Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 02, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BY S. W. MASON A CO. *A.»IIKI. V\. >*'**►* KC*lllor, w . T. TiIOHPM* *»«M i»lr Kililur. t >.\\ ANNAII. SATCBBAY, DECEMBER 2, 1685. OCR KORKII*' RELATIO** A recent special dispatch trout Washing ton to a New York paper, announces that the consideration of our ioreign relations has occupied a great deat of the attention ot the President and his Cabinet during the last two weeks. It is stated also that the French Minister has bad several long interviews with the President and Secretary of State, after l tie receipt by the latter of voluminous afld highly important dispatches both from Mr. Adams and Mr. Bigelow. The entangling difficulties with France, growing out of the occupation of Mexico by a foreign potentate, in violation of the Mon roe doctriue, and the embarrassing nature of our diplomatic relations with England occa sioned by a conflict ot views touching the demand lor indemnity for alleged spoliations upon the commerce of the United States by the Alabama and other Confederate war ves sels constructed, or fitted out, in English jtorts, are well calculated to precipitate a breach of the pacific relations between our Government and that of France or England. Yet, notwithstanding these threatening in dications, and others of equal significance, which are producing no little agitation in political and financial circles on both sides of the Atlantic, we think it may be safely assumed that there will not be a foreign war. It cannot he denied, however, that, owing to the present state of ill-feeling between our Government and that of France, inten sified, as it will be, by the recent appoint ment of a Minister resident to the Govern ment of Juarez, it wonld take very little to precipitate a conflict j and collisions might take place on the Mexican frontier between our troops and those of the French Empe ror. But it is reasonable to suppose that every thing of this kind lias been foreseen and provided for by the Administration. It is well known that the foreign policy of the United States Government for the last five years has been managed by Mr. Seward on principles obviously having exclusive ref erence to the late internecihe war, and though the struggle has terminated in the restoration of the Union, mauy of the principles referred to have not, in their applicability, ceased to exist, and the violation of which is as much forbidden by the forecaste of the astute pre mier now,as before the collapse of the military power of the rebellion. Our reasoning on this subject is greatly strengthened by the alleged fact that in 1861 and '62, Mr. Seward admitted the right ot Napoleon to land a French army in Mexico and to make war on that country, which he must have known would result in the extinction of the Repub lic, because he believed that if he did not do so, Napoleon might recognize the South and thus prevent him from putting down the re bellion. . . , If the anti-war hypothesis ascribed to Mr. Seward is, indeed, correct, the appointment of a Minister to Mexico at a time when the Administration has determined not to depart from its former neutrality, is, seemingly, a singular violation of sound policy ; and yet such is the high character of the Secretary for diplomatic skill and profound statesman ship, that to indulge in criticism might sub ject us to the charge of gross presumption But it must be apparent to all that the ap pointment of a Minister to that country un der a strict adherence to the policy ot non intervention . that now predominates at Washington, will only prolong in Mexico a hopeless struggle, and c6st the lives of hun dreds of brave men who will never abandon the struggle as long as they are thus encour aged to hope for aid from this country—aid that may never come. It is fair to presume from what lias already transpired and been made public, that our policy towards England has likewise been governed by certain fixed principles ever since the commencement of the late war.— Those principles, which have been explicitly set forth in Mr. Seward’s correspondence, steadily adhered to for the last five years, have thus prevented a foreign war. There is no prospect, at present, that Mr. Seward will be removed from the Cabinet, and, if he remains, his policy with England will con tinue unchanged. The claims for depredation l ? on American Commerce, committed by vessels fitted out in English poits, will be amicably discussed, and if Lord Palmerston had lived, they might have been settled, or at least compro mised. But the dispatch to which we have alluded says intelligence has been received at W ashington, Pom London, to the effec l that the JN r ew English Cabinet will positively ignore those claims, and will refuse to make any compensation for them, and will base that retinal first, and generally, upon certain principles of international law • and second, upon admissions made by Mr. Seward him self, in his cortespondence during the war. This, it is said, wiil be the ultimatum of .the English Government on the subject. What, then, will be left for Mr. Seward to do? Either to submit or go to war to euforce our claims. To accept the latter alternative would bring about-an immediate'alliance, of fensive and defensive, between France and Great Britain, lor the alliance that assailed Russia is still Intact. And in a war .with two such powers we would be the greatest sufferers. Nobody knows this better than Mr. Seward. Tm. Richmom, Medical Journal.—The attention of Medical gentlemen is directed to the prospectus of the Hiehiiioud Medical Journal, the hrst number ot which will shortly appear trout the Richmond Virginia ptess, under the editorial direction of Ur E S Gaillard, and Dr. W. S. McCherney, 1»U. ... whom ure endorsed by the Richmond press as gentlemen of eminent professional ipiali filiations and highest moral worth and social standing. Dr. Gsillurd ol Richmond, held a i„g U position in the Confederate Medi cal Mall', is distinguished North and South lor hla scientific aUuiumcms and professional and is a wrller of cullevatinu ami power. - Oerrit Kmtth, of New York, 1* ptiw in * hlcugii, for lh< purpose of prosecuting the I input tors ol the Chicago Tribune for li '.I, published in that journal in June last J* " iwpileallon, he Is accused „| ••iKisisiw lusaulfy, t„ , rwi)t 1(li HpowsiUltij i« n,e J„im iu t ,*n raid, ami Umil Im. pmp.v I'ouiinuet) ii limn H n,, r I.iurou wag Inaugurated. fIIUHUL AM* COMMERCIAL. KXNAHKi. HaV»n SXU. Dec. t, 1«. Cotton. —At the close ot outlast weekl y n*vi«* we quoad Middling Cotton* at 47,'.*44Tents pci ll*. Since ilu'ii the market baa IlmlqaU cl Iroin day to day, and no regular rate has existed. The small stock placed oo sale, enabled,holders to demand the i full rate, at which prices the aales were made. On Wednesday later intelligence from Kuro|ie shotted • hat the ...terpool market had experienced a decline, j whi<s induced most of the holders In our market to dispose of theirdote, Unbuiltting to a decline of front at, to l cent per pound on last week's quotations. Many holders have withdrawn their lots from the market, anti are not willing to aecept the present tigering rate. The stock on sale continues very limi ted, and Is only offered In small quantities. There are quite a number of European orders in Hie mar ket, but Die rale is limited, and as little good Cotton is on sale, they cannot be mled at present. Prices continue vert irregular, but yesterday the following ' were the ruling rates, dirty paid : ordinary Nominal. bow Middling 44 ft Middling .i.., 47 ft strict Middling .........48 (u, Joed Middling 40 ft The l>rr Goods Market continues without new tealures, except a slight define in prints. There is a good demand to till interior am) orders from Plot! da and Southern Georgia. The stocks are aile quate ami the receipt* contihue good. We quote prints at 20to 29 Md per yard and shirting unbleach ed, 44, as to 3Sc per yard; bleached shirting, 34 to Sir per yard jDelaines 40c per yard. Georgia mauufactured goods are dull aud very much neglected. There Is no change in prices. We quote yarns at $3 24 to 3 50 per bunch; Georgia shirt tng S3 to 38c per yard. • Cloths aru in very good demand and prices are much dnuer in consequence of un advancing ten dency In the Northern markets, Oassitneres are si lling at $2 to 3 per yard ; Jeans 66c to $1 per yard. The Money market js slighly changed, and the Tate- for g6ld are easier. It continues scarce, and the demand is somewhat slight. Brokers are pur chasing at 47 to 47G, and selling at 49c premium.— silver continues scarce and prices very irregular.— Coupons of the city continue In very fair demand. Time bills are without change, the bank and brokers not discounting to any full extent. In foreign Ex change the transactions are moderate. Brokers are doing a fair business in I’ncurrent Money. COTTON STATEMENT. Upland. Sea island. Dorn. Ikceipts Since Nov. 25, 1565. By' River 5,568 141 74 By Central Railroad 164 13 By wagons 140 22 Total Receipts, 6 872 is« 74 EXroRTS SINCE NOVEMHER 26, t 685 Upland, sen I. DomesUs, Tins week 7.310 IX3 124 Previously 56,1160 2,569 3,634 Total 63.360 2,682 3,758 STOCK ON BAND, DECEMBER 1,1866. Upland. Sea 1. Domes Vs. Stock, Sept. 1 3,694 " 94 236 Received this week 5,872 186 74 Previously 46,564 2,775 3,774 Total 85,134 3,065 4,081 Exports 63,360 2,682 3,758 Stock on hand, Dec. 1, 1865. 1,770 3 73 326 Ska Isi.ands.—ln consequence of the limited stock placed on the market the transactions have been very light. Prices are very irregular, as most of tile stock offered is of a very low grade, and the only inquiry is lor the Oner staple. The general range is from 86c to $1 25 per pound. Eor a very superior quality a higher Ugure has been jiaM. Tne stock of this 'de scription of cotton placed on sale Is very light, and conies to market in small;lots, the greater portion of which Is badly prepared, for which there is no de- Baooino—A good demand continues for bagging. The advance noticed In our last circular was fully sustained by transactions. We quote Gunny at 23a30 cents ; Sea Island Dundee at 32a33c ; Tucker, Cooper A Co.'s 40c, and at retail 45. Flour—The market has remained unchanged during the week, with only a limited demand for the home trade. The stock on sale la ample for all purposes, and by the arrival of each steamer from the North additional supplies are received As an Index of the market, we quote good Ohio at $lO 24(0,10 ao ; and family at sll 00ftU 50. The principal demand during the week has been for low er grades, and we quote them at s9@lo per 1,1,1. Some new lUjur from New York, has been sold at $lO 50a it per bbl-. Bacon—A very good demand continues for all de senptions of cut meats. The prices are withou change We quote Prime Sides at23a24c.; Shoul ders ar 21a23c., and llams at 26a30c. Eor ttie better qualities the latter quotation Is received. There is a moderate demand lor Pickled Meats, without, how ever, any alteration in prices. Family Pig Pork is quoted at sl6 ft2o V half bbl; Beef, lTVfftK We hear of sales of Sides and Shoulders at ‘22c. Biscuits.—The market Is well supplied with all 'descriptions of biscuits. Avery fair demand prevails lo till ordbrs from the Interior. We quote sugar bis cuits at 16c > lb. Boston Crackers ’.4a (b. Soda biscuits 13c f tb. Fancy Crackers from 16 tonic 1 Butter.—Our market is without change, a fair de mand by local and interior dealers continues, the stock offering Is ample for the present demands.— We quote Prime, iri firkins, at 45 a 50c tb, and New York Goshen at 55 a 60. CiiEESE*-TUere Is a large stock offering on the market; holders are firm at previous 1 ates. The demand is very fair by the local trade and for ship ment. We quote Prime Goshen at 20 a ‘23c, the latter quoation for the better quality. English Dairy at 24 and Pine Apple at 30 cents. Molasses.— The stock offering is ample for pres sent demands. Prices are without change and very lirm, the receipts were very good during the past week. We quote New York reflneil at 60 to 65c pei gallon, Golden Syrup 80 to 90c per gallon. Potatoes—Considerable sales have been made du ring the week. The rate has been $3.60a54.00 per bbl. Some sales have been made from wharf at a shade less. The market is well supplied. Hay.—Sales are daily made of this article. We quote it at sl.lO per 100 lbs from wharf. From store at $1.30a51.40. Rock.—The advance of this article in the Northern markets lias tiad a correspondingeffect here, ami pri ces liave advanced. We now quote Hi is i.aiy cents per ll>. -Coffee—'There has been no change In prices since <mr last report. The market continues to be amply supplied, anil we quote Java at 40a42c ; St. Domingo at 34c ; and Rio at 34a36c %* tb. Hides.—During the week the receipts have been light, a good demand prevails, and Dry Flnlt are i. more request anil the market has slightly advanced We quote: Green Hides —to 4c. per lb. Dry Salted to sc. per lb. Dry to 10c. peril*. Dry Flint 11 toiatic. per lb. Deer Skins . to 15c. per lb. Lime.—There Is now offering In this market two qualities of Lime. An article damaged and slack, cau lie purchased at $2 per bbl. We quote Rockland in lots at $4 per bbl. Iron and Steel.—A fair supply of all iron and steel is now offering in this market. The demand from local sources and Interior buyers is very good. We;quote Retlneil lion at 7c per lb.; Swedes lion at 10c per lb.; Plow Steel at 12>„c per lb.; Oast Steel 28 to 30c per lb. In currency. Nails.—There is a fair demand for this article and the stock is moderaie. We quote Boonton assort ed, at 9Saloc per lb. Bkasivax.—The lecelpss of this article are exceed ingly light, au active demaud prevails. We quote at 46c per lb, an advance of 6c per lb. Oils.—The market is unchanged and the demand fair for city and interior trades. We quote Ltnseeil at $t 75 per gallon ; whale at 12 00 ; Sperm at $2 76- Neatsfoot at $2 35 ; Lard at $2 60 ; Kerosene ’ sllO ; Train at tl 75 ; Turpentine at $1 40. Cement, Ac—A fair demand bv city builders con tinues ; there is a slight interior demand. We quote Plaster of Paris at $476 per bill.; Rosedale Cement *4 per bbl. Plasterers hair $6 50 per cwt. oats.—Tlie receipts of this grain during the week was quite large. Sales on the wharf are reported at 75 to 80c. the latter figure is now realized. Candles.—A good demand continues for all de scriptions ot candles, Roller’s Georgia Tallow are in great request by retail dealers. We quote Adaman tine 31 to 30c V ft.; Hull’s Mould Tallow 24c ¥ ft • Roller’s Georgia Tallow 85c ft c. H. Grants* Extra Adamantine at 2t)a3oc per lb. Apples.— There is an abundant supply of inferior and good Northern fruit offering in the market We quote from s7>, to $Bl, per bbl. Raisins.—There Inis been no important change in this article-since onr lust report, and we quote New Crop at »: ‘(4 box; $3 50 half tunc, ami it quarter box. Old stock al $0 R box ; $3 half box and $1 50 quarter box. The stock on the market Is equal to Lite demand. Cotton and Wool. Cakds—The market is firm at rales or the pasi week. The offering storks are quite ampin. A fair demand lo fill eniinLrv unlers has prevailed. We quote cotton cards at *ia per dozen; wool cards flu tier dozen. *—During the week the receipts were quite light, and the stock offering is nominal, pur lioulat ly of River Cypress. Thera Is a good demand \V. omce river Cypress at go a 7,gier thousand— Northern sawed no eliauge. All good and rah Inis meet with ready sale. The supply is increasing. Luuiikr.—Oil* market at present is well stocked Whh all OesrrlpUoUH of Lumber, particular!* of "leuei- and North Itltcr sniffs. We quote spruce ' and 'hi’k Si 4>c per fodt; spiqee flooring, dressed, I Vmo uSr'* ** " w h'ulressed (toollag m mar. 2- , N *•»' > connnou whin-pine Mmli laisrds. in r , rl oT i"*'"'l* 1 ? 1 ' 1 ‘i 1,1 My per ri; I„1 1 l" t hell 2 lllell plunk l',e par ,!.,.‘i “ lM *' 'lnscriptions U ele usi v "f*? 1 , lr * ll '' (hr iinias'iuie Z dell a ,71, . r»l i l ‘.L L 1 ,|UII,! Sill • o n '"h»uoipu .h ami Sip. ,j. 5 H,! * '* I' l "*' "’ SMlirtf si (pi per M » how'.f, r.K«T::♦" WW*" . and his W».< India i. sdr i, TINPMIM I 11. w.fl Xliih Wdh all grs.lcr id 111. m pish * A 1.0 ,„„ d.-Lo im! :»c uige -sie«•!’ .m7bu„,: * wp || 'i|W Cum far * »>l4l timuda It* mm I it* i* Is s k'.sl yo. t .dsn iite niuions of jrsilni in oi|i miitef |h, ilitas|i,|Tw D»«e h and a in.i aan rail skint u g.„.| #, HUUit k at ii» p*r and. e. American 448*4° per omen. Hem lock noli' El Aac >1 It 1 GMtNUKK—Doiiug the week the neripts of Florida I giattcd irun was large. We report* sale of *4,fta Florida Orange.' at *u average of 4*9 per thousand. ' There la U" Sully uraugeau, ihe market. 1.4 Kn. - There has been in, change since our last report. Wo now quote Prime Leaf at 30 a 32c In lute* ; and Pressed at 27 a 30 cent*.—The .-uppl* la only moderate, with a good leoniiiii. We quote raft tiuPa'r at $J)a S3O. For . small limber, of poor quality, a lower figure is paid. ! For fan lota of a good quality, the rate la $23 a $25. Cabbages —The maract well supplied. We quote j from *5 to $lO per 100 according 10 quality. Halt.—The market w abundantly supplied with iiit tlie unport* non* >mce our laat report have l*«Mn fuM) 12,000 Micka o( Liverpool, lu the early partoi the week lhr rate was $2 :ioas3 60, but with in the pant lew <la> * pl iers have declined, and sale* have been made m lota of SOA sacks, at $2 7tas3. For const salt there is little or uo demand. Kick.—The market i* almost bare of t his article.— The demand, however, is only moderate, and con* lined to the home trade. We quote Georgia ate! Carolina at 13i.a14c per lb by the tierce. Cidkk.—The market is now well supplied with this article. We quote Champagne Cider at $ 28a S3O per bbl. .Newark Cider. <4 bbls, can be bought at $ Italic. Fkkights. Thc'fretght market has »>een very dull dining the week, ami has declined. We quote cot ton to New York In steamships, at \c per pound for compressed, lc for uncompressed and 1 V for round. For domestics $1 taper bale. For Liverpool by sail ing vessels \.d nominal ;by steamships, %i\. To Baltimore by sailing jvessels, 5 ,C for compressed. To Philadelphia, v do: uncompressed lc : same by steamships. To Boston ? 4 c compressed, uncompress ed lc. Timber to Northern ports, sl2 a 13 per lOuO ft. Lumber to Northern ports $lO a 12 per loou ft. Coastwise freights same as last week. Lemons This article has become very scarce, and no good lots are on sale. We quote from sl2 a sl4 y box. Corn—The stock is ample. We quote Maryland white at $1 10a $1 *2O, and prime Western at $1 30a $1 3ft, according to quality and condition. omons There is an abundant supply on the market, and during the week tbe sales have been Iroin $3u53.60 per bbl. Spices.—Our market is supplied in abundance with all deseriptlous ot Spices. We quote firound Pepper, 33c ; Ginger, 30c ; Cinnamon, Cse : Doves, 40 ; .Allspice, 30c ; Mace, $1 36 lb. Timber.—During the past week the receipts of all descriptions of Umber were moderate. The exports were to Northern ports. All stock offering is readily purchased. We quote mill timber round logs si2to SIC per m ft. Square ranging and shipping at $23@527 per ui feet, choice lengths, etc. $25 per m feet. Whiskeys.—The 'market the present week shows a continued advance in Whiskeys on all grades. The advance which was fully established, was ten cents per gallon. Holders are little disposed to oper ate, anticipating further rise in the Northern and Western markets. The stocks offering are quite large, Avery fair inquiry prevails. We quote Gibson’s Son’s A Co.’s whiskey as follow s: Double distilled old Rye Whiskey, per gal. $3.10; Superior old Manotigahela Whiskey, per gal. $3,26. Choice old Manongahela Rye X per gal. $3,30. Choice do. do. do. XX per gal. $3,40. Choice do. do. do. XXX per gal. $3,60. Choice do. do. do. XXXX per gal. $3,65. Choice old Bourbon Whiskey per gal. $3,40. Old Nectar 1840 per gal. $4.10 Old Family Nec tar per gal. $4 25. Pure old Rye Whiskey per gal. $4 35.. Pure old Wheat Whiskey per gal. $4 50. Old Cabinet Whiskey per gal. $4 76. Medar Swan Giu, $6 00; Sol let’s Imperial do., $5 60; Otard, Da pay A Co.’s Cognac brandy, lu quarter casks an<l hall pipes, sll to sls per gallon. Sherry Wines, $2 50 to $4 ta per gallon, according tb quality ; Imported Champagnes, De St. Marceaux A Cos.. Reims, s2s per casern quarts; Due De Monte brello, S2S per case. Wallace’s Brands as follows : Rectified $2 80 ; Imperial Nectar at $3 25. Bourbon $3 00 ; Columbian Gin at $4 00; M. Leavy A Co’s genuine Kentucky, $3 60, Keller’s genuine Kentucky Whiskies $3 75; Bourlion, in cases, sl2 ; Nicho las Schnapps sl2. Sherry Wine sl2 ; Cognac Bran dy S2O, Ale, per dozen, $3 ; Porter, per doz., $3; Virginia Mountain l)ew Whiskey $2 76 per gallon ; Old Plantation Bourbon Whiskey $3; Fuller’s Old State $4 sft to $5; Old Santa Cruz Ruin, warranted genuine, $8 to 10; P. H. Godard’s Brandy sl6 per gallon; Seignette sl6; Crown Sherry, per gal on, $4; St. Martin’s Port, $4 i>er gallon ; Ske han’s Golden Ale, per case of two dozen, $5 60; Porter do $5 50 ; Ales in bbls 16(& sl7; Cham pagne Cider per case of one doz qts $6, pts, of two dozen $6; Kentucky Bourbon Whisky $3 50 per gallon ; Old Rye $5 per' gallon ; Old Bourbon $3 to 350 per gallon. Imported Sherry $4 25 ; ami Port at $4 ‘26 per gallon. Imported Champagne $25 to 30 per case. Pure Holland Giu $4 to 6 per gallon ; Cognac Brandy $v to $lO per gallon, by case, S3O to 36. Egg Nogg sls per case. SAVANNAH WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. Articles. f PER FROM TO Ragging,Gunny yd 27ft— Sea Island Dundee yd 32ft33 Tucker, cooper ACo yd 40@ Tucker, Cooper* Cos., Retail., yd 45ft— Bale Hope 'tb l*ftl9 Beef, Mess bbl 16ft16 KtxraMess bbl 18ft— Family, half bids sia Baoon, Hams lb 26ft30 Shoulders ft 21ft23 Sides ft 23ft24 Bread, Navy lb 9c. Edot ft 10c. Butter, Goshen, Prime lb 53@57 Prime Western, Firkins ft 48@5l Candi.fs, Adamantin lb 29ft30 Hull’s. ft 24ft 25 Creese, Goshen ft 20ft23 English Dairy f... ... ft ft 24 Pine Apple lb 30ft— Coflae, St. Domingo M ft 34ft— Ri" -ft S4ft36 Java ft 40ft42 Cordage, Hemp ft 28@30 Manilla ft 30@32 Domestic Goods Shirtings, Brown yd Sheeitngs, Brown yd Brown Drills yd Cotton Osnabnrgs Fish, Mackerel, No. 1, new fflil flu 50 do. No. 1 bbl 209- do kits 3 009- Flour, Good -Ohio bbl 10 25910 60 Good Family bbl 11 50912 50 Ordinary hid 9 00910 00 Grain, Corn, Maryland White bush 1 209 1 26 Prime Western bush 1 3u® 1 36 Oats bush 7 59 80 Glass, American Window —a— Gunpowder keg —a— Hay, Prime Northern cwt DOal 00 do. Eastern cwt —a— Hides, Dry lb 7*B Deerskins ..-. ft a Iron, Swedes,...’.. ...ton —a— Pig.: a ton —a— H00p.., a _ Sheet —a— Nailrods —a— Labd, Prime Leaf lb Sla&t Pressed ft 37*30 Lime, Rockland bbl Ida— Lumber, White Pine, rough m ft s4oa— do Pine dressed mft 50a65 Spruce Pine Scantling mft 33a36 Yellow Pine Boards mft 50a— Molasses, New York, refined gal 60965 Golden Syrup gal 80(4)90 Nails ft 8 >’@9 y, naval Stores, Tar bbl —@— Spirits Turpentine — 9— Varnish — 9— Oils, Linseed gat 1 8.i®— Wta*e gat 2 oo@— Sperm gal 2 759 Neatsfoot gal 2 359 Raid gal 2 609- Kerosene g a i 1109— Tram gal 1759 Turpentine ga | 1 409 Lubricating OtLs Spindle Oil " gal 1 859 F.ngine Oil g a l 1 359- No. 2 Lubricating gal 85<ffl— Osnaburos, Flax yd Poke, Family l’ig Pork bbl 16 00920 00 Porter, London, quarts Raisins Malaga box 7 oo@— „ “ tjliox 3509 Salt Liverpool sack 4 0094 25 Coast ; sack — 9— Soap. American, yellow ft 1591a Shot, all sizes ft —if— Spirits Brandy, Cognac incases gal 20 00® — Otard, Dupuy A Cos, A>, cks., gal 11 00916 00 Gin, Holland gal 6 609 _ Whisky, rectified , gal 2759 “ Old Kentucky gal 3 00@— “ Imperial Nectar gal 3 259 Sugar, Brown. jij * 16@17* B. Coffee jb 2l@— Crushed ft 23924 Powdered ft Tallow ft 12U9- Tobacco . Teas Imperial ... ftl4o@2 00 Oolong 1b 1 2091 60 Pouching 1b 10091 10 Twine, Seine ft _Tg_ Baling ft _9_ Wines, Claret ease 9 50® 1200 P‘ irt gal 4 0095 00 Sherry .... gal 2 25®4 50 Catawba ease —®soo Wool. Southern unwashed ft 36973 “ Oteuu ft 40942 Financial. Latest irotations for L’NcURRaNT Money and Securities, corrected by Bryan, Uurtrldge A Go., Broker, Ac. Savannah, Dec. 1, 1805. Notes lo l.e $5 and upwards. Then? rates will Is? deduced lo to 30 per cent, on smaller notes. Prepared expressly for the Kavammh Dally Herald. IIEOKIIIA. Manufacturers Bank of Macou 10 GllfUHlil Ilia Slid Bunking Cos.. m Hank of A Unwin 25 do Aluens qy and" GoluiUbUS 1 do I’oumierae 10 dd FuUoU , , go do I.milln suie •« Itank hi Middle liiu up la .. .43 no Hnvanimh u ,’... . 43 iIU Male ol tlenrifta < • lllrnl Hall" ud and liankoia I'o as i’ll) Hunk of Aoposiu >ja l ulllli-r*'Mid M' 'TUU,I, «' B 1 Its 1 *iu itatiruMi and Hunk liuf Ho M Muniii Hunk 9 Ur> nunliV Hunk, ~ (M M< "’l.aoie' and Plauii ia‘ffa«k .... , Q paritaaa 1 fffin ~,U l nioli and» mi in tUubel Ojliutl ,<! **>lT* CAROLINA. BonkofCMMen .. : *4 do Chorlesloll .. » do Cheater. ft ■lo Geergetnwn *° do Hamburg *•» A* Newberry 4° do South oarohiij M* <lo State of Mo. fa ... *> Commercial Hank, Columbia 17 Exchange q 0 ,i 0 .20 Farmers'and Exchange 15 Merchants' Cheraw 23 Peoples' Hank so Planters Bank of Fairth-id '. 20 Planters’ and Mechanics' Bauk 3" South Western Railroad .30 union Bank 70 Slate Bank In ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile * „...70 do Montgomery 85 do Selma 26 Commercial Bank % 30 Central do ... 30 Eastern do 40 Northern do 40 Southern do 65 Kxrhange. BITING. Sterling, nom 107 In gold. “ “ 152 in currency. Boston Sight to per et. dLs. New York Sight lo t. per et. dis. do. 30 days ~. 1 per ct. and Int. do. ao days .1 per ct. and int. Philadelphia Sight 1 perct. dia.! Baltimore Sight 1 perct, dis. SELLING RATES. New York Par to >, prem. Boston do Philadelphia do Baltimore do Macon Market. Macon, Nov. 2Tth. 1865. The Gcmulgee has been in line boating order, giv mg renewed life to the shipping business, ami about four thousand bales of cotton have l*een sent to mar ket by that source and the railroads. Some idea of the amount oi business transacted, ran be formed from the fact that the sum of $600,000 lias been collected bv the internal revenue assessor at this point, within the last three months—the tax averaging $lO per bale. Money Mahxet.—Tlie demand for New York ex change is very light, and warehouse receipts are ea sily negotiable at par to y, per cent, discount; bank er's checks, y, per cent, premium. Gold is bought at forty-eight and sold at 50 cents, premium. Cotton.—The market was rattier dull the first of the week, but the demand gradually increased, though Ihe amount cffertul has been very light,— The sales of the week will not amount to more than 350 hales at the following figures : Ordinary 3fa3B Middling 40 Strict good Middling «2)ia4:! Groceries And Provisions.—^The supply ot most articles has been equal to the demand, which has been pretty fair. Tne community is not now depen dent on the snrrouuding country and Southwest Georgia, for corn and flour, several of our leading merchants getting stocks from the great grauery of the West. Corn.—The stock has increased and the arrivals from the West has caused a decline in price. Whole sale $1 50; retail $1 75. Bacon.—The nia rket remains about as last re ported. Sales at 3sc, the iiog round. Shoulders Sac hams 35c. The average retail price 4ic p e r in ’ FLOur.—Good supply, superfine sl4 por u „| " p|aj„ Family sls ; extra lamily sl6 50. Ketai Uuu at 10c per pound. * Mr. Editor ; Please auuouuce the umler r.amed gentlemen as Candidates for tbe offices of Mayor and Aldermen at the next* Municipal election. We have not consulted them, but presume they will serve if elected. They are not office-seekers, and probably have no friends to reward or enemies to punish. CITIZENS. FOR MAYOR, MILTON J. BUCKNER. FOR ALDERMEN, ROBT. J LA.CHLISON, E A SOULLARD, JOHN WILLIAMSON. JOHN F. O BYRNE, WILLIAM REMSIIART. GEO. GEMENDEN. A. N MILLER. HENRY MEINHARD, JOHN B. FOLEY. JOHN C. FERRILL. JACOB WALDBURQ. WM. H. TISON. W&S-nov4 The Municipal Election. Savannah, Nov. 21st, 1865. To the Editors of the Savannah Daily Herald: Please announce the following ticket for Mayor and Aldermen, as the People’s choice, and oblige many citzens. * For Mayor: EDWARD C. ANDERSON. For Aldermen; Geo. W. Wylly, John C. Ferrill. John McMahon, John Ryan, John R. Johnson, Robt. Lachlison, F. L Gue, John Lama, M. H. Meyer, John Foley, Joseph Lippman, R. D. Walker. Mr. Editor— Please announce the follow ing ticket for Mayor and Aldermen, and oblige many citizens. FOR MAYOR, DR. RICHARD D. ARNOLD. FOR ALDERMEN, Robert Laeblisou Christopher C. Casey, George W. Wylly, Hiram Roberts, John F. O’Byrnc, Edward C. Wade, Henry Brigham, John L. Yillalonga, Joseph Lippman, John Cunuingbam, Frances L. Gue. Alvin N. Miller, nov. 28-td. TO THBVO'f’KKS OF CHATHAM COUNTY I announce myself as a candidate for the office of TAX COLLECTOR of Chatham county, and respectfully solicit the votes of my friends. nov22-td * ALEX. F. BENNETT. To the Voters of Chatham County. I respectfully announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Chatham County, and ask your support at the January election. ts Benjamin L. Cole. To the Electors of Chatham Comity. Gentlemen: Having been requested by uumerous friends to allow my name to ba used for the office of Sheriff' of Chatham county, I have the honor to announce myself us a candidate for that position, and respect lully solicit your suffrage. nl7-tf ' CHARLES J. WHITE. J’llOl I.AMATION. MAYORS OFFCE, \ Savannah, Dec. Ist, 18(55. j The Convention of the people of Georgia recently iu session at Milledgeville having passed an Ordinance fixiug Wednesday, the sixth day of December inst., as the day for the election of a Mayor and twelve Aldermen lor the city ol Savannah, to serve uniil the qualification of their successor to be elected in October next: Now, therefore, I, Richard D. Arnold, Mayor ol said city, in conformity with the requirements of said Ordinance, and in obed ience to a resolution of the City Council ol Savannah, do issue this Proclamation order ing sakl election for Mayor and Aldermen on Wednesday, the sixth day of December, inat. And I do hereby order the City Marshal and City Police to be iu attendance at the polls to preserve order, and the City Trea surer to he present, with his Ulgest, for the collection of taxes ; Mid election 10 be held under the auperiuteudi uuu prescribed by law, and at which the honorable Hie Justice! of the Interior Court of ( iiaiham county and ttw Magistrate* ol (lie county are requested to preside lu witness whereof, I l.sve hereout., set my ottcia! signature, and caused to be stilted lire seal of aahl city, tills Hrst liny of De reifliter, A It I MIA II It., Mayor Attest , Jas Hfawant, U C deal Id [fIOMMOKICATED 1 To th* CIIIACIAa ot kAVABMh. Oa tbe application of many proiuiuent citi *•!'*. representing all the interests of the city. Colonel Rd ward C. Anderson haa consented to be a candidate for the office of Mayor of Savannah. His name is, therefore presented to you for your suffrages. It is unnecessary to urge upon your consideration the charac ter of one ao well known to you. He has served-you in the same position be fore, and the manner in which lie discharged the duties of the office is fresh in your mem ories. His recent sacrifices aud services in a cause, which whether right or wrong, was tbe cause of his Bute and his people, should give him additional claims upon those who served and suffered with him. It is confi dently believed that these claims will be ignored at the ballot box. The following ticket is placed in nomina tion, aud will be supported bv i Many Citizens. FOR MAYOR. E. C. ANDERSON. FOR ALDERMEN. ROBERT LACHLISON. E A. SOULLARD, JOHN WILLIAMSON, HENRY MEINHARD, JOHN F. O’BYRNE, JNO. McMAHON, F. L. GUE, JNO. C. FERRILL, JNO. CUNNINGHAM, GEO. W. WYLLY. JNO. R. JOHNSON, DR. J. M. SCHLEY, dec. 1-td. Ball’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer Has proved i LHC if to be the most perfect preparation for tbe hair ever oflered to the public. It Is a vegetable compound, anil contains no injuri ous properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIG INAL COLOR. It will keep tbe hair from falling oat. It cleanses tbe scalp and makes the bair soft, .ns trous and silken. It is a splendid hair dressing. No person, old or young; should fail to use it. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. OV"Ask for Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian Ha 1 Renewer, and take no other. R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. BARNES, WAPD & CO., New Orleans, La., n23 6m Southern Wholesale Agents. THE N.Y.NEWS. Miss Carrie C. Lester, a daughter of Mississippi is authorized to visit the South, soliciting subscriptions for the New York News. She kindly asks the patronage of all our citizens. Please send your names or call at the Pulaski House from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M-, when Miss Lester will be most hap py to reeeieve you. nov 18-ts- L BATCHELORS HAIR DVB The Original and Best in the World 1 The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous. Produces immediate.y a splendid Black or natnral Brown, witbont injuring tbe hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bod dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLEFLEURS, For Restoring and Beautifying tbe Hair. aul4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR, New York. $•200 REWARD. BY virtue of authority vested in nie by resolution passed at a meeting of the German Fire Compa ny, held on the 28th inst., I, Henry Blun, First Fore man of ihe German Fire Company 01 Savannah, Ga., do hereby offer a reward of Two Hundred Dollars for the arrest, with proof to convict, the persoa or persons engaged in the murder of Mr. A. Cordes, late a member of this Company. n3O-3t HENRY BLUN, Foreman. JOHN VANDERBILT, NO. 28 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, . DIAL KB IN Agricultural Implements OF every variety, embracing all the different pat terns of Plows in use in the Southern States, Com- Slu-llers, Hsy and Stalk-Cutters, Hone-Powers and Threshing Machines, Fan-Mills, Wheel-Barrows, Carts and Wagons, cotton Gins, Gin Gear, Plow anil other Castings, Shovels, Forks, Hues, Rakes and Garden and Farm Tools ana implements of every variety. SEEDS. The choicest Garden and Flower Seeds growu in this country or Europe, including every desirable kind and variety. The utmost care taken to have those only which are choice and reliable. Also, Grass, Field and Bird Seeds of every variety. FERTILIZERS. Bone Dust, Animal Manure (a preparation of animal matter, blood and bone), a good substitute for Guano and cheapest manure in nse • Phosphate of Lime, Land Plaster, Guano, Ac. PLANTS, TREES, &c. Fnrntahcd from the most reliable Nurseries and Grow ers. respectfully solicited. Letters of inquiry cheerfully responded to and price lists furnished on application. lawßw-u22 MACKEREL. lAA KITS No. 1 Boston ■W 50 kits No. 2 Boston 60 half bbls No 2 Boston. For sale by HILTON & RANDELL, P 27-6 193 Bay street. COAL 7 THE cargo el ship Thomaldson, consisting of about one hundred tons Coke and six hundred and sixty tons Coal, from the river Tyne, for sale by n 29 HEED A STEWART. ECLECTIC MAGAZINE. Literature, Science and Art new Volume begins January. 1866. The Eoi.kotio Magazine is, as its name indicates, A selection from other magazines and periodicals. These selections are cart fujly made each month, from the entire rttnge of foreign Periodicals. In this respect it is entirely unlike other monthlies, and has no rival. The following are seme of the works from which se lect ions are made: • London Quarterly, Revue de Deux Mondes, British Quarterly, Izondon Society, North British Review, Bentley’s Miscellany, Popular Bcience Review- Coruhill Magazino, Saturday Review, Fraser’s Magazine, Leisure Hour, Temple Bar, Westminster Kevlew, Chambers's Journal, Dublin University Mag., Edinburgh Review, Art Journal, London National Review. We have also arranged to secure choice selections from the French, German, and other Couiinental pe riodical*, translated especially for the Kcloctic, and VC is hoped this new feature will odd greatly to the variety and value of the work, Embellishments. Each number Im embellished with on« or more Fin* Btkzi. Engravings— portrait* of eiuiiumr men or !)• lucrative of Important historical events. Volumes commence in Jaiiuaiy and July of each year; subacrlpllouacau commence with any month. Terms: per Year, Hugle Numbers, 60 cents. Five Copies, S2O. The Trade, clergymen, Teachers, and Clubs flip* plied Oli lavorsble terms- Address W || lI|DWELL, Ml t Itoekman slrevf. New York. Crockery, China, . Glassware. W hohtMU-lo Htorb, wbii’h iMiuriw pip lua euuuiulna Mwptau M*uri moult ptM.p.ipi-'MI, kM r ..NiOry Ttflp." Mutata f» |KM k**4 IU ,uU pup ItaUuM Qut*eii»tv*re llimsu, MW•«., riririMM ftmm Suit•• mU M • Ik MOTS > ■ ICW AIiVEKTIsEHK.'TS. ATTENTION I Oglethorpe Fire Company, No. 1. Attend an Extra Meeting of t he Com pany. to be held at the Court House, JBE?3Bl_This Evening, at 7 o'clock. Every member is requested to be present. By order of. H. F wnxiNK, Jr.. President. R. W. Rissai l. Secretary. d2 TAX COLLECTORT FM.tAitV CITIZENS—I announce myself as a can didate for the office of Tax Collector of Chatham county, and respectfully solicit your support at the Election in Jannary next. d2 2 JAMES J. McGOWAN. CARGO SALE. By Bell, Wylly & (Hrhliun. Un TUESDAY, sth lust , at 10 o'clock a. m., in front of store corner B*y and Whitaki r streets, a i*art of tile CARGtV OF THE BRIG ATLANTIC, From Nassau, N. P. Cousistiug of GROCERIES DRY GOODS HARDWARE DRUGS AND MEDICINES LIQUORS, Ac.. Ac .12- td WANTED. GEORQIA and South Carolina Bauk Bills Albany and Gulf Railroad Stock Central Railroad Stock Coupons AH»auy and Golf Railroad Coupon* city of Savunuah FORDYCE, ANDERSON A JANNKY. d2-tf Bay at., No. 10 Stoddard’s Range. HAYWOOD & LaROCHE. Office at the Ice House, Market Square. OAK, Pine and Mixed Wood kept constantly on hand and delivered to orders at ihe shortest notice. dt 1m NOTICE. HAVING been appointed Lloyd's Agent, I can be found at the office of my firm, Reid A Stewart, 98 Bay street. * d2 7 F, W. REID. Rice Plantation FOR SALE. THAT valuable Rice Plantation known as Stratbey Hall, on the Ogeechee river, Bryan county, about twenty-two miles from Savannah. For particulars, apply at the Counting Room of Erwin Hardee, Bay street, Savauuah. ( HAS. S HARDEE, d2-3aw2w Kx’r Rente ii. W. M- Alli^ter. BACON Sides 8 Shoulders In store and for sale by d2 3 BRYAN, HARTRIDGE A CO. PROF. DIETZ, PH. DR.j OF PARIS, FRENCH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE TERMS MODERATE. References : Da. Arnold, Mayor of Savannah Paor. Cam*, Superintendent City Public Schools Rev. Mb Kino* Savannah Rev. Mb Cozby, Savannah Rioiit Rrv. Bishop Lynch, Charleston Urn. Beauregard, New Orleans. Prof. Lukuek, Superintendent of Public Educa tion. Louisiana tW Inquire at Chatham Academy Building. d2-sAmls WANTED, TWO or more Uafuraised Rooms, in a respectable location, suitable for housekeeping, by a getle man and wile. Address Box 176, Post office. d2-tf NOTICE. rpilE firm of Henry Lathrop & Cos. was dissolved by -A mutual consent on the Ist day of July. HKNKY LATHROP. J. S. NEIDLINGER. C. W. BRUNNER. Savannah. Nov. 27, 1805. d‘2-3* St. John’s Church. THE unretalned Pews in this Church will ire rented ou Monday, the 4th inst., between the hours of 12 :n. air l 2 p. m. at the Church. J. S. F. LANCASTER, d2-2 Treasurer. FOR SALE. tV)R SALK, a Oold-caee (18 carat) HUNTING -T WATCH, by Johnson of Liverpool, thirteen jew els and capped ; cheap, if applied for at once to HENRY CONLEY, d2-l* 202 Bay street. _ The Richmond Medical Journal, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. fffHIS Journal will be published as a Monthly Oc- A tavo of 80 pages—the January number being is sued early in December. A respectable number of the best writers in this country have promised their support fan ostentatious display of names is avoided), and as the Editors offer to pay liberally for articles, it Is hoped that the origi nal department of the Journal will be entitled to re spect and confidence. The pages of the Journal will be devoted to origiLal articles, foreign and domestic correspondence, a re trospect of Medicine unit Surgery during the late war, an Kerlectic Department (which'will lie a chief feature of the Journal), reports of societies, associations, hos pitals and clinical lectures, review, and biographical notices. Medical news, editorials, miscellaneous mat ter, etc. Without making special promises, the editors will endeavor to make this journal acceptable to its sup porters. T.kms—Five Dollars yearly, if paid in advance, or before the expiration of the third month after tire dat* of subscription; if paid after this period. Ten Dol lars per annum. Advertisements w ill he inserted on the most liberal terms, and as there are no medical journals now pub lished in the Southern states advertisers will enjoy peculiar advantages E. S. GAILLARD. M. D., Richmond, Va W. S, McCHESNEY, M. D„ Staunton,Va„ Editors and Publishers. All letters in relation to the literary or business interests of tile Journal will he addressed to Dr. E. S. Gaillard. Box iiip, Richmond. Va, d2 4 ZIKoHGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern. Whereas, Mary Ann Tltcomb will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters ot Administration ou the estate of George U Titcomb, lute of said couury, deceased; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said Court, to make objection (if any they hav) on or before the second Monday In January next, otherwise said let ters will be granted. Witness my official signature this 2#th day of No vember, 1865. 52 D. A. O'BYRNF, Ordinary. CY EORGIA—cnATHAM COUNTY. —To all whom t it may concci n. Whereas, Henry Hlnn will apply at the Court of Or dinary lor Lettcra ol Administration ou the estate of Ahrend Cordes, lute of said county, drerased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to Ire and appear hefore said i onrt, to make objection fir any they have) on or liefore tire second Monday iu January next, otherwise said let ters will be granted. Wltriees my Offlclsl signature this Ist day of Decem ber, 1865. d’J D A. O’BYRNE. Ordinary. _ N otic©. OFFICff OF PMOVUMT MARSHAL,) liieibio* mr, V Hav.l mini i, us,, Oct. 8l»t, IMS). ) fllllK nolle* issued Irom the office of the I'rovo.l I Marshal, Huh lhstrletof OgeoubM, dttled Nirvun nuh, Aug lllh, IMI6, ordering all Drinking or HU llurd Mul'i'dis, Ac., where liquor are wild to Tie dosed al lou'chs k, I', M , is hereby revolted, lit "diijiiuiitl of Hri. May QM I’M, DRANMAN. mined) CLAMKK II RKMU K, Capt. and Pm vest Miushel, | U>V | “"TrCHI ITCH 1 ITCH •CIUIX’II I BCIUTOUII HOUAIVUMI W IlSMlt imi'm OtNIMUNIr Wtn ««>l ?M ir«N M lORIT HINT mill, Abo'Srss Halt Mitsui., UK We. 1 IrllMstas, srui *ll #Mqßlv4t* <4 Mrs MAft lYhw M «wds Vw *«ta Iry rffsuqetata My suidlift m i«ttta lo Weeks A PmMjx I* Agsids. ||« Wssbins'oe -8 Mnsiuta Mms il •l‘i Im k<*»ar«sri % suri Rm of yetatas*. to «.y Ure MM** turn, m gut nm AMtUEMKMH. 8 a y u ii ii uli T h e uTr v Lease.* and Managcra... Mowr.. kayhoNd A Hakii t.ii, SATI Him FifNlXI., |)KI. ’4 I-art appearance of tile favorite aruau, Mr. Hixil Mru. Harry Watkino, (Lute Mrs. Cuaci-u* Houaku.) Tb* aacceufnl Ur >mt of KATHLEEN MAYO lit\EK\ ; OR, UNDER THE SHELL Kathleen MAVoarUeen, with all Ihe beautiful oonge Mr*. Harry Waikm, Terence O'Moie Mr. Harry W ilkins To conclude with WHY DON’T SHE MARRY? Llaette Mis H»rry Watkins Naim Tieck Mr.Harry Watk'iia Catalogue Sale Os Ships Amelia and Floft nce Cliipman, direct irom . England. BY WILBUR & SON. Ilf BDNKSDAY, December Bth, at nur Sales R.m,np, YY comer State and Chalmers street* l . CHARI kw! T°N S. U.ttlOJJo'doA will be sold, by estate one hundred and sixty crates of Fancy assorted Earl he ii ware and Crockery, just imported direct in ships Amelia and Florence Uhipman, from the Potteries In England Catalogues may t*e had and samples of ware ex amined at our office. Conditions caah, _»H-3fsStu THE BINGHAM SCHOOL, ~ MEBANEYILLE, N. C. THE next seasion begins March 7th. 1866, and con tinuca forty weeks, offering to the people „f the East and South tbe advantages or a Summer School wilh a Winter vacation. For terms, address WILLIAM BINGHAM,* di-lm Mebaneville, N. C. J. W. RABUN, (Lata Rabnn A Smith, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchapt, No. 140 BAY STREET, First store M’Ost of the Exchange, Hi lm SAVAUUAH, GEORGIA. SALT. 10,000 Sacks Liverpool Salt, For sale by W. B. ADAMS* dl-6* No. 95 Bay street. FOR RENT, MThe large, convenient, and comfortable Dwelling Honse situated on the southwest corner of S,,nth Broad and Montgomery sts. Possession given immediately Apply to ui-4 BRYAN, II ARTKID..E ft CO. NOTICE. rnave this day associated with me Mr. PHILIP YONGK (formely of the firm of Messrs W. K. Gilet* & Cos., of this city; and Mr. JAMES W. MCDON ALD. The bueineaa will hereafter be conducted in the name of Edwin E. Heriz A 00. EDWIN E. HERTZ. Savannah. Dec. 1, 1805. dl-3 CITY COUPONS RECEIVED at par In payment of Ground Rents and Taxes due the eily. For sale at a dis count by a C. MYERS, dl-7 Office, oyer Hunter & Gammell. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. TWO month’s after date,application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county for leave to sell the j*eal estate of Mrs Jane Barnett, de ceased, for tbe benefit of the heirs and creditors. JAMES L. HAUPft dl-law2m Administrator. Notice. THE power of Attorney, delegated by me to Mr-J. P. M. Eppiug, in the name of Carl Epping, is hereby revoked. C. HKINSIUS, Savannah, Nov. 30. Att’y for Carl Epping- Having returned to my business, the power of At torney granted to Mr. C. lleinaius during my absence has expired. CARI EPPING. Savannah. Nov. SO, ISGS. dl-eodS Choice Oats. THREE THOUSAND tiushels Choice Oats, in fine sacks, landing and -or-sale by dl-2 EDWIN E HERTZ & CO Sugar House Syrup, CHEESE. BUTTER AND HAMS. »>A BOXES Cheese, small boxes 16 boxes Engli-h Dairy Cheese, small boxes 5 bbla Sugar House Myrap, extra fine 2 small tlercee Choice Hams 10 firkins prime Goshen Butter 6 kegs Spiced Pig’s Feet, small packages HI kit* New Salmon Landing and for sale by dl -2 EDWIN E. HERTZ * CO. JUW LANDING, From stcautehip Virgo, and for gale ty Holcombe & Cos., 181 Bay Street. Hecker’s Self-raising Fleur H -if barrels Fulton Market Family Beef Assorted Pickles Pure Mustard English Dairy Cheese Goshen Butter No 1 Mackerel notice; Fairbank’s Scales. ALL merchants wanting or liaviug Fairbanks Patent Platform Scales, are informed that the buperintemlent, Mr. Randell, is now here, adjasting and putting in orders. All such orders for Settles can be hod on application to dl-5 BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN Dissolntion of Co-prtnersliip. ffiHE firm of West, Bryan A Cos. expiree by limitation * this day, and is terminated in mutual consent and good feeliug. Mr. James B. West will continue lo act as agent for the Baltimore, Savannah and Augusta steamers. Hj will settle all outstanding business of the firm—all demands against which must ire rendered to nun at hla office, Jones' Block. JAMFS B- WEST. HENRY BRYAN. ALJ’KED L. lUKTRIDGE. Savannah, Nov. 30, 1865. Al- 9 STOLEN ITMiOM R. T. Smlille, A Cos. at Isle of Hope, one buy ' HORSE, with star in face, liglil spot on side iff head, caused by nut shedding lust sprrug. Salu llorse Is long bodied and slighily chest foundered ; ulso, one large Sorrell with wnllo stripe In face a" 11 lour while feet with several gray spots where lie has been gulled. Tills Horse Is I, ram led U. 8. which is Inn lily pemnil Iblc. A suitable roviul'd will he paid by leaving teem at Daniel H itler’s ..table opposite the old msciml on Whittaker -I r e f. fft-fil* BOARDING. A FEW Gentlemen cun be necommoduu* "''h Table UlArd Ml No. 6U Brougton etreei. dl-2 ~ IM iV KIViM. MACHINERY DEPOT, ODce Ho. lMteySlreel-Samal a nd DiJlta I hnclu Ib.ll I ultar*. Ocsi CIfMAW' WtMiri ff'Msffn ”l*oii«hl« Koglne.," Mokrilug kj Mb"*. A ”»l W-.ihlng Ms. lilii* i y of every d«*.ri|i " " ko.ff. iff Vt .s.i Iron Working M*bM'e»y ** 4 "Cl .... •"« ik» Wtari Mu* IMtakkry, M A- * W>am lta>k* turn MqUrr •»•**• IW kMMI ft HI A n»o tt|,AU Jt% lumriftriM ff MtMkMV, Mn im |Mr Mr***, «m 44 Ita’l'MkMMri M* »k«s* •*'