Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 06, 1866, Image 3

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arc of Steamship* fob .v*vr ,lp Nightingale •jidurdaj. iind Steonww. jip San Salvador, lilp Loo. hal“ r ' ,a >- ,,p Tyboe. Thursday, December 6th, at January 6, at January Cth, at It January 11th, at — FOC BOSTONi jj, William Tlbbetta, Monday, January 8tb, ck ~- FOR AUGUSTA. Amazon* to-niffht. Harry Carroll, ."Sunday, January 7th, at # Mlnni.- Brandt, Tuesday, January #, at 8 m p B Goodscll, Saturday, Cth Inst. Stfimiisti .Saturday, Oth Inst. Win 0 Gibbons, every Saturday morning FOB bUOGli. Oak, Saturday, Cth Inst. FOR CHARLESTON. »■ ' ‘ I’ltarles Houghton, every Tncaday mora- :loek. City Point, every Sal unlay morning, at 0 FOR DOOWRTOWN. Pwo Boyi, every Tuesday morning, at S Orient, every Tuesday morning, ar • i. Shepley. every Sunday morning, roe iuoMAavn.Lt. F. Hotter, every Monday, Wednesday ruing, ai I oYJock. FOR FLORICa. inle, every Tuesday morning, nt 1U y Point, every Wednesday afternoon, yie Hater, every Thursday morning, at en (Jetty, every Saturday morning, at come at last. The past two days have d cold, the ground at night being frozen : tor the tlrsr. time this season. OGitMKNT.—We are Indebted to Mr. ins' Express Company, for copies of the urier of yesterday. 1 ■ % shell Hoad.—Among the gratifying l the revival of public enterprise and attention of oar citizens to these neces- of local improvement which had been rriug the war, is the resumption of the U ltoad Company, who It will be seen i oi a meeting of Us stockholders In an- [i, are about taking steps for the repair and a sufficient amount of new stock Is . The Importance of this road and the .- Its thorough repairs need not be urged tizens, who In the past have experienced Huy. It Is to be hoped that the necessary be speedily subscribed, and the work .yard to completion at an early day. Books itiun have been opened at the Pulaski bn. Kamia*u--Ttili wonderful person* age who has lately come among us m the shape of an astrologer and phyMciaii. 'pre* tending to be able to heal alt sorts or dia- eases, both mental and physical, without the use of medicines, and to be able to show to weak minds in search ol life companions the likenesses of their future husband or wife, and do rnauy other wonderful things, crea ted quite a stir at the Marshall House yes terday. It appears that lie established his headquarters in close contiguity to the ladies’ parlor of that hotel, and posted his handbills around the entry of the bouse, and conse quently had a rush of all sorts of people, both male and female, to his rooms, each one of whom were regularly ushered into his august presence. The lady boarders In the house witnessed all this with disgust, and we believe they waited on the proprietor of the establishment, and remonstrated against haying such ft nuisance so dose, saying it would either have to be stopped or they would leave the house. That gentle man not wishing to have ilia hotel turned into an electrical d *tor shop, much less have his boarders leave mm, tnforifaed the doctor that he might board in the house but would have to find some other place to transact his private business. The affair created considerable merriment among those of our citizens cognizant of it. It is really to bet wondered at that in this en lightened age such empvrics find so many credulous dupes to believe them- They should be hooted and driven out of all re spectable places. From Boston.—The steamship Wm. H, Tibbets, Captain Croan, arrived yesterday afternoon from Boston, having a full cargo and a number of passengers- We are in debted to Captain Croan for late papers and the following transcript of the log: Dec. 31, at 9.20 A. M- left Bow’s wharf; at 5 P. M. passed Highland Light, high eas terly sea; at it P.~ M. entered Vineyard Sound. Jan. 1st, 1806, at 5 A. M. passed Oay Head; heavy sea from eastward. 3d, at M. made land; at l P. M. saw Hat- teraa Light House; at 2 P. M. off outer shoal hauled up S. W.; struck Gull stream three times. 4tb, at 10 A- M. passedFryinePau shoal; saw a steamship steering N. £.; P. M. strong gale from N. W., with heavy sea: at 11 passed steamer bound North. F>tb, at 4 A. M. saw Light Ship off Charles ton; blowiug bard lrom N. W-; at 10.30 passed Martin's Industry; at 1 P. M. passed Tybee. 5 Theatre.—Tile sensational drama of East Lynn was performed last night to an apifteciarive au. dlence, Mias Price sustaining the characters of Lady Isabel and Madame Vine with marked ability, which has distinguished oil her personations since her debut op our stage. This evening we are promised the beanUftil drama of the Wrecker’a Daughter, in winch Miss Price will austaln the character of Marian. Raymond appears in his irresistible character of Paddy Miles' Boy. We notice with pleasure too that Mr. Qeo. Gray is in the bill for a favorite song. The bill is a good one to night, and should attract a full house. iohnM Broom all, DobgiaM, loading, York— j?eart,^?Br{ Hiorcton, discharging**Beit,: Wylly * Christian. Young Teaser, Morton, discharging—Van Horn i L —Mr. Wm. II. Wickham, firm of Wick- irris, owner of the steamship Lulu, arrived ie San Salvador. He Is a well known and ug citizen of New York, mid was formerly of tiie New York Fire Department, iph Trembly, formerly Agent of Adams Ex- mpaiij at iiiitou Head, and subsequently r to government transports In the Depart ure South, is in town ou a brief visit. 1*. McWilliams, Chief Clerk to MaJ. Lang- ting Chief Commissary of the Department of u. Carolina, is here, en route for the North. liis i> I'—Messrs. Cooper, Olcotts A Farrelly, or tins dty, nave received a supply ot the celebrated tairchlld gold pens. One of these superior pens, or jn.'uaiiioiti proportions, commences duty in our sanc- tam with the inditing or this paragraph, where the .excellent qualities or the Fairchild pen are already , satisfactorily established. We can commend the ar ticle conscientiously, not only to our brethren of the, hut to business men. book-keepers, bank offl- ,.er». accountants and others who require a line and reliable peu Seaei.—Prof. Searl'sopening seance last evening was attended or u large audience, fire Professor's performance was most satisfactory, and commanded throughout the warm approval of the spectators or his wondrous tnanipulaUoBs Prof. Seari Is a flrst- ciass artist lu his line, exhibiting many new and (Trir..: g pieces of legerdemain In an easy and grace rut manner without the aid of tiie common mystical paraphernalia aud clay-trap HU entertainment is •a finished, agreeable and entirely unexceptionable ; „„ j, our c uncot be more pleasantly spent, mssing his miracles and listening to the ■nversatioaal chit chat with which they anted Prof. Seari is a master of ventril- id gave many amusing and astonishing , of the extraordinary powers, with which < that he is specially gifted by nature Savannah Fire Company.—At the annual meet ing of this Company, held last evening at the Fire man's Hall, the following officers were re-elected to serve the ensuing year: Chief Fireman, Christopher C. Casey; Second Chief Fireman, Francis S. Blair; Third Chief Fire man, James L. Qaupt. A matinee U announced for to-day, noon, for la dies and children, the admission to which will tie only fifty cents. Take the children to see the great Wizard by all means. , rihippiuy; lutelliffeuoe. . I-land Hotel.—'This hotel, which was ruction, together with ail its furniture and aces, yesterday oy Messrs Ball. Wyliy A f this city, auctioneers was withdrawn itom uplng but a slim attendance and no satis- is beiug obtained The hotel, we learn, e -old at present, Lot will lie occupied by a gentlemen as a summer residence next PORT OF .SAVANNAH. Friday. Jan. 5. lads, Arrived. Steamship Wm Tibbets. Cony, Boston—Richardson A Barnard. Steamer Two Boy=, Daniels, Doctortown—Erwin Hardee. Steamer Clarion, Morse, Doctonown—Chas Colby A Co. Steamer Wm W Frazier, Hooper, Charleston \ia H Head—LH lienucit. Steamer Chas Houghton. Sprague. Charleston,etc —Claghorn A Cunuiugham. Arabella, Adums, Liverpool—Brigham, Baldwin A Co. Sloop Fleet, Thompson, Rtceboro-M J Doyie. Cleared. Steamer O F Potter, Cessar, Snnbiuy—Chas L Col- by £ Co. Steamer H M Cool, Taylor. Darien- ii A Cohen. Steamer Two Boys^ Danielis, Dailen~Erwiii « Hardee. „ steamer St Helena, l Cercopuly l Beaufort. AS ORDINANCE To bevy sad Aaaoaa Tf«i, and raise Reveaae far the City of Sava nub, aad to Amead the Varlous Tas aad Rev* eaae Ordinance* ef said City, t ? SBC. I. Beit ordained by the Mayor and A lit) of the City of Savannah, iii Council assembled, and U is hereby ordained!* the auttortfo V a>e same. That on and after the firat day o iiannary next, lSrS, taxes and revenue for the support of the government of the city of Save naah and for the advantage aud henftfft or the luhabftaata thereof; shell *»a assessed, levied and ratsedat anil after UiefdlloWlugretes, that is to say : 1. At the rate of oae per cgntum peg .annum, on th» valuation for the year eighteen hundred and sixty, of all real estate in the city limits, deducting from each valuation such depredation as may Have occurred by lire or military occupation, and where no income l» derived from such property—such val uation, however, to exist aud be a basis only umll'a new valuation shall have iieen completed under the authority of Council. Provided, nevertheless, that said valuation for eighteen hundred and sixty, shall be the basis for reams of real estate on the One day of January nexfoand until Council shall further or der. . . »:. n 2. One half of one per centum on gross sales of merchandize, (including sales of liquors^ except cotton. S. One-tenth or one per centum on gross sales of cotton. ' 4. One per centum on all commissions derived from any business transaction (other than sales of merchandize; by any factor, auctioneer, broker,-for. warding, shipping, or commission merchant; and one per centum on the value of all fttreiture, jewelry and plate worth over three hundred dollars. 5. One per centum on all Incomes derived from salaries, and the pursuit of any profession, faculty, trade or calling whatsoever. 6. Oue per centum on gross receipts of any busi ness transactions not included in the foregoing, and including all insurance companies and agencies, gas companies, express companies, cotton presses, all receipts for freight and for passage money which art; payable in this city, and all hotels ant! restau rants. i 7. One per centum on the gross earnings of every bank, bank agency and banker. 8. On every horse and mule, except those actually used in wagons, drays, trucks, or other vehicles, for which badges may have been taken out, one dollar per month. Sec. 8. And be it further Ordainedby the Authori ty aforesaid, That, wherever, under this or any oth er ordinance of said city, any return may be required or any tax be assessed or doe, by or from any non resident company or corporation, the return shall be made and the tax he payable by the agent or other manager or director or such company or corpora tion : and for every default, execution shall Issue ac cord inglv ; and that • in the case-"of person or persons liable or subject to make a return under this or any other ordinance, and where deranit may be made, execution shall issue for a double tax ou the immediately previous, return, and if no return shall have been made, then the patty in default shall be 1‘uhie to a penalty of two hundred dollars, for which the Cltv Treasurer shall forthwith issue execution; a .a in all cases of default in making returns or pay ment oi .a^es, executions shall issue and the (axes and penalties collected in the manner now pointed out by existing ordinances ; and that the same rule shall apply to the cases of persons failing or refusing to take out badges or licenses : Provided, always, that nothing herein contained shall interfere with the right ofthe Police Court to inflict fines or other penalties herein prsmiribed. „.% SEC.3. And be-itfurther Ordained, by the Au thority aforesaid, That the following persons and parties shall be compelled, and are hereby required to take out licences, annually, on the tret day of January, or within ten days thereafter, rad Inde pendently of the income or cororotealon tax, rad to pay for «uch license the sums severally hereinafter designated, that is to s#y; Every auctioneer, a license, annually, at the price, of two hundred dollars ; every wholesale and whole sale aud retail dealerin goods, wares and merclian- lwparta. Pei steamer Two Soys, Irina poctonown—355 bla cotton and mdse. Per sioop Fleet, riom Rlceboro 23 bales sea island cotton, l,00D bushels rough rice, 50 hides. Per steamer Clarion, from poctortown—118 bales upland cottou. Per Arabella, from Liverpool—1.2*0 socks salt. passengers. Per steamship Wm Tibbets, from Boston—MIm E L Harris, J W Roberts, T O heed, C E Harris, F A Boyd J L Venlil, 3 L Johuson, B 9 Newcomb, n TbtA Rnvfl. flttfl) Doctortown—I Bed- dise, exclusive of liquor licensi. ally, at the price of fifty dollars ; every retail dealer, an annual license, exclusive of liquor license, at the price of twenty-live dollars : every bank, banker, or bank agent, engaged in buying or selling exchange, an annual license at tiie price of oue hundred dol lars ; every person or house deallug in exchange, and every broker, money-broker and pawn-broker, au annual license, at the price of oue hundred dol lars ; every Insurance company or-agency, foreign or otherwise- rad e»cli qnd everyag<mcy, au annual license at the price of one hundred dollars, me same for ever? the kaepor or keepers of a hotel, an annual license, at the prloe of one hundred dollars; /every th* owner or owner* of a notion press, and lor each and every press, an annual license, at the price of one hundred dollars ; every Mie owner or owners of a Junk-shop or cotton pickery, an annual license, at the price ortwo hundred dollars; every the owner or owners of a public stable, an annual license, at the price of fifty dollars ; every commission merchant or factor, an annual license, at the price of fifty dollars; evert shipping master or stevedore, other than non- residents, an annufll He«Jse, at the price of fifty dol lars: non-residents one hundred dollar* 1 every the owner or owners of a cpnl or lumber yard, an annual license, at the price of fifty dollars ; every the keeper or keepers of a warehouse for the storeage of cotton, merchandise, goods etc , for each warehouse, an an nual license at the price of. fifty dollars: every the owner or owners or a billiard table used for hire, an annual license, at the price oi oue hundred dollars, for each table ; everythe owner or owners of a len- iin alley; «n annual license, at the price of fifty do), ars.for'each all? : every the: owner or owners ora saw-mill, plamliig-mlU. sash and Mind factory, nil annual license, at tiie price of one hnudred dol lars ; every the owner, or owners of a lob. printing office, an annual license, at the-price of twenty-five dollars, every master builder, niasoq or nnehauie, taking contracts for work, an annual Hcnnse. at the price of twenty-live dollarsevery the owner or owners ePou intelligence offle*. an annual license, at the Price of twenty dollars ; every manufadurer “ Tl H/tano* ci t tlio nrirfo' nf r and Crackes Factory for Macon, a.—We noticed yesterday on the vest of the Lower Rice Mill, a. com- ■icuit and Cracker Factory destined >u. Georgia, which had heen brought i New York by the steamship Nigbt- Tbis enterprise is undertaken by Mr. iVaggensiein,. of Macon, formerly of h. ' Mr. Waggenstein ia a man of siness ability, und success ia certaiu ira, for his motto U “Always Ready.” skntation.—On New Year's day Mr. Jones, foreman of the operativea of aunah Gas Works, was the recipient mtitul gold fob chain and seal from ■ c-atives. The seal bears the following .ion: “Presented by employees, 8a- GasWorks, January 1st, 1866." ones baa the confidence of the Com- and he ia highly respected and es- ' by the employees. i Trip.—The steamer Two Boys, i Tbos. Daniells, of Erwin & Har- ,ue, left her wharf for Doctortown, on y. at 8 o’clock A. M., run to Doctor- i distance of 200 miles, stopping at and intermediate laudings; discharged go, aud took on 360 bales cotton, and 1 tier wharf Friday night at 12 o'clock; nd trip, including ^oppages, disclmrg 1 loading* in the unprecedented time ours. Mrs Manning rad s'uhUdran. U Cjronk, S 8 Barthojumns, Mrs Woods, W J Dillon, E Young, B Halaljan, 7 ou deck. * Per steamer Chas Houghton,'from Charfoston-W Hutchlngson, Capt A Mahimy.U PrimtlejWLoWl^ j n w**pd Mr Kipler. Mrs M b Hill, Cl uanuiei, mi Pinckney Dr NO Clark and wife. Mw Richmond. M. and &rs Buncker aud servt. Miss Worthington, Mrs Green, aud S deck. - Consignees, Per steamship Wm Tibbets, from Boston-Ree'l A R, LT Whitcomb, Hurlbert, n * wchardsou A t RrcEiioBO.—The sioop Fleet, Capt ,-soii, consigned to Capt. M> J. Doyle." e-J yesterday morning from Biceboro, : i y county, Georgia, hayiog a freight of E iics Sea Islands and J,000 bushels of rice. This is the heaviest receipt of i rice the present season. The Reel is :y staunch vessel, and is receiving the patronage which U due her own- tlicy having supplied the planters on the v,1th a vessel that was much needed. i Doctortown.—The steamer Two Capt. Daniells, arrived on Thursday ast from Doctortown, having a full and a number of passengers. HSHip Lcld.—This vessel, which put s port a few weeks since in distress, rom New York to Mobile, will com- this morning discharging cargo for )09eof repairing. —- iwer Ljtton saya that MailMd gentleman >a be known by the peifu®* 8 he ®s* s - 1° - society it is recognised as a mark of eie :e to patronize Phalon’s “ Night-Blooming Its purity. fre?Jme3S, aad delicacy conk o all persons of ptefic taste and feeling — Strict. i* -51 . AUCTION *aAEfe^tHE^tV HO! Yoiflk, WMliamn, Bt«tatird c.yfc -Oo. .-.ti.i A Fine Horse, broke to Saddle or Harness, Oue-view ToiTHuggyi ; One .SingleH'tt'ucES. uearir new. J3 RARE CHARCES FOR INVESTMENT. Ottr-r Tor aalcsone bnudretl acres of Land, Siq milas from Savannah, on the White BlufTRoad. Thlsisah excellent Stock Farm or lor Garden! portion of it is under coltivaHoii heavliy Umbered, and there are 6.(WO 200 cords or Wood cut and piled on it, . Also, One desirable Lot at Thunderbolt. Titles perfect. Terms cash. . , . . , , J3 By ell, Mylly & Christian. ’ WILL sell at private sale : SO kegs soda, 50 cases Brandy, 30 bbls Syrup, esses Olive Oils, 1 ease Anodvnes, 50 boxes 3 case* Indliro, 10 cases Whiskey, 6 Ora vs, 6 Wagons, and 500 sacks Salt ' jq-3t BY SSKt.1^ WYkbY, ACHRfRW. J AT PRIVATE SALE. The West Half of Lot No, 2, Calbona Ward, fronting . on Jones street.^ The improvements consist of a finely dnished Brick Beaidence containing Ten Rooms with gas throughout, and a well of excellent water and a fine Force Pomp. d!3-tf REAL ESTATE “AT' AUCTION. By Beil, Wytty It chrlsHan On SATFRDAY, 6th inst., at 11 o'clock, in front of ' store, willfte sold: .. •. .LotNp. 36, .. • . / CornerBroughton and Montgomery g'treet9. An ex cellent iocation fora business stand, and'Ming a corner lot, several stores could be erected. Terms cash. Purchasers paying for titles, jy-2 ESTATE SALE. BT BELL, WYLLY 4f CHRISTIAN. On SATURDAY, 6th lost., in front of store, will be sold at 12 m., The Lot on the corner of West Broad and New streets, South Oglethorpe Ward, 200 feet front oq West Broad Htreer, by 250 on New street. The im provements consist of three houses, which rent at $600 per annum. Sold for a division between the heirs. Js . ■ GENERAL SALES. By BeH Wylly & Christian THIS DAY, at U o’clock, will lie sold at auction, in • -V ip frdnf of store: ‘ - -- * 20 bbls Syrup, 85 boxes Tobacco ^ to bbia Wldsksy. 2 boxes Sugar -HO j 10 boxes Olivs Oil, fit) boxes Glass Soap, Starch, Candles, Tea, Ac.. Ac. ] AUCTION, AUCTION, AUCTION. By BfeU, Wylly ft ChrMUa. In front of store, on SATURDAY, oth inst., will be ■' ^ sold, at it m., * 36 Valuable City Lota. Fed Sjmpje These Lou are mostly unimproved, sitoated west of Bryan streA near Fahm street. . Terms cash, purchasers paying for Titles. Plan can be seen at our office. JS-td AT PRIVATE SALE. By Beil, Wylly i Christian. Small Lots pf Lar^|. There having been fo many applications tor Small Trains of Land for location,, tb* owner of the above Land, reeling a disposition to meet this demand, has placed in tile market, for s. lew days. Lots of Five Acres, or more, parr cleared, on the Augusta Road, op posite to the three mile sfoue, also on the White Bluff Koad, opposite to the two mile stone. tf-nl6 AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Lots Nos. -45 and 46, Lafayette Ward, fronting on , „ • Jones street. . - The improvements consist of a first-class Brick Dwelling, containing twelve rooms, besides Bath and Dressing rooms, with all modern iiqprovements and conveniences. Gas, cold and hot water; speak ing trumpets, range, Ac. Buildings on lane consist of brick stable, carriage House, wood and coal rooms with comfortable apartments above. dSs tr H. A. tomw, 138 CONGRESS Sf., SAVANNAH. P INE Ready-made Basin ess rad Dress Salt* of all descriptions constantly nn band. Gent’S Fnr- deacriptious eonstantly on bud. Gent’s ffi»- uisblng Goods, all of thenewo* styles: Hals, Ohps, Ac. Al«o, an elegant Bne of Pine Ulotha. Doeskins, Meltons, Casshuares. Tweeds and Vestings, which wUl be made to-order at- the shoitcst nottc* by experi enced workmen. jl-if Soluble Pacific GUANO. WE invite-the attention of I Planters to this valuable pays to their a- . . ww sait compo sition to Peruvian Gqano. differing only in the pro- portion* of the sanmelements, it. contains les*am monia. bat nearly oneSmudsed par cent, more ofPbos- phate than Peruvian Guano, one-third of which is im mediately sohrtde. • ft to qtrife ae active as Psraviiui Guano, and is ie*s costly. Fur further iuformallbfi, apply to E. C.' WADE A CO., Agents, . Ji-3m ” ' 8avanuah, Ga, - -,j,; ,, . Mendel & nteau^ W K lli,e formed a Copartnership under the above the T aWU * style I>- the purpose or careylng on -A-UCtion Cofnntf%*io@ and hope by industry and punctuality to merit the patronage of our friends. f.u.. . , _ • E. MENDEL. . , • t ■ ’• a. M. LAFFITEAC, Corner Bav street aud Market Dock. Savannah, Jam s, lata js-tr E wpW e“ mine 1 FOR NEW YORK. Ailiintl* Mail Nteamahtp Company, PASSAGE REDUCED TO §35, The new end fast aide-wheel steam skip SAN SALVADOR. Atkins, mas ter, will sail as above, on Altuday, January 6, at HUM o'clock For Height or passage, having nnsarpassed acrom modatkms, apply to R H. HARDEE, No. t! Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON A ALLEN. Agent*. J3 No. S. BuwUng Green. N Y. Pioneer Line FOR NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! CaWa Paasags, |85 OO Rock, $10 OO The new aod spleltdld steamship TYBEE. Crowell. Ooaniiaader, will leava for the above port on her regular day, Tbandsy, Jaaaary II, at —o’clock. Fbr Oelgfat or paaejge, at reduced rates, apply lo HUNTER A GAMMELL. jf-3* 0 / HUSTON A rakdell. > * »3 B9y street. rd’s F. #. G- Rids Powder, • 2O0 M C.'O, Percussiou Caps. - NATIONAL FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AMfl TRUST Company. CHARTERED BY CONGRESS, 1865. Principal Office, .87. Cedar Street, New York. Savannah Branch Office, Drayton Street, corner of Bryan pvKPOSITS of one dollar aod 'apwards received U every afterooao from V.SO to 5 o'clock. Interest paid on all sums above $5, which have been on deposit lor six months prior to Janusiy 1st and Jmy 1st of each year. The .Branch Office is finder the aspervirion of an A it vi soot Committee, composed of well-known and influential gentlemen, residents of Savannah. Friends of Pretdmen can aid them to provide for their own future necessities by advising them to deposit their surplus earnings with this institution, 1. W. BBMCKERHO FF, jg.g . ..j. • Financial Agent. WH0LB84WB Boots, Shoes M. KRAUSS, lft ress and 3T Sf. julisn Streets, SAVANNAH, GA., Is euibled, through hia permapont house in Bou ton, to furnish Joebers and Dealers in tills i-itr, »* well as those in the coontry, with BOOTS AND SHOES at more reasonable rates than any other boose, dll-tf v ‘ ' the price of fifty dollare; every gas-fit ter an annnal license, at the price or twenty- live dollars; every attorney at law, physician, dentist other articles from any vessel of wha»r, snail be one. hundred doHftts, Instead of fifty dollars, as fixed by the ordinance of Slat December, 1640 ] Kvery per son selling by sample, and who is not a resident of the city or State, an annual license, at the price of oue hundred dollars, on failure to take out license shall be fined on conviction oae hundred dollars for each day’s default. Provided always, that any per- sou required by this ordtoance to take oat a license, and who may begm buWneg* after the first day of Jniy, ill any year, siiffil. for that year, pay on y one- half the price of 1 such license,' And the following persons snail be compelled to takeout badges on the first day of January, annually, or within ten days thereafter and at the prices herein designated, that U tS say : every porter"an annual badge, at the price of ten dollars: every vender ot small wares, and every huckster and hawker, and keeper of a cook- rtove, or simp, an annual badge, at 160 prlce-of flf-. teen dollars, which may be retlnced oneJimPir n*t reonlred to betaken out until otter the first day of SajWlSr Petson f^oFllahle ^oU^out Jope, Cary, Krwlu H. Per steamer Clarion, from Doctorfowfov-Tison A G, J L Vilisionga, n A Hardee A Co, Jno R Wilder, D Cohen- Per sloop Fleet, from Rlceboro—l W Anderson A Son, R Habersham A Bon, J L Villalonga. Per steamer Two Boys, from Doctortgwn-rJ L Vil lalonga, O Fallon Jt Co, Bell, W A C, A McMillen. it, Baldwin it Co, A U Cohen A Bro, D A SUger, E 0 Wade A Co, 1 Reddish. LIST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Jan. 6, 1K6. steamships. -Nightingale, Breaker, loading, New York—John R Wilder. .Leo, Merrill, loading, New York—O Cohen. Hon Salvador, Atkina, loading, New York—B H Hardee. -Luin, Taber, repairing—Master ships. Mont Blanc, Donnell, 506, loading, Liverpool—La Roche, Goden A Cockles. Thorwalson, (Br) Bromage, discharging—Retd A Stewart Favorite, (Br) Spain, discharging—B A Boullard. Herald, Calvert, loading, Liverpool—C Green A Son. Mozart. (Br) Smith, —n tons, discharging—T R At J G Mills. County of Plctou, (Br) McKenzie, loading, Liver pool—C Green A Son. Dayspring (Br) Coote, discharging—Chas Green A Son. Consul. Beasley, discharging—W Batterabv A Co. Arabella, Adams, discharging—Brigham, Baldwin A Co. bares. Hark Dreadnaught. «Br> smith, loading, Liverpool —C L Colby A Co. Croesco, jBr) Carrey. tons, loading, Liverpool— RI Caughsy. Zephyript, loading, Uverpooi—Rsld A St Kvralng Star, Fry. discharging—vonge A Nixon, y g (Br) Cromaiu, discharging—A ^MarH^ Hunry, Prince, discharging—Clsghom At Cunningham.' mao. Atlantic. Work, 161 ton*, toadlng, Nassau, N P—B, Wylly A Christian. _ „ R C Wright, Hogg, discharging—B Habersham A finds.', s^for evetv day's default, on conylction before the U P0ltee Court. Such iicenses sud badges sttall lie issued by the Clerk of Council, and the 4cen*e idiall tm signed l>y the Mayor, attested by ah* Clerk, Sud ha»e imDre&ieii on them tiie 86ftl of the oity. SmllSjl it further ordained, by the authority ntSrisaUl. That every male re^dencof laid city, be- ag<» of twenty-oueand sixty years, shall he liable to a*poll or capitation tax of oue dollar, am auction sale By T. J. Walsh. will be sold THIS DAY. at 11 o'clock, in front cf Store: 14 hhds Bacon Shoulder* 10 bhds B.i( „n Sides Sale positive •- ]6 Auction. By Mendel A Iftliteu. On SATURDAY Evening, tth Inst., at the store qi> Biyan street, next to Timber Cutters' Banid_ A general assortrafent of desirable Goods, to close consignments, Sale positive. i> 2 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. I N pursuance of an order of the Cnijrt of Ordinary of Ctiatham county, will be sold oaf tb« first Tnes day in February next, at the ftonrt House door, in the city at Savannah., daring the usualhQUre or sale, all the undivided naif Interest ot James Bilbo, late deceased, in the Shandy Hall form, situated near the city ofSav innah on the.Tbuuderlmlt road; said farm containing in all fifty acres, more or lees. "The said half Interest sold for the pill pose of dV vision JOHN O. FERRILL, ^"a7jtA^^ 1. - Admlalrttatnr. next floor to,hi* ‘ormer stand, and by strict attention and luo&efftte prices, hopes to receive a liberal tbsre of the trade. He fo prepared to make up promptly allordersfrir . . - l- . HARNESS, BRIDLES, E1A). Ills brother. Mr. J. 9. NE1DUNGER. WUl be found with him. and would be'glad to see his friends. E. L. NEIDUNGER. NEW PERFUME For the Handkerchief. 8KC. 5. Alid bfj-further Qrtlal/)*d ty aforesaid, That every owner stun) I pay for such dog the annual taxof three dol- TkC 6 And be itfarfber'OMathe&S^he author- it,, aforesaid. That on aud after the first day of Jan- aaryraxvttleprice ora UCefisetortullSpirituow^’ ilauora one vear, shall be one hundred and fifty dol lare and the applicant sball be required to aabndt a* securities, twfr responsible freeholders of the neigh borhood, as a pre-requisite 10 the isaue of aaid li cense, aud. for a wbbtesjUftJUquor llcerae toe price shall be one hnudred daiiarA : ... .a; ' SBC. 7. U further Qi-dalneQ by theaulhor- iti/dforearfrl, ThatftU returns required by tiito ordi nance, for real estate, income and commissions, shall he mode quarterly 1 that, fo to say, on the' first day of April, the first day of July, the first day of October,, .rad the first day or Jannarv, of each,year, or WiUlln ten days thereafter, respectively, for ihe three montiiaimnie. ' respective risj*. apdftat for aU be made pet' dlately precedii gross sales, ret returns shall 1 etween the first tty aforesaid. That all ordlnahfcps and ports of or- ^maucos, so for as they militate wt*k thlsoodlraoce, be, and they are hereby repeoUd.-: tr.. Pa-ged in GonncU December27,1365. * “ E. C, ANDERSON, Mayor. . ; - Attest- '.A'.',, Jambs Stbwabt, Clerk tvmncU^ FOB BALE BY dSTeod3m 'muon Son. “Eds. Brown, rR Agonllord. John w Lovitt, GiSiot, loading, ft Johns, N B— YongeA Nixon. Daniel Boone, rraalrtng. , Resolute, Lane, bound » Darien, repairing Clara Ellen, Dexter, discharging—G«wdy * Brad- Montlcello, Moon oischarging—RtcbanUon A Bar nard, Harp, Cardy, diicharglng—H-Pitcher. Monets, waiting—Tonga A Jftxo$, 4 Ale and Ported 1 ft 1V and Porter, u . 6 casks Byosa’ London Porter. - ‘ — -fotagr*^ celebrated Ale CHEESE, BlOTEEH. ^ ^*ns«toW -. ■ . ■ Dairy.H. d R. Cheese 30 boxes Extra fttoun ’ do j 150 packages Choice State and Western Butter. For sale by HILTON A RANDBLL, RANDBLL,, . 121 Wlu street. ▲ Most Sxqviaito, DeRpate, and Fra- yrant Herfume, Dintilleafrom the Rare lad Beautiful Flower from which it Manufactured only by PH-4 LON &. SON, NEW YORK. BEWiEE or 1-5-eydly t NIL-TAKE NO OTHER, isis ftcncrellr. . •: ■, Ik B« {Formerlyof Atlrata, Ga.) ACOMMISSION S Al-ii'i -'‘ill * #i 5>92 -BROAD STREET, Angusta, Ge.orgia. rad Jdfirlt Widerj aftvuuah, Georgia. - d5-tawlm ndise. iter A Gammell, Crane. E. L. NEIDUNGER, CORNER OF HBariiard aud Broughton Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, W OULD respectfully announce to his frfonds and the public generally that he has resumed the L ATF.8T STYLES. Just received by 8. M. COLDING, jl-lw Fashionable Hatter. SHIPPING. BOSTON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. FOR BOSTON The fine; ateftmphip . . WM. TIUBETTft J. & CONY, Oononander, ’ Wlltaail for the abofftpotbon *’• Hoadsy, Jan. Ntlr, at - y, m. Fpr freight or passage, apply to RICHARDSON A RABNA1 j( Bay street, oppaatte Mariner's Cbt AND Murray’s Line FOR SHIPPING, NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! CnMft Passage, $25 M Deck, $10 00 The new and spfoadid steamer LEO, Merrill. Commander, will leave for the above port on her regu lar day, gstaiftay, Jon. 6, »* il u’tlark a. in. For lreightor passage, having superior accommo dations. apply to H OCTAVUS COHEN. ATLANTIC COAST MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANV. The very fast sailing Steamship N i gh. t i n ga 1 e. BREAKER, Commander^ Will positively'sail on her regular day, Hstsnlsy, Oth Inst., at — o’elorlr. For freight or passage, which wilt be as low as any other line, apply to II JOHN R. WILDER. Agent. Baltimore, Charleston and Havana STEAMSHIP LINE, VIA CHARLESTON FROM BALTIMORE The first class Side wheel Steamship ISABELLA, H, C. WAXBERSC, Commander, Will leave Baltimore for the above ports about the 30th inst., and Charleston sbdnt the 3d or January. 1046, a. few hours alter her arrival, and will corn iuue hereafter 10 make regular trips. For freight or passage, having elegant Stateroom accommodation*, apply to i GABKANDIE A IBB AN A, Agents, IS Commerce street; Baltimore. d47-tf CHASOLM BROS FOR MACONS HAWKINSVILLE VIA DARIEN, DOCTORTOWN, w - »-■ I r.: And Landings on the Altam&hm and Ocmolg«e rivers, Steamer Oa^k, , Capt. McCauley, I* loading this day at Florida Wharf, foot of Wcat Broad.atrMt, and will leave aa above on Marday next, the 6tb instant. This boat fo ia good order (rates A 1 in Insurance office), is eommaaaed by officers of experience, and has Just made a successful trip from thence with a foil load of cotton. Far freight, he., apply Jo J. B. PRE'DEE, AgL 109 Brooghton street. F. M. MYUELL, Jj Harris Buildings. TO-MGRT FOR A U G U ST A. For freight or engagements, Apply at onee to fol ERWIN <£ HARDEE fOK AUGUSTA AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS Tfle very Uzht-draft steamer I > . B. Q-oodseli, Capt. J T. JARXON. Will leave :cr Augusta on Saturday, the, Gtlx instant. For freight engagements, anply on board, at F ford’s Wharf, next to Central Fres^ or to J5 M A. COJIF FOR AUGUSTA, And Landings on the River. —1 The Ste'tm-T Harry Carroll Wilt leave as above on Sunday Morning, at ft o'clock- Per freight or passage, apply to j6 LxROCHE Jt WEST FOR AVGUSTA AND LANDINGS ON THE RrVER. The Steamer Minnie Brandt Will leave as above ou Tuesday, January Oth, at 9 a. in. For Height or passu e, apply to JO LaROCHE ft WEST. Agents. Jones’ Flock. FOR AUGUSTA, AND WAY landings The £?eaTCt STANDISH, Capt. JAMEt FABIAN, wilt have quick despatch as above from the old Flor ida Steamboat'Wharf, foot of West Broad street, on fi|£.turtlAy, the 6th. instant. For friighr ai»|dy lo F. St. MYRRI.I. Horrfo' Bolldlng, Bay street. f.> Or to W. Johnson, uo wharf. For Augusta, THE STEAMER H. H. MAY, es* LANDINGS ON THJ5 The new aad tost aid (-wheel Btea r Capt. WM. TAYLGH, Will h»ve despatch.. Goods received free of storage in the Whsil Store*, No. 6 and «, below Lincoln ■•reel dcr.2T BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO. FOR AUGUSTA, end bv Insurer ce—for shUunent te> Augusts and afhsiss** ' cor. Bar rad Abercorn sto. The firet-efoss ship MOZART, flmltb, master, wUl take one thousand baleg 5f cor- arippij to J. G. MILL*. Ftor LIVERPOOL. The flne new riipper ship dreadnaught, - 8 SlIITHft. Commander, ~ ..OCX If/1 having Uree-foWM of fog <«W>. ra^agwLwlU Sbwei4 : CHftBdL5C0LByft' o P»-Xi ! Cunw of ftilKlMl rareTUnhr bfr coaMfihw*^*®" - FOR HAWKINSV1LLE AND MACON. THE BqniAMEDR. COMET,’ CAPTAIN BORNB. Win leave ft* above .with despatch. For freight, which will be received at the Upper Hydraulic Press Yard, nd covered by bmnrelice nmlll placed on board the steamer, Op|0y to ■S3 . BRIQHAM. BALDWIN ft CO. Por Freight or Charter. capacity, will charter for the British provinces or West Indies. Apply to *. A. FODLLARD Will nave dispatch »or, ne above place. Uoods re^clv ed at all time and stored in fire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln Etreet, free of cost. J. M. K INCH LEY, Aget-t Office hi Clughoru At Cunningham’s. The May arrived in Angnsta from Savanuah or. last Friday with her full freight. ti oc;t) For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S, FEH- NANDLVA, JACKSONVILLE ANi' PICOLATA. The new and fast calling Steamer LIZZIE BAKEE, Capt N King, Having h,en plated pe-imanentiy upon this route wlk leave iur the above places ou Kv.ry Thursday Dlsralng, at 101,'CUs For freight or paasuge, having splendid cahli . eomniodatlon. apply on board at the Florida 8 ,31 Packet wharf, or to CLAGHORN At CUNNINGHAM d5-tf Ager, 1 .- CHANGE OF D AY A\D HOUR. ^r FREIGHT AND PASSAGE REDUCED FOR JAGKSOimiLE, I N L AN D, HA BRUNSWICK. ST. MARYS’ A2vD FEUNANDINA. THE STEAMER FANNIE, CAPTAIN McNBLTY, Will leave a* above from the Florida Steamboat Wharf foot of West Broad street, on TU8SDAY next. 26tb at Id o'clock a. ra., and will continue to le*'.-* erery Tuesday following at same hour until further notice. ' This boat is in very excellent order, is-commanded by offleers of experenoe; and has superior state room accommodations tor passengers While the boat Ison her trips, freight will be re ceived and stored in fire-proof warehouse, free of er- p.rnse. For freight or passage, apply to F. M. MYRRjLL ftgt, d22-lm Danis’ bonding*, fifty street. Ur to W. Joimsox, on wharf NEW ROUTE South-Western Georgia, VIA SUNBURY AND STATION N<>. LANTIC * GULF IL R. Ti»fi Dew and stvrlfr 4 AT- FOR The British brig ELLA. Captain Mo- Haughton, sbont Vffi M iert ‘nmi-er ^ teamer Q. F. 3?OttCl “‘USengMel’y’ffi 3 ,cal '’ wJE ftrervV nt Station No A In lime to lake the trajr: for 'J':,i,marr.1ih the !< lluw- . jr,netting at ThomasviUe with sLges for MontR-eilo. Fla., and Albany, Ga. Beturning, passengers will reach Savannah on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays in time for pinner. between Savannah rad ThomasvUie, th£ hours.. For parage only apply to 1 CHAS, L. COLBY A OO, drt-tnr- ~ Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT :ix» ftfMto •teeary awath, erEmSHD*. seta- For DxLCtortowL fo Lcayc ** 3 ra’eifl ^4S,Vorih River. —.a tbroogb the Poat Office wUl hft in ^Fbr freight an raauge, haring splendid aceommn drarawrO 0 - AetSf rtn _ _ THOMAS ASKNCIO A OO.. Tito. IT, Broadway, New Tork. FdDCCNIrpool. Flrtt vessel I The (Up MONT BLtNO > w*a«s shut six hundred bales A. Cotton fo gmpMahsratrgo. ' - ****** .1 UHOCHE A WKT, or Oftktf a O . QADKN A UNCKLKrf. - TLomfitsviile. The Steamers - Gan. Shepley, Orient, sod r ‘ C'Xar YV1U Trt weekly Trips to Doctortown, In con nation with the Atlantic nnd Gulf Railroad. 1 ring Savannah on Tuesdays, Ttnnsdays and Sunday-. Through freigb* peyabte by ahipperMat our '«c. Freight received during the weefc and stored fr* of expense. - Forfrelghtorpssrare^to ^ f naa Corner Abercorn and Bayet -..