Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 03, 1866, Image 3

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SAV A IST MAH. Dipuon «f ttwwklp »»* FOB NXW TOU. Steamship Ntgbttngale Satuiday, December Sth, at _ o’ctccfc Steamship San Salvador, Saturday, January a, at "~Bteam*hlp Zodiac. Wednexlay, January 34, at » o'clock a ■- for arorsra. Steamer Fanny Lehr, Wednesday, January Sd, at i o'clock a. m. Steamer Swan, every weak. Steamer Wffi. O. Gibbons, everj Saturday morning at 0 a. m. fob aaMuaete. Steamship Richmond, Thursday, January «th, at 10 o-cloek a. m. VOS CHARLESTON. Steamer Charles Houghton, every Tuesday morn imt at S o'clock. Steamer City Point, every Saturday morning, at 0 o’clock. for doctortown. Steamer Two Beys, ovary Tuesday morning, at 8 o'clock. < Steamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at T o’clock. Steamer Geu. Shepley, every Sunday morning, at 7 o’clock. FOB THOItaSVI2.LV. Steamer O. f. Potter, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning, at 7 o'clock. FOB FLOKIDa. Steamer Fannie, every Tuesday morning, at lo o’clock., Steamer Fountain, every Toeadaj morning, at 10 o'clock. Steamer City Point, every Wednesday alternoon, at 4 o'clock. Steamer lizzie Baker, every Thursday at 10 o'clock. .Steamer St, Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. Steamer Helen Getty, every Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock, Lou of the Steamship Comatlmtlom. la our laat we gave a despatch rrom Beaufort, N a, to Messrs. Brigham, Btldwin A Cos., the Agents in. thia city, announcing that the steamship Constitution had gone to pieces on Cape Lookout, and that the Captain and fourten others were saved, Thera was no reason to doubt this sad Intelligence until Mon day last, when we received the New York Herald of the 28th, containing In Its shipping list an announce ment of the arrival of the Constitution at that port, with the Leo and San Salvador, In company with which vessels she left our port on the previous Sat urday. It was possible that another, tteamer had .Men wreaked Instead of the Constitution, and that All those who had friends on board the latter watted hopefully for the confirmation of her arrival at New Tark ; but these hopes have not been realized, From Capt. Rogers and Purser Jeffrey, of the steamship Hunter, arrived here on Monday morning, we learn that the Constitution was not at her wharf in New York wheu the Hunter left, the steamer Nightingale being up in her berth to take her place. We also learn that Messrs. Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. have received letters from the Agents in New York of a later date than the Herald which contained the report of the arrival there of the Constitution, which letters make no mention of the arrival or that ship. The telegraph nine between this city and points North being down, we have been able to receive uo later telegraphic in telligence. The only additional Information that lias reached us Is contained lu the Wilmington Despatch ■of the Bdth ult., which cuutalns a despatch from Morehead City, N. C., brleity reporting the low of the steamship Constitution from Savannah, bound to New York, with the additional statement, that of gr ay souls on board, all were lost but fourteen of the crew. While there is little room to hope for the safe ty of the Constitution, we shall await further ac counts with painful anxiety- Savannah National Bans -Ju another column we give the quarterly report of the condition of this bank, published as required by law. its affaire In bilet, appear to be ae follows : Circulation none Deposits 8400,000 Resources to mdkLagtue.. „..... *OO.OOO New profitsf&r six months :—: 87,000 Upon referring to previous returns, and making inquiry thereupon, we Bnd that In half a year the bank has discounted exchange upon tbe North to ♦be amount of nearly two millions of dollars, upon which, and the checks drawn against same, ilie new profits of twenty-seven thousand dol lars accrue ; and a very remarkable circumstance tin theiMstoiy of Banking is found In the fact, that not use dollar has been lost in these extensive opera uons—nothing ‘which has matured having been returned and unpaid, and all running to maturity believed, -under oath, to be undoubted. The factutle* given to commerce by tbe negotia tion of bo large An amount of exchange, and the dis crimination exercised in Its selection, reflect the highest credit upon the management of the Institu tion. Mr. Sorrel. Its respected President, Is a vete ran negoclant of half a century’s experience, and we consider the Bank fortunate In bis hrtelllgeut care o f its Interests, and the material strength his showing of this day exhibits. Central Railroad and Banking company.—Ad election lor r Board or Directors ot tbe Central Rail road and Banking Company waa held at the Banking House or the Company In this city yesterday with the .following result: W. B. Johnston e,«ee John W. Anderson 4,858 ANDREW LOW 4,418 Johnß. Wilder 3,808 ORO. W. WTU.Y 8,837 JOHN CUNNINOHAti .3,115 • »J. J. WARINO 8,581 •W. H. WadLEY 3,871 *J. F. Oilmen . .... .8.151 ’ 'Thomas Puree .'.1,785 ■John M. Cooper 1,680 nOCTAVUS COHEN .-a 9,331 B. C. Anderson, (no ,yt>t nine first on the list were elected. Those m j rk nrl with a star, (* j are new directors. , — {'- 1 ■l Thr n.'' xt Ahl-rehent Brnsaßkw.—We are to have a Berk's of select entertainments In the grand old tasbioned art or Necromancy which our better cltlaens will looJ l forward to with Interest. Profes sor J. M. aesll, the' noted Ventriloquist, who has re cently returned from' ah extended South American tour, will give three or bis select seances »t St- Andrew’s Hall, comm Viclug to-morrow evening. He comes highly endorsed by both press and public, as a tree gentleman, with n.wntal culture and train ing, and as giving a highly abasing and Interest ing entertainment worthy ;he i.'ttentlon ot literary and scientific minds. We copy th * following from the Charieetoh, 9. C. Dally News : “A Nioht or Startling Wondkb.—The opening ofSearl, the Prestldlgltateur, at Hlbern.Nu Hall, last evening, waa a perfect success. The 4 Vople had noted the extraordinary stories related ql this per formance, but for once the public were not i.Vtceived, and all anticipation was more than realized. .With, out any of our ordinary paraphernalia of conjuror*— In citizen’s dies#—standing In the midst of the Audi ence, Sear) performs wonders with a grace nont.'tul auce and apparent ease, that areas remarkable ts some of his mysticisms. HU elegant manner* an.t captivating style cannot but Insure success, of bis powers of ventrUoqnism, It Is enough to say that he has few equals. They are said to be so perfect that be sometimes deceives himself. The explanation ot this an Is well worth the price of admission. The solo by the Infant violinist was heartily encored, dn fact, everybody was favorably disappointed." New Year's Ball atths Voles oartxn.— Uessre. Welgaud A Schwarz, the enterprising proprietors or this popular resort, gave a veiy successful ball mere on New Year's evening. The attendance waa large, but (elect, and a very enjoyable evening was passed. The music was by tbe fine band under the dead of Prof. Richter, and waa much praised, a portion of the entertainment consisted In a lunch, well served. Messrs. Welgand A schwarz, Hr. A. Stamm, Hr. B Stamm, Prof. Richter, and others, have the thanks of one of the Herald stair, who paid a brief visit to the party by Invitation, for most courteous atten tions. Freedhens’ affairs —The attention of freedmen and persons desirous of contracting wltn them for labor is directed to the card of Hon. Dominick A. O’Byrne, Ordinary of Chatham County, in unother - column. Freedmen may be assured that Hr. O’Byrne will faithfully explain to them the require ments of Gen. Tiilsou's circular, and will discharge hla duties as sgeut of tlm Freedmen's Bureau With a careful regard for their rights and Interests. Mrs. C. £. Barrie requests us to return her sin cere thanks- to those kind Mends who contributed in aid Os the mission to Virginia to recover the dead ot the Eighteenth Georgia Battalion. Thb Theatric —Lam evening Miss Price made her first appearance before a Savannah audience in the character of Panchon, sup ported hr Mr. Hauchett. as Father Hnr heand. The eveuing being very inclement, their was a thin attendance, but thoae who were present were richly repaid for braving the darkness and the chilling damp. The crowded state of oor columns will not ad mit of our saying more than the debut of Mise P. on our boards, under all their dis advantageous circumstances, was a gratifying success. In her personation of Fanchou ahe gave unmistakable evidence of the possea awn of histrionic talent of a high order. Vt ith a graceful person, pleasing and ex pressive lace, she unites a chaste style, cor rect elocution, distinct articulation and aa agreeable voice. In some of the scenes ahe betrayed a power and warmth of expression which, in the higher walks of the drama, would find free scope and could not tail to render her personations thrillingly effective. As Margaret the beautiful play of Love’s Sacrifice, in which character she ap pears to night, she will have a favorable op portunity tor tbe display of tbe fine talents she evidently possesses. PaBADE or THE COAORSO FntRMKN.—On Monday afternoon last the following compa nies composing the colored portion of the Savannah Fire Department, had a Mew Year parade. Warren No. 1, Pulaski No. 3, Pulaski Branch Hose Cart No. 2, Frank lin No. 3, Wright No. tl, Tomochichl No. 1. The procession was under the charge of Foreman Jordan, of Pulaski No. 2—Chief Marshal, Charles Ripley. The procession was conducted in a very orderly manner, and the deportment of the firemen was highly commendable. BJTI * News.—The ■”*«*, AmaTun CTO John son, arrived from Augusts on Tuesday, furnishes us the following : Dec. SO—Passed steamer Hlnnle Brandt, at Stingy Venus, bound up ; Dec. 31—Passed steamer Gibbons at Red Bluff Reach, bound up; Dec. 31—Passed steamer Laura, Tucal Upper Head, bound up ; Jan. I—Passed steamer Mary, In Tucal King Reach, bound up ; steamer Volunteer, at Ebenezer, bound up; steamer Express, below Pine Tree Camp, wheel broken, bound down ; Jan. l—Passed steamer flood - sell, Wild Cat Point, wheel broken, bound down ; Paaseo steamer Harry Carroll, Sister Reach, bound down. Election.—At an extra meeting of Council held on Monday evening last, the following officers were elected: Harbor Master—Capt Tbos. Lyon. Health Officer—Dr. J. T. McFarland. Vendue Mastrus-O. Cohen, Edwin E. Hertz, E. Mendel, P. H. Ward, Hermann Hlrach, G. W. Wylly, Henry Bum, 3. B. Sweat, A. Mini*, T. J. .Walah. The Steamer Swan having been thorough ly rebuilt, will leave for Augusta this morn ing under tbe command of Capt. Cohen. Tbe cabin of the Swan oo her return will be completed, and she will then take her place ou the line between Bavaunali aud Augusta as a general freight and passenger boat. Cherry Bounce. —The lovers of this de lightful beverage, will find a very superior article in that line, with rnauy other good things at C. W. Thompson’s, next door to the Herald office. Steamer Amazon.— This steamer. Captain Richard Johnson, arrived on Monday lost from Augusta, having a full freight. She made the run in twenty-seven hours. Steamship Huntee.— This first class screw steamer, Capt. Rogers, arrived at this port on Monday last from New York. Purser Frank C. Jeffrey, has our thanks for favois. Steamship Zodiac.—Thi* steamship which was compelled to rt-luru to this port, haring collided with the Virgo, will leave till* morning at nine o’clock, all ihe repaire having been completed. Tahoet Shoot.—a report or tha rifle-shoot at Mr. Rruadbacker'a op Lover'* Lane, Monday, Is un avoidable poStponeu Ult Ul-lUUl|_ Stg- Her mirror may satisfy a lady that her dm** 1* faultless—that all that can fascinate tbe eye is combined la her costume -but vet she will not con sider herself Irrcstsfriblc until Khc lms added the crowning charm to liar attractions, by sprinkling Phalou’s “Night Blooming cereo*” oo her lace hand kerchief.— Portland IVes*. USO 31. Our Mutual Friend.— Mr. Dickens bas evidently bestowed more than ordinary care npon our “Our Mutual Friend.’’ It is easy to perceive that this story was not written piecemeal, like Pickwick and Nlckleby, but with usual study to produce rather a well balanced aud probable tale, than that succes sion of brilliant sensational effects, which are expected, like striking tableaux, at tbe close of every act in a drama, and every monthly cessation of the “to be continued" fiction. His readers, we dare say, missed those flashes in tbe present work ; but, when perused as a whole, their absence is more than compensated for by tbe superior devel opment of the plot. This is Mr. Dickens’ best-built story. From tbe flrat, be bad defins lte purposes to work out, by tbe drutaatis persona whom be created, and be steadily went on to that end, with little hesitation, pause or episode. One of tbe characters, Silas Wegg, is as great an original aa Dickena ever drew— Which is saying a great deal—and Us friend Venoa is only too good for such society.— “Oor Mutual friend himself, reticent and mysterious, it elaborated to a degree, but not too moefa. There is a great deal of humor lu thia story, more subdued than usual; but it opens tragically, and tbe terrible passion of Bracley Headstone,tbe half demented school master, looms out, gloomy aud grand, like the murder ot Duncan in “Macbeth.” We have merely glanced at tbe leading charac ters ; it is not fair to anticipate tbe story—to take tbe kernel out of the nut, as it were.— But, we tell tbe public in confidence, that Dickens, like King Richard, is “himself again,in this tale,punishing vice and reward ing virtue, a literary Rhadamantbus.— From Fomey's Phiiadsl/tkio Prsss, Nov. 9, 1866. Sthanoe Mahretino.— One ot our citizens going to market, yesterday morning, was surprised to hear tbe cackle of a ben in bis basket, gs be, as yet, bpd nqurtade any such purchase Baising tbe lid be waa still more astonished to see it empty, with the excedT lion of an egg. Taking it out to Inspect tbe lid tell to its place, when tbe fowTame again apparently heard to cackle, booking again, another egg was found. These opera tions bad attracted quite a crowd of eager spectators, wbo were all as much surprised as tbe owner oi tbe basket, till someone es pied Prof. Searl, the practical joker and ven triloquist, standing near by, which explained the mystery, — Charleiton Courier. Mhippiiig Intelligence. PORT OF BAV4NNAH. Tuesday. Jan. 8,1866. Arrived, Steamship Hunter, Rogers, New York—Hunter A Oammeii. Steamer Amazon, Johnson, Augusta—Erwin A Hardee. Steamer Cbas Houghton, Spiagne, Charleston, etc —Clagborn A Cunningham. Steamer Express, Morgan. Augusta—F M Myrell. Steamer O F Potter, Cessar, Suubuiy—Chas L Col by A Cos. Steamer Orient, Goldtbwalte, Doctortown—Cbaa L Colby A Cos. Par steamer h Carroll, Kirvln, Augusta-Laßoche <1 West. Steamer O B Goodsell, Dunlap, Augusta—M A Cohen. Steamer Oak, McCauley, 60 hours from Hawklns vllle—J B Presdee. Steamer L Enos, Moore, Augusta—B D Dickson. Krenson’a flat, hum Augusta—D S Krenaon. Br bark W H Jenkins, cormlno, St Thomas, in bal last— E A Sonliard. Cleared. Steamer Fannie. McNelty, Darien—F M Myrell. Steamer Gan Shepley, Minikin, Doctortown—c L Colby * Cos. Imports. Per steamer Express, Dorn Angnsta—776 bales of cotton. Per steamer Orient, Dorn Doctortown—l64 balm upland cotton, 36 do sen Inland do, 8 bbls mdse and 1 lot copper. Per Krenaon's flat, from Angnsta—lso bales dam aged upland cotton. Per steamer P B Ooodseil, from Augusta- 132 belt* U land cotton to C Green A Son. Per steamer L Enos, from Augusta—‘.S3 bales op laud cotton. Per steamer Harry Carroll, from Augusta—27B Ms upland cotton, and mdse. Nr steamer Oak. from HawklnavUle—3So hales ottou. Passengers. Per steamship Hunier, from New York—B Furred, J Rap’.ey, Mr Holcomb and lady. Mrs M Marqulsto, G F Carr. H Wisdom, W Mclntosh. B GoMsbure, E R Spoua. A White. Mr Patterson, W 1. Tyler, T Smith, I. Packard, 3 Holliday, M Culinan, J Young, J White, Mr Domnas* and lady, A McNorton, J Jacotesoo, K S Seagrave, D W Ramery, J Anderson, and others la steerage- Per steamer Orient, from Doctortown—H H Sand ford, W M Nichols, W 3 Basstnger, Mr Bradley, and 18 on deck. P*r steamer O F Patter, from Sunburn—A f» Quar termau. W O Tong, P H Gilbert, J N Milter, R Bcott L R Dukes, 3 R Ivey, J Sweat, 8 Stevens. J Beckett R Harden-ay, W McMillan, T Lanier, Capt B Dove, Hon J L Seward, A Johnson. R Baker, W Jones. Per steamer Harry Carrel), from Augusta—Capt W M WUson, W G Allen. Per steamer C Houghton, from Charleston, etc—D Hanchett, Miss Fanny B Price, P T Seam, W W Mil ler, N Morehouse. K Drew, Mr Bowes, M Myers, J P McKay, J Carding. J Jackson and wile. U H Alberts, N Staples, Hr Jenkins, J A Brown, M 3 Camp aud 7 on deck. Coadgum, Per steamship Hunter, from New York—Adame Kx Cos, G W Allen, G H Arledge, Anderson A Son, B A Calvtlt, Bothwell A W, Blun A M, Colby A Cos, M A Ooheu, Claghoru A C, U Cranston, Doyle A L, 0 * Morgan, Darlington <e B, Duncan A J, Erwin A H. D A Hickey, A L Fricdenberg, M Pent A Cos, C Farns worth, G C Freeman. Tlson A U, J P Thoradyke, G A L'ukles, J<o Gibbs, Hunter <* O, Hilton A B, Halsey, WIX), N A Hatdee A Cos, Keta a Cos, C V Hutchins, A B Ives, 3 M Lederer, Lalhrop A Cos, J Lama, C P Lopes, H Melnhardt A "Bi o, B Halloa, J McMahon A Cos, J Nichols, Order. T PepperTP Rellty, J Roumlljit Scribner A W, A A Solomon. Per slimmer amazoa, Mm Augusta— Brady, S A Cos, Uunter * G, H M Davenport, K Habersham, N A Hardee, M 8 Cohen, J Richardson, Wm Battersby, J R Wilder, O Cohen, H Pitcher, P E Walls, Q Mctiiu -I*7. - -ttJ'er steamer 0 Houghton, from Charleston, etc—J KlcflardSOn, Adam* jee w,*,. w u Untohlnaann T O Massey. Per steamer Harry Carroll, from Augusta—Both well A W, Hunter A G, Crane, JAG. Per steamer Orient, from Doctortown—B, Baldwin A Cos. B C Wade A Cos, R E Goodrich, W B Adam*, W M Nichols, J L Vlllalonga, Uunter A 0. Per steamer Bxprew, from Augusta—N A Hardee, Brigham, B<3 Cos, Crane, J A U, If Metcalfe, PM Myrell, o Cohen, C Green A Sou, F W 31ms, J Glover Southern Bx, Jauilanski A Bio.. Per steamer L Boos, from Augusta -X Metcair A Cos, N A Hardee, O Coheff. Per steamer Oak, from HawkloevUle—C M Holst, A S HartrlUge, Battersby A Cos, Erwiu A H. Consignee* per Central lUUretd. Sayan iua, Jan. l, ltm. Per Central Railroad -10 bales upland cotton and mdse to E M Bally, A M Sorrell, Reports. Steamer Harry Carroll reports—Left Augusta Sat urday, Dec SO, aud lu Savannah Mouilay, Jan l ; Dec idk II a m passed Minnie Brandt at Bradford's Bar, bound up; Dec 31, 11 am, passed Wm G Gibbons at Beaufort Landing, bound up; Jau 1,2:30 pm, passed Express a few miles above Purysbuig anchored re pairing her wheel; 6 p m passed Eclipse eight miles from Savannah, bound up. Steamer Oak reports—Passed steamer Comet sunk at Wild Dear's Point, water near to upper deck ; it p m 28th ult, passed str A Ayres at Ocnralgee White Bluff; 8a m Jau l, passed str Clarion at Little Hell, bound up ; Ham Id, passed str Two Boyt entering 8t Catharine' a Sound ;ilpm passed str Uen Shepley at the Dlvldlngs ‘,3pm pasted str Paunle In Rom ney Marsh PORT OF HILTON HEAD. Hilton HxaD, Dec. so. Cleared. Pilot boat G W Blunt, Murray, New York. Pilot boat Washington, Murphy, Havauuah. LIST OF VESSELS IN, THU PORT UF *' SAVANNAH. Savannah, Jan. 2, 1883. BTIAMSHIPS. Lulu, Taher. repairing—Master. Richmond, Foxwell, loading, Baltimore--Laßoche A West. Cumbria, French, loading, Philadelphia—Hunter A Gammed. Zodiac,.Dearborn, repairing—OCohen. snip*. Mont Blanc, Donnell, 700, loading, Liverpool—La Roche, Uadeu t Luckies. Virginia, Weeks, 1,044, loading at Lamar's Press, for Liverpool—o L Colby A Cos. Tborwalaon, (Br) Bromage, discharging—Reid A Stewart. Mozart, (Br) Smith, tons, discharging—T R A J (I Mills. County of Picton, (Br) McKenzie, loading, Liver pool— ( ‘Green A Cos. Bark Dreadnaught, (Br) Smith, loading, Liverpool -C L Colby A 00. Daysprlug (Br) Coote, discharging—Chne L Colby A Cos. Conan), Beasley, discharging—W Battersby A Cos. BAHZS. Craeso, (Br) Carrey, - tons, loading, Liverpool— R 1 Caughey. Tephyrine, Penlstou, loading, Liverpool—Reid A T A Platlnlus, Pinkham, discharging—o L Colby A Cos. Colonist, (Br) Taylor, discharging—Chas Green A son. Eveuing Star, Fry, discharging Yonge A Nixon. W H Jenkins, (Br) Cromaln, discharging—E A Soullanl. sums. Atlantic, Wark, 101 tons, loading, Nassau, N P—B, Ella, Brown, waiting—E A Suullard. John W Lovltt, Gldiot, loading, St Johns, N B Yonge A Nixon. Daniel Boone, repairing. Resolute, Lane, bound to Darien, repairing, dl Lewie Clark, Bartelle, discharging -Van Horn, Holyoke A Murray. Clara Ellen, Dexter, discharging—Gowdy A Brad lev. Montlccllo, Moon, discharging—Richardson A Bar nard, Harp, Cardy. discharging—H Pitcher. schooners. John M Broomall, Douglass, loading, New York— Chos L Colby A Cos. Pearl, (Br) Riordon, discharging—Bell, Wylly A Christian. Clara Ella, Dexter, discharging—B A Bradley. Hachel Vannerman. High, discharging—Hunter A Gammell. Young Teaser, Morton, discharging—Ysn Horn Holyoke A Murray. Callata, Hall, loading, New York—C L Colby A Cos., Albert Haley, Nichols, discharging—U H Arledge. New Books RECEIVED BY COOPER, OLCOTTB & FARRELLY: mHE Belton Estate. By Anthony Trollope. A Hereward. By Charles Kingsley. Robert Dolby and bis Trouble*. The Ordeal for Wives; a Novel. The Prince of Karima; a West Indian Story Erring, yet Noble ; of and for Women. Wlunmg His Way. By Charles C. Collin. Poe lbs by Robert Buchanan. ■ Country Love vs. City Flirtation. By Sperry. ISTotice. ON the Ist Sept., 1860, the undersigned formed a copartnership with J. F. Mcßetli for the purpese or doing a Dry Goods and Grocery busloese at Mob ley Pond, Ga. Capital $8,300. Style of Arm Mcßetb A Oliver. THUS. W. OLIVER. n-» Novels, Novels. r PHg Earl’s Secret: by Ml** Pardo* I Our Mutual Friend; by Dickens Barren Honour; by the author of Guy Living stone, etc AUWorth Abbey. by Mr* Bouthwortb Hickory Hall; by Mrs Southworth East Lynne Artemus Ward ; Hl* Book Artemos Ward: His Travels „ Sir Jasper’s Tenant Rose Dougins The Lovers Trials Self Bfigrifice The Red Court Farm Matchmaking The Bushrangers Two Vests Before the Mast Guy Livingstone Angelina; or Life of a Beauty ALSO, The complete works of Dickens, Bultver, Walter Scott, Reynolds, Chaa. Lever, Dumas, Ainsworth, Capt. Marryatt, Mrs. Southworth, and other authors, at F.STILL’S News Depot, Ball st. back of the Post Office, down stairs, jl-lw J. SHAFFER, Comm imm loan. Dealer In all kinds of FORJQGN AND DOMESTIC FRUIT* AND PRODUCK, Wot Wahhisoton Masut, Opposite 143 West st.. Bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey its., N H W yORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand, And pnt up tor the Southern market All eosadgnmants promptly attenked to. or Refers to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, and J. B PfiriOO*. jyxs wily AUOTIOISI SALES. y REAL ESTATE SALE. York, Williams, Molmire 4k 00. Will sell at Auction, in front 01 More, on Bay street, FRIDAY, January ith. at 11 o’clock a. in., 100 acres of Land, three-quarters of 8 mill from WalterrlUe, No. 4A. and G. K. R. Seven -acres clear ed. This Ls a good opportunity to purchase O-Gar dcnlng Farm cheap. _ Also, ‘ 1 1 At tame time ami place, Lots 83, 87 and 8 8, Frew town, fronting south on Henry street, between Bar nard and Jefferson si reefs ; each Lot 100(133. / Also, Same as starve. Lota No. 86 and 98 Otafflenry street Oglethorpe Ward. Size, 23x106. ■ I s FOR HALF, CHEAP, York, 'Williams), Mcl#tire & 00. A Pine Horse, broke to Saddle or Harness, Due new Too fluggv, One Slagle Harness, nearly bow. | jjß~ Cargo Sale. Vork, Will Inins, Mclatlre Its. THIS DAY’, 3d Inst., at 1« o’clock, at the foot of Aber cora street, on Wharf, will be sold the entire cargo es brig Montlcello, from Matauxas, consisting of 83 hbds Clayed Molasses, No. 1, last year I tierce do do do 43 large hhda new Clayed Molasses II aidall do do do do 4 * 17 tierces 'do do do ‘ 10 bbls do do do 11 large hhd« Muscovado . do . > 3 small do do do .S 1 tierce do do /*, s bbls do do«»* 8 bbls Muscovado Sugars. Terms cash. ' J3 RARE CHANCES FOR INVESTMENT. TCwl*. Williainn, Slclntire &Cos, Offer for sale one hundred acres of Laqd, 3)4 miles from Savannah, on the Whine Whit RoaC This Is an excellent Stock Farm or for Gardening purposes. A portion of It Is under cultivation and the balance heavily timbered, tad there are 8.000 new Ralls and 200 cords of Wood cut aud piled on It, Also, One desirable Lot at Thunderbolt. Titles perfect. Terms cash. js Auction. By Bell Wylly A Christian On WEDNESDAY, 3d January, at 11 o'cluck, In front of Store, will be edtd. Two Six Male Teams, In complete order. Sale positive. Terms caab. d3O BY BELL, WYLLY A CHKSTIAN. AT PRIVATE SALE. The West Half of Lot No. 2, Calhoun Ward, fronting V j J •» Jon** stfeet. Tlie Improvements consist of a finely finished Brick Residence. containing Tea Room* with gas throughout, and a well of excellent water and u fine Force Pump. dl3-tf ESTATE SALE. BY BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. On SATURDAY, oth Inst., In front of store, will be sold at 12 m., The Lot on the corner of West Broad aud New streets, South Oglethorpe Ward, 200 feet front ou West Broad Street, by 230 on New street. The Im provements consist of three houses, which rent at $t)oO per annum. Sold for a division between the-heirs. 13 AUCTION, AUCTION, AUCTION. By Bell, Wylly k Chrlstiau. In front of store, on SATURDAY, Bth lust., will be sold, at 12 m., Sti Valuable City Lots. Fee Simple. These Lota are mostly unimproved, situated west of Bryan street, near Falun street. Termß cash, purchaser* paying for Titles. Plan can he seen at our office. js td UNDERWRITERS’ SALE. AY BELL, WYLLY 4k CHRISTIAN. THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock. In front of Store, will lx sold for account of Underwriter* and all con cerned, M>X cant s Millinery Oooda. Damaged on the passagefrodiSp— to ihu port, nut sold by order of l uiJorwri)<irs' Agent. ja-i SEA ISLAND HOTEL AND COMPLETE OUTFIT At AUCTION. Bell, Wylly A Christian, On WEDNESDAY, January 3d, 1800, »; 10 o'clock, will sell ou the premises, at Ulltor. Head; The new Sea Island Hotel, completely furnished with new furniture of the tatust style. AMty 4 new Billiard Tables. Crockery, Glass Ware, Kitchen Furniture, Ac., Ac. Together with all the outbuildings, which, with the Hotel, may he n-adUy taken down ami removed, If desired. Sold Ih lots to suit purchasers. The steamer Charles Hiughtou, Capt. Sprague, will lesve Savannah st 7 o'cla ik on Tuan lay, the 2d of Jan uary, and the steamer Hot Hand wUI leave Charleston on same day. to retur 1 on the followlhg Friday, and will take passengers andfrelght to and from Hilton Head. Accommodations ms be had at the Hotel until after the sale. d2O-td Li at prd)ate bale. By Bell, m wNtaL Small Lo|s of Land. There having been so nany applications for Small Tract* of tanTte tocatn, tha owner of the above Land, feeling a dispositloi to meet thta demand, has placed In the market, fo* a taw dayn, Lota of Fhre Acres, or more, part clean!, an the Aagnsta Road, op posite to the three mile sb ie, also on the White Bluff Road, oppoelte to the two die atone. tf-nie AT PHIV/TE SALE. By Bell, Wylly & L^iNtign. Lot* No*. 45 and Ward, floating 04 The Improvements cofilat of a flrat-class Brick Dwelling, containing t\fve rooms, beaidea Bath and Dressing rooms, wltlhll modern improvements and conveniences Gas, bd and hot water, speak ing trumpets, range, Ac. fulWlngs on lane consist of brick stable, carriage h< «■, wood and coal rooms with comfortable apartme j above. dSB-tf AT AutlON By H. Hirsch. On WEDNESDAY, Janus 3d, 1366, at 11 o’clock a. m- will sell In front or >re of L. J. UuUmartln, A CO., Bay street; 1 bats damaged Cton, on account of all whom U ay concern. Terms cash. js ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. IN pursuance of an ordebf the Coot* of Ordinary of Chatham county, w be sold on the first Tare day In February next, at t Cam Honse door, la the city of Savannah,, durt the usual boors ot sale, all tbe undivided hair li rest of James BUbo, late deceased. In the Shandy Ha farm, si tasted near the city of Savannah on tbeTh lerbolt road; said Harm containing In *ll fifty acre*, me or less. The said half interest sol Tor the pm pose of di vision «N.O. FERRILL, d7-td : ' Administrator. E. L. NEDLINGER, CORNS OF Barnard anil Bfipton Streets, SAVANNAH! CEORCIA, TXTOULD respectfuny anfance to his friends and TV the public gencralljiat he hat resumed the SADDLERY iUSINESS. next door to his lorraer star and by strict attentlen and moderate prices, hopes! receive a liberal share of the trade. He 1* prepaito make np promptly all orders for harness, bh>les, etc. Hi* brother, Mr. J. 8. NR UNGER, will be foam with him, end would be gtofi See his Mends. H S- L. NEIDLINGER H'AX T ATEBT STYLES. Just rived bv L M. COLDINU jl-lW Fashionable Hatter. H. A. TOPHAM, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, IKS COIfoRESW ST., SAVANNAH. FNB Ready made Business and Drees Suits of all dascription* constantly on hand. Gent's Fur nishing Goods, all of the newest style* : Hat*, Capo, Ac, Also, an elegant line of Pine cloths. Doeskins, Meltons. Casslmares, Tweeds and Vestings, which will be made to order at the shortest notice by experi enced workmen. \oTlcfc. TTRIDT A LI'DLOW have removed from 15*2 to 154 Range, Congress street. Cheap Hats. IY ATS for $1 each and npwards at H COLDINGB. JX-S 133 Congress street. Soluble Pacific GUANO. IVR invite the attention of Planters to this vatnable vv Guano, as a matter of Importance to their in terest It«B similar in appearance, odor and compo sition to Peruvian Guano, differing only in th« pro portions of the aame elements, it contains less am monia, but nearly onelbundrod per cent, more of Phcs pbate than Peruvian Guano, one-third of which ls Im mediately soluble. It ls quite ae active as Per uvian Guano, aud Is less costly. For further information, apply to E. C. WADE Jt ca. Agents, jl Sm Savannah, Ga, SHIPPING. ~ FOR JACKSONVILLE. FLU jojCHOUNER CLARA ELLER, uow loading for above General Freight, bailers and machinery taken at low rates. Apply to VAN HORN, HOLYOKE, A MURRAY, jS-1* No. 0 Stoddard's Range. For Doctortown AND Th.omasville. The Steamers Gen. Shepley, Orient, aud Clarion, Will make Tri-weekly Trips to Doctortown, lu con nection with the Atlantic and Gnlf Railroad, leaving Savannah on Tuesdays, Thuiednys and Sundays. Through freight payable by shippers at our office. Freight received during the week, and stored free of expense. For freight or passage apply to CHAS L. COLBY A CO., n!0 Corner Abercorn and Bay streets. For Liverpool. jrjFgv. Ttao British Ship COIjOTd" IST, TAYLOR, Maater, wants only 900 bales Cotton to complete her cargo, and get to Sea With despatch. For freight room apply to d27-lw CB ARLES GREEN 4 SON. For LIVERPOOL. The fine new clipper ship DREADNAUGHT, SMITH, Commander, having three-fonrths of her cargo engaged, will have qolck despatch. For balance of freight, apply to _ CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., 1 T .. . WUrts-w nan alrihJn Liberal allowances made on consignments to our friends In Liverpool. d2O ts for Liverpool; -fcffcrso The British ship FAVORITE. Captain jfflgarOSp in, having pail of her cargo engaged, fJgfSywlll meet wllh all possible deapatoh 1,1 ' 1 ■ For freight, apply to E. A. SOULLARD. For LiverpooU T> le flnrt-CISM Ship MOZART. Smith, too* 18,1 W 1 laka on ® thousand bale» of cob For freight engagements, apply to ■l S ' lw T. R. A J. G. MILL*. FOR MACON. HAWKINSVILLE. AND LANDINGS ON THE ROUTE. The new and fast Sid j-wheol Steamer Asher Ayres, Capt. WM. TAYLOR, Will have despatch. Goods received free of storage in the Wharf Stores, No. 6 and 6, below Lincoln itreet d «3T BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. NEW ROUTE TO South - W esteru Georgia, * VIA BUNBURY AND STATION No. 4 AT LANTIC & gulp r. r. Tbe new and swift Steamer O. F. P»otter WU| leave her wharf, foot of Abercorn street on every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY »nd FRIDAY at 7 o clock a. m., connecting *t Snnbnry with a line of •tages for Station No. 4 A. A G. R. R. Passengers by this route will arrive at Btation No 4 in time .0 take the train for Thomasvllle the follow. t i2l!lb T . b ny““a Vil, ‘' With f ° r Retamlng, pasmreger* will reach Savannah on dluner^* 1 Than “ ito >* “ and Saturdays in time for Time between Savannah and Thomasville. thirty paeHags only agplF <« I ' chah, L COLBY A CO, llß ‘-lm Corner of Abercorn and Bay streets. m~ CHANGE OP DAY AND HOUR. FREIGHT AND PASSAGE REDUCED. FOR JACKSONVILLE, IN LA ND, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS’ AND FERNANDINA. THR STEAMER FANNIE, CAPTAIN MoNELTY, Will leave as above from the Florida Steamboat Wharf fool of West Broad street, on TUESDAY next. 26th at 10 o’clock a. m.,-and will continue to leave every Tuesday following at same hour until farther notice. This boat Is in very excellent order, is commanded by officer* oi experence; and baa superior state room accommodations lor passengers While the boat to on her trips, freight will be re ceived and stored in fire-proof warehouse, free of ex pense. For freight or passage, apply to _ „ F. M. MYRELL, Agt. d22-lm Harris’ Buildings, Bay street. Or to W. Jonwsos, on wharf. For Liverpool. W-FTS- First vessel 1 The ship MONT BLANC ,£□3o wants about six hundred balsa of Cotton to complete her cargo. mmßßßrnm Inquire of „ . LaROCHE 4 WEST, or 420-ts GADRN « UNCRLRS. hhippimq. Murray’s Line FOR NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! C«Mh Passage, BO Beck, $lO 00 The new and splendid steamer ZODIAC, Dearborn, commander, will leave for the above port on her regu lar day, Wednesday, Jan. 3, nt 9 o’clock., a. in. For freight or paaeage, having superior accommo dations. apply to jS OCTAVUS COHEN. Empire Line. FOR NEW YORK. Atlantic Mail Ntcamship Company. PASSAGE REDUCED TO - #3£s. The new and fast side-wheel Bteam- SALVADOR, Atkins, mss ter, will sail as above, ou Sntardny, January 6, at o’clork. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply to B. H. HARDEE, No. 13 Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON A ALLEN. Agents, j3 No. 5, Bawling Green, N. Y. Pioneer Line FOR NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! Cabin Pnaange, $33 OO Deck, $lO OO The new and splendid steamship HUNTER, Rogers, Commander, will leave for tbe above porlou her regular day, Thuraday, January 1, at o’clock. For freight or passage, at reduced rate*, apply to 13 HUNTER & GAM ME LI,. ATLANTIC COAST HAIL STEAMSHIP CMPM. PASSAGE AT REDUCED RATES. Pare fiso! The very fast sailing Steamship N’igh.t in gale. BREAKER, Commander, Will positively sail on her regular d*y, Saturday, 6th Inst., at o’clork. For freight or passage, which will be as low as any other line, apply to Jl JOHN R. WILDER, Agent. STEAM FOR BALTIMORE. The splendid and fast Steamship RICHMOND, 1,000 tons. Capt. T. W. Barney, Will sail for Baltimore on Thursday, Jau, 4, at 10 o'clock a.m. mStiont b ap°pl?ro 8i * ge haViU * “ nsur P“ B <*' ««<>»• LoBOPHE A WEST, Agents. Jl Jones'Block. Baltimore, Charleston and Havana STEAMSHIP LINE, VIA CHARLOTON FROM BALTIMORE. -jm The first close Side wheel Steamship ISABELLA, H, O. WANBERSC, Commander, Will leave Baltimore for tka above ports about the 30th Inst., and Charleston about the 3d of January, 186A a few hours alter her arrival, and will cont inue hereafter to make regular trips. For freight or paasage, having elegant Stateroom accommodations, apply to GARRANDIE A IBBANA, Agents, 18 Commerce street; Baltimore, CHASOLM BROS. FOR PHILADELPHIA, The Steamship CUMBRIA, FRENCH, Comm under, Will sail for the above port on Thursday, Jan. 4, at o’clock. daU o oni: e a 8 p“y 0 ro P “^ [C ' exCe,lent ran ”' da * HUNTER A UAMMELL, fForPhiladelphia T "° Ba, k W - a. PIaxYTEIVITrS, Will have quick despatch for the above port. Freight taken at low rates. Apply to CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., Corner Bay and Abercorn streets. FOR r HAWKINSVILLE AND MACON. THE Afl'X'Jb* A Mika COMET,; CAPTAIN HORNE, Will leave at above with despatch. For freight, which will be received st the Upper Hydraulic Press Yard, and covered by inanrance until placedou board the steamer, apply to 028 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Freights FOR AUGUSTA, mHE nnderrigned are prepared to receive goods at . ‘Jo 1 * Warehouse*—free of expense arndcov 1 ered by Insurance—for shipment to Augnsta and •eplß9—tl cor. Buy and Abercorn «u, SHIPPING. FOR AUGUSTA, AND LANDINGS ON THE RIVER. The Steamer Fanny Lehr, Captain Lewis, Will leave as above on Wednesday, January 3d, at 9 a. an. Freight will be received at any time on wharf foot of Barnard and bay streets CMarket Docfc.) Passengers for Augusta will find excellent accom modations on tills brat. LaROCHE A WEST, Agents, FOR AUGUSTA, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS, THE Steamer TJnion, Capt FRAZrER, Is loading this day at Florida Wharf, foot of West Broad street, and will have qubk despatch as above. This l»oat is new and in good order, and command ed by officers of long experience in th* trade. For fre'ght apply to x* F. M. MYRELL, Harris' Buildings, Bay street, or to W. JOHNSON, d*_»9-tl On Wharf. FOR AUGUSTA, And Landings on the River. The fine steamer Fanny Lehr will leave aa above on Thursday, Jan. *, at 10 o'clock a. m. For freight or passage, apply to j3 LaROCHE A WEST, Agents. FOR AUGUSTA, AND WAY LANDINGS. The light-draught steamer MARY ELL A. Will leave Ihe wharf foot of Abercorn street, THURSDAY, 4th INST., AT 6 A. M, For freight or passage, apply to CIIAS. L. COLBY A CO., J3 1 Corner Abercorn and Bay street* FOR AUGUSTA/ AND WAY LANDINGS, The Steamer EXPRESS, Capt. J. H. MORGAN, Will leave as above ou Friday, Evening, at 4 o’clock. For freight or passage, apply to J3 F- W. SiMS & CO. FOR AUGUSTA. And Landings on the River. • The well-known Steamer S W A. IST I Having been put incomplete repair,) of exceeding lighl receiving freight atPadelfurd'i Wharf, aud will have despatch. The Bw«n will continne to run regularly, making weekly trip*, and in connection with steamer P. B. Good sell, will form a semi-w.ekly line. Another light boat will soon be added to the line if the patron age will warrant it. The undersigned solicits the patronage of his friends and former patrons, Freight will be received at all times in the Brick Warehouse ou Wharf, covered by Insurance. M. A, COHEN. For Augusta, THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, Ot Lincoln street, free of cost. Office in Ctighorn A Cunningham’s LEY ’ Agent ' F^KMli^r 18 fro, "«-anuahonlast FOR PALATKA, VIA FERNANDINA AND JACKSON VILLE. The new, exceedingly Itat and splendid Steamer CITY TOIISTT, Capt. Louis M. Coxetter, Will leave Telfair's W hart', as above, Every W«diie«day, at 4 p. m. For fieiyht or passage apply to R. W. ADAMS, or - S. CARRUTHKR3, llodgMou's Range, next to Bell, Wylly k .For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS, FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new and fa«t bailing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N.' Kiugp Having been pluoed permanently upon this route wifi leave for the above places on Every Thursday Morning, at 10 o’clock For freight or passage, having splendid cabin ac ou !t L “ ~, CLAGHORN * CUNNINGHAM. —5“ AgenU. FOR Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St. Thomas, Tara, Pernambuco ami Bahia United States and Brazil Mall ree?" 11 ****** to,u l M oy will dispatch ™NBhL On the Wtli of every month, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STKAMSUIP, To heave at 3 o’clock, p. m., From Pier 43, North River. All letters have to pass through the Poet Office An experienced Surgeon will be lu attendance a board. JK&’/o '’*"**"• h * T,n **l’lendld accbmmo .. THOMAS ASENCIO A 00.. 0c1313m No. 17, Broadway, N«w York.