Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 12, 1866, Image 4

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' New England Correspondence. Inauguration of a new State Government in Massa chusetts—A Governor who Dies Sard- Gov. Andrew on Reconstruction—The Maine. Legislature—New Hampshire Politics—A Grand Social Event in the “Granite State”— What was Done on New Year's Day—$~c., . f * 4'C; S' 1 -- Boston, Jan. 4. To the Savannah Herald : Tbc getting of One Governor out and another in, in Massachusetts is quite a complicated piece of business. Numerous forms and cus toms have been handed down from the old colony times, and there are others of mod ern origin. The first day of the session is occupied by the organization of the two Houses and the annual sermon. After the two Houses are organized, the Governor, the Legislature, preceded by the Sergeaut-at- Anns, and the various departments of the State Governmpnt are escoried by the Inde pendent Corps of Cadets to the Old South Church, where the annual sermon has beeu preached from time immemorial. The dis course on the occasion usually partakes somewhat of a political character, and is accepted as a part of the gospel to govern the legislation of the session. This year the preacher was Rev. A H. Quint, who war chaplain ot one of the Massachusetts regiments during the war. The text was from Deuteronomy, 4: 33. “Did ever people hear the voice ot God speaking out ot the midst of the tire, as thou hast heard, and live?" The general lesson deduced was that the people would control the work of recon struction as they had controlled the war. In the evening the cadets sat down to the an nual dinner provided for them by the State as a compensation tor their arduous duties during the day. The guests included quite a number of officers of the United States Army, among whom was Generals Beuharn, Wilde and Underwood. By the way. the Cadets' dinner was the subject of an interest ing inquiry iu the Legislature oflast year. The tables were bountifully supplied with that article of “creature comforts" prohibited by tltc stern morality of onr laws, and the inquiry was whether the State provided the liquor in defiance of its owu laws. It was made quite a subject for discussion, but after thorough ventilation the subject was allowed to d.'op, on account of some technicality which the radical temperance men could not see through. In the organization of the Legislature there was a sharp contest for Speaker, on local issues, the successful candidate being the representative of teetotalisin, Hoosac Tunnel, and anti-Metropoiitan Railroad. The Speaker, James M. Stone, is classed ns a radical. He was a rival of Gen. Banks for the place of United States Representative iu the last election, but the “Bobbin Boy” was too many guns for him. A returned soldier, C'iipt. Edward J. Jones, who commanded a battery during the war. was elected Sergeunt- al-Arms. jj On the first day of the session Governor Andrew sent in a special message, with ac companying reports, on the state of the mili tia, Stale Constabulary, &c , the whole oc cupying about one hundred pages. On the second day he delivered a valedictory ad dress, in which, instead of reviewing the acts of his administration he entered into a voluminous discussion of reconstruction. 1 will not enter into an abstract, as you will see the whole address. It is not what is called a radical paper hereabouts. Governor Andrew is in favor of admitting all of the while men of the South to their former rights, though he would have certain guar antees, substantially the same as required by President Johnson ot the several States. Negro suffrage he does not insist upon, lie does not doubt the right of Congress to pre scribe that as one of the conditions of resto ration, but looks upon it as a matter of policy. He believes that the idea of busing represen tation on yoters instead of the total popula tion is delusive and ineffective for good. Oa the whole, the Governor stands much neanr President Johnson’s ground than many who used to call him a radical, and many of his old political triends and admirers mourn over his demoralization. On the third day of the session, to-morrow, the Incoming Governor, Hon. Alex- II. Bui lock, of Worcester, delivers his inaugural address and assumes the duties of his office. He has been kept waiting at the door of the Governor’s room two days, while Governor Andrew has been making the most of his la-t hours of office. The idea of a valedictory address was con ceived by Governor Banks, and it gave rise to i o little scandal amoDg his friendly ene mies—that is the men of his party who did not belive in him ; hut as the example has been followed by Governor Andrew, I sup pose it will be continued as a permanent leatuie ol' the programme of change of gov ernment. Governors die hard in the Old Commonwealth, and evidently are deter mined to keep their memories green. The new Legislature is understood to be as radical (or a little more so) as the old. It believes that the earth belongs to the saints, aud that “we are the saints.” Men of liberal ideas iu regard to their own way of living have little to hope from it. The Maine Legislature also assembles this week, but as the Governor of Maine holds over, and the customs of the Old Baystate were not adopted in that State, I find noth - i ng in the way of events of general interest. The Governor believes iu Andy Johnson's plan. j oe Republican State Convention of New Hampshire assembled yesterday. Governor Smyth, of Manchester, whose administrate n during the last year has been able, faithful and popular, was renominated. The resolu tions expressed confidence in President John son in very warm terms. One of those social events for which the capilal of New' Hampshire is famous, oc ean led lastMonday evening, Jan. 1. It was a gland ball, given under the auspices of the Association of New Hampshire Officers in the U. S- Army- It was gotten up on the scale, and took the place of the Governor’s Horse Guard Sail, which have been for sev eral years the most enjoyable affairs—in fact the great social events ol the season. All parts of the State were represented by i s “beauty and chivalry,” and all were so much delighted, that arrangements were made for the annual recurrence of the reunion. Adju tant General Natl, Head is the permanent Chairman of the Committee, and that is a sufficient guaranty that everything will go off in good order. New Year's Day was observed in this city by a partial suspension of business, a parade <>i the Police Department, over two hundred stalwart and fine looking men being in line, salutes in various parts of the city and on the old Revolutionary battle-fields of the ffiate to celebrate Emancipation—the parade of a colored military company, the organiza tion of various city governments, including Boston, Cliarlc3town, Roxbury, Chelsea and Cambridge; good resolutions, and numerous “drinks between drinks.” In the evening the new Continental theatre was opened un der favorable auspices. The theatre is owned by Morris Bros., Pell & Trowbridge. Lou Morris is the Manager. It is one of the cosiest theatres in the city. Iota. Washington. Jan. 2d.—In the Supremo Court of the United States, to-day, Justice Clifford delivered an opinion in a case of ap peal from the District Court of Wisconsin, in which the Milwaukee and Chicago Railroad was respondent. It appears that certain mortgaged premises were several times of fered for sale, but were not sold, and that the appellant claimed concession ou the ground that he was the highest bidder ; but the Supreme Court holds that biddings at auction are mere offers, and that there Is no binding obligation until the consent of both parties is given- In other words, there must be a mutual understanding to a definite agre ment. As the auctioneer may refuse to strike off the property to the highest bidder, so the bid may be withdrawn before the ham ■ mer falls. The court says that justice has 11een done, and that all parties ate satisfied but the appellant, and that the decree of the District Court is affirmed, with costs. A Beactipol Peroration.—Hon. Revtidy Johnson, on December 18tb, concluded his argument in favor of R. H. Garland, before the Supreme Court, as follows: “Will the Court indulge me with a word or two more? Every right minded man who has within his bosom a heart capable of hu man sympathy—who is not dead to all the kinder aud nobler feelings of our nature— who is not the slave of his own dishonor— ol low, degraded passions, of hatred of his countrymen, or political partisanship, solely bent on its wretched triumph—reckless <>l the nation’s welfare, must wish, must make it the subject of his daily thought aud of his prayers to God, that the hour may come, and come at once, when ali the Slates shall be again within the protecting embrace and shelter of the Uuiou, enjoviug alike its benefits—and greater were never vouchsafed to man—contented aud prosperous, sharing iu its duties, aud participating iu its own re' nown; and when the people throughout onr almost boundless domain may be seeu coming together as brothers with one lovoof country and one hope of a common destiny —of safety, welfare and uational glory—with one determination to achieve by united ef forts—in former differences lorgotten, and nothing remembered but their aucieut con cord aud the equal title they have to share in tne glories ol the past, and to labor to gether tor the even greater glories of the lu- iurc. And may I not with the truth assure your Honors that this result will be expedited by the bringing within these temples—the Court of the United States—a class of men who are uow excluded, who by education and character, and profession, are especially qualified by their examples to influence the public sentiment of their respective States, and to bring them, if any doubt yet exists,to the conviction which it is believed tuey un animously entertain, that to defend the Con stitution of the United States and the Gov ernment constituted bv it, in ail rightful au thority, is not only essential to their people’s happiness and freedom, but is a solemn du.y to their country and their God. May it please your Honors, depend upon it, that in that event they will be seen ga thering around the altar of the Union, re solved to support it under every exigency and at all hazards, as one man; and with one voice be heard invoking the biessiugs of heaven for its maintenance and preservation, till ime itself shall be no more.” LINVJLLE A GLEASON. St. Julian Street, West of Market, SA.'VJLNNAJHL. MERRITT, WALCOTT A CO., 64 ConrtlaMt Street, New Tori. manufacturers of all kinds of BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridge, Car, Shin or Baud Hook,* — AND — BOILER BOLT. SETT SCREWS, COACH OR LAC SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUND AND SQUARE WASHERS, III m its. Taps Turnbucklea, Holt and Biea, Arc. William Grill, (Successor to William B. Hawkins,) I MPORTER and Wholesale Dealer in Foreign una Domestic Ales, Wines. Liquors, Philadelphia Por ter, Champagne Cidi r, Ac., JS'o. 176 Fulton Street. Opposite Si Paui’o Church, NEW YORK. Bottler of Mile’s Celebrated Ale for Shipping and Family u.-,e. Particular attention paid to Filling and Shipping Soutnern Orders. All orders by mail will be promptly attended to. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS. SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM- MINUS of every description, and every article used iu constructing or opeiatiug Railroads. steamship supplies. EN’GINEEUS’ STOItKS. COAL OIL TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING: LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, Jto.; ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW PUNCHES, FILES, CHISELS, &o. pirr.DUDU MATrDUIC COMMISSION MEHCHANT&. A. DtrricNNHorKK. Of Savannah, On. A. DUTENHOFtfR & COI, Shipping, Forwarding, . AWI> COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - Join. M- W. Bill, , Of Jefferson Co., Fl». COMMISSION MKKCHAlfTS, Ac. JOHN L. VILLALONGA, COTTON FACTOR, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT. KTo. 94 Bar Street, SAVANNAH, GA. OCtl6 tm Wm. U. Tik„n. „ vVm. jx. UUB.MIN Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. TiSOn & Gordon. Prompt attention giren In the purchase, sale a Ait shipment of cotton, lumber and country pro- <luce generally. Consignments solicited, ” ■war- ; COMHISSIOH AND FORWARDING WANTED, * A V ?co l WASHER 8n<J ntONER. Call at thin of- nc jlO-tf COTTON FACTORS, a'lrzEEfiOrs: Brigham, Baldwin & Co , Savannah : Hiram Rob- B „ 8 „a n , OT .iv, r -^ rd -- Di I MERCHANTS,- erta. Savannah ; J H. Zeilin A Co-. Macofl, Oa.; Dr. j N. L Angler, Int. Rev Co!., Augusta; JamesM. Ball, ]YO. *>fj BAY STREET Eat], Allinta. Ga : Willi" Chtoholm, Atlanta. Ca. ; | 1 J C. L Robinson, Jackeonville, Fla. ; F. Dibble. Jack- Savann Georgia sonville, Fla ; < ol. W. L. Bailey. Jefferson county > GEORGIA., Fla.; n. H. Baldwin & Co., bew Y 2Tk: * Special attenti ~ New York. Waireii Mitchell, Esq ~ Louisville jll Kentucky. MITCHEL & SMITHS, Greneral Commission Merchants, THIRD STREET, Macon, Georgia. Particular attention given to the sale, purchase anil shipment of cotton, cotton yarns, . neeung, shirtiug ami general merchandise ; also, to receiving and forwarding goods. REFER TO Erwin & Harrlce, Savannah Cl.Jirhom Cuuningli**ni. Savannah. J. W. lAthrop, Savannah. Aaron Wilbur. Savannah. E. B. Lonf* «fc Co., Augusta. Lloyd G. Bowers, Coluinous. V. A. GaskilL Atlanta. William Bryce & Co., New Turk. A. P. Tapley, Boston. Griffine & Tobey, Memphis. S. a. Wood. Nashville. Guterie & Co , Louibville, Kentucky, jll-2m attention will be given to the sale of Lumber, •Itosin, Turpentine, „ oct24-3m* GEO. D. FOWL*. WM. X. HOT. FOWLE & GO., FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission Merchants. i Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NEW YORK, LAURANT. WAYNE & SWEAT, auction, General Commission orwarding Merchants, !uy at, between Whitaker anil BurnaiJ. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES. STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS,Ac. »epD tf ''TIUCT attention will lie given to the purchase 5 and sale of General Mercuauiiise, Cotton, Tuu- *r, Lumber, Real Estate, Slocks Bonds, Ac. G LAURANT, R. A WAYNE, jll-tf SAML.B SWEAT. WANTED. G EORGIA and South Carolina B nk Bills Albany and Gulf Railroad Stock Central RaJroad Stock Coupons Albany and Gulf Railroad Coupons City of Savaumih FORDYCE, ANDERSON’ A JANXEY, d2-tf Bay at., No. 10 Stoddard’s Range. WANTED. T^muTSSSS "“S* I'; *”»“ Herald Office. BLANCEYILLE SLATE MINING COMP Y, VAN WERT, POLK CO , GA. Cap’l Stools., 6500,000 SHARES, $50 EACH. Directors—H. Brigham, J. F. Dever, E. C. Gran nie?, A. Wilbur and A E. Marshall. President—A. Wilbur, Savannah, Gn. Vioe President—E. C. Grannies, Macon, Ga. Secretary—A. E. Marshall, Atlanta* Ga. T HIS Company will soon be prepared to fill any orders lor Slute, however large, for r» flug, for lurniture uiunnfac lured out of siat*\ f<»r linf«?l?, for pavement, and for any orher uses to which slate ran »e applied. The quarry is convenient to the cities of Augusta, Macon, Albany and Columbus. Central Railroad- IK p- i 1. M j-'V*M»Mt Allaui Ga.; to the dries of Selma, Montgomery and Mobile. Ala.; t'> j . w _ Ala.; to New Orleans, and will shortly be t<» Mem- SifeVot S * Loais ’ M <>- The superiority of raofmg purposes, and its special adaptability well known™ 10 8 * arn * ture an( * *° r paveine. t nre Orders may be addressed to A. E. MARSHALL, Src’y, Atlanta, Ga. JS KENNETH, M’LEA & CO., Commission iftcrdjants, 202 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. Advances made on consignments of Cotton, &c„ to Liverpool and New York. dl6-lm Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, 18G3. Black Dark Green Black for Silk Light Green Dark Blue Magenta Light Bine Maize French Blue Maroon Claret Brown Orange Dark Brown Pink Light Brown PHrple Souff Brown Royai Purple Cherry Salmon Crimson Scarlet- Dark Drab Slate Light Drab Solferlno Fawn Drab Violet Light Fawn Drab Yellow. For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scan's, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves. Bonnets, Bats, Feathers, Children’s Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. i®- A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. l’or cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost live times that sum. Various shades can lie produced from the same dye The process is simple, and any one can use the Dye with perfect success. Direciions in English, Frcadb and German, inside of each package. HOWE & STEVENS, 260 Broadway, Boston. For sale by druggists and dealers generally. nctin-Cm Chicago is becoming metropolitan. There were two hundred nud seventy-five divorces granted in that city, by several courts, dur ing the year J8G5. The Chicago Journal says: “Of these, one hundred and seventy- seven were applied for by wives, whose grounds of grievances against their hus bands were: t Drunkenness in fifty of the cases; desertion, twenty; cruelty, thirty nine; desertion and crueitg, forty-tour; adultery, eight; drunkenness, desertion, ciuelty and adultery combined, two;; bigamy, two; other causes, two. Of the entire number of divor ces granted, ninety-eight were applied io? by husbands, whose grounds of grievances -against their wives were: Adultery in fifty- eight ot the cases; desertion, twenty; drunk enness, eighteen; bigamy, one; other causes, one.” NORTH RIVER AGRICULTURAL WORKS, GKIFFING & €0., Proprietors, Warehouses. 58 & 60 CortlaMt Street, NEW YORK. MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN P! SOI MOODY & BARIiETT, Si‘am Soap WorJ. Sav ^ - Ga. M essrs, moody &, barrett would gectruiiy announce to the public that on an.i ..iter Jan uary 1st Ih -y will ruu from their Soap Works two wagouH. with Competent salesmen, who will visit every family once a week with Hard and Soft Soap, by the bar, oox, gallun or barrel, at prices lower than it can be purchased in or out of tbe city. We warrant our Soap to be free from all adulter tions aud to give entire satisfaction, or money re funded. ' SOAP EXCHANGED FOR GREASE OR SCRAPS Special IVotlce. We have but one price for onr goods, and that price shall be satisfactory. Persons ordering from the country will find it will save t’me aud money by sending us their orders; and if the goods do not sat isfy in price and quality, send thorn back to us at our expense. Orders addressed to MOODY A BARRETT, or L. J. GUILM ARTIN & CO., 149 Bay street, Agents, wilt re ceive prompt aud immediate attention. j4-tf UBO. It. Cecmp. Augusta- Georgia. Wm, A. Wbigut, Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. CRIMP & CO., General Commission Merchants and wholesale dealers in Groceries, Liprs, Totoo, Segars, SALTED FISH, &c. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, E*f W.. ,, irehase and sell on Cotninission Cotton, Ton.icon, PuODuct. and MehohakoIue of every de scription. tefers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusta, G Kic iiaoud. Va.. and Jno. <J. Fcrrill, Esq., De- V\ itt Jt Miirgan, Gaden Jb buckles, A. A. Solomons & Co . FT. Paterson & Co.. K. Molina, Esq., Savannah, •jeorgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oct4 Woodward, Baldwin & Co., HO Dunne Street, New York, 9 end 11 Hanover St,, Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Osnaburgs and Yarns. jyis THOS. H. AUSTIN, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, No. 95 BAY STREET, (nr staikb) di2-3m* SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Cotton Sweeps, Hay Presses, Cotton Presses, Cider Presses, Grain Cradles, Churns, Ox Bows, Ox Yokes, Well Buckets Sugar Mills, Corn Mills, Cider Mills, Fan Mills, Saw MillB. Corn Sliellers, Store Tmckp, Wheelbarrows Sugar Pans, Shovels, Spade., Hoes, Forks, Rakes, Scythes. Hay Cutters, Sausage Cutters, Vegetable Cutter Hand Carts, Mule Carts, Ox Carts, Farm Wagons, Horse Powers. Threshing Slach’i Cotton Gins, Mowers <fe Reap'd, &c„ Ac. SURE CURE FOR THE CHILLS AND FEVER AND KINDRED DISEASES. r NQUIRE at the MORNING STAR SALOON, cor ner Bay street Lane and Bull street. Positive euro in ouc day or no pay. d!)-tf Garden, Field and Flower Seeds. Hoyt’s Snpcr-Phosrhato of Lime, Bone Manure, Pon drette, Plaster, Ac. Sole agents for Glasgow Fertilizer Co.’s Phosphatlr and Amraoniated Guano, and Super-Phosphate ol Lime, aud Bruce’s Concentrated Manure. Trade supplied. Order direct from GRIPPING A CO.. n23-3m 68 and 60 Courtlandt st.. New York THU Singer Sewing Machines. Principal Office for the State of Georgia, 116 BROUGHTOif STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General Agent. A large assortment for sale at New York prices. Sewing Machines of all kinds repaired at short notice. Stitching neatly done. nil PAVILION HOTEL For Rent. ‘T'HAT well-known, desirably located, and highly i popular establishment, situated on Bull street, between South Broad and Hall streets, occupying four entire lots of 60 by 90 feet each, and the lane be tween them, and containing about forty rooms, is now offered for rent. . The party ranting this property will be required to make the ueceeshry repairs and. give Satisfactory, se curity for the punctual payment of rent JOHN M. COOPER. novT—tf Pres’t Union Society. Latestfrom. Eg ypt! PENNY’S new EXTRACT OF THE EGYTIAN handkerchief , and exquisite Perfbme tor the day usingthe sameT^ lhe 1&di “ °' P le * nt THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS' THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS'' THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS 111 p9? “ ln iaFultoneUeet, N. Y, Hulls, Soap aud Caudles. Oqj} BOXES Yellow Soap, 1 and 2 pound bars, ~* ry ' ICO boxes.Pateot Mould Caitdlos, sixes, 2U0 boxes Adamantine Candles, sixes. 600 gross Fancy Soaps, every kind and grade, P a up in fancy paper boxes, of Hull’s make. For sale by RANDELL A CO., d30-lm Bay street, corner Barnard Gift Books, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, F 1 or Christmas. t J UST received, a fine assortment of Work Boxes, T .ilet CaBes, Fancy DSske. Glove Boxes. Ac Also, a good supply of Gift. Books. Standard Poets, bound in Turkey Morocco. Juveulle Toy Books,Garres Rubber Balls, and everything reqnired ior ihe boli days. OUR STOCK OF ELEGANT PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS ir tbe most complete in the citv. COOPER. OLCOTTS A FARRELLY dltbtf A. C. LOMELINO, DEALER IN Groceries, Proyisions,f ines. Liquors, &e. AND EVERT OTHER ARTICLE IN THE GI-CERT LINS UNDER MASONIC HaTX, (Comer of Bull Street and Congress Street Lane,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. AM 5m W PURE BOH GIIMO. FOR SALE BY !7-eod3m N. A. HARDEE & CO. "Gift H. ARLEDGE, SHIP CHANDLER GROCER * AND Commission and Forwarding Merchant, T2 BAY STBEET. SAVANNAH. d2S-ly I. P. Bouse. W. A. Bbtant. BOUSE & BRYANT, (Formerly of Jacksonville. Florida,) Forwarding and Commission Merchants, 15)4 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, .... GEORGIA. W ILL give prompt attention to receiving and for warding good-, sales on consignment, and all orders. And will also keep constantly on hand a good stock oi Groceries, l.iquors. Agricultural Imple ments, building Materials, Fairbanks & Co.’s Scales, *o., besides other goods and mauulactured articles lor ale ou consignment and for wh’Ch they are agents. Ciders and consignments respectfully solic ited. d2T-3m A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. JOHN MKBAYMAN. 11. U. WARING. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmers’ and Planters’ Agencv F OR the sale of Guano, Fertilizers, Live Stock, Im plements and Machinery, Seeds, Ac. 07 W. JUayette" Street, . BALTIMORE. Refer to John S. Gittings, President Chesapeake Bank ; Chas. Goodwin, Cashier Franklin Bank, Balti more ; E. C. Wade & Co. and P. II. Behn, Savannah. nl4-3m HkSEY L. Jew err. Janes I. Shoes. Jewett &, Svnider, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MI RJHANTS AND GENERAL AG’i Vo, Second Street, Dir.:n, Georgia, , (Between Cherry and Poplar.) Prompt personal attention given to al consign ments of cotton, produce, mauumetures other articles of merchandise. Orders and coin .newts solicited from all part, oi the coumry. Best a.ientiou given to orders lor pn easing cotrou. Agents for several. ’ class Insurance Companies. nU-tf C. H. BENEL.C f & CO., No. 86 Broad Street, New York, Produce aud XTour Commission Merchants, Dealers iu Provisions, Butter, Cheese, Ac. Special attention to Southern Orders Consignments on General Merchandise solicited. octl7 "sm FOR SALE On Consignment. 25 BBLS. Mess BEEF. —lirl brihiiam. Baldwin & co. NOW LAMING AND FOR SALE. 20d BnxeR ’ ‘* alui caddies Tobacco, which we be boihuomSoX g n,’ ,t csr e r lowerthan htau MILLER, THOMAS A CO, No. 2i u Bay strewet. Soluble ^Pacific GUANO. W E lS he at ’ cntion of Planters to this valuable a matter of importance to their in. I importance to their in- sit'bm to'P,™rrS 111 "PPcrance. odnr and compo sition to Peruvian Gnnno. differing only in the nrn- monim bStnes “• nie ctemt-ms. it comains less a- nhate than ™ drll,i p,,r ce,,t - mo ’’' ,,f phns - mediatelv Jdnhm i^ aJno .’ ol ‘c-third or which is .n - :ie uctive asp<sra «“ For further information, apply to £• C. WADE & CO., Agent?, ttavannah. Ga ji-: New Books RECEIVED BY COOPER, OLCOTTS FARRELLY: T HE Belton Estate. By Anthony Troll,.oe Hcrewa d. By Charles Kino^oy ' Rohert l>alby and his Troubles. 0 TJe Onle:i! for Wives: a Novel. The Prince ot K-slma: a Went Indian Story- Erring, yet Noble ; of and tor Women Winning His Way. By Charles C. Coffin Poems by Robert Buchanan. Country Love vs. City Flirtation. By Sperry. Butter. B EST Gothen Table, in tubs aud firkins i'15-tf CBaS. L. COlBY A CO. Kerosene Oil, In barrels auj cases, G. B. & G. W. LAMAR, General Commission Merc bants. Forwarding and Shipping Agents, NO. 9>S BAY STREET, (upstairs.) Refer to Geo. W. Anderson, Jno. C. Ferrel and G. R Lamar, Savannah; V. E Jackson. Josiah Sihley & Sons, J. B. & J. W. Walker, Augusta. Consignments solicited. 6m-nov2 SOUTHERN AND WESTERN Xj^.N X). Collection and Commission Agency, handle Southern land and property of all descriptions. Parties wishing to sell are invited to forward lists.— Numerous applications now on file from parties wish ing to purchase. Make collections on all parts of the country. Pay especial attention to tile sale and disposal of Southern products, and make advances on direct consignments. MATTHEW H BRIDGE, Manager, No. 9 Broad st., New York. RETEBKNOXB BY PERMISSION : IIod. Benjamin Fitzpatrick. Ex-Governor of Alabama, P. Harmony, Nephews & Co., Bankers, 38 Broadway. Messrs. H. B. Clufln & Co , Importers, New York. A. W. Greenleaf, Esq., Bunker, N. Y. n9-3m Winuorn Lawton, Savannah, Ga. Wm. M. Lawton, Charleston, S.C. WINBOUN LAWTON & CO., General Commission Merchants, and DEALERS IN COTTON, LUMBER, &c., Opposite the Mariners’ Church, j3-tnf&slm BAY STBEET, SAVANNAH. NOTICE. T HE undersigned have this day formed a Copart- pannershlp under the firm name of T. J. Me Nish & Co, tor the transaction ot n General Commission AND Brokerage Business. They trust, by energy and attention to business, to deserve a share of public patronage, which they solicit. T. J. McNJSH. JOS. S. BAYNARD. Office on Bryan street east of Merchants aud Plan is’ bank buildiug. . jf ALrazn R. Bennrtt.V Kew y ot k Jas. 0. Van Fex.t, > Cha6. H. Bennktt, Raleigh, N. C. Bennett, Van Pelt & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS TOR TBR SAL* OP COTTON TOBACCO, BAVAL STORES, ETC., ALSO, FOE THE PUKCHASE AND SALE OF STATE AND OTHER 8T0CK8, 23 Whitehall St„ New York. We have associated with ns Mr- D. W. Crons* late Public Treasurer for Noirtb Carolina. n9-6m CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. JONRS BLOOR, OORNRB BAT AN1> ABXROORN BTBKET SAVANNAH. GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments o the Finn of Chas. L. Colby, of New York, or loonr friends in Boston. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. REFERENCES; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Co., New York. Jarivs Slade, Esq., New York. Hon. J Wiley KdmandS, Boston. Gardner Colby. Esq., Boston. sep IS—tr Foot of Lincoln sr„ n30-tf AT HORATIO PITCHER’S, Under the Blufl. ANTHRACITE COAL. J^ED ASH, egg size, for sale, to arrive, by A. MINIS, p Xo. 3 Stoddard's Western Range. F.M.MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, GENE It A I, COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Harris’ Buildings, 2d door west of A. Low & Co.’s. Refers to Messrs. Hunter & Garamell, Crane.-John son & Urnybill; Bell, Wylly * Christian; Bothwell & Whitehead; Miller, Thomas & Co.; M. A. Cohen, sep‘29-tf P ER ship County of Picton, from Glasgow • 200 tons Gartshen ie Pig Iron 256 tons Household Coal luxi bumpers Potatoes tsn kegs Herrings 50 cases Preserved Salmon 20 cast8 Dried Finnan Hadaock Nor sale by (IB - tf CHARLES GREEN A SON. Jas.T. Paterson, TIMBER, Lumber & Commission MERCHANT, No. 9 STODDARD’S LOWER RANGE, Bay Street, Savannah, ANT) Darien, Greorg;ia. JOHN S. S,1IH1S & CO., Forwarding and Commission MERCHAN TiSi. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. tD. O. SAMMIS. FOR SALE. •J A BUL'i N‘>. 1 Mackerel J " 10 bhls No. 2 Mackerel 10 hbls No. 3 Mackerel 25 half bbls No. 1 Mackerel 25 half bbls No. 3 Mackerel’ 150 kits No. 2 Mackerel 150 bits No. 2 Mackerel 4*i tubs Choice Lard 13 tubs Choice Hntter 4 firkins Choice Butter. The above lot are fresh and new, and will be offered low, to close consignment. CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., nov23 Corner Abercorn and Bay streets. STEELE & BUKBAM, 11 Merchants Row, Hilton Head, So. Ca C ALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur- chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts. Embroideries,BooU,Ca’is Field Glasses. Gauntlets Gtoves. <fca, &c , Ac. * SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, \ Savannah, Oa., Dec. 26, 1S65.) o’ O N and after Thursday, 2Sth inst., a dab train will leave for Augusta at 6 » m„ connecting with a line of Hacks rnnning between Station Of,, Central Railroad, and Lnmpkffi on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad. ’ De l>y this fine will arrive in Augusta at Niagntg is redneed to 22 miles, all dayll-ht n.h leav0 Au ff usl * 6 >»■ m. Arrive at Sav’an- Uall IU lo p. IT). nno'mf? 11 Passenger Train must be prep-ld v"oU reU at r Shed by 5 p. rn. d;iy pre ExCa rt '? lr ' c h'd to forty pounds of Baggage. a haesage pm i (Si pounds, troiigli Pu.-sage, $12 50. Dy order of d23 GEO. W. ADAMS. ~p_ General Supei intendent. Central Railroad j T* •< < • ■ jR5-cj SUPERINTKNDENT’S ofhce ) This Savannah, Nov. istli, 1S65 f D S^W^s in p r2r7l‘ ,U Wilh u J - forward to Augusta. M^con rt : ce,v e and twenty to thirty tliousa .d pounds of Fr’eidlfr' y f ! 0m through in from three to ivTC Freignu,,d f 0 Ship Freight and other expense- mn.t he ^ Son 8 ' "'‘ ilr ° ad frei “ L ' '' an ^“d here or^tVZ Freijrlit on perishable crocds most be prepaid Rates lo Augusta, until lurtber notice, will he nrr foot oOceniS. per 100 lbs. $2.(s, ^ 11 ,c P cr GEO. W. ADAMS. | Genciul Snii.-nninn.lom PROFESSIONAL CARDS. HOWELTa COBII. JAMES JACKSON. COBB & JACKSON, Attorneys-at-Law MACON, GEORGIA. JLAROCT1E & joilrvsoiv, Timber& Lumber Denlers 200 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. d4if Lard. A SMALL lot only, prime «rtide. f:lr> CHAS. L. COT-BY X CO. Lemons. 70 BOXES, from New York steamer, order. CIIAS. I. in good COLBY * ro. Mackerel, N barrels und kits, prime quality. • * CHAS. L. COLBY A- CO. NOTICE. CITY OF SAVANNAH, j Office Clekk of Coukcii., ' January 6ih, \6<M. V The attention of citizens and others is call' d to ’lie lnilmving extract ot an Oolinance passed Ainrus; •• 1839: EXTRACT. Sec. 3il—If any person sha 11 ., le, lead, <v dree any hors,., mule, or other atiniiul n.-.ially ridden nr used for draft in any sort of carriage whatsoever, within or be'weeu the double row of treis in the centre of South Broad slreet, or lhe double or trade row on rees on the Bay (except tiironglior across the said trees when they are intersected by the streets) or who shall ride, lead or drive the same o’.er anof the sidewalks or foot '.vavs "'lthlu i!,e said city, he or she shall be l mis eel a- ■- herein after mentioned. SEt. a. I’isin the coiivic* in . any vio.ationof any ol the provisions of this Ordinance the offender may be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, at ti:c discrefiuij ol ihe Mayor. ChairiLaii or A.dernian presiding at the Police Court or of rim Council. * * *. * , t , And toe said fines and forfeitures mnv be levied re covered, collected and enforced iu tbe manner pre- scribed by law, ami one-hall ihereot shall he paid when collected, to the iufonner and the remainder shall be paid to the City Treasurer for the use u’. the City. The Police will report all violations of the above. By order of EDWARD C. ANDERSON, . Mavnr. James Stuart, Clerk of Council js-tf NOTICE. T HE subscriber oirers for sale his Turpentine Plan- ration, situated ou lhe s. A. ii. it. K., and on Iha Big Sal ilia River, near No. 9, containing .'bout 3.500 acres of heavy timbered lan«i, and ten or twelve cropsi oi' box^g, well cut and in pvwl condition lor ranking: tiirpent'Le. He will alsoAril a thiitv barrel turpentine still, with nil the listures appurtainiug thereto, and about olc thonsand barrels of rosin. Any person desiring to ergajre in the turpentine or timber htibinesd would do well to call at once and ex amine the premises. For furihcr information call on <»r address the subscriber, at Tebeauville, U are to., Geo gi;i, j»l* P.. F. WILLIAMS. otice. T HE public attention is called to the Ordinance of the 15th of last November, which requires all persons liable to Taxation in the month of December. lri>5, to make their returns, and pavraenr of thesr dues previous to the loth of tin- present moniii, January, otherwise execution will be issued against R, T. HIBSON, J3 (jity Troapurer. NOTICE J. N. WILSON, . Photographer, S. E. corner Broughton and Whitaker Strs., SAVANNAH, GA. Copying done with the greatest care. d!4 POTATOES. /| A A A BUSHELS POTATOES (Jackson -L • v) v/ V. / Whites), joet received* on con signment amt for sale by HORATIO PITCHER, Foot of Lincoln street, under the Blnff. d23-tf SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD CO , >. Macon, Ga , Jan. 2,1SC6.) T HE Annual Election for President and seven Di rectors of this Company, to serve for the enrning year, »in be heln at their office, in the city of Macon, on Thmsday, Stlt February next. JOHN T. BOIFEUILLET, Sec’y and Treas NOTICE. C CONSIGNEES per schooner Rachel Vanneruiuu, l li'ont Philadelphia, are hereby notified that their goods are heing this day discharged at wharf foot of Barnard street. All packages remaining on wharf after sunset will be stored at risk and expense of owners, d27 IIUNTER.V E.lMMKEL. Notice. J W. NEVTTT, of the firm of Nevif, Latlircp & • Rogers, has associated himself with Lathrop at Co. in the Dry Goods business, at the old stand of jl-tf HENRY LaTUROP * CO. w. J. BLAl*. A. 1. 611ITU. w. W. Uts. BLAIR, SMITH & CO., 3STo. 399 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA-, Qeucral Commission Merchants, And Agente for tbc 8cle of ManufacturOfl Tobacco. Will Purchase and Sell, on Commission, Codon. Cotton Goods, Wines, Liquora,Froduce and Morchan dtse of every description. Consignments solicited. 2m-nl4 W. J. Blais A. J. Smith. W. W. Ksen. BLAIR, SMITH & CO., No. 293 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Commission SmBaitis, AND AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANU FACTURED TOBACCO. Will purchase and sell on commission, cotton, cotton goods, wines, liquors, segars, and produce and merchandise of every description. Consignments solicited. RzrzaiKCEs —Brigham, Baidu in & Co., Wm. H. 8tark, Clagborn & Cnnnir ghati.. Brody, Smith & Co., Savannah. Ga. d7-2m« BRYAN, HARTRIDGE & CO.. 163 BAY STREET, CITY HOTEL BUILDING. Broker and Commission Agents roa sale and fuecuase or STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, Ac., nOT2 And for Forwarding Cotton. 3mo Magnolia Hotel, BEAUFORT, SO. CA., On tXxo European Plan j4-l ra*JOnN LILLY, Propriel or. MERCHANTS’ NATIONAL BANK OF SAVANNAH, GA. THE Books for Subscription to tbe Capital Stcck o * this Bank are now open and ready for Subscrib ers, ftt the office of the Southern Insurance Company. jS-tf BROWN’S CASTILLI AN BITTERS T HIS unrivalled Tonic prepared from the Pure Juice of the Grape and extracts, distilled from the Choicest Vegetable products of the South of Fiance, Italy and the Province of Castile (Old Spain ) from which latter section they derive their name A Fragrant Tonic, indispensable to Hotels and Restaurants, and valnable to Families, delicate females and children, for ail disarrangement of the stomach, it is unrivalled. \ neverc falling preventive and Cure for Sea Sickne^ None who travel by land or water should be without the ]for Sal© by YORK, wTlLIAMS, McINTIRE A Ca oct24-3m Sole Agents, S W e Georgia. NOTICK T HE undersigned would respectfully inform his former patrone aud the citizens generally that he is prepared again to take contracts to build new or repair wharves. Pile-driving done by steem pik-diiver. dTOm • KRENSON. . *’•■• "' , , . TI Notice. , A LL persons having demands against the estate of j — *- Edward G. Wilson, deceased, of Chatham county, * are respectfully requested to hand them in properl van- 1 thenticated; and all persons indebted to said estate I are requested to make immediate payment to ANAIS WILSON, ( Administratrix. nU NOTICE TO THE SHIPPERS OF GOODS BY THE STEAMER SAVANNAH ON THE 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1SG.A A LL p^sons who shipped Gooes hr the Steamer Sa vannab, on tile above named day, are requested „ jo cal] immediately at the store oi F. M. Myrell, Esq., Harris’ Buildings, Bay street, and identify such goods s have been saved from lee wreck of the steamer. 3. W. WOLCOTT, n20 Agent. JSTotice. T HE undersigned returns his thanks to his old enr- tomersfor their patronage, and in'orms them ann tbe public generally, that he is prepared to ltir- nish a good article of fresh ground Grits and Meal, which he will deliver to purchasers, free of charge, in any par’ of the city. Orders left at his Mill, corner Congress and Jefferson streets, will mee: with prompt attention- j3-10 WM. GREENS kij (SL91 A LSO, a fine assortment of Silk, Wool and Back skin Gloves and Ganntlets. Just opened at nJ3-tf EINSTEIN * ECKMaN, 151 Congress street