Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 21, 1865, Supplement to The Daily Herald., Image 6

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lilt fttnaiidoili-lltr TraaiOi and Dr - faHuiaft«ai|.tnr|HMl for krtr lurk. The l-lferpool Mercury, of tlic 32* ultimo, bat tbe following account of llie departure of the ex pirate Shenandoah from that port for New York. The Vessel i* uow iully due at New Vork: The Shenandoah, whose appearance In lire Mersey caused so much aDXiety, bus at length stiled Irom this port, aud is now on ber way lor New York. It will be in tbe recollection of our readers that a lortnigbt ago tbe Sue- 1 naudoah was formally banded over by Capt. Paynter, of Her Majesty’s ship Donegal, to Mr. Dudley, the United States Consul at this port. That gentleman, however, at first de clined taking possession of the vessel until he had consulted Mr Adams, the American Ambassador in London. Having put him self in communication with bis excellency, Mr. Dudley took possession of the vessel in the name of tbe United States Government, the American ensign and pennant were hoisted, tbe cnslom house officers and the seamen who were placed on board from the Donegal were taken off, and the vessel re mained in charge of the United States au thorities. Captain Freeman, an American merchant captain of great experience, was placed in charge of the vessel, together with a crew of riggers. In consequence of a long cruise the Shenandoah- stood in some need of repairs, and since her arrival in the Mersey the necessary steps have been taken to place her in readiness lor a voyage to New York. Yesterday morning steam was got up at an early hour, and about forty minutes past 12 the Shenandoah hove her anchor and steam ed slowly down the river, With the pennant flyiug from the mainmast, and the Stars and Stripes from the mizzenmast. A party of American gentlemen aud others were on board, and tbe vessel was accompanied down the river by _ the steamtug Resolute. Capt. Freeman will take charge of the vessel to New York, and has a crew of riggers under him. When the Sbcnandoab arrives at New York she will be banded over to the author ities at that port, and it is expected she will then be placed in ordinary. The sailing of the famous ex-Confederate cruiser, excited considerable interest, and large crowds as sembled on tbe landing stages and pierheads to witness her departure; her fine appear ance, as she sailed gracefully down the stream under steam, eliciting great admira tion. Josh Billings, the humorist, has turned lecturer, and thus announced his first dis course in Philadelphia: “Press Club Lectures. —josh Billings’ Farewell Lek'ur. Josh Billing 9 being about to leave this Kontinent for Rome, Oneida county. New Yorke, will resite at Musical Fund Hall, Friday evening, Dec. Ist, 18tl5, To a densly krowded aujence, bis new Lek tur, Pontoon Philosophy. Photografls ov the Lekturer kan be obtained at aul tbe prinsipel Groserys. He has run bis face tbare often ; a strong perlice force ; also an experienced surgeon will be in attendance. Very young children are expekted to be present without enny further notiss. The piano selekted for this oakasbun will remain on exhibisbun at the selebrated Vulcan Works ov Robert Wood, Ridge avenoe. Diagrams of tbe Lektur can be obtained of Josh Billings, showing eggsactly where the lass cums in. Doors open at 7 o'clock- Pontoon laid at 8 o’elock. Buy your Tickets before entering the Lektur. Abhest op Rebels.— Among the passen gers by the Hibernian, from Liverpool, which arrived at Portland Wednesday, were Lieut. E. A. Mafflt, sou of Capt. Maflit, of tlie pirate Alabama, and Jefferson Davis Howell, a nephew of Jeff. Davis, who was with him when he was captured, but made his escape. The arrival of these persons was telegraphed to the War Department, and U. 8- Marshal Clark received a despatch from Secretary Stanton to arrest them. Marshal Clark arrested Howell just as he was about to take tbe train for Canada. Deputy Mar shal Qumby arrested Maffit in the street. He had made his arrangements to go to Boston, and bis baggage was checked for that city. Both of them were placed under guard at tbe U- 8. Hotel, and, according to orders will be sent to Washington. —Boston Ihratd. Miraculous Escape of a* Bov. —A few weeks since a little boy, about two aud a half years oi age, stayed away from his home iu Virginia City, Nevada, with a New iouudlanddog.aud within anhour all trace of both disappeared. Search was made by tbe neighbors for two days, but without making any discovery. At seven o’clock on the evening of the second day the father of the boy cutered an old tunnel iu tbe side of the mountain, and about 150 feet from its month he came to a perpendicular shaft which was sunk some years ago. He shouted dowu the shaft, heard a faint moan, and recogniz ed the voice of his child. He obtained as sistance, a man was towered by a rope to the bottom ot the shaft, where he found both the boy and the dog, and they were all drawn up in safety. The shaft was one hundred feet in depth, and, singular to say, the child escaped without breaking any limbs, aud with only a few bruises. The dog was not hurt at all. It is thought that when the child found he was falling be grasped the dog to save himselt, and so pulled him down the shaft with him. If the South is not well governed it is not for the lack of Governors, fn nearly all the State* there are a double batch of State offi cials; one existing by popular representation and tbe other resting on bayonets. So far the latter appear to be slrongct. The com plications are curious, aud would be amusing were it not for the consideration of the suf ferings of the people who are thus subjected to the novel and unprecedented precedents of double T. Com. Adc. NOTICE To THE SHIPPERS OF GOODS BY THE STEAMER SAVANNAH ON THE 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 10tk>. ALL i-emuus who shipped OtMjtle by the Meaner varnish, on the above named da), are requested ro call immediately at tbe store of F M Myrell, Esq, Harris’ Buildings, Bay mreel, and identify »uch goods as have been saved from tbe wreck of tbe steam- r J. W. WOLCOTT, n2O Agent. NOTICE 7 PLANTER'S BANK. 1 Savannah, lia., 26th Nov., ISC6 ) Au election for Directors to mtumge the affair* o thus Bank for ono year, will be held at the Bank lug llouse iu this city, on Monday, the lat day o January, ISO). THUS. H. HARDEN. n2s‘la wtd Acting Cashier. NOTICE. BANK OF COMMERCE. 1 Savannah, November 26th, 1866. f AN election for Seven Directors, to manage the allairs of this Bank for one year, will be belli, at tbe Banking House, on the Second Monday in Janu ary next, being the 3th of that month. Folia open from 10 o'clock a. m. to 2 o'clock p. m. JOHN C. FERRILL, n27-lawtd* Cashier NOTICE. THE undersigned promises to cure Seminal "Weakness In all its worst forms without the use of medicine.— Please send for my Circular, enclosing 10 cents for postage. Address J. M. RUSSELL NOTICE 7 THE undersigned would respectfully inform his former patrons and tbe dtirens generally that he Is prepared again to take contracts to build new or repair wharves. Pile-driving and one by steem pile-driver. d7-6m F. K RENSON IST otice. ALL persons having demands against tbe estate of Edward G. Wilson, deceased, of Chatham county, are respectfully requested to hand them In properly au thenticated : and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment to ANAIS WILSON, p i 4 Administratrix. NOTICEr CONSIGNEES per steamship LEO are request ed to attend to the reception of their goods, landing this day. Good 9 not called for daring work ing hoars will be stored at owners’ risk. NOTICE. NO debts contracted by any of the Crew of British bark Craesco will be paid by Captain or Consignee. n!6 BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, 1863. Black Dark Green Black for Silk Light Green Dark Bine Magenta Light Blue Maize French Blue Maroon Claret Brown Orange Dark Brown Pink Light Brown Purple Snuff Browu Royal Purple Cherry Salmon Crimson Scarlet Dark Drab Slate Light Drib Solferlno Fawn Drab Violet Light Fawn Drab Yellow. For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses. Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. «- A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT, For 26 cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. various shades can be produced from the same dye The process Is simple, and any one can nse the Dye with perfect success. Directions In English, French and German. Inside of each package. HOWE & STEVENS, * 2GO Broadway, Boston. F«#r Bale by druggisis and dealers generally. ectio-fim G-ill, (Successor to William B. Hawkins.) TMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer In Foreign and f Domestic Ales, Wines, Liquors, Philadelphia Por ter, Champagne Cider, Ac., No. 176 Fulton Street, Opposite St. Paul’s Church, NEW YORK. Bottler of Mile’s Celebrated Ale for Shipping aud Family use. Particular attention paid to Filling and Shipping Southern Orders. All orders by mail will be promptly attended to, nl4-3m fi# CONSTITUTION WATER Is, without doubt, the only known remedy for DIABETES, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSITS, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OP THE BLADDER, INFAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, ANT, ALL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES. Certificates of cures from well-known persons from all parts of the country In circular, will lie sent on ad dreasing MORGAN & ALLEN, Ag'ts, dI2-Sm No- 4ii Cliff St. New York. THOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, . 2*4 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B —AU ORDERS sent by Mali promptly at esdedto. Jyfl-tl WOMAN. t^KMALES, owing to the peultftr aud important re r latum* which they rimum -their fpeiaitar or ganisation. and the offices they perform—are sublet to mau Y auffrring* *ttd ailment* peculiar to the aei. Fteed>»ui from the*** contribute* in no small degree to their ti4|#|»iueap and welfare, tor none ran tie happ> who are *ll. Not v.uly an, hut no one ot these v*ripne triuale coiiiplatnU <an lou? lie Buffered to run on withwut involving the general health of the indi%tdual. and ere long producing permanent virknea* aud pre mature decline Noi is it pleasant to commit a phy sician for the relief of these various delicate affection*, and only upon she moat urgent ih-cruelty will a true woman no far sacrifice her greatest charm ra to do this. Tbe Bex will then thank u» for pla ing in their simple upend>.B which will he found effl. <u ioub m relieving and caring almost every one of those troublesome complaints peculiar to the Hex. HELMBOLD 9 EXTRACT Os BUCHU. Hundreds suffer on in alien- 1, and hundred* of other* apply vainly to druggist, and doctors, who either merely tantalise them with the hope of a cure or apply remedies which make them woise. I would not wisn to assert anything that would do injuatn-e to the afflicted, but I am obliged to say that although it may be produced from excessive exhaustion of the powers of life, by laboriou* employment, unwhole some air aud food, profuse menstruation, the use of tea and coffee, and frequent childbirth, ll is far uften er caused by direct irritation, applied to' the mucous membrane of the vagina itself. When reviewing the causes of these distressing , complaints, it is most painful to contemplate the at tendant evils consequent upon them, it la but simple justice to tbe subject to enumerate a lew of tbe many additional causes which so largely affect the Use. health, and happiness of woman in all classes of so ciety, and which, consequently, affect, more or less directly, the welfare of the entire human family. The mania that exists for precocious education and mar riage, causes tbe years that nature designed for cor poreal development to be wasted and perverted in the restraints of dress, the early confinement of school, and especially in the unhealthy excitement of the ball-room. Tims, w ith the laxly naif clothed and the mind unduly excited by pleasure, perverting in mid night revel the hours designed by nature for sleep aud rest, the work of destruction is half accom plished. I consequence of this early strain upon her system, unnecessary effort Is required by tbe delicate votary to retain her situation In school at a later day, thus aggravating the evil. When one exciUufflut is over, another in prospective keeps the mind morbidly sen sitive to Impression, while the now constant restraint of fashionable dress, kbaolotely forbidding the exer cise indispensable to the attainment and retention of organic health and strength; the exposure to night air; the sudden change of temperature; the com plete prostration prodaced by excessive dancing must, of necessity, produce their legitimate effect. At last an early marriage caps the climax of misery, and the unfortunate one, hitliei lutterly regardless of the plain dictates and remfflutrauces of her delicate na ture, becomes an unwilling subject of medical treat ment. This is .but a truthful picture of tbe experi ence of thousands of thousands of our young women. Long before the ability to exercise tue functions of the generative organs, they require on education of their peculiar nervous system; composed of what is called the tissue, which is, in common with the fe male breast and Ups, evidently under the control of mental emotlous and associations at tin early period 01 life : and, as we shall subsequently see. these emo tions, when excessive, lead, long before puberty, to habits which sap the very Use or their victims ere na ture has self-completed their development. For female weakness and debility,, whites or leu corrlKsa, too profuse, exhausting, 100 loug continued periods, for prolapsus aud bearing down, or prolapsus uteri, we offer the most perfect specific known; Helm uoLn’A Comfouho Extract or Bccau. Directions for use, diet, and advice accompany. Females in every period of Use, horn infamy to ex treme old age, will find it a remedy to aid nature iu the discharge of its functions, strength is the glory of manhood aud womanhood. HELMBOLDS EXTRACT BUCHU is more strengthening than any of the preparations of bark or iron, infinitely safer, and more pleasant. HELMBOLDS EXTRACT BUCHU, having received the endorsement of the most fbuui- SENT FFYSICIAKS IN TBE LnITFU STATES, tS UuW offered to afflicted humanity as a certalL cure for the follow ing diseases and symptoms, from whatever cause originating: General Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Imbecility, Determination of Blood to the Head, Confused Ideas, Hysteria, General Irritability, Restlessness and Sleeplessness at Night, Absence of Muscular Efficiency, Lost of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, Low Spirits, Disorganization or Paralysis of the Or gans of Generation. Palpitation of the Heart, And, in fact, all the concomitants of a nervous and debilitated state of the system To iusnre the genuine, cut this out Ask for Helmbolb’s : take no other. W. M. Walali, Corner Broughton & Barnard Streets, Savannah, Sole Agent for tire State of Georgia. dpi-im New .York Piano Fortes. Ernest Gabler, Manufacturer of New Scale First-Class PIANO FORTES, Factory, 122,124 4126 East 224 St.. RESPECTFULLY announces that his Large New Factory is now completed, fully organized, aud iu successful operation, by mean* of which he has greatly increased bis manufacturing facilities. He will there fore be able henceforward to turn out 36 Pianos per week, to supply orders promptly, without that incou-, venient delay to which Dealers and Purchasers have been subjected, from the fact that ter more than two years past lie lias been continually a hundred instru ments behind orders. A fall assortment at all tithes may be found at iris Manufactory aud Waroroums in New York City. Every instrument fully warranted. Retail Wareroome, 743 Broadway. 3m-nl6 3500 TONS or ENGLISH* RAILS, Os best quality, (0x69 per lineal yard. For sale by FOWLS A CO, JuW ®m No. 70 Broadway, N. Y. Latest from. Egypt! PENNY’S NEW EXTRACT OF THE F.GYTIAN LOTUS, anew and exquisite Perfume tor the handkerchief. Cleopatra and the ladies of the present day using the same perfume. THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS!! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS 11! Manufactured by F. A. Penny, Brooklyn. New York. E. A. LOVEJOY, Agent, n» 3m 03 Fulton (treat, N. Y, financial. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. Furaaie by sepK BKIUHAM. BALDWIN A CO. Sight Exchange ON NEW YORK, la same to salt purchasers, by B. F. METCALFE,* CO EXCHANGE. SIGHT EXCHANGE on New York and Philadelphia lor sale, and Bill, of Exchange purchased, by _diadw DUNCAN A JOHNSTON. Crockery, China, Glassware. JOBBERS and Dealers from all parts of the country are invited to examine my AVTiolesale Stock which includes packages containing complete assort mente. put up expressly for •• Country Trade." Goods re-packed to suit purchasers. (Jueensware House, 109 Broughton St., 2d door from Bull St no lOtf E. D. SMYTH. Great Bargain. A NEAT and commodious Cottage Dwelling, with brick outhouses attached, will be told U applied for immediately, situated in RobertsvUle, on Roberts street. Price, $3,000. Apply to Z. M. WINKLER. At Henry Wayne’s Stables, n2l-tf West Broad street. NORTH RIVER AGRICULTURAL tyORKS, GRIFFING & CO., Proprietors, Warehouses. 58 & 60 CortlaMt Street, NKW YORK, manufacturers of and dealers in Plows, ' Sugar Mills, Hs, Cutters, Harrows, Corn Mills, Sausage Cutters, Cultivator*. Cider Mill., Vegetable Cuttar Cotton Sweeps, Fan Mills Hand Carts, Hay Presses, Saw Mills, Male Carts, Coiton Presses, Corn Shelters, Ox Carts, Cider Presses, Store Trucks, Farm Wagons, Grain Cradles, Wheelbarrows Horae Powers, Churns, Sugar Pan*. Threshing Mach's Ox Bows, Shovels, Cotton Glut, Ox Yokes, Spade., Mowers A Reap s, Well Buckets Hoes, Forks, Re., Ac. Rakes, Scythes. Harden, Field and Flower Seeds. Hoyt’s Super-Phosphate of Lime, Bone Manure, Pou. drette, Plaster, <tc. Sole agents for Glasgow Fertilizer Co.'s Phoaphatir and Ammoniated Guano, and Super-Phospnat* of Lime, aud Bruce’s Concentrated Manure. Trade supplied. Order direct from GRIPPING A CO.. n23-Sm 68 and 60 Conrtlandt st„ New York. PA?M WAREHOUSE AND Dejiot for Printers’ Supplies WARREN A PLAINER, Wholesale dealers In oil kinds or Writing, Printing and Wrapping Pa pers, Envelopes, Twines and Paper Bags. Also. Printers luks. Cords aud Cord Boards. Having superior faculties for procuring Goods di rect from the manufactories, we are enabled to com pete with New Vork prices. SOLE AGENTS IN THIS CITY For the Bath Paper Mills. Cash paid for Rags aud aU kinds or Paper Stock. d6 STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants Row, Hilton Head, So. Cn C l ALL tbe attention of Wholesale and Retail pur j chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, USD FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Bclto. Embroideries,Boots,Caps Field Glasses. GanntietsGloves. Ac.. <fec-. Ac. THE Singer Seeing Machines. Principal Office for the State of Qeorgia, IIS BROrSHTON STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General Agsnt. A large assortment for sale at New Yotk prices. Sewing Machines of all kinds repaired at short notice. StitehiDg neatly done. fill ESTABLISHED 1826. Between Broadway A Greenwich street. oct27-8®