Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 22, 1865, Image 3

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B A. VJLJftTJSr A H . fteparlara •* *»ram»h*|»* aad Ntraaacn. FOh HEW vo»* weaio-hip Nightingale, Saturday, December Sid, 01 - o'ciuck. Sleauuhip f** l Balrador, SatunUy, December “Id, at 1 o'clock p. m- Sntm»hii>Coeetitotioa, Baiurdiy, Decemlwr 23d, at o'clock. i rn-ararhip Leo, Saturday, December *ld. at o'dluck. roc UAi.Tiaoor. Stesmsblp North Point, Saturday, December 23d. at 12 o'clock. tor aracsTa. f steamer Stondlah, Friday, December Slat, at « o'clock p tn. Steamer Harry Carroll, Saturday, 23d December, at 8 o'clock a. m. Steamer OeD. Berry, Friday, December Sid, at io o'clock a. m. Steamer Minnie Brandt, Friday, De.ember 15th, at 9 o’clock a m. steamer SVm. 0. Gibbons, every Saturday morning at u a. m. TOR CH4KLKSTOS. Steamer City Point, every Saturday morning, at 9 O'clock. TOR DOCTOBTOWN. Steamer Two Boye. every Tuesday morning, at 8 o'clock. Steamer Orient, every Titeaday morning, at I o'clock. Steamer lien. Shepley, every Sunday morning, at 7 o’clock. . . steamer Clarion, every Thursday morning, at ; o'clock. VOB THOHASVII.Lt. Steamer O. F. Potter, every Monday, Wednesday amt Fiiday morning, at 7 o'clock. FOR FLORIDA. Steamer Faunie, every Tuesday morning, at to o’clock. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Steamer City Point, every Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o’clock. Steamer Lizzie Baker, even Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock. * Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at lo o'clock. Steamer Helen Getty, every Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. inßlvcrsary of the Landing of the Pil grims—A New blnglund Aeaoclation. To-dt#y is the anniversary of the landing of the Pil grims at Plymouth Rock, a day which Is an Interest ing oue to every New Knglauder, who has any love for his birth-place. Some of the moat prominent, enterprising and popular citizens of Savaunah, are natives of New England, ami although generally thoroughly Identified with the tuterests of tbe city which they have adopted us their home, have stUl a lingering fondness for the remenlscences and asso ciations of the land of their nativity. We under stand that this a preliminary meeting Is to no held lor the location of a New England Associa tion, with uo political or sectional object, but for the purpose of cultivating social and ftiendly Intercourse. Such a society, If properly conducted, would be, w e believe not only a source of pleasure to the members but of usefulness to the community, and we hope tbe proposition will meet the approval of all Inter ested. Fine Groceries.—'The line store of Messrs. Stuart J Cos., under Masonic nail, presents to-day an ap pearance pleasantly suggestive of the approaching gay and festive holiday season. Stuart a Co.’s Is literally teeming with good things to eat and drink, such as preserves of all kinds, nuts, dried fruits, pineapple and Holland cheese, eholcffteas, every va riety of crackers, flour, butter and eggs, smoked sal mon and halibut, champagne, sherry, port, Madeira wines, and the best qualities of all other kinds o f liquors, lu anticipation of the festivities of Christ, mas day, Messrs. Htuart ± Cos. have provided an ex tensive stock ol fireworks, comprising rockets, ro mau candles, wheel rockets, serpents, fire balloons, etc., etc., the array of which lu the windows makes a show calculated to stretch juvenile eyes to the widest extent. If the holidays are not properly cele brated it will not be the fault of Stuart A Cos. Presentation to a Worthy steamboat Offi cer.—Mr. Thomas Magner, Chief Engineer of tbe steamboat Leo, was, on the last trip to New York, made the recipient of a massive amethyst ring, In rich ami chaste setting, the donors lielng his fellow officers orthe ship. Mr. Magner superintended the putting lu of machinery on the Leo, and has been on her since she was built. He Is a worthy officer, much esteemed by all passengers who bave made his ac qualutauce. Miiisou* Encampment Sol, I. O. O. F.—The fol lowing Brethren were elected officers of this En campment on last Wednesday evenlug, to serve for the ensuing term: Knot Groves, C. P. . C. C. Millar, H. P. C. F. Blancho, b. W. Chas. dassmsn, J. W. Urns. Gioss, Scribe. Jas. L. Haupt, Tress. Clinton Lomus No. 64, F. AA. M.—At a regular communication of tills Lod re, held last Wednesday evening, tlie lsth Inst., tbe following Brethren were elected officers for the year A. L, 6866: S. E. Byck, W. M. S. M. Bellsarlo, 8. W. ciias. F. Blancho, F. W. D 11. Galloway, Bec'y. Wm. M. Davidson, Tress. F M. John S. Tyson, S. i). Leopold Stern, J. D. P M. William F. Parker, Tyler. THE COURTS. BEFORE (.'APT. A. C. BARDWELL. Savannah, Dec. 21,1866. Matthew Shaunon vs. Richard Rivera (colored)— Kem Decision for plaintiff: Anthony Morro, for "hom defendant la working, la to advance amount lue Plain tiff, S3O, for which aald Morro haa lien upon hieiidant until the amount advanced la earned at hie rate of $8 per week. Dlty of Savannah va. John Walters, H. Ruaaelt, and ll tk Williams, (all colored;—Disorderly conduct, Miting on the corner of West Broad and River street' lee. to, 1666. The two first named are fined In the tun of fj each. In default of payment of eald fine toy will he gent to Chatham county Jail for a period * three day*. tinted states vs. Jaa. Roache, Chaa. Ford, and 5)5 Simons—Having four cow hides In their poa eseion, supposed to have heen stolen from the Oov lumeot Corral at Hilton Head. Continued. BKFOttk JCSTJCK PHILIP St. BUSSELL. . Savannah, Dec. 21, 1866. m the case of John Brady va Warren A Platner. 'oramices rendered as watchman. Decision " hrvor of plaintiff and judgment rendered for the “nth due sto 60. Defendants to pay costa of " J - Ford, Kaq , counsel for plaintiff. "SfOBECAPT. WSI. T. EASTON, PROVOST MARSHAL. I'hSii States by Folkeman 11. Otters va. Joe ' „ t *n (colored.) Improper conduct, and assault prosecutor, H. E. Whittle. Plea not guilty, ’“e evidence add need, the accused was found a hd &nid lu the sum of $29 and costa of suit. ~ “; d 11 °f Payment of fine it was ordered that , tol:| incd lu Chatham county Jail for the term lU . ">"Utli3 at hard labor. Hon. Julian Uartrklge , r UefendaM S ’ ® eor M* A - Mercer, Esq., counsel UEVOiiK Hls honor EDWARII C. ANDERSON, MAYOR. , j Morgan and Thomas Conway (City Police) nlcr Improper conduct, drunk and dls ntiM? n “ r * , ‘*tlng officers In the discharge of their M i2?i rof South and East Broad streets, 9V» mi of Ix ‘ cen d>er. Fined $6 and coats. In de lie m .5,-^"h l *he accused was sent to Jail and 1(1' Wlalior. ..,"r rrH J - C. Ilawcks (City Police) va. John r on t' Jo,u ' Murray. Improper conduct, llglit ii.6 broad street, at 12 S A. M., December 21, 1 Wdii '“imlaseil on payment of costa. Police) va. Barney Rooney, Improper . tu’'ehimg a ling in the market and endeavot- In ii7u‘V* sam, ‘i December *o, 1866. The prison '•Hatham county for 10 duya. T :r"‘ a --v DeparthmiTt Agency.—Mr. L. A. •u , T° r # l 0U ® P* r,od blestmed with the United Pm | 'ehiuty Department as Assistant Special 1 ' 'he Eighth Special Agency hi Savannah, "'“""I his position lor the purpose of going '"ess 11, this City. Mr. Dodge has discharged ■.a, , 1 "' '''a l*o»l with a fairness and , ""'"“"e which will luaure him the giajd-wlll 0, ."1u' 11 * 111 * u( Savannah in Ills new relations 11 '*«rrard nmoeada Mr. Imdge as A» ' * I* 1 Agent hare ■,* 1l‘» Reams, Wrn thbbuas, Oapi »»*Urd*y aiwruuun having forty '‘''•“••hmwiaada full fteighi of emma "an "*"»«*■» favwfa m pm*e» Wm. N "••-a OIAMM (IF PCMMt.—Affag long aualny him, we have bees gratified to meet Mr 1. A Tailor aa Parser of tbe Leo. Parser Taylor was long oa Milch (Hl'S lavanoah has. and will be well raoMmiliered. lu cooiMtcUoa with the Alabama and other boats. Ha It an m-uampUahed. courteous gruilemaa aad • favorite officer oa a favorite snip Sfaurao KHvaaorat—la order lo accommodate persons desiring to carry mail matter, outside of the mails, the Post Office Department hae ceased to be maoalhctured, for that put pose, envelopes of the de nomination of sc, Oc, 9c isc, 18c, Me, loc, aad 40c. Express aad Steamboat Companies, and other par ties Interested, should at ooce provide fhemseivee with a supply of these eavslopaa, which too be had of Postmaster Herns, st the Post pffice. Fowl' Scrueon.—Dr. R. A. Beaus, formerly of Vir ginia, and late of the 6lh Regulars, has been appoint, ed Poa. Surgeon here, relieving Surgeon Towle. We believe from hla antecedents, and tbe good qualifies he has already evinced here, that he will prove a popular and efficient officer In that important caps city. CONDENSED MiLE.-Mf.vaiu. M. J Solomons A Cos. have received a fresh invoice of a superior article of this new and valuable article. It Is highly recom mended for many purpoaea of cooklug, and la eape daily useful In theae days of precarious lactral aup. plies. Shad.—We noticed in the market yesterday morn ing the second instalment or -had horn the St. John's nver, Fla., caught by that euterprislug Ash dealer, Capt. €. W. Smith, of .savannah A large lot of them were shipped North. The ashing rate In the market was gl ,9b each. Shippiuß lutelli|£Mnce. Miniature Almanac This bay. Sun rises fi 6S|Moon ri5e5.......... 9 4u Sun seta 4 &9|Hlgh water.... to 39 PORT OK SAVANNAH THI'RSDAY. Dec. 81, 1886. Arrived. Steamer Wm U Gibbons, Phil pot, Augusta—Erwin A Hardee. Steamer Hele.n Getty, Ingraham, Palstka, etc—L S Beunett. Steamer General Shepley, MUUkin, Doctortown—C L Colby A Cos. Steamer Harry Carroll, Klrwan, Baltimore—La Roche 4 West. Schr Young Teaaer, Morton, New York—Van Horn, Holyoke A Murray. , Schr Clara Ella, Dexter, Boston—E A Bradley. Schr Kachel Vanneiman, High, Philadelphia— Hunter A Gammed. Cleared. Steamship Tybec, Crowell, New York,—O Cohen. Steamer L Enos, Moore, Augusta—L J Gullmartln. Imports. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, etc—S4 bales cotton. , Per steamer Gen Shepley, from Doctortown—l93 bales upland citton. ’ Per steamer Wm G Gibbous, from Augusta—Bl6 bales cotton ane mdse. Paste niters. Per steamer Wm G Gibbous, from Augusts—E L Pendleton and child, Capt J F Wheaton, J F Bald win , F B Schaffer. German, W P Nicholas, E I.athrop J itosignol, G F Keener, J B Regan, R Shaw, J Moore T C McKenna, H L Richardson. D L Bates, L Llpp man, D Moyhanks, Miss E Izxid, Mrs Sneed and svt, Miss Sneed, Mrs Johnston and servt. Mrs A B Law ion, 2 children and servt, 2 Misses Lawtons, Mrs ST Hall, H Woodbrldge, Miss Alexander, T J Riley, J M Farr, B F Boyd, J II Roberta, R S Bostick, Miss Rice, Miss S U Buckner, J H Buckner, S H Baxton, D S Dupree, lady and child. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, etc—M H Rogers, A A Lane, TBOatlierwalte, H Molt, E Stuart R A Burd, A Vetsborg, J P Condon, G W Pierce, E E Cleveland, Mr Delota, Mr Martin, D A Smith and lady, Dr Barnsley. Per steamer Gen Shepley, (Torn Doctortown—J H Miller, D Bailey, W Rice, J J Rells. Consignees. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, etc—J L Vhlalonga, E-Koethcke A Cos, R Habersham A Son, Erwin A H, Jones A Way, Mrs J Clark. Per steamer Gen Shepley, Rom Doctortown—Bell, W A C, Duncan A J, Tcson A G, J L Vhlalonga, A G Browne. Per steamer Wm G Gibbons, from Angusta—Erwin A H, E Padelford, Reed A S, Hunter A G, R Haber sham A Son. W Battersby A Cos, Sorrell Bros, J Llpp man, J R Wilder, J Richardson, A Fawcet, A V La- Roche, Scranton, S A Cos, Crane, J A G, E Darling, and others. LIST UP VESSELS IN THE PORT OP SAVANNAH. SAVANNAH, Dec. 22, 1866. SHIPS. Mont Blanc, Donnell, too, loading, Liverpool—La Roche, Gadeu A Uncklee. Virginia, Weeks, 1,044, loading at Lamar’s Press, for Liverpool—C L Colby A Cos. Thorwalaon, (Br) Bromage, discharging—Reid A Stewart. Favorite, (Br) Spain, discharging—E A Soullard. Herald, Calvert, discharging—C Green A Son. Mozart, (Br) Smith, tons, discharging—T R A J G Mills. _ t BARKS. Cracso, (Br) tons, loading, Liverpool—Robt 1 Cuughey. Tephynine Boston, discharging—Reid A Stewart. *V A Plattntus, Pinkbam, discharging—C L Colby A Cos. Colonist, (Br) Taylor, discharging—Chas Green A Son. County of Ptcton, (Br) McKenzie, discharging—C Green A Son. BRIGS. Atlantic, Wart:, 101 tons, discharging— B, Wylly A Christian. RC Wright, Ilugg, discharging—R Habersham A Son. Ella, Brown, discharging— E A Soullard. John W Lovitt, GUliot, waiting—Youge A Nixon. Daniel Boone, walling repairs. SCHOONERS. John M Broomall, Douglass, loading. New York— Chas L Colby A Cos. , Pearl, (Br) Rlordou, discharging—Bell, Wylly A Christian. Walter Raleigh, discharging—Hunter A Sammell CHRISTMAS AMD New Year’s. Presents. A magnificent Assortment, personally se lected in New York, just received. SPLENDID BOUND BOOKS. Cbildren’9 Books, Games, Magic Wheels, Toy Books, in fact everything to please the little folks. , Papier Mache. Rosewood, Black Walnut Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Chess Boards, Jewel and Glove Boxes, Folio*, Cribbage Boards, Ebony Checkers, Dominoes, and numerous other articles. PINE ASSORTMENT OF POCKET .KNIVES, SCISSORS, etc. WIRE PURSES, VELVET PORTMON NAIES, POCKET BOOKS. SHELL AND PEARL CARD CASES, OPERA GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS IN VELVET AND MOROCCO; BART’S PLAYING CARDS, HAIR, TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES, COMBS, and everything else in that line. LUBINS GENUINE EXTRACTS AND SOAPS, PHALON S NIGHT BLOOMING CEREUS. A tremendous stock of Writing Paper and Envelopes, PAPIER FASHIONABLE etENVELOPES Presses to Stamp Initials on Paper and En velopes. LARGE STOCK OF BLANK BOOKS, BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS. THE LATEST AND BEST MUSIC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FAIRCHILDS CELEBRATED GOLD PENH. We particularly call the attention of tboae desirous ol pun baaing Oral class Goods lo our splendid eslvoUmi, one which haa nwver been eioelleit, end seldom equalled JNO C BCR REINER M BONA, Opposite Pulaski llouee AUCTION SALES* AUCTION Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening, AT THE STORE ON BEOCUHTON STREET, Third door from Bail Where will ha offered a general aworlmeut of Dry Good* Boole and shore, Hosiery. Under-clothing. Books. Yankee Notions, Jewelry, Ac, Ac., at the par dissert own prices. Terms cash; sales positive. dl-SO UNDERWIUTERB' SALE. York, William*. Mclutire Sc Cos. THIS DAT, at 10 o'clock, in front of more, will be sold. 1 lot of Mason's Blacking 7 pkge Finishing Nail Screws, Tacks, tiimblets, Fishing Lines, Files, Trowels, Padlocks, Tsble Cutlery, Awls, Pocket Helve.-, Gun Capa, Ac., Ac. Damaged on board Ithe steamship Vsruna on her passage from New York to this port, and sold by or der of the Board of Underwriters for nil concerned. _ d22 • BY YORK, WILLIAMS. McINTIRE & CO. WUI sell at auction THIS DAY, In front of store, • ntlOo'c'ock. 7 hhds Bacon Sides 6 do Shoulders 3 tierces canvassed Harm 3 do Bugar-cured Shoulders U boxes Soap lo bbte Pig Shoulders 40 pieces Print! 3u Pair Blankets An assortment of Dry Goods d22 York, Wll Hunt*, Mtilutire 4l Co* Will sell st auction, on FRIDAY MORNING, in front of store, at 11 o'clock: Lots 86, 87, 89, in Prew'owu, fronting south en Henry street, between Barnard and Jefiersun streets, each lot 26 by 105. . d2O AT AUCTION. BY BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. , In front of the Court House on the first TUESDAY lu January next, between tbe legal hoars or sale, will be sold ; , Roue Hope Plantation, Situated on the Savannah river, 14 tnllea from the citv. containing (1,0*0) Ten Hundred and Sixty acres, (300) Three hundred of which is first quality tide Swamp, Klee land ; (160) one hundred and fifty acrea reclaimed, and (130) oue hundred and fifty acrea re quires ditches to be cleansed; (300) three huudred acre* cotton and provision laud. Balance well tim bered. Houses sufficient to accommodate (76) seven ty-five hands. Barns, Stables. Smokehouse, Ac. Terms made known on day of sale. dao-td SADDLERY, HARNESS, &c„ AT AUC TION. By BeU Wylly A Christian FRIDAY, 22d, at 10 o'clock, in front of store will be sold, 4 Kentucky Saddles ,• " „ 5 English Hog-skin Saddles' 3 American Saddles 1 Buggy Harness half dozen Patent Team Whips 1 doaen English Bridles 1 duaen Girins, Martingales (121-2 SEA ISLAND HOTEL AND COMPLETE OUTFIT AT AUCTION. Bell, Wylly A Christian, On WEDNESDAY, January 3d, IB6C, at 10 o'clock, will sell on tbe premises, at HUton Head; The new Sea Island Hotel, completely furnished with new furniture of the latest style. also, • • 4 new Billiard Tables. Crockery, Glass Ware, Kitchen Furniture, Ac., Ac. Together with all the outbuilding*, which, with tbe Hotel, may be readily taken down and removed, If desired. Sold in lots to suit purchasers. dis-td BY BELL, ’WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. WUI sell at auction THIS DAY, in front of Store, at It o'clock: A good Milch Cow d2» CHRISTMAS GIFTS!-METROPOLITAN GIFT LOTTERY PRIZES AT AUC TION. By Bell, Wylly k Christina. Will be sold at auction THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, in front of store: 100 lots of Jewelry Pens and Pendls • Fancy Boxes Photograph Albums Fancy Articles d*2 ac , Ac., ffc. ESTATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly k Chrlitla*. On the first TUESDAY lu January next, wiibin tbe legal hours of sale, will be sold In front of the Court House, In Savannah: Tbe Lot on the corner of West Broad and New streets, South Oglethorpe Ward, 100 icet trout on West Broad street, by 250 oa New street. The im provements consist »f three houses, which rent at ffiiOO per annum. Bold )or a division between the heirs, dlfi-tawtf UNDERWRITERS SALE. By BeU, Wylly k Christian THIS DAY, ut 12 o'clock, lu /tout of the Exchauge, will be Mold. The wreck ol the American schoonsr ISRAEL L. SNOW, as ehe now lies on Tybee beach. albo, % At the same lima, the cargo on hoard laid *choon»r, consisting of Lime, Potatoaa and FDb, damaged by fire and water, and sold for account of Underwriters and ail concerned. ABfiO, Anew Yawl Boat, which can be seen at Exchange wharf. d2g UNDERWRITERS' SALE. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. TO-MORROW, 23(1 Inat., at 10 o’clock, In front of store* will be sold ; 2 nest Cedar Tuba 12 boxes Starch i neat Backet, 1 bax Pickle, 1 lot Twine Sold by order of fbe Agent of Board Underwriters for account of all concerned. Terms cash. d22 AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having been so many application* (or Small Tracta of Lana for location, the owner of the above Laud, feeling a disposition lo meet tbia demand, haa placed In the market, for a lew daye, Lou of Five Acre*, or more, part cleared, on the Augusta Road, op posite to the three mile atone, also on the White Bluff Road, opposite to the two mile atone. tf-ul« AT PRIVATE SALE. By B«H, Wylly k Christian. 100 acre* of Land, altuated on the Vernon river, about nine miles from this city. The Improvements consist of dwelling, barn, stables, and other necee sary outbuilding,. An abundance of fish, oysters, shrimp, Ac., con veuiently obtained. Price of property, $2,000. By Bell. Wylly k Christ bin AT PRIVATE SALE. 46 acres of fine Garden Laud, within the limits of lb* City. The improvement* consist* of a first class cottage dwelling, gothic style, containing six large rooms, with marble luanlvl piece, dining room, kitchen, library room furnished with ebelve* and glaaa doom Uutbuildlugs consist, of firm bouse, containing seven rooms, barn, carriage bona* and *l*hUt*. I'urcba-er can have lb* re fusal ofcora, fodder, bay, horsas, mule., buggies and wagons. Also. StfO acre* c l heavily Umbered laud, atluated 1 wanly (20) mils' from the city, between the Ogaaeha* nnd r Vnoochae Bond*. An excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. l turpentine plantation. Ino acre# of tbs above Cleared. Improvement* conatal* of two small dwelling boose* with stable*, cribs, hr. lf-«l* ■ V ÜBI.L, WILLY * C'HMUTIAN. ’ AT PRIVATE MADE Tha Wait Half of UH Nn. I, Calhoun Ward, flouting on Joan* alfeat Tba imptoteiaeuis loiwlat of a finaly fnnUuul brick Reset cure louialulng fen Hmoo* with yea throughout, and a wall to alcelleM waiet an*l a In* Pn«w*>nw|i dll If FREMENVEIMmANUICH AND KIUH, At MU AM I A C", S AUCTIONS. ADMINIBTi<.Ut»RB SALE. By T. J. WuLli. Ua TUkSDA V, Jan nan. * I*B. will b. sold at ltu> Court Mouse, la the city .4 K.v*nuah. at II o'etoefc: The Rasters Hail ol U la 11 Jackson Ward. Nm Simple, with lasprovriu titsj. enraar of Whitaker and Hull street*. Ik. ..iqomsuitoia an a twa-siory hnck dwelling, mi.. .awe. wilt, wOK'r In the rani aad gas through th* house : I wick stable. Both build, mgs have slate roots. Bold by perml-eiou of the Ordinary of Chatham county, fora dlvali* among the hairs. T.rms rash, purchaser paying for Mm. »*4 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. IN imrsoauce of an order of kht Court of Ordiaary of I'halbum county, wHI be sold on the list Tuoa da) in Fdwuarv next, at the Court Houea door, in the cltr el Savannah., .luring the usual hours of sale, all the undivided hall interest of James Bilbo, late deceased. In the Bh.ndy Hall farm, situated near the city ufSaviunah on the Thunderbolt road : said farm containing In all fifiy acre* more w less. The said half iuteiest sold f..r the pmpose ol di vision JOHN O. FE RIHI.L, U7-td Administrator.. CONSIGNEE'S BALE. By Blun A Meyer. THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, will be sold at auction, in front of atore, to dose coaaiguiaeut: 70 pair Grey Blauketa 60 pieesa Wamsott* and Amnakaag Prints 10 pieces Lougclotb 6 pieces Franoli Merino 18 pieces De Lames 60 duseu Hats, various kinds 1 lot Hosiery ALSO, 1 bhd H .ms and 1 do Shouldart 10 casea Shoes and Boots A lot of Jewel, v v 2 Gold and • Silver Watch* dt2 At Auction. < BY BLUN & MKYgR. ON SATURDAY. Dec. 23. at 19* o’clock, at tbe store of Kenneth, McLcu A Cos., 202 Bay street, to close consignments. 100 tubs choice Leaf Lard - ' 10 firkins do do do 60 do very superior Canada Butter 9 do New York dairy Rutter 23 boxes Malaga Raisins 9 barrels Vinegar 4 hhds smoked Shoulders 2 do Pickled do 2 do Sugar Cured Hauls V 20 hbis and tea choice Hams and Shoulders and Breakfast Bacon 20 barrels Pork 60 do Onions d22-2 ADMINISTRATORS SALE. By Bluun Sc Moyer. By permission of the Hon. Coart of Ordinary of Chat ham conuty, will be sold on SATURDAY, Decem ber 30, in Roberts street, on Iho premises ; 1 lot Scanning, 1 lot Wood, 2 Corn Rtns, 1 Wheel barrow, 2 Mares, 2 Cult* 2 Cows, 1 Calf and 1 Silver Watch, being the perishable property of Richard Burke, deceaaed, late of Chatham county. JOHN OCMAHONY, * Admlnistratoradcol. Lemons. A BOXES, from New York steamer, in good / U order. d!5-tf J3HAS. L COLBY A CO, E. W. MARSH & CO., DRUGGISTS, GIBBONS BUILDINGS, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, HAVE thoroughly refitted their establishment, and replenished with a general assortment or Draffs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fatent Me (Heines, Paints, Oils, Darden Seeds, ike. die., die., they solicit the patronage of their friends. Particular attention will be given to the careful preparation of prescriptions. dll tin WHOLESALE Boots, Shoes and Brogans. M. KRAUSS, 140 Congress and 37 SI. Julian Streela, SAVANNAH, GA., . Is enabled, through his permanent house In Bos ton, to furnish Joebers and Dealers in this cltv, as well os thoto in tbe country, with BOOTS AND SHOES at more reasonable rates than any other house, dll-tf NOW LANDING AND FOR SALE. 4|kt|B°xes, K, i, and caddies Tobacco, which we arc now offerlug at prices lower than it can be bought for in Northern cities. MILLEK, THOMAS A CO, nll-tf No, 206 Bay slrer.t. Holiday Presents. A LARGE and elegant assortmeut of French, Eng lish and Bohemian War* coostsliug of DINNER, TEA, TOILET, COLOGNE AND LIQUOR SETS, Ac., Ac.. suitable for Holiday Presents. QUEENS WARE HOUSE, 109 Broughton street, second door from the corner of Bad street. dT-tf E. D. SMYTH A CO. GUANO. TYERUYIAN and Swan Island Guanos, Supcrphos- X phatee, aud tbe Brnce Concentrated Fertiliser, are offered to the Trade at the lowest wholesaio prices, by GEO. E. WHITE A CO., 66 Cliff street, New York. nlB-3m T. j. DUNBAR & CO., IMPORTERS AND DIALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, SEGARS. &C. 147 Bey Street, SAVANNAH, GA„ (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE ) WE Invite the attention of tbe Trade and tbe Fob. lie generally to our large and elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Conserves, de gars, etc., etc., which la not excelled by any similar establishment in the States. We «re sole proprietors af DUNBAR'S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of whl.h la fully established In thi* and foreign coun tries; DUN RAR'S well known STOMACH BITTERS, gnaranted superior to any article of tbe kind, de signed expressly isr hotel and family uae: DUN BAR’S BCHIKDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the utmost purity, and put up expressly for our house, of which we are role proprietors and Importei*. Sole Agents for Robert Smith's cele brated PHILADELPHIA AI.K, In cases and barrels; English, Seotch and American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK BUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United States, put up by as in cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D. A Cos. are sole Agents for A- & H- W. Catherwood'a Pure RY E WHISKIES, XX and XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on bund, a large and well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, Wbrtby ihe attention of the trade and counoiaaenra generally. Au assortment of SBOAKB of finest grade., manufactured and Imported expressly for this house, which we offer at tha vary lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, OINK WINKS, CHAMPAGNES, and every deecripilou and grads nf Foreign Liquors Imported directly by this noose, and for sale lu band urduly paid, at lowest market rates, dVO-tf Figs. A CHOICE lot, both small and large drums dWH OIIAH L COLBY t Cl. U. 0. HI WE. JOHN H MU WE. H. G. RUWE&CO., »M<»|.MALI Mlkl kW IN Groceries, Ales, Wines AND LIQUORS, IN ail 4ee> I iprieee, AT IALLIUANPW (Nil PAINT STAND. Cornur Si. JulUn A Bryan ft*.. Near i|i Polaiit Rgaw AO EMIN roN AIM AND I AOKN NEBN BN| UHIM kHIM, Llkjl OKI, At. PIERCE BKEHAH WhokMile *uil Hi'inil Denier la Fine Urocorle* Boots and Shove, Clothing. For eign aad Doawntk Wine* Liquor* and Beg*r* Also, Skehan'e Celebrated GOLDEN ALE » # AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER. in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scutch and Eng. llah Ale* Ac. Liberal deductions made to tbe trade. i:« BHOI OHTON STREET. ttAVANNAH. dll-tf aud (W Liberty i»tre**t. N Y. Kirlin, bro. & BUEiffe:, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ILBS, WH Ml LHpUS, CORNER WHITAKKR BTHEKT AND HAY LANK. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLER k DELIVERED. u B (t U WHISKEY 1 WHISKEY! FITE OLD BBANDY, WINES, tc. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike'e Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, aud Flue Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE. .BY C. W. THOMPSON, - At tbe Old Stand. 11l BAY 9TRICET, (llorald Buildings.) 4l*o, A Ison's Ale, Mars' Ale, Appk«. Potatoes, Onion* Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. octli « jPFOREIGN A W^DOMESBC l ALES WffiES ifIjiLIQVMS6SCGARS ■ SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS to—or-* Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. auso Provisions, <&c. rIK undersigned are constantly receiving con signments of Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Laid, Butter, Flour, Ac., on Commission, which they will sell at the lowest market rates. KENNETH, MOLEA, A 00., dl6-lm 202 Buy street. BUTTER, Flour and Lard. Having received a largo stock of the above, AT VER Y LOYV RATEH, we are able to offer great inducements to buyers. RANDELL A CO., Southwest corner of Bay and Barnard sts. dis-tr ACL LOME LINO, DEAI.KB IN Groceries, Provisions, Wines. Liquors, R AND KVXKY OTHF.K AKTICI.P. IN TOE ORCuEKY LINK UNDER MASONIC HALL, (Corner of Bull Street and Congress Street Lane,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. dl3-3m For Sale, 111 |A BUSHELS Prime White Corn lOUV 2ono bushels Pi lute White Oafs _°B N. A. HARDER A CO, joon uxKsrnAN. ' a. a. waswo. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmers’ and Planters’ Agencv FIR tbe sale of Guano, Fertilisers, Live Storh, Im plements and Machinery, Seeds, Ac. 07 W. Payette Street, BALTIMORE. Refer to Joha M. Glttinga, President Chesapeake Bank ; Chas. Goodwin, Caabler Franklin Bank, BalA more: B. C. Wade A Cos. and P. U. Behu, Savannah. ul4-6m RECEIVED Per Steamship Leo, A Aft boxes Fire Crackers lUU 6 bbls Torpedoes 6b Itoxeaassorted Candy 30,000 Cigars „ ,60 bbls S. R. Flour . SOdrums Pigs 23 boxes efiton 50 do Lemon Biscuit . - • 60 X bbls Flour _ ' -. d2l-3 RA NI, < LL A CO, For LIVERPOOL. ' . The fine new clipper ship s _ . DREADN AUGHT, SMITH, Commander, having three-fourths of her cargo engaged, will have qtmdc despatch. For balance af freight, apply to CHAS. L COLBY A CO., Corner of Abercorn and Bay streets. Liberal allowances made on consignments to onr Mends. lir Liverpool. d2O ts NEW ROUTE . TO South-Western Georgia, VU: BUNBURY AND STATION No. A AT laANTIO & GULF R R Tho new and twin Steamer O. F\ Potter Will leave her wharf, loot of Ahen orn street, on every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, al I o'clock a. in , I'otinrcibig at Huuivory wllL a line of stage* for gtatlou No. 4 A. A G. H 11. I r awenger* by this mule will arrlv* at Station No. «tu Uw* 10 t»k* Ibe liain for Tbomasvßle th* follow, leg data, roimactloa ai Tbemaavllle with stage* tor Knfithidlu, Fl* ■ and Albany, Oa Kriumlng, p*oa*ug*ra will i**>h Navauuab »u Taaadaya*d*i» sad Saturday* lu tins* hn dlgMt. Tnu* Iwlweru EuVaUliah aud Thouiaaville. thirty hour* Pot paaaaa* only apply lo I'll AN, I. coI,NY A Ul, <l2l IW CofU**Almruuu aud Ns; altaat*. FOR LIVERPOOL ■ TM jHfUii kjffcjyiiOO. Otruf, mm ••AMHHf »•*•» Ihw outfit ■B 1 fcl j uADtimi, mem MUITUA Empire Lime. FOR NEW YORK. Atlantto Mall Mtoamahlp Company. PASSAGE REDUCED TO - #:>£(/ The new and hat aide-wheel steam SAN SALVADOR. Atkins, mas agfiWdfa ter. will sail as above, on Batarffwjr, Dec. 23. at 1 e’rl*ck p. aa. For freight or paaaage, having nnsurpaose t oecom modetioua, apply to B. H. HARDEE. No. 12 Stoddard's Range. GARRISON A ALLEN. Agent* din No. A, Bowling Green, N Y.> FOU NEW YORK, ATLANTIC COAST MAIL IH m?M. PASSAGE AT* REDUCED RATES. s'jhx'o. ..... gao i The vary font soiling Steamship Nightingale. BREAKER, Commander, Will positively sail on her regular day, talantey, *3<t Imot., ■« o'clock. For freight or pnstage, which will be as low ss any other line, apply to d«3 JOHN B. WILDER, Agent. STAR UNir FOR NEW YORK. Tbe fine Steamship CONSTITUTION, Green man, Commander will tear* for the above port on ■Wtwrday, Dee. 33d,at 111-S o'clock a. ns. For freight or posaage, having toporior state room accommodation* apply tiff dl9 BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. Murray’s Lin© FOB NEW :M)sYOBK. CABIN PASSAGE, *BS. DECK, $lO. The new and splendid steamship LEO, F. A. Merrill, muster, will leave for the above port an latatday, Dec. »M, at IB o’clock. . i .( , { .1 • For freight or ptoaag* having splendid aecommo tlons, apply to d2O OCTAVUS COHEN. For Doctortown AND < Thomasville. The Steamers Gen, Shepley, . Orient, and Clarion, Will moke Tri-weekly Tripe to Doctortown, In cdo sectiou with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, leaving Savannah on Tueedays, Thursdays and Sundays. Through freight payable by shippers at our office. Freight received daring the week, and stored free of expense. For height or passage apply to CHAS L. COLBY A CO., n2u Corner Ahereorn and Bay streets, Freights FOR AUGUSTA, ffIHE undersigned are prepared to receive goods at * their Warehouses—free of expense and cov ered by Insurance-foe shipment to Augusta and 'points Iteyond by their regular line of light draught boats. Apply to , CHAS. L. COLBY, aepttt—if «r. Bar and Abercorn tta, ECLIPSE FUST FREIGHT LINE TO / . AUGUSTA. mHE undersigned having been appointed Agents A for thin line of new, staunch, and reliable steam boats, desire to Inform the public that THE BCLIPHE has her boilers In aud her machinery all on the spot and will be ready to take in freight next week. THE EXPRESS, ✓ A mate boat tathe Eclipse, to now on the line and tarnishes a semi weekly communication With Augus ta by boat* aa safe and reliable as any on the river. These two lioat* are eutlrely new and built espe claHy for the Savannah liver trade. They rate A No. i at the Insurance Office, and are put on the moat favorable footing. Tbe attention of Shipper* to particularly Invited the advantageous arrangement this line ho* effected at Augusta, oa goods pass Immediately through to destiuation without say further Instruction If shipped by these boats. No Consigns* to naceaaary at Augusta and tbte ex pense la saved. Freight will be received at all times and stored tree of expense, though It l* the Intention of the owners to take everything away twice a week." Tbe rate* will be the same as by tin other regular boats. Goods should be rent to Demund*’ f*,wer Press, where an Agent will be ready to receive and sign receipts for all shipments. Ul9 r. Hr. SlMßff Cos. FOR AUGUSTA. The new light-draught steamer Harry Carroll, Capt. KIRWAN, will leave aa above tor Augusta oa Saturday, Slid Instant, nt » a. n. For freight or passage, havlug good accommoda tions, apply to LaBOCHB A WENT, d22 2 Jones' Block. %r I'll AIMAK or DAY AND MOUK. -q« FREIGHT AND PASSAGE REDUCED. FOR JACKSONVILLE, INLAND, VIA BHUNBWICK. HT. MAKYB' AND KERNANDINA. TUI (TBAMEN FANNIE, CAPTAIN MuMBLTY, will leave aa above from tba Fb rids Muamboal EwwKskS “Hi beat to lb my MeatteM oeOa*. to saauaaadwd ky *»yy,«« ea jWi****, atol baa Mipmtor atal* HMMI Whl* lb* boat ia MhhS totpa, hatgbi will t<* re .etofiabifiNnid to ton »»—< wTT- J —' T•— to* a to WilfiWNb**. *• mnppiio. ■ a ■ . w , , For Charleston, Ike aew Steamer CITY POINT, Capt. LcuhM. Coxetter, Will leave a* above ■Every )}*tarffay, at 2 a. at. For freight or passage apply to R. W. ADAMS, or i a. OARHUTHKR& j Hodginn'e Range, next to Be!!, Wylly A Chiletiaa, Bay street. for augusta; AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS, The light Araugbt steamer STANDISH, Cppt. James Fiblaa, having bcn daolasd by some slight injury to her machinery, did uot leave on yceterdav aa advertised, hut will positively leave as ibovfTSi" w clock p. m. , * / . *‘*, bHnK engaged full, freight will be received at ike Florida Steamboat Wharf, foot us West Broad •tr«et, up to the hotlf of Uepaitiire. ApgJy to ’ 9. M. MYRELL, t Harrtt* btxlklifig, bay Htreet. , FOfeAUCUStAr The favorite steamer General A3erry, Captain Isaac Henry, Will leave for Augusts on Friday, ltd In,(lint, at 16 o. at For freight or p-.w.-ge, apply to / ‘ CC'-'L^Y;A'< Ik ' . . i. r iA.;* iSay ki£*l ,x*rr» ■» , * For Augiir . THE STEAMER W "i ’ l. ~ U. IT. MA.Y, Will have dispatch for the above place. Goode receiv er I*l. elo 1 fire proof, warehouse, toot of Ltucoln street, freaof cost. J 1 to In Claghorn * Jn A *““' wW^,! B fr?X SU from tf V * nn * h o^ UW FOR BALTIMORE. The splendid and fast Steamship NOUTH POINT WUI Mil for Baltimore on •> Saturday, Deo. 23, at IB o’clock. mSStr^^r 8 bavi, « ’ LaROCHS A WEST, Agent* d - 1 Jones'ffioek. Far Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S. PER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new aad fast sailing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Cap) N. King, i J O , J , Having been placed permanently npon this route will leave for the above places on Kvery Thursday Morning, at 10o'clock. For freight or passage, having splendid cabin ac commodation. apply on board, at rite Florida Steam Pocket wbgrf, of to , CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, d “U Agent*. REGULAR WEEKF Y~BTEAMER ' * BETWEEN Savannah & Doctortown, Connecting regularly and punctually with the At lantic and Oulf K. R. Th« new, light dranght, iron side-wheel steamer TWO LOYS, (Mato boat to the William G. Gibbon*) Copt. THOMAS DANIELS, Having superior accommodation for freight and passengers equal to any of tbe ocean sUamer* will piy regularly fietaeen the above point* Leaving SAVANNAH every TUJ- SDAT MORNING DAX°MOID!ni& Ti, ‘ l£ UOCTO «' ?OWM every THURS- It Is tbe desire of tbe owners of the Two Boys to meke her an accommodation boat for tbe merchants of Savannah aud the merebauts and planters along the line of the A. db Q. R, R., until the completion of that road. and with thlt object In view, no effort will be spared on tho pait of her owners, agents aud of ficer* to mbst the wants us the .reightiug and traveh llngpubll* Freight stored In oar warehouse on PlUon'. wharf free of charge. KRWIN A UARDUE. D. Jams Dii.con, A,'tat Doctortown. dl*-2w : - - FOB Rio De Janeiro* '/ ' : .1 ' * > _ r ' ' ** at ,;„ ~ .St. Thamas, Para, Fcrnambuco aud Bhuir Tbe United State* and Braxll Mai l AjrktSjbfZ: Company will dlsnatch *2th of every noath, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave ax 3 o’clock, p. u>.„ From Pier 43, North River. - ** All letters have to pass through the Poet Office. An experienced Surgeon will be In attendance n board. , -■■■• For freight an oassagb, having splendid accommo datlona, apply o a THOMAS ASKNCIO A 00.. OCUI-am Nkt K. Broadway. New York. FOR V. - HAWKINSVILLE AND MACON. TH* i. . ■TBATMTH OOMBT,', CAPTAIN HORNK. WHb leave at above witl| despaich For freight, which will km received at the Upper Hydraulic Prato Yard. an<l auvarod by Insurance until placedou board the steamer, apply lo tit* HR Rill AM. BALDWIN A CO. For Liverpool. Im# Ms aano. * ; iM -toaBH wTOf For Liverpool. jHAHC^Ia -laiM A VMNMaB* NNI t|