Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 20, 1865, Image 4
Tkr Maranatk Ua.ll> HeraM WBI>M(ll)tT IIWBBHKII 40. ' >IIV COMMERCIAL. *rcii*T« mabkbt. Augusta Commeriial BulleUn. gyrtql {**»- vaunab Herald. * WrijM, Oottoti Factors and V' holt-sale Commission Mci clianLs River 13 feet. Weather <lamp amt cold. Steamers at wharf. Scorpio, Gibbons and \ olun- U T|„, rot ton market closed firm to day at 41a42c for nuddlinin Receipts for the week endinit Saturday. l>er. l«. 4.T00 bales. Shipments 4,900 bales. Cold. 147*148. Georgia K R Hhnk Bills, 9SC. Geonria Centra! do., 94c. Bank ol Augusta do., 30c. City Bank do. do., 25c. Union do. do.. 10c. Mechanics’ Bank, 10c. Bank of Hamburg. 25c. Georgia R. R. Stocks, 75c. Georgia Central do., 73c. Cotton firm: Middlings 4ia42C. 4-4 Augusta Sheetings 31 c. 7-ti do 26. Drills 33c. iKnabnrgs. 9 oz, 28c, Prints. 30a32c. Yarns, 70a75c. Bagging. Gunny. 40c. Rope. Hciup. green leaf, 26a27c. Nads, assorted sizes, $12a13 per keg. Candles, star and Adamantine, 34a35c; Tallow, 15c. Soap, common washing, 17a20c. corn, 1,35a1.4i> per bushel in sacks. Wiieat iioimual.'2,so per bushel. Hats, Rye. and Barley. None in market. Meal, 1,75 per bushel. Ptour, suneriine, sl4*l .V. Extra family do s]6alß per bill. Buckwheat, slßa2o per hbi. Boon, Ctear Sides, nominal 23a25; Shoulders 19a at* : Hauls, sugar cured, 33a35c. Ea)d, pnme lea*. 26a30c. ii titter, choice iioshen. 48a50c. Molasses, N. 0., 1,25a1,30; common Sorghum, 75c. Syrup, golden. Tar; sugar house 1.75. Mackerel, Kits, So. 1, $4 SO So. 2, $4 24. God Flail, HHc. Coda*, Kio, 34a36c 1 Java, ssaaac- Sugar, N. 0.. IBa2oc to 22a23 ; Crushed and Powd od, 28*300. Rice; Sew Carolina. 19c ; Tndla, 15c. Hominy, Grits. *l6O per bushel. Teas dull and nominal. Liquors unchanged ; Corn Whiskey, *2 25a52 75; Rye and Bourbon, f3as4 75. "Cigars, Flat Domestic, s2«as7s per 1000. Cheese, Western, 25a*Sc ; English Dairy, 83a3*c. Apples, Northern, fioperbbl. Onions, $6 doa*7 per bbl. Potatoes, Northern, s6a $6).). Salt, Liverpool, (sacks,) active, s6asfi 50. Dried Peaches, 18a2oc. Apples, 14a15c. Leather. Sole, s3oasso; Upper, s3Bas6o per dozen; French Calfskins. slooasl2o per dozen. Powder, nine l in market. Shot, $4 75a55 per bag. O'Neill it Co.’s Philadelphia Ale, slßgs2o per bbl. Miscellaneous. Boston Boot and Shoe Market.—The Shoe and Leather Hoporter says: •We arc now passing tlirough a quiet season in the horn ami shoe market and look for only a limited inu-iucss mull after the advent of the New Year.— There an- a few buyers here who nre making small pni-chases and some orders are 'sungreceived losort itn with. Tim prospect for the ftp ring trade, which will op .-a in January, is rather encouraging, although manufacturers have a wholesome fear of a tight money market, and will not pile tip a large stock of goods' until they ascertain tile requirements of the trade. Manufacturers are no* changing their styles, and preparing to supply their Spring customers. In places where many different kinds are manufactured, the Spring and Fall changes In style require consi derable care and experience, as the probable wants of customers West and South have to be anticipated. Some of the Spring styles now preparing In Lynn and Haverhill for ladies'and gents’ shoes are very be coming, and one abomination, that of imitation buckles, seem* to have had its day. A buckle fasten ing for shoes Is a very good idea, but we do not think quite so much ornament as fonneny will be used on shoes this Spring, although buckles, red shoe-strings, rosettes and tassels, will undoubtedly have a great run amgug the negroes at the South.” AcctM r ration or Flock.—The receipts of (lour in ibis city for the past few weeks have been quite large, the amount by the Worcester route of seven thousand barrels per day. A large pari of this flour is stored, and will probably not come upon the mar ket for some time yet. The rale of freight from Chicago is still enoniionsly high, $2 4 a 2 70 per barrel. We do not look lor an immediate and de cided decline in price of the necessaries of life, but Hie tendency is now in that ilreetiot-— Bottom Trav eler. The New York Times runs counter to the general opinion respecting the amount of cotton in the coun try. It says that here and there may tie found a lot which is held by men who can afford to wait for higher prices. The cotton trade will soon close on tile Red River, ami indeed throughout the Southern States, ami spinners must look to India, China anil Egypt for the next twelve months. The prospect of raising a cotton crop next year by the labor of free negroes is very gloomy. Cotton—There have been landed at this port dur ing the week 10,033 bolus of cotton, which is the largest amount received in auy week* during four years. Only 72 bales have been slipped for Liver pool i his week. We understand that most of our manufacturers have over a year’s stock on hand, much of which was purchased at 40 a 45 cents per pound for middling—Boston paper. MOVEMENT OP THE NATIONAL HANKS TO SUBSIDISE CONGRESS. A Washington depatch makes the following statement, reflecting upon the managers of national banks : The Comptroller of the Treasury desires attention railed to the fact that certain parties in this city are endeavoring to raise, by means or a contribution on the various national banks, a corruption fund of *250,000 for the purpose of subsidising certain mem bers of Congress, In order to secure the passage of an amendment, to tlie National Currency Act, giving those banks the benefit of their circulation. This scheme Mr. Clarke discountenances altogether abil recommends that the banks which have already con tributed their quotas immediately demand the re funding of tim money advanced for so dishonorable a purpose. This, remarks the New York Commercial, is no thing more than might have been expected from piacirig the banking interest under Congressional control. The politicians in Congress will take cave to grant nothing to the banks without a subsidy ; and it will thus become a settled understanding with the banks that they most raise a liberal contribution whenever they want any measure put through Con. gress. The Comptroller does right in exposing this corruption fraud ; but so long as the banks maintain their present relation to Congress, such abuses will continue. The banks have thought proper to place their interests under the heels of politicians; and it now remains for them to .pay the penalty. In the meantime, however, the questiou deserves a thought, what, under such u state of things; becomes of the purity of our legislation ? . NOTICE. CONSIGNEES per tfteamehip RICHMOND. fr**n Baltimore, will please send for their goods to* day, qr the same will bo etored at their expouae. dlo LaROCHB & WEST, Agents. NOTICE TO THE SHIPPERS OF GOODS BY THE STEAMER SAVANNAH ON THE 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1805. ALL persons who shipped Goods by the Steamer Sa vannah, on the above named day, are requested lo call miiaodiaiely at the store Os F. M. Myrell, Ksq., llarrif* buildings, Bay street, and identify such goods ae have teui saved from the wreck of the steamer. J. W. WOLCOTT, u '^ ) Agent. NOTICir PLANTER'S BANK. 1 Savannah, Ga., 2oth Nov., 1866. f \ n .S ec S on , ,or btrectore to manage the affairs o ttut bonk for one year, will be held at the Bank Jan nary *ISW Uiß C 1 0B Monday, the lat day o no- »,.a THOB. H. HARDEN, _£i2±^i and . Acting Cashier. notice. BAN ' K op commerce, ) % SSuffiiw'tß wf* from lu o'clock u. m. u> 2 o'clock n m 11 °F ,U i JOus * u ' WRBIU. S SSE ; Cashier, THOU. W. KHOOUN MANUFACTURER OP FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, *M Dor k Kira.l, l*ltll*dtl|>|ilu, l' a . S'B.-All ORDERS aeut liy Mall promptly ... eeaum _______ tval -ft mmeHta IRON WORKS. PUSEY. .lONEB ft car DbIiIWIII'B, \1 At TP ME (toll BUM.II.HtU Steen, luim ;!» f ■•‘'.aM.ihin.., (w Mills. « iVL.,e Urita , end Wing uttVMtl * •* |.in*iwi *u «i» mtUt, »i M , tUiuj^r mui tm CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, COMP* HKD OF IODIDE OF POTAMBIUM, WITH THE in IMPOUND UJNCEN TItATED FIXII) KXTKACT OF VALI'AUMC MEDICINAL HOOTS AND HEHUri Prepared by i V ' WM. H. GREGC. M. D., Ora*'tamuf Ifti Gotfije qfnygkiAax Xew Vnrk; formerly Asuittaui I’hyxidMn in Hue hluiktceir* JHattd Himptliil* CONSTITUTION LIFE SYR CP □as produced a revolution in Medieiu*. What may se*m almoin incredible is, that m*uy dis eases hithertfeconaidered hopetes*!/ incunibk? are fie queutly curt-din a few days or weefcs; and J* c J ee * lully invite the investipatfons of the liberal minded and scientific to cures which baT* ®° parallel at the pros- Dunij" the bust five years we have contended with obstacles fcnd overcome opposition as herculean as were ever encoonteied by any reformers. rapidity of cure. Some say, “Tour cures are too quick,” while others doubt their permanence, and think that diseases can only be cured by the “slow, recuperative process of our reply: In health, the body, like a well balanced scale, is in a state of equilibrium- Bui when, iron any c tose, down goes one akio of the scale, we have the effect** of fitocaae. Wtljjt is requfeite, ia to re store tlie normal balance of the scale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP In n positive and specific remedy for all diseases nrigi noting from an impure state of the Blood, and for all (hereditary) diseases transmitted from parent to child PARALYSIS. It is so universally admitted that Constitution Life Syrup is the only effective means of restoration ill the various forms of Paralysis, that we need not reiterate that it is emphatically the Grout-Life-giving Power. DYSPEPSIA. Indigestion, Weight at Stomach, Flatulence, Live Complaint, want of Appetite, Bad Breath, Constipation. Billiousuess. SCROFULA. Struma, King’s Evil, Glandular Swellings, Erysipelas, Ulceration, Salt itiieuin. This taint (hereditary and acquired), filling life with untold misery, is, by all usual medical remedies, in curable. RHEUMATISM. Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Gout, Tic Dolorcaux. If there is any disease in which the Constitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in Rheumatism and its kindred affections. The most intense pains are almost instantly alleviated —enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, enronic or vicarious, of twenty or forty years' standing, have been Wred by US CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Purges the system entirely from all the evil effects o Mercury, removing the Bari Breath, aud curing the Weak Joints and -Rheumatic Paine which the use of Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gnmg; and secures the Teeth as firmly os ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases of tlie Skin, like Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, and all other difficulties of .his kind, which so much disfigure thtj outward appearance of both males and females, often making them a disgusting Object to themselves and their Iriemis. FOB ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue, Spine, Forehead, or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved Its equal. Moth Patches upon the female face, depending upon a diseased action of the laver, are very uupleasani to the young wilt) inf mother. A few bottles if Consti tuupu Ll|P Syrup will corfectthekecretton aim remove tliWeposit, which is directly under the akin. Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizzi ness, indigestion. Weak Stomach, or an ulcerated or cancerous condition of that organ, accompanied with burning or other unpleasant symptoms, will be re lieved by the lme of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Asa General Blood-Purifying Agent, the Life Syrup stands unrivalled by auy preparation in the world THE RICH AND POOR Are liable to the same diseases. Nature and science have made the Constitution Life Syrup for the benefit of alt. PURE BLOOD Produces healthy men and women; and if the consti tution is neglected In ynnth, disease and early death is the result. Do not delay when the means areaoncur at hand, and within the reach of all. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Is the poor man's friend, and the rich man’s blessing. WILLIAM H. GREGG, M. D , Sole Proprietor, New York. MORGAN A ALLEN, Wholesale Lruggisls, Agents, n22-3m 46 Cliff street, New Y'ork. W O M A N. FEMALES, owing to the peuliar and important re lations which they sustain—their peculiar oi ganisatlon, and the offices thuy perform—aie subject to many sufferings and ailments peculiar to the sex. Freedom from these contributes iu no small degree 10 their happiness and welfare, for none can lie happy who are ill. Not only so, but nq one ot three various female complaints can long be suffered to run on withaut involving the general health of the individual, aud erelong producing permanent sickness and pre mature decline. Nor is it pleasant to .consult a phy sician for the relief of theaevarious delicate affections, aud only upon the most urgent necessity wifi a tree woman so far sacrifice her greateet charm rs to do this. The sex will then thank us for placing in their hands simple specifics which will be found efficacious in relieving and curing almost every one ut those troublesome complaints pecnliar to the sex. HELM BOLD'S EXTRACT OB BUCHU. Hundreds sutler on in silence, and hundreds of others apply vainly to druggist** and doctors, who either merely tant&liau them with the hop* of a cure or apply remedies which make them worse. I would not wish to assert anything that would do injuslh e to the iiUlicted, but I am obliged to say that although it may be produced from excessive exh iustiou of the powers of life, by laborious employment, unwhole some air and food, profuse menstruation, the use of tea and coffee, and frequent childbirth, 11 is far oftcti er caused by direct irritation, applied to the mucous membrane of the vagina itself. When reviewing the causes of these distressing complaints, it is most painful to contemplated he at tendant evils consequent upon them. It is but simple justice to the subject to enumerate a lew of the many additional causes which so largely affect the life, health, and happiness of woman in all classes of so ciety, and which, consequently, affect, mure or less directly, the 'Welfare of the (nine human family. Thu mania that exists for precocious education and mar riage, causes the years that nature designed for cor poreal development to be wasted and perverted in the restraints of dress, the early confinement of school, and etmeclaity in the unhealthy excitement of the ball-room. Tims, with thelnxly nail clothed and the mind unduly excited by pleasure, perverting in mid night revel the hours designed by Hat me lor sleep and rest, the work of destruction is half accom plished. I consequence of this early strain upon her system, unnecessary effort is required by the delicate Votary to return bet situation in school at a later day, thus aggravating the evil* When one excitement is oyer, another io prospective keeps the mind morbidly sen sitive to iiupreshioo, while the now constant restraint of fashionable dress, bbtolutely forbidding the exer cise indispensable to the attainment and retention of organic health and strength; the exposure tonight air; the sudden change of temperature; the com plete prostration produced by ixceesite dancing must, of ueecsdtty,produce their legitimate effect. At last an early marriage caps the climax of misery, and the uufortunate one, hitheito so utterly regardless of the plain *1 dates and remonstrances of her delicate na ture, ) 1 comes an unwilling subject of medical treat ment. I This is but a truthful picture of the experi ence oil thousands of thousands of our young women. Lougibefore the ability to exercise tlio functions or the generative organs, they require an education of their peculiar nervous system; composed of what is called the tissue, which is, in common with the fe male breast and lips, evidently under the control of mental emotions aud associations at an early period o. life ; and, as we shall subsequently see. these emo tion-*, when excessive, lead, long before puberty, to habits which sap the very life oi the'-r victims ere uu ture has aeU-completed their development. For female weakuess aud debility,, whites or len corrhcea, too proluse, exhausting, too long continued periods, for prolapeusaud beariug down, or prolapsus uteri, wc offer the iuot»tperfect specific known; Uklu hold'a Compound Kxnuor or Broun. Directions for use, diet, and advice accompany. Females in every period of life, from infancy to ex treme old age, will find it a remedy to aid nature in the discharge of Us functions. MiengLh is the glory of manhood and womanhood. HELMIiOLPS EXTRACT BUCHU is mure strengthening than nuy of ihe preparations us bark or iron, Infinitely aufei, and more pleasant. HELM BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, hartug wwivi'l tbr cnduraeuieut of lb* mint ranm ««»i rrvsiuiaaa in Tun Initio br.iim, is u»w tigered to affilcied bum.oily u a ccrlkli. eui# Ibr tbr follow in.’ Oleuaaea Bud symptom*, fruiu wimlevi r c«u,e urignuillLg: Ooiit-ral Debility, MeiiUl mil I‘hyin.l lJgpriM>loii, Imbed Illy, In tcriulhalluu of Blood to the Head, i <uil tiled Idem, Hysteria, tieuaral Irritability. Lwot AppelllTl" OUBiMM, TfHWlßfi. •** Bpirtti, ■aMßMtiMitbn oi Psrtlytla us lb* Or. MJS *4 UnitiiftUuu. And in ki i in iw 01 '*• ((**"' u *" “ M Waislti HiMgtfhtoM A HMHI4 Hiisaia k, Ms igvM b* Mm aui« uTmnm«Ja FOR UIA * TO KJtftT. To Rent, I 'T’MU Hlo Piaiustiuoa oil Savannah liver. kIMWU I I » i oleiauMt and Tseedaidc, Isle He propel/ .4 Janie- p..ltrr deceased. Ajpii in Ih. uiclcimgoed, at lin office oi the leu tral Bank. RICHARD M LT’YLKH. Executor FOR SALK OK KENT. r | 'WO 4tit on Plantation* In loiuren* county. G».— 1 Abo Corn, Cotton Seed. Mule*, Oxm, block, Cattle, llog-s and Wagon*. Calf-, &•. Apply at Thoma- L'nttm Koada, or to F. H. Howe, Dublin, Lowlicit > counit ii mot told or ienu 1 prior to contl Mfiadif In January next, they will be offered at public sg’e at Tiioiua*‘ Cross Koi«K in lartirens county, on that day. d»-2w BKYAS, HAHTKIDGK A CO. Rice Plantation FOR SALE. THAT valuable Rice Plantation known as Strathsy Hall on the Ogeechee river, Bryan county, almui twenty-two miles from Savannah For particularo, apply at the Counting Room of Erwia A Hardee, Bay street. Savannah. ( HAS. S HARDEE, d2-3aw2w Ex’r Ksate G. W. McAllister. FOR SALE, CITY OP SAVANNAH COUPONS, in *um§ to .•mit pnrcho«erß • • FORDYCE. ANDERSON A JANNEY, dfi-tf No 10 Sbuldiird'B Rangp. FOR SALE. -1 Jk BBLS No. 1 Miickerol I ** 10 bbl« No. % Mackrref 10 bbls No. S liackoifl 2S half hblg No. 1 Mackerel ‘2b half bbls No. 3 Muckcrel 150 kite No. 2 Mackerel 150 kits No, 2 Mackerel 4<» tubs Choice Lard 13 tubs Choice Hotter 4 flrkine Choice Rutter. Tho above lot are freehand new, ami will be offered low, to close consignment. CHAB. L. COLBY A CO., nov23 Corner Abercom and Buy streets. For Lease or Rent, Q K ACRES of good Farm Land, two miles from the O f J Court House. Apply to JOHN MoMAnQN, n23-tf Jefferson and Broughton streets. WANTED. Wanted. OFFICFz ATLANTIC & GULF R. R., ) savannah, Dec. e, 1866 J STEAMBOATS wanted at onee to bring away from Doctortown to Savannah one thousand bales of cotton. Liberal termß will be offered. d7-tf JOHN SCREVEN, President. WANTED. BOARD and lodging fur four persons can be obtain ed in a pleasant family by applying at the South east corner of Bull and Broughton streets. dlfl-tf . . Consignees Wanted. FOR E. H. 5.—35 bfcis Flour 20 haif bills Flour 9 bbls Crackers 6 bbls Apples 5 bbls Eggs G A W—loo tubs Lard. If not called for will be sold for freight and expenses. OCt23 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO, WANTfeD. GEORGIA and South Carolina Bank Bills Albany and Gulf Railroad Stock Central Railroad Stock Coupons Albany and Gulf Railroad Coupons City of Savannah FORDYCE, ANDERSON & JANNEY, d2-tf Bay st., No. to Stoddard's Range. WANTED. A YOUNG MAN, capable of faking cure of a set of books in (i commission and general business, who can come well recommended. Address Box 40, Post Office, Savannah. d6-tf Wanted, A DAY 1 Agents wanted to sell anew and ♦Prwtl wonderful .SIfWINO MACHINE, the only cheap one licensed. Address SHAW & CLARK, Bid deford, Maine. nepl4-d&w3m New York Piano Fortes. Ernest Gabler, Manufacturer of New &ale.First-Class PIANO FORTES, Factory, 122, 124 & 126 East 226 St.. RESPECTFULLY announces that his Large New Factory is now completed, fully organized, and in successful operation, or which he has greatly increased his manufacturing facilities. He will there fore lie able henceforward to turn out 36 PianoH per week, to supply orders promptly, without that incon venient delay to which Dealers and Purchasers have been subjected, from the fact that for more than two years past lie has been continually a hundred instru ments behind orders. A full assortment at all times may be found at his Manufactory and Warerooms in New York City. Every instrument fully warranted. Retail Warerooms, 743 Broadway. 3m-nl6 3500 TONS or ENGLISH KAILS, Os best quality, 50x58 per lineal yard. For sale by FOWLE * CO, !ul9 6m No. 70 Broadway, N. Y. Notice. Savannah, Dec. 8, 1865. ONE montb after date, I will make application to the offioeiH of the ALluutic A Quit R. K Com pany for renewal of scrip of ten shares T per cent, guaranteed stock of said company—scrip being loH on the night of the 27th January, 1866. Scrip No. 8, for five shares, August 7th, 1M51; Scrip No. 9, for live •hares, Sept. 7th, 1861. dl3-wAslm* A. E. MORRELL. Great Bargain. A NEAT and commodious Cottage Dwelling, with brick outhoiwes attached, will be sold if applied for immediately, sitnated in RolierlMYille, on Roberts street. Price. $3,000. Apply to Z. M. WINKLER, At Henry Wayne’s Stables, n 2l-tf West Broad street. NORTH RIVER AGRICULTURAL WORKS, O.KIFFING ft €O., Proprietors, Warehouses. 58 & 60 Cortlandt Street, NTTRW YORK, manufacturers of and dealers in Flows, Sugar Mills, lUy Cutters. Harrows, Corn Mills, sausage 4'utters, Cultivators, Cider Mills, Vegetable Cutter Cotton Sweeps, iau Mills. Usud Curts, Hay Presses, Saw Mills. Mule Carts, Colton Presses, Corn Snellens, Ox Carts, l lder Pressrs, Store Trucks, Karin Wagons, Grain Cradles, Wheelbarrows Uorse Powers, Cburus, Sugar Pans, Threshing Mach'. Ux Vows, shovels, Cotton Ulus, ()x Yokes, Spade , Mowers A Heap's, Well Buikcts Uoes, Forks, Ac., Ac. ltakea, Scylbes, Vanlt'H, Field and flower Keetla. Hoyt's Super Phusphstvol lime, Uoue Manure, Pou drHtv, IMaaU'i, A. Hultf agt'iiiafoi tilaagnw K*Ttili/»r Oft'l rUiMphattc •nut Amiiu»niut«*(l Guains an t hupMr-I*tuM|>hute us Uuic, and Rruui'a r*»ui-«mtrMitMi klaogrt. Tradu •uppned order dir* l Jium OKIKKINO ft i'u nf3 Bm u aud lu ('ouniainJi et, new Vurk. NOTICE. THN übdsrsigusd iimtuiMS lu egrp Hi 'III I Jill I WltlllilltlNH i« all Us woM imbis ante ail ike ass of aswlb Uis I'oss* setol Bit Bl> t li.ulal lie l'«U|g |e iwils kd tssuags Add.sss J M lilbblTj. otUu sm ikseua, jasss I LOMMItNIIIV NkKCHANTi.Ja. F. M. MYRELL, STEAM IIOAT AO ENT, eKM KRAI, mm MIKNION AND KOH iY .tiKKt habit, HAY HTKKET, SAVANNAH, CIA. Hairl.' Bulldlnga, 2d door went of A. Low A Cos •». Refer* ti> M<a*r>>. Hniitrr .* Gammcll. Or me, John ■on A Gr.ybill . Belt, YYyliy A CiiriMian ; Bothwell A Whitehead; Miller, Tbomar A Cos. ; If A. Cohen, fug. • . »ep2B-tf W«. H. Tmon. Vfk. W. GoaooN Tison & Gordon. COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. 90- BAY STREET, Savannah, , . ----- Geoboia., Special attention'will be given to the sale of Lumber, It oein, Turpentittey A., oct24-3m- , I). H. BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 17N Pearl Street, New York. “j New York. oct4-3m T~~e‘ [ Savanuah. ojmriiTrovrwr wx.i. uoy. iicgh kick FOWLE & CO., FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission Merchants. Importers of Railroad Iron atid Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NE"W" YORK. oct2B 6m General Commission and For* warding Merchants- Corner Wcat Broad and Bay Streeta, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. THE undersigned have this day entered Into a Co partnership miller the name and style of McKee, Bennett & Cos., at McKee J Bennett’s old stand. Will keep constantly on hand a flue assortment of Carriages, Bretts, Itockaways, Buggies, Harness and Coach material of every description, which we will sell ut the Lowest Cash" Prices. All work sold war ranted as represented. We have fine Store Rooms, and forwarding wifi be promptly attended to. Con signments solicited. Will open by Ist January Manufacturing aud Re pairing Department, and will have experienced workmen and choice material and be prepared to do any amount 6f Carriage repairing. MoKEE, BENNETT A CO., J. G. McKee. 1 L. 8. Bennett. V James McKee. Id 9 KENNETH, M’LEA & CO., fficrcbmtts, 202 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, Advances made on consignments of Cotton, Ac., to Liverpool and New York. dls-lm A. S. llartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MBRC.HANT, 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GA. octl4-tf LI. Qowdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 106 BAY STRUCT, ANDERSON’S WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA. oct2-3m C. H. BENEDICT & CO., No. 86 Brond Street, New York, Produce and Flour Commission Merchants, Dealers in Provisions, Butter, Cheese, #c. Special attention to Southern Orders, Consignments on General Merchandise solicited. ocll7 8m TO SHIPPERS OF LOTTOJi A.ND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT <fe BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vbsey Stbeet, Yoaa. And Memphis, Tern. Tnoaxs Fennes, Heuhy Bennett, D. W. Bowaui. jyo 01a CHAS. L. COLBY & M 7 Shipping Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. JONES m.OC.K, CORNER BAT AND AHEROOBN STBEET SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments o the. firm of Chas. L. Colbx, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE A WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. REFERENCES; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Cos., New York. Jarivs Slade, Esq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edmonds, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. sep 18—ti L. B. DAVISji (Formerly of Atlanta, Ga.) GROCER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, 292 BROAD STREET, -A-iigusta, Georgia. N. B.—Particular attention given to receiving and forwurdiug Produce and Merchandise. Refers to A, Wilbur, Hnnter & Gammell, Crane, Johnson A Graybill, and John K. Wider, Savannah, Georgia. d5-tawlm Jorsriiiiiur co; Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. mo. a. Baum is. an. e. sammis. cuxs. i, matiieb aull ts MAGKY, BEATTIE & GO. SBIPPINS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 303 and 305 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, 6a. / \FFKIt for Sale to Wholesale Merchant, upwards of V/ four Hundred (400) burrels of Whiskey, western if.h u V°“' or v »rl;me hrands amt quallllos, together with a large anionlit of Irish uud Scotch MaltWhU v'il Wtas*. and i.lns, at PhliuOtlpkUor Now , Y, « P r jt"‘ H ' expenses art.lpd, or wo wRI fill all orders In the above naked cllloa, at the lowest market prices, delivered on bov<t any boauof the regular lines «n C 'lii 0,1 w . ltu l,le above, ws should be plsssel iSifs New* v °*. Coun * r T Produce fnlpj PtSiaUst phlaor New York markets Flour, Biicon, Grain shle terms *° rt fft ' r f#r o “ U,l ' ,no " , «“*<“ •* a' l 'hno* to make Slivances on Produce cuusigue.l to our lioits hi PhUsdel MACKY ft BEATTIE, BRYAN, HARTRIDdC ft CO.. Hsuia •rsssi, ssst to Msuwsava' sns Pi sstsss' Urns Hwi.mnu, Broker and Oummusiau Afonta SOS sal t tan rvxesss os MTOUKd, HANK N'UJCh, ntoDUCK *o , AM M FoiwsfMaa UuUsMe M Mku CUMMIamON NKMIIIAKTa SOUTHERN COTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNBR OF 1 BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, CA. O’FALLON & CO„ FACTORS, Forwarding 4 Commission HERCHAXIH XJ ESPECTFULLY invite attention to our facilities JX for the purchase or movement- of- Southern Products, and wfll give prompt attention to all busi ness entrusted to our care. Intending to establish permanently a House in Bavann&h • expert by strict business principles te merit apd receive a portion of the Trade. Having a commodious Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to oqr friends in New York or Europe, nud r will make ad vances on same ; picking, re-baiing or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the enormous expense incurred in Northern cities by this process They solicit a portion of the business of the people of Georgia and of adjoffilng States. OFFICE, STODDABD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, tr Poet Office Address, Lock Box 25. octT-Bm SOUTHERN AND WESTERN Zj A XU* ID. Collection and Commission Agency, handle- Southern land and property of all deacriptiona Parties wishing to lull are luvit&l -to forward fists Numerous applications now on file from parties wish ing to purchase. ,• Make collections on all parts of the country. Pay especial attention to the sale and disposal of Southern products, and make advances on direct consignments. MATTHEW H. BRIDGE, Manager, No. 9 Broad st., New York. - REFERENCES BY PXRMtSSKIN: Hon. Benjamin Fitzpatrick, Ex-Governor of Alabama P. Harmony, Nephews & Cos., Bankers, 38 Broadway. Messrs. H. B. Cl.ifin & (Jo , Importers, New York A. W. Qreenleaf. Ksq., Banker, N. Y. n9-3m J^V K AN B pTr’} N - T - k C Yalc H rg£Tr Bennett, Van Pelt & Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOB THE BAM OF CqTTON TOIACCO, NAVAL STORES, ETC., ALSO, FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF STATE AND OTHER STOCKS, s-3 Whitehall St., KTew York. —, W't have associated with us Mr. D. W. Cdrtis, late Public Treaaurer for North Carolina. n<Mim JOHN L. VTLLALONGA7 COTTON FACTOR, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT. No. 94 Bay Street, * SAVANNAH, GA. oct '* am G. H. Arledge, 72 BAY STREET, Grocer and Ship Chandler, Commission and Forwarding Mer chant, I WOULD respectfully solicit a liberal share of pa tronage from my friends and acquaintances, guar anteeing to give entire satisfaction and sell at the lowest market prices. Orders from the country will receive Immediate and prompt attention. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Henry L. Jewett. Jajuls I. SNiniß. Jewett At Juicier-, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GENERAL AGENTS, Second Street, Macon, Georgia, (Between Cherry and Poplar.) Prompt pergonal attention given to all consign ments of cotton, produce, manufactures and other articles of merchandise. Orders and consignmests solicited from all partswf the country. Best attention given to orders lor purchasing cotton. Agents for several first class Insurance Companies. W.J. Biaib. A. .T, Smith. W. W. K*x.n. BLAIR, SMITH ft CO., No. 293 BROAD STREET, , AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Commission AND AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANU FACTURED TOBACCO. Will purchase and sell on commission, cotton, cotton goods, wines, liquors, segars, and produce and merchandise of every description. Consignments solicited. Kivvbknuui.—Brigham, Baldwin & Cos., Wm. H. Stark, Clagborn & Cunningham, Brady, Smith & Cos., Savannah, tin, d7-'2m* G.-B. & G. W. LAMAR General Commission Merchants, Forwarding and Shipping Agents, NO. 9Jd BAY bTKEET, (upstairs.) Refer to Goo. W. Anderson, Jno O. Ferrel and G. B. Lamar, Savannah; W. E Jackson. Josiah Sibley & Sous, J. B. &J. W. Walker, Augusta. Consignments solicited 6m-nov2 ~J. W. RABUN, ~ (Late Rabun & Smith, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, No. 140 BAY STREET, First store West of the Exchange, M- 1 " »AUmH, IIQMIA. w. j. klair. a. j. Smith. w. w. keek. *BLAIR, SMITH & CO., , No. 398 Broad. Street, AUGHJBTA, QA., General Commission Merchants, And Agents for the Sale of Manufactured Tobacco. Will Purchase and SclL on Commiaston, Cotton. Cotton Goods, Wines, Liquors, Produce and Msrchan dise of every description. Consignments solicited 2m-nl4 LIVINGSTON, FOX & CO., 141 II road wn y, New York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND AkpiiU Atlnntlr Con«t mull Steam' •hip fonpunp. Advauuss tusds on UoustgnineuM by JNO H WILUOR. wtM 9m Hsvatuish. * H I siMßoe, Gau. P. Hsinss, Ufa DAK N 1.-lhnip, l.alr Jss I BPidsi MCo Bsvsuuah U*. Bavaiuisb, slid Mirrh A Buldsr, (Jotamhus E. 8. LATHROP ft CO., ÜBNKHAL Commission Merchants, S« S « 4.BMMH 4 vo's.» ptf «au, MttUNU BT. UNk Duoa rMOM t’MMHH, MACON, OA. dsltM A. RAILROADS **' Central Railroad jj" ■■ •’ r '" :t agVa affMW Mw Mw. BUPKKINTENUENT-S OFFICE, * Savannah. Ga , Nov. Is, 1566. f ON aud after WedunaUy, 22.1 Ui.l, a daily train will leave for Augusta at S.SO a. m„ cor aevtuig with a Urn of Hacks running bciwcuu *• O'Rtrul Railroad, and Waynealioro on the Aug tin * Mini Aav> ItMiirn wi ‘ »—l»w by this line will arrive iu Augusta the ■ext morning after leaving Savannah in time to connect wan the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta Reluming arrive in Savannah at 3.46 p m Freight to go by Paaaeuger Train muat be prepaid aud delivered hall hour before depot lure of train By order of . _ GEO. W ADAMS, U- 11 General Saperintendeot. C e ntra I Ra if road SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, 1 Savannah, Nov. 18th, 1866. / This Company is uow, in connection with H J. Dickerson A Co.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Augusta. Macon, Atlanta Ac., daily from twenty to thirty thousand pounds of Freignt, aud go through in from three to five days. Ship Freight aud other expenses must be paid t>y Shippers Railroad freight can be-paid here or at des tination. Freight on perishable goods must be prepaid. t Kates to Augusta, until further notice, will be per foot 50 cents, per 100 lbs. $2.00 GEO. W. ADAMS, _ General Superintendent. PROKKSSIGNAL CAROS. HOWELL COBB. JAMEB JACKSON. COBB & JACKSON; Attorneys-at-Law, n29-3m MACON, GEORGIA. HAYWOOD & LaROCHE. Office at the Ice. House, Market Square. Pine and Mixed Wood kept constantly on VA hand and delivered to orders at the shortest otice. dl-lm LAROCHE & JOHNSON, Timbcr& Lumber Dealers 200 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. d4tf FUIUMTUItE! FURNITURE! WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, Nos. 87 AND 89 BOWERY AND 65 CHRISTY STREET, N. Y. DEGRAAF A TAYLOR Have the largest variety of ROSEWOOD, WALNUT AND MAHOGANY, PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, to be found in this city, and at the lowest prices. MATTRA3SES AND SPRING BEDS FROM $6 TO *7. EXTRA WIDE CANOPY BEDSTEADB FOB THE SOUTHERN TRADE. oct3l-2m • Metropolitan Enterprise Great Gift Sale or ni NEW YORK AND PROVIDENCE Jewelers’ Association. Capital $1,000,000 Depot, 197 Broadway. AN immense stock of Pianos, Watches, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, all to be gold for One Dollar each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for till yon see what you will receive. t Certificates, naming each article and its value, are placed in sealed envelopes and well mixed. One of these envelopes wifi be sent by mail to any address on receipt of 25 centa ; five for $1; eleven for $2; thirty for $6; sixty five for sin; and one hundred for sls. On receipt of the Certificate you will see what von are going to have, and thdi it is at your option to nay the dollar and take he article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, a Piano, Sewing Machine, or any set of Jewelry on our list, for $1; and In no case can they get less than One Dollars’ worth, as there are no blanks. Agents are wanted in every town in the country; every person can make $lO a day, selling our Certifl cates in the greatest sale of Jewdry ever known. Send 25c. for a Certificate, which will inform yon what you can obtain for sl. At the same time get our circular, containing full list and particulars, also Terms to Agents. . •- » Address .JAMES HUTCHINSON A CO., nl6-2m 197 Broadway, N. Y. H. HAYM, 174 Broughton Street. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the newest styles, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, Ac. Just received and for sale at the lowest prices by oct2B . H. HAYM. Gao. R. Cbump, Wm, A. Wbiout, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. CRUMP A CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Llpors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, &c. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, PC Will purchase and sell on Commission Cottoh, Tsuaooo, Produce, and MEaonANnis* of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusta, Ga., Richmond, Vo., and Jno. C. Ferrill, Esq., De- Witt A Morgan, Gaden & Unckles, A. A. Solomons A Cos., J. T. Paterson * Cos., R. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oct4 ; Eight Bales Cotton. WE have Eight (8) Bales Cotton picked np In Sa vnnuah River. The owner, proving property and allowing the usual salvage cun have same If applied for within ten days, otherwise they will tie sold to pay expenses. The hales are unmarked and in very had order. d9-10 E. C. WADE A CO. ESTABLISHED IMOII.' ENOCH MORGAN’S SON'S Soaps, &c., No. 211 Washington-St., «epl» NEW YOKE. 3m Woodward, Baldwin & Cos., lIU Duane Street, Mew York, * U and 11 Heaever »t„ Unltlanore. DRY GOODS (OM MISSION MEMCBANTS, Uheral advances made uu ConaigußisuU, Bbealings, Osnahurgiand Yaraa Iti* R. MOLINA, burner Mull and CuMßreee Blreete, under ■erevets Uunoe, IMPORTER and WBufeeal. fhalsrln Hatandß. 1 sora l«»* awf EEMMwff I oUtau, Alan, all Itluda ,* vVi*,nia tfiiawtufi and aim, kin. Thin,,,, Um» »»•-’*■ ••*•*>> •'«•*» kinds us P.a y BkflUwev—' , ■*® # ni*r tfort Royal House, mi TON IIK A I), ft. C, RIDDELL A MV• «, PMfllfMM R A eumeo • r B4NMk )ts4i LINVILLE & GLEASON. havannah. ACIBSffTS po H MERRITT, WALCOTT 4 CO., 64 Conrttanlt street, New Tort.' MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHEBS Bute, Car, Slug or Baal Heal, BOILER BOLT, SETT SCREWS, COACH OR LAG SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts MUM AND S'VARE WASHERS Turnbuokles, Bolt Ends, Xatv« and Dies. &o. 1 ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS CHATRs SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS’ STORES. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING HEMP AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS ’ VARNISH, &o.; ENGINEERS’ TOOLS,’ of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS SCREW PUNCHES, FILES, CHISELS, &o, TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Also Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTING MACHINERY, laths, planers, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM-ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS,&c. septs M. ¥. HENDERSON, Wo. 237 South side Bay Street, Two doors east of West Broad, DEALER In Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Ac ■ also m Buggy and Wagon Stuff and Trimmings Auy alyle ol Carriage or Buggy ordered from any ma nutacturer. Up also prepared to order oat any class of horses, eithqr for draft or road service. Special attention will be given to the purchase of fine stock in northern markets. d 6 -im IMPORTATIONS OER ship County of Picton, from Glasgow: A 200 tons (tartsherrie Pig Iron 256 tons Household Coal 100 U hampers Potatoes , 150 kegs Herrings M cases Preserved Salmon 20 casts Dried Finnan Haddock Nor sale by CHARLBS GRKEN A SON. THE GREAT PURIFIER I DERBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID IS the beet preventative against all malignant dis eases, such as CHOLERA, SCARLET AND TYPHOID FEVERS, Ac... Ac. It purifies dwellings, removes offensive odors, re moves slolns, cures hums aud sores. Used In bathing, It keeps the skin healthy, soft and white. Get a bottle and tty it. For sale by the druggists of Augusta at $1 per bottle. F. M. MYRELL. dlB-3* Wholesale; Agent, Savannah. $25 REWARD ESCAPED from our st iblc on Wednesday last, a large red sorrel MARE. She lias three white feet, white face and very full tail; is in good order and about seven years old. The above" reward will be paid for her delivery to us, corner of Bay streets. <llß-3 J, F. A M HAMILTON. SURE CURE FOR THE CHILLS AND FEVER AND KINDRED DISEASES. INQUIRE at the MORNING STAR SALOON, cor -1 her Bay street Lane and Bull Street. Positive cure tn one day or no pay. d9-tf JOHN H. DEPPISH, DMA Life IN HAEDVAEE Cutlery, Files. Edge Tools, And Agricultural Implements. Also, SHOT, POWDER, LEAD and CAPS. 148 Congress and 67 St- .Tutian streets, SAVANNAH, GA. n2T-lm White Labor. AN Agent of the Petersburg Emlirration will visit Savannah within a f*w day*, Mid wiu be ready to fill all order* for European labor promptly and at small expense, _ E- H. VAN NESS ft CO., GROCERS, SHJP CHANDLERS AND Produce Dealer**, UNDER THE BLUFF, CORNER ABBKCORSt BT. Savannah, Go. Orders from the Country Private, Famine*, BMomfi* and Halting Veaaela respectfully solicited. Produce bought aod cold on couuolaoloa. inObhlaSelcctod Applet too bhla Onloua - KW bbia PoMMB to bbi. ivxtta Flour to bbla Mu. 1 and 9 Mackerel 100 tulie Extra Butter tu boxes Extra Cheese , tm kite N<m L 9 .nd 9 Mackerel to helt-liUia rulh-u Market Reef .. Hi bhla KtH a Family I’ork. » !?L. Wanted, isalW UARRY. city UliidelurA Male*, 11'<<iij iLgyjJtl li«4<llMM'vi(M I mU* MlMl (#> W** *** 05) OR&fttf •ftW»5 pifumv