Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 09, 1866, Image 4

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T ( Continued from Second Page,) history is linked with hers; nor would I have It otherwise. If she prospers. I hope to prosiv r with for—if she suffers, tno-t gladly will I suffer with her. I am her native son— 1 was bom upou her soil—I have grown up under the protection of her laws—I dig the bread that I eat from her bosom—my friends, my kindred, my all are here—my fathers sleep beneath her sods. .A few mote rising, a few more setting suns, and I expect to find my own final resting place in her bosom. And when that b> ur comes God grant that I may c o-e my eyes upon the people free, pro*per us and happy. And now. getlemen, as to your duties as a gr ind inquest. I hardly kuow Row or what t<> charge you, for I atn at sea as to the powers of Court. T' u laws, as they ex isted before sec Hgion. I understand are in force, so far as they are consistent with our pre sent condition. Acc >rdiog to tbo.-e laws tie- were liable to be tried iu tins Court for c rtniu offences It seems, however, that it is considered iueotiMstci t with our present condition that they sh uld bo tried here. How inconsistent I am too dull to under stand, for the negro has accorded to him in this Court every advantage and facility lor delcnco that is accorded to the white man. If there be a difference it is iu favor of the negro, for the negro can use neg r o testimony iu his defence, which the white man can not. If the object be to better the con dition of the negro I ask, is it incon sistent with our present condition that the negro, in regard to crime— snouid stand upou the same fooling as u white mau—is it really necessary Unit be should stand upon a belter footing? If tbe object be to make bis condition worse, I ask again ia that made necessary by tbe present condition of tbmgs ? But, gentlemen, al though I am unable to understand it, the fact is, that it is deemed inconsistent with our present condition that the negro and the white man should stand upou the same foot ing when accused of crime- I may not, therefore, charge you as I have been charg iuK you for the last twenty years, that it is your privilege and duty to present, for the consideration of the court, all violations of the law that may have taken place within the limits of your county of which you may have knowledge, or which may be biought to your notice. You must present only those violations of the law m which negroes are not implicated. I am required by tho Legislature to give you certain acts specially iu charge. Many of these acts, perhaps the most of them, are inconsistent with the present condition of thiogs. I therefore pass them over, calling your attention to but two of them. One is the act iu regard to gambling with negroes i .r tree persons of color. I call your atten tion specially to this act, not only because the Legislature has made it my duly to do' so, but because you might fail or omit to present this offence, under the idea that uegroes are implicated. If a whiteman is presented for gambling with a negro—the negro is not at ail implicated in the crime of the white man. The case is purely a case between the State of Georgia aud the white man. The negro inny also be guilty, but the two cases are entirely separate and distinct. Of the crime of the white man you have jurisdiction an 1 may piesent it for tbe consideiation of this Court; with the crime oi the negro, in the present condition of tilings, the civil Courts have nothing to do. Whether the negro by the present condition of thiugs has been placed above tbe law is not for you or me to determined; but for those to determine who have said th?L it ic inconsistent with the p.^-ent condition of things that the negro an 1 the white man should stand upon the same footiug when accused o» crime. The other act is the act prohibiting the sel ling of spiriiuous liquors to slaves or free persons of color. What I have said about gambling is equally applicable to thi3 act. belling spirituous liquors to slaves isuowim possible, ns there are uo slaves; but there are ccrtaiuly free persons of. color, and in regard to them the offence may yet becommitied, aud of that offence tliL Court has jurisdiction, for it is emphatically the offence of the white man and the negro is not impi cated. I cannot •O iclude without exp essing the hope that tuis condition of thiugs will not long continue. This sort of imperium in imperio will not and cannot work well. Sooner or later Conflicts will take place between tbe civil and mi it ary, whatever efforts each party may make to avoid it. Tlifo is to be depre cated. aud s • lar a- I am concerned there is nothing Ciai-i-twrt—with duty that I would a.*t do to avoid it. Ii sueu a conflict be ibrc< d upou U-. I ciu but express the hope that I will be grained sufficient strength and fortitude to act'as btcomes u Judge of Geor- gU. If, gentlemen, you should have oecu.-inn to try any cutses on the civil side of the Court, as special jurors duriug tue present Term, it will be my pleasure, as we.l us my duty 11 iustruct iu tue law applicable to tne particular case }’■ u are trying. It is uot, therefore, necessary tuat I detain you by any general instructions now, furthei than to say that in ail civil Cases it will be your duty to take the law a3 the Court sha 1 charge you. The General Laud Office decides that par ties who make entries ot public lands under tba Homestead law may relinquish their claims to the United States, but not to a third parly^-nelther are they allowed to make a second entry after such surrender, the privilege being exhausted in the first in stance. A party not wishiug to continue his residence upou, and cultivation of a tract for a term of five years, may acquire a com plete title by paying tbe price fixed by law, and proving actual settlement aud cultivation to date of payment. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, COMPOSED OF IODIDE OF POTASSIUM, WITH THE COMPOUND CONCEN TRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND HERBS. Prepared by WM. H. GREGC. M. D. f Graduate Of the College of Pkysiciant and surgeons, A’ew Torn; formerly Assistant Physician In the Blackwell's Island Uospitals. NOW LANDING AND FOR SALE. i)oii Bul'h X, S and caddies Tobacco, which we iwv/v are now offering »t prices lower than U can he bought for in Northern cities. MILLER, THOMAS 4 CO", nll-tf No. 206 Bay streret. CONTENTS OF THE Cosmop 1 i t e, FOR JANUARY, !S«i6. SALUTATORY. ) The Dying Year; a Poem. Inside View of four Years in the Rebel Capital, I. The Forehead of the Storm. 1L Montgomery. III. Congress and Cabinet. Torehworli—A Tale of the Shenandoah ; a Poem by Iunes Randolph. The Nose of a Notary ; from the French of Ed mond About. I. The East and the West at War—Blood Flows. II. The <‘at Hunt. French Felons; from the CombiU. Reminiscences oi a boutheru Hospital ; by Its Matron. Eidolon ; a Poem ; by Jas. E. Randall. A Holiday in Venice. In tbe Land of Nod ; from the Temple Bar. Mr. Buchanan’s Administration ; a Review. Our Goeslp— Tutngs on ibis Side. Things Over the Water Art Gossip. Musie and Theatricals. Tba Cosmopolite la published monthly at *4 nor annum, at 32 Franklin street, betweeu st. raui un,i Charles strews, Baltimore. Henry Tavlor, Sun Irou Building, is General Agent for the Cosmopolite, and will furnish the Trade Agents and News Venders at reduced rates. ■Subscribers at a distance can aend Post Office or- ders for amount of subscription to Deleon a co. ya-eodtw Box 268 P. o„ B ltlmore. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Ha- produced a revolution In Medicine. Wbat may seem almost incredible Is, that many dts eases hitherto considered hopelessly Incurable are fi e qnently cur'd in a few days or weeks; mid we cheer lolly invi'e the investigalLns of the liberal minded and scientific to cures which have no parallel at the pres sed day. , . . During the past five years we have contended with ob-t.cks aud overcome opposition as herculean as were ever encountered by any reformers. RAPIDITY OF CURE. Some Buy, ’-Yuiir ,.ures arc too ooick,** while others doubt their permanence, and think that diseases can only lie cured by tbe "alow, recuperative process of This i« nur reply: In health, the body, like a well- balanced scale. IS in u state of equilibrium But w hen, iruiu any cause, d-.wn goes one side of the scale, we lmvo the effects of disease. What is requisite, Is to re store the normal balance of the scale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Is a po.-ltive and specific remt oy for all diseases orfgl ii ,ting from an Impure 6rate of tho Blood, and for al i theredltaiyj diseases transmitted from parent to child PARALYSIS. It Is so universally admitted that Constitution Life Syrup is th« only effective means of restoration in tbe various forms of Paralysis, that we need uot reiterate that it is emphatically the Great-Life-giving Power. DYSPEPSIA. Indige-tiou, Weight at Stomach, Flatulent e. Live Complaint, want of Appetite, Bad Breath, Constipation. Bll llotian ess. SCROFULA. Stroma, King’s Evil, Glandular Swelling-, Erysipelas. Ulceration, Salt Rheum. Tills taint (hereditary and acquired);filling life with nntold misery, is, by all usual medical remedies, in curable. RHEUMATISM. [Arthritis], Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Gout, Tic Doloreaux. If there is any disease lu which the Constitution Lite Syrup is a sovereign, itisln Rheumatism and its kindred affections. The most intense pains arc almost instantly alleviated—enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chronic or vicarious, of twenty or forty years’ standing, have been cared by us. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Purges the system entirely from all the evil effects o Mercury, removing the Bad Breath, aud curing the Weak joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use of Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gums, and secures the Teeth as firmly as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases oi the Skin, like Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, and all other difficulties of his kind, which so much disfigure the out want appearance of both mates and females, often making them a disgusting object to themselves and their lrieuda. FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue, Spine, Forehead, or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved its equal. Mnth Pantiles upon the female face, depending upuu a diseased action of the Liver, are very unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A few butlles of Const i- tmiou Lire Syrup will correct the secretion and remove the deposit, which is directly under the skin. Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizzi ness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, orun ulcerated or cancerous condition of that organ, accompanied with burning ,.r other unpleasant symptoms, will be re lieved by the use of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. As a General Blood-Purifying Agent, the Life Syrnp stands unrivalled by any preparation in the world. THE RICH AND POOR Are liable to the same diseases. Nature and science have made the Constitution Life Syrnp for tbe benefit of all. PURE BLOOD Produces healthy men and women ;-and if the consti tution Is neglected in youth, disease and early dcaih is the result. Do not delay when the means are so near ai hand, and within the reach of all. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Is tbe poor man’s friend, and the rich man’s blessing. WILUAM H. GREGG, M. D , Sole Proprietor, New York. MORGAN & ALLEN, Wholesale Druggists, Agents, n22 3ra 46 Ottff street, New York. ESTABLISHED 1826. 1. H. LEE WABE BOOMS 199 Man Stmt, N.V. Between Broadway A Greenwich street. o«t27-3m Brown’s Mandat'd Scales. u SED by the United States and Foreign Govern ments for more than THIRTY YEARS, Adapted to any branch of business for foreign or borne markets. Warranted accurate and durable. Sales rooms No. S Barclay-et., near Broadway. N. Y sepl9 ly K. BROWN. Manufacturer. w. M. WALSH, W HOLESALE Druggists, corner Barnard and Broughton streets, Snvaauah, Ga., General Agent for the South. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer Restores Gray Hair. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer makes llalr grow on Bald Heads. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer Stops Hair from Falling Out. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer Prevents Headache. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer Is elegantly Perfumed. r CLOCK’S Hair Restorer Is alt that can be clalmed'as a dressing. CLOCKS Hair P.estorer possesses all the merit claimed for It. A single trial convinces the most sceptical ot its value. If. after a thorough trial of two bottles it does not give perfect satisfaction, the money will lie refunded. Sold everywhere al il per bottle. Six bottles for $1. dlS-eod tf Family Dye Calors. Patented October 13, 1803. Black Dark Green Black for Silk Light Green Dark Bine Magenta Light Blue Maize French Blae Maroon Claret Brown Orange Dark Brown Pink Light Brown Purple Suoff Brown Royal Purple Cherry vSeimun crimson Scarlet Dark Drab Slate Light Drab Bolferlto Fawn Drab Violet Light Fawn Drab Yellow. For Dyeing Silk, Wooten and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarls. Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, < hildren’s Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. tfT A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. ^4 For 26 cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. Tite process Is simple, and any one can use the live with perfect success. Directions in English, French and German, inside of each package. - HOWE A STEVENS, 260 Broadway, Boston. For sale by druggists and dealers generally. ntiimCm FOR RENT. T HE Drayton Street Ice'Honso nt'l be rented upon reasonable terms for one u j4.y w «- At the Pulaski House. FOR SALE OR RENT, T HE Strathv Holt Rice and Cotton Plantation. For particulars apply at the Counting Room of Er win 4 Hardee, Bay street. CHARLES 8. HARDEE. jt-6 Executor. To Rent. STORE In a desirable locality. For terms, ap- L ply i y letter to .1. k. C., .16 4 Key Box 136 Savannah. WANTED. House Wanted, JN a good locality, suitable for four persons and servants. Apply to or address COMSTOCK 4 KINSEY, 154 Bay street. WANTED. G EORGIA and S uth Carolina B nk Bills Albany and Gulf Railroad Stock Central Ra I road Stock * t oupons Albany «nd Gulf Railroad Coupon* Cily oi Savannah FORDYCE, ANDERSOV k JANSKY. d2-tf Bay st.. No. 10 Stoddard’s Range. SOAP! SOA MOODY & BARRETT, Steam Soap Works, Sfivamiali, Ga. M essrs, mcodv & barrett would respectfully announce to the public that on anil after Jan uary 1st ihry will run from their Soap Works two wagons, wilh competent salesmen, who wtll Visit every family once a week wilh Hard and Soft Soap, by the bar, box. gallon or barrel, at prices lower than tf can be purchased iu or out of tbe city. We wat rant our Soap to be free itxnu all adultera tions and to give entire satisfaction, or money re funded. SOAP EXCHANGED FOR GREASE OR SCRAPS. Special IVotioe. We have but one price for our goods, and that price shall be satisfactory. Persona ordering from the country will find it will save t’me and money by sending us thrlr orders; and if th • goods do not sat- lsfy lu price and quality, send them back to us at our expense. Orders addressed to MOODY A BARRETT, or L. J. GUILMARTIN A CO., 143 Bay street, Agents, will re ceive prompt and immediate attention. J4-tf leave ceased. T WO months alter date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary ot Bnlloch county for leave to sell a’J tbe lands belonging to the estate of William Wooten, d-ceased. Bulloch county, this 16th day nf December, 18G6. ROBERT M. WILLIAMS, J4 Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. T WO month’s after date,application will be made to the conn of Ordinary of Chatham county for to eel. the rent estate of Mrs Jane Barnett, de fer the benefit of the hetrs andfcredttors. JAMES L. H4UPT, ,-law2m Administrator. SURE CURE FOB THE CHILLS AND FEVER AND KINDRED DISEASES. [SQUIRE at the MORNING STAB SALOON, cor- p’treet Latte and Bull atrect. Posithv tur( , one duy ornopay _ STEELE &BUBBANK, u Merchants Row.Hutoa Head. So. Ca C ALL tbe attention of Wholesale chasers to their superior stock of*°^ P 0 *" MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, jjrp furnishing goods. Watches, Clocka, Fancy Goodir Jewelry, and puw Ware.8warda, Suhes, Belt*. Kmbnfiderii.Booli CsS Field Glasses. GauntletsGiovca, Jtc., AcTac *" Hart & Co., hardware merchants, 8. C., OFFER FOR SALK AT THEIR OLD STAND, Corner King and Market Streets, GUNS, REVOLVERS, SHOT & POWDER “HOES' CIRCULAR SAWS, 8 TO CO INCH AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS BAR IKON AND STEEL METALS OF ALL KINDS BUILDING MATERIALS TIN AND WOODWARE HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES HOLLOW-WARE OF ALL KINDS TURPENTINE AND COOPERS’ TOOLS BRASS AND IRON WIRE CLOTH BOLTING CLOTH (ANCHOR BRAND) MILL ROCKS (18 TO 40 INCH) MILL IRON SILVER PLATED GOODS HUBBS, SPOKES, AXES, SPRINGS, 4ND A LARGE VARIETY’ OF OTHER GOODS, AT WHOLESALE AND HETAIL. de<1>-im J. C. KOCH, No. 35 Ilcekman Street, Ccruer of William, NEW YORK, Manufacturer of Stationery, Photographic Albums, MubIc Paper, Folios, Books, Jtc. n2I-Sm FOR HALE On Consignment. 25 BBI,S. Mess BEEF. 021 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN! CO. Lemons. F2 A BOXES, from New Y'ork steamer, In good ( order. dl»-tf CnAS. L. COLBY 4 CO. EINSTEIN & mm, No. 151 Congress St. SatMalf Ga. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL m goods AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. H AVING Just received and opened a very large and select stuck of Fancy Drees Goo#, House Keeping and Domestic Goods, Blankets, Cloaks and Shawls, Alto Hats, Boots and Shoes. And all articles usually found In a first c as-. Dry Goods House, we would must respectfully Invite our former friends and customers; also-Merchants and Planters visiting the t it.v, to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. EINSTEIN* ECKMAN, novC-tf U1 Congress Street. Savannah, Ga. DRY GOODS. HICHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ac., Ac., &c.. Remarkably Cheap tor Cash, CAN BE IQUND AT A. Reseller efis Go’s., IS BARNARD STREET, COR CONGRE88 LANE, Comprising a ^general. Aseortmeut_uf_ Foreign . and Domestic Goods, Cloaks. Shawls, Ae. N. B—By strict attention to business, courteous and honoraffie dealing with our customers, we trust to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. A large line of White Goods and Linens now open. octlO H. A. TOPHAM, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, 138 CONGRES3 8T., SAVANNAH. F INE Ready-made Business and Dress Suits of all descriptions constantly on band. Gent’s Fur nishing Goods, all' of the newest styles; Hats, Caps, Ac. Also, an elegaut tine of Fine Cloths, Doeskins, Meltons. Casstmerea, Tweeds and Vestings, which will b - made to order at the shortest notice by experi- onced workmen. jl-tr Mendel & Laffiteau, W E have formed a Copartnership under the above . name and style for the purpose of carrying on the - .A-uction Commission Business, and hope by Industry and punctuality to merit the patronage of our friends. E. MENDEL, * S. M. LAFIITEAU, Corner Bav street and Market Dock. Savannah, Jan. 3,1666. 13-U G. B. & G W. UMAR, General Commission Merc & ants. Forwarding and Shipping Agent*, NO. »» BAYsTREEr,(upstairs.) Refer to Geo. W. Anderson, Jno C. Feirel and G. B. Lantar, Savannah; W. E Jackson. Josiah Sibley * Sous, J. B * J. W. Walker, Augusta. Consignments solicited. Cm-nov* Gao. R. Cbbmp. Augusta, Georgia. Wm, A. Weisbt, Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. B. CRUMP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Lienors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTKD FISH, &c. 200 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, |g* Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tobacco, Pbodcce, and MsaouiNnlta of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusta, Go., Richmond. Va.. aitdjno. 13. FeruU, Esq, De- Wttt * Morgan, Gaden JcUnckles, A. A. Solomons * Co., J. T. Paterson 4 Co., R. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED, octi Woodward, Baldwin & Co., HO Duane Street, New York, 0 and 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Osoaburgs and Yarns.jy!3 THOS. H. AUSTIN, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, No. 95 BAY STREET, dl«-3m* (of STAtBS) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Gift Books, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, &C. For Christmas. J UST received, a fine assortment of Work Boxes, Toilet Coses, Fancy Desks, Glove Boxes. Ac. Also, a good supply of Gift Books, Standard Poets, bound in Turkey Morocco, Juvenile Toy Books,Gatnes Rubber Balls, and everything required for the holi days. t OCR STOCK OF ELEGANT PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS It the most comple’e In the city. COOPER, OLCOTTS A FARRHLLY. dlD-tf CLOTHS AND CASSIMEBES BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MLRINOES AND ALAPACAS. Received for sole cheap by H. HATH, oct'23 174 „ roughton street. Cloaks, Cloaks. L ADIES’Cloth Cloaks, a fine assortment, just re ceived by stean er. l»23-tf EINSTEIN A ECKMAN. Dancing School AT MASONIC HALL. At R. L. LOUIS respectfully Inlrrnts tbe citi*ens of TU. Savannah tba he will open bis Dancing School at Masonic Hall on Thursday, January 4th, at 3 o’clock p. m. Hours of Instruction, for Young ladles,'Misses and Masters, on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays, at 8 o’clock p. m.; and for Gentlemen at S o'clock p. m„ same days. J3-14 Mackerel, I N barrel*And kits, prtmequaHty. dlS-tf CHAS. L COLBY A CO, J, N. WILSON, Photographer, 8. E. comer Broughton and Whitaker Stre., SAVANNAH, GA. Copying done pvith the gnatest rare. 414 Lard. SMALL lot only, prime itrttcle. dis-tf CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. J UST opened a large aasurtm.nt of Zephyr Worsted shawls, Sontags. Cloak* and Hoods, Children' Caps, Boots and Gaiters. Also. Irish Linens. Table Damask. Linen Towels, Table Napkins and Doyles. And a variety of Fancy Ar ticles ton numerous to mention, all of which we offer at very low prices. EINSTEIN * ECKMAN, Bovii-tl i6i Congree. Street 75 Bbls. ami 100 Half bbls. MASSEY, COLLINS & CO.'S O K fu R A. T E D PHILADELPHIA ALE, Landing from Steamer CUMBRIA^ aud for sale at the PniI.ADBl.PHIA ALE DSPOT — Bt-r- W. M. DAVIDSON, Agent tor Massey, Collins & Co. WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES & CO., Wiluiiii{fton, Delaware. M ANUFACTURE Iron Steamboats Steam Engines, Boilers, Machinery for Saw Mills, Jtc. Having had long experience In business and being provld-d with very extensive facilities for doing work of tills class, are prepared to execute orders with despatch, OC112 6m Ce nt ra I Rai I road 1 E X C H A N G E r>, sfcHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK, skasaii’ 1' i For sale by jcpli BK'GHAM. UALDWty & % Sight Exchange W York POE SALE, SlTIUt INTEND ENT’S OFFICE, I Savannah, Go., Dtc. 26. 1SC5. ( ' O N amt after Thursday, "58tlt inst., n daily train will leave for Augusta at d a. m„ connecting with a line of Hacks running between ( Station 6,4. Central Railroad, and Lumpkin, on the , Augusta and Savannah Railroad. Passengers by this lme will arrive in Angusifl at ■ 1 ^Staging is reduced to 22 miles, all cfay lght. . I Returning leave Augusta a a. m. Arrive at Satan- rah 1016 p. m. . Freight to go hy Passenger Train must be prepaid and delivered at Passenger Shed by 5 p. m. duy pre- Paseengers restricted to forty pounds of Baggage. Extra Baggage $5 per J Ou pounds. Trough Passage, jsl2 60. By order of _ „ _ . GEO. W ADAMS, d23 General Superintendent. (Central Railroad rg-p-Tcrg: — 'utcZ SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, 1 Nivanuah, Nov. ’ SLJl, 1865. j This Company is now, in connection with U. J. Dickerson A Co.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and fin ward to Augusta. Macon, Atlanta Ac., daily from twenty to thirty thonsa d pounds of Frelgut, and go through in from three to five days. j Ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by 1 »■ — — — — , Shippers. Railroad freight cun be paid here Or at de»- ! IvItffllITT, WALCOTT & CO ttnatiun. ' v Freight on perishable goods must be prepaid. Rates (o Augusts, until lurther notice, will be per foot 541 cent*, T>er luo lbs. tf‘J.00. . . GEO. W. ADAMS, n?o General Snueilpiendent. - ' •’>» 1" Stnrtrt.rolV LI N VI ILI L E & GLEASON. St. Julian Street, West of Market, SAVvAIfN AJH.. GrEWTS ron 64 CdDrtlantH Street, Nets York. I'UOi liiSSlU-VAL CAlUib. HOWELL CUliii. J A ALES JACK BON. COBB & JACKSON, .A-t torneys-at-La w. MACON, GEORGIA. LAROCHE & JOHT^SOIV, Timber&Lumber Dealers - 300 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. JM. Y. HEJMlEitlSOAy Wo. 237 South side Bay Street, Two doors cast of West Brosd, D EALER in Buggies, Wagons, Harness. Ac.; also in Buggy and Wagon Stuff and Trimmings.— Any style oi Carriage or Buggy ordered from uny ma- nniaciurer. I am also prepared to order out nny claw of l.orses, either for draft or road service. Special attention will be given to tbe purchase of due stock In northern markets. d5-liu New York Piano Fortes. Ernest Oabler, Manufacturer of New Scale First-Class PIANO FORTES, Factory, 122, 124 & 126 East 224 St.. X>E6PKCTFULLY announces that bis Large New Xti Factory is now completed, full? organized, and m successful operation, by means of w hich he bos greatly increased his manufacturing facilities. He will there fore be able henceforward to tnrn out 35 Pianos per week, to supply orders promptly, without that Incon venient delay to which Dealers and Purchasers have been subjected, from the fact that for more than two years past b« has been continually a hnndred instru ments behind orders. A full assortment at all times may be found at his Manufactory and Warorooms in New York City. Every instrument fully warranted. Retail Warerooms. 743 Broadway. 3m-nl6 IMPORTATIONS DER ship County or Picton, from Glasgow: A goo ions Gartsherrte Pig Iron 266 tons Household Coal luOO hatum-ra Potatoes UO kegs Herrings 60 esses Preserved Salmon 20 casts Dried Finnan Haddock Nor sale by dtetf CHARLES GREEN * SON. J. W. STEELE, (Late Steele & Burbank,) 11 Morctiantb' Row, Hilton Head, So. ('a. A mi corner King and George Sts., Charleston, C ALLS the attention of Wholesale and Retail Pur- 1 chasers to his superior stock of Military and Naval Clothing, AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry and Plated Ware, Swords, Sashes, bel a, Embroilleri< a. Boots, Cap-, Field Glasses. Ga initials, tuiuvea, .fcc., die. j4 E. YV. MAKhli & CO., DRUGGISTS, H GIBBONS’ BUILDINGS, Corner oi Congress and Whitaker Streets, AVE thoroughly refitted their establishment, and replenished with a general assortment of Drags, Medicines, Chemicals, Fatent Me dicines, Paints, Oils, Garden Seeds, Ac. Ac m Ac., they solicit the patronage of their friends. Particular attention will be given to the careful preparation of prescriptions. dli-lm N” otice. T HE i ublic attention is called to the Ordinance of the loth of last November, which requires all persona liable to Taxation iu the moutn of December, 1805, to make their returns, aud pajmeutof their dues previous to the loth of the present mouth, January, otherwise execution wili be Issued against them. R. T. GIBSON, 13 City Treasurer. NOTICE ’ MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHEBS Bi%, Car; Slip or Baal Hook, “AND — JJOILER BOLT, SETT SCREWS, C01C0 OR U« SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUND AM SQUARE. WASHERS, Turn b uokJes, Bolt Ends, Taps and Dies, &c. ALS<5 DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS’ STORKS. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, do.; ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW HUNCHES, FILES, CHISELS, &o, TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Also Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTiNG MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS, PRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, - STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS,<fec. «epts tf It is unnecessary to say anything regard ing the quality of my Ale—its reputation was WELL ESTABLISHED' long before the war, throughout GEORGIA, ALABAMA and FLORIDA. This Ale is brewed, expressly for me at an EXTRA COST, and I flatter myself that with TWENTY-ONE years’ experience in the bu siness in THIS CITY, I know wbat kind of Ale is best suited lor this market. My CEL LARS are the best in the City; which fact, together with my. knowledge of the man agement of Ale, enables me to assure my friends of a constant supply ot Superior Aie the year ronud d80-2w W. M. DAVIDSON- New Books RECEIVED BY COOPER, OLCOTTS & FARRELLY: T HE Belton Estate. By Anthony Trolfope. _ Hr reward. By Charlci Kthg«ley. Robert Dal by and bis Troubled. The Ordeal for wive*; a Hovel. The Prince of K«ihna; a’WettIndian Story ErTfog, yet Noble: of and for Women. Winning Hb Way. By ChariM C. Cofitu Conatryj^rcvliStyFSrtatian. Byitfegr. Butter. B EOT G<*t.n Table, In tab* aid firirinav 1 to!5-tf CHAS. L, OOLBY * 00. Hulls, Soap and Caddies. 250 B0KE8 Yellow Soap, 1 find's poMtd bar*, ww 160 boxes P.m.> Uk.u Candlaa. dm 600 grou Fancy Soano. avarT kind and grade, p a np m fancy papas MM* of Hub’s mike. Fors&by itAHDKL-aoa. Bar Street, pemer Barnpi4 FOR SALE. | A BBLS Ho. 1 Mackerel 1" 10 bblt Ho. 2 Mackerel 10 bbls No. 3 Mackerel 26 half bbls Ho. 1 Mackerel 26 half bbls No. 3 Mackerel 150 kit* Ha 2 Mackerel 160 kits No. 2 Mackerel 4| tub* Choice Lard 13 tub* Choice Butter 4 firkin* Choice Butter. The above lot are fresh and new, and will be offered low, to close consignment. CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., nov23 Corner Abercorn and Bay streets. POTATOES. A BUSHELS POTATOES (Jackson Tt.VJYy V/ Whites),just received on con signment and lor sale by HORATIO PITCHER, -foot Of Uueolu street, under the Bluff. di8-tf Magnolia Hotel, BEAUFORT, SO CA., On tHe European Piax JOHN LILLY, Proprietor. Kerosene Oil, In barrels and cases, AT HORATIO PITCHER’S, Foot of Lincoln it., Under the Liu IT. BfiO-tf MERCHANTS’ NATIONAL BANK OF SAVANNAH, GA. THE Ba4» for Subscription to the Capita] Stock o * this Bank are now open and ready for Subscrib ers, at th* office of the Southern Insurance Company. JS-tf 1 BROWN’S CASTILLI AN BITTERS muiS unrivalled Tonic prepared from the Pure 1 Juice of the Grape and extracts, distilled from the Choicest Vegetable products of the South of France, Italy and the Province of Castile (Old Spain 1 from which latter section they, derive their name A Fragrant Tonic, Indispensable to Hotels and Restaurants, and valuable to Families, delicate |, ~**itj*> and children, for all disarrangement of “ ' MWhf it la. unrivalled. A m ba^nventive and Cure for Sea sickny^ n by Und 01 wtter »houid be without For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, McMTIRE A Co. Agent*, State (feorgl* Southwestern railroad co, » Macun, Ga , Jan. -. ioCC. j r E Annual Election for President and eeven Di rectors or thi. Company, to servo for the i-Dsitiug year, »lil be hel l at ihetr office, In tbe cily of Macou, on Tha.sday, 8th Februaiy next. JOHN T. BOIFEUILLET, 18-td Sec'y aud Treas. NOTICE. THE undersigned promises to cure Seminal "Weakness In all its worst forms without the use of medicine.— Please send for my Clrcnlar, enclosing 10 cents for postage. Address J. M. RUSSELL, octl0-3m Boston. Mass. E. H. VAN NESS & CO., GROCERS,3HIP CHANDLERS AND Produce Dealers, UNDER THE BLUFF, CORNER ABERCORN’ ST., Savannah, Ga. Orders from the Country Private, Families, Steam»r» and Sailing Vessel* respectfully solid ted. Produce bought and sold on commission. l'tibhls selected Apples 100 bbls Onions 100 bbls Potatoes So bbls Extra Flour 60 bbls Nos. 1 and 2 Mackerel loo tubs Extra Butter 60 boxes Extra Citee-e 600 kit* Nos 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel 50 hali-bbls Fulton Marked Beef 60 bbls Extra Family Purk.' TI-n21 NOTICE. C ONSIGNEES per schooner Rachel Vannerman, from Philadelphia, are hereby notified ihat their goods are being this duy discharged at wharf foot of Barnard street. All packages remaining on wharf after sunset will be stored at risk and expense of owners, d2T HUNTER A UAMMFLL. Notice. J W. NEVITT, of the firm of Nevll, I nth rep A . Rogers, has associated himself with Lathrop A Co. In the Dry Goods business, at the old stand of Jt-tf HENRY LATUROP * CO. NOTICE. “ T HE undersigned would respectfully inform hU former patrons and the citiaens generally that he Is prepared again to take contracts to build new or repair wharves. Pile-driving done by steem pile-driver. Bn . KRENSON. .tt ^ISTotice. A LL persons having demands against tlie estate of XA. Edward O. Wilson, deceased, of Chatham county, are respectfully ret j nested to hand them in properly an- thentieated; and all persons indebted to paid estate are requested to make immediate payment to ANA IS WILSON, n!4. Administratrix. BLAIR AT BICKFORD, LUMBER MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN TIMBER AND LUM BER OF EVERY DESCRIP- -TION. D OOHS, SYS II, AND il I, 1 V 9 » Mill and Lumber Yard on Canal, near Bryan street Office ISO Bay street, d23~*f Savannah, Oa. Dancing Academy. H AVING been solicited by mv friends to again open my School for Dancing. I have concluded, to take a limited number of Pupils. Those desirous of sending their children can see me at Mr. E. Ehrlich 3t) Whitaker street. <1*9-8 L. LOUIS. BILLIARDS. Six Tables- I RESPECTFULLY luvlte the patronage of my old friends and visitors to the city I have Six Good Billiard Table*, Including two of Phelan's make, with ’the'best Balls. Cues. Bridges, Maces, Ac., procurable. My rooms are commodious, and I endeavor to employ only competent attendants. My Bar Is supplied with a good assortment c f Ales, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Ac. WALTER O’MEARA NOTICE TO THE SHIPPERS OF GOODS BY THE STEAMER SAVANNAH ON THE 4tii DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1SC5. A LL persons who shipped Goods by the Steamer Sa vannah, ou the above named day, are requested io call immediately at the store of F. M. Myroll, Esq., Burris’ Buildings, Bay street, and identify such goods Shave been saved from the wreck of the steamer. „ J. W. WOLCOTT, n80 Agent ^ otice. f"PHE undersigned have this day formed a Copart- X net-ship under the name of Palmer <fe Deppish, for the transaction of a general Hardware Business, Wholesale and Retail, st 143 Congress and 67 St. Ju lian streets, Satannah. Ga. H. A. PALMER, JNO. H. DEPPISH. Mr. SamL B. Palmer, of tbe firm of Sami. Palmer A Son, is with us, and will be pleased to see bis old friends. JS-lw P. A D. ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, \TANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Builders-and IVA Locksmiths’ Hardware. Nails, Pullles, Cord, Kim Locks and Knobs, Bntt Hinges, Brass and Iron Keys and Castings, Goug Bells. Wire, Silver-Plating, ’Ac. All orders, large or small, furnished promptly al 18 per cent, less than market prices, srplh om 1ST otic©, ~~ i npHE undersigned returns his thanks to bis old cus- 1 tom era for their patronage, and Informs them and the pnbllc generally, that he Is prepared to fur- i ntsb a good article of fresh ground Grits and Meal, > which fie will deliver to purchasers, free of charge, in anj part of the city. Orders left at his MUJ, corner ; Congress find Jefferson streets, will meet with prompt attention- j3-lo WM- GREEN. I H. HAYM, 174 Broughton Street. 17ft CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the newest styles, LADIES’ DRIjSS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, *=• \ Just received and for sale at the lowest piioee by 0ct2S H. HATH. GEO. H. ARLEDGE, , SHIP CHANDLER. GROCER, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, 72 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. d23-lj