Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 27, 1865, Supplement to The Daily Herald., Image 6

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GUAJNO. PERUVIAN mm) Hw«n l«.,«nd Uuum, Super i>t.<>*. I pirates, arid tba Brui •' (,*,retitrated fwtlnsar, arc offered to lb" ’I m.U at tlu- >1 »hoit«U prices, by OtO. K. WHITKI CO., 64 Cliff atsast, Sea York. ■IUm T. j: DUNBAR & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALLKS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS, &C. 147 -Bay Btreet, SAVANNAH, GA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE..! WE Invite the attention of the Trade anrl the Pnb lie generally to car large and olegant assort ment ol Wines, laiquore, Cordials, Conserves, St gari, etc., etc., which la not excelled by any similar cstahiiahmeut in the States. We are sole proprietors ai DUNBAR’S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, tbe reputation of which la fully established In this and foreign coun tries; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BITTERS, guaranted superior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly tor hotel and family use: DUN BARS SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the almost parity, and put up expressly for our house, of which wr are sole proprietors and Importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith’s cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE, In cases and barrels; English. Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK BUNCHES, formerly well known throughout tha United States, pnt up by Os in cases for export and heme consumption. T. J. D. A Cos. are sole Agents for A. A H- W. Cathcrwnod’s Pure RYE WHISKIES. XX and XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on band, a large and well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WUISBIUS. worthy the attention of the trade and connoiseeure generally. An assortment of SBOARS of finest grades, manufactured and imported expressly for this noose, which we offer at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES. WINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every description aud grade of Poreign Liquors Imported directly by tbis house, and for sale In bond or duty paid, at lowest market rates. dlO-tt Figs. A CHOICE lot, both small aud large drams. dlt ts CHAS. L. COLBY A 00. A. C. LOMELINO. DEALZB IN Groceries, Proyisions, Wines. Liquors, fte. urn rrißT oTHxa iniai in tbs obouoby link UNDER MASONIC HALL, (Comer of Bull Street aud Congress Street Lane, I SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. dlS am JOHN UtSaVMAN. S. B. »ABINU. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmers’ and Planters’ Agencv FOR the sale of Qnano, Fertilisers, Live Stock, Im plements and Machinery, Seeds, Ac. 67 W. Fayette Street. BALTIMORE. Refer to Johu 8. Qlttings, President Chesapeake Bank ; Chas. Ooudwln. Cashier Franklin Bank, Balfl nroro; E. C. Wade A Cos. and P. H. Bobu, Savannah. _nl4-8m Presents. A LARGE and olegant assortment of French, Eng lish end Bohemlau Ware, consisting of DINNER. TE A, TOILET, COLOGNE AND LIQUOR SETS, Ac., Ac., suitable tor Holiday Presonts. QUEENSWARE HOUBE, 109 Broughton street, second door from the comer of Binl street dt-tf K. D. SMYTH * CO- Jas.T. Paterson, TIMBER, Lumber % Commission MERCHANT, No. 9 STODDARD S LOWER RANGE, Bay Street, Savannah, Am Darieli, Georgia. aie-tf J. C. KOCH, No- 30 Beckman Street, Corner of William, NEW YORK, Manufacturer of Stationery, Photographic Albums, Music Paper, Folios, Books, Ac. n9l-Sm _ DISSOLUTION. THE firm of Laßoche, Codon A Unckles was dis solved on the Ist Inst by the withdrawal of Isaac D. Laßoche. The business will be continued under the name of Gaden A Unckles, at the old stand, corner Bay and Barnard streets, J. D. Laßoche retaining an ufilce with us for the present isaac and. Laroche, BENJAMIN G. GADEN, DAVID S. UNCKLES. Savannah, Dec. l, istii. J 4 THOH. W. BROOKS manufactures of FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, HE* Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mail at- Butter. BEST Goshen Table. In tube and firkins. nli-tf CHAS. t. COLBY A CO. FIIAKL'IAI.. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For sale by srplt BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO Sight Exchange ON NEW YORK, In sums to suit purchasers, by sep39-tf E. F MBTCAI.FE.A CO FLOUR. WE bare on hand a prime article of “ City Mills" STANDARD EXTRA FLOUR, which we will sell low to close consignment. SORREL BROTHERS. decl<S-tf 82 Bay street. KENT’S EAST INDXA COFFEE. ft EQUAL TO JAVA i Mgatej amh HALF THE PRICE • MX JK GOES TWICE AS FAR I Recommended and Used by All I CLERGYMEN, PHYSICIANS and Professional Men, as the cheapest healthiest and best beverage in the world! FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS NORTH AND SOUTH Tne Southe-n trade, to which it la specially adapt ed, supplied through the New York city Wholesale Grocers, or direct from the Manufactory. Srils4l^g NK W YORK.. RICHARD DAVIEB, Proprietor, And General Wholesale Dealer in Teas aud Coffees. dl9-3m FURNITURE! FURNITURE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Nos. 87 AND 89 BOWERY AND 65 CHRISTY STREET, N. Y. UEGRAAF A TAYLOR Have the largest variety of ROSEWOOD, WALNUT AND MAHOGANY, PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, to be-found in this city, and at the lowest prices. MATT RASHES AND SPRING BEDS FROM $8 TO $7. EXTRA WIDE CANOPY BEDSTEADS FOR THE SOUTHERN TRADE. octSl 2m CHRISTMAS! E. EHRLICH, 30, WHITAKER STREET, FANCY GROCERIES. PRUNES. Rabdns. Oranges, Lemons, Citron, Cur rants, English Preserves, Jams and Jellies, Pre serve (linger, Mushroom. Truffles. Assorted English and American Pickles, English and French Mustard, Tomato and Walnut Catsups, Worcester Sauce, French and Spanish olives Capers, canned Meats and canned Krnltsof all descriptions. Assorted Candles, Fig paste, Nuts In variety. Smoked Salmon, English dairy American Swls and Llmberger Cheese, CavTnaa No. l family Mackerel In kite, Wax, Sperm, Adaman tine Candles aud Tapers, Spices of all kinds. FAMILY GROCERIES Choice Hams, Tongues, breakfast Bacon, <fe , all grades Sugar, Java, Mnscovado, and Rio Coffee. Splendid assortment Teas, Ureen, Gunpowder black und English breakfast Teas. Ac., choice Butter, Lard, Sweet OH, all description.of Soaps, plalu and fancy. , LIQUORS. A large assortment, viz : Martel and other grades of Brandy, Irish Bcotch, aud Bourbn Whiskey, Made! ra, Champalgue, Cherry, Port and Other Wines, cor dtals oral! kinds. Schnapps’ Bitters, Ac, Everything that taste can wish or appetite desire. Give me a call. ALSO, Jnst received by recent arrivals from Boston, New York, aud Baltimore, a fine assortment of all kinds Wooden aud Willow Ware, suitable for housekeep ing, dll-Ul * STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Ncrrhaeli Row, Hilton Hemd, So. Ca CALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock ol MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, awn FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated War#,Swords, Sashes, Belts. Embroideries, Boots, Cape Field Gauntlets Gloves, Ac., Ac., Ac. CRUTCHES. THIRST and only premium awarded at the American -F Institute Fair, 1866, and.State Fair or Pa., 1366, for Crutches. Hartman’s Patent Elastic Rubber Crutcnes are pronounced by surgeons, and everybody else, to be the very best ever invented. They are easy and con venient, they prevent paralysis of the nerves, do away with all the Weariness inseparable from the use of all others, and are In all respects unrivalled. Send for a circular. Agents wanted everywhere LOVEJOY A TaYLOR, Sole Manufacturers, No. 476*4 Broadway, N. Y. . 6m n23 Crockery, China, Glassware. JOBBERS and Dealers from all parts of the conntry are invited to examine my 'Wholesale Stock which includes packages containing complete assort ments, pat np expressly for ’’ Conntry Trade,” Goode re-packed to salt purchasers. Queensware House, 109 Broughton St., 2d door from Bull St oclOtf X. V. SMYTH. WOMAN. CIKMALES. owing to the peuller and Important re x’ latrona which they aoeub, _tkstr ptiullar or ganization. anil tbs omcee they perform—are subpet to man) vuffeung, and ailmrutv peculiar to tb>- sex. Freedom from then* contributes in no email decree to their batiplueei and welter*. for none enn be happy who are In Not only «, Lot no one ol these various female complaints can long be suffered to ran. on without Involvßg the general health of the Individual and erelong producing permanent sickness and pie mature decline Nor is It pleasant to consult a pity alclan for the relief of these varlouadelicate affections, and only npuD ibe most urgent necessity will s true woman so far sacrifice her greatest charm re to do this Tbesex will then thank Us lot placing In their hands simple specifics which will he found efficacious in relieving sod caring almost every one of thoee troublesome complaints peculiar to the sex. HELMBOLDB EXTRACT Os BCCHU. Hundreds suffer On in silence, and hundreds of others apply vainly to druggists and doctor*, who either merely tantalise them with the bops of a cure or apply i emedics which make them worae. I would not w lan to assert anything that would do injustice , to the afflicted, hut 1 am obliged to A that alttiolgh It may be produced from excessive exhaustion of tbe powers of lire, by laborious employment, unwhole some air and food profate menstruation, the use of tea aud coffee, aud frequent childbirth. 11 is far often er earned by direct irritation, applied to the mucous membrane of tbe vagina Itself When reviewing the causes or these distressing complaints, it is most painful to contemplate the at tendant evils consequent upon them. It Is but simple justice to tbe subject to enumerate slew of the many additional causes which so largely affect the life, health, and happiness of woman lit all classes of so ciety, and which, consequently, affect, more or less directly, the welfare of the entire human family Tha mania that exists fur precocious education and mar riage, causes tbe years that natnre designed for cor poreal development to be wasted and perverted in the restraints of dress, the early confinement of school, and especially in the unhealthy excitement of the ball-room. Tims, with the body half clothed and tbe mind nndnly excited by pleasure, perverting In mid night revel the hours designed by naitue for sleep and rest, tbe work of destruction is half accom plished- . I consequence of this early strain upon her system, unnecessary effort Is required by the delicate votary to retain her situation lu school at a later day, thus aggravating the evil When one excitement is over, another in prospective keeps the mind morbidly sen sitlve to impression, while the now constant restraint of lashionsble drees, bbsolntely forbidding the exer cise indispensable to the attainment and retention of •rganic health and strength; the exposure to night air; the sudden change of temperature; the com plete prostration produced by exceeeive dancing must, of necessity, produce their legitimate effect. At laet an early marriage cape the climax ol misery, and tbe unfortunate one, hithei to so utterly regardless of the plain dictates and remonstrances of her delicate na ture, becomes an unwilling subject of medical treat ment. This is but a truthful picture of tbe experi ence of thousands of thousands of onr young women. Long before the ability to exercise tne functions of the generative organs, they require an education of their peculiar nervous system: composed of what Is called tbe tissue, which Is, in common with the fe male breast and lips, evidently under the control of mental emotions and associations at an early period or life ; and, aa we shall subsequently see, these emo tions, when excessive, lead, long before puberty, to habits which sap tbe very life or their victims ere na ture hat sell-completed their development. For female weakness and debility,, white* or len corrhtea, too profnse, exhausting, too long continued periods, for prolapsus and bearing down, or prolapsus uteri, we offer the most perfect specific known: Hn.a ssld’a Compound Exteact or Bucnn. Directions for use, diet, and advice accompany. Females in every period of life, from infancy lo ex treme old age, will find It a remedy to aid nature in the discharge of Us functions. Strength is the glory of manhood and womanhood. HELM BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU it more strengthening than any of the preparations of bark or iron, Infinitely safer, and more pleasant. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU, haviug received tbe endorsement of the most raom nknt ePYßtcLsws in ths Uhitid Stasss, is now offered to afflicted humanity as a certalL care for the follow ing diseases and symptoms, from whatever canse originating. General Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Imbecility, Determination of Blood to the Head. Confused Ideas, Hysteria, General Irritability, Restlessness and Sleeplessness at Night, Absence of Muscular Efficiency, Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, Low Spirits, Disorganisation or Paralysis of the Or gans of Generation, Palpitation of the Heart, And, in fact, all the concomitants of a nervous and debilitated state of the system. To iusure the genuine, cut this out jdfr™ Ask for HxrAuiOLo’s, take no other, W. M, Walah, Corner Broughton A ' Barnard Streets, Savannah, Sole Agent for the State of Georgia. dIU-lm New York Piano Fortes. Ernest Gabler, Manufactiftr of New Scale First*Class PIANO FORTES, Factory, 122,124 & 126 East 22181.. RESPECTFULLY announces that his Large New Factory is now completed, fully organized, and in successful operation, by means of which be has greatly Increased bis manufacturing facilities. He will there fore be able henceforward to turn ont 86 Pianos per week, to supply orders promptly, without that incon venient delay to which Dealers and Purchasers have been subjected, from the fact that for more than two years past lie has been continually a hundred instru meats behind orders. A full assortment at all times may he found at his Manufactory and Warerooms in New York CUy. Every instrument fully warranted, Retail Warerooms, 748 Broadway. 2m-nIG Great Bargain. A NEAT and commodious Cottage Dwelling, with brick outhouses attached, will be sold If applied for Immediately, situated in Bobertsville, on Roberts street. Pries. #B,OOO. Apply to Z. M. WINKLER, At Henry Wayne's Stables, n2l-tf West Broad street. La,t estfrom Egypt! PENNY’S NEW EXTRACT OF THE EGTTLAN LOTUS, anew and exquisite Perfume tor the handkerchief. Cleopatra and the ladies of the present day using the same perfume. THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS! THS EGYPTIAN LOTUS! 1 THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS! 11 Manufactured by F. A.Fxnnt, Brooklyn, New York. X. A. LOVEJOY, Agent, nNSm 88 Fulton street, N. Y, • •• coisitittion water Is, Without doubi, rhs only known remedy lor DIABETES. CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRICE DUST DEPOSITS, IRRITATION OF THE NECK or ras BLADDER. IN FA MMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH of the bladder. Ann all FEMALE IRREGULARITIES • Ccrtificat ■« of cares from well-known persons from ti! parts of th? conntry In circular, will be rent on ad dressing MORGAN A ALLEN, AftS, dIJ-3m No. 4fi Cliff St., New York. WILMINGTON IRON WORKS PUSEY,. JONES & CO., Wilmington, Delaware. MANUFACTURE Don Steamboats, Steam Engines, Boilers, Machinery for Saw Mills, Ac. Having had long experience in business and being provided with very extensive facilities for doing work of this clash, are prepared to execute orders with despatch, oct!2 6m FOR SALE On Consignment. nr BBLS. Mesa BEEF. U J2l BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. W. A. SLAU. A. i. uA.TU, w. W. ASM BLAIR, SMITH & CO , No. 29S Broad. Straot, AUGUSTA, GA., General Commission Merchants, And Agents for the Sale of Manufactured Tobacoo. Will Purchase and Sell, on Commission, Cotton. Cotton Goods, Wines, Liquors, Produce and Merchaa dtee of every description. Consignments solicited. 2m-nl« SALMON AND HALIBUT, AT STUART & CO.’S McKAY, BLISS At CO., Commission Merchants, TXKALEBS In White Oak and Yellow Pin# Timber *f -L' all sizes. Cush advances made on consignments of Timber, Cotton, Naval Stores, Ac. Tbe above-named house offer nnuaual facilities fop the sale of Southern Products, and respectfully so licit consignments. MoKAY, BUSS ft CO., d2l-tawif 166 Broadway, N. Y. L. B. DAVIS, (Formerly of Atlanta, Ga.) GROCER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, , 292 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Georgia., N. B.—Particular attention given to receiving and forwarding Produce and Merchandise. Refers to A, Wilbur, Hunter A Gammell, Crane, Johnson A Grayblll, and John R. Wilder, Savannah, Georgia. d6-tawlm J, SHAFFEB, In all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS Aim PRODUCE, West W.aaiaoToa Maekit, Opposite 143 We#t st., Bulkhead between Barclay sad* Vesey sts, NEW YORK. Potatoes Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and pnt up for the Southern market ■ All consignments promptly attenked to. BT Refers to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. i. Walsh, and J H. Parsons. Ivli eodlv * JOHN VANDERBILT, NO. 23 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, BXALXB IS Agricultural Implements OF every variety, embracing all the different pat terns of Plows in use in the Southern States, Corn- Shellers, Hay and Stalk-Cutters, Horse-Powers and Threshing Machines, Fan-MUla, Wheel-Barrows, Carta and Wagons, Cotton Gins, Gin Gear, Plow and other Castings, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Rakes ondGaidsn and Farm Tools ana impljjnents of every variety. SEEDS. The choicest Garden and Flower Seeds grown In this country or Europe, Including every deslrablsklndand variety. The ntmost care taken to have thou* only which are choice and reliable. Also, Grass, Field and Bird Seeds of every variety. ,fertilizers. Bone Dust, Animal Manure (a preparation of animal matter , blood and bone), a good substitute for Guano and cheapest manure In use Phffsphate of Lime, Land Plaster, Guano, Ac. PLANTS, TREES, &c. Furnished from the most reliable Nurseries and Grow ers. respectfully solicited. Letters of Inquiry cheerfully responded to snd price lists furnished on sppUcatlon. l*wSw-n22 Kerosene Oil, In barrels and cases, AT HORATIO PITCHER’S, Foot of Lincoln st., Usd-ctfe-M. nSO-tf