Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 28, 1865, Supplement to The Daily Herald., Image 6

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"V L\L. *W»U» ' nano- **»|J" <r t!t« Hru • « iiikt-fiiiui*«l i «'»!*.. ri, T* Tlut. it . I vl t »!«<>*< * , • - \f \s HITK * « o » '• t*. N» •* \ nk »iy . J. DUNBAR & CO., / IHHBITERS AND PEAII-RS IN WINES. LIQUORS, 1 \7 Hay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE RKPI HI l» AN OFFICE VI7E invitw the attention of thi i ra*l •an I tin* Pnb lie genei ally to our large and **h g* t men l 01 V\ imm, Giqiiois, ( onlinU, Conserve*, *m - {’HX, «-t« tti ~ which is not excelled by my **imilar establishment in the Slates. \\ V are *•»<» pr< T DUNBAR’S OM 1.1, BRATEP WORMWOOD* ORDIAI. th i« |... 'tttmn . I vihi 4 li ih fully csiabh-hcd in thin and loieigu c••un tries DUN HA ICS well Known ToMACII BITTERS, guarunted supeiim n» any nrtfi h- t tin* l irul, >igiud • xpressi) fbr h'tcl and i itnily use: Id N UARS st’iiIEDAM toRDIAL Si 11N A IBS, w,» ranted of the utmo-t purity, and put up expre.—ly for our house, of which u.* are M»h-proprietors ami iinpoiteiH. Soie Agents for Robert Smith's eei< - brated HIILAi»ELPiiL\ M E. m • and barre l English, Seotch and American ALE «n<l PORTER, BRANDY. Scoti h and Bombon U lIJSivKV and Alt R.\t K RUNCHEs, 1 irmeriy well known throughout tin United Stale*', put tip by us in eases for export and home consumption. T T. D. ACo are sole Ag-nts for A. A' H* W Cutht rwood’n Bure RYE VVIIIsK l E-. XX and XXX brands, guaranteed ilur,urpa»scd in quality ami ex . ellt in e Constantly on baud, a large and well se lected stock ol Bt dJIIHON and WIIEAT WHISiIJI.S. worthy Ih»* attention of the trade and connoisseurs eeuerally. An assortment ol SUGARS <f finest grades, maiiuf.iCturi and and imported expressly for ibis house, which we ofl'er at ih ver* lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, DINS. WINES, CFIAMPAONES. ami e\cry description and grade of Foreign Liquors imported* directly by this house, and for sale in bond or duty paid, at lowest market rates. d2O-tl Figs. A CHOICE lot, both small and large drums dlo ts (’HAS. L. COLB i A CO A C. LOMELINO, DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions.Wmfjs. Liauors,&f:. AND EVEKV other arth i.f in THE GRC* EBY I INK UNDER MASONIC HALL. (Corner ol Bull Street and Congress Street Lane,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. dl3-3m_ NOTICE. PLANTER’S BANK. I Savannah, Ua., ‘iotli Nov , ISC6. ( An election for Directoie to manage the affairs o •A. this Bank for one year, will he held at the Bank ing House in this city, on. Monday, the ltd day o January, I^o6. THUS H. HARDEN, 1125-la wtd Actmg Pushier. PROF. DIETZ, PH. DR , OF PARIS, FRENCH LANGUAGES LITERATURE TERMS MODERATE. Rtfrt'enc I)r. Arnold, Mayor of Savannah Prof. Cann. Superintendent City Public Schools Rev. Mu Kino, Savnllimh Rev. Mr Cozby, Savannah Right Rev. Bisuor Lynch. Charleston (Jen Beauregard, New Orleans. Prof. Lcsurk. Superintendent of Public Educa tion, Louisiana (Ti?“ Inquire at Chatham Academy Building. d2-sAmls Jas.T. Paterson, TIMBER, Lumber & Commission MERCHANT, No. !i STODDARD'S LOWER RANGE, ISuy Sttrifl, Savannah, I )arien, f-Joorgin. dIK.-tt J. C. KOCH, No. :to lteokniiin HI retd.* Corner ol William, NE W YOR K , Manufacturer <<i stationery, Photographic Album.-, Music Paper, Folios, Books, *fce. n2l-3m DISSOLUTION. r rilKllini(»l LaKo. he. Osnleii A I'm Ui- s was di -1 Mihrduii the I'l ill"!, by the wji tell a ol |>atn D. LaKoche. i lie LlMll* S-; Will be ( ouliuued umier the name m (laden «fc Lneku-. at the oid stittid. corner Ba\ and Barnard streets. ,i. and. La Roche retaining an olllce with us h.r the pre-a-nt. isaac D. Laroche. BENJAMIN G cADEN DAVID S. I NCKI.ES Savannah, Dee. 1. im>.t. d4 THOS. W. BROOKN MANUFACTURER OP' FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, •4il Dock St reel, I’liilailtlpliin, l>n. ■N. IV - Ail OKOfiKS sent by Mail promptly at enrtedtn. iyHl-tt Butter. BEST Goshen Table, in lube aud firkins. u!5-tf CHAS. L. COLBY & C<». PIMM I Ih. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DItAtTS ON NtW YOKK. I ~r Ml.- by fl.p|> HRNtHAM BALDWIN .« tl* Sight Exchange OaN xi:av yoimv, In Hums to Hint pun nasers by - ; If MEK’AI FRA i•• KENT’S EAST INDIA COFFEE. l EQUAL TO J AVA: i HALF .uei-kic k: |L -:!/ <It)ES TWU’i: AS IAK' Mi t mill 1 nil l>> Alt! CLI idiWMEN Plivsn iAN;.'** and Pinf.ssi.m.b Men. iIH the cheapest, lieHim.’i st and best beverage in the world ’ FOR SALE BA ALL GKOfT.KK NORTH AND Sol Til Tin- Soul he-li trade, tow hi bit is sp.-i Lilly adapt ed. supplied thiou h the N« u X * i U . ity W bolesale (Jrorei's, or direct from the Manufactot v. m- 11541 -m and: a\ v o U iv. KI( HARO DAVIES, Proprietor. And General Wholesale Dealer in Teas amiCetiec-s dl9 hu FITIMTURE! FI RMTUItE ! WHOLESALE ANI) RETAIL, Nos. S7 AND 8«» BOWERY AND t. 5 CHRISTY STREET. N. Y. UEtiltAitK <V TAVIOK Have the largest variety ol ROSEWOOD, WALNUT AND MAHOGANY, PARLOR, C HAMBER, DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, to be found in this city, and ut tin* lowest prices. MATTKASSES AND SPRING BEDS FROM $ • TO $7. EXTRA WIDE CANOPY BEDSTEADS FUR THE SOUTHERN TRADE. oct3l-2m FRUIT WINKS. So. f! A BOXES Layer and M. R Raisins JU oil drums Figs in boxes pi lines 5 bids Almonds r» bids Dried Pea« h. sand Apples Citron and Currants Mare, Nutmegs and Cloves 3u baskets pure piper Heidsieck Chumpagn., quarts and pints 20 dozen very choice Sherry 10 dozen very old Madeira Cooking Wine, Brandy, &r. Rye, Bourbon and Scotch Whiskey For sale by dls-eod2w CLAGHORX »V CUNNINGHAM Notice. Savannah, Dec. l'"s. ONE month after date, I will make application t > the officers of the Albany & Gulf K. li Com pany Ibr renewal of scrip ot ten shares , per cent guaranteed stock ul said company-scrip being 10-i on the night of the 27th January, ISfiG. Mrip No *■, t«>r fiv«? shares, August 7th. tcrip No. 9. for live share-, Sept. 7tli, lSul. dIS-w&slm* A. E MORRELL JOHN MKRRYMAI.. l; U. W AR.Nw JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmers’ and Planters’ Agencv FOR the sale of Guano, Fertilizers. I.i. Stock. Ini plenu ms and Machinery, Seed-. Ac. (.JT AY'. F’ayol t o St root, BALT 810 HE. Refer to John S. (fittings. President Chesapeake Bank; ( has (Joodwiu. Cashier Franklin Bank, Balti more; E C. Wade A (’o. and P H Behn, Savannah, u 14-'ini SI LLLL XIH It 15 AX k. It tiants Hinr, llilton Ili ad, So. ( a Cf ALL the attention of Wh- locale and Retail pnr ) chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goo<l;% Jewelry, mid Plati and Ware,Swords, Surdies, Belts. Embroideries, Booi>, c.q s Field Glasses, Gaunt UJ<j (*loves, &c , A r <., Ac. CRUTCHES. lAlUs’l’aiid only piemium iwarded at the American 1 Insiiiule Fair, I and Slate Fail ol Pa, I for ('rut<be- ll.ii - t ali ni Ulastie Rubbi i (’rutnies aie pronoiiiiVd by surgeons, and everybody t I- . *.ol>e tlie very lies! ew r invented. Tin y arc easy and con venient. they prevent paralysis ol the nerves, do away with all the w «ariHess insi parable trout the use of all others, and are in all re->p v is unrivalled. Send for a circular Agents wanted everywhere LOVEJoY «fc 'l .A VLOR, Sole Manufacturers, No. 170. r. Broadway, N. Y. (sm-n23 Crockery, China, Glassware. rOBBERS and Dealers from all parts of the country are invited to examine my Wholesale Stock whn h includes packages containing complete assort incuts, put up expressly for *‘ Country Trade,” Goods re-packed to suit purchasers. Queensware House, 10‘J St., 2it door from iiiili St orlOtf E. D. SMYTH. WOMAN. ■ ''l ol AI US ou i* f • |* u *r .ud 4«m|w*.* *OK re r wl b I lew u-ta ii the* jw« diw •»» it 1 1 > . i 'in ! Uieif iiapptiioM* and web iie. |«*r imtie can l«e bap|>v M'li • are ill. •■. blit u»* one «-I tlu—« \ iious leiu de ruliilillliitr t:tu l< og I * »• offered t«* run on witb.iill hiv*»lvint' the -cn. nd health ot theiiul . dud. anil er«* mug producutg p«Ttiiauf!il mo.u. and pit lualuic decline. Nor is it pIMHWt to eonwt! ap! slclan toi the reli-f Ol these vaiioiisdebt Ue.nllett: ns, .tud only up »n the most urgent m-< essil. wdl « hue vvoiii in so tar sacrifice her greatest • barm » to do this Ttu*m'\ wdl ttii'ii thank h- toi j la. ine m their haiida simple sp.. iflcu win h w ill t*e iouu.l citi o ...ih in lciieving unci curing almosi every one ol tli.«*e troublesome . p»*«iliar t.. me : ex. HELM BOLDS E\ I'ILVCT of BUCIIi Hundred*. sm:*-r -n in eileme aud buiqli «»f other- apply vainly to drn«rgisti mil doctors, wtio cither ineri*ly Pmtalize llisin with tin* hope of i . me c- ,pp!y itJUiedits Which make them woise. 1 woiinl u t w tan to ftesert anything that would do injusn .* to the afflicted, but I am obliged to say Dial ahlioii. ti it may be produced from excessive • xhunation of the powers of life, by laborious employment, unwh-h --some air and food. proiu-e menstruation, the us- ot tea and coffee, and irequ- nt childbirth, il is far oft* i er caused by direct irritation, applied to the ittncoii ii4*oibrane of the vagina itself. M in-ii reviewii t cati-a of llu . .. - complaints, it i- nu»>t painful to » onteuiplate the it* ten.laid *-\ ii coii-cqii. nl up»*ii tin in. It is but simple justice to tin* sublet l to ■ nan er de .i lew of tin* many additional iaus« s wbi«i» s » largely alieet the life. In .illl., ami happiness of woman in all classes »•! so eiely iint w lii ii. eon-e.pient l> . uffect, nmre *»i I* - din , i!v. tin welfaie *»f tin-eutire human family The mania that exisl-t**r piv, o> i' >ih education n.iue, cans, the year- that nature designed lm enr pi>i. ,1 dev.-lopmeiit t«* be wasted and pel veiled in the i -tr nuts of dress, (he early coniin. uient oi < b .1 and espe. tady in the unhealthy excitement oi tin* ball-room. Thu With the body half clothe*! and the umid unduly excii.*d by pleasure, i" netting in mid night revel th.- honi - designed t»v natuie lot -deep and re t, the work *>t destruction is halt accom plished. i consequence oi this early strain upon her system, uniiecesstiv effort hi* picul by the delicate votary b» retain her situation m r. h-*oi at a lat« i da\, thus aggrrtv.itirtg the evil. When «*ne cxi it,merit i ovei, another in prospective keeps the mind morbidly sen sitive to impression, while the now cunsiant-re-traiiit ot fashionable dress, Misolnb ly tor'bidding the ever . hi iiitjispeos ltd.- to the att iinment and ietouti(*n of organic health and strength the exposure to night air: the # Su<Wen ihatige ot tempeialun : th- com plete piostiution produced by « ceadve dancing must, ol necessity, produce their legitimate effect. At las’ an early marriage c-qv* the climax of misery, and the unfortunate one, hitbeitoso utterly regardless of the plain dictates and remonstrances ot her delicate na ture, become-an unwilling subject of tm-dii ul treat ment. This is but. a truthful picture of the expon ence ot thousands <>! thousands ot our young women. Long before the ability to exercise tile functions of 1 lie generat'd*• organs, they requin* an education of llieii pe.'Uliar nervous system , composed of what is called the tissue, which is, in common with tin* fe male breast and lips, evidently under the control of mental emotions and associations at an early period oi life ; and, as. we ••hull subsequent 1> see. these emo tions, when excessive, lead, long be tore puberty to habits which sap the very life ol the-r vietima ere na ture hub sell completed their development For female weakness aud debility,, whiles or leu eorrlicea, too proluse, exhaustiug, too long continued periods, for prolapsus and hearing down, or prolapsus uteri, we offer the moat perfect specific known; Hh.m HOLD’A COMi'OT ND I.A I BAI I Ol- lii *UI . Directions for ihc. diet, and advice accompany. Fehiules oi every peiioj of life, from iniancy ex treme old age. will find it a remedy to aid nature in the di-charge of it'- iauctions, . iTtii giti is the giwi vof manhood and w-ananhood. IIEL.MIiOLD S EXTRACT Bl CHI is more -tiengtliening than unv of the preparations or b.ok oi iron, intimtely salts, and mor* |in-asant. IIELMBOLD'S EXTUAeT BI'CHLi, having received the endorsement of the most i*i:q,Mi nent ci’Vbu ians in mi United States, is Ilow olleieil to a filleted humanity as a certaii. cuie for the follow mg diseases and symptoms, lioin whatever cause originating : General Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Imbecility, Determination of Blood to the Head, Confused Ideas, Hysteria, General Irritability, R stlessm"9 aud Sleeplessness it Night, Ati.-cnce rifMn'Cular Efllciency, Loss of Appetite, Dyspi psia. Einaciui ion. Low Bpuits, Disorganization or Paralysis of the Oi g.t ns of General mu, Palpitation oi the Heart, And, in fact, all the concomitants of a nervous and dr Militated stale ol the sysb in i.i iii-uie ihe genuine, <nt itiis out. Ask lor Hn mloi.d’b: lake p«» other. W. M. AVaUdi, Cornel Bromrhtou A Barnard snoots, Savannah. Sole Agent for the State ol- Georgia. dlO-iio liroiYii’s StaiKlni'U Sfiilis. ITSE I) by the United States and Foreign Govern- J merits for more than tiill i r \ vK-VII s, Adapted to any branch of business for foreiim or home markets. Warranted accurate and durable. Sales rooms No. 3 Barclay-st., mar Broadway. N x s.;pli* iy li BROWN- Manufacturer New York Piano Fortes. Ernest Gabler, .Manufacturer of New Scale First-Class PIANO FORTES, Factory. 122, 124 & 126 East 224 St.. IJESriICTFIJI.I.Y miiicmiin-s that his L.-ir-c NV»- li, rvict.ny is now c lujiU tcil, fully or-runizo-l, an l m succussfnloj-orati-.n. hy menus-I' which In- has srroatly iru reast and his mnmifucUning lacilities. He will ther, - loro he able hctirctorwani to turnout , Pianos jar urclr. to supply orders promptly, without that incon venient rhiay to which Dealers and Purchasers have lieen subjected, from the fact that ior more than two years past In, has been r minually a hundred instru rr.eiits behind orders. A lull assortment at. all times may lie found at his Manufactory and Warcrooms in New York City. Every instrument fully warranted. Detail Ware rooms. 74:1 Broadway. ;:ni-nle. Latest li-om TCgypt! 1 JENNY'S NEW EXTRACT OF THE LgYTIAN LOTUS, ;t new md exquisite Perfume tor ih** handkerchief < ’leopatra and the ladies of the present day liking the same perfume THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS'! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS !'' Manufactured by F. A.Pennt, Brooklyn,New York. E. A. LOVEJOY’. Agent, n9 = 3m 93 Fulton street, N. Y, ••• LONS M i l TIO\ h ath: I . V, «D iib . the on;) known mnedv for DI ABEi’i: • 4 AU 4 1-1 X gi.avkl. LRU R DUST DEPOSITS, IRRITATION OF THE NECK BLADDER, I\U.VMM AT 1»»N «»F iHE KIDNEYS, < AiAKRtioP THE BLADDER, FEMALE IRREGULARITIES. ( rtiti. «r s ..i mrc U<iui well known persoiH from •*;.i! pai• *M thei-uuntiv in cim ulu. will bewnton aii oi. .m Morgan a allen, Ag*t«, li. on No. 4«i t’lifi '-•t.. New York UiLMINfiTON IRON WORKS. TUSEY, JONES & CO., Wilin in *i'4 on, D«‘la warp. MAM FACTI RE Iron SftmmlMiata Steam Engines, Ik*ilci ?■. Muchinerv for Saw Milin, Jfce. Having had long «-\|K*ri*-nce in bu.-ine«a and being provided with exteie ive tacilitiia for d»*itig work of this class, arc* pieparc and t** execute orders with despatch, octl2 Cm FOR SALE On Consignment. RRLS. Mes- BFi F. d‘2l BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A ( O. Vi I. lILAIK A I. SMITH. ' W. W. B.ELN. BLAIR, SMITH & CO., No. Si9B Jtvo ui Street, AUGUSTA, GA., General Commission Merchants, And Agents for the Sale of • Msianitired Tobacco. Will PuivliAse and Sell, on Commission, Cotton- Cotton (Joints, \N ines. Liquors, PiodnceaiKl diet* ol'every description. ('onsignmeuts solicited. 2m-nl4 SALMON AND HALIBUT, AT STUART & CO.'S MekAVi HLISS t o:, Commission Merchants, I \EALERS in While Oak and Ye!lo\v I*iue Timber ol 1 all i. s. Cash advaucee made on uonHignmenls of Timber, Cotton, Naval Stores, Ac. . The abov« named house offer unu-ual facilities lor the sale of Si»uthern Pro*facts, and respectfully so licit consignments. Mi KAY', BLISS A CO, d2l-tawtf 16 ■ Broadway, N. Y’. L. B. DAVIS, (Formerly of Atlanta, Ga.j liMicKR & nnnussiflx JMCXIRCHANT, BROAD STREET, Augusta, Greorgia. N. B.—-Particular attention given to receiving and forwarding Produce and Merchandise. Refers to A, Wilbur. Hunter & Gammell, Crane, Johnson <fc Graybill, and John R. Wider. Savannah, (n'orgia. do-tawlm J. SHAFPBRT Oommisslon XJoalor -u all Jiindw of FORE IUN AND f)i JMESTID KRIHTS anIiPRODUCE, Wkwt Washington Makkkt,’ Opposite U : \\ «-t s-t . Bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sts., N E W Y O R K. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand, und pul up for the rsouthern market All eonsignim nis v»romplly uttenked to. ReVers in A. L. Bradley, A. Ilaywood, T. J. Walsh, ami. \ 11 Parsons. iv'2 poiHv JOHN VANDERBILT, NO FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, DEALER IN Agricultural Implements OF every variety, embracing all the different pat ten.- of Plow - m us. in iiie .Southern States, Corn- MB-lleis. II iv and Stalk-Cutters, Horse-Powers and Mac bun s, Fan-Mills. Wfiecl-Bairqws, Carts andWaiioii-. Colton Gins. Gin Gear. Plow and other Castings. Shova Is. Forks, Hoes. Rakes :mdGarden and Farm Tools ana impleint-utfi’of[every variety. S JE E I) S * Theclioicest Garden and Flower Seeds grfftvn in this country or Europe, including every dosiruble kind and variety. The utmost care taken to havij those* only wiiich are choice and reliable.! 1 Also, Grass,-Field and Bird Seed- of cVcry variety. F i: U T I L I Z E R s'. Bone Dust, Animal Manure (a preparntioff of animal mailer, blood aud bone), a good substitute for Guano and cheapest.manure in use: Phosphate of Lime, Land Plaster, Guano, Arc. % PLANTS, TREES, &c. * Furnish'd from the most reliable Nurseries and Grow ers. respectfully solicited. Letters of inquiry i heerfully responded to and price lists furnished on application. lawSw-n22 Kerosene Oil, in barrels aud eases, AT IIORATIO PITCHER’S, Foot ol Lincoln et., Under the Bluff. niuktr