Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 20, 1865, Image 1

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THE ~ SAVANNAH * DAILY HERALD- VOL. FriNO. m. The Savannah Daily Herald (MOWING AND EVENING) . S . W. MAHON ft GO., AT 111 Bat ftlOUl, SAVANNAH, QkoWU. Wliil: Per Col a Five Cent*. tlTIITIIlMl" Two Dollars yet Square of Ten Line* lor first In-, •nrtion* One Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad vertisements inserted in the morning, will, if desired, *DD*«r to the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING, In ever? Mjto. B “ t,y &nd P rom Ptly done. by telegraph TO THE Daily Herald. fVom WA 8 H INC TON. THE amendment OFFICIALLY DECLARED VALID. CON GKK SSI ON AG,PKOCEEDIN OS. Washington, Dec." LBw—The Secretory et gtste officially declare* the Constitutional Amendment Irhlch has now been ratified by three the States, to be valid tool 1 intents anapfaf p oses, as a part of tbe Con stitution of the United States. CONGRESS. Senate. Washington, Dec. 18.—Senator Wilson of fered a resolution providing for the ment of an examining board to relieve officers of the regular army, who stave not rendered material service id the late war, and fill their places by appointments ftom the Veteran Reserves and volunteer forces. * A resolution was offered that Congress listen on the 12th of February to an address Iromßon. E. M. Stanton on the late Mr. Lincoln, the President, the Cabinet and For eign Ministers, and the officers of the Army and Navy, who have received the thanks of Congress. House. The credentials of James W. Johnson, member elect from the Third District of Ala bama, were presented and referred to the Commitiee on Reconstruction. Mr. Price, of lowa, offered a preamble and resolution, in substance as follows : Whereas au attempt may come in some shape to re pudiate the national debt, and assume the rebel debt; therefore, Resolved, That no representative from any State be hereafter admitted until an amend ment is made to the Constitution precluding such a result. The resolution was referred to the Com mittee on Reconstruction. Mr. Moulton offered a resolution calling upon the President to inform the House why Jefferson Davis had not been brought to trial for treason. ■ m A resolution was passed declaring that the. test oath will not be dispensed with. The House went into a Committee on tbe President’s Message. Mr. Stevens made a sjHech, the point of which was to give the blacks tbe rights claimed for them by tbe Declaration of Inde pendence, and place tbe Southern States in the condition of Territories, with a view to their subsequent admission as free States. NEW YORK MARKET. New York, Dec. 18,—The cotton market is dull. Sales of the day, 1,400 bales, at 49a 60c. Gold, 1461-4. ARRIVAL FROM EUROPE. LIVERPOOL DATES OP THE 10TH. Halifax, Dec. 18.—'The steamship Cuba, with Liverpool dates of the 10th has arrived. The King of Belgium is dead. At the American banquet in Paris on Thanksgiving Day, Minister Bieelow express ed very pacific sentiments. General Scho field, who was also present, proposed as a toast—“ Friendship between France and the United States.” The Sfienadoab, which sailed from Liver pool for New York on the 21st, put back on the 6th, on account of a heavy gale. O'Leary, the Fenian, has been found guil ty and. sentenced to twenty years penal ser vitude. Liverpool, Dec. B.— The cotton market closed quiet and steady. Sales on Friday, 7,000 bales. Sales of the week, 9*,000 bales on speculation and export. Middling Orleans, 21 l-2d. The market has advanced l-4al-2d on the week, closing steady. Breadstuffs quiet. Provissins quiet. The sales of cotton on Saturday were 6,000 bales. The market is easier and prices un changed. Consols 87 l-Baß7 5-16(1. U. S. Five-Twenties 63 l-4a64. THE FENIAN IMUHOgLiO. The deposition of Mr. O'Mabony as Presi dent of the Fenian organization in this coun try by the senatorial branch of the Irish Congress, has provoked a terrible quarrel between the two irratited factions. •» The deposed gentleman was tried and con demned lor official malfeasance and was suc ceeded by Mr. Roberts, who was voted by bis nine colleagues into his new position. The ‘wo cliques headed, respectively, by O'M*- bony and Roberts, are detaining and attack log each other with extraordinary vigor. We should Judge from these developments, tbsi the organization must be a very strong ° Uv > for, while they are making preparations 1,1 heard the Lion of Kogland, they have siftugib and leisure tor no little squabUing **<*€ themselves. First the great Head Centre, O Maitony, puts tits brand upon n wiaiber <4 the member* in nil parts of tbs country, aud suspends w espels them lor ***Lly. Hardly bed the news of bln eniiou "■*• tied us before it was ewtouuoed tbet lb# b>«i| i suits blmeell bed been traveling beyond tbs record, end bee bees In turn el ' “"ooueteeted M aliagud oriwinel flotation oi am* * b* Mew Vmb Herald tletrsdso tber lb# only person who can settle these damaging diffi culties is ilr. James Stephens, the Chief Ex ecutive of tbe Irish rebels, whose miraculous escape fsom a Dublin prison has so puzzled the English and delighted tit FeniaQS. It is belwjed by his American friends that he has crimed over from Ireland to Paris, and Is expected in this country by every steamer. If tbevPenians are in earnest in the propo sition to fight? aidfEngiand, they will do well tQ husband all their strength and not indulge so extensively in quarrels and bickerings in advance of the great day of trial. _ „ The fcew President, Mr. Roberts, delivered his inaugural’ on 13th inst., after which a Senate delegation visited ex-President O’Mahoney’s head quarters, and formally de manded the books, papers and funds of the Society, but tbe gentlemen were conducted back to the outer door. the treasury report. The plan proposed by the Secretary of the Treasury for the redemption of tbe public debt is perhaps the only qije. that gives pro mise of success, if not tbe only-one that is practicable. It is intended tdjeffect two ob jects : To meet any deficiency in tbe Treasu ry in payment of the past-due and maturing obligations of Government, and to contract gradually tbe too large volume of the paper currency-.- It happens that the policy recom mended, that of funding, coincides with' both public and private interest. - Unless Govern ment bonds are cautiously placed on the mao ket, their value will depreciate, and unless the excess of circulating medinm Is reduced in the most gradual manner, the fall of prices will involve much pecuniary embarrassment, and, perhaps, end in collapse, if not panic. ‘ By the statement of the public debt on the Ist of October, besides the compound-inter est notes, the U. S. notes, and the fractional currency, The past-due debt amounted to *1,878,92 09 The debt due iu 1865 and 1806 wiU amount to.. ; 187,649,646 46 Tbe debt due In 1867 and 1868 to 848,223,001 80 Os the debt falling due in 186 T and 1868, $880,000,000 consists of 7.30 notes. Mr. McCullock thinks that it would be prema ture to fund any considerable amount of these notes within the next year. His opin ion is, that on tbe Ist of July, 1868, tbe debt, being approximately estimated at three thou sand millions of dollars, the whole will be discharged in less than twenty-seven years, if we lforrow this amount at 5 per cent, per annum. According to tbe Treasury exhibit there will be an excess of receipts over expendi tures at tbe termination of tbe fiscal year 1867 of $111,682, 818 12. Tbe elements of this calculation are for 1866, as follows: Balance in Treasury Ist of October, 1865 ... $67,158,156 4* Receipts from Customs..sloo, Receipts from Lands 500,000 Receipts from Internal • Revenue 170,000,000 Receipts from Mtecella- . -~ neous sources 80,000,000 305,500,000 00 A 372,658,515 44 Expenditure according to estimates. 484,833 462 64 Deficiencies i 112,174,947 20 Thejecf-ipta for tbe year ending June 80, 1837, are eatlmSled as follows : • 'From Customs $100,000,060 00 From Internal Revenue 275,009,000 oo From Lands.! 1,000,000 00 From miscellaneous sources 20,000,090 oo $896,000,000 00 The expenditures according to the es timates will be 284,817,181 88 Leaving a surplus of estimated re ceipts over expeditures of $111,682,818 12 The receipts from customs in the years 1866 and 1867 may equal, if not exceed, the estimade made by Mr. McCulloch. In all probability, if the constitution is amended, so as to permit a moderate duty on erports, the duties from customs may exceed the es timate. There is much more doubt aa regards the internal revenue. Mr. McCulloch’s plan of redemption, is founded on two assump tions, that the debt will not exceed three thousand millions of dollars, and that be will be able to fhnd at not more than six per cent, per annum. Granting both these as sumptions, it is very doubtful whether he will be able to realize such a surplus of re ceipts over expenditures as be anticipates at tbs commencement of the fiscal year 1868. The item of internal revenue is stated at a high figure, two hundred and seventy-five millions. The reduction of expenditure for the war department is brought down from upwards of three hundred and seven millions, seven hundred thousand dollars, to thirty nine millions. That so great a reduction can be made in the expense of the war depart ment appears to us to be contrary to proba bility, while the interest on the public debt is stated at little more than one hundred and forty-one millions. Now, if the principal of the debt should not exceed three thousand millions, at an average of 6 per cent, per an num, the interest would amount to one hun dred and eighty millions. But there is every probability of its exceeding thsMuim. It will, most certainly, exceed the estimate, should there be a deficiency, instead of an excess, at the close ot the fiscal year 1867, the same as at the close of the year 1866. There is one view of this subject which Mr. McCulloch appears to_ have overlooked, in his scheme of reduction, i. e. the large amount of taxation. According to his esti mates there will be received in the year 1867 four hundred millions of dollars in taxes. Now he has stated, in another part of his Re port, that the limit of three hundred millions ought not be exceeded for the ag gregate of the issues of the National banks as sufficient for the wants of the country. How, then, if tbe currency is reduced to this limit, are tbe taxes to be paid? How is three hundred millions to bp sufficient for tbe ordinary wants of the coun try, and tbe payment, In addition, of four hundred millions in taxes ? If there should be a deficiency In 1867 bow would such deficiency be supplied? Mr. McCulloch is decidedly averse to any In crease of tUe Government issues of paper money as incompatible with his scheme of resumption in as short a period, as practica ble. He is equally averse to extending the legal limit of three hundred millions to tbe Issues of tbe Jtntionnl bank*, being of opia ion that this sum is fdlh Kin for (he wants of the country, sod to preserve its mixed system of paper and tbe precious metoie ip a sound condition. Tbe maximum of taxation will bare been reacted. Tbe only rmoun « then left, In oas# ol a defldeiioy, will be to fund, rite effect of which will be So oonlrut the currency already Insufficient tor tb# i «fdl nary business of the country, In addition to lln wHialniUHili Cur tffiiHiioii TteT*.o„.lu."m from this view Is HMt no plan of resumption can be sum eeslqj and uracUcabl* muses devised In rvbrenc* lo ibe large amount of taxation, which has boon necessary by It* war -It# New Vert Hereid perpetrate* tbe follow tog i "Wanted- A Heed Centre Ins It* Irish ItepoWu. Wasted—An Irish Ms poMb fur tbs Mead Centre SAVANNAH* (GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1865. 11 ■" ■ 1 -■■■ " ■ - - - - - - The Callu* or tub .-Roll in tan HBUSv or RKFBssaifTA-rrvcs.—On the assembling of the House of Representatives o‘s the Thirty ninth Congress, the galleries were densely crowded. The calling of the roil of the members sleet was awaited with most intense interest At length the House was called tb order and Mr. McPherson, Clerk, proceed to call the roll. What followed is thus dev tailed: “While the roll was being called, Mr. May nard, Tennessee, whose name had .not been placed on tbe roll, wanted to suggest something,'but the Clerk -refused to'be in terrupted. Alter the call was completed, Mr. Mgynard again rose to speak, but the Clerk again ruled him out of order. One hundred and seventy-five members answered to their names. Mr. James Brooks, of New Jerk, made a speech characterizing the omission of the names of tbe members from Tennessee from the roll as unprecedented, unjdst and totally uncalled for. He said that IT Mr. Maynard was not a'loyal man from a loyal and Union State, then tbe President of tbe United States Was not a loyal man, bnt an alien and a stranger. He charged that the adoption of resolutions excluding Southern members from this House, by tbe Republican caucus, was designed to be antagonistic to theiPresi dent’s forthcoming message. The House took no action on the stiblect, but under the operation of the previous ques tion,proceeded to the election of a Speaker.” Report of the Controlleron the Currency The report of the Horn Freeman Clarke presents a compact statement of the year’s work. The document is accompanied by about 140 pages of statistics, relating mainly to the condition of the National banks. Since the last annual report, 283 new banks have been organized, and 731 State banks c on verted into National Whole number of Na tional banks to Nov. 1, is 1,601, of which #7® were new, and 922’. conversions from State institutions. Two banks have tailed. The.result of the conversion has been rather to diminish than to increase the chculation. National bank notes in circulation Oct. I, were $171,321,903 ; State banks, $78,867,576; legal tender and fractional currency, $704,- 584,658. Including bank notes not issued, tbe whole amount of tbe national circulation at that date was $1,083,452,233fr0m which the Controller makes large deductions in order to arrive at actual circulation. Na-, tional bank notes not delivered to banks are $109,152,945; legal tender held by banks, $193,094,365; compound interest notes, mostly held as investments, $121,814,195 ; currency in the U. S. Treasury, $666,23.440; altogether, $499,323,097 ; leaving the actual circulation $460,844,229. * It is recommended that as the most ef ficient means to curtail expansion, a system of compulsory redemption at tbe financial centers be adopted. The emergency which required an irredeemable paper currency no longer existing, resumption of specie pay ments should ensue at the earliest possib ft moment. As one step toward it, the tariff should be so adjusted as to discourage inor dinate importations ; increasing the tariff as fold and foreign exchange recede in price, eternal taxation at tbe same time should be simplified. In addition to $120,000,400 from tbe tariff, tbe Controllers estimates are $100,000,800 on whisky, malt, liquors, and domestic wines; $15,000,000 on tobacco; $125,000,000 on cotton ; $16,000,000 from stamps; $20,000,000 from licences; $lO,- 000,000 from premiums on surplus of gold ; in the aggregate $405,000,000, a sum proba bly $100,000,000 in excess of expenses, the or part of which could go to tbe yearly re duction of the debt. By restricting the internal Revenue tax to a few articles the cost of its collection would be greatly diminished, and dissatisfaction with the law be abated. The Controller protests warmly against all schemes of State taxation of National secu rities as a violation of public faith, and pro poses the transfer of the bureau which he administers from Washington to New York, as demanded by economy and convenience. Making Disaster.— Capt. Chichester of the steamer Washington, from Wilmington, N. C., reports that on his outward passage, on Monday, Nov. 27th, discovered a large ship ashore 85 miles North of Hatteras. She proved to be the Alcyone, of St. John, N. 8., 57 days from Liverpool, for Baltimore. Capt. Chichester laid by her 24 hours, and tried every means to get her off, which, proving ineffectual, Capt. Leavitt decided to abandon her, and he and bis crew took pas sage for Wilmington. On returning passed the wreck December 4th ; discovered that the ship bad capsized and was lying on her beam ends, with masts broken off, and wreckers at work stripping copper from ber bottom. A soldier recently hunting squirrels, in Palmira, Micb., shot at one of these animals with a rifle; missed his mark, and shot, in stead, bis brother, who was a mile distant, injuring him severely. SorpT! HOODT & BARRETT, Steam Soap Works, Savstmxali, G-a., MAUFACTUBEBB OF GLYCERINE, BROWN WINDSOR, VIO LET, BAR AND TOILET SOAPS OF EVERY DEBCRIP ♦ TION. MESSRS. Moody S Barrett wonld respectfully an nounce to the pnbtic tlmt they have Inst opened their |IBAK SOAP WORKS, and are fully prepared to till all orders lor tbe follow* lug Bar aud Toilet Soaps; PALE SOAP, EXTRA No. J, EXTRA No. 1 RESIN or YELLOW SOAP, GERMAN, ERASIVE, CHEMICAL, s*. OLIVE. CASTILE, &e. Also, s large variety of Toliet Soap*, comprising HONEY, PALM, , • CAMPANULA, ALMOND, TRANSPARENT. HOSE, PUMMIOK, * LAVA, Ac. Mu us!mc trill !*• spared Ur StaSe uni Huspc easel Is uusHlf. prise end perfume u, aSf S meric Ml dsfuc. *ii* mlsns tier audioshall lie “wmpw Idem," eas etisuode »•■*» eusal IS UUeWy aud arid) to Amort so nr forriau •ueaaauteti, snail U wtarses end reuse* ndsudrd ms Miunnet pmjuk pair run talu/w amii •INttSdM MfdfW |44<eeec4 I- Mruipv e MAMMfWT, <# J. 8 rei’li Menilis e u t, wlhrmh*pruMpi fliail NMMIiNI HILTON, A RANDELL ARE now rtgpivmg and offer lot ante, 3o« box#)' Layer Raisins, whbles, halve* and quarter* ' « . ■ ftf ■ V 25 canes assorted Jellies, quarts, pirns and half pint* '* : 50 case* assorted Pickle*, -half gallon, quarts and pints 10 bble English Walnut* 20 boxes choice Almonds 150 Soda, Sugar, Boston and Lemon Crackers 618-6 ‘ AT 193 BAY STREET. L. 8. HOYT’S AiMoniated Bone Supec-PhosDtate of Lime,. A highly approved fertilizer. Ten years’ trial of it upon all kinftkof qyops and toils has prtved its value For sale by - • dIS-lw DpMCAS A JOHNSTON. Mackerel.; 4 Q C HALF bbls No*. 2 and 3 Boston Mackerel * tu 100 kits Noe. 1, 2 nod 8 do . For Sale by HILTON ft RANDELL, d.lB-6 198 Bay street. New Goods FOB CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Lace Setts of Collars and Sleeves Lace and Needle-work Collars Needle-work Setts, new styles Ladies and Gentlemen’s Linen Handkerchiefs White Bed Blankets and Quilts Black All-wool Merino, fine quality White Tarlatans Unen and Cotton Sheetings \ v Black Cloak Cloths Ladies fine White Cotton Hose And m my otner New Good* For sole very cheap by 618-6 : DrWITT A jROBQAN. Mackerel, IN barrels and kits, prime quality. dl3-tf CHAS. L. COLBY ft CO. THOS. H. AUSTIN, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, No. 95 BAY STREET, - ter 8TAIBB) SAVANNAH, 6EORBIA. NEW BOOK STORE. " ffIHE subscriber being Incapacitated by ill health A from the active duties of the Ministry has, with the foil approval of the Bishop ot the Diocese, enter ed into business us a Theological and General Book seller, and is now opening a carefully selected Stock on the comer of Bull and State streets. He solicits the patronage of the people of Savannah. Theologi cal, Classical, School, and Miscellaneo-is Publica tions kept on hand. Orders received for any work, American or Euro .pean. d6-w-f THOS. 1. STALEY. JOHN VANDERBILT, NO. 23 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, OXAI.XB IX Agricultural Implements OF every variety, embracing all the different pat terns of Plows in use to the Southern States, Corn- Sliellerg, Hay and Stalk-Cutters, Horse-Powers and Threshing Machines, Fan-Mills, Wheel-Bar. ows; Carts and Wagons. Cotton Gins, Gin Gear, Plow and other Castings, Shovels, Forks, Hues, Rakes and Garden and -Farm Tools ana implement* of every variety. . BEpB. The choicest Garden and Flower Seeds grown ill this country or Kuiope, including every desirable kind and variety. The utmost care taken to have those only which are choice and reliable. Also, Grass, Field and Bird Seeds of every variety. FERTILIZERS. Bone Dust, Animal Manure (a preparation of animal matter, blood and bone), a good substitute for Guano' and cheapest manure in use: Phosphate of Lime, Land Plaster, Guano, Ac. PLANTS, TREES, &c. Furnished from the most reliable Nurseries and Grow ers. Orders respectfully solicited. Letters of inquiry cheerfully responded to and price lists furnished on application. lawßw-n22 THE HEW TORE NEWS. DAILY SE,II:-VEEELT A D.WEEKLT. — e THE.NHTW YORK WEEKLY AND SESU-WEEKLY NEWS. GREAT family' newspapers. BENJAMIN WOOD Editor And Proprietor.- Journals of Politics, Literature, Fashions, Market and Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! IHPROVEMENTSJTRODUCED IMMENSE CIRCULATIONS DETERMINED OR. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORE. NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Published FI very "Wednesday. Single Copies .Five Cents One Copy, one year $2 <»i. Three Copies one year * 00 Five Copies, one year 8 $8 Ten Copies, one year IT 0U —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten Twenty Copies,one jfeas..., y SO 00 The Weekly News Is Sent to Clergymen T * at $1 80. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year S4OO Three Copies, one year 10 00 Five Copies, one year is 00 Ten Copies, one year. 80 oo —And an extra copy to any Clnb of Ten. Twenty Copies, one year OS 00 To Clergymen 3 00 NEW YORK - DAILY NEWS. To Mall Subaorlbevs $lO par annum hix Mouths Five Dollars For tale by a|l Newsdealers. Specimen cnplae of DAILY end WEEKLY NEWS sent flee. Address BEHJ. WOOD, DeUy News Building, No. 10 City Ball Square. * New York City, j THE BINGHAM ffiCHOOU MKUANKYIU.t, N C. Km.l sJtruib tbs•advam*# ” a luEmThdiSl w,„,. w..te, rtetes. w rn * Ilia HeueMviU*, M. O, SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON UEAU, N. IU now opu to m ru sue, Mt t’fll-t $ gAMMMtef, Pr-qisWMfljJ Movsae I* Jusea As**4 if nua •financial.. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. F*r sale by _*epl6 BRIGHAM. BALDWIN ft CO Sight Exchange , | on NEW YORK, . In sum* to suit purchasers, by Sep2B-tf E. F. METC'ALFEjA CO EXCHANGE. SIGHT EXCHANGE on New York and Philadelphia for sale, and Bills of Exchange purchased, by 518-lw DUNCAN ft JOHNSTON. Crockery, China, Glassware. TOBBEBB and Dealers from all parte of the country O are invited to examine my "Wholesale Stock » which includes packages containing coaplote assort ment*, put up expressly for “ Country Trade'’ Good* re-packed to suit purchasers. Queens Ware House, 100 Bronghton St., 2d door from Bull St <* 10tf E. D. SMYTH. ‘William G-ill, I: (Onocessor to William B: Hawkins,) TMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer in' Foreign and A Domestic Ala, Wines, Liquor*, Philadelphia Por ter, Champagne Cider, Ac., JSTo. }7G Fulton Street. Opposite St Paul’s Church, NEW YORK. Bbttler of Mile’s Celebrated Ale for Shipping and Family use. Particular attention paid to Filling and Shipping Southern Orders. All orders by mail will be promptly attended to. nl4-3m • •• CONSTITUTION WATER la, without doubt, the only known remedy lor DIABETES, CALCULUS, GRAVEL,* BRICK DOST DEPOSITS, IRRITATION OF THE NECK or Tint BLADDER, INFAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, AND ALL 4k FEMALE IRREGULARITIES. Certificates of care* from 'well-known persona from all parts of tbe country In circular, will be sent on ad dressing MORGAN ft ALLEN, Ag’ts, dV2-3m No. 40 Cliff st., New York. * Notice. ALL persona having demands against the estate of Edward Q. Wilson, deceased, of Chatham county, arc reaper tfully requested to hand them In properly au thenticated; and all persons indebted to said estate ore requested to make immediate payment to ANAIS WILSON, nl4 Administratrix. nm warehouse AND Depot forPrinters’Supplies WARREN i FLATNER, Wholesale dealers In all kinds or Writing, Printing and WrappingPa pera. Envelopes, Twines and Paper Bags. Also, Printers Inks, Cards and Card Boards. Having superior facilities for procuring Goods di rect from the manufactories, we are enabled to com pete with New York prices. SOLE AGENTS IN THIS CITY For the Bath Paper Mills. Cash paid for Rags and all kinds of Paper Stock. do NOTICE. THE undersigned would respectfully Inform hla former patrons and the citizens generally that be la prepared again to take contracts to bnlld new or repair wharves. Pile-driving done by steem pile-driver. .. dl-6m F. KRENSON. STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants Raw, Hilton Heart, 80. Ca CALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AMD NAVAL CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods. Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts. Embroideries,Bools, Caps Field (Hasses. Gauntlet* Gloves, ftc.. ftp.. *c. TBZI Singer Sewing Machines. Frindpsl OfSee for the State of Georgia, 11# BBW4WTON STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General Agent. A large assortment for sale at Mew York prices. Sewing Machines of all kinds repaired at short notice. Stitching neatly done. nil XBTABI.IBHED 1826. Between Broadway A Greenwich Street. oct27-3m BILLIARDS. Six TabIes rRKHPECTFTII.LY lavlle tbs patronage of my old Mends nd visitor, to the rliy I have fill Good miltard Tables. liK ludlng two of Helen's make, with he bvst Belle. Cass. Bridges, Mares, *e., procurable. If roams are enmsaadloue, niut I endeavor to employ PAVILION HOTEL . For Rniit. # rw at W»|| kttmm, Mi *•» «U 4 bM Mgkip 3 HWiIM Hi. niluml***! fi(| lull xliffiH, Mbnb mmU» »**4 Hull miiinNul jbsi euMss Me M *#*>(** fa* »ss4 th'i Ike tails 1 7, Fi—'fwTtjjdt! f***** 1 # '"Kf mumtlt JR" 1 jyedU rtefiN 'kb t""t>»rfr *W b» leqabsd i# ■Ms me SM«aekrp mpatre sad jdea settaf *Umi m —rf* » fur i*e iieiiatkal papaHeut <*rest JOffiN r fInOMK, ■nrf u pvart ffaiua SwM# inmi ranck. ’ ' INSURANCE. Authorized Capital, $10,400,000 pH ARLES L. COLBY A CO. are prepared to take u Marine Risks to any domestic or foreign port, and Fire Risks In this dty In the following named tost das* New York Companies, AT THE LOWEST RATES COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY...,.;.. ................ ft*.«»,ooo MORRIS FIRE AND INLAND INSUR ANCE COMPANY 8,000,000 COMMERC FIRE INSURANCE COMFY, 200,000 STANDARD FIRS INSURANCE COMFY 200,000 .£ss°* 2* i? I L e !L. Block ’ oorner Bay and Absrcorn rtreeta; Branch OOce, comer of Drayton and Bryan *“**“• „j dtS-tf j BB* GOODS AND CLOTHING. EINSTEUi A ECKIAN, No. 151 Conn SI. Samnah Ga. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY coons HOUSE, AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, HERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMEBTIC GOODS. n Ao4 all anode* nasally found In a foot tern Dry GoodS'House. we wowd most respectfully Invite our former Mends and cJatomert; also Merchants SSRK;MMr4Sig3“““ ~’ EINSTEIN ft ECKMAN, nor6-tf I*l Congress Street, Savannah, Ga BEY GOODS. HICHLY IMPORTANT To Ladied and Country Merchants. .a h • A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ac., Ac., Ac., Remarkably Cheap For Cash, CAN BE FOUND AT A. Hoaohor efts Oo'e., 18 BARNARD STREET, COR. CONGRESS LANE, Comprising a general Assortment of Foreign and fiomastlc Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, Ac. N. B.—By strict attention to business, courteous and honorable dealing with our cnatouera, ws trust to merit and receive a liberal a bare of patronage. A large Jins pi White Goods and Linens now open. oct!9 , SHAWLS, SHAWLS. TUST opened* large assortment of Zephyr Worsted Cl Shawls, Sontags, Cloaks and Hoods, Children' Capa Boots and Gaiter* Also, Irish Llntms, Table Damask, Linen Towels, TsWeNapkina and Doylea, and avarlety of Fancy Ar tides too numerons to mention. All of which we offer st very low prices. EINSTEIN ft ECKMAN, Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, 1863. Black * Dark Green Black for Silk Light Green Dark Bine Magenta Gghtßjy -55? French Blue Maroon Claret Brown Orange Dark Brown pink Light Brown Purple Suuffßrown Crimson Scarlet I' ‘ ( Dark Drab ’Slate * Light Drab Solfertoo Fawn Drab Violet light Fawn Drab Yellow. Hate, Fe*there, Children’s Clothing, era SvtSa“oFVr&Wr. Far 15 cents yon can color m many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. various shades can be produced from the same dye. The prooese la simple, and any one can use the Dye with »«—*■«* ESdTof JKX£ Knglu ' 1 ’ “ and aenn “’ HOWE ft STEVENS, _ , . , M 0 Broadway, Boston. ectttkCu *** < ***** lst * ■ n<l dealer* generally. FRUIT. WINES, k Kfl BOXES Layer and M. H. Raislna vIU 80 drama Figs 10 boxes Prunes 8 bbls Almonds 8 bbls Dried Beaches and Applet Citron and Currants -' *»<*, Nutmegs and Cloves 80 b *2su u daiEF BakUeck fMI'- 20 doaen very choice Sherry 10 dozen very old Madeirn ‘ k .i . Cootelnr Wine. Brandy, *c. Bye, Bonrbon andSeotch Whiskey For sale by dl6-sod2«r CLAGHOBN A cntNUftHTAif. Corn, and Hay! 500 ?i® 8 p rl “ e w ‘>“« Maryland Oorn DRUBS ! IIBU8S!! W. M. Walsh, mimsgiSg , Bate Agent far J. 0. Arsr A C'u'a i'rapar alkuia. Dp. laVtfl Asrnus IriiJm!TtaLv •uii'e F»ma<le fw the flair, TbaiahunUnulh rssil.l Wells' niiaiqithaotw I'lasUrs pare Wine* aodfi' Nffh '<*» wedhinJ Mtauae* Ail «f wUkh trUl h* And at ■ueaenoieiere' penes. MOUTM MAUI UMMKN Ug BAMMAMX AMD . vt!* MMini 111 AfTlir *InOOKKOKTO«, MO MOWMHV, NSW YORK, VI Mteftei to gagdote'Md njl ini' r Jsvs-.-^rrve * iklLiEie 0 jUtiJcelv Tn EO HALFORD. CONN., Insure* against : A.CC JJ ; T . s OF ALL KINDS. CASH ASSETS, $587.693 19. -ft 1 Policies written for an. ter™ * five years, for any mm tro hi °ne montlrV* es fatal accidemaf ♦* ft *» 910,9*0, in esse * to case oTohsMiog beau, & oompenaaSm * , MONTHLY AND MARINE r ,Martoepoftcles written for voyage, to . • ii.i'j ■• . y ... ,i: . OLDEST ACCIDENT INSUfeftNtEC „ No **olo4l. Rxuumatioh Rryuutra v piii WMdIUUI UCIfIJ. * FBW <* Fito. ‘ , ’ l nr tbs • i'l • :V r fmelen 1 Insurance et. of Hartfonl UP TO NOVEMYiKp • ! 8748 HurT^'^iPS j BM4E «S'S rd ’“- Saie* ,iTO^ 8480 cm I * oo 2000 4884 1000 4000 throwing letter ffbmfr.ii’ 0 " 41 “ York. 80 00 ,00 :°* ’ 3681 Railroad Condhcb.l w. r -V. ~-» 00 76.00 Wto Hand Jammedtoto^fto^ ** I ?ranrte N »: 80 00 2*04 Carpenter, Detroit; Midi m.,,'** 4 ' 00 25.60 4379 ®*fl >en tor, Port X#fla ‘ 16 -0* 20.00 kb sprained , 4h -6644 Oarpepter, Mansffrii O hnt h*.' 30 00 » 0 < >» Jjmd. in rmnorlSao^ Timber 600 WW 46i 9 Fireman, C’leveiaiid, o ' 600 l0, «® Ptoched off 1, SLVSS 6#6T Ohio Pel,' UM *° 00 ... .yPhu an adze, cutting knLo * 4667 Merchant, Hartford, 4470 T p ell - *■«> moo • Tn his 30 00 76 00 «74 Ihinrance agent, „) . ■U »0 la.ijj 10M8 fence -- 25.00 1T5.00 - “t^etweeu 4033 Moulder, Fort Wayne. Ind ‘ , 200090 00 burned bv ho, lntl ’ I « ot Vt ‘ 1800 25 00 9548 “otorert 1, Zaae * vuio ’ O’ Bell into 28 °° 100 00 80,6 Sotel keeper, Lynn,’ Mass ’ w„' * “ UX>O on upset by gtie or W H' gate 0/ wind . 600 aco i*’"* O Batstu ok, President Rooaar DswKia, Secretary” _ d!8-tf . A.vnLBPR, "gent In Savannah oa Marine Insurance! FIRE AND MARINE In.uranee Agency. SECURITY HSgURACE COMPANY Capital and j^oo# v , PHCENIX INSURANCE CO. Caffitdl and Surplus #1,600,000 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO. * Capital and MANHATTAN INSURANCE OO Capltel and Sorplua... riffikf. Apply to wrrffiffiponaiii* with the RrillalaAo Koutharn Xnmurauhoe. National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY, OrttEW ORLEANS, ■ ' 1 ' • i "? r- • -- 4 r i I* • feY ' *• f ' < a fit ad *i«», tti*«r si.- ro. gSSppr f law over »frM<«r * ateHnpfiSril Outea, IMWHI kl«a WOOD, WOOD* SSJem Kiel fiw' It »»•