Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 27, 1865, Image 4

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The Sarawak Daily Herald WT«U»B»Q*» PIM-ICMHKH «»• ~ COMMERCIAL. (PromOor N. Y Oouiaterctal t orrsaponJam. j KKW YORK MiHK KT. Srw foil. Dec. *1« U»-*S P M 8,,,rp A C _Tn* mallei lor Western auJ slal. more i"uve and price. may he witbth a aha*ir hnnei. the dt nisu-i Is mainly lor homy cob anaiDUiiß The sales are 16,'JM hhU a', $. 15a7 4D lot Slate: *• •Oa: 80 lar Western do; *' lua 8 if, for Kltra Slate; *s 4una 7u for lancy Stale; t, -20,,, as for the low grades of Western Kura; *8 Toa» for shipiUUg Ohio; *9 toal- 25 lor Trade and faiuJlt brands, and *ll 75*16 6o for t*. Lout* Kx- Backwbeat Floor ta dull at M 25*4 M per 100 lbs. I'■-.01.11 Flour is In fair demand aud firmer.— Sales of 4uo bins at *s '2ss*, 55 for the low grades of Extra, and *5,65*11,26 for Trade and Family Extras. WouiSern Flour Is more acute and firmer Sales of 2.800 bMs at is.Bialu.Uo tor mixed to good super fiue oonutrr Baltimore, fie- and *lu,2GshM# lor Trade and Family brands. Rye Flour is steady and moderately aotire. Salas of AKt obis at fi.50a8.00. corn Meal Is unchanged. Sales of 150 bbls at $4,26 gar Jersey, aud 14.65 for Brandywine. WbisikT.—The market is iuactive and prices somewhat unsettled at *2,31*232 for Western. GRats.—The Wheat m.iket*s quiteautlre uudflnu. Chu.ce grades are not ottered freely. The demand 1$ from the local trade and shippers. The sales are 8.000 bushels at $1 88 for uusuuud Spring; *1 6ml si lor Guicago Spring; $175al M for Milwaukee Club ; fl 86 tor old Amber du.; *2 fisai 40 lor Amber State, the inside rate below the market. Baulky Malt—la quiet and steady. Sales, 4,600 bushels at *1 40 for No. 1, and $1 33 for No. 2. Oars—Are ui good detuaud tor shipment at full fig ures. The sales are S,Boo uuahals. Canadian at 61c; Unsound at 51a66c ; State at 82c; Jersey aud Sou thern at 67 c. Rye—ls steady. The sales are 2.600 bushels, state at ft 08. Corn—ls better and In demand. Tbe sales are 8.600 bushels. Unsound at 89a94c ; Western Mixed at 96 *as7c ; Jersey Yellow at 92a93c. Provisions.—^The Pork market to-day has bean moderately active, and prices advanced, but at the close there Is considerable heaviness aud free of ferings at our iusUle figures. Pur January delivery, sellers option 2,600 bbls. Meaa sold at $27 75 a 28 00. The sales cash, and regular, are s,uuo bbls., at s2* 37 * a2B 60 fur Old Mesa ; *3O a3O 60 lor New do ; *24 a 2t 25 for New Prime do ; $23 76 a24 for Wes tern Prime Mess. Bekf is in fair lobbing demand aud steady. Sales or Hub bbla in lots at *ll a 14 60 tor old Plain Mess ; sl7 a 20 for New do ; sl4 a 16 60 lor Extra do, and *22 60 a 24 for Sew do. TiEKt IBtRRF is more active aud steady. Sales of Wo tea, at *35 a3B lur Prime Mesa ; $39 a43 fur Jndia Mess. Beef Hams are dull and rather heavy. Sales of Hoqbbls at $32 a35 for Western, the latter a fancy brand. Clt Meats are in fair demand. Sales of 600 pack ages at 11 a for shoulders ; 15 a 15* for Mams; aud a a 16 He for Bellies. BaoOn is dull aud uomlual. L'ucssEb Hous are higher and firm. We quote IS* a 14 lor City. L cKL is in demand and has advneed *c per lb to day. Sales of 750 bbls and tes, at 17 a 17* lor No 1, 17J* a 18* lor City, and lb* a 19* for Western. Tallow.—A good steady demand prevails and prices steady. Sates of 250,000 Ilia at 13* a 13t*c tor Western ; and 14 a 14* lor City. Groceries.—The slock oi Rio |g accumulating, amounting at present to about 04,U0, bugs aud the market is rather dull. Holders generally are Arm but experience considerable difficulty lu finding purchasers. Ordinary to prime Rio is worth IT,** 2o *c gold, uet cash duty paid. West India stylos are in lather better demand, particularly prime grades, and prices show more strength. We quote Maracaibo prime 22*a23c, do fair 2»a2lc. Laguaj la 22*a230L Ceylon 26c; St. Domingo ISafS.V; Java 2sc aud Green Java 2tiu2u *c; all gold. Molns.-es remains at au almost complete stand atilt, the only transactions being now and then a small iphblug lot at about 4dao6c for Cuba Muscovado, 36u40c lor do clayed; 66ati6c lor Porto Kieo, ooattOc lor Englhili island uud $1,1091,29 for for uew ctup Njetv Orleans. Kite is dull will) small sales of CaiollUA at 12*ulVhta. and East India !t*aloc. It Is scarcely possible any market topiesent au uppearntuie ol greaterclulv ness than now prevails in raw sugars. Grocers aud reftuers occasloua Uy buy a few hhds to supply lui" mediate aud pressing neccsaUifls, but the sales r, ill not average 100 hlicls per day. The nominal g'jotc- Uou is abuut n viall *c for fair to good i» fining grades uu,t it is extremely doubtful say Is ,w mis could be disposed of at those figures. B'.uned su gars are dull and prices favor the buyer. We quote pondered grauulated aud crushed at ls.alskc ; suit White lt)*ai; *e; andyeliuw 14,*a' j t . Better.—For export there Is uotr;,,,- join* >u.i with only a moderate Inquiry for ' llo me use prices are easier and close rather heave w# quote Ohio and Western at 25«53c; Wests , u Reserve 26a33c State ill kins 4Ua4Se; do Welsh tu h a 37a4«c; do hall firkins tubs 45a00c aud Oraupr. county palls 60a66e, our outside figures, in all If stances, mr urime. Cuerse —Holders have 'conceded somewhat which has induced a lair exptgf , ie maud and eome Inquiry from consumers, but th c . market closes lather dull aud heavy at IBal9c lor. factory; lttala.*o for dairies; l«a 18c for t evmunt t'.alrles; 23a26r for Cuuuecticul English dairy, and 9**220 for late mailc and Ohio do. CorTON.—withiu a day or two there baa been a decided liuproveuTent iu she demand from manufac turers and shippers, and considerable loin taken on speculation, wrack tuts Induced more firnme9s oil the part of lroldtgs, aud prices advanced two cents per pound. At the close tuts aiteruooit, 2*, P. M , there is a good tair demand and prices are liras at 48a5bc lor l.ow Middling, and 61a62c lor Mulchings. Sales and re sales for me past w eek 28,0u0 bales. Receipts same time 28,927 bales. The receipts since Scptetn; her Ist art- nearly 1,400,000. Gold.—The market has ruled pretty steady today, opening at 146*, decllniug to 146 * and closing at 146*. BRITISH A MICHIG AN FEDERATION AND THE RECIPROCITY TREATY. The proposition that emanated from a por tion of the British North American Colonies to form a Confederation was viewed with in difference by one portion of Uiosd Colonies and warmly seconded by another. It seems very improbable that the scheme will be consummated, we presame, from jealousy between them. That it would be beneficial there can be but little doubt. The imperial government lias expressed a wish for its ac complishment, and that the expression of this wish would meet with ready concur rence, it U natural to suppose., A fur ther evidence of the anxiety to see it eff ected is shown by a receut despatch from the British Colonial Secretary, Mr. Cardwell, to Sir Frederick Bruce, the English Minister to the United States, who in his dispatch says: It is evident if tbe gentlemen who are now about to proceed to Mexico, the British and Spanish West Indies and Brazil, for tho purpose of ascertaining iu what manner tbo trade and commerce of those countries with British North America can be extended, shall bring their journey to a successful con clusion, aud shall be able to suggest to Her Majesty’s Government, on the part of the B N. A. Provinces, auy new arrangements with the countries in question for the benefit of those provinces, a difficulty may be ex pected to arise in every sueh case ; and, ou the other hand, the union of the provinces would, in auy such case, iflotd the best hope of bringing such arrangements to a speedy and satisfactory conclusion. There can he no question but that the interests of tfie British empire would he promoted by the proposed confederation, as well as the interests of reciprocal commerce. \\ hetlier, as is suggested by tbe New York Times, there is any connection between the proposed confederation ot the North American British colonies and the renewal of the Reciprocity treaty with Canada, it is difficul to say, but that the welfare of countries so uear each other as Canada aud tbe United States weuld he promoted by the renewal of that treat j* we haveuo difficulty iu deciding. The prejudice against ,reat le ,of reciprocity still lingers in the minds of many of our states mem They imagine that no advantage can be derived on one side f (om gucU lreaU without some sacrifice on the other side as if it were impossible that commerce should he founded on mutual advantage. Hon. Dauiel 8. Dickenson, in a sneeci. a serenade, said Andrew John aim „ a hot house plant, hut a mountain u«k which defies the tury ot the thunder g USV ’ wU^re^'JI 1 P ,lse «it; firm, but forgiving, with the Union and the Constitution as hi. and hrfoJ i W * 1* seek a to i«OQU< ile drennfJ KMUer ' , K* lo th *-' •••trsuged chll him in iba , L lather |*t us all aid piishtJm K work “ and ’ M,cure iu ' cnm - The Boston Baal aay. “ TYad. Hwvetu , r# “•* vl * wound recalled when ha Jumped Hi rough ihe Bute Uouaa wludow at Reiitahurg, during tha ‘Bu.kihot W*r, whleb can tln kt , |mo J § 4ttt> A NOBLE PURPOSE AND A Glorious Result H. There are an many road* to fame and fortune a» there were gatewayi to ancient Thebee. Yoar am. bilioaa warrior Is for carrying hla way with the eabre; your aspiring politician for acheming Ids way by Intrigue and cauaummato art. But there Is one gran* broad path to the goal, along which nothing base can tiavel. -It la the path at apart for the march of talent, energy, and noble purpose and though full of obotarlra It contain* uooetbat a brave man canuot surmount. Th» fact baa been exemplified In inanmerahle instances, bnt in few here forcibly ban in the rise aud progress of OR. HOOFLAND S GERMAN HITTERS. For over fifteen year* list our-.- ba» been onward and upward, scattering t.leeaingg at -VI r v Step, until it now stands on tbe topmost rounds ! of the ladder of Ame, ss the great tonic. o Hoofland’s German Bitters Is a positive remedy for DYSPEPSIA,! am Dieease* Rmwnitiug from BISONDiN INf !■ LIVES •IIESTIVE (HANS, And 1* the only certain and safe K ESTORER OF STRENGTH IN CASES OF DEBILITY. o By the use of this Bitters U’rskrucd and Debilitated Frames Be* eome Renewed with all the Vigor or Health. Impaired constitutions ta* rebuilt, and the patient in a short time regains Vigor, Health and Strength. F OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS, Resulting from Disord, rs of the Digestive Organs I Ooustipatiuu, luwrgrd Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of tbe Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust lor Food, Fnllaess or Weight ' lu the gtomach, Sour Eructations. Sink ing or Fluttering at the Fit of .the Stomach, Swimming of Uta Hand, Honied and Difficult Breath ing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or SuObcattng Sensation when In a Lying Pos ture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Web* before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pata ia the Head, Defi ciency of l’erspl ation. Yellowness of the Skin ami Eyes, Pain In the Side, Bstk, Cheat, Limbs, Ac., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burl ing lu tbe Flesh, Constant Imaginings oTBVih and grest Depression of Spirits. | Remember That these Bittern contain no Rom or Whlikey. And can't make Drunkards. I* not a Bar Room Drink, But a Highly Concentrated Vegetable EximaisT, Free from Alcoholic Stimulant or Jajuiou tangs It cannot lnsidioualy Introduce the vice of Drunk enness into tile boaom of your families—to your wife, your children, or your friends. L BOLDIBRB Or others, whose systems have become Unpaired by hardships or disease, wld find In this Bitters a tonic hat will restore them to all their full vigor. A t *;i • - • ■ These Bitten havb perlormed more cures! Given Better Satisfaction 1 Have move Testimony, Have mwe reapectable people lo vouch for them l Than any other article In the Market We defy any one to contradict this assert ioi, AND WILL PAY SI,OOO - any one that will produce a CertktaaSe published by us that Is not GENUINE. N HEAD WHO SAYS SO. FROM THE HON. THOMAS B. FLOREN Clt. Washington, January 1, 1884. Gentlemen:—Having stated it verbally to you, I hhve no hesitation in writing tbe fact, that 1 experi enced marked benefit from vaur Hooftandv German Bitters. During a long and tsdious aeaslon ft Con gress, pressing and onerdus dalles nearly prostrated we. A kind friend the taae of the yasusm tlon 1 have named. I took Ids advice, and the iWSt waa improvement of healtb. renewed energy, and that particular relief I so mack needed and obtainoo Others may be similarly advantaged, 1 i they desire to be. Truly your It lend, THOMAS B. FLORENCE. D From Her. W. D. Ssigtrisd, Pastor of Twelfifc Baptist Church. PldladelpHa, December 28, 1363. Musas Jottis A Evans, Geellensru ;—I b ave recently been laboring uudar the distressing effects of iudigseUou, acuumpaukd bv Saiiou oftheneiVous system. Numerous ran ire tee ommeuded by friends and aumc of them Ist wilhout relief. Your Hood mod's German bluets were recommeuded by persona who had trieel them, end whose favorable mentiou of the Bitters in elated me also to try them. I must confess that 1 had an. aversion to patent medlctne-s, from tbe ••thousand and one" quut h "Bitters." whose only sim seems t" ne to palm off sweetened and drugged liquor upon the cornrnu uity, In a sly way; and Ihe tendency ol which, I lea r, is to make many acattfirmed drunkard. Upon learning that yours waa really a a didual prepul all ou. 1 look it w ith happy effect. Us action was not only upon the stomach, hot upon the ner vous system, wsa prompt snd gratify tug. I feel that I have derived |g*ul sad permanent benefit Iron the use of a few bottle*. Vei^egjec^tUjymur,. No. 264 Sbackanutxun street. BKWARE OF COUNTERFEITS tae Hist the signature of ‘<3. M. JAOUON" Is on tbe wrapper ,| each Iwttt# BRINCIBAL OFFICE A MANUFACTORY No. 631 ARCH STREET, J?NES i EVANS, VUiLIHUM It) l). M. JAfiKNUM A UO • W. M A Ainu not# Ageul. •* •Nbvnssssmls, tin. UHI UttOLM AMU t lAttMibU^ EINSTEIN 4 ECKMAN, ISo. 161 Contras st. SoTamalt Ga. ; THE OLD EnTABUSIIKD and well known WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS HOUSE, AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. H\VlN<* just received and opened a very large and eelert stock of Fancy Drew* Good*, Douse Keeping and Domestic (ioodv, HUukets, Clonks and Shanks Ala<# Mats, Jioota and Shoes. Aud all articles usually found in a dixt r ass Dry Goods House, we would'meet respectfully invite our former tnenda and customers; also Merchants and Planters v isiting the city, to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. KINSTKIN & ECKMAN, novC-tf 151 Congress Street, Savannah, Ga. DRYGOODS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country Merchants. A LAROS STOdi dji 1 Dry Goofls, Fancy Grootlts, -fee., Ac., Ac., Ramarkablv Cheap forCasJt, CAN BE FODND AT A- Hcsohor .fit Co’s., 13 BARNARD STREET, COR. CONGRESS LANE, Comprising a general. Assortment of Foreign aud Domestic Gandfi, C-oaks, Snawla, Ac. N. B —By alri«t atteution to bn-iness, courteoue and honorable dealing with our customers, we trust to merit aud receive a liberal share of patronage. A large liuu ot White Goods and Linens now open. octlO Blankets i Flannels CLOTHS AND CAJgJIMERES BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MERINOES AND ALAPACAB. Received and for sale cheap by 11. HAYIU, _oct23 174 Broughton street. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. TI’ST opened a large assortment of Zephyr Worsted shawls, Soutags. Cloaks And Hoodg, Children’ Caps, Boots and Gaiters. Also, Irish Linens. Table Damask. Linen Towels, Table Napkins and Doyles, and a variety of Fancy Ar ticles too numerous to mention. AU of which we offer at very low prices. EINSTEIN A ECKMAN, novU-tf 151 Congress street CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, COMPOSED OF IODIDE OF POTASSIUM, WITH THE COMPOUND CONCEN TRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND HERBS. Prepared by WM. H. GREGG. M. D., Graduate of the College of PhiiMcians'and Surgeons, -Veto York; formerly Assistant Physician in the lilacku eWs Island Hospitals. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Has produced a revolution in Medicine. What may seem almost incredible ia, that many di.s eases hitherto cousidcrcd hopelessly incurable arc fie qnently cured tu a few davs or weeks; and we cheer lolly invite the investigations of the liberal minded and science to cures which have no parallel at the sent day. DuriDg the paat five years we have contended with and overcome opposition as herculean as were ever encountered by any reformers. RAPIDITY OF CURE. Some say, “Your cures are top quick,” while others doubt their permanence, aud ti*ink that dißeaaep can only be cured by the "aldw, recuperative process of Nature.'’ This is our reply: In hdklth, the body, like a well balauced scale, Is in a state of equilibrium. But when, from any cause, down goes one side of the scale, we have the effects of disease. What is requisite, is to re store the normal balance of the scale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP la a positive and specific remedy for all diseases origi nating from au impure state of the Blood, and for ul (hereditaryj diseases transmitted from parent to child PARALYSIS. It Is so universally admitted that Constitution Life Syrup is the only effective means of restoration in the various forms of Paralysis, Unit we need not reiterate that It Is emphatically the Great-Lifc-givlng Power. DYSPEPSIA. Indigestion. Weight at Stomach, Flatulence, Live Complaint. w»nt of Appetite, Bad Breath, ConstipaUod. Billiouaness. SCROFULA. Struma. King's Evil, Glandular Bweiliugs, Erysipelas, Ulceration, Salt Rheum. . This taint (hereditary and acquired), filling file, with untold misery, is, by all usual medical remedies, in curable. RHEUMATISM. I Arthritis}, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Gout, Tic Doloreaux. If there, i* any disease in which the Constitution Llfo Syrup is u sovereign. It is in Rheumatism arid it* kindred affections. The most intense pains are almost instantly alleviated—enormous swellings arc reducei|. Casus, chronic or vicarious, of twenty or forty yearn’ standing, have been cured by us CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Purges the system eutirely from all the evil effects o Mercury, removing the Bad Breath, and curing the Weak Joints aud Rheumatic Pains which the use of Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gums, aud secures tho Teeth as firmly as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Eradicates, root uud branch, all Eruptive Diseases of the Skin, like Ulcers, Pimple*. Blotches, ami all other difficulties pf .his kiud, which so much disfigure the outward appearunce of both males aud females, often making them a disgusting object to themselves and their friends. FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Either of the Nose. Throat, Tongue, Bplne, Forehead, or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved its equal. Moth Patches upon the female face, depending upon a diseased action of the Liver, are very unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A few bottles of Consti tution Life Syrup will correct the secretion and remove tho dtqxtsH. which ia directly under the skin Disease* of the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizzi ness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or an ulcerated or cancerous toudition of that organ, accompanied with burning or other unpleasant symptony*, will be re lieved by the use of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Asa General Hlnod Purifying Agent. Ihr Life 9ymp ■tainle unrivulleJ by auy prepaistlnii In the wnrld. THE RICH AND POOR Are liable b> the aamu illnesses. Nature and aelenee hate made tin; Couatttallnn UfeHyiup Ira the benefit of all. PURE HLOOD • Pr.iducea lieallhy men and women; anil If I Ini .imai* lutlrai la m glseled In ynutli. ffiaeaee and eally death la the result Dn Uut dsln> when the meaua are .. uear at baud, and Mlllmi Ibu resell id all. CONSTITUTION LIFE HYIiUP Is Uis gun, man's friend. »nd the i leh man's Illegalnu. WILLIAM II GIOCGIi. Ml) milsl'nqilieluf. New Irak MORGAN A ALLRN, M In4rante Lruagtsta Ageula, MW on 46 Udff all'sej. New Y ink. UIMMIMNIIM NltMl lUkTM. *( • JOHN L. VILLALONGA, COTTON I’AC'rolC, PUHWAKDIfib A*Uf OMMIKII4IV MKlfi. IH4IT. No, pi Hay Hti'«***t, SAVANNAH, OA. uctlt am VV*. 11. Turns. Wm. W. bolt—mi Tison & Gordon. COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, IV4i. ‘M» BAY STREET, Savannah, ------- Ujcorqia., Sperial attention w ill be given f. the sale ot Lumber, Rosin. Turpentine, A. _oet24im' b. U. BALDWIN & t’O., COMMIBHION MEKCIIANYH 178 Pearl Street, \t-\v York. oet4-Sm C WHorar. } Buva,lDlltl QKO. I>. FOWLS.* Wn. C. MOT. ULOU SICE FOWLE & 00., FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA , CommisMioii Merchants. Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NEW YORK, oct2s Cm General Commission and For warding Merchants- Corner West broad unit Bay Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. THE un-lei signed have I his day entared luto a Co partnership under the name aud style of McKee, Bennett A Cos., at McKee J Bennett's old stand. Will keep constantly on hand a flue assortment of Carrluges, Bretts, Roekaways, Buggies. Harness amt- Coach material of every description, which we will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. All work sold war ranted ns represented. We have fine Store Rooms, and forwarding will be promptly attended to. Con signments solicited Will open by Ist Januai t Manufacturing and Re pairing Department, and wtij have experienced workmen ami choice material and he prepared to do any umount of Carriage repairing. McKEK, BENNETT A CO., J. G. McKee. 1 L. S, Bknkett. Jauks McKee. \ ‘ dfi KENNETH, M LEA & C 0“ (Commission JHcrc^ants, 202 BAY STREET, " SAVANNAH. tv~ Advances made on consigumonts of Cotton, Ac , to Liverpool and New York. dl6-tm A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MSKC KaA N T , 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. octl4-tf H. Growdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 196 BAY STREET, ANDERSON’,S WHARF, SAY’ANNAH, GA. ocl2-Sm C. H. BEN EDICT & CO., No. 86 Broad Street, New York, Produce aud Flour Commission Merchants, . Dealers iu Provisions, Butter, £heese, Ac. Special attention to Southern Orders Consignments on General Merchandise solicited. octl» 3m yo SHIPPERS OF COTTON AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT & BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner & Bennett- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vesky Street, a »kw York. And Memphis, Tenn. Thomas Fenner, Henuy Bennett, D. W. Bowmen. JyG t)u« CHASI L. COLBY & CO., Shipping Commission and Forwarding >1 lu K ( II A MS. JONES BLOCK, CORNER BAT AND AHEROORN STREET savannah", GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made an Consignments o the firm of Cuas. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE & W RIGHT, Ageuts at Augusta, Ga. REFKBENOBB; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., New York. Jarivs Slade, Kaq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edmunds, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. sep 18—tl F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AfcihElVT, UHNEHAb 1 USIDIISINfON AND FOR WAHDINQ MERCHANT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Harris' Buildings, 2d door west of A. Low & Co.'s. Refers to Messrs. Hunter A Gammell, Crane, John son <fc Graybill; Bell, Wylly A Christian; Bothwell A Whitehead. Miller. Thomas Jt Cos M. A Cohan, Esq. sep29-tf John i mm & co., Forwarttiiig' and Commission MERC HANTS. WHOLESAI.B AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND 2 BAMMIS' BLOCK, Ray Slrert, Jackson villi* Florida. JNO. B. bA.YI.MiS. El>. U. HAM.MIS. OUAB. L. MATHER _ HUI 1 ts MACKY, BEATTIE & Cfl. SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 aud SOS Bay Street, SAVANNAH, Gff. OFFKK lor sale to Wholesale Merchant* upwards of four hundred (400; barrels ot Whiskey, western distillation, of various brand* and qualities, toouther with a large amount of Irish aud Scotch Malt whis kies, brandy. Win* s. aiiff <*ine, at Philadelphia or New York prices, expenses added, or\ve will All all orders in the above nremud at tin lowest market priu.a, delivered on board any boats of the regular linen. In connection with tile above, we should be pleaded to till .all orders of Country Produce from Philudel ldiia or New York markets. Flour, Bacon, Grain, Lard, l.lme, Salt, Ac., n large quality- of which we have ou hand and offer for nale on therabwt reason able ternm We are pi epared at all times to make advances on Southern Produce consigned to our houso iu Philaflel- MACKY & BEATTIE, ■ „ 25 South Water aireet. sep29-3m 1933 and 1»»6 Market stre » W. J. Biais A. J. Smith. W. W. Kax* BLAIR, BMITH & CO., No. V9S It ROAD BTRKBT, AUGUSTA, GEOItGIA, Commission AMD AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANU FA(TUBED TOMAOUO. Will imrriisso ami sell uu rrauiuiwtuu. col lull, n-lluit go'sik wlui's, liquor,. ws,n, aud fiiuduc, aud uo ri haiollse of every ileacHiillou. I'liß.lglllUUllU sollciMtl Kavreanow - Hilgkaui. Msl.ivviu * Cu, Wm U Mark, i I,gliran A ( r utilildgli,iu, UreJ). Miullh A Hu., Mvauuak, Oa. dt-Gai* rDMMIIMOR MatH( HAITi. SOUTIIERN COTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNER ok BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, OA. O’FALLON & CO„ FACTORS, Forwarding A. CeimniKsion MRROHANIS, RESPECTFULLY invite atteutiou to our facilities for the purchase t*r movement of Southern Products, and will give prompt attention to all nnsi ness entrusted to oiir care. Intending to establish permanently a House in Savannah expert by strict business principles to merit and receive a portion of the Trade Having a commodious Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our friends in New York or Europe, and will make ad vances on same ; picking, re-baling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the enormous expense incurred in Northern cities by this process They solicit a portion of the business of the people of Georgia and of adjoining States OFFICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, tr Post Offlec Address. Lock Box 25. oct7-3m G. H. .Arledge, • 72 BAY STREET, Grocer and Ship Chandler, Commission -anil Forwarding Alei— otiant,> IWOUU) respectfully solicit a liberal share of pa trouage from u-y friends and acquaintances, guar anteeing to give entire satisfaction and sell at the lowest market prices. Orders fro in the country will receive immediate and prompt attention. . CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. novlS BRYAN, HARTRIDGE & CO.. Bbvan hTßxrr, nbxt to Mpboiiantb’ and Planters’ Bank buiLuiNO, Broker and Agents roa SALE AND PtmeUASE or STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &0., And for Forwarding Cotton. nov9 3 mo SOUTHERN AND WESTERN Xj A.’ 3NT ID. Collection and Commission Agency, handle Southern land aud property of all description#. Parties wishing to sell ale invited to forward lists.— Numerous applications now on file from parties wish ing to purchase. Make collections on all parts of tho country. Pay especial atteution lo tile sale and disposal of Southern products, ami make udvauces on direct consignments. aMATTHEW H. BRIDGE, Manager, No. 9 Broad st., Now York. BjCFEBLNOES BY PERMISSION Hon. Benjamin Fitzpatrick. Ex-Governor of Alabama. P. Harmony, Nephews & Cos., Bankers,*3B Broadway. Messrs. U. B Cluliu & U'o , Importers, New York. A. W. Green leaf, Esq., Banker, N. Y. nu-3m Alfred R. Bennett,\ K Vnrlr H. Bennett, ,Ja». C. Van Pelt, I ew Raleigh, N.O. Bennett, Van Pelt & Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS roa Tim sai.s ok COT IOR rOOACCO, NAVAL RlOflHi, ETC., *I,BO, FOR THE FDRCHASE AND SALE OF STATE AND OTHER STOCKS, 33 "Whitehall St., New York. We have associated with us Mr. D. W. Cchtis, late Public Treasurer Tor North Carolina. ntt-fim G. B & G7"W. LAMAR, General Commission Merchants. Forwarding and Shipping Agents NO. 94 BAY STREET, (up stairs.) Refer to Geo. W. Andersan, Jno V. Ferrel and G. B. Lamar, Savannah; W. E Jackson. Josiali Sibley A Sons, J. B. AJ. W. Walker, Augusta, l onslgnmenu solicited. 6m-uov2 .1. W. RABUN, ~~ (Late Rabuu & Smith, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, Np,. 140 BAY STREET, First store West of the Exchange, 'R- lm SAVANNAH, BEOgfflA. LIVINGSTON, FOX & CO., 1A 1 BroaU vr uy, New York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND Agemt Atlantic C’qptst Hail Steam ship Company. Advances made on Consignments by s JNO. R. WILDER, oct2s 2m Savannah. Guo. R. Ckoup, . . Wm, A. Weight, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va GEO. It. CRUMP k (0„ General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liauors, Tobacco, Segars, NiALTED FISH, &c. 2GI» llroail St., Augusta, Ga, 13T Will puii hase and sell on Commission Cotton. Tobaooo, Produce, *and Mkbcuandlbe of everv de- Bcription. J Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusts, Richmond, Va., aud Jno. C. FerriU, K«<i De- Witt * M(>rgttn, Gadeu A Unckles, A. A. So'omous A Cos., J. T. Puterson &Cos., R. Molina, Ksq., Bavaunah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITEIi.' oet4 Woodward, Haiti win & Cos., HO Du it ii r Street, New Yayclt, 3 *iij II Ilauotcr St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advames made on Sheetinm. Osnabirrsa and Yams. jyjg E. S. Latiibop, Guo. p. Smiikb, Late IJ. A H. S. Lallirop, Late Jas I. Snider <fc Cos . Savannah. GU. Savannah, and Birch & Snider, Columbus E. S. LATHROP & CO, • GENERAL Commission Merchants, AT K. O. LBUKtL.I. 4 Uj'l OLD ETA Mil, SECOND BT . ONE DOOR FROM CHERRY, MACON, GA. Mlm THOB. H. AUSTIN, Forwardiun aud Comuiission Mcrcbaut, No Hfi WAV HI REE I. (it kraias) dlt-sm* imUH NIIIU, RfiliAUfiM Central Railroad *»•« ArVvwrMfi* »l« ta U - KL’I’KKINTR.N DKNT"S OFMI K, I Savnaiiah tin . V*»v. is, la»s. f . ON and after Wedwadat. 22d ilul. a dadjr train will laavt- fur Augurla at »3u ¥ in cunu-vtiug with a lineul Hack* rumung Istw-vu dtation 8. IV-ntral Kailruad, aud Wa>neab>4» <m Ihe Augusta audbavauunh Railroid. Paast-tigera by tbit* hue will arrive in Augusta the next morning after leaving Savannah iu Dim- lo oouuevt with llie Georgia Railroad Irani for Alluni* Kel timing arrive iu Mavtuuwlt at 1.46 p ni. Frei-’bt to go l.y Patweiiger Traiu must be ureitald aud ililiverea ball hour la-lore departure of train. By order of GEO. W. ADAMS, 1120 General Super iutendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. 1 •savannah. Nov. 18th, 1816. j This Company is now, in connection with H. .1. Blcki*r6on A Co.’s 'Wagons, prepared to receive and firwaidto Augnsta, Macon, Atlanta Ac., daily from twenty to thirty thousa: and pounds of Freight, aud go through in trom three to five days. Ship Freight ami other expenses be paid by Shippers. Railroad freight can be paid here or at des tiuution. Freight on perishable goods must be prepaid Rates to Augusta, until further notice, will be per foot 50 cents, per 100 lbs. S2.OG GEO. W. ADAMS, n2O General Superintendent. PROFESSION All 1 AHPS, HOWELL COUii. JAMES JACKSON. COBB & JACKSON, -Attorney s-at-Law, D2Q-3m MACON, GEORGIA. _____ HAYWOOD & LaROCHE. Office at the Ice House, Market Square. /YAK, Pine and Mix*)Wood kept constantly on V/ hand and delivered to orders at the shortest otice. dl-lm LAROCHE & JOHNSON, Timber& LiimborDenler* 200 bay street, SAVANNAH, G;A. d4tf R. MOLINA, Corner bull Congress Streets, under Screven House, IMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer In Havana Re gars, Leaf and Smpking Tobacco, Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Mer schaum, Bnet Root, and all other kinds ol Fancy Pipes . eep3h-8m NOTICE. NO debts contracted by any of the Crew of nritish bark Craceco wdl ba p«id by Captain or Consignee. nIG BRIGUAM. BALDWIN A CO. SURE CURE FOR THE CHILLS AND FEVER AND KINDRED DISEASES. INQUIRE at the MORNING STAR SALOON, cor- I. net Bay htreet Lane and 801 l street. Positive cure in one day or no pay. dtf-tf Metropolitan Ent(T|irise Great Gift Sale or tux NEW YORK AND PROVIDENCE Jewelers’ Association. Capita] $1,000,000 IDepot, 197 Broadway. AN immense stock of Pianos, Watches, Jewelry. and Funcy Goods, all to be eoid for One Dollar each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for till you see what yon will receive. Certificates, naming each article and its value, are placed In scaled envelopes aud well mixed. One of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any .address on receipt of 25 cents : live for $1; eleven for $2; thirty for $5 ; sixty five for $10; and one hundred for sls. On receipt of the Certificate you will see what you are going to have, and then it is at your option to pay the dollar and Dike he article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond King, a Piano, Sewing Machine, or any set of Jewelry on our list, for s.l; aud in no case can they get less than One Dollars’ worth, as there are no blauks. Agents are wanted in ivory town in the country ; every person can make $lO a day, selling our Certifi cates in the greatest sale of Jewelry ever known. Semi 25c. for a Certificate, wlnch will inform you what you can obtain for sl. At the same time get our circular, containing full list and particulars, also Terms to Agents. Address , JAMES HUTCHINSON Jfc 00., nls-2m 197 Broadway, N. Y. H. HAYM, 174 Hroug-hton Street. 174 ■ i CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the newest style*, INDIES’ DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY* Ac. Just received and for sale at the lowest prices by oct23 H. HAYM. SOAP, SOAPI MOODY & BARRETT, Steam Soap Works, iSavauxiali, Gra., MACTFAfII UKRB OK GLYCERINE, BROWN WINDSOR, VIO LET, BAR AND TGI LET SOAPS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. MESSRS. Moody A Barrett would respectfully an nounce to the public that they have just opeued their SMBAXH SOAP WORKS, and are fully prepared to fill all orders lor the follow ug Bar anti Toilet Soaps; PALE SOAP, EXTRA Nik 1, EXTRA No. 1 RESIN or YELLOW SOAP, GERMAN, • ERABIVE, CHEMICAL OLIVE, CASTILE, &<■'. Also, a lai'iru variety of Tuilct Soaps, comprising HONEY, PALM, . CAMPANULA, ALMOND, TRANSPARENT, • ROSE, PUMMICE, LAVA, . An-., Ac. No pains will lieapabed lo make out Soap* aqual In •main>. price aud perfume to ah, American oi For rlgn thiaiia inn molio .hall b» “ai inper i.lera.'* and all aooila iqd equaMli quality aud price to Ann .e uu or For.tifu manufa< tni«, ahull ha relumed and lunuey r> fa tun TDK UltilUtNT PHICK PAID Full I ALLOW AND liKKAItI Oniaia aodn aaed tu MotiDY A II Mi Ilk I I , or L J. IIUII.MAIIIIN ACO , will rteelvr pnonpl and luma dial* atlcnUou, u» tin LINVILLE & GLEASON. savannah; agents r*on MERRITT, WALCOTT It CO., 64 .Courtlandt Street, New York. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridge, Car, Ship or Baud Hook, AUD liOILEU BOLT, SETT SCREWS, <O4CU Ok lA<, SHEWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, RBMNO AHO SQUAIIi WASHtRS, Tnrnbuekles, Holt Kinds, Taps and Dies, Jto. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES ; CAR TRIM WINGS of every description, and every article U9ed in constructing or operating Raihoads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENUINEEHS' STOKES. COAL OIL TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, &o.; ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS. SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CHISELS, Ao. TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, Ac. Also Manufacturers of the BEST 01k TANNED BELTING MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARB, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS,&c. septfi ts SI. Y. HENDERSON, No. 237 South side Bay Street, Two doora east oi West Broad, DEALER in Buggies. Wagons, Harness. Ac.; also in Buggy aud Wagon Stuff and Trimmings.-- Any siyle of Carriage or Buggy ordered from auy ma nmaciurer. I also prepared to order out any class of homes, either fur draft or road service, special attention will te given to the purchase of flue stock in northern markets. ds-lra IMPORTATIONS PER 9bip County of Picton, horn Glasgow: 200 tons Ourtsheriie Pig Iron 25C tons Household Coal luoo hampers Potatoes 150 kegs Herrings 50 cases Preserved Salmon 20 casus Dried Finnan Haddock Nor sale by dvtf CHARLES GREEN & SON. JOHN H. DEPPISH, DBAIFK IN HARDWARE Cutlery, Files. Edge Tools, And Agricultural Implements. Also, SHOT, POWDER, LEAD and CAPS. 148 Congress and 67 St. Julian streets, SAVANNAH, GA. n27 lm White Labor. AN Agent of the Petersburg Emigration Company will visit Savannah W(thin it few days, ana will be ready to fill all orders for European labor prom ptly and at small expense dIS ts ’ E. H. VAN NESS & CO., GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS AND Produce Dealers, UNDER THE BLUFF, CORNER ABEROORN ST., Savannah, Gra. Orders from the Country Private, Families, Steamer, and Sailing Vessels respectfully solicited. Produce bought and sold on commission. K»0 bbls Selected Apples 100 bbls Onions 100 bbls Potatoes 50 bbls Extra Flonr 60 bbls Nos. 1 and 2 Mackerel 100 tabs Extra Butter 50 boxes Extra Cheese 600 kits Nos 1,2 and 3 Mackerel 50 lialf-bbls Fulton Market Beef 60 bbls Extra Family Pork. tf*2l _ Mackerel, IN barrels and kits, prime quality. dl3-tf CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. Clothing. Business suits FINE BI.ACK SUITS OVER COATS Just received by HKIDT & LUDLOW, d22-4 162 Congreas street. THE BINGHAM SCHOOL, MEBANEVILLB, N C- TnE next session begins March 7th. 1868, and con tiuue* folly weeks, offering to the people oMa* East ami South the advantages of a Summer scnooi wtih a Winter vacation. For terms, address WILLIAM BINGHAM, dl-lm Mebanevllle, \ LL persons having demands against the estate of A Edward O. Wilson, deceased, of Chatham coantfc are respectfully requested to hand them in properlj theutlcated -and all persons Indebted to said estaw are requested to make Immediate „14 Administratrix NOTICE. „ CONSIGNEES per steamship LEO are requeu ed to attend to the reception of their landing thhbuv Goods not culled for duilug work ing hou im will be stored at owners' i i«*k. • d2h OCTAVOS COHEN Physicians’ Visiting Lists For 1868, On Ski* by W. M. WALBH» Wholeiale Druggist, corner Barnard *»* dl9 ts Broughton atreeu. FOR SALE. QONSTANm on hnuvl, Oik Wood. It I*“* Urdsra last tl this offica will h» »twnd«d to. M2w A »■ CULL»m . tLKXi.MIKIi KIU M-IIU S. avi it mi < u*oi*** dtiin