Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 03, 1866, Image 4

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«ssi Jam safe A NOBLE PtIBPOSE AND A Glorious Result H, There are as many road* to fame and fortunes* there were gateways to ancient Thebea. Tour am bitions warrior la' tor carrying his way with the sabre; your aspiring politician tor scheming his way by Intrigue and consnmm&te art. Bat there Is one grand broad path to the goal, along which nothing base can travel. It la the path set apart for tbe march of talent, energy, and noble purpose and though toll of obstacle*, it contains none that a brave man cannot surmount. This fact has been exemplified n Innumerable Instances, but in lew more forcibly ban in the rise and progress of DB. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS. Forever fifteen years Its course has been onward and upward, scattering oleeslngs'at every step, until itpcw stands on the topmost rounds of the ladder of fame, as the GREAT TOJSTIC. Hoofland’s German Bitters Is a positive remedy for IDYSPE P81A Diseases Resulting fror«* DISORDER OF THE LIVER and - DIBESTIV! msm m BURE CPM FOR MS CHILLSAlBcPEVEir AND KINDRED DISEASES. rxQUIRB at the MORNING S*fAB SALOON, Cor- JL ner Bay street Lane and Bufhtreet. Positive cure la one day or he pay. d9-tf CONSTITUTION . LIFE SYRUP, COMPOSED 0? IODIDE OE POTASSIUM, WITH THE COMPOUND CONGEN- TBATED FLUID EXTRACT Off VALUABI ROOTS lIC INAL Prepared by WM. H. GREGC. M. D., Graduate of the College <tf Physicians and Surgeons, Neu> York; formerly Assistant Physician in the Blackwell's island Hospitals. , CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Has produced a revolution In Medicine. What may seem almost incredible is, (hat many dis eases hitherto considered hopelessly Incurable are fie queutly cured In a few daya or weeks: and iWe cheer fully invite the investigations of the ljberal minded and scientific to cures which have no parallel at the pres* sent day. During the past five year* we have contended with obstacles and overcome opposition as herculean were ever encountered by any reformers. RAPIDITY Off CURE. Some say, “Your cures are too quick," while others doubt their permanence, and think that diseases can only be cured by the “slow, recuperative process of Nature.” This is our reply: In health, the body, like a well- balanced scale, is in a state of eqsillbrium. But when, from any cause, down goes one side of tbe scale, we have the effects of disease. What Is requisite, it to re store the normal balance of the scale! OONSTITU'flION LIFE SYRUP Is a positive end specific remedy for all diseases orlgi outing from aa Impure state of the Blood, and for al refill '• ' *' =$991 ni9| ; i «9«iitafe teSmimpsmmn CO. 1HHH mi HHKHlti isa 1AY ■TRUST, —** lAYAEHAB, GA. .. . , . consignment* of MERCHANDIZE and PROPERTY of all ROBERT P. YORK. M. E. WILLIAMS, J. R. McINTIRE. P. H- WARD. REF Savannah. Brigbatn, Baldwin A Co. Erwin A Hardee G*fen A Unckles Hiram Roberta LaRoche St West W. Woodbridge Hunter & Gammell Aim E REN C E 8 New York. Longatreet, Sedgwick & Co. S. T. Knapp A Bro. J. P. Boyle & Co. D. H. Baldwin & Co L. U. Norvell. (hen And la the only certain and RESTORER OF ST taryj diseases transmitted from parent to child PARALYSIS. It la sq universally admitted that Constitution Life prop Is the only effective means of restoration in the •id" - -« of Paralysis, that we need not reiterate ‘lolly the GrtstjUfe’giving Bower. DYSPEPSIA. 'ht at Stomach, Flatulence, Live z*nt of Appetite, Bad Breath, .tipstlon, Bllllousuess. SCROFULA. IN CASEl By the use of this Bitters Weakened nnd Debilitated Frames Be* come Renewed with all tke Vigor of Healtk, Impaired constitutions are rebuilt, and the patient In a short time regains Vi<?or, Health and Strength. fOBSKRVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS,! Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs 1 Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations. Sink ing or Fluttering at tbe Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breath ing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensation when in a Lying Pos ture, Dimnese of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain la the Head, Defi ciency of I'enpl stlon, Yellowness of the Skin and Syce, Pain In the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burn ing in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings ofF,vll, and great Depression of Spirits. g’^Fvl£ Glandular_8weillngs. Erysipelas, tlon, Salt Rheum. This taint (hereditary and acquired), filling life with untold misery, is, by all usual medical remedies, in curable. RHEUMATISM. (Arthritis) Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Gout, Tic Doloreaux. If there k any disease in which the Constitution Life Syrup is s Sovereign, it Is in Rheumatism and Its kindred affections. The most Intense pains are almost instantly .alleviated—enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chronic or vicarious, of twenty or forty years' standing, have been cured by us. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Purges the system entirely from all the evil effects o Mercury, removing the Dad Breath, and curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the nee of Calomel Is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gums, and secures the Teeth aa firmly aaever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases of the Skin, like Dicers, Pimples, Blotches, and all other difficult ies of .Ms kind, which so much disfigure the outward appearance of both male* and females, often making them a disgusting object to thewaelvee and thair triends FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Bemamber That these Bitters contain no Rum or Whiskey. And can't make Drunkards. Is not a Bar Room Drink, Bat a Highly Concemtratsd Vegetable Extr^y*^ Free '-om Alcoholic Stimulant ot^ 1$^ ' , Dnull£ . It cannot lneidlouri^t^ Jonr ^ ~ t9 -?l h , or your friends, on** is the poor man's friend, and the rich man's blessing. WILLIAM H. GREGG, M. D„ Sole Proprietor, New York. MORGAN A ALLEN, Wholesale Druggists, Agents, n2S-Sm de ciiff street, New York. Li Or others, whose systems! have become Impaired by hardships or disease, will find in this Bitters s tonic hat will restore them to all their full vigor. «A Thee# Bitten have performed more cures I [Given Better. Satisfaction 1 Have more Testimony Have men respectable people to vouch for tbemi Than any other article in the Market. We defy any one to contradict this saeertior. AND WILL FAY #,000 To any one that will produce a Certificate published by us hat la not GENDINS. N READ WHO SAYS SO. FROM THE HON. THOMAS B. FLORENCE. Washington, January 1,1884. GentlemenHaving atateo It verbally to you, I have no hesitation In writing the fact, that I experi enced marked benefit from your Hoofland’s German Bitters. Doting a long and tedious session of Con gress, pressing and onerous duties neaxlyproatrated me. A kind friend suggested tbe use of the prepara tion I have named. I took his advice, and the result was Improvement of health, rent wed energy, and nd obtain that particular relief I so much needed and Others may be similarly advantaged, if they desire to be. Truly your friend, THOMAS B. FLORENCE. From Rev. W. D. Ssigfrisd, Pastor of Twelfth Baptist Church. Philadelphia, December as, 1801. Missis. Joins A Evans, GentlemenI have recently been laboring under the distressing effects of indigestion, accompanied bv a prostration of the nervous system. Numerous rem edies were recommended by friends and some of them tested, but wiLhoat relief. Your Hooflland's German Bitters were recommended by persons who had tried them, and whose favorable mention of the Bitten in- duced me alee to try them. I must confess that I had an aversion to patent medicines, from tbe ‘’thousand and one” quack “Bitters,” whose only aim seems to be to palm off sweetened and drugged liquor upon the community> in a sly way; and the tendency of which, I fear, U to make many a confirmed drunkard. Dpon learning that yours was really a medicinal preparation; I took It with happy effect Its action waa not only upon the stomach, but upon the ner vous system, was prompt and gratifying. I feel that I have derived great and permanent benefit from the nae of a few bottle#. Veryreepectfally yours, _ W. G. SKIGFRKID, No. 264 Shackamaxon street BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. . Bee that tbe signature of “C. M. JACKSON” is on the Wrapper ef each bottle. FRENCIPAL OFFICE & MANUFACTORY No. 631 ARCH STREET, ~ JONES & EVANS, SUCCESSORS TOC. M. JACKSON A CO. Cor Broi OQttl- 1 W. U. WALSH, Bole Agent 'U^hton A Barnard Sta. savannah Ga., Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue, Spine, Forehead, or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved lu equal. Moth Patchea upon the female face, depending upon a diseased action of the Liver, are very unpleasant, to the young wife and mother! A few bottles of Consti tution Life Syrup will correct the secretion and remove the deposit, which la directly under the skin. - Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizzi ness, Indigestion, Weak 8tomach, or an .nicerated or cancerous condition of that organ, accompanied with burning or other unpleasant symptoms, will be re lieved by the use of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. As a General Blood-Purifying Agent, the Life Syrup stands unrivalled by any preparation In tbe world. THE RICH AND POOR Are liable to the same diseases. Nature and science have made the Constitution Life Syrup for the benefit of all. PURE BLOOD Produces healthy men and women: and If the constir i tutlon is neglected In youth, disease an<Ls>i£tofio near 'slay Important to Shippers! G-reat Reduction in Freights —BY— ERWIN At HARDEE’S of fast, Iron, light-draft, aide-wheel Steamers, between SAVANNAH AND MACON, Via Hawklnsvllle and Brunswick R R„ touching reg ularly at Doctortown and running in connection with the Atlantic A Gulf Railroad. LINE _The new and elegant iron steamers CHARLES 8. HARDEE, Capt. R. Johnson; TWO BOYS, Capt. Thomas Daniels, having elegant accommodations for freight and passengers, will ply regularly as above, leaving Stvannab every Thursday morning at 9 o'clock; Hawklnsvllle every Thursday morning at 0 nVlnrt 9 o'clock. It is tbe desire of the Agents of this line to make a permanent connection bet ween Atacon and Savannah and t he landings on the Altamaha and Ocmulgee rivers, and with this object in view they ask the sop- port of the merchants of Savannah and Macon, and the merchants and planters along tbe 11ns of the above named rivers. SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA, And Intermediate Landings, connecting at Latter Point with the Georgia. Railroad ant yond. , Points be- The following steamers being of exceedingly light draft, and having ample and complete accommoda tion for freight and passengers, will ply regnlari.— follows: Iron steamer WILLIAM G. GIBBONS, every Sat urday. Iron steamer AMAZON, every ten days. Wooden steamer LAURA, every Wedtseday. Our Captains and Pilots are the oldest and most experienced on the river, and no effort will be spared to meet the wants of the traveling and freighting public. INSURANCE EFFECTED AT THE VERY LOWEST RATES. Freight received at all times at oar warehouse, foot of East Broad street W. B. DAVIDSON, I B. A. WILCOX, I ERWIN A HARDEE, Agent at Augusta | Agent at Macon. | Agents at Savannah J9 2m GREAT SOUTHERN pm mmmm AND Depot for Printers’ Supplies 210 Bay Street, Savannah, 6a. W ARREN A PLATNER keep constantly on hand a laige stock of Ledger, Writing and Wrapping OFFICIAL. Notice. _ . „ .. wrapping Papers, of all sizes and weights; also, Binders' Boards! Card Boards, Printers’ Cards, Envelopes, Twines and Printing Inks. Having had long experience in the business, and buying our goods in large lots direct from the manu facturers enables us to compete with New York prices Agents for Wade’s celebrated Printing Inks; Agents in this city for the Bath Paper Mills. The highest cash prices paid for all kinds of paper stock. j 12 TIIOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, **4 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mali promptly at- endedto. jySl-tt BLANCEVILLE SLATE HIDING COMP'Y, VAN WERT, POLK CO., GA. Cap! Stools., 9500,000 SHARES, $60 EACH. Dieectors—H. Brigham, J. F. Dever, E. C. Gran nies, A. Wilbur and A. E. Marshall. Presujkht—A. Wilbur, Savatinah, Ga. CITY OF SAVANNAH, Orrioz Ci.ikk or Coraon., February 1st, 1886. A LL parties subject to take out license from tbe City under Ordinance of December 97th, 1863, must take but the same prior to February 10th, 1866. Tills also applies to persons who own vehicles used for hire, suph as wagouB, drays or trutike, backs, Ac. No further time will be allowed and the Register will be closed on that day, and the police Instructed to carry out the Ordinance. By order EDW. C. ANDERSON, Mayor. Jah. Stowabt Clerk of Council.febl-tf PltUFKSSlOIVAIi CARDS. UOWZU. OOBB. JAMES JA0SB0N. COBB & JACKSON, Attorneys-at-Law, MACON, GEORGIA. LAROCHE & JOHNSON, Timber & Lumber Dealers 300 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Lime. F at re and for sale by JH1-3 F. W. SIMS A CO Dannins: Snhool AT ST. ANDREWS HALL. Vioz Pezsidzkt—E. C. GrannlsOjge^ ' Skobztabt—A. E. Marsh- 1 ' the result. Do not delay wheujhn. athand.andwdthlnt^ ^ gyRUp NORTH RIVER AGRICULTURAL WORKS, GRIFFING & CO., Proprietors, Warehouses, 58 & 60 CortlaMt Street, , NEW YORK, manufacturers or and dealers in nows. Harrows, Cultivators, Cotton Sweeps, Hzy Presses, Cotton Presses, Cider Presses, Grain Cradles, Churns, Ox Bows, Ox Yokes, Well Buckets Sugar Mills, Com Mills, Cider Mills, Fan Milts, Saw Mills, Com SheUere, Store Trucks, Hay Cutters, Sausage Cutter Vegetable Cutt Vegetable C Hand Carts, Mule Carts, Ox Carte, Farm Wagons, Wheelbarrows Horse Powers, Sugar Pans, Threshing Mach' Shovels, Cotton Gina, Spade:, Mowers A Heap’s, Hoes, Forks, Ac., Ac. Rakes, Scythes. Carden, Field and Flower Seeds. Hoyt’s Super-Phosphats of Lime, Bon* Manure, Pou drette, Plaster, Ac. Sole agents for Glasgow Fertilizer Co.’s Phoephatic and Ammonlated Guano, and Super-Phosphate ol I.imJL „nH RmM'i CVnuuntMtuI Vi,... Lime, and Bruce's Concentrated Manure. Trade supplied. Order direct from GRIPPING A CO.. n93-3m 88 and 60 Oonrtlandt at.. New York DURYEAS’ MAIZENA D O 0. Ill Z o m >■ ce h v o c WAS TNI ONLY “ PREPARATION FOI POOD FROM INDIAN DOM” That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competition of all pro minent manufacturers of “ Corn Starch " and “Pre pared Corn Flour “ of this and other countries not withstanding. KAXKBWA, The food and luxury of the axe, without s single will conviaeeth fault. One trial will convince Hie moat skeptical. Makes Pnddinga, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a cost as tonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinaiy Wheat Floor greatly Improves Bread and Cake. It 1* also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for fish and meats, soups, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with It. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up In one ponnd packages, under the trade- >ark Maizena, with directions for nee. A most dellcleis article of food for children and In valids of all ages. _ For sale by Qrooen and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 169 Fulton Street. •WIX.LIAM litJBYBA, J26-ly . General Agent CRUTCHES tka verv surgeons, end everyt tke very beslaver Invented. They are '-•"'yMs of the nerves, do sway vuiem, ana are m all rsap^u^ri^£hrf. th 8^d toft twSlOYA IAY.U18, Sol* Manufacturers, Mo. 4T6* Broadway W.T! rslHIS Company will soon be prepared to fill any 1 orders for Slate, however large, for roofing, for furniture manufactured out of slate, for lintels, for pavement, and for any otber u«es to which .late can be applied. The quarry is convenient to the cities of Atlanta, Augusta, Macon, Albany and Columbus, Ga.; to the cities of Selma, Montgomery and Mobile. Ala.: to New Orleans, and will shortly be to Mem phis, renn..audS’. Louis, Mo. The superiority of slate for roofing purposes, and Its special adaptability to various articles ot furniture and for pavcineat ore well known. Orders may be addressed to A. E. MARSHALL, Stc’y, J8 Atlanta, Gs. Brown’s Standard Scales. U 8ED by the United States and Foreign Govern ments for more than THIRTY YEARS, Adapted to any branch of business for foreign or homo markets. Warranted accurate and durable. Sales room* No. 3 Barclay-st, near Broadway. N. Y sepia ly R. BROWN. Manufacturer. RUBBER BELTING. STEAM PACKING, ENGINE HOSE, BUBBER CLOTHING, ROOFING SLATES, BOOTS, CLOTHES WRINGERS, &c. For sale by HCRLBERT. HOLDER * CO., Cor. Bay and Abercorn sta. J26-im GUANO. P ERUVIAN and Swan Island Guanos, Superphos phates, and the Bruce Concentrated Fertiliser are offered to the Trade at the lowest wholesale prices, by GEO. E. WHITE A CO., 66 Cliff street, New York. nlSAra IMPROVED portable: and stationary STEAM ENGINES T. F. ROWLAND, CONTINENTAL WORKS, Greenpoint, Brooklyn. AIR. L. LOUIS respectfully Informs the citizens of Savannah tha- he will open his Dancing School at St. Andrews Hall on Thursday, January 4th, at ~ o'clock p. m. Hours of Instruction, for Young Ladles, Misses and Masters, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at o’clock p. m.; and for Gentlemen at 8 o’clock p. m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Jll —Mgs WANTED. A GOOD tenant may be found for a comfortable house, pleasantly located, by addressing P. O. box 913, giving particulars. u-tf PARTJVER WANTED. A PLEASANT and profitable co-partnership Is of fered to one who tan bring a small amount of capital and some business qualifications, at-Qnltman, on the A. and G, R. B. Apply at this office. • Jll. A WOMAN to do house-work. Apply at this office Immediately. J'26-tf FOR SALK dt TO RENT. A VALUABLE STEAM SAW MILL AND SITE FOR SALE. A STEAM SAW MILL, known as Collins A Shines' Saw Mill, located in Darien. Ga.. is offered for sale on most desirable terms. Attached to the mill Is about IT acres of land, upon which are two House Lot* in the limits of the city. Also, a fine Boom and Umber Pen, From its situation everything, even Slabs and Edgings can be sold readily. For torthsr particulars, apdly to WM. Z. COLLINS, Parian, Ga. PAHUm HOTEL For Kent. TPHAT X pop well-known, desirably located, and highly , .. _ - popular establishment, situated on Bull street, between South Broad and Hull streets, occupying fonr entire lots of 60 by 90 feet each, and the lane be tween them, and containing about forty rooms, Is now offered for rent The party renting this property will be required to make the necesshry repairs and give satisfactory se curity for the punctual payment ol rent. JOHN M. COOPER, novT—tf Pres't Union Society. FOR SALE OR RENT. T HE subscriber offers tils property adjoining the city limits for sale or rent. It has been laid off in 20 acre lots and Is the finest property for garden ing purposes to be found. The soil Is fine and well adapted to tbe cultivation of fine cotton, and very productive. To any one desirous of cultivating sea Island cotton, more than 100 acres can he put in good order, and made ready for the coming crop. He also offers his two plantations in Effingham county, each containing l,0u0 acres. H2-1W W. H. CUYLER. To Rent. T HE WHARF at the foot of Ball street. Apply to BRYAN, HART RIDGE A CO. PHY GOODS AMI).CLOTHING, tsam EINSTEIN Sc ECKMAN, No. 151 Congress St. Sayanaab 6a. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OFFICE OF THE Central Rai| road SAVANNHH Ji Monday, ,h, ^ “X*^I! V/ dally trains whl run li.t. Leave oavannah r ^ Arrive at Savannah * Ym D! -’ Ti# Leave Augnata. 9 -!n ?' m -' a otl ‘ '"Yirr andR?, l l ANB DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. H AVING Just received and opened a very large and select stock of Fancy Dress Goods, House- Keeping and Domestic Goode, Blankets, Cloaks and Shawls, Also Hats, Boots and Shoes. And all articles usually found In a first c ass Dry Goods House, we would most respectfully Invite our former friends and customers; also Merchants and Planters visiting the city, to call and examine oar stock before purchasing elsewhere. EIN8TMN A ECKMAN, nov6-tf 151 Congress Street, Savannah, Ga. Blankets i Flannels CLOTHS AND CA8SIMKRE8 BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MERINOES AND ALAPACAS. Received and for sale cheap by II. HATH, 174 Broughton street. Cloaks, Cloaks. L ADIES' Cloth Cloaks, a fine assortment, Just re ceived by steamer. n28-tf EIN8TSTN A ECKMAN. SHAWLS, SHAWLS TUST opened* large assortment of Zephyr Worsted O Shawls, Son tags. Cloaks and Hoods, Children’ Caps, Boot* and Gaiters. Also, Irish Linens. Table Damask, Linen Towels, Table Napkins and Doyles, and a variety of Fancy Ar ticles too numerous to mention. All of which we offer at very low Drices. EINSTEIN A ECKMAN, nov3-tf 151 Congress Street To Rent. A STORE IN THE MOST DESIRABLE BUSINESS PORTION OF THE CITY-RIGHT IN THE CENTRE of TRADE. For particulars, address JSI-tf Drawer 763, P. O. FOR SALE. Two Wooden Dwellings on Congress street between Abercorn and Lincoln streets. Applv to j27-tf BRYAN, HARTR1DGE <£ CO. JOHN GRAY, Wnmki Ware, Brooms, THE EYE, EAR, AND THROAT. D R. WRIUHT, of, Toronto, Canada West, Physi cian and Surgeon, Oculist and Anrlst, can be consulted on Deafness, Discharges from the Ear, noises In the Head, Catarrh, Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. All diseases of the EYE, requiring elthelr Medical dr Surgical aid attended Co. Office No. 41, In Dr. Titos. Buckler’s old office on Lexington street, Baltimore, Md. Office honre from 9 to 12 A. M., and 3to 6 P. M. J9-tf Thomas Dixon, SAVANNAH, GA., PACKER AND RE-PACKER OF COTTON, Wool, Hides, Rags, Jnnks, etc., I N the best shipping order, at foot of Jefferson et. jso-sm Kerosene Oil, In barrels sad cnees, AT HORATIO PITCHER’S, Foot of Lincoln st., Under the Bluff. n80-tf Storehouse. A GOOD and convenient Storehouse for Rent.— Apply at 104 Bay street Js-tf RAILROAD HOUSE BAR-ROOM AND BARBER SHOP ON BRYAN ST., JOHNSON SQUARE MIA/TILDA. TAYLOR sre.1 Din nneras, Suppers will be furnished st the shortest notice, and e«nt to any part of the city. Wines of all kinds, and of the veiy best, always on hand. in addition, fonr Dining Rooms has been fitted np in the neatest style for the accommodation of Ladies style and Gentlemen. Excellent Cooks and accommodating Walters in attendance. Attached to the Restaurant la extra Hiring, Sitting and Bed-Pooms. * The undersigned are Agents for the above, and keep on hand, and can order at shortest notice, En. glues of any power desired. Apply to JU-lm E. V. WADE * CO. W atches J ewelry I Silver and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods. & c., T HE undersigned respectfully calls the attention of tbs citizens and visitors from tbe conntry to his well seleUed stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, docks. Fancy Goode, Spectacles, Re volvers and Pistols of the most celebrated Manufac turers. * Parrlenlar attention if paid to the Repairing of Watches, Jewelry and docks. Having none but competent workmen engaged satisfaction is guaran teed. A/HARIG- dtc26-6m Cor. Broughton and Whitaker sta. J. N. WILSON, Photographer, a E. comer Broughton and Whitaker Stra., SAVANNAH, GA. ' Old picture* copied with the greatest care. dU A Barber 8ho p, with competent Barbers, la also connected with the House. All customers will have their private cape with their names on. Transient Boarders and Travelers will find It to to their advantage to call The patronage of the public Is solicited. ABRAM BEASLEY. k-tf Superintendent THE OGLETHORPE MILLS, HUTCHINSON’S ISLAND, Opposite Drayton Streep A BE at work, and are ready to fill order* for Georgia YELLOW FINE LUMBER, either for city consumption or for shipment Apply to the Agents, WINBORN, LAWTON <C CO., Bay street, opposite Mariner’s Church. J25-Th.3aATu8w PURE BOLH HO. FOB SALE BY d9T-eodta N. A. HARDEE * CO. Lamar’s Cotton Press. SAVANNAH, Jen. IT, 1SN. TO avoid any mlanndsntsndlng, we, the under- ■A limed. KnttM rtf' (ho rVkfttAn T*rr<M Imiain m signed, renters of the cotton Press “Lamar* cotton Press,” would notify our' the public who are interested, that aa; date ire win compress an Ccaet-wbe C our Pres, *t teventy-flve Pent* per bale. j2*iw TvcmumutA co. WAILS, BRUSHES, HATS, Twines, Cordage, Tabs, Churns, Cradles, Wagons, Chairs, Baskets, Ac. No*. 15 Vultorx and 302 Front Sts, NEW YORK. J3f)-3m ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 25S BOWERY, NEW YORK, TITANUFACTURERS and Dealers to Builders' and IvA Locksmiths' Hardware. Nails, Pollies, Cord, Rim Locks and Knobs, Butt Hinges, Brass and Iron Keys and Castings, Gong Bells, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac. AU orders, large or small, furnished promptly st 10 per cent, less than market prices. srpl9 6m Printer’s Ink. THE SUBSCRIBERS ABE AGENTS FOB THE BALE OF JOHNSON’S CELEBRATED News, Book- and Cord INKS. ALSO, ^Printer’s Varnish* Sold at Manufsctqrer'g Priess.-g$ JU COOPER, OLCOTTS * FARRELLY. MACHINERY DEPOT T. A. CALES, FRENCH TAILOR A CUTTER H AVING opened an establishment on Whitaker, between Bryan and St.' Joltan streets, is prepar ed to execute in handsome and fashionable style, all orders left with him. Best of materials and work manship furnished. 2w* J27 To Mechanics. P ROPOSALS will be received for the repair of the framework between Hutchinson and Fig Islands, Applications mnst be addressed to the undersigned, chairman Dock and Wharf Committee. J16 JOHN WILLIAMSON. HAIR, HAIR. A GOOD lot, and other m aterials for Euilding pur poses. For sale by BOUSE k BRYANT. 194 Bay street- A. C. LOMELINO, 6rocenes, Provisions, W ines, Lionors, k and zvzzt othxb article in the GECGEBT LINZ UNDER MASONIC HALL, (Comer of Bull Street and Congress Street Lane,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. d1S 3m GRAHAM, DORSETT & CO. Successors to H&wei, Graham Ji Co., IMPORTERS OF ROSEWOOD AND MAHOOANY, Nos. 174, 176 and 178 Centre St., H. Y., Keep constantly on hand the most extensive variety of flnely-flgnred Foreign and Domestic Woods to be found in the United States, in Logs, Planks, Boards and Veneers, suitable for Cabin, t, Plano, and Billiard Table manufacturers, and car builders; also, Ma- ?any and Spanish Cedar Coffin stuff, n connection with our business we have a large Saw Mill, and tbe most celebrated Veneer Cutting Machine, which enables us to fill all orders entreated to ns with promptness. J19-8m THE DIAMOND STATE DETERSIVE SOAP I S the greatest Family Soap now to use, and for economy and utility defies all competition. Manufactured at the Diamond Stats Soap Works, Wilmington, Delaware. RUE, WHITNEY A CO., Sole Agents. We are also constantly receiving from these works a toll assortment of Family and Fancy Soaps, and can recommend them to the public. RUE, WHITNEY A CO., J19-lm No. 4 Harris Ran^e, Bay street SAW MILLS, GRIST MTT.Tg, WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, SAWS, BELTING, &c., &c. WODD & MANN’S, CELEBRATED Portable Steam En ines FROM FOUR TO THIRTY-FIVE HORSB POWER. We have the oldest largest and most complete mnUed - works In tbs country, eneaued in msnnfiu-inrinap , ., „ country, engaged in mannfkcturing Por table Engines. Onr engines are, “by experts” now conceded to be the best apparatus of the description ever presented to the public Adapted to every pur- toee where power Is required. Medium sloes constant ty on hand, or famished ou short notice. Descriptive circulars, with price.llet sent on applca- dl6-eod6m COMSTOCK A KINSEY, 134 Bay street Savannah, Ga. Dissolution. TH* copartnership heretofore existing between T. Y. Stuart and Henry M. Kellogg under the stria ormnetrt AGo. , to hereby diaeoWeT to _date from Jannam let 1866E L* Y^TUARL bjL ' T ' HENRY M. KELLOGG. Notice. merfirm of! aid ,*7 J' * lnfer ® th« public “ tr of Bull ;of&«flniti*na. n._ J»$ satisfaction to porchasere. " UY.8TUABT. ■the sams style, at the ghton street* and ► of the former cue- SOAP! SOAP! Arrive at Augusts.... Passage $8.00. Freight to an%rv^d g °at b t L Pa pS e ; er t ™''’ ««* ^ forede^rtureof train g6r ft •».t3s Notice. are ft,, dm Bent are notified "h at ft" wl be incurr, d by them Unless obligations at an eariy day!**” 11 J24 B. T. NOTICE SOUTHWESTERN RAIUto 4D re Macon, Ga, J. n ,7' ' T HE Annual Election for President ' rectors of this Company to ,m * f 40,1 "'ti year, will be held at their offii ft! fw — on Thursday, 8th February^nSt. °" ?0 f JS-td JOHN T. BOIFEUILIW Notice. J W. NEVI1T, of the firm of Neett r •. So**™- associated himself wS,V%li uo. in the Dry Goods business, at tl,e 0 l& Jl-tf HENRY LatIbop* A tt „ ^^STotice. li, persons having demands atainfi th.. Edward G. Wilson, deceased, of Chath^*® are respectfully requested to hand them inT 0 ’ 1 thenticated; and all persons indebted to are requested to make Immediate payment t? 1 nl4 . ANAISWII^I Notice. I DO warn all persons, either white or coW-t J to come upon, pass through, or shoM ™ S place known as Sniders place, on ThnndaSn?, jL aud now occupied by me, upon penaltyofUmiSl HENRY .VcAbjjj I NOTICE. TVTEITHER the consignees nor captain of th-fr, A v ship Annabella will be responsible tor ui, l contracted by the crew. BRIGHAM, BALDffra 1 r» j Notice. 'MJEITHER the eaptain nor consignees of tie v lv bark AMAZON will he r «n„r.ihi. ... contracted by the crew. : responsible for is;, J2S BRIGHAM. BALDWBlIt l NOTICE. M R. JOHN R. JOHNSON this dav retires toe J firm ot Crane, Johnson * Grsvbill. by eJ consent.' We assume all liabilities, and wflicoisj the business under our original firm at No Si. •treet. CRANE A GHATHill H. A. Crane, 1 J. H. Geaybill. Savannah, Feb. 1st. 1966. r„-1 H. HAYM, 174 Hr on g-lit on Street. 1H CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the newest styles, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, Sc. Just received and for sale at the lowest prices b; I oct23 H. HAT GEO. H. ARLEDGE, SECII* CHANDLER. GRQC Commission and Forwarding Mertk 72 BAY STREET. 8A VANN AH. <128-1 y DISSOLUTION. T HE firm of LaRoche, Gaden & Unckles wai d| solved on the 1st inst. bv the witbdran! solved on the 1st inat.' by the witbdranil Isaac D. LaRoche. The business will be comm under the name of Gaden k Unckle*. at ths| stand, corner Bay and Baruard streets, J. D. I' retaining an office .with us for the present. isaac D. Laroche, BENJAMIN G. GADEN, DAVID S. UNCKLES. Savannah, Dec. 1. 1865. H| E. L. NEIDLINGE CORNER OK Barnard and Broughton Mi SAVANNAH, CEORCIlj W/OULD respectfully announce to his friafidsi 1Y the public generally that be has resamsi a SADDLERY BUSINESS MOODY & BARRETT, Steam Soap Works, Savannah, Ga. next door to bis former stand, and by strict > and moderate prices, hopes to receive a liberal 1 the trade. He is prepared to make up f~” orders for all HARNESS, BRIDLES, ETC. Hto brother, Mr. J. 8. NEIDUNGER. trill to* with him, and would be glad to see his friends. it ■ e. l. ygiDLisgjl Office United States Direct tf Commission, DISTRICT OF GEORGIA- . Savakmih. Jan. 16, l» j N OTICE to hereby given that the Tax MJ Chath*m county Is now completed, sca nt real estate in said county, lots, lands sndl ments outside the city of Savannah, or real * turned for taxation In said county in I860,nil the taxes dne thereon within sixty (60) daystoijl dots, st our office, north-west corner Boo-i*" and Lincoln streets, Savannah. Jie-tf T. P. ROBB, 1 „ 8. A. PANOOAST, 5-Cob J. C. BATES, ' •r CHAMBERLAIN'S Patent Ribbon St M essrs, moody a barrett would wepectfoiiy announce to the public that on and after Jan uary 1st they will run from their Soap Works two wagons, with competent salesmen, who will visit every family once a week whh Hard and Soft Soap by the har, box, gallon or barrel, at prices lower than it can be purchased In or out of the div We warrant onr Soap to be free from all aduhere. ton”? *“ d 10 «l»e entire satisfaction, or money re- 80AP EXCHANGED FOR GREASE OR SCRAPS. Special Notioe. We have bnt one price tor onr goods, and that price, shall be satisfactory. Persons ordering from the country will find It will save time and money by ■ending us their orders; and if the goods do not sat. sty In price and quality, send them back to ns at onr Orders addressed to MOODY A BARRETT, or L. J GUILMARTIN £00., 143 Bay street, Agents, will rm calve prompt and immediate attention. J4-tf Raffle. A FINE STALLION, six years old the llth of May next. Hto dam, Eclipse and Marombino, sister to the celebrated mare Fashion, and aired by Black Cloud. F OR Banks, Custom Bouse, Franinz Business purposes, particularly adiptMK*. Its parte are simple, compact, durable anS lusted. COOPER, OLCOTT3 A FABBEU-’’ Agents frr8*a PHILADELPHIA CAKE AND CRACKER BAKE Wl are constantly recpiving from Mr- v v mannfactoiy all kinds of Oyster, Soda Crackers, Ginger Cakes, Ac, Aa at Philadelphia prices. jlfi-lm RUE, WHITNEY A ^ 8ole Agents. . No. 4 Harris’ Range, JW; JUST RECEIVED BY A.N. 140 Congress Street* PACKAGES New Baron Strij " SO Ddckaset New Bacon Shouia* 1 10 packages New Lard, put up i pails W kegs N.wUrd ^ count /6 60 firkins and tnbs beat Orange 60 boxes Cheese 1<>0 boxes Candles 100 bbia Floor, beet brands Together with a splendid easortm® lt "^^l Nuts. Ac.. Ac. LWs can be found at the billiard room to Masonic Hall, at Onr Houaa, and at Walter O’Meara’s blUUrti ssloon over the Bxprss* Office- JiWf 1 Magnolia Hotei BEAUFORT, SO. CA, | OnthoBurop®*® - JOHN LILLY, Propr*'"* j J4-1S