Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 27, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. •VOL. 1-NO. 292. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND ‘EVENING* It PDBLWUEI* BY fl. W. MAHON CO., At 111 Bay Struct, Savannah, Georgia. Per Copy .Fwe Cent*. Per Hundred f $3 80. Per Year 00. ADVIRTItI NO: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for ftrat in sert'on ; Une Dollar for each eutwequent one. Ad vertisements inserted iu the will, if desired, appeal in the evening without oxtra charge. JOB PHINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. • BY TELEGRAPH TO THE Daily Herald*. CIVIL GOVERNMENT IN NORTH CARO LINA RECOGNISED. Patriotic Letter from Secretory Seward, W ashington, Dec. s*3.—'The Secretary of War, by direction of the President, has ad dressed to Governor Worth of North Caia lina, a letter informing him that Provisional Uovernor Holden is relieved trom the duties of his office as Provisional Governor of North Carolina, and directing Jiim to deliver to Governor Worth, the papers &c., connected herewith. Secretary Seward in a communication to Provisional Governor Holden, conveys the President’s acknowledgment of the fidelity, loyalty and discretion which have marked his administration. Secretary Seward has received a letter from Governor Orr, in behalf of the people ot South Carolina, returning thanks for the tender of the co-operation ot the General Government when found necessary in ettec ting an early restoration of the i>ermanent piosperity. and welfare of the State. “You may be assured," he adds “of my unalterable propose to aid in upholding the supremacy of the laws of the United Stales, aud advanc ing the honor, interests aud prosperity of our common couutry. THE MEXICAN IMBROGLIO The political quidnuncs are exercising their powers of ingenuity by which they unravel the complication that besets the rela tions between France aud the United Stales, in prefiguring the future ail sorts of random conjecture is indulged. First the report reaches us that Congress and the Ad ministration are thoioughly united in the practical assertion ot the Monroe doctrine. Second, that there was earnest correspon dence between the French Minister, Montho lon, aud the Secretary of State, Mr. Seward, which had led to a request for' fresh instruc tions from Louis Napoleon under the peremp tory demand to withdraw the French forces from Mexico. “It is tuither said by those who tell this,that upon hearing these things the French Minis ter visited Mr. Seward, and informally, but positively, declared that the Emperor did not wish tor war w ith the this country, and that he would very much regret such lauguage or action on the part of the United States as would bring on a dead lock and make it im possible (or him to recede without humilia tion.” That this ia a tissue of improbable reports requires do proof. First, no oue will believe that there is that perfect agreement between Congress and tiie Executive as relates to the assertion by force of arms,' if necessary, of the Monroe doctrine. Secondly, even if there were such agreement between the two hous es of Congress and the President in relation to this doctiine as is here intimated, there is intrinsic improbability—that the French Minister has had such a correspondence with Mr. Seward as to require fresh instructions from his master, and in the last place “that the Emperor did not wish for war with the United States, and that he would very much regret such language or action on the part of the United Stales as would bring on a dead lock, and make it impossible for him to re cede without humiliation,"that M. Montbolon assured Mr. Seward “that he was authorised to promise that the French troops would bs withdrawn from Mexico in a little while,” and further, that Napoleou only asked for a little patience in the United States Govern ment.” Those who have noted the policy of reticence which has been habitual with Louis Napoleon, cannot believe any such absurdity as that he would give assurance that the French troops would be withdrawn from Mexico, in a little while, or that be should in a deprecatory tone solicit the forbearance of ibis country, asking for “a little patience” on the part of our Government. The Remains of Cast. YVihz. —It was supposed that the War Department would not permit the bodies of executed State pris oners to be removed from where they had. been interred by official orders. It seems, however, from a paragraph in the Richmond Whig, that the body of Capt. Wirz has been disinterred and passed through that 1 ' city on Monday. It is to be taken to Selma, Ala., where his family now reside. Hon. John W. Forney, in a recent lecture in Pennsylvania, said that, having spoken well, in the Washington Cbrouicle, of the bravery and mistaken sincerity of Stonewall Jackson, soon after his death, President Lin coln wrote him a letter, thanking him warm ly for speaking kindly of a fallen foe, aud remarking; “I honor you for your generosi ty to one who, though contending against us in a guilty cause, was, nevertheless, a gal lant man. Let us forget bis sins over bis tresh made grave.” Destitute Frkeumen in Alabama.— Gen Howard lias received information from Gen. " ager Swayne, Assistant Commissioner of Alabama, in which he says that be cannot estimate the uumber of poor whites and treedmen in that State who will have lobe supported by the Government this Winter at less than 40,000. ~~ln consequence of the legislature o liuuesiee haviug refused to admit uegro Alimony in the civil courts, (Jen. Flake, A«- •*»tani Commissioner of the Freedmcu's Bu- r »»u lor that State, has Issued an order which Provides lor special courts, under Isis super Udcndenca, lo hear cases In which negfuea *r« Interested. Ktug Leopold ol Usiglum is dead, lie " '"“ceded by bis eldest sou, the puke of ‘'labaiit, umiui lU# name of Leopold 11. NEW ENGLAND CORRESPONDENCE. Boston in Holiday Attire— War to be Abolished, in Peace Times—The Garrat/ers Discouraged by Tony Sentences— The Draft Rioters Pardon ed btf Goc. Andrea l —The Harvard Memorial to the Han aril Dead—Boston and its Western Trade—The Subject of Free Markets—The Markets of Boston—Amusements, <jv. Boston, Dec. 20. To the Editors of the Savannah Daily Her ald • Our city has assumed its holiday- attire, and the shop windows furnish a rare entertain ment, especially for those who have money to buy with. The demand for holiday goods was never greater than this year, and the dealeis are as busy- as bees from early morn ing. until midnight. r Tbe money market has seasons of ease and stringency, gold fluctuates under the manipulations of the government, stocks rise and fall, hut there seems always to be an abundance of money for lavish ex penditure upon articles ot 'extravagant taste. The book stores are particularly well pre pared to meet the holiday demand for ele gant works this year. The number of costly illustrated editions of standard works for gift books was never so large betore. Among these are various editions of Tennyson and Longfellow's works by rival houses, all of which are beautiful to look upon. The gay throngs who crowd our streets seem to have forgotten that there was ever a war, with the marshaling of hosts in the deadly shock of battle. The ghastly spectacles of unhurried dead, and the sickeDing scenes of battle. — Forgotten ! No; that is not the word ; for they seemed never to have known anything of war and its desolations. There is an association of gentlemen in this community who propose to abolish war, and their proceedings are quite instructive, as well as amusing. They say nothing about the cause they advocate when war is on the tapis, and thus they occupy a very safe and elevated positiou, above the sphere of con tending passions. When there is a war they go in for it full bloom and blowing—saying we must fight when attacked, of course, ana when the war is all over, they resolve that it is horrid. By the aid of their efforts it is confidently believed that peace will continue until the next war opens. The gurroters, who were carrying things with a high hand hereabout a few weeks ago, have been very much discouraged by the obstacles which the machinery of the law places in the way of their profession. Those who have been caught—quite a large proportion of the whole number of operators have been sent to the State Prison for terms ranging trom fifteen to twenty-five years. Among those who received the maximum sentence was a young man named Stanley, one of whose aims was a wooden one, the original having been left somewhere in the South. The wooden arm was not very ef fective for garroting purposes, while it shielded the rascal trom suspicion until his last job had been accomplished. Stanley is a robust fellow, only twenty-two years of age, and by the time he leaves prison he will lie old enough to know how to behave him self. Asa consequence of the vigorous measures taken by the authorities,, and the stern justice meted oat to the offenders by the judges of the Superior Court, the busi ness ot garroting, highway robbery and bur glaiy has come to a sudden end, and our city and the surrounding country envoys its usual quiet. There is probably no place in the country where law is vindicated by more vigorous measures than in Boston, wiien the law represents the views of a sufficient propor tion of the people to make its execution fea sible. We have such absurdities as the Maine Liquor Law on the statute book, which canuot be euforced in Boston, because a large part ot the moral, as well as the im moral seuse, of the community is against it, but no small party of ruffians, of any posi tion in society, are allowed to dety the law witli impunity. We had a good illustration of this iu the prompt suppression or the draft riot, here in 1863, which “roared so loud and thundered iu the index." Apropos of that, Gov. Audrew has per formed an act of grace, near the close of his term of olHce, which reflects credit upon his character. It has been the custom for seve ral yours—it was inaugurated while General Banks was Governor—to release a limited number ot convicts from the State Prison on Thanksgiving Day, with an eye to the behav ior and early history of the objects of the pardoning power. Two or three were par doned this year, as usual, the Governor be iug present, aud addressiug the prisoners; and then lie said that be could not feel recon ciled to leave the chief magistracy ol the State without pardoning those who were imprisoned tor complicity in the draft riots, and whose offences were of a political char acter. These prisoners were then pardoned, much to their surprise, and amid the wild cheers of their fellow ceoyicts. So the war being over, no man suffers for a political of fence in this Commonwealth. Was it not a a pretty thing in a radical Governor ? The committee of fifty of the Alumni of Harvard university appointed to take steps towards the erection of a memorial to the graduates of Harvard fallen in the war. have held a meetiug, and accepted a plan for a memorial building to he erected on the grounds of the .University at an expense of about $200,000. Tbe building will contain a theatre, on a classic plan, which will be used tor the exercises of Commencement, and other ceremonial occasions of old Har vard. Onr newspapers are getting to be quite rampant on the subject of Western commun ications. Boston does not gain in its West ern trade iu proportion to the growth of the West, and it is laid to the fact that our rail road lines fail to furnish adequate means of transit for freight to and from this great me tropolis of tiie New England manufactures. A double track line front Boston to Chicago is demanded, so that freight can be sent from, one of these cities to the other with re-sbip inent. There is no little interest upon tbe subject, aud it is probable that something will be doue towards it before a great while, even if the whole requirement is delayed.— Freight is now taken through from Chicago to Bustou by using compromise cars, by which tbe slight difference of gauge between tbe Eastern aud the Ohio railroads, aud by rnakiug a detour by the way of Troy to cross tbe Hudsou. A railroad bfidge is now in process of oonstruetion at Albany, aud it will be finished withiu the year—probably by June—when the route will he simplified. The present accommoda tiuus have been insufficient tor tbe freight offering, resulting in u blockade for ten days atone lime at Albany. The Boston mer chants are quite indignant thereat. The subject of Free Markets has been dis cussed a good deal of late in Boston ; and the question having lieen brought before the City Council, a committee to whoso charge the question was given, have appointed hear ings, journeyed to New York, rblladelubla, Baltimore, aud other places, and finally ie ported in favor of our present system, saying that “our market is celtaiuly Ireer, compare lively as cheap, if not cheeper, and as well kept and regulated, as any or a bicb they I,sve knowledge iiaud they have examined several tine mark Ms." As our market* now stand, tbe city owns the building iu end youud which U our priu cipai market, aud regulates the sale ot pro visions iu the streets around it. The eiaile Mini cellars In lbs uiaiket-houee art lei at a SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1865. fixed rent, tor a term of years, to permanent tenants, for telling at wholesale or retail, alt kinds of meats and provisions. In the sur rounding streets, farmers from any distance may sell their own products iu such quan tities as they choose, and petsons acliug as agents tor farmers who live more thau eight miles fiom the city may soil at wholesale, without charge of aoy kind ; and persons are allowed to go from house to house (al though not to stand at any fixed point) in ail parts of the city to sell meat and provisions, with no restriction as to the sale being by the (ftoducer. But the public mar ket and the street sales are by no means the chief resorts for domestic supply. There are in Boston : Stores for the sale of meats, 24 : stores for the sale of vegetables, 68 ; stores for the sale of meats and vegetables, 201 ; stores for the sale of groceries and provisions, ' 327 ; stores for the sale of groceries and vegeta bles, 49 ; stores for the sale of vegetables and fish, 5; occupied stalls in private mar ket-house—(of which 4? are for the sale of meat alone,) 70 ; total, 739. Over these no control is exercised, more than over any business, except in prohibit ing, as at the public markets, the sale of de cayed or unwholesome articles. The practical operation of our market sys tem is somewhat like this. The live stock which supplies us comes not from the sur rounding country, nor from New England alone, but from the Canadas, New York and the West; it is purchased -by drovers and brought to Brighton and Cambridge, and there sold in large and small lots to two classes of marketmen —those who kill for their own wholesale or retail trade, and those who kill to sell by the side or quarter •o retailers, either in Faneuil Hall Market or in private markets. The latter class are per mitted to occupy a.large part of the space iu South Market street, without charge; aud there the provision dealers and small traders come for their supply. The supply of vege tables is more a matter of domestic contiol, and wagons come from ail sections of the surrouuaiag country to the distance of thirty or forty miles laden with field produce of al] descriptions; and they are permitted to stand, without charge, in South Market, North Market, Commercial, and the adjoin ing streets, aud they sell at wholesale or re tail as suits their convenience. The men who go about the streets retailing from wa gons either meat or vegetables, are seldom producers, but almost invariably hucksters, selling an inferior article at, of course, very lo w prices, quite rarely a farmer goes about with a load of vegetables, but in that case it will be found that his prices vary but little from the current rates; the reason why he sells in that way is that the market is glutted and be cannot find a ready customer for his whole load iu South Market street. Amusements are well patronized. The Georgia ministiels, composed of real ne groes, who use no burnt cork, is the latest addition. The comic vein in the negro, with this natural ludicrous “make-up," thus opens a field for him, iu which he is bound to “shine.” Madame Parepa is here again, giving concerts. She is a great favorite. The Boston continues the spectacular drama of the “Ice Witch," in which the scenery is elegant, and the machinery works smoothly. The Museum, Atheneum, and various min istrel halls are doiug usual business. Arid now I wish you a merry Cbrirtmas, hoping my compliments will arrive in season. „ . lota. Congrcßttionai I terns. Up to the 20th, no official action had been taken by the President of the Senate towards appointing the Senatorial Committee on Re construction. Senators Fessenden, Grimes, Hpward, Beverdy Johnson and Williams, are believed to have been decided upon, how ever. * , The proposition of Mr. Thaddeus Stevens o double the pensions of disabled Union sol diers, and to reimburse loyalists for property destroyed, out of the proceeds of wholesale confiscation, was received with decided cool ness, Mr. Stevens subsequently created a laugh by appearing as the champion of & gentleman from Louisiana who claims a seat in the House. Mr. Stevens’ seeming incon sistency is explained by the fact that Judge Warmouth, the claimant, represents about nineteen thousand darky votes. The Clerk ot the House of Representatives has received certificates of election of South ern members only from North Carolina, seven ; Louisiana, tour ; Mississippi, two ; Tennessee, seven; Virginia six. {n the Senate on the 20th, petitions were presented by Mr. Sumner from the Rev. Dr. Cheever and from citizens of New York, Massachusetts, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Ken tucky,lllinois and New Jersey for the appoint ment Qf provisional governors for the lately rebellious States, and to secure the equality before the law ot all their inhabitants. The petitions were referred to the Committee of Fifteen on the Southern States. A numerously signed petition asking land grants tor soldiers was presented on tbe 20th in the Senate. The House bill to pay tbe widow of Presi dent Lincoln twenty-five thousand dollars was passed. The bill granting the elective franchise to colored men in tbe District of Columbia was reported favorably from committee, in the Senate on the 20tb, with an amendment re quiring the elector to be able to read and write, and was then, after a short debate laid over. . . A series of resolutions, which were ordered to be printed and laid on tbe table, were in troduced in the House on the 20th, by Mr. Lawrence, of Ohio, declaring That Jeff. Davis, tbe other principal leaders of the re bellion, and all those suspected of complicity in the assassination of President Lincoln, should have early trials, and, if convicted, should suffer the penalty of their crimes. On motion of Mr. Stevens, General Howard, Commissioner of the Freedracn's Bureau, was requested to inform the House of any lands ot rebels set apart for the fret-diner, have been restored lo their former owners, and, if so, for what reason. A Washington despatch states that since General Grant's return from the South he has expressed bimseit in favor of the speedy reduction ot the military departments in the Southern States, and proposes tbst instead of having a military commander in each State, that three departments at least be merged Into one. General Sherman is understood tA tavor the consolidation of departments, as it will result greatly to retrench expenses, aud secure a more uniform and satisfactory ad mlnUlratiou of affairs in that section of the country. - A Washington letter skys there Is do proepect (bat tbe Committee ou Way* ami Mesus will purpoA a reduction ot the Uses this session. There are certain taxes which they will duuhtleae ask the House to te peal or modify, hut they are uwt likely to re duce the aggregate ol revenue from tax stlou agd dalles at present ONE DAY LATER MAIL FROM NEW YORK. Tlie steamship America, which arrived on Monday, brought New York dates of the 21st inst.—one day later. The following additional foreign news, from the Cuba's mails, is giveu : Earl Russell, the hew English Premier, is sick. Haviag a cold, he stayed away from the recent Cabinet Council. According to the London Star, however, his illness is somewhat more serious. Tne Viceroy of Egypt lias given to the American mission at Cairo a block of houses w'orth two hundred thousand francs. The Vicccy is also said to have given the mis ! sionaries free passes by the railways, and to have decided that religious journals and hooks shall not be subject to any tax. Sir Frederick Bruce, the British Minister, has bean appointed umpire to a joint com mission representing the United States and thp republic ot Columbia, South America, for the settlement af claims arising opt of the Panama riots of 1856. The Paris correspondence of the London ; Post is assured on good authority that the , United States Government intends support ing Chili in her resistance to Spanish aggres , sion, and states that an American squadron > is now on its way to Chilian waters. The Paris correspondence of the Liverpool | Journal contains some curious statements re i gardiug the coolness between the Emperors | Napoleon and Maximilian. There is a ru j mor that the recent secret treaty of Miramar | empowers the Emperor to withdraw his | troops from Mexico, whenever Maximilian’s | payments should be two mouths in arrear. I This pretext, it is believed, will be seized ! without scruple by the Emperor, who, in < presence of the irritation displayed by the ! United States, is resolved to avoid a further ! complication of the difficulties amid which be i has so thoughtlessly rushed. With regard to the escape of Stephens the Fenian Herd Centre irons a Dublin prison, it is stated that the official investigation being made has proved a large number of persons of considerable position to be seriously com promised in the affair. Advices from Mexico state that a body of one thousand French Zouaves bad revolted at Martinique, with cries of “Death to the Emperor,” “ Vive la Repvblique,” etc. The imperial garrison was called ont to reduce them to order, and in the fight whfch ensued, many were killed on both sides. Four hun dred of the Zouaves had arrived at the city of Mexico, disarmed, to be tried by Court Mar tial. The situation in Chili remained unchanged up to the 18tb of Sept. The Spanish Admiral still blockaded some of the ports, but had not bombarded any of .the towns. Mean while the Chilians were actively preparing for war. Mr. George Brown, the principal supporter of colonial Confederation in tU6 Canadian cabinet, has resigned. The funeral of Hon."Tiros. Corwin took place in Washington on the 20th. Tlie case tor the defence in the Strong di vorce suit was concluded on the 20th. In the testimony taken on that day occurred the statement of Mrs. Strong that Edward violated her, after inducing her to enter hi? room, while he held a- pistol to her hesd and threatened to make her a dead woman if she screamed. The various “circles” of the Fenian Rfoth erhood continue to put forth their views con cerning tlife division of the order, some of them endorsing O Mahoney and others re pudiating them. An arrival from Hayti brings the ngws that the Haytian rebellion is threatening to break into activity again Salnave, the Insurgent General, was in St. Domingo, recruiting his array, which was being largely reinforced by desertions from President Jeffrard. The Haytians are said universally to favor the revolution against Jeffrard. It. G. RITWB. JOHN H. RCWE. H. G. RU WE & CO., WHOLESALE DBA LEM IN Groceries, Ales, Wines AND LIQUORS, Os all descriptions, AT FALLIG ANT-8 OLD PAINT STAND, Corner St. Julian & Bryan Sts., Near the Pulaski House. • . AGENTS FOR ALE AND LAGER BEER, dis-lm ON consignment JfI.AT received per steamer from Baltimore: 137 bbls Floor, choice brands 75 hhd* ftficon shoulders 40 do Hides 27 boxes Bacon Sides 24 bids Family Hams 1 8 hhd« canvassed Hams 25 bbla cooked Pigs’ Feet 40 half bbls do Foe sals by LaROOHB a west. d*23 lw Jones' Block. FINE FAMILY FLOUR, AT STUART & CO, 8 Brown’s Standard Seales. USD by tbe United State, and Foreign Govern mente for more than THIRTY YEARS. Adapted to any branch of bnatneae for fqrelgn or borne market. Warranted accurate and durable. Sales room. No. 3 Barclay-at.. near Broadway, N. Y eeplO ly It. BROWN, Manufacturer For Sale, IVIIA BUSHELS Prime White Com X-u'U 2000 boali,i. Prime White Gate N. A. HARDER A CO. PECAN NITB, BRAZIL MUTB, AT BTU ART Aco H PAVILION HOTEL "For Kent. •I’M AT well known, iMetraU, 10. tied, and blgblf < 1 p polar, •Itualud on Suit .Iraal, •<•»«*. .u hoail. Hi. Hut and Hull MiwMs. oteupylnx loir rullni tote >d «u i.r vu hat each, and lb, tone be Iwmu it.. .1. and ..Hilaiula, about tan luoau, io now ..garad lot rant I TVJ»a»If renlllui Ibu pioburtf Will be iaqaitad In ineWthe luu.wbry iru'WV fM dire eallefe-iorf ie mm# lor Ike pun. laal of IWit_ •WfSl U HWI Untob **•« tetf J. N. WILSON, Photographer, 8. E. corner Broughton suit Whitaker Stn.. SAVANNAH, GA. tir- Copying done with the greatest care. dll BROWN’S CASTILLI AIM BITTERS mills unrivalled Toulc prepared from the Pure X Juice of the Grape and extracts, distilled from the Choicest Vegetable products of the South of Prance, Italv ami the Province of Castile (Old Spain.) from which latter section they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, Indispensable to Hotels and Restaurants, ami valuable to Families, delicate females and children, for all disarrangement of the stomach, It Is. unrivalled. A never falling prevenUve and Cure for Sea Sickness. None whutravel by land or water should be without the Castilllan. For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, MeINTIRF A Cos. Sole Agents, State Georgia. _oet24-8m . + Egg Nogs. JUcT received, a lot ot Booream’s celebrated Port able Egg Nogg, ready for <miuetHate use, and more economical than wheu made by the old style. For sale by the Agents, M. J. SOLOMONS A CO.. Jones' Block, Bay street. JEWELRY! F. D. JORDAN, ISW CONGRESS STREET, U’AS just received a One assortment of Jewelry, of ■**- the latest styles. Also Silver Fruit Knives, Nap kin Rings, Butter Knives, Card Cases, and Silver seta (Knife, Fork and Spoon), In cases for children, 4c. dkl-tw , OFFICIAL. CITY OF SAVANNAH. 1 Mayok’s office. > December It, 1845. j The following sections of Ordinances are published for information of the public and will be rigidly en forced : An Ordinance for the protection of public and private property in the limits of the city of Savan nah and for other purposes. Section 1. *BeU ordained try the Mayor and Alder inenot the City of Savannah and tlie hamlets there of, In council assembled; and It la hereby ordained by the uuthortty of the same. That, from and after the passage of this Ordinance, no person or persons shall, within the limits of the otty of Savannah, write.. carve, Indite, paste, paint, or In any manner deface or cause to tie written, carv ed, indited, patted, painted, or in any manner defac ed, or write or cause to be written any marks or let ters with any material whatsoever, upon any pub lic building the property of the city of Savannah, or of the United States, or upon the property of any person or persona, corporation or corporations. Section 5. Ami be it farther ordained. That If any Serson shall violate auy of the provisions of this or inance, he shall, or tliev shall, on conviction before the Police Court, If an adult parson, be fined In a sum not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. RIVER. Ordinance passed 2d of August, 1830. Section 19. ft shall not be lawful for any person or persons to throw, cost or deposit, or cause to be cast, thrown or deposited lu the Savannah River, or ou Its banks below high water mark, within the extended Jurisdictional limits of the city or Savannah, rice chair or any snlistuuce of whatever uature or klud which might in any degree lessen the depth of the water In said liver, or any pari thereof, within the limits aforesaid, sod each aud every person so offend ing shall, for each find every Hnch oHence, he fined in a sum uot exceeding one hundred dollars. The Police will report all violations of the above, d2it-lw KDWARD C. ANDERSON, Mayor LANDING, Pei Steamers Leo, Tybee and Constitution i •lir, BARRELS FLOUR in 4o tubs Rxtra Butter 40 tubs Extra Laid 60 bbis APPLE, POTATOES and ONIONS 40 bbls Pilot Bread 60 boxes Assorted Crackers 40 bbls Fitch 40 bbls Rigging Tar 10 bbls Sugar-cured Hama 10 do do Shoulders ' - Which will be sold low at 72 Bay street, between Abercom aud Lincoln streets. d2l-lw O. H. ARLEDGB. TWENTY-TWO VARIETIES OF CRACK ERS, AT STUART & CO.'S Wines, Liquors. K A BASKETS Heidslck Champagne, qts. and pts. 0 W 76 cases St. Jallen Claret. 50 cases Champagne Cider, 40 cases Star Bourbon Whlsksy, 40 cases Imperial Sherry Wine, 20 bbls Whiskey, various brands. For sale by HILTON 4 RaNDKLL, d*c26 6 193 Bay street. BRICK. , ABOUT 90,000 Engllah Brick, ready to be dlscbarg ed from British Bark MyrUe, • For sale by REID A STEWART. « dcc24 8 98 Bay street ~ FOR JANUARY, 1866. Madame demorest-s. Harper’, Monthly, Godey'a Laities’ Bulk, London Qaarterly Review, Poetical Works ie Morocco, Blue and Gold. JOHN C. SC A SONS. boardinqT A FEW GENTLEMEN can be accommodated with Rood boar and In a private family l.y addressing decSt-tf --A. F., M Herald office. CHOICE TEAS, AT STUART & CO.’S Xrlmt of VALUABLE PACKAGES REMAINING IN THE OFFICE OF Adams’ Express Comp’y DECEMBER 220, 1865. B Bag ley, Capt. J. Barnwell, Thaddeo* Barnwell, John G. c. Clark. Capt. J. G CUauier. Mr*. J. A. Calicot, T. C. F. Fudge. 8. S. H. ITayward, Ml** R. Handley. Michael Harris, Newton K. Bock, K. * L. Llbbey, C»pt, U. C. B , A S. A. M. Mauglu. Maigaret * McDonald, Margaret * N. Nuun, Dr. R J. P Porter, ttaoigv Pup>, Ml** F. H. Hu well, John M. tank. WM" Tfttm nhemdMi, Patrick W. Warn, william, Kill. 11l V. toubg. tamitlr • «* K F TtaUON, Agee i INSURANCE. I N S D E AN CE. Authorized Capital, $10400,000 „ ’ — :<x — ja” sip' pn ARLES L. COLBY 4 CO. ere prepared In take VJ Marine Risks to auy domestic of foreign port, and Fire Risks In this city lu the following named flr «t class New York Companies*, AT THE LOWEST RATES. COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE * COMPANY *6,000,000 MORRIS FIRE AND INLAND INSUR- , * ANCE COMPANY S.*no,#oo COMMERC FIRE INSURANCE COMP'Y,. 2*0,000 STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMP'Y 200,000 Offlcs lu Jones' Block, oorner Bay and Abettors streets; Branch Office, corner of Drayton and Bryan streets. dts-tf BALLOONS. CO.’B HOLIDAY GOODS. Direct Importation from London and Paris. JUST RECEIVED, a large and varied amort men t of Imported Wares aud Fanny Article., suitable tor the coming seaaon, embracing In part: a Statuettes—Bronae, Besque and Parian Toilet Setts Cledks Perfumery Ladles’ Traveling Bags French Parasols Pcrtemomuies Milliners' Fancy Ware* Osier Baskets And an andleaa variety of Fancy Goods, ordered for this market and jnst received by ahtp County of Picton, and rther vessel! now arriving. Fancy Goods by the original package, to which the attention of Milliners and others la invited. W. W. LINCOLN, Comer Congress and Bull streets, d2l-tf Monument Square. Cloaks, Cloaks. Y ADIES' Cloth Cloaks, a fine assortment. Just re ±A celved by steamer. n23-tf EINBTFIN 4 KCKMAN. CAUTION I MERCHANTS shipping goods byjteamer OLA- Jl RION are notified that the frel*K bills are pay able only to our authorised agent. daa-4 CHAS. L, COLBY 4 CO. PRESERVED ORANGES AND FIGS, AT STUART A CO.’S MV at oh es J e weir y! Silver and Plated Ware, 'Fancy Goods. Ac., THE undersigned respectfully calls the attention of the citizens and visiters from the country to his well selected stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plafgl Ware, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Spectacles, Re volvers and Pistols of the most celebrated Manufac turers. Parricular attention la paid to the Repairing of Watches, jewelry sad Clocks. Having none but competent workman engaged satiefarllon Is guaran teed. . A. HA RIG; dnc26 6m Cor. Broughton and W hitaker sts. Corn and Hay! AflA BAGS prime white Maryland Corn tfw joo Hay• Landing and for sale by 09-eod2w . CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM. A PPLICATION will be made for renewal ot the fob 2»- lowing stock Savannah 4 4 Ogeecbee Canal Cos., loat or atolcn In IM4: Scrip No. 10, 000 share* ; No 11, 200 shares; No. 12, 200 shares; No. 38, 83 shares ; No. 89, S3 shares; No, 40, 84 shares : total 700 shares. d29-lawßm* ANDREW HOLUDAY CLASS GAS SHADES. ♦ A LARGE tuvoice Just received at tbe Queenaware Honse, > 109 Broughton Street. dHA-tf S. D. SMITH A CO. BUTTER, Flour and Lard. Having received a large stock of the above, AT VERY LOW RATFX, we are able to offer great Inducement* to bnyers. RANDEI.L A CO., Southwest comer of Bay and Barnard ate. dli-tf " "Vor Sale and to # XT ALL ABLE Cptton Plantations on the coast and V in the Interior. BRYAN, HARTRJDCE A CO., and« lw ■ 183 Bay street. - For Sale ON CONSIGNMENT 25 BBLS Mess Beef I bhda Bacon Sides I do Shoulder* 18 bbla Hama All the above Meat* are of tbe Brat quality and well put up. <129-8 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. JutiT ltkckrvED by A. N. SCARBROUGH & CO., 140 Congress Street: 4A PACKAGES New Bacon Strips ifi V go packages Newfßacoa Shoulder* repackages New Lard, put up in 9t pound pails SO teg* New Lard SO firkins end tubs brat Orange couatv Batter 60 boxes Cheese I°o buiM Candies too bbla Floor, beat brand. Together with' a spteanlid assortment es Ralaina, Nats, Ac., Ac. dzo-tf Gift Books, FAUCI GOODS, TOTS, &0. For Christman. raNjaA *«a* aaaertment of Work ft.nw, Ao.*a2? timiLkifTta^SVaS OI'Ii'STOCK OT hUuUANT PHUTUttgAPHIB ALffil’MH A tbe warn tumid, i. la Ibe < tu, ' din l| '****■*' o “'°™ * HWUU* , ABTKN * THJtOOKMOKTOIf. NO. m HOWKHY, NSW YORK. KHSBgg&SBSi feAjHP«®*| PRICE. 5 CENTS PROTECTIVE INSURANCE THE-ORIGINAL TRAVELLERS' INSURANCE CO. * OF HARTFORD, CONN., . Insures against accidents OF ALL KINDS. CASH ASSETS, OCTOBER 1, 1866, (GROSS) $687,693 19. Policies written tor an. «... five years, for anv mia’ te l m > fr °m one month to of Kitaj “f o'"™ k-*IO,OOO. in case in case of disabling bfxlilv (T?™ 66 !'* compensation whatever, whether travelfin. TS“ n, .? ny ranging from $8 to *6o per*? n . ot i r* t Premiums made on three and five yearpMOet discount MONTHLY AND MARINE POLICIES accident*, travelling Include*?at*ons mm* 41 klod * of sand. Auy P-reon baying sU oni ml,? H , °“- ■gante sasiaas?ja*ss ualty.aealnst Wrf OLDEST ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY IN Str* "BOSSIFBfa.'BS: st No MxDioiL Exa.yxnatiqn RrqmßXD. thf^ite^Smte, i “ l fd i t fanaSj! 1 lB written without delay, wbur « am A FEW of thFlosses J>AID. HY TH* Tiwisrs’ Insurance co, of Hartford, UP TO NOVEMBER Ist, 1886. JV°.Polict, Description. Awt Aml 8604 • B i cpre “ m » n . Rockford, 111. Sato* 12 ’ 60 * so 0 ° door lammed finger 6580 Manufacturer, Galesbnrg ill t'nt* I *'° U 80 00 hand In planing mariiine ll1 ’ t ' ut 4 ‘ Bfi rt^ etroit ' Michigan! 40 00 ** in an m m I w'r > * d Hanrtand d lUCtl UCt0 '' Maro-Manie, T ® ° care - Baud )* mme d in coupling 2008 Insurance .gent, Brooklyn. N Y 80 00 50 00 Fell down stainvav V ' . *604 Carpenter, Detroit; Mich! Roll" * 5 00 25 00 8277 600 IUO ° 8514 Merchant, st. Johnsburv Verm-r" UM 60 00 4870 kle sprained ' 6644 Carpenter, Mansfield, O. Cuth!** -0 60 00 |j£ds lu removinggDodtaat^ 3708 Merchant, St. Paul, Min. Timber" S °° I **° fell on foot «■ ■* mb opr 4610 Fireman, Cleveland. O pi no . ' 6-00 10 - 00 Pinched off in Vot^ 6867 Policeman, Dayton, Ohio Fall" 80 00 L 600 «• 4370 Travefmg agent? Menot ™D| Fe » 24 00 194 00 « M s£sSi*t s £~-.u.». 8674 10048 Mcrch^ U Pro V w“c J e^t a , ■ “ 00 174 00 med rf between ferrE bSit'Si 8053 “ r bvr, t 'r* yue ’ ind; *x>t 20 00 ao °* 7269 Farmer. Sheldon,“ vt. Thrown 18 00 * 6 ' 00 from wairon _ * nrown 9443 McfhaurLuereinc, o. Fell into 28 00 3034 keeper; Lynn! Maes.' Wag-' '* M *°° on upset by gaie of wind . 6.90 K M p A ““O-Battssso*, President. . , IxoDNik Dknnis, Secretary, dis tr . A - WILBUR. Marine Insurance. • _ CHARLES GREEN 6 SON * Stoddard* Eastern Range, Bay st. irEW YORK FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. SECURITY INSURACE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus, $1,600,000 PHOENIX INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus $1,500,000 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus $1,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO- Capital and Surplus $900,000 Risks taken in ibe above highly responsible Com panies on buildings and merchandise of all descrip tions, at the low eat rates corresponding with the risk,. Apply to A. A. LANE, Agent. n9 -3ni No. 19 Stoddard'* Range, Bay street. Hellable ao*i«h«i-W IUffiUTMXOe. THE National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS. » capital, fSM.OOO * Thu underslgbud bugs leave lo Uifurtn the liwirtag liubUc that he has been legsllr appointed Agent tor Office urer HbatarA SiKSfKBi, uttTtgtf “““ 'rag 1 - Condensed Milk. VRRSH Ikltll IL. T^^eiiuiAnr. * tnia.