Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 14, 1865, Image 4

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The Siruaah Daily ImM tmi moat PKCKMBKM I*. «»»»■ COMMERCIAL. AUGUSTA markkt. August* CouilbercUl Bulletin. corrected fj.r Sa vannah Hkkai.ii, semi weekly, l>y Maud. * Wright. Ortton Factors *«d Wholesale Commission Mir chant*. Evening Dec 11. IS*. River 4 1 , lect aud rislug slowly. Weatlter damp “steamere in port—O F Potter. Amazon, Gibbous. Caldwell. Enos and Oak. Tin cotton market closed dull To-iluy. Hovers ate not itels’Sed to purchase at the prices asked, while sellers are not willing to yield to their demands, think inn that prices must rule higher after the Ist ol Junu arv Within the next two mouths the great '"ilk ol the Colton in Georgia will be sem lor ward. Stock in city 30.000 liales. Receipts for week ending Dee. », 4 odo bales Shipments 1,500 bales. Large amounts of cotton havea-cumulated here awaiung shi|>mertl to till seaboard. The low stage of n . er in the Sa vannah River for the past mouth as prevented steamers from making regular Hips, v t.-ti accounts for the fallmg off of receipts in Savannah. Several cotton plantations til this vicinity have changed hands lately, the purchasers being prlnet pallv parties from the North. • Gold—l47aH*. Georgia K. ii. Bauk Bills—Me. Central do—93c. Bank of Augusta do—Sue. Citv Bauk do—2oc. ?nn n do—loc. Mechanics’ do—loc. Bank of Hamburg—2sc. Georgil K. R. Stocks—The. Central do—7oc. Cotton—Strict Middling 39 a 4‘te. 4 4 Augusta Sheeting unchanged, Sle. 741 do do do 26c. “bails do 33. Osaaburgs do gSc. Print*—3o a 32c. . Yarns—7a a 89c. Bagging—Gunny firm, 3T 4 4tte. Rope—Hemp. Greenle.if, firm. 25c. \aiis assorted sizes—sl2 per keg. Candles Star—3oo.. Adamantine 34 a 36c. Soap Brown Family—lß a 20c. Wheat Rert-$2 25 a 2 50; White $2 75 a *3 per bushel. Corn in sacks—sl so. Oats—sl a 110. Meal—sl 84. Flour—Superfine sl4 a 15 ; Family Extra sl6 ; Double Extra $lB per l>bi. Buckwheat in sacks —12)$c per lb. Bbls SIS. . Bacon Heavy—2s a 26c. Hams—S. C. 30 a 35. - laird—Prime Leaf 30c. Buffer Quiet—Choice Goshen 50 a 55c. Molasses—New Orleans $125. Svrups-.Golden $t 85 n 2. Fish-Mackerel In kits No. 2 #4 25 ; No. 1 $4 76 ; Bbls’Xo. 1 $29 ; No. 2 $27 50. Cod Kish—Nominal, no demand at 15c. " Coffee—Rio, 32a35c ; Java, 55a60c. Sugar—Brown Coffee, 20c , Crushed and Powder ed. 24a2Se. Rice—New, Hal Sc. Hominy—Grits, {1 6ft per bushel. Te&***-1) ill I and heavy. Liquors—Dull and heavy. Corn Whisky, $2 2T»a fc-j sft; Rye and Bourbon, s‘2 25a54 2d. O’Xeille rs; Co.’s Philadelphia Ale, slßas2o per bid. Demand good. cigars—Dull. Domestic. s2oas7s per 1000. Ghesm Heavy English Dairy, ;Rk* ; Western Re serve, 22a2»c. Apples—Dull and quiet, s3as7 perbbl, onions—Quiet, |4ass perbbl. Potatoes—Northern. s7asß per btd. Salt—Liverpool in demand at s7as7 60 por sack. Dried Fruit-Dried Teaches pealed, 20a23c ; Dried Apples pealed, Isalßc. Leather—Sole, 30aty>C lor Calf Skins; slOoasP-oper dozen. Powder- Sporting, ftOc. Shift-sM sftass p«*r bag. NEW NOVELS OUR MUTUAL FRIEND; by (’has. Dickens, Com plete and unabridged, oue voinme, lilustrabd. Price sl. Bose Douglas. Price $1 60. Lover's '1 rials. Price $1 60. Red Court F«rm,*by Mrs. Henry Wood. Pi ice 75c. Self-Sacrifice. Price $1 50. Mildred Arkell. Krice $2. EueL Lynne : or, the Karl's Daughter. Price 75 r. Angeline ;by the uuthor of " The Gift. * Price 50c. The Banker’s Secret; by the author of “Gus How ard.” Price »uc. Sir .lasper’MTenant; by Mrs. Braddou. Price 76c. Match Making. Trice 50c. Hickory llall; by Mrs. Southworth. Piic® 50c. Georgo Francis Train’s Speech to the Fuuians.-- Price 26c. The Hush Rangers, price $2 fto. Major Jones* Sketches of Travels, 75 eta., and further supply of his other works. Also the complete works ol Dlckilis, Walter Scott and other favorite ail tliors. Cheap editions, at KSTILLS* NEWS DEPOT, Bull street, Back of the Post Office, Down Stall's. nov 24 tr NOTICE. THE undersigne<] would respectfully inform hie former patrons and tii«* ciiiccne generally th it he is prepat od again to take contracth to batfd new or repair wharves. Pile-driving done byateem pile-driver. d7-6m F. KRKNSON. LINVILLE & "GLEMn” SA. VAN JNAII. AGENTS POII MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 Conrtlaiiilt Street, York. MANUFACTURERS OP ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridge, Car, Ship or Band Hook,’ A.RD BOILER BOLT, SETT SCREWS, COACH OR LAC. SCREW'S. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUND AND SQUARE WASHERS, Turnbuekles, Bolt Kncla, Taps and Dies, «Sco. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD .SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES -tCAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. KNOJNKKKS’ STOKES COAL OIL. TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, &o.; ENGINEERS' TOOLS, "t every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, . SCREW PUNCHES, FILES, CHISELS, &o, TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. \VIRK, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRL'MEN’IU, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER &c. Al«) M»nuf»cturer« of the BEST OIK TINNED BELTING MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS LHULiJa, PUNCHES AND SHEARS STAMEN. JINKS, STATION arv and port able SAW MII.IJC, SAWS. A-'. - f'-’ u FOR SALE. To Arrive. I ,14 NHLH BOOK I AND LIME BUIE I'UMIOKb IMNi *.DM llAhg I ftO (muikm HKBBINO Tin el, .»«, "MugilMU, >K< iA.MO ..I |k.i jXweST Groceries, &c. •Zfk BARRELS Crushed A. B and C Sug.m O" jn bfxt* While Cohn f»ur* r 20 bap* Java »nd Rio Ousts I*. barrel* rfcotee fcvtp 3<j barrel* Pilut and Navy Br***d ;«• barrel* choir** Family Flour 10 i>at k v** aaaoriart tracker* to httxi‘o Family, Pale and No. I Soup 20 boxes Speriri and AdNtuaiitim* Caudle* 90 a*M>rt**«l Pickle* 10 caaes English do 10 cos*** Worcestershire, Chutney and other Sauces 5 cases beat Sweet Oil 50 whale, half, and quarter boxes Raisins 25 drums New Fig** ID cam Prunes. MUctat oni, Vermicelli For sale by dk-eud2w GLAGIIuRN A CUNNINGHAM \rrm. D. Hanli n, » ATTORNEY AT LAW, 176 Bay street, Hl4 1m fcftVftuouh. IST otice. HOCK BY, HANCOCK. COUNTY,! Notemb.k Hi 1855. f I AM making preparation* to receive a larger bum her of pnpils into my School, w hich I expect to r*. open on tiie 22d of January next. la. made for a Boy’s Reading Room and Library. ( n»rgcs for board and tuition, per term of twenty (go) weeks, *225 (10. • Pupils must furnish bed clothes, (for double bed steads) washing cup, towels and candles. I shall keep no pupil wb.. cannot make reasonable improvement, nor one in whose veracity I rnnnoi con Ode. Charges must he paid iu advance, bu! I shall re fund rateably when a pupil is removed for any < nn-T. A German Teacher of Music resides near me who will give lesson. at usual rates to those wiio have any faleut in that line, and may desire to improve il. Person* who may wish to send their sous or wards ought to make application soon. R. M JOHNSTON, d#-eo<l3 P. o. Sparta, Ua. FOR SALE. THE undersigned offers for 'Hit- hi* welbkiiown valuable Plantation, Coastin'* Bluff, by >h(- river, within three miles of this riiy, nud extending to Au gust! he Creek, containing between » or WM acres, the greater portion ricetaiid. The properly has many hand *ome srtes for residence*, and from Its proximity to city, is likelji to hnprov rapidly 1» value. Forfurthe particulars apply to dtf codlm KOB’T HABBUSHAN H. HAYM, 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the newest styles, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COLNTERPA NFS, HOSIERY, Ac. Just received and fur sole at the lowest prices hy 0r123 H. HAYM. PAVILION HOTEL For Kent. r PHAT well-known, desirably located, and highly I popular establishment, situuted on Bull street, between South Broad and Hull streets, occupying four entire lots of 60 hy yo feet each, and the lane be tween them, and containing about forty room*, in now offered for rent. The party renting thin property will be required to make the ueceeshry repairs aud give satisfactory se curity for the punctual payment oi reqt. JOHN M. COOPER, nov7—tf Pree’t Union Society. ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, MANUFAUTURBRsS aud Dealers in Builder*' and L<‘ck*miths’ Hardware. Nails, Pulliee, Cord, Rim l.oiks and Kn<»l>£, Butt Hinges, Brasa and Iron Key* aud Castingm Gong Belli?. Wire, Silver-Plating, All orders, large or small, furnished promptly at lu per cent, less than market prices. erplD (Jin LAND AGENCY FOR SOUTHERN GEORGIA. THE subscriber, formerly oi "avaiinah, and resident at Black eh ear, Pierce ouanty, Ga . on the Atlan tic it Gulf Railroad, wdi gjvt bia persoual und undi vided attention to the Mbe and purchase ol Lands contiguous to the said railroad, on commission, and solicits the patronage of all needing an agent there. A a experience in the laud, lumber and limber busi ness of twenty years in Georgia and 8011th Carolina, guarantees ample qualifixation. He will be repre sented in Savannah by Mr. Henry Bryan, aid in New York by the Great Southern Land Agency, 71 Broad way. JOHN V DKLANNOY. Refers to any old resident in Savannah. seplS 3m ESTABLISHED 1826. Between Broadway A Greenwich Street. oet27 :tm Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL A RUOft, Proprietors B. §. »ID»«LL. M. B. UUHW ju3-tf SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON HEAD, S. C., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. BUCKLY & BANCROFT, Proprietors. Ki>wakd L. Jones, Agent ts . octio THOS. H. AUSTIN, forwarding and Commissiou Merchant, No. nr. BAY STREET, (up 6TA1B8) di2-3m* SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ••• CONSTITUTION WATER in, without doubt, the only known remedy 10. UIABKTKti. CALCULUS, OR A V El., Bhli 'K DUS'I DBPo; I t’S. IRRITATION OP THE NKOK BLAHbIIK, INFAMMATION t»K THE KIDNIIYB • ATAKHUOP THIS HLADId.K, FKMAI.K lItKKoi'LABITIES i '< rlili-at.-s of wire* Iron, well die, wn ne.eoli. limn all part* of tli» country in cuculsr. «111 1... „.|,i „„ drtaslllg MOMGAN Jr AIJ.KN, Au’li .113 .i% No. 4o Ulifl nu, New York J. SHAFFER, Oummlwwlou Oonlur lu ell kli«l» of EOUKIUN AND I* jMKmTK' FIHTTh 4«n I'UOUUI •*, Who W.aui-uro* M.iiiri, OM-twite 14* Went «U, HulkluwN h-tw—n liar, ley and VtNM*y dii, _. N K W YOKE l a I'M a. A,.ulus andonlmunonylat.ily mi Baud and l»al an lot u„ Ceiinmn market I'l'dn.dl y all. nk'd Bn *tffn *' '•»“‘ ,l "l'i * Marwood, T I . Y., "" I tdWdul l,u —Hr Scotcn Ale. **H DHI IN»dVMw*a» . CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, 4t >M I*4 >SKI* OK R »l)lUK (»K COTA**!CM, Willi THE coM!*ol Nl* roN’c’EN TKATRD KI.l ll) EXTRA! 1’ <*K V A I,CABI.K MEUM’INAL R(M>Ts AXU HERBS. Pr«t|*artal by WM. H. GREGC. M. D., 12ra*hnit4» us thv • •«*//**•/♦* o' I ko.iH'Mn* ana Stuynnt*, AV to l'o**A ronm rly Assistant I‘himn um iu thf fil l' K uril's Island 1/nsjtifn/s. Vi INSTITUTION I JFK SYUFP lia* pnsiij* « and * revolution in Medicine. Whai ioa> scviualiuuat incredible is, nt**j dis eaH>a liltli« rto .-ulindertsl l»opc|i-H*|y iin uiaMe are Lc iiin nMy eno-d in *f’ 4 " «l»>* »>i vs.ek-, und w< cli**er -11111 ~'x, ,• ihe imesiig.ilMisuf the lilsral mindc.laial srientidc to cures whu U have no paralhd at the pn**- lh« p*'l dv«* years we have > untended with ohsUkU* and owteome oppoeiium as herculean ae were ever encountered by any RAPIDITY OF CURE • Som** cay. • V*»III eulos aiet»»o qui« k," while others .I..uia lie n p«*rmanenci*, and think that dTseaar* • un ,mly Ik* . ured by the “alow, secupeiatlvo jHroress ol N The i» mir r* ply In health, the Imdy, like a wtM lw In need s. il«‘. is in a sial<j ol equilibrium But when, ir.un any c*use, dnwu goes one side of the scale, we hrtvw the ( ffects of disease. What is icquieite, is tJie-f bime the normal balance of the scale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Is a j-o ltiv* andspeciiic renicnyfor all di-eases «-rigi niting from au impure stuteof the Blood, und for all (iieiediiary) diheases transinittud b om parent to child PARALYSIS. It i* so universally admiffed that Constitution Life Syrup is tu» onlv effective mean* of restywltan in the. various forms »l Paralysis, that we neediot reiterate that it is emphatically the Great-Life-givWg Power. DYSPEPSIA. Tndige-tion. Weight at Stomach, Klatnlenre. Live CoiuplainL w-»nt of Appetiie, Bad Breath, Coletipation. Hilliousiicss. SCROFULA. * Struma. King’s Evil. Glandular Swelling-, Erysipelas. Ulceration, Salt Rheum. Tina taint fhenaliUn j and acquired), filling life with unfold misery, K hy .Ul usual racdn al lemedies, in curable. RHEUMATISM. lArihntia), Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Mout, Tic Doloreanx. If there is any disease in which the Constitution Life Syrupi* a sovereign, iLis in RhemuatiMm and it* kindred affections. The most intense pains are almost instantly alleviated—enormous swellings are ivdm< and. Cases, chronic or vicarious, of twenty or forty years’ standing, have lieen cured by us CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Purges the system entirely from all the evil effer ts o Mercury, removing the Bud Breath, and curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains wl Ich the use of Calomel hrsuro to produce. It hardens Spongy Guuie, ami aecuiva the TANARUS« eth as firmly aseVel. CONSTITUTION LIKE BYRUP. Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Disease* of the Skin, like Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, and all other difficulties of .his kind, which ao much disfigure tile outyvard appearance of both males and females, often making them a disgusting object to themselves and their Irieiids. I'Oll ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue, Spine, Forehead, or Scalp, no remedy has over proved it* equal. Moth Patches upon tile female face, depending upon a diseased action of the Liver, are very unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A few bottles of Consti tution Life Syrup will correct tbe^secretion and remove tin* deposit, yvhich is directly under the skin. Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizzi ness, Indigeslic.ii, Weak Stomach, or an ulcerated or cancerous condition of that organ, accompanied with burning or other uuploasant. symptoms, will be re lieved l»y the use of C ONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Asa General Blood-Purifying Agent, the Life Syrup stands unrivalled hy any preparation in the world. THE RICH AND POOR Are liable to the name diseases. Nature and science have made the Constitution Life Syrup for the benefit of all. PURE BLOOD Produces healthy men and women; ami if the .consti tution ia neglected in youth, disease and t ally death is the result. Do not delay when the means are eo near at hand, and within the reach of all. CONSTITUTION life syrup Is the poor man’s friend, and the rich man’s hfeseitig- WILLIAM 11. GREGG. M. D , Bole Pfopi ietor. New York. MORGAN <fc ALLEN, Wholesale Druggists. Agents, n22-3m 40 Cliff street, New York. 3E3 Singer Sewing Machines. Principal Office for the State of Georgia, lift BKOI CHTOiV STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General Agent. A large assortmeut for sale At New York prices. Sewing Machines ol all kinds repaired at short notice. Stitching neatly done. nil Stsit© uncft Coinidv Tax Col lOPtOlN TH Subscriber ia a camNdatn for re-elect ion, ami respectfully asks the suffrage of the cffiiwns ol Chat Iron County. obtSO SKA BORN GOO I) ALL. BILLIARDS. Six Tables* I RESPECTFULLY invite the patronage of my old friends and visitors to the city t have Six Good billiard Tables, including two of Phelan’s make, with the bent Balls. Cues. Bridges, Maces, Ac., procurable. My rooms are commodious, and 1 endeavor to employ only competent attendants. My Bur is supplied with a good assortment cf Ales, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Ac. n26-tf WALTER O’MEARA. JOHN H. DEPPISH, DBA!.SB IN i HAR DAY ARE Cutlery, Files. Edg© ; Tools, And Agricultural Implements. Also, SHOT, POWDER, LEAD ami CAPS. 148 Congress tnnl <l7 St- Julian streets , savannah, 04. nil 1 in R. MOLINA, Corner Hull and Congress Streets, under Screven House, IMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer In Hutana Be gars, Leaf Hint Smoking Tobacco, A too, all kinds of Virginia Cbcwiug and Smoking Tobacco. Met setian 111, B'Ur Root, ami all tfllier kiiuto ot Fanny Pipes. st-pr.O-Bni E* H. VAN NESS & CO., GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS AND Produce UvulerN, UNDKRTUK I LUFF, ('GUNKit ABKftiDKS ST., MnVritinuh, On. Ooh’in fiom Hu* Country Pi l vale, Families, Si earn urn and hailing Veaacla n-»jM-rihilly solicited. Produce tonight and fold ou CMitdidindoii. IHI bids Selected Apples Inti lilito Onioua InHldda Pul aloe a Lu bill* Lx 11 a Fiom M# bbto N h | and 7 M « lu-i.-| |ini iuti» Kxira Midi* r bit Imixc* Hvtiat 'toei m- MN) kiu No. I. 2 Mint A Mu' Iterel Mi half Md* Full -11 Maiktp lb • I Mi bbU KfeUa Fmiidy Puik, 1 f n’Jl S. M COLD IN G, w i.i'l.wmo- ttO'i It. ini |B'»im iu HITS, WPS. IIIHI'IN, MUIKS. 4*o brailt-Hit-ir* ‘lurulNbiiiK tmodu, No IO MlNnillMM WI'IOCNT, ••*a«4.ut. um, • • Ml F. M. MYRELL, NT BA .11IIOAT AGEVT, 6KKRH4I. IIIM'IDMO ('ll K€>K- H (IIIIIMI MKBtiUKT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, OA. H.rii.' DuiM'm.-- **,l J.ior west <ff A. Is* 4 fit.,. K«r,«s ti, llstilsr ,v Gammrll, CrtM. J01m ...U A Gray lull 1411. Wvllj A < brtrtlun : 11,.11.w.-ll A (Vblteht ad: Mill. r, TU'.uim a (.«.: M A. < K-q. x-l’-'-H W«. H. Twos. W« (V. Tison & Gordon. < ’OirOV FAT'TOIvN, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. !MJ lIAY STREET, Savannah, Gboßola., Special attention ill l»e given to the sale of Lumber, Kofiin, Turpentine, X.. QCtiG 3u>* MThiritu * h boaalT SORREL BROTHERS, L'<*mmisaiou and Forwanting Meuh«ude : n‘3 Bay ati cel, Sov:mu:lh. (b Referenoss Messrs. IL*k. Gorntufr, Son X N. Y.: Messrs. Peter V Kine «£ t.'o., N. Y.; Messrs. Fish er. Brothers A€»»., Baltimore.; Afcshrs. S. A W. Welsh, Philadelphia; National Bank, Savannah, (*a ; Francis Sorrel, Esq. Sav-.nnah (Ja :Ohas. Green. Esq.. Savan nah, »Ja.; T. R. Bloom. Esq., Macon, Ga. octl 7 . * sm* I). 11. BALDWIN & CO., CO.TOIISSION MERC HANTS. 17S Pearl Street, New York. j.e ß te} Ke ’ Ymt ort4-Sm ul M K "l‘l'!,'i4ir, [ Savlll ‘ lmh - UltO.D. »OWU. WM, X. MOV. UUUtI BICE FOWLE & CO., FOHMKKi.Y OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Com mis si o n Mereha nt s. liuptiilers of Railroad Iron and Dealers iu Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NEW YORK 0Ct&8 Gm General Commission and For warding Merchants Corner West Broad and liay Streets, 84VANNAII, GEORGIA. THE undersigned have this day entered Into a Oo pnrtneralil]) muter the name and style of McKee, Bennett .V Cos., at McKee rs- Bennett’s old stand. Will keep constantly uu hand a flue assortment of Carriages, Bretts, Hookuways, Buggies, Harness and Coach material of every description, which we will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. All work sold war raided as represented. We have line Store Rooms, and forwarding will be promptly attended to. Con signments solicited. Will open by Ist January Manufacturing and Re pairing Department, and will have experienced workmen and choice material and be prepared to do any amount of Carriage repairing. MoKEE, BENNETT & CO., J. G. McKre. i L. S. Hknnk'it. V .lamkbMcKee. \ du A. ,»S. Bartridge, COMMISSION AND IORWARDINO MSE.CHANT, 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. <» U 4 ts ______ Ti. Growdy, COMMISXIOIY MERCHANT, 196 BAY STREET, ANDERSON’S WHARF, SAVANNAH, OA. oct2-3m SC R ANTON. SMITH & CO., Grocers and Commission Merchants, WOULD be happy to see the former patrons und friendm aim the public generally, at their store at the head of Bay Pticet, ojipotito .lefierson, where they will bo at all times lmppy to serve them, uls-1 in ‘ C. H. BENEDICT & CO., No. 80 Uroiul Street, New York, Produce and Flour Commission xWleiciiants, Dealers in Provisions, Butter, Cheese, &c. Special attention to Soutlx-rn Orders. CoiLsufinnehis c»u General solicited. octlT iini TO SIIIPPKRS or ((I ITOS AMI O'I'HPK SOUTIIERX PROIIK U. KKNNRR, BENNETT * BOWMAN, Succcwors to Hott-hkiss, Foil nor & Bemiett. COMMISSION MBUCHANTS, No. 40 Vjvof.v Sthekt, i.,Kw Yohii. Aud Mcmjjtitn, Tena. Thomas Fen nfs, Hkkcv Bennett, DW. Bowman __ jyl» ho. 11l AS. L. COLBY A CO., Shipping; 1 oimnisNinn auil Forwardiaxi; MERC II A NTS. JON-EB BLOCK, CORNEA HAY AND aHKKOOBN STREET SAVANNAH*, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made bn Consignments o the firm of Cilvb. L. Colby, oiuNew York, or to our friemla in Boston. MAUDE & WHIGIIT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. bkfKrknobr; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Cos., New York. Jurivs Slade, Esq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edmonds, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. seplS— ts Woodward, Baldwin A <O., 110 Duane Street, New York, « and 11 llanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Ofliiaburgs and Yarias. jyjg JOHN N. MtUfiS l m.. Forwarding and CoiuinihMuii MIORCH A IN TS. WIIOLRSALK AND DETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMAIIS' BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JNO. «. HAM.MIB. ED. 0. BAMXUU. OIIAB 1.. MATHER HUI l t s MACKY, BEATTIE &CO. SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 303 aud 305 Bay Street, /4,w? AVANNAH . Ga. (1. i,l 1 101 “ ll “ Wholmlo M. iTliiuitF upward* of V/four'dfßMi) barn-U of Wlil«k. y, wual. r,, I'm “ Guild. HU't quallllr., ttwulluir will; »U4D,'u ikiuhuulgl I rub ;uul Bujtcli Mult Whi* V Ur.nily, Win-., HIM i.iiin, »i l > hllH.l*l|rfil*or N..w \o.-U priii'ii, -\p<.n w . U'l.biil, o, w. will HI J nil imli'o in Um uluivi luMiinl riflw, 41 Hi- lowii.l ni",k-< pri—», ||- iv-r-ilim board any luutlMol lb- r-uiiUr liu-. . -n'^Vi" 1 " !"" wl1 " ll 1" 11110V ‘-. weataouldb- pl-uMNi nil l4 or 'V-'il' v "V 1 <iu "f' y l* r,| G>i— fiom I'lllhnl-i CiVumL Kl ‘" lr - •dUHIw. I .m 1 , Idiiic, nult, At , u litii'i uiiMldil vof a im’ll .“'b urn'" i£l« vAmwjf ni nil um-. i., miih- mKnm-a mi r-Mi “ H, “ K '* , l‘“‘pn<"l in our liouMi in |>|iiUibi| MACKV If BEATTIK, MM - BRYAN, HART RIDGE A CO.. HbIOM lr»M» Md 1.1 Mr*• »!*!'10 IHH I'lOOftM’ B4HO bit* 111.14, lakHi ffud OwttttnUolou Auotito ,*•411 4-1 F-WIH4«-» AHMJAA, BANK NOIMH, PitODUrK, , AodkaMoMOWfiiMOMb CONMIHIU9 MKIMIIAVra SOUTHERN COTTON WAREHOUSE, COKNDIt OK 1 BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. O’FALLON & CO., F^YOTOIIS, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, RESPECTFULLY Invite attentiou to our facrlilU* for the purebaae or movement of Southern Products, aud will give prompt attention to all nuni neps entrusted to our care. Intending to eetublhdi perm mently a ll»u*e in Savannah expect by strict business principles to merit and receive a portion of the Trade Having a commodious Warehouse foi Cotton, we are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our friends in New York or Europe, und will make ad vanees on same ; picking, ie-baling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the enormous expense incurred iu Northern cities by this process They solicit u portion of the business of the people of Georgia and of adjoining OFFICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, Post Office Address, Lock Box 25. octT-3m SOUTHERN AND WESTERN XjjAkt :o. Collection aud Commission Agency, handls Southern land and property of all deect iptione Parties wLhiiig to seU are invited to forward lists Numerous applicaltuna now on file from parties wi .h iutt to purchase. Make eullcetione on all parts of the country. Pay especial attention to the sale and disposal of Southern pit(JurtH, and make advances on direct consifpunents. MATTHEW ts. BRIDGE, Manager, . No. 9 Broad st., Neta York. RKKKUKNORfI HY PKKUISSION: Hon. Benjamin Kitr.patrick. Ex-Governor of Alabama. P. Harmony, Nephews As Cos., Bankers, 38 Broadway. Messrs, it. B. Ulafiu X Cos , Importers, New York. A. W L Greenleaf, Esq., Banker, N/Y. n!»-3m y&ss?. Bennett, Van Pelt & Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOB TUK HAI.E OF COTTO* TOBACCO, OAVAI STORES, ETC., FOR THE PUHUIIASE AND SALK OF STATE AND OTHER STOCKS, LLI WhitohaU 16t,, New York. We have associated with us Mr. D. W. Couth, late Public Treasurer for North Carolina. nlMiin JOHN L. VILLALONGA, COTTON FACTOR, P'OttW ARDING ANIM-09IDIISSI0N MKH CIIA NT'. No. Hay Street, ‘ SAVANNAH, «A. 0016 G. H. Arledge, 72 DAY STUEEI', Grocer and Ship Chandler, OoinmiHrsioix hrul Forwarding Mei chant, I WOULD respectfully solicit a liberal share of pa tronage from my friemls aud acqualntancee, guar anteeing to give entiie aatisfaction and ecll at the lowest market prices. Orders from the country will receive immediate and prompt attention. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. iio via Uk»bv L. Jewrtt. Jamsb f. SniDKB. Jewett cSt Snider, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GENERAL AGENTS, Second Street, Mutou, (horgia, (Between Cherry and Poplarq Prompt ptrpi nal attention given to all ments of cotton, produce, manufactures nud other article* of merchundfoe. Orders aud consignment* solicited from all part* of the country. Beat attention given to orders lor purchasing cotton. Agents for several first class InHurauco Companies, n!»-U \V. J. Blair A. J. Smith. W W. Ukkn. BLAIR, SMITH & CO., No. ii»S BROAD SIKKKT, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Commission AND AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANU FACTURED TOBACCO. Will purch tse and sell*on commission, cotton, cotton go*da, wines, liquors, sugar?, and produce and meruhaiKlise of every ticeeription. Consign men is solicited. Kekibhmu-b.—Brigham, Btldwin & Cos.. Wm. 11. Stark, Ciaghorn A Cunningham, Br*uy, Smith A Cos., Savaunah, Ga. dT-^in 1 * G. B & G. W. LAMAR, General Commission Mercliauts. Fontaiding and Shipping Agents, NO. 94 BAY STREET, (up stairs ) Refer to Geo. W. Anderson, Jno C. FerrelandG. B. Lamar, Savannah; W r E .fackson Josiah Sibley & Soih, J. B. AJ. W. Walker, Augusta. Consignment* solicited. Gm-nov2 J. W. RABUN, (Late Rabun A Smith, Cotton Factor &nd Commission Merchant, No. Nil BAY STREET, First store West of the Exchange, _* 1 ' ■ SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. W. i. HI.A IK. A. .1. SMITH. w. W. KKF.W. BLAIR, SMITH & CO., JNTo. LI road Street, AUGUSTA, GA„ General Commissiou Merciiaals, Ami A gent h for the B.ile of Mimuliiut tired Tohaeuu. IVill Purchase and .Sell, ou Coniuiission, (’otioii Cottoti Goods, Wines, Liquors, Produce and M- t chnu dis«.* of every cb’SCfiptloD. Consignaonts solicKed. 2m-nl4 LIVINGSTON, FOX & CO., 14 1 II i- 11 adw ay, New York,* COMMISSION MERCHANTS ANU AK4.MII Alliiiiltt’ 4 41114,1 Hull Mi-nih **lll|4 i 'ow|»iiliy, Ailvmliu h UiHde oil ('oiMilgnuiviiie by JNO H. WII.BKMf •«I»» fill M.vauilnli K. M 1.4 1.4 44".', 14.. 1 I --Ik l» * I H I ..11. 1 op, Itl- .In. | Hlll'lui «I u H.iv iimdi Os. Hmh'.ukl, ~ 1,41 lllicll iftl Mililr,! ifl4m|||)i E. 8. LATHROP &. CO, U K N K It A 1, CommiNNion Moi’chantu, 4*4-1 4MH141 4 V>‘4 <M I. 4.4 Dp, MKiiiMii 01, 4*nh iMMii rnf>« 1 inui**i, MACON. OA. mm RMUoihi Central Railroad Ufa!®®. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, \ Savannah," Ua., Nov. IS, 1865. f /\N and after Wednraday, 22d in.t., a daily A r train will Iruve for Atiffiista at 8.39 a. m.. ronuvnuiiK with a tins of Hacks i anninp hstween Station 6, i mitral Railroad, and Wayuvsburo on tlie Augusta and Savannah Railroad Passcnpers hy this line will arrive In Aumista the next huh niafter leaving Savannah in time to connect with the Georgia Railroad tram for Atlanta. Ret uruiuK arrive iu Savannah at X 45 p m Freight to go l>y Pasmmgcr Train uin.-t he ni eusdd and delivered hah hour bnlorc departure of train By order of „ GEO. W . ADAMS,, luu Oenernl Supm inteudent. Central Railroad SIIPKHINTKNDENT'S OFFICE. 1 Savannah, Nov. Isth, 1865. { This Company is now, in connection with U. J. Dickers..u A Co.'s tVuaolis. prepared to receive aud fm ward to Aufiusta. Macon, Atlanta *e„ daily from twenty p, thirty th.msa and pounds of Freight, aud no through in from ttiree to five days, ship Freight ami other expenses must be paid hy Shippers Railroad height cull bu paid here or al dee tin allop Freight on p> lishahlu goods must be prepaid Ratee to Aireost i, until further netice, will he per loot 50 cents, per 100 lhs. $2.50 GEO.,W. ADAMS, n 2" Gene, at Superintendent. FBUFESSItWAL CARDS. Henry Williams, Attorney af Inaw, OEFtCE NO. It] MAY STREET, fOver the Herald Reading Room,) octM-tf SAVANNAH, Ga. DR. T. J. CHARLTON HAS RESUMED THE PRACTICE OF Medicine and Surgery. Reaidonro anU Office corner Whitaker ami Derry streets* i m'-nii; HOWJO.I. OOUH. JAMES 4AOKIMW. COBB & JACKSON, -A-t t o y* ii e y 8 - u t - L a \s% n29-3m MACON, GEORGIA. HAYWOOD & LxROCHE. " Olfieo at Hie Ice 11. .use, Market Square. OAK, Pine aud Mixed Wood kept constantly on hand and delivered to Orders at Ihe shortest B»tice, dl-lm L All Os ME A JOHNSON,' ' r l'ii»ilM-i*.V I.tiinhi‘l'Donlcrta 2*oo BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. d4tf L. B'. DAVIS, (Formerly of Atlanta, Ga.) ii'iiuiH & rinnii\\iii\ IYIERCIIANT, 292 BROAD STREET, Augusta, (toorgia. H. B.—Particular attenifon giv* n to receiving and forwaiding Produce and Mcicbautlise. Refers to A, Wilbur. Hunter & Gommell, Trane. Johnson & Gib) bill, and John It. Wider. Savannah, Georgia. * do-tawlm FUBNITUIIE! FURNITURE ! _ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Nos. 87 AND 89 BOWERY AND «f, CHRISTY STREET, N. Y. DKtJRAVF At TAYI.OII Have the largest variety of ROSEWOOD, WALNUT AND MAHOGANY, PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, to he found in this city, and at the hiueut prices. MATTRASSE3 AND SPRING BEDS FROM $5 TO $7. EXTRA WIDE CANOPY BEDSTEADS FOR THE SOUTHERN TRADE. oct3l-2ni MetroiM>litan Ei)tcr]ii-isc Great Gift Sale gw iu NEW YORK AND PROVIDENCE Jewelers’ Association. Capital $1,000,000 Depot, 197 Broadway. AN Immense stock of Pianos, Watches, Jewelry. and Fancy Woods, all to he Bold for One Dollar each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for till yon see what you will receive. Certificates, naming each article and lie value, are placed In sealed envelopes anil well mixed. One of these envelopes will be sent hy mail to any address on receipt of 26 cents ; five far if 1 ; eleven for $2; thirty for $5; sixty five for slrt ; and one hundred for sl6. On receipt of the Cerliflcate you will see what you aregoiug to have, and Iheu it is at youi option lo pay the dollar and take he article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Oold Watch, Diamond King, a Piano, Sewing Machine, or any set of Jewelry oil our list, for si; and in no case can they get less than One Dollars’ worth, as there are no Id auks. Agents are wanted in tveiy town in the country • every person can make $lO a day. selling our Certifi cates in ttie greatest sale of Je *elr,v ever known. Send 26c. lor a Certificate, which nil! inform you what you can obtain forsl. At the same time get onr circular, containing full list and particulars, also Terms to Agents. Address JAMES HUTCHINSON & CO., nlf.-9m lt»7 Broadway, N. Y Family Dye Colors. Patented Oetob«-r I,'i, I*o3. Black • Dark Gih'co Black for Silk Light Green Dark Blue Magenta Light llluu Maize Flench LUue -Maroon Claret Brown Orange Dark Brown Pink Liglit Brown Purple Snutf Brown Royal Pm pie L'ln-rry Salmon t runson Kcarlrl Dark Drab Slate Light Dial) Solfcriito Fawn Drab Violet Light Fawn Grab Yellow. For Dyeing Bllk, Woolen and Mixed ( iood*., Shaw to, Hcarto, Urease*, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Huih, Fcaihcns rhlhJren’H <?loihhig, and all kind* of Wearing Apparel. c r A BAVINU Oh’ MO PER CENT. .ttl> For ‘Jr* cent* you can cjilor as many good* a* Would otherwise com! live time* thnl mini. Various Nluulea can he produced from the Maine dye The nr<*’osw to simple, and anyone rati use tile Dy** wiih perlci ( »Uon»M. JHn clioim 111 KnpliHti, Kreucti and German. Ilislde of each package. IP»Whi A Ht'KVKNH, V 0« ItroaJway, ihiaion. For Bale by dniggiaia and dealer* gAtiN'rafly. ad In din gOO'fHBBN lix|iorliiig mill bii|H»rliii<r ()t)M l * A N Y, OF FLORIDA. k|.IIIH •SMilslh* t»nup« , .il 111 iusk» advan.i«lii 1 • y «f *M* ‘*M tons pinn-uls us t ull.di, Nsvsl hi.nsS' Isiuilsr, 4. , 1., lh"lr in lim snlMlid Ini tf.nsU Ana. iiu "hsuts sw4 »*|s« l-n Tin' sirh im sHi-lillnu will Is land Ui ,11 .Mars hi.WS>-f •4444»i1. fill 414.1. 11l .444 I'llglSllll, Kl (SW "I He*IHII Ns.sidisli si,.| I l||«li>-t.HI AsmU, Is tug -Slsft-d inst. nu thsrg. hi fswsiding sill.n wsy Slid will furnish itn sis* n( d.lslli II > F169 ll I’isgtdsMi tm» N•• PfHMb 14 •t', I n.<iwrt— h 41, kwd| Hrysn, ksfsnnsh, MW 4*t*l* New York Piano Forte*. Ernest Gabler, Manilla, turn of New Scale First-Class PIANO FORTES Factor?, 122, 124 5126 East 221 Sl.’ successfuluu,.r..ilon- hy mens of w hich“C Sis m“ and " increased hL niaußfcctorlug (uctlitie* He wid ii' (oroliCMbk* heuceiorward io turn «.nf r ' week, tosU|>i>ly ..nlers pr«.n»ptly, without ilTi'i? lHr vsuient delay t„ whleh DealeV w Iweu sul. !*cted, fre.u. the lact that lor more ,hi. years past lijgha* Inn mnijnually a hunihed n, !*“ n euls het.iltfrord. is A lull «to..itmeni a „h ! 1,1 may lie fiund at Ins Manufactory anil Warci.!, Jf e , W uuf k '" y h " !ry '•"•trun.ent mpy f Retail YV.ireromne 743 Bioadusy y TONS ENGLISH ll a I Ls t Os best quality, 6mxs.s per llueal yard" For «ale by —l™ - C " n Nn. Great Bargain. A NEAT and commodious Cottage i neliine brick outhouses attached, will he »..hl if u,, *! •'•r immediately, situate.! in It.Jh-nsvill, , n r! street. Price, $3,000. Apply to ’ 1< " 1 ’' .. z M: WINKLER. ts At “«ury Wayne’s Stables West itroadstieei. liiforiuatiou fiaiited. 5 "O'-I-TRS Will he paid to any person who will •» give infill million of the pie.-eiit lesidemei mV Ketch, whose sister Hamm], TANARUS,,y M ~n V .lied on their arrival in America about 2« years ag!,' Ihe above llonora Keicli was said to reside ins, vatinuh before the war. She can receive « con-in’ el-able sum of money hv addressing U ' J- f'iTZM.ALRk’K HORAN. ,u * ft 4 Uoiirl. Square. Riston. Mom* mm viitiiK AND De|KiUorl ) riiitei , s'Sii|i|ili('s Y*r.YRRI:N A PLAINER, Wholesale dealers in all fy kinds ol Writing-, Printing ami Wrappingp, pets. Envelopes, Twines and Paper Dags. ’ ‘ Also, Pniileis Inks, Cavils and Card Hoards. Having superior faeilities lor procming (ii.oils .Ii reel Irmn the liiannla. li.ries, we are enabled Io pole Willi New Yol k pikes, SOLE AGENTS IN THIS CITY For the Bath Paper Alt Us. Cash paid for Rags aud atl kinds of Paper stock. STEELE $V BURBANK, 11 lUrrehuntx Kuw, Hilton Head, So. < a CTALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur- J chasers to their superior Block of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, furnishingT'goods, Watehes, Ulocku, Fancy iiiiods. Jewelry, and Plated \\ Hre,Swoid», Soahei-, Belt-. Embroiilt Field Gin*****. UnniitlPtn Gh>v(ks. #,r . t \ c .. &r. M, \. HENDEKSON, Wo. 237 South side Bay Street, Two doors east of West Broad, DEALER in Buggies, Wagons, Harness, &c.; aim iu Buggy and Wagon Si off and Trimmings.- Any siylc ot Carriage or Buggy ordered from any mu uuiactarer. I am also prepared to order out any class of horses, either for draft or road service. Special attenti.m w ill be given to the purchase of fine stock in northern markets, «v dsim IMPORTATIONS PER ship Comity ol Picton, from Glasgow: 20u um* r.itrtsheri i«: Pig Irou 25C tons Household Coul I‘*oo h.’iiiip' iN Pofaioen 16ft kegs ilerriitg* 6<i cases Prusui ved Salmon 20 cast 8 Drie«l Finnan IltulUock Nor sale l»y riMf CHARLES GREEN & SON. FINANCIAL.. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For sale by scpl6 BRIQnAMs BALDWIN A CO Sight Exchange ON NEW YORK, In sums to suit purchasers, by sep29-tf K. F. METCALFE A i <* NOTICE. NO debts contracted by any of the Crew of iMitish har k Craesco will In*paid l>y Captain or Consiguee. _n|6 BRIDHAM. BALDWIN A (*> CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE THE undersigued have formed a Cos partnc i ship under the name and style ol Scranton, Smiih <Y Cos., for the transaction of a Wholesale Grocery and CoTnmtoßion business in this city, at the head of Bjy street, opposite Jefferson. D. T. SCRANTON, Formerly Scranton A Johnflon. WM 11. SMITH. Formerly Rabun A smith. J. L. LaROL. Savannah. Nov. 14th, D66. 1m ul6 _N otioe. A LL persons having demands again*t tlie estate «*f xl Edward G. Wilson, deceased, c»f Chatham county, arc respectfully requested to hand i hem in pnq*erl v »n tbenticated; and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, to ANAIS WILSON, nl4 Admhiisirairis. “NOTICE TO THE SHIPPERS OF GOODS HY THE STEAMER SAVANNAH ON THE 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER, I Win. ALL persons who shipped Goods by the Steamer • j vrimikli, oil llm above named day, are rcqoci*i' jo call iinin« diaiely at. the store of K. M. Myroll, Harris’ ItuildingH, Bsv street, and identify such itoou: as have tieHi saved from tin; wreck of the Btenm*r* J. W. WOLCOTT, uW Agent 4 NORTH RIVER AGRICULTURAL WORKS, GKIITINU a to., Proprietors. Warehouses. 58 & 60 Cortlandt Street, NKW VO Rif, m anhfaoturicks of and DKALKHH IN Flows. Sugar Mills, Hay CulUn>, Harrows, Coin Mills, Sausage CutlFtI*- 1 *- Gullivslors, < idci Mills, Vegetable CUMo, Kan Mills, JUndftsris, llayFiiHSi H, Saw Mills. MuleCaitF. t !oi toil I’ri—Nca, Coin Sl.cllcrs, Ox Carts, < id« r I'ipsim m. Hiorc Tmcks, h arm Wannur Grain Cumin, Wtu-vllmriiiws llui >e cburiiH, Niigni-I’uiis, Thujshmu ■ ll ® Ox Hows, Nhovcla, Ci»l ton GIIIA Ox Yokes. Spade , glowers A Kf*l' Well Hut kata Jlot**, Pork a, Ac., Ac. JluktW, hey I hat. JJanlea, I'li-lil mid riowiT lOmnl*. )l..yi'« MufH-r l-li'.-i lint-of Luu-, Bun- Msuun'. I' dr. its, Fla.iui, *n N"lu Hgi 11, »lur H!s«g"» K-rIMIW-r tin '» Pl,' o™% ~i-l A mm. ', il i *m— li,*i .i-l b„|--r I'hu4|'“*' l.lni' . Mint lirm-tt's Hnliis uiriil-il Msnur- Tis,h".u|,|ilU-il uni-r il,n„ l Inmi . ’ HHIWINU a 00-. nn Hu »» tinl fin Unuill'iu'll •< . *“* I gijtcHt ft'um Kjgyi’it lIMf'NV « MKW hkTIIAiT Os OIK OlC' 1 ” I MIT Id, s *,»• -ml »4.igi4ii- •‘‘"'“‘f’.'jLs lisudlfn iii' i n-"i-.|i. sgil iii- udt*4“f im-p U.| 114,-g II.M f— 1 1—Ml — „ h, er^Ws?„