Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 11, 1865, Image 3

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SAVA.N N AH. Dcpurtart of Steamship. and Utaiuan. { POP NEW TUBE. j St* irnihlp Chaos, Wedntadsy. December 13th, at /dock. at. am.'hip Sou Jacinto, Saturday, Decninbci U>, at o'clock. , roa UU.TLUOU. ■ *JL J' Steamship Richmond, Saturday, December Id, at _ o'clock FOR ACeil.-iTA, J j. V Steamer Wm. 0. Gibbons, every Saturday morning at» a. m. FOR CHARLESTON. <*». » • ' Steamer City point, every Saturday morning, at 8 o’clock. ' - * , FOB DOCTORTOIVN'. * Steamer Orient, every Tuesday raornlDg, at 7 o'clock. Steamer Two Boys, every Thursday morning, at.S o'clock. Steamer Gen. Sliepley.x every Sunday morning, at T o'clock. Steamer Clarion, every Friday morning, at 7 o'clock. sou flouiDa. ' - 'Vi Steamer Fannie, Wednesday, December 13th, at o’clock a. m. steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer Clfy -Point. every Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Steamer Lizzie Baker, every Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at lo o’clock. Georgia Masonic Belief Association ok Sa vannah.—We are pleased tolearn that a charitable assocaltlon with the above title lias been formed by a number of tlie Masonic fraternity of lliis city, and is already in a nourishing operat ton. Tile organization of the Association was effected on the evening of Friday last, by the choice of the billowing board ol' ofilters : Pres., Bro. Moses M Belizarto ; Vice Pres., Bro. Alfred Haywood; Treas." Bro., Wm. Green ; Sec., Bro. Wm. F. Parker. A committee was appointed to report a Constitution and By-Laws lor the Association, and a resolution adopted to the effect, that none hut Ma9tcr Masons should be eligible for membership. The roll of the Belter Association now contains but twenty-one names, bnt its public-spirited pro jectors arc confident that within a twelve-month the organization wIH include at least five hundred broth ers. • ' :* ' The purpose of the Association is a worthy and a noble one. It is to supply a want now severely felt throughout this section—the immediate provision for needy brothers coming to or passing through this city. Under the existing state of affair a, several days must frequently elapse before the necessary as. .iterance ean lie made available through the routine aud circumiocntlou ol g regular application to th« Proper officers of tile Lodges of the city, all of which, it is unnecessary to add, are in straitened circum stances at present. The Relief Association proposes, by keeping ample funds on hand aud in such a man ner as to be available at short notice, to act Indepen dently of the Lodges, aud to furnish Immediate aid m all pressing cusi-s, thus greatly relieving Hie Lodges and, by obviating all delay, furthering the good work of the Fraternity, It Is a noble enterprise, and deserving the encouragement and Support of all cl.tcses. •; ■ Fair, with Christmas Tree, Hefkkshments, llot Si'Ft'Kß, Ere.— The -gentlemen who have charge of the Firemen's Hall, on South Broad street, have kindly loaned their hall for a Fair, which will take place on the 12tli, 13th and I4tit of Dec. - Tile proceeds will be expended for the benefit of the poor of our city, and the ladies who take the trouble ol managing die Fair will have entire control o.’ the funds, and will endeavor so to dispense thei r charities us to make many a sad home happy and bright ou next Christmas day. Besides a delightful evening of social enjoyment, there will be furnished a great variety of refresh ments—cakes, confectioneries, fancy articles, and a hot supper will be served each evening, with coffee, Ac. Dinner oan be procured tor the next day by parties have net good cooks at home, and due regard will be paid to secure the returu of change for for articles purchased. Contributions In money and articles are earnestly solicited, and may be sent to-Ahe houses of Mrs. Moses Cohen, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Dr. J. c! Habersham, Mrs. Robt. Habersham, Miss Bourqttln, Miss Courvol sle, Mrs. Cliaa Hardee, Mrs. Minis, Mrs. Wm. F. Law, or any other lady who will lie kind enough to volun teer to receive such contributions, as it will save die ladles much expense. Thk Theatbe—benefit of Mb. Hamii.ton.— We feel sure that the lovers of the drama In our midst need only to he gently reminded of the faetthat Mr. Theo. Hamilton, the poplar and successful manager of the Savannah Theatre, takes his first benefit since the commencement of flic season, to-night, to lusurc Jheir turning out eh masse to do honor to the occa sion. It is to the enterprise and ability of Mr. Ham ilton and his coadjutor, Mr. Raymond, that our city owes the presence of a stock Company of actors, that, with an exception or two, would do- credit to the boards of any theatre. And it is their untiring energy and lllierallty of outlay that we are to titanic for the production in Savannah of a series of novel ties auJ a class or plays, to which our people have been strungersfor years. We are glad that an op portunity has come for the public to prove their ap preciation of the lessees and managers and their work In an emphatic manner. The Sltak9perlau master piece, "Hamlet,” has been selected by Mr. Hamilton for Ills benefit, and we doubt not win be produced in a manner creditable to the beneficiary and grathylng to the lftvets of the standard drams. We hope to see our worthy manager greeted with a house packed from floor to ceiling this evening. Peusonal.—Commodore Tatuall sailed in the itcomship North Point for Baltimore on Saturday. Brig. Gen. Prince balm Salm, lately In command ‘of Fort Pulaski departed in the North Point for Bal timore, ou Saturdry. Geb. Salm Salm was accompa nied by his family, -Hon. P. M. Ruasell, member of the Georgia Legis lature, started yesterday looming for Mllledgeville, having teen demined at home by sickness in hi* family. Mr. Pierce Skehnu, of Liberty street, New York; whose golden nle Is celebrated all over the world and particularly in Savannah, which city he almost exclusively supplied during the first months of Fede ral occupation, and largely since, went North by the Leo, Saturday, after having made a business tour of several Southern States. Ills brother, Mr. James skehao, remains in charge of the business at 176 brouglrtoo street. A Nuisance —The attention of the Police should he called to the dumping of manure and garbage on the vacant lots and public streets In the rear of Shaf fer’s houses on Falun street, corner of William street. The ordinances qf the city require that all manure and garbage should be removed to beyond the lim its of the city. The gardeners will be glad If they could have thls nianure delivered on their farms, wliere It can life put to valuable use. Unless the nu 1- sance Is abated the neighborhood will soon become *lck. At the present tune the steuch arising is In tolerable. Tne scavenger carts are not commuting, this nuisance. It Is the wagoners ai»d draymea, who are too lazy to drive out to the farms, or beyond the limits of the city, Release of thk Messrs. Lamak.—Mr. G. B. La mar and Mr. G. B. Lamar, Jr., who were arrested and lodged In the Provost Guard House a week ago, cu a complaint of attempting to .bribe C. 8. Treasu if agent, having charge of captured cotton, have Wn released from confinement, having given re "’gulzance each Inllieeum of *24,000 for their *p. pearance before the proper tribunal ror au examine sou of iho chargee filed agaluet them Nsaiuv a mekAu's Accident.—On Friday uighi lust, one of the crew of the steamship Cumbria, by the name of "Hugh," fell from the wall of Lincoln street bluff, and eueialued some alight Injurice. The wooden ranlugs which enclose ilia walls us UN va 'toil* bimta bain gout In decay, and unless they are repaired it will yet end in (be mss if Ufa or injury tv ’huh, leadlug tv litigation for ilamggws agaiusi ib« **« Pi a a The ropertnership nniu* or luiiilist ivvaiiuah who sppsiie inis igofiuiig, Msesfe, ts I-* Bis 111 Soil fames u West Simmilh t 1 ‘" ii, 'ii.iv,, go, r tbs sifts es U R.#he * WtM, ‘os'hhAsiouahd Fi»*SiHug Wstchavn, r *'* Aiet'sr* uu a,iui.isr morfibig lagi the Wim. u urnim, t'api Fhiiptg, with a large r>*ifbi and «atg# aiiN wiiii pMaebjr*>i« ispsiieii *bg'teta, The eivamer I'aiea tapi v»wmit *“* w **** a feed BWtfM, departed lag uggtfg I liXTXN.Iv* cattle sr*AUNQ.—On Wednesday of f*it week Mr Fiaaeis Grimm bad to pasturage in the south cm) of the Springfield plantation, west of the,Colored Cemetery, six' valuable mlj.-'i ~nv» The iad who attends the cattle came home to get his dinner, and on his return to. the pasture fouud the cuttle missing. Seart'li was made dally until on Wednesday last, when these cattle, with others, were fouud penned up in a swamp west of the Vale ‘HO/alfiantatlon, near the Bute Waters. Upon ae curing the etude, Mr. was iufuiiued by the negroes who own die pen that he was lucky in com lng so soon, for the cattle would have been slaught ered in one hour’s time. Mr. Grimm intends to pro* seciite the offenders, and It Is to be hoped that they will be severely punished, if has come to that pass ( that milrh cows caauot remain for half a day in a pasture before they are stolen. Mr. Qrlinm Is at a serious loss by this thieving, having spent much money to reeover his cattle, aud they haring mean while gone dry. Since writing thu above we learn of a more extensive case of cattle thieving. Mr. George Powers, who resides ou the southwest comer of Stewart aud West Broad streets, had stolen from liim a few days since, nine very valuable cows. Scarcii was made by im sons, and yesterday they discovered two of the cattle penned up in the same pen where the cattle or Mr. Grimm were found. Be yond adoubt the remainder of Mr. Powers’ cattle have been slaughtered aud sold by the butchers of market. V- •, * • ‘ V 1 Another Steareb for the Baltimore Trade, —Mr. James B. West, agent of the Baltlmdre line af steamers, received a telegram yesterday morning, stating that tbs steamship Richmond was expected to leave Baltimore for Savannah oil Saturday eve ning last. The Richmond Is an excellent side-wheel steamer, with excellent passenger accommodations and large carrying capacities. a , vy Defart ire of Steamships.—The following steam sbips departed on Saturday last: Perit, Captain Del lanoy, Herman Livingston, Captain Baker, Leo, Captain Merrill, and San Salvador, Captain Love land, all for New York. The San Salvador had a large number of passengers. The steamship Com bria,‘Ci ptain French, also departed for Philadelphia, and the steamship North Point, Captain Smith, for Baltimore. Exports or Cotton and Domestics to New York, Ac., by Sveamsrs.— On Saturday last the ex ports of cotton by steamers were as follows: To New York 1,6*81 bale* upland cotton, 83 do. Soa Island. To Philadelphia 22 balus upland cotton, 830 do. do mestics: To Baltimore 230 bales upland coton. Total exports 1,003 bales upland cotton, 82 do. Sea Island do., 320 do domestics. This is a heavy Increase on last week’s exports. For Florida.—On Saturday morning the steamer Helen Getty, Captain Ingraham, «lth a very full cargo and a large number of passeugers, departed for Palatka and other points South. Marine Disaster.— Capt. Talbot, of the ateamer City Point, arrived at this port on Saturday last, re ports at 7.30 A. M., ou Saturday, 20 tulles south blast of Tybee light, spoke brig Resolute from N Y. bound to Savannah. The Resolute lay at anchor had lost foremast half way up from deck, main top mast and main top jilihooyn, also one anchor with a portion of chain. Did not desire auy assistance. From Palatka, Ac.—The steamer F'ountatn, Capt. Costner from Palatka Ac., united on Saturday about noou. We arc indebted to Purser Campbell tor favors. Urdus, Chemicals, etc.— E. m. Marsh * Cos., the successors of J. M. Abrahams A Cos., annnounce tills day tile reopening of their establishment, which lms been completely renovated aud refitted, and where they have on haud a large stock of drugs, medicines, chemical*, patent medicines, paints, oils etc. FaikoFthe Sisters’ of Mercy.—lt will be seen by a notice elsewhere that the “good Sisters of Our. Lady of Mercy,’’give a fair at St. Andrew's Hall during Christmas week. A variety of fancy articles of use and ornament, tile work of the pupils, Christmas Gifts, etc., etc., will be offered at the tables. A gen era! response should be made to this charitable en terprise of the Sisters. We are indebted to Kstllla* News Depot, back of tlie Post Office, for Blackwood’s Magazine for Nov ember. The North British, Edinburgh, and other Reviews, also all American Monthlies can be found ou their counter. Acknowledgement— We are again under obliga tions to Messrs Estiii A Brother, back of the Post Office, for fnll fiilesof the New York Dailies received by yesterday’s Steamer. They also received their usual complement of other papers. From Doctortown.—The steamer Clarion, Capt. Morse, with a fall freight of cotton, arrived from Doctortown ou yesterday afternoon. Cotton at Doctortown We learn that there Isa large amount of cotton at Doctortown. Tho Govern ment having removed all restrictions upon tlie trans portation of private cotton, it will now be received at Doctortown to be forthwith conveyed to Savannah by steamers. From Florida.—The steamers Fannie, Capt. Mc- Nulty and Lizxie Baker, Capt. King, arrived yester day afteruoon)froin Palatka. Aheival of the Steamship Chase.— The steam ship Chase, commanded by Capt. Koath, with a full freight and a large number of passengers, arrived vesterday foretfoon from New York. From Florida.— On Sfiturday morning last the steamer City Point, Capt. Talbot, with considerable freight and a large number of passengers, arrived at this port from Palatka Ac. We are Indebted to Purser BUI for favors. From Liverpool.— Saturday last the Br. ship Mo zart, Capt. Smith, arrived at this port, after a pas sage from Liverpool, consigned to Messrs. T. R. A J. G. Mllis. The Mozart has a full assorted cargo con signed to parties lu Augusta and Savannah. Shipping Intelligence. Miniature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises.. 6 62,M00n rises o 62 Sun sets 4 56|High water— 2 10 PORT OF SAVANNAH. SUNDAY, DfeC. 10, 1806. Arrived, Pioneer Steamship Chase, Roath, New York—Hun ter 4 Gammed. Steamer St Helena, Cercopuly, Beaufort. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton H?ad Steamer Fountain, Caatner, Palatka, Fla., etc.—M A Cohen. Steamer Ella, Rowland. Darien—M A Cohen. Steamer City Point, Talbot, Palatka, 4c.—R W Adams. Steamer Clarion, Morse, Doctortown—Chas 1, Colby 4 Cos. Steamer Helen, Reilly, Augusta—Keln * Cos. Steamer Fannie, McNelty, Charleston, Ac—F M Myrell. Steamer Lizzie Baker, King, Palatka, etc—Clag huru A Cunningham. Br ship Mozart, Smith, Liverpool—J Rtf J G Mills. Clenrcd, - Steamship Herman Livingston, Baker, New York —J R Wilder. Pioneer LluC Steamship Perlt, Deianoy, New York Hunter AGaiuinell. Steamship Cumbria, French, Philadelphia—Hunter 4 Gammell, • ' V' Steamship San Salvador, Adkins, New York—B D Ilarde*. Hlcamship North Point. Smith, Baltimore—Bryan, Hiu fridge 4 Cos. * Steamship Leo, Merrill, New York—OctavusCohen. Steamer Emlllc, Bender, Dartcu and Urunswldk. Steamer Ull Goodsell, Darlosa, Augusta—M A Cohen. Steamer Union. Daniels, Augusta—F M Myrell. Sieaiuer Ctly Point. Taltiot. Charleston—lt W Adams. Steamer Win G Gibbons, Phllpot, Augusta—Erwin A Hardee Siesmfer Helen Uetty, lugralitui, Palatka. Fla—L 5 Hsnni tt Steamer Kesnlule. Cannon. Union Dead steamer Ilf. Helena, ivu.upiiij, Brunswick. Sloop Fleet, Tliuuip »u, Kteelioro-M J Doyle. * Import* *. i Per steamer Clarion, imm Doctortown—lW bales upland cullvu, 9 do sea lalsud do. Per aleaiuar Helen, frntu August*—lWtt bald* up land euliiiu, dT do domestic*. Pet,.| oil/ Pullll, fruiu I'elelkS. Sic- -SO haled ’w MfNlti UiUf ffi*jj| Hdimk,# jtiT—iittff! Wl#l wH* W %*Aiw fiilm HHMCf ' *, - Exports. • - - Per steamship Peril, for New York—lß3 beta* up land cottofi. 43 pkji* m lie Per steamship Cumbria, for New Yor^— 2B hales upland cotton, JttQ do domestics, IST pkg* md»a. Per steamship Bah Salvador, for New Yolk. 523 bit upland cotton, sa do sea island do, lot empty ale bbls, 1 crate fun, 42 bxs and pkg* sundries. Par steamship North Point, forftrw York—2s9 bis upland cotton, S.sOiPhi leg; S its rkc, SO bbls manges IS dp terrapins, 40 pkgs mdse. ; • ; ’, -*. Per steamship Leo, tut' New York—ilo bales up land cotton, 23 bbls oranges and mdse. Per steamship Herman Livingston, lor New York —323 bales upland coßou, 2 do wool, su bbls oranges 8 bales terns. 47 pkgs indie. Passengers. ' * Per steamship Chase, from New York—J llsuscu, Capt H G BriggS. G W Brauhall, J Church, L' H Burns 8 H Tepliog. L Ken, M Silverberg, J Sampson, R II Cook, Dr J OJiver,' U Ward, D B Lawrence, J Kennon Miss V Bryant, Miss E J Christy, Miss Duff, S Cole, Mrs Pearce. Mrs Driscoll, Mrs Derby, O Twitched, S F Bickrutd, ands steerage. Per steamer Helen, from Augusta—W B W Dent' T P Pease. W Jones, J Murphy, J P Cheeves, lady and daughter, Mother Vincent, Mrs L Blois, Mr Riet, J K Bradstreet. 0 Bradstreet. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Palatka—S A Pan cost, C A Rice, Mr Babcock, W J Scott, L Graves, J E Thorndike, Capt Van Brunt. Per steamer Fannie, from Jacksonville—Rev W H Julian, wife and 4 children, A A Babcock, K H Law, W Baden, and olhers. Per steamer Ella, from Darien—Mr Rodgers, K R Heaten, Mr Wise, J O Perry. Per steamer City Point, from Palatka, etc—W D Blodgett aud wife. R H Berill and lady, E Bolioch, C Lewis, O W Lvuns, W H Edwards, Capt N B Beddlug ton, J B Strickland, W S Abbey, O B Pittkin, and 3o steerage. Per steamer fountain, from Palatka, etc—J S Her nandez, J Hernandez, J Lopez, C Lopez, W K Cro well, J R Clark, J King. Per steamship Perit, for New York—G Lewis, Q T Crawford. Per steamship Cumbria, for Philadelphia—Mrs Parued, Miss Bam. Mrs W R Posted. Per steamship San Salvador, for New York—W H Goose, D G Purse, Mrs Gibbons, S T Chapman, K D Aden, D B Pago, 8 O Price, H A Green, A Christie, J- T Adams, M Harve», S Trophln, S Siurtevaut, H O Bryde, R Mallory, J O'Bryan, W R Bridge, H Husteu, T H Naylor, M McCready, 8 H Smith, S Levi, Jas A Morris, D Guckcuheimer, J Moses, J McCoy, J T Gil christ, Misses M and J Gilchrist, J S Semple, 11 Clark A Letfier, J Spivey, J H Poole, D 9 Copland, J Horner, M Barrett, G P Reade, T M Mason, P Francis, J Gross and 12 steerage. Per steamship North- Point, for Baltimore—D Bur deli Mrs Worthington aud daughter, Commodore T*ttual!, Gen Saint, lady and children, J L Belcher, J W Marshall. Per steamship Herman Livingston, for New York —W T Collier, Mrs M A Lawler, G D Rawls, J U Lyles J Fitzgerald, II Brigham, W J King, D 8 Stlckuey, lady and 2 children, and 20 steerage. Per steamship Leo, for New York—A B Jones, R Grant, and others. consignees , per steamship Chase, from New Y'ork—S W Allen, J W Anderson 4 Sun, P II Bohn, Adams Ex Cos, B A Whitehead, T Bateson, B, Smith A Cos, B, Baldwin A Cos, Olaghoru A C, M A Cohen, C Cordell, C, Johnson A- Cos, C L Colby A Cos, Dewitt A M, J H Depplsh, Jas Duuuing, Duncan A J, Erwin A It, S U EcKmail, E Ehrlich, A Fawcett A Cos, M Ferst A Cos, JC Freeman C L Gilbert, SGoofiall, G Butler, Laßoche, Gaden A U, G A Sclig, Hunter A Gammed, Holcombe A Cos, U A Raudell, C M Kiistuan, R H Harris A Cos, J E Hor naudez, K It Hardee, C U Johnson, Capt ES Jones, Kelt! A CM, K, 31cRea A Go, N B Kuapp, L A Latti more, G W A G B Lamar, J Leavy <£ Cos, Latluop A Cos, U J Larcombe, J Laugsdorf Je Cos, J McMahon A Cos, M, Thomas A Cos, H Meiuhard <£ Bro, D Mallett A Cos, B Mallon, J M Klnchley, M S Meyer, G 9 Nich ols, J Nicholson, C Orff, J M Prentiss, T Pepper, J K Robbins, H G Ruwe A Cos, H Rothschild, J Sherlock, W It Sherwood A Cos, 1 U Sealy A Cos, A A Solomons, Solomons A Cos, J 0 Schreiner A Son, Scranton, S A Cos, W U Stark, Thompson A Cos, T A Gordon, Weed A Cornwell, J K Wiley, aud order. Per steamer Clarion, from Doctortown—A G Brown J L Villalouga, T A Gordon, J W Auderson A Sou, G A Sellg. Per steamer Foantatn, from Palatka, etc—J King, N A Hardee A Cos, S M Lederer, K Laclillßon, R A Pollard, E W Seymour. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Palatka, etc—B, B A Cos, A liardec, WFI Wood, J L Villalonga. Per steamer Fannie, from Jacksonville, etc—A S Brady, 8 Cohen, A N Miller, M Loweuthal, R A Pol lard. Per steamer Helen, from Augusta—W B W Dent, Habersham A Sons, E A Eckrnau, Kein A Cos, M H Williams, D A Slayer. Per Br ship Mozart, from Liverpool—R J Larcomb, M A Cohen, Boiics, Brown A Cos, Hunter AG, W A Cornwell. 1,1 ST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Dec. 11,1865. ‘ ' - , STEAM3HIF*. Chase, Koath, discharging—Hunter <1 Gammed. SHIPS. Mont Blanc, Donned, 700, loading, Liverpool—La Roche, (laden A Duckies. Virginia, Weeks, 1,044, loading at Lamm's Press, for Liverpool—C L Colby A Cos. Thorwalson, (Br) Bromage, discharging—Reid A F’avorlte, (Br) Spain, discharging—E A Soullard. Herald, Calvert, discharging—C Green A Son. Mozart, (Br) Smith, tons, dischatglng—T R A J G Mills. BARKS. Craeso,’ (Br) tons, discharging—Robert I Caughcy. *V A Platlnlus, Pinkhara, discharging—C L Colby A Cos. Colonist, (Br) Taylor, discharging—Chas Green A Son. County ofPicton, (Br) McKenzie, discharging—C Green A Sun. BRIMS. Tephynlne Boston, discharging—Retd A Stewart. Atlantic, Wark, lot tons, discharging—B, Wylly A Christian. Olive Francis, Small, loading, New York—Charles L Colby A Cos. R C Wright, Ilugg, discharging—R Habersham A Son. Blackflsb, Fickett, loading for N Y with timber— Laßocbe A Johnson. __ Ella, Brown, discharging—Bell, Wylly A Christian. John W Lovttt, Gidiot, waiting—Youge A Nixon. Fannie. Chapman, 133 tons, waltiug—Chas L Colby A Cos. Detdei Boone, watting repairs. SCHOONERS, John M Broomall, Douglass, loading, New York— Chas L Colby A Cos. Pearl, (Br) Rlordon, discharging—Bell, Wylly A Christian. P 8 Smith, Stuart, loading, Boston—Richardson A Barnard. Walter Raleigh, discharging—Hunter A Gammed. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION! Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening:, AT THK STORK ON BROUGHTON STREET, Third door from Bull, Where will be offered a general assortment of Dry Goods, Hoots and Shoes, Hosiery, Uuder-clothiug. Books, Yankee Notions, Jewelry, 4c, 4c., at the pnr chaser's own prices. Terms cash; sales positive. dl-30 UNDERWRITER’S SALE. York, Williams, >lcTnt!r« 4l Cos. Will eell on TUESDAY NEXT, 12th INST., At 10 o'clock a. m., At the Store Corner of Bay and Bull Streets, A LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING, Os all kinds and gia.les. UNDERSHIRTS, * ..’■DRAWERS, . .( ' -y,j('T r • • _ HOSIERY, ? ( ' GLOVES, ’%’ * wj ,\; ’ 'IHREADS. 1* * f 'f*. Vs : YANK Eli NyTIONB, >■' Tbs dtuiulofi «|f UMjdN is respectfully eall.d Is ibid rt#U. M U U Isifi *»4 lu I* sold osl/ Igluit Sold l it fkv Sp*-HI Agent us Diwitrwritsrd Us tfew g.'il city 7 . m t 4HP~ « ~ ?: * l ' § * AUCTIONS. Suit- «f Govenimt* nt Steam- 1 . ■ • pi’s. * i*s - BY YORK, WILLIAMS. McfMTIKh & _ ‘TSy.od ■ chief (Jcaktkkmastfb’s office Dan. S.C.L Hilton Hk>.:\ S. 0-,November 13, t*>s. f . Wilt be sold at puldtc Aim mo, ut tl.ii glace, ou MONDAY, December 11,1835. at 12 M. under .dree tton ot captain W. K. Morlerd, A. t). M., the follow ing Government vessels, viz : NELLY BAKER; side wheel steamer ; 293 tons ; wooden hull / length on deck 133 feet; beam 2 > feet 3 Inches, over ad 43 feet; depth of hold 8 reel 8 , inches ; draft 5 feet 10 Inches ; has one beam en gine ; dlameterbf cylinder 32 inches ; stroke of pli turn 10 feet; has qne single return Hue boiler. Has saloon accommodation-, lull promenade decks, and is well found In chains, anchors, Ac. NEPTUNE, side wheel steamer; 332 tone: wooden hull;length on (leek 141 feet: beam 20 feet 6 inches ; over all 48 feet 2 inches ; depth ol hold to feet to inches : draft 7 feet; bat One beam eagiue; diameter of ciltuder 42 Indies ; stroke of piston 8 Teet; lias one single return fine bpder. Tilts steamer has full promenade deck, fore and aft, and Is a good freight Or entitle carrier. ONEOTA, double-end aidc-wheei l'erry boat: wooden bull; 343 tons ; length on duck 147 feet; beam. 23 feet; over all 66 feet 6 Inches ; depth of hold 11 feet; dralt 7 feet ; has one beam engine ; di ameter ofeyiauder 36 inches ; stroke of piston w feet; has one double return flue boiler. This steamer lius recently been repaired, and is in excellent order and well found in anchors, chains, Ac, cKOTON, side-wheel steamer ; 361 tons; wooden hull; lengtli oudccklsT feet ; beam2ofeel; over all 43feet 9 inches : deptnofhold 8 feet ; draft 3 feet ; lias one square engine ; diameter of cylinder 87 in ches; stroke of piston 10 t*et; has one double return flue boiler. This steamer has been thoroughly repaired, has saloon and state room accommodations, Is well supplied with anchors, chains, ifc„ and is very tost. GOLDEN GATE, aide wheel steamer ; 195 tons : wooden hull; length on deck 148 feet; beam 21 feet; over all 35 feet to Inches ; depth of hold 8 feet 4 In ches; draft 8 feet 5 inees ; lias one beam engine ; diameter of cylinder 34 Inches; stroke of piston 3 feet; has one horizontal tublar boiler. This steamer Is In fine order; has saloon accommo dations. and Is well found in anchors, chains, <fc. NANTASKET, side wheel steamers; 299 tons; wooden hall; length onbleefc 160 feet; beam 20 feet 3 Inches: over all 42 feet; depth of hold 8 feet 3 in ches ; draft 5 feet 0 Inches; lias one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 34 inches ; strolP of piston 8 feet; has one single return flue boiler, and is well round In anchors, chains, Ac. MACON, propeller, with two screws, 822 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 158 feet; beam 25 feet; depth of hold 8 feet 8 inches; draft 7 feet; lias two direct horizontal engines (condensing;) diameter of cylinder 34 inches; stroke of piston 28 Inches; has two single return flue boilers. RELIEF, screw tug; Cl tons; wooden hull; length ou deck 37 feet; beam 17 feet; depth of hold 7 feet; draft 7 feet lo inches; lias one lilgh-pressuro engine: diameter of eyltuder 20 inches ; stroke of piston 20 inches; lias one single return flue boiler, and is well found in anchors, chains, Ac. RESCUE, screw tug; 208 tons ; wooden hull; length on deck 108 feet; lieatu 20 feet 8 inches; depth of hold 12 feet; draft 11 feet 4 inches; has two low pressure engines: diameter of cylinder 26 Inches; has one single return flue boiler. This vessel is a powerful tug,' l s in good condition, and well found in anchors, chains, Ac. GENERAL HUNTER, side-wheel steamer of 460 tons; wooden Hull; length on deck 193 feet« Inches; beam 28 feet 6 inches; over all 50 feet 8 inches; depth of hold 9 feet 4 inches; dralt forward 5 feet, aft 6 feet 3 inches; has one beam euglQc; diameter of cylinder 40 Inches; stroke of piston to feet. This steamer was built in New York, aud com pleted In 1333; is a vessel ol beautiful model aud high rate of speed,with liuli, engine and boiler as good as new. Terms, cash in government funds. P. W. THOMAS, n2O-td Bvt. Lt. Col. and Chief (). M. UNDERWRITER’S SALE. York, Willittms, Molntire &, Cos. Will sell THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, In front of store, on Bay street: 1 casc Leather and Trimmings 1 case Saddles and Harnesa Sold under inspection of Fort Wardens for aocount ol whom it may concern. dll AT AUCTION. OFFICE DEPT QUARTERMASTER. > Savannah, Ga„ Dec. 8, 1865 / Will be fold at public unction, at the Government Corral, at Savannah, Qa., 011 the 14th day of Decem ber, 1833, about ONE HUNDRED HEAD OF GOVERNMENT STOCK. Sales to continue from day to day until concluded. Terms cash, in United States currency. E. B. CARLING, dl-td Bvt Lt. Col. A. Q. M. U. 9. A. BY YORIL WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO. AT PRIVATE SALE. By Wylly & Cliristian. Small Lots of Land. There having been so many applications for Small Tracts of Land for location, the owner of the above Land, feelings disposition to meet this demand, has placed In the market, for a law days, Lots of Five Acres, or more, part cleared, on the Augusts Road, op posite to the three mile stone, also on the White Bluff Hoad, opposite to the two mile stone. tf-nIC ADMINISTRATRIX' SALE. BY BELL, WI LLY 4 CHRISTIAN. On WKDNBSDAY, 13th InStant, at 11 o’clock, in front of store will be sold s SO Building Lot*: and 2 fractions of Lots, situated in that portion of the city of 8 .vatinah known as Montmollinville, on the south side of the Central Railroad Depot. Sold by order of the Superior Court of Chatham county for the benefit of the heirs and crdltors of the •state of the late John S. Montmollin, deceased. The property presents a rare opportunity for capi talists lo make a profitable Investment. sale positive. Terms cash, purchasers paying for itles. dfi-td By Bell, Wylly ft Christian. AT PRIVATE SALE. 46 acres of fine Garden Land, within the limits of tbs city. The improvements consists of a first class cottage dwelling, gothic style, containing six large rooms, wiih marble mantel piece, dining room, kitchen, library room furnished with shelves and glass doors. Outbuilding* consists of farm home, containing seven rooms, barn, carriage house and stables. Purcba er can have the re fusal of corn, fodder, hay, horses, mules, buggies and wagons. Also. 2130 acres of heavily timbered land, situated twenty (20) milts from the city, between the Ogecchne and f.'anoochee Roads. An excellent location Tor a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpentine-plantation. 100 acres of ttife above cleared. Improvements consists of two small dwelling lionses, with stables, cribs, Ac. tf-ul 8 By Bell, Wylly & C hristian. ORANGES. 40,000 finest Sweet Oranges, just received per schooner Pearl, for sale from wharf. ov Terras cash. dT-3 AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. 100 acres of Land, situated on the Vernon river, about nine miles from this city. The Improvements consist of dwelling, barn, stables, and other neces sary ont-bulldlngs. An abundance of fish, oysters, shrimp, Ac., con veniently obtained. *.• . Price of property, $2,000. n2B-tf ADMItftSTRATOR’S SALK. BY BLUN & MEYER. On THURSDAY, 21st Inst., at 10 o’clock, a. m„ will be sold In front of store, by an order Issued from the Hon Court of Ordinary of Chatham county All the Household Furniture belonging to the eetate of Henry Herrman, deceased, do GKO. GEMBNDEN, Adin’r. ADMINISTRATOR’sTaLE. By T. J. Walsh. Ou TUESDAY, January, 6th, 1866, will be sold at the Court Bouse, In the city or Bevsunah. at 11 o’clock: The Eastern Half of Lot No. 11 Jackson Ward, (fee Simple, with Improvements;, comer of Whitaker end Hall streets. The improvements are a two-story brick dwelling, nlno roome, with water lu th« yard and gae through the house brick stable. Both build, lugs nave elate rools. Hold by permission of the Ordinary of Chatham county, fr.ra dlvbion among ihohelrs. Terms rash, purchaser paying for titles. n24 EXECUTORS SALE. \I7TLL be sold st tbs Aredlla Plantation of V. M. it Young, late of TVxmia* county, deceased, three miles from Horton, No. Is Atlantic 4 Quit lull road, on Friday, IMb Prcviphtr neat, ail the perish }Ms propsriy bmurging said plantation, consisting lor taa most part ar. follows About dlMui. sand . Horses, uo Fat Hugs, tth meek Hugs, »u bead Cattle, and • ” »,000 RUNIIELB G) (JOHN, SUt>e 10starks Fiattsi, 2ot } Wagaiie. Hugar Mm. I huge supply of Plaidellun Uleuells, end many otlisr waits. " /i. . AUM teuu (Une fend phuw I will lent Ibr funis Hun Amt us iu isrgset aad bail In tk* cosniy, tm ibs i*e« iMkk > i Tf-ers is sbosi I *. S ’ ' j |,)<JM Af 'KKri Us '*PKN LAND ■tk Ut* nbuk% MM ut 6nd xAillhy fed susMiei ,ns - Besaitui , I AUCTIONS. York, W illiciti,~M('lßUre * V. Wilt ieu at auction THIS DA\. in front ol store, «t 4 sarks Bacon, slightly damaged -■! (, *.-V-) *» tSMWwig— l jr • JJj •» IS kegs<! *. I'-'/: / * V ' ?-V .Jo boxmt flue Layer Raiaiu* ’ o : - ’ ■; A-* 15 boxes Family Soup • 4L* • \ .inileS 50000 Northern Bricks •*, <'/ Just landed on dock in resrof store. Sale positive, tp cioae condgnmenl. , ■ y’taiey i-. < * ll SPECIAL SALE. Bf Bell, willy * Ckrlstlaa. wm sell at auction THIS DAY, in Trent of gtore, at 10 o'clock : A large assortment of JeHelry 200 U gross pens, comprising Gillott School Pens, Galvanised, Gold Reservoir, Washington; Medallion, Ac , Ac, • _ ALSO, 1000 sealed Certificates of the New York Jewelry Association <HI LIME AT AUCTION. ‘ By Bell, Wylly « Christian. On WEDNESDAY nrxt, December 18, at It ert Stock, at the Lower Hydraulic Oetton Press, will be aetd for account of all concerned: About 60 bushels damaged Lime, la bulk About 75 onsbels air slacked Lime, do About 458 bbls Lbae, iu bulk. Conditions at sale. dll UNDERWRITERS' SALE. By Bell, Wylly A Cbristlaa. Will bo sold THIS DAY, at 11 o'clock, at the Central Cotton Press, for ancouut of Underwriter* aud all conceruad: 9)8 bales Cotton Lot loose Colton Damaged on board Carswell's flat, frdm Augusta, and brought down by Krenson’s fist and sold under inspection of tlie Port Wardens. dll BY BLUN & MEYTER. THIS DAY, at lb o'clock, in front of store, will be sold -2 bhds Hams. ’ 6 do Bacon Sides. 1 do do do 90 tuba Lard. 60 boxes Electric Soap. • „ 24 do Castile do -*i , ' 15 bbls Mess Beef. c Also so pair Grey Btaukets. » • 20 pieces English Prints. 2u do Delaines. so do Sheetings and shirtings. An Invoice of Hosiery. Algp, 10 boxes 10’s Tobacco. 25 do s’s do 25 do 9's do very choice. Besides, two flue Horses and a large sisaortuicnt or furniture. dll Adiuluifitrator’g Sale Postponed. BY BLUN & MEYER. Bv permission of thu Honorable Court of Ordinary of Chatham countv,- will be sold, ou Tuesday, Dec. 12th, at 11 o’clock, 011 the premiaea, cornor of Bryan and AQit streets, all the perishable property of Ahrend Cordea, deceased, consulting of an ussoited stock of Groceries, Ac., and articles of Furniture. HENRY BLUN, , ~ dll 1.1 Administrator ad col. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Oourt of Ordinary of Chatham county, will be sold on the first Tues day in February next, at Che Court House door, In the city of Savannah,, daring the usual hours or sale, all tho undivided -half interest of James Bilim, late deceased, tn the Shandy Hall farm, situated near the city of Savannah on the Thunderbolt road; said form containing In nil fifty acres, more er less. The said half interest sold for the ptupose of di vision rt ! JOHN O. FERRILL. dl-td Administrator. NOTICE. THE undersigned would respectfully inform hla former patrous and the citlxeux generally that he la prepared again to take contracts to build new or repair wharves. Pile-driving done by steern pile-driver. d7-Cm F. KRENBON. WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BBANDY, -WINES, k’ Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Fine Kentncky Bourbon. FOR BALK BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, Ixl bay stkek r, (Herald Buildings.) —also,— .... (, _, Alsop's Ale, Mars' Ale, Apples, Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. octd ts BUYERS WISHING Tobacco, Flour AND SUGARS, IN LARGE QUANTIEB AND OF GOOD STANDARD BRANDS, Will find a fine etockat RAHDELL OT. A RE now offering to the trade a-very choice selec- JX tinn.of SOUCHONG, OOLONG, YOUNG HYSON, and IMPERIAL TEAS Also, NO. 1- EXTRA AND FANCY SOAPS ' ‘' RAISINS, CURRANTS AND CITRON , : - PURE GROUND SPICES CREAM TARTAR B. C. AND BALSODA VERMICELLI, FARINA, JELLIES, And a general assortment of Fancy Groceries. nßi-eoillw J. GARDNER TAKBB the liberty of informing tbe public generally that be has just opened, and will always keep on hand a full supply es Fresh Family Groceries, of all descriptions and of the best quality, which he offers for sale at reasonable rates. Comer Jones and Barnard streets, at Ehrlich’s old stand. olfe-lm /foreign«TW| DOMESTIC Kfcdifl SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OF— { Ch. Fan e Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. un»o *• .* . ' ... Tobacco, Segars foo ■*» lOu. do Le BmhMM ' ‘ *’ * I, ’ . • t»‘ik UottWeby t•- "..a ; Hfl.Tuir# UAKIIKU. ■v~s ure'itssMt 11 T ,l i | » | iii'a< | is»s*»*uiMkßwi>w»maa»w Hilton & Randell JWB . 1 1 AVIt Jp&T +V4 M«0. % mil V bbllNto RiM if dt> . I —gHIPWIO. Pioneer FOR NEW Swfd YORK. The new and apUstdld susuubtp CBABE, Koath, Commander, will leave for the above pork on her regular day, V'j' Wednesday, Dec. 13, at o'clock. For freight or passage, haring superior accommo dations, apply to ~ dll HUNTER A UAMMBLL. FOR NEW YORK The brig OLIVE FRANCES. F. A. jCTqjv Small, master, la ndw loading for the jflCTffias-abole port. Pot freight, apply to CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., n29 Corner Aberbom and Bay sts. Empire Line. TOR NEW YORK. Atlantic Mail Wtoamnhlp Company. The new and hst side-wheel dScam. SAN JACINTO, Loveland, mas jjjWtjaglHfater. will eon as above, on Smtsrday, Dec. XOtk, at - o’clock. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed arconj modtitions, apply to B. H. HARDEE, No. U Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON A ALLEN. Agents, 411 No. 3, Bowling Green, N. Y. FORCHARLESTON, TOUCHING AT HILTON HEAD The elegant steamer Charles Houghton, Capt. E. B, Sprague, having had large additions to her cabin accommodations, and been placed perma nently on this route, will leave for the above port ou Tuesday morning, 13th December, at Bo'clock. . t . For fi -sight or passage, having superior aecomuo datlona. apply on board »t the SloridaSteam Packet Wharf, or to CLAGHOBN A CUNNINGHAM, d»-S Agents. FOR JACKSONVILLE, VIA BRUNSWICK AND FERNANDINA. THE STEAMER FANNIE, CAPTA in MoNKLTT, Is now rtcelvln freight a,’ the old Florida steamboat wharf fool of West Broad street, and wIU leave as above on Wednesday, 134 h Id'*-, »* » »• ■nits boat is In'very excellent order, and has Su perior state room accommodation* for passengers. For freight or passage, apply to - F. M. MYMRLL, Agt, - - dll Harris' Buildings), Bay street. For Palatka, Fla., Via Darks, Brunswick, It. Mary’s, Fesr nsndlßS. Jacksonville and PlcolEt*. Connecting xtin 7 eteamtr Horn Tempt* JOr lino’s Perm, Oem ervlllaae, ana all lamMeto* on. . Jhe st. Paros r T'UE new end fs *t steamer FOUNTAIN, jCspt G. A W. Oastner, a ’ill leave as above 0*» TUESDAY , the 18th Inst., at 10 , o’clock a. m. For freight or n aeasgo, apply on board, at fonl’s wharf; near W hits’* Central Cotton Press c' r 10 M. A COHEN, Agent. Daring the abeense of the boat all goods will be re ceived at the warebr* n»V on the wharf, by Mr. W. R. a. Urueii. •’ # £ ?*, Freight payable on ts harf. Shippers will fhrulsh - weights and measurement of goods, dll FOR PALATKAT VIA FERNANPINA AND JACKSON VILLE- The new, exceedingly fast and splendid Steamer CITY POINT, Capt E. 8. Talbot, Will leave Telfair’s Wisrf, as above, Every Wednesday, at 4 p.m. For freight or passage apply to R. W. ADAMS, or J. 8. CARUTHERS, Hodgson’s Range, next so Bell, WyUy A - dll Christian, Bay street. For Doctortown, The fine Steamer OEIENT, Will leave for Doctortown on her regular day, Taesday Doc. M. at 7 o’clock a. mi. For freight orpaeeage, having superior accommo dations, apply to OHAB. L. COLBT A CO., dll-2 Corner Bayand Abercom sererte. Regular Weekly Steamer AUGUSTA ”'SAVAHNAE. The New Iron Steamer WM. a. GIBBONS, s Capt T. N. Philpot, Having superior accommodation Ut Freight and Paseengera, will ply regularly between the above Leaving Savannah every Saturday Morning, at » o’clock. Lea ving Augusta every Wednesday Morning, at 1 o’clock. laving at Mathew’s Bluff svary Wednesday Night. It is the desire of tbe Agents of the Gibbous to make her a permanent Accommodation Boat for tbe Mer chants of Augusta and Savanbah aud the Planter, along the Une of the river, and with this object In view, no effort will be spsrtd on tbe part of her owners, agents and officers to meet the wants of the traveling and freighting public. - _ * ERWIN A BARDEB. ons L. RopMiu.aT. Agent at wharf. lm nil For Augusta, TUB STEAMER E. H. MAY, : i WIU have dispatch for the above place. Goods recelv- LIY * A « W Freights FOR AI6IBTI, Effimm M . j Htj ikit4 FOE LIVERPOOL Be mi 4i mmfmm ® ♦f J SHIFFIMO. , 1,, 1,, j- - . For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S. FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND ‘ * PICOLATA ■ The new snd test soiling Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, JftW (evCT*'-’ * , v . r- 0 / Oapt. N. King; ,w . Having been placed-permanently upon this setaf* will •.itsry- J>- leave for the above places oh Every Thursday Morn in*, nt 10 o'clock. For freight or passage, h aving splendid cabin ac commodation, apply on board, at ate Floridte Steam Packet wharf or to ” CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM. » t • Agent.. For Doctortown i AND !- Thomasville. The Steamers , *. Glen. Shepley, ,’ " *) 6’T 1 , Clarion, Will make Tri-weekly Trips to Doctortown, in con nection with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, leaving .Savannah on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Through Height payable by shipper* at-our office. Freight received during the week, and stored free ° rP “^ fl c®U COLBY * CO.. n2t> Af. Corner Abercoeo and Bay streets FOR BALTIMORE. The magnificent iron side-wheel Steamship RICHMOND, WIU sail for Baltimore on Saturday, Dec. 16, nt o'clock. The accommodations for passengers esi board this steamer are superb, and travellers desirous of visiting New York ana other Northern cities, will save two hundred miles of sea travel and get through tickets at the Bame rates as charged by other lines, by taking passage on the Richmond. , For freight or passage apply to • LaKUCHE & WEST, Agents, dll-6 Jones'Block. : 'r r ■ ■ HAWKINSVILLE AND MACON. E ; » . »i-- THE . ' m . BTEAMEH COMET, \ CAPTAIN HORNE; .* Wm leave sa above with despatch. For freight, which will be received at the Upper Hydraulic Press Yard, and oovered by Insurance Until placed ou board the Steamer, apply to _U«B BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO T- - t-p oi| ;; " ' ' Rio De Janeiro. " >y'.y *: ■ 941&W0 ATi'i-- st. Thomas, Para, PeraambHco and Bahia -tvf-Ek-g. The United States and Brasil Mai l Btajmshlp Company will dispatch JSaaß-Onthc 29th of every moatlb, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP. To Leave at 3 o’clock, #, m., From Pier 48, North River. All letter,' t * v * to W* through the Port Office. An experienc' 4 eur K“ n wil ‘ •» attendance on board. r \,- -- ,•' • Foy freight an Data* ' <?c ’ havln e *ocommo dsUons, apply W _ ’AS ASENCIO « CO.. octSl-3m No 17 B. '° a<lWar ’ N6W YOrk For LiverpO o *’ for • an t, OADEN & USCKLEB, • AgenU. For Liverpool. fo'W® 1 * The bbw first class clipper ship VIRGINIA, ' WEEKS, Commander, Is now loading rapidly at Lower Press, and haring large engagements will have quick AorMiih. For freight or passage (taken at lowest rates; apply to CHAS. L. COLBY * CO., oct ** coraw Abercom and Bay ate. Hart & Cos., hardware merchants CHARLEBTON, S. C., . OFFER FOR SALE AT THEIR OLD STAND. -N -v CorMrr K«a* «nd Market Streeta, GUNS, REVQLVERS, SHOT & POWDER % “HOES” CIRCULAR SAWS, 8 TO 60 INCH AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ' BAR IRON AND STEEL METALS OF* ALL JjINDS BUILDING MATERIALS ’’ , - -TIN AND WOOD WARE HOUSEKEEPING ARTIOLES HOLLOW-WARE OF ALL KINDS TURPENTINE AND COOPERS’ TOOLS BRASS AND IRON WIRE CLOTH BOLTING CLOTH f ANCHOR BRAND; MILL ROCKS (If TO 40 INCH) MILL IRON >v V‘ : i silver Elated goods > HUBBB, SPOKES, AXES, SPRINGS, *“| * i A LAftOg VAiagTY 09 OTHKR OOOWI, AT ‘ WHOLESALE 00 HETAIL. Dtcfi-lm ■ : J*' BBOCEEH3. | snuing hi”" •u*<*«kf‘oy(i|fria Ike foifomfig ".T uiikMKuit ~JZS T'.VJi • »i*/«ge Pmui tiu.uit • Cut Balter Hfocult uyelei Crerk.i - ju j nMc ” is libde suuuk«4 Sgutitdme i m. Jh)' 'in I 'Betke* PutvarilM ts Md fee Is* Mfugeee ... .Jin ■■’■■■■ ■* nupse r««r |)UMi f*—- y tks *