Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 01, 1866, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald .SAVANNAH, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1, 1866. COMMERCIAL. Augusta Commercial Bulletin, corrected semi-weekly for tlie Heraiui, by Maude & Wright, Cotton Factors and General Commission Merchants. Auodsta, Monday Evening, Jan. 28,1866. River C>; feet and falling. Weather clear and warm. Htearaora in port—Enos. Express, Wm. G. Gibbons, Swan, Forest City, Laura, Scorpio, and Minuie Brandt. Receipts of cotton for week ending Saturday, Jan. 27th, 3,496 bales; shipments, 3,702. Gold—Buying, 137; selling, 139; demand dull. Bank of Augusta Bills—30c. Bank State of Georgia do—20c. < tty Bank of Augusta do—20c. Georgia R. R. and Banking Co’a do—93 to par. Mechanics’ Bank do—10c. Union Bank do—10c. Central R. R. Banking Co’s do—S2c. Augusta Insurance and Banking Co’s do—10c. Cotton—Market dull and quiet, Middling 39c. Strict Middlings—40c. Domestics—1-4 Augusta Sheetings, 30c. ’a do—25e. Drills—33c. Veins—70® 75. Prints—25@28c. Bagging—(Gunny) 3i J.c. 1 lore—(Hemp) Richardson Grcenlr-af. 23®21c. Nails—Assorted sizes per keg, #10 50. 1 ron—American, $10},i@12c. Steel—Cast, 30®35c. Leallur—Sole, 30(g.50c per lb.,; Uppers per dozen, *3 ifi.50. ■Soup—Brown, 16(5,-18c. Candles—Star, stock heavy, 30(<L32e. Corn—tt 85@1 90. Oats—SI 30® 1 40. Hay—(Hales) per cwt. $3,.(3 25. Meal—Per bushel, $2. Fodder—l’er cwt. f Flour—Supertine #15, Extra do #16, Double Extra, $18 per bbl. Buckwheat—Fer bbl. (190 lbs.) 516(5,18. Jiacou—Dull, Clear Sides, 2U®22e. Butter—Choice Goshen, 48@50c. Lard—Prime leaf, 23®25c. Cheese—Western Reserve, 23®24c ; English Dairy, 25(2 23c. Molasses—Cuba Muscovada. 65®70c. Coffee—Steady. Rio, 35(a.30c. Sugar—Brown, 15®18c; White, 22®23c. Rice (New crop)—Dull, 15@16c. Hominy—$2®2 25 bushel. Mackerel—New No. 1 kits, 52 7o®3 50. Teas—Heavy and nominal. Peas—51 40 pi bushel. Eggs—40@45 (i dozen. Apples—$9@10 bbl. Potatoes—34(75 p bbl. Onions—53®4 fi bbl. Salt—Liverpool, market overstocked, 52 75(33. Liquors—Dull—no demand. Com Whisky, 52 16® 2 90; Rye »Dd Bourbon, 52 90,g4 50. Cigars—Dull and heavy; Domestic, $20@37 1,000. Lime—*3 73 bbl. Cement (Hydraulic)—Dull, $7. Shot—54 50®4 75 ’ji bag. Genkhal Jm Lane Bus douu making a speech in Kansas, to which the Western press attach some importance, as it shows that some of the most prominent of the Western radicals have made up their ruiuds to support President Johnson’s plan of resto ration. The following extract from Lane’s speech present a dilemma that would bother the most astute Eastern disunioni-t to meet fairly.—Nashville Union and American. I laugh to scorn aiiy man, especially any Kansas muD, who would advocate the ex tension of suffrage to tho colored man in the Southern States and deny it to him in his own State. (Applause.,) I was talking the other day with some gentlemen, I believe in this city, on this subject ot colored suffrage One was advocating the extension of the suf- lrage in the Southern States I asked him what about extending tho right of suffrage to the colored men of Kansas? Oh, he was not in favor of that. Another man responded and said he supposed the reason lie was iu favor of extending suffrage to the black man in the. South and not in Kansas was, because the plantation blacks were so much better qualified than our own. (Laughter.) That closed the conversation. If you meet the question at all, meet it boldly, squarely and honorably. If the Con - stitution gives to Congress the right to 11 * the status of suffrage in Louisiana aud South Carolina, it gives it the same right in Kansas and Connecticut,and Wisconsin, aud Illinois and Pennsylvania. I would like to see a Republican Congress extending the right ot suffrage to the Black man of Pennsylvania or nny ,,f the other Northern States ! It would Bo wise political action, would it nut? Ab surd 1 Leave that, question where the C in stitution lelt it—with Hie different State Gov ernments. Compound Interest Notes.—As every body may not yet know what a compound interest note is, we copy the lollowiug des- CT\\AW It is a note having three years iu payable at the end ot three years, on u hicli no interest whatever is paid until the princi pal becomes due, but ou which the accruing interest is compounded every six months. Ji is a legal tender for the principal only’. A ten dollar note, therefore, is worth at ma turity, by compounding the iuterest, about eleven dollars. The holder is entitled to present at the Treasury, anil to receive iu lawful money,' in round numbers, twelve dollars. By the law, as it now stands, the .note is at no period to be a legal tender for more than ten dollars, aud so much is ex pressed on the face of t he note itself. The Jacobins in Conouess.—Thad. Stevens asked leave to introduce a resolution in Con gress on Monday instructing the Committee on Foreign Affairs to inquire into the proprie ty of the United Slates granting a loan on proper security, to the republic .it Mexico, to enable her to prevent the establishment of a mouarehial government on her soil. Some other radical will next propose a loan to the Fenians. These Jacobin propagandists will try to get us into a war with France and England by aud by. They are in many n- speefs following in the footsteps of the Jaco bins of the French Revolution, who, as soon as their fierce passions obtained control, rushed France into a general war.—N. 1’. Herald. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. HOWELL. OOCIJ. JAM KB JACK BON. SURE CUltB FOB THE CHILLS AND FEVER AND KINDRED DISEASES. IWQUIRE at the MORNING STAR SALOON, cor- I Bay street Lane and Bull street. Positive cure lu one day or no pay. dO-tf CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, COMPOSED OF IODIDE OF POTASSIUM, WITH THE COMPOUND CONCEN TRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND HERBS. Prepared by WM. H. GREGC. M. D., Graduate of the. College, of Physicians and Surgeons, New York; formerly Assistant Physician in the Blackwell's Island Hospitals. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Has produced n revolution In Medicine. What may seem almost incredible is, that many dts eases hitherto considered hopelessly incurable are fie queiiilv cnri'd in a few days or weeks; and we cheer idly jii vile the investigations ot the liberal minded and sc,ciitdic to cures which have no parallel at the pres- .-ctit day. During the past five years we have contended with ohsticlea and overcome opposition as herculean as were ever encountered by any reformers. RAPIDITY OF CURE. Nome say, “Your cures are too quick," while others doubt their permanence, aud think that diseases enu only be cured by the “slow, recuperative process oi Nuinre." 'I bis is our reply: In health, the body, like a well- baluuced scale, is in a state of equilibrium. But when, irom any cause, down goes one side of the scale, we have the effects of diseuse. What is requisite, is tare- atore.t lie normal balance of the scale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Is a positive and specific remedy for all diseases orlgi n itlng from au impure state of the Blood, and for al (.hereditaiyj diseases transmitted from parent to child PARALYSIS. It Is so universally admitted that Constitution Life Syrup is the only effective means of restoration in the various forms of Paralysis, that we need not. reiterate that it is emphatically the Great-Life-glvlug Power. DYSPEPSIA. Indigestion, Weight at Stomach, Flatulence, Live Complaint, want of Appetite, Bad Breath, Constipation, Billionsncas. SCROFULA. Struma, King's EviL Glandular Swellings Erysipelas, Ulceration, Salt Rheum. Tills taint (hereditary and acquired), filling life with untold misery, is, by all usual medical remedies, in curable. RHEUMATISM. [Arthritis], Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Gout, Tic Doloreaux. If there is any disease iu which the Constitution Li e byrup is a sovereign, itisiu Rheumatism and its kiudn d affections. The most intense pains ire almost instantly alleviated—enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chronic or vicarions, of twenty or forty years' standing, have been cured by as CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Purges the system entirely from all the evil effects o Mercury, removing the had Breath, aud curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use of Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Guius, aud secures the Teeth as firmly as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases of the Shin, like Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, and all other difficulties of his kind, which so much disfigure the outward appearance of both males and females, often making them a disgusting object to thetu.elves aud their Irieuds FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES. Either of the Nose. Throat, Tongue, Spine, Forehead, or Scalp, no remedy bus ever proved Its equal. Moth Paiclies upuu the female face, depending upon a diseased action of the Liver, are very unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A few bottles of consti tution Life Syrup will correct the secretion and remove the deposit, winch is directly under tile skin. Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizzi ness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or an ulcerated or cancerous condition of thnt organ, accompanied with burning < r other unpleasant symptoms, will be re lieved by the use of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. As a General Blood-Purifying Agent, the Life Syrup stauds unrivalled by any preparation iu the world. THE RICH AND POOR Are liable to the same diseases. Nature and science h ive made the Constitution Life Syrup lor t liobeuitlt of all. PURE BLOOD , w.ithv men and women ; and If the 1 reduces he. y y 0Ut n, disease uDd early death is 'the r“ult Do Slot delay when the means are so ..ear S band, and w ithin the reach of all. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Is the poor man's friend, and the rich man s bli eslng. WILLIAM H. GREGG, M. D., Sole Proprietor, New York. MORGAN ft ALLEN, Wholesale Lrugglsts, Agents, n22-3m • 40 Cliff street. New York. — Hon. Oswald Thompson, presiding Judgh of the Court of Common Pleas, and of Ptiiladelphia's most brilliant lawyers,died in that city on Tuesday last front a second stroke of paralysis which happened a few • hits tiucc. The courts adjourned at once on the announcement of his death. — Mrs. Stephen A. Douglas was married to Major Robert Williams, U. S. A , at her ’ residence, corner ot New Jersey aveoue and I street, ou Tuesday evening The ceremony was performed by Father Lynch, of the Catholic Church, in the presence of a small and select circle of friends of both parties. COBB & JACKSON, Attorneys-at-Law, MACON, GEORGIA. LAROCHE & JOHNSON, Timl)cr&Lumber Dealers 200 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Kerosene Oil, In barrels and cases, AT HORATIO PITCHER’S, Foot of Lincoln at., Under the Bluff. iibb-tf ~ WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES & CO., Wilmington, Delaware. "YfANUFACTURE Iron Steamboats. Steam Engines, ivl Boilers, Machinery for Saw Mills, Ac. Having ■^rad long experience in business and being provided very extensive facilities for doing work of this HUMS, are prepared to execute orders with despatch, 0CU8 NORTH RIVER AGRICULTURAL WORKS, GRIFFINti & C0, f Proprietors, Warehouses. 58 & 60 CortlaMt Street, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Plows. Harrows, Cultivator?, Cotton Sweeps, Hay Presites, Cotton Presses, Cider Presses, Grain Cradles, Churns, Ox Bows, Ox Yokes, Well But kets Sugar Mills, Corn MillB, Cider Mills, Fall Mills, Saw Mills. Corn Shelters, Store Tracks, Wheelbarrows Sugar Puns, Shovels, Spades, lioes. Forks, Rakes, Scythes. Hay Cutters, Sausage Cutter , Vegetable Cutt Hand Carts, Mule Carts, Ox Carts, Farm Wagons, Norse Powers, Thresh ng Mach'. Cotton Gins Mowers A Heap’s, *c., AC. Carden, Field and Flower Seeds. Iloyt’ri Super-Phosphate of Lime, Bone Manure, Pou dre.tte, Plaster, ftc. Sole Hgents for Glasgow Fertilizer Co.'s Phosphatie and Ammonhitod Guano, and Super-Phosphide ot Lime, and Bruce’s Concentrated Manure. 'l’l atle supplied. Order direct from GRIPPING ft CO.. n23-3m 58 and 60 Conrtlaudt st.. New York. DURYEAS' MAIZEIA H a < m v o c Z o FOOD Q Z 3 O (L U z o > £ H WAS THE ONLY “ PREPARATION FDB FROM INDIAN CORN” That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competition of nil pro minent manufacturers of “Corn Starch " aud “Pre pared Corn Flour" of this aud other countries not withstanding. MAIZENA, Thu fowl and luxury of the age. without a single fault. One trial will convince the most skeptical. Makes Puddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a Cost as tonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Floor greatly Improves Breed and Cake. It Is also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for fish uud meats, soup*, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing call compare with It. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up iu one pound packages, under "he trode- ruatk Malzena. with directions for use. A most delicious article of food for children and In valids of all ages. For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot. 166 Fulton Street. WILLIAM DURY1EA, J25-iy General Agent CRUTCHES F'R^und only ptemlum awarded at 'Ae American 1M «.«ud Slate Fair o^Y*a., 1865, for n^^n“ ur , , r n s ,, “ Unl Elastic Rubl*t crutenes P rou< ? nn J e< l Uy surgeons, and everybody else, to lie the very liest ever Invented. They are easy and con- veuieut, Ihey prevent paralysis of the net yes do away with all the wearinces inseparable from the use of ah circniiar 40 Aueuts winted** 0 *** ’“‘rivalled. fiend for a water**, Jewelry aim viuczs. Having none ou, T.v7Loa.boU, Manufacturing No! Tic limadw^ ^ petent wotknnn engaged Mtl-furlion h, goaran Gnuu2*.: > 4 tfccSfrfim Cor. Broughton and Whitaker sts. Y0RK.W TTTTAWrO inntsiuit ■ata E & CO., q g jj JJ- I4 A. L AUCTION 1ND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 152 BAY STREET, IAVANNAB, OA. We respectfully solicit consignments of MERCHANDIZE and PROPERTY of all kinds, tor Private Sale or Auction, and invite the attention of Buyers to our stock, which is always large and offered al the lowest prices. ROBERT P. YORK. j. R. McINTIRE. M. E. WILLIAMS. p. H. WARD. R E Savannah. Brigham, Baldwin & Co. Erwin & Hhrdee Qaden i&rUnckles Hiram Roberts LaRrche & West W. Woodbridge Hunter & Gummell jS-lm FERENCES New Yoik- Longstreet, Sedgwick & Co. S. T. Knapp & Bro. J. P. Boyle & C<>. D- H. Baldwin & Co L. C. Norvull. Important to Shippers! Great Reduction in Freights DY ERWIN & HARDEE’S of fast, Iron, light-draft, side-wheel Steamers, between SAVANNAH AND MACON, Via Hawkiusville and Brunswick R R„ touching reg ular’.y at Ductortown aud running in counectiuu LINE with the Atlantic & Gult Railroad. The new and elegant iron steamers CHARLES 8. IIA RULE, Capt. R. Johnson ; TWO BOYS, Capr, Thomas Daniels, having elegant accommodations for lreight and passengers, will ply regularly as above, leaving Sivannah every Thursday morning at 9 o’clock; Hawkiusville every Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. It is the desire of the Agents of this line to mske a permanent connection between Macon aud Savannah and t he landings on ihu Altamuha and Ocinuigee rivers, and with this object lu view they ask the sup port of the merchants of Savannah and Macon, and i lie merchants and planters along the line of the above named rivers. INSURANCE EFFECTED AT THE VERY LOWEST BATES. Freight received at all times at our warehouse, foot of East Broad street. W. B. DAVIDSON, I E. A. WILCOX. | ERWIN 4 HARDEE, Agent at Augusta | Agent at Macon. | Agents at Savannah. J9 2m SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA, And Intermediate Lauding*, connecting at Latter Point with the Georgia Railroad and Points be yond. The following steamers being of exceedingly light draft, and having ample and complete accommooa- tiou for freight and passengers, will ply regularly as follows: Iron steamer WILLIAM G. GIBBONS, every Sat urday. Iron steamer AMAZON, every ten days. Wooden steamer LAURA, every Wedresday. Our Captains and Pilots are the oldest and most experienced on the rlv. r, and no effort will be spared to meet the wauls of the travelling aud freighting public. GREAT SOUTHERN PIPER WAREHOUSE AND Depot fo r Printers’ Suppl i cs 210 Bay Street, Savanali, Ga. W ARREN 4 PLATNER keep constantly on hand a laige stock of Ledger, Writing and Wrapping Papers, of all sizes and weights; also, Binder.' Boards, Card Boards, Printers' Cards, Envelopes, Tw ines aud Printing Inks. Having had long experience in the business, and buying our goods in large lots direct from the manu- ! laciurcrs enables us to compel# with New York prices Agents for Wade’s celebrated Printing Inks; Agents in this city for the Bath Paper Mills. The highest cash prices paid ior all kinds of paper stock. jl’2 OFFICIAL. TIIOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, ‘431 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa, N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mail promptly a:- tided tn. tv31-tt blami: villi: SLATE MINING COMP’Y, VAN WERT, POLK CO., GA. Cnp’l StocK, & 1300,000 SHARES, 550 EACH. Directors—II. Rrighnm. J. F. Devcr, E. C. Gran nies, A. Wilbur and A E. Mai shall. PiiEsinRNT—A. W.lbnr. Savannah. Ga. Vioz l'ni BiniM—E. C. Granniss, Macon, Ga. Skouktaut—A. E. Marshall, Atlanta, Ga. T HIS I’.’mjiany will - , orders lor n .i,ow"."„Vy,.“[gP" r eed to !!!) any furniture manufactur' d out or s iiV' /'rr.. ‘’L.iV.'.Yu *»e pavement, and for any other uses to which slate can unapplied. The quarry is eoiivml r.t to the cities of Alla..Li, Augusta. Mueou, A : bm.v and Columbus. Ga.; to the cities of Selma, Montgomery and Mobile. Ala.; to New Orleans, and will shortly be to Mem phis, Tuuu.. and S . Louis, Mo. The superiority of slate Tor rooting purposes, and its special adaptability to various articles oi furniture uud for paveme t are well known. Orders m.iy be addressed to A. E. MARSHAL!, S- c’y, j8 Atlanta, Ga. TO WHOLESALE GROCERS, liquor hea-LEIIS DISTILLERS, DRUGGISTS, And Soap Manufacturers. I ESSENTIAL OILS, for flavoring and irnprovlnp A Brandy. Rum, Pott Wine, Iloutb in, Rye, Scotch and Wuiskies, ugc and body pieparatlons He neutralising nml mol I i> lug Whirkry and Spirit, Col orings, Syrups and Fruit Juices for Braudy, Whiskey and Mines, oils and Extract of Cognac and oilier Brandies, Holland and London Gill, Ac. Dr. F.' Treatise on Feimeuted Liquors, w til 1,600 Recipes, s FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE. Persian Insect Powcbr, Fly Paper, Loadstone, F.uorspar and Fluoric Acid, Mangiuese, and all rare Chemicals and Dings. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS S'1 lie it e of soda in Crystals, Liquid and Jelly China Clay and Terra Alba. Soap Stoue, Rosiu Soda. Ash, &c. JOS. W. FEUCHTRANGER. novT-cod3m No. 5i Cedar sL, N1 Y. J. SHAFFER, Oommission Dealer la all kinds of FOREIGN AND I> MESTIC FRUITS ani>PRODUCE. Wfst Washington Market, Opposite 143 West st., Bulkhead between Barclay and Vescy sts., % E W YORK. Potatoes, Apples and Oniotis constantly on hand, aud ~put np for the Southern market All consignments promptly uttenked to. fr-vT" Refers to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Wa'sh, and J. H Parsons. Iv19 Midlv Ixi’o wu’s iMaiuluitl Scale*. U SED by the United States and Foicign Govern mi nts for more than '.THIRTY YEARS. Adapted to any branch of business for foreign or home markets. Warranted accurate anil durable. Sales rooms No. 3 Barclay-sL, near Broudway. N. Y. sepl» ty K. BROWN. Manufacturer. IMPROVED PORTABLE AM) STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, MANUFACTURED DY T. F. ROWLAND, CONTINENTAL WORKS, Greenpoint, Brooklyn. The undersigned are Agents for the shove, and keep on hand, and can order at shortest notice, En gines of any power desired. Apply to jll Ira E. C. WADE ft CO. W J" ewelry! Silver and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods. &c., T HE underafgned respectfully calls the attention of the dtlseiis and visitors from the country to his well selected stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Clocks, Fancy Goods, fcpect .rlcs. Re volvers and Pistols of the inoat celebrated Manufac turers. Particular attention is paid to the Repairing of Watches, Jewelry and Clocks. Having none but AN ordinance: To regulate Public Balls, Shoutings, Public Exhibi tions, Ac. Whereas, frequent complaint has been made of late by citizens, of the noisy and disorderly behavior at public balls and shoutings in the city, to the an noyance ol the neighborhood, uud the disturbance of the public peace ; Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of rite city of Savannah in Council assembled, That It shall not be lawlul for auy person or persons ro give, with in the limils of the city, any public balls of whatso ever description or other gathering where boisterous shoutings is indulged in, under the penally of filly dollars fine for each and every contravention, unless permission in writing lie previously obtained from the Mayor. Such penalty to be Inflicted upon the person or persons giving sueli ball or shouting, or guilty ol h. i.,teruus conduct at the same. Wherever the foregoing shall lie violated, It shall bo the duty of the May in to cause said ball or ball.-, or other gathering as nefore mentioned tube closed limnediutcly by the Police. Every person giving a public ball or gathering as ar.reuumeil, wiiunh.ll prolong rite iliiiuliou of the same beyond lUc ilout fixed by the Mayor’s permit, shall be subject to a line of tweiily-dve dollars fo. eucl: anil eveiy offence. The Mayor shall nominate amt appoint a sufficient number of men to be policemen, and to form under that, deiiomiuailuu a guard for theatres, public ex hibitions, balls and shoutings, in order there to re ceive and execute the orders and directions of the Mayor and officers of the Police, as to what concerns the muinle mitce of good order iu the aforesaid pre mises, Provided their number shall not exceed five men for each of such theatres, exbibitious, balls or shoutings. ’t he polheiiten on duty on sueli occasions shall tie paid by the acting managers or oilier persons har ing direction ol the said exhibition at lite rate of two dollars ($-) lor ea. b policeman tuns employed ; aud every policeman on duty at a hull, gathering or pub lic cxuiliitiou shall be entitled ro require from the person or persons giving said bull, gathering or pub lic exhibition tile said CLinpeusutioii of two dollars ($2) In bo case shall the abowreneulioncd service be at the expeii-e of Hie city, anu all persons arc forbid den to oppose or disturb ally of tne aforesaid police men in the legal execution of tneir office, or to utter against them invectives or opprobrious language iu tje discharge ol their duly ; ami every parson herein offending shall pay a tine lrom tell to hlty dollars, ul the discretion oi tne Mayofrlor every such off.nice. By virtue of Hie powers granted by law lo Hie Mayor .■lid C.ty Council,ilie Mayor shall cause to he shut up any place ol public resort where the niiiiiit“mince of oider.tlie public safely or tranquility m.iy,lb UUjudg- m*.uc require it. "—Kbjii^Council J n. 24.1866. Attest : Jas. 8iew.v„-suv.icsuN. Mayor. Uidiuuuee to P.event Obstructions of the Streets and Lanes. The fo’lowing Ordinance adopted 19th August, 1339, is published for information ; [EXTRACT.] No. (la. (5.1 No person shall bring, lay, put, or cause l<- be laid or put, ui.y timber, bricks, stones or oilier materials for buihnng or fire wood, goods, wares ami merchandize, or other bulky thing whut- scever, aud permit aud suffer the same to continue and remain iu auy square, street, lane, or alley with in tne said city, lor a longer time than six boars ; nor slmtl any person permit or suffer any cart, dray, wagon or carriage ol any soil, to stand and remain m any square, street, lane or alley, longer than such lime aforesaid; nor shall any person, ivilhour pre viously obtaining Hie wrllteu consent of the Mayor, aud Uvo-tLirds ol the members ol the City Council, place, erect, or cousuucl, or cause lo be placed, erected or constructed, iu any square, street or lane, or oihcr place of or in the city of Savannah, auy booths, tent, or other obstruction ; nor aiiull any per son dig or cause to be dug, any bole or pit, in any square, street, lane or alley, wueriby the tree pas sage ul persons ou foot or on horseback, or lu or with any carriage, may be in pity wise obstructed or rendered unsuie ; aud any person offending against the provisions ol this section slmll, ou cuuviclli/n, be subject lo a tine but exceeding one hundred dollars lor each and every offence, EDWARD C. ANDERSON. Mayor. Attest: Jus. Stewart, Clerk of Council. J27-6 AN ordinance: To authorize the Issue of New Bonds of tke City of .Ss/atinuh, for the purpose of funding a portion of the Public Debt of said city, and to raise money for said city. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen or the city of Savannah, iu Council assembled, and It is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, Tlinl his Honor the .Mayor be anil lie is hereby au thorized lo issue bonds of the city of Savannah to an aiiioum not. exceeding four thousand dol lars (5400,000), iu sinus of one bundled, three hun dred and five hundred dollar 0 , respectively, uud having twenty years hi run, with coupons attached, and payable scuil-atutualiy, that is to say, on the first day of July aud tile first day of order to tuke i.p coupons now due ou city bonds, auld new bunds to near the same rate of Interest us kite old ones to whicu Said coupons uuw to be funded be long; and said new bonds to be redeemable In Ne w York or Eavuunal.. as the applicants lor such new lands may designate by giving notice to the Mayor; and in case a sufficient annum l ol coupons cannot lints be ltiuded, then tile Mayor is authorized to sell the residue of such bunds iu older to raise money f.n suiu city to pay coupons. Sec. 2. And be it runlier ordained by the authori ty aforesaid, Tliut the coupons, so redeemed by tue issue of new bends, be canceled by the Mayor or othriwise destroyed by him, nuder tile dirtciion of llie Finance Committee of Couucil, and tbat the Mayor be, uud he is hereby authorized to draw from the Treasury such auiuuut as nitty lie necessary for preparing ami issuing said new bonds. 8ec. 3. And be it lurtlier otdained by the authority aforesaid. That all Ordinances and parts of ordi nances, so far as they militate with litis Oidmuucc, lie, and the same Is hereby repealed. Ordinance passed m Council Jan. 241b, 866. E. C. ANRKI.SoS, Mayor. Attest: J A s. 8TEW4KT. Clerk of ( imiii il jjti 6 WAITING FOR YOU AT THE FORREST CITY GALLERY 1441 Urou<'lUoM-st., near Barnard. cor Bull and Bay. 8. W. cor. Bull anil Congress, Pu laski and Green Monuments, Armory, Masonic Hall, lountaia part of Forsyth Park, Reservoir, Morale school, slid of the following Churches: Christs’, St. John's. Lutheran, Methodist; several views of Fort Sumpter, Charleston and St Angtistlne. PERKY Jt LoVEhIDGE. THE EYE, EAR, AND THROAT. T'| R - WRIGHT, of Toronto, Canada West, Physl- -■-* clan and Burgeon, Oculist and Aurlst, can be consulted ou Deafness, Discharges from the Bar, uo-ses in the Head, Catarrh, Diseases of the Throat und Lungs. All diseases of the EYE, requiring cithelr Medical or Snigtcai aid attended to. Office No. 41, in Dr. Thos. Buckler's old office on Le *‘“K‘« 1 street, Baltimore, Mil. 0« ?f hours lrom 9 to 12 A. M., and 3to 5 P. M. Storehouse. A GOOD and convenient Storehouse tor Rent.— Apply at 194 Bay street 15-tf WASTED. Safe Wanted. GOOD second-hand SAFE. Address, stating . price. Buz *00, Savannah P. O. Dissolution. T HE copartnership heretofore existing between L. Y. Stuart ami Henry M. Kellogg, nnder the style of Stuart ft Co , is hereby du-solved by mutual con sent, said dissolution lo date from Jauuaty 1st. 1866. All claims ugaiaac the old firm will h. retried by L. Y. Stuart. L. Y. 8TUAHT. 11ENHY M. KELLOGG. 1ST otice. L. Y. SlUAliT begs leave to inform the public that tit future he will conduct tile business of rite for mer firm of Stuart ft Co. under the same style, at the old stand, corner of Bub and Bropghton streets, and respectiully solicits the patronage of the lonner cus tomers of the fi m.punl, as heretofore, guarantees en tire satisfaction to purchasers. Jll L. V. STUAhT. RAILROAD HOUSE, nESTAUnANTT. BAR-ROOM AND BARBER SHOP ON BRYAN ST., JOHNSON SQUARE DAY GOODE AMD CLOTHING. House Wanted. TN a central location. A dwelling suitable for a X entail family. Apply to J. G. BL1TCH. corner Jei- ferson and Bryan streets. J31-2." WANTED, » WOMAN to do house-work. Apply at thi- office A Immediately. j°6-'f FOU 8AL.K ft TO REST. A VALUABLE STEAM SAW MILL AND SITE FOR SALE. A STEAM SAW MILL, known as Collins & Shines' •A- Saw Mill, located in Darien, Ga.» ofi'ered for sale on mo^t desir-dde terras. Attached lo tlx© mill is about IT acres of laud, upon which are two House Lot* in the limits of the city. A’so, a flue Boom and Timber Pen. From its situation everything- even Slabs and Edgings can be sold readily. For further particulars, apdly to WM. Z. COLLINS. 197-n Darien, Qa. PAVILION HOTEL For JRent. 'T'HAT well-known, dfitrably located, and highly X popular establishment, eituated on Bull street, between south Broad and Hull streets, occupying four entire lots of 60 by yo feet each, and the lane be tween them, and containing about forty rooms, is now offered fur rent. The purty renting this property will be required to make the neces.hry repairs and give satisfactory se curity for the punctual payment of rent. JOHN M. COOPER novT—tf Pres’t Union Society. To Rent. A STORE IN THE MOST DESIRABLE BUSINESS PORTION OF THE CITY—RIGHT IN THE CENTRE of TRADE. For particulars, address j3I-tf Drawer 763, P. O. TOR SALE AND RENT. rpHE Paper Hangings end all the contents on 5S 81. A. Jiilieu street, aud store to rent. Apply to MRS. MARY TURNER J30 6 On premises. FOR SALE. **-60. Two Wooden Dwellings on Congress street [SIW between Abercorn aud Lincoln streets. BB Appiv to j27-tf BRYAN, HARTRIDGE <£ CO. GRAHAH, INILBiSK & WHITFIELD, BANKERS AND CLAIM AGENTS, 61 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK. Having tqieclal facilities, particular attention is given to tile collection of claims against Ihe United States Government. jt5-lm JOHN GRAY, DEALER IN Wooden Ware, Brooms, *>AIL,S, BRUSHES, MATS, Twines, Cordage, Tubs, Churns, Cradles, Wagons, Chairs, Baskets, ftc. Nos. 1G JTulton. and. 202 Front Sts, NEW YORK. ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, ]\f ANUFAOTURERS and De: iers in Bui’der*’ and lfl. Locksmiths’ Hardware. Nails. Pnllics, Corn. Run Lapths ami Knobs, liutt Hinges. Brass and Iron Keys All uMcrvTSrff©' uf mmQ, •_ per cent, less than market prices, srpl 9 lini Printer’s Ink. THE fcUBSCRlBERS ARE AGENTS FOR THE ’ SALE OF JOHNSON’S CELEBRATED News, Book and (ard INKS. ALSO, ^Printer’s Varnisli* (37~ Sold at Mnnufactnrer's Pricee.'^ft jit COOPER, OLCOTTs ft FA It If ELI.Y. J. N. WILSON, Photographer, S. E. corner Broughton and Whitaker Strs., SAVANNAH, GA. tr Old pictures copied with the greatest care. dl4 JUST RECEIVED BY A. M. SCARBROUGH & CO., 140 Congress Street: O A PACKAGES New Bacon Strips raw 20 packages New Paeon Shoulders 10 p ickngea New Lard, put up iu 25 pound pails 60 kegs New Lord 50 flrkii s uud mbs best Orange county Butter 50 boxes t heete PX) boxus Candles ICO hbls Flour, best brands Together with a splendid assortment of Raisins, Nnis. ftc.. ftc. tl2(Mf MATILDA TAYLOR to. m. i.u ( «wv., ub an uuurn, Wnnert* Suppers will be furnished at the shortest notice, and a-nt to any part of the city h,Wtnee of nil kinds, and of the very beat, always on in addition, four Dining? Rooms bas been fitted nn ££QenUeme,? 16 ^ “ UdX attendance* Coo '“ ,,,d *«*mmoduiDg Walter, in tmd^R^ 6 He8taurant ” I*mg, Sitting A Barber Shop, with competent Bn bora u connected with the House. All custom#*r^L-in their private cap. with their namre ” WlU hlve Transient Boarders and Traveler.„ to their advantage to call r * w It to Hite patronage of the pnbUc la aniiet^ S,tf ABRAM BEASLEY, Superintendent EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, No. 151 Cwess St. Savaiman 6a. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL m toons HOUSE, AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. H AVING just received and opened a very large and select, stuck of Fancy Dress Goods Uonse- Kevping and Domestic Goods, Blankets Cloaks and Shawls Also Hats, Bools and Shoes. And all articles usually found in a first c ass Dry Goods House, we would m st respectfully invite our former friends and customers; also Merchants and Planters visiting the city, to call and examine onr stock before purchasing elsewhere. EINSTKIN ft ECKMAN, nov6-tf 151 Congress Street, Savannah, Ga. Blankets 1 Flannels CLOTHS AND CAS8IMERES BLEACHED AND BROWN SniKTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTI1S FRENCH MERINOES AND ALAPACAS. Received and for sale cheap by H. HATH, 174 Broughton street. Cloaks, Cloaks. L ADIES'Cloth Cloaks, a fine assortment, jnet r ceived by steamer. n23-tf EINSTEIN ft ECKMAN. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. TTJST opened a large assortment of Zephyr Worsted tf Shawls, Sontags. Cloaks aud Hoods, Childrtn’ Caps Boot, and Gaiters. Also, Irish Linens. Table Damask, Linen Towels, Table Napkins and Doyles, anu a variety ofFuncy Ar ticles too nnmerous to mention. All of which we offer at very low prices. EINSTEIN ft ECKMAN, nov3-tf 151 Congress Street THE OGLETHORPE MILLS, — ON — HUTCHINSON’S ISLAND, Opposite Drayton Street, A RE at work, and are readv to fill orders for Georgia YELLOW PINE LUMBER, either for eify consumption or for shipment. Apply to the Agents, WINBORN, LAWTON <fi CO., Bay street, opposite Mariner’s Church. j25-Th,SaftTu2w MACHINERY DEPOT SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, SAWS, BELTING, Ac., Ac. WOOD & MANN’S, CELEBRATED Portable Steam En ines FROM FOUR TO THIRTY-FIVE HORSE POWER. We have the oldest, largest, and most complete works in the country, engaged iumanufutaring Por table Engines. Our engines are. “by experts’’ now conceded to be Ibe best apparatus of the description ever presented to the public Adapted to every pur pose where power is required. Medium sizes constant ly on hand, or furnished on short notice. Descriptive circulars, with price.list, sent on npplca- tibu. COMSTOCK ft KINSEY, d!5-cod6m 164 Bay etreet. Savannah, Ga. SOAP! SOA MOODY & BARRETT, Steam Soap Works, Savaunaix, Ga. MESSIiS. MOODY ft BARRETT would respectfully , aixliouuce to the public that on and alter Jan uary 1st 111-y nill run lrom lheirSoap Works two wagons. Hid, e, 1|n ,„tent salesmen, who will visit every lutut.y once u week welt Maid and Soft Soap hVn he n ar ’ ' K k’ ea ‘ , V n ba,rel » al Prices lowe. thin 1 2“ ke purchased m or out of the >ity Wewatruntoursoap to be free lrom all adul-.ei.- fuuded 11 ** l ° B ' VC el ‘ Ur0 “infection, or money re- SOAP EXCHANGED FOR GREASE OR SCRAPS. Special IVotice. We have but one price for onr goods, and that price shall be satisfactory. Persons ordering lrom the country will find it will save t’me aud money by sending us their orders; and if the goods do not sat- sfy in price and quality, send them back to ns at onr expense. Orders addressed to MOODY ft BARRETT, or L. J. GUILMARXIN ft CO., 148 Bay street, Agents, will re ceive prompt and immediate attention. J4-tf Raffle. A FINE STALLION, six years old the 15th of May next, nis dam, Eclipse and Msrombino, slater to the celebrated mare Fashion, and sired bv Black Cloud. J *!£ *? und a l th *Jj !1 ! lard ro °» to Masonic Hall, at Oar House, and at Walter O’Meara's billiard saloon over the Express OSes. Jt84f RAILROADS. OFFICE OF THE Central Railroad o v , * „ SA 7 ASNHH ’ jano ^^h., S36 |N and after Monday, rhi 5lh of Fehm.. . _ daily trains will run between Snvaiin.i?’ 1,0 lb gu.ta. connecting In both directions wbh , aM Aa- the Georvia Railroad, as follows. ln traj ns on Leave savannah 7.30 a. m„ « n -l Arrive at Savanuah 7.00 p. m i" 1 p. m, L“ ve Augusta 9.30 a. m _; ^ a. i„ Arrive at Augusta..... .. i.iij p. m., andna- p "*- Pas-age 58.00, •*> a m, height to go by passenger train must h, and delivered at the Fassenger slid 5e min„ r ; pR!il fore departure of train. j »r spr^'o ' 3 ’ **■ i3n - U Master of Tr^^,' Notice. P ERSONS holding City Lots, who nr,- in tii onnd Went, are t.ot .£51 Ih “t ^ r < will be tHeart, d by them ttnl.-.- 8 reJy HiJ * 11 ^ aibligntions at an eatly day. ' dl < ari -’“ thei j-94 ‘ R T. GIRSOX,* J ChyTreasare, NOTICE SOUTIIWE5TER s' RAII.KO \D to t Macon, Ga, Jan. 2, i s,ec f T HE Annual Election for President ami seven m rectors of this Company, to serve for theIn” ® 1 ’ year, »U1 be held st their office, in the cityof u" 1 " 18 on Thu.sday, Stll Febnmty next. * 01 *^“15 JOHN T. BOIFEUILIET, tme y aimTrem fS-t'I Notice. J W. NEVIIT, of the firm of NevlL Lntlum . • Rogers, has associated himself with LatlmS,? Co. In the Dry Goods business, at theold stMdo" HENRY LATtiitop ft CO _ — L Notice. arc respectfully requested to band them Inproberl, them Rated; and all persons indebted to said iu are requested to make immediate payment to le ANAIS WILSON n14 Administratrix. Notice. I DO warn all persons, either white or colored, noi to come upon, pass through, or shoot on th ( place known as Solder’s place, ou Thunderbolt road and now occupied by me, upon penally pf the lav ’ HENRY McALPIn] NOTICE. N EITHER ’he consignees nor captain of the British ehiji Aun.ilielU will be te.-pousible for any debt, coni racitd by the crew. J 22 HUGH AM, BALDWIN ft CO. Notice. HJEITIIER the caplain nor consignees of Ihe swedlA i-v hark.A.MAZrils will tie TespoLsitile for any dibu contracted by the crew. J23 TRI1HAM, BALDWIN ft CO. T. A. CALKS, FRENCH TAILOR & CUTTER, H AVING opened an establishment „n Whitaker, lietwecn Bryan uud St. Julian streets, la prepar ed to execute in handsome and fashionable sijle, all orders left With him. Best of materials aud work manship furnished. 2w* jj7 To Mechanics. P ROPOSALS will be received for the repair of Ihe framework between llutchii sou uud FiglsiiuiilA Applications nuiat be ad dressed to 1 he undcreyned, Chairman Dock and Wbarf Committee.- jl5 JOHN WILLIAMSON'. HAIR, HAIR. A G OD lot. an*1 oih**r ra at* rials fur 1 uililiug par poaes. For sale by BUU&JK & BRYANT. d2S-lf 104 Bay street- H. HAYM, *v-* — p»htaa Street. II4 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the newest styles, INDIES’ DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, &c. Just received and for sale at the lowest prices by H. IIAYM. OCt23 GEO. H. ARLEDGE, SHIP CH-AJSTDXjRr, grocer AND Commission nml Forwarding Merchant. 72 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. d2S-ly DISSOLUTION. ““ T HE firm of LaRochc, Gai.en ft Unckles was dis solved on the 1st hist, by the withdrawal of Isaac D. Laltoclie. The business will be continued umler the name of Gaden ft Unckles, at the old stand, corner Buy and Barnard streets, J. 1). Laltoclie retaining uu .office w iih us fur the present. ISAAC l>. La RUCHE, BENJAMIN G. (LADEN, DAVID 8. UNCKLES. Savannah. Dec. 1. lsGj.~ df E. L. NEIDL1NGER, CORNER C'F Barnard and Broughton Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, W OULD respectfully annouece to his friend^ sni the public Rener.illy ihat lie has resumed the SADDLERY BUSINESS. next door to his ormer stand, and by strict •ami moderate prices, lit p.-s to receive a liberal tM™ of the trade, lie is prepared to make up prompij all ot del’s for HARNESS, BRIDLES, ETC. nis brother, Mr. J. 8. NEIDIJXGER. will be found with him, and would be glad to >ee Ins friends. H E. L. NEIDLLN’GEB^ Office United States Direct Tax Commission, DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, t Savanmau, Jolt. 10, Its*- 1 OTICE is herel^given that the Tax l liath m county is now completed, . of real estate in sai-l ci niitj, loLs, l.u.ds aud tutp™^ meuta outside the city ol Savannah, or rwo f tnrued for taxation in said county in >8“ ■' j ^ the tuxes dne thereon within sixty (60) ds}- * date. H. n,' office, north-west coiner boaUto* and L.nci ln streets, Savannah. 8.' a'. PANCOAST, iCommissioner. J. C. BATLS, N •r jlG-lf GUANO. ■ P ERUVIAN and 8w»n Island Gnsr.oJ. pha es, and the Brut e Ckwoentrateb\r are offered to the Trade at the l..wv>t »ho , 'yixt by GEO. E. WHITE 4 CO., 55 Cliff riieet, New 1116-3 IU CHAMBERLAIN’S Patent Ribbon Stamps 1?JR Banka, Custom Bouse, Fran ' n fafort* 2 ' -T . Basinet* purposes. P» rt 'i n i?a y bng pnn^t celling revenue stamps ami ticket ^ I'a parts are simple, compact, durable, a ,USt<!<t COOPER, OLCOTT3 & Agents fir PHILADELPHiA CAKE AND CRACKER BAP TXT’E are ctmatanHy rewWng fre® W manufactory aU kffids of will Sods Crackers, Ginger Cakes, ftc., At. at Philadelphia Prices. WHrr uBY * ^ RUK> 8o1e Agen t »’ B . ll Bf.’. No. 4 Harts’ Range. w J19-1B