Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 22, 1866, Image 2

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SAMUEL W. MASON Editor, \V. T. THOMPSON, Associate Editor. THfl Savannah Daily Herald* others, Hod. Judge Lyons of Atlanta, Gen. ceivere to Miport the number of men in each * * • L. J. Gartrell of Atlanta, Hon. W. H. county vrlfo have lost u:leg or leg*. i Dougherty of Columbus, Ex Gov. Joseph E. Mr v ^eub, (tf Wbitefield—A’biH to incoc-) Brown "Rv Pr/w n r , • T Ppttne Dalton Medical College. I ill Mel? deon and Voice. . -mX urov. Gov. Jamea Johnson. I..-- Also a bill to relieve soldiers anti officer* ■ Cnll.tren’s Singing olsaa on Mondays aud baveheardthe name of Judge William* of the late Confederate army who are under iriemlDg of Liberty, spoken of as a candidate " ~ " ' for the Supreme Bench of Georgia. It would be nothing but a simple act of justice to the low country, besides rewarding a distin guished son of Georgia to elect him to that Official Paper of the City LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE CITY AND COUNTY MONDAY JANUARY *3. 1S66. Governor's Msbsaoe.—To make room for this important document we are obliged this morning to forego onr UBual variety of reading matter and to defer- some of our ad vertisements. We have no room now for comment upon the message. Suffice it to say that it is just such u Slate paper as mee.s the present crisis in onr affairs, and as was to have been expected from our upright, wise and patrio tic Chief Magistrate. In the language of cotemporary, “it is dear in exposition and broad in policy, of a serene style and iem perate logic.” SCUTIi KRN RESTORATION—SOUTH ERN COTTON. Exhausted and prostrated as the Southern States have been by the war, the trade which has sprung up between them and the com merciai world since the return of peace is a matter of as much surprise as pleasure to all who fed an interest in the welfare of our people. It is the cotton of the South, which has been saved from the general wreck and hidden away in holes and corners during the W3r, that is finding its way to market throu, the almost numberless channels of commu nication which have been reopened since the return of peace. These reserves of cotton have been estimated at two millions five hundred thousand bales in all; but two mil lions will probably be nearer the aggregate in the South at the time of Geaeral Lee's sur render. This aggregate, however, will con tribute largely to the restoration of prosperi ty in the cotton Slates if disorganizing poll ticians cm only be kept from any serious in termeddling with the practical restoration policy of President Johnson. What has been urged by the entire press of the South and by conservative journals in the North, wc here repeat—that the question of the most pressing uud vital importance to tho people, Government aud Treasury, is the bpeediest possible development of the agri cultural staples of the South to aid the na tion ia settling its commercial deficiency, in eas’aining the burden of our taxations and mee ing the obligations of our great na- ional debt. Ail minor questions of a politi cal character tending to disturb and divide the people can be postponed; but the finan cial obligations of tho Government and peo ple must be met, and without the rich re sources of the South we shall be puzzled and sorely tried to meet them. This the political agitators admit themselves, and herein lies the wisdom of President Johnson's resto ration policy. Let us take, for instance, the single article of cotten. In 1850, the year just before the war, the export value of the cotton crop swelled up to the splendid figure of two hun dred and thirty-two millions of dollars. Now if the cotton States can be fully restored im mediately as members of the Union there wi l probably be realized from them the present year as much as onc-haif the cottou crop of 1860, which, at three times the prices of that year under a glutted market, will be equal to the addition of three hundred and forty-eight millions dollars to the substantial wealth of the coun try in our commercial reports, and this on the single article of cotton. At tho same rate of development there would be gained two or three hundred millions more in South ern sugar, rice and tobacco, pilch, tar and turpentine, lumber and minerals. The sooner, therefore, the Government, sustained cordially by the people of the South, cau restore to the late seceding States the wotting machinery of law and order, industry and trade, under their State gov ernments, the better it will be for the whole country, North and South, for all tax-payers, for the Treasury, and for the settlement ol the national debt. There is no necessity for any burry in regard to negro suffrage anc 1 other kindred subjects; but the necessity of bringing aii our resources to lighten the bur dens of taxation and lessen the pressure of the National debt is severely felt on every hand- Hence the confidence of the masses of the people, wo trust of all parties, in the wisdom of the healing measures of the present administration. Yet, notwithstanding the great value of the interests involved in the immediate res toration of these States, which plead for liberal aud harmonizing action between the President, the Congress and the people, there are many Northern men, stricken with judi cial blindness, who are doing ull they can to prevent the success of the only plan of settle ment which, if accomplished, would restore prosperiy and peace to the country. position. I hope it will bo done. The message of his Excellency Governor Jenkins,-was not called for by either house to-day; but it is expected on to-morrow. I send you a copy. Its length will not pre vent its perusal bg all who wish to see Geor gia prosperous and happy. Messrs. Hunt and Wellborn are preparing for publication and sale, a pamphlet which will contain matter of much interest to the whole people,and of special interest and abili ty to the legal profession. It will contain the new Constitution, the ordinances of public import passed by the late Convention, such parts of the Code for the government of freed men as may be adopted by the Legis lature, together with all acts of a public na ture which may be passed during the present session. It will bo ready for delivery within ten days from the adjournment. trial for acts committed under orders from superior officers. . Mr. llussell, of Chatham—A bill to provide r’ r j „P a y™ ent the salaries of the Judges of the Supreme and Superior Courts, and of the city Courts, for the time they wpm nrpuontad i—ij: *.» • . J GE0R6IA LEGISLATURE. (Reported expressly for the Savannah Herald] Milledoeville, Ga., Jan. 15, 1866. SENATE. The Senate met at the hour of 12 o’clock M., and was called to order by the President, Hon. Win. Gibson, of Richmond. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Brooks, of the Baptist Church. On the call of the roll by the Secretary, Col. Weems, of Wilkes, twenty-four mem ber* responded. Mr. J. F. Johnson, of Clayton, presented a communication from Sir. George W. An derson resigning his office as doorkeeper to the Senate. The Senate then adjourned till to morrow morning at 10 o'clock. HOUSE. i The House met at 12 o’clock M., the Speaker, Hon. Thos. Hardeman, Jr., in the chair- Oa tho call of the roll by the Clerk, Col. Waddell, eighty-Beven members responded. Mr. Oliver Wiuningham, Representative from the county of DeKalb, appeared and took the oath of office. Oa motion of Mr. McWhorter, of Greene, io House adjourned till to-morrow 12 clock M. Milldeoeville, Jan. 16, 1866. SENATE. were prevented from holding their courts bv reason of the war. Mr. Byiugtou, oi Clayton—A resolution re- questing the Finance Committee to bring in a bill authorizing the several counties of the State to levy an additional tax for the sup- port of disabled soldiers and their families. Air. Peeples, of Berrien—A resolution to bring on the election of United States Sena tors on the 18th instant. Also a bill to punish any minister of the Gospel or civil officer who shall perform the marriage ceremony between a white person ana a person of African descent. , A, .~ biH to P^vent the re-election of sheriffs till two years after the expiration of one term of office. Also a bill to punish Ordinaries for issu ing licenses to marry white and black per- SOU9. * Also a bill to punish freedmen for livin' 1 in adultery. “ Mr. Stewart, of Spalding—A bill to enlarge the rules of evidence. 6 Mr McLendon, of Wilkes—A bill to pro vide for the election of a Superintendent of roads and bridges in the county of Wilkes Mr. Wilburn, of Terrel—A bill to authorize the sale of the exile’s camp, in Teirell count}'. Mr. Kibbee, of Pulaski—A bill to increase the lees of Ordinaries and Clerks ot Courts one hundred per cent. Mr. Oates, ofMorry—A bill to incorporate the North Georgia Petroleum and Mining Company. Mr. Sneed, oltRichmond—A bill to provide for the payment of the tuition of poor chil dren for the year 1865. Tue message of his Excellency Gov. Jen kins was then read, and 1,000 copies ordered to be printed. I have already sent that do cument. The order was resumed, and Mr. Swea- rengeu offered a resolution requesting the Secretary of War of tho United States to re voke the order under which stock brand ed with U. S. have been seized. The re solution was unanimously adopted, and the Senate adjourned. BY TELEGRAPH TO THE Daily Herald. MUSIC LESSONS. M R J. H. NEWMAN gives lessons on the Plano, Mel? deon and Voice. Timrs- Room. commence »n Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock, at tho M. E. Church Leetnre Room. ' Leave orders at Mr. Mallon’s Book store. Congress r««». jia-eodlw FOR SALE. FROM MILLEDGEV1LLE. FROM THE STATE CAPITAL. (special correspondence of the Savannah Herald.] Milledoevillk, Ga., Jan. 15, 1866. The revolving seasons have brought the members of tho Legislature together at the capital. On account of the cessation of the night train on the Macon and Western road, many of the members who pass through At lanta in coming here were thrown a day be hind ; yet enough arrived to form a quorum in eacn branch of the General Assembly. It rainiug when the train arrived in Mil- ledgeville, and consequently it was with dif ficulty that the two houses could meet at the hour agreed upou at the time of taking a re cess. I round on entering the hotel about fifty members and a good supply of candidates had preceded me Some little time was spent in the usual salutations and enquiries after the health of families, &c. I was gratified to find the universal sentiment prevailing that tho troubles expected with the freedmen about the time of Christmas had, like many others, proved entirely groundless, the color ed population haying been unusually orderly about that time, and having, contrary to all expectation, in the great majority of cases hired themselves out to work. As a conse quence, great hopetftee entertained of fine crops of cotton anotreu’ear, and the lace3 of farmers are wreathed with smiies, instead of being marked with cares and anxiety. Some go so far as to praise the system of free labor, wbile^U admit that it is not half so bad as they imagined. I said the usual supply of candidates were present. I know not whether all the distin guished gentlemen in Georgia outside of the Legislature are candidates for office. 1 pre sume they are not. There are here, among The Senate met at 10 o’clock A M. Prayer by the Chaplain. The minutes of the preceding day were read and approved. This being the day for the call of the roil for tne introduction of new matter, the fol lowing bills were introduced. Mr. Daley of the 2nd Senatorial district— bill to repeal paragraph 5, sec. 85, part 1, title 3, chap. 3 of the Code. Also a bill to establish the Great Seal of the State. iff Gresham of tbe22d—A bill to sell the lands belonging to the State in the Okefeno- e 6wamp. Mr. J. A. W. Johnson, of the 43d—A bill for tue relief of tax payers in certain coun ties. Mr. Smith, of the 6tb—A bill to add the couuty ot Lowndes to the Drunswick Judi cial Circuit. Mr. Sirozier, of the 10th—A bill to change io line between the counties of Worth and Irwin. Aso a bill to change the time when the rlges of the Inferii-r Courts shad draw ju ra ior the Superior Courts, and to legalize the holding of certain Superior Courts. Also a bill to authorize the rendition of crees in equity in vacation, to legalize Cer tain decrees already rendered. Mr. Thornton, ot the 24th—A bill to pre vent the illegal seizure, detention aud remo val of property in this State. Also a hill to amend sec. 4293 of the penal code. Mr. Carter, of the 26th, introduced a reso lution bringing on the election of Judges of Supreme Court on Tuesday next. The reso lution was agreed to. On morion of Mr. Ezzard, of the 38th, Wil liam H. Roberts of Baldwin, was declared elected Doorkeeper to the Senate vice Q. \\. Anderson resigned, by acclamation. Mr. Casey, of the 29tb, offered the follow - iag : Whereas, the people of GeSrgia in Conven tion and by legislative action, have, in good taith accepted the issue of the late war, aud are bound by every principle of honor and motive ot interest, to defend and uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Government thereof, and whereas such is well known to be our fixed and set tled determination, we can therefore per ceive no good reason for tho longer continu ance of military law or forces in our State, except such as may be requisite for a peace establishment; nor can we see the necessity for the seizure and occupancy of private pro perty by the military authorities : Be it therefore resolved by the General As sembly of Georgia, that bis Excellency the Governor, be requested to communicate to his Excel.ency, the President of the United Stales, our fixed and unalterable purpose to observe, obey and defend the Constitution aud laws of me United States and the Gov ernment thereof, and to maintain by all the power of the State the supremacy of said laws, and to ask of him, if not a withdrawal of the troops of the U. S. from the Stnte, a surrender of all private property belonging to individuals, and a restriction of the military to the occupation of barracks, forts and ar senals, or such other quarters as the Govern ment may furnish after contract and com pensation ; aud further to restrict the mili tary to the management and control of tho troops and ihe enforcement [if necessary] of the laws ot the U. 8., as expounded by civil tribunals appointed and established in conformity to law ; aud to this end we earnestly invoke the restoration of the privi lege of the writ of habeas corpus. No action was taken on the resolntion. Mr. Strozier—A bill to regulate tbe plead ings of suits at common law, and to repeal section 3269 and part of section 529 of the Code of Georgia. Also, a bill to reform and point out tbe mode of selecting Grand and Petit Jurors, and to repeat sections 3822, 3823 and 3837 of the Code. Tiie message of his Excellency Governor Jenkins, was then read ; and on motion, 200 copies were ordered to be printed. The Senate then adjourned till 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. bouse. Alter prayer and the reading of the journal of tbe preceding day, tbe Speaker announced that the order of the day waa the call of the roll of members for tbe introduction of new matter. Mr. Adams, of Clark,'introduced a bill to allow persons to testify in cases In which they themselves are interested. Also, a bill to allow any rate of Interest to be collected which may be agreod upon by parties. Mu Hardeman, of Bibb—A resolution In structing the Finance Committee to bring in a bill to authorize the issue of bouds upon which to raise money for the support of the Government for the fiscal year 1866. It pro poses to make the taxation of the people of the State nearly nominal for said year. Also, a resolution to require the Tax Re- MR. RUSSELL'S RESOLUTION CON CERNING THE RESTORATION OF THE SEA ISLANDS TO THEIR OWNERS PASSED BY BOTH HOUSES. T HE Subscriber utters tor sale her residence near Darien. Ha., consisting of a large two-story bouse, with nine well finished rooms and basement, with all necessarv out-building*. Also, one hundred ucres orhleh land and cixty acres of marsh under Lank attached thereto. This place Is within a half mile of Darien, and is highly improved and snrronnd- ed by a fine grove of oaks. Possession given on two months’ notice to the present tenant. Apply to Mrs. M. 8. Kell, near Darien, or to Hr. Charles Spalding, at the comer of Jones and Haber sham streets, Savannah J6~2aw3w T. J. DUNBAR & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS, &C 147' Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) W E invite tha attention of the Trade and the Pub lic generally to our large and elegant assort- fueut of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Conserves, Se- gart, etc., etc., which is not excelled by any similar establishment In the States. We are sole proprietors af DUNBAR’S CKLE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of whi-h is tally established In this and foreign coun tries; DUNBAR'S well known STOMACH BITTERS, . guaranted superior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel uud family use: DUN BAR'S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the utmost purity, and put up expressly for our bouse, of which we are sole proprietors and Importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith’s cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE, in cases and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bon-bon WHISKEY and AR RACK BUNCHES, formerly well knowu throughout the United Stales, put up by us in cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D. A Co. are sole Agents for A. & II- W, C-ttherwood’s Pure RYE WHISKIES, XX and XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly ou hand, a large aud well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy ihe attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of 8EOARS of finest grade., manufactured and imported expressly for this house, which wo offer at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every description ttud grade of Foreign liquors imported directly by this house, and for sale lu bond or duty paid, at. lowest market rates. d20-tf Legal Notices* CK may concern: - given t proper person. Sylvanla, December 27,1800 jC D. K. 5 all whom it may concern: Whereas, Kndura S. Abrah be granted. toller, 1863. nov‘2 D. A. O'BYRNE, 1863. J4 MARK DRIGGERS, GROCERIES, &C. GUNNY BAGGING,! SEA ISLAND BAGGING, HOPE, BACON. NEW YOUL EDWARDS’ HAMS, COFFEE, SUGAR, Ac., Ac.. Ac. [Special Despatch to :he Savannah Herald.] Millkdokvillk, Jan 20.—Mr. Russell of Chatham, to-day introduced a resolutiou re questing the Governor to intercede with the President for the restoration of the planta tions ou Wilmington, Whitemarsh, Skida- way aud other sea Islands ou the coast of Georgia, to their owners. The resolution passed both houses. ToTgrueIsT Tbe Freedmen’* Bureau under Discussion - Washinoto.v, Jan. 20—The Senate to-day engaged in a discussion upon the bill enlarg ing the privileges of the Freedmen 8 Bureau. Mr. Guthrie, of Kentucky, made a conser vative speech in opposition to the bill. He looked upou it as an invasion of the rights of the States calculated to irritate rather than quiet tho feelings of the people. Hold. New Yock, Jan. 20.—Gold closed to-day at 133 3-4. Jl-lm PHILLIPS & MYERS, 86 Bay Street. KIRLIN, BR0. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES. WISES MB LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER. STREET AND BAY DANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED X DELIVERED. an21 tf LATER FROM EUROPE. Foreign Markets. New York, Jan. 19.—The steamship Nova Scotia has arrived, with dates of the 6th insl. The Pope received the congratulations of the French Army on the first of January.— He returned thanks, and said that this would probably be the last time he would bestow his blessing on them. He feared that tbe enemies of the Church would govern Rome after the departure of the French troops. The London Times anticipates that by next January Napoleon will withdraw his troops from Mexico and Rome. Liverpool, Jan. 5.—Tbe cotton market opened buoyant at the first of the week with an advance of a quarter of a penny, which advance waa subsequently lost, the market closing with a partial loss of a quarter of a penny, owing to an advance in the rate of discount to 8 per centum by tbe Bank of England. The total stock in port is 402,500 bales, in cluding 196,000 bales of American cotton. The sales of the week were 65,000 bales, including 20,000 for speculation sad export. Tbe market closed dull at a decline of a quarter of a penny on the week. Middling Orleans 21d. U. S. Five-Twen ties 64 1-2. Bauk rate 8. One Day Later. Halifax, N. S., Jan. 19.—The steamahip Asia, with European dates ot tbe Ctb, baa arrived. The Liverpool cotton market was quiet. The sales on Saturday were eight thousand bales. Consols, 87 1-8- U. S. Five-Twenties, 64 1-3. Habile Market. Mobile, Jau. 19.—The sales of cotton to day were 600 bales of Middlings at 47c. The market ia quiet. Sales of the week, 10,400 bales. Receipts of the week 12,550 bales. Exports of the week, 9,371. Stock ou bond, 86,426. Gold 1411-3- .. PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Retail' Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, For* sis'll and Domestic Wint-i, Liquors and Segals. A'so, Skchau’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AJfT> CHAMPAGNE CIDER. in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions mads to tbe trade. 176 BROUGHTON .STREET, SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street, N. Y. dll-tf BUTTER, Flour and Lard. Having received a large Btock of the above, AT VERY LOW RATES, we are able to offer great Inducements to buyers. BANDKLL * CO., Southwest corner ot Bay and Barnard its. Ladies’ Hair Dressing, BY CELIA ABBOTT, Between Whitaker ana Barnard Streets, four doors from Whitaker. H AVE on band a fine assortment ot French Goods, direct from Paris. Everything appertaining to Head Work for sale. Ladles wifi be visited at their residence*. If de. sired. - JIM Legal Notices, At au auction sale of Stocks in Charleston last week, those of the State of Georgia brought the highest price. Georgia State bonds sold at $66; State of South Oarolina six per cent, bonds brought $61. BATCHXHOK'8 HAIR DVB The Original and Best in tbe World i The only tree and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous. Prodaces immedlate.y a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or akin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLBFLEUBS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. aoJ«-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR. Nsw Tome. S tate ok GEORGIA—McIntosh count y-to ail whom it mav concern : WiiereaB, W. 'W. Churchill applies to me for letters of rtdininistrntion ou the estate of Stephendlacon, late of said comity, deceased. Tltesp arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to make objection. If any tboy have, on or before the first Mouday In March next, othettrise said letters wifi be granted. Witness: K. A. Bird, Ordinary McIntosh county, this l?ih day of January, I860. R. A. BIRD, j20-tBwlm Ordinary M. C. QTATE OF GEORGIA—MCINTOSH COONTY—l'o O all.whom it may concern: Whereas, C. J. W. Thorpe applies io me for letters «( gun rdianshlp ou the person and property ot Bright Harris. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It luav concern, to make objection, ir any they Have, on or 'before tbe first Mouday in March next, otherwise said letters will be grao-ed Wit ness: IL A. Bird, Ordinary McIntosh couuty, Hus 17th day of January, 1806. ^ _ bird J2<vkiwlm Ordinaly M. C. tTatk of daobGiA—ctufiiAii VouNTf—to uta O s all whom It may concern Whereas, Hembree Crawford will apply at the Court of Ordinary lor Letters of Adnitniiiration ou the es tate of Wm B. Thomas, late of said county, de- Thcse are, therefore, to cite and all whom It mav concern, tu b* and appear before said Court to m*iri7 objection Of any they have) on or before the first Monday In Fsbrnary next, otherwise said let. ters will be granted. . _ , . Witness my hand and oOcfel signature this 2.0, day of December, 1866 _ _ _ dSS P. A. O'BYBNB, Q. C. C. 5 the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch county : to sell all the lands belonging to the estate O. Kimbrell, deceased, ltulloch couuty, this 18th d.y of December, 1866. JAMES W. KIMBRELL, MANNKN KICKLIOHTER, J4 Administrate QTATK OF GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY—To O all whom it may concern: tlon on the estate of Lewis Green, deceased: otherwise said letters will be granted the applicant. Witness, DAVID BEASLEY, Sen., j4 Ordinary ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. JAMES L. HAUPT, dl-law2m Administrator. may concern. lers wifi be granted. ceinher, 18G6. JS D. K. ROBERTS, Ordinary. S TATE OF GEORGIA. SCRIVEN COUNTY all whom it may concern : Vhereas, Clarasy Bragg will apply to the Co; dinary for Letters of Administration on the e of James Bragg, late of said county, deceased : Those are, therefore, to cite ;u;d adninnisl whom it may concern, to be and appear at said 0 to make objection, if any they have, on or before the second Monday In Fet letters will lie granted. Witness my official si comber, 1866. Ji D. K. ROBERTS, Ordinary. G EC i proper person, sylvania, December 27,1866. i6 D. E ROBERTS, O. S. C. A to the Ordinary of tjcrlven comfy lor leave t sell the real estate oi William Taylor, deceased, fo tbe benefit of the heirs aud creditors. January 4th, 1866. THOMAS BAYS MORE, J6 Administrator. Administrator’s Notice. T WO 1 t 1 eemetofor the purpose of distribution. JOHN O. FEKRTLt, lswvm Administrator. may concern: Fhereas, John O. Fertill will apply at ths C Ordinary tor Letters Dismlseory as administrator on tbs estate of Dr. Francis H. Demere, late of said county, deceased: These arc. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern to be and appear before said Court, to make objection (if any tli y have} on or before tbe first Monday in Jane next, otherwise said letters wifi be granted. Witness my official signature this 9th d«v of Decem ber, 1S63. D A. O'BYRNK dl3 Ordinary. S T TATE OF GEORGIA. MCINTOSH COUNTY—To all whom it may concern: Sixty days after date application will be made to tbe Court or Ordinary of McIntosh county for leave to sell the real and personal estate of P. L. Chartier, deceased, late of Saul county. T. P. PEASE, dll Executor. A dministratrix notice-»au persons having claims ngalnst the estate of Charles A. L. Lamar, late deceased, wifi present the same, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to CAROLINE A. LAMAR,. n!81aw6w Administratrix. A DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.—Sixty days alter date, I will make application to the Honorable Court of Ordary of Chatham county for leave to sell all the real estate of Pan! E. Glmigny, deceased, fo.- tbe benefit of his heirs ann creditors. LOUIS GUENVALD. Adm’r. Savannah, Dec. 6,1866.. dC-law2n> A PPLICATION has been made to the Ordinaiy of Chatham county, and under the conditions re quired by law. permission will be asked to sell all the real estate of Lewis Turner, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. dl-law2m* LEWIS T. TURNER, Adm’r v s 1 TATE OF GEORGIA, BRYAN COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Henry E. Smith wnl apply at the Court Ordinary for Letters of Administration ou the es tate of Major Albert W. hmlth, Dr. Solomon B. Smith, late or said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Conrt to make objection (if any they have] on or be fore the first Monday in February next, otherwise •aid letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this 27th day of December, 1866. d30 WM. H. HAYMANS.O. B.C. Learal Notices. il it 4’EoUGlA—CHATHAM COUNTY—Taall whom It vA nitty concern: $tkl Whereas Jrfmea E Cope will'apply ut the Comt of es- Ordinary for Letters DUmtssury as Administrator on on ; the estate 4>f James C. Thompson, ltUe of said county, \d- These are, the.efore, to cite aud fcdrnonish all whom itie it may concern to be and appear beiore «*id Court to md make objection (if auy Lhey have) on or bolore tliu first Monday ia May next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature this 2Cth day — of October, 18»5. D A. O BY^JJE, TO nov2-1ant6m Ordinary O. C. ha fi KORGIA—SCRIVEN COUNTY—To ull whom it VJT may concern: JT Whereas, Wm. L. Conner will apply at the Court of Ordinary tor Letters of Administration on the estate to of Isaac B. Conner, late of said county, deceased: k e These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom rjii it may concern, lo be and appear l>efore e?rid Conrt to make objection (if any they havej on or before the j. second Mouday iu February next,otuerwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this 27th day of December, 1565. to j8 D. E. ROBERTS. Ordinary. sk- OTATE OF GEORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY—To all lb, O whom it may concern : Whereas, Margaret Bragg will apply to the Court of Ordiuary for Letters of .Administration on the estate of Littleton Bragg, late of said county, deceased, to These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all ve whom lt may concern, to be and appear at the said in Court, to make objection, ff any tney have, on or before the second Monday in February next, ls66, otherwise said letters will <>e granted. Witness my official signature this 27th day of De cember, 1865. j8 D. E. ROBERTS, Ordiuary. ro QTATE OF GEORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY.—To ij all whom it may concern : of Whereas, John H. Mercer wilt apply at .the Conrt a- of Ordinary tor Letters of Administration de bonis non on the estate ot Dauisl S. Thornton, lale of said od county, deceased: .6 These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all I -j. wh"m it may concern, to be and appear beiore said j :tj Court io make objection (if any they havej ou or be- 1 fore the second Monday In Feiu-uary next, otherwise said letters wdt bo granted. I Witness my hand and official signature, this 27th 1 ■” day of December, 1865. j8 D.E. ROBERTS, Ordinary, j to CJTATE OF GEORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY—To or jj ull whom it may concern : e- Whereas, Arthur T. Robbins will apply at the Court o' t miinary for I .otters of Administrate -n on the estate I of John T Robbins, late of said county, deceased: Theae are, therefore, to cite and aomonish all 1 whom it may concern, to be and appear beiore said 1 < ourt to make objection (if any they havej ou or be- 1 fore the Becond Monday In February next, otherwise 1 * said letterswill be granted. j n Witness my hand and official signature, this 27th 1 ’• day of December, 1666. 1 j8 D. E. ROBERT*, O.dlaary. ^ EORGIA—SCRIVEN COUNTY.—To all whom it 1 , VT may concern: Whereas, Maty B.agg will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Guardianship of the minor 1 - heirs of Henry Bragg, late of said county, deceased ; 1 TltCoe are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom 1 lt may concern to ho and appear before said court, to make objection (if any they have) ou or before the 1 0 second Monday lu February next, otherwise s«iu . letters will be granted. 1 , Witness my hand and official signature this 27ih 1 *■ day of December, 1565. j JS D. E. ROBERTS, Ordinary. I r ] J^EORGIa—SCRIVEN COUNTY—To all whom It t , VJ may concern: | Whereas, Robert Falllcant will apply at the Conrt of I ’’ Ordinaiy tor Letters of Admlnls ration on the estate J of 'Viln&ru G. Falligant, late of said county, de- 1 ceased, I These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom 1 , , It may concern, to bo and appear before said Conrt to 1 :■ make objection (if any they have) oa or before ihe 1 1 second Ni-indny iu February next, otherwisa said let- I ’ ters will he granted. 1 q- ' Wliitcss my hand and official signature, this 27th 1 p dav of December, 1505. 1 „ JS D. E. ROBERTS, Ordinary. | _ i TV OT1CE—All persons Indebted to tho estate of 1 ^ XY Tnos. J. Pitt, late of the city ot Savannah, are 1 V requested to make payment to me, and all persons | having claims aguiaat said estate are required to 1 present them, duly attested, witr.ln the time pre- 1 , scribed by law to HENRY BRYAN, £ jl7-eon6w Aflrnirdstrator. 1 n TWO months a’ter date application will b« mads to 1 * tbe court of Ordinary ol Bulloch county for leave 1 a to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of William 1 E Wootatt, deceased. Bnlloch county, tills 18th day < f December, tS€6. I TI . ROBERT 11. WILLIAMS, jf AdmiTitauator. | CJTATE uF GEORGIA. SCRIVEN COUNTY—To 1 O nil whom it nmy concern: t Whereas, W. T. Opts will apply at the Court | of Ordinary for Lctteis of Administrati-m on the es- 1 tate ot It. G. L i a reuse, late ol said county, deceased! f These are, therefore, to cite Httd admonish all » h..m 1 It may concern, iu bn uud appear before said • Ourt tu 1 make objection (if any they uavej ou or before the 1 sJcoud Mouday in Feornary next, otherwise said let- 1 ters wi.l be grameti. Witness my hand and official signalers, this 27th day of December, 1866. i J8 ' D. E. ROBERTS. Ordinaiy. /■^.EORGIA SCRIVEN COUNTY—To all whom lt I VJI mat concern : 1 „ Whereas, Eliza Smith will apply at the Conrt of Or- 1 if] binary for Lebera Ol Admlnisttallun on ike estate ol 1 _ J. H. Smith, deceased : ] 10- These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom 1 ° it may concern, to be and appear before said Court 1 1 to make objection (if any they navel on or before the 1 2 second Monday in February next, otberwiso said let- Bio tel e will be granted. 1 5 Witness my hand and official signature this 27th 1 dixy of December, 1866. I jS D. E. ROBERTS, Ordinary. r1 EORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY—To all whom an! VJT it may conL»rn: I — • Wherea», Thomas Bayrmore will apply at the Court | of Ordinary ior Letters of Guardianship of the bells o I David Bragg, deceased; R These are, therefore, to dts and admonish all whom 1 it may concern, to tie and appear before said Court to [ W1 make "i.jectlon (if any they havsj on of- before the 1 I second Monday iu February next, otherwise said let- 1 < ters will be granted. I L Witness my hand and official B.gnatnre this 27tth Oil day of December, 1665. 1 Lot JS 5 D. E. ROBERTS. Ordinary. O’B QTATE OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY— 1 Lit: ki To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Charles C. Frendergast will apply at the 1 Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration enm 1 _ testum into annexo on the estate of Margaret Proa- 1 D ( dergast, late of said couuty. deceased: There are, therefore, ro rite and admonish all whom | TH it may concern, to be and appear before said conrt to I make objection (if auy they haver on or before the 1 f tltvt Monday lu February next, otherwise said letters 1 r will be granted. 1 ,. Witness try official signature tbla 20tb day ot De- 1 q cumber, 1865. 1 t, D. A O’BYRNE, r d21 Ordinary. ^ | $ a v a ii n a n Lessees and Managers.i.Messra. 1 •'t.' \ 6IFT ENTERTAIN®*,! test To be drawn ihis evening, vix ; I Gold Hunting Watch, value 1 Pearl Opera Glass 4 n 1 complete set Waverly Novels • ■ ? 1 .’ 5 1 Gold Pen and Pencil 2 1 Lady’s Work Box ? 1 Ad)um ',' ... I Portfolio; ” , 1 Album ; 1 Packet Book and Diary j The mode of drawing will he - i holder of a *1 ticket will reeelva a np ° Si: Hrt time of norohssing hi* tick t At tij” 01 * 1 ' it 5 j the THEATRICAL PERFORM A.'.OTa^ 5 *#* I gentlemen will be selected to A corresponding amount of namipolk' "'‘v* •' the audience will be placed In u hac ard folded, wnl draw therefrom. a aa tw Tae first number drawn will be ;h P . and every second number alt •twsri. prise until tbe whole number ;ire "jKflrV, be different prixe, oach evening. wbfchi'inV^st, hibiuoa at J. C. Schreiner i Soea' boos it * n Hamilton’s Jewelry store. Sluft iSbg l: Admission to all parts of tlio *i wishing a chancj iu the d.«r, !n,? will'bL as-!**# the usual pflee. ' 011 MONDAY EV’G, JANUARY 33 1*. Will be presented the beautiful corned, LITTLE TREASURE * Miss M E After wtoich. •Mr ^ THE PRIZES WILL BE DRAWS l conclude with the routing Irish farce of The Limerick Boy Sr To-morrow, Tue,d,y, the principal J'. a lingula cent hewing m,chine, veined at iwi* 1 AUCTION SALES** 5 * AUCTION. AUCTION. Jvery Monday, Wednesday aud Satu Evenings, ft Store, No. 71, St. Julian street, where a assortment of »ne. ^ a general Dry Yankee Notions, Jewelrv r-r . will be offered. 3 ' IC " Sales positive. — — — RARE CHANCES FOR INVESTMENT iforli, Williams, Mclntire Co, Offer for sale one hundred acres of Land 20 rom Savannah, on the White Bluff Rkad ’ xcellcot Stock Farm or for Gudimng uurL ^ onion or it is under cultivation aud tli?hajui te.mly timbered, and there are i.uco new ftSf - *a nr fVnnd . ii .u . . One desirable Lot at Thunderbolt Terms caan. Tides perfect & Co. Seven acre3 ef Laud with „ small House, pleasat’. . dtuaied, with flew, er garden, etc., at No 1I tral Railroad. 1 -aso, aces of Land, puriiy cleared and rc-advto I •alatteo well wooded at No. 2, Central Hat | jlAi BY BLUN & MEYER. nil be sold on MONDAY. January 22J, at 11 i/cioo, iu from of store: . Lot No. 65 8pri "field Plantation, conUlninr #; I The Iqi is fee eirrple, ana title- warranted. T- rms cash. jitpi 113 DAY. January 22, lsea, at 10 o'clock, la ffiwttf store, will be sold ; 6 bags Pepper 16 bids C t’ lo boxes 10’s Tobacco ly boxes Olive-Oil 10u tl. ien scrub and Bracking Bmehas doxeu .-ernb and lilaexlug Brushes dusen Smoking Pipes 6 ■ tuns Leaf Lard 10 bul S iouUiera and Hama lu bbla Sides auo, . The nanat assortment .,r Dr, Goods Notions, Clothing, Hosiery Fnrnitnre. B'-d 'lng, at . arc. -p UNDERWRITERS’ SALE jrope of J fTWO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch county, by James Hendricks, Guardian of Daniel Hendricks, a minor, deceased, for leave to sell all the lands be longing to sakl deceased, for a division among the heirs. JAMES KENDRICKS, Guardian. Bulloch county, Nov. 28th, 1S66. n28 EXECUTOR’S SALE- the estate of the late Onto SolJ by order of the EXecBW/ AT AUCTION. io front of store; Jj o* ,N tbe second Monday in Junnary next, application ' will bo made to the Ordinary of Chatham county for leave to sell all tbe real estate belonging to the es isle of Peter Stuck, late of said county, deceased, for distribution among tbo heirs of said estate. JULIAN HARTRIDGE, Administrator de bonis non, cum nl0-2am .testamentg annexe. S TATE OF GEOBGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY— To all whom lt may concern: Whereas, Mary A. Ccrvoisie will apply at the Conrt of Ordinary for Letters of Administration ou the es tate of James A. CurvolUe, late of said County de ceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it mav -concern, to be and appear before said Conrt to make objection Of any they nave) on or be fore the .first Mouday in February next, otherwise said letters will he granted. Witness my official cemU-r, 1865. derrifi D. A. O’BYRNK, o. c. C I signature this 23d day of De- p BORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY—To all whom It U may concern: Whereas, tbe estate of L. M. Strickland, late of said county deesasodfi* unrepresented, and no applica tion having been made for Letters ot Administration, nWice is here by given that on ths second Monday In February next, if no objection 1* made, Letter's of Ad ministration on snM estate will be granted to tbs Clerk of the HapsiMfOenTt. or to some other fit and proper person. Syivania, December 27.1S«6. JO P. K. ROBERTS, QHC. BORGIA—SCRIVEN COUNTY—To ail whom it sj may concern:. Whereas, Richard Loess win apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the Estate oi John X. Loess, Iste of sstd county, decssssd; These sre, therefore, to dte sod admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (If any they havsj on or before the 8ecpnd Monday Is February uaxt, otherwise said let ters will be granted. Witness my official signature this 27th day of Dse«»her, 1W. ., L -- nmn J* V. E. ROBERTS, Ordinary. G EORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY —To all whom it may concern. Whereas, BridgetC. Prendcigast will apply tithe Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the vstste ol Thomas Prendergaet.late of said county, deceased: These are. therefore, to cite and oil monish all whom It may concern to be and appear before said Court, to make objection (if any they have) ou or before the first Monday in Fsbrnary next, oth»ruise said le - ters will be granted. Witness my official signature this 16th day of Decern- her, 186*. , decs# D. A. O’BYBNB. Ordinary, r nPWO months alter date, application will ha made X to the Ordinary of Chatham county for leave to sell all ow Interest, being »three-fourth interest, of Charles A. L. Lamar, lately deceased, In tbe doming mill situated at the corner of Broughton and Ran dolph streets, In the city of Savannah, for tbe benefit of the creditors of the estate. Caroline a. laxar, - <122t*m8m Administratrix, y S TATE OF GEOBGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY —To all whom it may concern : Whereas, Frances Sheffield will apply at the Conrt of Ordinary of Bnlloch county for Letters of Guardian ship of Rhode F. Sheffield, of William fiteffiaM de- ce&«ed: •' • ■' Theae are therefore to cite and admonlkh all and rfngttlu the kindred ted Mends of esl-i mb or to file thdr ohircthuM with soldcourt (It sny they havej, on bfore the first Monday In February next, ouer- wbw arid letters will ba framed Wtaeea, DAVID BEASLEY, Sen., J4 Ordinary. AUCTION BALE. By T. J. Walsh. Will be sold on MONDAY next, tbe 2-M ius’tuii, »i # o’ciock, lu Iront of slore: 3 m-w sets COTTAGE FURNITURE, each set c- n SlStlDg of— 1 Bedated 1 Bureau and Glass, marbit top 1 Wasteland, marble ti p 1 Toiler Table 4 Bitting Ciir.lrs 1 Rocking 1 hair Sale positive. _ ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. I N pursuance of an order at the Court ofOralotfi or CliMXham county, will be sold on the anrtTs» Whereas, John C. Dudley will apply at the Conrt of I dsv In •’ehrnary next, at tbe Court House door, - 1 Ordiuary for Letters ot Administration, cum testa- I the city of Savannah,, daring th : usual hours of niento unnexo, ou ihe estate of Sarah C. Davidson; I a ff the undivided half interest ot James Bilbo, W* late of said county, deceased, deceased, in the fc-hanby Hall /arm, situated near tee These arc, therefore, to dte and admonish all 1 city ofSavannali on theTnundcrboli road; »aiJ w a whom it may concern, to bo and appear before said J contaiuiug i n all fifty acres, more or less. j Court to make objecilou (if any they havej on orbe-1 TUe said half Interest sold for the puipose ol o- fore the first Mouday in February next, otherwise I vision JOHN D. FEKIULL said letters will be gi-anled. | dT-td Administrate Witness my official siguatnre this 28th day of De- { comber, 1865. j d29 D. A O’BYBNB, O. C. C. A C l KORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom X it may concern: Whereas, Abraham Minis will apply at lbs Conrt of Ordinary for Letters of Administration cam testa- nientnm annexo on the estate of Hester Minis, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefor*, to cite and admonish all whom lt may concern, to be and appear liefore said court to make objection fif any they havej on or before tho J first Monday in February next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my official signature this 20th day of Da- j comber, ISfo. D. A. O'BYRNE, d~21 Ordinary, S TATE OF GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom lt mr.y concern: RIFLE SHOOTERS J AH1P A FINE SADDLE HORSE, not full four years r-i”- I perfectly sound, and a fine double-barrel SHOf ft EORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY—To aU wham or it may concern: Whereas, Hannah N. Myers will apply at the Court -- - - - - — - - j of Ordinary fur Letters or Guardianship on the persons I GUN, will be th,.t for at N. faell a plaatat-.un, Ir ir , K 7 and pronerty-of Mutllda and Ida ITBahn, otphoii (Lane, on Monday,*adJauuary, 1-.6J, at 11 o-cm \ children of Wm. Rahn, deceased; , , . These ate therefore, to cite and admonish *11 vrUom it may concern, to beam! apitesr before Said court to make objection (if any they hav.-i on or befote tbe first Monday in rebruary urxt, otherwise said letters will be granted Wl; tress my official signature this 79i.ii day of De cember, 1865. D A. O’UYUNK, JS Oi-iinary. * PPLit'ATlON will be made for renewal of the foi- ■A- lowing stock savannah A A Ogeechea Canal Co., lost ftt stolen lti 1884: Scrip NO JO, iW) share*; No 11, YOU thares; No. 12,200 shtres; No. S3. S3 chares; No. 39, S3 share*, No. 40, 34 aharr* t total TOO foarte. dTS-lawim” ANDREW HOLLIDAY. Every gentleman will be permitted to nsehlso 1 rifle, or oe furnibheil with on - at the plantation. Value of tho Rory, $i»o; vain* of Gun, ilOo. FAlEiiAJSK’S Standard Scales Are tarnished at aftnsiketurer’s prices, by BRADY, SMITH & CO., Abesit. Stock of Tartans styles and sixes at their waret 00 ®’ | North aide of Bay street, between Whitaker and Hard. These first-class and unequalled Weighing MwW* need no other recommendation than that they #1 ' j CJTATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY—IO Q all whom it may concern r Where**, Richard T. Gibson will apply at the Conrt of Ordinary for Letters Dlsmlssoty aa Admin! at rater on the estate of Louisa C. Carrnthera, late of said county, ctectaaed: i ~ t—— - Time an. therefore, to cits and admonish sll wham received the unqualified approval ot btuhwas It may concern, to b* and appear Wore said Court, to I , , TCU . nuk* objection Ilf any tin-r havej, on or before ths I tarv diet Monday in July next, otherwise said Letters will STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION, my official Signature this tat day of Jan. DURABILITY AND ACCURACY, UatyjaW. D. A. O’BYRNS, - ADAPTATION AND CONVENIENT .jg. Ordinary Chatham county. 1 p EOItGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom «• found combined In Oa. \3r it may concern: .1 Wbersaa. Margaret Doyle will apply at the Conrt of j Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate I i^sWeMbrefte'dteS&teh^wbom *>•»«*»* *» * it may concern, to be and apnar before said court to I nominating NEW PRINCIPLES AND IMP make objection (if anythey ttnvej ou or beforwtba RENTS. Of such let business nun beware. JrihS^tid.^ 1101 " 7 * ftW **** suffer noons to impale aponthsffi with worthie- Fairbanks Standard Scales. Witness my official signatora this iMb day Of De cember, ties. D. A. O’BYBNE, «20* Ordinaiy. unreliable goods. tW~ AU styles and sizes tarnished promptly- jfoUs "'7