Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 04, 1865, Image 3
s AV -A. N IST A 11. Dcp»rtun off Slrauihipi and Steamer*. FOB NKW TOM. Steamship Varuna, Wednesday, December Sth. at 11 o'clock a. ra. Steamship Constitution, Wednesday, December 6tb, ,t o'clock. • FOR PHILADELPHIA. Steamship Cumbria, Saturday, December Sth, at o’clock. FOB AL'OI’STA. Ste.'imes Fannie, Wednesday, Detember Oth. at 9 o'clock. Steamer R. H. May. Tuesday eveuing. Steamer Volunteer, Tuesday, December Oth, at o’clock. Steamer Vm. 0. Gibbons, every Saturday morning at 9 a. m. FOB CHARLESTON. Steamer City point, every Saturday morning, at 9 o’clock. FOB DOCTORTOWN. Steamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at I o'clock. Steamer Two Boys, every Thursday morniDg, at 7 o’clock. Steamer Gen. Shepley, every Sunday morning, at 7 o’clock. Steamer Clarion,, every Friday morning, at 7 o'clock. FOP. FLORIDA. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer City Point, every Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o’clock. Steamer Lizzie Baker, every Thursday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. TnE Records of the Chatham County Courts.— We are gratlfled to state that the records of the above Courts, which are of incalculable value to our people have safely arrived In this city from Ma. con. The records are In very good order, notwith standing they have been exposed to every vlcissi. mde. The Important mission of securing and bring, lug them to this oity was entrusted to Mr. Waring Russell, to whom the thanks of the community are due, for the faithful manner in which he has pre served the boxes containing the books from expo sure to accident and the inclement weather which he had tajsneounter in transporting them by railway and wagons. The books and papers were turned over to the Inferior Court, whence they have been distributed to Mr. Bulloch, Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts, anil the Hou. D. A. O'Byrne, Ordi nary. „ .. TUB COURTS. PK .VpST COURT, DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, BEFORE CAPT CLARE U. REMICK, PROVOST MARSHAL. Savannah, November 2d, 1865. The Cnited States by Policeman J. Witsly vs. Joe Darlington (colored.) Having stolen property In his possession, riea not guilty. The U. S. having failed to make out a c&so against the prisoner, the case was dismissed and the eoltou found lu his possession will be retained until the proper owner claims It. The United States by Policeman P. Reilly vs. Jack Harris (colored.) Improper conduct in the streets. The prisoner was dismissed, the evidence adduced being Insufficient to convict him of the offence charged. The United States by Policeuiau L. P. Ellis vs. Mary Douglass (colored.) Improper conduct in the streets. Plea uot guilty. The matter at issue being connected with tlie apprenticeship of two colored children, was ordeied to be referred lo the Freed man's Bureau lor investigation and adjustment. The United States by Policeman Brigham vs. John Crosby (colored.) Using abusive language to a po liceman. l’lea not guilty. From the contradictory evidence ol both the policemuu aud defendant, the case was dismissed, upon payment of costs by the prisoner. ” The United States by Policeman T Walls vs. Heu ly Slminoua (colored.) Simple larceny. Pica not guilty. Toe prisoner having been proven guilty of Hie crime Committed was sentenced to an imprison ment at hard labor In Chatham County jail Tor the lernioi one month. The United States by Mrs. G. Boon vs. Minda (co lored.) Simple larceny. Plea nol guilty. From ihe evidence adduced as well as the admissions of the defendant, she was found guilty, aud was sentenced to an Imprisonment in Chatham County juil tor one month. The United States by Policeman J. Hinely vs. Sa rah Millen (colored.) 11l treating au luiaut (white.) Ilea not guilty. The defendant In this case was icund guilty, and sentenced lo an imprisonment In Chatham County jail at hard labor for one month. The United States by Policeman J. Gleason vs. Jno. Roberson (colored.) Disorderly conduct aud fighting lathe streets of Savannah. Plea not guilty. The defendant beiug a small boy aud the evidence beiug insufficient to couvlct him, was dismissed with a reprimand. The United States by Policeman R. Yonge vs. lsaa* Buckley (colored.) larceny of a mule. Plea uot guilty. From the adduced Ihe defendant was found guilty of the charge. It was ordered that the property be returned to Its rightful owner, and that the prisoner he fined in the sum of *l6 and eosts. The United States by Lyde Goodwin, City Marshal vs. T. Thompsou (colored.) Violating City ordinance o( savaunah by cutting wood ou the Spiiuglleld Plantation. The accused was found guilty and aen tcuccd to pay a fine of $lO or be imprisoned iu Chat ham County Jail for one month. The United Statca by Lyde Goodwin, City Marshal Ti. seilo’Ja irtegai in (colored.) Violating City Or diiiaiice of Savannah by cutting wood off the Spring field Plantation. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to pay a flue of S2O or be Imprisoned in Chatham County jail for two months. Mayor's Court. BEFORE HIS HONOR RICHARD D. ARNOLD. MAYOR. Savannah, Dec. 2, 1865. Frank Reilly was arraigned—charged witli stealing money from the till of Peter O’Keefe, and also at tempting to pass counterfeit money. The Mayor tamed tlie prisoner over to the Provost Marshal for prosecution. Joliu Morgan was iound drunk and disorderly In the streets, and was slued *2 aud costs. Harry Myers til l not feel well and betook himself to the pavement to sleep on Friday night. Tlie po nce thought he was drunk, and the Mayor slued him *2 Rad costs. Patrick Neely got drunk and became disorderly lu the market ou Friday night, when the police arrested him. He speut all night iu the guard bouse, and as he asserted that tills was the first time iu his life that he had ever been drunk, the Mayor allowed him to P»Jt $2 aud costs aud depart. A few other unimportant cases were before the Mayor, aud were disposed of according to their mer its. Stealing Wood from the City Domain.—lu the Provost Court ou Saturday last T. Thompson and Scipio Quartermati were up for trial, charged with cutting wood oti the Springfield Plantation, a portion el the domain of the city. Capt. Be rules upon iiear ■ig tlie testimony, slued the prisoners, the former In ihe sum of sio or he Imprisoned In Chatham county jail for oue liiouih, and Ihe latter lu S2O or he Im prisoned lor two months. The prompt puhlshmeut °f dies* ntrendera we hope will put a slop to tlie iv hale iale thieving of wood from the city domains. Abkival ok thi Varuna.—'The steamship Varu hi, Capt. Whitehurst, reached here yesterday niuru ihg as usual, Ihe first on tho list of arrivals. Wo arc araiii placed under obligation* to Capt. Whitehurst, Parser Smith and Mr. Calauun. of tho Vsruua. for attefitlona. •MOReward.— Attoutlou laUiraotod lotlie adver sement of Mr. David It Dillon, for the recovery of » picksge ol promissory nutos taken, Irom hi* resl -11 ucc m December lust A* thus* paper* cau ha of 110 to any oue hut Ilia owuur, ihe liberal reward offered should secure their return. A libera' reward “ * ll ‘ u "fibred by Mr. Dillon tor the reetoratiou of IUIV °'h | r uriiclee, tnkeii from Ills house. U * N ci'ant at vile TiIRATRR.—We luum ihalau hviuthm liaa iwtii extended to General (Haul to 0" Hr, I'hemr* nil* evening through the gtuile ***"• hft’liig iu charge hi* reception lu Ibl* city "'•lfiMftikin ha* been accepted. *"fil»u. op tug cirv Point.. Tide fine atvsuier mi mi per* (i* Nftwrdftr from Florida, with fan “hd pft*ftepger lisle We are ludeided to *p' Isiish rn* lavon * • «enip4fg Mi Wiinatu dftetieft ‘ " Mai* that me ufts of ig* name ft* » eeadldat* *'" "M 6“ op,oi on* nt the ttoftsde is MuegUow The Theatre.—Th« patrons of this eaUbiishmeU Will be gratified to lean that Mr. and Mrs. H. Hat* kins continue their engagement for five nights lon ger. They hare met with extraordinary success, bat uot more than their grent artistic ability merits, for of all the actors we can call to mind, there are none who so eminent a degree, all thehlstriou ic essentials necessary lo eusure general popularity as are found combined in this lalen ted couple. Their remarkable versatility enables them to present the drama iu all Its forme. Tragedy, comedy, farce, or burlesque, and the result 14 that everybody Is pleased. “ Kathleen Mavourueeu" was presented on Satur day evening, for the second time, and drew an im mense house. Mr. and Mrs. W. In their matchless Impersonations of Terence and Kathleen were ap plauded to the echo. To-night, in addition to the beautiful little comedy of “ Where There's a Will There’s a Way,” they appear In the military drama orthe “ Pioneer Patriot." six years ago this drama was considered one of the ever pie sented In the Southern States, since which time Mr. and Mrs. Watkins, as the hero and heroine, have won the warmest euloglutns from the British critics. The Edinburgh Scotsman, in a highly commendato ry notice of the performance ol "The Pioneer Pa triot" In that city says: “There lias been no play produced in this town during oar recollection that has Imparted mors sat (■faction, or achieved a more genuine success thau the ‘ Pioneer Patriot,” and deservedly so, for It com pletely answers all the requirements of a modern audience. Whoever visile this theatre for amuse ment, relaxatiou, or excitement, is sure to lie grati fied by witnessing the “Pioneers.” It is not a dull play, depeudant upon a single “sensatlou scene” for its success, but the interest begins with the rise of the curtain and is not per muted to Hug lot a moment uutil the story reaches its denouement. Mrs. Watkins deserves, as she re ceives, the warmest praise for tier Judicious render ing of the heroine. In the hands of many perform ers this part would degenerate Into a lachrymose, sentimental, nillk-aud-water creature, whose suffer ings would command no sympathy) but as limned by Mrs. Watklus, “Isabel Carletou” is a beiug for the possession of whom any brave man would be justified In encountering even more perils thau be set her Pioneer lover aud his devoted slave. Mr. H. Watkins as "Jocko, the deformed Slave,” not only stands pre-eminently above all competitors as an impersonator of the dark-skinned chattels of the South, but the portraiture presents one of the greatest pieces of character acting ever witnessed upon the stage; indeed it is a creation siti ggaeri. t. All the attributes of the actor’s art are catleddnto requisition—pantomimic, comic, or sentimental—at one time exciting the risibles of the audleuce to up roarious mirth, tueu tugging to the heartstrings of the sympathetic, and finally drawing forth sponta neous bursts of applause at some well-made point.” River Ntfrs—Tpe steamer Union, Capt. Daniels, from Augusta, arrived last evening, and reports: Steamer Amazon and L. Enos in Augusta. Passed steamer K. M. May at Twiggs Bar, bound up; steam er Standish at Silver Bluff, bound up ; steamer Fal con at Landing, bound up; met steamer Caldwell at Talamaco Lauding, bound up; passed steamer Eclipse at Steel Creek, bound down; met steamer Goodsell at Big Randolph, bonnil up; met steamer Oak at White Woman Point, bound up; passed steamer Berry at Hirshinan's Lake, bound up; met steamer Potter at King creek, bound up ; met steamer Gibbons at Poor Robin Landing, bound up; met steamer Express at Poter Lauding, hound up. River low; 3>£ feet at bridge. The Firemen’s Parade This Afternoon.—Tho Germania Fire Company No. 10, celebrate their 12th Anniversary today. Oglethorpe Fire Company No. 1, will also appear on the occasion, under President Willink. The uniforms of the Oglethorpes can be 'obtained from P. M. Russell. Esq., at the Court Bouse up to the hour of paiade, which will take place a* two o’clock. The Germania will test their Engine at the Exchange, and the parade will be closed by a collation and ball at the Volks Garten. Messrs. WeigauU A Schwarz have the Garten handsomely (decorated for the occasion. Metropolitan Fire Comfany.—We understand that Mr. Wm. N. Yalleau, Secretary of the above Company, left for New Y’ork on Saturday last en route for the manufactory of Messrs. Jeffers in Rhode Island, on behalf of the Metropolitan Fire Company of Savannah. The steamer may be expected in about three weeks." Arrival of the Constitution.—The steamship Constitution, Capt. Grecian in, from New York 011 the 29th, arrived last evening to Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. We are Indebted to Parser Crocheron for full files of New York papers and other favors. Arrival of the 147th Illinois Infantry.—This regiment which has been several months stationed at Bawklnsvllle, Georgia, arrived iu our city yester day afternoon. They will relieve the 12th Matna Volunteers who are now being mustered out of ser vice. Ball To-night—A ball for the benefit of a wor thy charitable object, takes place this evening at the Concordia Hall. Venison —On Saturday morning a good supply of venison was offered for sale at retail In the market. It was received from Sapelo Island. The price charged by the butchers was from 20 to 36 cents per pound, according to the quality of the meat. Edinburgh Re view'tQnartei'ly)for October, has been received at Estlil’s back of Post Office. Arrival from Augusta.—The steamer Uniou, Capt. Daniels, from Augusta, arrived here last evening, with 300 bales of cottou consigned to O. Cohen and a lot Os furniture to J. T. Paterson. The Purser reports hav ing buried a negro on Friday at Shell Bluff, supposed to be the cook of the li. H. May, who was drowned near there about two weeks ago. Nhippint; lutcllijwonce. Miniature Alniaiwc-Thii Day. Sun rises 6 46 Moon rises 7 16 Sun sets 4 55|High water 8 30 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Sunday, Dec. 3, 1565. Arrived. Steamship Constitution, Greenmail, New York— Brlgliam, Baldwin A Cos. Steamship Varuna, Cooley, New York—John R Wilder. Steamer Union, Daniels, Augusta—F M Myrell. Steamer City Poiut. Talbot, l'alatka. Ac.—lt W Adams. Steamer Minnie Brandt. Travis, Augusta—James B West. Steamer Helen, Reilly. Augusia—Keln A Cos. Steamer Fountain. Caatner, Jacksonville, Fla—M A Cohen. Steamer Orient, Taylor, Doctortown—Chas L Colby & Cos. Steamer Scorpio, Rogers, from Darien—Ketn A Cos. Steamer Faunle, McNulty, Palatka, etc—F M My rell. Steamer H M Cool, Taylor, Darien—M A Cohen. Sehr Oliver Cromwell, Delany, St Helena Island, with 62 bales sea island cotton, to Richardson A Bar nard. Euterprlse flat, No 16, from Augusta—A D Cran ston. Cleared. Steamship Virgo, llulkley, New York—O Cohen. Steamship Huuter, Rogers, New York—Hunter A Gammed. Steamship Nevada. Carpenter, New York—Hunter A Gammed. Steamship Sail Jacinto, Loveland, New York—B H Hardee. Steamer City Point, Talbot, Charleston—R W Adams. , Steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham, Palatka, Fla—L 8 Benue fl. Steamer Wm G Gibbons, Plillpot, Augusta—Erwin A Hardee. Sehr Jos W WeMMffr, Bettsworth, New York—C, Johnson A Graybill. Tern Lizzie Bitcheldor. English. Boston—llunlcr A Guiumull. S-hr Chattanooga, Black, Darien, lu ballast—Rich ardson A Billiard. Imports. Per steamer Melon Horn Augusta—loß bales upland coium, 22 boxes tobacco. / Per ateumor Orient, from Doctortown—Bs* bale* cotton. Per summer Union, from Augusta—3Uo bales up land cottou. Per steamer Fountain, from Palatka, etc—l bftles aea Island cotton, 13 lihls oysters, 33 hides, 8 rolls leather. Per steamer Minnie Brandi, from Augusta-')!* bales upland cotton, 41 do sea Island do. I’fr »Warner Meorplo, from Augusta—3*9 baits up land coium, in do sea island do. Per awaroar II M Cool, truiu Darien-lot balen up land eottoll. lo O ’Join'll Miparlli 4f«t sleamahlu Nevada, tut Maw Turk 114 bales iiplsuil l otion, ntpkg* mdse. Nr stomusbm ||oilier fur N«w Turk 214 bale* upland eottoll, 14 do sea Itlaud do, *U loirs old Hob and mdse Nr sioamsbip Uan )«■ into, lor b«a » u ik—i uau balsa upland omnia, w pkg* mJ** Per *ieaiitablp Virgo, i>,i i *** bale* up [*?' SS ft &IV "• * *'< mass Ido wuoi r obis and 6 boaos dried Ti all 3Task and bseeala, •* pkg* gtouud pea* i* do Unite Nt torn Hole Handuddm lm fi,.*r. * pro upland notlorr Per sftir J W Webster, iur New 1 otk—SiO baiea upland cotton, 60 do sea island do, 2: nag wool 1* do fags, as empty hall bo,». 6i bags pea nuts, atd sundry mdse. Passe lagers. Per steamship constitution, irom New York -W P Bell, J B Huxiord. W Stevens, wife aud t children, K C Johnson, Mrs M E Scott, Mias B Sullivan, J F Clark C E Clark and wlte, Mrs Wheaton and daughter,-Mrs La Roche, N C Slaight wife audfciuld, Mrs Freeuiau, MrsC R Wadley and daughter. Miss Genet. Major Conani, B G W adley, A B Millet. J Syutes. J Logan, M 11 Kay, S 11 Freetuau and mother, E H T'elsou and lady, Peter Casey. Per steamship Varuna, from New York—J Lachll son, R Laehlbon, Mrs C Gordon, K Woodruff, J J Bo gert. Mrs Maxnn, A Kohler, H Hut, K Weber, Mrs ' aleuliue aud mfaut, and 20 steerage. Per steamer City Point, from Palalka, etc—Geo S Hooker, C W Duval, W S Abbey, M McCormick, C D Lincoln', A M Joues. Per steamer Minnie Braudt, from Augusta—J Tyler J Zimmerman, O T Terry, f. Marble, J it Kublett, Rev N Norton, J u Allen, T M Masou. Mrs Rutledge, Mr Kldgeiey, capt Wilson. Per steamer Helen, from Augusta—Capt G M Bray ton and lady, Capt B T swatu, lady and children, W C Jelks, Hatshapper, Miss Mahoney, J lteppisli aud lady, Mrs McLoud, 3 children andservt, Mr Collins, J Elkins, Ii L Dunn, H Meinliard, Lt Day, Col J C Wickcliffe, F A Lawton and iainilv. Per steamer Fbuutalu, from Palatka, etc—M Jones and lady, J T Brown and lady, P Smith aud lady, T Pitt, M Hory, N C 1-oven. T Cavanagh. jPer steamer Fannie, from Jacksonville, etc—W C Gay, A Mcltardy, Mrs Brockentoii, and 2 deck. Per steadier H M Cool, from Darieu—Mr Ludwick, G W Howland, p Ford, Mr Smith, Chas Doon and steerage. Per steamship Nevada, for New York—2o9 soldiers of the 170th N Y Vols. Per steamship Virgo, for New York—W McCormick J C Maker, W II Claik, Miss Foley, Capt G M Bray ■on aud lady, P T Swuiue, lady, 3 cjiildieu and nurse W H Crossinan, T Sullivan, aud 12 steerage. Per steamer San Jacinto, for New York—W B Mel Murtry, \V Van Dorn, J M Bounell, J H Mullen, W u Warwick, wite and 3 children. H D Cooper, J Bttub dorf, W T Mllltr, Maj Gen Berge, C W Benneii, J J McGllnu, C P Lopez, Jno Keller, W Elmar, J Yuuie, Col Grant Tuggart, Lt Whitney, Miss Mftiy Foreman, Miss c Foreman, W Henry, E B Fenton, F II Gray, 11 A Crane, J Wilson, Ja Valentine, A Lodge, 1 Bulloch B W Taylor, C lQgruhaut, P c Clark aud 11 steerage. Consignees. Per steamship Constitution, from New York—Both well A Whitehead, B, Wylly A Cbnsiau, U, Smith A Cos, B. Baldwin A Cos, D thug. Cuuuiugham, Purse A Cos, C, Johnson A Graybill, A M Cullen A Bio, M A Cohell, R Cow-din, Maj Couaut, C, Olcotts A Cos, Epp stein A Bro, E Ehrlich, Einstein A Eckrnau, Erwin A Hardee, D Finnegan, M Foist A Cos, G Uemeuden, M Newmark, W S Phillips, W L Peabody, Packard A Beriian, Rogers A Cairn, P Reilly, Sorrell Bros, A A Solomons A Cos, F W Sims A Cos, Tisun A Gordon, \V H Stark, B G Tilden, W Wolf, E U Wade A Cos, J F S Goodall, Y, W, Mclntire A Cos, K Bradley, O Colieu K M Cuyler, G A Hudson, T Henderson, Holcombe A Cos, L S Beunet, S N Freeman, U Gowdy, H, Watson A Cos, Hess A Gutman, C M llolst, W U May, C Orff, H G Uuwe A Cos, S M Ladder, J McMahon A Cos, M, Thomas A Cos, M Marcus, M S Meyer, F M Myretl, D Mallet A Cos, Linville A Gleason, aud others. Per steamship Varuna, from New York—Adams Ex Cos, McKiliber A Alien, O W Anderson, J W An derson, FMcAller, B A Whitehead, Brady A Smith, B II Bolin, B A Baldwiu, M A Cohen. C L Colby A Cos Bulger A calvtlt, U Colieu, S M folding, Cunning ham A Purse, Clagltoru A C, U Cranston, Cramp A Christy; str Fouutam, It M Cuyler, J 11 Cullen, Com stock A Kinsey. L 1) Davis, Duncan A Johnson II M Davidson, Doyle A Cos, J 11 Deppish, E A U, Cooper, Olcotl * Farreliy, M Ferst A Cos, Frisby A Troy, G C Freeman, G Gcinenden, Hunter .ft G, Tison A G, C, Johnson A Graybill, S Goodall, Guiimartiu A Cos, L J Gmlmartln, C L Gilbert, Ii Glam, A ltopkms, E E U, W W Lincoln, K Habersham, ii D Hanley, E mil, T Holcombe, B Knapp, Kelu A %n, A Kohler, T J A D Lane. Laiurop A Cos, li Ludlow, J Lama, K J Lai combe, M Luviu, li Ltlieutlml, W T A L s Mead, R H May, J M Uacou, D Mallett ,F M Myrell, it Molina, B F Tutt, J Meyers, Dewiit A Morgan, M, Thomas A Cos J It Norton, C our. J M Prentice, B Phillips, Warren A Plattuer, A Reseller, P Redly, K K agt, F J Ruck ell, E It Rogers, U Robert-, J L Koumtltalt, C D Ro gers, W G Kobinsoa, J Kmchley, J K Wilder, Stuart A Cos, M J Solomon, S Schuster, J C Schreiner, F Schuster, Lovell A Lattiuiore, F W Situs, G Stopel, H A Tophaui, R Tilden, J L Villalduga, W H Wiltbergei J E Webster, B, Wylly A Cos, uud others. Per steamer Fannie, from Jacksonville, etc—A J Mason, F M Myretl, and others. Per steamer Mtuuie Braudt, from Augusta—J K Wilder, O Colieu, Ii Habersham A Son, Duucau A J, B, Baldwin A Cos, B, smith A Cos, J Lung-dun a Cos, Wright, Gibbs A Cos. Pcrstcamer Scorpio, from Augusta—Keiu St Cos, J U Wilder, Hryau, Hartridge A Cos. R Habersham a Son, uud oihers. Per steamer Helen, from Augusta—K Habersham A Sou, Keiu A Cos, L J Guiltujrtm A Cos, J 1. Elkiu. Per steamer Fountain, from Augusta—B, Smith A Cos, A J Mason. E W Seymour, order, Rogers A Canu. Pet Enterprise fl it, No 10, from Augusta—(oo bales upland cotton to W Battersby a Cos, it, Smith A Cos, J Cranston, uud others. PORT OF FERNANUINA, FLA. Fla., Dec 1. Arrived. Selir L A Edwards, New York, G R Lirce, from Jacksonville lor St Mary 's river. Steamer City Point, Talbot, for Savannah. Report. Steamship Varuna spoke btig Jos M Houston, Dec 2d, bouud south. I A Card. We, the undersigned passengers of the steamer Minute Brandt, 011 her trip from Augusta to Savan nah, feel it our duty (at parting with Capt. Tains, Mr Yeatman her Purser, and other officers) to return them our thanks for the many attentions receiv ed at their hands while 011 board, and take great pleasure ill recommending the Minnie Braudt, to the travelling public. O T Terry, ij Timnier, JMNeblett, Edwin Marble, T M Mason, a N Norton. It 3 Rullegef |)Vm M Watson. J G Allen, j LIIT OF VESSELS IN THE POUT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Dec. 4,1865. STEAMSHIPS. Virgo, Buckley, loading, New York—O Cohen. Sau J acini o, Loveland, loading. New York— B H Hardee. Nevada, Carpenter, loading. New York- Brigham, Baldwin if Cos. Hunter, Rogers, loading. New York—Hunter A Gammed. Darieu, (Br) Haran, loading, Liverpool—Brigham, Baldwin & Cos. SHIPS. Mont Blanc, Donnell, 7GO, loading, Liverpool—La Roche, Gaden A Unckles. Virginia. Weeks, 1.044, loading at Lamar's Press, for Liverpool—C L Colby A Cos. Thorwalson, (Br) Brouiage, discharging—Reid A Stewart. Favorite, (Br)Spain, discharging—E A Soullard. Herald, Calvert, discharging—C Green A Sou. BACKS. Thus Whitney, (Br) Kelly, loading—B. Wylly A Christian. Craeso, (Br) tons, discharging—Robert J Caughey. Platiuius, Pinkbam, loading—C L Colby A Cos. • Colonist. (Ur) Taylor, discharging—Cliaa Green A Son. Laconia, Doane. discharging—Hunter A Gammed. surrs. Mont Blanc. Donnell. 700, loading for Liverpool— LaKoche, Gaden A Unckles, Republic (Ureiu) Smith, 800, loading for Liver pool—Weber Bros. Virginia, Weeks, 1044. loading at Lamar's Press for Liverpool—Chas L Colby A Cos. Thomas Whitney (Br). Kelly—Bell, Wylly A Chris tian. Craeseo(Br), tonsdlscharglng—Brigham, Bald win A Cos. Platlqius, piukham, discharging—Charles L Colby A Cos. AUCTJON SALES. AUCTION! Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Eyeijius, AT THE STORE ON BROUGHTON STREET, Third door from Bull, Where will be offered a general assortment of Dry Goods, Bouts uud Shoes, Hosiery, Uiidcr-dotliliig, lkioks, Yankee Notions, Jewelry, Ac , Ac , ut ibe pur clia«er'sown prices. Trills r Ifh ; sales positive. A I -30 JIV HELL, WYLLY aUiHISTUIL win ba sold on WEDNESDAY next, Ihe Oth lust., at 11 o'clock, lu front of store r Wcttlinlf of Lot No. 43 Lafayotta Ward. Thetm proveniento consist of a Brick liuilae. containing 10 rooms, with llironuhoul, and u pump of excellent w tier In tlie yard. Term* cash. ,)v AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. Ttiere hsvlito liaen so many .pplicaliona tor Small Trsei. of Kind lor Inrslum, ihe owner of Ills ul»iv» I-and. fenlllitr u dl.cositl.m to nisei 111!* demand lies placed lu the market bn a law day*, Lm* ms Vl** Aries, or mote, part cleared, nu ibe Augusts Road, op uoflte In Ihe three mile alohe. also ou (lie H idle fililfi Road, nprswlto to ibe two mile aim**. if u|4 AT I'KIVATK MALE »r Mali, wviiv a ••rlifiaa* Hi mi u litHH (Mhi ftHfe < aid y••##<! iinuff* u [fi**** ™ Ks u jfiHhfii i lm# iW f j HMMljilHbi 6w# mi MmnPMmpi'i s* I m** AUCTIONS. CARGOSALK. ” By Belt. Wylly & < hrteUau. Du TUKSDA Y, fttti Inst, at lv o'clock a. in., in front or wor. corner B.y and Whitaker streets, a part of the CARGO OP THE MUG ATLANTIC. Fi o il Nassau. N. P. Consisting Os GROCERIES DRY GOODS HARDWARE DRUGS AND MEDICINES LIQUORS, Ac., Ac ■l2-1J vV Hi! PIlKd , By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Ou Tue«J«y. 6th Inst, at lu o'clock, iu front of •tore, will be sold, under inspection wad by recom meudation of Port Warden*: A large lot of Asaorted Hollow Ware. Sold for account of whom it fh&y concern. d4 n By Bell* Wylly & Christian. AT PRIVATE SALE. 45 aero* of line Garden Land, within the limita of the city. The Improvements consists of a first cla** cottage dwelling, gothic style, containing six large room*, with marble uiautel piece, dining room, kitchen, library room furnished with shelves and glass doors. Outbuildings consinU of farmhouse, containing seven room*, barn, carnage house and -tables. Purchaser can have ihe re fusal of corn, fodder, hay, hor***, mules, buggies aud wagon*. Also. 2430 seres <4 heavily timbered land, situated tweuty (20) milts front the city, between the Ogeechee and Canoochee Roads. An excellent location for a mill, or un A. No. 1 turpentine plantation. 100 acres of the above cleared. Improvements cousists of two small dwelling houses with stables, cribs, Ac. tf-ulB - AT PRIVATE SALE. By Belly Wylly & Christiao. 100 acres of Land, situated on the Vernon river, about nine miles from this city. The improvements consist of dwelling, barn, stables, uud other neces sary out-buildings. An abundance of fish, oysters, shrimp, Ac., con? veuieutly obtained. Price of property, 452,000. uSB-tf ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. By T. J. Walsh. Ou TUESDAY, January, sth, lsflfl, will be sold at the Court House, lu the city of Suvaunab. at II o’clock: The Eastern Half of Lot No. 11 Jackson Ward, (fee simple, with improvements), corner of Whitaker ami Hull streets, lb* improvements are a two-story brick dwelling, nine rooms, with water In the yard and gas through the house; btlck stable. Both build ings have slate roois. Sold by permission of the Ordinary of Chatham county, fora division among the heirs. Tirms cash, purchaser paying for Giles. n24 By Blnnu JSc Moyer. This Day, 4th last., at 10 o'clock. In front of store will be sold 60 bxs Tobacco, 60 caddies Tobacco 5 hhds Bacon Shoulders A large assortment of Dry Goods, Blankets do do Boy’s Silts aud Ladles Garlbaldles, Balmoral Skirts, Ac , ALSO, An assortment of Household and Kitchen Furni ture; BY BLUN & MEYER' Will be sold ou THURSDAY, December 7th, at 11 o’clock a. m., at our store .* 20 acres of good Gardening Land, back of Lover's Lane, miles from the Kxchauge. n3O-td EXECUTORS SALE. WILL bo sold at the Areciila Plantation of E. R. Young, late of Tuomas county, deceased, three miles irom Boston, No. Id Atlantic A Gulf Kail road, on Friday, 16th December next, all the perish able property beloi giug on said plantation, consisting for the most part as follows; About 20 Mules and Horses, 140 Fat Hogs, 200 Stock Hogs, 90 head Cattle, and 6,000 BUSHELS O* CORN, 20or 30stalks Fodder, 2or 3 Wagons, Su°-ar Mill, a large supply of Plantation Utensils, aud many other tilings. Atihe same time and place I will rent the Planta tion tone of ihe largest and best in the conntyi for the year 1860. Tuere Is about 1,100 ACRES OF OPEN LAND on the place, and in fine condition for another crop corn or cotton. D S. BRANDON, dl-10 Executor. GROCERIES, LIGI OiiS, * iy, T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS. &C. 14-T Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) ll r E invite the attention ol the Trade and the Pnb »" lie generally to oar large and elegant assort ment of Wines, I.Ljuois, Cordials, Conserves, Se gura, tie., etc. which is not excelled by auy similar establishment in the States. We are sole proprietors of DUNBAR’S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of which is fully established in this and foreign coun tries ; DUNUAR’SeweII known STOMACH BlTTKßS guarauteed superior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel and family use; DUN BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the n most pnrity, and put up expressly for our house, of wnich we are sole proprietors and Importers. Solo Agents for Robert Smith's cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE. incases and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bonrbon WHISKEY and AH RACK PUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United States, put up by us in ease* for export and home consumption. T. J. D. A Cos. are sole agents for H* A H. W. Catherwood's Pare RYE WHISKIES XX and XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed In qnqlity and cx. cellencc. Constantly on hand, a large and well se lected stock of liOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS -if finest grades, manufactured and imported expressly for this house, which we offer at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, GINS, M INES, CHAMPAGNES, aud every description and grade of Foreign Liquors imported directly by this home, and for sale in bond or duty paid, at lowest market rates novi-lm H. G. RUWE & CO., "Wholesale GROCERIES S LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARS* Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Square, (FRONTING PULASKI HOUSE.) |V Agents for ALE AND LAGER. exultantly on hand, an aaaoitmeot of nixuiN wisru. »c (.28 3m To Who lenh ip Grocer *, LL|ii»r Dealers, Bistlllerg, Dnig-gUt* ami Mofiji Mdimfuctiirers. TjiSHENTI AL oils for flavoring and Improving Bran Jo dv, Hum Pori Wine, Bouffiou, Rye, Hootch und Irish Wl,Okies, age aud l»’dy YmptnUaiM tor Neu trull.llig end Whiskey and Splrll. Color mge. Syrup, end Fruit Jalce* tor Brandy, Whiskey slid Wines, Oil* aud Kxtraeu of Cngnsc and ulher Brandies, Holland and Loudon Gin, Ac. Dr F.’a Treullae oil KcnuenUel Liquor* with 10UU Paclpc FOR DltUOUlHTtt’ UME. Nrfttan Insect Powder, fly pa|wr, LomMen*. kluoiftpar and Fluoric Add, Mangsii*** and all rsr* i ’be mu sis and Drags, FOR MOAI* MANUFACTTREKM. ■dlbaleuMtoila I* > ryataia, Isquifiaiid Jelly China clay aliA Tatra Alba. atone, R>»lu. Sods. Ash, *< Jok r.JWd|TNANi<Ih. novl eodtol Na H Cedar si., N Y. BACON Hulmsli HlioiildiM's 111 %4am9 HUB fc# #*li bf <• 0 NtfVAN. mUtfflMMl 6 LO OHfX'Kitmg. i.mutmi, me. PIERCE SkEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots'and Shoe*. Clothing. Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Hsgara Also, Skehan-a Celebrated GULDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER. In bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH. and 62 Liberty street, New York. RANDELL A CO. ARK now offering: to the tr#«le a very choice selec tion of SOUCHONG. OOLONG, YOUNG HYSON,*and IMPERIAL TEAS Also, NO. 1 EXTRA AND FANCY SOAPS RAISINS, CURRANTS AND CITRON PURE GROUND BPIOEB CREAM TARTAR B. C. AND SAL SODA VERMICELLI. FARINA, JELLIES, Aud a general assortment of Fancy Groceries, nlt-sodlw WHISKEY! WHISKEY ! FINE OLD BBANDY, VINES, tc. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey. Pilfe’s Magnolia, Spencer’s Old Rye, aud Fine Kentucky Bonrbon. FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, XIX BA. Y STREET, (Herald Buildings) xlso,— Alsou's Ale, Mars' Ale. Apples. Potatoes. Onions, Piekles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. oct6 ts CHEESE, SOAP. 4 A BOXES OTIBESK, t: v 76 boxes Fay'a Soap. Juat received and lor iale by octlti BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. G»o. R. Crump, Wm, A. Wrioht, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. CRUMP k 00., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Llpors, Tobacco, Seaars, SALTED FISH, &c. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, W Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tobacco, Pboduub, and MEbohandlsx of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusta, Ga., Richmond. Va.. aud Jno. C. Fen ill, Esq., De- Witt A Morgan, Gaden A Cackles, A. A. Solomons A Cos., J. T. Paterson A Cos., K. Molina, Esq , Savauuab, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. OCt4 J. GARDNER TAKES the liberty of informing the public generally that lie hasjnei opened, and will always keep on hand a fall supply of Fresh Family Groceries, of all descriptions and of the bent quality, which he offers for sale at reasonable rates. Corner Jones and Barnard streets, at Ehrlich's old stand. nlB-lm rFOREIGN OOMESTK t S ftStgftlß SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS Ch. 'Farre Champagnes FOK THE STATE OF GEORGIA. au3o KIRLIN, IRO.&BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, mm Al LIQUORS, UUKNKK WIIITAHKK STREET AND BAY LAKE, 8 ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED k DELIYERED. au2l u BUYERS WISHING Tobacco, Flouy AND SUGARS, IN LARGE QUANTIES AND OF GOOD STANDARD BRANDS, Will find a fine stock at . IXaiitloll cfc Co's. n2leodlw «5«0 REWARD WILL be paid lor the package of NOTES taken fu December last from the premises of David R. Dillon, or a proportionate part of the above re ward wUI bepufd ou the delivery of any of the above Notes. DAVID R. DILLON, nSo-6 224 Bay street. SHIPPING. - For Doctortown. The Steamer ORIENT, Will leave for Doctortown ou Tuesday Dec. O, at 7 o’clock a. m. « Fur freight or passage, having enpaslor accommo dations apply to CHAS L. COLBY A CO., d4-2 Corner Bay and Abercorn aei erts J| , FOR JACKSONVILLE, VIA BRUNSWICK AND FERNANDINA. Till STEAMER FANNIE, CAPTAIN MeNELTY, I*now reuelvln rretghl at (ha old Florida siesmboftt wharf fmd of Waal ttroad afreet, and will leave as above ou W.4aN4ay,lth la.e,, al 9 a, in. Tide boat I. lu vciy su.llcnt order, aud bee ap pellor dele ruoiu .voinioo-Utuiar ter paieeugeie, For <M |fl- apply to .. 7r*|. MYRKLL, Apt, 44 Maine' iluiWiliga, tier elruel. For Liverpool. iMKSfSSftHtSi I 'try. eopftgefi Will fie |,«4» lu rend*, I UhiftoM IjiWm liyeiaull. Pie*| wu Ihe Iffih l a* * «j STAR LINE. FOR NEW YORK. The fine Steamship COSTITUTION, Greshmftn Commander will leave for the above port on Wednesday, Dee. 6, hi _ o’clock. For freight or pamage, having anperlor state room accommodations, apply to L3O BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. FOR NEW YORK,* ATLANTIC COAST ' MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The very fast sailing Steamship VARUNA, WHITEHURST, Commander, Will positively sail ua her regular day, W ednesday, *lii Inst., at 11 o’clock a. na. * For freight or paamge, which will be as low as any other line, apply to d* JOHN R WILDER Agent. For Doctortown, The Steamer General Shepley, Will leave for the above place on Sunday, Dec. 3, at 7 o’clock a. m. Connecting with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. For freight or passage, having anperlor aceonrß’O datlona, apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., ''d2-l cor. Abercorn and Bay sts. For Liverpool. K-ETS. Tlie A 1 hit-sailing hark ZEPHYRINE, i'tl—wi •' Pennialon, master, wants about 609 bales of cotton to complete cargo. Being of small capacity, shu will have qnlck despatch Ap- P'J REID A STEWART. FOR AUGUSTA, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS, TUE Steamer Volunteer AND COVERED BARGES, Now receiving freitht at the Lower Rice Mill wharf, will leave aa above ou TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, U 65. Freight taken at the lowest rate#. 0 FALLON.A.OO.* Agents, _ Corner of Bay and Lincoln street#. Ettipire Line. FOR NEW YORK. Atlantic; Mail Mtoamship Company. Th® nfew fust side-wheel steam SAN SALVADOR Loveland* mas will sail as above, on Saturday, Dec. «, at. 1 o’clock p. m. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply to B. U. HARDEE, No. 12 Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON A ALLEN, Agents, n27 N9. 11, Bowling Green, New York. POE NEW YORK Of/Jk The brig OLIVE FRANCES. F. A. .°msll. master, is now loading for tho aaSaffife’ For freight, apply to CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., n29 . Corner Aberliom and Bay sis. For PHILADELPHIA The Steamship CXJMBEIA., FRENCH, Commander, Will sail for the above port on Saturday, Dec. U, at o'clock. For freight or paaaagc, having excallont accommo dation*, apply to nSO HUNTER Sc OAMMELL, FOR AUGUSTA. THE Steamer Oak, Cgpt Wm. McCauley, Is recelvinr freight This Day at Lamar's Wharf, and will have qa'ck duspatch as above. TLis boot Is In exceUciit order (rates A l iu Insur ance Conmnie#) and of large capacity shipper# can rely on having their orders go through with de spatch. For freight apply to J. B. PREBDBE, Agent, 109 Broughton street. F: M, MYRELL,* n29 Harris' Bnlldluga, Bey street. Regular Weekly Bteamer BETWEEN AUGUSTA - SAVANNAH. The New Iron Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS, Capt T. N. Pini. pot, 4 Having superior accommodation for Freight and Passengers, will ply regularly between the above cUtea. Leaving Savannah every Saturday Morning, at i» o'clock. o'clock*"* Anguata every Wednesday Morning, at 7 Laylua at Mathew * Bluff .very Wcdnomt.y Night It is tlie desire of the Agents of the Olbb-m'io niake her a permanent Accommodation Boat tor the Her chant* °f Augusta Slid Hsvanhah and thv Planter* along the Hue of the river, and with Ulsobject In view, no effort will bo epared on ibe part of her owners, agent* aid offic«r* to meet the want* orthe traveling and freighting public. * . „ . ERWIN * HARDEE, on* L Rovmii.i.xt, Agent at wharf. lm nU For Charleston, Tbft mw a teenier CITY POINT. •’apt I 8 Tab>ot, Will bra** a* above • *#rp fiamedap, al w a, «*• rot Beight Off paaaag* *W Iff,*" fill MoJflaoo’e Rang*, pay wwl Til, OTUMKR S * ed.uTl' UmTTnd l^T.ldluOn’ of Liocoln street, fre« of coat. The May armed In Angnsta^i bom Savannah on lftat Friday with her fall height ts oet9 FOE AUBHBTA ~ The new light-draught steamer Minnie Brandt, C»pt. FRANCES, Will leave tor Augusta on Tuesday, Dee. 9, at 8 o’clock, a. m. noT h L aC . COmmo4 ?‘ io “ for pasaangen oh board oan pei!en*k.* U captain “1 toiTow “nmX e ‘"d? order ’ wiU For freight or passage apply to dft-2 ' ° WE&T JoMock FOR AUGUSTA. The Steamer !R. H. MAY will leave for the above place on TUESDAY EVENING. This steamer, drawing only twenty-eight laches when Bonded, offerssuperior inducements to shipper* at the present low stage of the river. 4 Goods received at all times and stored free In fire proof warehouse on old Charleston steamboat wharf. For freight arrangements, apply to d4tf j. M. KINCHLEY, Agent Freights FOR AUOUSTA, rpOE nnderslgued are prepared to receive goods it -ft their Wurehouses—free of expense and cot ered by Insurui.ce—tor shipment to Augusta and points beyond by their regular line of light draught boaU ' .^ ply . ta CHAS. L. OOLByT* sept29—tf cor. Bay and Abercorn sts, For Doctortown AND v Thomasville. The Steamers G«n. Bhepley, Orient, and Clarion, Will make Tri-weekly Tripe to Doctortown, in con nection with the Atlantic and Gnlf Railroad, leavlne np Tuccdays, Tbmadsye and Sundaya * Through freight payable by shippers at our office, of expfn»e rCCelVed duliD * tIH! we «“<* stored free For freight or passage apply to . n2O r. C “¥ 1 COLBY * CO. nvo Corner Abercorn and Bayetreet*. FOR HAWKINSVILLE AND MACON. • THE * STHAMEH OOMBT, CAPTAIN HORNE, Will leave ee above with despatch. For freight, . which will be received at the Upper Hydraulic Pra*B Yard, and covered by tnenrance nntll placed on board tho steamer, apply to n2S BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. NOTICE. ~ THE BRITISH, WEST INDIA AND PA CIFIC CO’S STEAMSHIP, DARIEN, Will leave tor "' Liver-pool Direct, ON Saturday, Soo. fld. lISS BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. FOB Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St. TiMnnaa, Para, Pernauibnco and Btkld T * le United States and Brasil m-i‘ Lt • teqmahip Company will dispatch regularly, -a-T"c.- On the 29th off every anomth, A NEW AND FIRST CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at 3 o’clock, p. m.. From Pier 43, North River. All letters have to pass through the Poet Office. An experienced Surgeon will be In attendance on board. «-■- j ffi?£Sss£ , BA < £.. WiNTED TO CHAfiTER. A Ligtft»r, of 260 barrel* eapaelty, on JjyrMWk end under deck, for a short trip. RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Opposite Mariner’s Chnrch, Bay street. FORLIVERPOOL ft-Frc- , The British bark CROSCO, Carrey. ■ <ftpaclty U 00 Bales cotton • JftjRTYP For freight upply to HOBT J. CAUOHR7, US Bay Street For Liverpool. Tbs new first clam clipper thip VIRGINIA, WEEK*. ft—Ml la now loading rapMly al Uwer Freds, tad kaving Urge engagement will have qstek deapsuh fur iratgW “• paagage (tafia* at lewegft ’alee) sggly la DMA* I* COL NY ffiOO , j "sM itaMet Aberraen said Rig ffis 1 For Liverpool. aj». Tfi# A Me I Mfito ttofiV MLAMC la aw ]gt r .V.t.