Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 19, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH Ml FA HUHAII VOL. I—NO. 286. the Savannah Daily Herald " fMOKNINU AND KVKNINGj u rOBUBUXD BY •yV. ]%f AJSOfrf &£ CO., ' A* HI B*V BTRMT, ISaVXITNAH, QwBGIA. him: _ _ ■ Five Cents. f ertkip, lUs .....*3 60. Iter Hundred -TJ, gg |ter ....... roriiTiiiii: I r. „ ner Sauare of Ten Lines for first In- Dollar *for each subsequent one. Ad inserted in the morning, will, if desired, tbe evening without extra charge. - JOB I’IUNTING, (Mvery style, neatly and prompUy done. P Y TELEGRAPH TO THE t>aily H e raid. test oath UNCONSTI TUTIONAL. dLIMODORE BEMMEB ARRESTED CARRIED TO WASHINTON. Dec. 17.—Judge Rusteed of the ■ states District Court, decides that test oath is unconstitutional. ®x-Commodore R. J. Semmea was arrest- Sast evening by orders received from Wash and is now «n ronte for the North, under guard. wE LEGISLATURE. ! [From our Special Correspondent.] Milledqbville, Dec. 15, 1865. Senate. Hbe Senate met at the hour of 10 o'clock K., pursuant to adjournment. ! were taken up on their thud, reading. K U to authorize the Ordinary of Bartow to hold courts at his house, aud also the sessions of the Inferior and Su- Courts to be held at Cartersville. ! Ked. ' bill to make an advance of $4,000 State Printer. Passed. Km to incorporate the Chattahoochee Passed. message was received from his Excel njHncy, Charles J. Jenkins, recommending to General Assembly that they should not oum before passing a bill to admit negro into the courts with such limita- Hous as they migh't think proper to prescribe, message sets forth that such a measure ■ not only just in itself, but would facilitate restoration of the State to all its civil Kgbts, and would result in many persons be- Hng tried before the civil tribunal who will be tried before military commis |Hßions. ■ The Senate has already passed a bill of diaracter. I The hour of 11 o’clock having arrived, the iSenate repaired to the Hall of the House lof Representatives to elect State House officers and State Printer. The election be- I iag over, the Senate returned to their cham ber, and; on motion, adjourned till 4 o’clock this afternoon. - xI'IKBNOO.N SESSION. The Senate met ■* 4 o’clock, pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Thornton offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the Senate and House of Re presentatives, That ail suits now commenced in auy of the courts of this State, or against any incorporated bank of this State, stand continued until the final adjournment of this session of the General Assembly. The Senate concurred in the amendment of the House to its bill allowing tfce testimo ny of free persons of color to be taken in the courts. The bill as passed both houses is as follows: A Bill to be entitled, An Act to make free persons of color competent witnesses in the courts of this State in certain cases therein mentioned, and to authorize the making aud declaring of force affidavits by them in cer tain cases. The Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, do enact, That from and after the pas sage of this Act, free persons of color shall he competent witnesses in all the oourts of this State in civil cages whereto a free person of color is a party, and in all criminal cases wherever a free person of color is defendant, or wherever the offence charged is a crime or misdemeanor against the.pcrson or pro perty ot a free person of color, any law, usage or custom to the coutrary notwith standing. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That in all cases hereafter pending or about to be instituted wherein a free person of color is a party, plaintiff or defendant, it shall be com petent for such free person ot color to make and file any affidavit now bv law allowed and tending to advance the remedy or aid the defendant, and when so made and filed in ( conformity with law such action shall be bad thereon, as if the said affidavit had been made aud filed by any other litigant A Committee consisting ot Messrs. Kenan and Butler were appointed to bring up the unfinished business of the session. Messrs. Carter and Moore were appointed a committee in conjunction with a similar committee on the part at the House, to wait on His Excellency, Governor Jenkjns, and •storm him that the General Assembly were about to adjourn. Mr. Kenan ottered the following which was •adopted: Whereas, it is one ot the privileges if wot duties ot this General Assembly couvened under circumstances so peculiarly, interesting and important to Georgia and her people, uow that it Is about to adjonru over its ses sion tor a bang period, not to do so until it shall ibut'e given some expression of its high appreciation of the President of the United States, through whose Justice and rnagua •uimlty, and through whoso regard for the swiutitutioual rights of the Mutes, civil gov ernment ban again been put iu moliou at the capital of this Mute and Tennessee. He it resolved by the Heoute and House o( fieg reseutati ves of the Htato of Georgia iu General Assembley met, That iu Audrew Jolmsou, Chlel Magistrate of the Aiuuriuuu Uuiou, Georgia iu tier recent past, while yielding to a power she could uot successful •y resist, and lu her present eouditiou moving unwind iu the work of reconstruction, has feu a sustaining arm, and will t>V«r be grate ful (s the guild mis clemency extended by him lowajd* tun people, lim uiimuauimlty displayed toward UiOTi, and tln> Oeteiinlilcd fsiil that says pi a still iiostiie laetiouol her 'stem lous, Thus lar shall thou go and uo •ujlhur, Peace, lie still I lUs Meuate linm ad|uurmel till the I Mil of Jamnuy null, at Ilia hour u| IF u uUwk, M Meet*- I lie House pnmed the hill by a vota U lu 4v »d«i|uug um testimony ol imgruM Uth* the Courts. The bill will be found in my re port of the Senate’s proceedings. Mr. Ridley, of Troup, offered the follow, ing which was agreed to : Resolved, That there be printed for the use of the House 50U copies of the Code for the government ot Freedmen to be preferred by the Commissioners appointed by the late Convention. Also 2,000 copies of Governor Jenkins’ Inaugural Address. A bill to repeal the several acts amending the charter of the city of Ainericus. Passed. Bill to repeal so much ot an act which ex tends the charter of the Union Bank. The bill fixing the time and place of hold ing the sessionsof the Supreme Court. Passed. Milledgeville the place and the first Mon days or May and November in each year the time. At the hour of 11 A. M. both Houses be ing in joint sessions, the elections appointed took place. N. C. Bamet, the present incumbent, was elected on the 4th voting Secretary of State over five competitors, Benjamin Beck, Jamea 8. Boynton, S. J. Smith, J. D. Irwin, W. T. Nabb. J. T. Borns, of Chattooga, was elected Comptroller General over his competitor Peterson Thweatt. John Jones was elected Treasurer over his competitor R. H. Ramsay, of Baldwin. J. W. Burke, of Bibb, was elected State Printer over his competitors Broughton & Onne, of this city, and C. R. Hanleiter, of Atlanta. J. W. Burke is understood to have combined with C. W. Hancock, and Rag land, of Columbus. After the Senate bad returned to their chamber, the House adjourned till 4 o’clock, P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Ridley, of Troup, offeled the follow ing which was adopted: Resolved, That the Committee on Internal Improvement be instructed to inquire into the rates of freight and fare charged and now being taken by the railroads ot this State, and see whether they are violating their charters in the enormous and unprecedented charges made, and what legislation, if any, ought to be had to protect the citizens of the State therefrom, and report to this House by bill or otherwise. Mr. Kenan’s resolution of thanks to Presi dent Johnson was passed. The House, on motion, adjourned to meet on the 15th of January next. Does the Executive Pardon Restore all Rights.— The following is doubtless the cose alluded to in our telegraphic despatches yesterday morning, involving the decision of the question as to whether the President's par don resioresproperty and ail rights ot citizen ship to the recipient: . The Supreme Court of the United States now has before it the following case : U. S. plaintiff in error, vs. L. M. Wiley. It in volvss the question : “Does the President's pardon remit the sentenee of forfeiture of rebel property and reinstate the rebel in all his rights thereto 7” This was a motion of L. M. Wiley, defendant in error, who appeals the writ ot error of the United States, on the ground that the President's pardon aud the acceptance and compliance with the terms thereof, by the defendant, discharged and remitted forfeiture, for which sentence of condemnation was pronounced in the District Court, by pardoning the acts, by which alone, if at all, the forfeiture was incurred. The cause originated in an infor mation filed in the District Court of the United States for the Southern District there of, and one Charles Gould, named as the in r. ——, uuaci uic mt us Oosgiws of 1861 and 18C2, commonly known as the Confis cation Acts, for ofiHfiscatioo and forfeliuro of 1,756 shares qf capital stock of the Greit Western Railroad Company, of 1759. and upwards of $60,000 in coupons of bonds of the same corporation, as the property of de fendant, on the twofold grouud of alleged in formation—first, of alleged use of the pro perty by Mr. Wiley, in aid of the rebellion, under the act of 1861 ; and second, alleged treasonable acts of Mr. Wiley, under the act of 1862. The motion to dismiss the case was announced by Mt. Larangue, in its support. General Grant's strictures on the military operations of the hero of Big Bethel while in command of that portion of the Federal forces operating against Petersburg known as the “Army of the James," have aroused the deadly ire of vindictive Butler, and the newsmongers at Washington and elsewhere have been preparing the public for the clash of arms to come when the two warriors shall close in deadly conflict. One report is that Butler will publish a newspaper reply to the Lientenant General’s Report; another that is to be an exhaustive biography of General Grant, taking him from the time he entered West Point or before, and following him up to the lieutenant-generalcy; another that Grant will be attacked in Congress through th% -agency of the radicals, with whom Butler has been arranging his plana. Gen> Butler “it is reported, told Thad. Stevens, a few days since, that it would have been well if there had been more corked bottles in the army in which General Grant had his headquarters. ’’ A bill was introduced in th.e United States Senate on the first day of the session, by Mr. Doolittle, relative to the qualification of jurors, tor the purpose of relieving any diffi culty that may occur in the respective trials for treason ot Mr. Davis and others. It pro vides that in ail such trials no juror shall be rejected by reason of opinions previously formed er expressed as to the guilt of the accused, which may have been formed upon rumors or statements in newspapers, or the common history of tha times—provided that the |uror declare upon oath, and it shall ap pear to the satisfaction of the court, that he will impartially try the case upon the evi dence deduced upon trial. A Washington dispatch says that General Howard has received official information which exonerates General Tlllson in his man agement of treedmen in Wilkea county, Ga. The most outrageous conduct towards freed men list followed the removal of the milita ry iu the county named, and in other parts of the Htale, and Itou. N. M. Reeve, Judge of the district of Wilkes county, Ga , ssks st llie requenl <>f Uie freedmeo and respectable citizens, tbst the military lie aeut back, and General Hteodiutu has ordered troop# to that oiunty Huo9tinu or a itoaasa—A omto nau was shot early Wednesday morning while endeavoring to effect an entrsaoa In tva store of 1111 l llsll,*colored uisu, on Washington strsot near Broad The rascal had smnnwdml in withdrawing tbs lower bolt Irom the doer, am! while #ll deavuring to remove the middle I*4l bf boring sW# in Ibe ilt#*f, • colored lean wslcbing In lb* stewa, nni s pistol In lbs b*y bois ena stmt tbu robhei in lbs blsasl, In lib ling • dsngsriaM If not Ulal wound *- hUiM/snuau/o? |«M SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1865. The Confederate Cotton Loan.— The N. Y. Herald’s Paris correspondent reiterates the assertion that the prominent English politicians editors etc., whose names appear ed on the list of Confederate Bond holders recently published iu the New York papers, were really interested in the bonda, what ever denials they may make. He admits the possibility that “the gentlemen who make the denials had never in reality reaeived or applied for or held any Confederate bonds. But the names of every one of them, with the exception above given, arc, I know positive ly, down for a certain number ot shares, which where attributed to them by the Con federate managers, undoubtedly with an ob ject. The list of bondholders is divided into two classes—those who received interest on their bonds and those wbo did not. In the latter class are the gentlemen who have made the denial. They were down on the hooka for a certain number ot bonds, which, bad the confederacy become a fact, they would, in all probability, have received and profited by as a reward for their services. Mr. Delate of the London Times, is down. Mr. Glad stone is down for twenty, and Sir F. Pol lock, wbo gave the decision against ua in the Alexandra case, has no less than one hun dred against his name." —Paris, Florence, Naples and Turin have been crowded of late with American visitors, who, it is said, mark their way by a “golden tide.” —France has now seventeen large com mercial steamers running between Europe and the American continent apd her colonies. SHIP, pj MOODY & BARRETT, Steam Soap Works, Savauxutelx, G-a., MAOFACTUBIBA OF GLYCERINE, BROWN WINDBOR, VIO LET, BAR ANILtrOILET SOAPS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. MBSBHS. Mood; A Barrett would respectfully an nounce to the public that they have just opened their ttTHAM SOAP WORKS, aud are fullyprepared to fill all orders lor the follow ing Bar and Toilet Soaps; PALE SOAP, EXTRA No.' 1, EXTRA No. 1 RESIN or YELLOW SOAP, GERMAN, ERASIVE, CHEMICAL, OLIVE, CASTILE, &c., Also, a large variety of Toilet Soaps, comprising HONEY, PALM, CAMPANULA, ’ • ALMOND, TRANSPARENT, ROSE, pummice; * LAVA, &c., &e. No pains will he spared to make our Soaps equal in qualify, price aud perfume to any American or For eign Soaps. Our motto shall be “semper idem," and all goods uot equal in quality aud price to American or Foreign manufacture, shall be returned and money refunded. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR TALLOW AND GREASE. Orders addressed to MOODY A BARRETT, or L. J. GUILMARTIN A CO., will reseive prompt and imme diate attention. dS-Um White Labor. - AN Agent of the Petersburg Emigration Company will visit Savannah W|thin a few days, and will be ready to fill all orders for European labor promptly and at small expense. dIS-tf THE GREAT PURIFIER! DAR B Y’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID 18 the beet preventative against all malignant dis eases, such as CHOLERA, SCARLET AND TYPHOID FEVERS, Ac.., Ac. It purifies dwellings, removes offensive odors, re moves stains, cares burns and sores. Used In bathing, it keeps the skin healthy, soft and white. Get a bottle aud try it. For sale by the druggists of Augusta at *1 per bottle. F. M. MYRELL,, dIS-3* WholusaleJAgoiit, Savannah. $25 REWARD ESCAPED from onr st .bio on Wednesday last, a large red .sorrel MAKE. Hire has thrss white feet, white face and very fall tail; Is in good order, and abost seven years old. The above reward will be paid for her delivery to ns, corner of Bay and Abercorn streets. d!8-3 J. P. A M. HAMILTON^ SURE CURB FOR THE CHILLS AND FEVER AND KINDRED DISEASES. THQUIRB at the MORNING STAS SALOON, cor -1 uer Bay utreet Lane and Ball street. Positive cure la one day or uo pay. dO-tf • Glass and Putty. JUST received pis steamship Richmond, u Hue lot of Window Glass, assorlsd sows, rhiUlile lor show cases, picture hemes, *c„ Ac.; Putty, Putty Knives, Ula/len' Diamonds, Ac. For sals by Roll hi IT 11. TATKM. Druggist, dIS-X* Corner JaSersou and McDonough sts. W. M. WALSH, WMoLKHALF. llrugglala, comer liarhui l usd llroughUtn hi reels, Savannah. (lu , i.unerai Agent fur the Hoillli. r LOCK’S llulr ItMlurer limlnros Gray llalr. CLOOit Hair Itsslorer makes llalr grow on Bald Heads CLOCK'# Han lleaiori't Mope Hair from Falling Out. i’UK;g-i| llalr Reat-awr P» Vials Headache. * CLUCK’# llah llaai.dnHs eli'|jaidl» Pt rlulued Halt tissunai la all Ibai uau i* r lalmsd as a disaslag "elk* a a Hal, HaMtorsr umasaaas all Mm atsrii i lalutwl luf M A Single trial MMOlu-os I Its Hoist auoutu si of Na uiia a an*• a tlon* High Dial m two IwaibM H .luu* uot give porta* t *an»7a* iton. In* mousy Wujba lefumted Mold svorrwbsis at fi p*i lu.iim ■» beMiaaftrdr r 4ftand if HILTON t BANDELL ARE now receiving and offcrfor sale, 300 boxes Layer Helton. wholes, halves and qnartera *6 cases assorted Jellies, quarts, pints and half pints e SO cases assorted Pickles, half gallon, quarts and pints 10 bbls English Walnuts 20 boxes choice Almonds ISO Soda, Sugar, Boston aud Lemon Crackers ditto AT I*3 HAY STREET. .. L. S. HOYT’S Ainmoniatel Bone Snner-Pliospbate of Ume, •* A highly approved fertiliser. Ten years' trial of it upon uU kinds of crops and soils has prlvedjta value. For sale by dlB-lw DUNCAN A JOHNSTON. Mackerel. I4C HALF bbls Noe. 3 finds Boston Mackerel UJ 100 kite Noe. 1, 8 and 3 do Tor Sale by HILTON ft RANDELL, and 18-6 193 Bay afreet. New Goods FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Lace Setts of Collars and Sleeves Lace and Needle-work Collars Needle-work A, new styles Ladies and GeMnaen's Linen Handkerchiefs White Bed Blankets and Quilts Black All-wool Merino, fine, quality White Tarlatans * Linen and Cotton Sheetings Black Cloak Cloths Ladies fine White Cotton Hose And m iny otner New Goods For sale very by d!8-6 DaWITT A MORGAN. Mackerel, IN barrels and kits, prime quality. d!3-tf CHAU. L. COLBY ft CO. ' THOS. H. AUSTIN, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, No. 95 BAY STREET, (or bt Alas) di2-3m* IAVANNAH, DEONIIA. NEW BOOK STORE. f|IHE subscriber being Incapacitated by 111 health A from the active duties of Hie Ministry has, with the full approval of the Bishop ol the Diocese, enter ed into business as a Theological and General Hook seller, and Is now opening a carefully selected Stock on the comer of Bull and State streets. He solicits the patronage of the people of Savannah. Theologi cal, Classical, School, and Miscellaneo is Publica tions kept on band- Orders received for any work, American or Euro peau. ' d6-w-f THOS. J. STALKY. JOHN VANDERBILT, NO. 23 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, DEALER IN Agricultural Implements OF every variety, embracing all the different pat terns of Plows in use iu the Southern States, Com- Sliclleie, Hay and Stalk-Cutters, Home-Powers and Threshing Machines, Fan-Mills, Wheel-Barrows, darts aud Wagons, Cotton Gius, Gin Gear, Plow and other Castings, Shovels, Forks, tides, Rakes and Garden and Farm Tools ana implements of every variety. SEEDS. * . The choicest Garden and Flower Seeds grown in this Country or Euiope, Including every desirable klud and variety. The utmost care taken to have those only which are clioloe and reliable. Also, Grass, Field ana Bird Steeds of every variety. FERTILIZERS..- Bone Dust, Animal Manure (a preparation of animal matter, blood and bone), a good substitute for (luano and cheapest manure lu use: Phosphate of Lime, Land Plaster, Guano, Ac. PLANTS, TREES, &c. Furnished from the most reliable Nurseries and Grow ers. respectfully solicited. Letters of inquiry cheerfully responded to and price lists famished on application. Iaw8»-u22 THE HEW_YORK NEWS. DAILY SEiMIi-WEEKLY A'DIWEEKLY. » THKiNKW YORK WEEKLY MID BEHI-WEEKLY HEWB. GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPERS, BENJAMIN WOOD Effitor Aid Proprietor* Journals of Politics, Literature, Fashions, Market and Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from ALL PARTS OF THE - WORLD! IMPROVEMENfSJNTRODUCED IMMENSE DETERMINED OH. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPKRS PUBLISHED IN NSW YORK. HEW YORK wiEKLY NEWS, Published Every Wednesday. Single Copies Five Cents One Copy, one year $ 2 eo Three Copies, one year 6 on Five Copies, one year...: 8 T 6 Ten Copies, one year II OU —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten Twenty Coplaa, one year 30 00 The Weekly News is Bent to Clergymen at *1 80. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year * 4 00 Three Copies, one year. 10 ou Five Copies, one year It. 00 Ten Copies, one year 30 00 —And an extra copy to any Clab of Ten. Twenty Copies, one year Si 00 To Clergymen 3 60 NEW YORK~DAILY NEWS. To Mail Subscribers sloper amium Six Months Five Dollars FOr sale by sll Newsdealers. Specimen copies of DAILY and WEEKLY NEWS sent free. A “ re " BENJ. WOOD, Dally News Building, No. 10 City Hall Square, ■rptSl New York City. Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, M.C. RIDDELL S Hlliltl, f’aorarivuaa * s. annual a*, v. avmc l»*-tf SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON IIKAO, N. I’., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. MlflU.r A HtMuMuFT PrapriaM* ftboasa L d.msa, Agsm >1 mil* FINANCIAL, r. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEWTOfcK. For sale by MplS BRIGHAM, BALDWTN Sight Exchange ON JPk* NEW YOEK, In sums to a*it purchasers, by sepgS-tf Jt. F. METCALFKfft CO EXCHANGE. SIGHT EXCHANGE on New York and Phitedelphta for sale, and Bills of Exchange purchased; by Crockery, China, Glassware. JOBBERS and Dealers from aU parts of the country are invited to examine my "Wholesale Stock which includes packages containing complete assort ments, put np expressly for “ Country Trade," Goods re-packed to salt purchasers, • ' Queensware House, 109 Broughton Bt., Mdeor fteu Bull Bt oc lOtf K. D. SMYTH. William Gill, (Successor to WUliam B. Hawkins,) TMPORTBR and Wholesale Dealer In Foreign and A Domestic Alee, Wines, Liquors, Philadelphia Por ter, Champagge Cider, Ac., Nd, 176 Fulton Street, , . Opposite St. Paul's Church, NEW YORK. Bottler of Mile's Celebrated Ale tor Shipping and Family use. Particular attention paid to Filling and Shipping Southern Orders. All orders by mall will be promptly attended to. nl4-3m k WILMINGTON . ~ IRON WORKS. PTTSEY, JONES & CO., Wilmington, Delaware. MANUFACTURE Iron Steamboats. Steam Engines, Boilers, Machinery for Saw Mills, Ac. Having had long experience in business and being provided with very extensive facilities for doing work of this class, are prepared to execute orders with despatch, octl2 • 6m PAPiWIRiOir AND DejwtltirPriiiters’Supplies WARRKN A PLATNKR, Wholesale dealers In all kinds or Writing, Printing and Wrapping Pa pers, Envelopes, Twines and Paper Bags. Also. Prlntei H Inks, Cards and Card Boards. Having superior facilities for procuring Goods di rect from the manufactories, we are enabled to com pete with New York prices. * SOLE AGENTS IN THIS CITY For the Batli Paper Mills. •Cash paid for Rags and all kinds of Paper Stock. d6 BT£EL£ & BUKBANK, 11 Merchants Row, Hilton Head, So. Ca /IALL the attention of Wlk-leeale and RMall pur- V chaaere to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, ann FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Sworda, Saahca, Belt*. Embroideries,Boots, Cape Field Glasses. Gauntlet* Gloves, ftc.. ftc,, ftc. THE Singer Sewing Machines. Principal Office for thd State of Georgia, 116 BROUGHTON STREET, VI. D. HAWLEY, General Agent. A large aaqprtment for sale at New York price*. Sewing .Machines of all kinds repaired at abort notice. . * Stitching neatly done. nil ESTABLISHED 1826. Between' Broadway A Greenwich Street. oct27-3m BILLIARDS. Six Tables* I RESPECTFULLY iavito the patronage of my old friends and v ini torn to the city. I have Six Good Hilliard Tables, including two of Phelao'a make, with the best Balls. Cues, Bridges, Maces, Ac., procurable. My rooms are commodious, and I endeavor to employ only competent attendant*. My Bar is supplied with a good assortment cf Ales, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Ac. n26-tf WALT Jut OMBABA LAND AGENCY FOR SOUTHERN GEORGIA. rpUB snbserilier, formerly of Savaißkt, and resident * tt niackshesr. Pierce county, Ga..on the Atlan tic * Gulf Hatlmad, will give bis psrsonsl sod undi vided attention to the sale and purchase oMatuh contiguous to the said railroad, on commission, and solicits the patronage of all needing an agent there. An experience In the land, lumber and limber bori neae of twenty years in Georgia and Mouth Carolina, guarantees ample quallflcation. He will be rente seiited In Msvsnuah by Mr. Henry Bryan, and la New York by the Great Southern laud Agency, Tl Broad way. JOHN D. DKLaNNOY. Refers to any old resident In tiavaauah. aeplS 3m PAVILION HOTEL For liant. 'pil AT w*»ll known, dMlr»ltlr UiSAtod. mu 4 highly 1 i-'puiftf ##Ubwhift* Ml, omoiod ou Bui) sirs si, • »*»• Mr* *•«« NuUlh HflNMl Mild Null iM cupflim four siiUrs lots of (Ui by uu fort #*t It, spd tlMi luu Its* iwssu slot i«uiUu4Uiu uUiui curly tuom, is now .«mml lot real. IV* Merit isiiims HU* loonerty still In. reqalted In tusks ths iWsssMiy ,spans so.I give MUsfaiSury s* *’MtIII Mm lbs puttilusl Uruielil Os rent John If imnu, MOVt H Krae’t I ’auni Cslstg * MIIIR6HCE. II SUE AN CE. ' ‘ K — :0! „ iHlhtrlzed Capital, $10,400,000 » • ' e* —W’*’ —- fTIIhRLES L-. OOtjffiY A CO, are prepared to take Martae Risks fibTtoy domestic or foreign port, •nd lire Risks In thlw city in the following name,t , filet class New York Companies, AT THE LOWEST RATRS. COLUMBIA!* MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY *6,006,000 MORRIS FISK AMD INLAND INSUR ANCE COMPANY i 6,000,600 OOMMERC FIRE INSURANCE COMPLY,. *00,060 STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMP'Y *OO,OOO _o*ce In Jones' Block, comer Bay and Abercora sheet*; Branch Office, comer of Drayton and Bryan ttaeeu. dlfotf DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. EINSTEIN 4 ECKIAN, lit. 151 entires‘St. savaiMb Qa. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL IfctOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ir tins HOUSE, AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND ■* DOMESTIC GOODS. HAVING Just received and opened • very large and select stock of Fancy Drees Goods, House Keeping and Domestic Goods, Blankets, Cloaks and Shawls, Also Hats, Boots and Shoes. And all articles usually found In a first e aas Dry Goods House, we would moat respectfully Invite our former friends and customers; also Merchants and Planter* visiting the city, to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. EINSTIIN ft ECKMAN, nov6-tf I*l Uangreas street. Savannah, on. DRY GOODS. HICHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country . Merchant,j .jflj A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Fancy Good*, &c., &c., &c.. Remarkably Cheap for Cash, CAN BE FOUND AT ▲- neaober c*> Co’s., 13 BARNARD STREET, COR CONGRESS LANE, Comprising a general Assortment of Foreign and Domeatlc Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, Ac. N. B.—By. strict attention to business, conrteons and hononM# dealing with onr customers, we trust to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. A large line ot Whits Goods and Linens now open. Octlß SHAWLS, SHAWLS. TUST opened a large assortment of Zephyr Worsted U Shawls, Homage, Cloaks and Honda, Children' Capa, Boots and Gaiters. Also, Irish Linens, Tsble Damask, Linen Towels, Table Napkins and Doyles, and a variety of Fancy Ar ticles too numerous to mention. All of which wc offer at very low prices. . .. EINSTEIN ft ECKMAN, novß-tf „ ltl Congress Street Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, 18*3, Black Dark Green Black tor Bilk* • Light Green Dark Bine • Migrate Light Btae Maize French Blue Maroon Claret Brown Orange Dark Brown Pink Light Brown Purple Sung Brown Royal Purple Cherry Salmon Crimson Scarlet Dark Drab Slate Light Drab Seiterlno Fawn Drab Vtotet Light Fawn Drab YaUow. For Dyeing Silk. Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfri, Drosses, Ribbons; Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Children's Clothing, . and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. «T A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. « For *6 cento yon can color as many goods as wonld otherwise coat five times that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The nroeese U simple, and any one can use the Dye with perfect sucrose. Directions lu Kuglleh, French and German, inside of each package. HOWS ft STKVKNS, _ , . . . *6O Broadway, Boston. Far sale by druggists aud dealers generally. actiadm - For Sale, 1 *-MIA BUSHELS Prime White Corf I-Wv SHOO bushel* Prime White Gate PS M. A. HARDEE * CO. To Wholesale Grocers, Uquor Dealers, MsUHers, Druggist* and Heap Manufacturers. ESSENTIAL Oils far flavoring and tmprovtag Bran dy, Rum, Port Wins, Bourbon, Rye, Scotch and Irish whiskies, age and body preparations for Neu tralising sad Modifying Whiring tad Spirit, Color ings, Syrups and Frail Jakes for Brandy, whiskey ana Wines, Oils and Extracts of Cognac sod ether Brandies, Holland and London Gin, Ac. Dr. F.’a Treatise on Fermented Liquors with 1000 Recipes. FOR DRUGGIST*’ USE. Persian Insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loadstone, Fluorspar and Fluoric Add, Manganese and all OTe Drop). FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS, BUUcate of Soda la Crystals, Liquid and Jelly China Clsy and Terra Alba, assp stone, Bonin Soda, Ash, Ac r JOT. W. FEUCHTRANGBft, oovl-eodmn Mo. at Cedant., N. Y, SAUUMS AMD ROPE. H BALES Gunny and Dandse Bagging 101) colls Bale Rope. Forflaieß? d».*od*w CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM. J. SHAFFER, Ootamlawloxt Pwmlwr '““TmSrn OyporiU 14* West st., Balk Mead bstwsea Bftday end s ■ w V To h a All mwaigsisisl* proamtly Misak od to. wkStvESF 5 * a - *• *• Ivi* ABTXN A THEOOKMOHTOM, NO »«» HOWKKY, NiiW YORK, MANUFAt’rUHEIta end llmUm Mi BtnM.i.> sad Lurk‘■ttog Mawtwsra, Nslri. PslMss, IJwA Mug •**Me Mgt Altolrii BaMlfoMto, Dtsm suJ It.m g.ifl ••••* * MDmOTMom* H»Iml IFli*. SlrsfPl allMg, fie AU urwMo, Mrs* 41 sstali, *-|—‘i*rl priHopliy *ll4 p>* seat , las* l*aa hsi*m arissa . eegil (j* * PRICE, SUCENTS pmeMdisoShge ■ -*• THE ORIGINAL '*■» TRAVELLERS''INSURANCE CB. OF HARTFORD, CONN., Indues against -A. CCI Djg tp q “Af^ GASH assets. OCTOBER !, la **, (DROSS, flve°yle?* for ranging Rrom *3 to fiot—at premiums made on threewd Übet *™*»coum One mo,!T W •mount np written in saw accidents, traTeßtoghwmS^^^^^AjhkiadTS. OLDEST ACCIDENT IHSURLHCB OO.PA», „ TANARUS..„ Loan., L the ploncJuceident this country; UkSnSS I*l^ 1 * 1^ jgjfoldm. witton the yekr, No MxntoxL* R*)ur«*n. / ' written without delay. a “ Ma *' where Policies are A FEW OF THE YOBSER. PAID. Tmeta’ Haw Ci. of HarfTori, W* TO NOVEMBER Ist, ia*s. Nb.JWk*. UescnpuoH. Mm , t *768 Insurance agent, Chicago Ms. ■**<* by railroad accident ’ *****-« 8664 Expressman, Rockford, HI o* 18 -*® **>-00 door lammed finirer °**» 85S ® Manufacturer, ill c_.' ll '®° 9o «® band inpianing machine 1- 4286 Expressman, 3Ltro“ Mfohhran" W ’ oo 400 & Struck against laSom “3SS ,S1 *■*■' ** ■*" 2008 Insurance agent, Brooklyn, NTS “ #o w? Fell down stalrwav "• *1 % 2604 Carpenter, Detroit; Mich.' nun S4 ’ oo 84 00 from car while at work'nTl- n 1 6277 «. ,n ‘ ,, “‘ PO V # '° o w 1 8614 Merchant, St'johnSbury, Venn't* *‘'°° 64, 00 UM 2000 6644 Carpenter, Mansfield, O. Onthi.' 30 00 s# ' oo hand, in removing goodi!^ 3798 w r i C on“r^': PaQ, '‘ Mh *- Timber' 600 W W «i 9 Fireman, Cleveland o m ' 6 '°° 10 -«® off 56,17 4667 cut 600 nju> 76.00 shins agJlnatrtoMk H “ rt *"* „ „ 8674 Insurance agent, Pekin, 111 An' 16 00 19 48 from wagon ’ Tlm>w “ 9648 divert' 1 ’ Zl,neeTll,e . O. Ftelitato 100 00 8086 ‘In 1 " 1 ke *P® r ' Lyon,'Mass.' Wsg‘ S *' 00 26 0H on upset b, gsie of wind . -Si!! Marine Insurance. NEW YORK" , fire and marine Insurance Ageucy. SECURITY INSURACE COMPANY .Capital and * . PHCENIX INSURANCE. 00. Capital and a INTERNATIONAL >** Capital and 5u5p10*.,..^,... MANHATTAN INSURANC»|gOw % Ospital and Surplus ' Risks taken In the above htohlv resnoMthiu r*L'’ pauiea on buddings and lions, ut the lowest s-atee C( ri»ke. Apply to n9-ka No. 12 Rau^, £lollaL>le Houti, x-gaxxoe. * vs, •*#■■■ • . . TBS . v " National Marine and lira INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS. capita 1........ Imu.uuu ’ The iindsralgueil liegs leave to hi farm the insuring ■ftHr that he lias keen legally appelated Agent for OT ehovs aatnsd ( ouijisuy, sud Mi ready to take Ma rißa, Itlver and Fire Risks si customary rates. (>■«* over Hum ter* UawamiL?s*y Msset. > HMereese*-Gcura* Cohen, Hunter * UagMMlI, WOOD, WOOD. 'rsias subscriber 1* prep seed to Ssrarih ties, lughw A awl Plus Wursi, ot Um MM uuslllr. at Shis ptlise. UlUifs left 111 the Moss* ft Ail Km tin 1 * drup rttn* Wmw*i utdatae-q, or si this oMee, wt e Is piurtipui, siliiiilsd In dis laT WM SU/9.