Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 29, 1865, Image 3
® Y a.N AH. i*«|»n«rt •( tt»M>kl|ii hn4 Vitaiutp, n>K new vtim Hletnublp Virgo,, Hnvabrr 3uth, at o'clock. Wexm.hlp Ben Jacinto. Saturday, December ioth at ax o'clock Steair>htpChui>. Saturday, , : )tc«ml<w antb. at o'clock. *OB riHkaiXt.lllA Steamship Cumbria, Sop:, day, December gnth, at o'clock. foe ai nrsTi. Bicuuui Eclipse, Satai day December 3oib Steamer Swan, every week. Steamer Wm. o. Gibbons, every Saturday morning at 9 a. m. Steamer R. B. May, Saturday, December 80th. at C o'clock p. m FOR CHARLESTON. Steamer Charlea Houghton. every Tueeday morn Jn*r *t 9 o'clock. Steamer City Polut, every Saturday morning, at 9 o’clock. FOK DOCTOKTOWK. Steamer Two Boy a, every Tuesday morning, at » o'clock. Steamer Orient, every Tuesday moriung. at 1 o'clock. Steamer Gen. Shepley, every Sunday morning, at T o’clock. Steamer Clarion, Saturday, December Mill, at «x o’clock a. m. roa inuMAbTiLLa. . Steamer O. F. Potter, every Monday, Wednesday Ik and Friday morning, at 7 o’clock. FOR FLORID*. W Steamer Fannie, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer Fonnlaiu, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock. - Steamer City Point, every Wednesday afternoon, at l o'clock. A Steamer Lizzie Baker, every Thursday morning 10 o'clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday niormflfW o'clock. ** Steamer Helen Getty, every lo at _ The city Kv/ ’ Mi ''l* !u '< 1 -v « >’ ■: ' > .tlut dollar. n ■ i.i> m. tiojO'-r |j 11 1 111 1 In the streets, p. in., Dec. 26 ill, defendant was fuuud guilty and lined in the aum of oue dollar. The city or Savannah vs. Tltn Flaherty. Improp er conduct, disorderly in the streets, 9 40, p. iu., Dec. 26th, lbtia. Case continued. The city ot Savannah vs. Henry Barbers, improp er conduct , drunk, lying in the streets, v. 20, p. in.. Dec. 26tli, 160 j. The accused was lound guilty and ined in the sum of two dollars, b. Tho city ol Savannah vs. P. Cyllen and J. King. %S mpropei conduct, drunk and disorderly in the house |.«if J. White, and resisting a policeman, in the dls- Iharge of his duty, l p. in., Dec. 2«Ui, 1866. The cienuants were round guilty and each hued in the uiu oi live dollars or be confined until the fines are BkFOKK JUSTICE JOHN A. STALEY. • Savannah, Dec. 26,1865. The State or Georgia vs. John West, Charles Lam •ert. John Baiues. articled seamen, on board or Hr. fcrrK Zephytine, charged with desertion. Upon war auk issued,i lu; defendants were attested by officers doses Sinqiktield and Isaac Russell, bt ought before utttce Staif. and committed to jail. The ofilcers in f This case in capturing the deserters. \ The case and the State vs. J J Hamilton—Charged With a breadi of the peace. Alter a careful examin ation the nlsoner was ordered to enter into good keep the peace for the term of six months. Cottsel for defence, M J. Ford, Esq. UEFOIiE CAPT. BAUDWELL. Savannah, Dec. 26, 1865. The city editvannah vs. Crawford Smith (colored), j Found guiltyiand sentenced to ten days labor on I public streets! | The city of avannah vs. George Shafford and Paul f Jgiproper conduct, having now in t their possession property, supposed to have been sto- I fen. Found guilty and 0.-dei ed to work on streets for feu days. The city ol Savannah vs. Wm. Cade (Colored). Pris oner discharged, complainant found guilty by non-ap pearance for disrespect. The city of Savannah vs. Robert Erwin (colored). Larceny; acquitted. The United States vs. Sally Dlnkens and Francis ■cDowd. Improper conduct, using disgusting lan guage iu tbe public streets. Found guilty aud lined In the sum of ten dollars. The city of Savannah vs. Joe (coleredi. Improper conduct, using Improper language to and resisting • in the discharge of their duties, Dec. 26th, stii. Case continued. ' The city of Savannah vs. Henry NormaD. Improp er conduct, using abusive language, and resisting an udlcer in discharge ot tits duties. Prisoner dis charged. The city of Savannsli vs. Thos. McKevor (colored). kyault and battery with intent to murder. The atv used was turned over lo the military commsslou for City of Savannah va. Alien Thompson (colored.)— improper conduct—fighting m the streets. DU -I,arged for want el prosecution. City of Savannah vs. Torn May (colored.) Disor derly conduct—cutting with u knife. Found guilty and ordered to work on streets for thirty Juvs. City of Savannah vs. A. Dew (colored.; Drunk, itaordciiy and le.slstlng an officer iu the discharge.. ')( his duty. Fined two dollars or work two days on |>ublic streets. City or Ssvuuuab vs. Betsy Mitchell (colored.) lin -Hiptyr conduct- using abusive language. Case die ihgrged. City ol Savannah vs. Sarah Williamson (JWoreii.) .nproper conduct—using abusive language to wit less. Found guilty and ordered to work on the tracts for twenty days or pay a fine of ten dollars. City of Savannah vs. (ten. Darling (colored.)' Dts uderly conduct. Found guilty and lined $3 and oats City of Savannah vs. Cyrus Dillon, Cutting wit less with a kutic. I'ilsoiier acquitted. City of Savannah vs. A. Rivers (colored ) Dtaor letly conduct. Case dismissed. City of Savannah vs. J. Williams (colored.) Larce yx Case dismissed for want of prosecution. Savannah, Dec. S7th, lS6i. - Kilf urry (colored) vs. N. Menuilas (colored.) Re. hvety of horse. pejnls Burton (colored) vs. Edward Flaherty and Bchjr.d Perry. Recovery of cow and yearling. It » a didered that the cow be turned over to plaintiff’, Htjrfkat the defendant. Richard l’orry, retain posses- Mg* the jfearllng, upon i>uyment of thirteen dol- HjHfiCcoata of suit. Hl,vl Savannah vs. John Lovejoy and Jas. Small Hpu.| IHsorderly conduct. Fined each in the Hi three dollars or two days luijoi mi tiu public of Savannah vs. Bessie Uryun (colored ) Ira conduct siennng cotton, found guilty and to two mumlis hard labm lu County Jail. Kklibk The numerous .alia loi idle, brothers pusslbk Ihiongh Ibis illy luvi-j lime paai. loiced upon the l.odgea the lie devoting Hindi iluie to their cohaMeiutliiu. HHH|Vil.i- l.odges Horn lids duly uli ussodallou * . 1 Will- h ds u 11"* t .0,1,: nHd / lilt lie Ihe presen. e of al, Mastei Ms BHH'i A Meyel uffi-l « Ulge alu. A ol ploy I day al suction, uue ug aevcial huh ,*> yeiy aupertoi ituui lot bskria sud laUilly ar 111 Miilii had belli l lay 111 » a "and aopply pi lew. I KcHOUI —Ms nil alleiitluu to llev C It ■ r ill uhilsl ths »bu*s bead Wfe' pPia.he- 111 Hull upudll a. ..oil. l.a all). ) lav I. .IU•I ie a I h.. ...laid, a ppal.e ea Ihi .an., .* I /liayalh », and al id CoixuiOß i.rwita I*u KavaNNAH Hiram •mur --Tbe iteamabip Zodiac ol Manny £ Nephew a Line, which left here on Wedura day afternoon last, returned to her whail'at about 8 o'clock loat evening, with her bow* store iu, having collided with a sister ship ol the same line, the Virgo, when northward of Charleston belore daylight yesterday. The item of the Zodiac was cut down to the water's edge by !he collision, and it was deemed hazardous to attempt to run her to New York, so she was put about, and the \ irgo keeping by her, beaded lor Savannah. The hole in her bows was stopped as tar as possible by canvas, and with the constant use dt the steam pumps the steamer was kept te*’ * llc * ailal| y reached the city in safely. ” bethel tbc cargo is so badly damaged a3 reosiire removal, is not yet ascertained, lhe Vugo which entered the river with the Zodiac! was detained by her deeper dratt ot water A the obstructions last evening. Until she reaches the cily it will be impossible to say whA injuries she has sustained, or what was the fcccasion of the disaster. KkCtpAps OF THE KeMAINS OF NiNK MEM BERS <>r fie 18th Georgia Batallion. —A few " Ate. settee Dr. Bowne, of this city, tmtm®BP e y to Virginia to disinter and tor final sepulture the J~aHK'the 18th Georgia Batallion, Sa re!’ i Guards. Yesterday the . of the Batallion were re- YoriSSuP 1 ® steamship Chase from New have not all been iden- UuXs* identified are as follows - Capt. WmPp® oo ' Cieut- W. D. Graut, Sergt. Sergt. Geo. £. James, Privates Jjpjiitldleton and J. Gould. Wliat ar jifffnwnlii will be made lor the fuueral is jSrfih£et known. These gallant soldiers Mplf milor's Creek, near Farmville, on the put April last. Tax Oreinance.—la another column we publish the Tax Ordinance passed by Coun cil at its meeting on Wednesday night. Without goiug into a review of the pro visions of the ordinance, we may say that taking into consideration the fact that a suf ficient revenue lias to be raised for the nuiiu tainauce of the city government the law has been wisely adapted to the circum stances of our people, falling as light ly us possible on the uon-productive interests, aud drawing maiuly from the sources best able to contribute to its support. White's Minstrels desire us to state by way of apology for their unsatisfactory per formance at the Theatre last evening, that a series of unavoidable accidents lias beset them since their departure lrom Charleston, not the least of which was the detention of two of the members of the baud aud all its baggage, including the wardrobe. The Theatre. —Othello to-night,—with Mr. Crisp as the Moor, aud Mr. Hamilton as lago. Mias Rose Wood will exeeute one of her grandpas, and White’s Minstrels will not Appear, as per special announcement in another colu ms. The O. M. Petit, formerly a Government transport, has been purchased by private par ties, and is to be employed as a tow-boat be tween Tybee and Savannah. Capt. 11. G. Briggs, well known as the master of the U. S. Grunt, is her commander, and understands his business thoroughly. This enterprise meets a want which has long been felt in Savannah. The Petit is a powerful boat, and Col. Wolcott, the owner, is determined to spare no pains iu making her a popular aud useful boat. The Savannah.— The steamer Savannah, sunk thirty-five miles up the river, is now so tar raised that her promenade deck is neatly two feet out of water. She will proba bly arrive here within a week. Capt Silas Spicer, late harbor master here, is doing his best to get her running again soon. The loss will not be bo large as was at first supposed. Personal.— Brigadier General 11. W. Birge, formerly in command of this District, but now out of the service, is in town, but will soon leave for southwestern Georgia. He has met many warm triends, who are glad to see him in good health. STEAMER ANNIE AT AUCTION.—We would call at tentlou to the sale of this Sue steamer, lu front of the Exchange, to-morrow at 12 o’clock M. See ad vertisement ol Messrs, Beil, Wylly* Christian in our auction columns. Metropolitan Pise Comfant. —An impor tant notice to members,'regarding uniforms, etc., appears in another column this morning* A Card. Mr G. B. Lamar, In corresponding with his ne phew, having used my name as Agent of Messrs. Erwin A Hardee Iu connection with certain transac tions in which he is Involved, I feel that Justice to Messrs. Erwin A Hardeejand myselt demands that 1 should state lab—That If a single bale of cotton has been ship ped to that Arm belonging either to Mr. Lamar or to the United States Government, or moved by any oue purporting to he the Agents ol said Hr in, it was done contrary to either their or my instructions and with out ettliei then or my consent, knowledge or appro bation. 2d—That In making purchases lu Southern Georgia and Florida, Messrs. Eriviu uud Hardee constantly cautioned their Agents uot to touch a single hale of cotton to which any suspicion was attached, and to which the titles were uol perfect, aud they wei e in formed by tlieir Agents that the above Instructions were implicitly obeyed. Sd—That Messrs. Krwiu A Hardee have received, during the past five mouths heavy consignments of cotton from Southern Georgia aud Florida and 11 at any time the civil or military authorities desire to know the names of the shippers, I am authorized to state that their books are ut tbe disposal of dult ap potuted inspectors. Kegrettng exceedingly that my name, ae Agent of Messrs. Erwin 1 1 Hardee, should have been used by Mr. Lanier in connection with the matter now un dergoing military luvestlgatlou, I still consider It my duty to make the foregoiug statement. JKO. S. DAMEI . Savannah, Dec. 29. T. J. DUNBAR & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS, &C 14-7 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) WE invite the attention of the Trade and the Pub lie generally to our largs and elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquors, Cordials. Conserves. Se gues. etc., etc., which Is not excelled by any similar establishment in the States, We are mile proprietors nf DUNBAR'S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, ths reputation of which is fully established In this ami foreign conn tries; DUNBAR'S well known STOMACH BITTERS, guaranted superior to any article ..f tbs kind, de sighed expressly fur hotel and taiutly use: ltl'N HAU'H HOIIIKDAM CORDIAL HCHNAI'PK war null'd of the utmoat purity, suit put up expressly lor dir bouse, of which we are role proprietors end Importers. Sole Auaiil* for Robert Smith's cole lirsted PHILADELPHIA Al ly, iu issea and barrels. English, Wi'otcb sudAmeihau AI.K and PORTER, BRANDI, Mcotr-b ami Uoiirbon vyRIHKKt and Alt HACK UIINt'HM, l-rureriy wall known throughout tha Untied Wales, put up liy us In esses lor alporl nud houte < oiiauuiptlou. T .1. Ik A Cos are aole Agenta lor A. * II R'. t'atbsrwood'a Pure MVK WIIRHUKa, XX and »I k biatiila, guarautevg uttaurpaased in quality and ea rallam a Outulaully on hatul. a large and well as Idled atm kof ROIHIMIN aud W HEAT WHIM* I KM, wot lb; tbs alleaUult of tbs trade aud i uuuutaasura gtuerkll; An aasorimsui of Hint tint if tuaat Kradaa. uianula. mu and amt iiupoiieg ei|deaalyfu< Ibt* outs wbhb we Oai at I** vary lowest url cask pit,aa BHANDIka. Mink M iMpi, r llAMPaohka amt t'srf ba rlptlou aud grads •* r»t«i*b Uauots tgipofls l doei Ur by Ibis liouas, aud H sola in i«imi el dst; paw kl in Ural saaiko iM«a die if Mlili>|>lnfg Itit€*lll|ronz‘e. Hlalalurr Alwauai Tills !»•»■. hit i rises J 1 Moon rtses ,3ft* Ron sola a aiHlfii waler. .. j ft* PORT UP SAVANNAH THi rsdav. Deo. 24. l»(lj. Arrived, pioneer Steamship Aliase. H.slu .Now t Oik Hun ter A Lammed. StcanisliiiiUumnna, Fieuoh. Philadelphia Hauler A liAUmell. Steamer Win O Gltibous. I'hllpol. Augusta l.iuin A Hardee. Steamer Kmlhr. Homier. Hilton Head Steamer (leu Shepley, Minikin Doetorfowh i'L Colliy A Cos. Steamer Koeklaud. Beamon, t liarle-lon L s Bennett. Steamer O F Potter, Cessar. Sunhut) —Chau L Col by A Cos. Steamer Helen Hetty, Ingraham, Palatkn. etc- LS Bennett. Cleared. steaiustilp America. I.tudi. New Vurk biigtiam. Baldwin A Cos. Imports. Per steamer Wm G Gibbons, lrom Augusta—36o bales upland cotton. Pei steamer Gen Shepiej, from Doctortown—l42 bales upland cotton. Kxport*. Per steamship America, for New York—BS 7 bales upland cotton. 5 do sea Island do. ft cases segarsuud s pkgs mdse. Passengers. Per steamship Cumbria, from Philadelphia—Mrs Wins, Mias Wilts, Dr Fliun, M Benedict. Miss Kuth cr.'ord, Mrs Keer, M Patterson, L Hibbard, Mr Devlue and 1 steerage Per steamship Chase, from New York - B F Crock er, 0 Crowell, J Kimtard, G Ainsworth, H O Libby, F Thomas, L Crawford, J Solomon, Mrs A Blauce, Alls Handley aud son. Mr Denbrook and lady. Per steamer Wm G Gibbons, from Augusta—C E Mifctln, l)r J Myer, M Knell, P O’Toole, c Atkins, M Yerdery, Miss H Jackson, Miss E Jackson, J Carroll, Jas Youge D Hallahan, Wm Kirk, J J Cole. W Wil cox, H Evans, W Kutll, J Walls, J Tcrnouy aud g on deck. Per steamship America, for New York—A T Nor man, W W Montalvo, W O Lenby, T Mowbry. Per steamer Heieu Getty, from Jacksonville—W H Lee, J H Harry, J Patterson, N A Hull, W Collins, J L Miller, and 8 steerage. Per steamer O F Potter, from Sunbury—S Smith, J Cooper, J Alden, Jilsa W * Clay, It H Clay, A Clay, E J Clay, A Mclntosh. Per steamer Rockland, from Beaufort, etc—J Mar cord, A Walker, capt White, J Sands, Mrs Mauds, M PolUcty. Mr Towns, Mr Whitaker, Mr Ballon aud wife Mr Edgei ton, Mr Hilton and wile. coiisitf nees* Per steamship Chase, from New York—Adams Ex Cos, R I) Arnold, G W Allen, t; W Anderson, Brigham B A Cos, Bothwell <f W, J 8 Bailey, G Butler, B, W A- C, B, Smith & Cos, C L Colby A Cos, S M Colding, M A Colien, Erwin A H, K A Kckinan, W W Goodman, 8 W Freeman, M Ehrlich, Hunter A G, H, Watson if Cos, J Kfnmtrd, Keiit A Cos, Kirlin A B, C W Thomp son, B Ulmer, R A Cann, J Lama, R J Larcombe, J L W H Stark, F W Sims A Cos, A A Solomons, Tison A O, J 8 Watts A Cos, II A Gutman, J Klkan. W Shea, J Oliver, .1 T Crawford, It A B, N B Knapp, C A M, G & U, L A Lattimore, G R Lamar, 1. A Cos, LtnvUle A G, H Ells, and others. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Jacksonville—Y A Nixon, A Dutenhoffer, D IV lugersoll. Tison A G, P A N A Hardee. Bit A Cos, C K smith. Stuart A Cos, L Leavy, I. A G Per steamer Wm <1 Gibbons, from Augusta-W It Hodgson, Erwin AH. W Battersby A Cos. J Richard son, H A G, O Cohen, W 11 Stark. G It Baldwin, Col W I> Barnard, order aud others. LIST UP VESSELS IN THE POKT OF SAVANNAH. Savanna h, Dec. 29,1885 STEAMSHIPS. Lulu, Taber, repairing—Master. SHIPS. Mont Blanc. Donnell, 700, loading, Liverpool—La Roche, Gaden A Cnckles. Virginia, Weeks, 1,044, loading at Lamar's Press, for Liverpool—C L Colby A Cos. Stewart. Favorite, (Br) Spain, discharging—E A Sonllard. Herald, Calvert, loading. Liverpool—C Green A Son. Mozart, (Bn Smith, -- tons, discharging—^T R & J G Mills. County of Picton, (Br) McKenzie, discharging—C Green A Cos. Bari: Dreadnaught, (Br) Smith loading, Liverpool —C L Colby A Cos. II AUKS. Craeso, (Br) Carrey, tons, loading, Liverpool— R I Caughey. Tephyrlne Penlaton. loading, Liverpool—Retd A Stewart. , ’V A Platinius, Pinkham, discharging-C L Colby A Cos. _ Colonist, (Hr) Taylor, discharging- (.’has Green A Son. Evening Star, Fry, discharging—Yonge A Nixon. BRIGS. Atlantic, Wark, 101 tons, loading, Nassau, N P—B. Wyllv A Christian R(' Wright, Hugg, discharging—R Habersham A Son. Ella, Brown, waiting—E A Soullard. John W Lovltt, Gllliot, loading, St Johns, NB Yonge A Nixon. Daniel Boone, repairing. Potomac. Perkins, loading. New York—W H Stark Resolute, Lane, bound to Darien, repairing. Lewis Clark, Bartelle, discharging—Van Horn. Holyoke A Murray. Clara Elleu, Dexter, discharging—Gowdy A Brad lev. Monticello Moon, discharging—Richardson A Bar nard, Harp, Canty, discharging—H Pitcher. SCHOONERS. John M Broomall, Douglass, loading. New York— Chas L Colby A Cos. Pearl, (Br) Rlordon, discharging—Bell, Wylly A Christian. Walter Raleigh, loading, Boston—Hunter A Gam mell. Clara Ella, Dexter, discharging—E A Bradley. Rachel Vannerman, High, discharging—Hunter A Gammell. Young Teaser, Morton, discharging—Van Horn Holyoke A Murray. Callsta, Hall, loading, New York—C L Colby A Cos., Albei t Haley, Nichols, discharging—Q H Arledge. NSW SILinT FOR’GS jljPlex ELLiPTIC The Great In vention of the IN Hoop Skirts, J. W. Bradley’s Sew Patent Ditpex Klltp tic (nr Double) Spring; Skirt. THIS Invention consists of Duplex (or two; Rllptlc Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elastic and durable Spring ever used. They seldom bend or break, like the sin gle Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as long as any Single Spring Skirttbat ever has or can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assem blies, Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade snd House Dress, as the Skirt can be folded when in use to occupy u small place as easily aud conveniently as a Silk orMnslln A lady having en|oyed tha pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wedHng ihe Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will never after wards willingly dispense »Ith their use. For children, misses aud young ladles they are superior to all oth ers. The Hoops arc covered with i ply double twisted thread aud will wear twice as ioug as the single yarn covering whisb is used on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom rods on every Skirt are also Doubla Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the cov ering Irnm wearing off the rods when drugging down stairs, stoue steps, Ate., which they are ronstautly subject to when in n«e. All are made of the new and elegant Co.(led Tapes, and are the best quality in every part, giving to the wearer the most graceful aud perfect •Cape possible und ere unquestionably the lightest, moat dm.ruble, comfortable and economical fckirt ever made WESTS', BRADI-EV A CARY, (late J. I. A J. O. West,; Proprietors of the Invention, and Hole Mauu fact in-era, til Chambers aud is and SI Heads alieeta, New York. For .ale In all firat t lau stores In this city, and IbluughuUt the United States and t'autdaa, Havana ile I uI,U. Mexico, South America, and tha Meat In diVfa iW~ luqulr* tor tbe Duplet kJiipln- for double) Spring Skin. )>!> Ktf FOR BALIT 'l'llK iimlrlalanril utters fm sale III• well known ft valbubl* PlaiiUllult. t'auslln s Wolf, h; the liter, within three miles ol Ibis . ily amt unending to AogiialineUieek, mu Ia till tig ahnol sot *«isi-lea the greater uortluu the laipT Tim ptopvrty baa UgU liSOdauUie site lot teetdeb' ea, and ft mo It* piogiioßr lo ike i ll;, ta like)) to RMPlote teplelf lb tglwe Fot liiilbat pwri k Ml*)* aiiuti lo •l* foot lb RuH t ilt ill HatlAM NOTICE. ALL |*r*. h« ftmvlitff rUlmn Ajraia»t »*f l»*bt*ll.i i.»»r>*4i, *l t'tiatiiftiii t "Ui»U, deem*' and. m 111 |»rt ~«T.t Ihral. tiaU ftll«H<-Al tin* tilin’ prf*rrlt*d t»y law. Nml’till |*« rwi** iiulfblrJ to »*akl e»tati* will make p&v incut i«* JOHN D HOrkINS. *.l2**Uu'.w Exccut r COAL, COAL TONS So|M*rior Cumbarlaml CoaL M* l l 'nt* very dioice Parlor Coal, *.uo |.»na 1 ackawana Steauilmat Coal. aX) u*u»'kawana Coal, Hi *vt* fiie, 100 ions BUi ksmilhs Co«l. Lun liiiA. ami for sale iu qaautities to suit purchas ers l»v djs eoUSw CLAGUORN A CI'NMNGHAM NOTICE. THi2 underriljrneil woul«l respectfully inform his former pation* and the citizens generally that he is prepaicu again to take contracts to build new or repair wharve*. Pile-driviug done by steem pile drirer. dTJBin KRENSON. hniton&Randell lf*;l Bay Ntreet. HAVE ju»t received and offer for sale at lo west market rates 250 bids and hal' bbls Extra F.unily Flour, 100 bbl« and h ilf obis K. D. Corn Meal, - 100 Premium No. 4 Hominy, 200 half hbls Nos. 2 and S Mackerel, UM bids Soda. Butter, Bo ;t*m and LcraonCra' kei s to oases Jellies and Pickles. decafi 6 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION! Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening, AT THE STORE ON BROUGHTON STREET, Third door from Bull, Where will be off ered a general assortment of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, Under clothing, Books. Vankee Notions, Jewelry, Ac , Ac., at the pur chaser’s own prices. Terms cash; sales positive. dl-30 Cargo Sale. York, |Williams, Molutire Sc Cos. Will *ell at Auction January At lo o'clock, A. M. on Wharf, the entire cargo of brig Mouticello, from Matauzas, consisting of 85 lilids (’layed Mohissi's,’ > T o. l, last vear 1 tierce do <lo do do 43 large hlids new Clayed Molasses 11 small do do do do 17 tierces do do do 10 hhls do do do 11 luige hhds Muscovado do >mall do do do I tierce »lo do 3 bbls do do 8 hhds Muscovado Sugars. Terms cash. d2B BY YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIHE & CO. Will sell THis DAY. at 11 o’clock, m front oi store ou Bay street . An assortment of Statiouery, consisting of Arnold, Maynard and Noyes uud other Inks, 50,000 Envel opes, Playing Cards, L**ud Pencils, Ac. ALSO, 5 bbls canvassed Hams 5 tierces Bacon Sides do Shoulders 16 kegs Butter 10 do Lard 25 boxes Soap *o boxes Caudles 20 boxes Adamantine Candles 5 boxes Ground Mustard 5 do Pepper 10 caddies Tea An assortment of Furniture including two Mat tr&sAfiß. (129 SEA ISLAND HOTEL AND COMPLETE OUTFIT AT AUCTION. Bell, Wylly & Christian, On WEDNESDAY’, January Sd, 1666, nt lo o'clock, will sell on the premises, nt Hilton Head ; The new Sea Island Hotel, completely furnished with new furniture of the latest style. AI.SO, 4 new Billiard Tables. Crockery, Gla.:s Ware, Kitcheu Furniture, Ac., Ac. Together with all the outbuildings, which, with the Hotel, may be readily taken down anil removed, If desired. Hold in lots to suit purchasers. Thu steamer Charles Houghton, Capt. Sprague, will leave Savannah at 7 o'clock ou Tuesday, the 2<l < of Jan uary, and the steamer Rockland will leave Charleston on same day, to retur • on the followihg Friday, and will tske passengers aud freight to and from Hilton Head. Accommodations inay be had at the Hotel until after the sale. d'29 td UNDERWRITERS’ SALE. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. TAIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold for account of whom it may concern : 5 cases assorted Dry Goods, damaged on board of the steamer Savannah, sunk lu the Savannah river, anil sold by order of agents and underwriters. U 29 UNDERWRITERS’ SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS I>AY, at 10 o’clock. In rjont of store, will be sold lor account of Underwriters aud all coucerued : 1 case assorted Dry Goods 2 casks Hardware, Damaged on board of steamship Varuna on the passage to this port from New York, and sold under inspection of the Port Wardens. d29 Side-WHcel Irofsteamsliip Annie, AT AI7CTION, By Bell, Wylly A Christian. On SATURDAY’. 30th Inst., at 12 o’clock in., will be sold, iu front of the Exchange, ou Bay, fronting Bull street, The Side-Wheel Iron Steamship Annie, 260 tons burthen, 163 leet long, 21 feet beam, 11 feet depth of hold, drawing light 6‘* feet, together with all her tackle and apparel and two good boats i hors, Hawsers, Tools, Rubber Hose, dc. Teirasrash. 627-4 ESTATE SALE, By Bell, Wylly A Christian*. On the first TUESDAY in January next, within the legal hours of sale, will be sold lit lrout of the Court House, in Savannah The Lot on the corner of West Broad and New streets, South Oglethorpe Ward, 100 feet front on West Broad street, by 250 on New street. The Im provements consist of three houses, which rent at S6OO per annum. % Sold jor a division between the heirs. dIC-taWtf # AT PRIVATE HALE By Bell, W.ylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having beau so many applications for Small Tract, of luma for location, the owner nf the above Land, feeling it disposition to meet this demand, lias placed In the market, for a lew days, Lota of Five Acres, or more, part cleared, on tbe Augusta Road, op matte to tbe three mile stone, also on the White Bluff itoad, opposite to the two mllo stone. U-Dl6 ~ •"' " AT AUCTION. DY SELL, WYI.LY & CHRISTIAN. In front of the Court House on the first TUESDAY lu January next, between the legal hours of aule, will be sold • Roce Hope Plantation sitaated on tbe Buvanbuli river, 1s tullon from the city, coulalßlng il.tsioi Ten llumlied ami Sixty acres, (Uuo; Three hundred of wlm-h Is first quality tide ‘Swamp, Itlce land tllu) one hundred umi filly acreu reclaimed, ami il.'sii ntie huudred Slid Idly screw re qillles dll' lies to he cU-anaed , (JW| tine* hundred sere, cut 101 l and pnivlwiott land. Bulum-c well urn tiered Houses siilfielrnt lo accommodate (ft,; aeveu lj five bands. Hams, stables biuokcboiise, Ac Ti tins made known ou day of sale do |,| auction, auction, tuition, Is lr«m of thw i 'ouil H»uaw, the legal boms i,i tale, will •» i>4d, on TUKHDAV, ml January, lean, Uli Vhlrbl'l" i ily teda Pee riiiwplo T'.wee Isua gre umailf »utbimu»rt,aßa.ted Weat of Hi|.b aitaet, nasi Fatibi atisil, fm* pe">*'»M»ii.g m it*let Hp* vgg M aw>n at owl Mb v HI W AUCTIONS. By Bril. Wylly k I hrbllan AT PRIVATE HALE. 4j at raa of tin* Gard-n Laud, w ithin the limits of the city. The ifuixou rarntsof w first cl*»«cottage dwciliiiz, gothic “tyi#, containing sii large room*, wlib tumble raHtUelp.Cft*, lining room, kitchen, library room furtiiftlH-d with shelve* and glass doors. Outbuudlngs consist* of Hrm house, containing seven rooms, barn, carriage house and Pun ha-er can have the re fusal of cent, fodder, hay. hor»i**. mule*, buggies and wagons. Also. . 2*bu acres«t heavily timbered land, situated twenty (20) mik> fr>>ni the city, between the Ogeechee and * 'unoocltee Hoads. An excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. ] turpentine plantation. 100 acres of the above cleared, improvements consists of two small dwelling lioum's, with stables, cribs, Ac. tf-oltf AT PRIVATE SALE By Bell, Wylly A (lirixtiuii. Lots Nos. 45 aud 46, Lafayette Ward. Hunting on Joues street The improvements consist of a first-class Brick Dwelling, containing twelve rooms, besides Bath and Dressing rooms, with all modem improvements aud convenience*, Ga«, cold aud hot water, speak ing trumpets, range, Jkr. Buildings on lane consist of brick stable, carriage house, wood aud coal rooms with comfortable apartments above d2vti ill UkLh, WYLLY 6k CHKSTIAN. AT PRIVATE SALE. The West Half of Lot No. 2, Calhoun Ward, fronting on Jones street. The improvements consist of a finely finished Brick Residence containing Ten Rooms with gas throughout, and a well of excellent-waler and a flue Force Pump. UlB-U AT PRIVATE SALE. By Belly Wylly * Christian. 100 acres of Laud, situated on the Yernou river, about nine miles from this city. The improvements consmt of dwelling, barn, stables, and other neces sary out-buildings. An abundance of flub, oysters, shrimp, &c., con veniently obtained. Price of property, $2,000. n2B-tf By Blun &. Meyer. W ill sell THIS DAY, 29th fust., iu front of store, at 10 o'clock, 2 hhds Smoked Bacon Sides. 2 hhds Sugar Cured Hauu, 30 bbls '• *• *• Shoulder Sides, 6 hhds .Shoulder*. 50 firkins Choice Family Butter, 60 tlibs Leaf Lard, 60 bbls Onions, 10 cu*ks.Onions,_ lo cask<4 Vinegar™ 60 boxes Soap. Also, Au invoice of Dry Good* aud Bmall Ware, Besides A good assortment of Furniture, Ac. d29 BY BLUN & MEYER. THIS DAY, 29th ln»t.. at 11 ..’clock, will be aold ill - front of store, 160 bbls Extra Family Flour, 100 bbls Kx:ra Round Hoop Flour, 160 bbls Extra Superfine Round Hoop Flour, Also, 2 good Buggy Hoi - - d29 1 ADMINISTRATOR 8 SALeT By Bluun & Meym', By pci mlaslon of the Hon. Court of Ordinary of Chat county, will be sold on SATURDAY, Decem ber 30, in Roberts street, on the premises; 1 lot Scantling, 1 lot Wood, 2 Corn Bins, 1 Wheel borrow, 2 Marcs, 2 Colts, 2 Cows, 1 Calf aud 1 Silver Watch, being the perishable property of Richard Burke, deceased, late oi Chatham county. JOHN O'M A HON Y. d‘2o td Adminiatrator ad col. ADMINISTRATE>R’S SALE. By T. J. Walsh, On TUKSDAY’, January, 2d, 1R66. will ho sold at the Court House, in the city of Savannah, at 11 o’clock: The Eastern Half of Lot No. 11 Jackson Ward, (fee simple, with Improvementsj, comer of Whitaker and Hull streets. The improvements are a two-story brick dwelliug. nine rooms, with water ill the yard and gas through the house; brick stable. Both build ingsuavc (date roots. Sold by permispion of the Ordinary of Chatham county, fora division among the heirs. Terras cash, purchaser paying for titles. n24 ADMINISTRATOR’S §ALEr ~ IN pnr*u»nce of an ordci of tho Court of Ordinary of < 'lintham county, will be sold on the flrat Tues day In February next, at the Court House door, In the city of Savannah,, daring tbc usual hours of sale, all the undivided half Interest of James Bilbo, late deceased. In tbe Shandy Ilall farm, situated near the city ofSav-tnuah on the Thunderbolt road : said farm containing In all fitly acres, more sr less. The said half Interest sold for the puipose ol di vision JOHN O. FERRILL dT-td Administrator. FOR HAWKINSVILLE ftND MACON. THE STEAMER. COMET,: CAPTAIN HORNE, Will leave rb above with despatch. For freight, which will be received at the Upper Hydraulic Pretis Yard, and covered by inauraiicc until placed on board the .steamer, apply to n«S BRIGHAM. BALDWIN k CO. For Augusta, THE STEAMER U. H. MA.Y, Will have Uiapakb for the abovo place. Ouida receiv ed at ail time and stored in fire proof warehouse, lout ol Lincoln street, free of cust. J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent. Office in Clagborn A Cunningham’s. The May arrived in Aneuata from Savannah on laot Friday with her fall freight._ ts oct9 For Doctprtown AND Thomasville. The Steamers Gen. Shepley, Orient, and Olarion, Will make Tri weekly Trips to Doctortown, in con nection with the Atlantic and (lulf Ruilroad. leaving Savannah on Tuesdays, Tlmi&dayg and Sundays. Through freight payable by shipper* at our office. Freight received during the week, and stored free of expense. For freight or passage apply to CHAS L. COLBY A CO., _n2o Corner Abercom and Bay streets. For Doctortown, CONNECTING WITH THE ATLANTIC AND GULF RAILROAD, Tbe Hue Steamer CL-AiRIOISr Will leave for Doctortown ou Nuini-dny. Dec. SO, al 7 l-M o’, lock a. au. Fur freight ot paaaage. having superior aciommu Uatioua, apply to CHAS L. COLBY * CO , 479-1 Corner Bay aud Abercom atieita C-sr ciiamoe: of day and hour, -la FREIGHT AND PAB3AOE REDUCED. FOR JACKSONVILLE, INLAND, VIA BRUNSWICK, HT MARYS’ AND FKHNANDINA. THE MTKAMER F ANN I K , CAITAIN M. NKI. lt, Mill lea;* as abnv* flout lb* Flafida Hieabiboal Mbarl bad of Meal Biuad alr-el, ou TI'KbHAY u*ll, Vldll St IU tt'' bl. k a til., Slut Will ' Uiillillle In |*s,a «t»ry'l'niMHisy lußuwlug at Mine lemi iiultl lurtbri ludV*. 'l'lri* b-otl la in very *•> *ll*lll ord*;, la >uiumauU« 1 by idk'ieia ol ra|a-irm*, *bd lie* anp*iUii *tat« yuuui Wbllu the Iwat I*ou hri trips, llitylil will U'l» i*iv*4 *b< aimi.| l«gr« wtivbmis*, I.** ul »• w» fm flMgbl 111 ywsasga, *ppl» 1* P M MYKKU., Sg' •N lw «*mW VtuiSbig* ks» Vimi wins <•*.•*»* "b Saif, Mill I*l*l MO. 35m p i tte 1. i n.i-. FOR NEW YORK. Mull Slt'Miiinlli], Company. PASSAGE REDUCED TO - ' Th * new and fust side-wheel atemm -BAN JACINTO ' Loveland, mas will nail as above, on Saturday, Dec. SO, at J 1-1 o'clock p. in. Fur freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations. apply to B. H. HARDEE. No. 12 Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON A ALLEN, Agents, d26 No. 5, Bowling Green. N. Pioneer Line FOR NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES: The new and splendid steamship CHABE, Roath, Commander, will leave for the above port on her regular day, Saturday, Dec. 30, at o'clock m. For freight or paasage, at reduced rates*, apply to d29 HUNTER <to GAMaMELL. Murray’s Lim* FOR _ NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! Cabin Passage, $23 00 Deck, >lO 00 Tile new and splendid steamship VIRGO, BulkVy, commander, will leave for the above port on her regu. lar day, Saturday, Dec. 30, at o’clock. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations. apply to did OCTAVES COIIKN, For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S. FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new mid fust nulling Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. King, Having bsen placed permanently upon this route will leave for the above places on Kvery Thursday Morning, at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage, having splendid cabin ac commodation, apply on board, at the Florida Steam Packet wharf, or to CLAUHORN A CUNNINGHAM, d6-tf Agent**. FOR MACON. HAWKfNSViLLF. AND LANDINGS ON THE ROUTE. The new and fast Sid:-wlia l Steamer .A.slier Ayres, Capt. WM TAYLOR, Will have despatch. Good* received free of storage in the Wharf Stores, No. 6 and 6, below Lincoln street dec2T BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. For Liverpool. The British Ship COIuOUtfIST, TAYLOR, Master, wants only 900 bales Cotton to complete her cargo, and gut to sea with despatch. For freight room apply to d2T-lw CHARLES GREEN A SON. NEW ROUTE TO South-Western Georgia, VIA HUN BURY AND STATION No. 4 AT LANTIC & GULF R. R. The new and swift Steamer O. U l . Letter Will leave her wharf, foot of Absrcorn street, on every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY aud FRIDAY, at 7 o'clock a. in., connecting at Sunbnry with a line of stages for Station No. 4 A. A G. R. K. Passengers by this route will arrive at Station No. 4 in time lo take the train for Thomasville the folluw. log days, connecting at Thomaaville with atagea for Mouticello, Fla., and Albany, Un. Returning, passengers will reach Savannah on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday* iu lime for tinner. Time between Savannah and Thomasville, thirty h urs. For passage only apply to CHAS, L. COLBY * CO, d2l-lm Corner of Abercoru and Bay streets. Freights FOR AUGUSTA, rpHK nudewigued are prepared to receive goods at A their Warehouses—free of expense and cov ored by Insurance—for shipment to Augusta and Klnts beyond by their regular line of light draught aU. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, sept29—tf cor. Bay and Abercom stu. Baltimore, Charlestonsn 1 Havana STEAMSHIP LINE; VIA CHARLESTON FROM BALTIMORE. Tbe first daoa Side wheel Stesmahtp ISABELLA, H. O. WANBICRSO, Commander, Will liave Baltimore lor the above pons about the 30th lust., anil Chorleaton about th» 3d of Jauuury, ISCO, a few hours alter her arrival, and will loii'iuttc hiTeiiflor to make regular ti ipi. For fn'lght or pssmge. having elegant Stateroom accommodations, apply to OIbRIUNDiE A UIBANA, AvauN, IS Commerce at reel. Baltimore. ,i. . ts CHASOLM BROS FOR PHILADPHIA, ‘kb* bwamiiiip CUMBRIA, FRgNcu, I'oisiuaudn, Will •*» lu» tb* abuts put! uu | •akiMdsy, U«a. m, •* •*'•»•**>* got be *bl Ul pan*!*, k»*Gg •gaababl If mmu IJW MtMI'SII l { ■iuppiao. FOR lie u S TL AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. THE Steamer Union, H. D. Fluster, Msater, will have quick despatch as above ‘7T l 'o an d In fire-proof warehouse on old Florida Steamboat Wharf f«.,t of West Broad For freight, apply lo F. M MYRELL, Harris' Building, Bay street, Or to W. Johnson, on wharf. FOR AUGUSTA, AND WAY LANDINGS. The Steamer V O LUNTEER, And Covered Barges, • ’apt.B. SNOW, will freight a* above, at Lower Kiee .Mill, umlJt*av'*u>n Frl«|ay, December ‘49th. d* B * B - p O’FALLON A CX)„ Agent*. FOR AUGUSTA. And landings on the River. The well-known .Steamer SWAN (Havingbeen put incomplete repair,! of exceeding light draught,is receiving freight atPadelford'. Wharf, aud will have despatch. The Swan will continue to run regularly, making weekly trips, and iu connection with steamer P. B- Uoodeell, will form a somi.w.ckly line. Another light bout will soon he added to the line if the patron age will warrant it. The undersigned solicits the patronage of his friends and former patrons, Freight will be received al all times In the Brtck Warehouse on Wharf, covered by Insurance. . M. A. COHEN. FOR AUGUSTA. And Landings on the River. The* new and staunch Steamer eclipse Will take her place In the line and leave for Angnstm on MORNING, Freight received au\l time, at Demand's Lower Pi ess, and stored free of expense in a Are proof » uruhouso. F. W. SIMS A CO., d23-3 a a.— ■y.- - r - .( _____ Agents FOR AUGUSTA.” The Steamer R. H. mAy, Capt. W. E. JONES, Is now receiving Freight for the above place, amj w ! j leave ou katurday, Dec. 30th, at 6 o’clock p. m. For freight apply at Charleston Wharf to rtSil J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent. ORANGES, ORANGES. York, Willi turns, Mclutire dL Cos. Will sell THE DAY, on Wharf foot of Abercornatrewt at 10 o'clock, 30,000 Havana Oranges. J list lauding front brig Monticello. d-29 For LIVERPOOL. TOp flue now clipper ship DREADNAUGHT, SMITH, Commander, hnvlng three-fourths of her cargo engaged, will hav. quick despatch. Fir balance of freight, apply to CHAS L. COLBY A CO., Corner of Abercorn and Bay streets. Liberal alluwanres made on consignments to oar flic pda in Liverpool. d2otf FOR AUGUSTA, AND LANDINGS ON THE RIVER. The Steamer UNION, Capt. FRAZIEK, Is loading this day at Florida Wharf, foot of Wsst Hroad sfroef, and will have qubk as above. Thin boat is new aud in good order, and command ed by officer.*? of long "experience in the trade. Forfre'gbt apply to F. M MYRELL, Ha n is’ buildings, Bay street, or to W. JOHNSON, d29-tr On Wharf. fob r Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St. Thomas, Parn, Prrnaiuburo and Bahlat ' The United State* and Braell Mai* wf F.» Steamship Company will dispatch f i'r regularly, the 29fli of every month, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at 3‘ o’clock, p. m., From Pier 4?, North River. *. All letters have to pass through the Post oSte. An experienced Surgeon will be in attendance n hoard. For freight an oassage, having splendid accommo dations, apply o THOMAS ABENCIO A CO.. oct3l : 3m B r otidwa y: New York. For Liverpool. First veascl 1 The ship MONT BLSNO IJJ3\ ''•''uii» about atx hundred bale* “I Cotton to .j|j7.Lfcorapu to h‘-r cargo. - ra.a lllqlllroof LaROCBK A WEST, ur iWt-tr GADKN a uncklkd ron HAWKINSVILLE = MACON VIA DARIKN. DOCTORTOWN, Aud Lamluiga uu lb* AlMntaha and Oeaulg** rtvsw -n» -^lr H l eaiaer i*m M"C*ui*y, -/ Fiaigba Will tv Ixcivwl h» |b>' tbit kl. ii'la niramlHMt M tiarl, Jj ■in-1, alul atuiml l» fir* PM^ Ily till* sn«b**bw<lt pan, t i*U bM IhpvtMjM* « ftltlkHlV U For fiMfibi in., sfiSl wT\ M SO "'WK 4