Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 10, 1866, Image 6

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F0R*8AtB/ In. Xiberty County. -- rflHB subscriber offer* for sale hi* two Plantations, A called Bkehope and Mlllbaveu. The Iticehope Plantation contains two thon*ao<l four hnndred and f.jtj-flna (tomr new* one-half of ttMcV la chritte hammoct and rice land, the other half pine land. The rMfi •wupw f-'fMllll) (Former)/ of Jacksoa/iUe. Florida ,y IW ™ ili n pif n inni"if . . “■‘aw**# ,t.’c .S3SJ IIVUMH, USOKOIA. W wk ® rice land will acre; thehami from forty 1 to lift/ bushels'uf gtre promt attention to reodvlag and for: «■ vui o^TS’wSSSS-SSMjBffa''** corn.orabale offfa Island ,»£^t7^Uffln!?5l2eSus. q FS?^S5hCa’a8c^si pine landfc w/ojfncUee-wiU produce fhmtifttou *«., besides other to twenty fauUdaW corn per art* <*• a- half (ole. or . tor tale on cor aea Un£d cotton, and Is •r goods and >nsignm*nt and for which the/ are Upon it Is within a half A Gulf Railroad. Broad, Which pasaea throngb the middle of ceia situated an bath tides of the y-foe* miles trm the cilyJrHa. r the wood and timber upon it, which can be easily transported toJhe city, win, psgr what I ask for It ten times over. The health of UU* place, espe cially the pine land, cannot be excelled even by the mountains of Georgia There are a number of de sirable settlements npon it, and the tract can be di vided up Into a number or small farms. There are fourteen hnndred acres fenced and shoot four hundred cleared and in perfect order for raising a large crop the earning year. A good gln-boase, corn-hooae, overseer's house and negro honsea on the place. The place Is a)tutted equidistant between Hlnesvllle and Wallhonrtile, the public road hotween these two places passing through It. So well am I setteded or its prodncilveness, that I will sell U for the products- of one crop to a purchaser who will come under suf ficient obligations to cultivate the rleurnl land prop erly, or 1 will sell for money, as hereinafter staled. The range for cattle and hogs cannot he excelled In Georgia nor Florida, w they SBO.lMtbe.year round Ik the woods without feeding. The MiUbaven tract contains three thousand phe hundred and eighteen (S,l 18) acres pine land. Mid Is mj residence, upon which I have resided for many yeana’and, for health, 1 do' not think It can he ex celled In the world. Upoa It ax* two valuable mill sites, with an Inexhaustible supply af timber opon never-lading streams i upon one of which baa been, a valuable saw and grist mill for the hat sixty-five yean. Tbexe-an two hundred acres of cleared fond, which Is very productive; a line dweQJbg house, ne- - gro house*, Ac. With this plat* IwilTeeU onVhdn- dred and twenty-five' head or chttle, a number of hones, mules, bogs, Ac. 1 hew lands wen selected by me some yean ago with a view to permanent lo cation and Investment. 1 am Induced now to sell for . the reason that my professional engagements ere such that I cannot devote my personal attention to the in auguration of a bee labor system, and for the further reason that I believe that this system will thrive bet ter la the hands of Northern men. as our tor mar sieves are either tang* look upon tbef 1 will sell as. of the purchase money to be paid In one, two aad three years. Thejttks are indisputable. Fiats are left with BeU, Wylly A Christian, In .Savannah, tor 'Inspection, and refer toN. A. Hardee A Oa aad K. C. Wad* A tv 1 invite all purchasers to ltok at Ih«*e lands, aad If they don't salt them, then>.! think they must be Ins- very easy of cultivation.— agents. Orders and ccuagumisisp 1 BRYAN, HARTRIDGEA CO.. 1M. BAY . STREET, Cm HOTEL .HCILMNU. / Brok*r nA OowumIop AgamU sub am asu mamma* or UTOO&dt BANK. NOTKB, FKODUI’K, Jto., And for Forwarding Uoltun, nnvf 8to> ■ i ^ dOUTHKRN’ AllD ^EstlStN ZsA.KD. Collection and CwnaiMten Agency, handle Southern land and proparty of all descriptions. Fartles wishing to call are-Invited to forward lists, -v, Namc-roaeepp&esUm* now on fits ttonrpinlsS’Wt.h- ing to purchase. ■; Make <-«iU<i|on. on all parts of the country. Fay especial attention to thseaal. and dlspoaal of Bouthern products, aad make advances on direct ahmfgnmenla * -■ MATTHEW H. BRIDGE Manager, No. 9 Broad st. New York. LTonly upihlM^lmoatmirghnt ^ehmeityWilfatru. r— arsaemdo* her greats* aham w tola. ThawxwlU then thadksahM* placing In tbalx hand* almpto*mm»*?*'Wh^m%hp faand^Mm- doaeln relieving and curing almost every on* of thow troublesome li*d,tolkW|titwiltdeto the aex. '* HELMBQID'S HU1D EKT«Mtf*UGRfc i icu, ■ •• iti . •»,'i i : wall in afl^itpsa »j! ^'YmttiiW;ly,.,'.; .. ... Clcer«»#4.nrfeWfru.,gMH,j OflWimb**! ant (9 ^mit njtW would 4o, tea aad eoA*. and frequent ehlldblith, ttUtorof- unccoe^t^^eMMritMy^^iwiy^e mmY. ecus meei hewn* Of the vaglaalteeir. h HguaotB* ,non» attun jam*- v 7 . . • ■ . " •: -'-r ZMPXOTBD Wu * *a«em»tw»»a-Awq the, ifedi II WpiM» ariAn*bsmA«yf>?< mfrm+mrtnm, —y,; !U::U ^pleiji yr' IMH ojiw xu'.i 1 if-/ P7- .1 lammenHiamimn: Hon. Benjamin Fitapet rictEjt>Gov«nior of A) .laauc- .- <ssssasaa^^S£SsBTi A W. QreenleaLEsq-. Banker,X X, - n»-3m NOTICE. vpHE undsnlgned have this day formed a Copart- A parinerahlp - under the Atm name of 1. J. -Mc Nish A Ou, for Hm traBsarlWiAQf.a i above suted, or for cash, or a port)on , . Kl , 111 mnnati taw Ka VseM In nnw two ae.l ' > Anu Broktnfe Ayilueis. iilS,haaMMr*«»d happtaadrdf ofiedity, am and marriage, canaso the years that natare daslgnad fer corporeaf AesIffcHWii HI 111 1 I f ID|I»» -s^asne^&asssa&i-Coiyi perverting U mldni^»&ldfcft»^Wslgn.d-hr USB - BWAnurt^f -. -v jawcio CXTRACT *VOHV‘ They trust, by energy. *i to deserve a share of-put solicit. .to business. itdioua indeed. MUihaven, Dec.SO, Ifeifi. WM. B. UAOLDKN. J3-tf CRUTCHES are pronounced by surgeons, and everybody clam to b* the very best ever Invented. They are essy andean- venlenL, they prevent paralyeterjf tbe smn do away with all the weariness inwparabl*Both ’the «m of 25 others, and are In all reepecta unrivalled. Send for a circular. Agents wanted every where - LUVKKJY A TaYLOB. Bole Manufacturer!, No. 47CJf Broadway, N. Y. Cm-nfS jos.'sI^STard/ j/ Office on Bryan street cast or Merchants and Flan ters' Bank btdUhag. . (• ^ ; jt Ausxn K. Baauiirc,) Mew Yol v C’saa. U. Ksasn*. Jes. C. V*« Filt. i new 1 ■ Kalelgh, N. C. Bennett. Y«a Pelt A Co., COMMISSION MERCHANT* AmM iccoddUibmI * In consequence ogftlil wk HjSetrAh lipOa her eye- tam, unn*c«ee»n»WHbrt la rednired by the delicesA - morbidly eeaaitive to impression, while the new con stent restraint •d-ihdUAdtfif'MjMj ~ bidding the exerclsetiafipffiiimWffi ^6 end retention of,qrBt»hl ‘ exposure to nigh, air peraturo ire < Hi)S*rtieMtlNfeBiffiAia'tl»dlHit»r » sffitH^ > >W^iifHiiM»yriiMdwijtoteja-' J - ::> ' mos jam bauk or.. THE NEW TORE NEWS. DAILYi SEMMEEKLYAD WEEKLY, THK,NBW Y9RK t t WEEKLY AID StltT WEEKLY IEW8. GREAT FAMILY NEWHPAPEKB. BEIiiWI weeu LdUar And Fraprfetor- Joumala of Politic*, Literature, Fashions, Market and Fiuaocial Reports, iDterestlug Miscellany, and News from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! CITTII' THAGII, JAYAL STHIt, IT«., SJLSO, FOB TUB FCRCHABg Afgi^A^£ OF STATE AND - *33 Whitehall St, New York. _ k *v* aem»«lgmd wBh ue Mr. D. W. Ctmtie, Ute Fnhlk Treasurer forNcefhCeroBna. IMPROVEMENTSJNTRODUCEO IMHIRtl CIBCUIATIOIA BITItMIHB 01. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NSW YORK. NEW YORK WftiaYi HEWS, Published Every Wednesday. Single Copies. Fire'Cents One Copy, one year 1.9 ts* Three Copies, on* year..: & 00 Five Copies, one yeir 8 7, Tea Copies, one year 17 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten Twenty Copies, one year^. . .. 3b 00 The Weekly Sew* to Scat to Clergymen • a<*» BO-. SEMI-WEEKLY NEW8, Published every. Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year $ 4 00 Three Copies, one year 10 00 Five Copies, one year.. IB 00 Ten Copies, one Jear. 30 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten. Twenty Coplea ooe year.. *6 00 To Clergymen 3 90 NEW YORK~DAlLY NEW8. To Mall Snbecrlbere SlOpw annum Six Months. Five Dollar* For sale by all Newedealeta. Specimen copies of DAILY end WEEKLY NEWS sent Bee. Address BENJ. WOOD, • , Dally New* Bending, No. 10 City Hall Square, septoi New York City. BLAIR, SMITH * CO., IV o. MHiBvoad Bteaet, AUUHSCAl, 6K4 General Ctnuiiut lemlau,. And Agentottf the Bah of Manufhotilr«dTebHdoo. Will Farchase aad ML. on CoatmlaMeat, -Cetoon. Cotton Goode. WI>lh.J»ttaM.Frod>n*milifcvth4n disc of ewtry description. _Consf£iynei]f*jioHdtedr_ ii ^^^_^^ j _^in-nl4 MACHINERY DEPOT SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, WOOD WORKING MACHINERY. SAWS, BELTING, *e., Ac. gi climax so utterly regardless at the.plain uonetrsm >' willing subject truthful picture of toe experience)*! toeeeery yfft cur young wo'ineu. * * Long before tbesbilltj to exereiee Bieifnestinas of ", tbe genetetm*organs, timFeagmeMOhnitoemien it.' *t»eir peculiar nervous system composed of -whet ,i* called the tlesne, which to, in cbmoleti wiHi the • female breast* Soil'lletfkAfDf tlndVr the 'Control of mental emotlj riod of Ms- emotions, when to habits which nature has self-completed their development. Far Female Weakness end DeWKmottridtosiafc.i. I «nrnrrhm«.'‘TetoPieru4e. Exhausting, Too Long Continued Periods, for Prolapsus and Bearing Do«fgy ' - or Frolepans offer the moetpertsot epeeifle known : MmMd't Compound Infract VMeftbn * ' Directions for HELMBOLD'S MIOHLV OONCYNTRATC^ COJ^OUSih FUtfh ipiil JAllAHKOA^r:;- -L- ; ;u jl'-.'.’s. - j:7■f.’.ujiib.i-. 4 yFwyfflyaiaiMa*,**»>**t****Fm****** 1A 'fis. r the curs or : '“M WWtjSweUlnga.uf thrcst "" - srysipeito/an^argcaly saarsasissSK'- AlW' ier« .^.uX^astsssscuiiua;-, i hit sAifii Tot* •ttremy old age, will Bad U a remedy to aiA. nature - . ‘jtas ftrrinrr in the aforiforgeCf itrtttffctidne; * c, ''“ 2 ' 37T T* £ ^YwotoW* Strength, toitoe-#oty to toiiftrs, end Woman- hood. •* * “* ‘ ttr . HELM BOL D'S EXTBkCT BVCBU ‘ is more strengthening tokai eng *B the ffeeparation* ot Bark or iron, inhnitolr safer, ehdmoN pttnsaat asd BEAfrnmsia twt ooIIrjcxrkv ; . - -1 ■; ■■■. ? - p . Mot a few at fee «*— —'-S Titokfei" * - arise fro** to,corrupts* tostnoOtotiitiM* W OfeAtoMLb, or all toe dfecoveritolttot have toghifeade —•ffdfBTfc ■” “ ^ #***»«» auSSm- Y4BA1 barilla.; fedMmAMd idhar- dn- vates the Mood, tnxtiU the vigor utbeeiU late syitom, aad purge* out .the Uumnc* .which mhto 'dV ; r .. blood. Such a remedy that could he-relied *•; **g ; 3j> » kikB **• ?m tipiwtos,. ,-ui Two tohledyOoefuiyt 1 m a ptotof-wtoeftie^mii oh* howl* wflayerAlui, •upar ilia, er toe dtoectiaq ad WOOD ft MANN’S, CELEBRATED Portable Steam Engines HELMBOLD’S extract ^bughu, , harttjg received ftn es^>n^ant of|ha.n^>t FBOMOfeNT PUSaiftUHa,, THf(., U^ttAV BTATE^tisUotioffergd tool^cU^humanity n» eertelPjye fef .the, ^Uowlqg ; <|l*m«M *hd symp. toms, from whatever cause originating . GeaeralAtdBty, '• *' - : 1 Depitomoa, PtotoimlneHimnf BtotototoeHedd.'' ,Cpnfaaedldees, FBUd UMX8A30BF OF W OSfQ&stAXBr. l**l. ibaorgarlifeWi ee tiaraiytidul “?fflsssf3S®a'; and, in fact,amheaonoamimntoaf»at*i roue end Debiiimtedetat* of thy syatam. 7ie foewe tig gmntoe, cto foie end. AHA IQS UUMMQUTk. M. SR HQ.91MMA Ml IKudftf ■**‘ t * iM i'^ii'~ I • nu-NonaL npvr- hblmbold b '• raira a» cxxmicai wixxKotrax, 694 JsaOADWAY. M.WAJ '' W. Broughton A ■ AGENT FOR Mi ;; Barovd Ytreet, . THE STATE OF GEORGIA JUST REOKlVRD r Th dB7-eodSm FGHBUBHY a. A. HIBPIK db I FROM FOUR TQ THIRTT FIV* HOKlB POWtth 140 COIlRrCUM StTOBt J We have the“ oldeoh largest, and. moot complete . toi/k PACKAGES Aew Bacon 8 aoyintogtoltefl ‘ iop ^ssr' 1M. aiRBROUGB Sl tO.. FOR SALE. bar residence near table _ _ conceded to" be lY* Yeet apparatna oTthe description , LSO, a I Qtrtn Iy on hand, or fnmlaheq on ofetiSMetom-.i ..n.uaisa'. u ’ (Ji BEN8TEIN 4L 161 Congrem street DeacripUv* clrcnlara, with pdoffiUti^* hv- ■ COMSTOCK AKINaEY, uli-eodCm 164Bay atreet. Savannah, Oa. path 60 k«g* New 60 . : _ 60 boXM ChtCM 1°0 hexes Candle* udi.-j 100 httottoM. hwt hr*rt*-°° Together with * splendid nmortment of Eslrina, Norn, Ac, Ac. d»tf Apnly nstoBvln, oftoYR Chanm Spatting, at the oaefer of lotie* aad Hebar- ehamoteeta, Savnanh. Jd-lawgw nS3-tf ul J-eodfim