Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 29, 1866, Image 1

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/ 'Xt, 'V*. VOL. 2-NO. 17. The Savannah Daily Herald fMORNING AND EVENING) IB rCULlHIiro f*T \V. MASON A CO.» At 111 Cay Stufet, Savannah. Geoksia. tcivi: Five Cents. FerCopy.--- *3 50. Per nniiored • #l0 ^ per V ear A I) VEETI6I «<: ii ii'ra uer square of Ten Lines for first tn- Tw ° Dull [ l ‘>| | , ir | 1 ,r each f.ul>8eqnent one. Ad SAVANNAH, OEOROIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1866. verLit*** 11 appear Ibi- evening wilhunt extra charge. jOl* PUINTING, Ety ic, neatly and promptly done. by telegraph TO THE Daily Heralg. J ()SS 0 f the llttllimore and Sa- vaiiuali Steamship Rich mond. The Cargo Passengers and Saved. Savannah, 5 P- M., Jan. 2i, 1866. Ei.ITORS HKHALI* ; Trn; lo'lowing telegram has just been re ceived - Bai.timork, Jan 27, 1866. JItssRS LaRociie & West : ‘ RicbmoDil went ashore north of Hatteras on Tuesday; cargo and passengers safe; ves sel probably lost- (Sgncd.) J. Bkandt, Jr.” LaRochs it West. THE TENNESSEE AND KENTUCKY LEGISLATURES. Cincinnati. Jan. 26.—The Tennessee Senate vesurday eoncurred in the House amend ment of the uegro-testimoray bill. in the Kentucky Legislature the Senate basiesolved to postpone the electiou of United States Senator and extend the pres ent session. The House has objected to the ratifeatiou of the Constitutional Amend ment by the Legislature beiug considered final. f0N OR E S S . PROVISIONAL GOVERNORS FOR THE SOUTHERN STATES PROPOSED. Debate on the Basis of Repre sentation in the South. Washington, Jan. 20—The Seuate to-day considered the joint resolution for the ap- piMitmeut of provisional governors for the Suitbern Stales. Mr. Hove of Wisconsin, also introduced resolutions and made a speech in advocacy of the measure. Tue House resumed the consideration of IRA' A'—- - • ' - —1( Rvioiv tlu nt New Jersey ^ ^ adini9610 n of subject, sp . They could see piece or party management by the Republt Lns to secure suffrage for the negro will vote on the question to has the The House day- SCCOND neSl’ATCH. WAsmsGTON, Jan. 27,-Thc House consumed the day in spcecb-makuig,^^ radicals insisting upon add ‘ UO "“ f ion of ties from the South before the ot ils representatives. AL EUROPEAN NEWS. . H'l Reform Bill STEPHENS, THE FENI^ HEA D C TUE AT GENE\ A - £^ u lty before the ■ The question was further discussed by Mr. Gresham, Mr. Strozier. Mr. Butler and Mr. Carter, who opposed the abolition of the Penitentiary, and by Mr. Simmons who took the opposite side. House resolution bringing on election of U. S. Senators and Judges of Supreme Court, was taken up. A motion was made and lost to strike out of the resolution U. S. Senators. Lost, ayes 18, nays 20. Mr. Thornton moved to amend the resolu tion by bringing on the election of Senators on the loih of Fcbruury. The amendment was adopted by the casting vote of the Presi dent, there having been 20 votes on each side. * The Senate adjonrned. House—January 24. Tbo House met at 9 o'clock. Prayer by the Chaplain. A petition was received from Stephen D. Bernet ot the county of Newton, which was referred to the Committee on Petitions. Mr. Stewart ot Spalding, was added to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Senate resolution bringing on the elec tion of U. S. Senators and Judges of the Supreme Court was taken, aud Friday next appointed lor the elections to take place. Mr. Howurd of Bartow, introduced a bill authorizing'Justices of Inferior Court of Bartow county, to compromise with holders ot bonds of said county. Also, a bill to authorize building of Court house and jail iu Barlow county. Mr. Edge of Campbell—A bill to authorize the Superior and Inferior Courts lo fill va cancies iu boards of trustees of churches and camp grounds. Mr. Harrison, of Chatham—A. resolution fixing the time of meeting of the House as follows : Meet at 9 a. m. aud 3 p. m. • Mr. J. j. Jones, of Burke—A bill to define liabilities of guardians, executors, &c. Also, a hill to organize a new Judicial Cir cuit, to be called the Augusta Circuit. Also, a bill to promote the agricultural in terests of Georgia. Mr. Dodson, of Chattooga—A bill for the relief of persons practicing medicine without license. Also, a hill to authorize Justices, of In ferior Courts to grant rules Nisi, for foreclosure of mortgages iu vacation. Mr. Stallings, of Coweta—A bill to amend the charter of New nan. Mr. Hill, of Fulton—A bill to amend the churter of Atlanta. Mr. Maddox, of Fdfton—A hill to ^cor porate the Georgia aud Alabama Miniug and Petroleum Compauy. Also, a hill to change the name of the Con federate Marine & Fire Company, and Fire Marine Insurance Co. Mr. McWherter, of Greene—A bill to re quire nil hills chaugiug couuty lines to he ac companied by diagrams showing the change lo be made. Mr. Render, of Meriwether—A hill to com pel freedmen to work. Also, a bill to exclude freedmen from other States from this Stale. Mr. Woods, ot Morgan—A bill to declare Olivia H. W. Wallace, the adopted child of Sicphen B. Jones. Mr. Cabaniss, of Monroe—A bill tn require all railroads of this State to receive and for ward all freights offered on certain condi tions. •Mr. Lawson, of Putnam—A bill to au thorize executors and administrators to em ploy hired labor, and to ratify contracts- Also, a bill to provide for division of lan of estates. Mr- Ridley, of Troup—A bill to regulate contracts with freedmen. n^lSson, of of C Coht t G autSor.ze ami reotdre Executors, Administrators & c * make returns of Confederate, and State - entities belonging to cn Irw* The bill to change the line bet ana Miller was passed. o n S rc9 ' The bill tn alter the 2nd »nd sa coon ty sinnal districts so far as relates to tv Schley, was passed. House adjourned. _ ADDITION Lord It a s » ’ Ball street aad then went back to the Stump House. The statement of Kciller was also read as follows: I was in the Stump House on the night of the murder. There were some civilians came in there soon aflej- and got into a muss with Ring. I went out with Ring and the citizens to see the fight. We went up the street a short distance, and the civilians backed out and would not fight. The civilians then asked us to go up a little further. We went up with them until we came to this store Then they asked us in to have a drink. We went inside and tor>k our drinks. The citizens weht out. Ring and myself were still irnsidc. Just as the citizens went out of the door there was a shot fired. Ring asked the old man what he fired for. He eave him no answer. We went outside then and went up to the corner. There I met Sergt. Waterhouse oatside the door. Some one said he was shot. I did not hear him say so. The citizens said let us go back. Soon as-I heard that I told Waterhouse to come with me and not go back for there would be trouble. We and Waterhouse then went up West Broad street afld went into Montgom erys treet. I left Waterhouse there aud weot to camp. I asked him to go to camp and he would not come with me. „ ■■ The trial was here concluded and the commission adjourned. LETTitg PROM THE CAPITAL,, [SpecialCorrespondence Savannah Herald-] Mn.LtDOKVir.LK, Jan, 23, 18CG. Editors Herald: Legislation drags its slow length along. Two of the most immirtant bills introduced are the Homestead bill and the bill allowing a conventional rate of,interest. The former ot these grants to every person now owning or who may hereafter own a home, Exemp tion from the levy and sale of the same, whcthei^tfiat home or dwelling be in the country or ih the city, or whether its value be five hundred or five thousand dollars. The latter bill allows an interest of ten per cent, to be collected if such a rate be agreed ppon between the parties—but no higher rale. The Homestead- bill promises to afford substantial relief to the people in a constitu tional way; hut there are many obstacles in the way of its perfection. Indeed it is much to be feared that these obstacles wilt prove insurmountable. The Senate thought at one time thev had everything right with regard to the bill. They agie d upon the re port of the committee of the whole, and only lacked oue other vote (which it would cer tainly hive received) when suddenly some fatal defect was discovered in it, and it was re-referred to the Committee on the Judi ciary who had already given it mature con sideration. What is to Dj its fate-—whether it will pass with amendment or be killed by the over kindness of its friends, I am uuahlc to say. The interest bill recommended by Gov. Jenkins in his message, met with little or no opposition Indeed all the opi>osition mani fested came from those who were in favor ot abolishing all rates of interest on money loaned, and holdiog parties bound to what ever rates they might contract to give. Mr. Owens of Chatham, made an able argument in favor of abolishing all rates. He attempted to show, and I think succeeded admirably in the effort, that by throwing money into the market the same as other commodities, the TUB CASE OF GBR. MERCER. COMMIS3IOW MERCHANTS. Me. HI* Acquittal and Release from Imprison- * ment. The public will rejoice to learn from the General Order published below, that our es teemed lellow-ciUzen, Gen. H. W. Mercer, has been fully acquitted of the charges brought against him, and that his long im prisonment has terminated in an lionorable and unconditional release. Gen. Mercer was discharged from imprisonment immediately upon the receipt of Gen. Braunau's order yesterday morning, which was as follows : Hbados. Department of Georgia,) Augusta Ga., Jan. 24, 1866. > General Orders* No. 4. > Before a Militaiy Commission which con veued at Savannah, Ga., December 6th, 1865, pursuant to Special Orders No. 123, Head 2 uarters District of Savannah, 1st Division, lepartraent of Georgia, dated December 9tli 1865, and of wbicb Lieutenant Colonel Edwin Ilsley, Igth Maine Volunteers is President, was ariaigned and tried. Hugh IK Mercer, “citizen," late Brig Geii. C..S. A. 1st Charge*—Murder, in viola tinn of the laws and customs of War. 2d charge—Murder. Findings of the Qummissiou~ li J^ol Quilty. . And tiie Commission do therefore Acquit the said Hugh W. Mercer, late General in the so-called Confederate Slates Army. II- The proceedings and findings of the Commission in tbe foregoing case of Hugh W- Mercer, “citizen” and late Brigadier General in tbe so-called'Confederate States Army, are approved, and tbe prisoner or- o*o. i>. ruwu. dered to be released from arrest. Yonoe. Jamo Yongz. From Georgia. » HENRY YOflGE & CO., literal Commission fH erects, No. 11 BROAD STREET, New York, iiOLICIT consignments of Cotton, Naval Store?, ►s-J Sawed Lumber and Timber road SuppUefc 1 ** 0 ^ 011 eiveU to i |le purchase of Bail- REFERENCES: Augusta/ P ' R4 “ ft Preaident Georgia Railroad, SarauRah. M ' W * dI * y ’ President Central Railroad, Pld ! u «7. 8- P Clayton, Augusta. T ’ Bloom - Macon. HnnterA Gammell. Savannah. J13-tf Hknby L. Jzwrrr. Jank l Sn^ Jewett &. Snider, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GENERAL AGENTS, Second Street, iitacon, Georgia, (Between Cherry and Poplar.) Prompt personal attention given to all consign ments of cotton, produce, manufactures aud other articles of merchandise. Orders and consignineHts Holicited from all parts of the country. Best attention giveu to orders for purchasing cotton. Agents for several first class Insurance Companies. J. C. KOCH, IVo. 38 Beckman Street, Corner of William, * NEW YORK, Manufacturer ot Stationery, Photographic Albums, Music Paper, Folios, Books, Ac. PRICE, 5 CENTS COMMISSION MERCHANT*. A. DcTtNKHOFEn, Of Savannah, Ga. Jonx M. W. Hill, Of-Jelfereou Co., Fla. A. DUTENHOFER & CO., Shipping, Forwarding, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS) Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Ib'ompt attention given to the purchase, sale and shipment of cotton, lumber and country pro duce generally. Consignments solicited, on which tibi'ral advances will be made. INSURANCE. scmcxois: Brigham, Baldwin * Co , Savannah ; Hiram Rob erts, Savannah,- J. H. Zeiliu t Co., Macon, Ga.; Dr. N. L. Angier, IuL Rev. Col., Augusta; James M Ball Ksq, Atlanta, Ga.; Willis Chisholm, Atlanta, Ua. • C. L HoWnaon, Jacksonville, Fla.; F. Dibble, Jack sonville, Fla ; Col. W. L. Bailey, Jefferson county, Fla.; D. H. Baldwin A Co., New York; Bearden A Co., New York. Warren Mitchell, Ksq., Louisville. i!i_ Kentucky. V. The Military Oommission, convened by Special Order No. J23 Headquarters Dis trirt of Savaunab, Series: of 1865, and of which Lt. Col. Edwin Ilsley 12th Maine Vols., is President, is dissolved. By command of Brev’t Major Gen. J. M- Bran-nan, S. B. Moe, • . •firev't Col. and A. A. G. Official; S. B. Moe, A. A. G. IN AND OUT OF THE UNION. The two conflicting theories of being at the same jpae in and out of tbe Uoion is produc ing si5#Lcontradictory propositions in Con gress as to be a source of amnsenfent. Tbe radical theory that by secession the Southern States have voluntarily withdrawn from the Union, leads of course to the logical conclu sion that they are now mere dependencies— that the law of nations and not Constitu tional law applies to them—that they may enter the-Union as California and other con quered territory been me.a purt of the Ameri can republic. If such be their condition, on what ground can these radicals insist on amendments of the constitution by three- tourths of all tbe States, including tbe seceded States, when, on their theory, the seceded States no louger constitute a part of the Con federacy ? This is like the doctrine of nullification to be iu tbe Union and out of it at the same time? FOWLE & CO., FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission Merchants. Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, XKW YORK, OCt26 Qm A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, 92 BAY STREET, MITCHEL & SMITHS, O-onoral Commission Merchants, THIRD STREET, Mncon, Georgia. P* rti i CUlar attention given to the sale, pnrcliaoe a ni d ,i 8 “ pl ”f nt of cotton ' cotton yarns, wheeling, shirting aud general merchandise -, also, to receiving and forwarding goods. urn to Erwin A Hardee, Savannah . Clnghoru A Cunningham, Savannah. J. W. Latlrrop, Savannah. Aaron Wilbur, Savannah. E. B. Long A Co., Augusta. Lloyd G. Bower*, Celumbns. V. A. Garikill, Atlanta. William Bryce A Co., New York. A. P. Tapley, Boston. Griding a Tobey, Memphis. S. G. Wood, Nashville. Gutcrie A Co, Louisville, Kentucky. j11-2m LAURANT. WAYNE & SWEAT, AUCTION, General Commission Forwarding Merchants, Bay it. between W hitaker and Barnard. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. SAVANNAH, GA. JOHN MERC YUAN. D. ii. WARIMO. arLdnnrt..vvri muuB y coon, , tidier. Tor the Murder of Trl “ 10 £„rdc*i« November hunt. The Mexican — Frenc h Cabinet. .mira TUB TIME THE EMPEROR r “ I * ,^ x hK WITH- x„ York, to W-TW JUional news by the Java. lt waa The political news is unimportant^ Reform Bill u>UieCab.nel^ Commission, charged d 8 in Nove Ring and V d and Maine Regiment, were arr D an ” nC< J; n ' Arn „ld was the first witness Dr. R. D. A oifttpment, concern- professionally, as p 1 Herald ruea — . published in Saturdays nut bv his Excellency who thought 10 per cent would answer the purpose of bringing ‘ to tl,‘ market whatever money the people *” to use at the present time. "'The subject of election of U. S. Senators and Judges of the Supreme Court is now agi- tutiug the mind of the General Assembly to the almost entire exclusion of every other. The candidates are on the field using all their exertions lo secure their own advancement to tbe high positions of honor ind trust. I am unable to inform you who will be elected.— Time has already wrought great changes in the pnspects of some who would certainly have b>en elected bad the elections come off in the tarly period of tbe session. The old issues made against Gen. Benning are reviewed by (he Hod. Wm. H. Doughcr- rj Ti^ latter has issued a pamphlet in hio* he attacks tbe opinions of Gen. Ben- nisK on the subject of bank liabilities. Gen. Reining replies in a printed sheet this mfirn- ing It is much to be hoped that the Legis late will end tbe contest by bringing on the elition. The principal candidates for tbe tj vacant judgeships on the Supreme bench a, Gen. Benning, Judge I. L. Harris, Bar- ti Hill, Judge Werner, Judge Lyons, and <ers. The question of the Judgeships has been ermined by the election of Hon. D A. llker and lion. Iverson L. Harris.—Ed. BALD ] 'be candidates for U. S. Senatorship are I more uumerous. The following, among.-1 era, are spoken of in connection with that ce, some of them, I have no doubt, with- mmmm JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmers' and Planters’ Agency F OR the valo of Guano, Fertilisers, Live Stock, Tna- plomcnta and Machinery, Seeds, Ac. 67 W. Fayette Street, BALTIMORE. Refer to John S. Qittinfn, President Chesapeake Bank ; Chas. Goodwin, Cashier Franklin Bank, Balti more; K. C. Wade A Co. and P. U. Bchn, Savannah. Jil4-3m T. J. McNisu. Jos. S. Bavnaho. T. J. McNISH & CO-, Brokers and Commission. Merchants, BRYAN STREET, JOHNSON SQUARE, SAVANNAH, SEORQIA. fill attend to the collection of Xotcs, Drafts and Ac. S TRICT attention will he given to the purchase and sale of General Merchandise, cotton, Tim ber, Lumber, RealEslate, Stocks, Bonds, 4c. G. LAURANT, R. A WAYNE, Jll-tf * SAML.H SWEAT, Gao. K. Cblmp, Augusta, Georgia. Wx, A. Wuioux, Late of Richmond, Ya. H ay, corn, oats, meal, seed, grain, bran, OILCAKE, Ac., Ac., in quantities to suit at lowest market late*. Jt6-1in Gifts, Gifts, Gifts Uoiickcl, Esq., Charleston, S. C.; T. Savaee Hev- waid. AUKUsta, G». : Jmncs E. Broome. New York I. U Pluut, President National Bauk, Macon Ga. Cuhhedge, Caldwell A Co.. Macon. Ga. jis. u - thc l their consent. Ex-Prov. Governor James kmaoo. . was nextonson, Hou. Joshua Hill, Gen. L- J. Gart- Wm- Kay, detectivo p ’ w ter J, Com. James N- Ramsay, Col. Cincinnat- , md testified as in the case j Peeples, Hon. A. H. Stephens, Hon. fl. Cft C ,h,it he knew nothing ol his 7 Johnson. The minds of the members are bouse, tn mU rder of Cordes, witl t ma ,j e U p i and hence the election is post- Charleston and New Orleans JOINT STOCK GIFT ASSOCN Continue to sell for ONE DOLLAR, Gold and Silver Watches, Tea Seta. Cake Baskets, Rich Castors,,Toilet Cases, Ringi, Pins, Photograph AlbumB, Call Bell9, Sewing Birds Vest Chains, Large Photographs of Southern Generis, Ac., Ac., AT THE SALES ROOM, 112 Broughton St. POITL, IIANDAli & CO., CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping Commission and Forwarding 9IKRCHANTS. JONXS BLOCK, CORNER DAY AND ABEROOBN SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCE Made on Consignments o the Ann of Chas. L. Colbt, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. bxfxbsnois; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Co., New York Janve Slade, Esq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edmands, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. gep is tl JOHN L. VILLALONGA, COTTON FACTOR, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT. No. 94 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. octlC j26-tf Managers. It was uuderatood ^ p arisaud gone l knoW ledge of the mur0 J* r t - lonQ f the acned from F day today. Wn Head Ceu „, 0 , nhcf3 of his in- thfi Exception ot the couv AMilledgeville is puttii the exception ot the con 2Glh <Milledgeville is putting on a good deal of tho arrest. On the jietv for *he times- Everv uieht or two the t-,Geneva to confer with members . — - - arre st. Gn tue 2 - , ’- u w I’p.Jiety for *he times- Every uight or two the 3K5S25i-’ , rr D feaft ab “"' a M0 “ r ' «^Alcan difficulty was br0U | h “P | ^aw Cmdes choked-that ts, e the last ministerial council- Nearly lemational revolutionary that the Mexican difficulty | a ud saw before was'P res ^ u 9 ]y attended. cuuh . C u— 1 , p. w The Representatives and Senator from auncil- »e~.j 1 — - - „ abop , but outside ill the street iatbam ftre all hcrei and take a prominent 1 racall of n ° l l ? ,nr I think he said He >“90 s rt ln tlle aclIon D f their respective bodies, ail the members favored the speedy j the shop £ from b iui, I bl “’ fiey are Very popular and efficient members. Chatham. 1 * thinks the lime has not yet arnveo- Spanish affairs remained unchange asked him w^ 1 - nothing t going on. Bis QQ uis arrest, and looked on. , ^It^umtion. I urn is steady. Sales 2,300 bales at 4 Gold 139 3-4. to 4Sc. Nokthern Creditors and Southern Debt- is.—The memorial presented to the Senate and loo^eu “ 0 declaration, x u " e j Tuesday, from the New York Chamber sew .. market I drunk »U tlon ot Waterhouse, Comme asking tbe passage of a law Sew York, Juu. 27.-Tbe cotton » him oa ^eii him on the night of the inu V c .nipting suitors in the national courts of he nS. ft8 ^rr««*rution here closed. ie Southern States from the operation of X be P-uapd Ring, having no ev ' d ‘'' 1 jta te statutes of limitation fora period long Tbe mude a statement wbicb was rcd on - h lye loyal cre ditors an opportnni- Yavocnte in his behalf, as ‘""L lo en f orcc their demand, sets fhrth that V.nn flight of the alleged ‘“TV "fie liabilities of Southern debtors lo New t wpni down to the Stump »» ork merchants at the outbreak of tbe Cordes ^ f the vJvilians. We went out mr anu , un ted to $150,000,000, only a small tight one of them * tbree blocks ortion of which bft8 ^ bXtiDgt> jihcd. house and wen* if he carae there t L_ there: a w l! The Banished Conspirators.—The Boston me - 8l0 pned us. We went down to j venl0 g Transcript has an item about tbe GEQRGifi LEftlSLMlJRE. iRcporteJ cvpressly for the Savannah Heealu.'i Mllledokville, Ga., Jan. 24, 1866. SENATE. The Sedate tfet Rt 10 o’clock A. M. | offer, tbe W lanished conspirators: 1 ue oeuaw " "'hortrinE the Gov-1 dtiuk- we wenv cilizunB Wl « Late intelligence from the Dry Tortuga* The House resolution a state to I were in there dnn g ^ tbe m. ays that Dr. Mudd, Spangler and O'Laugh- ernor to prosecute the claims ot urn Tb? man m nBjmv in, the Lincoln assassination conspirators, cotton captured in Savannah by the * eaer and myaelt we ^ abot for . H ill occnpy one room, and are apparently in him what no _ weo t ou t. I rood health. Tney do the most mental and not answer me- Broa d and Bi 1 grading work about the prison. Dr. Mudd to, t)ie.corner V* it wft8 y gaw jas behaved with exemplary propriety since slireeis, I benev upon lbe d< ais failure to escape some time^ago, and is Waterhouse ‘ a8 8b ot. Tht evidently striving to reinstate himself in the gome n ne Ba|U and jjck the good opinion of his custodians, and bis said. ‘ no- that we vfformer easy and agreeable place in the gerl” A t0 'r tU chi Z ens’ went bad prison hospitals.” " MrRedd^gopposedd’ebPl. Ho soidm 1 Swmp Attekitm,Amas.ij.atio.-—By the satest position to the will of his A, ltv of the 1 started water drunk. while he believed it the solemn d |^ j c#m M lathis COtner. I KeoTeMhletivetocMry outtho^h^ ^|^do., to^” ' army was taken up and adopted. Seats on the floor of the Senate were _ dered to Samuel Barnet and L- Q. ' Eaqrs., Commissioners, appointed to prepa a Code for the government of freedom The special order of the day-the abolition of the Penitentiary system ot pumshmen I Representative to carry ° U V“”-uTbe ~ CO n'1 8° l down ‘.hna," Two of constituents as far as^tbey boun d j citizens in the • P the 0 j,ber scientiously done, in l V l ? c ? a ^ a8 tily and per-1 hold of the men a When even to oppose their wishes we nt 1 the revolver fr ?I° Water houBe an bans inconsiderately formed. He tmm went up to see if Watering haps inconsiderately 1 “;i“"ESr". thebdtI.* 1 ‘"SHTtYotototo to-totJM'- »*• ding’s position. gone in’campT "l met tos® 0D J Swmt«ge«u **'*“? 0 ! and Waterhouse the best thing to go J-o camp Then I w K news from the city ol Mexico, we learn that a conspiracy to assassinate tbe Secretary of War had been discovered at tbe capital. The. would-be murders were arrested with arms in their bands at tbe very moment when thejr intended to put their terrible plan into exe cution. Among those arrested was a Colonel named Mariano Rico. He at once made a thorough confession, and gave the names of others who took part in the conspiracy. They will be tried by court martial. WAITING FOR YOf AT THE FORREST CITT GALLERY 140 Bi-onh'Ihton-st., fear V IEWS of the city of Savainab, Exchange, Cus tom House, Pulaski HouJ, Screven House, Pa vilion, Planters’ and Mecbanls’ Bank, Bull-st, S. W. cor. Bull and Bav. 8. W. cor. lull and Congress, Pn- JOHN S. SIMMS & CO., Forwarding and Commission MERCHAN TS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. NOS. 1 AND 2 8AMMI3’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. n>. e. SAMiiis. OH AS. L. MATHIS tr laski and Green Monuments, roiory. Masonic Hall, Fountain, part of Forsyth P; k. Reservoir, Maseie School, and of the fullmvi: Sumpter, Charleston and St. JIIlw* PE fit THE EYE, EAR, D r. WRIGHT, of/Torontol clan and Surgeon, Oci: st and Aurlst, can be consulted on Deafness, Dlslmrges from the Ear, noises in the Head, Catarrh, liseases of the Throat and Lungs. All diseases or the EYE, rrmiring eithelr Medical or Surgical aid attended to. Office No. 41, in Dr. Thos. Lexington street, Baltimore, O (lice hours from 9 to 1" j»-tf hurdles; Christs’, St. several views of Fort gustine. f * LOVflMDGE. A. MINIS, and Commission Merchant No 3 STODDARD'S WESTERN RANGE, WILL GIYS ATTENTION TO Anction ND THROAT. Canada West. Physi- iiu 9 to 12 A.M., i I, DOI^E uctler's old office on Id. M., and 3to 5 I’. M. GRAHAM, DOMETT & (JO. Successors tollswci Graham A Co., lUrORTJSOF ROSEWOOD AMI UEODANT, Nos. 174, 176 aad 17 Centre St, N. Y„ Keep constantly on hand th most extensive varletv of fltiely-flgured Foreign an Domestic Woodsm be found In the United States, Logs, Planks, Boards and Veneers, suitable for Cal lit, Plano, and Billiard Table manufacturers, aud ar builders; also, Ma hogany and Spanish Cedar C ffin stuff. lu connection ‘ with our h slness we have a large Saw Mill, and^the most ce brated Yeneer Cutting Machine, which enables ua ti fill all orders entmateil to us With promptness. / J19-3m Dancing! School AT ST. ANDREW’S HALL. UR- L. LOUIS respeetfalJy/nforms the eiUxens of iU savaunab than he will ipso his Dancing School at St. Andrews Hall on llursday, January 4th, at 3 o'clock p. m. 7, Hours of Instruction, tr Young ladies, Misses and Masters, on Tuesdays, Tlgi*days and Saturda|», at 3 A’clock p. m. i and for flenUemen at* o’clockp. m., on Mondays. Wednesday #d Fridays. jll Sal^s of Merchandise and Underwriters' Sales - to Purchase and Sale of Stocks, Bonds and other Securities; also Beat Delate, At Private or Pqhlle Sale. jlO lm W. J. Blais. A. J. Sxitu. W. W. Kxsn BLAIR, SMITH & CO., No. 299 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Commission iHcrrlmnts, AND AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANU FACrURED TOBACCO. Will and sell on commission, cotton, cotton goods, wines, liquors, segars, and produce and merchandise of every description. Consignments solicited. Rzsmnon —Brigham, Baldwin A Co., Wm H stark, CUghoru A Cnonir vharu. Br.«1y, Smith <fc Co.! Savannah. G». J GEO. SHIP Commission and Fd 72 BAY I d28vly RLEDGE, GROCER >ng Merchant, SAVANNAH. BRYAN, HARTRIDGE & CO 163 BAY STREET, CITY HOTEL BUILDING. Broker and Oommislion Agents son Salk Ann runcuAsi or STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &o., And for Forwarding Cotton. ?mn ROBBER BELTING. STEAM PACKING, ENGINE HOSE, RUBBERCLOTHING, ROOFING SLATES, BOOTS, CLOTHES WRINGERS, &c. For sole by HURLBEBT. HOLDER A CO., Cor: Bay and Abercorfrsts. jce-lm i GEO. R. CRUMP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Llonors, ToHacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, &c. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, tW~ Will pnrehose and sell on Commission Corron, Tobaooo, Pkodooe, and Mskouanpis* of every de scription. Refers to tbe Merchants and Bankers of Angnsta, Ga., Richmond. Va., and Jno. C. Ferrill, Esq., De- Witt A Morgan, GadenJk Unckles, A. A. Solomons.A Co., J. T. Paterson A Co., R. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. home insurance company. savannah, ga. CAPITAL, - - . 2,500,000. AARON M. A. COHEN, Secretary. Wilbur, President. directors* Andrew Low. « Henry Bkiuuam, Joun Lama, % D. H. Baldwin, Hanky Laiurop, Aaron Wilder, ♦Wm, H. Stark, Jno. R. Wilder, Jl SKPU Lippman, Jno. W. Andkrson. Ootavus Coukn*. Jno. M. Cooper. 1ST For Insurance against Loss or Damage bv Fire, apply at the ^ 1 OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, 89 BAY STREET, -^SAVANNAH, GA. THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE insurance company. Okoamzkd, 1843. CashAssctts „„ Last Cash Return....!. $ 3 ,000,000 Losses Paid 750,000 Total Surplus Divided! Amount Wed All Classes of Life Policies Issued. T \r n ^ - STE V r EN8, Presiden t J. M. Gibuens, Secretary. 9 „ A- WILBUR, Genc ' ral A E cnt Geoigia and Florida. COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY, OF NEW YORK. Cash Capital TIMOTHY G. CHURCHILL, Prest D. Arthur, Secretary. Frederic B. Elliott, Supt. of Agencies A. WILBUR, General Agent South. FULTON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Cash Capital $200,000 T,q i f ,T, WM. A. COBB, President. Jas. M./Rakrin, Secretaiy. A WILBUR, General Ageut South. EXCELSIOR FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY, OF NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus §oG0 000 Savl. M M C^ U Lcre^ y DGE; Pre8ideDL A. WILBUR, General Agent South. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. S General Commission Merchan Forwarding and Shipping Agents, u r . BAY bTKEET, (up* airs ) Refer to Geo. W. Anderson, Jno. C. Ferrel and G “““f’ Savannah; W. E Jackson. Jiwiah Sibley f°" s ’ J -B- A J. w. Walker, Augusta. Consignmei solicited. 6m-nov2 THOS. H. AUSTIN, Forwarding and Commission Mercian No. 95 BAY STREET, (np STAIRS) SAVANNAH.BEBBBU. L C. Bouse. BOUSE & BRYANT, (Formerly of Jacksonville. Florida,) Forwarding and Commission Merchants 104 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, - - - GEORGIA TTriLL give prompt attention to rcceivtng and’ for- Ww warding goods, sales on consignment, and all °!' de £h will also keep constantly on baud u good stock of Groceries, Liquors, Agricultural lrnnle- ments, Building Materials, Fairbanks A Co. ’s Scales, #c., besule. other goods and manufactnrcd articles lor sale on consignment and for which they are agents. Orders and consignments respectfully solic- lled - - d27-3m Jas.T. Paterson TIMBER, Lumber & Commission MERCHANT, No. 9 STODDARD’S LOWER RANGE, B»y Street, Savannah, AND Darien, Georgia. SOUTHERN AND WESTERN IiANS. Collection and Commission Agency, handle Southern land aud property of all descriptions. Forties wishing to sell are invited to forward lista.— Numerous applications now on file from parties wish ing to purchase. Make collection, on all parts of the country Fay especial attention to the sale and disposal of Southern products, and make advances on direct consignments. MATTHEW H. BRIDGE, Manager, No. 9 Broad st., New York. KinUNCZS BY PEB1II8SION : Hon. Benjamin Fltcpstriek, Ex-Governor of Alabama P. Harmony, Nephew. A Co., Bankers, 38 Broadway. MesHS. XL B. CUfln A Co , Importers, New York. A. W. Greenleat Ksq„ Banker. N. Y. u»-3m Alsud H. Bui mir, I N v „ . Cura nT B La. C. Vak P«lt, / New York ^“^h, Bennett, Van Pelt & Co, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ROB TDK SALE OT eiTTII- TBBACCI, NAVAL STBIES, IT*., ALSO, FOB THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF STATE AND OTHER STOCKS, 23 Nyifitehall St, New York. We have middMi with os Mr. D. W. Ccana late Public TreamrCTfarWnsth Carolina. n9-«m M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, GESEBAL COMHI8UOM AND FOR. WARDING MERCHANT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. HarrU' Buildings, 2d door west of A. Low A Oo.-s. ? n ” t * r * Gammeii, Crane, John- son AGraybill: BeU, Wylly A Christian: Both well A Whitehead; Miller, Thomas A Co.; M. A. Cohen, Wl- sevB9-tf PUTNAM FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital $500,000 SAML WOODRUFF, President. Daniel Buck, Secretary. A. WILBUR, General Agent South. SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE IN- J SURANCE COMPANY. ST*R.,Wi_ w.o“T£Sr -=; ’ . A WILBUR, General Agent South. WASHINGTON FmEINSURANCECOM- PANY, OF BALTIMORE, MD Capital $500,000 F.J.McGINNlS^ecreS Y ’ A. WILBUR, General Agent South. 1ST E W YORK FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. SECURITY INSURACE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus $1,600,000 PHCENIX INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus $1,500 000 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO. « Capital and Surplus $1,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO- Capital and Surplus $900,000 Risks takeni in the above highly responsible Com- ?aaiee on buildings and merchandise of all descrip tions, at the lowest rates corresponding with the —“to* Apply to A. A. LANK, Agent, No. 12 Stoddard’s Range, Bay street. risks. n9-3m Soap. 70 j85P p ‘ mU For sale by AM,/BALDWIN A CO. STEINWAY & SONS’ CELEBRATED GRAND AND SQUARE PIANOS, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. W E are sold Agents for them in the State of Geor gia All Instruments warranted and sold at New York Factor; prices. JOHN C. SCHREINER A SONS, 127-tf Savannah, Augusta and Macon. FOR SALE, AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES, M kegs prime Leaf Lard ii bbU Fig Shoulders 2j drums Codfish iu Srklus Goshen Butter, by j£7 YORK. WILLIAMS, MeINTIRK * CO. GEORGIA SYRUP, A T i«.l!iAitoiLJ*SL, < «SS; ALSO, Freeh Crackers and Biscuit, of every variety; choice Butter and Cheese, nice Sugar*, fine old Whiskey Wines. Brandy aud Cigars. A fresh and full assort ment of all articles ln thq Grocery line. Drop in and . JiT-lw* Wdod~For Sale ■fflA CORDS Oak, mixed, and Light Wood, at ra- •JVU dneed prices. . R. W. MILLER, - in charge Ferry Wharf Wood Yard. Orders received by F. M. Myrell, Bay-st, and A. Fernandez, corner Ball and Brougtiton streets. WANTED. ^ EORGIA and South Carolina Brnk Bin* J Albany and Gulf Railroad Stock < Central Railroad stock Coupons Albany and Golf Railroad Coupons City of Savannah ■ FORDYCR, ANDERSON A JANNEY, di-tr Bay st. No. ie Stoddard's Range.