Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 09, 1866, Image 6

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1 Tivn Valnahip Plants*tinn« com«m«iow — the fairest of the pair. ocoNrred U wilh a^rnbber ou tke^BUkir^of XVIII V alUdUli/ X 1(111 UlllUlft SOUTHERN Richmond, in what is knr^ro h the aoath tbs Btuiii. Cf\B o A I C vemaulm. owing to the p^uitor And J®* 01 *" ** A* desperate character by tbe name of Bill rUlv OALfc PATTON ti/IDCUAIICC lllt,on ‘ Which they sustain. their Lightfoot, living on Byrd street, near iheFe- uU I I UN WAKtnUUoti tl0U ’“‘ l1 ,k 0, “ L ‘" 8 ^ pe , r ’ MI. tercburg Kail road Depot, early on ttomora- Tn T i K^rKr ronntv UW ’ 1 UI1 " ,,,,L,,UWU H rtimenu »*“f*“ , fog Winded to, committed a robbery in that Lrl X-dberty b ounty. section, and immedintelyupon its ^rpetra- mHE briber offerer sale hi, .wo PiantaUons, CORNER OP »»£Voo“7tb^t Sergeants R. W. Honma. B L Jude. 1 called Rlcehope and MUlhsven. The Rlcehoj* pjwhoareiiL notuuyn. utoraa and one other officer, ot tbe Second Market Plantation contains two thousand four hundred and a 1/ i un I iftirAI IT C’l'C rloua lenial. complain t. ns .. i n ai. police, were despatched to arrest tbelawless torty-five (2445) acres, one-balfnr which Is choice RAY AND LINCOLN STS.. on without involving the general health of the indl p _*» l> r(>1 rim, a their arrival an officer hammock and rice land, the other half |>lne land. The U " 1 WWUUW1 ^0 «, d ere long producing permanent sickness Ottender. Irenous to their arrim anomcer rice land will produce seventy buabele of rice per . ,, ramjl tnr« dt)0 ji uo fjor U it pleasant to consult Who attempted the arrest of the niSCSl Was acre; lho hammock, from forty to fifty bushel, of CAVlklUAU /a « andp etuat ' , tb delicate affections, cut in the arms and received a Shot from a com. or a bale of sea Island cotton per acre Th. SAVANNAH, G A . a physician tor the relief of thee. daUcate possession. When the pine land is very productive—will produce from fllteeu and only upon the moat urgent necessity will a true gun ne inn in nis possession vvuoa mo to twenty bushels of corn per acre, or a half bale of woman so far aacridc. her greatest charm as to do /wsss cailie Up to Lightfoot they found h.m ,ea 1-sland cotton, and la very easy of cultivation.— rhea.i will then thauku* for plaoing in thslr fortified in an old brick house, and armed Upon it i« a vast quantity of lauyluu or mill Umber, j .i,iAk will be found efflea- with a liouble-batTCled gun. As the Villian r^K'Xv ra p» O’FALLON & CO.. 35SS « «. o. 8 „ owe d aght a. om™™,.«« »»«,. thetraet. This plare is situated on both sides of the w A dadJOJV/il W W») those troublesome complaints peculiar to tbs sex. mg the position, entered the house by a side Ouir Railroad, thirty ionr mile, from the city of 8a- alley, where they closed with him, where be eai^'trifnsport^to'the^Uyf wU?*My'vTh^t t a^k FACTOES HELMBOLD S EXTRACT OP BtJOHU. Thom a, received a heavy blow ou his for it ten time, over. The heallh of thisplace, espc- -4 »-_g_ v ^, Hundreds suffer on in silence, and hundreds of right arm, given With the gun fat the hands dally the pine land, cannot be excelled even by ihe other, .uolr vainly to druggists sad doctors, who of Lighlloot, Which almost disabled him, but ^afiSEffii.a'SfttSEXSt Forwarding * Commission **»,******«, h “ •‘“S'-JteJ vided up into a number ol small farms There are A _ Trri or apply remedies which make them wor#e. three pretty Correct shots, ODe t&klDg effect fourteen hundred acres fenced and about four hundred M. LHC HANTS, not w u|, to assort anything that would do injustice j„ Lightfoot’S right tbigb, a qecond in the left cleared and in perfect order for raising a large crop . to the afflicted, but I am obliged to ssy that although arm, and a third in his left ear. Lightfoot overseer’shuu>e*nd negX^oTtoe X- C of' Southern “«“* ■»F 70 " tr °““ C -‘"{*"'' ^ Ut Sti " holdi “S OD l ° hU 8 UD > »"»«• ■“ place is situated equi-diataut Iwtween HlneevlUe and Products, aud will give prompt rtterfantoaHnuBb powers of life, by laborious e m P 1 °y“®“ t ’ bloody HS be Was, and made a second despe- Walthourvije, the public road between these two Bea , e nV?ns.ed to our rare. Intending toertanllsh some sir and food, profuss **“““7 rate assault on Thomas, who, disabled in hi» place, passing through it. So well urn I totieffed of perinsueutly a House In Savannah, expert by strict tea aud coffee, and frequent childbirth, it ia far of- njstol arm was onlv nrevented from shoot- its produriveneaa, that I avlll sell it lor the products business nriurlnlea to merit aud rerelvita nnrtiuu or instailrm aoolled to the mu- piaiui arm, was only prevented from snoot of one c. op to a poreha,er who will come uuder ,uf- the Tr^de ^ ‘* ner “ use<1 J d " in 8 him dead Lightfoot broke the Stock of edv''or'l ■fell' tot mouey le aa 1 *hereniufter etated°-- Having' a commodlou, Warehouse for CotUm. we the« di.trea.iug gun over Thomas and then Started and The range for cuttle aud liSgs cannot be excelled iu nr TiT” C °^ lg V, , f le,,t «" u “ r c ZTZuU it mlo.t psinfUl to contemplate the st- plunged into the James river, and Strove to flt >eUr r0ana ^ V1 *“ e “ onXe^lSklumTbafiug or mendiX tendLt evil, consequent upon them. Ills but atm- drownhimself Mfon the<&» The Mlllhiiveu tract coutulua three thoaeand one Cottou before ahlppin*, thereby aavIiik the enorioone pie Justice to the subject to enumerate a few of tke ODt. He was bound and conducted, hundred and e^htecnfS.! lb, acre, pine laud. This is SMTSSS « u8 ^ addiUotul««« "trioh so largely tfect the Witfrthe assistance of two men, to the Second my residence, upon which I have resided for many nj5£ the business of the people health and happiness of woman ia ail classes Market police Station, raving all tbe Wblie years, and, for health, I do not think It can be ex- ot Ge ° r g>* “ d of adjoining btates. of socletrind which, con^queutly. effect, more or like a madman, celled iu the world. Upon it are two valuable mill ATiTiTriTi nma TiTktM , ,, tb. of tlia entire human fhin- — ' uever^alUngetreewafuporrom^ol wh^chMsUeeu 08 OFFICE, STODDAED S EANOE JJ-'matexiaUforprecooiou.eduction Thc Tank HkRO.c Spirit.—A letter from valuable saw aud grist mill for the lust slxty-flve CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, aud marriage, cause, the year, that nature designed Pendleton, S. C., soeaks thus of the manner years. There are two hundred acres of cleared land, , torooreal development to be weeted and pervert- . . , . ’ , , . , which is very productive ; a flue dwelling house, no- tr Port Office Address. Lock Box 25. octT-3m ...traint, of dreae the early confinement ,n VVhlCh the people ot that Section have met § r r^rd e8 ’twe C n, y W dve h^of^trie, T num^of ^ W. A.bZZZ ‘J School, aud «pectaily in the unhealthy exclU- the results of war: hones, mules, hogs, Ac. 'ihese lauds were selected RftllW 1 Mr Dll V a H, r fP meut of the ball-room. Thua, with the body half Our young men have gone to WOrkineern- by me tome years ago with a view to permanent lo- DUUiSBs U O til dill, clothed, aud the mind unduly axcited by pleasure. VVe nrnnri tr> wo th.m annmd in Cation and Invealment. I am indaced uow to sell for „ mfdniffht the hours dealvued bv . e P r . oaa «> ^ them engagea Us the reasou that my professional engagements are such (Formerly of Jacksonville. Florida,; perverting in midnight rey.l the hour, designed by teaching, plowing, JWngOUlag. keeping gTO- That I cannotdevote my peisonal attention to the iu- n ,. . _ ...» , , nature for sleep and rest, the work of destruction it eery Stores. insEortTdoing anything nnthdo - ssasi'AKtirur.Siraiarffil ForwardiBe ant Commissian Merclianls, *»,«v■ a "(£**“ b »""° 2iii£s;s.?as;r«^sxss'£: »»»*■■>, «»•<.., t . “«“K^^ a r%b,er; iJ iSrbP look upon their old master, as thebnatural enemiee. M A V A V !V AH . (ivimoiA votary to retain her situation In school at a later fUhinp Another iron era I has hef>n cut tin vr I williLdl a, above stated, or for cash, o. .portion UEOROIA. day. thus aggrav.Uug tha arU. When ou. erclta- „ Another ; general has Deen cutting of the purchase money to be paid In one, two aud TfTfLL give prompt attention to receiving and for- ruent la over, another in prospective keeps tha mind wood on snares. Our i 11 a poverty OI wmen wFisnrf'sr' t‘‘rr?r , 2i jL'ss*.ssa’SEffi -SlSiVta.: relfer y toN. A^Harde 8 dAo. and°K. C^Wade'i Co. bidding the exercise indUpenuble to the attainment Univerwdity makes it more toleraWe. W« 1 invite all purchasers lo look at these laud,, and j, C- . bertdfs other good, aud manufactured articles and retention of organio health and strength ; the know that the TUOSt refined and intelligent If they donT suit them, then 1 think they must be fas- j„r , a | e on tonslgnuient and for which they are exposure to night air ; the sudden change of tern- Women in the State, deserted by theirdefu- 1 MlUha?enUec.20 1S65 8. GAULUEN. agents. Orders and coualgumenls respectfully nolle perature ; the complete prostration produced by ex- ded Servants, are doing all kinds of hOUtt- ———i ; d **~ 3m . cessive dancing moat, of necessity, produce tbeir le- work—sweeping, dusting, making beds, and C D I I TP U C C BRYAN, HARTRIDGE & CO.. giumate effect. At lMt. an early marriage cape the even in some cases cooking and washing. | || I™* ^ climax of misery, and the unfortunate one. hitherto Innumerable widows, orphans and single „ . ....... lftJ BAY STREET, CITY HOTEL BUILDING. ao utterly regardless of the plain dictates aud re- women, whose property was in Confederate FtSffi^SSSS%lrni A tSSk<S monstrance, of her delicate nature, become, au uu- bonds, are pennU^ and are seeking em- Crutches. Hartman’s Patent Elastic Rubber Crutcncs Broker and Commission Agent* willing subject of medical treatment. This la but a ployment of some kind for bread. On the are pronounced by surgeons, and everybody else, to be truthful picture of the experience of thousand, of whole OUT people are bearing their trials the very best ever Invented. They are easy and cou- roa aaijs nu> rosenasa or our young women. - - bravel v anri r-h<v»rfh!lv P re ' cn t paralysis of the ndrvea. do away Long before tha abUity to exercise tha functions of * others, aud are in all reapeoAirlvubed. Send for a STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, Ac., the generaUve organs, they require an educaUon ot Mexican Hostilitt TO THE French.—A circular. Agents wanted everywhere LOVEJOY A tbeir peculiar nervous system ; composed of what nf th- o, T nnla Ronnhliean TaYLOR, Mole Manufacturers, No. 4T6>; Broadway, And for Forwardlag Cotton. la caUed the tissue, which is, in common with the correspondent OI Mo £31. L.OU1S Iteput i f • 6m-n2o nov2 3mo female breasts and lips, evidently under the control writes from OuaymaS, Mexico, OS follows: SOUTHERN AND WESTERN of mental emoUons and aaaociaUons at aa early pe- ”A leading merchant of this city, who re TRP NFW YnflF NTWQ XjA.N S3. riod of Uf. «W. shall subsequently «eth«se tamed to-day from a trip Into the interior, uu. ntn juka ntws. o^^v, rsrdsscstasass 35Siya o i^r 1 r , sS2 , u2 , 5 „„„, daily< SEMI-WEEKLY AD WEEKLY, “• f!*,■** YnSLsSl. MSIvSScXfiffi; thuks^yobk » ^agaggsrasBgs sss-fiSiJSfLSsars if ml V iwn gntl.nrmv mb nr a Southern products, and make advances on direct known: BelmboU * Compound detract of Bucftu. encountereamogl lively^ menir-rt-riOM us WEEkLl Ail) Efll WEEKLY nEWA consignments. Directions for use, diet, and advice accompany. enmity to the Empire. One of the Chief 01— MATTHEW H. BRIDGE, Manager, Females in every period of'life, from infancy to ficials at Sehuaripa said to him, “SoCh ik.tto GREAT ^ • Bro * d u - N» w ‘° fk extreme old age, will find it a remedy to aid nature hostility to the French in this region that a FAMILY NEWHPA PERN. ear sauces „ r rxaMias.oH: in the discharge of its functions. man would be Safer in the hands of the Apa- Hon. Benjamin Fitapatrlck, Ex-Governor off Alabama Strength Is the glory of manhood and woman- cbes than in the hands of Our citizens if they BEilJAJBHV WOOD Editor And Proprietor- F. Harmon?, Nephews <fc Ou., Bankers, as Broadway. Food. supposed he was a partisan of the French. Joun»l. ofronSTtiu^nre.ruhl™.. *" ^ swasouvs Market and Financial Reports, Interesting NOTICE. ofLk or Ir D on. inflnftrty mf.r, and more piemuut ‘^pXiro wU^lW “(“’SiJ'S ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! HELM BOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU, fta.'SSS ibWu^now ... Nish jt Co, lor the tratssactiou of a or alter a lapse of time, maybe relied upon IMPROVEMENTS INTRODUCED ««—-* and states, is now offsrsd to afflicted humanity as a small force ot Mexicans paid by tbe French, IMMENSE CIRCULATIONS DETERMINED si. Brokerage Business. certain curt for the following diseases aud symp- and in twenty-four hours Sonora would send — ^ ' * turns, from whatever cause originating up from every town, city and ranebe a tem- THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPBST They trust, by energy and attention to bust uess, GeneralDshility, peStUOUS shOUt of joy.” to deserve n share or public patruuugtf, whn-b they „ . * PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK. soUcit. T. J. McNiSH. Mental and Physical Depression, , . JGS.S. RAYNARi . imbecility. ^ Col. Brown, Assutant (Commissioner of NFW YDRY WFFIfl Y NFWC °fflee on Biyanstreet east of MertUauts and p uu D " te /” 1 g^fS 11 T°!.? 00<1 to ’ Freedmen, having received informatioA Wtt ^ L I W f WS » L^oItonkJdiuutgK.. that it was contemplated by many citizens Published Every Wednesday’. Ai-vaxolt. SaaNxri’J NfW Vork u’aaa. H: Hiumo ax. General DriUbillty, of Virginia to turn OUt of doors on the lHl Single Copies Five Ceuta \ psi-t, > Raleigh, .s ic Rssu.urmas^d asepie.msss at Night, pro x. all helpless and infirm freedmen, baa l S Bennett, Van Pelt & Co., A OTffisr“ cl “ cy ‘ called the attention of um superintendents u> Five Copies, one yesr s 75 the previous instructions oq rh& subject. Ten Copies, oneyear 17 oo COMMISSION MERCHANTS that the late owners will be required And an extra copy to any Cluh of Ten bUflUIMBlWri JBUILaAn.iW> ^S^iiation or Paralyrt, ut vide for their former slaves who areheipfes* Twenty Copies, one year u0 00 roa thx a*LS or thaOrgans of Generation, an d dependent on them for support Until the The Weekly News la Sent to Clergymen COTTON' TOBACCO, NAVAL STORES ETI. Palpitattou of the Heart, overseer of. the poor of the county to Which nt si so. ’ ' And, in fcot, all the concomitants of a Nervous and they belong shall have made arrangements ’ Debilitated state of the system. tnr their care and support. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. posts.poscMax»m ago? wavsxsb W Bow* Ik. «Sw,.<s4 T“' d .* 7 ..“ d ..! ?,l ' i K'c» S3 WliiteKall St., New Vork. ask FOB HSLX10LVS. TABS BO OIEBtL nTJto'lBfS 'imm™ Three Copies, one year io oo —°— lAf NAB |H| ■ ■ diately reported by name, so that his case Five Copies, one year 15 00 We have associated with ns Mr. D. W. Cuetib, late lfW IVI VVrUCh mav be laid before the President for bis Ten Copies, one year 30 00 Public Treasurer for North Carolina. n9 fim WW. I Yl ■ ff CL I Oil a lna > 0e 1 /“• i 7 action / l —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten. w. i. blsib. *. j. shith. w. w. ran. Corner Broughton & Barnard street, i . 1 j - - t r~rr~— T ”w blair, smith & co., -sole agent for the state wino»D Srjt WM ?hJte^s.c. NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. N ° AUGUSTa!*GA t , iee OF GEORGIA WINB0RN LAWTON A CO., To Mail Subscribers $10 per annum . . ’ , ‘ J18 " ln> Oeneral OommI**ion Msrchu “r.;.,viimia=i- a "'“* toeral tmmm ■erctants, JBffr exceived by neALEB3 - LUMBE _ 4c Add,.. _ MauutUdtured ToUbooo. A, U, SCARBROUGH & CO., JMasoSi' '»*5 «II«T, liuiui. 14® Street: TMn«oe di. of e.ery dtudpUon. 20 iNOtlCe. septSl New York City. Consignments solicited. 2m-n14 10packsges New Lard, put up in 25 pound month after det» 1 '♦« I I I?Y HVinRl^XIliri lVin?CJ r P wo 1110111,18 date, application will be made 50 kegs New Lard O tbe*offioers of the’ Albany * GolfR. R Com- :k Li u Allil URUlllllllLU I Lik) * .J® Ordinary of Scrtven cointy for leave to 50 firkins and tubs best Orange county Butter pauy for renewal of scrip of Un shares 4 P*rceni- ssll the real estate of William Taylor, deceased, for 50 boxes Cheese “ guaranteed stock of said company—scrip bring tort A LSO, a fins assortment of Silk, Wool and Buck the benefit of the heirs and creditors. 1<Y) boss* Caudles • ou the night of the 2?th January, 18«. ScripNo. 3, skin Gloves and Gauntlets. Just op^nedat January 4th, 18C6. 100 bids Flour, beat brand, tor five eh area, August 7th, 1*81; Scrip No.», for five EINSTEIN A ECKMAN, THOMAS BAYSMORE, Together with u splendid assortment of Raisins, share*. Sept. 7th, 1831. . n28-tt N 151 congress street j6 Administrator. Nuts, Ac., Ac. d20-tf dl3-wAslm* A, E. MORRELL. f'