Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 02, 1866, Image 2

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A The Savannah Daily Herald. BY S. W. MASON A CO. SAMCEL W. MASON Editor, W. T. THOMPSON Assoclnte Editor. Official Paper of the City. LARBEST CIRCULATION II TNI CUT MD COURTT FRIDAY FEBRUARY », 1866. THE LEGISLATURE AND THE RAIL ROADS. It appears trom the communication of our Milled geville correspondent, published in Wednesday’s issue, that the Legislature is looking sharply after the Railroad Compa nies. The House of Representatives has passed a bill fixing, specifically, the tariff for transportation in conformity with the rates allowed in the charter of the Georgia Rail road, which are one half cent per pound on dead freight for one mile and five cents per mile for passage. While the adoption of restrictions that may result Injuriously la their operation upon the railroad interests of the Slate would be exceedingly unwise, it must he conceded, nevertheless, that the subject of cheap freight is one so intimately connected with the pub lic weal as to demand a prudent exercise of legislative authority In the erection of bar riers against the well known tendencies of all corporate bodies to self-aggrandizement, regardless of everything else. The establishment of a uniform, perma nent and reasonable tariff of charge*, appli cable throughout the State, is a matter in which all classes of our impoverished people are more deeply interested at this particular juncture than at any former period, for the reason that they, and not the Western pro ducers and Northern manufacturers, have to pay the high charges that have ruled for several months past upon the vast amount of produce and merchandise required to sup ply necessities which bad been created by the havoc of war. They must have the flour and grain of the West and the cloths man ufactured in the North, and are compelled to pay whatever price the transportation companies of railroads and steamboats may choose to ask tor bringing these indispensa ble articles to them. The enormous railroad and steamboat charges on articles of prime necessity have fully aroused the suffering people of the South and they aie now giving very emphatic expression to their determina tion to submit no longer to tho exactions of the transportation companies, and hence the interposition of the legislative authority to correct the great evil. Iu regard to the exactions of many of the companies much excuse may be found in the fact that immense damage was inflicted upon their roads by the heavy demands made upon them in the pailitary service of the late Con federacy and the destructive operations ot the invading armies; which could not be re paired without money in hand to meet cur rent expenses. But it is fair to pfesurae that the traffic during the last six months has been sufficiently remunerative to meet all financial exigencies, and that they will suffer no damage trom the reduction of rates contem- templated by the Legislature. Complaints again Bt excessive charges for transportation is not confined to the South. Much transportation excitement is prevailing throughout the entire West. It is asserted as a matter of fact, that it costs three bushels of corn to send one to market a distance of one hundred miles. In addition to this grievance of high charges, is the insufficiency of the land routes to carry the constantly increasing balk of grain seeking a market at the East and South. The mode of relief suggested is the improvement of the navigation of the Mississippi river by means of canals around the upper rapids, so as to secure uninter rupted water communication with the At- iaatic and Gulf States, and thereby cheapen transportation. The idea is for the General Government to build the canals and remunerate itself by Imposing tolls.— The extent of the dissatisfaction with rail road companies is indicated by the incident that one hundred and twenty-three of the leading firms of Chicago have addressed a series of searching enquiries to the various railroad companies entering there, touching the comparative rates of freight upon pro duce and merchandize. The Western peo ple are interested ouly to the extent that high ireight tends to check consumption. They scorn to think, judging trom their newspapers, that if they can re luce the freight on flour from sixty to thirty cents per barrel, the thirty cents saved will go into their pockets. But no such thing. It will be saved where the freight is paid—at the East and the South—by the equivalent de cline in the cost of the flour that will occur here. The price of grain to the Western forme, a will be regulated by the law of sup ply and demand. If the supply be small and the demand large, he will get a high price, no matter whether the railroads charge much or little for carrying it to market, and if there be abundance, he will obtain a less sum, without regard to freights, except that if freight be low, that fact coupled with a low first cost, will lead to increased con sumption And enable him to sell what would otherwise remain unused on his hands- It is the consumer and not the producer who pays the freights. On this ground even the question in the far West is one which seriously affects the people of the South, when cheap food is now a thing of vitai importance ; and the people of the South should units through their Legislatures, with the people of the West to see what can be done to promote their joint interests in the premises. in bis last OUR RESOURCE*. We offered some remarks yesterday on a lecture delivered by Mr. H. C. Carey, before the American Statistical Society of New York, of which the chief topic was the abil ity of the United States to sustain a war of unexampled violence and unparalleled ex pense, with no diminution, bat rather an augmentation of material resources. Mr. Carey attributes the fact of such augmenta tion to the Protective Tariff passed in 1861, called the Morrill tariff Now, as Mr. Carey is the great exponent of the Protectionists, and as great efforts are making, to increase the duties in Congress, by operating oh pub lic opinion, an examination of bis conclu sions has become necessary. In oar previous remarks we have endea vored to show that Mr. Carey has assumed certain periods of our history when legists tion has followed the ebbs and flows of our prosperity as the marking points of our in dustrial history, from which is to be dated its advance or retrogression. Thus after the war came to a close with Great Britain in 1818, the system of free trade was initiated, and from a state of unbounded prosperity, all was changed to the opposite. The coun try was laboring under paralysis, and con tinued so until 1888, when the first efficient tariff for protection was adopted. Then all was again changed. Industry revived until the second era of free trade was inaugurated bv the compromise tariff of 18S2. All was again changed. Free trade had prostrated every interest until the year 1842 saw every pursuit languishing, when protection came again for the third time to resuscitate and revive all interests. Once more the Ber- pent of free trade made its way into our legislation, and with the year 1867 came the culmination of the system until the war came to redeem us. For the fourth time protection c*me, in the shape of the Morrill tariff, to place our prosperity on its real ba sis. This is the monument of onr greatness, according to Mr. Carey the Morrill tariff is the source of that marvellous power by which we have been able to prosecute a war of gigantic proportions tor nearly five years. Now the error of this reasoning is that Mr. * MARRIED. ■ ‘ • S ' BUTLER—CARTER.—At Maple Grove, Bailee ca, Gm„ Tuesday evening, January 9th, 1>y the Ttev. Ju Cutbbert, Capt. A F. Butler, of Savannah, an* Ittae Sallle E Carter, eldest daughter of the late IsnUh Carter, or Burke. AKW ADVERTISEMENTS ATTENTION! Oglethorpe Fire Cenpoijr; No. 1 Attend an extra meeting of the Cqm pany to be held at the Coart Honse, at eeven and a half o'clock, THIS KVE- Governor Parson Brownlow, Whig, “pitches into’’ certain Southern cler gymen as follows: ‘ Impudence or the Devil.—The highest standard of impudence known in the Eng lish language is what is termed Me impudence of the Devil. This has recently been excelled in several instances by rebel clergymen of the South going North and addressing loyal assemblages of people, and asking contribu tions to aid the Methodist, Presbyterian and other rebel Southern churches. Alter preach ing treason, praying treason, and writing, talking and looking treason, and getting most gloriously whipped out, these Reverend traitors come back, take the amnesty oath, go North and solicit contributions of the peo ple they have been villifyiDg and fighting, to aid their rotten and corrupt Churches. The devil has a great deal of brass in bis old iron clad face, but he could not do this thing without a blush 1" Curious Law —Law and justice do not al ways travel hand in hand. A man who was g uilty of a great crime near Albany, N. Y., as been all the time at liberty on bail, and finally escaped altogether, while-his victim was kept in prison from May until January, eight months, as a witness. The person wronged was a poor Irish girl, with no friends, while the scoundrel who was allowed ' escape was rich and Influential. Carey has selected certain periods of our bis tory, as the bas'13 of his reasoning, in which there was a coincidence between the acts of national legislation and certain recurring periods of stagnation nnd inactivity as the natural preludes and forerunners to excite ment and over stimulation, and which suc ceed each other most inevitably as cause and effect. If Mr. Carey consults English history he will find precisely the same succession be tween repose and quietude and preternatural activity and speculative excitement that has characterized those periods of American his tory which he has selected for comment. But another cardinal mistake of Mr. Carey’s 18 that he assumes that to be a com* of pros perity which is in fact an obetruction. The country has prospered within the last four years, not in consequence of the Morrill tariff, but in spits o/* ><.' Had it not been for that tariff the country would have been much more rich and prosperous than it is. Still, his argument has for its foundation an ex tremely narrow basis. He fi*es his attention on one cause as the source of increasing wealth, and ignores all those sources of pros perity which have concurred in producing the great result. Let us briefly enumerate them: l. The discovery of gold in California and Australia This has given an impulse to enterprise and industry in all parts of the world. The Uni ted States have largely participated in this advantage. It has stimulated their produc tive power from their Dear neighborhood to the mines. This accession of metallic trea sure has had a decided tendency to advance prices everywhere. 2. The vast increase of Mechanical power, as shown by the Invention of labor-saving machinery in agriculture, in common with the other arts of life. 3. The influence of steam in extending the means ot transportation and travel. 4 The corresponding effect on the general powers of invention, dr the various processes tor economising labor, and even in extending scientific discovery under this general im pulse. It is tbe concurrence of these circum stances—all tending in one direction, 1.«. the augmentation of tbe masa of material wealth, that has enabled tbs United States not mere ly to compensate for the waste of war, but to lucrease their prosperity, and even to add greatly to their riches, despite the destruc tion of capital. - To fix the attention, as Mr. Carey has done, on one eause exclusively, (supposing that It baa had any agency in producing tbe effect) Is in the last degree un- philosophical. But we have shown that tbe alternations of prosperity and adversity that have marked certain periods of our history are the natural effects of those changes in the public mind which mark those eras of com mercial history by which languor and stag nation so often succeed to preternatural activ. ity and over excitement NING, at 7X o’clock. By order of HENRY F. WILLIXK, J«. President. B. Watms Russell, Secretary. f* Central Railroad & Banking Company, FEBRUARY 1, 1868, To enable merchants, haziness men and Citizens of Savannah to renew former aasociatloLS with their friend* in Augusta, ticket! will be sold on Widnee day. the Tih insL, for Five Dollars, to go to Augnata and return by any train within three days thereafter W. M. WADLEY, &-* President. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. SAVANNAH, CA- CAPITAL, all Subscribed, *3,500,000! mOE Company an prepared to take ail classes of Risk* against Fire at the usual rates. As a Com pany belonging to the State of Georgia, they claim a preference over all others from other States. NO LOSS is ever left unpaid, and all are equitably and fairly adjusted, aud paid promptly. AARON WILBUR . President. M. A. COHEN . .Secretary. sikiotoks- Savannah—Andrew Low, H»nry Brigham, John R. Wilder. John Hlchard«on, H. W. Lathrop. J. H. Gray- bill, Jehu W. Anderson, Win. II. Stsrk, Henry Latu- rop, W. N. Habersham, Octavua Cohen, John Lama, A. J. Miller, E. C. W ide, Aaron Wilbur, John M. Cooper. N. A. Hardee, Jos 8. Claghorn. Augusta—John Bones, Wm. 8. Roberts. Macon—E. C. Grannies, J. B Rosa. Colombo'*—1> F. Wilcox, Daniel Griffin. Enfaula, Ala.—J. G. L. Martin. Assets, Par Value, January, 1866. Railroad and City Bondi, all good *T8 SOrt Railroad Stocks, “ s,onn Bank Stock* 3,000 Coupons all good 10.TT0 Cash and Cash Items, U. H, currency 18 139 United States Bonds and Notes 76.3 Bills Receivable, new T.165 " ul 1, Id per cent, on amount.. 6,731 Bank Bills sl8» J ns. ranee Stocks -. 29,300 Cotton Account 131,4:7 $237,080 Unpaid Capital Stock 2,uou,uo0 State of Georgia Treasury Notes 93,124 (4 For Insurance against Loaa or Damage by Fire, apply at the Office of the Company, 89 Bay it., Stvannah. Ga. ’ 0-3 For Sale on Wharf A FINE lot of SEED POTATOE8, received per Btenmrhlp Livingston. App y to J. T. HOWLAND, Js., 9 *•* , On the wharf. LOST, O N the evening of the 31st uit, on Whitaker, be tween Liberty and Broughton rtreets. a large BREASTPIN, with a miniature act within It. A suitable reward will be paid on delivery r» Mrs. V STANTON, f2-1 Corner Liberty ami Whitaker .is. a EORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY-To all whom it may concern : Whereas, Jacob S. Flowers will apply at the Court of Ordinary lor Letter* of Administration on the es tate oi Jacob W. Hires; These arc. therefore, to cite and admonish ail whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objec'lon fif any they have) on or before the first Monday in March next, otherwise said letter* will be granted. Wit ea* my hand and official signature this 22d day of January, 1360. W. P. GIRARDEAU, 12* Ordinary. yJTATE OF GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY.-AU O persons having claims against the estate of John E. Girardeau, lute of county and State aforesaid, are requested to present the same, duly certified, within the time prescribed by law, o,lie'wise they will be barred; and ail persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment to W. E. WARNELL. f2* Administrator. To lent or jpiant on Shares. A ntxTvrto.Vu the Great Ogeecbe* Kiver, il Caetafnlifp fltx haadred acres of first qnality Rid Land, a gjtd tymae os tbe place; the MlU, and Negro &P1 i Houses in good order. . tlfcan. K. HABKRBHtM A SON. or to tho own**'on Plantation. BOOTS AND SHOES ▲T 0007. mHE undersigned intending to change his business A will seU his luge and well selected stock, con sisting in part of elegant Philadelphia made Boots, Shoes, Balmorals and Gaiters at Cost. A rare opportunity is offered to the trade to lay la a mod stock, as these goods were all purchased at caui.snd In part made expressly for the city trade. S. M. COLDINU, ~febl-3 No. 168 Congress st. 5= NOTICE. ^EITHER Captain nor Consignees of any vessel AN consigned to as will be responsible for any debts contracted by the craws of said vessels. J«* REID A STEWART. RICHARD BRADLEY, I nline ” Hayes ..Mr. QUAY eeplng, 1 Dreamed Love," 9. Ballad—“Evai A Plano Solo— ,. _ Schreiner •.. .Mr. SCHREINER 4. Ballad—"The Wanderer,” Feeca Mr. WARD Commission Merchant, 8o “ ) ~ Viol,n ’ Tlolinceno md p ‘* no ’ Lacla Street, Savannah, Oa. will make liberal advances on consignments of cotton or other merchandise to my friends, Messrs. Williams A Black, of New York. JSl-tf. - R. BRADLEY. NOTICE. CHICAGO, Jannaiy 9th, 1866. T)ERSOSS desiring information concerning the A death and burial of any Georgia or other priso ner of war that died at Camp Douglas. 111., please ad- drees E. S. JORDAN, j3l 166 So. Clark at.. Chicago, 111. (CIRCULAR.) COMPTROLLER GENERAL’S OFFICE, Miu.KDaxvii.LR, Jan. 26th, 1 66. THE attention of Kail Road Companies is called to * Title 94th, No. 79, Section 6th, Laws of Georgia, passed Dec. 14th, 1661, requiring said Companies fb make returns to the Comptroller General, and to pay a lax of one half of one per cent, on their net nnnnal incomes; said returns to be made and tax to be paid on or bef ire the SlBt Dec. Said returns must be made, or the penalty of the law will bo enforced. JOHN T. BURNS, J31-3 Comptroller General. (CIRCULAR) COMPTROLLER GENERAL’S OFFICE, ) Millxdoivillz, Jan. 2oth. 1866. J mHE attention of Agents of Foreign Insurance Com- A panies is celled to Title 22d, No. 63d, Section 3d, Laws of Georgia, pasted Dec. 12th, 1862 said law requires Agents of Foreign Insurance Companies to make returns, on oath, and to pay a tax of one per cent, on all premiums received. Said returns to bs made and tax paid directly to the Treasurer of the 8tate for the year closing, Dec. 31st. Only a few Agents have made returns for the year closing, Dec. 31 at, 18H8. All who fail to comply will be considered as defaulters. JOHN T. BURNS, J3I-3 Comptroller General. Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, 1863. Black Dark Green Black for 8ilk Light Green Dirk Bine Magenta Light Bine Maize French Blue Maroon Claret Brown Orange Dark Brown Pink Light Urtiwn Purple Snuff Brown Royal Purple Cherry Salmon Crimson Scarlet Dark Drab Slate Light Drab Solferluo Fawn Drab Violet Light Fawn Drab Yellow. ' Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Scarfs, Dresses, ltibbong, Gloves, Bonne For Hats, Feathers, children’s Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. For 26 cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process is simple, and any one can nse the I)ye with perfect success. Directions in English, French and German. inside of each package. HOWE A STEVENS, 260 Broadway, Boston. For sale by druggists and dealers generally, sell fl-Cro Savannah iTH e atfw L"»*ti and Managers. .Ham. RaVmokd A Hwtwa FRIDAY EV’O., FEB. «, 1866. Grand Vocal A Instrumental CODsrcisiT, In gonjunctlon with the Dramatic Company for the , BENEFIT of the ORPHANS OF THIN CITY. Mr. HERMAN L SCHREINER, Mr.-P. WARD, DT. W. JOHNSOH. Prof. RICHTER' and Orchrestrm have volunteered their services. UftUORS, * Oh ’ PROGRAMME fast i. 1. Overture, Poet and Peasant, Von Donnlsmtt Prof. MASS 6. Song—Bat'le Prayer, Hannel Dr. JOHNSON 7. Waltz—Aimax Limner.. ORCHESTRA part n. 8. Trio—Violin Violincello and Plano, Msears. KICHTEK, MASS and SC 9. Song—‘-Beautiful Isle of tbe Bern,” Thomas. Mr. GRAY 10. Song Dr. JOHNSON 11. Solo—Plano, ‘ Home, Sweet Home. ' Schreiner Mr. SCHREINER 12. Song—"come Home, Father,” Work. .Mr. WARD 13. Cap-rise Polka, Richter ORCHESTRA The Firemen's Silver Trumpet, ordered from New York by Mr. S. P. Hamilton, Jeweller, and to be pre sented by Messrs. Raymond A Hamilton, to tbe Fire men on Saturday evening, can be seen at Hamilton’s Jewelry Store, corner Whitaker and Congress streets. Notice of Chairman of the Committee on Streets and Lanes. T IE citizens of Savannah are respectfully requested to avoid throwing water, slops. A;, in the str and lanes. It is the desire of the Committee on Streets aud Lanes to keep the city in a clean and or derly condition; and they seek the co-operation of its citizens iu doing so. They are unwilling to resort to compulsory measures if they can be avoided ; and, therefore, this request is made. Unless the citizens accede to this request, the Committee will be obliged to strietly enforce the ordinance of the city. F. L. GUB, J29 6 Chairman Com. Streets and Lutes. IT. Or. RtTWE, WttOLSOALS DBACKS IN Groceries, Ales, Wines AND LIQUORS, Of all descriptions, AT f ALLIGANT’8 OLD PAINT STAND. Corner St. Julian and Bryan Sts. Near the Pulaski House. AGENT FOB ALB AND LAGER BEER. J2*-tf AUCTION SALES RARE CHANCES York, Williams, M ‘ & Co. Offer for mle one hundred acres of Tjh,* „ from Savannah, on the White Bluff iw, d ' «H!e. excellent Slock Farm or for G irdeniu. S' Thl *bto portion of It is under eulUvatloo ancFth 1 ^ 4 heavily timbered, and there are a ouo 200 cords of Wood cut and piled on it, . Also, One desirable Lot nt Thunderbolt Terms cash. Title, Perfect J3 York. Williams, & Co. ^ Win sell at auction THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock of store: W *’**6wi A lot of Clothing, aleo Bacon Shoulders Pig Shoulders, in barrel. Soap Cand:ea Tea C>ackers, am*., - Butter* tkie *’ Codfish Boots and Shoes Vinegar Lard Dry Goods 9 sets new Baggy Haines* SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. «U30 LINVILLE & GLEASON. St. Julian Street, West of Market, SJLVj^JSTNA.11. A GENTS 3POH MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 ConrtlaMt Street, New York. To Rent. 'THE WHARF at the foot of Ball street. 1 Apply to C 3 BRYAN. HART RIDGE A CO. FOR SALE. 6 MULB8, cheap for cash. Apply to J. 8. MARLIN, fM— -| Brntmwlct, Gs. BACON, HAMS & SHOULDERS. «F ST received, S.noo pounds new Sngar-cured Hams, aud 16 tlereea Prlui# Shoulders. For sale by RUB, WHITNEY * CO., 12-1 w 4 Harris' Rang*. Wanted to Eent. A N A No. 1 PIANO FORTE. Seven Octave, « which the best care will be taken. Enquire at the ORDINARY’S OFFICE, ft-1 Court Hou e. The Capital Punishment Commission iu England lias submitted to the Queen tbe fol lowing recommendations:' “1. That the punishment of death be re tained for all murders deliberately committed with express malice aforethodght, such ma lice to be found as a fact by the jury. “2. That tbe punishment of death be also retained for all murders committed in, or with tue view to, the perpetration, or escape alter the perpetration, or attempt at perpe tration of any of the following felonies:— mnrder, arson, rape, burglary, robbery or pi racy. “3. That in all other cases of murder the punishments be penal servitude for life, or for any period not less than seven years, at tbe discretion of the court.” —The interest of the 7.30 bonds, amounting to $7,300,000, falling due on tbe 15th insL, is being redeemed by tbe Treasury Depart ment and all designated depositaries, Over $125,000 in coupons have already been re deemed. —A bill is now before the Pennsylvania Leg islature proposing to change the legal rate of interest from six to seven per cent, per an num, and allowing eight per cent, to be charged by special agreement between tbe parties. Notice. THE City Treasurer in prepared to receive certain of the taxes levied by the Ordinance passed Decern- t>er 27th, 1866. That Is, the tax upon froe* nle* of merchandise and ware* of every description; upon all freight and paaeage money payable lit tbts city, and upon horses and moles. Three taxes are dne be tween the first and tenth of each montlv.forthe pre- ceding month. All other taxes are payable quarterly between the same dates, In the month* of April, July, October and January. GIBSON, tl City Treasurer. A’ Valentines, J3M JOHN C. SCHREINER A SONS. FOR SALE. i FINE PHAETON and SET OF HARNESS, for fb- sale cheap. 12 YORE. WILLIAMS, McINTIRE A CO. FOR SALE. SIX BALES SEA ISLAND BAGGING, -n— FORDYCE, ANDERSON A JANNEY, f2-tf io Stoddard's Range. FAIRBANKS Standard Scales Are furnished at manufacturer's prices, by BRADY, SMITH <£r CO., Aoiarrs. Stock of varioun styles and sizes st their wareroom, North aide oi Bay stieet, between Whitaker aud Bar nard. These first-class and unequalled Weighing Machine need no othei recommendation than that they have received tlie unqualified approval oi business men for fortJri*"- STRENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION, DURABILITY AND ACCURACY, ADAPTATION AND CONVENIENCE, are found combinsd in the Fairbank’s Standard Scales, to nn extent unknown in the various imitations nominating NEW PRINCIPLES AND IMPROVE- MBNTS. Of such let business men beware, and suffer noons to impose upon them with worthless and unreliable goods. VT All styles and sizes furnished promptly. jS-lm E- H. VAN NESS & GO., GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS AND . Produce Dealers, UNDER THE BLUFF, CORNER ABBRCORN ST, Savannah. Ga. Order* from the Country Private, Families, Steamers and Sailing Vessels respectfully solicited. Produce bought aud sold on commission. lupbhls Selected Apple* 100 bbls Onions 100 bbls Potatoes SO bbls Extra Flonr 60 bbls No*. 1 and 2 Mackerel loo tuba Extra Better 60 boxes Extra Cheese 600 kits Noe. 1,2 and 8 Mackerel 50 half-bbls Fulton Market Beef 60 bbls Extra Farnilv Pork. tf-n21 Pickled Beef. O C BBLS. Mess Best. For sale by 60 J27-tf BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. ROPE. 1AA COILS Flax Bops; a superior article to Green- 4 UU leaf or any other brand. In store and for sale by 19 CHA8. L COLBY * 00. FOB SALE OR BENT. T UB subscriber offers his property adjoining the city limits for sale or rent. It has been laid off Iu 9o acre lots and is the finest property for garden- lug purposes to be found. The soil is fine and well adapted to the culUvatlon of fine cotton, and very S roductiv«. To any one desirous of cultivating sea land cotton, more than 100 aeres can be put in good order, and made ready for tbe coming crop. He also offers his two plantations in Effingham county, each confining 1 jhio acres, ttlw W. H. CUTLER. Notice to Ladies Double Sole Congress Gaiters Goat Buskins Morocco Boats Glove Kid Balmorals Mime*' Boots Children’s Ankle Tien Children's Congress Boots By L. C. TEBEAU, at Whitaker Street Shoe Store, fl-tf N. E. cor. Broughton street Lone. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. F pursuance of an order of the Court Of Ordiaaiy of Chatham smutty, will be sold on tbe Bret Tern- day in February next, at the Court House door. In the city of Savannah,, during the usual boon at sale, all tbe undivided half Interest pf James Bilbo, late deceased, in the Shandy Boll form, situated near 9b* city of Savannah on theTh underbolt read; said form containing In aU fifty acres, more or lesa. The said half Interest sold for tbe put pose of di vision JOHN O. FKRRILL, d74d Administrator. GROCERY STORE FOR -SALE. mHE Stock, Good Will and Fixtures of one of the ■* beat Grocery Stands in tbe city for sale. J26 YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE A CO. Teas, Teas. : CEVENTY-F1VE saddles, 6 lbs, superior imyeria O sml Young Hyson Teas, for family nse; 76 e*d dies Sonchong and English Breakfast Teas Just re reived and for sale by HILTON A RANDELL, J99-6 193 Bay atreeL Coffees. alngo Coffee ----- rRio Coffee 90 huts choice Java Coffe* ■*. rn store and for sale by HILTON 4k RANDELL, J29-6 193 Bay street. Bn sacks superio otce J MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHEBS Bridge, Car, Siiip or Band Hook, — AUD — BOILER BOLT, SETT SCREWS, COACH OR LAC SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUMO AND SQUARE WASHERS, Turnbuckles, J3olt Hinds, Taps and Dies. Sett. DISSOLUTION. fTHE Firm of Israel R. Sealy A Co. was dissolved A on the 12th Inst., by the withdrawal of Israel R. Sealy. The business will be conducted until further notice, byT. H. Palmer, who Is duly anthorized to col lect aud aetUe all business connected therewith, ISRAEL K. SEALY, J. P. GILSON, Agent, J15 A. S. BIGELOW. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, aDd every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. KN GINGERS’ STORKS. COAL OIL. TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, Ao.; ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING Hammwhh, SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CHISELS,- Ac. TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS. BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, 8ULPHATE COPPER, &c. Also Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTING MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, 8AWB,&c. septs tf . T. J. DUNBAR & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARMC. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., ;nf.xt door above republican office.) W E Invite the attention of the Trade and the Pub lic generally to our large and elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Conserves, Se- gara, etc., etc., ~ which is not excelled by any similar establishment in tbe States. We are sole proprietors af DUNBAR’S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of whi h is fully established in this arid foreign coun tries; Dl’N GAR’S well known STOMACH BITTERS, gnaranted superior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel and family nse: DUN BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of tbe utmost parity, and put up expressly for our bouse, of which we are role proprietors and importers, sole Agents for Robert 8mitb’s cele brated PniLADELPH’A ALE, in cases and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and bourbon u UISKEY and AR RACK HUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United States, put up by ns in cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D. A Co. are sole Agents for A. 4k H- W. Catherwood’s Pure RYE WHISKIEe, XX and XXX brands, guaranteed unsurptu-eed iu quality and'ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large and well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade and counoierenre generally. An aaa nment ot 6 EG ARE of finest grades, manufactured and imported expressly for this boose, which we offer at the very lowest net carh prices. BRANDIES. GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every description and grade of Foreign Liquor* imported directly by this bouse, and for sale iu bond or dnty paid, at lowest market rates. d20-l.f KIRLIN, BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE HEALERS IN m, Wilis MD LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED k DELIVERED. au21 tf AUCTION SALEOF * GOFERMEiYT PROPERTY!! BY BELL, WYtLY dt CHRstiaX WHI be sold to the higheet blddet, on sattthda, next, Sd Feb., at 10 o’clock, a. m.. at the i 1 Hall: TWENTY TONS (Captured Property.) ALSO, At 10X o’clock, at the Eastern Wharf, THE STEAMER ’ Armory IRON. J efF- Davis, As she now lies, (captured property.) Terms cash. WILL R. Garrard, fl A«*t. Special Agt. Tri-aa. Dtpt. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. By Bell, Wylljr & Christian. On the first TUESDAY in February, in front of Court House, at 11 o’clock, will be eold: 800 Acres of Timbered Land, near Fiemineton Liberty county. Terms cash. fj ’ AUCIION, AUCTION. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. TO-MORROW, Friday, the2dofFeb., in'front of store will be sold: 74 sets Buggy Havne»s 2 sets line do 1 set extra do 1 Bet heavy do Headstalls, Halters and Bridles. CIGARS. 2,ooo Imported Cigars 8.000 do do Regalias, 10,000 do do Assorted? Also, Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Pan- cy Articles, Ac. Ternu casn. fj EXECUTOR’S SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. WILL he sold at Auction on the first Tuesdav In February next, in front of the Court House, at 11 o’clock : Lots Nos. 29,' 30 and 34. Green Ward, and No. s, Gilinervilie, together with the improvements on sai l Lota, belonging to the estate or the late oweu O’Konrk, deceased. Sold by order of the Executor for tbe benefit of the heirs and creditors ot i-aid ea- tate. jiu BLAIR & BICKFORD, LUMBER MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN TIMBER AND LUM BER OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. DOORS, SASH, AND BLINDS . Mill and Lumber Yard on Canal, near Bryan street Office 180 Bay street, d28-tf Savannah, Ga. NEW PERFUME For the Handkerchief. nujpi TO PLANTERS. B will keep constantly oAband -a full stock of v* Plows, Hoes, Corn ^hellers, Straw Cutters, Axes, and other Agricultural Implements or best makers and patterns with which to supply Planters and Country Merchants, whose attention we invite to our stock and think we can make It to their inter est to purchase of us. BOUSE A BRYANT, J26-tf 194 Bay street J. W. STEELE, (late Steele A Burbank,) 11 Merchants’ Bow, Hilton Head, So. Ca. And corner King and Qtorge Sts., Charleston, ptALLB the attention of Wfbltoals and Ratal] Pur- v chaser* to hi* superior stock of Military and Naval Clothing, FURNISHING GOODS, wsejssras saraass p“ Caps, Field Glasses, Qaunttata, Gloves, Ac., Ac. A Moat Exquiaito, Delicate, and Fra grant Perfume, DiaMlled from the Rare and Beautiful Flower from which it iah*a ita name. Manufactured only by P1XALOM A SON, ! NEW YORK. BEWARE OF OOBHTEItFEITS. ADR FOE PHALONY—TAKE NO OTHER. Bold by Dsnztio* generally. JS-sodly NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP^ fi. hs r\with himself in nse business JAS. F. WATKINS, and tbs besttues will hereafter be conducted under the style of ^ °RFF A WATKINS. Savannah, February 1st, IS46. n-lw BUTTER, Flour and Lard. Having received a large stock of the above, AT VERY LOW RATES, we are able to offer great Inducements to buyers. RANDELL A CO., Southwest comer of Bay and Barnanf sta. PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, For eign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segam Also, Skehsn's Celebrated GOLDEN ALE CHAMPAGNE CIDER. in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng liah Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, dll-tf and 62 Liberty street. N. Y. W. M. WALSH, YX7H0LE8ALE Druggists, corner Barnard and TV Broughton streets, Havas nab, Ga., General Agent for the South. CLOCK'S Hair Restorer Restores Gray Hair. CLOCK'S Hair Restorer makes Hair grow on Bald Heads. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer Stops Hair from Falling Ont. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer Prevents Headache. CLOCK'S Hair Restorer is elegantly Ferfumeu. CLOCK’S ■ Hair Restorer is ail that ran bp claimed as a dressing. CLOCK'S Hair Restorer possesses all the merit claimed for it. , A single trial convinces, tbe most sceptical of its value. If, after a thorough trial of two bottles it poes not give perfect satisfaction, the money will be refunded. Sold everywhere at $1 per bottle. Six bottles for *6. distort tf I. K. HIIEI, IEITIEV I. NASELl, General ^Partners. M. K. JESUP A CO., New York, Special Partners. HUGER &HASELL, NO. 46 EAST BAY STREET, CHARLESTON, & C.t COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS’ AGENTS, AND dealers IN Equipment and Supplies, Portable and nary Engines; Saw Mule, and all kinds .. of Machinery required by Railroad * Companies, Contractors, Manufacturers, Machinists and Agriculturalists. Advances mad* on consignment of Railroad Iron: also on Cotton and other Produce. bentleydThasell, CIVIL MINING AND CONSULTING ENGINEER ESTIMATES MADE AND CONTRACTS TAKEN. OFFK* 46 HAST BAY, CHARLESTON, c« j26 lmAtwtr AT AUCTION. By BeD, Wylly & Christian. 50 boxes Glass, size 12 bv 18 15 tierces choice canvassed Hams - ALSO, Crates of Crockery, consisting of Plates, Bowls, Tees, Ac. j 27 ^ SAW-MILL AT PRIVATE BALE. Bell, Wylly A Christian. Boiler and Engine (portable); diameter of cylinder 10 inches, lengi h of stroke 16 inches; tubular boiler, Also, Saw-mlil Belting and one Circoiar Saw 64 inches In diameter, all new and in perfect order; made by Geo. Page A Co., Barit. Will sell either separate. V Tbe Dally Constitutionalist, Augusta, will please copy lor two weeks, and send bill to ibis of fice. J31 INVOICE OF CLOTHING AT AUCTION. BY BELL. WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. On FRIDAY next, Sd Feb., at 11 o’clock. In Sales Boom: A large Invoics of Ready-made Clothing; consisting of Coats, Pants, Vests, aud a large assortment of Famishing Goods. ALSO Dry Goods and Fancy Articles. Sale positive. Terms cash. 131 REAL ESTATE SALE. By BeD, Wylly A Chrbttaa. On the first TUESDAY in February in front of the Court House, will be sold : Lots No*. 86, 87 and 89, fretting on Henry street Fee simple. Terms cash. ALSO, - 75 scree of well wooded land, situated three milee from the city, on the Ogeecbee road. 12 LUMBER AT AUCTION. By T. J. Walsh. On FRIDAY, February 3d, will be sold at the wherf foot of West Bread street, st 11 o'clock: Tbe cargo saved of the brig Bessie from New Bruns wick, consisting of 960,000 feet white pine Lumber Sold for account of whom it may concern. febi AUCTION SALE. By Mendel ft Laffltean. THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock in front of store, will he sold; Groceries Dry Goode Furniture And a variety Of other Articles ALSO, Fifty Thousand Good S> gars £ By Blun A Meyer. By permission of the Honorable Superior Court of Chatham countv, will he sold on Tuesday, February 6th, at 11 o’clock A. M. in front, of tbe Court House: Lot No. 23, Tnraervllle, 64 feet fronting on Jones street, by 100 feet depth, unimproved and subject to an annual ground rent of twenty-eight dollars to Th*. M. Turner, Baq. Lot No. 96, Tnmervllle, of same dimensions, with three one story tenements under rent, subject to ground rent sam<* as lot No. 93. Lot No. 98, Tnmervllle, of same dimension", with three one story tenements under rent, subject to ground rent as lot No. 28. By order or the AUmlnlv tratrix. Terms cash. Purchasers paying for titles. f2-tf LARGE BALE. by Mendel * laffiteac. WB1 be said on HONDA Y, 5th Inst, at 10 o’clock, )■ front of store: A large and valuable lot of Carpentere’ Tools An assortment of Blacksmiths’ Tools Lot of Wrenches, Ac., tor machinists 9 Smiths’ Bellows . Lot of Circular Saws, we. Shovels sad Spades, camp Kettles 50 Tsats, in good order Pick Axes, axes. Wagon Fixtures Muskets, Nettings, sad other articles. Sale posittrec J2-3 SALK OF GOVERNMENT *TEAMBH s CHIRP QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, DXP.S. C. 1 CBAXLtsTOjr, S- C., January 15, 1866. 1 W LL be sold, st Public Auction, st Hilton He»a. 8. C„ onTUKsDAY. February 6, IS66, *t» o’clock M, under tbe direction of Cap). W. RMOK- FORD, A. Q. M., the following Government Veeseoh SMe-whsel Steamer KELLY BAKES Side-wheel Steamer ONKOTA Side-wheel Steamer GOLDEN GATE Sick wheel Steamer NANTASKST Tug BELIEF fUldcacripttonof the above Steamers Dished upon application at the Quartermaster s omce At Cttaiketon, Hilton Head, A C., or Savannah. Terms—One-half cash. In Government the time of sale, and tbe balance within six day* •"* M sal*, «*brfore th. reerei. « J95.HU fob* Brevet Lt, Col. and Chief <i *.