Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 17, 1866, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BY S. W. MASON & CO. «AUUEL W. MASON, Kdltor, IV. T. THOMPSON Associate Bailor. Official Paper of the City. LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THECITV AND BOUNTY WEDNESDAY JANUARY IT. 1860. j MANUFACTURES IN GEORGIA. ( In view of the changes in the departments i of industry caused by the closing events of 1 the late war, there is not a single measure of domestic policy more entitled to consid eration than tho establishment of man ufactures. And this, for reasons alike rpecial and general for the State it8o.ll and for the country at large. The first question suggested by the ex amination oi this interesting subject is, can ' manufacturing industry bo successfully en couraged ? that is, can the requisite m< ani, materials, and facilities bo bad here upon terms that, with skillful management, would guarantee’a paying success ? Why not ? Why shou'd not the tkiil and enterprise of Georgia produce cotton labric- at all events ; and these not for homo col* sumption solely, but for foreign supp'y <.l- • Although not acquainted with ah tue de tails that should be considered ia the dis cussion of this matter, we may direct atten tion to a few leading facts, and ask if their existence is authorized by any principle i f political economy. It is known to all that the cotton grower send the product of their own lands eittie across the broad Atlantic or to a faruortberr. destination in our own country,for its transmu tation into labrics for the use of themselves and their dependents. In the latter allerna lion, it goes hundreds of miles, by circuitous journey, through the bands ot several fac tors, each of whom mu9t receive a cornmis sion for his services—aboard steamers and railway locomotives, all exacting transporta tion dues to its remote northern destination Having been there wrought into fabrics, the cost coming out of the raw material, it take the return track, paying a portion of the same charges over again, and at last reaches the original sender, who thus pays for this product of his own field, in its transformed condition, a price covering all these outlays, the Irausfc'rmation and two fold journey in elusive. If the cotton goes eastward in lieu northward, it must defray the expense ot two voyages across the Atlantic, with bundry other charges superadded, before reaching, as a fabric, the original producer. In 1838, when the propriety ot embarkiug in cotton manufactures was under consideration in Augusta, if our recollection serves us, it was demonstrated in a public meeting of the citi zens that the factory being established, a pound of cotton could be taken from the producer in Georgia and rendered into a merchantable fabric, such ns osnaburgs, sheetings and cotton yarns, ready for sale to the consumer, at the price which it would cost to lay the eame pound of cotton down at the mills of Lowel ! , Mass., or Manches ter, England. In other words, that the cost, charges, freights, commissions, &c., upon a pound of cotton in passing from the produ cer to the foreign manufacturer was equal to the cost of manufacturing it into cloth or yarns. Now, is there a stringent necessity or aoy valid reason tor such a course of proceed ing? None, whatever! Growing the cotton on their own lands, our Georgia plauters.with slight cost and trouble, might transfer it di rectly from tho cleaning mill to the factory where it was to be wrought into cloths.— And then water power, steam power, fuel, whether wood or coal, building materials, and ail requisite appliances besides, are just as plenty and of as fine quality in the South as in the North or in any other section of the country. All needful machinery might, within a brief interval, be procured in the Northern States, while thousands of the skillful work ers, of either sex, would migrato at the pros pect of steady employment and fair wages. And certainly the self-same persons, with the same instrumentality, could manufactu^ at the South quite as good fabrics as in their present localities. Indeed, it is said, in one respect cotton could be worked at greater advantage in a Southern than in a Northern climate. For the winter cold ot the latter is reported so to act upon the fibre of the cot ton as to render it difficult of working—a circumstance likely to interfere wilh the per fection of the result—while the comparative mildness and equality ot the former luruisb the precise condi.ion under which this sub stance is wrought most easily and to the best eff.-ct. Having demonstrated that Georgia could manufacture successfully, and that she pos sesses even peculiar advantages for so doing, it may be taken inio account also, that by manufacturing industry she would secure numerous and great benefits, alike to herself directly and to the country at large inci dentally. Tuns she might, within no Iod" iuterval double or treble her population. This point is so clear that it needs no eluci dation. Not tho manufacturers alone arc advan taged by manufactures, but all classes of the community find an enhanced demand for whatever they produce and a large value put thereon. It may be urzed that our views will be found impracticable, owing to the present impoverished condition of the people. This appareift difficulty may be surmounted by the adoption of the popular expedient of con centrating capital through the agency of joint stock companies, with shares of a de nomination so reduced as to enable the small farmers to invest surplus mean*. Bat as want of space forbids our analyzing these processes further, let it suffice to point to England, to Belgium, or to the Northern States, as most conspicuous examples of the dense population and vMt wealth produced by manufacturing industry. REVIVAL OF RED REPUBLICANISM IN EUROPE. Hj It is an unfavorable sign when Red Re publicaoism rears its bead in Europe. Sin^e the year 1848, the year of the revolutionary outbreak, the re-action that had succeeded had left Europe in a state of comparative repose for nearly ten years. The dispute between Holstein and Germany was the only ripple that disturbed the surface. But there is apparently an unquiet stato of the public mind which denotes discontent, that menaces serious trouble in the future. The symptoms of discontent are among the more educated classes. A number of young Frenchmen have met at Liege, and have been so out spoken as to have given utterance to the most subversive social, moral and political doctrines. They have called themselves the ‘‘Students’ Congress." ‘‘Five French youths (medical) aud two law studems delivered speeches, ennunciat- ing, wilh evident satisfaction to themselves, tue most subversive political, social and re ligious doctrines, which, in their estimation, were indispensable for the regeneration of the world. One of the«e fir ure youthful le- geueraiors proposed that the red flag should be forthwith unfurl d in Europe; that all peoples should be summoned to march to the succor of oppressed nationalities; and that in lViCt there wa< nothing for the hai pi- nces t t tiie human race but insurrection. A second t- ok an active part io a w rdy mani- ‘ Mari n dittoed against the Freueb Govern ment, and was, therefore, named vice-presi dent of the meeting, when he declured, among other things of the same kind, that they must cnoo.-e between man and God. A third insisted upon the suppression of every national color, hui! the substitution ol one on ly— namely, red; and in bis oration against ex- riig »■ Cial older, he ended by declaring G-d was an evil, and that property was a robbery. A fourth was strong in his NEW ADVERTISEMENT*. NEW ADVERTISEMENT* Magnolia Encampment, No. 1,1. 0. 0. F. The Members will take notice that a ( Ragclsr Meeting will be' he held The Evening, at 7Ji o'clock. Punctual attendahee is requested. I y order of the Encampment. JIT CHA«. GROSS, Scribe. IN SAVANNAH! 112 Broughton St. H E R RING'S FIRE-PROOF SAFES, THE FAIRE8T OF THE FAIR. anti-religiuus and anti-social denunciations, and cried: “ ‘We are revolutionists, socialists, athe ists ! There i3 another Congress which we hasten on with all our efforts, and which will he of a far different kind from that of Liege. It will be held in the street, and our guns shall be its end.' ” These forward youths were summoned be fore the Academical Councilor Pari 1 ,to bLow cause why they should not be expelled from all the Academic Councils of France. The students have protested against the action of the Councils, on the ground that they have overstepped its powers in inflicting pun ishment on them; that Liege is as foreign a land to a Frenchman as the remotest corner of the earth; and that neither law nor regu lation exists which forbids French citizens or students to express their philosophical or political opinions beyond the territories of the empire. That utterance should be allowed to such sentiment of impiety and atheism, under the plea or pretext that the utterers were in the exercise of the largest liberty compatible with peace and order, is not conceivable.— Wbat aggravates the offense is the protest of these students, who claim immunity from the punishment they have brought down on themselves by their threats to deluge Europe with blood in cartyiDg Into effect their atro cious plans. IN GENERAL. —The World’s Washington dispatch says (lie names mentioned in connection with the vacant Supreme Judgeship are those of New ell, Houston and Judge Trigg, of Tennessee, THE Charleston and New Orleans JOINT STOCK COMPANY, Having located a branch of their extensive house right among the good people of Savannah, offer ihe following Inducements: Fine G rid Watches worth $75 Fine Silver Winches 25 Magnificent Tea Sets 50 Superb Cake Baskets jg Rich Castors Ladies’ Work ami Toilet Cases 6 California Diamond Rings 6 Solid Gold and Silver Rings 6 California Dianmud Pins 5 I r» ECEIVED by COOPER, 0LC0TT9 A FARRELLY: Ladies' Sets s -I-V Putting on Aire, a warning to wives Ruuntir.,1 Di . Three Times Dead. Bv Miea M E. BradJou Beautiful Photograph Albums 12 Roanoke. ByC. H. Wiley FAIDRAHIIfC’ PATENT PLATFORM SCALES. —by— BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. rpHIS House, havtnv been Agcnta for the above A SAFES aud SCALES for the last rtrruit teaks, * re now receiving lqr£e consignments of SaFES and SCALES. HERRING’S PATENT CHAMPION FIRE-PROOF SAFES, BWi Patent Crystalued Iron BurgUa-pcoof, 4140, A iarge and complete assortment of FAIRBANKS- PATENT PLATFORM SCALES From 3,4on tbs Dormant down to 4 0 lbs Platform and Union, GrocnV, Counter and Bv,n Balance. The above Scales and Safes are too well known to require atiy comment Stock constantly on hand, and soul :,t mannfnctnr.m‘ rant prices. jl7-tf New Books Goblets, Cups. Coll Bells, Sewing Birds, \est Chains, &c., &c., without number; large pictures of Jefferson Davis, Generals Lee, Morgan, Beauregard, Stonewall Jack- son, Stewart, Longstreet, Johnson, and many others, together with a large collection ol' FANCY GOODS, Rich, Rare and Bcaotlfnl! All to be sold for Onh Dulur each, without | regard to value, and not to be paid for until you see what you will receive. loas the Continent. By Samuel Bowleg Herman. By E. Paxton. jlT Sundries, QFFERED BYBRVAN, IIARTRIDGE * CO MEBGilANDliZ. 8 bales Dundee Bagging 2 bbls fine old Bye Whiskey 3# b l-> assorted Whiskey 7 bbds Bacon Shoulde. -s 5 bbin Hume srocEiTira. 25 shares Muscogee Railroad Stock 40 st 1 ares Atlantic A Gulf Railroad Stock. JlT-tf Dissolution. Stuart. Photographs and Lithographs of distin- T II ^XaS'‘l?emTrK r Hi:^, t 'u n f,t!;r C ^e ee .Iy!e gutsbed Statesmen and Generals of the North 1 —*■ - - ■ aud South are placed in 8ealed Envelopes, together with certificates naming each article and its value, and well mixed. One of these envelopes will be sent to any address npon receipt of twenty-five cents; five for one dollar; eleven for two dollars; thirty for five dollars, and seventy for ten dollars. of Stuart Jt, Co., is hereby dissolved by mutual eon- s.’nr, said dissolution to date from January 1st, lSco All claims tile old firm will b, settled by L. Y L. Y. STUART. HENRY M. KELLOGG. Notice. R Y. STUART begs leave to inform the public that in future he will conduct the business of tlie foi- mer firm of Smart & Co. under the same style, at the On receipt of the certificate vrm will see °‘ d stl111 '’’ corner of Bub and Broughton streets, and 1 CHLe See | raspectiuliy solicits the patronage of the former cur. tourers of thefi'Ui,|aud, as heretofore, guarantees en tire satisfaction to purchasers. 117 L. V. STUART. what you are going to have, aud then it i9 at your option to pay the dollar and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold or Sil ver Hunting-case Watch, Diamond Pin or Ring, Cake Basket, Castors, or anything in our large stock, for one dollar. Io every case you get the value ot your twenty-five cents, in the Photograph or Lithograph enclosed, and in no case can you get less than One Dol lar's woith, as THERE ARE NO BLANKS 1 Agents are wanted in every town in the country, who can make from four to six dollars on every lot of seventy certificates Taos. J. Pin, late of The citv ol Savannah, are requested to muke payment to me, and alt persons having claims against said estate are required to present them, duty attested, within the time pre scribed by law to HENRY BRYAN, jl7-eow6w Administrator. GROCERIES, LiaUORS, A C., H. G. RUWE. JOHN H. RUWE. H. G. RUWE & CO WnOLK&AU dealers ln Groceries, Ales, Wines, owing to the peculiar and important ro tations which they sustain, their peculiar organisa tion, and the offices they perform, are subject to many sufferings aud ailiueata peculiar to tha aax* Freedom from these contributes in no small degree to their happincis and welfare, (or none can be hap py who are ill. Not only so, bnt no one of these va rious female complaints can long be suffered to run on without involving the general health of the indi vidual, and ere long producing permlnent siokneae and premature decline. Nor is it pleasant to consult a physician for the relief of these delicate affection*, and only npon the most argent necessity will a true woman so far sacrifice her greatest charm as to do this. The sex will then thank us for placing in their hands simple specifics which will be found effica cious in relieving and coring almost every one of those troublesome oompialnts peculiar to the lex. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT OF BUCHU. Hundreds suffer on ln silence, and hundreds of others apply vainly to druggists and doctors, who either merely tantalize them with the hope of a curs or apply remedies which make them worse. I would not wish to assert anything that would do injustice to the afflicted, but I am Obliged to eay that although it may be produced from excessive exhaustion of the powers of life, by laborious employment, unwhole some air and food, profuse menstruation, the use of tea and coffee, and frequent childbirth, It ia far of- teuer caused by direct irritation, applied to the mu cous membrane of the vagina itself. When reviewing the causes of these distressing complaints, it is most painful to contemplate the at tendant evils consequent upon them. It is but sim ple Justice to the subject to enumerate a few of the many additional causes which so largely affect the life, health, and happiness of woman in all classes ol'society, and which, consequently, affect, more or less directly, the welfare of the entire human fam ily. The mania that exists for precocious education and marriage, causes the years that nature designed for corporeal development to be wasted and pervert ed in tlie restraints of dress, ths early confinement of school, and especially in the unhealthy excite ment of the ball-room. Thus, with the body hali clothed, aud the mind unduly excited by pleasure, perverting in midnight revel the hours designed by nature for sleep and rest, the work of destruction is half accomplished. In consequence of this early strain npon her sys tem, unnecessary effort Is required by the delicate votary to retain her situation in school at a later day, thus aggravating the evil. When one excite ment is over, another in prospective Keeps the mind morbidly sensitive to impression, while the now con stant restraint of fashionable dress, absolutely for bidding the exercise indispensable to the attainment and retention of organio health and strength ; the exposure to night air ; the sudden change of tem perature ; the complete prostration produced by ex cessive danciug must, of necessity, produce their le gitimate effect. At last, an early marriage caps the climax of misery, and the unfortunate one, hitherto so utterly regardless of the plain dictates and re monstrances of her delicate nature, becomes an un willing subject of medical treatment. This is but a truthful picture of the experience of thousands of our young women. 0 — 1 Long before the ability to exercise the functions of the generative organs, they require an education ot their peculiar .nervous system ; composed of what is called the tissue, which is, in common with the female breasts and lips, evidently under the control of mental emotions and associations at an early pe riod of life ; and, as we shall subsequently see, these emotions, when excessive, lead, long before puberty, to habits which sap the very life of their victims are nature has self-completed their development. For Female Weakness and Debility, Whites or Leucorrhcea. Too Profuse, Exhausting, Too Long Continued Periods, for Prolapsus and Bearing Down, or Prolapsus Uteri, we offer the most perfect specific known : Helmbold't Compound attract o/Bachu. Directions for use, diet, and advice, accompany. Females in every period of life, from infancy to extreme old age, will find it a remedy to aid nature in tho discharge of Its functions. Strength is ths glory of manhood and woman hood. Savannaii Theatre. Lessees and Managers. .Messrs. Raymond .% Hamu-ton WKDNESDAY EV’O. JANUAUY 17, 1S6S. COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT To Mr * *■ oh D T. Raymond Tendered b ? ihe citize.18. r t!'A°C th ’ r ° me,i y 0f PRID: O TII^ MAKIChr, in which Mr. Raymond will appear & adore Faei st He will also muke his Aral appear- HOasEBACK!^’ ap F earin s a « Richard ulVo.v Tills evening will be presented the Tlie Pride of the Market. Isadora Farine Mr. Raymond Martin ; ...Ml*sM. e. Gord.n BALLAD, BY Mr. GEORGE GRAY. To conclude with the fifth act of the Tragedy of RICHARD III, ON HORSEBACK. R chard IK Mr. Raymond Richmond Mr. Hamilton Terrific death of the Tyrant King I EfT - No, to*.— 1 Tho management beg to announce that on Monday Evening next. 22d inst.. they will commence u series of GIFT PERFORMANCES,which will coutinue thronshuut ihe week. AUCTION SALPg AUCTION. AUCTlST^ Erery Monday, Wednesday and w Evenings, " r<U J At SfO!W,‘ No. 71, St. Julian street, wi,., assortment of s wustea *eii«i S i Dry Goods. Yankee Notions. Jewnr. . “ will be ofltered. Ac., Sales positive. OKI GOODS A>I» CUITHI.M,. EINSTEIN & EGKHAN, Ns. 1S1 Com St. Savanna! Ga. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL m toons RARE CHANCES FOR INVESTME^ York,- Williams, MoI nti JSc Co, Offer for sale one hundred acres of Land ,, from Savannah, on the White Bluff Road ’ V excellent Stock Farm or for Gardening nur: ,'^ 1 '* 1 portion of it is under cultivation and “&*• 1 heavily timbered, and there are s.eoo new 200 cords of Wood cut and piled on it, Rj ,s Also, One desirable I.ot*at Thunderbolt. Titles Terms cash. 8 UNDERWRITERS 7 SALE York, Williams, AFoIuri*. «St Co. 6 Will be sold THIS day, on whsrt In r«rnf counting room, at 11-o’clock: C! ' 10'* bbls Extra Flour 8 rolls Dundee B *gglng Damaged on board steamer tt'chmoeg „„ t Cge from Baltimore to tl,u Port anTaoM for a". r ,; of Underwriters and ail concerned I r •bC'HUii Perfect Jl Jn AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. H AVING just received and opened a very large and select, stock of Fancy Dresa Goods, 'House- Keeping aud Domestic Goods, Blankets, Cloaks and Shawls, Also Hats, Boots and- fcshces, And all articles aerially found tn n first c ass Dry Goods Honse. we would most respectfully invite 0,1 1 former friends and customers; also Merchants andPluntere visiting the city, Loculi anti examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. UNDER W RIJ E RS'SALR Bell, Wylly & Christian. On THURSDAY m » « »«bck, tn front of do* frft bbte Fionr 60 bbis Corn Meal Damaged on board steamer Richmond on her sage rom B.itlmo.e to this port, and “oldnndef^ spectioh ot the Port Warden,. By Bell, Wylly it Christian. - THIS DAY, at 11 o’clock, will lie sold at au-don. in I front of store: “• 10 N A flue Hor,a and Spring Wagon Snle positive. Terms c<-s.i 117 novtktf ELN’STKIN * ECKMAN, 151 Congress Street, Savannah, Ga. DRY GOODS. highly important T o Ladies and Conn try jVIercliants. and Judge Sharkey, of Mississippi, with the ordered, selling them at our retail prices chances in favor of the first. I F Send twenty-five cents for a Photograph AND LIQUORS, ______ Of all descriptions. r,£»2S(fc!EJfe£ SmSS' “ 8 l-fnn y» 1T “ LL, “ AKrs 0“ th* ro was found upon the latter person some you can obtalD for 0n, ‘ Do,lar - 0a sending Comer St. Julian & Bryan St8., $600,000 of bills of exchange on the Rolhs- tlle orders for the articles named, transmit Near the Pulaski House cntlds, drawn by Trenholm, Secretary of the therewith fifteen cents on each article, to nav FI™™?- . These - tether with some others, eXDreES or noatflffe therpon 9 3 amounting to upwards of $100,000, were sent to our correspondent ageot at London, for collection. They have recently been returned by him to the Secretary of the Treasury, with an endorsement on the back by the house of Rothschild that there was no tnnds to meet them. It is alleged by persons who knew that there was plenty of funds when the bills were drawn, yet by some meant or. other they have been spirited away, —A movement is on foot in several States to erect a memorial cathedral to the Confeder ate dead. It is proposed to build an asylum lor the widows of the fallen heroes, and a college lor the sons, the whole to be placed under the jurisdiction of the Protestaut Epis copal church. — An extensive frattd upon the Internal Revenue Department, by the issue of large quantities of counterfeit cigar box stamps, l*as just been brought to light by the authori ties in New York. It is supposed that no iess than twenty plates have been manufac tured aud millions of tbe stamps been print ed, and that ihe fraud will amount to $100,- 000. | express or postage thereoD. Address POHL, RANDALL & CO., Jri tf Host Office Box 2S5, Savannah. AGENTS FOR ALE AND LAGER BEER. dlS-lm Notice. COMPTROLLER GEXERAL’3 OFHCE, I Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. lltli, 1666. f The attention of Ageuts ol' alt Foreign Insurance Companies, Is called to Title 22d, No. 63, Section 3d, Laws ol Georgia, passed Dec. 12th, 1S62. Agents (ivy said law) of all Foreiga Insurance Companies organized, controlled or managed'by persons with out the limits of tills State, are required to make re turns, under oath, and pay their tax to the State Treasurer, on the 81st day of December. Said Com panies shall pay a tax of one per cent, on all pre miums they receive ln this State for the year closing 31st day of December. No returns hava been made for said Companies for the year closing Dec. 81st, 1865. Said returns must be made ana tax paid aa early as practicable, or the penalty of tbe law will be enforced. JOHN T. BURNS. Ja»l7-l Comptroller General. WANTED,, lITUAHOX as Overseer on a RIc» Plants non, a gentleman or fourteen rears experience, a c;*n give good reference. Apply at the UUaLD office. Jsn 17 Brutal Hardtr at Pottsvtll., Pa. Pottsvilck, Pa.. Jan. 11,1866.—Mr. Henry H. Dunne, a coal opeiator and Superintend ent of tbe New York and Schuylkill Coal Company, was brutally murdered by three men Iasi night while on bis way to bis borne iu Poitsville. Tbe murder was committed *m ttie public highway, about two miles from Poitsville. No arrests have been made yet. Mr. Dunne was an accomplished gentle man and a universal favorite with every one, and his death causes the most intense excite ment all through the county. B&'utal Murder by Hcgroeg in N. Carolina. Wii.MiKOTOff, N. C., Jan. 11, 1866. Two negroes, supposed to belong to the Thirty-seventh colored regiment, stationed at Fort Fisher, entered tbe bouse of Samuel N. Cannon, on Middle 8ound. There were I fTlIMBER Freight fur Philadelphia. Apply in the house at the time Mr. Thomas Pickett, « Mr. Canuon, Miss Pickett, Mrs. Carter and PnP u,,,rpvR ' v * f Mrs. Pickett. One of the negroes fired upon them and killed Mr. Pickett, two shots tak ing fatal effect. Miss Pickett was danger ously wounded in the bead, and Mr. Carter was mortally wounded in tbe throat. Can non escaped and brought tbe neighbors to the scene, but the negroes bad escaped Efforts are making to arrest them. SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS — OF — Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA, anso DISSOLUTION. mHE Firm of Israel R. Seftlv t Co. was dissolved -A on the 12th Inst., by the withdrawal of Israel R. Sealy. The business will be Conducted until farther notice, by T. H. Palmer, who Is duly authorized to col lect and settle all business connected therewith. ISRAEL K. SEALY, J. P. GILSON, Agent. J15 A. S. BIGELOW. T. J. DUNBAR & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN A N OVERSKER-One acquainted with the growth I U/lAI fQ I IfU IflBQ Q P 0 A DQ P.P Aman*mlho^t*a d ramlIyprefcrrod.' 1 ~ W111LO, LUJUUHO, OLU/ttlO, OtU. Enquire at this office. y 3 17-tf | ^47 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) WANTED. FREIGHT. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Is more strengthening than any ot the preparation, ol Bark or Iron, infinitely aafer. and more pleasant- HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU, having received tbe endorsement of the most PROMINENT PHYSICIANS IN THE UNITED STATES, la now offered to afflicted humanity as a certain core for tbe following diseases and symp toms, from whatever cause originating : General Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Imbecility, Determination of Blood to the H Confused Ideas, Hysteria. General Irritability, Restlessness and Sleeplessness at Night, Absence ot Muscnlar Efficiency, Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, Low Spirits, Disorganization or Paralysis of the Organs of Generation, Palpitation of the Heart, And, in fact, all the concomitant! of a Nervous and Debilitated state of tho system. To inturt Ot genuine, out Ml out. ASIC rOB HELM BOLD'S. TASS HO OTttSS.' W. M. Walsh, Comer Broughton & Barnard street, SOLE AGENT FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, &C., &C., &C.. Remarkably Cheap for Cae-h, CAN BE POUND AT A. Resohor 8b Go’s., 13 BARNARD STREET, COR. CONGRESS LANE, Comprising a general Assortment of Foreign aud Domestic Gaodc, Cioaks. Snawlg, Ac. N. B—By strict attention to business, courteous and honorable dealing with our customers, we trust to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. A large line ol White Goods and Linens now open. octlD H. A. TO PHAM, CLOTHING WAREDOirSE, 138 CONGRESS 3T., SAVANNAH. F INE Rendy-made BnslDess and Drees Snlts of all descriptions constantly on hand. Gent’s Fur nishing Goods, all of the newest. gtMes; Hats, Op., Ac Afro, an elegant line of Fine Cloths, Doeakius, Meltons. Casstmeres, Tweeds and Vestings, which wit! be made to order at the shortest notice by txneri- cnred workmen. jl-if BY BELL, WYLLY A CHitsriA\. AT PRIVATE SALE. The West Half of Lot No. 2, Calhoun Ward, fronting on Jones street. The Improvements consist of a finely orlishwi Brick Residence contabiing Ten Rooms with throughout, and a well of excellent water and a fine Force Pump. din-tr SPLENDID FURNITURE AT AUCTION. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Will be sold on THURSDAY next, nt 11 o'clock in the Pavilllon Hotel, corner of Bull and south Bn,a, streets: u Household Furniture, consisting tn partoi a spvn did Stelnway Piano, a fi ie oak Sideboard with inio ble top. Bureaus do, Wa.shataud.-i do. oals'Exfeiwi nn Table, two sets of Bedroom Furniture, Im,- Beautiful Rosewood Parlor Kuruitute. six elegant Carpets (4 Brussels and iringraln) wool aud im,*. Matrasses aud Pillows, Dluuer ana Breukfasr China Sets - JM-td CARRIAGE AT AUCTION. Dy Bell, Wylly & Christian. Will be sold on WEDNESDAY nest 17th lust front of store : JI6-2 A fine Double Rockaway. UNDERWRITER'S SALE. BY BELL. WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. THIS DAY, at 10)4 o'clock, ln front of store, will be sold; * 2 case* assorted Lamps and Lanterns 6 bbls Ohimneva Cases Wines, Liquors, Soaps ALS3, At 12 o’clock, ln sales room, 1 case Ladies’ Cloaks 1 do Pen Kuleea and Table Cutlery Dry Goods, Fancy Articles, Ac. Terms cash. KIRLIN, BR0. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, MIS ii\D LIQUORS WHITAKER STREET BAY LANE. ) AND CLOTflS AND CASSIMKRE3 BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MERINOES AND ALAPACAS. Received and for sale cheap by H. HATH, oct ^S 174 Bronghton street. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED K DRLITERED. au21 tf J17-2 RUE, WHITNEY A CO. No. 4 Harris Range, Bay street CITY COUPONS 13 ECETVABLE by the City for Licenses, Taxes and At* Ground Kants, for sale by J3-1 A. MINIS, No. 3 Stoddard’s Western Range. Perd and Our Monitors.—A few days since tbe Peruvian Minister and- an officer of tbe Peruvian Navy visited tbe splendid mon itor, Miantonomah, now at tbe Washington Yard, for the purpose of inspecting it. The Peruvian Government has already one dou- blo-turreted monitor, and her neighbor, Chili, has two building in England; and tbe Miuister from Peru ia anxious to purchase one of our monitors for bis Government. COTTON SEED. For aals by JIT-lw W. B. ADAMS, 95 Bay street. Notice. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Thb Winning Nag.—The Nashville Re. vessels, publican Banner expresses tbe opinion that JU ~ 3 the new party, which must arise out of the PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING, peculiar 8ltuat ‘° a of ,h0 aad Kfoup R i CHARD B . tract. Practical Flam) maksr, itself aroQoa tbe Bt&ndaraot tbe Admiaig- ^ (late with Soebeler a Schmidt, Piano manotbc- tration, will be compoMd, for the most part, | SWSTvJSOTlSS TaSHS " - ' urdet* I Music of men who did the fighting on both sides of the year will be made, ths line of battle, to tbe exclusion of tbe store promptly attended to. mere theorists aud talkers, Who marred the Ti5£ toMSSlM WejSpLuc'intern plots respectively of the Government and tlie er j^ 3 &* a ftrstrate pla j u, c T ^BEiNER a AS0NS Confederacy. Brilliant Meteor.—One of these beauti ful celestial phenomena, koown as a meteor, was observed last night about half past ten o’clock. It first appeared in the south-east, traveling slowly in-a south-westerly direc tion, descending to an altitude of only some I torty or fifty fet above the top. of the houses, j Hxm^MarriaTe U the goa,' of every girl's when it faded from view. It presented a . a nbltlon > an d nothing aids in the' a> a Uer of nucleus of some six to eight inches in diani- mucb . coveted, like a sp/jodid ■eter, followed by a trail of sparks, and was, | Allen's R*® U8e of Mre ’ 3 ' *■ duritti its brief existence, very brilliant,! mum. orHai d rDS s «i^ ,, i 0 i H r “ n ^ Z y to ^“* ... _ shedding a strong light ou surrounding oh-1 act direcll y on the roots of the hair JiSn£ ^ ^ * a ”‘ l J ° ^ jects, aud affording a wonderful and very i£° UrUhment ^Aed® beautiful meteoric display. • janU * Cm - v * eodlw City Property FOR SALE. W E offer the following very desirable property for sale: - -- W E invite the attention of the Trade and the Pub lic generally to our laive sad elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Conserves, Be- gars, etc., etc., which Is not excelled by any similar establishment ln the 8tates. We are sole proprietor* af DUNBAR’S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, tbe reputation of whi -h la fully established ln this and foreign coun tries; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BITTERS, gnaranted anperior to any article of the kind, de signed, expressly for hotel and family use: DUN BAR'S* SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, War ranted of the utmost parity, and pat np expressly for our house, of which we are sole proprietors and Importer*. Sole Agents- for Robert Smith’s cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE, ln cases and barrels; Bnglloh’ Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, o?^2 I ?T,\ 8c " tch “ d Bourbon WHISKEY and AR- RACK BUNCHES, formerly well known throughout tue United States, put np by ns Incases for export and home consuitiptioa. T. J. D. A Co. are sole Agents for A .A H- W. Catherwood's Pore RYE WHISKIES, XX and XXX Draods. guaranteed unsurpassed ln quality and ex- celJence. Constantly on hand, a large and well se lected stock of BoURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade find connoisseurs generally. An assortment ol SEGARS of finest grades, manufactured and imported expressly for this honse, which we offer at the very lowest net cash Prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, ana every description ana grade of Foreign Liquors Imported directly by thle boose, and for sal* tnhond or duty paid, at lowest market rate*. d20-tf 13 a warehouse, som-what ont of . Also, one-half of Garden Lot No. t, on tho Whit*- bluff road. For panic stars, enquire of y. w. sims ii co. pierce mm Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoe*, Clothing, For- •Sgn and Domestic Wines, Liqnors and Segars. A’so, Skeban's Celebrated GOLDEN ale AffD CHAMPAGNE CIDER. in bottle end in wood. . London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng Ush Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to tbe trade.' 174 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, dll-tf and 62 Liberty street, *. T- GROCERIES, &C. GUNNY BAGGING,! SEA ISLAND BAGGING, ROPE, BACON, NEW YORK EDWARDS’ HAMS, COFFEE, SUGAR, &C., &C., &C. PHILLIPS & HTEHS, l 1 ' 1 ® 86 Bay Street. Private Boarding. , a<?ntlemen can he accommodated with two pleasant rooms and board, aud a few nay boarders can be accommodated ln a private family. Apply at this office. J15-Sw OLIVE OIL. OA CASES, pints, Olive Oil OV For eale bv J15-3 For sale by HILTON * RANDELL, 193 Bay street. NOTICE. M R. JULIAN MASSARD la my lawlnl Attorney daring my absence l'rom Savannah. J. W. STEELE, (Late Steele A Burbank.) 11 Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, So. Co. And comer Kino and George Sts., Charleston, C YALLS the attention <*f Wholesale and Retail Pur chasers to Ills superior stock of Military and Naval Clothing, AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches. Clocks, Fancy Goods Jewelry and Plated Ware, Swords, Saslies, Heirs, EmbroHer!( a, Boots, Caps, Field Glasses, Gauntlets, Gloves, Ac., Ac^^ J4 SHAWLS, SHAWLS. TUST opened a large assortment of Zephyr Worsted tf Shawls, Sontngs. Cloaks aud Hoods, Children* Caps, Boot* and Gaiters. Also. Irish Linens. Table Damask. Linen Towels. Table Napkins and Doyles, an-* a variety of Faucv ticlea too numerous to mention. All of which we offer at very low jirices „ EINSTEIN & ECKMAN. nov3-tf TMCongreas Street H. .HAYM, 174 Broughton Street. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the newest styles, LADIES’DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, Ac. Just received and for rale at th* lowest price* by octW H. HAYM. J16-3* J- SAUVESTRB. N OTICE—All persona having claims against ih* estate of Joseph F. Gammon, of Chatham conn- tv, deceased, will present them duly attested, within the time prescribed by law, and all persons indebted to said estate will make payment to Margaret Gam mon. MARGARET GAMMON, Benjamin gammon, Jie-lawfiw* Qualified Executor*. FOR SALE. rras Subscriber offers for sale her residence near X Darien, Ga., consisting of a largo two-storv itb nIne wsllUntehed rooms and basemen? With allnecwearv ont-bnildtnge. Also, one hnndred *na Mxty acres of marsh nnd2 bank attached thereto. This place D within » h.iV month*’ notice to the present tenant. two Apply to Mm-M. b. Kell, near Darien or to Mr Oiarlee Spalding, at the corner or Jon's and HabeJl ■ham etreetf, savannah. jjrawaw BUTTER, Flour and Lard. Having received a luge stock of tbe abor*. ATTERJ LOW RATES, wear* able to offer gnat Inducement* to buyers. dljjf RANDELL A CO., Southwest corner of Bay and Barnard its. AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Cliristian. Smail Lots of Land. -r.T h f r8 r h r" Vl !i s L bee , D '° ,' naE Y "Pphcations for Small Tract* of Land for location, the owner of the above Lau-t.foelicqa disposition to meet this demand, lias placed In the market, for a lew days, Lots of five Ac, ,e«’. or . 1 ? ,0r ®- P^ cleared, on the Augusta Road, od- pofJt* to tbe three mile stoae, al^o on Uie White Bli§f rtoad, opposite to the two mile stone. tAnid EXECUTORS SALE. r ~ By Bell, Wylly & Christian. WILL be gold at Auction on the first Tuesday in o’clock**^ tile Conrt Honse, at 11 Lots Nos. 29. 30 and 34, Green Ward, and No. s. Oilmen tile, ’ogether wiUtthe improvements on said kefougmg to the estate of the late Owen O Roark, deceased. Sold by order of the Executor for the benefit of. the Utirs aud creditors of said es- ' J,iu AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Lots Nos. 45 end 4fl, Lafayette Ward, fronting on Junes street. i lm P rove menU consist of a first-class Brick Dwelling, containing twelve rooms; besides Bntli, and Dressing rooms, w»*’i all modern improvements ' and conveniences. Gas, cold and hot water, speak- lug trumpeu’. range, Ac. Buildings on lane consist or bnck stable carriage house, wood and coal rooms wtUl r °wfortablp apartmente nboyp. rt2d-tr ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. * pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordlr.ajy or Chatham county, will be sold on the first Tuea- . day in February next, at the Coart Honac door. In - the city of Savannah,, during the ubuhI hours of aaie, all the undivided half Interest of Jame« Bilbo, late deceased, In the^jhandy Hall farm, Bitin*ted near the city of Savannah on the Thunderbolt road: said form containing W all fifty acres, more or leas, j The paid half interest Bold for the pm pose of di- I _ JOHN O. FERRILL, Admlnlstratiir. POWDER. SHOT, CAPS. 9AA KEGS Hazard’s Ky. Rillle Sporting Powder 26 cases Hazard’, 1 lb canisters do 20O bags, assorted size.-. Drop Shot 150,000 G. D- Percaaaiou Caps For sale by HILTON A RANDELL. J 16 s 193 Bay street. FAIRBANKS Standard Scales Are tarnished at manufacturer's prices, by BRADY, SMITH & CO., Agents. Stock of various styles and sizes at their wareroom. North side of Bay street, between Whitaker aud Bar nard. These first-class and unequalled Weighing Machine need no other recommerldatlon than that they have received the nnqcalified approval of business men for forty ye«"- STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION, DURABILITY AND ACCURACY, ADAPTATION AND CONVENIENCE, are found combined in the Fairbanks Standard Scales, to an extent unknown la the various Imitations de nominating NEW PRINCIPLES AND IMPROVE MENTS. Of each let business men beware, and suffer noons to Impose npon them with worthless and unreliable goons. * All styles and sizes famished promptly. j3-lm MACKEBEL, 150 Noe, 2 and S Boston Mackerel 100kite Nos. 1, Suds For eale oy HILTON A RANDELL, J16-S 193 Bay street. Ale and Porter. 1 /Y CASKS McEwsn’s and Alton's ceiebrrfed Ate 4 V and Porter; i casks Byass’ London Porter. Just received and for sale by - d29*0«2W OLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM. .' MUSICAL CARD. TfoTBS. CAULFIELD, pnpll of the President end 111 Head Masters of the Royal Academy of Music, London, ie nowio the city, and offers Vocal instrnc- •1\ HUBS SaperiorMUSCOVADO MOLASSES, i-b- I tion to advanced pptffie, by the mouth oc-single les- UO edredperitesmer Chase, ~ “ — ~ - MOLASSES. i pnpUe, by t __^ also, Ptano Forte or Harp: Mrs. CaulfiUd’s For tale by SORREL BROTHERS, 82 Bay street. success In the formation or the Voice ts yreR known. Address to her. Post office, Savannah/or to Rev. G B. King, Chatham Academy, and Mr. Schreiner's Music Store, Savannah. IQ-9