Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 11, 1866, Image 1

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jS 'fi w 1 ' I [VOL. 1 NO. 3U4. , (1 i w Savann ah Daily Herald > EVENING >o» hV N ^ C '° M AiL UkoROIA. SxV Five Ceuta. .. .43 eo. Sin oft. .reiifTco Umit (or first In- ,.1, mliHnqueut one. Ad- e morning, will. If desired. • • -nt extra charge. ;tiN 1 N O. romytly done. > :}},» r Cotton Case. >! 3. LAMAR BEFORE .II.i i APY commission. Argument for the Pro - secLition. the proseculiou, closing i. B Lamar, was made on Tues- .|>tsiu Tliomp-ion, of ibe Regiment, legal adviser oi ■ in the case. We give it . ( Gentlemen of the Com- i n argument which is , the testimony against has presented his :t, through the voice .jest criminal advocate o«r. The counsel for ard that argument as mfession by the ac- . but it becomes nev- o reply, though not ..iion of argument as t lie defence, for what the conviction of the liigent perception by f the proofs of his the testimony, rath- auity of counsel in mtiug them, the testimony, that at in the specifications, -iomnsville and other restrict of the Altama J1 in the state of Geor- , of cotton which had to an Associaiion reporting and Export- ic State of Georgia,” General BranDan, commanding District of Sa- vaouah, to turn over to Mr. Browne, as Treas ury Agent, all the Importing and Exporting Company’s cotton enumerated in a liat annexed to that order, whether the same waa contained in the then Sub-District of the Altamaha or elsewhere in the District of Savannah, of which District the aforesaid Sub-District is » P®**- Returning now to the Importing »nd porting Company of Georgia and its oper - tiuns: This corporation, illegal and the United States in its birth and in ’ It iuc uu* fts we contcn( J f of all *“' h “» 0 “: Ted, which succeeded to the property of hat defunct corporation, and .he corporation itself if contrary to our opinion, such cor- H ration was not defunct—committed the crimes with which he stands charged at this t» r For evidence of this intention of appro priating to himself property, to which, if the United States wero not entitled, the Company, if it yet subsisted, was entitled, the prosecu tion refers the Commission to the private cash book of the accused, wherein among his house hold expenses and bis personal expenses of all kinds, stand intermingled bis outlays on ac count of this Importing and Exporting Com pany's cotton, and wherein also among bis re- aeip's on account of personal income from dividends and rents, stand intermingled the net amounts of the proceeds of lots of that cotton which iiad been successfully eloigned from the possession of the United States. First, it appears by the testimony, that as soon as Mr. Browne left ThomasviUe, early in September, the accused, through bis agents, Messrs. Seward and Wright, who are joined in the first charge as his co-conspirators, inter fered with the contractor who was then lawful ly engaged under Mr. Browne’s orders in trans porting the cotton which had been turned over by Col. Kimball; and by threats of personal proceedings against him, induced him to de sist for the time from his work, and to go down to Savannah to report what obstacles be had encountered. Time being thus secured to Mr. Lamar, it further appears that be availed himself of it to make an appeal to the Trea sury Department, under date of Sept. 20tb. concerning this cotton, which appeal was on October 4th answered by the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, in a letter recognising the lawful possession by Mr. Browne of the prop erty, declining to take any specific action on whatever request Mr. Lamar may have made for orders to Mr. Browne concerning it, and notifying Mr. Lamar that “it has been decided to treat the property belonging to blockade- runoing companies as captured from the ene my, and that instructions to that effect have been transmitted to the agents of this Depart ment.” This letter was found among Mr. La mar’s papers, and would appear by an indorse ment in his handwriting ou the back of it, to have been received by him on October 9th. Whatever may have been the intention or expectaiion of Mr. Lamar unj^j^utdate as .o this cotton, it is certain ”ihe'Tct.inBtjB- intention SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11. 1866. 133 which the accused in hia Illegal capacity as Pre sident of ao illegal corporation, in which captci y I he bad no right of actiou in any loyal Court, wta ! outnt-d •• the plaintiff, and which writ waa tub- r *r w eequeutly attempted to be used ea false evidence t A l — o! a pretended iuterpoaition ot military °*iet,0,J las., bought iorcee ol the Doited S.atea, by meaua ol a talae ; J f . * M. Hamilton, return, to which, to be- sure, the name or the ! 8,ore<1 with iteComl Deputy r hen ft' stands signed, but which is writ- McIntosh, ten in the hand writing ot Mr Wright, one of the i conspirators with the accused. And under cover of all these attacks, the prosecution contend that 1 it is shown that the conspiretora planned to steel i or in the vocabulary of the region, to “run off ” j cotton belonging to the United Si* es. Foiled by the tirmneSs of Mr. Beard, in this at- j tempt by an unlawful arrest to deter him from the performance of bis duty under bis contract with the Treasury Departuieut, the accused sud denly weut from Tnoinasville to Augusts, sod i Moore’s PRICE, 5 CENT a iueorporated under jiteof **i f the rebellion, viz: in m Wrd !l u I>tu irqbe i irdci Llll-I ,8L Kin:; cotto Dell, less purpose of running 'i-u maintained by the the porta of the States among others, the State thereby was giving, as tublic notoriety und as r: the record of history s aid and comfort to s ojf the United btutes. ins Company being eu- running operations he following words em- •tition for incorporation ur, the accused, and . a formed an association cement of direct trade itries, in vessels pro of sails, * which trade carried on by running the nd further, the character 1 of this company are clear- ■ the letter of the accused to Liverpool, in relation to runners “Little Ada,” and Bcfttne,” to which letter the ention of the Commission ted. .: >u formerly belonging to the . .’o . had become the property n.ted States by the right of and by tire fortune of war, the r.t.unal known among nations, thority to which the people nd among them the accused, hen they repudiated that to which the accused note . i iy appeals. i. ointity of this cotton was ac- -nized by Col. Kimball under i .tu General Washburne, at i.i! and vicinity, and on the v: i 18C5, Brevet Major Gen- .cnan, commanding District of an i commanded as follows: To K. Kimball commanding Sub tr. of tbe Altamaha.—“Colonel: .ill turn over to United States »ury Agent, Mr. A. G. Browne, or parties as he may direct, all cotton •thci seized property in possession i.e United States at ThomasviUe or •t p^’ut within the limits of your ml, except such as you are satisfied i, . to loyal citizens of the United u v, ho have takeu the oath of ullegi- > and w ho do not come under ■ e exceptions of the .nation of May 29, 1865, -r !cr of Brevet Major General Brannau a . t Luce with tlio Act of Congress of b 1861. (U. S. statutes at large, vol. ;r.i ) n icli declares all properly eui- m .he rebellion with consent of the io be lawful subject of prize and oap- r ver foundi aud also is accordance i >■ A i of CoDgrcss of March 12, 1863, at large, vol. 12, pp. 820, 821,) „■ wnercof Mr. Browne held bis com- •; Agent of the Treasury Depart- • o receive and collect all abandoned or tvjierty in any State or Territory, or any State or Territory of tbe i, designated as iu insurrection ‘awful government of the United raciamotion of the President of • and it was also in accordance Order Xo. 88, of War D-part- -if 1863, rc-promulfrated by tbe War on July 29, 1*864, and tbe ions referred to in that order, -rder and regulations have been , and which order directed the - i-ver to tbe Treasury Agents L t-r ■ -. >eized under military orders,” n > P ‘- 1 '' declared to be in insurrection mst the i. ■ ed Slates.” 1 1 IH “ (ien - Brannan’s order it ap- r. t.iat t Kimball did mrn over on the n Ai j:>u :osaid treasury Agent, os appear- I’Letpt produced m evidence by Col. lota of cctt oai , u . .. A „ lhe -cd in the warehouse of Evans A Par- • the cotton shed, of j. McK.nnon in tae warehouse 0 f LouU Qold _ h belongs to the State of North •btate of Georgia, G. B. Lamar ■ tbe Exporting and Importing Co' or-i G- B. Lamar personally; also, ei -osed to.belong, to the State of the possession of Judge Groover, e, Georgia; also, fourteen (14) i lossession of Mr. Jones, near • / supposed to belong to 0. B. Li es aforesaid.” ■ -rs, further, that on October 12, mity to the law of Congress and m’s orders heretofore mention- .■neral Steedutao, commanding De le orgia, directed Brevet Major any President a must have been fraudulent; and .this brings us directly ta’.ua consideration of the first charge on which Me accused stands arraigned, viz : of ‘‘maliciously and willfully com- ti conspiring” “io defraud the United scaling cotton belonging to the United ce denies that Id ttiis charge nee alleged, cognizab'e by the ^and argues very plau-ibly from his pTsiffWs. but the error in that argument lies in ttfesromises. Milib^y Commissions exist and have juris diction if virtue of martii.l law, which exists St.ue of Georgia at the present icli has so existed where ever the United States have marched with- the commencement of the he present time, and has continued pu-thimt its terri orv to the extent d'fay ttio-c armies. The exercise of ju- di8bd kijwritv is called into action by the vrj|l of ttret-ommanding Geutral. In such ex-.-rcise of judicial powers Military Commission is not confined to such cases as arc cognizable by a “Court Martial," techni cally so-called, because such Comminion is ex pressly called into existence fur the purpose of punishing such persons and sueb crimes as are Dot cognizable by Court MuriiuL lbe military Commission i* in no way bouod by the code ot laws ot tbe particular Sta'e, Tenitory, or Pro vince in wbicb tbe aimv finds its* It, nor is^ i*e jurisdiction confined to tbe cogn.zince ur punish meat only of sitah offences as ure specified in the penal statues ot tbe United Slates. To limit tbe jurisdiction ol a military Commission, which from its very nature la constituted for the purpose of preventing all wroDgs, so far aa lhe military power extends, to the pgnisbment only of such offences as are prohibited bv the Pepal Code of Congresa, is to take away all power from an army in the field to preserve good order among the popniation among whom tbe operations of suph army bring it, and render the command Dg gen- eral utterly powerlasa, either to protect the iuha- bitauta of the country from the outrage* ot 8 vic torious soldiery, or to protect the military ser vants of his Government or tbe property or any other tnteresu of his Government, from fraud violenoe or insult. The Penal Code of Congress consists of a few staiutea enacted for certain special purpose* in no wise adapted or intended for the Government of military Courts under tbe existenne of martial law. Aud in re spect to this question there is do difference be tween tbe case of our srmy occupying a proviuce of a toreign nation, or being in a district declared in insurrection within tbe limits of tbe United States. . The law by which a Military Commission is to regniat,? its judgment in tfca absence of an express written code, is the unwritten or common law of tbe army; wbicb consists in an application of the general principlea of law to the case in hand.-- rly general principle! of law is meant those prin ciples and deductions regulatmg society, wifich ere the highest result of human wisdom, and which form a science common to all countries and nations, and which underlie the particular codes of each civilized State. These principles are to be applid according to the oath administered to the Court on its organ ization, in ease of “any doubt arising not ex plained in the Bales and Articles of War, ac cording to your consciences, tbe best of your understanding, and the custom of w>r in like oases.’* So far a* the ease in hand Is provide-i for by tb* Kules and Regulations of tbe Army, they mast, of aourse, govern; bat in other oases, the cuetome or unwritten law of the army mast govern. (See General Orders of tbe War Department, No. 100, of the series of-^63. {a- stractions for the government of armies nf the United States in tbe field. Sections 1, 6, 13.) Tbe deffoition of a conspiracy, given in Green- leaf, and whloh is an admirable expression of the general principle of law on the subject, is this: “A combination between two or more persons to do an unlawful act; or to do ao act in l self lawful, by unlawful means." Having thus shown that there is an offence al leged in the first charge, of which this Commis sion has jurisdiction, we proceed to review the testimony l n support of tbit eba ge. It appears in evidence that almost imm* iiataly after receiving, on Oct. 9tb, the letter of the Secretary of the Treasury, written on Oc*. 4'h, Mr. Lamar, 8r., In defiance of tho decision of the Government, as communicated to him in that letter, prooeeded to TnnmasviUe nnd its neighbor hood, and them, in combination with his nephew smoothers, made an attempt with partial suc cess, to appropriate to himself cotton embraced in the decision of the Secretary, and to embarrass the aofion pf tb* official! of the United States concerning tb* cotton to whloh that decision ap plied. It to not proposed by the prosecution to recite the testimony. The prosecution regards it as established by plenary proof, that a conspira*. oy was formed between the sconced and his nephew, G B Lamar, Jr, and Maasrs. Seward and Wright, their agent* nnd legal advisers, to effect these objects; and that in the soopo and execu tion of tbe conspiracy were embraced: tho harrasslng of the Treasury officers by notices Served on wambouifiBSQ npt to deliver Govern ment cotton; end notices served 9B railroad companies nol (o transport Government eet- too; and finally, by the sneiog out, through Messrs. Seward and Wiigbt, in direct de fiance of military warping and prohibi tion , of a writ 1 ) {fog £ 1 Ge-rria Court, shoi ily afterwards returned to his borne in Sevan- uab, but lett bis nephew at Thomaaville, aud left with him a list of Uo7 bales of cotton “to be haul- I ed aud abipped ” These lists oi cotton here been pat into thd case, aud certain coincidences oi marks and num ber* of bales, between these liata.have been com mented upon by the counsel for the accused, tad also by lbe counsel lor the pro?-«u'.lon. These lists are, Firet. A list of 830 bales of cotton claim ed by Mr. G. B Lamar, Sr., to be bis individatl property, but without auy evidences of property iu ibe shape ot -waranouae receipts or otnerwiae, accompanying the list. This list bears an en dorsement frum Mai. Gen. S'.eedman, dated Oct. 2d, “permission is given -ur. Lamar to ship the wnhin described lots of cotton, Treasury Jtegu- latione being complied, with," not one Dale ot which oottou, aa appear* by the testimony, waa held by Mr. Browne aa private property of Mr. Lamar. Second. Tbe list of 2190 bales ot cotton rendered by .«ir. G. B. Lamar, Sr., to Major General Steedma , as properly of the Importing and Exporting Company, and bearing an indorse ment from Major Geueral Steadman, dated Oct. 12lb, directing this property to b* turned over by v aj. Geo. Branoan to Mr. 'Browne, Supervising Special Agent of the Treasury Department Third. Tbe liat of 957 bales oi cotton, which list is in the handwriting ot Mr. G. B. Lunar, Sr , and appears by tbe testimony end by in* in dorsement on the envelope in wblca it was con tained, to have beeu left by him at Thomaaville on October 28tb, with G. B. Lamar, Jr., entitled “List ol Cotton to be hauled and abipped.” There are certain coincidence* between lot* on tbe first list and the second list, indicating that Mr. Lamar letnrned two or three lots to Gen. Steeuinao, in the one oase as his individual property, and in tha other ease es property of the Importing and Exporting Company. To tboee ooincidenoee on these two lists tb* prosecution attach no sueeial importance. The view nf the prosecution concerning them was concisely ex- protsed by Mr. Browne, jr., when on his cross ex amination by the counsel for the prisoner, he Eai I: “I never supposed thoee coincidences to in dicate tiuudoo the part ot M . Lamar, but only a aonfusion of accounts and reoords It waa pre cisely on account of suoh confusions that the Treasury Department reserved to itself the ques tion of releaies of cotton to claimaafS, not giving its Agents any power in the premises," There are certain other ooiooidenoev, however, between the second list and tbe third list, and between Ibe third list and tb* books of the Im porting and Exporting Company, to whloh the prosecution do attach great and special impor tance, as indicating ibe plain intention of Mr. G. B. Lamar to steal the cotton of tbe Importing and Exporting Company f'om the United States, after b«vii>g bven fully notified by letters from tbs So- ~ l * w — ' r r.-“. — that the cotton of that cretarj 111 HIWMlIe^asM^-v a-.-.-. .. i.. Company was held by the UulimnMMea own properly by the right of capture. And it was these other coincidences now to be minutely presented, and which the prosecution oontend afford clear proof of Mr. Lamar’s Inten tion to steal Government cotton, whioh Mr Browne, jr., meant to exolude from hja remarks above quoted, when (quoting again tbe words of his testimony) he said : “My remarks with regarJ to those two lisle referred to the ooincidei o a betaeen tbe two lists furnished by Mr. Limar to General Steadman, and do not refer to tbe ooinridenees with the list of botton to be hauled and ehippel-” To enms of these latter ooiooidenoes the prose ootion esk the attention of tha Commission, a. follows : portirg Company of Georgia, front Joseph Lippaan." Page 72. “L. T. W. A [Aj .133 bales eouoo, 63.413 lbs. Stored with MrOmb McIntosh. This* iseuts-ed under the headiog “Invoice of 133 balsa action, pur chased by John S Daniel for account iff Importing :aad Exporting Company lot Georgia, from' J. F. and M. Hamilton.’’ *‘T. P. gl bales at Col.j Pages 69 and 70. “T. J.L. Seward’s, which!P. 21 bales stored B. B. were hauled from H. B.iMoore’e gin house, ueer Mno, 0( j balaajThomasvill*.” TOIE, WILLIAMS, HdMTIBE & GO. GENERAL AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS ■TMBT, SAVAMMANH, OA. bale hmled by U. 8. wagons! This is entered among on the 27th October, to tbe items or aa “invoice Thomaaville, for W Keerd.” In Evans A Paraall’f, if not taken by Besrd, put iu order and ship. ot 700 bale* cotton pur chased by C. A. L. La mar for acoounl ot ilia Importing and Kxpc ri- iug Company of Geor gia, from Erwin A Har- Pages 69 and 70. WTT J T J W SOW R D J L F J Pope JTW LEI •i M D EW li M T C V RUE tl G S H O or H G D and J R MX 2 Q H 2 E E PE Eat R W 10 D W WTT J T J W dcW ED J LF J Pop* JTW Mo e w D M T C Y EKE 1 H 03 2 H O or H G 1 D and J R M’L 2 These are entered among the item* ot an “invoice of 700 bales Cotton purchased by C. A. L. Lamer, for ac count ot the Importing and Exporting Company of Georgia, from Erwin A Harden ” Page 56. “F. E. 18 bales Upland Cotton stored with Evans A Parnell.’’ This is invoiced under the heeding • Invoice of 18 bale* cotton pm chas ed by John S, Daniel lor account oi Importing and Exporting Company of Georgia, train r. Epps*.' Pages 22 and 24. ‘ Eat R W, 36. IU balei of .ibse* in Evana A Par- neli’i warehouse.” This is entered under the beading “Bo’t of G. B. Lamar in R. R. Evans, end Evans A P's ware houses, 2609 bales Up land Colton at Thomas- vilie." Pag* 74 “D W. G. ;h balsa tn Evens A Par- 1 nail's.” ■ . i This is invoiced under ^'l -A—/<ing : “invoice -CotwiB pur- ot 175 bale*- _i ^a. chased by C. L ». ' * - —mnt of iFe isa BAY Wk respectfully solicit consignments of MERCHANDIZE and PROPERTY of all kinds, lor Private Sale or Auction, and invite the attention of Bay** U> our stock, which is always large and offered at the lowest prices. ROBERT P. YORK. M. E. WILLIAMS. J. R. McINTIRE. P H. WARD. . FERENCES R E *• Savannah. Brigham, Baldwin & Co. Erwin A Hardee Gaden & Cockles Hiram Roberts LaRoche & West W. Woodbridge Hunter A Gammell JB-lm firw York. Longstreet, Sedgwick & Co. 8- T. Knapp & Bro. J • P. Boylo & Co. D. H. Baldwin & Co. L. U. Norvell. Important to Shippers! Grreat Reduction in Freights —by— ERWIN Sl HARDEE’S of fast. Iron, light-draft, aide-wheel Steamers, between SAVANNAH AND MACON, LINE Via HawkimvUle and Brunswick R R., touching reg • nlarly st Doctortown and rnnnlDg In connection with the Atlantic A Gulf Railroad. The new and elegant iron steamers CHARLES 3. HARDEE. Capt. R. Johnson: TWO BOYS. Capt. Thomas Daniels, having elegant accommodations for freight and passengers, will ply regularly as above, leaving Stvannah every Thursday morning at 9 o'cluck; Hawklnavllle every Thursday morning at 9 o’clock. it is the desire of the Agents of this line to make a permanent connection between Macon and Savannah und t he landings on the Altamaha and Ocmnlgee rivers, and with this object ln view they ask the sup port of the merchants of Savannah and Macon, and •he merchants and planters along the line of the above named rivers. INSURANCE EFFECTED AT THE VERY LOWEST RATES Freight received at all timet at our warehouse, foot of East Broad street. W. B. DAVIDSON, | B. A WILCOX. | ERWIN A HARDEE, Agent at Augusta. I Agent at Macon | Agents at Savannah jQ2m SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA Landings, connecting st Latter youd Uh Qeor « la Railroad »nd Points be- Tbe following steam.™ being of exceedingly light draft, and having ample and complete accommotia. ttou for freight and passengers, will ply regularly as follows: Iron steamer WIT J JAM Q. GIBBONS, every Sat urday. Iron steamer AMAZON, every ten days. Wooden steamer LAURA every Wednesday. Oar Captains and Pilots are the oldest and most experienced on tbe liver, and no effort will be spared to meet the wants of the travelling and freighting public LOST, between E ITHER on Ball street or on Congress, bel Ball and Whitaker, a GOLD BRACELET. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving It at the counting room of J« ERWIN * HARDEE. CITY COUPONS, R ECEIVABLE st the City Treasury, will he sold at liberal discount by BRYAN, HABTRIDGB A CO., 163 Bay street. J6-lw “MARSHALL HOUSE,” BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. |W M| On the liat of cotton of the Importing and Exporting Company furnished by tbe accused, (i. |3. Lamar, Senior, to Major General Stcrd- tnaii, and by hi:n appended to hL order of Oc tober 12tb, to Maj.-Gen‘l Br^nngn to turn o< er said cotton to Mr. Browne, there appear the following “coincidence.” which are respect fully -ugessted to the consideration of the Com mission in connection with the “list of cotton” left by G. B. Lamar, Senior, with G. B. Lamar, Junior,” “to ha hauled and shipped.” For convenience of reference, these “ coincidences” are arranged in parallel col umn*. G. B. Lanza's “ Coixcinixcts” with “l ,it of Cotton to be ' list of property of the Importing and Export hauled and ehipped.” {Entile.) D L F, 12 bales LTW,I A1 133 bales 'J' P, 21 hales W T T,60 bales J T. 46 bales J W, 10 bale* S C W. 4 bales tt I) J. fi bales L F, 15 baiaa E E, 13 betas E E, 5 bales Est R W, 10 balsa J Pope, 1 bale C B Q 89 bales J T W, 2 bales [E] 2 bales J M 1), 6 bales E. W. 15 bales |W. M.l 67 bale* D. M. 16 bales J. R. V is bales T. C. V. > bales R. R. E. i bales D. W. G. 5 balst H. G. S. 2 bales H.Oorfl.G. 1 bale* D. i J.R. McL. 2 balsa Q. H. 2 bales 1T.) 5 bales D. A Horn 62 bal-a [T.j 12 bales [L.J 27 bale* , *1.1 41 bales it. W. F. 3 balea P or IW. | 86 balsa F. W-11 bales J. 8. 86 balea ing Company.fvmuhed by O. B Lamar to Jfaj. General Steedman.” D L F. 12 bales. Item 78 LTWilzl 188, do " T P, 21 bales, do 91 W I T, 60 bales, do 93 J T, 46 bales, J W, 10 bales, S C W, 4 bales, R D J, 6 balea, L F, 15 bales, E E, 13 bales, do 99 do 100 do 101 do 103 do 108 do 69 Est R W, 10 bales, do d2 J Pope, 1 bale, do 105 C B G, 89 bales, do 65 I T W, 2 balsa, do 106 [K] 2 bales, do 107 i M D, 6 bales, do 108 R W, 15 balsa, Item 109 W M, 57 balea, do 64 I) M, 16 balsa, J R M, 13 ba'es, T C V, 7 balea, R R E. I b» 6. D W G, 5 balsa, H G 8,2 balea, H O or H G,l bale do 115 DA J RUcL,2bladoll6 do 121 do 120 do 119 doll! do 111 do 97 do 112 do lit da 1:0 do 114 [T|, 6 bales, D A H, 82 bales, (T), 19 balea, lL), 27 balsa, |S1, 60 bales, li 1 H, 88 bales, S F, 10 bales, (I). 80 balsa, do 74 do 72 do 78 do 71 [S | 80 balea K. T. H 86 bales 8. F. 10 bales (L.) 60 bales W. W H. 16 bales It Is thus plain, by this comparison, that of ths 42 lots of cotton on tbs “list of ootton to be hauled and shipped," left by Mr. Q. B. Lamar, sr., with bis gephaw on Octuber 28th, 34 lots are identified as standing on tb* list sf Importing and Exporting Company cotton, given by Mr. U. B. Limar, Sr., to Major General Steadman, and which being'in the possession of tb* mill a- ry foroaa of the United States by right of espture, General Steadman had go October 12th ordered vajor General Brannan to turn over to Mr.' Browne, Supervising Special Agent of tb* Treasury Department. And on tbe “Cotton Book" Of tb* Importing and Exporting Company of the State of Georgia, Thick was among tha papers of G. B. Lamar, 9r., seized by Detective Bunnell, and has been pat into tbe ease, appear the following entries which also ara respectfully raggested to tbe consideration of tbe Commis sion, in connection with this cotton list left by G BjLimar, Sr., with G. B. Lamar, Jr., entitled “List of C'.ttou to be Hauled and Shipped ” For conrori.neo of reference, tb* correspondence ot tbrse lot* and marks Is more clearly Indicated by arranging the items of lb* Ootton List in on* oolumn, and the corresponding items of the Cotton Book in anothe oolumn Cornell)XICXl" WtTM G B. Lauab's “Liet of Cotto* to be hauled and ihipptd." (Entire.') • D. L. F. 12 bales 4912 lhv. E. Reming ton’s Brick Hons*, on Main street, MeGnablln A Little's slots.” Entries on the Cottsn Book of the I. E. Co. " Pag* 74. “D. L. F. 12 balei 4,913 lbs. in B. Remington's Brick House, Main st., Thom atvllls.” This to enter ed nndpr tb* beading • Invaie* of 1T6 bole* cotton purchased by 0. A. L T*«mer for account of tho Isportingand Ex- C B G J KM ffi, 5 baits at W. B. lylor’a plantation bought ot R. R. Evans, 2381 Iba at 85, 1815.85. ;mar tor account Importing aud Export ing* Company ot Geor gia, Horn Joseph Lipp- mao.” Page 84. “ Maiked LWM | 57 bale* Cotton .n Evans A Parnell'*.” This is invo cad under ha beading, “luvoics ot 67 bale* Colton puichas ed by John S. Daniels for account ot Impori- ng and Exporting Com pany of Georgia, from .J. »Volft A Bro.” Page 64. ‘Marked C. B. G. 89 bt.lcs Upland Cotton in Evans A Per mit's waiebouae.” This is invoiced under tb* beading "2 intocea ot 89 and 28 bales Colton B urchase.l by John ti. lanisle for account ol Importing and Expun ging Company fiorn H. Wolff A Bro.” Pag* 58. “J R M, 18 bales stored in Evana A Parnell’s B. W. H. This is invoiced under jibe beading: “* invoice* of 40 and 85 bales Col ton purchased by John S. Daniel* for account of Importing and Ex porting Company of Georgia, from £. Gold bury. Pag* 64 ‘‘[Tl 5 balea stored at W. B. Taylor’s plantation, 2881 lbs at 85e, 8816.85 This is entered under •npjS FIRST CLAS8 HOTEL has been remodeled RIVER STEAMBOAT For Sale. THE STEAME'k PLATO Is now offered at private sale. She la 110 feet long and 88 feet wide, ovsr all. Hex engine la 36 2-100 tor he* rj Under end 6 feet stroke. SHE HAS JUST BEEN Thoroughly Rebuilt ES MACHINE SHOP AT SAINT H O ME INSURANCE COMPAN SAVANNAH, GA. CAPITAL, AARON M. A. COOKS, Secretary. 2,600,0C WILBUR, President niRECTOUS. A snarer Low. v , Wu, H. 8taju, Henry Brigham, John Lint, D. H. Baldwin. Hxmbt Lai no*, A ▲Ron Wilmck, Jmo. H. Wildbr, JvOiFa LirrwxN, Jno. W. A 'dkeso: Octavos Cowes, J*o. JL Coopol For Insurance against Loss or Pamax Fire, apply at lhe OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, S9 BAY STREET, . SAVANNAH, GA THE NEW ENGLAND MUTCAlI !v\; INSURANCE COMPANY. Oboanixkd, 1843. Cash Aasetts go no Last Cash Return % ’-a Losses raid , — Total Surplus Divided ... Amount Insured AU Classes of Life Policies Issued t -vr B ' F o STEVENS, Prestdt J. M. Gibbkns, Secretary. „ , , A. WILBUI tieDeral Agent Georgia aud Fiori COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE COK NY, OF NEW YORK. Cash Capital m i TIMOTHY G CHURCHILL, Pr*. John D. Aktuur, Secretary. Fbcdkric B. Elliott, SupL of Agent , A. WILBUR, General Agent Sot FULTON FIRE INSURANCE COMP OF NEW YORK. Cash Capital , 'VM. A. COBB, Pnesid Jas. 31. Kaskix, Secretary. A YV'ILBUR, Genera] Agent Sot b EXCELSIOR FIRE INSURANCE I fANY, OF NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus a MARCUS F. DODGE, Preside 3AitL. Al. Cratt, Secretary. A. WILBUR, * General Agent Sot PUTNAM FIRE INSURANCEOOMi OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital SAML. WOODRUFF, Presid Daxiei. Buck, Secretary. A. WILBUR, General Agent So springfieliTfire AND MAP IN SURANCE COMPANY, 8PIUNt FIELD, MASS. REEMAN, “D A Horn 12 balea on bil plantation,27,974 lba, bought of U. R Evana, to be hauled to No. 18 on ten days’ no tice. (T), 19 bale*, 8924 lbe, bought of Thomas Tay lor, on bis plantation tbe beading: “2 invoice! of 80 and 15 balea cot ton perch axed by John 8. Daniels for account importing and Export ing Company ot Geor gia, from R. R Evana.” Fag* 62. “Marked D A H, 62 balea Upland Cotton,” “27,974 lba ” “On Daniel A. Horn’s plantation, 26th June, 1868. R R. Evana to haul it to No. 18 oq it) days’ notice.” Tbi* is entered under the beading: “Invoice ot 62 bales Cotton pur chased by John S. Dan iel tor account Import ing and Exporting Com pany ef Georgia, tram R. R. Evans.” Fage 60. “ Marked (T) 19 ba'es cotton, 8924 lbs, on Tboa Taylor’s plantation, 13 miles from rhomaavillo.'” Tbi* 1* entered undtf tbe beading, “Invoice <f 19 bales cotton pureba. ■ *d by Jihn S Daniel for aocount of Importing Jk Exporting Co. ot Geor gia, tram Tboa Tayloi. * Fag* 68 “ (L) zl bale* Upland Cotton stored in L Goldberry'a Brick warehouse. Thom aavilie." The to entered under ibo heading.” 2 Invoices of 40 and 15 balea cotton B n re baaed by John J. aniel, aocount Impor ting and Exporting com pany of Georgia, tram L Qoldbdrv.” Fag* Su “ IM] 47 Io McIntosh W. Quit- man, storage paid to Dr. ffiegall to 27 Dec. 1888 -Pag* 49. “B W F, * Ib^ bought'o| Or- SVI- bjto* oou°b, 472, 675, gall and etored in Me MJ) McIntosh a W h, Intoab’s at Quitman. (L.) 87 balsa atored at Goldberry'a in Thomas- vilie, taken by A. G Brown* bat relnsped by Col. Kimball m they were stored in my name. [Hi 47 bale* in M«- Imoth warehouse Quit- men. atorag* paid to Dr. Stigall to 27ih Deo. 1868. B. W. F. 8 bale* 16D For [W] ' 86 bale* 17605 ID*. Mclnto^* and bongbt nf Dr. Sti- - gall, storage paid to |7tb 'fWJl ba!*s b«bt ef Dr 8tigeil and in »c- Intosb’s. J S. 88 balsa bought Pag* 49. “F W. 11 bfle* cotton, 5441 lba, in llalatosb’s W h ” •Png* 49. “Marked J S, of Dr^SUgnll sad in fie- }* bjJan, in McIntosh W Into.h'a. iH.Qnitman,’ Intosh’s. i IS j. 80 bale* bongbt ot Dr Stigall, and at J W Spain’*. 1*4*” Pag* 46. “P or jW], $6 balea cotton in Main- i’s W H, 17605 ibn.” CONSTITUTION WATER la, without doubt, tbe only known remefiff lor DIABETES, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSITS. IRRITATION OF THE NBCR or TBI BLADDER. INFAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THS BLADDER, ANTI ALL female irregularities. Certificates of cores from well-known persona from all parts of the country ln circular, will be sent ou ad dressing MORGAN A ALLEN, Ag'ts, dl2-3m No. 46 Cliff at. New York. RAILROAD HOUSE, hbstatjuant. bar-room and barber shop ON BRYAN ST., JOHNSON SQUARE- MATILDA TAYLOR R ESPECTFULLY inform* the pnbUc that the above Establishment Is now prepared to famish Oys ters, Fish, Game, Ac., at all hoars. Dinners, Suppers wUl be furnished at the shortest node e and earn to any part of the dty. Wines of qll klafis aud of the yety brat always on L&qd. In addition, four Dining Rooms has been fitted ap In the neatest style for tbe accommodation of Ladles and Gentlemen. Excellent Cooks and accommodating Walters in attendance. Attached to the Restaurant la extra Diving, Sitting and Bed-Rooms. A Barber Shop, with competent Barbers. Is also connected with tbe Honse. All customers will htve their private cops with their names on. Transient Boarders and Travelers will find It to to their advantage to call lhe patronage of tbe public Is solicited. ABRAM BEASLEY, USS-tr Superintendent. HAIR, HAIR. A GOOD lot. and other materials for Building pur poses. For sale by BOUSE A BRYANT. dz*-tf 194 Bay Street ” Marked fS], 100 bales upland oonoa, on J W Spam's plantation. AU the foregoing six items 1 xtracted tram 48,49 and 50 are entered under the heed ing, -Invoice et 4*8 baton (Continued on Fourth Page.) KENT’S EAST INDIA COFFEE. EQUAL TO JAVA I <£& h HALF THE PRICE! MK K. GOBS TWICE AS FAR! gtcoqmundM nnd Used kg All f CLERGYMEN, PHYSICIAN* and Profeestoanl Men, as the cheapest, healthiest and beat beverage In the world 1 FOB SALE BY ALL GROCERS NORTH AND SOUTH Tne Southern trade, to which it la specially adapt ed, (applied through the New York dty wholesale Grocers, or dlrsct from the Manufactory. ST’15414*' ^ khv\qrk. RICHARD DAVIES, Proprietor. And General Wholesale Dealer ia Tea# and Cones. dl9-»m FOR SALE. 3,000 Bf LBS POTASH 10 boxes Lemons 10-bbls and half bhls Sour Kroot A. C. LOMIUNO, Under Maaonic Hall, corner of Boll and Congress street Lane. Salt Afloat. J UST RECEIVED, a large and varied assortment», Imported Ware# and Fancy Article*, suitable for tne coming season, embracing in part: Statuettes—Bronxe, Besqne and Parlai ToUet Sett* Clock* Perfomaiy Indies' Traveling Bag. French Parasols Portemonnalue Milliners’ Fancy Ware* Osier Baskets And an endless variety of Fancy Goods, ordered for this market and Just received by ship Oonniy of Picton, and other vessels now arriving. Fancy Goods by the original package, to which the attention of Mil]Inert and others la invited. w. W. LINCOLN, Corner Congress and Bull sVeeta, “’■U'tl Monument Square. THE EYE, EAR, AND THROAT. ThR. WRIGHT, of, Toronto, Canada West. Physl- *° d Oculist and Aorlat, can be consulted on Dearness, Discharges from the Bar aod«!nga! e Head, Catarrh, Diseases of the Throat or'8u*£Tw’i^d E J^ reqUlrtng eJ,llelr Med,tttl Lffio^s^Siti^sr^ ° id ° fflceon °J9 C |f h0UI * ft ’° m 9 to 13 A. M.. and Sto 4 P. it. AT PRIVATE 8ALE, fTIHE west half of Brick Tenemaqt situated on Hull a- street, first door east of Barnard. Tho house ln well supplied with gas "and water, and contains seven rooms, exclusive of a spacious basement. The out-butldlngi are all of brick, and consist of carriage honse, stable, and well finished servant rooms. Terms—One-half cash, balance payable at the ex piration of five years, with bond anu mortgage ; in terest annually. Apply to L. C. Hoibv, on the pre- tntoen- jio-tr PROPOSALS SOLICITED. P ROPOSALS will be received until Wednesday, Jail. 17,1888, forfhpplylngthe;Jail with Fresh Beef and Bread for 14* ensuing three months. JOHN F, O’BYRNE, JlO-lw Acting Chairman Jail Committee. A. MINIS, Auction and Commission Merchant, No. 3 STODDARD'S WESTERN RANGE. will ervn aTTcmoa to Sotos of Merchandise and Underwriters' Sales; fo Purchase and Sale of Stocks, Bonds and other Securities; atsoBeat £»ta(e Tnos. Y. CAWBY, p r F. J. McGINNIS, Secretary. A WILBUR General Agent 8outh insurance Authorized Capital, $10,400,00*7 claM^torw York , ^nipaui«, t * > * AT THE LOWEST RATES. COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY h£ .„-o MORRIS FIRE AND INLAND INSUR ANCE COMPANY Bux , COMMERC FIRE INSURANCE COMPy!’ 90 .... STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMP’T iw . £u: WMiffS new yoek FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. SECURITY EiSURACE COMPANY Capitfil and Surplug $l,C00,(yv, PHCENTX INSURANCE CO. Capital and Sarplus fi, j-.m r*> INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO Capital and Surplus f1,200/• MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO Cr.pital and Surplus $-> > Risk# taken to the above highly rrepooal ' Co: OL buildings IQSIciuUiJiSff ot aJ . r' r . uona, at the lowest rate* corresponding risks. Apply to A. A LANK Agen: nh-Sm Wv.. Renee, me e. xxorru oxer >ou aj LL)XU THE At Private or Public Sale JlOlm Sight Exchange hnrsaleby 110 8 ON NBW YORK, W- M TUNWO * CO., (At W A Hardee* CO’S.) for sale. of coal will do well to examlae thin *1^ Ootton Pwa. 816 per ton for leas National Marine and Fir> INSDBARCE COMPAQ OP NEW ORLEANS CAPVTAL, 5466 300 3.120 jio-s SACKS Liverpool Salt, cargo ed the bark Rocksway, affoat and for sale by I K. A. SOUIAAHD j(680 Pork, Adamantine Can- - dies and Wkiskay, FT Thn nmlereigiied beg* leave to Inform ' 'r^ ••• public that be has been legally appoint*: r-t.—-. it tbe above named Company, and la ready: rtne. Rival and Hre Risks at customary it: se O. C. HUB AgenL jfymffirr over Haotar * Gammell, 84 Bay street. Reference*—Octavo* Caban, Hunter .» Geir mali, Krwii. a IT Jt T '.K 0C»;