Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 09, 1866, Image 3

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V N NAH. x<rs lUto at - January 13th* at January 8, #1 # Saturday morning Dayspring (Br) Coote, discharging—CUas Green * Fon. < consul,Beasley, discharging—W Battembv > Go. Anabella, Adams, discharging—Brigham, Baldwin ■fe Bark Oreaduaught, (Br) Smith, loading, Liverpool -C L Colby * Co. - - • tons, loading, Liverpool— . v Tuesday morn- turdiy morning, at 0 jQXYi. lutein/ morning* —u Oraesco, (Br) Carrey. B J Canghey. Zcphyruie, Pealston, loading, Liverpool—Reid i Stewart. Evening Star, Fry, discharging—Yonge * Nixon. W H Jenkins, (Bn Cromain, discharging—IS A Soullard. ■ Marla Henry, Prince, discharging—Ulaghom A Cunningham. Atlantic, Work, 101 tons, loading, Nassau, N p—B, Wylly * Christian. K C Wright, Hugg, -discharging—B Habersham A Son. „ja;, morning, at 7 Sunday morning, .inlay, Wednesday jj- morning, at 10 ."e.iuiiaday afternoon, 1 v j a iajr morning, at Saturday morning, at in tlo 4 Hai • a, f 4. I nrigi;, ,n ot our readers, noth • *r t to u.e advertliement . other column. - :■ (;x indomitableenergy, , .. , us in steam ,r! 1 ot oar State. It „ to their regular line to ; they -’ill -dart oaThnra- weekly Inc to Macon, ,r .. me intermediate -.a s. Hardee” and h e travelling and 1 we congratulate opoo this sure and regular <i to- 1 Ella, Brown, waiting—E A Soullard. John W Lovltt, Giliiot, loading, St Johns, N B— Yonge Sc, Nixon. Daniel Boone, repairing. Iteaolnte, Lane, bound to Darien, repairing. Clara Ellen, Dexter, discharging—Gowdy & Brad- "Skouticeiio, Moon, discharging—Richardson A Bar- Q&rd, narp, Cardy. discfcarging-^H Pitcher. Moneca, , waiting—Yonge A Nixon. SOQOOKEB3. N q Farr, Dasey, Philadelphia—Hunter A Gam- meil. Bay State, Torrey, New York—F W Matt A Co. Camilla, Clark. New York—J B Wilder,.- Ira Bliss, , New York, In ballast—Order. L <t 41 Heed, Beed, Philadelphia—G B A G W Lamar. John M BroomaU, Douglass, loading, New York— Ctnis L Colby A Co. . Pearl, (Ur) Biordon, discharging—Bell, Wylly A Christian. , - Young' Teaser, Morton, discharging—Van Born Holyoke A Murray. Callata. Hall, loading, New York—<? L Colby Co A QUOTATIONS For Southern Bank IVote- BANKING HOUSE MANNING & DE FOREST, WALL STREET, NEW YORK. CORRECTED DEO. 1, lgfiS. 19 t. Cliandler and H. M. j..-.tes Treasury Depart. - ••.ja.'. accompanied by 0 in ot ATttiur Leay A - ppieg at-’the Pulaski • •••tint Secretary of the . .nap action. Captain i States Revenue Mr- 1 : jjgulshgd party to .u-nence assembled last prcs.-autMU of Miss Price’s la nlri . we are promised u : a iina MlssM. E. Gor- if iayho-lntlie cast, be- i'.’.Mr. Han-belt. Mr. Harry . id olock,” makes LiLs flrel Hi”. : at..-The steamship Tybee, : ,.:•-, from New York, arrived ?;. Tybee left the quarantine .MV morning last On Saturday, at • ...j ; - steamship Hunter, bound .•••••a. .. a large mall. We are 0 r i. . papers of the latest VIRGINIA. AS ORDINANCE To Uvy and Assess Taxes, sad raise Revenue for the City sfAsyse to Amend the Varisu Tsi and Rev- • fcnaa Ordinances or-sald City. j 8kdl 1. lie it ordained bp the Mayor am Aldermen, Of the City qf Savannah, in Council assembled, and U is hereby ordained bp the authority the same. That on and after the first day o January next, 1S6D, taxes and revenue lor the support of the government of the city of Savannah and for the advantage and benefit or the Inhabitants thereof, shall be assessed, levied and raised at and after the following rates! that Is to say : - X. ~^t the rate of oae per centum per annum, on the valdqtlon lyr the year eighteen bandied ana sixty, of all real estate In the city Unfits, deductin'* from such valuation such depreciation as may have occurred by fire or mlUtary occupation, and where no Income is derived from such propeny—such val uation, however, to exist and be a basis only until a new valuation shall have been completed under the authority of Connell. Provided, nevertheless, that said valuation for eighteen hundred and sixty, shall be the basis tor returns of real estate on the first day of January next, and until CouncU shall further or der. 2. One half of one per centum on gross sales of merchandize, (Including sales of liquors^ except cotton. 3. One-tenth of one per centum on gross sales of cotton. OHOCKRIES, UdlilKS, A C„ »w* H. Q. RUWS. JOHN H. RDWB. H.G.RUWE & CO., WHOLESALE OCALaBS its Groceries, Ales, Wiiies 4. One per centum on all commissions deri ve from any business transaction (other than sales of merchandize) by any-factor, auctioneer, broker, for warding, shipping, or commission merchant; and oue per centum on the value of all tarnlture, jewelry and plate worth over three hundred dollars. 6. One per centum on all incomes derived from salaries, and the pursuit of any profession, faculty, trade or calling whatsoever. Bank of Berkeley. „ 90 *• Commerce. Fredericksburg 40 “ Charleston, Charleston 23 “ the Commonwealth 5 “ Howardsville, secured 2T “ Old Dominion 44 • 4 Philippi, secured. A .27 “ Rockingham „ 40 “ Scotteville, secured.. 27 “ the Valley at 44 Virginia SO “ Winchester 60 Central Bank of Virginia, secured 27 Corporation of Alexandria 66 Danville Bank, Danville 25 Exchange Bank of Va., Norfolk.. 8n Farmers’ Bank of Fincasrie 88 “ 44 Richmond 28 Merchants' Bank, Lynchburg, secured 43 Monticelio Bank, secured 27 Northwestern Bank at Jeffersonville 05 Southwestern Bank, Wythesville 39 Traders' Bank. Bichmond 30 Bank of Bichmond 25 t Lehr. —l'ms steamer, which .aunali .liver about two months s»a 1 - I'j-nil) 1alsed nd sent to .... veaterdaj and will . ijgusta. aperior Court on iue and J. Huge ed to plead and NORTH CAROLINA. Bank of Cspe Fear 43 Charlotte t>6 44 Clarendon 15 44 Commeice 27 '• Fayetteville 1» 44 Lexington 35 44 North Carolina 43 44 Wadesborough 30 44 Washington 16 *• Wilmington 25 44 ' Yauceville 16 Commercial Bank, Wilmington 21 Farmers' Bank of North Carolina 37 Merchants’ Bank. Newbern 34 Bauk of Hoxboro' Miners and Planters' Bauk Ss bauk of Tnomasvllle 30 a. One per centum on gross receipts of any busi ness transactions not included tn the foregoing, and including all insurance companies and ageucies, gas companies, express companies, cotton presses, all' receipts for freight and for passage money which are payable In this city, and all hotels and restau rants. 7. One per centum on the gross earnings of every bank, bank agency add banker. 8. on every horse and mule, except those actually 03ed in wagons, drays, trucks, or other vehicles, for which badges may have been takeu out, oue dollar per month. Sec 8. And be it further Ordainedby the Authori ty aforesaid. That, wherever, uuder this or any oth er ordinance of said city, any return may be required or any tax lie assessed or due, by or from any non resident company or corporation, the return shall be made and the tax be payable by the agent or other manager or director or such company or corpora tion ; aud for every default, execution shall Issue ar- coruifigly; aud that In the case of person or persons liable or subject to make a return under this or uny other ordinance, and where default may be made, execution shall issue for a double tax on the Immediately previous return, and If no return shall have heen made, then the party in default shall be liable to a penalty of two hundred dollars, lor which the City Treasurer shall forthwith issue execution; and in all cases of default iu maklug returns or pay ment or taxes, executions Bhall Issue and the taxes and penalties collected in the manner now pointed out by existing ordinances ; and that the same rule shall apply to the casta or persons falling or refusing to take out badges or licenses : Provided, always, that nothing herein contained shall Interfere with the right of the Police Court 10 Indict fines or ptner penalties herein prescribed. Sec. 3- And be it further Ordained, by the Au thority aforesaid. That the following persons and jarties shad he compelled, and are hereby required iotake out licences, annually, on the first day of January, or within ten days thereafter, aud (ude- p-udently of the Income or commission tax. and to pay for such license the sums severally hereinafter designated, that W to say: Every auctioneer, a license, annually, at the price of two hundred dollars; every wholesale and whole sale and retail dealer in goods, wares aud merchan dise exclusive of liquor license, a license, annu ally at the price of fifty dollars ; every retail dealer, an auuual license, exclusive of liquor license, at the price of twenty-five dollars: every bank, banker, or •etest song when luce of Plmlon's ore exquisite as case with the or- .ef. Their origi- ldedly repulsive J9 3t. egg 1 i<‘ .ssm deuce. its Day. 0 42 2 02 ijK savannah. YldM>*7. Jan. 6. lsiii. Arrived. Cf.iM-n, N ■ fork,—<) Cohen. . :-.g, 1's.atka, etc—Clag- it Lehr. Cortsc-' Charleston—0 SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Camden 36 “ Charleston “ •• Chester 24 41 Geoi getown 44 Hamburg ■ • 44 Newbury 44 South Carolina *0 44 State of South Carolina.. 25 Commercial Bank. Columbia Exchange ‘ “ Farmers'and Exchange » Merchants’, Cheraw *1 People’s Bank . >>o Planters’ " Fairfield........ 22 Planters’ and Mechanics' Bank. South W. R. R' State Bauk Onion Bank 40 GEORGIA. 12 Base,-, fiiiiitlfcihhla-Hunter A New Toik—F W Sims A ,;c-. loney Clark, \ew Ton-.—J R Wilder. in baliapf—Order. Augusta Insurance and Banking Company 12 Bank ot Aogusta 35 41 Athens 44 Columbus 4 commerce Fultcm EmplreState-.. Middle Georgia Savannah..---- "7 Bank of State of Georgia- AND LIQUORS, Of ail description* AT FALUGANT’S OLD PAINT STAND, Corner St. Julian & Bryan Sts., Near the Pulaski House. . AGENTS FOB ALE AND LAGEB BEER. dl81m AUCTION SALES. RARE CHANCE8 FOR INVESTMENT. York, William*, Molntire & Co, Oifbr for sale one hundred acre9 of Land, 3)4 miles from Savannah, on the White Bluff Road. Thialsan excellent stock Farm or for G irdeuing purpose. A portion of it is nnder cultivation and the balance heavily timbered, and there are 5.000 new Bails and 200 cords of Wood cut and piled on It, Also, One desirable Lot at Thunderbolt. Titles perfect Terms cash. j3 AT AUCTION. 'York, William*, Molntire 4L Co. On TCSSDAY, January »th, at 10k! o’clock, on pre mises ol Kenneth, McLea <t Oo, 302 Bay street, to close consignments; 110 bbls Superfine Flour lb packages Lard 30 do Family Butter lbs very choice Pickled Shoulders 5,Oue do Smoked Shoulders. 1 bhd extra choice Bacon Sides 1 barrel Breakfast Bacon 20 do sugar cured Hams and Shoulders. Also, will be offered, 300 bbls choice Superfine and Extra Flour, and luO bbls pickled Herring, Shore and Labrador. J8-2t SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS ATTENTION, BUYERS! York, Williams, Molntire & Co. Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE 3TATE OF GEORGIA. GROCERIES, &G. GUNNY BAGGING, SEA ISLAND BAGGING, ROPE, BACON, NEW YORK EDWARDS’ HAMS, COFFEE, SUGAR, &c., Ac., 3k. jl-tm PHILLIPS & BYERS, 86 Bay Street. PIERCE MM, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, For eign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars. A so, Skeban's Celebrated GOLDEN ALE CHAMPAGNE CIDER. price 01 tweuiy-nvu minis , e,t., » bauk agent, engaged In buying or selling exchange, au annual license at the price of one hundred dol lars • ever? person or house dealing lu exchange, and every broker, mouey-bioker and pawn-broker, an annual license, at the price of one hundred dol lars ; every Insurance company or agency, foreign or otherwise, and each aud every agency, an annual license at ths price of one hundred dollars, the same for everv the keeper or keepers of a hotel, an annual license, at the price of one hundred dollars; every th. owner or owners of u cotton press, and for each and every press, an annual license, at the price of one hundred dollars ; every tbe.owneror owners of a junk-shop or cotton pickery, au annual license, at the price of two hundred dollars; every the owner or owners of a public stable, an annual license, at the price of fifty dollars ; every commission merchant or factor, au annual license, at the price of fifty dollars; every shipping master or stevedore, other than non- -residents, an annual license, at the price of fifty dol lars; non-residents one hundred dollars ; every the owner or owners of a coal or lumber yard, an annual license, at the price or fifty dollars ; every the keeper or keepers of a warehouse for the storeage of cotton, merchandise, goods etc , for each warehouse, an an nual license at the price of fifty dollars; every the owner or owners or aUUUard table used for hire, an annual license, at the price of one hundred dollars, for each table ; every the owner or owners of a ten pin alley; an annual license, at the price of fifty dol- Jars for each ally ; every the owner or owners ora saw'-mlll plainibg-mUl, sash aud blind factory, an annual license, at the price of one hundred dol lars ; every the owner or owners of a job printing office, au annual license, at the price of twenty-five dollars every master builder, mason or mechanic, taking contracts for work, an annual license, at the price of twenty-live - Hollars; every tire owner or owners of an intelligence office, an annual license, at the price of twenty dollars ; every manufacturer of soda water, an annual license, at the price of twenty-five dollars; every soap-boiler, tanner and founder for each establishment, an annual license, at the price of fifty dollars; every gas-fit ter an annual license, at the price of twenty. in bottle and lu wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng Ush Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, dll-tf and 82 Liberty street, N. Y. KIBLIN, BB0. & BUBKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WL1S AND LIQUORS, :i-- ——. >ew * ■ k, in uauan—viucj. 1 :. lii.-d. Philadelphia, with coal— :tton—Richardson ;. de-.- .T, Sunbcuy—Chas LCol- i.'ooi, Taylor, Darien—M A Cohen. SSSSm ad Banking Company £ City Bank of Augusta ' Farmers* and Mechanics a Georgia Railroad and Banking Company 82 Marine Bank...... Mechanics’ Bank • — . Merchants tnd Planters’ Bank 4 * Planters’ Bank -.•••••• Timber Cutters’ Bank Onion Manufacturers’ -•!-.• Baker, ft'.: Palatkfl, etc—82 lo .1 l-d:.; I do. York—sis barrels KxpurU- >bo'. ■. for Horton—115 bales Island do, f.76 bash ground . -i mdse and ’■andries. p«nfc of Mobile 4 Montgomery 4 Selma..-. Commercial Bank sc Central ‘ ’• V.Y.‘.Y.'.‘V.i9 Eastern Bank s0 Northern 44 75 Southern TENNESSEE. an* of Tennessee, old issue J® .. new issue w Fasstjin/gers. , Tybee, from X a York—<5 E/nn. W J Hnydcr, J Head, Miss Dearborn, i‘ L Ki:. vd and lady, il Dennis, ! C jehenke, £ McQuade, AP Loomae, . j McLaveu. J Kan;, C Pelrna, Capt . 1. riu'.yokc. E llobbins, A Doughty, . j . 1' bnderhlu, O Stems, T S Ling, B K . « Ulf. ‘ •) Ca 'veil, B Smith, H iicLuud, 3 ,»u. M Kenuird. J B Levi, and J steerage learner Llazie i<uke>-, from Palatka, etc—W C fi . «ner. Mr 'lateo and w ;e, J Burklm, W ■ t Barv'ey.J i> Biauclii, d, J J Bankulght ■ • ■ -:ir» . A wde, A Beyde Mr Churchill, J 1. ''11 .Kcr. M i'.uue, G O oriou. HHHen- Pliea, and 10 deck. t6 .22 40 Planters’ Bank Union 44 Bank of Chattanoc ta Commercs 40 Knoxville „ Memphis g0 Middle Tennessee Conaisneca. ; : vV oc. iron New Y ork—Adams Es, ‘i- a.luwiu a Co, r i' Bateson, FOB, at, 'V ft Bogart, T W 1 vcon, T W Burke ;) A lo, M A Coh i, C Purse A Co, i,} A Co. T .V Coor y, Crane, JAG, :aok a >1. J H Dot pish, J Dunning, ", .1 x ‘.'o. W M jj, Erwin A H, G C . mt i.i, 9 Gazan, L3 Gtdlmartln <£ a. <:' c v Hutchins, HUton . , : d co. Bunier A G, C Harrigan, a. . ; \V il Jones V, O Jeffrie, Klrlin jo, J Ltppman, Lovell & L, Ltn : avy Lathrop h M l'L, F M Myrell, D ,t door, B 11 N MNcwmark, D >• ■.a diamond K. A K a Co, Sorrell • •b. ftemciner SoD. K D b, C W Jl-rte, J L \ iilalonga, .Weed A C, W Dak r, iron; Palatka. etc—J ,:n. H V Co. J L VlUalOft ': aoerahara A Co, Stuart A u vv Pyle 4 , .EhUn a Co. dy. 3 : Mj r rel; Y.-rk—Brigham, B A 1* Y, W, Mi ' dclntlre * ■ i.r N G P411 A win A U, C R h A u, T M Nor-v . Crane, J A o, Wood bridge Bros, ,‘lphla—C L Colby o. Brady, S A Co, Stark, U Lavln, . Wright, G Co, urn, A Minis, Kuo, Jlexivorauo . ii Reed reports—Friday, U h in3t, in. .fi A diumg-'-'U. 4 -» tot loresall aud 15 75 44 Macon I 5 ALABAMA. 76 9U „ve dollars; every attorney at law, physician, dentist, Dauuerrean artist, photographist, aud ambrotyper, an annual license, at the price of twenty-five dol lars [The license for the sale of goods, wares or other articles from any vessel or wharf, shall be oue hundred dolUre, Instead of fifty dollars, as fixed h, the ordinance of 31st December, 1840.] Every per son selling bv sample, and who Is not a resident of ?he city o? State, an annual Ucense, at the price ot one hundred dollars, on failure to take out Ucense shall*be fined on conviction one hundred dollars for each day’s default. Provided always, that any per sonreoulred by this ordinance to take out a license, and who may* begin business after ifie first day of July lu any vear, shall, for that year, pay only one- ha if the Price of such license. And the following persons shall be compelled to take out badges on the urst ilav of January, annually, or within ten days thereafter and at tLe prices, herein designated, that is to sa v - every poiter, an annual badge, at the price of ten dollars; every vender ot small wares, and every huckster and liawker, and keeper 01 a cook* stnvH or shot), au annual badge, at the price or nf- S i2».’tollars Which maybe reduced one-halfir not ■Muired to''betaken out untU alter the first day of jmv And any petaon subject or liable to take out auvsuch license or badge, and faiUng to do so for ton davs i fter the said first day or January, in each rear shall be liable to a fine of not more than thirty dofla s for every day’s default, ou conviction before ?hi Police Court. Such licenses aud badges shall be toned the Clei k of council, and the llceuae shaft signed by th» Mayor, attested by the Clerk, and . J . 1...... 1 lip opal ot the cltv. Paris- the Ol the West Tennessee Back's Bank...., City on Commercial Bank An Merchants' Northern Ococe ShelbyvUle Southern Traders’ 2U ".■.'."'.■..T.”.".'...'. ...-,.40 *’’”'.’.‘.’.".'..0 """'.y.’.y.'.'.’.ii'. 25 .60 120 74 LOUISIANA. Bank 0/ America 120 Louisiana. New Orleans 60 Canal Bonk 28 Citizens’ Bank... Crescent City.... Louisiana State Bank 65 Mechanics'and Traders' Bank ,,..,,,.,,,,.96 Merchants' Southern Onion New Orleans City Scrip • STATE BONDS AND COUPONS. Virginia Bonds ««« N Carolina *' 82fe83 Nonh Carolina Floyd Bonds 60 S Carolina 44 *9®!® Georgia *• 8* (£90 Tennessee 44 97ig88 The above Bonds are bought with Coupons, from 1861. City of Savannah Bonds 70a75 44 -Augusta, 44 70s76 Charleston City Stock 50a55 New Orleans City R. K. Bonds 67a70 •• 44 Consolidated. 78a80 City Memphis end. by 8t. Ten 65a57 R^UrnoA 53a65 ...50S58 Railroad. Municipal. Savannah Coupons Aogusta Memphis N, Carolina Tennessee Georgia .70S75 80a86 76a80 S5a67 STafi’.i 67s70 1 40 I.28EL8 IN THK POUT op SAVANNAH 3AVAS-'kAH. Jan- 9, isce. .rKAVsnn’S. , iSew York—O Cohen. "pairing—Master. SHIVS. Donncii, lotoing, IMreipool—La (Br) Bro <ge drfchargtag—Beta A ,iir>Sp.." :c‘ weiujt—® ABouftard. a.vert, laadlug. L. rpool—C Green A ^charging—J' B* (Br. A Sea. e, loading. Ltvef WHITAKUK STREET AND BAY BANK. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED li DELIVERED. au21 tf T. J. DUNBAR & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS. &C 14:7 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., Will sell THIS DAY. at 10 o'clock, in front of Store, 163 Bay street; 40 hhds Bacon Sidss and Shouldeis 50 duzeu Assorted Pickles 5u boxes Pilot Bread 4n b >zes Adamantine aad Mould Candles 50 boxes Soap 56 kilts Mackerel, No. 3. large 50 boxes Assorted Spices 60 dozen Shoe Blacking 10 dozen Blacking Brushes 10 dozen Scrubbing Brashes 1 lot Books 10,000 heavy Envelopes 1 lot Gent's fine Coats 5 Silver Watches aud 3 Gold Watches 1 lot of Brooms Wood Pails Boots and Shoes Kerosene Lamps Wool Socks Ladles' Hose Linen Handkerchiefs jj AC., Ac., Ac. E. L. NEIDLINGER, CORNER OF Barnard »(BromMon Ms, SAVANNAH, CCORCIA, YYTOULD respectfully announce to his friends and . V T the public generally that he has resumed the SADDLERY BUSINESS. next door to his lormer stand, and by strict attention and moderate prices, hopes to receive a liberal chare of the trade. He is prepared to stake up promptly all orders for HARNESS, BRIDLES, ETC. Eta brother, Mr. J. S. NEIDLINGER, will be found with him, and would be glad to see his friends. 11 E. L. NEIDLINGER. GUANO. jpEKUYIAN and Swan Island Guanos, Superphos phates, and the Bruce Concentrated Fertilizer, are offered to ths Trade at the lowest » bolesu ie prices, by GEO. E. WHITE A CO., 55 Cliff street, New York. nl6-3m WHOLESALE BY BELL, WYLLY A CIIHST1AN- AT PRIVATE SALE. The West Half ol Lot No. 2, Calhoun Ward, fronting on Jones atreet. >. Tire Improvements consist of a finely finished Brick Residence containing Ten Rooms with gas throughout, and a well ol excellent water and a flue Force Pump. d!3-tf AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Vylly il Christian. Small Lots of Land. Boots, Shoes and Brogans. M. KRAUSS, ■HtPPIMG. m AUttWSTA AND LANDINGS ON THE RIVER. The steamer Minnie firancLfc Will leave as above on Tuesday, January Uah „ Fur freight or passage, apply to LaBOCHE A WES For Augusta, anwAUvo THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the above place o . a. .... ed at all time and stored in fire proof of LIocoId street, free of OMt. m ^ J. M. KINCHLEY. V cat ill CkgUorn & C'uniuDgbum'a TheMayanivedin Anguata from SaraanaL . , . Friday with her mil freight. tf ,rts For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE PICOLATA. VSR- AN1 ress and 37 St. Julian Streets, SAVANNAH, GA., Is enabled, through ids permanent house in Bos ton, to furnish Joabera and Dealers in this city, as weft as those in the country, with BOOTS AND SHOES at more reasonable rates than any other house, dtt-tf __ OF GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern; Whereas, Frances Sheffield will apply at the Court of Ordinary uf Bulloch coanty for Letters of Guardian ship of F\ho JU F. Sheffield, of William Sheffield de ceased; These are therefore to cite and admonish aft and siogular the kiudred and friends of sai l minor to file their objections with feald court (It any they hivej, on nr before the first Monday In February next, otuer- wlss said letters will be granted. Witness, DAVID BEASLEY. Sen., J4 Ordinary. The new ami fast sailing St,- LIZZIE BAKER, Copt. N. King, HayJ og been placed permamaitly upon :hi* n • j Ie« ' '* Lave for the above places ua Every Ttiursday Morning, at 10o’lhoch. For freight or passage, having splendid wmmodation, apply cn board, at the Florida “ u*..m Packet whari t or to CLAGHORN Jt CUNNIN(’ilA.X - AgMUt- ^ CHANGE op day AAD SIoVh -7-?' FREIGHT AND PASSAGE REI. CCLD. DISSOLUTION. firm of LaRoche, Caden & Unckles was dU- Tbere having been so many applications for Small Tracts of Land for location, the owner of the above Land, feeling a disposition to meet this demaud, has placed In the market, for a lew days, Loti of Five Acres, or more, part cleared, on the Angusta Read, op poslte to the three mile stone, also on the White Bluff Hoad, opposite to the two mile stone. tf-nl C AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly Si Christian. Lots Nob. 45 and 46, Lafayette Ward, fronting on Jones street. The improvements consist of a first-class Brick Dwelling, containing twelve rooms, besides Bath and Dressing rooms, with all modern, improvements aud conveniences. Gas, cold and hot water, speak ing trumpets, range, Ac. Buildings on lane consist of brick stable, carriage house, wood and coal rooms wini /•omi fort Able apartments above. d23-tf AT AUCTION. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY, at 10K o’clock, In front of store : A general assortment ol' (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) W E invito the attention of the Trade and the Pub lic generally to our Urge and elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquors, Cordlslx, Conserves, St- gars, etc., etc.,. • which is not excelled by any similar establishment in the States. We are sole proprietors af DUNBAR'S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of whi -h la fully established In this and foreign conn- tries; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BITTERS, guaranted superior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel and family use: DUN BARS SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the utmost purity, and put up expresrly for our bouse, of which we ai e sole proprietors aud Importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith’s cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE bi cases and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, DD > XI r\V Qn..»Ah anri Unirlfrln U'lIffiKRV Unit A R. Groceries, Dry Goods, • Liquors, Furniture, Ac. And at 12 o’clock, In sales room, a good assort ment of Dry Goods. Clothing, Furnishing Good*, j. Fancy Goods, Ac. AUCTION SAl^E. By Mendel & Lafflteau. THIS DAY, Bth Inst, at 10 o’clock, A. M., in front ot _ solved on the 1st Inst, by the withdrawal of Isaac D. LaRoche. The business will be continued under the name of Gadqu A Unckles, at the old stand, corner Bay and Barnard streets, J. D. LaRoche retaining an office with us for the present. isaac d. Laroche, BENJAMIN G. GADE.Y, DAVID S. UNCKLES. Savannah, Dec. 1, 1865. <14 SHIPPING. Empire Line. FOR NEW YORK. Atlantic Mull steamship Company. ' PASSAGE REDUCED TO The new and last side-wheel steam kship SAN JACINTO, Lovelapd, mas- ,ter, will soil as above, on Saturday, January 13, at — o’clock. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply to B. H. HARDEE, No. 12 Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON A ALLEN, Agents, No. 6, Bowling Green, N. Y. FOE JACKSONVILLE, INLAND, \T4. BRUNSWICK, ST. MAP.Y3 TURN AND INA. AND THE STEAMEE FANNIE CAPTAIN MoNELTY, Will leave a-i above from the Fit .-.da -teamboac Wharf foot of Writ Broad street, on TI E .. ,v !. -1 26th at 10 o'clock a. m., and will cor. four , every Tuesday following at same hour u.. ■ -.her no: ice. This boat is In very excellent order. tamanfic-d by officer, of experenee: and has superior «.„ accommodations for passengers While the boat is on her trips, freigh ceivcd and stored in fire-proof warehoce-, pense. For freight or p^wage, apply to F. M. MYRKLi d22-Im Harris’ ftaildingr Or to W. JouNBt U be to- : ol ex- UAgt, Baltimore, Chariest o s • Havana ami STEAMSHIP U w c VIA CHARLESTON FROM BA1 ’ d The first class Side wires! 9teur-;..p Pioneer Line FOR NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! Cabin Passage, $23 OO Deck, $10 OO AUCTION. AUCTION. Every Monday, Wednesday and Satnrday Evenings, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK BUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United States, put up by os in cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D A Co. are sole Agents for A. & H- W. Catberwood’. Pare RYE WH1SKIE9, XX and XXX brands- guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large and well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS of finest grades manufactured aud Imported expreariy for this house, which we offer at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES. GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every description aud grade of Foreign Liquors imported directly by this house, and for sale In bond or duty paid at lowest market rates. d'20-lf At Store, No. 71, St. Julian street, where a general asset tiuenl of . Dry Goods. Yankee Notions, Jewelry, Ac., Ac., will be offered. Sales positive. I 9 -!* WHISKEY! WHISKEY! have iiimressed on them the seal of the city. sec 4AAdbe it farther ordained, by the authority frn.-hnirt That every male, be- <W&re ^ne Iges of “twenty-one"and“sixty yea«, shaft uic ^ n i,..H/vti tu v nf nnt» dollar. R.Q- be liable to a p'oUor capitation tax of one dollar, an- fte llamo to a you » .. r „ r - ona as may be nuaftv except only such of said persons as may be entitled to registry and to vote at city elections, and xBhn shall register their names and pay for the same. sec 5 jSfSJSrMlir OnJaiifid Dy W Author*- tu^aforesaid, That every owner or keeper of a dog, shaftpayfor such dog the annual tax of three dol lars. SEC- 6. And be it further Ordained by the u-uthorr. cense, and for I wholesale HTnor Ucense the price shaft be one hundred dollars. Ssc. 7. And beitfurtherOrdainedbV^eauOm ity aforesaid. That all returns required Jtf jRtoogt nance, for real estate, income and oomtntoionfl, shall be made quarterly: that Is to say, on “e first day of April, the first Jniv the first dav dl October* and ^tne first day of Januarv, of each year, or within ten days thereafter, respectively, for rlie three “““‘h*J^for dlately preef ding such respecijve day;. and that for gross sales, returns shall ne RiJpJe between the fl and tenth Jay or each month for t: h * beginning with the mouth b^bniary next, lwfo Sec. 8. And be it further Ordained b tM ttv aforesaid That aft ordinances and parts or or- dltLancesTso far as they militate with this ordinance, be, and they are hereby repealed. FIHE OLD BEAMY, WINES, Sc. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, Spencer’s Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. SALE BY . W.° THOMPSON ■ At the Old Stand, 111 BAY STREET, (Herald Buildings.) — aiso,— op’s Ale, Mars’ Ale, Apples- rotates, ubi Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. MOLASSES. 25 HHDS Superior MUSCOVADO MOLASSES, re- ceivad per stoamefChase. For sale by SORREL BROTHERS, 82 Bay street. CniBLia W. Wist. Attest— Jakes StEWAET. Clerk CouncU. prof. DIETZ, PH. DBm » or Paris, FRENCH liN8UA8E l LWEBWDRE TSPMS MODERATE- ' Referenyes: g^S» 0 !S3SSr 4 “ 4 “>““ Bar. Mx. Kirn. Savannah ^HT M 5z^Bii^™,C^e s ton Gem. BiAtiJwnAXO, New OrleanS. gduca- Paor. Lusoxa, Superintendent of Future tlon, Louisiana W inquire at Chatham Academy Building. ds-oAmU parties sending ms packages by nreft««rpre?* will receive the benefit oftav gSvaac* m the market. _ There quotations are not likely to decline, aa SoUth- eta money and securltlre are w gffaf 11 present- Refer to the leading Banking and Baafttere Hon*** tf Up York pity. j • a: /NEORQIA, 9CR1VEN COUNTY.-To aU whom it V Htty concarn : . * - u Where*., the esute of L. M. Strickland, county, decavaLls unrepresented, and w •Ji*’ at *‘•^55 b ®“ made for Letters of AdmlffiMradna. ** notice la hereby given that on ths second|«*I“ February next, if no objection Is made, Let*«*~" ministration on said estate will be granted to™* Clerk of the Superior Court, ot to aome other fit and proper person. SyLvania, pecember 27, 1865. „ _ }S • "* D.E. ROBERTS. O-S.C. AiOMZoM. W*BT. irnnm A. M. & C, W. WEST, GROCERS, liberty MBygSS BARNARD 41,0 A r»onf> ai’lection of choice GROCERIES* WINK9 G 22R mnoRS constantly on hand. We wllcit acalL^uTou^. P*» 8 “ d at ‘ e 5«?“.- U1 please our patrons- J Provisions, &c. wj-tBK^ssftsxssssfat ButtofEW. ou Com®^ 0 ' 1 ’ which they wlU sett at the lowest McLEA, A CO., 202 Bay street- butter, Flour and Lard. atore, will be sold : 20 bbla Onions 1 bbl Rice 10 boxes Pilot Bread and other Groceries 1 Mahogony Book Case Sideboard, Dining Tables and a variety of other Furniture aSlso, 24 new Overcoats A variety of Dry Goods (cotton and woolen) luvoice of Silver Watches (new) 1 Tool Chest and lot Tools )» AUCTION bales. By Hermann llirscb. On TUESDAY, 9th Inst, at 10 o’clock, A. M. in front of store. No. 71 St. Julian street: 8 bbls Sugar 2 do Milk Biscuits 1 bbl dried Beef in canvass u cases Champagne 7 boxes soap * . . ^ 40 do Table Salt, and a variety of other ar ticles. J9-td administrators sale. 1 74 pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, will be sold on the first Tues day in February next, at the Court House door. In the city of Savannah,, during the usual hours of sale, all the undivided half Interest of James Bilbo, late deceased, in the Shandy Hall farm, situated near the city ufSav-mnah ou the Thunderbolt road; said farm containing in all fifty acre* more or less. The said half iaterest sold for the puipose of di vision JOHN O. FEKR1LL, ' ^7^, Administrator. QTATE OF GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY—To O all whom it may concern: , . • • , ... — t jj e Q 0Ut i 0 f Admihfotra- Whereas, Riley Mercer will apply at 1 Ordinary o Bulloch county for Letters of tlon ou the estate of Lewis Green, deceased: These are therefore to cite aud adraonlth all ahd sincular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their ol lections with said court (if any they have), on or before the first Monday lu February next, otherwise said letters will be granted the applicant. Witness DAVID BEASLEY, Sen., ,4 Ordinary The new and splendid steamship TYBEE, Crowell, Commander, will leave for the above port os her regular day, Tkunday, January 11, at 1 o’clock. For freight or passage, at reduced rates apply to JG HUNTER A QAM M ELL FOR Rio Pe Janeiro. CALLING AT St. Thomas, Para, Pernambuco and Bahia The United States and Brazil Mai 1 ! Steqmship Company will dispatch ' regularly, , On the 39th of every month. A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave nt 3 o’clock, p. m., From Pier 43, North River. Aft letters have to pass through the Post Office An experienced Surgeon will be in attendance c board. For freight an cassage, having splendid accommn datlona, apply o ISABELLA, B, C. WANBfiRSC, Commander, will Dave Charleston for B'.ltimore on MC-N'Da 15th Inst, at — o'clock precisely. For freight or passage, having eleg-.r,t ;;„t ■ accommodations, apply to GARHANDIE A IBB AN a, • 18 Commerce erred Or CHISOLM BROS., As JS-tf 32 Ea°t Bast Bay, Ch*: FOR CHARLEt Touching at HUton Bead arid Connec Steamer for Beaufort. The superior steamer Charles Houghton. Capf. E B. SPRAGUE, will leave for tha above place on Tuesday Morning at 8 o’ having superior wcaicm at tha Florida Sieam Par..', For freight or passage, ha’ datlona. apply ou board ' " Wharf, or to CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHaM. j8 2 Agents. FOR MACON. HAWKIKSViLLE AND oet31-3m THOMAS ASENCIO A CO., No. 17, Broadway. New York. FOR PALATKA, VIA FERNANDINA AND JACKSON VILLE. Soluble Pacific GUANO. J Invite the attention of Planters to this valuable TV Guano, as a matter of Importance to their in. tercst It la similar In appearance, odor and compo sition to Peruvian Guano, differing only in the pro- nortlons of the same elements. It contain, less am monia, but nearly onejbundred per cent, more of Phos- nhate than Peruvian Guano, one-third of which Is im mediately solute. It Is quite as active as Peruvian Guano, and la less costly. » for further information, apply to E. C. WADS A CO„ Agents, The new, exceedingly fost and splendid Steamer CITY IPOITSTT, Capt Louts M. Coletter, Will leave Telfair’s W harf, as above, Every Wednesday, nt 4 p. Jl-3m Savannah, Ga, J. SHAFFER, .In all kinds of FOREIGN AND Di iMESTIC FRUITS own PRODUCE, West Wasuhoion Masxxt, Opposite 143 West st-, Bulkhead between Barclay and N ' E W Ve9cy y*" ORK. Potatoes. Apples and Onions constantly cm hand, and nut up for tM Southern market t. j, Walsh, and 1. H. jPartona. : ivw AV atches Having received * large Muck of the above, ybrY LOW RATES, we are able tooff« great ttdnoW to bnyere. RANDELL A CO., Soathwact comer of Bay and Barnard its. Jewelry! 8 i I v 6 r and Plat*d War$ t Fancy Good*. Ac., Jell rele<^.todkof Watdto^ JewMre. Sllyre -d Plated Ware, Clocks. Fancy Gootojgpewadeijrjf Plated Wai^, ▼olffrt and Ptttole of na-. to&UA m Cor. Brenghton and WUUker au. R. W. ADAMS, or J. S. CARRUTUKRS, Hodgson’s Ranje, next fo Bell, Wylly A Christian. Bay street Freights FOB AUGUSTA, LANDINGS ON THE ROUTE. The new anti feat Sidj-wbeel Steamer Asher Ayres, Capt. WM. TAYLOR, Will hive despatch. Goods received free uf sro.- -e in the Wharf Stores, No. 5 and 6, below lu com street dec27 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN a. • NEW ROUTE South-Western Georgia, TU SUNBURY AND STATION No. 4 AT LANTIC & GULF R. R. The new and swift Steamer O. F. !Potter Will leave her wharf, loot of Abtrcom street, every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAS, at ? o’clock a. m., r^uuecting at Snnboiy wick a i*ne uZ £v2Eea for Station So. 4 A. 4G.B. K- Pa<»8engera by this route will arrive at Station No. 4 in time to take the train for Thomaavifie tne ictlow ing days, connecting at Thonuaviile with stages foe Monticelio, Fla., aijd Albany, , Retumine, Dagaenijers wlii r^Ach Sayann&n on and Saturdays In time for mHE undersigned are prepared to receive goods at I th ~ ‘ ‘ * ’ — their Warehouaea—free of expense and cov ered by Insurance—lor shipment to Angnstm and ilnta Devond by their regolar line of light draught Apply to CHA8. L. COLBY, .PT>t<>d—tf cnr. Rav and Abereorn &*. Tuesday a, Thursdays ^’fome between Savannah and Thomasvffie thirty *°For passage only apply to CflAS. L. COLBY A OO, Corner of Abercorn and Bay stre-::/ d2!-lm For Doctortown For Liverpool. The wt- ' master, win take one tnoozana u , apply to - ir. It 4 J O MILL’ 1 . For LIVERPOOL. Tbe to® 9aw clipper ship dr eadna ught, SMITH, Commander, havtag; three-fwirth)i at her cargo engaged, will have ’bS balanced freight, apply to CHAS. U COLBY A CO., Corner of Abercvra aad Bay streets. Liberal alfowancea mof(c op consignment* to oar friends in Liverpool. 4^0-ti Th.omasville. The Steamer* Gen. Shepley, Orient, and Clarion, Wiii make Tri-weekly Trips to Doctortown, In con nection with the Atlantic and Golf Railroad, leaving Savannah on Tuesdays, Thundeys and Sn:;daya. Through freight payable by lhlppers at cur office. Freight received during the wees, and stored free of expense. For freight or passage 1 n20 I L. COLBY A CO., Comer Abercorn and Bay streeta, For Freight or Charter. ^ TO The schooner BAY STATE will take «. freight to a Northern port. Apply to w-3 F. W. SIMS & CO.