Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 07, 1865, Image 4

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The Sivuuk MI/ HeraU. iHI KSUO ukcemih ». IfW. COM Ml_E_R CIA L . Oat Oar I^ lrr »** Tark Market. [Proai oar own Ourreepoudefit.l M» Turk, Deo. 4, 1865—2S P m. Ashes -The market is fairly a. uro and prices are better; aaies at *!• 50 for puts ami til 4* for pear!* From, *. -The market for Western and Stale Flour ta more acuvr, but all trades base decline I at from ato Ak per bbl, ekwtug lioavy. Tne males art 14 000 was at t; Mat; 75 for Superfine Weatern and Stafo t ft Mats St. for Extra Stale ; *8 li for Finer State: fe lOaJS 45 for the low uratlea ol Wet-tern Extra; $' TuatS for Snipping Oluo : tea $lO SO lor Trade and Fannie brands, and fil* 35k sl6 75 for St. Louis Extra'. m-CEWBEaT Fur k—ls dull, at $4 ioa*4 a$ per 100 lbs. SocthkiisJTjv r—ln demand but 10c lower. Cobs Mrai-Is easier and .leave ; sale* ol 740 Mils at $4 65 for White Staie and (4 *u|4 74 for Brandy wine. whiskrv.—The market u steady; sales of 170 hbls al *2 S4aJ3 34 for Western. Grain—The Wheat market to more act!re. bur at lower rates Ik i quin amainK for export, i holer qualitlea are u-r offered freeli, and are lietter suauuued man oilier dewripUims. - Tae sales are 04 000 husbeto at $1 Mol 70 nnsenu l Spriuft: *1 72*1 SO Chicago Spring; $1 74al SO Hi! waukeeclub: $1 81al S3 Amlier club. Oats—Ate in moderate demand and heave. The sale are 34.000 bus. Canadian, «lc; lins-'iiud Wesieru 52a63e; Slate, 62*6254;; unsound. 4S*ASc. Corn—ls freelv onen-.l and easier The sales are 100.000 bus. Unsound. SB»94e: Wesieru mixed, liaws , very choice; Western while, #1 00; new yellow, Jer sey! fckifific, and old. *»c. SCO ars— Raw Sugars hare been rniher more acute bat prices have favored the Imvcr, »«<i close lower ami lusavv. We quote at aUtut l»alS',c lor hut lo Blind refilling, but all Scares mnsi -Jill to' consfideietl ii.uninal, There is some mqiilrv for refined Snsaie at Ik' for Powdered. Granulate ! and Crushed; liaise lor Sod Whites, and 14*t»ise for do. Yellow. The siock is >1,403 Uihl* t una, Iso do. lino Roxv 103 do. English Island, and 4t,i Marrtnque. foul hints -.S.ssi. BuxiSl 44,670. Bops 65.825, and Melado, a BC7TKR-There has neeu only a ui sit rale liusmtss doing, and prttvs art soumwoal heavy Ihoiish wlih .intXi-Misl decline since our last. luqmry to chleltv from ihe cUy and near by trade, wiu: a lew lota taken for Southern shipment. European buyers find prices us. high In allow ihera to operate. We quote Ohio and Weatern al AaA; Wesitru Reserve, gSa-iSe; Slate mkins 4 «4Sc; do. *, firkin, iutis, 45a Me: do. Welsh tuns, «oa4se, andOraugeeouuty pails. Madfic. Con ns—The market for Rfo has been quiai, bui the let'em advices trom Braail liemg of a more lavor able tenor, liolders are firmer in their Views Other kiudsare ftdrlv active aud We quole Rio at is:i2le for ordinary to prime; ls-,4ts\ tor fair lo go mi cargoes; 2<v»23 viiirMarecaioo. aud Caguayua; 28*241- for data; la'.asosc for Jamaica, au.l 17>,a iStftC fur St, Domingo. Tne stock is 35,690 nags Rio, Had .10. Jamaica. 4.760 Cuba, 556 Itoguayua, 52S Mar ui am.', SIS Angostura, SOC Mexican, 106 Allicau, anti 43 Ntvamua. filial, 46.031 bags. Moi.assßS—There has recently been a good active demand from redueia and shippers, ad the sales are heavy, uiaieriallt rednclug unr supply olpruiiegiades Prices are firmer with main holdns. asking an ad vauceuf $c par gallon. to<- quote Culm Mnoravadu at JXnO.v; Cuha c.are I. SSaaw; English Island, toti, and Porto Kiev. 65*960. The slock to 1,896 hhds Cuo i Muscavad.i, 2Sn I'uba oiared. l,d»l Porto Rico, and 445 Pnixo Ktco. Rn k-The market to firm wuh small sales; Caro lina al IS ',.1.4, and R tugoon s ,alO'«c, The ebickts 17,mu* bags cleaned, and t4,*Mt bag* and malstin clcaiieil. Easi India. No Carolina in first hands. Pa n isi ns.—The pork market has bee* quite ac tive to-diy, inn at irregular rales, closing, however, wiUi sumo steadiness, For liiuirc delitwry wt' mile sales of new mess <i«6si, sellers opliitu, Iwculier ami January, al <O. and buyers' option. January, at *26. The sales, cash and regular, are 1 1,066 bbK al s2Sss'3S 75 lor Mess, closlug al $-38 So. Bckp—ls selling m jobbing way at steady rales; safe al fiUafM no for old plain Mess ; sisa*-5' Mr new do; sl4 40a516 74 for old Extra do, and fits* $2.5 lor now Extra do. Tisi.i k Rkki —ls selling moderately al $-*xagS7 for Prime Mess : s4:l & ias44for India Mess. Laro—ls .lull and irregular; sales at Sialic fin City aud Wi'stem. Vtl.ljOW —Tne market to .mil aud heave, al about IS,*il.v«e lor Western, ami 14U4 ,for City. CurbsK.—A lair home demand prevail* al hill previous rates. We qu.ue factory at ISal* V ; form dairies IT a 18c' choice do IS K.igiislt daily *6 ajfi.; and pmeappir so* to.-. fX.nyiN—The inquiry for the past Itni or Ihree days has been fair, but at veiy irregular lales. Tue ii nitTpU buyers are siupp rs atalmnanufacluiers, rhoagli tt fety lots are oocasssuialiy laken for sprvu laiion. Althe dose to .lav the bust ness to fair aisl puces nre irregular al 47 a 4w-101 hut uisidlmg. and :• ia,v’ lor middling. Sales for Ihree .lavs SkSi lialrs. Receipts sauto nine lo.iMS bales. Aland iwo lturns and bales were desUMval hy hie lasi hlgut 1-41: lib loiyoi.R to the t loved in 'ill. folia --Giud . penen at 147 V; declined al 147*, advanced 147 » aml cltwcs al l*sbuoyani. t AVGUSTA MAItKKT. » Augusta Ooiumerewi Rnlleim, correcled for Sa V.innali Ukß snm-weekly, by Maude A Wi tght, Cotton Factore and Whtdeaalc Couuutostou Mcr chants, Augusts i,a. APWtsra, Monday Evening, Dec. A IfdA River 4 feci in channel, amt itstng skiaSc Weather warm and cloudy. Amve.l losiay, si earner Falcon,' Steamer Amazon at wharf anaiuug rtse. Steamers W.« Gibbons au.l Caldwcil hvading. Colton tttatket ciosetl dull to-day, ami no Stopo si non on the pait ol buyers lo operate, Chiton Market—Middling 40 a 4sc. 4-4 Augusta Sheetings sic. « do do 86c. Osnahnrgs, s oa 25c. Dntls—B3c. T ,1 ;tis — Nk'. Giutny, 40c. ISipe—Hemiv 45c.; Phmr-Stuicjfiae sUal6 per bbl;'v floats ; Dnulite extra itaa.At. Wheat—White $S ,ioa3 Oh per buehel. Com- -$l 75ai M jier bushel. Rire— New crop isaSoc. Fish—Mackerel, idis. No. 1, $4 Mas; half bbls $14*14; bids SSOa32. COffoe—Rio, 36a35; Java, aetUO. c-ugar-N, O. itiaSOCi "A" *e, "C" 25c, Crushed and Powdereii Sitasac Midasscs- Common N. O. $1 25a1 40. syntp—GoMeu ami Sugar House, $1 50*1 tot pec gallon. Tr4»—Bull, market sfocke*!. Whiskey—Rye and Beurtsui #2 75 : *SB gatfon market oversi.vked, Chmwe—GngUsh Dairy S2jS*c. Western owmmoui 25 >3v': market well stocked, Bacon—Sidra 2Sc; Shcmfoers S4at3Bc. Hems—3ss4sc. Lawl—ft2*Ssc. ftukeiy-Aewtieh .Stotoic. Apples—,Grech) fwnt article, filfiiU per iihl; mat' ket glutted. Applet.—lifted 155180 per poind Dexches —Dltrd i>ealed 2dc jier potuhl. Totatocs—XorUtern UM lwr Mil. Ootoae—Xofthern *7 per hW, wuh fwll suj'pSf Caudles—Siar 550; Adantanune S*tAse.—Brown i Aim it ia»!fo tier Ik Cigars—Domestic, tSAA'.Wt per l.OiWt; stock heavy; no demand. Nails- Assorted sties fli per keg. saH -Uterponl. aacks 50; demand good srtot—pm tiag. Groceries, Ac. -.11 BARRELS Crttslted A, B and C retgar* do an Ihim* White Cuba Sugar 9u bags Java aud Rki Coit'e lo barrels ohotor Syntp SA karn Is Pilot and Navy Broad so barrel* choice Family Fkdir lo packages aavined crackere wi hose* Famtiv. Pale and No l Soap •3d hose* Sperm and Adamantine Candies fid cases asvifted P.cktes id case* KngU,-h do id CAsr* Worextolerchire, (hittMy and other ttouce* 5 Cases best Sweet Oil 5d Whole, ball, and quarter boxes Rausrus 25 drums New Pigs 50 eases Prunes. Maccaroui. Vermteelti For sale by dfoeodew CLAAiHORS A CUNNINGHAM .ItA SALE LOV, To C. lose Consignment 46 barrels FKmr 2 barrels Mackerel ' * *d kit* Mackerel 26 boxes Cheese 16 boxes Cacukc. 80 boxes Herrag lb barrel. Park 16 bunds Brcmx bugar 16 barrels Crashed Sugar 16 bones Bio and Java Codec, grouse iu boxo* Mustard l« lores bpiccs I ooxst Codfish G. H ARLEDGE 1 dfelw 71 Bat «... foot ut Ataeroun. PIPEB ttiB£UOISE OD J>|MibirPriiurni'Suppli«« lUaUUA a RLaTNLR. filmuk dereer. m *U vfi tiuiwm to hi tag Pnouns *ua *’—|y—w p imti,. Lrormpoe 7 orkam out ftoM hut. Asm.Paid*i»lnk* Ctorfi*—dcuro Bmta a fit - Olg ettprrMK 1)031601. to, pro. Us uq; 4)ortf da fit MWX lltJiii u»* msuixUiinii, »<- Mr DBfebM Vp ovtb tttu ¥Hlt K**t Ywt |mWm> •MCA Atefijmi M TMtb 4JTI fur 14mr INtUI Taoer MUM Conti vtac fidasf* *66) AL AIMS at Pspu au. 3 Sale of Governmrol Meant era. fwnjrtonmimrtflmti Darr aC| Hii.ros II ran. h. C-. Nimabn 1 A !■•*. I Will be uoU at pul.ur Ancaen. at tkta plate. .« Monday, hevaiet U. MU. at It M. uudrr dire Utm of Captain W . K Mortord A. ts . M . the fomm lac IFißnturat iturk. via : VF.U 5 RAKER, odr »Wss Meaaer ; *1 i.«- womleo hull ; length on deck 155 fret ;t« ,u. ? feet c tncheu; over all *5 feet ; depth of k. 0.1 » fort t turbos : draft 5 feet lu hHhaa ; has our beaut eu gibe : diameter of cylinder fit turtles ; sma< of pa turn 10 feet ; has OUe single return hue Isufot Has aafooti uocomiundanon- lull promenade decka. and ta well fouud lu chains aurtor- A- NEPTUNE, side wheel steamer: Mt n« hull; length on deck 141 leel; beam #■ fort i mein- . over all 45 feet * inches ; depth ol hold 10 he. !« inches ; draft 7 fret; Itaf one ts-sui tngiiK ' dtatuch 1 of ctltnder « inches ; stroke of pumai s feet; has one stmrte raiurn Hue tsuler . , Thto steamer lias lull promenade deck, fore and alt, and is a gi"«i freight or caHHo earner. QHEOI'A, double end s«h- wheel Krrr boat: worslen hull ; 345 ions ; length on duck 147 reel ; tK-Miu 2b fool ;omill W 6 lorliw : of hold II feel ; draft : fee; ; Ims oue beam engine ; dr anieter m crlander 3* inches ; stroke of piston 9 feet • has one thud*' return flue tsuler. This steamer has recently been repsirrd, ami to in excellent outer ami well l.uiml in anchors, cliatus. Ac, CROTON, side-wheel steamer ; 361 huts; wisalen halt: length on deck IS7 feet ; Mam 46 feet; over ail 43 reel s inches.': deptnuf bold S feet ; dralt 6 lis-t : has .uie-siiiate engine : diameter of cylinder :;7 in ,ches: stroke olpislou 10 feel; has uue doable ret urn due tosJet. This steamer ha* been thoroughly repaire-l, ha aahsui ami Male room aceuniUHslaiious, t- well supplied wuh anchors, chains. *>■., and is very last. GOIJ3KN GATE, sale wheel sleantcr ; isi tous'; w.ssleu hull;length on deck 14s (eel; branrM feet; over all 35 fret lu inches ; depth of hold 6 leel 4 iu ehea; draft 5 feet 5 lures ; lias oue lieaiu eugttte : .liatueler of cylinder 3f inches ; stroke ol ptstou i. feel; has one Itotutontal tul.Ur tsuler. Dus steamer to tu fine older ; luts sal.sut accommo datmns. and is well fouud tu anchors, chains, j.. NANTANEKT, shle wheel steamers : 2».» ton- ; wooden hull; length on deck 156 feet . learn 25 feet 3 tuchcs; over all 44 feel; depth of hold s ft-et 5 in ches ; draft a feet 6 Inch, s . ha- one le ant engine; diameter of cylinder 34 Inches ; stroke of pislou > reel; has one siugfe return Hue tsuler. and is well found iu anchors, clmm-. Ac. MACON, propeller, with two screws, 323 huts; w.ssleu hull; leugth on deck 156 leel; te am 35 leel. depth of hold S leel S mclie-. draft 7 foci ; has Iwo direct honaonial engines .c ii-feiistng;i diameter ur c;, Under 34 inches; stroke of lustuu 36 tuches; has two single return Hue t alters. RELIEF, rerew lug. 6- bum. wouden hull; length on deck 6T feel ; team ;? feel; depth of hold T list; draft 7 feel lo Inched; has our high pressure eugtuc; diameter of cylinder Suiuehes; stroke ol pi-tou 2o tuches ; has otic stugie return due IsUler. and to wed found In anchors, chants Ac. RESCUE screw tug. 205 tons; woslcn hut; length on deck las feet; isa.u 39 leet 6 tuches; depth olhold 13 fes-l;. Il*ll 11 leel 4 tuches; has two low preasure engmes; dutmeieruf cylinder 26 inches: has one single return due toiUer. This vessel is a powerful lug-- s m good condition, ami wel' found in auchors, chains. Ac. GENERAL IIINTKR. Ssle-whbct steamer of 460 Ions; wtsslrn hull; length ou .leek 193 feet 6 inches; beam 28 leel 6 inches; over all 50 feet s inches; depth of hohl 9 feet t inches: draft forward 5 feet, aft 5 feet A inches;has one twain eugtuc: diameter of cylinder 40; stroke of piston to feel. This steamer was built tu New York, and com pietist in 1363: is a vessel ol beautiful model aud high rate of speed.with hull, engtue and t oller as good as new. Verms, rash m government tVtmts. C. W, THOMAS, n»Md Ret. u. kvt. and Chief Q. M. LINVILLE & GLEASON. SAVAN NAH. AGENTS FOR MERRITT, WALCOTT A CO., S4 Coartlantt Street, New Tort MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASH£RS Bridge, Car, Ship or Band Hoot, ARP lloll* E R BOL TANARUS, SKIT St REUS, (OUH fit UC SCREWS. Hot End Cold Prossed Nuts, Hilt ill SQUAIi WASHERS. Turnbnekles, Roll Kmla Tups and Lties, Acre. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES. CARS. RAII.S. CHAIRS. SPIKES.TIRES. AXLES , CAR TRIM MINGS of every Rescript inn, aud every article used in conslrueting or ojieraling Railroad*. STEAMSHIP SUPPUES. KNGINKKKV STORKS . COAL OIL TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP. AND RUHBKR PACKING; LARI'S. PAINTS. VARNISH. Jbx; ENGINEERS’ TvOLS, ot every ikseriprsiu; CHIPPING AND RIYKTING HAMMERS. SCREW PUNCHES.FILES. CUISKLS. Ac. TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS. BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS. ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Alan Manufacturer* of the BEST OIK TINNED BELTING MACHINERY. LATHS, PLANERS, . DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES. STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS. SAWS. Ac. tapt* -ts Crockery, China, Glassware. JOBBERS aiul Dealer* from all pailaof the country are tovtfod i*> examnte my "Wholesale Stock, which inrlude* puekagea containing cotuptete autoon roento pat up cxptvreiy for ••Cwtnttry Trile.” rVaxto re- locked to antt purchaser*. (JuiMMiNware House, lot) Btaagklaa tot., fid door (Vaat Ball tot -e |,ut K B SMYTH NOTICE. THE firm of Pahrrvain A Tucker was dbaadved bv mulnal couaenl on December t»t. iB6O JAMES T. PATERSON I. S. TUCKER All Imiato) ot the firm will be settled by Jam* - T PaUcrooa Uavtuc poichare-i the entire iatrreat of I S. Tucker in the limber, -hippu g and ucnHkalmiaort it will be coo. footed or tmtofoe. be JAMES T PATERSON. . Nov fi S4oddard> Luatt Itanre . - Hfiklv Maro»t»‘ v bureh. BROWN’S CASTILLI AN BITTERS Tuts uanaiKd ffianr prrawed urn the Pure Juaoe of the Crepe *»1 exrrnrre. dauilrd from 1 foe Ghaaoem ifotuifi pafacu 4 Urn are.’.. <4 1 Preace. Imiynad the Fiwraac*re Claaaic iOM fipain. from atarti tarter rertaaa racy .tenia rkew mure j A I rag:f«a*c. id 11 [ i aatiiia ta Ikitrli aaa and aa mhte V> tom***, oar .re I «fie ■ fofin. for nil tomnaformia) ut the ■toc&UMJt.. x a* unvffiNL a toirt i oan Cure fur he* urearre fore. ! * — * e ‘ M >Mn **td« he wmum ire Ink 14MUL WUUANh IkinWt A Ot Ir -y, ln , Mtmo. out* ttmapa. WOOD, WOOD CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, fVIMHOSKI) <»K lOIMDKiIK I‘nTASMICM. Uiril IHE (tihtol SI! IYJNI'LN'- TKAfEO FLCII) EXTRACT OK VALCABLE MEDICINAL ROOTH AND IIEKIis pf«*|Msrcd t»» WM. H. GREGC. M. 0., <lr.i6>Mhto the <lgfo--<.. a*f MHi./ooik, New 1... f n>rwrti\i .1a..-,I»1 fV.g«.v«ii in rile Hlori irriri Maud W.»J»/.ilt. COSSTITmoX LIFE MVRUP Ha* j,r w.ucrti * revolution iu Modicim . Wh-k* rast nnid slniust iiicrrtlibli* i*, man/ di* MCI hiUHJrto OMMUderwl luipekMlv UfUWMe ure fi« uuoiiiis curw! in a f.-w or Weefca; and w.- che**t lul'w ftivrc wrcPfuratl-MM *»f the lib»*r%l minded and «CH mil. to cures Which huv.- no parallel »t Uh» pr«*.*- WH da» . Duni U*«- li»* yc-HiF we have routeuded with obfeUcitwsnd oT« reMM oppisiiioo ;ib herculeun mb wvrerfer cncounU red l*y any rel4»nß^r*. RAPIDITY OK CURE. f S ni«- *u> . * Yuiir cures are too quick, •• w hile oth«*ru «|,t U i.r ibt-ir leraunrßie, mid think thut iliwawii cun only t*3 ured bj the ‘Slow, recupcruthre pro>.e»w of Nmure.** ....... .. lliis j»our reply: In lieullh, the body, like a well bvlaiick*d scale, u* mu sU»«* of equilibrium JJut when, ir >U i any cause. and »wn yowone side of theu« aie, we U.five the effects of diseuw*. What in requ'Wie, is 13re stun* the normal balance if the scale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP 1* . im-ltitv and specific remeuy for alltltoc-utea ~rigi luting fr,»m ttu tmpuru atatc us th-- Btm.l, and fur utl thmaiitarvj di-ca-«s transmitted from parent to child PARALYSIS. It i- so uucversally admitted that Uonetitution Life Syrup is the oulv effective means us reaUiration in the various forma ut ISralyato, that we nwd not reiterate that tt is emphatically the Great-Ltfc-gtvtug Power. DYSPEPSIA. Indigestion. Weight at Stomach, Flatulente. Live i oiuplatnu want of Appetite. Bad Breath, Constipation, Btllioiisness. SCROFULA. Struma. King'.- EviL Glandular Swelling-, Eiystpelaa, I’leeration, Salt Ktieum. This taint (hefeditaiy and acquired), filling life with untold misery, is, by all usual medical remedies, iu curable. RHEUMATISM. tAnhrittot, Lumtiago, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Gout, Tic Holorvaux. If there to any disease in which the Constitution Idie Syntp Is a sovereign, ittoiu Kbeuniatisui and it* kiadri and atleCtious. The most intense paius are almost tnstanlli alleviated—enormous swelliugs are reduced. Cases. eKtonic or vicarious, oftweuty or forty years' 'standing, have tieeu cured by us CONSTITUTION LIKE SYRUP Puryfs the uystem entirely from all the evil effects o MeicuTT, removing the Had breath, and curing the Weuk Joint* uud HhcumuUr Paius which thtruseot Calomel is »nr« to prtnluii*. It hardens Spongy Gums, ami secure# tin* Tepthas tirmly hSi-Ter. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. KraiUcati-s. root ami brunch, all Eruptive Disease# of the Sum, like L’lce>*, Pimple#, Blotches, and all other difficulties of his kind, which #omuch di-ttguro tho uutwrurd appr arnnoe of Indii mule# uud female#, often making tluiuu disgusting object to thcun;elvos and their IrkiAiiie. FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Either of the No#e, Throat, Tououp, Spine, Forehead, or Scalp, no reme<ly ht# ever proved its equal. Moth Patchea u|K'u the female face, depending upon a diseased action of the Liver, are very unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A few bottles of Consti tution Ute S>rup will coir wet the secretion aud remove the depoatt, which i# directly under the skin. Diseases of the Liver. £iviug rise to Languor, Dia7.i uees, ludigeetiuu. Weak Stomach, or au ulcerated or caucerums coudUiuu of that origan, accompauied with burning r other unpleasant symptoms will be re lieved by the use of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. A# a General Blood-Purifying Agent, the Life Syrup elands unrivalled bv auy m the world. THE RICH AND POOR Are liable to the #ame disease#. Nature and science have made the Constitution Life Syrup lor the benefit of all. PURE BLOOD Produces healthy men aud women; and if the consti tution I# neglected iu youth, Gtacaae and early death is the result. Do not delay when the mean# are to near at hand, and within (he reach of ail. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Is the poor man’s friend, and the rich mau'a bh ##ing. WILLIAM 11. GKEbG. M l> t<ole Proprietor, New Yolk. MORGAN A ALLEN, Wholesale Lrujrgtots, Agents, u?2-3m Cliff street, New York. BILLIARDS. Six Tables* IRESPECTFCLLY invite the patronage of my old friends aud visitors to the ciiy 1 have Six Go«>d Biilianl Tables, including two ol Phelan’s make, with thS best Halts, Cuss. Bridges, Mace#, Ac., pi ocnrable. My rooms are commodious, and I endeavor to employ only o>.)iupotent attendants. My Bar is supplied with a good assortment cf Ales, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Ac. u**tf WALTER O’MEARA. JOHN H. DEPPISH, OMALER IN 11 Al ? IJAUAiIIIi: UutU'rj', FUt's. Edge Tools, And Agricultural Implements. Also, SHOT, POWDER, LEAD and CAPS. 14S Cougnxs and 417 St- Julian streets, SAVANNAH, GA. uiltm R. MOLINA, Corner llull attrl Coagnsi Streets, under toerevea House, IMPt'RTEK and Wholesale Dealer ln ITavana Se gars. Leaf and Smoking Tobacco, Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Mcr schautn. Brier Root, aud ail other kinds of Fancy Pipes. sep3o-3m DAVID BAILEY, Merchant Tailor [FOmertr Cutter for Win R. Symons] BKC.S m 'St respectfully to inform his friend# and the puldic iaily, tlmt he has removed from the store of Mr. A. B Ivt-s to No. 12 WHITAKER STREET, (Between Bryan and Bay,j where he will lx- glad to meet his old custom* r# and os many ikwone# a#- will favot h»m with their order#. Aiwav'* on huud. a giMKI as#4>rlmeut of CLOTHS, CASSIMKRES, VKbTlNliS,whic h hei# pre- io make up at the shoriest notice and in the Modrfadlimnbk? style. Rnueuber No. li—it you want what i# good and reasi**iable. 0 * niMm E H. VAN NESS & CO., GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS AND Dcillt'l'N, CNDEH THE ULCKK. CORNER AItKKOORS ST, Ga. utwtta irom tit* country Private, Kilolitre, btaMMfS •T.-1 Stating Vtmi. n-ep'-etlully solicit*'l. E'ruatitcc bosgtit wl eoi'l on ommiMiuß. l-Obt4*Krlect«l Apple* Um bhl. Onume l*ai t»r»t# Potato. • 5o Mn* Extra Pkrar St. bMa V*. I awl 1 Mark'rvl pat lab* Extra Ratter k*< hole* EltraOie* a* fan kß* Noe 1, t awl i Markers! *> tuKJM* Polk* Market U* • I let Dote Extra Panuiv pork. If nil S. M. c o ldTn g, »Bi4—lr «M Retail Dealer la HITS, Mrs. BOOTS, MS. - A*# (rfillwßt'i NrilihJßK (mhhU, mta idi ixmtiutm trrnwcr **»*■■«> lea ' arw MR 4iiMaf».i.„ HMuHiin,*. F.M.MYRELL, MTKAMIIOAT AOEIfT, UKSICNSL |1tN«ll«»l05 4611 FOK U’fHOIMf MKH4I4AMT, RAY STREET. maVANNAII, OA ! tUrii* BmMiu,. v,t «.-t .0 A l.>w a IV •». IMrr. to M fluufer a Ukliitu. 11. I'r nre. ,1,4 m i tom A Grit lull fail Hill. ,v •hi ifi'ii IMtiwi-Ufr fi'liifetoul; Illlk r. rti -nto- * so. ; M A. <s4h-u. Ifeq, n‘|v.n if Wi. H. Twix W« AV ffokuni. Tison & Gordon. COTTON FACSTORB, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. !M> HAY STRUCT, Savannah, ------- Gkoroia., Social attention will I- given to the sale of Lumber, Rosin, Turpentine. A., "ct34-:ini* a. 11. roKKRI. A. <l. hOURKI. SORREL BROTHERS, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, k Bay street. Savannah, (la. Kefeivuce#: Messrs. H. K. Cc#rning, Son A Cos., NL Y.; Messrs. Peter V. King A Cos.. N. Y.; Messrs. Fi#W er. Brothers & Baltimore.; Messrs. S. AW. Welsh, 'Philadelphia; NaJonal Bank, S ivamiiih, Ga ; Francis Sorrel, Ksq , .Savannah. (ia.;Clms. Green, Esq., Savan nah. (ia.; T. u. Bloom Ksq., Macon, Ga. I). H. B.iLDWIN &~cd., COMMIBSIOM MF4RCIIANTS, 178 Pearl Street, New York. oct4-3m cl } S^varirmh. A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AM) FORWARDING M E ZLIC.K ANT, 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. oetl4-tf _ Henry L. Jewett. .Tame# I. Snider. Jewett «kV Snider, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GENERAL AGENTS, Second Street, Macon, Georgia, (Between Cherry and Poplar.) Prompt personal attention gh-en to all consign ments of cotton, produce, manufacture# and other articles of merchandise- Orders and «onaigument# solicited from all purt.s of the country. Best attention given to order# lor puicba#uig cotton. Agents for several first class Insurance Companies. n9-tf SCHANTON. SMITH & CO., Grocers aud Commission Merchants, WOULD be happy to see the former pattens and friends, and me public generally, at their store at the head of Bay street, opposite .lefierson, where they will bo at #ll time# happy to serve them, nio-lui C. H. BENEDICT & CO., - No. Sti 111 out! Street, New York, Produce and Flour Commission Merchants, Dealers in Provision#, Butter, Cheese, &c. Special attention to Soutlu rn Order# Consignment# on General Merchandise solicited, ociit km TO SHIPPERS OF C OTTON AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT A BOWMAN, Bucce#6ors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 4o Vicsky Street, *.»:w York. And Memphis, Teim, Tuoma# Fenner, Hkwry Ijlixneit, D. W. Bowman. Jy6 hiu (ILVS. L. COLB V A ( 0., Shipping Commission uud Korwurding MKItCU A N T 8 . JONES BLOCK, CORNER BAY ANl> ABF.RCORN BTRF.ET SAVA^NAIT, GA . LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignment# o the firm of Cuab. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE A WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. REFERENCES; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Cos , New York. Jurive Slade, Esq., New York, lion. J Wiley Edmruiils, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. seplS—ti Woodward, Baldwin A 10., 110 Duane Street, New York, 6 mul 11 liuuover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Osuuburgs and Yarns. jylß loi s. mm & to., Forwurdinsj and Coininissiou MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND KET AIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jaeksouvilie, Fluriila. JNO. B. BAM MIS. Kl>. Q. HAMMIB. OUAB. L, MATIIFR au 11 ts J. SHAFFER, Commission Dealer T n all kinds of FOREIGN AND I> MESTIC FRUITS and PRODUCE, West \V a suing ton Market, Opposite 143 West st.. Bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sts., NEW YORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and put up for the Southern market All consignments promptly attenked to. pfcf* Refers to A. L. Bradley, ▲. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, and J. H. Parsons. ivl* endVf MACKY, BEATTIE & GO. SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 and 205 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, Ga. OFFER for sale to Wholesale Merchant# upwards Os four hundred (400) barrels of Whiskey, western distillation, of various brand# and qualilies, together with a large amount of Irish and Scotch Malt Whis kies, Brandy, Wines, and tiins, at Philadelphia or New York prices, expenses added, or we will fill all orders in the above named cities, at the lowest market prices, delivered on board any boats of the regular lines. In connection with the above, we should be pleased to fill all orders of Country Produce from Philadel phia or New York markets. Flour, B.icou. Grain, Lard, Lime, Salt, Ac., a large quantity of which we have oitjund and offer for sale on the most reason able terms Wc arc prepared at all times to make advances on Southern Produce consigned to our house iu Philadel phia. . MACKY & BEATTIE, 25 bouLli Water street. sep29-3m 1938 and 1935 M«iket sire t jo urn oo re'. General (unimission Merchant, AND Ht earn bout -A.ycmt, Aucuwtfkt an. - BRYAN, HARTRIDGE A CO.. % HfVAM hnift, H»«T TO Mmm>NANTB > ANII Pl.AirrMS' Harr Ik u man. Broker «od Ooinmiaoioa Afoot* n» iim .Du rmui4M n t NTOUKN, HANK NOI KH. I'MHUJt% Au., AoOMrufOfiMMwDuMafi. (UJfiMIMIOB HIMftIUIT* SOUTHERN COTTON WAREHOUSE, C’l IKVKII HK / BAY AND LINCOLN STS., savannah, ga. O’FALLON & CO„ FACTORS, Forwarding 5 Commission M EUCI IIS'I'H, RKSPE4TFULLY invite attention to our fut ilities for the purchaoc or niovemeul of Southern Products, and will give prompt atU utiou to nil bnsi nes« entrusted to our care. Intending to establish perioaneutly a House iu Savannah expert by strict husiiiesrf principle# to merit aiul receive a portiou of the Trade. H iving tt cnnunotlUiu# Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our friend# iu New York or Europe, and will make ad vance# on same ; pit-king, re-baling or yiendiug all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the enormous expense incurred in Northern cities by this proctaw They solicit a portion of the business of the people of Georgia aud ol adjoining States. OFFICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, SW~ Post Office Address. Lock Box 25. oct7-3m SOUTHERN AND WESTERN Ti A.2NT D. Collection and Commission Agency, handl** Southern land and prop -rty of all descriptions. Parties wishing to sell are invited to forward lists Numerous applications now ou file from parties wish ing to purchnse. Make collections on all part? of the country, pay especial attention to tile sale and disposal of Southern products, aud make advances on diroct consignments. MATTHEW H BRIDGE, Manager, No. 9 Broad st.. New York. KfKKUENOKS BY PERMISSION .’ Hon. Beniamin Fitzpatrick, Ex-Governor of Alabama. P. Harmony, Nephew# A Cos., Bankers, 3S Bioadway. Messrs. 11. B. Clafln A Cos , Importers, New York. A. W. Greenleaf, Esq., Banker, N. Y. n9-3m Alfrjeo K. Bennett,! n Y . Ciiab. 11. Bennett, Jas. O. Van Pelt, } New York Raleigh, N. C. Bennett, Van Pelt & Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR TUK H.VI.R OF COTTON TOBACCO, NAVAL STOKLS, ETC., V ALSO, FOR TUE PURCHASE AND SALK OF STATE AND OTHER STOCKS, 23 "Whitehall St., New York. o We have associated with ns Mr. D. W. Curtis, late Public Treasurer for Norih Carol ina. nli-Cm JOHN L. VILLA LONGA,' COTTON FACTOR, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT. No. 94 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. 6m H. Growdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 196 BAV STREET, ANDERSON’S WHARF, savannah, ga. oct2-3m Q. H. Arledge, * 72 BAY STREET, Grocer and Ship Chandler, Coinmisslon and Forwar(iingMer chant, I W’OULD respectfully solicit a liberaf share of pa troiiage from my friends and acquaintances, guar anteeing to give entire satisfaction and sell rtt the low est market prices. Orders from the country will receive immediate and prompt attention. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. novlS GEO. D. FOWLS. WM. E. UOY. 11CGII RIOE FOWLE & C 0„ FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA , Commission Merchants. Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NEW YORK, oct26 Cm G. b. & G. LABfiAfi, General Commission Merchants. Forwarding and Shipping Agents, NO. 9‘4 BAY bTKEEt, (up stairs ) Refer to Geo. W. Anderson, Jno C. Ferrel and G. B. Lamar, Savannah; W. E Jackson. Josiah Sililcy A Sons, J. B. «S» J. W. Walker, Augusta. Consignment# solicited. 6m-nov2 lTbTdavis, % (Formerly of Atlanta, Ga.) mm & doitiMisiiioN MERCHANT, 29‘J BROAD STREET, -A-rig List a, Georgia. N. B.—Particular attention given to receiving and forwarding Produce and Merchandise. Refers to A, Wilbur. Hunter A Gammell, Crane, Johnson 4b Gray hill, arid John It. Wider, Savannah, Georgia. do-taw lm ,j. YV. It A H IN, fLate Rabun A Smith, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, No. 1,0 BAY STREET, Firs* store West of tho Exchange, '!■ lm SA V AHNAH.C EORBIA._ W. J. ULAIB. A. J. SMITH. W. W. KICKS. BLAIR, SMITH & CO., No. CJOS Uro ail Street. AUGUSTA, GA., General Commission Merchants, And Agruta for I lie Sde of Miiuufuet iit-etl Toluidoo. Will I‘urclia*' and Nell, ou Commiivion, Cotlon. (’often Gouda, Wiuea, Liqunia, I‘ro.lui vaud Marihan dlae of every dmcripllou aollelted Uniuld LIVINGSTON, FOX & CO., 14 1 11 rouatw tt y. Mew York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND A«4>nii Alluuilr < omm mm wo nhi • ( 4»M|IMMg. Advaiian* nuuie wu rniiafouweiiia fig AND. tt WU4NM. MUM Ha UfitfifiMh. ffAIIffUIADA. Central Railroad Ma 44«-i» ?1M * , 1U MM . NITKKINTKNHkNV’M OKKR'K. 1 |\N »n»r W . U,-, “2.1 lu.i, . lUily x ’ 4 .mu will 1.-av. fur Autfitola at ».-> iu .i« nit.« ting will. 8 liu*'i,( Hark, tiiuiilui* Ih-Iwuh-ii 81II.i 111 6. l '.-iilr.l Ruiluih.l mill to ,ui lb. An :lists and HavMiiunh lhultuitl. iigrrit l»y this hue will arrive in Augue’a ttttf luxt im»titiiig aftei loavtug Stvv mm, tli n, |u roll fieri with iheGeorgli Huilroad irmu for Allan U 1(« luruiitg ui i iv.- in s.txuiinub mi p iu. F.eighl tt> go by Punu nger Train iuu»t hr uiepaui and deiiveifti hall hum before departure of ttsiii. U) order of GE(>. W ADAMS. 5 CJi-neritl Siijhi iutendei.t Central Railroad prrrn* Mm mAjLMMAKjM Wl AU£ SUPLRINTKNDKNT’S OFFICE, \ KitvuuuaU, Nov. ISth, ISCD. j This Company Is now, iu connection with H. J. Dickerson a Co.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and forwaidlo Augusta. Macon, Atlanta .Vc., daily from twenty to thirty thousa and iniutbls of Freight and go through in from three to five days. Ship Freight and other expense* must be paid by SliipjM-iH Railroad freight van bo paid bore or at des tination. Freight on perishable goods must be prepaid. Rates to Augusta, until further notice, will tie per foot 50 cents, per 100 lbs. $2.60 GKO. W. ADAMS, b‘2(r General SuiH*riuiendeiit. SALT. IO,ObO Sacks Liverpool Salt, For sale by W. B. ADAMS, ell-6* # No. 05 Bay street. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Nos. 87 AND 81* BOWERY AND (i5 CHRISTY STREET, N. Y. DKG It A A F & TAYLOR Have the large«l variety of ROSEWOOD, WALNUT AND MAHOGANY, PARLOR, CHAMBER, « DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, lo lie found in this city, and at the lowest prices. MATTRASSES AND SPRING BEDS FROM $o TO $7. EXTRA WIDE CANOPY BEDSTEADS’ FOR THE SOUTHERN TRADE. octal -2m Utd wt> t SfaiKtavd Sit ales. ÜBED by the United States and Foreign Govern ment# for more than T*HIRTY YEARS, Adapted to any branch of business for foreign or home markets. Warranted accurate and durable. Sales rooms No. 3 Bardny-st., near Broadway. N. Y. seplO ly R. BROWN. Manufacturer. Metropolitan Enterprise Great Gift Sale OX THX NEW YORK ANIV’KOVIDENCE Jewelers’ Assoeiat io 11. Capital...... .§1,000,000 Depot, 197 Broadway. AN immense stock of Pianos, Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Goods, all to be sold for One Dollar each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for till you M?e what you will receive. Certificates, naming cacli article and it# value, are placed in sealed envelopes and well mixed. One of these envelope# will be sent by mail t*> any address on receipt ol *25 cents ; live lor $1; eleven for $2; thirty lor $5 ; sixty five for $10; and one hundred fur sls. Ou receipt of the Certificate you will see what you arc going to have, and then it is ut your option to pay the dollar au.l take he article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond King, a Piano, Sewing Machine, or uny set of Jewelry on our list, for $1; Hud in no case can they get less than One Dollars* worth, a# there are no blanks. Agents are wanted in every town in the country ; every person can make $lO a day, selling our Certifi cate# iu the greatest sale of Je a elr.v ever known. Send 25c. lor a Certificate, which will inform you what you can obtain furtjd. At the samu time get our circular, containing full list and particulars, also Terms to Agents. Address \ JAMES HUTCHINSON A CO.. nl6-2fh IB? Broadway, N. Y. Family Dye Colors. , Patented Oetober 13, 1K63. Black Dark Green Black for Silk Light Green Dark Blue Magenta Light Bine Maize French Bine Maroon Claret Brown Orange Dark Brown Pink Light Brown Purple Snuff Brown Royal Purple Cherry Saimon Crimson Scarlet Dark Drab Slate Light Drab Solferino Fawn Drab Violet Light Fawn Drab Yellow. For Dyeing Siik, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Children’s Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. i®- A SAVING pF 80 PER CENT. J£Ji For 25 cents you cuii color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process is simple, ami any one can use the Dye with perfect success. Directions in English, Fi nc'a aud German, inside of each package. HOWE & STEVENS, *260 Broadway, Boston. For sale by druggists and dealers generally. ecno-6m PROF. DIETZ, PH. DR., OF FARIS| FRENCH LAN&UAGE& LITERATURE TERMS MODERATE. References: Db. Arnold, Mayor of Savannah Prof. Cann, Superintendent City Public Schools Rev. Mr. King, Savannah Rev. Mr. Cozhy, S.avannah Right Rkv. Bishop Lynch, Charleston Gen. Brauri gakd, N«w Orleans. Prof. Lusuek, Superintendent of Public Educa tion. Louisiana VW Inquire at Chatham Academy Building. Boker’s Ditters, The Oldest and best renowned. 1.. FITIKE, 66 Liberty Street, eepl2-3tno NEW YORK. ~3500 TONS ENGLISH HAILS, Os best qnality, 60x58 per lineal yard. For »ale by FOWLE A CO. info ilm No. 70 Broadway. N. Y. NOTICE. HAVING been appointed I.loyd't Agon!, I can be found ut the olßco ol my firm, Reid A Hlewarl, 1)3 Uny Mri'ct. r w RKI p LANDSCAPE GARDENING and horticulture. 'VMIK iiinlerelHtifid uro prepururi lo muk« every kind I „| foitMtoonpo (luidoiilbU jlo pill IU order AIII- , lie ml W uior Wink* and i vmililiig |*riniulbg In Or imluutd*l ftarib’iw, uud In do all kindaof Triuimlufi ■ Ac , Ac. iirdniu umy lin left tl llie Herald odlee. to A II HUMAN A <Ju. Rolllm Itobdueupe U aide litre Liverpool Balt, I AfelMNi, from lb eblii Fevorii*. M IJ rut Nle M loM lu eull puli liuatre dl l Nu It Wi Jw^filubf* IHAVANNAIi BUSINESS DIRECTORY — . . l < -MMlStoll ).S M Kid 11.t.S 1 h R“*_ *b*m' > A I 44., Uvner.l I'uaau.^, Murtbauu. No. 4 Uurrn' UuiUluie li.» •iretfi. an,i A»l. ktartinaih eu * 0.. Gaoujnr . übUM llre HiM, 140 ftinKrre ard a; m. Jubaii i'l. llq;beat Biaiki-I |nlnn. pmn for Gotl.iu “ '**L IbnUfiß. i'll*. Lit Mal AdtHiiiM <»u l ultoti, Ac* 1> 11. 111 IIN. l , l n< VNU «iKNEk.\L('OU . MHbflOM MMfTIANT. ILy airettTuia. .?i .land, fiavammb, Uu. Im av» lArwln A llaidri, !e Mb lb HANTS, . I llay Mi >U. h«i ani ,1.. , , DWY GODINL lolia Mrtiliiugliy, - »J fIKAI.Ktt IN DRV GOODS. Ac. i • nio Hronghton street Samuel M. Udriar, Jobber and Ketaileafo Fancv am, Stai i.i llr.v Go.,iia, B. H.rb am, Bu,,i. GUI ICEUIES, &c-. , Ik# Ifeait *Ce.. WWeilalMbli Wia - ill. qi'oua, Bxuano, Fano*Ga.w.auiaa Cajunaa. Ac 150 ( uugrePß street. F **• **' >"• Ibai.ui IN » u Hit Fauu.xUaia'aitix. a-4. vv IMA. Liqiiotta, &o. ! ————— 133 Broughton atieet BiLUAHHS, dtc. Billmi-.l Saloon. Bx WALTERfUMIao. ALK-, WINES, LIQUORS, &o. Bay etreel, over Expiesg Office, St. Uiarlija Saloon, (In rear of Post Oflire i so, A. Stamm. I V/utU'Xale aml lirutu. Non,- hut L'HOICE W INES and LIQUORS served. Free Lunch. gas Fitting, Ac. Weeil & Cornwell, Wholesale Dealer# iu Hardware and Tin Wab* No, 150 aud ICI Broughton street. T T Craiuton, U • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, Ul Bryan atnext io cor. Whitaker SEGAIty, TOBACCO. Ac. |7 Kulli. 3 -■ r • SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac Barnard street, one door South of the Market PKINTIN G, &cT Savilie cV JLea«h, ' BWOKSKLLEKS AND STA'I lONKhS, Cor, iiryan sfreet and Market Square. \1 arkiiig Ink, MANcsAorukiii and for sale b« DAVID HZ GALLOWAY, C’l io. Nf. Nichols, T BOOK AN D JOB PRINTER, Bay fit., between Abei corn and Draylon. O' 1 J. I''»ise, LITHOGRAPHER, STATIONER Tj. BINDER, JOB PRINTER, Ac. No. 6 Whitaker street. C \V. llaion ik Cos., aT. HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. No. 111 Bay street ATTORNEYS ~ ' WAI. U. 11...,1, ~. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 175 Bay street, nl4-lm Savannah. WATCHES, JEWELKyT&c- FO. .lonian, Dealer in Watcuks and Jewelbt. • Silvie and Pi-Arri. Ware FanovGooi#, Ac. tJV“ Watches and Jewelry Repaired. 12b Congress st., opposite the Pulaski House. PHYSICIANS. ,ios, w. cun, in. n, Cor. South Broad and Bamard-sts., Office Hooi.B—9 to 10 A. M.. and 4to 5 P. M., v77~ Residence—.Mr. Wash’s, Broughton Street uii-lm one door east Masonic llall. DRUGGISTS. \\T M. Wnlsli, W . WHOLESALE ANT) RETAIL DRUGGIST, aul4 Southeast cor. Barnard and Broughton sts. » A. Solomon* & Cos., • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST 1 !. tu~ Orders executed accurately and with despatch. BOOTS AND SHOES. A me* A IVu I,ml Men’s, Women’s, al and’Childreu’s Calf, Serge und KUI BOOTS and SHOES, of all kinds and qualities. c 152 Congress st., 4th door North of the Martel. QUEENSWARE, &c. ED. Smyth, QUEENSWARE GLASS AND • CHINA, at Wholesale and Retail. 109 Broughton street, 2d door from cor. of Bull CONFECTIONERY. M Fitzgerald, • WnoiKSAt.F, AND I'.fTA 11. DCAI.FR IN CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY a.m> RASPBERRY SYRUPS, CANDIES, Ac., Ac., t3f~ In any quantities, to suit Purchasers. .#1 WUITAKKK STeBCT, SODA WATER. John Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTER and ALE, CORDIALS, SYRUPS, *o. Cor Bay and, West Broad streets. J\. Wilson, Photographer, sonth-east corner • of Broughton and Whitaker streets, Savannah, Ga. Copying done with the greatest care. NOTICE TO THE SHIPPERS OF GOODS BY THE STEAMER SAVANNAH ON THE 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1865. ALL persons who shipped Goods by the Steamer v&nnab, on the above named day, are requested* cal! immediately at the store of F. M. Myrell, Ksq » Harris’ buildings. Bay street, and identify smli good* as have been saved from the wreck of the steamer. J. W. \VOU2tt®T, n2O 2*gent.^ NOTICE. BANK OF COMMERCE, 1 Savannah, November 26th, 1866. f A N election for Seven Directors, to manage tne A- art'airs of this Bank for one year, will be held* the Banking House, on the Second Monday in Janu ary next, being the Bth of that month. Polls opeu from 10 o'clock a. m. to 2 o'clock p. m. JOHN C. FBRKILL, n27-lawtd* Cashier. ]STotioe. CONSIGNEES p< r JOS. W. WEBSTER, fro«N<:*’ York, will attend to the reception of than gtoid*. undine this day at Exchange wharvea °IL NOTICE. Steamship Chase. CONSIGNEES or owner, of goods per steamed awe, on voyage from New York. October - »■ 1865, will plense present copies of Invoices; »»” chums for short deliveries and deductions for dAro.'i|e_ it anv, to the undersigned, on or before the 16th aar of December next, for the purpose of making the «”• jnstuient of the general average. . HUNTER * GAMMKLL |3V Macon Telegrogh, Augusta ColtotlMlttoa! 1 ® h 11*1 Atlanta Intulligt'ncvr, please copy and send this office. 024-M TO gIToTnERS’ Onion. Sets* JUST received, five hills Choice White Onion B’ l Will bo sold low. to Cl«»ecoM|proe»t. * nil ts _ J.iiJsGßpijjffto WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUBEY, JONEB t 00., WllmlNlllflH) Ik; : ■ v 1 atofl ’ t* ■