Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 25, 1865, Image 4

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The SiFMiah Dally Herald MONDAY DKCKMBKB «> C OMMERC IAL. august* market. ALOrsYA, Dec. *2, 1865. The cotton market continues Terr arm, and better pi ices were obtained yestiii Jay- Home antes of good middling were made at 42 and 43. We hare uo Uii porta li sales io not*. Hamburg Market* Hamburg, December 22, 1865. The cotton market is not very active. We ynote prices from 2? 'o K 4. in gold, and from 3o to 30 iu currency. HEW YORK MARKET. NEW YORK, Dec. 30—2 P. 11. FLoro. 4c.—The Flour market Is rather more ac tive but prices generally are without material chance. Good sound low grades rule very Arm. Tile sales are 14,600 bbla at *7a7 4a for Superfine State *saS 30 for Extra State; *0 3utb au lor choice do- «7a7 45 for Supetfius Western; $Sa6 40 for com mon to medium Extra Western; *6 40a4 00 for com mon to good shipping brands Extra Hound Hoop Ohio, and $9.iS sa lor trade brands, the market clou lug firm. . * • - Southern Floor Is dull. Sales 600 bbls at *8 75a 9 76 for common, and is Sualß for fancy and Extra. Canadian Flour Is steady. Sales 360 bbiAargS 05a s 35. tor common, aud $8 40all for goud to choice Extra. B-.ef is steady. Sales 500 bbls at sUsl4 for Plain Mrs*, aud i14u17 for Extra Reas. Tierc.l Betl lain moderate request and steady.— Sales 130 tierces Prime Mess at about *35. I .eel dams are quiet. Sales ISO bbls at 532a34 su. Cut Meats are quiet. Sales 426 pkgs at liaise for Slmuld-rs. and 13a 16c for Rams. Bacon is less active. Sales 326 boxes, pari Cum berland Cut at ItSc; Long Ribbed al 111* 1 ', and Long Cut Hams aud Loug Clear on private terms. The i-ard market is heavv. Sales 700 bbls atlas 1 Be; also, 6»0 obis for January aud February, sellers’ option, at 16Xal7Jic. , „ , Butter is dull at 26a38c for Ohio, and 32*45c for Stale. Cheese is dull at 14a19c . „ whiskey.—The market Is dull at *2 31a2 32. Tallow—is quiet. Sales 51,000 lbs at 13‘,a14c. Petroleum—is quiet at 4i>,a42c for Crude oJc for refined in bond; refined free Is nomnial. Freights.—To Liverpool, sohluls Tobacco at 365; T.OoO bushels Corn at ss; 700 bales Colton at J.da 7-ltkl, and per steamer, bushels corn al #d per 60 lbs; I#o bales cotton at 4,d. Oats are dull at 48a53c fin unsound, and 605 02 c for HOUfld. The Corn market is dull. Sales 62,000 bushels at B»a#4< for unsound; 95a96c for sound Mixed West ern, and 88c for White Baltimore. Cottok.—The market Is very firm, hut not very ac tive, owing to the -high prices asked. Sales 2,300 bales at 50a51c for Middling. Rice.—The market is steady, with, however, uoth ing ui moment dolDg. Coepke—ls steady and unchanged. Sales since our last 2,600 bags Java aud 2,730 bags Rto, both ou private terms. Stout —The market Is drill and drooping. Sales since our last 100 hhds Cuba Muscovado at 143£c; re fined are dull and declining. Molasses.—The market, is quiet and soarccly so firm Saiea since our last 93 hhds New Orleans, at *1 20al 30, and 25 hhds Porto Rico at 85a92e. Hay—ls steady, with .fair demand at 70c for ship ping, and 76385 c for retail lots. Tea—ls dull and unchanged. Provisions The Pork market Is firmer, hut not very active, closing dull, sales 6,400 bids at f part last evening! $27 57U428 25 lor Mess dosing at *2B regular; and $23a24 for Prime Mess; also, 1,000 bbls Mess, lor February, sellers’ option, on prlvateterms. New York Money Market. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 2Qth, P. M. Money shows no material change. The supply is steadily sccumulatlng, and some of the private bankers have a surplus they cannot employ ou the street. The rate continues generally at 7 per cent, on call loans, with rather more demand in some quarters., There is less pressure for discounts ; tire excess ol applications Is mostly from dry goods houses, while the produce trade and grocers are offering only a limited amount of bills. Prime names pass more freely at 7 per cent., but there Is still a large amount of flrsl-claes paper dis counted at Ba 9 per cent.; a limited amount of less known names Is discounted at from 10 to 15 per cent. Gold continues quiet; a limited amount of “short" sales are made, lu anticipation of the Government being a seller at an early day. At the board cash gold was sold at 14631, and on seller's option, thirty days, at 146. Loans are made at 2a3 per cent, upou the currency advanced. Foreign exchange is dull, as usual on Wednesday; the rates are weak at loOfcalotre, mi bankers’ u> days’ sterling, and 6.7#‘jas.J3>. for long date francs. Legal Notices. OTATE OF GEORGIA, GLYNN COUNTY-To *ll whom it may concern • Whereat, Henry K. PuiHgnon and Mary A. Dußlg non will apply at ihc Court ol Ordinary tor Letters ol Administration on the eßtate of Felicity Dußigr.oiv late of Glynn county, deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before eaid Court, to moke objection sis any they have), on or before the first Monday in January next, otherwise said Letters will be granted. Witness, Stephen J. Gorton, Eaq, Ordinary for Glynn county, this sth day of December, 1»66. lib STEPHEN J. GOKTOaN, o. q. o. GEOKUIa-CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all may concern. Whereas, John O. Ferritl will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory as administrator on the estate of Dr. Francis H. Demere, late of sold county, deceased: These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said Court, to make objection (if any th-y have} on or before the first Monday In June next, otherwise said letters will be granted. W i tnps« my official signature this 9th day of Decem ber, ISOS. D. A. OBVKNK, dl3 ' Ordinary. CJ.EORGI A—CHATHAM COUNTY —To all whom i a may concern: Whereas, John C. Ferrlll will Apply at the Court o Ordinaryfoi Letters of Administration ou the nude vised estate of Joseph Burke, late of said county, and e •eased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (If any they have), on or before the second Monday in January next, otherwise said letters Wi\ be granted. J Witness, my hand and official signature, this 16th day of November, lbos. n-2 . D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. GKORGIA-CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern. Whereas, Mary Ann Tttcomb will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of George H Titcomb, late of said county, deceased: These are,- therefore, to cite and admonlah oil whom it may concern to be aud appear before said Court, to make objection (it any they hav) on or before the second M**nday in January next, otherwise said let ters will be granted. Witness my official signature this 29th day of No vember, 1865. d2 D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, MCINTOSH COUNTY.—To all whom It may concern: Sixty nays after date application will be made to the Court ol Ordinary of Mclntosh county for #ave to sell tlte real and personal estate of P. L. Chattier, deceased, late of said county. T. P. PEASE. _ dil Executor. Administratrix notice.-ahpersons having claims against the estate of Charles A. L. Luntai, late deceased, will present the same, properly attested, .within the time prescribed by law, and thuae indebted W said estate will make immediate payment to ... . CAROLINE A. LAMAR, nlßlaw6w Administratrix. A DMIN ISTKATUR’S NOTICE. —Sixty days after ~y . I will “site application to the Honorable Court ot Ordary ol Chatham county for leave to sell au the real estate of Paul E. Qlatigny, deceased, for the benefit of uta heirs arm creditors. _ LOUIS QRENVALi), Adm'r. savannah, Dec 8, lias. “ d6 law2m A P rJh'.os Ji 014 hM b<Je ” madt to the Ordinary of !mir«d ti L n,y ; and nnder Ih " conditions re Sit eiwte o”iJK, r « T *'s >K ' *» k ‘ d to all the Sirs fOT ,b 0 dl lawilm* LEWIS T. TURNER, Adm'r, 81 A IK Oh GKORGU. MCJINTOSH roiTNTV , r. l ail whom It ttiif uouceni lU * W col 'NTi.—lo 1 base are, therefore, to cite imSSdsh ail whom it may concern, to he audanpeat at a2d court to make objection, If any they hare unm mom of* kteonu Monday in January next, iw«t uiheSSl letters will he grunted. ' lirl wl ’“ "“*1 ttiitiess R. A. Bird, Esq., ordinary or tu i county, this Mb duy orDeceuiim, mat," 1 “ R. A. Blot, Ordinary, m c. V IA | 1 OF oEOltflui MLTNTOSU mukiy • ail Whom it may consent i " W herea., John I alersou will tlpplv to the Court of Ordhiuty lor l<ettei« or Administration on u,,, ol joh, Mutuugh. lute of »«id coOMly, dis eased h „ Umrefore, to oil* suil adlhooi.i, ,n I c.,1,',71. "'*> "'Uieih, to ha atld tppnar at the east w htior. isire Otlcusle Mlrt ‘OUii yyin I,« a,»ol< I 7 ” Um M S?ltai *lH| < y Ml Iniosb upuoly, ru u»y of u«<«rmiMH k A ni|i4> a " ouiluhry IT U. S 1 *?,* ÜBOBOU, CHATHAM COI NTT To all whom it may * om eru . bill,** itU'HI and Mias lisUoMine f> '.l.!*•' '**• *«»rt '» I ltd lino I lot iellele *•» * * wl WA*ws#rXr ill* «ii 4 I oh.lLu tUIL! 'fftl**?' ** HP •*“* *M*NM ImiloM Hill Mjua-S vkzteftXi** «• w u mmiii ** o**o# |f »*#•( uSm*W fit iPM wm WM|M um>m •**** , “*' ** »•* [ ***• M A It'Dthl UMaMI Legal Notices. GgoteirV cHATtiAM COUNTY.—To all whrenfl in*, i ill Wgirnil Ju B Mclntosh Will apply At fee Court of Ordinary tor Letter, of Adu.liiistrati.ju on the e.ute of Samu.-l M Hood, tete of said renntf, an i-ssed TtteM- are, then-fore, to cite and admonish all whore it may onmvrn, to ue and appear Before said Court to mik<- objection .if any they have, on or lielore the second Monday in J.uuary next.othervrlee aetd letters will be granted. Wilusts* my hand and official signature,- this -th day of December. 1-65. D. A. O’BYRNE. dec9 Ordinary. STATU OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.-To all wboin It tuay concern: _ Whereas, Robert ILStileo will apply at the Court of Ordinary for U-ttera of Administration cam tests mento annexo on the estate of KHxa Mackar, late ..I said county deceneed. . , . These are, therefore, to ciie and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court io make objection (if ally they navel on or before the second Monday in January next othervfeesaifi letters will be granted. . , , . .... Witness, my hand and olli*'lal signature, this Bth day of December, 1865. , d e ,Vi DOMINICK A. O’BYBNE, o. o. o. W TATE OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM .COUNTY—To S3 all Whom it may concern : Whereas, Kate SI. Britdy will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Let era o! Administration un the en ure of Brlody. late of aald county, de C Theßeare, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It oni v concern, to be and appear before aald Court to make Objection sis any they havej on or before the second Monday In January next, otherwise said let tern will be granted. Wit mss my hand and official signature this ithduj of December, 1965. d6 D. A. O’BYRNE, O. C. C. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. TWO mouth’s after date.applicatlon will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county for leave to sell the real estate of Mrs Jane Barnett, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. JAMES L. HAUPT, dl-law2m Administrator. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.-To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Henry Bryan wi,l apply at the Court ol Ordinary for latter* of Administration on the es tate of Thos. J Pitt, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite ana admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have; ou or ha fore the second Moudev in Jsuusiy next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand ana official signature, this 27th day of November, 1866. D. A. O’BYKNE, d4 Ordinary Chatham county. / V KORGIA—BI. LLOCH CIJUNT2.—To all whom it IT may concern Whereas Margaret Jose* win apply at the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch couuty for Letters of Adminis tration on the estate or Buckner 11. JOnw, deceased, These are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their oh jectious with said Court (if any they have) on or before the second Monday in January next, otherwise sold Letters will be granted. Witness my hand, officially, this 20th day of Novem ber, 1*65. DAVID BEASLEY. Sen, n2B lawlm Ordinary. Cl BORGIA—BULIXK/H COUNTY.—To all whom it I may concern: Whereas, Elizabeth Aycock will apply at the Court es Ordinary of liullach couuty for Leuera of Admiuis tiatiou ou the estate of William Aycfick, deceased. These urelo cite and admonish all and singular the kindled and creditors of said deceased, to file their ob jections with said Court (if any they havej on or before the second Monday in January next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand,'officially, this 20tb day of Novem ber, 1865. DAVID BEASLEY, Sen., u2B lawlm Ordinary. tv EOR ITA—BULLQLH COUNTY.—To all whom it I may concern: When as. Reamer Scarbrough will apply at the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch County for Lettere of Ad ministration ou the estate of James Parrish, deceased, These are to cifc and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their ob jections with said Court on or before the 2d Monday (n January next, otherwise said Letter* will be er an ted. Witness uiy hand, ofllelallv. this 20th davnf Novem ber, 1866. DAVII) BEASIEV, Sen , n2B lawlm Ordinary. STATE OF GKORGIA-CHATHAM COUNTY.- To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Charles 0. Frendergast will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration cum testsuiento annexo on the estate of Margaret Pren deigust, late of said county, deceased ■ Theae are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said court to make objection (if any they havej on or before the first Monday m February next, otnerwtse said letters will be granted. Witness try official signature this 20th day ot De cember, 1886. D. A. O'BYRNE, d2l Ordinary. Cl KORUIA—CHATHAM COUNTY.-To all whom Y it mav concern: Whereas, Abraham Mini# will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration cum testa lneninm annexo on the estate of Hester Minis, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be aud appear before said vonrt to mako objection (if any they, havej on or before the first Monday in February next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my official signature tills Loth day of De cember, 1865. D. A. O'BYRNE, d2l Ordinary? 4YEORGIA—CHATWAM COUNTY.—To all whom It " may conc«rn: • Whereas James K. Cope will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory as Administrator on tbe estate of James C. Thompson, Ute of said couuty, deceased, These are, therefore, Jo cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said Court to make objection (If any they have) on or before the first Monday In May next, otherwise said lettere will be granted. v Witness my hand and official signature this 26th dsy of October, 1865. D A- Q'BYRNE, nov2-lam6m ' Ordinary o. C. TWOVdoutha alter date application will be made to the Court or Ordinary of Bulloch county for leave to sell all the Lauds belonging to the estate of John Driggers, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cred itors of said estate. nov2-law2m JOHN BRANNEN, Executor. OTATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY -To all whom It may concern: Whereas, Kndora 8. Abrahams will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dlsmissory as Adminis tratrix on theEstateof JacobM. Abrahams, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may conbern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (If any they have) on or before the first Monday in May nexWotherwise Said letters will be granted. Witness, my official signature, this 30th day of Oc tober, lkds. D. A. O'BYRNE, nov2 o. o. o. ft EOKUIA—CHATHAM COUNTY.-To all whom VT it may concern: Whereas, Margaret Doyle will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of James Doyle, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said court to make objection (if any they have) on or before tbe first Monday In February rfcxt, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my offlcHfcignalure this 19th day of De cember, 1905. D. A. O'BYRNE, 420» ‘ Ordinary. TWO MONTHS alter date application will be made to the Court ol Ordinary of Bulloch county, by James Hendricks, Guardian .of Daniel Hendricks, a minor, deceased, for leave to sell all the lands be longing to said deceased, for a division among tbe heirs. JAMES KENDRICKS, Guardian. Bulloch county, Nov. 28th, 1806. u2B TWO mouth* after date application will beWnade to the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch, for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the eclat, of George Grooms, deceased. JAMES W. MOORE, Adm'r. ELIZABETH GROOMS, Adm’x Bullock county, Oct. VStb. 1806, law4w octal GEORGIA— CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom ll may couceru. whereas, Henry U. Jackson will apply at the Court of Ordinary lor Letters of Guardianship upon the person and property of Frederick T. Bealle, tumor and orphan child of Rebecca A. Bealle, late of Chut hum County, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite ami admonish ull whom It tut) l ouceru to be und appear before said court, to make ot>)eetum (if any they have) on or before the second Mummy tu January next, otherwise said let ters Hill lie grunted. Witness my baud and ufflclul signature this guilt day ol November, l»tl9 mar D. A. O BYRNE, Ordinal). i J k'IHOIA—CHATHAM COUNTY. TANARUS„ ail ahomlf ' x rusy • vnreff> i Wheress. Msrgwol Doyle will apply (I Uia t'OOil of Ordinary lor Latrcra of Adiulnlatrwtloii ut> the Me tale ol Jsiuus ffojle, late ol aahl couirly, rl*t«e«ed These SI a. therefore, to ella and adbSMIW all whom ll may uoiucrli, (e be and appear Iwfore aald Court to Uiake ot, la,a 101 l (If any they haver oh or Islore the »mba 7;' , , d y‘» d “«vr he*C«t»»rwtaesaUl letleia uT'lMg* "‘ y " m ' l,l , * t tf a ** twr * ,bl * *' b d *l "f Novem ________ Ji, A »PJ»YMNi ( ) M g.iai In Jeliuai) lieil.appb- ~ii,.n Li 1,*,! i" hi ll,e ordinal y of Chat bam County ■lltlrlhutlon among ig,, Cay, „f aald r«lala, . . MUN UAUIBIImix aloaem dr buhl* Mob, I'UM ***** ann-1- A4MltUlr«Ur'B TV M •* »< »M ili» fd«J *1 4mm*# 4* iu, (to. JDBriIIIKAIAMM (•i • QUOTATIONS For southern Bank Notes. BANKING HOUSE or MANNING & DE FOREST, 1» WALL STREET, NEW YORK. CORRECTED DEC. 1, 18(15/ VIRGINIA. BATE Bank of Berkeley M Commerce. Frederickabuix *.>411 “ Charleston, Charleston “ the Commonwealth 6 “ Howrtrdsrille, »e< uied .*7 , “ old Dominion 44 “ Philippi, aecdred xl M Hockoridi'e «* Kockinghura : 40 *• Scott.-'villts setat ed * 27 the Valley 32 “ Virginia 36 “ Winchester 50 Central B tnl> of Virginia, secured.•» 27 Corporation of Alexandria 56 Danville Bank, Danville..., 25 Exchange Bank of Va., Norfolk 30 Farmers’ Bank of FincasMe 38 “* “ Richmond w «..2# Merchant*' Bank, Lynchburg, secured 43 Montieello Book, secured...... 21 Northwestern Bank at Jeffersoimie 95 Southwestern Bank, Wythesville 38 Traders’ Bank. Richmond 30 Bank of Richmond 25 NORTH CAROLINA. Bank of Cape Fear 43 •• Charlotte. .86 “ Clarendon : *46 “ Commetce * .-..27 *• Fayetteville 15 “ Lexington T 36 “ North Carolina 43 “ Wadesborough 30 “ Washington ~.16 “ Wihnington .26 “ Yanoeville 16 Commercial Bank, Wilmington .....21 Farmers' Bunk of North Carolina 37 Merchants* Bank, Newborn 34 Bank of Box boro’ .....38 Miners aud Planters' Bank 38 Bank of Thomasville 30 SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Camden 36 • ** Charleston 21 * 4 Chester... 24 “ lieoigetown., a....r 22 “ Hamburg ~..22 “ Newbury 32 4 ‘ South Carolina i... ~...20 “ State of South Carolina.; 26 Commercial Bunk. Columbia 20 Exchange “ “ 21 Farmers’ and Exchange 13 Merchants’, Cheraw 21 People’s Bank 60 Planters' ♦ 4 Fairfield j 22 Planters’ and Mechanics' 8ank...% 2*< Soißh W r . R. R ..40 Btate Bank 13 Union Bank ,70 GEORGIA. Augusta Insurance and Banking Company ....12 Bank of Augusta 36 Athen5........'. *....40 “ Columbus 2» ‘ Commerce ......12 “ Fulfil. 35 “ Empiit States 16 ■** Middle Georgia 76 44 Savaurah 50 « Bank of Slate of Georgia U 27 Central Railmad Banking Company .94 City Bank of Augusta * 25 Farmers’ aud Mechanics 18 Georgia Railroad uud Banking Company 92 Marine Bauk.... ...;.%75 Mechanics’ Bunk * r. .. 12 Meroh and Planters’ Bank I‘2 Planters’ Bauk ,18 Timber Cutters’ Bunk.. ...... 10 Union 44 ....12 Manufacturer s' ** Macon . 15 ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile .' 75 44 Montgomery 90 “ Helma-...< : 9 .......30 Commercial Bunk <....36 Central 44 - 36 Eastern Hank 6‘2 Northern 44 50 gout hern 44 75 TENNESSEE. Bank of Tennessee, old issue ! 46 “ “ new Issue. 40 Planters’ Bank ~7. ..•...; —....... -56 Union 44 * .' 66 Bank of-Chattanooga 22 44 * Commerce * .40 44 Kn.xviUe 40 . 4 * Memphis... 75 4 > Middle Teunessee 80 44 Paris 40 44 the Union 90 44 W est Tennessee.., 36 Buck’s Bauk 9» City 44 60 Commercial Bauk —rt 90 Merchants’ “ ~... 40 Northern 44 * 90 Ocice “ * ...40 Skelbyville “ 70 JSQuMkeru •* * 4 ‘ \.*(b Traders’ 44 .26 LOUISIANA. Bank of America 120 “ Louisiana 36 “ New Ocleana , v ....c....g 60 Canal Bank 98 CMtUeuw' Bank 9g Crescent City 70 Louisiana State Bank .*...66 Mechanic*' and Traders' Bank 96 Merchants’ “ ......50 Southern ,4 120 Union • “ 70 New Orleana City Scrip * 90 STATE BONDS AND COUPONS. Virginia Bonds G5@67 N Carolina “ .82(di83 Nort b Cart)lina Floyd Bonds 60 S Carolina *. 7rt@7s Georgia *• .BT(S9Q Tennessee “ .V.... BT@BB The above Bonds are bought with Coupons, from 1861. City of Bavannuh Bonds 70a»5 •* “Augusta, 44 70a75 Charleston City Stock 50a66 New Orleans Cityß. It. Bonds 67a70 { * 4 * Consolidated.. 7 8a 80 City Memphis eu(t by St. Teo. 65a67 44 Railroad... 4 53a66 . 14 Mauiclpal 50a6‘2 Savannah Coupons. 70a75 Augusta 4 ' Soaßs Memphis ** ... — ...75a80 N. Carolina 44 . .66n67 Tennessee 4 * .... *\ ? 67«60 Georgia 44 * \ 07a70 Virginia 44 * .V. 4t) South Carolina R. R. Bonds— 60 Savannah and Charleston, Ist mortg. 60 4 * ,» 4 2d “ 20 Montgomery and W. Point U. R. 80nd5..... 60a6<» Nash, and Chat. endo. It R. 80nd5..,...... ... 75 Me rap. and C’bar cud. R. R Boml« 65a60 Mottle und Ohio It. K. sig. Bonds. ~..., 56a60 •* ** Coupons C. •... • 65a00 TVe aye dealing extensively in all kinds of Southern Securities, stud pay particular attention to imrchasoH and Sales on Commission, filling orders for Banks and those indebted to the Bunk*. Parties sending «s packages by mall or express will receive the benefit of any advance In the market. Thc*e quotations art* not likely to decline, as South ern money und securities arc in great lequeet at present. Refer to the leading Banking and Business Houses of New \ork city. A CHAMPION, Esq., BRYAN. HAKTRIDGE A CO., dT Os Savannah. W. j. ULAIIL A. W. W. aCKK. BLAIR, SMITH & CO., JSTo. SUN Broad Street, AUGUSTA, UA., neutral Common Merchants, Ami Agonu for tlio B,le ol MiiniiliK't ui'pd Tobni'Ho. wm Puriliaai'and B*ll. on OumuilMbui, Gntt<«. CutlonGnorM, Wliivh, Lh|Ui>i>, Pnulurrand M.irhan hi., of wury domripthiii. O'linijriimi'iitn williUi>(l. * kniuK SALMON AND i, AT S'J'l AKT & tHI.'H _ STATE OP G«OII0| A. (511ATIIAM fGUNTY -To all wlium It may uinutril t W lnuuaa, tb'iigr (’ Fruriiian will apply *1 Ihafuurt liOlMlliaiy lul l .llcr. of a11.,1i Ull lh« lalalt ■Allvury < . r lamuai,. lata us aald t"Uaiy, dai vaaad, l lUhii aiv, lll,lufiun, lu ■lu aud all Wham ll may nilwuni, In li* ami lap|a>ar twfuta aald I ’.nil I lu Illaka iillpil Hull fli ail) IIIV) hairy UU 111 la l„.I Hu ihmuiiil Miaiday in Jauuaiy nail, wllivfwlhn aabl iilura will lie mauled MTlnw* lu) band and uffiilal .laiialma, Ibla lidli 4a) nl Nuyvuihri, lafil. |), A, U HVHSR, ofdlnai) KOI MAl.ll On Consignment. A1 MUM) M<w Bhl I I 1,1 BMIuMAM BtUIMIHAtW to**tSiioi HKmiumdu. JOHN L. VILLA LONG A, COTTON FACTOH, NIK tv ARIOSO AKD < OMMIANIO* MI6H t’HANT. No. 9-T Bav Slreat, * SAVAISNAM, OA. _octl6 ' _ 6m I Wm. H Wm W Tison & Gordon. COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. 90 BAY STREET, Savannah, ------- Georgia., attention will l>e given to the sale of Lumber, Rosin, Turpentine, oct24-3m* 1). H. BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSIOM ’iMhiRCIIAN'LH 178 Pearl 84rert, Ntw York. D. H., I N Y 6r g J F CUMXIINI.B, f 1 . - H. Beiouxn, I s ._.k OCt4-3m C. M Holst,ffa” a a, UU “' Uto. I>. FOWLS. WM E. HOV. UEUU BIOS FOWLE & CO., FORMEKLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., CoininisHioii Merchants. Itojxinei'S of Railroad Iron and Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NEW YORK, octal 6m General Commission and For* warding Merchants Corner West Broad ami Bay Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Till) timiereigned have this day entered into a Co partnership under the name and style of McKee, Bennett & Cos., at McKee and Bennett’s oldstaud. Will Keep constantly On hand a fine assortment of Carriages, Bretts, Rockansys, Bungles, Harness and Coach material of every description, which we will sell at tbe Lowest Cash Price,. All work sold war ranted as represented. lYe have fine Store Rooms, uud forwarding will he promptly attended to. Con signments solicited Will open by Ist January Mamilaemring and Re pairing Depart merit, and will have experienced workmen and choice material and be prepared to do any amount of Carnage repairing. MoKEE, BENNETT & CO., J. G. McKee. 1 L. H. Bsnnktt. V Jauls McKee, i d 9 KENNETH, M LEA & CO., o[ommiaßion jflerdjants, 202 BAY STREET, ~ SAVANNAH. Advances made on consignments of Cotton, <fcc., to Liverpool and New York. dl6 1m A. S ftartriilge, * COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MBRCHANT*, 92 BAY STREET, savannah, ga. octl4-tf LI. Gowdy, MERCHANT, 196 BAY ST?SLEET, WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA. oct‘2-8m C. H. BENEDICT & c 67, Mo. 86 Brood Street, New York, Produce and Flour Commission AKcrchants, Dealers in Pri .visions, Butter, Cheese, Ac. Special attention to Southern,Orders Consignments on General Merchandise solicited, octn - 3m _ TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT A BOWMAN, Snccessors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, •No. 40 Vesky Steskt, ~kw Yook. And Memphis, Term. - Tuomas Fknnes, Hknbv Bsnhktt, D. W. Bow if in. - jyfi tea CHAS. L, COLBY & CO., snipping Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. JOI.CS BLOCK, COEN KB HAY ANI ) ABKBOORH STB EXT SAVANNAH, GA- t ’ LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Mads on Consignments o the firm of Care. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE A WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. bbfxbihoxs; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Cos., New York. Jarivs Slade, Ksq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edmands, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. sep 18—tl F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, GEYEHAL lOMMISSION AND FOR WARDING AIK HI H ANT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH,. GA. Haiti.’ Buildings, Sd door west of A. Ldw A Co.'i. Refers to Messrs. Hnnter A Ganfmell, Crane, John son & Graybill; Bell, Wylly A Christum; Bothwell A Whitehead ; Miller, Thomas A Cos.; M. A. Cohen, Esq. scp29-tf Hi s. mm & no., Forwarding and Coitunisslon MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry (foods. Groceries, Ac., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAM MLS' BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. jmo. e. single. xn. u sammis. okas, i., .vathxb suit ts MACKY, BEATTIE & CD. SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 303 and AOS Bay Street, SAVANNAH, Go. OFFER lor mile to Wholes ileMeroliani. upwards of four liundrwl flop) barrels ol Wblskey, western dietlltulleu, ol vurious brands and qualities, togutber wlib a large amount us Irish und Scotch Malt Whis , Brandy. Wines, and i.iut, at Philadelphia or New York prices, expenses lidded, of we w ill ill I ull orders In the above named cities, ut the lowest market prices, delivered on board any bouts of the regular lines. 11l connection with the above, we should be pleased to fill all orders of Country Produce from Philadel phia or New Yoik markets Flour, llucun. Grain, Lhid, Lime, gab, \ r , a large quantity of which we have on hand and offer for sale on the must reus,st able term. We are tu epa red at all times to makP advances ull southern produu* tuusignud Lo our house In Philadel phia. MACKY A BEATTIE, _ *6 South Water street. h*l>?9 ,'tm l*tlß and 1M» Market stre t W J 111 .is A. J. 'vana. W. W. Kean ■LAIR, SMITH A CO., No. K9I URUAU HTHEKT, AUHIMTA, (il.OltdlA. 0 oiimiUaiuii MmliunU, 4M> * AHEM I'M F«»l< Til hi MALE OF MAMU >A«Trfu.n fnffScro Will puiuhias had setl oh iMatalsskhi, ration, ► iioii p""«s, Slavs, liqaots, Mgsis. and piudu.s anil at-•> beioilw of writ dwlMiplluh l'anslpMM»iMs aidilts* tte»,k,s'*s Ril.baia, U.idaiu * Up, Mia || •M.ii fiaphoin A tuoM inphaM, lb*ii| «nn,ti7lh7, (a,#W»dtrMi 4l wa* OUkHIMIM MKRCHANTB. SOUTHERN “ COTTON WAREHOUSE, CfIKNER OF 1 BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. O’FALLON & CO., FACTOES, * Forwarding. &, Commission MEHCHANTM, RESPEiTTFULLV invite attention to our facilities for the purchase or muvement of Southern PrcMlucta, and will give prompt attention to all ousi uetw eutrueted to our fare. Intending to eatabliah perm uaently a !L>use in Savannah expert by«tricl buHiness principles to merit aud receive a portion of the Trade. Having a commodious Warehouse for Obttou, we are prepared to buy, or receive mu consignment to our friends in New York or Europe, and will make ad vances on same ; picking, re-baling or mending all CottoH before shipping, thereby saving the enormous expense incurred in Northern cities, by this process They solicit a portion of the business of the people of Georgia aud of adjoining States. OFFICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, t&~ -Post Office Address. Lock Box 25. oct7-3m G. H. Arledge, 72 BAY STREET, Grocer ami Ship Chandler, Commission and Forwarding Mer chant, I WOULD respectfully solicit a liberal share of pa tronage from uiy friends and acquaintances, guar anteeing to give entire satisfaction and sell at the lowest mark.t prices. Orders from the country will receive immediate and prompt attention. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. nov!8 ,j bryan. hartrTdge a co.. * •c BbTAN STBOlff, NEXT TO MkBGUANIS’ AND PLANTERS' Bane Building, Broker jmd Commission Agents FOB BALif AND FURCHASE OP ST(X)KB, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c., And for Forwarding Cotton. nov2 3mo ~ SOUTHERN AND WESTERN Xj AND, Collection and Commission Agency, bandit- Southern land and property of all descriptions. Parties wishing to sell ale invited to forward lists.— Numerous applications now on fils from parties wish ing to purchase. Make collections on all parts of the country. Pay espocnil attention to the sale and disposal of Southern products, uud make advances ou direct consignments MATTHEW H BRIDGE, Manager, No, 9 Broad Bt., New York. BCFXRENCBS BY fKRMISHTON : .' Hon. Benjamin Kitxpatrick, Ex-Governor of Alabama. P. Harmony, Messrs. H. B- Cl alia & Cos , Importers, New York. A. W., Esq , Banker, N. Y. n9-3m Alykio K. Bennett,) Y Cn*s. H. Bennett, Jes. C. Van Pelt, j “ ew lorK Raleigh,N.C. Bennett, Van Pelt & Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOB TUB SALE OF COTTON TOBACCO, HAVA! STORES, ETC., FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF STATE AND OTHER STOGKS, 33 'Whitehall @t., New York. We have associated with us Mr. D. W. Ceaxis, lute Public Treasurer for North Carolina. n9-Cm G B & G W. LAMAR, General CommissiQß Merc Mnts. Forwarding and Shipping Agents, NO. BAYfeTREKi', (apstairs.) Refer to Geo. W. Anderson, Jno C. Ferrel and G. B. Lamar, Savannah; W. E Jackson. Josiah Sibley & Sous, J. B. «fc J. YY r Walker, Augusta. Uonsignments solicited. Cmnov2 ~ST W. RABUN, (Late Rabun & Smith, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, No. 1411 BAY STREET, First store West of the Exchange, BAVAHRAH. SESSOIA. • LIVINGSTON, FOX & CO., 14 1 Broad way, New Yorb, COMMISSION MERCHANTS . AND Agent* Atlantic C’oast Mail Steam ship Company. Advances made on Consignments by JNO. R. WILDER, oct2s 2m Savannah. Gao. R. Chump, Wii, A. WBtOHt, Auguata, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va LEO. R. CRIMP & (0., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FIHH, Arc. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Qa, tar Will purchase and sell on Commission Oovtom, Tohhooo, PaoncOH, and Mhuouxui.ish ol every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Rankers of Augusta Ga., Richmond, Va., and Juo. O. Ferrill, Esu De- Witt A Morgan, Gaden A Uucklcs, A. A. Solomons A Cos., J. T. Paterson A Cos., R. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. ogU Woodward, Baldwin & Cos., 110 Duane Street, New York, O and 11 Hanover St„ Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances nnuto on Consignments, Btux.tinge, . Osuabiirgs uiul Yarns. jyjs B- S. LxTUHor, Geo P. Smiuko, Late l) A f.. S. Lathrnp, Late Jus. I. Hinder A Cos. Suvtujuuh, Gu, Siivaiiuah, ami Uirch A .'Milder, Columbus E. S. LATHROP & CO., UENKIiAFi Commission Merchants, at a t>. t tu.isi « i.iesoi ii avaum 8KCON1) Hfl., ONE DOOM I ItOM ( HkHlil, MACON. QA. 4* lilt TMOI. H. AUSTIN, romriiu ail Ciumluita lirtlail, No i»» IUV HTHKICT, /'*»•»I Ml •“* **' UUNM, 81 •••>*. RAILROAD* .Central Railroad “ 81 PKRINTKNDENThf GFFK’E, I Savannah. Ga., Nov. 18, 1065. f ON and after Wednesday. 32d Inst., . a daily tiain Will leave for Augusta at 8.30 a. m.. rasiii- t'.ng with a line of Hacks running between Station 6, Uentral Railroad, and Waynesboro tm the Augnsta and Savannah Kailroyd. Paseengere by this line will arrive in Angusta the next morning after leaving Savannah in time to conned with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta Returning arrive in Savannah at 3.45 p m Freight to go by Passenger Train mnst be prepaid and delivered half hour before departare of train. By order of GEO. W. ADAMS, n2l> General Superintendent. ■ Central Railroad V o o' V . SUPRHINTKNDEKT’eS OFFICE, ) Savanuah, Nov. 18th, 1566. j This Company h low, in connection with H. J. Diekergou A Co.’s Wagons, prepared co receive and forward to Augusta, Macon, Atlanta Ac., daily from twenty to thirty thousand pounds of Freigirt, and go through in from three to five day*. Ship Freight and other expenses must be paid hy Shipia rs. Kailroad fieighl tan be paid here or at dea tinution. Freight on perishable goods must be prepaid. Rated to Augusta, until further notice, will be per* foot 50 cents, per 100 lbs. $2. no GEO. W. ADAMS, n2O ■ General Superintendent. PROFESSIONAL. CARDS, UOWKLL rOUIi. JAMES JACKSON. COBB & JACKSON, .A. ttorneys-at-Law, n29-3m MACON, GEORGIA. HAYWOOD & LaROCHR Office at the Ice House, Market Square. OAK, Pine aud Mixed Wood kept constantly on hatid and delivered to order* at the shortest otice. dl-lra LAROCHE & JOHNSON, TimberA Lumbpr Doaltir* 200 BAY BTHEET, SAVANNAH, OA. d4tf R. MOLINA, Corner Bull and Congress Street#, under Screven House, IMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer In Havana Se gura, Leaf and Smoking Tobacco, Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Mer schaum, liner Root, and all other kinds of Fancy Pipes. sepßo-3m - NOTICE. NO debts contracted by any of tile Crew of nritish bark Craesco will be paid by Captain or Consignee, n!5 BRIGHAM- BALDWIN A <X>. SURE CURE FOR TflE CHILLS AND FEVER AND KINDRED DISEASES, INQUIRE at the MORNING STAR SALOON, cor- I ner Bay street Lane and Bull street. Positive eyre in one day or no pay. d9-tf Metropolitan Enterprise Great Gift Sale NEW VOID/ AND PROVIDENCE Jewelers’ Association. Capital; $1,000,000 Depot, 197 Broadway. AN immense stook of Pianos, Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Goods; all to be sold for One Dollar each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for till yousee what yeu will receive. Certificates, naming each article and Its value, are placed in sealed envelopes ahd well mixed. One of tfi«se envelopes will be sent by mail to any address on receipt of-25 cents ;. five for $1? eleven for $2; thirty for $6; sixty five for $10 ; and one hundred for sls. On receipt of the Certificate you will see what you are going to hare, and then it is at your potion to pay the dollar and take he article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold-Watch, Diamond King, a Piano, Sewing Machine, or any set of Jewelry on our list, for $1 *, aud-in no case can they get Jess than One Dollars’ worth, as there are no blanks. Ag»nts are wanted iii every town in the country ; every persou can make $lO a day, selling our Certifi cates in the greatest sale of Je* elrv ever known. Send 25c. for a Certificate, which will inform you what you can obtain for sl. At the same time get oiu circular, containing full list and particulars, also Terms to Agents. r Address * L JAMES HUTCHINSON & Ctf, nl 5 2m 197 Broadway, N. Y. 174 Broughton Street. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, tbe newest styles, LAMPS’ DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, *e. Just received and for sale at the lowest prices by oct‘2B H. HAIM. SOAP, SOAP! MOODY & BARRETT, Steam Soap Works, Srccftunah, On., MAUFA<’TrRPTIB OF GLYCERINE, BROWN WINDSOR, VIO LET, BAR AND TOILET SOAPS OF EVERY DESCRIP - -> TION. MESSRS: Moody A Barrett would respectfully an nounce to tbe public tlmt they havu just opened their - < STEAM SOAP WOXLSS, and are fully prepared to fill ail orders tor the follow ng Bar anil Toilet Soaps; PALE SOAP, EXTRA No. 1, EXTRA No. 1 RESIN or YELLOW SOAP, GERMAN, ERASIVE, CHEMICAL. # OLIVE. f'AHTILE, .. Ate. Also, u large variety of Toilet Soaps, roinpriatag HONEY, PAI.M, CAMPANULA, ALMOND, TiiANHPAHI NT, KOBE, i'UMMU'E, I.AVA, At'., At Hit polos win Iwspoud to lusks (Mil Soaps fuusi In S»IH). pib " uiol imiluuo hi any Amsfl. sn o# I h U Mis PS GU* M)UI 111 .IlDli l,p 'S. mpi’l Mow," soJ Missis'loll equal 111,III.Ill) «M Btiolo Aatwluou oi foi.ijfi' uisiisl.' lac slwil bs rotuiMatmmlMoney PHli K I'Alli'hiK IALUjM (Nil *fii>*ft tkiiM* • lUi.sw.ll. ffiiiDpt * SrtßMltlT 14 I, J iit 11 M til ON i I t#, pHTlssrlks u«aq4 owtiMW, dials sil.tiUoi, V* UNVILLE & GLEASON. SAVANNAH. AGENTS FOR MERRITT, WALCOTT A CO., 04 Cenrtlaudt Street, New York. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHEBS Bridie, Car, Skin or Baud Hoot BOILER BOLT, sett s tutus, ceica ou u« screws. * Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts ROUND AND SQUARE WASHERS, iurnbreolclt-s. Bolt Kinds, Taps' and Dies, Jro. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRa. SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS’ STORES. COAL OIL, TALLOW, AVASTE FELTING, HEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, &o.; ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIvkTING HAMMERS. •" , SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CHISELS, Ao, TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, Ac. Also Manufacturers of tb* BEST OAK TANNED BELTING MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW -MILLS, SAWS,&c. septa • *tf M. Y. HENDERSON, No. 237 South side Bay Street Two doors east of West Broad, • DEALER In Bnggics, Wagons. Harness, Ac ; also in Buggy nud Wagon Stuff and Trimmings Any style ol Carriage or Buggy ordered from any mi uu i act urer. I am also prepared to order out any class of horses, either for draft or road service. Special attention will be given to tbe purchase es flue stock in northern markets.' d5-lm IMPORTATIONS PER shfp County of Picton, from Glasgow: 200 tons (lartsheri te Pig Iron 250 tons Household Coal loou hampers Potatoes 160 kegs Herrings 50 cases Preserved Salmon 20 cases Dried Finfiun Haddock Nor sale by d5-tf CHARLES GREEN A SON. JOHN H. DEPPISH, • * UIiAI.ER IN HARDWARE 1 Cutlery, Edge Tools, And Agricultural Implements. Also, SHOT, POWDER, LEAD and CAPS. 118 Congress and f»7 St- Julian streets, SAVANNAH, GA. White Labor. AN Agent of the Petersburg Emigration Company will visit Savannah vvahiu a few days, and will be ready to fill all orders fur European labor prom utly aud at small expense. dIS-tt E- H VAN NESS & CO., GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS AND Produce Drillers, UNDER THE BLUFF, -CORNER ABERCORtf ST, Savannah, Ga. Orders from the Country Private, Families, Steamer* and Sailing Vessels respectfully solicited. Prodace bought sad sold on cummiaslon. luO bbls Selected Apples 10b bbls Onions 100 bbls Potatoes 50 bbls Extra Flour 50 bbls Nos. 1 and 2 Mackerel 100 tubs Extra Butter 50 boxes Extra Cheese 600 kits Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel 50 half-bbis Fulton Market Beef 50 bbls Extra Family Pork. tf-n2l Mackerel, IN barrels and kits, prime quality.' dlB-tf CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. Clothing. Business suits PINE BLACK SUITS OVER COATS .last received by HEIDT & LUDLOW, d22 4 162 Congress street. THE BINGHAM SCHOOL, MEBANEVILLE, N. C. ’T'HE next session begins March Tth. 1888, and con A tiuuea forty weeks, offering to the people ol the East and South the advantages of a Summer Scnoor wilh a Winter vacation. For terms, address WILLIAM BINGHAM, ill-lm Mehaneville, R, c _ A LL persons having demands against ttie estate of A Edward G. Wilson, deceased, of Chatham county, are respectfully requested to hand them In properlf"". thcntlcated; and all persons ndebted to said sstats aro requested to make WILSON. ii,4 Administratrix^' NOTICE. CONSIGNEES |ier sleatnahlii LEO sre request -1 ihl to nttend to the reeentfon of their goad*, / Imiillug thl« day. Goods uot called for during work ing hou r* will be Mior„d at owner.' i tsk. d9» tA.'TAVUB COHEN. PkyNiiiHiiH’ Visiting L\»t» For XOUO, on sale by W. M. WALSH, Wholesale Ibugglat. corner IMrnard suJ d|u if Broughton streets FOR SALE. ordersMft at this ofllse will lie attended In dll vw A M. CXUJFK ILKUMIHk kill liUrt'B. A iMt • las aesoitiosMSf *4 «**• M 4 M hi lwi,i,4Mess*