Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 01, 1866, Image 3

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" UU W-<" | ‘.11' " ... II I mw NNAH. of Sle»iu*h*P’* »•»«! Steamer*. D*p*r*“ re FOB NEW YORK. Saturday, Feb. 3d, at — o'clock. Satuiduy. Feb. 3d, at 10 o'clk Steftiusb'p Tybee, UrtBian tarings™ *• B . In v'jrco, Tuureday, Feb 1st at 8 o'clock. gle^hiP Salvador, Saturday,Fab. 3d, at 10* o'dOCk c FOB BALTIMORE. 3teamsU lp North Point, Thursday, February 1st at - °' Cl0Ck ' FOB AUGUSTA. , vm g. Gibbous, every Saturday morning ^earner » ,u# a' 9 “• Prlin8e , Thursday, February 1st at — o’clk for cnii’-i.ESTON. /•i, arias Houghton, every Tuesday morn Steamer t *4 O^cloclk. ■ lWa - T Fannie, on Thuisdav, February 1st, at jteanier o'clock- FOR l'.OCTOBTOWN. Orient,- every Tuesday morning, at Sheplcy, every Sunday morning, Steamers Thursday t steamer t anil t'i *day 1 every Saturday morning, at stumer o’clock- Steamer Gen. at T u'rlnek, J , 0K aAWK msviLL*. guys and Charles S. Hardee, every r morning, at 9 o'clock. FOR TIIOMAbVILLK. rO. F. Potter, every Monday, Wednesday j morning, at 7 o’clpck. FOB FLORIDA steamer Sylvan Shore, every Tuesday morning, at jo o’clock. Steamer Helen Getty. 10 o'clock. Steamer L’zzie Baker, every Friday morning at 10 ° vlocli ' r ri i every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. steam* -1 ' FOR MAC 'N. S-eamer Oak, Saturday evening next, 3d tnst. s Travis’ Shooting Gallery—His <ttP Light ArtiUery Battery shooting gallery of Capt. John Travis, over Our House Saloon, to becoming ■ popular resort for gen “ n ot onlv for the pastime of practising with the , u ot target, but tor acquiring practical and Lientiflc information i in regard to firearms and their ’ . j 13 not only perhaps the best pistol shot in • rtca or Europe, but he is a scientific gunner, and muc h valuable Information in reference to the ‘"'la 'onent and use of tdl kinds of firearms. Wo had “ pU-asme yesterday of examining the drawings of “ !,Stockton Gun," invented by him for flying or ■ ar tiUery sen-ice, a battery of which he was about completing for General Forrest when the war was hr ught to°a close by the surrender of the Confederate ak . s jig furnished one gun, which was used with effect on board of a small Confederate launch in the harbor of Mobile. This gun. though very small and jmm without tiie carriage, only 150 pounds, vras ." i!abie of throwing eighteen two pound solid shot luo thousand one hundred canister shot per minute, fading a solid bhot a distance of two miles with only three find a Ulf ounces of powder. His unfinished battery was captured at Macon, and we understand Lave been hint to Washington City. The invention lias been highly approved by scientific artillerists, and ;t is to be hoped that the Secretary of War will employ iht Captain to complete hia battery, in order that the may be thoroughly tested, and, if they prove a snccesa, made available to the government. A light, j, ,itubie and effective gun has long been a desideratum u the cavalry service, and it is believed that Capt. iiuvis’ invention supplies such a gun. It wdl W remembered that the battery which he was engaged in building was to be presented to Gon. For int by the ladies of the Southwest, who had contri buted upwards cf $20,000 towards its'cost when the unfinished guns were captured by General Wilson at Macon. Superior Court. BEFORE JUDGE FLEMING. The case ol the Mayor and Aldermen vs. The Cen tral Railroad and Banking Company, Marine Bank, F. T Willis, John Davidson et. cits., was resumed yester day. The petition ol the orators was presented. The prayer of the petitioners, the City of Savannah, was to set aside a sale of certain stocks in the Augusta v.d Savannah Railroad Company belonging to the i.'Jty of Savannah, on the ground that the sale was au. tiiorizod at an lucguny constituted meeting of Council, insisting of only four members and the Mayor, ..L;-reas. according to law, there should be present ieven members and the Mayor; and also on the ground that circumstances in connection with the transaction were kept secret from the general body, in conse quence ot which the city suffered great pecuniary ioss. The answers of the several defendants were also rc.. t. and, being very voluminous, consumed ‘ tire day The principal point of the do#—** that the sale was i utmed afterwards by a leg* > con stinted meeting, a full quorum being pi esiut. cy uso denied mat there were any underhanded pro. ee mgs m connection with the transactio . 0 ’ lock The Corn t adjourned till tins ino . ri ^l? . made when the arguments of the counsel w • , Counsel for the petitioners, Law & Lovell, tor de fondants. Thos. E. Lloyd and A. R. Lawton. Freedman’s Court. • There were several petty offences tried before Lt. Foliard in this Court yesterday, and the offenders sentenced according to their deserts. Betsy and Mary Mills, charged with larceny or household goods, belonging to Dr. Daniel, were sent to jail until the balance of the articles which the offi cers failed to find were restored to the owner. Daff- ncy Smith, also charged with stealing goods from the game party was likewise sent to jail. A white man named Wylie Goodwin was charged with stealing a mule belonging to a black man named Chance Titus. It appears that Goodwin, last july, sold the mule to Titus, and sometime after wards went to the plantation where the negro lived and hired the mule for three day s, but never return ed it. and has been using it ever since. The negro was nnai le to find him till one day this week when he accidentally met and had him arrested. On ex amination the man did not deny having borrowed the mule but did uot give any leason for not return ing the animal. Sentenced to pay the black mau i"itv-live dollars, trie sum paid for the mule ; three dollars paid fir tlie saddle, and coats of the Court, the whole amounting to nearly two hundred dollars. Pretty good hire for a mule. Police Matters. There were one or two cases of violation of city ordi nances in regard to casting ashes and carbage into the r»ver by vessels loading and discharging at our wharves before Mayor Anderson yesterday morning, and alter nearing testimony were disposed of in the Usual manner. A few drunk and disorderly cases were disposed of, and a woman charged with being an habitual drunk- twd. having been before the court several times, was fient to jail for a week to scour, &c. A policeman charged with being drunk, but who re ceived an excellent character from Chief Anderson, "was fined ten dollars. Exhibition of the Public Schools. The Massie School House was crowded to repletion yesterday forenoon by a large assent blag* of the friends of the pnpils of the Boy, and Girls' Grammar School. On the stage were Mujor General Braunan, Mayor Anderson. Dr. Arnold Chairman of the Board of Education, and the clergy the city. The exerciaes, which were conducted by Mr. J. F. Cann, Superintendent, were opened with prayer, followed by alnging by the scholars under the direction of Mr. Newman, music teacher In the Public Schools. Master Wyfl'ord Symmons then de livered a very appropriate salutatory address of wel come to General Braunan, the Board of Education, the teachers and friends of the pupils. The prizes awarded by Gen. Brann&n for excellence in scholarship were next presented to the successful candidates, in an exceedingly appropriate and felici- toua address, by Dr. Arnold. After some general exercises In declamation and re citation, the great feature of the day to which months of preparation have been devoted, the conteat in spell ing between the twenty-five best spellers In the boys' and an equal number from the girls' Grammar schools, took place. Both parties of contestants dis played a truly marvellous proficiency in spelling, the most difficult words in the dictionary being spelled with promptness and accuracy. The progress of the match between the masters and misses was followed with keen interest and not a little excitement among the spectators, and elicited unqualified expressions of admiration. This exercise was followed by declama tions and recitations, upon the conclusion of which brief addresses were made to tie scholars by the sever al members of the Board of Education, and by Mr. Mallon, for a long period Identified with the public schools. The exercises of the day closed with the chanting of the Lord's Prayer by tho scholars in a beautiful and impressive manner. Superintendent Cann announced to the schools that, in view of the zeal and faithfulness with which the pupils had applied themselves to their studies during the term, he gave them as a reward a vacation Monday next. tVc understand that the use of the rooms in Armory Hall, heretofore used by Mr. Lancaster for hiB private school, has been granted by the- city for a public pri mary school. lt Klcctric Gas Bracket. At tho office of Holcombo & Co., on the Bay. wo Were yesterday shown a very ingenious and useful in- T ''Shun in the shape of a gas bracket and burner. "*'he shape oi' au ordinary gas burner, with the addition ot a cup or chamber above the neck ol the lope, which is lined with silk, and contains the knob •with the electric fluid attached, leading through small chain, thence to a wire conductor situuted di‘ rcctly on the burner. There are two keys attached, cue for regulating the pressure of the gas and the other for its emission. This burner is particularly serviceable in a siek chamber or In a parlor where < weless servants are not very particular where they strike a match, either on the paper or on the furni ture, as there are no matches needed. Alt that to ne- eessary is to turn the gas on, raise the knob of the electric piece in the chamber, when the spark imme- dia.ely ignites the gas. The agents for this invention are Covill A Has- Ijrook, of No. 551 Broadway, N. Y-, nearly opposite the St. Nicholas Hotel, and this specimen was brought to this city by Mr. Boyd, Purser of the steamship Tybee, and is now at the store of Messrs. Holcombe A.Co., where it may be seen by any of our readers. Tiuvel Resumed.—The connection between this < *ty and Augusta will be completed to-day, and on Monday next, trains will run regularly through morn ing and evening. The officers of the road are making tvet 7 exertion to repair the road and put it in com plete working order as of yore, but it to rather hard w-erk at present owing to the unsettled state of affairs. Steaheb Fannie.—The steamer Fannie having been placed on the mail line between this city- and Charleston, will leave this morning at ten o'clock from the old Florida wharf for that city, taking a mall to Charleston and also a part of the mall to New York. The Grand Vocal and Instrumental Con cert for the Benefit of the Orphans. The following correspondence in relation to the con cert for the benefit of the Orphans, lor which Messrs. Raymond A Hamilton have with their wonted liberali ty, tendered the services of their company and the use of the Theatre to-morrow evening, will be read with Interest : Pulaski House _ „ January 30, 1836. Hon. E. C. Anderson : Mg Hear t>ir—If acceptable we should be pleased to tender the Orphans of this city a benefit to take place at tbc theatre on Friday evening, Feb. 2d. Herman Sc hreiner, Esq., has offered his co-operation, which will enable us to present an attractive entertainment. I he proceeds will be handed over to you to be paid to the institutions devoted to the support of the father less and motherless. Respectfully yours, Raymond a Hamilton. Mayor’s Office, Savannah, ) January 31st, 186(1. ( Messrs. Raymond & Hamilton : Gentlemen—Your note of the 30th in3t., tendering the Orphans of this city, a complimentary Benefit, to take place on Friday evening, 2d February, is receiv ed. I accept in their behalf, your generous proffer of help, and will cheerfully destribute to the several Asylums, such proceeds as may be handed over to me for their relief. Very respectfully, your ob’t serv't, Edw. C. Anderson, Mayor. Herman Schreiner Esq : Mi/ dear Sir.—Vie wish to give the Orphans of this city, a benefit at the theatre and should be pleased to receive your co-operation and those of your musical friends. If you entertain the proposition and Im mediately reply, will oblige Yours Ac., Raymond a Hamilton. Pulaski House, January 30th, 1866. Savannah, January 31st, 18GG. Messrs. Raymond a Hamilton; Gentlemen—Your note of yesterday has been re ceived. After consultation with Dr. Johnson, Mr. Ward and the gentlemen composing the Savannah Orc hestra, I have the pleasure to inform you that all have kindly tendered their valuable assistance in the Concert to be given tor the benefit of the Orphans of this city on Friday evening next, at the theatre. My humble services have been, and always will be, at dis posal for charitable objects. Yours, truly, Herman L. Schreinf.r. Detention of the OOth New York Regi- noth New York Veteran Volunteers, which arrived here a lew days since en route lor home, still remains in this city on account of the regimental hooks and records not having arrived, the steamer Mary Ella being detained at Red Bluff with them on hoard. This regiment lias seen long and hard ser- rlce in South Carolina. Florida, Louisiana, Maryland. ’irginla and Georgia, and all hands * get home. —“—7T ~~ Serious Accident. Yesterday afternoon about three o'clock, Mr. J. H. Blount from New York, who is at present stopping at the Marshall House, met with a severe accident.— He was driving a horse and buggy on the Thunder bolt road, and when about three miles from the c*ty, the horse took fright from some object in the road and starting suddenly threw Mr. Blount from the carriage. He was conveyed home on a mattr&ss. and Dr. Walsh summoned to attend him, when it was ascertained h had received a compound fracture of one ancle. The fractured limb was properly cared for, and last night he appeared rather more easy. Choice Old RYE—Among other good things, Stewart A Co., corner Bull and Bronghton streets, are selling a very superior article of Gibson A Sons old XXX Monongahela Whiskey. It Is a pure article which has arrived at a ripe old age. From Florida.—The steamer Helen Getty. Captain Ingraham, arrived in this city yesterday afternoon from Florida. We are indebted to the purser for late Florida papers. Ac. The British ship Mozart was yesterday towed down to Venus' Point, for the purpose of reeciv- ing the balance of her cotton. art r. sF of Mr. Lamar.—G- B- Lamar, Esq., who has been imprisoned at the Post Hospital since hia trial, was yesterday release from custody, under bonds. Fort Pulaski.—Change ot commanders being ne- cessitated by the recent movement of colored troops from Port Pulaski, Major W. C. Manning, of the 103d U S. C. T-, resumes command of the Fort. Major General Braunan, commanding the De partment of Georgia, who has been in the city for the past three days on official business, will probably re turn to Headquarters at Augusta to-day. Boots and Shoes at Cosi.-We invite attention to the advertisement of Mr. S. M. Colding in another col umn, offering hte large and weU selected stock of boots, shoes, Balmorals, gaiters, Ac., at cost. A convention was held in Baltimore, on Wednes day to inaugurate measures “to restore to the dis franchised citizens of Maryland the right of suffrage.” Speeches were made and resolutions passed denounc ing the registration law of the State-which excludes all disloyal persons—and declaring that “it is odious and opprossive in its provisions and tyranical in the manner of its administration,” and recommending the people of the State to send potitions to the legisla- ture to have it repealed. PULASKI HOUSE—W. H. Wiltberqes A Co. H R Hollenbeck, Suvh J S Newell, Boston J W Briggs, do J C Alrteii, do S K Pettet, Ft Pula9ki D A Martin, Baltimore J J Frazier, N -Y A Pohl, Charleston A Chisholm, do A P Denckley, Plilla J Slorhoner, Wisconsin B Blake, Charleston A M Rutledge, Nashville J K La Fra uce, N Y G Lyons, England J Humphreys, England J E Young, Fla W H Hunt, do J W Spratt, A A G R R J Lough, Baltimore A E Cook, Beaufort R P Daniel, Kla Miss Feruaniti-z, Fla Mias E Spaulding, Fla W W M McLean. St Johns S Slmontls. Baltimore Capt J Smith and lady H C Hamilton, S C Dr C B Gamble, Fla W G Barth, Waukennah E W Gamble, do H Blanchard, Boston G Savage, Fla J D Mutheson, Miss FI Halle and servt Master C Haile, G n Hunter, Fla' Miss F Chase. J W Tompkins, Fla iG W Hancock, Fla |J G Hayward, Charleston |J Irwin, MARSHALL HOUSE—A. B. Luc*. S Simonas, Baltimore |A O Roul, NY T H Patterson, N Y |w Hoffman, Fla J M Coupee, En A A G HO A Wright, Phlla M E Fitzgerald M L King, Savh J Sullivan, Mass J W MaGlU, Savh E Wildman, Savannah jw Goodrich, Conn A Abell, Liverpool .J Ttdemau, Japan Capt Gray, ship Lady Rus-|E S Studley, Boston sell iT E Lovell, Augusta E Stuart, Savh | W H Orr. Cincinnati F P Reed, Ohio E B Fenton, N Y W T Danforth, Conn U Gross, Savh Shippiuj; Intelligence. Miniature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 6 47,Moon rises j 38 Sun sets 6 13!lllgh water io 43 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Wednesday, Jan. 31,18C6. Arrived. Steamer Rockland, Beaufort, Charleston—L S Bennett. Steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham, Palatka Fla—L S Bennett. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Steamer H M Cool, Taylor, Darien—M A Cohen. Scltr Jennie Morton, Freyholy, New York—T B Marshall A Bros. Cleared. Steamship Win Tibbets, Cony, Boston—Richardson A Barnard. Steamer H M Cool, Taylor, Darien—M A Cohen Steamer Union, Fraser, Augusta—F M Myrell. Steamer Clarion, Suuhury, Chas L Colby A Co. Sctir July Fourth, Shaw, Mobile—Van Horn, Hot yoke A Murray. Ship Lady Russell, , Reid A Stewart. Edconda, , Liverpool. Below. , Liverpool, with salt to Imports. Per steamer nelen Getty, from Palatka, etc—69 bales upland cotton, 31 do sea Island do. 13 kegs orange juice, 2 bbls ilo, 2 bdls cowhides and mdse. Per steamer H M Cool, from Darien—140 bales up land cotton, 1 ilo sea island do. Exports. Per steamship Wm Tibbetts, for Boston-216 bales upland cotton, 130 do sea island do, 3 casks and 14 bbls metal, 46 sacks peanuts, 70 bdls tents, 4 boilers 00 bales and 208 loose hides, 24 bdls grain sacks, 63 bal .a and bags junk and hides, and sundry mdse. Passengers. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, edc—Z E Butts, G W Hancock, Mrs Rice anil servt, J 8 I'urie and lady. Miss F Chase, J S Purse, jr, Dr Barth, Miss Flora Chase, II Blanchard, Miss E Halle and servt, J W Thonipkins, G H Hunter, G A Wright, G Savage, L C Arledge and lady, J D Matheson, Master C Haile, Dr Gamble, E W Gamble, a O Rowe, J Hoffman, W Harden, Mrs M Chappell. W Goodrich, J Gross, L P Anderson, Miss E A Garrison, and 9 deck. Consignees. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, etc—LS Bennett, J L VHlalongo, Bryan, Hartridge A Co F W Sims A Co, Tisoa A Gordon, J H Bond, Crane, JAG J W Anderson, J H Ingraham, Brady, 8 A Co. ’ Per steamer H M Cool, from Darien—J W Ander son, Bryan, H A Co, J T Pattersou. Consignees per Central ilailroart. Savannah, Jan. 31, 1866. 98 bales upland cotton, 4 nags sea Island ilo, and md-ie, to J W Rabun, A S Hartridge, J It Wilder G O Marry Weed, C A Co, N A Hardee A Co, A Meyers d 1 Co, L J Guilmanin & Co, J L VUlalonga, H, Wat son A Co, F’ W Sims if Co. INVILLE & GLEASON. St. Julian Street, West of Market, V AN'NAE agents pou MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., LYON’S KATHAIRON. Kathairon Is from the Greek word “Kathro," c “Katbalro," signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate and re store. This article Is what its name signifies. For preserving, restoring and beautify ing the human half, lt Is the most remarkable preparation in the world. It Is again owned and put up by the original proprie tor, and is now made with the same care, skill and at tention which gave it a sale of over one million bot tles per annum. 11 is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates scarf and dandruff. lt keeps the head cool and - lean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray. It restores hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautful head of hair should use Lyon's Kathairon. It is known and used throughout the civilised world. Sold by al respectable dealers. oct27-eodlv DEMAS BARNES A COA New York. Notice. OFFICE 8AV. A OGEECHEE CANAL CO .\ January 25th, I860. / On and after this date, no Rafts, Flats or Boats will be Allowed to pass In the Savannah River Level be tween dark and daylight. Rafts must not be fasten ed on the tow path-side of the Canal. F. BLAIR, President. E. F. Blaib, Sec’y. C j26 A PHYSIOLOGICAL. View of MARRIAGE Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine Plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Or gans In a state of Health and Disease, with a Trea tise on Early Errors, its Deplorablu Consequences upon the mind and Body, with the Author’s Plan of Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by the report or cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, and those contem plating marriage, who entertain doubts of their phys ical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents. In stamps or postage currency, by Addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Malden l-nn,,' Albany, N. Y. 1 he author may be consulted upon any of the dis eases upon which his book treats either personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world, •ctlo em BATCHELOR'S hath DYH The Original and Best in the World I The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous. Produces immediate.y a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or Bkin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine to signed William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLEFLEURS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. aul4-1y CHARLES BATCHELOR, Nitw Yoke. KEROSENE WARE, Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Harp Hangers, Side Backs, Side Lamps, with and wlthont Reflectors; Fan cy Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Bases, Pegs and Fonnts- Patent Glass Csnes, Burners, Globes, Chimnies and Wick, DRUGGISTS’ FLINT A GREEN GLASS, Crock ery Dealers' and Confectioners’ GLASSWARE. Goods of all kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL JAMES T. WRIGHT, 225 Greenwich Street, Two doors below Barclay, N. Y novl-3m EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK For sale by kcplo BRIGHAM. BALDWIN * IX). Sight Exchange ON NEW YORK, In sums to suit purchasers, by ■tepOf-tf B. F. MRTCM FK A fO HAVANA SEGARS PIPES, Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO. subscriber has just received a large stock Havana Segars, to Which he would Invite particular attention. He has also an extensive assortment of JVteershanm Pipes, SEGAR TUBES and BRIARWOOD PIPES. The v»rion9 brands of Chewing and Smoking To bacco at his Establishment are all of the first quality. Please call and examine for yourselves, at jl-tf F. CONSTANT’S, Ball st, opposite Post Office. ALEXANDRE KID GLOW a flne assortment of Silk, Wool and Buck EINSTEIN A ECKMAN, 151 Congri-ss street MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridge, Car, Ship or Band Hoot, — AMD — BOILER BOLT, SETT SCREWS, COACH OR LAO SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUND AND SQUARE WASHERS, Tumb uoltles, Bolt Ends, ’laps and. Dies, &e. Office of U. S. Direct Tax Com missioner. DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, 1 Savannah, Dec. 13, 1865. f Owners of Lots, Lands and Improvements in the city of Savannah, Ga., are notified that the Tax Roll for ■aid city is completed, and tho taxes due thereon may be paid to the undersigned within s;itv ‘0? congress this date, at our .gfflfie ot the properly taxed to the iJmted Slates. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. pi-, and 2 to 5 p. m. T. P. ROBB, S. A. PASCOAST, J. C. BATES, U S Direct Tax Commissioners, D:st. r of Georgia. "William Grill, (Successor to William B. Hawkins,) MPORTER and Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Ales, Wines, Liqnors, Philadelphia Por ter, Champagne Cider, Ac., No. 170 Fulton Street, Opposite St. Paul's Church, NEW YORK. Bottler of Mile's Celebrated Ale for Shipping and Family use. Particular attention paid to Filling and Shipping Southern Orders. All orders by mall will be promptly attended to. ul4-3m New Books, New Books. .““^oSert’M. Daniels: flight lift Dark Christmas, by Mrs. Henry Wood; Half Mil lion of Money, by Amelia B. Edwards; Social Lile of the Chinese, Oy Justus Doolittle; Leonore and other Poems, by Lady Chatterton; Poems by Mrs. Anna M. Spaulding; The Red Book or Apin; Story Middle Age.-- Miriam Rivers, the Lady Soldier; Colin Clouts Come Home Again, by Spencer; Leslie’s Magazine lor February; Demorest’s Magazine for February; Atlan- Monthly for February; Harper’s Monthly for Feb ruary. j31 NOTICE There was a large Fenian meeting at St. James’ Hell Buffalo, on Friday evening last Hon. A. M. Clapp, Gen. Sweeney, Col. Roberts, Wm. Brennan, and J. W. Murphy were the speakers. A. M. Clapp presided. Gen. Sweeney pledged himself, if supported, that be fore next May he would conquer a certain territory upon which the Irish flag should be planted, and which shall he made the base of operations against England for the liberation of Ireland. Col. Roberts promised within 90 days to have the green flag sup ported by the greatest army of Irishmen upon which the son ever shone. Tn-ere i8 » powerful movement throughout the Northwest in favor of free trade and the modification of the protective tariff to revenue basis. Free trade leagues are being organized in the leaaing towns and cittel The Chicago league has been fully organized and the names of many leading citizens of both political parties appear in the list of officers. Extensive Theft of Diamokm.- 0 ® Thursday evening oflast week a sneak thief entered the par lor on the second floor of No. 101 Fifth Ave “° ’ York, rifled a bureau drawer of $7,0o0 worth of dla mond jewelry and $150 In Treasury notes. With1 ms booty the thief left the house wlthont being detec and made his escape. -Paymaster Tuttle, U. S- N-Tas discov ered his seventeenth comet at the national observatory. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. OFFICE ATLANTIC A GULF R. R- CO., } Savannah, January 24, ISO*, f The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders or the Atlantic A Gulf Railroad Company will be held at their office, on Bay street, on Wednesday, the 14th day of February next, at 12 o’clock m. An election for Directors to serve for the ensuing year will be held at the same time and place. 1). MACDONALD, J 25-til Secretary,. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS’ STORKS. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, &o.; ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CHISELS, Ac. TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Also Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TUNNED BELTING 'HffiS&mSZAoEE? STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS,«S:c. septa tr | Notice of chairman of the Committee oil Streets and Danes T HE Citizens of Savannah are respectfully requested to avoid throwing water, slops, Ac. in ihe streets I and lanes. It is the desire of the Committee on Streets and Lanes to keep the city in a clean and or derly condition; and they seek the co-operation of its citizens in doing so. They are unwilling to resort to compulsory measures if they can be avoided; and, therefore this request is made. Unless the citizens I accede to this request, the Committee will be obliged to strictly enforce tho ordinance of the city. j?9-6 F. L. GUB, Chairm-in Com- Streets and L.ues, Powder, Sliot, Caps. 150 kegs Hazard s F. F. G Storting Powder 75 HF. and quarter kegs F. F. G- do to cases, 1 lb. canisters u° 2' 0 bags, assorted sizes, Drop Shot 100,000 G. D. Percussion Caps. Kw “ J79-6 _ For sale by UILTON A RANDELL, lea Iriy-sf. SCALES. a usoRTED Sizes and Patterns of Fairbanks' Piat- A form and Counter Scales, which for accuracy, neatness and durability cannot be surpassed Also best Frames, Beams, Hooks, de., for weighing Coi ton. For sale by j25-tf BOUSE A BRYANT, 194 Bay street Coffees. 25 sacks St. Domingo Coffee lifer " 8 o 1 ub 1 e I? a c iti c GUANO. Invite the at'entlon of Planters to this valuable W Gtmno as » matter of importance to their in- . ..... in. Similar in appearance, odor .mi compo- Hfrion to Peruvian Guano P diff e rin« only in the pro- B1 ,P,, h „ u , m e elements. It contains less 11m- p0rl Y» U hnt oenrlTone'tiundred per cent, more of Phos- ffimnfthan Peruvian Ghtano, one-third of which is im- ttteWmtabirit to quite us active as Peruvian Guano and is less costly- For further information, apply to SO sacks superior Iilb Coffee 20 hats choice Java Coffee In store and for sale by jl-3m E. C. WADE A CO„ Agents, Savannah, Ga J296 HILTON A RANDELL, 193 Bay street TO PLANTERS. \\i e will keep.constantly on hand a foil stock of I W plows, Hoes, Corn shelters, Straw Cutters, Axes, and other Agricultural Implements or best makers and patterns with which to suPP 1 ^ and Country Merchants, whose to our stock and think we can make it to their Inter 1 est to purchase of us. boUSE a BRYANT, j25-tf 194 Bay street. Magnolia Hotei 3 BEAUFORT, SO. CA-, J4-lm* European Plan JOHN LILLY, Proprietor. j. w. STEELE, (Late Steele A Burbank,) 11 Merchants’ Bow, Hilton Head, So. Ca. And comer King and George Sts., Charleston, r-tALLS the attention of Wholesale and Retail Por- (r Chase" w hb « I P erlor 8tock ot BLAIR & BICKFORD, LUMBER MANUFACTURERS, AND I DEALERS IN TIMBER AND LEM- ber of every descrip- Military and Naval Clothing TION. DOORS, SASH, AMD BDiSOS FURNISHING goods, w.rehaL Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry and Plated Mill and Lumber Yard on Canal, near Bryan street Ware, ^v£ A^Ac® 00 **’ ffog-tf Savannah, Ga. i* HOLIDAY GOODS. Direct ImDortation from Londo and Paris. J UST RECEIVED, a large and varied assortment of Imported Wares and Fancy Articles, suitable for the coming reason, embracing in part: Statuettes—Bronze, Besqueand Pariai Toilet Setts. Clocks Perfumery Ladies’ Traveling Bags French Parasols Portemonn&ies Milliners' Fancy Wares Osier Baskets And an endless variety ot Fancy Groods, ordered for this market and just received by ship County of Picton, and other vessels now arriving. Fancy Goods by the rlginal package, to w hich the attention of Milliners and others is invited. W. W. LINCOLN, Corner Congress and Bnil streets, Monument Sqnare. On Consingment. 55 bbls Yellow Onions 15 bbls Apples 6 bbls Figs H bbls Cranberries III half bbls Cranberries 23 half boxes Rotates 1 box Tomatoes in kegs Batter. Jast arrived and for sale by j*9 L. J. OUILMARTIN A CO. VALENTINES, AT ESTILLS NEWS DEPOT, 427-tf Bull-st, hack of Poet Office. New Sugar Cured Hams. 0 BBLSo a very suj „_^jrior article. For sale by BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO- RIDE. W E have now on hand a few Open Baggies and Rockaways, light and neat. Also, Sets of Uuruess, which we will sell unusually low. BOUSE A BRYANT, 194 Bay street. 50 English Dairy Cheese. BOXES, a very superior article. For safe by j27-lf BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. FOR BIUMWl'I AND DARIEN A l Schooner Sea Foam will receive what freight offers at Habersham’s Wharf. - For freight at low rates apply to Capt. Griffin on board, or to R , cnARDg0N & BARNARD, febl Bay st., opposite Mariner’s Church. STEAM FOR NEW YORK ATLANTIC COAST Mail Steamship Company. (Carrying the United States Mall) Cabin, 930 OO Steerage, $15 OO The new and very fast sailing steamship Herman .Livingston, (201) tons burthen.j Capt. J. B. BAKER, will positively 9ail on her regnlar day, Saturday, 3d Feb., at 10 a. m. For freight or passage, having very superior ac commodations, apply to WILDER A FULLARTON. ™ Agents. Pioneer Line FOR NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! Cabin Passage, $25 OO Deck, $10 OO The new and splendid steamship TYBEE, Crowell, Commander, will leave for the above port on her regular day. Saturday, February 3d. at — o’clock. .tfon^,°to PaS8 ‘ ,ge ’ h&Vlng accommo- —-— HUNTER A QAMMELL- Empire Line. FOR NEW YORK. Atlantic Mall steamship Company. PASSAGE RATES: Cabin $30 OO; Deck $10 OO; Steerage $15 The new and fast side-wheel steam ship SAN SALVADOR, Atkins, mas. jter, will sail os above, on Saturday, Feb. 3d, at 10y 2 o’clock, a. m. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply to B. H. HARDEE, No. 12 Stoddard’s Range. shipping. FOR AUGUSTA. The steamer amazon, Rapt. GARNET, will have dispatch on Friday. February 3d, l8ac ffiassssr ’ « HARDO, FOB AUGUSTA AND LANDINGS ON THE RIVER. The fine steamer ECLIPSE., Capt. JOHN WARD, Will leave as above on Thursday. Feb at, at _ o’clock. For fr eight or passage, apply to - J33 F- W. SIMS A CO. Freights ' FOB AUUU8TA, mHE undersigned are prepared to receive goods .t ■*- their Warehouses—free of exm-ns* by Insura-ce—for shipment^? Au4rti S eept-J-tf cor. Bay and Abercorn sta< Towage. Masters of Vessels and Merchants. To jSl GARRISON * ALLEN, Agents. No. 5 Bowling Green, N. Y. Murray’s Line NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! Cakin Passage, $35 00 Deck, $10 00 The new and splendid steamship VIRGO, Bulkey, commander, will leave for the above port on her regu lar day, Thursday, Feb. 1st, at 8 o’clock, a. in. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply to J 3 ** OCTAVUS COHEN. For Augusta, STEAMER R. EL MAY, have dispatch for the above place. G<»oda receiv- i all time and stored in fire proof war^hnno* - foTCMRLESTOJV, VIA HILTON HEAD AND BEAUFORT. THE STEAMER FANNIE, CAPTAIN MoNELTY, Will leave aa above from the Florida Steamboat Wharf foot of West Broad st, on THURSDAY next, 1st Feb. at 10 o'clock a. m., and will continue to leave every Thursday following at same hour until furthei notice* This boat to in very excellent order, is commanded by officer* of experence; »nd has superior state room accommodations for passengers While the boat to on her trips, freight will be re ceived and stored In fire-proof warehouse, free of ex pense. , . For freight or puumge, ^ V R ELL, Agt, 127-lm Harris* Buildings. Bay street. Or to W. Johnson, on wharf. The steamer Let ti t, require her services naucement » to those who may Apply to J3I-2W H. .7 DICKERSON * nn FOR PALATKA, VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA (Carrying the United States Mail.) The new and fast Steam Packet Ella, Capt. P. E. ROWLAND, will leave on Tuesday fllorulng, January 30th, fo n o“ net ° leaVeregulttrl F —J TUESDAY at riff'Szrz'SiSA"'^ r * M - „ , , M. A. COHEN Fre ght payable by shippers. !29 *m-ta C ri Ved “* times 81 the Warehouse. For Palatka, E. Fla., TOUCHING AT BRUNSWICK st ma The elegant and very fast steam packet SYLVAN SHORE, Capt. JAMES TUCKER, &tre a & d np fOT ** WWW Every- Tuesday ttornia* — J;T tf '-IjAGHOR.V & CUNNINGHAM, Age uis. REDUCTION OF RATES! FOIL HAWKINSVILE i MACON VIA DARIEN, DOCTORTOWN, And landings on the Altamahs and Ocmulgee rivers. THE Steamer Oak, Capt. MoCaoley, Will leave as above on Saturday Evening next, 3d tnst. Freight received and stored In fire-proof ware-house on Old Florida Steamboat Wliaif, foot of Nest Broad ^ boat to in good order, built expressly for the trade, and rates A 1 In Insurance offices. Transportation charges on goods to Macon and ■SSSMWSt mad. with the Agent o. the Macon A Brunswick Railroad to forward good* through to Macon on arrival of boat at Huwkiusville. W R*ti» otFbiioht : To Macon, per ICO lbs, $2 80: do. per foot, Toe.; to Uawkinsvlue, per 100 lbs, $2; do., per foot, 60c. For freight, Ac., apply to J. B. PRESDEE, Agt., H 109 Bronghton street. F or Palatka^ V JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new and fast sailing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. King, Having been placed permanently upon this route » l -» . . leave for the above places on Friday Morning, 26th, at 10 o’clock, and continue to leave every Friday morning thereafter at same hour. Returning, she will leave Palatka every Sunday morning, Picolata every Sunday forenoon, and Jack sonville every Monday morning, arriving at Savan nah on Tuesday morning. Freight received at all times at the warehouse on the wharf. All freight payable by shippers. For freight or passage, having splendid cabin ac commodation, apply- at the office on Florida Steam Packet wharf; or to CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, j24-tf Agent*. Steamer Savannah NOTICE TO SHIPPERS, CONSIGNEES, OWNERS AND UNDERWRITERS. F OR the pnrpcse of making a proper epportion- ment of the proceeds ol, and charges on the the cargo saved from the above steamer, lately sunk while oh a voyage from Savannah to Angusta, you are particularly requesled to present to the undersigned, within forty days from dale hereof, proof of shipment an J copies ol your invoices. FOR BALTIMORE. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE. First Class, $30. Second Class, $20. The splendid and fast Steamship north point Will sail for Baltimore on Thursday, Feb. 1st, at — o’clock. Passengers by this rente for New York and other Northern” cities will save two hundred mile* sea tr For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, “PP’y£ ROCHK * WEST, Agents. J2D-4 Jones' Block. For Charleston. The United States Mail Steamer R O C K L -A. 1ST L>, Capt George H. Bxaciozt, will positively leave for Charleston, touching at Hil ton Head and Beaufort, on Friday Morning, Feb. M »* 8 a. in Btor freight or peasage, apfcly to the Captain, on board, foot of West Broad street, or to “ L. & BENNET. Pacific Mail Steamship Company’s Through Line to California, r r»OCCHlNO at Mexican Torts, and carrying the A United States Mali. Leave Pier No. 42 North River, foot of Canal street, at 12 o’clock noon, on the 1st, llthand 21st of every mouth, (except wUen those dates fail on Sunday, and then on the preceding Saturday,) for Asplnwnli, cou- nectiug via Panama Railway, with one of the « orn- pany's steamships ‘from Panama for Sau Francisco, touching at Acapulco. JANUARY. 1st—Henry Chauncey, Capt. Gray, connecting with Sacramento, Capt. Caveriy. , ^ Uth—Atlantic, Capt. Maury, connecting with Golden 20ttte?N’ew aP York, Captain Horner, connecting with Constitution, Capt Farnsworth. Departures oflst and 21st connect at Pajama with steamers for South Pacific ports. Those of 1st touch at ManzaDillo. THROUGH PASSAGE RATES IN CURRENCY. First Cabin Second Cabin 10 o A S dtei»Srt of One Quarter f^^tearaera rates allowed “ “ c< ^? p c ^ , ^iiowance of One Quarter on todmitaHnl their fa.nilles and SftSn; *ta vlD * honorable dis- Cl one e hi2dred^nnds baggage allowed each adult. w^aa^mMters accompany baggage through, and tadlM and children wltiiout male protec- Btfmge received on the dock the day before Sifln* mSatearnboaw, railroads, and passengers who prefer to send down early. inexperienced surgeon on board. Medicine and attendance free A steamer will be placed on the line January 1, 1866, to ran from New Orleans to Aspinwall via Havana. For passage tickets, or further information, apply at the Company’s ticket office, cn the Wharf, foot of Canal street, North River, New York. F- W- G- BELLOWS. jlMm Agent. j24-tMC J. W. WOLCOTT, Agent. 2 Harris’ Block, Bay st. For Doctortown IN CONNECTION WITH THE ATLANTIC AND GULF RAILROAD PER Tliomasville. The Steamers Orient and Gl-en. Shepley, willfeave Savannah per Doctortown every Tuesday and Saturday morning at 7 o’clock. Returning, 1“ Doctortown for Savannah every Tuesday and Si day morning at 7 o’clock. —' For freight or pastuge apply to leave iatur- jSI-tf CHAS L. COLBY A CO., Corner Abercorn and Bay streets. For Liverpool. . _- The fine Br. ship ANN ABELL A. Adams, master, having a large portion of her car- go engaged and on hand, will have qmck despatch lor the above port. For freight engagements, apply to J3 -tf BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. For Liverpool. _r—, The fine British bark ARBITRATOR’ Allen, master, having a Urge portion of hex BOSiy cargo engaged, will have quick despatch for <Era=“»tlie above port For farther freight engagement*, apply to 17j BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. For LIVERPOOL. The fine new clipper bark MARIA HENRY, PRINCE, Commander, having three-fourths of her cargo engaged, wOl baft quick despatch^ For balance of freight, apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., Corner of Abercorn and Bay streets. Liberal allowances made on consignments to our rieLd* In Liverpool. jll-tf '