Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 13, 1865, Image 3

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BAVANXAH, Ofpailurr ul Mr>m>lil|it aid Steamer*. * TOR NEW YORK. Steamship Cliarn, Wedatbd.y, December 18th, at 3 o'clock. Snamtbip San Jacinto. Saturday, December M, at _ o'clock. roa aaLTntoar. Steamship Richmond. Saturday, December 16, at o'clock FOR AIOISTA. Steamer James P. Christopher, Thursday evening, at G o’clock. Steamer Wm. Cl. Gibbons, every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. . FOR CHARLESTON’. Steamer City Point, every Saturday morning, at 9 o’clock. FOR DOCTORTOWN. Steamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at 7 o’clock. Steamer Two Boys, every Thursday morning, at 3 o’clock. Steamer Gen. Shepley, every Sunday morning, at 7 o’clock. Steamer Clarion, every Thursday morning, at 7 o’clock. * FOR FLORIDA. Ste imer Two Boys, evety Tuesday morniug, at 8 o'clock. Steamer Fannie, Wednesday, December 13th, *t 9 o’clock a. m. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock. , Steamer City Point, every Wetlncsday afternoon, at 4 o’clock.' Steamer Lizzie Baker, every Thursday morning, at 10 o’clock Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer Helen Getty, every Saturday morniug, at 10 o’clock. The Rain Storm on Monday Night—Damage to Property. —Oil' 1 of the most severe rain storms ever experienced in Savannah visited us on Monday night last. The streets were completely flooded wall water and rendered almost impassable. In consequence of the sewer leading to Savannah lllver being tilled with sand aud the rubbish of the streets, all that portion of Bull street between Bryan aud State and adjacent streets was under water. At about eleven o’clock a crevasse on a spwU scale oc curred at the curbing or Masonic Salt, |§£g its cel lar in a short time. The force of the torrent of water was so greatVn to make an excavation about thirty feet in length aud eight feet iu width, and a large mass ot earth from the streets was washed iHto the cellars. The stores of Masonic nail are oeupiced by Stuart ft Cos., Halsey, Watson A Cos., and A. C. Lome lino. Messrs. Stuart * Cos. removed all of their goods which were of a perishable nature. Their loss will be sligiit. Messrs. Hulsey, Watson A Cos. will lose about fiat). Mr. Lumellno's loss is fully $1,040, he having in his cellar a large amount ol' perishable properly, and not having been so fortunate as his neighbors in removing it to the upper floor. No damage was done to wauls undermining the founda tion of the building as the water pusaed under the flooring of the area way which Is about four feet above the foundation. The depth of water at pre sent in the cellars ts estimated at four to four and a half feet. Yesterday afternoon it had greatly reced ed by absorption, ami by this morning it Is expected the cellars willbe-eutirely dry. MONTMOLLINVILLE AT AUCTION.—TiIts day at eleven o'clock, iu front of their store, Messrs. Bell, Wyily & Christian, will sell eighty building lots, and two fragments of lots, upon the exstensive lot in this city, known as Montwollinvllle. Tills properly is bounded uti the soutlt by Jones sl£et, and the Central Rail Road Machine 'Shop ; on the east by Wilson street, (which street is west of West Broad), on the west by West Boundary street,running paral lel with"theOgechee Canal, on the south, the boun dary of the lot is near Roberts street. Many of tiie lots ors this property are on high grouud and free from all noxious vapors that might arise from the improper drainage of the Springfield Plantation. But this Is not likely to occur. As re gards the health of tlif3 portion* of our city lying west of West Broad street and sqjtth of the Cential Rail Road, It may be mentioned that only eight deaths of actual residents have occurred in the past three years, and that not one of them died from dis ease contracted from the low lands (Springfield Plantation) iu the Immediate vicinity. It is expect ed that our workingmen and mechanics as well as capitalists will attend the sale and avail them selves of this apportnnity to secure homesteads to good advantage. THB COL’UTS. rr. TOST COURT, nsaTBICTOFSAVAOTAH, BEFOUL CAIT- A. c. Bardwscl, Ashiscast Commitshineu Hr BExC of Lands. Savannah, December I2th, 1565. United States vs. Geo. Henry. Larceny or a Spring- Held musket, Cos, B, U7th N. Y. Vols. Found guilty aud ordered to be luipiisoned in Cliaihum county jail at hard labor lor twenty days. City of Savanuah vs. C. Harrigau. Larceny of cot ton. Case dismissed for want of jurisdiction, de f. u.lant being a white man and Freedman not in terested. City of Savannah vs. July Williams and Robert Green, (both colored.) Larceny of cotton from Bil lon's wharf. Found guilty. The defendants beijjg mere youths and the amount of cotton being of a fritting value, they were discharged with a reprimand. A Lcffler (white) vs. Henry Williams (colored.)— Larceny, Dec. lllli, 1865. The defendant was found guilty and sentenced to hard labor for ten days. Pellec C'O’llt. BEFORE HIS HONOR EDWARD C. ANDERSON, MAYOR. Savannah, Dec. 12, IKCS. The case of Joseph Bryan, charged with disorder ly conduct on Hie streets was called. In consequence of his not being properly subpomed his case was continued. The City of Savannah vs. Michael White, charged with forestalling the market. It appears from the tesliinony that Michael, who Is a man of about fifty years of age, was desirous of becoming a merchant, and accordingly purchased a pair of chickens for one dollar from a countryman’s cart outside of the railing of the market. Mike then oifered the chick ins for sale immediately after purchasing from the Bulloch county farmer, whereupon he was placed upon the Information Docket. Mayor Anderson, after a thorough investigation, found White an old offender, and when he asked him If he had no sym pathy fur the poor, and no scruples against reducing the value of the currency of the United States, #e veteran forestaller answered that he had no sympa thies nor scruples. Mayor Anderson fiued White in the sum of ten dollars or ten days lu the County Jail. The City of Savannah vs. James Morris, disorderly conduct and drunkenness In the streets. Fined $lO and costs. Same vs. Henry BuPt, resisting an officer In the discharge of his duty. Fined $5 and coals. Same vs. P. Corbett, disorderly conduct on the streets. Fiued $0 and costs. Lakoe Salk -of Government steamers.—Op Mouday last Brevet Lieutenant Colonel C- W. Thom as, Chief Quartermaster, sold at Hilton Head, at auction (Messrs York, Williams, Mclutire A Cos., of Savannah, auctioneers,) the following named steam the property of the Uuited Slates: Nejly Baker, sold to J. Bishop for ss,ooo. Si p! une, sold to J. Bishop for $270. Oneota, sold to J. Bishop for $7,000. Croton, sold to J. Fitzgerald for $7,000. Bolden Gate, sold to J. Ames for SIO,OOO Nau tastet, sold to J. Bishop for $11,600. Macon, sold to Mr. Wormsley for S7OO. * Relief, sold to J. Ames for $6,000. a Rescue, sold to Mr. Wormsley for SO,OOO. General Hunter, aide-wheel steamer sold (p Mr. Ruler for $ >4,000. Thu terms of the ssle was rush lu governments l ''unis. There was a allui attendance and bidding was very slow. ' iuUtior oftui Nasbatu driiinancl.-In the I'oluie Court yesturduy, three person* charged with ’■'dating the city ordinances by selling liquor on last Naliiiaih day, weie unsigned M trial Ills Runny upon igmrtnf tbs testimony, one haiged two "iiiie punieu with u warning TM third wuu re ■lOhed loluku uitt u llruuse. Tbs policemen who " l 'v His luforeiuglu, were utuo fiued m llte euut of '■>• doiiuru lueucli i ue«. Iqr vlulutum of llte f'lly licking ine above casus I bs Tuysiuu - The beueglof Mr. Tbuo Mumll on. will' ll was postponed Horn Monday evening M f“'“i | ’*‘» snmmueed lor this evening, M< Matuli "" piew lit# hie sugilied peSwlisllOM of "Mntniet” on ,ue utusanig The tb»alre going public thnnid not * V l ** “W nnuipiwing end iniented young "'l'**** * •<•*••* Him le $ MMM NtM WfkMM Komb*im.-Od Sunday night Mat, Mt P O ksefe, proprietor of the Hsiooti southeast corner of Barnard Mreet and Bay laue, left hi* establishment at about eight o'clock, for the purpuae of t»kmg a walk. Re turning home a few minute* after leu o'clock, he discovered that the Barnard street front door of hi* saloon had been forced upeu. Mr. O'Keefe left m the UU about forty-live dollars all of wbtcb was sto len, together with teu'gallon* or liquor In demijohn*. The City Store In the warehouse on Bay street be tween Barnard and Jefferson street*, was also visited by burglar* on tb* satuu night. The tblevea broke the padlock on one of the doore on Bay lane. Mr. Blair, who has charge of the City Store,. baa not as yet missed any of the stock, yet it is believed the thieves may have carried ofl a shoulder or a aide of bacon. Mr. Biair had employed to watch the City Store two private wutclmien whom he at once dis charged lor neglect of duty. Arrival of the San Jacinto.—The steamship San Jacinto of the Empire Line from New York on Satur day, arrived yesterday afternoon. The San Jacinto was crowded with passengers, iuaiiv applicants for passage having been turned away at New York. She had also a large freight. The San Jacinto had no mail, that having been sent by one of the other steamers which left on the saute day aud which are due this morning. We are Indebted to Purser H. Van lngen of the Nan Jacinto for favors. Tonsoriai.. —The hirsute public will be glad to hear that Mr. B. Slamut, whose barbershop was the first place of business opened after the capture us Savan nah. and lias been in successlul operation ever since, is rcfllttug Ids establishment. A visit ta It last night showed tilings somewhat topsy-turvy, but the altera tions will soon he completed; and tiie shop promises to be one of the best 111 the country, as Mr. Stamm promises to spare no pains in fixtures and genera) accommodations. Periodicals.—We are indebted to Messrs. Estill St Brother far complete files of the N. Y. Herald In advance of tile mail. We isle glad to learn that it ts the intention of these enterprising news dealers to keep on hand not only the latest, but all the imme diate dates of tneN. Y. Herald during the continu ance oi the session of Congress. We have also re ceived from Kstill’s ilie illustrated weeklies. The Nation and Round Table. Rise j.s the ttiVEß—Messrs. Erwin ft Hardee re ceived yesterday morning iron Augusta, a dispatch stating that the Savannah River was oil the rise at Augusta, overflowing the wharves of the city. The steamer Amazon, with over twelve hnudred bales of cotton, had departed for Savannah aud will prob ably arrive fids afternoon. Robbery of Cotton.—On Monday night last the Eastern Wharves were visited by thieves who carried away Lorn one of tiie Cotton Presses, abate of upland cotton. Tiie thieves ntltempted to con vey it up the Itfli near Lamar’s Fhutr Mill, bat flud ing this impossible, they cut the ropes and made off with about oue half of the cotton. We learn that a white luau who drives u dray or wagon is implicated ■ and will forthwith be brought to justice aud severely punished. Underwriter’s Sack.—Messrs. Bell, Wyily A Christian, at twelve o'clock this day, will sell, in the alloy way of Stoddard's Lower Range of Buildings, eighty hale* of damaged cotton. The cotton Is only slightly damaged, not completely soaked. Sudden Death.—Saul, au aged negro, living on tiie premises of Mr. Wi.’kliaai, norm-east corner of Montgomrry-st. and Bay I-and, was found dead yes* terday morning. The deceasd was In apparent good health on Monday night, ft Is supppused he died from old age and general debility. Taxes on Real Estate.-An important uotiflea Mull to owners of real estate from the U. b. Tax Com missioners will be ioiinfl in another column. The roll for tills city has been completed, aud the taxes are to be paid within sixty days, under penalty or fine and forfeiture. Si'eamek Fannie Lehr.—This which was snagged and sunk ta Savannah river near Burton's Ferry on tiie 23d ulf., was raised a few days since by Capt. Ccucklin, of a New York wrecking firm, ami arrived In tills city bit Monday evening last.. For Auihsta - Tfic fast steamer Jas G. Christo pher, Capt. Moody, Is advertised to leave for Augus tu on Thursday at 4 P.M. J. M. Kluchley Is the Agent. tdliippiug laicllit'uutm. Miniature Alissimv—This Day, Sun rises....' '6 63]Moou rises 2 37 Suu sets 4 6fi|l|lgh water 3 62 PORT OF SAVANNAH- Tuesday, Dec. 12, latio. Arrived. Steamship San Jacinto, Loveland, New York—B II Ilardec. Steamer Robert Lehr, Cottrell, Burton's Ferry—O Cohen. , . Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Steamer Kmllie. Bender. Hilton Head Steamer H M Cool, Taylor, Darien—Rogers A Conn ' * Cleared. Steamer Ella, Rowland. Darien—M A Cohen. Steamer H M Cool. Taylor, Darien—M A Cohen. Steamer Fountain, Custncr, Palatka, Fla., etc.—M A Cohen. Steamer Orient, GOldwalthe, Doctortown—Chas L Cotby A Cos. Sieamer Two Boys, Daniels, Doctortown—Erwin dr Hardee. Steamer Helen, Reilly, Augusta—Kelli & Cos. Brig Fannie, Chapman, Darien—C L cqlby A Cos. Weal to Sen. Brig Olive Francis, Small—Boston. < Imports. Per steamer H M Cool, from Darien—l7o bales up land cotton. Passengers. Per steamship Sau Jacinto, from New York—B D Baxter, 0 Apple, F W Bardwell, C M Bailey, E Com stock, wife and infant, MrsS.l Crummer. C'apt C Collins and child, C Carter, H R Cheney, C W Den nis, C Erdeu, I J M Flcfschmaii and ftiTant, .1 J Fisher, P J Flannery, Col Fraser and eervt, F H Gilbert, Mrs A L Gilman’ L H Gomlnian, .1 W Gregory, G B llog- Bom, MHirschfleld, \v B Johnston, T Johnson, C P Lopez, 11 Lawrence, D Lathrop; L D Menvllte, B Mil lon, S S Miller, T M Norwood, Mrs M Pierce, Mrs Parkman and send, J H Park, J 0 Robinson, .1 W Sprague, and wife, Mr Rilev, J F Stoddard, Gen W F Smith, M C Shaw, Col H B Seott, ,1 A Skelton, Mr Terry, .1 Walsh, P Wakefield and wife, C D Wilson, Dr \v M Walsh, wife, child aud 2 eervts, E Wanser, J Weiner. Consignees. Per steamship San Jackito, front New York—Blun <t Meyer, Adam- Ex Cu, Bryan, H A Cos, B Buford A Cos, J S Blair A Bro, M A Coljen, D A- Lyons, J H Gray lull, C L Gilbert, Hamden’s Ex Cos, C W Dennis, B II Hardee. J U llogsou, J lltrschhack, Hunter A G, Rev W H Harrison, W B Johnston, K A Burke, C P Lopez, Lathrop & Cos, SS Miller, M s Meyer, C. G Platen, Buggies A Aldrich, II Seydel A Bro, Van Horn 11 if U, M U Van Dyke, W M Walsh, J Walsch. LIST UF VESSELS IN THE PORT UP SAVANNAH. Savannah, Dec. 13,1866. STEAMSHIPS. , Chase, Koath, discharging—Hunter <t Gamiuell. Sau Jacinto, Loveland, discharging—B U Hardee. SHIPS. Mont Blanc, Donnell. 700, loadlug, Liverpool—La Roche, Gaden A Unckles. Virginia, Weeks, 1,044, loading at Lamar's Press, for Liverpool—O L Colhy A Cos. Thorwulaou, tßr) Rromage, discharging—Reid A Stewart. Favotite, (Br) Spain, discharging—E A Soullard. Herald, Calvert, discharging—U Green A Son. Mozart, (Bi t Smith, lous, discharging —T R A J G Mills. * BARKS. Craeso, (Hr) tons, loading, Liverpool—Hubt 1 Caughey. Tephyulne Boston, dlsrbargliig—Reid A Stewart. 'V A Plauulus, Pmklium, discharging—C L Colby A Cos. Colonist, (Bn Taylor, discharglug-chaa Green A Sou. Couuty of Picton, (Br) McKenzie, discharging ~C Green A Sou. laias. Atlautlo, Wark, lot tuns, discharging—B, Wylly A Christian it Ctt right, Uugg, discharging It Haliersliam A thm., Fn kell, loading (or N V With Umbel - l.elloehu A JollUSOli. Elia, III'OWU, discharging—Hull, Hilly A t'hrlstiau. John VV laivlit, tillllot, wulllug fouge * Ellon. Daniel Boone, walling repairs. flCgOONKhfl. John M Uroomall. Douglass, loading, New lurk Chas l, Colhy a Cos, I’wail, iHi i It lot dou, dleehergliig—Msii Wylly A Christian PNhmlth.Muail, loading, hosuai hh bardsuu A Itoiiiard WflWOf Raleigh, illflchergllig Muhter A Usmmeil Not ie«\ BPaNMHi ■rßlltvMflfsr be .oudeii.u sMu (he ••mg) § W *“jfll « A fl MilitMuMfl f«J AUCTION SALES. AUCTION ” Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening, AT THE STOKE ON BROUGHTON STREET, Third door from Bull, Where will be offered a general assortment of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, luder-t loth lug, Books, Yankee Notions, Jewelry, Ac , Ac., at the §nr chaser’s own prices. Terms cash; sales positive. dl 30 BY YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE CO. AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wyily & Christian, Small Lots of Land. There having been to many applications for Small Tracts of loUnd for location, the owner of the above Land, reeling a disposition to meet this demand has placed iu the market, for a lew days, Lois of Five Aci cs, or more, pari cleared, ou the Augusta Road, op posite to the three mile stone, also ou the White Bluff Hoad, opposite to the two mile stone. tf-ul6 AT AUCTION. OFFICE DEPT QUARTERMASTER. ) Savannah, Ga., Bee. 6, 1866. j Wilt be cold at pallir miction, at the (lovcniment Corral, ai Savannah, Ga., on tbe 141 b day of Decem ber, 1806, übont ONE HUNDRED HEAD OF GOVERNMENT STOCK. Sales to continue from day to day until concluded. Tetrae cash, iu United State* currency. K. B. CARLING, d7-td Bvt Lt. Col. A. Q. M. C. S. A. BY YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO. POST ANB DEPOT, Q. M. OFFICE, I Savannah, Ga., Dec. 11,18t6. f WILL lie Sold at public auction m tills cltv olt tiie 13th lust, at 14 o’clock a. in., the Saw Mill Building on Eastern wharf, formerly occupied by the (Jovern ment. Terms cash In U. S. currency, the building to be removed within five days after sale. E. B. CARLING, dll i Bvt. Lt. Col. A. Q. M. AT AUCTION By Bull, Wyily k Christian. THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, iu front of store, will be eoid. 4 7 lihds Bacon. 14 tes do Sugar, Soap. Candles, Starch, Dry Goods. Ftuul tnre, de., <*e. a Lao, A large lot of Jewelry. dl3 BY BELL, WYLLV & CHIISTIAN. ’ AT PRIVATE SALE. The West Half of Lot No. S, Calhoun Ward, fronting on Jones street. Tiie improvements consist of a finely finished Brlpk Residence containing Ten Rooms with gas throughout, and a well of excellent water aud a fine Force Pump. d!3-tf By Bell, Wyily ft. Christian. AT AUCTION. Wilt sell at auction THIS DAY, in front or afore, at 10 o’clock : The usual aasoi tmeut of Groceries, Dry Goods, Pur allure. • also, * lo casks Canvassed Hams 6 do Shoulders 6 lihds Shoulders - ‘25 kits Mackerel ‘25 bbls Salt . 50 boxes Starch AI.BQ, 6000 Sweet Orange* Terms cteh. d!3 UNDERWRITER’S SALE. By Bell, Wyily A Christian. Tomorrow, WEDNESDAY, at 12 o'clock, iu The Al ley-way of Stoddard > lower brick building, will be sold for account of Underwriters aud all concerned 80 bales Cotton Damaged \on board Howard’s flat on her passage from Doctortowu, and Sold under inspection of Port Wardens Terms cash. dl2 ADMINISTRATRIX’ SALE. BY BELL, WYLLV & CHRISTIAN. On WEDNESDAY, 13th Instant, at \\ o’clock,in front of store will b# sold; . 80 Building Lots, and * 2 fractions of Lots, situated iu that portion of the city of 9 .vammh known as MontmoUiuville, on the south side of the Central Railroad Depot. Sold by older of the Superior Court of Chatham county for the benefit o» the heirs and crditois of the est Ate of the late John 9. Montmolhn, deceased. The property presents a rare opportunity for capi talists io make a profitable investment. V ale positive, t erms cash, purchasers payinr for itles. aO-td • By Bell. Wylly S. Christ bin- AT PRIVATE SALE. 46 acres of fine Garden Land, within the limits of the city- The Improvements consists of a first class cottage dwelling, gothic slyle, containing six huge rooms, wilh marble mantel piece, dining room, kitchen, library room furnished wilh shelves and gluasdoois. Outbuildings consists of tarm house, containing seven rooms, burn, carnage bouse and stables. Purcha er ran havelhere fusal of can, fodder, bay. horses, mules, buggies and wagons. ... - s Alao. 2430 acres ot heavily timbered lanA, situated twenty (iu) niiha from the city, between the Ogeecliee and Caboochee Hoads. An excellent loeatlon for a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation, luo acres of the above cleared. Improvements consists of two small dwelling hpuMts with stables, oiibs, Ac. tf-ulB ~ at private sale.. By BeU, Wylly A Christian. 100 acres of Land, situated on the Vernon river, alamt -nine miles from this city, The improvements consist of dwelling, barn, stables, aud other nercs. sary outbuildings. An abundance of fish, oysters shrimp, Ac., con veniently obtained. Price, of property , $2:000. n2B-tf LIME AT AUCTION. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. On WEDNESDAY urxL December 13, at 11 o'clock, at the Lower Hydranlle Cetton Press, will be sold for account of all concerned: Abont 60 bushels damaged Lime, In bhlk About 75 bushels air slacked Lime, do About 450 bbls Lime, In bulk. • Conditions at gale. dll * ADMINISTRATOR’S SAL*. < ’ BY BLUN & MEYER. On THURSDAY. 21st Inst.. *t 10 o’clock, a. m„ will be sold In front of store, by an order Issued from the Hon. Court of Ordinary of Chatham county - All the Household Furniture belonging to tbe estate of Henry Herman, deceased. d3 GEO. QEMENDBN. Adm’r. BROWN’S C ASTI L LI AN BITTERS THIS unrivalled Tonic prepared from t lie Pure Juice or the Grape and extracts, distilled from the Choicest Vegetable products of the South of France, Italy and the Province of Castile (Old Spain,) from which latter aectiou they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, indispensable to Hoteln aud Restaurants, and valuable to Families, delicate females and children, lor all disarrangement of the stomach, It la unrivalled. A never faillug preventive aud Cute for Sea Slcknese. None who travel by luud or water should bt without tbe CastUUuu. For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, MeINTIKE A Cos. gole Agents, Stale Georgia. OCgtjHg SURE (THE FOR THE UHII.LS AND FEVER AND KINDRED DISEASES. INQUIRE at the MORNING STAR SALOON, cor net liay street lame and Hull street Positive cure In one day or uo pay OVdW J. C. KOCH, JNu lift lift! 14mull Mfrttfti Cot net us Wllllsui, NEW YORK, Mil let r,,,n **’ *' _____ Kerosene Oil, In turrets *afl mass, at idfhair* itkiiemm, UMwifeflEM AUCTIONS. Auction Sale of Provisions, Hams, Bacon, Ac Notice I, called ID Grovers, Prevuuou healers, ami Ship Chandlers at this action. On WEDNESDAY, Utli tost., will lie sold at the store of Kenneth. Me Lea A Cos, 'Art Bay street, at 10 o'clock 4 lihds very choice thin Bacon Sides 3 bbis celebrated Washington llama, white su gar cured. 11 bills very choice N. Y. City cured Bams, o do do do . do Shoulders, is firkins leaf Lard, aud 3X tubs Lard 10 do Butter, choice Y lihds smoked Shoulder, Y do do Bacon 1 do ilo Hums 11 tes breakfast Bacon, choice 10 bbls Hump Pork 10 do Prime Pork 14 do Mess Beef, suitable for .hip’s store, BLUN A MEYER. dIY Auctioneer,. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. By T. S. Waisli. On TUESDAY, January, 6th, 1866, will be sold At the Court the city of Savannah, at 11 o’clock- Eastern Half of Lot No. 11 Jackson Ward, ffee simple, with Improvement*;, corner of Whitaker and Huil street*. The improvement* are a two story brick tiwelliug. nine rooms, with water in the yard and gas through the house : brick aUble. both build ings have slate roots. Hold by permission of the Ordinary of Chatham county, fora divi.-ion among the heirs. Terms cash, purchaser paying for tit le*. n24 ADMINISTRATORS SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, will be sold on thu first Tue* day in February next, at the Court-House door, in the city of Savannah,, during the usual hours of sale, all the undivided half interest of James Bilbo, late deceased, in the Hhandy Hull farm, situated neur the city of Savannah on the Thunderbolt road ; said farm containing In all flfey acres, more *r less The said half interest sold for the pui pose of di vision JOHN JJ. FERRILL, U7-td .Administrator. EXECUTOR'S SALE. WILL be sold at the Ardcilla Plantation of E. R. Young, late of Tuotnas county, deceased, three miles from Boston, No. 18 Atlantic A Gulf Rail road, on Frld.iy, 15th December next, all the perish able property belot ging on said plantation, consisting for the most part a r, follows; About 20 Mules and Horses, 140 Fat Hogs, 200 Stock Hog*, ou head Cattle, and 5,000 BUSHELS 08. CORN, 20 or 30 slacks Fodder, 2 or 3 Wagons, Sugar Mill, a large supply of Plantation Utensils, and many other things. At the same time and place I will rent the Planta tion (one of the largest and best In the county; for the year 1860. There is about 1,100 ACRES OF OPEN LAND on the place, and in fine condition for another Crop corn oreotton. 1). 8. HRANIKJN, tiiao Executor. WHOLESALE Bools, Shoes and Brogans. M. KRAUSS, 140 Congress and 5? St. Julian Streets, SAVANNAH, GA., Is enabled, through his permanent hoine iu Boh ton, to furnish Joeber* anil Dealers in this city, as well as those in the country, with BOOTS AND SHOES at more reasonable rates than any other house. dll-tf ■ NOW LANDING AND FOR SALe7 | Boxon, Mi ft and caddies Toliacco, which we as W are now ofi'ei lug at prices lower than it ’can be bought for in Northern cities. MiI.LEU, THOMAS A CO, Dll-tf NO. 206 Bay streset. Brown’s sihimlokl Scales. T T9ED by the United Stutea aud Foreign Govern vJ meats for more than THIR r Y YE A 119, Adapted to any branch of business for foreign or home markets Warranted accurate and durable. Sales rooms No. 3 Rarcl&y-st , near Broadway. N«. Y. ■epl*, ly K. BROWN. Manufacturer. JOHN MrBRYMAN. * B. U. WARING. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmers’ and Planters’ Agency FOR the sale of Guano, Fertilisers, Liye Stock, Im plements aud Machinery, Beeds ; &c. 67 W. Fayette Street, BALTIMORE. Refer to John S. Gifting*, President Chesapeake Bank ; Chas Goodwin. Cashier Fninkltn Bank, Haiti more; E C. Wade 4 Cos. aud P. H.ftfrihu, Savannah n!4 3m GUANO. PERUVIAN and Swan Island Qusnos, Superphos phates, and the Bruce Concentrated Fertilizer, arc ottered to tin- Trade at the lowest wholesale prices, by GKO. E. WHITE A CO., 66 Cliff street. New York. nie-Sm Magazines for December. HARPER’S MONTHLY Mad. D* morest’e Mirro r ol Fashions Atlantic Monthly. . At ESTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, n2T-tf - Ball street, t>a«k of P. O. C RUT C HES. IT'IRSTand only premium awarded at the American I Institute Fair, 116’), and Slate Fair of Pa, 1865, for Crqtches. Hartman’s patent Klaatic Rubber Ctutcnos are pronounced by surgeons, and else, to lie the very tiest ever Invented. They are easy mid con venient, Ihey prevent paralysis of the nerves, do away with all tho weaHnea* inseparable from the use of all others, and are In all respects unrivalled. Send for it circular. Agents wanted every where LOVEJOY & Ta V LOR, Sole Manufartnrers, No. 476>J Broadway, N.JY. tm-n‘23 Cloaks, Cloaks. LA IHKS* Cloth Cloaks, a fine assortment. Just re ceived by steamer. St. Andrew’s Hall. TfilS Hall will be rented for Balls, Concerts, Ac., Ac. Apply to Mr. Mayer, under the Hali, or to DAVID R. DILLON, P3O-12 224 Bay street. DISSOLUTION.* THE firm of Laltochc, Guden A Unckles was dis solved en the Ist In9t. by the wifbdraival qf Isaac D. LaKeclie. The business will be coutluued under tbe name of Gaden A Unckles. at the old atand, corner Bay and Barnard streets, J. 1). Laßuche retaining an office with us fur the present. isaac and. Laroche. • benjamin g. gaden, DAVID S. UNCKLES. Savannah, Dec. 1. 1365. d4 Hart & Cos., hardware merchant** CHUHiEITON, S. C., OFFER FOR SALE AT THEIR OLI) STAND, Corner Ming and Market gtrtels, GUN 8, REVOLVERS, SHOT & POWDER “HOES’’ CIRCULAR SAWS, $ To tin INCH AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS BAR IRON AND STEEL METALS OF ALL KINDS BUILDING MATERIALS TIN AND WOODWABK HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES HOLLOW WARE OF ALL KINDS TURPENTINE AND COOPERS’ TOOI.M BRASS AND IRON WIRE CIiOTH bolting currn ranchor hrandj mill Hocks (i« 'ro 40 incid MILL IKON SILVER PLATED UOOlfti 111 BBS. SPOKEN, AXIA MPBINGM, MM A DAMMM V AMim UftMTMMM (flUUtfll, AT JfMLBHE AND DETAIL. PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale aud Retail Dealer In Foie UEQCerieo. Buou and Shoe*. Clothing, Fur ctgt. and Domestic Winn., Uquuia and Segals. A'so, Skehan's Celebrated * GOLDEN ALB AND CHAMPAGNE CIDKH. iu bottle aud iu wood. London And Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng Itih Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to tbe trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH, dll-tf and 62 Liberty street, N Y. Robt. Balfore’s, 151 Broughton Street, IS the place for good and cheap Groceries. Give him a cull; he offefs for sale the following articles: 2i 0 bbls Family Flour 200 do Pinkeye and Peach Blow Potatoes 10H0 IbH choice Hams Shoulders and 91 Jes 100 sacks Liverpool Balt • Black and Green Teas crushed, Clarified and Brown Sugars Old Java. Rio and Ground Coffee Spices of all kinds Sardines, Preserves, Citron, Ac Hecker'e Self Rising Flour Colgate’s Family Soap Goshen Butter English Dairy Cheese Just received and for sale* Give me a call. do 0 KIRLIN, BED. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALBS, U IMS AMI LIQIORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND UAI LAME. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED It DELIVERED. H. G. RUWE & CO., ‘Wholesale'* GROCERIES § LIQUORS, WINES AND SEUARS, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Square, (FRONTING 811, A SKI HUVYEJ W Agents fyr ALE AND LAGER. .Constantly on baufl, an auortment of nziEXN wxpaxi. SopYS 3m FLOUR. OKA BARRELS Baltimore City Mills, “Standard GUU Extra." in prime shipping order 6,004 prims “ Principe” Segals Received ex steamer North Point, and for sale low by ' SORREL BROTHERS, dll-3 82 Bay afreet. WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDY, WINES, tc. Peach V-alley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whlekey, Pike’s Magnolia, bpeucer’a Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. P OR SAkE BY C. W. THOMPS ON, At the Old Stand, XU BAX STREftT. (Herald Buildings j ' —r *LSO, ’ . Aleop’s Ale, Mars’ Ale, Apples. Potatoes, Onloua Pit kies, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar oct6 * ts J. GARDNER TAKES the llbsrty of informing the public generqjly that be ha* jua; op«ued, and will always Keep on hand a full supply of Proah Family Groceries, of all descriptions aud of the best quality, which he oilers for safe at reasonable rub*. Corner June* and Barnard streets, at Ehrlich's old stand. nlb lm f FOREIGN A , I SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS or— Ch. Faire Champagnes * FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. auSO 7 GROCERIES. IANDING from eteamablp Cambria the following -A nrtlclea: Milk Blacult Sponge Butter Biscuit Cut Butter Biscuit . Oyster Cracker Soda Cracker 18 hhds Smoked Shoulder. 17 do do d# . 26 kegs leaf Lard 26 keg. Extra Butter Crushed, Pulverized B And Extra C Sugars , Klo Coffee 36 boxusNew Bunch Kalslng to half do do 1, 160 bbls Winter Apples 64 boxes Adamantine Candles For sale low by RUE, WHITNEY A CO., - dT 6 No. 4 Harris Block Bay it. E. W. MARSH & CO., DRUGGISTS, GIBBONS BUILDINGS, Corner oDCongress and Whitaker Streets, HAVE thoroughly refltted their eatabUslunent, and replenished with a general assortment tit Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, l atent Me dlclnes. Faints,Oils, Garden Seeds, die. Ac,, Ac., they solicit tbe pstrouage of their friends Particular attention will he given tb tbe cargfnl preparation of prescriptions. dll 1m FOR AUGUSTA. The Steams r • James I*. Christopher, Oflpij. M. MOODY. Will hfive foi the shove place on Thtll’uilltjr Hiv’d, kl a tpolotilc, This hind is ul light draught and vary last, afld having pun.based hy the owners of the H U May, wiu mu lit iyhawlhiu with har Foi Irslgbl, apply os t. barlaatou M hart to <*" l M, Ayaul For Augusta, TMH >TKAMkM B. H. MAY, SUSS " - _ mwaw. fob - newyork JrSVv . Th " brl * OLIVE FRANC*. F. A. Small, master, is now loading for the port For tntgbt, apply to (.hauler l. colby a co., B ® Corner A barber* aud Bay sta Empire Lin©. FOR NEW YORK. Atlantlu Mail Steamship’ Compnhy. The new and (aM side-wheel »te*m- SAN JACINTO, Loveland, mas- will sail a* above, on Ratarday, Dee. I6th, at o’clock. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply to B. H. lIARDEE, No. 19 Stoddard's Range. GARRISON A ALLEN, Agents, dll No. 8, Bowling Green, N. T. Pioneer Line. FOR NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! f aMn Pa**age, $» N Beck, ill M f Tb* new and splendid steamship HUNTER. Rogers, commander, will leave for the above port on her regu lar day,, Saturday, Oeecmbea 18, ai O’clock, For Height or pa Mage-, having superior accommo dations. apply to dlB HUNTER ft GAMMELL. Pioneer Line ' FOR *■.. ’ * NEW Jggg YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! The new and splendid steamship CHASE, Boath, Commander, will leave for the above porlou her regular day, Wglataday, Dec. 13, at 3 o'clock p. an. For freight or passage, at reduced rates, apply to dlt HUNTER ft GAM MILL. FOE JACKSONVILLE, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS’ AND FERNANDINA. ' THE STEAMER FANNIE, CAPTAIN MoNELTY, Is now receivln freight at tbe old Florida steamboat wharf foot of West Broad street, aud win leave as above on Wedmesday, 13tb last., at * a. in. This boat is in very excellent order, and baa su perior state room accommodations tor passengers. For freight or passage, apply to F. M. MYRKLL. Agt. dll Harris’ Buildings, Bay street. FOR PALATKA, VIA FERNANDINA AND JACKSON VILLE. Tb* new, exceedingly fast and splendid Steamer CITY POINT, Capt. E 8. Talbot, , t-fv! Will leave Telfalr’e W harf, aa above, Kv.ry Wednesday, at ft p. at. . For freight or passage apply to R. W. A DAMS, or J. 8. CARKUTHKRS, Hodgson’s Range, next so Bell, Wyily ft dll Cbrixtian, Bay street. For Doctortown AND * Thomasville. The Steamers Gan. Shepley, * " Orient, and v ‘ . OUirion, Will mates Tri-weekly Trips to Doctortown, in con nection with the Atlantic aud Gulf Railroad, leaving Savannah on Tuesdays, Thursday* and Sundays. Tnrough freight payable by shippers at oor office. Freight recolved daring the weak, and stored free of expense. For freight or passage apply to „ CHAS L. COLBY ft CO., oßu Corner Abercorn sad Bay streets. FOR AUGUSTA; AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. The light-draught steamer EXPRESS, Capt. ?. H. MORGAN, Will have quick despatch as above. This boat Is new, has large carrying capacity, la exceedingly light draught, can navigate the river at lta loweet stage, and offers superior Inducements to shippers. Having secured a large brick warehouse on the old Florida steamboat wharf, loot of West Broad street. 1 am prepared to receive freight for her, and will shire same and cover with Insurance free of cost. For freight, apply to F. M: M V HELL. dl> Harris’ Building, Bay street. Regular Weekly Steamer BETWEEN AUGUSTA SAVANNAH. The New Iron Htsamer WM. O. GIBBONS, Capt. T. N. Fun.for, Uavlug superior accommodation for Freight and Passengers. VIII ply regulsily between the above clue*. leaving Savannah every Malurday Morning, at e o’clock, I .saying Augusta evary Wednesday Morning, alt o’clock. l aying at Matbsw s Hlafl svan WsAaaaday Night It is the deetia nl the Agents of lhs utbboti, hi muse bar a permanent A<<qmmufl*t|ok Boat fur the Mw iTiiiiiiiT’Hv'''*-*' jci.hjßwßriSf FOB iDBDSTA, Jr** miplpmr •Mippnta. For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S. FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new and fast sailing Steaaaer LIZZIE BAItER, Capt. N. King, Havingbsen placed permanently upon this root* will leave for the above place* ou Every Thursday Morning, at 10 o’eloek. . 'a 1 ?* 11 or P“*»ge, having splendid cabin ac b°ar<t “ the Plorld * S,e »“ (f CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, —... Agent*. Ciiange of Day. UNlTffiTj STATES MAIL IdNK FOR PALATKA. FLA.. VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, FERNANDINA JACKSON . VILLE AND PICOLATA. . The well known steamerjormerly thedßt. Johns, bat Helen Getty, Capt. O. H. INGRAHAM, teavo ,L ha wharf foot of West Broad *tr«.e EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, st 10 H?tockSf cisely for the above Landings. ““ pr# * For ireight or passage, apply o* board or to L. 8. BENNETT, Agent, Corner West Broad stul Bay streets, AesHTs—Darien. A. A. DeLorme. . Jacksonville. J. 8. Samis ft Cos , Palatka. H. R. Teasdsie. Freight payable by shippers. For Doctortown, The fine Bteamer CLARION Will leave for Doctortown on her regular day, Thursday Dec. I», at 1 o’clock a. at. connecting with the Atlantic ft Gulf a RT For ireight or passage, having superior ffecommo uatious, apply to CHAS. L..OOLBY ft CO., a Corner Bay and Abercorn aerert#; REGULAR WEEKLY STEAMER BETWEEN " . * Savannah & Doctortown, Connecting regularly and pnnctoally with the At iantlc and Golf R.R. w* The new, ll|ilit.<lr»uyht, iron aide.wheel steamer T W O LO YS (Mate boat to the William 0. Gibbons,; * Capt. THOMAS DANIELS, Having superior accommodation for freight < pnssengi're equal to any of the ocean rteamm. Sn ply regularly Itetween the above polnu, ™"*’ wUI Leaving SAVANNAH every TUESDAY wnßNiuo tbe merchant* and planters alone that ?t?.A ? • antil the completion of > with this object in view, no effort will be spared on tbe part of her owners, agents und of “ngpubl“ eet ,De W,UtS ° f the and trevel- Freight stored In our warehouse on Dillon’, wharf free of charge. ERWIN ft HARDEE ' D. JamisDillom. Ag’t at Doctortown. dl‘f-2w steTm FOR BALTIMORE. Tire mignittcent iron side-wheel Steamslilp RICHMOND 4^9 r <k ' • * sfiil for Baltimore on . . 4 •■tor.l.y, Dee. lft, at _ o’clock. hundred of‘^^° r . ther 2 citles ’ save lwS For Ireight or passage apply to dll-6 LxHOCHfi & WEST, Agent*. ' Jones' Block. i • . FOH ~ HAWKINSVfLLE AND MACON. • 1• . . THE stmambti COMET, CAPTAIN HQHNE. iT o' “ * bo ' e wlth de «P*'cli- For freight. Which Will be received at the Upper Hydraulic Presa 1 ard, and covered by Insurance until placed on board the steamer, apply to n '“' BBIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. FOR ' Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St. Thomas, Para, Pernambuco ail Bahia c . The FoJlrd States and Braall Mall regSrrty P C °“»“ y WUI *h« ‘39tk of every month, A NEW AND FIRST CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at .3 o’clock, p. ns.. From Pier 43, North’River. All letters htvo to pass through the Poet Office An experienced Surgeon will be In attendance on board. datum*, e apply*o “"**«** “»vlng a Pl end.d accommo, octflldlin 4 N ” NewToik. For Liverpool. 56 A . No - 1 Nblp MONT BLANC la now VTlta r l‘Si d T ANARUS» i <> *i' L ng ’ Puss. For bsl '^ hI ■ ll ‘ vl b« room only for a few ' hundred bales) tnquli7of . .at *r LaROCHE, GADEN A UNCKLES. Agents. For Liverpool. The new (rat clam clipper ship VIRGINIA, WEEKS. Commander, Is now utsdii # rapidly ol Istwsr Frsaa, and havlag large aMgagsmanls will have quick dmgoh’b pm Irelgki « paaaago ftaksn at Uwast re4ac) apply to CUA* L. CULM* a tl», sriW "SMi Ahsttoia sqfllto, «ra FOR LIVERPOOL. ■* HK * ’ s fiAtufif f . UF