Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 25, 1866, Image 3

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:t A . • rules fwt. > A V A 3ST 3N~ A H . p*r'«“ e “May I ■nera. of steamships »“ d Steamer-. kob new tore. Hunter. Thursday. January 28ih, at — Istearnsb’-P lc'.<’ ck ' ,. r „ A Thursday, January 25th. jjtcinirh'P Llock I Jito-H 11 ittlilp San Jacinto, Saturday, January 27th, at Flambeau, Saturday. January 27th, at ' tP >“• Express, ^earner Iflock- sit'Hiiirf " m FOR AUGUSTA. Thursday, January 26th, at — I sieam er o’clock FOR CHARLESTON. Fountain, Friday evening, January 20th, I gainer ocK. G. Gibbons, every Saturday morning, brought his wagon witli him to take home his prize. Two of the most valuable of the other prizes were drawn by individuals in the “up dar” regions. The gifts distributed nightly are all ol' the genuine solid, costly and beautiful kind, being exactly what they are claimed to be, as the fortunate possessors invariably certify. An attractivclist of prizes Is of fered in connection with this evening’s performance, including a Lady's Gold Watch, worth $110; a guitar, opera glasses, ear rings, sleeve buttons, etc. etc., all of the best quality. A glance at the advertisement this morning is calculated make one desperate. riwkhnd, Friday morning, January 26th, sfearorr If° ch ‘ e o'ciocR- »- g Hougllton< every Tuesday mom- steamer cn»* ‘ . o'clock- c> for doctor-town- Orient, every Tuesday morning, at 7 [ stcainef Gcn rpclOCK. i Shepley, every Sunday morning, f ob hawkinbville. I Sfe' licel lhar^ay nlurIiia| er o. £, at 9 o'clock. m fou TlIOVASVII.I.t F Potter, every Monday, Wednesday i''pflymoming. at 7 o'clock. for FLOKin*. | < t ,Miner sylvan Shore, every Tuesday morning, at |o o'clock [ '■'•earner Fanuic, every Tuesday morning, at 10 Lizzie B iker, every Friday morning, at every Saturday morning, at earner Helen Getty, ■clock. C u.:—■The regular meeting of UFETINO OF CulNC ,1 took place last evening. His Donor Mayor r on and the following Aldermen were pres- 111 g lernrin Laclilison, Wyily, O'Byrne. Casey, ho uingtiam, Soullard, Ferrill, McMahon. Schley. T y er the reading of the minutes of the previous I ^ "m the appeal case of one Molvaney, wlio had * i lined »°ft in tiie Mayor’s Court lor stealing cot- ;l and attempting to bribe a policeman to couuive • the theft. wr.s taken up. The testimony ofCapt. Me i lum and Policeman Mattox, the officer to whom 1 *" offered was taken, and established Upon the Ir.e brine w |, t . lacri m the case as previously elicited. in.’lnih'U of the evidence, Alderman Lacblisoo ud- ■ !«ed' the Council briefly, reviewing the case. De he was in favor of incrcasingthe fine from $20, "rsj ami made a mo’ion to that effect, ne said it ^e duty of Hie C 'Uiicil to sustain the Mayor in hs efforts to pat a stop to the cotton stealing so brevalcnl at the present time and to prove to the [fleer that Ida faithfulness to ills duty was apprect I A heavy flue in this case might have the el-, rt of stopping cotlon stealing to some exteut. John 31. Gut rani, K-q., counsel fur Mulvaney, en sured wsl |ut '' ltot diet ' lr l' Councii had no au- Ihoritv to impose any penalty in this case, under its [nlinances. It ivasn case not of cotton stealing, but zaf attempt- L j briber-.' of a pollccman^-au ofl'euce not known to ordinances. Tile term “Improper conduct" tuahl not be extended to this offence. The city could • punish any act before It was declared by the ;ts of the city to be criminal. Stealing cotton also a felony which could be punished only by the Lperior Court, and the Couucii had really no juris- iciion hi this rase whatever. Alderman Laclilison contended that the offering of ..nw to the officer sufficiently proved that the prl- ulus were doing that which could properly be con- proper conduct. He renewed his motion oiactease Hie One to *50. AiJrnnan Schley seconded the motion. 1: was i arried unanimously. i!it‘ reports of various committees were pre- au- i. and several called upon to report asked l'nr- Tte city Ordinances were taken up. Tiiconilnanee authorizing the issuance of the nc-w , bonds io an amount not exceeding $700,000, a i” within twenty years, was read for the thlid e ami adopted. An ordinance to regulate the mannerof conducting iboutings, public exhibitions, gatherings, etc., |wj«afco passed. The ordinance requires the*.iana- jer-ur balls and gatherings of any sort to procure a penult from the .Mayor, and imposes a penalty of $50 breach disturbance of the public peace, to lie paid • 'he managers and persons present at the ball, itherlng, «•><•. I t also provides for a special police [force of flvt- men to attend at every public gathering. i expense ui such police force to be borne by Hie managers of the hall, exhibition, etc., and m no ease y the city. A number of petitions upon matters of no public ^merest were then introduced, and after the traus- i twii iff the usual routine of business, Council ad- Bourutd. Eomeev.—We have been informed that Mr- Dan- lit. Harden, a citizen of Philadelphia, boarding with |.Irt Klkins, corner of State arid Jcficrsou streets, most stiifuHy relieved by one Bryant, on Sun- |day night last, or two hundred and fifty dollars in r. aid a carpet bag filled with new clothing. fTlie uiifommate victim, who was thus deprived of iii he had. and the unsuspected victlmizer were fel o-.v-lodgers In the same room, and, as conjectured et'.vten the hours of two and four In the morning latter managed to get possession of the stolen ".i.ies and to escape from the room and bnlldlng valient waking any of the slumbering inmates—an vement in the line of his profession indicating -1 -h degree of proficiency. Mr. H. was not ap- : is’d of his situation until Hie hour for rising in the |m rung, when he hastened to avail himself of the | services of the police. "M learn that .Mr. Harden offers to pay one hun- Iwl dollars for the npprelienslon of the thief and :herestoration of the stolen property. He is about Meet 10inches high, fair complexion, light brown -in Muoothhface and higli ciieek bones. Railway supplies and Machinery.—Attention is | “•trt'ttd io ihe advertisement of Duger & Hasell, of ' •ttfatun, In another column. This firm brings to 1business of procuring on commission, ‘engines, |machinery, etc., lor manufactories and contractors, “•id the supply of railroad companies with all kinds I matenal and maclilnery required in construcllon I i-.puiilirg—an intimate knowledge of the wants of 'C-'.r patrons derived from a long experience in rali- li jiul. engineering and contracting work. Mr. Huger I l,etn a Prominent merchant ot oar sister city for untj years, and Mr. Hasell enjoys a high reputs- I- 1 'u tl.ioaghont the South as an able engineer and I-.t -T J l manager - "avlng always been connected Ver r ’ ll ' ruiia3 public works, either as civil engi- r <a raiuoad manager, among which may be Iile fol! °wing: Chief Engineer and Genc- 1)tnulen dent of the New Orleans, J. and Great Ivruut"!] 1131 ^ 01111 ' Cllief Engineer and General Sn- Lsnlen'tT or lhe Memphis and Ohio Railroad, and 01 Hit Charleston and Savannah Railroad. 0ul rfcail tr8 to the advertisement else- reier vlicre. : IaIPoRTaSy Covmv o s, eaj.iso Case Disposed of.— Morris, Henr" 6 ?- * Court . ve3tcr day, the case of Isaac will, larcen’v “ mi ’ beil a "d Ned Bayne, charged ‘rouHhewareUouMofw 1 ^ 16 quamity of cotton vas disposed of l,v ti Mr ‘ Ual trlll B e - ou Bi >‘ street > tioued cotton thitv ' e 8cillence of the above meu ' kail and chain l ° filx m °bths’ hard labor, with —' of the city. Tnt C.i Judge Advocate of I ;ha AE,Jr ‘- Capt ‘ J ‘ H ‘ Wat ‘ Hie trial of (J u L- * ,tte millt ary commission for Jers lr °m Departmem yestcrda * received or- tlier nroi’eani.,.. . Heail, f u ‘* rc ers to suspend fur- w ifl probably be ni-n. caae - A new commission ’lie trial win be wltll ‘ n a r ew days, when ‘ Proceeded with. despatch «»/ HE SAN Salvadur at New York.— :em orthV&H y ? 8terda T, b y Mr. B. H. Hardee, £ . - —uj mi. u. xx. nuruee, ^aivaiior ? lrC L,ne of 8teanrehi PS» says the San diTiyea at York on TiiMdav Ht. four New York on Tuesday at four from Savannah clock p v v ,orK 011 «80tingt't t S ° ther steamshtpa ffe call nttention to the advertisement of Gift Ball * tSt - Andrews Hall ‘eenthnr ^ T^ l “‘ 0nFriday even Hig. It will be that each ticket will receive a prize , Tha1, ' ks -—We are indebted The Theatre.—A larger house than on either of of the previous nights of the gift season was present at the Theatre last evening, comprising the elite of the city. The drawing of the prizes was of coarse the main feature of the evening, although the fine song of Mr. Geo. Gray created a genuine tnrore, and resulted in the enthusiastic recall of that most excellent vocalist. The drawing of the prizes then followed, and was conducted as usual, amid consid erable excitement, the announcement of the lucky ticket-holder being always awaited with the keenest interest and received with an iuvolnntary burst of good natnred congratulation from the audience. The principal prize for the evening, the set of cottage furniture valued at $83, was drawn by Mr. Geo. P. Rice, of the Adams Express Co., who said he had [Correspondence of the New York Herald.] Fortress Monroe, JaD. 12, 1866. Regarding the alleged plot to rescue Jeff. Davis, ol which I wrote iu my last letter, there are no specially new or exciting devel opments. A rumor prevailed that two or three vessels having suspicious parties ou them unable to satistaclorily account for their presence here had been ordered away, but I find, ou iuvestigatiou, there is no truth in the statement. Vessels arriving are still search ed, however, and a careful watch kept night and day upon the movements of all species of water craft, from the ponderous seagoing steamer to the lightest Liliputian canoe crccpiug in the stilll midnight hours amid the docks and shipping. A steam tug with a guard of soldiers exercises this nightly vigilance, and not a vessel or boatman stirs hut a challenge is sounded and an account ing for the movement has to be rendered. Much more than usual strictness is enjoined also, as to admissions inside the iort. Passes are most rigidly exawiued; and un dergo the supervision ot two sets of sentries, one outside and the other inside the main entrauce—instead of only one, as formerly. A couple of saucy howitzers have, since the excitement, been placed facing tbe principal entrance, intended, of course, to extend the primal honors of welcome—aud a warm welcome it would be—to those audacious enough to effect an ingress here otherwise than through the kindly courtesies of the military authorities. I need uot go into all ,lhe details ol defensive preparations. It is only necessary to say that they are ample for any emergency. The presumption is that Jeff. Davis, the et quorum pars magna ot ail this present excite ment, knows nothing about it. Recent orders still forbid aDy officer or other person saying a word to him, and he certainly would he likely to keep close mouthed on this subject if he knew auything about it, even were there uu order hermetically sealing his lips upon tbe subject of conversation. It is possible, and more than probable that he may find difficulty in accountiug for the extra guard placed over himself aud tiie late rather ab rupt and marked change of deportment to ward him as a prisoner. Be bis thoughts yvhat they may, he grins and bears it with impassioned grace. He still enjoys bis meals, and they continue to be made of the best the market affords; has the same if not a grow ing relishing fondness for his pipe, as zeal ously appreciates his daily outdoor walks, shows no flagging interest iu his daily peru sal of the papers and hooks allowed him, is still most scrupulously careful—not to say femininely fastidious—upon the subject of his toilet, and makes his own bed and sweeps nis owu room daily, as of old. His health also continues excellent—to himself aud to friends aud foes the chief consideration of all. [From tiie Richmond Enquirer.] SENSATION AT FORTRESS MONROE—SCSrECTEl) ATTEMFT TO RESCUE MR. 1JAVI9. Tiie “rebel” sojourners at Old Point Com fort, most of whom have been engaged there iu tbe United Slates Ordinance Department, were started and surprised Sunday morning by the promulgation of an order requring them to leave the place. One hour was given them to depart, and as no steamer was at hand they passed the night iu Hampton, and yesterday morning “run ihe gauntlet" to the wharf at Old Poiut, and look the steamer to Richmond. They num bered between forty aud fifty men, many of whom left their baggage behind in th«ir hur ry. Tne agent of the National Express and Transportation Company, located ut the Point, being in the “relief’ category, unable to bring off bis office property, turned over his keys and the contents of the otlice gen erally to tbe agent of Ihe Adams Express Company, who happened to be a Northern man. The reason assigned for this summary or der was a report that a plot was in progress to lescue Mr- Davis. Upon what amouut of truth this report was based we have no means of ascertaining, as the whole procedure was iu accordance with an order from the War Department at Washington, which,it is to be presumed, acted upon secret evidence, tbe particulars of which it has not yet thought proper to divulge. Iu pursuance of the de tails of the order, the guard on duty at and around the fort was trebled, and the bridges over the moat were drawn. The “exiles.’ who reached the city last night, report that the restrictions upon the privileges of Mr, Davis had been increased, and that now he was not even permitted to speuk to the Lieutenant of the guard placed over him. It is difficult to conceive how the United States authorities could he induced to give credence to auy such report as that lrom from which all this sensation has been pro duced. II there can be any truth in it it re flects seriously upon the sanity of such as may be concerned, but it will fiDd few ra tional men to believe it in the South or else where. The whole affair has the appear ance of a radical design against the South, in which the authorities have been duped by hired agents, and a sensation, prejudicial to the restoration of confidence between tbe two sections, created for party purposes and effect. ARRIVALS AT THK HOTELS. PULASKI HOUSE—W. H. WlLTBEBCKR A Co. * Dr J F Brown, Ga W D Hamilton, Ga J O Jelks, Hawkinsville W H Hendley, Ga Maj H D LaPalmeUe, AdJ W F Woolty, Capt E A Storenborongh, Capt F A Jones, C pt W F Lamb, J P Tuatin, Grand Rapids H I, Spencer, N Y W T Burch, N Y M Bigelow, Jr Newark G E Myers. N Y A Hillary, Iowa J U Crowell, WaBlngton J R Beardsley, Indiana S S Strong, do J D Blaucnard, Cuba J Cooper, Savannah M S James, C W J E Ross, Savannah, M UTonno, Ala. M S Mamiell, N Y, M J French, Beanlort W M Fessenden, Boston EB Paine, do CH Campbell, NY ,Mrs C Holmes, do A M Huger, Charleston C K Sherman, Wasliingtn Mrs Tunno. Charleston Miss Tonuo, do Miss Tuuno, do J D Smith, lady and chil dren, Thomasvilie Mrs U Mayo and daugh ter, Auensta Gen W W Barns and wile USA Miss Belle Burns, J E Oousens, N Y T Gardner, do A L Archer,' Ga, Noah Adams, Ga, NTH .rn a i, Louisiana, r H Pittman, Saiuleravuie, J J Van Nostrand, Fla, MARSHALL HODSE—A. B. LUCE. W A Aider, S C Mrs Tunno, Miss B Tunno Miss N O Tunno, J B Adamson, Charleston J M Cordey, Ogeechee Lt Wm M Bartley, R L Morris, La, Adjt W T Woolcy, Lt Edward Allred, 11 J Merchant, H B Fessenden, Boston E ll Paine, do M J French, Beaufort T K Selmes, liaunibai, Mo A O Howe, N Y Lt John F. Blanev, A <! Demarest, N Y, A K Allison. Florida, Major Manulug,Savannah Thomas Jackson, Ga, A J Williams, Ga, Shipping; Intelligence. - Miniature Almanac—This Day- Sun rises 6 51]Moon sets l 48 Sun sets a 09) High water 4 09 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Wednesday, Jan. 24,18C6. Arrived. Steamship Flaiubeau, Eaton, New York John R Wilder. British ship Kalos, Soullard. Morrison, Liverpool—E A Imports. 9012 sack.3 Salt, 22ft tons Coal, 95 colls Rope, 1 coll Wire, SO casks Pickles. 2 chests Tea, 12 cases Cham- paigne. 1 box Silver Ware. Passengers. Per steamship Flambeau, from New York—M S James. Gen Burus aud wile, Miss B Bums„ B Miili- keu, Mr Sclmans. H West, S Liuk and wife, Miss E Link, Miss J Link, Miss H Link, Mrs DeLap, Aliss C Delup, U DeLap, Mrs S R May, J May, H Bohen, J L Green, J McDaniel, J B Cozzens, Mr Stelnliaur, A O Rowe, J Bee, D McCaui, A Engel to, Miss M Sherman, U B Hunt, U Schultz, T Gardner, A Zeller, T II Ro gers, P Coyle, J Plankett, J Johusou, C Couvay, Pat Gorey. Memoranda. Steamship Flambeau reports—Left New York Jan 21st at 9 a ui, with U S mail, with merchandise and passengers. Time from New York, 70 hoars. Jan 21st. 11 a m passed steamship Blur of the South and steamship Adele. bound South ; Jan 22 at 8:50 a m, exchanged signals with steamship Herman Living ston in lat ati deg 38 min, long 74 deg 65 min, steer- lug Norm by East, Jau 23 at 1:30 a m passed a steamer bound North. LIST OF VESSELS IN TIIK PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Jan. 2 • STEAMSnil’S. Leo, Merrill, loading. New York—O Cohen. Hunter. Rogers, discharging, New York—Hunter & Gammeil. San Jacinto, Loveland, discharging, New York—B Hardee. snips. •Swedish ship Oscar 1st, Overgnard, Barcelona— Carl Epping. Thorwalson, (Br) Bromage, discharging—Reid & Stewart. Favorite, (Brj Spain, loading, Liverpool—E A Soul lard. Herald, Calvert, loading, Liverpool—C Green * Son. -tons, loading, Liverpool— Mozart, (Br) Smith, tons, discharging—T R & J G Mills. Dayspring (Br) Coote, discharging—Clias Green A Soil. Consul. Beasley, discharging—W Battersbv A Co. Auabelia, Adams, discharging—Brigham, Baldwin & Co. BA11KS. Arbitrator, Allen, discharging—Brigham A Bald win. Craesco, (Br) Carrey, R J Caugliey. Zepliyrine. Peuiston, loading, Liverpool—Reid A Stewart. Evening Star, Fry, loading. Liverpool—Yonge A Nixon. W H Jenkins, (Br) Cromain, loading, Liverpool —E A Soullard. Maria Henry, Prince, loading, Liverpool—Chas L Coiby A Co. Rbekaway. (Br) Rossance, discharging—E A Soul lard. Crimea. (Br) Euglaud, discharging—Brigham, Baidwm A Co. Colonist, (Br) Taylor, loading, Liverpool—C Oreen & Sou. BRIUS. Marion. Dick, discharging, Sidney, Cape Breton— Ybuge A NLxon. Clias "Vesley, Ford, discharging, Boston—Master. Amazon, (Swedish) Sviububong, discharging, Leg horn, Italy—Claghom & Cunningham. Geo Harris, Ficncli, discharging, Bostini—Hunter •f Gummed. Executive, , Matanzas, discharging—Ciag SPECIAL NOTICES. Hail’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Reaever Has proved iteeil to be tbe most perfect preparation lor the hair ever offered to the public. It is a vegetable compound, and contains no injuri ous properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY’ HAIR TO ITS ORIG INAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft, ma trons and silken. _ It is a splendid hair dressing. No person, old or young; should fail to use it. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. OF-Ask for Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian Dal Renewer, and take no other. R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. U„ Proprietors. For rale by all druggists. BARNES, WARD & OX, NewOrleuns, La., n33-6m Southern Wholesale Agents. KEROSENE WARE, Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Harp Hangers, Side Backs, Side Lamps, with and without Reflectors; Fan cy Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Bases, Pegs and Fonr.ts- Patent Glass Cones, Burners, Globes, Chimnies and Wick, DRUGGISTS' FLINT A GREEN GLASS, Crock ery Dealers’ and Confectioners’ GLASSWARE. Goods of all kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL. JAMES T. WRIGHT, 226 Greenwich Street, Two doors below Barclay, N. Y novl-3m A PHY SIOLOGICAL View of MARRIAGE Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine Plates and Engravings of tiie Anatomy of the Human Or gans in a state of Health and Disease, with a Trea tise on Early Errors, its Deplorable Consequences upon the mind and Body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, and those contem- pliit ing marriage, who entertain doubts of their phys ical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or postage currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. T he author may be consnlted upon any of the dis eases upon which his book treats either personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part ot the world. octlO bin haul sirs BATCHELOR'S The Original and Best in the World ! The only true and perfectHair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous. Produces immedlate.y a splendid Black or uaiurai Brown, - without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. AldO, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLBFLEURS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. an!4-ty CHARLES BATCHELOR, Nrw York. Office of U. S. Direct Tax Com missioner. Attempt to Burn a Church.—On Sunday evening, the 6th, an attempt was made to burn Dr. Hall’s church, in Providence, R. I. After the evening service, the congregation had withdrawn, the two or three persons re- maing discovered, just as they were closing the building, that it was on fire. One of them thought ot the belfrey stairs, where once belore an incendiary fire was kin dled, and to that poiut they proceeded, when up under a door leading to the bell deck, which was locked, they found a compact bundle ot rags, hel^snugly together by care ful stitching, and with two long trains at tached, all saturated with camphene or ker osene, and the trains burning slowly up to ward the bundle. Theintense smoke emitted by tbe burning trains had penetrated to the lower part of thefcouse sooner than the incendiary expected, and the wicked scheme to burn one of the most beautiful church ed ifices in the State waa happily I rustrated ■ Mr. Dejung’s Speech on Reconstruc tion was listened to with such close atten tion and an interest so lively as to make the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, as well as the members, forget when Mr. Dem- ing’s hour was up. It is generally conceded to have been the most brilliant spaech de livered this season, beiDg strong in argument and most elegant in form and diction. He took strong ground against the admission ot Southern claimants for seats .without further guarantees, and supported his argument by an exhaustive theoretical discussion of the present Btate of the rebel States, as well as statements of facts concerning tbe present condition of things in tbe South. Tbe speech deserves to be widely circulated and read by every thinking man. Gen. Green Clay Smith, of Ky., followed him, readiug his remarks from a manuscript, but after Mr. Deming's telling effort, he found it impossible to rivet tho attention of the Bouse. .Vright, Hugg, discharging—R Habersham & horn A Cunningham. Bessie, (Br) Jackson, discharging—Yonge A Nixon. Handy, Bedel, discharging, New York—Tucker & Patterson. Atlantic. Wark, lot tons, loading, Nassau, N P—B, Wyily * Christian. K C W Sou. Ella, Brown, waiting—E A Soullard. Daniel Boone, repairing. Resolute, Lane, repairing—Master. Clara Ellen, Dexter, discharging—Gowdy & Brad ley. . Monerit, , waiting—Yonge A Nixon. Ocean Belle, — tons, Morton, discharging. SCHOONERS. Bremen, Card, discharging, Bath, Me—Van Horn, Uolyoke Murray. July Fourth, Sliasv. discharging. New York—Van Horn, Holyoke A Murray. J A Brown, loading. Havana. Anna Sitns, O’Keefe, loading, Baracoa, Cuba. Fish, Davis, discharging, Philadelphia—G R Tag- gerr. J G Miller, Higgs, discharging, Elouthura, Bahama —Yonge & Nixon. G J Miller, (Br) discharging, EIcnthura, Bahamas. John K Duly. , discharging, Baltimore Bay State, Torrey, discharging— F W Sims A Co. Camilla, Clark, discharging—J R Wilder. Ira Bliss, , discharging—Order. John M Brooinall, Douglass, loading, New Y'ork— Clias L Colby & Co. Young Teaser, Morton, waiting—Van Horn, Uol yoke A Murray. Callsta. Hall, loading, New York—C L Colby & Co. Sclir W S Loud, Frye, commander—loading lor Mobile—B U Hardee. Sclir Fannie Elder, Shore, master—loading for Mo bile—B H Hardee. CENTRAL RAILROAD BANK, Savannah, January 9, 1866. O N and after Monday, the 22d of January Inst., this Bank will be opened for the reception of Cna- BE..T Funds oil deposit. Business hours lrom 9 a. m. to 2 p.m. GEORGE A. CUTLER, jt0-3w Cashier. 'TATE OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY—To all 3 whom it may concern : Whereas, Mary Gould will apply at tbe Conrt of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on of Elizabeth Bunch, late of said county deceased ; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to Le and appear before said Court to make objection, if auy they have, on or be fore the first Monday In March next, otherwise said letters will be granted. W itness my official signature, this 23d day of Jan uary. 1866. D. A. O’BYHNE. j25* Ordinary C. C. KENT’S EAST INDIA COFFEE. rt EQUAL TO JAVA 1 . negflsa nf&l HALF THE PRICE! MW*, GOES TWICE AS FAR I Recommended and Used by All I CLEPiGYMEN, PHYSICIANS and Professional Men, as the cheapest, healthiest and best beverage in the would! FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS NORTH AND SOUTH Tne Southern trade, to which it is specially adapt ed. supplied through the New York city Wholesale Grocers, or direct from the Manufactory. S^I154I^@ NEW YORK.. RICHARD DAVIES, Proprietor. And General Wholesale Dealer in Teas and Coffees. d!9-3m XI Singer Sewing Machines. Principal Office lor the 8tate of Georgia, UI BBWOHTOll STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General Agent. A large assortment for sale at New York prices. Sewing .Machines of all kinds repaired at short ‘ notice. Stitching neatly done, nil DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, ) Savannah, Dec. 13, 1866.1 Owners of Lots, Lands and Improvements in ihe clly of Savannah, Ga., are notified that the Tax Roll for ■aid city Is completed, and the taxes dne thereon may be paid to the undersigned within sixty (60) days from this date, at onr office, north-west corner of South Br"ad and Lincoln streets, in said city of Savannah. For non-payment of the tax, the Act of Congress prescribes a forfeiture of the property taxed to the United States. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and 2 to 6 p. in. T. P. ROBB, S. A. PANCOAST, j. c. bates, U. S. Direct Tax Commissioners, Diet, of Georgia. FINANCIAL. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For sale by acpl» BRIGHAM. BALD WIN * CO. Sight Exchange ON NEV YORK, In same to suit purchasers, by sep28-tf E. F. METCALFE A CO EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK. AT PAR, In sums to suit purchasers. FORDYCE, ANDERSON A JANNSY. JlO-tf 10 Stoddard’s Range. FOE SALE, C ITY OF SAVANNAH COUPONS, in sums to 1 suit purchasers. FORDYCE. ANDERSON A JANNEY, No. 10 Stoddard's Range. HAVAIA SEGARS, PIP E8, Chewing and Smbking TOBACCO. T HE subscriber has just received a large stock of Havana Segars, to which he would invite particular attention. He haa also an extensive assortment ol -« Meershaum [Pipes, SEGAR TUBES and BRIARWOOD PIPES. The various brands of Chewing and Smoking To bacco at his Establishment are all of the llrat quality. Please call and examine for yourselves, at F. CONSTANT’S, jl-tf Bull st., opposite Post Office. ALEXANDRE KID GLOVES A LSO, a fine assortment of Silk, Wool and Back skin Gloves and Gauntlets. Just opened at EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, 161 Gongres. street Hulls, Soap and Candles. 0/7(1 BOXES Yellow Soap, 1 and 2 pound bars, 160 boxes Patent Mould Candles, sixes, 200 boxes Adamantine Candles, sixes, 500 gro«3 Fancy Soaps, every kind and grade, pn up in fancy paper boxes, of Hull’s make. For sale by RANDELL A CO., Bay street, corner Barnard (130-1 m HOLIDAY GOODS. Direct ImDortation from Londo and Paris. J U8T RECEIVED,-a large and varied assortment of Imported Wares aud Fancy Articles, suitable for dl3-tf We have learned not to be astonished at anything. Years of experience and a correspondence extending (hronghout all nationalities of the habitable globe have turned theories into facts and established a basis from which we neCB- not err. We are not surprised at such facts as the following—although the persons who write them are. We know the pereons and cir- umstances, hence feel at liberty to indorse their statements: “Nbw Bn>Foan, Mass.,’ Nov. 24,1SC3. DearSir,—I have been afflicted many years with severe prostrating crumps in my limbs, cold feet and hands, and a general disordered system. Physicians and medicines failed to relieve me. While visiting some friends in New York who were using Plantation Bitters, they prevailed upon me to try them. I com menced with a small wine-glassful .after dinner. Feel ing (letter by degrees, in a few days I was astonished to find the coldness and cramps had entirely left me, and I could sleep the night through, which I have not done for years. I feel like another being. My appe tite and strength have alao greatly improved by the nse of the Plantation Bitters. Respectfully, Judith Russel.’’ the coming season, embracing in part Statuettes—Bronze, Besqnc and Parlor Toilet Setts, Clocks Perfumery Ladies’ Traveling Bags French Parasols Portemonnaies Milliners’ Fancy Wares - Osier Baskets And an endless variety ot Fancy Goods, • ordered for this market and just received by ship Conuty of Picton, and other vessels now arriving. . Fancy Goods by the rlginol package, to which the Private Boarding. (FOUR Single Gentlemen can be accommodated A with two pleasant rooms and board, aud a i< w day boarders can be accommodated In a private family. Apply at this office. jlj-2w sHiPPiao. Pioneer JLine FOR NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! Cabin Passage, 935 00 Deck, 910 OO The new and splendid steamship HUNTER, Rogers, Commander, will leave lor the above port on her regnlar day. Thursday, Janaary !33, at 3 o’clock. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply to j22 HUNTER A GAMMELL. FOR NEW TORE ATLANTIC COAST Mail Steamship Company. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE. Cabin, $35 OO Steerage, 910 00 The new and very fast sailing steamship W. B. Eaton, Commander, will positively sail on her regular day, Saturday, 87th Inst., at 3 p. m. For freight or passage, having very superior ac commodations, apply to WILDER A FULLARTON, Agents. }2$- Empire Line. FOR NEW YORK. Atlantic Mail steamship Company. PASSAGE REDUCED TO - 835. The new and fast side-wheel steam- ijship SAN JACINTO, Loveland, mas- ,tcr, will sail as above, on Saturday, January 87, at 3 o’clock. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply to B. H. HARDEE, No. 12 Stoddard’s Range. J23 GARRISON A ALLEN, Agents, No. 6 Bowling Green, N. Y. Murray’s Line FOR NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! ■HIPPING. FOB AUGUSTA AND LANDINGS ON THE RIVER. The floe iteaxser express, Capt. MORGAN, Will leave os above on Thursday Morning, at — o’clock. For freight or pasaage, apply to J23-3 F. W. SIMS A CO. For Augusta AND WAY LANDINGS ON THE RIVER. The light-draught steamer XJ 1ST I O 1ST , Capt. H. B. Fraziee, Now en route from August, will have despatch as above. s Freight taken at as low rates ss any Boat on th. river. Freight received and stored in fira-proof ware houses, wharf foot of West Broad street, free of ex pense. Apply to F. M MYRELL, Harris’ Buildings, Bay street. Or to M-A. BARRIE, j-25-tT . On wharf. Freights FOB AUeUSTA, mnE undersigned are prepared to receive goods at A their Warehouses—free of expense and cov •red by Insurai ce—for * * ered bv Inninu ce—for shipment to Ammata and tffiints beyond by their regnlar line of light draught boats. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY; cor. Bjy and Abercorn sta. Apply t SCpt29—If For Charleston. The United States Mail Steamer ROCKLAND, Capt. George H. Beaufobt, will positively leave for Charleston, touching at Hil ton Head and Beaufort, on Friday, Janaary 86th, at 8 a. m. For freight or passage, apply to the Captain, on board, foot of West Broad street, or to J28-2 L. S. bA’NET. FOR CHARLESTON, Via Hillon Head and Beaufort. The new and fast Steamer fountain, Cept. G. W. Castnxh, will leave for the above placed on Friday Afternoon, 86th, at 3 o’clock. Cabin Passage, $35 00 Deck, $10 00 The new and splendid steamship LEO, Merrill, commander, will leave for the above port on her regu lar day, Thursday, Jan. 85, at 3 o’clock. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply to ji3 OCTAYUS COHEN. For freight or passage, apply on board, at Padei- ford’s wharf near White’s Cottoa Press, or to J25-2 M. A. COHEN, Agdnt. For Brunswick, FERNANDINA AND JACKSONVILLE. The fine eteamar CLARION attention of Milliners and others is invited. w. W. LINCOLN, Corner Congress and Boll streets, Monument Square. William G-ill, (Successor to William B. Hawkins,) Rekusuuuy, Wis., Sept. 16, 1863. * * .* I have been in the army hospitals for four teen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, I1L, they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * • Three bottles restored my speech aud cured me. * • C. A. Flaute.” The following is from the Manager of the Union Home School lor the Children of Volunteers: “Uavkmkykb Maksion, 67th St,) New York, August 2,1863. J Da. Drake :—Your wonderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some or our little children suffering from weakness and weak lungs with most happy effect. One little girl in particular, with pains in her head,'loss of appelite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all mcdicul skill had been exhausted, lias beeu entirely restored. We commenced with but a teaspooulul ol Bitters a day. Her appetite and strength rapidly increased, and she is now well. Respect l ally, Mrs. O. M. Dkvoe. TMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and X Domestic Ales, Wines, Liquors, Philadelphia Por ter, Champagne Cider, Ac., No. 170 FYilton Street, Opposite St. Paul’s Church, NEW YORK. Bottler of Mile’s Celebrated Ala for Shipping and Family use. Particular attention paid to Filling and Shipping Southern Orders. All orders by mail will be promptly attended to. n!4-3m E- H. VAN NESS & CO., GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS AND Produce Dealers, UNDER THE BLUFF, CORNER ABERCORN ST, Savanhah, Ga. , Orders from the Country Private, Families, Steamers and Sailing Vessels respectfully solicited. Produce bought and sold on commission. Pacific Mail Steamship Company’s Through Line to California, T OUCHING at Mexican Porta, and carrying the United States Mail. Leave Pier No. 42 North River, loot of Canal street, at 12 o’clock noon, ou the 1st, Uth and 21st of every month, (except when those dates fall on Sunday, and then on the preceding Saturday,) for Aspinwaii, con necting via Panama Railway, with one of the Com pany’s steamships from Panama ror Sau Francisco, touching at Acapulco. JANUARY. 1st—Henry Chaunccy, Capt. Gray, connecting with Sacramento, Capt. Caverly. 11th—Atlantic, capt. Maury, connecting with Golden Age, Cap!. . 20th—New York, Captain Horner, connecting with Constitution, Capt. Farnsworth. Departures of 1st and 2lst connect at Panama with steamers for South Pacific ports. Those of 1st touch at Manzanillo. n20 •*•••■ I owe mnch to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. Rov. W. H. Waggoner, Madrid, N. Y. “* * * Thou wiit send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their us*. Thy friend, Asa Curbik, Philadelphia, Pa.” • I have been a great sufferer from Dyspep sia. and had to abandon preaching. * * The Plan tation Bitters have cured me. Rev. J. S. Cathobn, Rochester, N. Y." «• * • 1 have given the Plantation Bitters to hundreds of onr disabled soldiers with the most as tonishing effect. G. W. D. AtoiBKivs, Superintendent Soldiers’ Home, Cincinnati, O.’’ • * • The Plantation Bitters hove cured me o Liver Complaint, of which I was laid up pcostrate and had to abannou my business. U. B. Kibosiav, Cleveland, Ohio.” • • • The Plantation Bitters have cared me of a derangement of the Kidneys aud Urinary Organs that lias distressed me for years- It acts like a charm. C. C. Moou, No. 254 Broadway." 4c., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, tbe languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature’s great re storer. They are composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, Wintergreen, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, Sc., all preserved in perfectly pure St Croix Rom. 9. T.—1860—X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weak ness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack ol appe tite, distress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, Sc, deserve to Buffer If they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical au thority and are warranted to produce an immediate beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmleee. Noticx. —Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bitten in bnlkor by the gallon is a swindler and im postor. It la pnt up only In onr log cabin bottle Be ware of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, or which several pereons are already In prison. See that every bottle has onr United States stamp over the cork unmutilated, and- onr signature on steel-plate aide label. Sold by respectable dealera throughout tin habitable world. P. H. DRAKE A CO., cm-8m 302 Broadway,N. Y. liiObhlB Selected Apples 100 bbls Onions lOObhls Potatoes 50 bbls Extra Flour 60 bbls Nob. 1 and 2 Mackerel loo toils Extra Butter 60 boxes Extra Cheese 600 kits Noe. 1,2 nnd 8 Mackerel 50 half-hlils Fnlton Market Beef 60 bbls Extra Family Pork. Soluble Paci fLc GUANO. TXTE invite the attention of Planters ttkjhis valuable » " Guano, as a matter of importance to their in terest. It is similar in appearance, odor aud compo sition to Peruvian Gnano. differing only in the pro portions of the same elements. It contains less am monia, bnt nearly one?) undred per cent, more of Phos phate than Peruvian Gnano, one-third of which is im mediately salable. It is quite as active as Peruvian Gnano. and is iess costly. For further information, apply to E. C. WADE S CO., Agents, j1-3m Savannah, Ga THROUGH PASSAGE RATES IN CURRENCY. First Cabin ! $300 Second Cabin 200 Steerage 100 A discount of One Quarter from steamera rates allowed to second cabin and steerage passengers with families. Also, an allowance of one Quarter on through rates to clergymen and their families and school teachers; soldiers having honorable dis charges, Half Fare. One lAndred pounds baggage allowed each adult. Baggage-masters accompany baggage through, and attend to ladies ahd children without male protec tors. Baggage received on the dock tiie day before sailing, from steamboats, railroads, and passepgers who prefer to send down early. An experienced surgeon on board. Medicine andmf\7 j. n, attendance free ” A steamer will bo placed on the line January 1, tS66, to ran from New Orleans to Aspinwaii via Havana. For passage tickets, or further Information, apply at the Company’s ticket office, on the Wharf, foot of Canal street, North River, New York. „ F. W. G. BELLOWS, Jl9-3m Agent. Will leave for the above ports on Thursday, Jan. 85, at 10 o’clock a. m. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., J23-3 Corner Bay and Abercorn street*. For Doctortown Th.omasville. The Steamers * Gen. Shepley, Orient, and Clarion, Will make Tri-weekly Trips to Doctortown, in con nection with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, leaving 8a J“»nah on Tuesdays, Thnisdavs and Sundays. Through freight payable by shippers at our office. Freight received daring the week, and stored free or expense. For freight or passage apply to CflAS.L. COLBY A CO., Corner Abercorn and Bay streets. FOR MACON, Steamer Savannah NOTICE TO SHIPPERS, CONSIGNEES, OWNERS AND UNDERWRITERS. awk.lnsvllle, Touching at DARIEN, DOCTORTOWN, AND ALL INTERME DIATE LANDINGS ON THE ALTAMAHA AND OCMULGEE RIVERS. F OR the purpose of making a proper apportion inent of the proceeds of, and charges on the proceeds ol, and charges' on tbe the cargo saved from the above steamer, lately snnk while on a voyage from Savannah to Angusto, yon are particularly requested to present to the nndersigned, within forty days from date hereof, proof of shipment and copies of your invoices. J24-tM6 W. WOLCOTT, Agent. 2 Harris' Block, Bay st. Wanted to Charter, A VICS3EL for Cnba, out only, or qut and home to a point north of Battens. J25-2 SORREL BROTHERS. 82 Bay street. BLAIR & BICKFORD, LUMBER MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN TIMBER AND LUM BER OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. Doors, sas^i, a «o blinos. Mill and Lumber Yard on Canal, near Bryan street Office 180 Bay street, 638-tf Savannah, Ga. THE DIAMOND STATE DETER8IVE SOAP P the greatest Family Soap now in naq^uid for economy and ntility defies all competition. Mannfacturcd at the Diamond State Soap Work*, Wilmington, Delaware. RUE, WHITNEY A CO., Sole Agents. We are also constantly receiving from these works a full assortment of Family and Fancy Soaps, and can recommend them to the public. RUE, WHITNEY A CO., No. 4 Harris Range, Bay street For Augusta, THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the above place. Good* receiv ed at all time and stored in fire proof warehouse, foot IincoluatrfeTfteeof cort. • • J. M. K1NCHLEY, Agent Office in CUghorn A Cunningham's. The May arrived in Angnsto from Savannah on last Friday with her fall freight tf ectD For Liverpool. . The fine British bark ARBITRATOR* JfCQvo Allen, master, having a large portion of liej _ cargo engaged, will have quick despatch lor the above port For farther freight engagement*, apply to 17j BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. FOR Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St. Thmnas, Para, Pernambuco and Bahia The new and splendid last. Iron, light-draft, side-wheel steamer, TWO BOYS, Capt. Thomas Daniels, will leave a* above on Thursday Morning, at 9 o’clock. being her regular day and hemr. .i lrei € ht or passagfe, having elegant accommoda tions, apply to ERWIN S HARDEE. For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY'S, FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new and fast failing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. King, Having been placed permanently npon this route will leave for the above place* on Friday Mornpig, 86th, at 10 o’clock, and continue to leave every Friday morning thereafter me hoar. , The United States and Brasil Mai ’ Steamship Company will dispatch u regularly, ■On the 89th of every month. A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at 3 o’clock, p. m., From Pier 4*. North River. All letter* have to p»*s through the Post Office. An-experienced Surgeon will be In attendance n board. For freight an sassage, having splendid accommo dafiona, appb 0 THOMAS ASKNCIQA CO, oct3l-3m Ho. IT, Broadway, New York. FOR LIVERPOOL. The »blp THOKWALDSEN, Bromage, xS“ I ? r ’ having part of her cargo engaged, A ~".’lore despatch, r freight, apply to „ . „ REID * STEWART, 13-6 No. < Stoddard’s Upper Range. Returning, she will leave Palatka ■’every Sunday morning, Picolata every Sunday forenoon, and J«± sonvllie every Monday morning, arriving at Savan nah on Tuesday morning. * oaTan- the‘^f. reCeiTed at “ U the warehouse on Ali freight payable by shipper!.- CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, Agent*. j84-tf For LIVERPOOL. The fine new clipper bark M AR I A HENRY, PRINCE, Commander, having three-fourth* of her cargo engaged, will have quick despatch. For balance of frsigfat, apply to CHAS. L COLBY S CO., Corner of Absrcorn and Bay street*. Liberal allowances nade on consignment* to oar friend* lnUvarpooL. ju-tf iUBNiiMaSSi