Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 09, 1865, Image 3

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3ST NAH. DeparUte of lUuuiiliip. ia| luaiucn. FOB KKW YORK. J Steamship Herman InvingsUm, Saturday, Decern her 0, al 1 p. ■». SteauMbtp Peril, Saturday, December 9th, at o'clock. Steamship Leu, Saturday. December 9th, at M o’clock p. »■ FOR PHILADRLPHIA. Steamship Cambria, Saturday, Itoeemiier ft It. at _ o’clock- • FOR BRI.TIMORB. Steamship North Point, Saturday, December 9tb, at 1 o’clock p- m. FOR AVGUST a. Steamer Wm. O. Gibbons, every Saturday morning at 9 a. m. FOR CHARLESTON. « ' Steamer City Point, every Saturday morning, at 9 o’clock- FOR DOCTORTOWN. steamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at T o’clock. Steamer Two Boys, every Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock. Steamer Gen. Shepley, every Sunday morning, at 7 o’clock. ■ Steamer Clarion, every'' Friday mo/uing, at 7 o'clock. a y FOR FLOKItU. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer City Point, every Wednesday afternoon, at 4 (gclock. Stiltner Lizzie Hiker, every Thursday morning, at 10 o’clock Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock. . The Municipal Election—Official Statement. —The following is the official statement of the result of the municipal election on Wednesday: FOR MAYOR. lion. F.. C. Andersoi) 924 Dr. R.D. Arnold.... 030 FOR ALDERMEN. George W. Wyily 1,3f3 John F. O’Byrne 1,335 Robert Laclillson 1,324 Frauds L. Uue 1,265 John Cunningham 1,222 John Williamson 938 john McMahon 915 John C. Ferrtll 908 John R. Johnson ......... 866 E. A. Soullard 848 Dr. J. M. Schley 838 Christopher C. Casey 702 henry Meiuhard 699 A. H. Miller Jr... 632 Henry Brigham till John L. Villalouga 000 Edward C. Wade 676 Hiram Roberts 559 Jos. Llppman 645 Daiung Robbery.—Oueor the most daring rabbet testhat has ever occurred iu r*ui city, was committed on Wednesday night last .or early Thursday morning- The residence of Mr. J. J. Ward, one door west of the soatli-wcst corner of Wayne and Tainnll streets, was visited by thieves, who entered the premises in the rear aud thoroughly plundered the basement and upper floor of the house. Iu the basement they found a dozen clean linen pocket handkerchiefs and six clean white linen shirts, which they atole, together with all the soiled clothing which was waiting the lauudress. The thieves, fortunately, did not touch the drawers of the bureau lu the diuing room on the second Hour, where all the stiver ware was locked up lor safe keeping. In the front parlor, on the cectre talile, the thieves found a photograph album which they removed, but' subsequently left on the back pi. azza. Not being able to had any further portable plunder, they directed their steps to the fowl-house which they found locked. Oue of them crawled through a hole under ihe door, however, ands tole two turkeys. Having secured all the spoil they could lay hands on, the thieves then decamped without de tection. it is an alarming fact that our city 13 at present infested witli tiie most accomplished set of thieves that ever practiced the profession lu Savan nah. A Nefarious Business Revived in Savannah.— We are pained to learn that the nefarions business of stealing articled seamen from vessels lu this port, which was for years the source of much the city authorities, has again commenced. Captain Kelly, of the British bark Thos. Whitney, lately re ceived five seamen from Boston via New York. Tney were properly shipped, the articles signed, elc., at the Custom House on Wednesday, An advAnce iu gold, amountiug to about forty dollars in greenbacks, was paid to each of them, and they went on board immediately, carrying their baggage. Capt. Kelly had not the remotest idea that the men whom he had ■ brought from Boston at so heavy an expense would fall to carry out their contract; but on Thursday morning it was discovered that they had decamped, caving with them their dunnage and whatever else they could lay their bauds’in. The bark Thos. Whitney had seen detained at this port unde)’ heavy expense, awaiting the arrival of this crew. We ear nestly hope that tile parties who have been Instru mental iu inducing tills crew todesert will be brought to Justice, and such punishment Inflicted as will defer others from committing a like offence. Fish a»p Game in the Market.—Our market was yesterday morning abundantly supplied with fresh codftsh. flounders, blackflsh and haddock, which were readily sold at twenty-five cents per pound. There was also an abundance of spotted bass received from Brunswick, of which large sales were made at seventy-five cents to one dollar eacii. Wild ducks and partridges were also iA abundance, the latter finding ready purchasers at one dollar and fifty cents per dozen. Arrival of Another New River Steamer.—The steamer Hbilpse, Capt. Thomas Ward, arrived on 'Thursday morning last from ykugusta, having quite a fall freight of cotton. The Eclipse Is a consort or the Express, and was built In Augusta. She Is of ex ceedingly light draught. Anew boiler Is to be placed iu her, when she will be ready for the trade. Mr. F M Myivil is the Agent of the Eclipse. Arrival op Troops. — Yesterday afternoon the steamer Gen. Shepley arrived from Doctortown. hav ing on hoard Company E, of the Twelfth Maine Volunteers, under the command of Captain Robin son. They are to be mastered oat of service. The steamer Orient, also from Doctortown, arrived yes terday af.ernoan, \jithCompany E, Lieutenant A. S. Rose, and Company I, Lieutenant D. S. Smith, of the iffid United States Colored Troops. The latter im mediately embarked for Fort Pulaski the Sixty-eighth Sew York Volunteers, now garrisoning •heYort. ■Okcian and Piano Forte Toners.—A despatch from one of the firm of Jno. C. Schreiner A Sons, at piesent In New York, informs u 9 that two organ tun. ers, from Krben’3 Organ Factory in that city, will ar rive In Savannah next week. A flrst-clas* piano tun er from New York wilt follow ‘hem, arriving shortly after Christmas. This will be gratifying intelligence to Slur musical people, as many of the best instiu nients in the c-ny are saoly out of rei air. Look Well After Your portmonaies.— dusk one evening last week, a lady, while passing •he corner or South Broad and Barnard streets, had her portmouaio, which hung upon Iter arm, snatch *d oir and stolen by a negro boy. This offeuce,'com •nlUed as It was, in open daylight is an outrage of no tnniug character. For Riceboro.— The staunch packet sloop, Fleet, Captain Charles Thompson, will lenve the lower Klee Mm wliarf this afternoon for Rlceiioro, Liberty County. As this neighboring county Is utmost Iso lated from Savannah by the destruction of the At- Liutlc aud Gulf Railroad, ilio trip of tUc Fleet pre **ut* an excellent opportunity for shippers. Fror Florida The regular packet steamer Helen Oetty.capt, Ingraham, from Palatka, Ac., srrlvsd 14 this poit on Thursday afternoon last. Thn Heleu •leuy 1,*,), mil cargo and a large nnmlier of passsn **"■ Hr. Dallas M Bcnusit. Puiusr, will accept om iluuiks for favors. I’uoriMALs fob fli ii.uiwu. — Mr. Joseph Bhleu ad vrniasa fur proposals for (rmmlng a house and up- M»rt«iiaauaa (or a doubts gang saw will For par 'bnUr* see advertlssiueui dhmvAL or ths uriApsHir Psiur-Tb* steam Mp Kiu, wiih amts a full cargo, arrived gi Thors *m New Yorg ■srosutrtua Wam«p or MM, HoaouA KatoM « Aruiaitgg of Um Ueaots Hso h ** * A Qnu* TRIP.—On TimHAay morning last the ■learner Or «pt, Cape GoVUmlm. of Cha*. L Colly A Oo’alUM at Doctortown steam.-rs, departed front 6 j vann.h wit if a raA cargo, arrived at tier denim., tea , on Wedomday aftefuoou at three o'clock: diseliargcd . cargo au.l took 00 baud *ig!uj-»ii hales ot rotum besides companies E and F of Uig_Jo3d U. & C. T's ! with all thalrhaggage, aud left Doctortown for Savsa mill on Thursday morning st eight o’clock, arriving In Savannah yesterday afternoon a few miuutee after twelve o’clock. Entry TuigvfNu.—'The residence of Levi S. Hart, Esq, Np. 1 Bl ue's Building, corner of Barnard street and Gordon street lane, was enteted on the Ist ol December, and his hat (friti containing some money —bills for salts and collection, and orders for calls, and a sword-cane dirk taken off. Should this meet the eye of the trespasserjlet him return the sword cane dirk and all will be well. So says old Judge Levi. Thi Theatre —We are to have this evening a repetition of Ihe favorite Irish .Kama, “The Colleen Bawn,” with the gam - east.and all the new and beau tiful scenery aid appointments as at the first pre sentations of it. The concluding piece is ’-Robert Macaire,” making np an excelteui Saturday night bill. On Monday evening, Mr. Theo. Hamilton essays the character of -‘Hamlet’’ In Sluksyeure’s great' play of that name. Great interest will be felt among the thesi re-goers to witness our popular aclor aud manager 111 this classic and trying role. * ’ —D* ’ The change of win'her from midsummer to a chilly Deceiubtr day puts all in mind of the impoitt auce of warm under-clothing, stout shoes, double, soled Boots, a good warm over-coat. Our friend Ives next to Pulaski House, has a fine stock 01 all kinds Os wmter goods. Call and see him. Recovery ok Stolen Property—On the night of the lith uIL, the store of Mr. B. F. Einstein, on Con gress street, was entered anil robbed of goods of the value oftwo thousand dollars. A few days since Capt. I-aac Russell. Constable of Chatham county’ recovered a portion of ihe goods. One of tba thieves, a negro, is also arrested aud lodged In Jail to await his trial, p Shipping liitclli(jeiiee. .Miniature Almanac—Tills Day. Sun rises 6 60,M00n rises 1... U 69 Sun sets 4 651 High water eve 62 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Friday, Dec. 8, 1866. Arrived. Steam-hip Perit, Delauoy, New York—Huuter A Qunmell. steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham, Palatka, Fla—L 8 Bennett. Steamer Wm G Gibbons, Philpot, Augusta—Erwin A Hardee. Steamer O B Goodsell, Darloss, Augusta—M A Cuiiuu. Steamer General Shepley, MUlikln, Doctortown—C I, Colby A Cos. Steamer Orient, Goldwaitlie, Ddctortown—L’has L Colby A t;o. Steamer Eclipse, Ward, Augusta—F M Myrell. Schr Wa It?r Raleigh, Nickerson, New York—Hun ter A Gammeli. Steamer H M Cool, Taylor, Darien—M A Cohen. Cleared. Steamship Darien, Harrau, Liverpool—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. Brig Albert Thomas, Van Brunt, Darien, In ballast —C L Colby A Cos. Bark Laconia, Eldridge, Boston—Hunter A Gam meli. Steamer Fannie Lehr, Lew.s, Aughsta—West, Bry an A Cos. Imports. Per steamer Ecllpae, from Augusta—237 bales up land cotton. Per steamer GB G jodsell, from Augusta—l2s bales upland cotton to M A Cohen and order. Pei- steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, etc—lo bis sea lslaud cotton, 219 do square do, « bbis syrup, 10 half bbls cranberries, 1 bate moss and mdse. Per steamer Gen Shepley, fl-om Doctortown—l3o bales uplaud cotton to A G urown, V S Treasury Agt. Per steamer Orient, Horn Doctortown—B6 bales up land cotton. Per steamer H M Cool, from Darien—l7s bales up land cottou, to M A Cohen aud o titers. Exports. Per steamship Darien, for Liverpool—32o bale3 up laud cotton, l7i do sea island do. Per bark Laconia, lor Boston—2ll bales upland cotton, 6,u00 cane reeds, 20 ions old iron. Passengers. Per steamship Peril, from New York—A ,S Emery, C S Emery, Mr Watson. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, etc—W T Collier, H Law and luimly, W Jones, J F Jackson, M Sclioue, U Kaudcll, J 11 Whituer, 8 J Bradley, G Mil ler, Mrs Straus, J Carmon, A P Jones, H Pool, W 11 Braden, A Hoithuser, J K Frost, J Remington, S F Floyd, T H Braucli, J E Lachltsou, J H Coous. Pei steamer Wm G Gibbons, tram Augusta—W H Pritchard, Air Dale, A Wilber, J Holuiuu, D Ashley, U 11 carrier, J Seuipler, J T Thomas, Mrs Gibbs, Mrs It W B Elliott and servt, J E lieunecker aud lady, J W uarwiu, J M Kobards. Miss T C itobards, Mrs .<i 8 Elliott, C W Box, J J Brown, H F Uraut and lady, L K Bostick, Miss P Kobards, G B Cooper, Mrs EglesteU J A Mims, Miss J V Mims, Miss M A Mims, Mis Sams aud cliild, Miss Fountain, Mrs Parker and cinid, Airs Lama, Gen Hit Jackson, ,ulss Alters, Gen A K Law ton, U Cranston, J McDonougu, 11 Moody, T J Bowe u Thompson, Mrs Murphy, aud 20 deck. Per steamen Orient, from Doctortown—Mrs Pur null, Miss bain, N iJjssou and lady, J VValtlburg, A 1* Hammond, Lt Geo Fox, Li A 8 Rose. J W Kenney, W H DarUngtou, C II Sneed, A Key yard, E Goodrich ct a. Pollaru. C ti Hunter, J E Dodge, aud iso deck. Consignees. Per steamship Perit, from New York—J \v Ander son A Son, B, Baldwin <t Cos, Botltweil & Whitehead, a a B.trrou/U Meiuhard A- Bra, M 8 Meyer, Miller, T Jc Cos, E Kobmsou At Cos. M A Cohen, O Cohell, Cun ningham & Purse, R <f Cann, A Reseller * Cos, Crane, J A Cos, Comstock J h. 1, i- Drew. J H Deppish, Ein stein Jt Kckmau, C D Rogers, W li Stark, datut Gas Go A A Solomons A Cos, A M Scarborough, Schreiner A Sou, fison * G, J L Villalouga, E O Wade A Cos, V C Gilbert, Laßoclie, G A Cos, E E Hertz, A S Hart ridge II Watson A Cos, Hunter A O, Karim A Burke, M Krauss, K J Larcoinbe, J Leavy, J Lama, Ataekey A Beattie, J McMahon. Per steamer Wm G Gibbons, from Augusta—E A Hardee, O Oeheu, Liuvitle A Gleason, £ T Metcalf, W A Piatuer, Col Darling, Botltweil A Whiteboard, M Camming, J U Wade, Bolin A Foster, D C Made, E W Gifford. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, qtc—J L Villalouga, Yonge A Nixon, Einstein A Kckmau, E A Hardee, K Koetucke A Cos, Jones at Way, E DSiny th, A J Alasou, J C Cunningham, Col Clagliorn, J Giili-/ land, stnart A Cos, J K Lachlismi. Per steamer Orient, from Doctortown—A O Brown J Llppmau, O Fallon A Cos. E O Wade, L J Guiimaitiu A Cos, and others. l>er sent* Walter Raleigh, from New York—A <f R R, W B Adams, K. small A Cos, B, Baldwin and Cos, LS Bcuucll, Camp A Chrlstel, M A Couen, C L Colby A Cos C A Purse, J H lleypisll. D A Johnson, B A Slager EJfc Hardee, A Fawcett A Cos, Guekeulieimer A S,p Green A Sou, H, AUsburg A Cos, Van Horn, 11 A co, Mrs M U Wade, Schuster if B, H if Kandell, Eovell & Lattliuore, Holcombe A Cos, G M Heidt, Hunter a G, K H A sou, W W Lincoln, A B Luce, K J Laroomb W A K Mciniire, 3 McMahou, Lalhrop A Cos, J Bryan W H Stark, L K smith, W It Symons, J T Thomas A Cos, Order, R A Cauu. A Card. Off Tybee island, Ga., 1 _ ■- Dec 6th, 1865. j We, the undersigned, passengers on board the screw steamship l,eo, of Messrs. Murray, Nephew & Co’s line, on her voyage from York to savannah, de sire to avail ourselves or an opportunity of testifying in some manner our appreciation of the gentlemanly courtesy and considerate atcentionol which we have heen the recipients, not only from Capt Merrill, but from every officer under bis cotnmimd, and for which our most warm and earnest thanks and acknowl edgements are due uod are hereby tendered. A E Delaine, J W Kirby, '< S Neville, v C Holmes, j Ware, no Sullivan, W H Flint, lobt C Rowland, T M Taylor, (ohn Moore, W, idw Dunn, OF'Marsh, .VW Kirby. A M Sterling, 1W M Rowland, L Ashworth, I I’eter V Emery. LIST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. • . Savannah. Dec. 9,18« fl. RTKAMSIIirS. North Point, Smith, loading. Baltimore—J B West. Cumbria. Fieuoh, loading, Philadelphia— Hunter <f Gnmmell. „ „ „ „ ’ Pertt, Delanoy, loading. New York—Hunter A ° Leo™'Merrill, loading, New York—O Cohen. Sau Salvador, Adkins, loading. New Yorr-B II Hiiniw*. Herman Uvlngstoo, Baksr, loading, New York-J R Wildi r. Mir* Mont Blum Donnell. ICO, loading Liverpool -La Roche, linden A Cockle*. . , _ Virginia. Week*, 1,044, loading at Umar’s Pres*, for Liverpool -CT Colby A Cos. Thorwßlaou, (Br) Eruiuage, discharging - K*W A Me war 1. FavoiUe. iRu Mpain, discharging T. A rum 1 lard Herald, Calvert, dlsshargliig if liroea t *OO ■Aaaa, i’raeeo, (or) —™ loo* dlachaigiug llobeti I Usughey. nautilus, I'liikhaNi, die. Malgina M) L ihllH A Cos Cuinllial, (Bn Ta 11**1 die* halging on as Given 4 MB •BIO*. * Cutoff of Ftatoß, (Hr) HcKtoule, <1 ie*b*lutne c tinea a bob. niAlMw (Maa- IM id A Btewan Aileolh , w*f% fu| lea*, mm barfing D w ,ii, 4 AUCTION SALEU, AUCTION! Every Tueaday, Thursday and Saturday Evening, AT TUB STORK ON BROI'GHTON STREET. , TRird door from Bull, Where will be offered a goueral auv-rtuent of Dry Goods. Hoots uni Shoes, Hosiery, 4 ndrf-clothing. Books. Yankee Notions, Jewelry, Ac, Ac., st the pur chaser’s own price*. Terms cash: sales positive. dl-TU AT PHI VATB SAUK " By Bell, Wyily &'Christian. # Small Lots of Land. There having been to many applications for Sip&ll Tracts of Land for locution, the owner of the above Land, feeling a disposition to meet this ikmand, has placed iu the market, for a few days, Lot* of Five Acres, or more, ptrt cleared, on the Augusta Koad, op posite to the three mile stone, also on the White Bluff Koad, opposite to the two mile atone. tf-nIC 4 ADMINISTRATRIX' SALE. BY BELL, WILLY A CHRISTIAN. Ou WEDNESDAY, 13th instant, at 11 o'clock,m front of store will b« sold; SO Building Lots, and ■1 fractions of Lots, situated in that portion of the city of S .vomah known us MontmolliUvule, on the soutii side of the Central Kuilrood Depol. Bold by order of the Superior Court of Chatham county for the benefit 01 the heirs and erditors of the estate of the late John 8. Mommoliin, deceased. The property presents a rare opportunity for capi talists to make a profitable investment •hale positive. Terms cash, i urchaserg paying for titles. d6-ul BY BELL. 7 WYLLY A CHUISTIAN. AT AUCTION. THIS DAY' at 10 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold. 40 bbls Apples. 20 do Potatoes. 10 do Onions. 10 boxes Family Soap, to do Starch. 6 hiids B icon. 10 tierces Bacon, iff bbls Flour. Dry Goods, Groceries, fancy articles, Furniture, <fc 09 Christmas Gifts. By Bell, Wylly'fc Christian. Will sell at auction THIS DAY, In front of Store, st 11 o’clock : A large assortment, of Jewelry, suitable for Christ mas GUIs, consisting of Diamond R logs, fancy Riugs plain and seal Rings, Ear Kings, Lockets, Diamond Pics, Ladies setts. Gold Fens, plain gold Rings, Watch Chains, Broaches, Ac. 09 UNDERWRITERS' SALE. By Bell, Wyily & Christian THIS DAY’ at 11 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold lor account of Underwriters aud all concerned. 20 boxes Fire crackers. 1-12 Gross Roman Caudles. -1 Gross Serpents, damaged on board of steamer —, on the pas sage from New York to tills port, and sold underdn spectlon of Fort Wardens. d9 ~' UNDERWRITER'S.SALE. BY BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. THIS DAY at fffl/i o’clock, ill front of store, for ac count of all concerned, a portion of the goods saved from the steamer Savanuali,coiisistfiig of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots aud Shoes, Leather, Saddlery. Soap, Candles, Flour, house furnishing Goods, Tin Ware. Tools, Hardware, fancy articles, Ac., Ac , damaged on board the steamer and sold under Inspection of the Port Wardens. Terms cash. d9 ~UNDERWRITER’S SALE. By Bell, Wyily & Christian. Will sell THIS DAY, in front of store on Bay street, at 10-J o clock : 7 barrels Flour, damaged on board steamer Tybee from New York to this port, and sold under inspection*!! port wardens, ds - By Bell. Wyily & Christian- AT PRIVATE BALE. 45 acres of fine Garden Land, within the limits of thu city. The improvements consists of a first class cottage dwelling, gothic style, containing six large rooms, with marble mantel piece, dining room, kitchen, library room furnished with shelves and glass doors. Outbuilding* consist* of farm house, containing seven rooms, barn, carriage hous* and "tables. Purcha-er can have the re fusal ol corn, fodder, hay, h orstw, mules, buggies and wagon*. A led, 2430 acres ot heavily timbered laud, situated twenty (20) mih * from the city, between the Ogeechce and ranoochee Roads. An excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation. 100 acres of the above cleared. Improvements consists of two small dwelling houses, with stables, cribs, &c. tf-nlB By Bull, Wyily & Christian. ORANGES. 40,000 finest Sweet Oranges, just received per sch<x>ner Pearl, fur sale frum whurf. Terms caed. d7-2 AT PRIVATE SALE. Bf Bell, Wyily & Christian. 100 acres of Land, situated on the Vernon river, about nine miles from this city. The improvements consist of dwelling, barn, stables, and other neces sary outbuildings. An abundance of lldi, oysters, shrimp, Ac., con venieutly obtained. Price of property, $2,000. n2B-tf ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY BLUN & MEYER On THURSDAY, 51st inst.. at 10 o’clock, a. m„ will be aald In front of store, by an order issued from the Hon. Court of Ordiuaryof chtthain Ctunty: , All the Household Furnltm e belonging to the estate of Henry Herrman, deceased. d9 UEO. GEMENDEN, Adm’r. By Bluuii Meyer. THIS DAY, 9th inst., at 10 o’clock, a. m., at the itore of Kenneth, McLea & Cos., 2i>2 Bay street, will be sold to close coneigumefft: 60 bbls Flour, 2 hiids and 1 tierce Bacon 6 hhds Bacon Stiips, very choice 4 hhile Smoked Shoulders 2 hhde Hams 6 bbls Wiujh<ngron very choice 100 kegs Lard, 50 boxes Soap 25 box :, s* Castile Soap 15 bbls Me9B Beef, for ship stores. d6 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. By T. J. Walsh. On TUESDAY, January, 6th, 1866, will be sold at the Court House, in the city of Savannah, at 11 o'clock: The Eastern Half of Lot No. 11 Jackson Ward, (fee simple, with Improvements}, corner of Whitaker and Hull streets. The improvements are a two-stoly brick dwelling, nine rooms, with water iu the yard aud gas through the house: brick stable. Both build ings have slate roofs. Sold by permission of the Ordinary of Chatham county, fora dlvbion among ihe heirs. Terms cash, purchaser paying for titles. n24 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Chat ham county, will be sold on the first Tne* day in February next, at the Court House door, ia the city of Savannah,, daring the usual hours of oale, all the undivided half inteiest ol James Bilbo,date deceased, in the Shandy Hall farm, situated near ihe city of Savannah on the Thunderbolt r ad; said farm containing in all fifty acres, more zr lesa The said hull Interest sold for the puiposc of di vision JOHN O. FEBRILL, d7-td Administrator. AT AUCTION. OFFICE DEPT QUARTERMASTER. \ Savannah, Ga., Dec. 6, 1866./ Will be sold at public auction, fit the Uovcrnment Corral, at Savnnnab, Ga., on the 14th day of Decem ber, 1866, about ONE HUNDRED HEAD OP GOVERNMENT STOCK Sales to continue from <l..y to day until concluded. Term* cash, 111 United Stabs currency. K. It. CARLING. dT-td Bvt Lt. Col. A. Q. M. U. S. A. EXECUTORS SALE. fXTIU. lie sold at the Arerillu PlAiitatlon of E. H Y v Young) Isle of Tomas enmity, deevuaed, three allies from Ho*loii, No. U Atltatlc A Gulf Mall, road, ob Friday. I6tb Invt mher iiegi, all the pariah able property belm giug "D sakl plantation.misting lor ill* most part a* follow*: About hi Mulct aud lienee, l*u Pat Doga, Von Block ll* ga, Bo bead I'allle, tad U.uki IHIbIiKLH OF (’OHN, y* or Ml *uika Podd«r, •in I Wagona, Bag*' MSI. a Urge aupply us FUuiati.>a Utensil*, and many other KIM Alike same lima and place | will real the P.anu Mon tm la of toe largual and beet la the ■uaiiJu fur ike fear iam. Yuan la akegi 1,100 AdUft OP OPKN LAND m Mm id art, and la An* * eß4Kl><h liM a auth* .mp mA'iifimA V* £sf otice* per atMomhip LEG, arc leqiest- V' wl to attend to the reception of th< n j landing tiff* day Good* not called for during work j ins hours will be *tdt*d at owner*' it*k. dl OfTTAVIiH OOHEN. Holiday Presents. A LARGE and ch-gaul aasartiu.-itt i.I French, Eng llsh and Bohemiyi Ware, uf DINNER. TEA, TOILET, COLOGNE AND LHJI'OK NETS, AC.. Ac.. a ittahle lor Qoliilay Pi .‘sent I (QUEENSWARE HOUSE, too Broughton street, second door from the corner ot. Bu.l street. d7 ts E. I). SMYTH A CX). Notice to Ladies. M’MB DEMORBST’B Branch of Fashion*, with Pattern* of every style of Dress, by Mrs. Vkk, 114 Bryan street. n36 Ini GROCKKIEB. LIUUUHS. * T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS. iC 1-4 T Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE ) \*rE invite the attention ot the Trade 4nd the Pnb vv Re generally to onr large and elegant assort ment of Wince, Liquor*, Cordial*, Conserve*, Se gai's, etc,, etc. which is not excelled by anyßimilar establishment in the States. We ate sole proprietors of DUNBAR'S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of which Is fully established In this and foreign coun tries ; DUNB AR’S well known STOMACH BITTERN guaranteed superior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel and family use; DUN BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the u most purity, and put up expressly for our house, of wnich we are sole proprietors and importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith’s cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE, incases and barrels; Engltsh, Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK PUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United States, put tip by us In cases tor export and home consumption. T. J. 1). A 00. are sole agents for H. A H. W. Catherwood’e Pule RYE WHISKIES XX and XXX brand*, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on hand, • i&rge aud well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade und connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS of finest grades, manufactured aud imported oxpie<isly for this house, which we offer at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every description and grade of Foreign Liquors imported directly by this hous'-, and for sale In bond or dnty paid, atlowest market rates novi lm KIRLIN, BEO. ft BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN m, WINES AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. ORDEBS PROMPTLY FILLED k DELIVERED, an9l ts Randell & Cos. Southwest coruer of Bay anil Barnard Sts., ARE IN RECEIPT OF 60 barrels Self-raining Flour 20 barrel* Extra Byrop 20 barrels Cider Vinegar 50 caddies Golden Magnet Tobacco 60 barrels ftngar Crackers 20 barrels Boston do 20 boxes pure ground Java Coffee 20 do do Rio do 20 bbls Extra C Sugar 50 boxes Lemon Biscuit dO-eodiw WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDY, Vim, lc. Peacb Valley Wldekeyi Maple Y'alley Whiskey, Pike's Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON. At the Old Stand, 111 BAY STREEP, fHerald Buildings t also, Alsop’s Ale, Mars’ Ale, Apple*. Potatooe, Onion*, Pickle*, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar octets BUYERS WIBHING Tobacco, Flour AND SUGARS, IN LARUE QUANTIES AND OF GOOD STANDARD BRANDS, Will find a fine stock at * Randoll «b Co’s. n2leodlw H 7 G. RUWE & CO., Wholesale GROCERIES LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARS, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Square, (FRONTING PULASKI HOUSE,J IW Agents for ALE A«D LAGER. Constantly on hand, an assortment of nsxsria wine. Si|i9B 3 m SiaoTß. C»bw*~ W«, A. Wsioht, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. (RHP & (!()., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN .Groceries, Lienors, Tobacco, Segars, &c. 409 Broail St., Augusta, Ga, UT Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Toiiacoo, Pkomjck, aud Meboiianuisk of every de acription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusta, On., Richmond. Va. and Jno. C. Ferrlll, Kau, Do- Witt A Morgan, Onden A Luckies, A. A. Solomons A Cos , J. T. Patenon A Cos., R. Molina, Esq , Navammh, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. ocU To Wliolcsa If G vocvv* t Liquor Dealers Distillers, Oniifglst* and htißp Mumifßfturm. Oil a for Savoring and improving Emu- J dr. Hum. Port Wine, Bourbon, Rye, Mroiek mil Irlah whbklea, ago and Imily pc.psraiiiiiia lor Nm trail ing and Moillhr'ng Whisk*/ and Bniiil. t'tdor lug*, hyrupa and Frail Juboa ibr Itraaly. Wbßkey and U liivM. tula and Extract* us (junu and gtoer IbaniUiM, Ib.ii.inl and London Übi, A*' Ik r'l Ti mu (ini' mi wMb ](M KOM DIiUUUINTH' I'NIC. ptMiAii lumil hiw4»r, rl* U**dm*> ttlMl Klume I*4, IlmgiH—lt «uU IwtiMiMll wki VOH HO AT MANUKA* TimfcltA. MIIU «U 111 Nik4u lit IT/pUkl* Uuitld Mi# J»Hj R 9m«* • u r UM# IWii A(l<« *U.e, 6* jfli w J|i iHl'fMiftfuMi as, RANDELL I GO. ARE oow offering to Hie Irade a very choice aeleC i lon of SOUCHONG. OOLONG, > YOUNG HVSON, amt IMPERIAL TEA Also, NO 1- EXTRA AND FANCY SOAPS RAISINS. CURRANTS AND CITRON PUKE GROUND SPICKS CREAM TARTAR B. C. AND SAL SODA VERMICELLI, FARINA. .1 ELLIES, And a general assortment of Fancy Groceries, nn-codlic /.GARDNER TAKES the liberty of Informing the public generally that he liasjnrt up,vied, and will always keep on hand a full supply ,r Fresh Family Groceries, of all descriptions and of the bet>t quality* which be offers for *ale reasonable ralta. Corner Junen and Uahmrd streets, at Ehrlich's old atatxl nIK-im r FOREIGN i ALES *MCB HiugUWIS SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. an3o Tobacco, Segars lAA BOXKS Bright Navv lbs 10 hx-* Sweet, 10» 50 IUU lroxes KNIGHT TEMPLARS, qrs 15 m. Segars, Cabinet 10 m. do La Esaenda For Sale by HILTON & RANDELL, d4Ct 193 Bay Street. lOMSTOCK & KINSEY, MACHINERY DEPOT, Office No. 154 Bay Street.Sayaniiali Ga. WE keep on hand and famish to order at Manu facturers’ Prices, EngiujkFoot and Hand Lathes, Planes, Drills. Chucks. Bolt cutters, Gen Cutters. Wood A Mann “Portable Engines,” Hoisting En gines, Wood Working Machinery of every description. Stationery Steam Engines and Boiler*. Cotton Gins and Presses, Saw Mills, Rice Mills, Grist Mills, Circu lar and Mill Saws, Rubber and Leathor Belting and Hose. Gearing, shafting, Hangers and Pnlllca, Hy dranlic Jacks and Punches, Pumps of all kinds. All kinds of Wood and Iron Working Machinery and supplies. Agents for the West Point Foundry, E. A. Wood’s Steam Gnage and Boiler Feeders. W SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. _*;l COMSTOCK & KINSEY, No. 164 Bay street, octt-Tu.Th&S'jm Savannah, Ga. 'PIANOS TUNED. ■sis R. M. COBURN informs ills friends and patrons Ha that he has returned to the city, and la pre pared to Tnne and Repair PIANOS in the best mail ner. Orders left at the store of 11. S. Bngardu3, near the Court House, will receive prompt attention. <l4-6* To Close Consignment, WE offer tor sale, at very low ratea: 64 boxes Adamantine Candles 10 firkins extra Goshen Butter 20 casks City Smoked Bacon Shoulders 2000 bushels Huperior White Com Pickles, in glass Matches Mustard Cream of Tartar 100 barrels Green Apple* a** RUE, WHITNEY & CO., <lO 3 No. 4 Harris Building, Hay street. CENTRAL R. R AND BANKING CO. 1 OF GEORGIA, Savannah; Dec. 4, 1,15G5.) An Election for nine Director* to manage the af fair* of the Company for the ensuing year will be held the Banking House, in Savannah (second story), on Tuesday, the 2d of January, 1866, between the hours ol 10 a m and 1 p. in. Stockholders only wno have held stock lor ninety days immediately preceding the day of election are entitled to vote. Stockholders, upon presentation of their stock cer tificates to the conductors of trains, will be passed to and from the election over the Company’s road, free. GEORGE A. CUYLER, dC-lm Cashier. OFFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY, I .Savannah, Georgia, December 5, 1866. | SEALED Proposals to rurnisb the troops at this Post with fresh Beef for three months, commenc ing January t. I8t;6. and ending March 31. 186«, will be received at this office until 12 M., Dec. 20,1865. The Beef to be of good marketable quality, exclu sive of necks and delivered tri weekly. The iToposals to be nmae in duplicate. if. A. DARLING, dcc6 ( apt, and c. s. Vols. Wanted. OFFICE ATLANTIC & GULF R. R , I Savannah, Dec. 6,1866) i STEAMBOATS wanted at onee to bring away from Doctortown to Savannah one thousand bales of cotton, Liberal terms will be offered. d7-tf JOHN SCREVEN, President. Groceries, <&c. BARRELS Crushed A, B and C Sugars W 2u boxes White Cuba Sugar 20 bags Java und Rio Coffee 10 barrels choice Syrup 30 barrels Pilot und Navy Bread 30 batrela choice Family Flour 10 package* assorted cracker* fcO boxen Family, Pale and No. 1 Soup 20boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candies 20 caees assorted P.ckies 14 cases English do 10 cases Worcestershire, Chutney and other Sauces 6 cases best Sweet Oil 60 whole, half, and quarter boxes Raisins 25 drums Nmr Figs y 10 coses Prunes, Maccaroui, Vermicelli For sale by * d6-eod2w CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM JOHN VANDERBILT, , NO 23 FUI.TON STREET, NEW YORK, , KXALBB IX Agricultural lmplenicuts OF every varieiy. embracing all the diilereot pat terns nfftoin. m ns<* in the Southern States, Cora- Slli-Uere, liny und Stalk-Cnt'crs. Horae-Powern uud Threehlng Mnrhln. *, Fan-Mlilis Wheel-Biutowh. Carts and Wngons. Cotton Gtus. Gin Gear, Plow aniuother Cu-tlngn, HhoveN. Fork*, limn, link 's ..udlinrdcn und Farm Tools ana lmplemunle of every variety. SEEDS.' The choicest Garden and Flower Seels grown In this eoiiulry or Karols', In.-lndlng every desirable kind and varb'ty. The ntmoul care taken U> have those only wlileh are choice and reliable, Also, (truss. Field nud Blril Muds of every varieiy. FERTILIZER S. llone Dual, Animal Manure (a prnimntlon") animal matter, blood and Isill*'). a good substitute fo* (.uaiui and cheapest mauiire In use Phosphule of IJiim, Land Plaetcr, Guaiw, Ac. PLANTS, TREKS, ftp. Parnlske>l IVom thetauel reliable NareeiMaud Grow- AH.. giTOrh r» rcnwctlully a-dlAltwl Lettersof tuipifiy . Iworbihy reap-.iwlAd to and Brie* llala turulahcd ou nppllcaiioti leu as AM Hilton t&Randell (OH HA V MTItHRT, f 11^ vg Jl »1 MSL'SIV*I»«Bd o«*( kw mk M bW»P’'(J|y Nil 41 n<|>—Mf W qfwl* HdflliKlM 1 iMij i' « I 'MmHk* I H 4* Inmlm r f > «MM <llll Ijpil "" ’ 1 * * FOR NEW YORK. ATLANTIC COAST Mail steainNhip Company. Tile vary f**t-milling side-wheel rtesmuhlp Herman Livingston, J. P BAKER. Commander, will sail on her regular day, Saturday-, Dili instant, at 1 p. m. For freight or psaange; widen will he taken *e low ae any other ship, and having very superior uccom in edition*, apply to do JOHN R. WILDER, Agent. Pioneer Line FOR NEW dams YORK. The new and splendid steamship PERIT, R. A. De i.uoy. Commander, will leave for the above pon on ‘her regular day, Her. uth, at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage, having roperior accommo dations, apply to d? HUNTER A GAM MELL Murray’s Line FOR NEW^M YQEK ’ The splendid steamship LEO, F. A. Merrill, master, will leave for the above port on Saturday, Dec. ffth, at 1 o’clock p. m. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo tiona, apply to d7 OCTAVUB COHEN. Empire Line. FOR NEW YORK. Atlantic Mall Hteamshlp Company. The new and fast side-wheel steam MAN SALVABOR Loveland, inas- will sail as above, on Saturday, Dec. 9, at 1 o'clock p. m. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations. apply to B. 11. HARDEE, No. 12 Btoddard’s Range. GARRISON A ALLEN, Agents’ nv7- I No. 8. Bawling Green, Now York. FOR PHILADELPHIA The Steamship . ' CUMBRIA, FRENCH, Commander, Will sail for the above port on Saturday, Dee. 9, at l o’clock. For freight or passage, having excellent accommo dations, apply to DSO-td " HUNTER A GAMMELL, FOR NEW YORK The brig OLIVE FRANCES, F. A. PiualM master, la now loading for tbe zjL-KJLa^-uliolgport. For freight, apply to CHARLES L. COLBY A CO/, n29 Corner Aborborn rfud Bay sts. FOR RICEBORO . The sloop FLEET, Captaia Charley, will sail forßiceboro*on SATURDAY, 9th instant. For freight, Ac., enqnirc of Ihe Coplain, on board, at Lower Rice Mill, or to M. J. DOYLE. Agent, d5 110 Bryan -ilrest. FOR CHARLESTON, TOUCHING AT HILTON HEAD The elegant steamer Charles tioaghton, Capt. E. B, Sprague, having had large additions to her cabin accommodations, and betii placed perma nently on this route, will leave for the above port on Tuesday morning, 13lh December, at So’clock. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply oil board ct the Florida Steam Packet Wharf, or to CLAGHOR.N A CUNNINGHAM, d#-3 Agents. For Charleston, The new Steamer CITY POINT, Capt. E 8. Talbot, Will leave aa above Kvcry Saturday, at O a. m. For frrtght or passage apply to It. W. ADAMS, or J. S. C AFRCTHERS, n2I Hodgson’s Range, Bay street. Regular Weekly Steamer BETWEEN AUGUSTA- SAVANNAH. The New Iron Steamer WM. a. GIBBONS, Capt. T. N. PninroT, Having superior accommodation for Freight and Passengers, will ply regularly between the above cities. Leaving Bavannah every Saturday Morning, at 9 o’clock. • leaving Augusta every Wednesday Morning, at 7 o’clock. Laying at Mathew’s BlntT every Wednesday Night. It la the desire of the Agenlaol the Gibbons to make her a permanent Accommodation Boat for the Mer chant* of Augusta and Kuvnnhali uud the Plnutern along the line of the river, and with thl* object in view, no effort will bo spured on the part of her owneiw, agents ami officer i to meet the wantwof the tmvellug and Irelghling public. BISWIN & IIARbEE. OWN L., Aucnt *J_wh* rs. in. nia For Augusta, THE HTEAMER E. H. MAY, a^BgSiaMs’jsp.jaara of Uncofti street, fro* of cost. KINt'MLKY, Aceat. office Is msglnen k I'uiintagtwiu'a JEfRBQMspr il****** * FOR STA ’ STEAM FOR BALTIMORE. NORTH POINT* CAPT. SMITH, Will tail for Baltimore on Saturday, Dec. 9, at 1 o’clock p. jm. The North Point has elegant and commodious ac commodations for Dassmurers. aho through tickets to u-New travel 1 *I™’ 1 ™’ thereby euLvetwl> hundred miles of sea u side wheel iron steamship RICH •?> ho* now been placed on the line in eeoneeflon With Ihe North Point, and will leave this port every (commencing the 16th iustsnt, for l or freight Or passage apply to d6 4 i AM * WEST j O^ n B 'i 0( . k For Palatka, Vl* BRUNSWICK, BT. MARY'S, FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new and fast sailing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, ' ffg.f Capt. N. King, Having been plaaed permanently upon this roots will leave for the above places on • Every Thursday Moruing, atffO o’clock. For freight or passage, having aplendM cabin ac d5-tf c LAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM,^ For Doctortown AND Thomasville. The Steamers Gen. Shepley, Orient, and I Clarion. Will make Tri weekly TrfrMFto Doctortown in am nectlon with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, leaving Savannah on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Snndsre. B freight payable by shippers at onr office, of expeSse™** V * d dUr ‘ D * 1,10 we *so ■“w* l free For freight or passage Reply to „ CHAS L. COLBY *CO , Corner Abereorn and Bay streets. FOR HAWKINSELE AND MACON, THE 81PSLA.MBR OOMBT, CAPTAIN HORNE. Will leave a* above with despatch. For freight, which will be received at the'Upptr HydmoHc Press Yard, and covered by insurance until placed on board the steamer, apply to n - s BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A C*. FOBT Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St. Thomas, Para, Pernambuco and BafaU i£i£r.£i«K» The United State* and Brasil Mat l Company will dispatch regularly, jpdtiwicv’ On the 99th of every moath, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To heave at 3 o’clock, p. as.. From Plet43, North River. All letters have to pass through the Poet Office An experienced Surgeon will be in attendance on board. For freight an oassage, haring splendid accommo. datums, apply o For Liverpool. f. -ttn- The A. No. 1 Ship MONT BLANC ia now rapidly loading, *• White’s Press. For bal ■JE€E>*,«"ce of freight (having room only for a few hundred lialcg) Inqnlro of . „ LaROOBF., LADEN a U^KLKS, “ - Agents. FOR LIVERPOOL ' Kftv The British bark CRCESCO, Carrey, mas ,K»Otc-, capacity HDO Bales Cotton. /JIFj For freight apply to ROBT. J. CAUOHKY, niatf _____ M ■M atreet. For Liverpool. The new first class clipper ship * VIRGINIA, YfEEKS, Commander, la now loading rapidly at Lower Freak and having large engagements will have quick despatch. For freight or passage (taken at lowest rate*} apply •« <JHAS. L. COLBY * 00., corner Abetcorn and Bay »tg. t THE ghurgh journal' HAVING been appointed Agent for this paper, I sm now prepared to receive snbscriprima for it, at my store, corner of Bait and State streets. Terms, Fiv* Dollar* per Annum. d’-3 THOMAS 3. STALEY NOTICE, THE undersigned would respectfully inform his former patrons and the citizens generally that he is prepared again to take contract* to balld new or repaii wharves. Pile-driving done by ateem pile-driver d7 6m F. KRENSON. Important to Farmers and Housekeepers. DAILY cxpreled from Prince Edward’s Island: U food bushel* Black Seed Oats 2000 bnshels Jackson Potato**, tbe heat eat log Potato** known. . R. BRADLEY. <I-1w 196 Bey st AV anted, ATARLOR MAID (Whit*}, who tboroaghly Under - stand* bvr <lu(i*s. apply to JOHN BTODDAItD. GROCMEffiT I AND!NO bom Ckm#lwli iKm foikKVtef a artieki MUIiJMimH. • Muoiur* liulin Boettlt ((y #i «r Dinckt r i howl Cisiker II hhds Snwhetl MhosUsss * It de io mu H hassieef lAufi m pnpk n# w ikmmAi fit m bait Jo 4m n fM*-,