Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 01, 1865, Image 3
BAV A. N^N_A. Hj ° r »««in.hlpi u»ut Steamer*. FOB KBIT TURK. Steamship Hunter. Saturday, December 2d, at u Yl,iCfc si. aiuslup San Jacinto, Salnrday, Deeemlier 2, at o’clock. sn anwhlp Nevada, Saturday, Decem»>er 2d, at 8 o’clock a. in. FOB LIVERPOOL. Steamship Darien. Saturday, December 2d, at o’clock. FOR PHILADELPHIA. Steamship Cumbria, Saturday. December Rtb, at o'clock. FOR AUGUSTA. steamer Express, Friday, December 1, at 6 o'clock r Steamer Wm. G. Gibbons, every Saturday morning at 9 a. m. FOB CH4RLESTON. Steamer City Point, every Saturday morning, at 9 o'clock. FOB DOCTOBTOWX. Steamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at 9 o’clock. Steamer Two Boys, every Thursday morning, at 7 o'clock. sn-amer Gen. Sheple.v, every Saturday morning, '• o*( lOCfc. Steamer Clarion, every Friday morning, at 7 •clock. FOB FLORID*. steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at Id o’clock. , Steamer City Point, every Wednesday alteruoon, at 4 o’clock. Steamer Lizzie Baker, every Thursday morning, at jo o’clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock. Iti-K«twbli*hmcnt of Commerrial Rela tions with Baltimore. Tlie Rev. Mr. John Poisal, of Baltimore, a clergy, man favorably known at the South, is at present in tiii» city. Mr. Poisal 13 authorized to represent a latyte number of the leading commercial house* o f Baltimore to the Merchants and business men of the South, with a view to the re-eatablishment of com mercial relations between that city aud our section. It! a circular, signed by some two hundred aud fifty persons, including every department of trade and manufacturing euterprize, alter cordially recommen ding Mr. Poisal to tne confidence of the business melt and people of the South, they express the hope ••that by the employment of the great agencies of •mi prosperity, Commerce aud Christianity, those portion* of our country made desolate by war, may speedily he healed and re organized to the mutual advantage of both communities.” Mr. Poisal is just from Charleston, where he was most cordially received by the merchants of that city, who entered heartily Into Ills views for the re \ ival of commercial and social intercourse. He will, •hiring Ins stay in this city, make the acquaintance ol our business men. -- The Twelfth Main e Reoiuevt op Veteran Vol i mi:i:rs.—Orders were received here on Thurstiay last to muster out of service the 12th Maine Regi ment. which has been performing Provost duty in tins city since the llth day of October last. The Regiment arrived in Savannah nine Compa nies strong. Company B was at once detached on special duty, and s%it to Waynesboro, Georgia, on tlie S:iv imah and Augusta Rail Road. The Regiment was first organized at Portland, .Maine, Nov. 15th, 1861, under the call of the Govern ment for three hundred thousand men to serve for three years, or during the war. Brigadier-General George F. Sliepley, ■ f Portland, was appointed Col onel by Governer Washburn, of Maine. I'pon the organization of the Regiment at Port land, they were ordered to join Major-General B. F. Butler's New England Division, and left Pori land mi the '-dhid day of Nov. 1861, proceeding to Boston whore i lie Regiment remained In camp under strict discipline until the 2nd day of January, 1862, when the]'embarked on board the steamship Constitution for Ship Island, Mississippi. They remained here until .ipti: sth, when the Regiment left for New Or. leans, ui and was present at the surrender of that city, where they remained on Provost duty until October, 1-'/.', While the Regiment was on duty In New Or leans, they engaged iu two expeditions; one to Pass Munshack, on the Jackson Rail Road, engaging and capturing a battery and six guns, a stand of colors, all the camp and garrison equippage of a Company of Heavy Artillery of the Confederate Army. This conspicuous action of the Regiment was on the lTlli day of June, 1862. The second expedition was on the 17th day of Sep t nitier, 1862, when companies C, F aud D, under the command of Major Strong, of (fen. Butler’s staff, (subsequently Major Qen. of Volunteers, killed at Buttery Wagner, Charleston, S. C.,) attacked Pontch attua, Miss., captured it and destroyed a train of car.’ loaded with Confederate stores. In performing this work of destruction the detachment attacked tiie loth Arkansas regiment, snpporting two section* of Light B ittery. After an engagement, which lasted a bunt one Hour, the whole force of the Confederates was driven in disorder from the town. The battalion after destroying a train of cars and doing material damage otherwise, were compelled to fall back, tlie Confederates having been heavily reinforced. After the Regiment had rested a few day*, they were or dered to proceed up the right bank of the Mississip pi river, remaining there until March, 1863, under striet discipline aud drill. From this point they joined the forces moving upon Port Hudson, enga yuig lu several hard fights under General N. P. haiiiis, ~n one occasion leading the advance through thick woods and undergrowth against the works of Peri Hudson. The regiment performed Important service m this memorable selge. After the surren d ref Port Hudson, the regiment returned to New Orleans where they were assigned to Provost duty until April nth, 1864, when three hundred of the ffcginicnt who had re-enlisted as veterans, went home on furlough. On July 15th, 1865, after the return or the veteran portion, the regiment (Marked for Fortress Monroe and were ordered up flic Juno * River to Bermuda Hundreds: from thence ilicv wi: sent io Petersburg, near the front, having h en placed under Gen. Butler. They also passed '('rough all the baffles, fights and skirmises under Sheridan :,i the campaign of the Valley. The Twelfth -Vine came to Savannah on the ISCh day of Jan uary, 185'., remaining until about the 14th of April " lien nit regiment was filled up with six new cum- Pauies mid ordered to Augusta, Georgia, where they (emaiiied a Oort time. Retnrng to Savannah, they "ext p ’weeded down the Atlantic and Gulf Rail occupying posts at Darien, Doctortown, Brunswick, Tlionia wile, *c., whence they re hinicd to savannah. Ttie following Hi e the vreeeot staff and field offl cersof the regiment. Colonel— Wm. r. Kemball. eui. Col—Fdward llsley. Major Uidoon A. Hastings. curgeo ii—Collins. **■ Surgeon—W. C. Towel. ' ” ‘' st - Surgeon—Win. Ferriald. Adjutant—r. B. Kendall. ‘.""uteri, maer—A. B. Goodwin. ’ JI ’ ANV . No - >O, of Savannah.— The Twelfth An 'lll' of tl.i* efficient body of Firemen will late Monday next, and will be celebrated with observances. About two o’clock on the ' ’ "'"0" of Monday, the members of Germania will vni r" ,l< Ut tl,e * r Hall in full uniform, where they Hoi'" |irocc *sioß. under escort of tho Brass (tin, ," r ' llc 121,1 Malne Volunteers, and march n u ’ < 1 o,<> ral of the public streets. Should cir ri C ' "‘woriible, they will also try the pow Aft", V K,l|flne at the Exchange, on Bay street, 'Parade tho company, with Invited in,',’ ' "dl repair In the Volkallfirtfin, where* *ump- If , "CU, " Will he served up by Messrs. Wei -1 a 8*. X 1 1,y will clone with u grand ball at Clio ~,! ' 1 " l xt -H. Kale was brought up eliarg in i ;ji. ' "f'' l ' '(slug pmvlsiun* from 6fr». Mvinlmf, •fl,. ' ' “id Icfusillg lii psy fri| Uis Mlh*,— 1 mill, | 1,1,1 filfiiliout,aa M w»* *l|itwit that b* •i M ‘ o"'(iL Tlie cate va* ill* Imrgsd. i i i|, r , ***» siislguml iPurged wild ('in* i, u , s a ihe inaiket, ami Mrikiun M, |. , ' « aud filled 61 "fit ii. , *44 i hsrg«| with resisting p»ltew i.,,, and(“ haigs pf iiiiui iftaifi ami pa**l IJ (Me H u ff hbeinsM, wm cliargsd wiih „ sml all, lupllug lu l«6e Ui* Ilfs of a 111 "‘hi I Idlfftilmh fil a* Idishgi swq MfovgUeff MIMU, fee v# * wintered severs! citizens, and without -suv drew a pistol and fired several shots at one id the party— The Mayor dismissed him from the Police, and fined h m *2O. Combination of the White Kike Companies of Savannah.—lt is with pleasure that we announce that by recent action of the several Companies, a combination has been effected of the Oglethorpe Fire Cos. No. 1, Washington Fire Cos. No. 9, Germania Fire Cos. No. 10, the Mechanic Fire Cos., and the Me tropolttan Fire Cos. The Companies above mention, ed have each elected the officers of the other compa nies honorary members of the organization. The fraternal relations which will be established through this movement cannot fail to promote the welfare of the whole fire department. We are gratified to learn that all the companies are in a prospering condition, and that the accessions to their respective rolls have been large. We subjoin a list of the officers of the combined white firemen: OGLETHORPE FIRE COMPANY NO. 1. President—Henry F. Willing, Jr. First Assistant—Francis L. Gue. Second Assistant—Charles L. Schreck. Third Assistant—Geo. T. Theus. Secretary—it. Wsyne Russell. Corresponding Secretary—Henry H. Eden. Treasurer—Chas. L. Lodge. WASHINGTON FIRE COMPANY NO. 9. First Foreman—James A. Barron. Second Foreman—James Kearney. Third Foreman—G. Murkins. Secretary—J. Kearney. Treasurer—Nicholas Wolf. GERMANIA FIRE COMPANY, NO. 10. First Foreman—ilenry Blun. Second do —John H. Zeigler. Third do —August Schrimp. Secretary—Ferdinand Kolb. Treasurer—Matthias H. Meyer. MECHANIC FIRE COMPANY. President—H. H. Llnvillc. First Assistant—W. D. Dixon. Second Assistant—James M. Theus. Third Assistant—James J. McKenzie. Secretary—R. J. Glass. Treasurer—D. Ferguson. METROPOLITAN FIRE COMPANY. President—.lames Stewart. First Vice President—W. E. Gue. Second Vice President—Wm. Starr. Secretary—W. N. Valleau. Treasurer—G. H. Sneed. Surgeon—J. S. McFarland, M. D. Presentation.—One of those pleasant affairs which break the monotony of business life, and are looked back to as vases among the dreary cares of trade and traffic, was tne presentation of a testimo nial of esteem, by a party of business men of this city, to Purser Larkin, of the steamship Euterpe, of John R. Wilders’ line. Day before yesterday evening, a number of the merchants, steamboat agents, and officers of steam ers lying in port, having assembled at the store of M. Duggan A Cos., Bay street, Capt. Black, of the above firm, presented, with a few appropriate re marks in behalf of the company, a fine Colt's seven shooter, to the worthy and popular Purser of the Euterpe. Mr. Larkin responded in a brief but elo quent speech, and the pleasure of the occasion was continued for a time in the mutual enjoyment of wine, wit aud sentiment, at the close of which, the company, (not the pistol went off), well pleased with ae'event, with themselves, with each other, and the rest of mankind. raising of the Fannie Lehr.—The river steamer Fannie Lehr, Capt. C. H. Lewis, which ran on a snag on her upward trip on Sunday the 19tb ult., and was beached to save her from sinking, has been successfully raised, add reacted the city early last evening. On Tuesday last, Capt. Tlios. Conklin, of the Coast Wrecking Company of New York, who raised the steamer Annie at Fig Island a few days ago, proceeded to the aid of the Fannie Lehr, and after about twenty-four hours work upon her with his ceutrlfugal pumps and utlieq, wrecking appa i atus, had her ad„at again. The Fannie Lehr lay with her stern submerged about six feet, aud her bows out of water. There was but afilngle hole in the bottom, and the steamer was but slightly dam aged, the machinery being entirely pninjured. The ‘eak had all eady been effectually stopoed by Capt. Lewis, and the steamer upon being pumped out im mediately steamed down to the city without further difficulty. The repairs upou the Fauuie Lehr will be easily completed within a few days, when she will resume her trips betweeu Savannah aud Augusta. Capt. Conkliu, the wrecker, has several more jobS'Of a similar character awaiting him upon oar wreck strewn river, among them the steamers Robt. Lee aud'Savanuab. Ogr House in Flames I—As we stepped from oar front office door last night, we were startled at be holding a "house’ ’ on Bay street near the corner ot Whitaker all in a blaze. There was yet no commo tion in the streets, the fire bells were silent, and no alarm of fire came from the watchman in the steeple. Procteding up the street until we had reached a point where the cross lignboards did not obstruct the view, we discovered the building was the well kuowu “Our House, •’ occupied by Messrs. Kerlin A Cos., as a Restaurant ami Billiard Saloon. On reaching the premises we found many citizens and firemen on the spot aettvely employed in reliev ing the bar of Its stock of liquor wines, ale, cigars, Jtc., while our friend Mike, not iu the least discon certed by the occurrence, was moving about with bis usual suavity and fine flow of spirits. At this hour the illumination of Our House may still be seen from our front window, thengh everything In tlie vicinity is quiet. We have not learned the extent of the damage, nor whether the building Is insured. Executors Sale of corn and Plantation Uten sils.—Attention Is invited to the advertisement of Mr. D. S. Branden, Executor, offering for sale 5,000 bushels of corn, together with a large number of mules, horses, hogs, cattle, and a variety of planta tion products and utensils The sale will take place on the 16th Inst, at the well known Aucela Planta tion In Thomas county. The plantation, one of the best cotton, corn and sugar producing plantations n the Southern country, will be rented for the year 1566, at the same time. The Theatre—Those who enjoy fine acting with exquisite vocalization, will have a treat to-night in Mrs. Watkins'presentation of the Vivandlre, in the Child of the Regiment, a character which she per forms to perfection, and in which she gives many of the most popular songs of that ravorlte opera. The part of Guillot is one peculiarly adapted to Mr. Wat kins' #haste style, while the general cast of the piece leaves no room to donbt that it will be performed in manney superior to what we have been acc4stom dto see lt on our stage. The bill to-night is an ex cellent one and should attract a crowded house. THE Metropolitan Billiard Hall.—This mag nificent saloon has been thronged for the past two nights, tho elegance of the hall and the complete ness and superior quality of ail Its paraphernalia eliciting universal admiration aud commendation. For Avgusta.—Tlie river steamer Oak, Captain McCauley, with a full cargo, was cleared yesterday by Col. J. B. Presdee and F. M. Myrell. for Augusta. A LILLIPUTIAN ON THE SAVANNAH RIVER.—At an early hour yesterday morning, the Lilliputian steam er P. B- Godsell, Capt- Dunlap, was cleared by M. A. Colieu, Agent. She had a full freight. ll* S ALLEN & ( Oi) iso At 10l WaTEKHT NEW YORK. M/FURR IMPLEMENTS, AMD MAIHIMIBV OF ALL HMDS, Sin nil Tool! fat Iht farm ntul Garin, »!<«* M KhmcU,U<m, Pork., HnkM, Ac., <Md/»r Ora** U,Mkt, Hci/lhn. B,ylk-Slum'», nnl Agricul tural Hardware inycurral. We offer, also, a l*rg* assortment of our own mann factiraof IDy huSX Coffee and Grain Mile, Sugar Mills lor Orooen' ate. Wore 'i ruck* of varUme pel tern* Itoad Scr«l» i», Wheelbarrow*, *e Pertllilser* ■/*!! kind*, -uch *a C;.c'. Superplioa pliuie ot Til me, pure Oroimd Hour, I'erovlan Guauu, Kil l I’oudrulle, HKKU*. Bv*r* v»hi«lde A lino hail and ffoieign varnlruf V, gi table. F|o»i I and Urea* ‘, ,il*ud Mef'ffiralfi LIMA ha* proved wurtliy of ■ nlUvaibsi. grown and I MPf( < a*ly lor oil' bate. Aalea mad* Ifijndfk per nunnd m lm»l»*l, or In Mall pulnda.for leiallooi by IM lon,died ut lllohaand **pl9 Saw Unto To Gentlemen. Mi IM#* can Id# a*madumah'liuJ I * til* f til "I r , *»Ma#milmf om Nhtp|>tu£ Intellia;«ne©. | Miniature Almanac This Day. Nun rises .’. 6 44 Moon rises 5 11 Nun sets 4 56, High water 4 66 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Thursday, Nov. 30, 1865. Arrived. Steamer Clarion, Morse, Augusta-Chas L Colby A Cos. Steamer Laura, Garnett, Augusta—Erwin A Hardee. Steamer Volunteer. Andrews, Augusta—O’Fallon A Cos. Steamer Wm G Giblions, Ptillpot. Augusta—Erwin A Hardee. (lea red. Brig Red Wood, Boyce, Boeton—Rogers A Cann. steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham, i’alatka, Fla—L S Bennett. Steamer Lizzie Baker. King. Palhtka, etc—Clag horuA Cuuningham. Imports. Per steamer Clarion, from Augusta—loo bales up land cotton, 23 do sea island do, 3 do domestics aud mdse. Per steamer Wm G Gibbons, rrom Augusta—l 37 bales upland cotton, 18 do amnesties and mdse. Per steamer Laura, from Augusta—lß2 bales up land cotton, and sundry mdse. Per steamer Volunteer, from Augusta—42l bales upland cotton, and mdse. Export*. Per brig Red Wood, for Boston—346 bales upland cotton, 10 tons old iron. Passengers. Per steamer Wm G Gibbous, from Augusta—W D Warwick aud family. A S Rutherford, M Ketnpner. M P Kellogg, Airs Calhoun anil family, Mrs Tupham, Mr Cartel, Miss S Carter, Miss Robertson, A D’Au tignae, T W White, E Mendell, 4 officers and 4 en listed men, W Lawton and family, TJ Black, S T Dundar, Mrs S Jones and servt, Miss Wade, K M Wade, J D Wade, S G Scovin, and 4 deck. Consignees. Per steamer Wm G Gibbons, from Augusta—Brady Smith A Cos, G 11 <f G W Lamar. E Mendel, A Low, J Richardson, Erwin A Hardee, W D Warwick, JllO K Wilder, Lt Col Darling, Tlios J Black, J D Wade and others. Per steamer Volunteer, from Augusta—O Fallon A Cos, E F Metcalf A Cos, Hunter <t Gamine!!. Per steamer Igiura, from Augusta—G BA G W Lamar, Rogers A Cann. Per steamer Clarion, from Augusta—A G Brown, Hunter A Gammell, J W Lathrop A Cos, A McUiUon, E E Wade, Erwiu A Hardee, A M Scarborough A Cos, Guckeuheimer A Selig, Tisou if Gordon, Adams Ex Cos. ÜBT OF VESSELS IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Dec. 1, 1885. STEAMSHIPS. Virgo, Buckley, loading, New York—O Cohen. San Jacinto, Loveland, loading, New York—B H Hardee. Nevada, Carpenter, loading, New York—Brigham, Baldwin dt Cos. Hunter, Rogers, loading, New York—Hunter A dQammeli. Darien, (Br) Harau, loading, Liverpool—Brigham, Baldwin & Cos. SHIPS. Mont Blanc, Donnell, 700, loading, Liverpool—La Roche, Gaden & Unckles. Virginia, Weeks, 1,044, loading at Lamar’s Press, for Liverpool—C L Colby A Cos. Tborwalaon, (Br) Broinage, discharging—Keld A Stewart. Favoiite, (Br) Spain, discharging—E A Soullard. Herald, Calvert, discharging—U Green A Son. BAKES. Thos Thos Whitney, (Br) Kelly, loading—B, Wyily A Christian. Craeso, (Br) tons, discharging—Brigham, B A Cos. Platlnius, Pinkham, loading—C L Colby A Cos. Colonist, (Ur) Taylor, discharging—Chas Green A Son. Laconia, Doane, discharging—Hunter A Gammell. . TERNS. Lizzie Batclielder, English, 400, loading, New York —Hunter A Gammell. BRIQS. Clara Pickens, Rodgers, 450, loading for Liverpool —Wm Starr. Ida McLeod, Cook, 398, loading for Boston—Hun ter A Gammell. Rush. itaynor, discharging—Patterson & Tucker. Atlantic, Wark, 101 tons, discharging—B, Wyily A Christian. Olive Francis, Small, loading—Charles L Colby A Cos. Blackllsh, Ticketts, discharging—Laßoche A John son. R C Wright, Hugg, discharging—R Habersham A Son. Albert Thomas, Van Brunt, discharging—Chas L Colby A Cos. Fannie, Chapman, discharging- Master. SCHOONERS. Geo Darby, Snow, from Now York, dlsch ’g— Hunter A Gammell. D W Vaughan, Mont, 234, loading, New York— Patterson A Tucker. A F Ames, Ames, loading, New York—Van Horn, Holyoke A Murray. Chattanooga, Black, loading—Richardson A Bar naid. John M Bromel, Dooglass, discharging—Hunter A Gammell. “auction sales. AUCTION! Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening, AT THE STORE ON BROUGHTON STREET, Third door from Bull, Where will be offered a general a»Burtment of Dry Goods, Boot* and Shoes, Hosiery, Under-clothing, Books, Yankee Notions, Jewelry, Ac, Ac, at the pur chaser’s own price*. Terms C'isb; sales positive. dl-30 York, Williams, Mclutire &Cos. Will sell at auction THIS DAY. In front of store, at 11 o’clock: 5 bhds Bacon Side* 6 do Shoulders 20 boxes Soap, fine 20 boxes Colgate's Starch 20 kegs Butter 10 boxes Adamantine Candles 10 boxes Tallow Candles 4 bbls “ Marshall's'’ Pig Shoulders 20 boxes fine Chewing Tobacco 2 bags Black Pepper cases Boots and Shoes An Invoice of Dry Goods An a-sortment of choice Irish Poplins 1 Clipboard 100 klttß No. 3 Mackerel, large Terms, cash on delivery dl — . ! ■(■ AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wyily & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having been so many applications for Small Tracts of Land for location, the owner of the above Land, feeling a disposition to meet this demand, has placed in the market, for a few days, Lota of Five Acres, or more, part cleared, on the Augusta Road, op posite to the three mile stone, also on the White Bluff Road, opposite to the two mile stone. tf-mc Dry Goods. By Bell, Wyily & Christian. TO MORROW (Frblayj, Ist December, at 10 o'clock, in Salesroom: An invoice of Dry Goods, Jnst received and will be sold without reserve, consisting of— Muslins Calicoes Dress Goods De Laines Flannels Piaida Ribbons Flowers Hats Bonnets ALSO, A general assort meat of Mllincry Goods, Fancy Ar ticles. Ac., Ac. Terms cask. n3O AT PRIVATE SALE" By Bell, Wyily It Chrlitian. Bacon Shoulders Starch Bacon Sides 1 Candle* Canvassed Hums Tobacco Liverpool fim Flour llay Mackerel Case Brandy Case Whiskey Champagne Ales Parnlluru Wrapping Paper Heap Leller Paper. Ac, Ad nao 6 UNDERW KITBRH HALE •y Bell, Wyily ft ClirtotUn T<> MOKItUW iSalurd*/, ad Inst,) fit II tP lock, a lit* I ..war Hydraulic notion Praia, will b* odd lu> arcatuoi ol Uiuiur writer* and all rum are d| 14 balsa Dolt on lad luoaoCuHjm eu hoard CaraaMlM /At. Mo. I. A4AO, II baiaa Itoitou D*MM|fi*4 on I**l and t*ougb'y’«»*l. Mo » *l*u, 6 telafitMlo* Ai lAomm'* Piean, daUgad no board druw l*o I* l * WMa *l4 odd under ti apOtUoo ot PuH Wlftete far**. b#ol6 bowfb tW****/ dl • AUCTIONS. By Bell. Wyily A ChrMl.ii AT PRIVATE SALE. 46 acre, of fine Garden Land, within the limits of the dty. The improvement* consists of a ttist cla**cottage dwelling, gothic si) le. containing six large room* with marble mantel piece, dining room, kitchen, library room furniabed with shelves aud glassdoors. Outbuilding conaist* of farm honee. containing .even room*, barn, carriagehouse and .tables. Purcha-er can hare Ihe re fusal ofcorn, fodder, hay, homes, mules, baggies and wagons. Alao, 2430 ocreaot heavily timbered land, situated twenty (201 mills from the illy, between the Ogeechee and Otnooehee Roads. All excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation, too acr.e or the above cleared. Improvements consists of two email dwelling houses with etablea, cribs. Ac. tf-u!9 AT PRIVATE sale; By Bell, Wyily A Christian. 100 acres of Land, situated on the Vernon river, akont nine miles from this city. The improvements conaist or dwelling, barn, stables, and other neces sarv outbuildings. An abundance of fish, oysters, shrimp, Ac., con veniently obtained. Price of property, $2,000. u2B-tf »ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE By T. J. Walsli. On TUESDAY, January, sth. 1860, will be gold at the Court Huoae, in the city of Savannah, at 11 o’clock: The Eastern Half of Lot No. lt Jackson Ward, (fee simple, with improvement*;, corner of Whitaker and Hull street*. The improvements are a two-story brick dwelling, nine rooms, with water in the yard and gas through th** house ; brick stable. Doth build ings nave elate roofs. Sold by permission of the Ordinary of Chatham county, fora division among ihe heirs. Terms cash, purchaser paying for titles. n24 BY BLUN & MEYER. THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, lu front of store, will be sold, 6 hhds prime Shoulders 6o bbls onions and Potatoes 10 bbls Apples ALSO, An invoice of Cloaks, Mantillas, Garribaldies, Shawls, Jackets Belts, Klbbona, &c., Ac. dl BY BLUN & MEYER. Will be sold on THURSDAY, December 7th. »t 11 o’clock a. m., at our store: 20 acres of good Gardening Laud, back of Lover’s Lane, ljg miles from the Exchange. n3O-t(l EXECUTOR'S SALE. WILL be sold at the Arecilla Plantation of E. R. Young, late of Toomas county, deceased, three miles from Boston, No. 18 Atlantic A Gulf Rail road, on Friday, 16th December next, all the perlah able property beloi ging on said plantation, consisting for the meet part a r, follows ; About 20 Mules and Horses, 140 Fat Hogs, 200 Stock Hogs, 90 head Cattle, and 5,000 BUSHELS Ol CORN, 20 or 30 staiks Fodder, 2 or 3 Wagons, Sugar Mill, a large supply of Plantation Utensils, aud many other things. At the same time and place I will rent the Planta tion (one of the largest and best in the county; for the year 1868. There is about 1,100 ACRES OF OPEN LAN!) on the place, and in fine condition for another crop corn or cotton. D. S. BRANDON, dl-10 Executor. GROCERIES, LIUI OUS, 4k C., T. J. DUNBAR &CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, SEGARS. IC. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) 'MTB invite the attention ot the Trade and the Pnb ” lie generally to our large and elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquor*, Cordials, Conserves, Se gura, etc., etc. which U not excelled by any similar establishment in the States. We are sole proprietors of DUNBAR’S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of which Is fully established in this and foreign conn tries ; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BlTTEßS guaranteed superior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel and family use; DUN BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the u most purity, and put up expressly for our house, of wnich we are sole proprietors and importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith’s cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE. lu cases and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK PUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United States, put up by us in cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D A Cos. are sole agents for 11. A H. W. Catherwood’s Pure RYE WHISKIES. XX and XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large and well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trada and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS of finest grades, manufactured and imported expressly for this house, which we offer at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every description and grade of Foreign Liquors imported directly by this house, and for sale in bond or duty paid, at lowdßt market rates. nov7-lm Gso. R. Chump. Wm, A. W&ieuT, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. CRUMP & GO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Lipors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, &c. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, tW Will purchase and sell on CommlsslofcCoTroF, Touaooo, Pbouloe, and Mebohandlsi of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Angusta, Ga., Richmond, Va.. and Jno. C. Ferrill, Eaq., De- Witt A Morgan, Gaden A Unckles, A. A. Solomons A Cos., J. T. Paterson A Cos.. R. Molina, Esq , Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. ocM KIRLIN, B EO.&BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WB m LIfORS, CORN Rn WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED k DELIVERED. au2l ts To Wholesale Grocers, Liquor Dealers, Distillers, Druggists and Soap Manufacturers. I ESSENTIAL Oils for flavoring and Improving Bran !j dv. Rum. Port Wine, Bourbon, Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskies, age and body preparations for Neu aud Mollifying Whiskey and Spirit. Color ing*. Syrups aud Fruit Juices lor Brandy. Whiskey aud Wines, Oil* and Kxtracta of Cognac and other Brandies. Holland and London Gin, Ac. Dr P.'s Treatise on Fermented Liquors with 1000 Recipes FOB DKUGOIBTB’ USE. Persian Insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loadstone, Fluorspar ami Fluoric Ackl, Manual.we and all rare Chemical* and Drugs. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS. ailllcateof Soda in Crystals, Liquid and Jelly China Clay and Terra Alba, Soap atone,, Soda, Ash, Ac. JOB. W. FEUQftTIMNGKU, novl-eodJm No. 66Dhdar*i., N Y. h. g: ruwe & co, WliolioHalw GROCERIES i LIQUORS, WINK* AND NKGAKN, Corntr Br v»n and •«. Julian and Jonnaon 9qu<ir», rPMIMTINU 6MMH66I MOI'BWq Iff *••«* (.* Ar* id a(n i» f, a a it. »'••»*<#««» (<e k*i>4, fih *«*»*t«Ai “f vtaiankfv wxmw fisfiH | »w 1 URUfKMKf) Lu|i*UK»i *«■ PIERCE SKEHAN. Wholesale anil Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries. Boots and Shoes. Clutliin* Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquor* andSrgan. Also, Bkehau's Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and in wood. London aud Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade 170 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street. New York. Cheese, Butter. Boxes 11. * U State Dairy Cheese i— VMJ 5o boxes English Dairy Cheese 100 tubs Choice Gosben Butler 100 firkins Choice Goshen Butter For sale by . - HILTON * RANDELL. n2T-6 193 Bay street. MM. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES, WINES. LIQUORS. TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and. Cider*. eep2 ts RAI DEL L A 5?. ARE now offering to the trade a very choice selec tion of SOUCHONG. OOLONG, YOUNG HYSON, and IMPERIAL TEAS Also, NO 1 EXTRA AND FANCY SOAPS RAISINS, CURRANTS AND CITRON PUKE GROUND SPICES CREAM TARTAR B. C. AND SAL SODA . VERMICELLI, FARINA, JELLIES, And a general assortment of Fancy Groceries. n2l-eodlw WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDT, WINES, 4c. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike'e Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, 111 BAY STRK KV , (Herald Buildings.; ALSO, A1 sop’s Ale, Mars’ Ale, Apples. Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. octC ts BLACK TEA. JUST received, a small lot choice Oolong Tea. For •ale by M J. SOLOMONS A CO., nll-tf Jones’ buildings, Biy street. Biscuits, Bisciiils. A LARGE assortment of Fresh Biscuits. Just re ceived and for sale by M. J. SOLOMONS A CO., nIT-tf Jones' Blo< k. Bay street. POTATOES! APPLES!! 1 BARREPB Potatoes ■ f»o barrels Apples, Jfnet received and for sale by STUART & CO., n3O-2 Corner Bull and Broughton streets. 'CHEESE, SOAP. J A BOXES CHEESE, 76 boxes Fay's Soap. Just received aud lor sale bv ootlG BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & CO. j GARDNER TAKES the liberty of informing the public generally that be has just opened, and will always keep on hand a full supply of Fresh Family Croceries, of all descriptions and of the best quality, which he offers for safe at reasonable rales. Comer Jones and Barnard streets, at Ehrlich’s old stand. nlB-lm nFOREIGN DOMESTIcjgEffI laleswinfs JBuquors4segarsjEßHot SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS or— Ch. ‘Farre Champagnes FOR THE GEORGIA. BUYERS WISHING Tobacco, Flour AND SUCA R S , IN LARGE QUANTIES AND OF GOOD STANDARD BRANDS, Will find a fine stock at riancloll eb Co’s. nSleodlw LoiTr^ t i A small white POODLK DOG, highly rS3E!l>nz"U by the owner A satiable reward Aon i,e i.oiii fur in* ietni'ti to the store luv Uluugiiton street. 1126 J. B. PRESDEE. NOTICE. CONSIGNEES per s<homier ALBERT THOMAS, ' from New York, arc hereby notifl-,1 th„t ibelr good* are Uuding at Exchange woarvu*. All gooda Dot removed hi niuaet will be stored at ronalgneea' expciiie nndriak n?3 4 CHAS L. COLBY & CO . Agl*. Coffee, Tea. .»r HACKS 81. DotnlngoCoftee g.) 26aack* llloOuffen _ •« to mat* Kxtru Java 100 I addin* Imp, aud Young live HI Ten lun ■ and Kugll.h HirukfiutTee Fur .ale by HILTON A HAN DELL, n*l4 l»l lluy *trr, !*! LIVLRPOUI SACK SAL T. 'l'llM'ergo id Hip Uiitlali *hip lleiaid w olfeitd I for vale 111 ltd* in aifif pureha*,'re, by . i ll*h| l » UltkKN A WM, * 19 Mir MIWfiM MP'ddfiid * l*>»»| tUog>. fit! • » ~ NOW UNUmULNU I'UH HU, •If ua ttua*a, I. I. and aaddna 'Fob*.**' nbbdi no •’Pr «• 6*l i«M|*l M U|«* |o*M , I b* Uiligbl foi in ffufihviii, 1’,,. Mil (AM fHoMiH J i’ij MU M Kd fill *l4#*vi, •MfPDlNtti Empire Line. FOR NEW YORK. Atlautie Mail Mlocmumlilp Company an( * faat side-wheel steam BAN JACINTO, Loveland, mas jprffc wUI fAII *3 above, on Saturday, Dec. 2d, at 8 o’clock a. m. * For freight orpassage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply to B. H HARDEE, No. 12 Stoddard's Range. GARRISON k ALLEN, Agenta, n‘27 No. ft. Bowling Qreem New York. STAR LINE. FOR NET YORK. The fine Steamship NEVADA. Uarpeter, Com mander will leave for the above port on Saturday, Dee. ‘4 , at 8 o'clock a. m. For freight or paesage, having superior state room accommodations, apply to n3O BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. FOE NEW YORK '■’2v2L The brig OLIVE FRANCKS, F. A. ms,:CT ' ' 8 now blading for the JSsgaifft For freight, apply to CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., n29 Coffner Aherbprn and Bay sts. PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW lifjjPYORK. The new and splendid steamship HUNTER," M. L. Rogers, Commander, will leave for the above port on her regular day, Saturday, Dec. 4, at - o’clock. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply to dl HUNTHB A GAMMELL MURRAY’S LINE FOR new^york. The splendid steamship VIRGO, Bulfley,"fca*ter, will leave for the above port on , « 1 Saturday, Dec. and, at o’clock. - For freight or passage, having splendid aecommo tions, apply to u2T OCTAVUB COHEN. For PHILADELPHIA The Steamship CUMBRIA, (►WENCH, Commander, * Will gall for the above port on Saturday, Dec. 9, nt _ o’clock. For freight or paaa&gc, having excellent accoromo"' nations, apply to u3O td HUNTER & GAMMELL, FOR AUGUSTA. THE Steamer Oak, Capt. Wm. McCauley, Is receiving freight This Day at Lamar'a Wharf, and will have qu’ck despatch aa above. TLis boat is la excellent order (rate* A I In Insur ance Companies) and being of large capacity shippers can rely on having their orders go through with de spatch. fc For freight apply to J. B. FRESDEE, Agent, 109 Rronghton street. F. M, MYRKLU n29 Harris' Buildings, Bay street. Regular Weekly Steamer BETWEEN AUGUSTA - SAVANNAH. The New Iron Steamer WM. Gk GIBBONS, Capt. T. N. Puilpot, Having superior accommodation for Freight and Pas*engeia. will ply regularly between the above cities. Leaving Savannah every Saturday Morning, at 9 o’clock. Leaving Anguata every Wednesday Morning, at 7 o'clock. Laying at Mathew’* Bluff every Wednesday Night. It is the desire of the Agents of the Gibbons to make her a permanent Accommodation Heat for the Mer chants of Augusta and Savanhah aud the Planters along the Hue of the river, and with this object In view, no effort will be epared on the part of her owners, agents and officers to meet the wants of the traveling and treigbtiug public. ERWIN A HARDEE. ohn L. RouWilut, Agent at wharf., 1m nl3 FOR AUGUSTA, The Steamer EXPRESS, Capt. J. H. MORGAN, I* now receiving freight at Lamar's wharf, *n,l will leave on Friday next, at 0 O’clock p. m. ■* -a * This boat i* new, has large carrying capacity, is of exceedingly light dranght, can navigate the river at its lowest stage, and shippers need not fear any de tention to their or ders from low water, lord's Wharf; or to F. M. MYRELL, Agt, nao Harris' Bnildlngs. Bay street. For Augusta, THE STEAMEH JR. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the above place. Good* recelv. ed st alt time and stored in fire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free of cat. J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent. Office in Clagharn A Cunningham's. The May arrived in Augusta from Savaunah on Ult Friday with her fall freight. ts oct9 For Doctortown, Tbe Steamer C T. A B I O IST Will leave for ill* above place oil l> »illm >, Ihi . I, at I u'niM b m. m, r. imsHltig with m« AiUiuUg aiuf Uuli Railroad. Tui fl eight vi p» ■*••«, hiring auperlui mnumPf dilUulis, apply In aFjL, , 11»4» l« IJVI.HT * ixY, .11 | « m Ab*n mil •ml p«, 4s. For Liverpool. r,<x ii.Tf}? h«w HwiuMi, •Htrnsot HUreiglits FOR AUGUSTA, r I'HE unden-lgned are prepared to receive good* at * their Warehouse.—free of expense end car ered by Insura< re—for shipment to Aageafa and 'Points beyond by their tegular line of light dmnght boat.. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, sept 29—ts cor. Bay and Abercorn at*. For Doctortown AND V Thomasvillee The Steamer* Shepley, . Orient, and Clarion, ofl'a’f!' kly . to I>octorto »ii, in coo "ith ‘he Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, leaving Thn aday. and Snidayi I hriaigh freight payable by shippers at our office of ffitpente eCe ' V * d during u ‘« »eeL and stored free For freight or passage apply to _ CHAS L. COLBY A CO., bW Corner Abercorn and Baystreeta. For Charleston, The new Steamer CITY POINT, Capt. E. 8: talbot, Will leave as above Every Saturday, ut 0 a. na. For freight or passage applyto H. W. ADAMS, or „ J- 8. CARHUTHBRS. nzT Hodgson'a Range, Bay street. FOR HAWKINSVILLE AND MACON. THE STEAMEn COMET, £APTAIN HORNE, Will leave as above with de«sntc_. , For freight which will be received at the Upper Hydraulic Preas IJard, and covered by Insurance until placed on board steamer, apply to v . ’ * BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO. notice! THE BRITISH, WEST INDIA AND PA CIFIC CO a STEAMSHIP, DARIEN, Will leave for Liverpool Direct, »*» ON Saturday, X3oc. Bel. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. FOR Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St. Thomas, Para, Pernambuco and Bahia Pif'truirir The United State, and Braall MaH ’U? ste 4 m * hi P Company will dispatch On the ‘4oth off every month, A NEW A NttVi RST-CLABB STEAMSHIP, To heave ut 3 o'clock, p. m., From Pier 43, North River. All letters have tp pass through the Post Office. An expeiiencSd Surgeon nrlll.lw in attendance on board. m- For freight an Dassage, having eplendid accommo. dationa, apply o * THOMAS ASENCIO i CO.. oct3l-3m No. IT, Broadway, New York. f WANTED TO MML A Liffhter, of 250 barrel* capacity, on /•iflvh. * n<l UDder fo,r * ah^ktrlp. RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Opposite Mariner's Clinrch, n2l Bay street. STEAMSHIP LINE TO LIVERPOOL, DIRECT. The British West India and Pacific Company’s Steamship DARIEN, Hiving * large part of her cargo engaged, will have quick deepatcb. For freight of 1000 bales of Cotton, or passage, apply to nH6 , BRIGHAM, BALDWIN,a CO FOE LIVEBJPODL. r£Tv The British bark CIUESCO, Carrey, mas. JETZt*K' le~, capacity H 00 Bales Cotton. ® Tnarerse For freight apply to ROBT. J. CAOGHEY nS » tf WBayfcm. For Liverpool. The new first claas clipper ahip , •VIRGINIA, WEEKS, Commanfer, Is now loading rapidly at Lowe* Pnu, and haying large engagements will hay* quick despatch. For freight or paSagge (taken at lowest rate*) apply CHAB. L COLBT * 00., •*** corpw Ahsrcorn and Bay at*. For Liverpool. iarttß UOD&y™* JMght (having lyom only for a law tnt|e«i inqulroOr UfeOOHfe. tiAUXN 4 UKCIU4* -H* l «* tSaals. Wines, Liquors. A|) U4MM N*a**M Brandy * *' W qiiariri JwW M.,hiii A |» u w |, w i t SO .MM old I »MI ami I) Ihy tilft t*l iw> hi JMlan t lain , I a*.»»<■* hist IkniilwM tobwhaa *' l «*»>«* rlaulaHo* fc.iWia Km* sals by «li 4 Mll4kiH • >i|lM|U COME AT LAST!