrey. He? Irving G ft?. Tliftrl it*llH s Glilim, Joa«| h UriMw, ttaiumi Uivrii, Edward K Graeffe, Kir hard «* onion, E K Go frey. Kev K (J ray you, Edward '■rant, Koin-ri Gray. A Y Grover. Hobo *t Gaul A Remuhart 2 Glaaae, R J Graym, Nicholas Gorden. Ptirick GarnauAC * Garoun, W L V G trtell, Capt C Gertiaiuu H A Gadd, Capt c U M Grayson. John L George, Jose ph II Harrison, Arthur S Hammond. Joseph Hfgnian, Adolph flobaon, James Harriott A Bi o Herschbaeli, Jos Uardee, John L Hauman, Joseph Hardee A KiMg Humphrey*, Milton Hudson, B H Human, (War J Hartman, <7* Uudy, Prince Hunter, Clias N Hickey. Patrick Hardee, Oha.-s Harber, Phillip Howard, David SI ACo 2 Hama R B Hills, Edward Haw kins, Rev J Harber, Fell pie Harleston, Robert Hyatt, H C Howell, Richard H llardi e, J 8 Hu< Ison, Ro.swell J R 2 Harngan, John Heuiuger, 80I01110U 2 Hamlet, John Hickey, Thomas Hanin, James Headers, Thomas Heagne), James Hone, Wm Hanatniu, Jaa Hardee, Gen W J 2 Hamlet, John R Hardee, Wm P Harper, James Hunt, WJ j. Johnson, Sam Jackson, Fetson Johnson, Solotnou Jones, Edward Johnson, Stephen Jones, Col Charles C. Johnson, Wm G Johnson, C M Jackson A Jones Jenkins, Dr C J 2 Jackson, Wm C Jones, C C Johnson, S Jones, Alford Joseph, Peter A Jackson, Glascow Jeffrere, Praokfin 2 Johnson, Richard K. Kealscle, W J Klogh, John H Kirkland, YV W Ketchum, James G King, Wm Kennedy, John Kerby, Rev P J Kreig, George Kennedy, John or M J Kennedy, Frank Kelleber, Michael Kerrigan, E C Kuek, M F Kaul, B F 2 Kelly, Michael King A O’Biieu L. Lehman, M J Loftue, James Laphain A Sealy 2 Lightborn, John L Lent, Wm Lineberger, Johu S Lynch, Charles G Mlibridge, Marlin Lodge, Alfred G 2 Lilibridge, Oliver Larrabee, Charles F Lester, Samuel E Lewis, Francisce A Lawton, Winborn 3 Lavealle, Rt Bev F Lawton, W M. Magan, Peter Murkins, G Millett, Th.w G M Miller, GC 2 Masen, A J Murkens, Henry 2 Milne, Alex Mchrtius, If C Mode, A McKenna, H G Marback, A C McAlister, J Mann, A W MeCullock, John Mo’el, CT McFarland, John Morse, Chas G McQuincy, John Mayer, David Mayor, John A 2 Morrill, Geo E 2 Mahar, James T McGlone, James Mitchell, A & S McQueen, John Murphy, Samuel G Mitchell, James A Morse, T H McGleslten, John Murphy, Timothy Mcintire, James ManeqSS Magill John H Millttt, Smnel M Mitzgar, John Moore, J B - Mahoney, John Manner, Thos McCarthy, Michael Moore, Thos G Milliken, Melville J Morrell Wm Morrison, Mr Mix, Whitfield Murner, Patrick McCluskey, Willis Miles, Robt Mooreheail, W L McKay, Robt S Mahone, Jas H Matson, Robt Mahone, L S N. Newkirk. A B Nungezer, Jas V Nacmil, Jones Newell, L G Newby, J M Neely, » W o. O’Conner, Wm 2 Olmstead, F Orth, Cha* O’Conner, James Oxenius, Chas O’Neill, J F O'Keefe David D Orth, Mr O’Conner, Desmund P. Patten A Miller Prescott, John C Patten, Hatton A Cos Peyton, Col L Prendergast, E M Post*ll, Ross Paine, E B P.mtain, Philip Patten, Geo Pinder, N T 2 Palmer, H A Price, Thos Parson, B Prior, T M Porter, Jas B Price, Wm 0 Parry, John T Purves, WinK Parsons, Rev L H R. Roach, Mr Roberts, Joe A 2 Beilliy, S S ' Rogers, J S 2 Koberfs, Benj W Roberts. Jas H Rice, C A Rosenfeld, J Russell, Edwin Ross, Major Richardson, E C Rogers, N T Reeve, Francis 2 Ray, Osborn Rae, Farquhar M Ryan, Patrick Roggenstein, P Reeves, R M 2 Robertson, G Rosenbaud, S Remsliart, Geo H Rogers, T B Raynor, H C Rafferty, Wm Reily, John Rich, Win T Richardson, John S Rickets, Wm M T Rowley, Jno Roos, S S. Savage A Hale Stevens, c A Stuart A Butler Starr, C H Smith, A F Smith, Daniel K 2 Stonelake, A B Schenk, Fred Stiles, Alex Sclirift, Geo Schmidt, A Spaulding, Geo S Smith, James Sconeers.Jß Snider, Jas I Sheppard, H Smallwood, J L Stormes, H C 2 Sullivan, John D Stallings, H Shaffer, John Sadler Henry R 2 Slocum, James Sabbati, R 3 Sanborn John R Stultz A Smith Smith, John W Speissegger, S C Sanchez, J T Strauss, S H Smith, Dennis Sterrell, Sami Sutten, L E 2 Sykes, Wm H Sifley, L G Simpson, Wm H 2 Scot, Martin Scott, Wm B 4 Strauss, J H Sesmon, WmH Shivers, M H Sneed. Wm H 3 Strouse, mr. Stulling, WmH Sezer, M A 2 Skiff, V Schultz, Julius Simms, Wm M Strauss, Peter Spier, Win Smith, Otto 3 Schrinets, Abram T. Thomas, Geo H Tottle, Wm A Truchtet, Francis Turner, Richard Tnnno, W M 6 W. Winter <f Banlister Welsh, John Willey, Ben A Sinchan Wescot, Wm Weed, BAH Weed, E B YVeed, Nathan Webb, Geo S Wilson, S B Watts, Geo S Williamson, Potter Wallace, Geo M Warner, Preston Wood, F Woodward, R L Ward, H J Williams, Eld W 2 Walsh, James W Wilder, Wheaton ACo Weems, James, Wade, Wm Willis, John Wagner, B 0 Wilkins, John Wood, D H 2 Weat, C W Capt Willis, James Wright, A J? MISCELLANEOUS. Magnolia Encampment No 1. A. L. HARRIS, P. M. HOLCOMBE & CO., Old Stand ISI Buy atraat, (Ttios. Holcombe, established 183f1.j We have lauding a flue and carefully selected Stock of GROCERIES, And will aell at the Lowest Market Prices. Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Raisin<i. Almond*, Floor. Soap, Starch, Bacon, Sardines, Candles, Beef, * . Pork, Lard. Butter, cheese. Potatoes, Codfish, Mackerel, Bagging, KonA Twine Powder, Bead, Shot. Brandy, Whisker, Wine, Viu«*m. Our sha'k of Wine* and Mijiior* are aa Aim assay in Hi* tumult y W* invite our old frlsud* aud iMtruu* lu ♦•imikiii." wdln nil |tl NNI i I ill'll 11 1 *| *! m a Island llsgglhg Twin*, *■ llsc.ii' Sugar and Coffee Pm sale by ..»»# OCTAVtts OSIIIKN Noii(v, i tiiMniiiMKKs y*r Ji* W. R blur! I it, hum Mew a ■ T‘Wk, will iM»nd lit (lie It*i onun id liiflr g»4*. •udWg Ikin day nl Nub**gn übAnas nil OBITI’AHY. j Died, n-ar Savannah, on the evening of the 24th ! lost un. Mr. ALBERT K. DASHER, connected fi r qiany years with the Central Railroad as • con ductor. In the death of Mr. Daahcr the entire com munity ha* sustained an almost irreparable lots, tor he was universally beloved by ail who knew huu, and the writer of this la satisfied that he hail not a personal enemy living. In hla long euntiection with the Central Rfiilroad he retained the entire eonfi dence of thetlirectory to the day of his death. Mr. Dasher leave* a young and devoted wife, to whom he had but recently boen united, and we sincerely and deeply sympathize witli her in this her sad bi - retirement, A Fkikmj. Savannah, Nov. 22, ls*s. ST. ANDREWS SOCIETY. The Anniversary meeting et the St. Andrews So ciety wHI take place to-morrow at noon, at No. ICS, Hodgsons* Range, Bay street. A general attendance ol Ihe members is desired. J. S. CARRETHERS, nov3o-lt Secretary and Treasurer. NEW all VERTIS EM eSiT'S. Wanted to Hire, ASM.tLL HOUSE, furnished or unfornUhefl. A«l --dresri, stating locution, terms, Ac., “C.,** Herald office. n3n.*> WANTED. /JEORGIA Railroad Bank Note*, Augusta Bank " Notes, City of Savannah Bond*, by n3O-3 G. B. A G. W. LAMAR. WANTED. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, six Steamhoat Join ers. Apply on board the steamer Charles Houghton, at Anderson’s wharf. n3Q-t* St. Andrew’s Hall. THIS Hall will be rented for Balls, Concerts, Ac., Ac. Apply to Mr. Mayer, under the Hall, or to DAVID R. DILLON. Kerosene Oil, In barrels and cases, AT HORATIO PITCHERS, Foot of Lincoln st„ Under the B'uff. n3O-tt LOST, YESTERDAY, a Voucher, No. 2, payable from the Civil or United States Government to John Ar no w ; amount, one hundred and eighty-six dollars and twenty-seven cents. All persons ure cautioned against trading lor said voucher, as payment has been stopped. __ ns®-** * JOHN ARNOW GRAPES. IBREBH ISABELLA GRAPES, just received and for sals by STUART * CO., n3O-2 Corner Bull and Broughton ats. POTATOES! 4PPLISS!! 1 BARREPS Potatoes A 50 b arr eig Apples, iuet received and for sale by STUART A CO., n3O-2 Corner Bull and Bronghton streets. FOR SALE, riIHE Lease and Purniturre of roy Room over Hils- A- man's Drug Store. Apply at the corner of Bay and Jeffsou streets. M. A. FRISBIE. GEORGIA— CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern. Whereas, Henry R. Jackson will apply at the Court of Ordinary lor Letters of Guardianship upon the person and property of Frederick T. Bealle, minor and orphan child of R-becca A. Bealle, late of Chat ham county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said court, to make objection (if any they have) on or before the second Monday in January next, otherwise said let ters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature this 29th day of November, 18#5. n3J D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. s£oo REWARD. BY virtue of authority vested in me by resolution passed at a meeting of the German Fire Compa ny, held on the 28th Inst., I, Henry Blun, First Fore man of the German Fire Company or Savannah, Ga., do hereby offer a reward of Two Hundred Dollars for the arrest, witli proof to convict, the person or persons engaged in the murder of Mr. A. Cordes, late a member of this Company. n3O-3t HENRY BLUN, Foreman. SSOO REWARD WILL be paid for the package of NOTES taken in December last, from the premises of David R. Dillon, or a proportionate part of the above re ward will be paid on the delivery of any of the above Notes. DAVID R. DILLON, n3O-6 224, Bay street. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.-To all whom it may concern ; Whereas, William H. Elliott and Mils Katherine C. Stiles willlapply at tlie Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of Mrs. Mary A. Stiles, late of said county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear belore said Coart to make objection (if any they hnvej on or be fore the second Monday in January next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my baud and official signature, this 13th day of November, ISB6. novl4 D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern: Whereas, George C. Freeman will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of Henry C. Freeman, late n( aqid county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they havej on or be fore i lie second Monday in Janaary next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this 10th day of November, 1865. nl3 D. A. O’BYRNE Ordinary. G 1 EORGIA —CHATHAM COUNTV.-To all wh.imTl r<iiiay concern; Whereas John Cooper will apply at the Court of Or dinary lor Letters of Administration on the estate oi James B. Norris, deceased, Tiiese are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to he and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they ltavej ou or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, tills 17th day of October, 1t65. D. A. O’BYRNE, nov2 Urinary. EORGIA—CHATHAM CQUNTY.-To'all whom it " may concern YVheibas James E Cope will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters Diemissory as Administrator on the eatate of James C. T hompson, late of said county, deceased, These are, the.efore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be anil appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday iu May next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature this 26th day of October, 1865. D A. O'BYRNK, nov2-lamCm . Ordinary C. C. FATE ujr -GEORGIA, CHATHAM CUI.\TV -To all whom It may concern • Whereas, Martha A. C..uqon will apply at the Court of Ordiuqrylor l.ettei» of Administration ou the es tate of Charles Cannon, late ol said cnnnty deceased. These are, therefore, Incite and admonish all whom tt may concern, to be and appear before said court to make obiection (if tiny they have) on or before ttie first Monday in Deeeibbcr next, otherwise said tetters will be grunted. Witness my hand and official signature, this 2Sth day of Noccrnber, 1866. novt DOMINICK A. O’HYRNE, o. o. a TWO Months otter date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Ittilloch enmity for leave to sell all the Lunds belonging to the estateof John Driggers, deceased, for Ihe ben. fit of the heirs aud cred itor* ot said estate. nov2-law2u> JOHN UHANNEN, Executor. STATE OK liEOUQIA—CHATHAM .COUNTY—To all whom it may concern : YVlinreas, tienrgu Hankins will apply at the Court of Ordinary fur Let era Utsmlseory as ouardlun of the person and properly of Christopher J. Abbott, orphan and miuor, Tin as ure, therefore, to idle and nil whom It may concern, Pi Im and appear liefin. an id Court lo make <>t(jeillnii (If any they have) no or before the fir.) Monday In December next, oibcrwta. .aid lei lari will tw granted Wttrn m my hand aud officUl atgnature thisl6tbday of OcPiber, Into 0.11, 1,1*40,1 D A O lIYItNK O C V NTAihiil- OlColtolA, • HATH AM 001 all whom It may concern i Hheraaa, Kudm* H Abrahams will apply at the Oo*rt ol urdlfiary fur 1,1 u ia Domlaeory »» Ailmima IrsUll on tlio Estate of Jacob M., ducmUMMi. ‘Thoau ate, ihareion , p, ute and a-iuuntab *ll whom It m»l cotiteu li, lo Ue amt *pii**e Is luru Mild Ikmrl Pi v* i uu of bafina Ibn Rial Monday lb May nafii, ol bet* tea **M taltora will Iff MhinliO Mi*t an, a fiMUEMMTI. , Y ‘S a v a u ii a li Theatre. Letsi'ea and Mafiagern... M*i«vmo.nd A Haun ro» TSTtIOAI KVK.MMi. NOV. 30. GREAT BILL To NIGHT. Coiit-nued NUCTA'fltf of Mr. and Mra. Marry Watkinsi (Late Mrs. Cuaelbh Uom akd.) Will be performed to-night the comic Drarra of Fit to be a Duchess; OK. NOTHING STOPS HER Frauciite Preval, wiih Sougs Mrs. Harry Watkins Marqula Ue Kecheviile Mr. Harry Watkiu* To conclude with Tom Taylor's Comedy of To Oblige Benson. Mr. Trotter Southdown Mr Harry Watkins Mra. Trotter Southdowu Mra. Harry Wutk*na To-morrow night, BENEFIT OF MRS. HARRY WATKINS. FIRST GLASS BOARD. TWO or tluce Gentlemen can obtain first class Board, witli or without Banns, in a locality near tlie business part of tlie city, by addressing E. H. TANARUS„ at this office. d-28-3 E. H. VAN NESS &CO., GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS AND Produce nealers, UNDER THE BLUFF, CORNER ABE [(CORN ST., Savannah. Ga, Orders from the Country Private, Families, Steamers and Sailing Vessels respectfully solicited. Prodace bought and sold on commission. luObbls Selected Apples 100 bbls Onions 100 bbls Potatoes 50 bbls Extra Flour 60 bblsjNos. 1 and 2 Mackerel 100 tubs;Extra Butler 60 boxes Extra Cheese 500 kits Nos I, 2 and 3 Mackerel 50 lialf-bbls Fulton Market Beef 60 bbls Extra Family Pork. tf-n2l R. S ALLEN & Cos., iso Ac lot YVaTEBNT NEW YORK. AGRICUIMir IMPLEMENTS, AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, Small Tool* for the Farm and Garden, such as Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, etc., and/or Grass Hooks, Scythes. Scyth-Stoni's, and Agricul tural Hardware in general. We offer, also, a large assortment of our own manu facture of Hay ( utters. Coffee and Grain &P!lla, Sugar Mills for Grocers’ use. Store Trucks of various pat terns. Road Scrapers, Wheelbarrows. &e. Fertilisers of all kinds, such an Coe’s Superphos phate o! Lime, pure Ground Bone, Peruvian Guano, and Pondreite, SEEDS. Every valuable American and Foreign variety of Vegetable, Flower and Grass Seed and Field Grain that has proved worthy of cultivation, grown and selected expressly for our trade. Sales made in bulk, per pound or bushel, or In small packets, for retailing, by the hundred or thousand. eepl2-2aw-3mo COME AT LAST! JUST arrived per steamship Chase, Sweet Cider, Cider Vinegar, aud 25 bbls fine Apples. 1120-3 C. W. THOMPSON. LIME. 1 A A BARRELS LIME, discharging from steamship lUU Chase, for sale low on wharf, bv WILLIAM H. STARK, n29-8 Corner Lincoln and Bay streets. SALT. 1 BUSHELS, at 22 75 per saqk, or 75 cents lUUv per bnsliel, for sale by L. N. FAI.LIGANT, n29 4* Market Square, 13J Bryan street BOARD. riIHREE or four Gentlemen can be aci'nmmoilnfed 1 with first class hoard, by addres-ing Z. T-. at tills office. H 29-3 Hilton & Randell. PI A BOXES Colgate’s Family Soap 60 boxes Colgate’s XX Starch 100 bbls Family Flour, Pacific Mills 50 half bbls Family Floor, Plank Road 50bbls Premium Hominy. In st#re and for sale, at lowest market price, at n‘27-6 IV3 BAY STREET. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By permission of the n Honorable Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, will bo sold, on Friday, December Bth, at 11 o’clock, on the promises, corner of Bryan and Ann streets, all the perishable property oi Ahrend Cordes, deceased, consisting of an assorted Stock of Groceries, Ac., and articles of Furniture. HENRY BLUN, 027-td Administrator ad col. To Business Men. A YOUNG MAN, educated to business, with a cash capital of sß,o<to to SIO,OOO, wishes to engage in some established paying business. Best of references given. Address W. B. TANARUS., Herald office, stating kind of business. tPH2B w66d7wood THE undersigned has opened a Wood Yard, at the Lower Rice Mill, and will keep constantly on hand a good stock of all kinds. Order boxes may be found at the stores of Dr. B. F. Ulmer, W. W. Lincoln, Heidt A Ludlow and J. G. Watts. n2B-eod* H. J. STROBHAR. Printing Presses. FOR SALE, one Super-Royal Hand Press, with Ink Distributor, Roller Stocks, £!c. Price. $175. Also, one Rugglcs’ Rotary Diamond Card Press, with Roller Mould, Rollers, Stocks and Box and Chases. As good as new. Prifv str.o. Address ESTILL & BRO., Bull street, back of Poat Office, n27-tf Savannah, Ga. Wines, Liquors. RL A CASES Saxerac Brandy 10 quarter casks Jules. Robin A Co.’s Brandy 60 cases Old Tom and D lby Gin 50 cases St. Julien Claret 60 cases Star Bourbon Whiskey 20 cases Drake’s Plantation Bitters. For sale by HILTON A RANDELL, n2T-fi 193 Bay street. TWENTY' fine large Males for sale at Sadler’s Stables. 2-n2B JOHN VANDERBILT, NO. 23 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, PIALII* IN Agricultural Implements OF every variety, embracing all the different pat terns of Plows in use in the Southern Staten, Corn- Shellers, liny and Stalk-Cntrers, Horse-Powers aud Threshing Machines, Kan-MilK Wheel-Barrows, Carts nnd Wagons Cotton Gins. Gin Gear, Plow and other Castings, Shovels, Forks, Host, Rakes and Garden and Farm Tools ana implements of every variety. SEEDS. The choicest Garden and Flower Seeds grown in this country or Europe, Including every desirable kind and variety. The ntrnort care taken to have those only which are choice ami reliable. Alao. Grass, Field and Bird Seeds of every variety. FERTILIZERS. Bone Dust, Animal Manure (a preparation of animal matter, blood and bone), a good sulwtltuto for Guano and cheapest manure In use: Phosphate of Lime, Land Plaster. Guano, Ac. • PLANTS, TREKS, Ac. Kni friim thamiMt reliable Nuraeilo* amt Oruw *' Itfironlera reapectlully *nllrltMl Liter. Ilf Inqtlfry rh» rlillljr r»«|nnilml pi and prtr* law.w.u'W N< »i i< M>. Having r.t,irn*.i fmm 111. Nntlli I h*ya ,ie«t ntMoure lit nfibilnv In my fcleuila and the puMla Iu Mallei at a me* a.*nt(.d fiUH’k ~f c„,i.i anil HHvaf Walctfa, I’kalna amt lnwthiy , a lan, Etlvur find mly*r 4*lau«r Ware ”f lit tfr-frlci(ao»; r.n Hum,, K, tmnffa, I’uckal lluuha, St. r itNuwN. UVT 4 llt (’nfi*ri »i rira l MY It It I Y4,l AMU CEI.IH.Y4 V An i:«say of YY’arniiiz and Instruction f„ r Y men, juM published by the Howard *, TOd . iti sent in sealed letter envelopes fn-e or char* • ” i *'“ l Address Dr. J. SKIIXIN UOUUUTON |i „ Association. Philadelphia, Pa. A I’ll \ SIOMKMCAL. View of MAUun '" Containing nearly 300 pages, aud 130 fI, K . p, , ami Engravings of the Anatomy of the Human ra gams in a state of Health and Disease, with a Tr tlse ou Early Errors, its Deplorable Con-0n,,, „ uiion the mind and Body, with the Author s pi ,n Treat meut—the only rational ami successful mod. , cure, as shown by the report of cases treated a truthful adviser to the married, aud those cute * plating marriage, who euiertaiu doubt* or their J,"' ical condition. Sent free of postage to auv ad<W on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or postage cun . by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maid™ iZ*' Albany, N. Y. e ’ The author may be consulted upon any of the eases upon which his book treats either peisouallv * by mail, and medicines sent to any pait ol the w ViT octlO em ' YVe have learned not to be astonished at anythin Years of experience and a correspondence extendiif throughout all nationalities of the habitable eluhe have turned theories into lacts and established a bams from which we need not err, YVe are not surprised at such facts as the following-although the persons who write them are. YVe know the persons and,,, cumstances, hence feel at liberty to indorse their statements: “New BedForo, Mass., Nov. 24 ls«3 Dear Sir,—l have been afflicted many years with severe prostrating cramps in my limbs, cold feet aid hands, and a general disordered system, i’hvsici.n. and medicines failed to relieve me. YVhile visitin' some triends in New York who were using Plantation Bitter*, they prevailed upon luc to iry them I com menced with a small wine-glassful alter dinner Feel mg better by degrees, in a few days I was astonished' to find the coldness and cramps hail entirely left tn e and 1 could sleep the night through, which I have not done for years. I leel like another being. My aime titc and strength have also greatly improved bv the use of the Plantation Bitters, Respectfully, JcntTU Rcasu.." Rekiisucky, YVis., Sept 16, 18c t * * I have been in the army hospitals for lour teen months - speechless aud nearly dead. At Alloa 111., they gave ine a bottle of Plantation Bitters. • • Three bottles restored my speech and cored me. • • G. A. Flam." The following is from the Manager of Ihe Union Home School lor tlie Children of Volunteers: ''HXvemevkr Mansion. 57ih St, ( New York, August 2,1363. j Dn. Drake:—Your wonderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children sufiering from weakness and weak lungs with most happy effect. Oue little girl iu pari icular, with pains in lar heath loss of appelite, and daily wasting consumption ou whom all medical skill had been exhausted, lias been entirely restored. YVe commenced with but a teaspoonful ot Bitters a day. Her appetite and strength rapidly Increased, and she is now well. .Respectfully, Mrs O. M. Davoe.” “*„* * I owe much to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. Rev. W. 11. Wagooneb, Madrid, N. Y. “* * * Thon wilt pend me two bottles more ol thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend, Aba Ciirrin, Philadelphia, Pa.” “* " • I have been a great snffercr from Dyspep sia. and had to abandon preaching. * * The Plan tation Bitters have cured me. Rev. J. S. Cathorn, Rochester, N. “* * * I have given the Plantation Bitters to hundreds of our disabled soldiers with the m<»*i as tonishing effect. G. W. D. Andrews, Superintendent Soldiers’ Home, Cincinnati, U.'’ *i« • • The Plantation Bitters have cured me oi Liver Complaiait, of which I was laid up prostrate, and had to abannoii my business. 11. 1». Cleveland, Ohio ” “* * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the Kidneys aud Urinary Organa that has distressed me for years It act? uke a charm. 0. 0. Moore, No. 264 Broadway.” Ac., Ac., . Ac., «fcc., Ac. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the languid brilliant and are exhausted nature’s great re storer. They are composed of the celebrated Calisays Bark, Wintergreen, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, &c., all preserved in perfectly pure Bt. Croix Hum. S. T.—lßoo—X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weak ness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appe tite, distress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, &c., deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical au thorities, and are warranted to produce an immediate beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. Notice.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bitters in balk or by the gallon is a swindler and im postor. It is pnt up only in our log cabin bottle. Be ware of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, for which several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork unmutilated, and our signature on steel-plate side label. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable world, P. H. DRAKC & CO., oct27-3m 202 Broadway,N. X. Hagan’s Magnolia Balm. This lathe most delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the enn-bornt face »"<* hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the distin gue appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples and roughness from the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Retail price, 50 cents. Prepared by W. E. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to DEMAS BARNES A CO., ocL2T-eodly New York. L YON’S KATHAIRON. Katliairon is from the Greek word “Kathro." nr “Kathairp," signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate ami re store. Tills article is what its name signifies. l" r preserving, restoring and beautifying the human hair, it is the most remarkable preparation in the world. It is again owned and put up by the original proprie tor. ami is now made with the same care, skill and at tention which gave it a sale of over one million bot tles per annum. It is a most dellgtilfnl Hair Dressing, it eradicates scurf ami dandruff. It keep* tile head cool and rlcan. It makes tile hair rich, stilt and glossy. It preveuts the hair from falling off and tnrniig gray. - It restores hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a heantfnl hew of hair should us# lion's Kathatmn. It Is known and need throughout the dvlliacd world bo id hy a respectable dealer*. DEMAS BARN'S* A <’o oct'JT eodl y N '' w Vork ITCH! ITCH! ITCH I RGRATOH I SCRATCHII SCRATCH' ,r Whontoii'a Ointment. WIU CUM INI HIM IN MITMIINT Aim cur* l * Ball Mlwum. Ifltar*. ChHbl*l»a ***<• Kr*|tU.HM of ibs Hbln Prim W seal* P<>» *•*" * *ll HrugalaM By miirtliib •* «*»•* *° Wwb* * **l u ’' Hols A*. Id*. It# WwWugt-M slrm*. Hart.*, M**» Will IM bn W*ids4 by Mail. Ires of pu*t***, I* „rt id lb* ÜblW4 Maim. •*#•*' *" r