Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 04, 1866, Image 3

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SAVA 3ST 3ST AH. Departure of tteawklpi 8«»wn. FOR MRW TORI. Steamship Nightingale Sat ai Jay, December Sth, at o'clock. Steamship San Salvador, Saturday, January 6, at o'clock. Steamship Leo. Saturday. January Mb. at IT o’clock m- FOR SCOCSTA. Steamer Swan, every week. Steamer Wm. Q. Gibbons, every Saturday morning at # a. m. Steamer James P. Chrirtopher, Friday, January a, at Mat. rou BALTnmna. Steamship Richmond, Thorsdsy, January 4th, at 10 o'clock a. m. FOR CHARLR9TTON. Steamer Charles Hooghtou, svery Tuesday morn ing St 8 o'clock. Steamer City Point, every Saturday morning, at » o’clock. for nncTojnpsr*. Steamer Two Boys, ever/Tuesday morning, at 8 o'clock. Steamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at T o’clock. _ Steamer Gen. Shepley, every Sunday morning, at 7 o'clock. FOB VUOHASVU.LS. Steamer O. F. Potter, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning, at 7 o'clock. FOR FLORIDA. Steamer Fannie, every Tueeday morning, st 10 o’clock. Steamer City Point, every Wednesday afternoon, at a o’clock. Steamer Lizzie Baker, every Thursday morning, st 10 o'clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, st 10 o'clock. Steamer Helen Getty, every Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. The Ki.rotion for Coukty Officers.- An elec tion for Clerk Superior and Inferior Courts, Receiver of Tax Returns, Tax Collector, Coroner aud County Surveyor was held at the Court House yesterday. The election passed off In a very quiet manner. Mr. Bul loch, Clerk Superior and inferior Courts; Mr. Bee, Tax Collector, and Mr. Tebeau, CVunty Surveyor, had uo opposition. Mr. James McGowan, candidate for Tax Collector, la elected by a very large majority. The contest for She riff and fvtroner It la thought will be close. Captain Cbarlea J. White and Mr. BenJ. L. Cole are contestants for the office of Sheriff, and Mr. Henry H. Eden. Dr. Thomas Smith and Mr. Daniel N. Lain for that of Coroner. The number of vows polled were 1,529. More Citt Improvement'.— It la with a degree of pleasure that we notice the numerous city Improve ments In progress. Saw mills are springing up as by magic on tbe banks of the river, and on the Savan nah and Ogeechee Canal. Messrs. Jefferson, Roberts A Cos., are building west of Faham street, fronting the river, on what Is known as Shtel’s old lumber yard, a circular saw mill. They will also have attach ed a planing mill. Messrs. Macfnrlane k Frazier are biiildlug on the east bank of the Savannah aud Ogeechee Canal, he' tween Indian and Canal streets, a first class circular saw mill- The diameter of the saw will be fifty-four inches, driven by an engine of thirty horse power. We have now in our city erected aud In the course of erection nine steam saw mills, six of which are situ ated on the river, and three on tbe banks of the So. vannah and Ogechee Canal. There la also construct ed and at work on the banks of the Savannah aud Ogechee canal, above the city, a large aud valuable saw mill. Savannah will soou again attain her for mer rank as an extensive timber and lumber export ing depot Rifle Shoot on Mono kv —On Monday last a tar get shoot, with rifles, occurred at Mr. F. Broadbsck er’s, on Lover’s Lane. The distance was one hun dred yards, and two prizes were contested for, In two separate matches—one an organ, with remarkable qualities; the second a double-barrelled sporting gun. Tbe air was rather hazy, and the shooting neces sarily Inferior to what finer weather would have ad mltted of. The prime In the first match was won by Mr Schwarz, firm of Wetgand k Schwarz, an old patrou of the Herald, bnt Mr. S. presented it to col, B. B. Ferrlll, an expert with the rifle, who won the second prize at the last target shoot, aud made the second best shot at this one. The second prtz* was won by Mr. Uerachback, or or Savannah. The Judges were Messrs. Julius Cox, Oeo. OU, aud H. dell. During the contest the Heiuld took a complimen tary shot, hut unaccustomed, In this Instance, to the manipulation of hair tuggers, only succeed ed In hitting a tree some twenty rods to the right of the target, the bullet narrowly escaping Ihe lieado, an Intoxicated spectator, the only one who made his appearance on the premises during the day. Mr. Broadbacker had a line lunch prepared, ot which the guests partook with much relish, and every effort was made by all concerned, to secure a pleasant New Year's entertainment to those who at tended. Periodicals.—Mr. Bstill has favored us with a number of his la test and most attractive periodicals, among which are the following : Frank Leone's Lady’s Magazine. A most Interest ing nnmlier, containing a double steel fashion plate exqplaMely colored, while Jhe other steel plates ex ceed IB number and beauty those or any preceding Issue. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, containing an admirable photograph of his Excellency Andrew Johnson. The Literary Album, anew candidate for public favor In the department of periodical literature.— New York, published by Street A bmlth. The Philadelphia Home Weekly. The Nation and Tbs Kongd Table, containing a va riety of topics discussed with learning and ability. Louisville Road.—We regret to state that the condition of this pnbllc road leading from the city to the Ogecchee river, is la very bad condition. A few holes filled between the city and the seven inlle post is all the repairs needed up to that point, but from the seven mile post to the nine mile post the road Is nothing but one quagmire, and Is a 1 most Impassible. Farmers decline bringing tbelr produce to market by the pnbllo roads owing to their being In Bach bail condition, and they will not transport their marketing by railways or steam' boats, the rates of freight being deemed by them too exhorbitant. Quick Trip.—The steamer Laura, Capt. Garnett, of Erwin A Hardee’s line, left this city on Sunday morning last for Augusta, and returned yesterday afternoon, making the round trip In seventy-six boors. This time lnclddee loading, ’unloading and stoppages at landings on the river for fuel. The Laura made the return trip from Augusta In sixteen hours, Including stoppages at the landings. This Is the fastest time on record in the history of naviga tion on the Savannah river. Street Cleaning. —A gang of couTlcted colored people, with ball-and-chaln attachments, were en gaged yesterday afternoon In street-cleaning on the Bay. Alderman F. L. Gue, Chairman of the Committee on Streets, gave his personal super vision to the work, and saw that it was done Industriously and faithfully. There Is a prospect that the number ofhls employees will Increase, and that the good work will be extended In other streets. Personal —Many of oar readers throughout the State will be gratified to learn that Hon. E. J. Har den, late Judge of the C. S. Clircnit Court, received from Washington the President’s pardon on New Year’s Day. The Judge has resumed the practice of hla profession in this city. Savannah and Oseecius Canai The break which occurred In this canal, the dams in two placet having been washed out by the recent fresh eta, have been repaired, and the canal Is now In a navigable condlUou. Timber Is dally arriving. SenivEN Horst—A portion of the furniture from the Trout House, Atlanta, Georgia, and which la In tended for the above hotel in this city, was received per steamer Amazon. Mr. George McGlnley, Uie proprietor of the Screven House, txpecta shortly to upeu this establish mem as a first claw house. New Yoex Oysters.— Our Ms ml Nugent oppo site the Pulaski House, lias just received a supply of New York bivalves, which he Is prepared to serve up to etyle to enlt hi* mends and the public. „.P 4 r* ! a IWs and untie. —Culling, la Cungieet •raSI? 1 ' a (apply ol Hale lor boys aoJ gins hey are eery beauumi and becoming to tba unit Thaatre.— Miss Fanny Price made her secoad appearance last uight, and iu the character of Margaret Ellmore more than realized tbe favorable opiniou we had formed of her on seeing her persouatiou of Fanchon. She was fortunate in being well sustained in all the principal parts in the play. Mr. Han - cfaett's Mathew Ellmore was one of tbe best we have ever seen on our stage. Mr. Wise ns St. Lo, Mr. Loud as Eugene, were all that could be desired. The latter gentleman especially Is rapidly and deservedly growing in public favor. Miss Cameron’s iferminie could not well have been improved, while Mrs. Boswell as Marion was, as she always is, fully up to the mark. Indeed, as a whole, we have rarely ever seen a five act play bet ter performed on our boards. If we had time and space and were in clined to write a critique on Miss Price's Margaret, we could point out many merits and but very few faults; the latter of mi nor consequence. Miss Price's style Is nat ural and subdued, entirely free from that too common fault, denominated in s'age parlance “rant.” During the first and second acts of the play last night some may have thought her too tame, but if any apprehensions were entertained of ber ability lo portray the paroxysms of pas sion developed in the crisis of the play, these misgivings were entirely removed by her most effective and thrilling portrayal of the scenes of anguish in tbe fourth and fifth acts. Her rendering of tbe character throughout was a most finished piece of acting, and eli cited tbe cordial applause of tbe audience, who, at the close, called her before the cur tain. In many respects Miss Price reminds us of one of Savannah’s greatest favorites, Miss Eliza Logan, and if we are not mistaken, she needs only to be as well known to be as highly appreoiated by our theatrical public. She appears to night in tbe popular sen sation play of Madealine,the Belle of the Fau bourg. We take this opportunity to suggest to the managers that they favor the public with more of Mr. Geo. Gray’s singing. Mr. Gray is certainly a vocalist of no ordinary merit, and should be allowed to put in an appear ance occasionally between ihe pieces, instead of wasting the sweetness of his voice on tbe desert bouse which usually stop to see the farce out. Mr. Gray's songs are always en cored, and always elicit the warmest enco miums of the connoisseurs of vocalism. If we can’t have Miss Rose Wood any longer give us Mr. Geo. Gray between the pieces, Messieurs Raymond and Hamilton. Smoottku Gallery.— Capt. Travis, tbe re nowned pistol-shot, arrived here yesterday from Hawkinsville, by the steamer Oak. He proposes to open a pistol and rifle gallery in Savannah, for the instruction of those who wish to acquire this important accomplish ment. In connection with a notice of bis gal lery in Macon, the Telegraph had the fol lowing remarks on the subject of instruction in the use of arms ns a part of tbe education of a citizen ; “There are only two speoies of hazard to lerated by the laws of Georgia—trials of skill in marksmanship and trials of speed in run ning horses. The policy is a sound one ; for by the countenance given to tbe last, the strain of noble animals is preserved, and by the first that faculty of self dependence by fire arms thiougb which our national iadepcndence was won, and by which alone it can be preserved, is fostered and kept alive. It is the duty of every American citizen to be early instructed in tbe use of arms. They, therefore, who teach the youth of tbe land the proper use ot them, are, in their sphere, just ns useful to the republic, ns be who leads them into tbe mysteries of the spelling book, nnd enables them to master chirography. Intelligence on the one hand to ward off the insidious approaches of domestic demagogues, and skill in the use of arms on tbe other, with which to bent back tbe hostile invader, are equally and alike essential elements in tbe vitality ol free government. Fkehti uujitaii, >n. —The mysteries of necromancy have lately tecome popular public amusements Theatricals and the like have subsided, to give place to the wonders of the deceptive art. To-night Pro'. Searl, whose success lu Charleston has been most Haltering, will give his first emei laliimenl lu this city lo St. Andrew’s Hall, and gentlemen when on Ihe street heed not express astoulshinenl If they lmaglue they have ferocious dogs ut their heels, crying babies In their hats, and scolding wives st ihelr hacks, while Beahl, the Ventriloquist, is lu towu. The Pro. fessor Is accompanied by Miss Ada B'Mont, Ihe fas cinating Page and celebrated second sight Sybil. Custom at H. A, Tofham'.i in calliug attention to the advertisement or If. A. Topham, a day or two since, we neglected to allude to the cus tom department, where the best of clothing can be obtained, made to order, with good cutters and work men In all departments. Major Langdou, Acting Chief Commissary of the Department of the South, arrived here last night, on the steamer Resolute, with Captain Cannon. Captain Henry E. Lord, formerly Depot Commit eary here, but now at Charleston, has heen brevetted Major. New Yore Papers op the 31st.— We are linder great obligations to our rriends, Purser Taylor, of the Leo, and Harry McGee, the New York pilot, for unu sually complete files of all the New York papers, In cluding the 31st. AST Bulwer Lytton says that a refined gentleman may always be known by the perfumes he uses. In American society It la recognised as & mark of ele vated taste to patronize Phalon'a “ Nlght-Bloomlug Cereus.' 1 Its parity, freshness,, and delicacy com mend It to all persons of poetic taste and gyeltng.— Concord Patriot. , 14-3 C "f- -I'-" 1 ■— Shipping Intelligence. PORT OF SAVANNAH. Wednesday. Jan. 3.1863. Arrived, Steamship San Salvador, Atkina New York—B H Steamship Nightingale, Belsbaw, New York—J R Wilder. Steamship Leo, Merrill, New York—OctavusCohen. Steamer Lanra, Garnett, Augusta—Erwin & Har- Steamer Oak, MeCanley, Hawktnsvllle—Geo Mar shall. Steamer Standlsb, Fabian, Augusta—F M Myrell. Steamer J G Christopher. Moody, from Augusta— J M Einchley. Steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham, Palatka, etc—L S Bennett. Brig Moneca, , Richmond, Va, white pine and spruce lumber to Yonge A Nixon. Bark Marla Henry, Prince, Kllsabethport, N J Daghorn A Cunningham. Cleared, Steamship Zodiac, Dearborn. New York—Octavos Cohen. Steamer 0 F Potter, Cessar, Snnbuiy—Chas L Col by A Cos. Steamer Swan, Cohen, Augusta—M A Cohen. Steamer Chas Houghton. Spiagne, Charleston, etc —Claghom A Cunningham. Steamer Emtlie, Bender, HUton Head Scbr Clara Eller, Dexter, Jacksonville, in ballast— R Bradley. Imports. Per steamer Helen (Jetty, from Palatka, etc—lß bis npland cotton, 22 do sea island do, 14 cow bides, 40 bbls oranges, and sundry mdse. Per steamer Oak, from Hawkinsvllle—6oo bales upland cotton. Per steamer Jas Christopher, from Augusta—l 62 hales npland cotton, 26J bales domestic yarn, lo Mils dried fruit, 2 boxes mdse. Per steamer Btaudtsb, from Augusta-103 bales npland cotton. Pwnaztn. Per ateamahlp San Salvador, from New York—Lt Evenon, Capt MaMbougli, G Clarey, Lt Col Poole, M Sexton, Miss Hatch, 0 Smith, F M Allen, W H Wickham, Miss Smith and brother. Miss Thurston, Mias Moore, Mr Harvey, Com Tatnall, Lt Bronson, lady and child, Mr Tlialhelmer. and brother, B Russell, J Seudder. Dr H S Bacon. H Spauldlug and brother, J J O’Toole, M Apple, R II Law, J Stripling. 8 Miller, W Carter, O Bretrs, 0 Kenwarthy, F Hewes, J H Brown, E F Uasllncs, Capt Holloway. Miss Halsey, Mr Whitaker. Mr llslsey and lady, N P Crowell. Mr Hoffman, U W Chapin. H Huggins, l.t Uaiulltou, 0 I* Munsell, Capt Dnrkee. Lt Forbes, Miss Pursue, Miss Tatnall, Mm Hunt, Mrs Foote, Dr Hmilb. A Bishop, V McParlune, Mr Dunbar, A Blackman, <1 Blackmau. J L Greenmail, T Hlploj, H I* Coopsr, J B Llltell, B M Oarey aud rrtsnd, ami :• deck. Per suamsblp Nlghnugale, from New York—W U Butler, B Alsdurf, A Kplteer, J Nauderaou, H Chunk, Mrs Mayo and child. W W Murray, Miss Berks, Mrs tad Mias MUn, A Lamar, HLarj, MeOkma, Amber llu, Foul, Hunter, Allan, Maxwell, I'eppei aud Id ward*. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Pslatka, etc—Mr aud Mrs Rideout, G Smith and lady, Mrs late, W H Livingston ami lady, L Wanock. CC Soule, B Salons L Whitcomb, it Dexter, E W Brooks, u P Thomas, T Kennedy, R Pearce. L Billings, J Roberts, D Aaldey, J IV Doughty, J Knight, and 111 on deck. Per atearaer Jss Christopher, from Augusta—Gen J K Jackson. A Boher, T M Jackson, W Q Jackson. W M Jackson, H Kemper, P W Wade, II Cleveland, J Irwins, D R Horton, R D Poole, D Raphael and lady Mrs B Wiseman O Mayer. Consignees. Per steamship San Salvador, from New York—R R Agent, E K Hertz A Cos, Tisou A G, Bothwell A W. W W Carter, Cblpman A Cos. Cooper, O A Cos, Ctaghoru A Cos. Brady, S <£• Cos, R A Conn, W 11 Stark, Teasdale A R, A Rite tier. Stuart A Cos, K, Mr Lea A Cos, J G J McMahon, Erwin A H, H D Cooper, Com Tauiall, S Hoffman. Ex Cos, GW Suple, M Kudlngn, W H R A Cos, W W Meath, Dunbar A Cos, A Rudiger. Neely A Cos, D Buford, Youge A N. Bell, IV A C, T W June- Lovell A L, W Wolfe, Warren A P, S, Rich ardson a it, v 11 Rogers. Per steamship Nightingale, from New York—o H Arledge, Adams Ex, G W Allen, O, Smith A Cos, B, B A Cos, Bell, Will, T H Bolshaw, Blair, B A Cos, B A Meyer, V llssler, R T Burch, M Beytagb, A Bohn, Mrs M Bliss, Claghoru A C, C A Purse, U L Colby 4 Cos, J H Cnlluni, Cooper, O A CO. M A Cohen. Crone. J A G, W T Cooney, O Cohen, B M COkUng, Duncan A J, Doyle A CO, J 11 Dcppish, Dewitt A M, Erwin A 11, Einstein it,* Ehrlich, G C Freeman, D Finnegan J G Felipe, M Fersl, A A L Friedlenberg, T M Fleet wood, S Gazan, J Gross, G <* Selig, G Ueiuendeu, U W, liunter A Q. Holcombe A Cos. Halsey, W <f Cos K Habersham A Son, Heldt A I* N A Hardee, J A Wav, Kein A CO, H Levy, B Kohu, ('apt A King, A B Knapp, Kenny A U'Urien, Lovell A L, Lathrop A CO, Laurent A Cos, H Levy, Miller, T A Cos, F M Myrell, M, Beattie A Cos, McFarlaue, S M Lederer, B W Marsh, Miller A W, M Newmark, J McGrath, B Mahon, E L Neidlluger, J Nicholson, G T Nichols, J M Prentiss, A Paul, P Reilly, J Roumillat, T Ruckert J Robertson, U G Kuwe, J W Kutberloid, A A Solo mons a Cos, R A Cann, L Koblder, W H Stark, Savh Gas Light Cos, T J Spear, VV Shone, E H Van Ness A Cos, C White, W 11 Wiltberger A Cos, W M Walsh, W A COrnwal, Wellborn A B, J O Watts A On, N Wolf, J L Vlltalouga, U G TUdeu. Tisou A G, J C Schreiner A Bun. aud others-. Per steamer Jas Christopher, from Augusta—J M Klnchley. Crane. J A CD, W J Wilson. kSt CO, B, Baldwin 4 CO. J Manderln. O Cohen. Per steamer Staudish, Irotn Augusta—B, Baldwin A Cos. F Murray. Per steamer ,>ak, ftonr Hawkinsville—CM Holst, c S Hardee, R Habersham A Son. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, etc—J W Anderson J Sou, Crane. J A G, L J Guilmarttn it Cos, N A Hardee A CO, J L YltlaKuga, Adams Ex, Tisou * G, C E Smith. W Peabody. Keporls. Steamship Leo reports—Jan Ist, 2rt miles NKof Hatteras, at 3 p m spoke schooner Wm S Loud Rom Port Royal, bound North. Steamship San Salvador—Jan 1, 10:30 am, oil' Cape Hatteras, passed steamship San Jacinto, steering North. Steamer Jas Christopher reports passing on the 2d Inst, str R U Mat , hound up ; 11 m, passed str Ex press at Head of ked Bluff, bound up ; 3:45 p m pass ed sir Voluutccr, at Tiger Leap, bound up. LIST OB' VESSELS IN THE PORT OP savannah. Savannah, Jan. 4,1885. STEAMSHIPS. Lulu, Taber, repairing—Master. Richmond, Foxweil, loading, Baltimore—Laßoche A West. Cumbria, French, loading, Philadelphia—Hunter A Gammed. SHIPS. Mont Blanc, Donnell, 700, loading. Liverpool—La Roche, Gadeit A buckles. Virginia, Weeks, 1,044, loading at Lamar's Press, for Liverpool—C L Colby A Cos. Thorwalson, (Br) Bromage, discharging—Reid A Stewart. Favoiite, (Br)Spain, discharging—E A Soullard. Herald, Culvert, loadlug, Liverpool—C Green A Sou. Mozart, (Br) Smith, tons, discharging—T R A J O Mills. County or Picti u (Br) McKenzie, loading, Liver pool—CUieen A Cos. Bark Dreadnaught, (Br) Smith, loading, Llrerpoo , —C L Colby A Cos. . Dayspring (Br) Coote, discharging—Chas L Colb,l A Cos. 1 consul, Beasley, discharging—W Battereby A Cos. BAKES. Craosco, (Br) Carrey. tons, loading, Liverpool— R 1 Caugliey. zepbyriue, Pentston, loadlug, Liverpool—Reid A Stewart. "V A Piatinlus, Plnkhum, discharging—C L Colby A Cos. Evening Star, Fry, discharging—Youge A Nixon. W II Jenkins, (Br) domain, discharging—E A Soullard. Bums. Atlantic, Wark, lUI tons, loadlug, Nassau, N P— B Wylly A Christian. it C Wright, llugg, discharging—lt. Ilqlsersham A Son. Ella, Brown, waiting— E A Soullard. John W Loviit, uilhot, loading, si Johns, N B Youge A Nixon. Daniel Booue, repairing. Resolute, Lane, bound to Darien, repairing. Lewis Clark, Bartelle, discharging—Van Horn, Holyoke A Murray. Clara Ellen, Dexter, discharging—Uowdy & Brad, lev. Montlcello, Moon, discharging—Richardsou A Bar nard, Harp, Cardy, discharging—!! Pitcher. BCHOONEKS. John M Broomall. Douglass, loading, New York— Chits L Colby A Cos. Peail, (Ur) Rimdon, discharging— Bell, Wylly A Christian. Clara Ells, Dexter, discharging—E A Bradley. Rachel Vaunernian, High, discharging—Hunter A Gammell. Young Teaser, Morton, discharging—'Van Horn Holyoke A Murray. Cullalu, Hall, loading, New York—C L Colby A Cos., Albert Haley, Nichols, discharging—(l 11 Arledge. Novels, Novels. THE Earl's Secret; by Miss I'urdue Our Mutual Friend ; by Dickens Barren Honour; by the author of Quy Living stone, etc Allworth Abbey. by Mrs Southworth Hickory Hull; by Mrs Southworth East Lynne Artemua Ward ; nis Book Artetnus Ward: His Travels Sir Jasper's Teimut Rose Douglas The Lover's Trials Self Sacrifice The Red court Farm Matchmaking 'ilie Bushrangers Two Years Before the Mast Guy Livingstone Angelina; or Life of a Beaut v ALSO, The complete works of Dickens, Bulwer, Walter Scott, Reynolds, Chas. Lever, Dumas, Ainsworth, Capt. Marryatt, Mrs. Southworth, ami other authors, at KSTILL’S News Depot, Bull st. hack of the Post Office, down stairs. FRUIT. WINES. I C A BOXES Layer and M. R. Raisins JO 50 drums Figs 10 boxes Prunes 5 bbls Almonds 5 bbls Dried Peaches and Apples Citron and Currants Mace, Nutmegs and Cloves 30 baskets pure piper Heldsleck Champagne, quarts and pints 20 dosen very choice Sherry 10 dozen very old Madeira' Cooking Wine, Brandy, Ac. Rye, Bourbon and Scotch Whiskey For sale by dls-eod2w CLAOHORN A CUNNINGHAM. NEW PERFUME For the Handkerchief. PHALON’S A Most Exquisite, Dalicate, and Fra grant Perfume, Distilled from the Bare tnd Beautiful Flower from which it cakes its name. Manufactured only by PHALON * MON, NEW YORK. BEWARE Or 00DNTERTEIT8. ASK FOB I’ll ALUM'E-TAKK NO OTHER. •aid hr l>su*ii«i generally. Jl eudly AUCTION SALES. HEAL ESTATE SALE~ Yorlc, Williams, Mclntlrc & Cos. Will sell at Auction, in lroni oi store, on Bay street, FRIDAY. January sth, at 11 o'clock a. in.. 100 acres of Land. Hirer quarters of a mile from W'alterville, No. 4A. aud G. K. K. Seven acres clear ed. This is a good opportunity lo purchase a Mar dentng Farm cheap. Also, At earn, thus and place, Lots 85, 87 and 8», Frew town, fronting souin on Henry street, between Bar nard and Jefferaou streets ; each Lot 100x25. , Also. Same as above. Lots No. 96 and 98 on Henry street Oglethorpe Ward. Size, 25x105. JB_ sor _ sale cheap, York, 'Williams*, Mclntlre & Cos. A Fine Horse, broke to Saddle or Harness. One new Top Miggy, One Single Harness, nearly new. J 8 TSaRECHANT ES FOit IN VESTMENT. York, William*, Meltotire Jfc Cos. Oder for sale one hundred acres of Land, miles from Savannah, on the White Bluff Road. This is an excellent Slock Farm or for G.iidenlng purpoae-s. A portion of it in under cultivation and the balance heavily timbered, aud there are 5.000 new Rails and •200 cords of Wood cut and piled on it, Also, due dealt able Lot at Thunderbolt. Titles perfect. Terms cash. J 3 HATE Bell, Wylly A Christian, TO MORROW, the sth IneL, at 11 o'clock, will sell in front ol store the following desirable goods: Bacon Shoulders, Bacon Sides, prime Canvassed flame, Tobacco Lard, Butter, cheese Whiskey. Claret, Teas Candles, Starch, Soaps Writing Paper, Inks, Pencils Mucilage, Lanterns Liverpool Salt, Turk's Island Salt Clocks. Hollow Ware, Boots and Shoes Children's Carriages, Furniture, Ac., Ac. J 4-2 It; Kell, Wylly k Christian. WILL sell at private sale : 50 kegs soda, 50 cases Brandy, 20 bbls Syrup, 25 cases Olive Oils, 1 case Anodynes, 50 boxes Glass, 3 caseH Indigo, 10 eases Whiskey, 6 Drays, 6 Wagons, and 500 sacks Malt )4-3t BY BELL, WYLLY A CHRNTIAN. AT PRIVATE SALE. The West Half of Lot No. 2, Oalhonn Ward, fronting on Jones street. The Improvements consist of a finely finished Brick Residence containing Ten Rooms with gas throughout, and a well of excellent water and a flue Force Pump. diatf ESTATE SALE. BY BELL. WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. Ou SATURDAY, 6th lust., In front of store, will he sold at 12 in., The Lot on the corner of West Broad aud New streets, South Oglclhoipe Ward, 200 feet fiout ou West Broad street, liy 25u on New street. The Im provements consist of three houses, which rent at (600 per annum. Sold for a division between the lielrs. J3 AUCTION, AUCTION, AUCTION. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. In front of store, oil SATURDAY, 6th Inst., will be sold, at 12 m., 36 Valuable City Lois. Fee Simple. These Lots are mostly unimproved, situated west of Bryan street, near Falun street. Terms cash, purchasers paying for Titles. Ulan cau be seen at our office. )S-td AT PRIVATE BALE By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having been to many applications for Small Tracts of Land for location, the owner of the above Laud, reeling a disposition to meet this demand, has placed In the market, for a law days, I-etc of Five Acres, or more, part Geared, on the Augusta Road, op posite to the three mile stone, also on the White Blufl Hoad, opposite to the two mlio stone. tf-nIG AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Lota Nob. 45 and 4ft, Lafayette Ward, fionting on Jone.s street. The improvements consist of a first-class Brick Dwelling, containing twelve rooms, besides Bath and Dressing rooms, with all modern improvements and conveniences. Gas, cold and hot water, speak lug trumpet*, range, &c. Buildings on lane consist of brick stable carriage house, wood and coal rooms with comfortable apartments above. d2i-tf UY KLL'N & MEYER. THIS DAY, 4lli inst., at 10 o'clock A. M . will he sold in from of store ; 25 bide Apples 190 doz C. 11. L. Smoking Tobacco 98 reams Wrapping Paper 20 bbls C Nilgai 46 doz Shoe Bl ushes 10 nests (8) Tubs 10 doz 3 11 Pads An Invoice of Perfumery 20 reams Letter Paper 22 do Foolscap Paper An luvolce of BootH aud Shoes do do Dry Goods 100 pair Woolen Blankets Besides 1 French plate oval Mirror Tbe usual assortment of furniture, Ac.. Ac. J4l UNDERWRITERS’ SALE. By Blun A Meyer. Will be sold THIS DAY, at 11 o’clock. A, M , In front of store, under Inspection of Port Wardens for the benefit of Underwriters; 40 bbls ronnd hoop Ohio Flonr, damaged on board ibe steamship City of Richmond, from Baltimore. jil ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. F pursuance of nn order of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, will be sold on tll,‘ first Tucs day in February next, at the Conn House door, In the city at Savaunub,, daring the usual boars of sole, all the undivided half Interest of James Bilbo, late deceased, In the Shandy Hall farm, sltnated near the city of Savannah on the Thunderbolt road ; said farm containing in all fifty acres, more or less. Tlte said half Interest sold for the pntpose of di vision JOHN <). FERRILL, d7-td Administrator. Notice. ON the Ist Sept., 1865, the undersigned formed a copartnership with J. F. Mcßeth lor the pnrpese of doing a Dry Goods and Grocery business at Mob lev Pond, Gu. Capital $3,600. Style of firm Mcßeth A Oliver. • THCS W. OLIVER. 113 New Books RECEIVED BY COOPER, OLCOTTS & FARRELLY. THE Belton Estate. By Anthony Trollope. Hereward. By Cluuit-8 Kingsley. Robert Dal by and his Troubles. The Ordeal for Wives; h Novel. The Prince of K.«shna; a West Indian Story- Erring, yet Noble ; of aud for Women. Winning His Way. By Charles C. Coffin. Poems by Robert Buchanan. Conntry Love vs. City Flirtation. By Sperry. e“ L. NEIDLINGER, CORNER OF Barnard and Broughton Streets, SAVANNAH, CEORCIA, WOULD respectfully announce to his friend* and the public generally that he has teamed the SADDLERY BUSINESS. next door to hie lormer stand, and by strict attentl.ii and moderate prices, hu|isa to receive a liberal .bare of the trade, lie I* prepared lo make up promptly *ll ordere fin FIARNKHH, HRIDLEH, ETU. Ills brother, Mr. J H. NKIDI.INUKK. will be feaad wtlb ktm, end wuuld lie gitd to me 10. friend.. |» If. L NKIDUNOIII HATS. IATfcHT SI'YI.I • Just received be j iTm. t'ol.ding jl lw faatolonable Hatter, H. A. TOPHAM, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, 188 CONGRESS ST., SAVANNAH. T7UNE Re.Hdr-made Business and Dresa Soltft of all JT dwacriptioua constantly ou hand, dent'd Fnr niflhlng Goods, hU of tile newest at>lea; Hats, Cap*, Ac. Also, an elegant Hue of Fine Cloths, Doeskins, Meltons, Casslmeres, Tweeds and Vestings, which will be made to order at ihe shortest notice by experi enced workmen. jl-it “NOTICE. “ HEIDT A LUDLOW have removed from 152 to 154 Gibbons' Range, Congress street. Jt-4 Cheap Hats. HATS for $1 each and upwards at COLDINGS. jl-3 153 Congress street. Soluble Pacific GUANO. lITE invite the attention of Planters to this valusblc "" Guano, as a matter of importance to their in terest. It is similar in appeartnee, odor and compo sition to Peruvian Guano, differing only in the pro portions of the same elements. It contains less am uionia, but nearly onejhundred per cent, more of Phos phate than Peruvian Guano, one-third of which is im mediately soluble It is quite as active as Peruvian Guano, and is teas costly. For further information, apply to E. C. WADE A CO., Agents. jl-3m Savannah. Ga, IS3Toti.ce. THF. public attention Is called to the Ordinance of the 15th of last November, which requires all persons liable to Taxation hi the month of December, 1865, to make their returns, and payment of their dues previous to the loth of the present month, January, otherwise execution will he issued against them. K. T. GIBSON, J3 City Treasurer. Mendel & Laffiteau, WE have formed a Copartnership under the above name and style for the purpose of carrying on the A.uction AND Commission Business, and hope by industry aud punctuality to merit the patrouage of our friends. j E. MENDEL, ». M. LAFHTEAU, Corner Bav Htreet and Market Dock. Savannah, Jan. 3, 1866. j3-tf Liverpool Salt. 2KAA SACKS-ten to the ton, on shipboard at . tlvU the wharf. For sale in quantities to suit by J3 4 W. H. STARK. COUNTY CHAIRS. ANY Citizens having Chairs in their possession, which were removed from the Court House lu 1866, will oblige the undersigned by Informing him that they limy be restored to ihe Court Rooms, as Superior Couit will meet ou Monday next, January 8,1866. WM. 11. BULLOCH, J 3-2 Clerk S. A 1. C. C. C. IN’ otice. THE undersigned have this day formed a Copart nership under the name of ‘Palmer A Deppish, for the transaction ol a general Hardware Business, Wholesale and Retail, st 141 Congress and 67 St. Ju lian streets, Siu annuli, Ua. H. A. PALMER, JNO. H. DEPPISII. Mr. S.iml. B. Palmer, of the firm of Sand. Palmer A Son, is with u», and will be pleased to nee his old friends. j3-lw P. A D. ISTotice. TIIE underuigned returns his thanks to Ids old cus turners for their patronage, aud informs them and the public generally, that he is prepared to fur nish a good article of fresh ground Grits and Meal, which he will deliver to purchasers, free of charge, in any part of the city. Orders left at his Mill, comer Congress and Jefferson streets, will meet with prompt attention. J 3-10 WM. GREEN. POWDER, tzf\ KEGS Hazard's F. F. G* Rifle Powder, 200 M G. D. Percussion Caps. For sale by HILTON A RANDKLL, j 33 193 Bay Htreet. WANTED, AWIIF.FI.BMAN, acquainted with the St. Johns River. JJ-3 R. W. ADAMB. NOTICE ftONSICNRES per steamer Richmond arc hereby V notified that she is this day discharging her cargo at the Market Dock. All goods left on wharf will be at risk of owners. j3 LaROCHE a WFJST, Agents. IN’ otice. USTotice. SHIPPING. For Freight or Charter. r-Qk The British brig ELLA, Captain Me- Naughton, about lvu M feet Timber captt' ky. will charter for the British ■dggTAj&Jir provinces or West Indies. j 4 3 E. A. SOULLARD. For LIVERPOOL. The fine new clipper ship DREADNAUCHT, SMITH, Commander, having tbre* 1 fourths of her cargo engaged, will have qnick despatch. For balance of freight, apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., Corner of Abercorn and Bay streets. Liberal allowances made on consignments to our friends in Liverpool. dffO-tf FOR LIVERPOOL. The British ship FAVORITE. Captain Sir in, having part of her cargo engaged, 1 jaßCSywili meet with all possible despatch. -A- . t* Far freight, apply to J 33 E. A. SOULLARD. For Liverpool. r£Tv The flrut-class ship MOZART, Smith, JEpffiO mawter. will take one ttiousaud bales of cot- por freight engagements, apply to j3-lw T. R. A J. G. MILL®. For Liverpool. rjTTv First vessel I The ship MONT BLANC JHJjpo wants about six hundred bales of Cotton to . ysr'giu aud etc her cargo. ■KIjA. Inquire of L.ROCHE A WEST, or d2O-tf GADBN A UNCKLfCS FOB Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT N(. Tlisinux, I*uru, IVinnmlmco ansi Hulild ■f T*fMTt T, ‘e United Male* and Braill Mali /ZtffFWTrfi Majmalilp Cumpauy will dlepaUb ■■•ISImiWiL Un kite Will of every iiiuntli, A NEW ANI) FIRST-CLAPS HTKAMNUIP, To Leave bi S •’rlorfc, |>. From Pier 43, North Rlvsr. All letlere bave lo pose through tba Fuel Ollier An riperlenrsd Surgeon will be In atleudaurs n board. For frelgkl ah oaeeage, hiring splendid noeomnm datlone, apply u TIIoMAH AHKNCIO A CO„ orlll Im No, It, Broadway, New Yoik. SHIPPING. -Empire Line. FOR NEW YORK. Atlantic Mail Htcamship Company. PASSAGE REDUCED TO - The new and fast ride-wheel steam -BAN SALVADOR, Atkina, inas- will sail as above, on Saturday, January 6, at o’clock. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply to B. H. nARDEE, No. 12 Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON t ALLEN. Agents, j3 No. 5, Bowling Greeu, N. Y. Murray’s Line FOR NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! Cabin Passage, $23 00 Deck, $lO 00 The new and splendid steamer LEO, Merrill, commander, will leave for the above port ou her regu lur day, Saturday, Jan. 6, at 13 o’clock in. For ireight or passage, having superior accommo dations. apply to ji OCTAVUS COHEN. Pioneer Line FOR NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES: Cabin Passage, itt.» 00.. Deck, $1(1 OO •a The new and splendid steamship HUNTER, Rogers', Commander, will leave for the above porl on her regular jtay, Thursday, January 4, at o’clock. For freight or passage, at reduced rates, apply to j3 HUNTER & GAMMELL. ATLANTIC COAST MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANV. PASSAGE AT REDUCED RATES. Faro 080« The very fast sailing Steamship IN" igh. tin gale. BREAKER, Commander, Will positively sail on her regular day, Saturday, 6th Inst., at o’clock. For freight or passage, which will be as low as auy other liue, apply to J* JOHN R. WILDER, Ageut. STEAM FOR BALTIMORE. The splendid and fast Steamship RICHMOND, 1,000 tons. Capt. T. w. Barney, Will sail foi Baltimore on Thursday, Jan. 4, at 10 o’clock a.m. For freight or passage having unsurpassed accom modations, apply to LaRGCHE A WEST, Agents. J* Jones' Block. Baltimore, Charleston and Havana STEAMSHIP LINE, VIA CHARLESTON FROM BALTIMORE. The find class Side wheel Steamship ISABELLA, H 4 C. WANBERSC, Commander, Will leave Baltimore for the above ports about the 30th inst., and Charleston about the 3d of .January, 1860, a few honre after her arrival, and will continue hereafter to make regular trips. For freight or passage, having elegant Stateroom accommodations, apply to GARRANDIE & IBBANA, Agents, 18 Commerce rireet; Baltimore. c!2*-tf CHASOLM BROS. TOR PHILADELPHIA, The Steamship CUMBRIA, FRENCH, Cummander, Will sail for the above port on Thursday, Jan. 4, at o’clock. For freight or passage, having excellent accommo dations, apply to <129 HUNTER k GAMMELL, For Philadelphia r -FTv. The Bark W. A.. DI.ATKXIUS, Will have quick despatch for the above port. Freight taken at low rates. Apply to CHARLES L. COLBY & CO„ d3O Corner Bay and Abercom streets. FOR HAWKINSVILLE AND MACON. THE BTB AMWTt COMET,*, CAPTAIN HORNE. Will leave a« abova with despatch. For freight, which will be received at the Upper Hydraulic Pieea Yanl, and covered by Insurance until placed on bour.l the steamer, apply lo ncs UR bill AM UALDWIN * CO. Freights FOR AUftUSTA, rrUKanderalgiiedirepieperad to twelve gisula at I their Warekoueea free ot expense and ruv ered by Inenraiuv-fur eklpmeal to AugueU and Klnta beyond by their regalar line o( light draught *la. Apply m IIIAH l„ NilBV, •spirt If ntr. Bay and Alierrom ale, SHIPPING. ’ FOR AUGUSTA, And Landings on the River. The fine steamer 3?., Capt. J M. MOODY, Will 1 ava for the stove place on PViday, Jan. 5, at 12 o’clock in. For freight apply on Florida Steamboat Wharf to j* J M. KINCHLEY, Agent. TOR AUGUSTA, AND WAY LANDINGS. The light-draught steamer MARY EL L .A. Will leave ihewhatf foot of Abercorn street, THURSDAY, 4tii INST., AT 6 A. M. For freight nr passage, apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., FOR AUGUSTA, AND WAY LANDINGS, The Steamer EXPR E S S , Capt. J. H. MORGAN, Will leave as above on " Friday, Evening, at * o’clock. For freight or passage, apply to ,P F- W. SIMS ft CO. For Augusta, THE STEAMER L. H. MAY, W ill have dispatch for the above place. Goods receiv ed at all time and stored in fire proof WJirehonee, foot of Liucolu street, free of coat. J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent. Office in Claghorn A Cunningham’s. The May arrived in Augusta from Savanuah on last Friday with her full freight. ts oct» For Charleston. The new aud fast steamer CITY T>OI]SrT, Capt. L u M. Axeiter, Will leave as above Every Saturday, at 9 a* m. For freight or passage apply to R. W. ADAMS, or J. S. CARRLTHERS, Hodgson’s Range, next to Bell, Wylly A j* Chi istiau, Bay street. For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S, FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new and fast sailing Steamer LIZZIE RAKER, Capt. N. King, Having been placed peinmnently upon this route will leave for the above places ou F.vcry Thursday Morning, at 10o'clock. For freight or passage, having splendid cabtn ac coniituulaiion, apply ou board, at the Florida Bteacn Packet wharf, or to .. . CLAOHORN A CUNNINGHAM, _ .ii’A* Agents. C HANGE OP DAY AND HOUR. FREIGHT AND PASSAGE REDUCED. FOR JACKSONVILLE, INLAND, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS' AND FERNANDINA. THE STEAMER FANNIE, CAPTAIN McNELTY, Will leave as above from the Florida Steamboat Wharf foot of West Broad street, on TUESDAY next, 26th at 10 oVlock a. m,, and will rontinue to leave every Tuesday following at same hour unltl further not ice. This boat is in very excellent order, is commanded by officers of i xperence: and has superior state room accommodation** lor passengers While the boat is on her tripp, freight will be re ceived and stored iu fire-iyoof warehouse, free of ex pense. For freight or paßt>ugc, apply to F. M. MYRKLL, Agt, d'22-lm Harris’ Buildings, Bay street. Or to W. Johnson, oa wharf. NEW ROUTeT~ TO South-Western Georgia, VIA SUNBURY AND STATION No. 4 AT LANTIC & GULF R. R. The new and swift Steamer O. F. 3?otter Will leave ber wharf, loot of Abercom street, on every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at ♦ o’clock a. rn., connecting at Sunbury with a line of etages for Station No. 4 A. & G. R. R. Passengers by this route will arrive at Station No. 4 in time to take the train for Thomasville the follow ing days, connecting at Thomasville with stages for Monticello, Fla , and Albany, Ga. Returning, passengers will reach Savanuah on Tuesdays, Thursday* and S&tarduya in time for dinner. Time between Savannah and Thomasville, thirty hours. For passage only apply to CHAS, L. COLBY A CO, d'iLlm Corner of Abercorn and Bay streets. For Doctortown AND Thomasville. The Steamers Gen. SJhepley, Orient, and Clarion. Will make Tri weekly Trips to Doctortown, In con nection with the Atlantic and Gull Railroad, leaving Savannah on Toes,lays, Thursdays and Sundays. Through freight payable hy shippers at our office. Freight received dining the week, aud stored free of expense. For freight or passuge apply to ( HAS L. COLBY A CO., n2O Corner Ahercorn and Bnyelreete. FOR MACON. HAWKINSVILLE. AND LANDINGS ON THE ROUTE. The uew and raal Hid t-wheel Steamer TV.s 1 1 f>i* Ayres, (’apt. WM. TAYLOR, Will Im* dispatch. Gouda received fra* of Murage m tb» W hail Hlqres, Mo, I and a, below Llacom itr*et *■■ll BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CIA