Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 05, 1866, Image 3

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e °BtJ j '8(oi fl' 1 'ay 1» «u I V, 1 •We,, cuior K. tiles j^VANNAH. „f giciKiihipi and Steam***. yjl.iirtute «■ FOB NBW YOBC h.„ Chase. Thursday, February Sth, at — Hrfani'D!! 1 1 (,'joct 10!i pulLAIJElPUI*. Slesm3illp cambria. Thursday, February Sth. at - "' cl0Ck ' FOR ACOrSTA. Wm. 0. Gibbous, every Saturday morning FOR CHARLESTON. Houghton, every Tuesday morn- atner a». Ri an. Steamer Charles , st 3 o'clock * FOR doctor-town. p 0r itnl every Tuesday morning, at T mcsni^* v/ ’ 1 l0lt ' „ (jen. Shepiey, every Sunday morning, Sieani*** l' 0 ' 11 " 1 ' FOB UAWKINSVILLE. Two Boys and Charles S. Hardee, every , at 9 o'clock. FOR THOMAfrVILL*. r (), p. Potter, every Monday, Wednesday * te morning, at 7 o’clock. FOR FLORIDA. Stumer Sylvan Shore, every Tuesday morning, at ,o*clo«*k. Steamer Helen Ste jme rs I TbutAduy morning, Jetty, every Saturday morning, at Kit izio Biker, every Friday morning at 10 Sti-imer t vlock ' ( E n ;li 0 tety Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. FOR MACON. Steamer OnV, Monday evening, at 0 o’clock. Sleuth- 1 Charge of Arson. ;V .„ r ,]sv the Mayor bad three Germans before su-’t-il "with setting fire to the store of Georgs Corner of Ste'-vart and West Broad streets, 'aoci he turned over to a magistrate. They were * teD sefete Justice J. A. Staley, and Mr. Powers . uiol that some weeks ago he rented his store to I taaliiL Eosenberg, John Jacobs and John Sparrow, “ . three men charged with setting it on fire. Mrs. j^vjj testified that she lived in the house, and on Fri- if evening ebe smelt something burning in the atore, i and found it dosed with these men inside. She rsn to ! d00I to cail ior a poheeman and give the alarm, Kiln one of tbe party tried to prevent her. She suc- ceede d, however, in opening the door, and a police- "eLu, m'nviug on tne spot, she told him there was fire t t . uK . ue vent inside and found the three men 1 a considerable smoke, when he sprung his rattle and cot relief. The officers put out the fire and took tM mni'a to the barracks. Upon examination of the realises'tlier found two bales of cotton and tome L. w V,-Ukh had been fired. It appears that alter these men rented the store they ... a !r:eI1 (i to go security for them for goods amount- * m 0 ‘ n9 bundled and eighty-seven dollars. ThiB, rtk wnai thev had in the store, they told or shipped ktfa? and then *ei die to the premises. Their fnten- t-un evidently was to make people believe they had o-en ruined bv being btu-nt out, and thus create a ivmpathv for them, and in the meantime make their escape ■ buifimr designs were frustrated in the very a-tui consummation. The Justloe sent them to Jail in default of bad to await their trial at the May term -i the criminal ceurt. Outraging Humanity and Decency. On Friday last the tody of a negro man was discover ed dotting in the nver and was fished up and taken .shore It was laid on the wharf among some wood st the Ferry Wharf under the hill at the Gas House, i,her* it has been allowed tc remain ever sinee. The r,cdy yesterday presented a terrible spectacle,being half nude and literally tiling to pieces. It has the appear ed of having been hi the water some six or eight .e.ks, and it is supposed to be the body of one of two u.k'roes behuging across the river who were drowned ktoutCbristmaa last. It is decomposing very fast, •nd 1( tlie weather were any way warm, would speed ily be in a more oflensive condition, if possible, than •i pichtiUt. Y* e du Dot know who is to blame for this body remain ing witere it id t»<i’ such a length of time, but think chut a ny&rd r common decency, at least, would compel euUfC oi:e to take charge of it and have it in terred. It appears that the Coroner elect has not yet received L:i commission and declines to hold an in- ijucst or uke charge of the body, in consequence of cot knowui" where the expense would be met. Idii^iiatiuD is freely expressed among citizens to Riiom a knowledge of the case has come that the body uTadcAU mm should be allowed to oftend the public diidrenum exposed to gaze, to the sun and the pelt ing of the storm ior the space of three days. The Obstructions at our Wharves. The steamer Clarion, which has been in' port a few diyi ha*mg sc-me necessary repairs attended to, pro ved to the whan below the Gas House Fer ry, on Saturday, and while being backed into the shore was tccidentiy run upon the obstructions in the river at td&t ferry, breaking her rudder, which wiil compel her id my over a lew days longer. These obstructions are •ery dangerous ana vessels are often run upon them, it would cost but, very little, comparatively, to have them cleared away, and considering the amount of valuable property continually jeopardized by their ^re?ence, it is a question of considerable interest to »flipping owners und agents why the proper authori ties have not attended to the matter. Benefit fob the Widow of 8t jhswali. Jackson. ?rei. II. Francis, late of the Savannah Theatre com pany, announces this momfng an amateur dramatic tnti! tarn went to be given with the assistance of a buiutor ci gentlemen of this city, at St. Andrews' Hail, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings next, the proceeds to be devoted to the aid of the widow of tieu. Stonewall Jackson. We doubt not the opportunity to nirthar the noble efforts towards this charitable object ifuw making throughout the cities of the South will be gimlly improved in Savannah. Further particulars concerning the entertainment will appear in a future announcement. Mof-e Cotton SteaiiHgr®* 855 ^ Cotton stealing is being oarrled on in this city to such *i extent as to rt Oder it highly properthat extreordlr- ary means should be adopted for its suppression - I Sosrcely a dsy passes that we do not hear of thefts of this kind, and the boldness and success with whicht they are perpetrated, induce the belief that the busi ness has been reduced to a system in which the thiev. s and receivers of the stolon cotton work to conjuno tlon. On Saturday evening about dark a quantity of ses- Uland cotton waa unloaded from the steamer Sylvan Shore on the Florida wharf. Watchmen were placed lo guard the cotton. Placing his lantern on one of the bales, a watchman went a distance of a few feet to assist in arranging tbe bales. Returning a few minutes after he fonnd that the very bale on which he had left his lantern was missing. A searcli was Immediately made, when some thirty yards off behind a pile of coal, half of the bale, which bad been cut to two to the middle was foundT the thieves having ef fected their escape with the other half. There were traces showing the direction in which the cotton bad been carried, but no satisfactoiy evidence of the plaoe where it had been deposited could be obtained. Tbe remaining half of the bale was watched for some time in the expectation that the thieves would retom for it, but as they did not do so, it is supposed that they also had watchers on the lookout, who lznformed them of the movements of those on the wharf. Freedman’s Court. On Saturday morning Judge O'Byme and Lieuten ant Pollard held an examination of the three negro boys concerned in the robbery of the atore of Messrs' Rutherford on Congress street. Their names are Wm. Adams, alias Lefice, Edw. Burke and Geo. O'Byme. They stated that there was another boy concerned with them, named Moses, but be hae not as yet been arrested, and that they sold the cloth, calicoes, hats and knives to Mrs. Higgins, living on Battle Bow. One of the boys said he sold ths bag of shot, which was stolen, to Mr. Feeley, near the Charleston wharf, for two dollars. The boy Moses appeared to be the financier of the gang, he telling ths goods, pocketing the lion’s share and giving each of the others a amount One of them stated that on Monday mom. tog they sold to Mia. Higgins four bolta of calico and three of jeans, and got seven dollars for the calico, and fifteen for the jeans, of which he got eight dol lars. The boy Adams waa the one who waa hidden to the cellar of the store, and when arrested denied all know ledge of the robbery, but finally confeased. This same boy, with another of the party, Burk, was convicted last September for robbing the store of Mr. Meinhardt, and sentenced by CoL Holbrook to serve three years to Fort Pulaski, but' about three weeks ago was re leased by order of Stanton, Secretary of War, and Judge O'Byme, in now passing sentence on him, said he wished the Secretary of War were here now to see how his kindness had been requitted. He sentenced Adams to six month's labor on tho streets and lanes with ball and chain appendage, but detained tho other two as witnesses against the white parties. Lieutenant Pc Hard then issued process against Mrs. elsh nee. Mrs. Higgins and Dennis,her husband also against Mr. Feeley. They were arrested and brought before the court when Dennis Welsh and wife were held to the sum of six thousand dollars, and Mr. Feeley to five thousand for their appearance on Mon day morning to answer the charge of receiving the goods,; knowing them to have been stolen. Five negroes were charged with cutting and carry ing off wood from the property of Mr. Chisholm on the Carolina side of the Savannah river, about four teen miles above the city. This property being situ ated more than thirty miles from the sea coast and consequently not coming within the order of General Sherman, allowing freedmen to cut wood within that distance. The Court ordered the negroes to deliver up the wood to the owner and cautioned them against repeating the same thing. They appeared satisfied to get off so easy. There were several other cases before the court but not of sufficient interest to make note of- in'< MV 11 ■’iMts—dgaifoMM Arrivals at thk hotklA. i-i, PULASKI HOUSE—W. H. WitTwrtnsa ft Co. C N Weal, Waynesboro M W Harrison, Albany J W Kearnej. Oa J Fereber. S C J M Miilett, Savannah J Llchebsteln, do A Shoe t, do W D Vlllard, Waynesville ;i o Fryer, Agt I Opera W L MatHews, Oa K F 8 Hail, Qu Jos Ucnstiue, Savannah C A Rowland, Augusta J M Nixon, N Y Wilier. Rowe, N Y L O Dargan, S C A E Patterson. Fla F W Murray, N Y J H Roper, Fla Capt J M Holmes, Fla G C Morton, Ga H C Rayser, S C S U Clark. Oa R L Nelson, Va Clias Schlatter, Ga E B Barstow, Ga L R McLay and wife, 8 C H L Mcfilvy and lady J B Strepllug, Fla W T Jones, do J A Drew, do Jno Burns, do J L Smith, A W Slone and wife, Sav D W Williams, 8 c Col W B Gaulden and lady Georgia Jas D Stevens, Ga E G Marable, Ala BCro-by, NY A Ogden, do B E Cbasaalng, Baltlinoie H H Gibson and daughter, Millen, J W Redwood, Baltimore H Cunningham and wife Alabima B J Bowe, Augusta Jas H Daniel, Iplen B Attmwav, Ga A Ward, Wide World MARSHALL HOUSE—A. B. Ll'C*. J C Fryer, NY |J N Grimes, Savannah J M Taylor aud 2 sons,Fla-A J Felleraan, Tenn A H Ward, E C Stevens, Savannah w L Hay, Fla |W H Crooker, Ala Mr and Sirs J Dellands, s Gross, savannah Augusta jG W Douglas, N Y Mivs A S Clark, Augusta Wilson Totten, Hilton H W Fl Masses, U S 8 Bibb {Miss Minnie Adams, do H P Lauibreth, CM ITnos G Ferrely fc Q Hewitt, Oa J A Praat, Ill W Bryden, Ill R B Currier, N Y J W Stanton, do G C Tanner, C K R IN S Harman, Oa ID Wadley, Ga IP T Williams, Phlla |J 8 Bolce, Fort Pulaski j Maj W C Manning, F P eihippiugr Intelligence. Miniature Almanac—Tills Dap. Sun rises fi|43'Moon rises u Sun sets 6 171 High water eve Police matters. There were very few cases before Mayor Anderson on Saturday morning, and what is astonishing there were none for drunkenness. A sailor on one of the Revenue Cutters was arraigned on the charge of rob bing a fellow-sailor of one hundred and twenty dollars, but tbe testimony was very meagre. In fact, the only evidence was that of the prosecutor, and as be was ac cording to his own admission, intoxicated, there waa a doubt created of the truth of the charge. He himself asked the Mayor to dismiss the case, which was done on the payment of tho costs. Two men named D. Leary and Michael Bradshaw, were charged with selling goods by sample without taking out the required license, they being non-resi dents. Three or four ladies testified to the fact of the defendants having offered them several silk dress pat terns for fifty dollars, and finally would take forty-live dollars or would even exchange for jewelry. They plead ignorance of the law, and said they were to have gone to New York in the steamer on Saturday, and had just come from Augusta, where all they were required to do waa to pay the city five per cent, on sales, and thought they would sell tne few remaining patterns in this city, not thinking they were violating the law.— They showed several licenses which they had taken out In various other cities. Thus convincing His Honor that they were not ignorant of the law, and he accordingly fined them seventy-five dollars each. PORT OF SAVANNAH. Sunday Fab. 4 lwa Arrived. Steamer Sylvan Shore, Tucker. Jacksonville—Clag- horn & Cunningham. Steamer Two Boys, Daniels, Doctortotvn—Erwin Hardee. Steamer H M Cool, Taylor, Darien—M A Cohen. Steamer L Enos, Moore, Augusta—C L Colby A Go, Steamer Helen, Larox, Augusta—Rein A Co. Steamer Och, McCauley, Hawktosvlile—F MMy- rell. Steamer Ella, Rowland. Florida—M A Cohen. ^Steamer Gen Berry, Henry, Augusta—C L Colby ' Steamer Swan, Cohen, Augusta—M A Cohen. Steamer Express, Morgan. Augusta—FM MyrelL Steamer Falcon, Cates, Augusta—C L Colby A Co. Steamer 0 F Potter, Cessar, Suubury—Chas L Colby 4 Co. Steamer Croton, Fitzgerald, Hilton Head. Schr John Vance, Smith, 8t Johns 7 river, Fla, ballast—Master. schr J Elliott, Watts, Boston—Master. Schr A M Aldridge, Lescher, New York, with coal —W Woodbrldge. Cleared. Brig Ocean Belle, Morton, St Iago—E Fadelford. Steamship San Salvador, Atkins, New York—B Hardee. steamship Tybee, Crowell, New York,—O Cohen. Steamship Herman Livingston, Baker, New York —J R Wilder. schr E C Latham, Knight, St Marys, Ga, in ballatt —J A Brown. steamer W G Gibbons, Phiipot, Augusta—Erwin Hardee. Steamer Minnie Brandt, Travis, Augusta—La Roche and West. Steamer Scorpio, Rogers. Augusta—Keln ft Co. Steamer Volunteer, Andrews, Augusta—O’Fallon A CO. Steamer Gen Shepiey, MllUken, Doctortown—C Colby ft Co. Freedmen Afloat. On SaiarJay tho pilot boat Sophia, Capt Sagurs, "iik cruising oil’ Tybee, discovered some eight miloa tc. evi n. object afloat, which proved to be a .flat con- totuing duee negro men, and two women with a horse. Tie puny wore supplied with provisions and had surtud ;or Daufuakie Island, where they designed to sct'Je, but in their unmanageable craft were driven to i vt-'i where they must have perished,' but for their [ tuut.y rescue by Capt. Bagura. The negroes with ■leir baggage weto taken on board the pilot boat and ‘light to Savannah yeaterday. As it was impossible 1 ’ameer the horse from the flat to ths pilot bost the v n> left to the mercy of the waves "'Hi;, c.rujinn foe tbe Charleston Line.— iD * b "“Ljet Cioton, Capt. James Fitzgerald, arrived t ' U ■"’ Uri % anemoon from Port Royal. She goes ll hs morning at nine o’clock, where her wac.oom, will h e refurnished, after, which she will ' tripe as a passenger and freight boat ^ diy and Charleston. di/jr 0 ^—■ Alllon 8 the arrivals at the hotels yes tel - ciote]i < '' I * OUe6 uame Mr. B. Crosby, agent for stoDuir ‘ ° rCat Sll<,w ani1 Circus Company. He Is 1 ttran- ° 1118 ^hlasti House, and is about making | to 'nve' 0 ? 013 l0r ll;e ttou P® which is now at Atlanta, I th/con, 6 ‘ 1 this city. Ho Informs us it aboulTivedf ° PiI1 “ b0Ut n9xt Roods? and be with | al/o amved^nsT 01 ^ ^ ItaUan i°P» rs tr0Q P*- J and stopping at the Pulaski House. I8E Ge! »- Bebex—The Gen. Berry u v.turday Rom Augusta and we are indebt- Superior Coart—Before Judge Fleming Ths esse of tbe Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah against the Central Railroad Banking Co., Marine Bank, Dr. F. T. Willis el at, was concluded on Saturday. Attorneys for paintiffa. Law ft Lovell for defendants, A B. Lawton and Tbos. E. Lloyd. Mr. Lloyd, of the counsel for the defendants, pre seated the closing argument in the case. Judge Fleming then charged the jury, who after a brief ab- senoe, rendered a verdict in favor of tbe defendants. Tbe Court adjourned until eleven o'clock this morn ing. , The Theatre. The popular gift entertainments are to be resumed this evening, and oontinued throughout tbe week, ten valuable prizes being distributed nightly. The grest success of tbe prize arrangement week before last, has induced the management to reinstate the fea ture, and they will without doubt, find their liberality and enterprize fully recognized snd rewarded tbe pre sent week. The first prize to-night is s gold hutting case watch, worth $136, and among the others to the list, which will be found to another calnmn, are s meerschaum pipe, an opera' glass, and a pair of beauti ful vases. Tbe fine comedy, played nightly for half a year or more to New York, “Everybody's Friend” is per formed this evening, with Mr. Raymond in hla great character ot “Major Wellington de Boots” and Miss Gordon as Mrs. Bwanadowo ” This bill alone should draw a crowded house. February 3d, passed 3 team- • and Volunteer, bound up. , .- e , P u r»cr for the usual favors and the following 'H - 1110 lst ' P wscd steamers Falcon and i ’learner* b ™ ud U P l February 2d, passed I aid ^ ’ ” 0Gj daeil, fongenie, Standith. Eclipse us Amazon, Gibbons^ ^RftrV.41. Qp •!■**- f Helen arr;7*(i ^ Hele».—The steamer I indebted to Satarda J fr °m Augusta, and w# are i.ret new* - ioT avor » and the following n Carroli in Dor . ‘ 5 ‘ eamers Express, Falcon snd Hsr- Goodseli, Cn'on a, 0n I r ‘day passed the B. H. May, kinnlue- 0 ‘ '^elandiah, Eclipse, Swan and Laura, round up. 8aturJj y Phased the Wo, G. Gibbons, pet offered b" Tnuimtr—Theailvertrum- contendedforb a 518 ' Eaym ° nd 4 HamUt on to be, w on bv thooli!» File Companies of 3a7 snnah, 4s largest eIetnor P 83 > they having disposed of t-untpst was dm” ° f ticte,s for Saturday night Th* fSiethorpssby^. p reaented *° tte PUblic-spirited of the largest aU[)1 Eayaolld t“ the presence of o>* geat amhences of the season. wer * < i uite * fal «n, Etupies 2d *£2 ^ Steamer lw r “ 8wui from AflgusU, and 01 ‘hone boats w,n n, ^ Hawkln * ,rme ' The Vmm ‘11 please aocept thanks for flavors. ArjtiY A r ZI ~ — Oak arrived ? Steajie b Oox.-The steamer hundred bai. m ^'oklnavUle on Saturday with Hr* Island. The l Upland cotton “ a thirty-five bales Sea rser will >cccpt our thanYt for fivori. steamer from riorida, Th^' “ rlTed ou Sat t“ d »r morning nror*. Tb wiU «“H>t our thanks for Slight Fiee.—On Saturday about half past one o'clock the roof of the house occupied by Mrs. Jack- son, in South Broad street, west of Bull, took fire from sparks from the chimney. A couple of gentlemen who were passing at the time, ran up stairs and by pulling off some of the shingles which were very old and rotten, and by application of a few buckets of water, succeeded to quenching th* fire and preventing any damage There was not any general alarm given. AUQU3TA Hotel. — The attention of the travelling public is invited to the advertisement of Messrs. S. M. Jones and Z. A. Rice, proprietors of tbe Augusta Hotel, to another column. The Augusta Hotel is elegibly situated to the business centre of ths city, is conveniently arranged and kept to a style of cleanli ness and comfort which will satisfy the most fas tidious. Ths proprietors are kind and aocommodating, and their eervaots attentive and obliging. Man Drowned.—We learn that a blaok man was drowned in the river yesterday by the capsizing of a boat belonging to s revenue cutter, lying to the stream nearly opposite the lower rice mills. His body had not been recovered et latest advices. Sals or the Steamer Jest. Davis.-Messrs. Bell, Wyley ft Christian, Auctioneers, sold on Saturday morning, by order of tbe Government, at the East- era Wharf, the Bteemer Jeff. Davie. She was knocked down st the turn of nine thousand dollars. Mew Hooks, New Books. REOCIVID by Cooper, Olcotts & Farrelly. C ORA BELMONT, or ths Sincere Lover; the Car dlnal’s Daughter, by Robert M. Daniels; a Light and Dark Christmas, by Mrs. Henry Wood; Half Mil lion of Money, by Amelia B. Edwards; social Lile of the Chinese, by Justus Doolittle; Leonore and other Poems, by Lady enstterton; Poems by Mrs. Ann* M. Spaulding; The Rod Book ot Apin; Story Middle Ages; Miriam Rivers, tbe Lady Soldier; Colin Clouts Ojtne Home Again, by Spencer; Leslie's Magazine lor February; Demorest’s Magazine for February; Atlan tic Monthly for February; Harper’s Monthly for Feb- rurary. J31 Per sieamer R M Cool, from Darien—ItO bales up land cotton. Per steamer E Enos, from Augusta—223 bales up land uotioa, 20 do sea Island. Per steamer E''s, from Florida—31 bales upland cotton, 10 bales - a island. Per sieamer : • ik, from Hawktosvlile—600 bales upland and 36 s a Island. Per -tenner O n. Barry, from Augusta -302 bales upland colt on an ! 20 bales domestics. Per steamer ii len, from Augusta—240 bales up. Ian I cotton, 4 bales domectics. Per steamer Swan, from Augusta—CSi bales up land cotton, and sundry pkgs mdze. Per steamer Express, from Augusta—662 bales up land cotton, aud sundry pkgs mdze. Per steamer Two lioys, from Hawktosvlile—366 bales upland cotton. Per steamer F .icon, from Augusta—140 bales sea Island cottou. and 10 bales domestics. Per steamer Sylvan Shore, from Jacksonville—105 bales sea Island cotton and mdze. Exports. Pei brig Ocean Belle, 8t Jago—162,878 feet timber 50,000 feet plank. Per steamship San Salvader, for New York—80S bales upland cotton, 10 bales sea island cotton, 200 bales domestics. 10 bams cotton waste. 15 bales yarn, 6 bales thread, 44 cases leaf tobacco, 109 whole and s half barrels, 24 Obis dried rruit, and sundry pkgs mdze. Per steamship Herman Livingston, for New York- 1238 bales upland cotton, 21 bales sea island cotton 15 bales cotton waste, 447 hides, 27 bbls dried fruit, 13 bales wool, and 11 pkgs nnlze. Per stettashlp Tybee, for New York—836 bales up land cotton, 11 bales sea Island cotton, so bbls rosin, .3 bags dried fruit, loo bbls do, aud 100 packages mdze. Below. Bark G T Hunt, from New York. Consignees. Per steamer Gen Berry, from Augusta—J W An derson <t Sons, Brady, Smith ft Co, M S Cohen, Brig ham, Baldwin ft Co, E O Wade ft Co. Per steamer Ella, from Florida—Dzlalynski ft Sla- ger, T W Murry, W M Tune, Miller, Ttiomaa ft Co, j L Villa long., Order, Smith ft Co, Adams Express. Cull martin ft Co. Per steamer Syvan, from Augusta—E C Wade ft Co, Erwin <fl Hardee, BrcWn.A H, A L Hftnrldge, Mc Mahon and others. Per steamer Two Bovs, from Hawklnsville—B Ha- beisham A Son, C M Holt, Andrew Low ft Co, J W Lathrop, B H Hardee Per steamer Express, from Augusta—F W Sims J Co, Crane ft Graybill. Per sieamer Helen, from Augusta—Keln ft Co, S Uresbmau ft Co, O Cohen, Wilder ft Fnllarton, and Maude ft Wright. Passenger*. Per steamer Gen Berry, from Angusta—W F Ho- rath, George Terry, Wm Bowers, Miss Bowers, Mrs falls, Mrs Haynes, and 3 deck. Per steamer Ella, from Florida—A Campbell, H O Gartner, Kefler, A E Fatten, S Miller, J W taylor, O R F Taylor, R PTaylor, 8 Eppstein, J W Holmes, J H Roper, J C Juantlsh, Smith, Adams, E D Jeffand, Floved, Norton, Mrs C A Berry and son, and 11 on deck. Per steamer Two B >ys, from nawklnsvllle—W H Crooker, W M Hickman, wife and 2 children, Miss Mary Hickman, M J Fellerman, and one on deck. Per steamer Swan, from Augusta—Col A M Mar tin, J H Laffltte, J C Williams, H H Peeples, George Goodwin and 12 deck. Per steamship San Salvador, for New York—F P Halsey, J P Thorndike, A Tlninane, C S Caawell, A Hullibs, Geo A Wright, CATopliU; Mrs Todd and 3 children, Miss Thomas, E A Flint, H W G Offutt, J A Whltii a. J h Baldwin, Mrs Underville, W Mc Lean. J P Meinecke, H Holsuasser, G W Furnald, Gen H C Wayue, F E T Kilims, and 16 deck. Per steamship Herman Livingston, tor New Tort— II Melnhanl, M R Baum, s Miiuhard, B Morgan, D B Camp, W H Goff and'lady, BF Einstein, J Sulli van, P Hapo, G H Cheever. Col St Geo Rogers, J H Malarky, J T Hart. S S Ritter, Mr Qulntard, L C Ar- ledge,' A Goan and son, R W Gyson, D Hiss, C J Jen kins. W O Zimmerman, L strupleber, P H Stone, E J O’Nell, C Anderson, C J Johnston, Mr McKenna. W Harrison, D J T Ladler, M T Grace, S P Newcomb, J Herman, H Roberts, J G Wildreth, A L Griffin, A Warner, W Rowe, J G Cohen, J B Manning, John Miller, aud three steerage. Per steamship Tybee for New York—Mr* E A Dun- wood and three children, O B Seagraves, M M Bug gies, Ira W Ford. D P Connelly, J Menges, W Gilford. Per steamer Helen, from Auguste—Mr Maude, Wife aud sister. Per steamer O F Potter, from bnnbnry—R L Wll- son, U 11 Sanfoid, B M Williamson, J H Miller. J Theus, H Miller. D White, D S Bally, H L McCiley aud wife, W Phillips, Mrs Tebeau and daughter, Dr R Q Stacy, E G Hewitt, E B Barstow, W W Shad. METHODIST HYMN HOOP, IN VARIOUS STYLES, Just received by 3. MALXaON, *3-2 147 Congress street. NOTICE OP COPAB^NEBSHIP. C . P®T F h!l ® | ,lta day associated with himself to , jf 8 ' p ; WATKINS, and the business wul hereafter be conducted under the style of . „ , ORFF 4 WATKINS. Savannah, Febrnaty lst, lfec. • fl-lw Memoranda. Steamer Helen left Augusta Friday morning at 7 o’clock, a. at.; steamers Express, Falcon and Uariy Carroll to port- Passed steamer R X May, Friday morning, at Sand Bar Ferry, bound op; passed steamer Goodsell, Fri day morning at Me a man Point, bound op; passed steamer Union. Friday morning, at McAman Point, bound up; passed steamer Standisb, Friday after noon, at Seven Points, boand op; paused steamer Eclipse. Friday evening, at Mile*’ House Point, bound up; passed steamer Swan, Friday evening, at Rocky P int, boand down; passed steamer Lanra, Friday evening, at Hirsh man’s Lake, bonnd np; passed steamer Wm Gibbons, Saturday morning, at SplcervUle, bound np. LIST OF VE38EI4I IN THK PORT OF SAVANHAH. Savannah, Feb. 4,1886. SHIPS. Golconda, (Br) Davis, discharging, Liverpool—Bry an, Hartridge ft Cto. Lady Russell, (Br) Gray, discharging, Liverpool— Reid ft Stewart. England’s Queen, (Brj McKay, discharging—Retd ft Stewart. Thorwalson, (Br) Bromage, discharging—Reid ft Stewart. ' Favorite, (Br)8pato, loading, Liverpool—E A Sonl- lard. Daysprtog (Br) Coote, discharging—Chaa (frees ft Consnl, Beasley, discharging—W Batterabv ft Co. Anabelia, Adams, discharging—Brigham, Baldwin Kaio* (Br\ Morrison, discharging—E A SouBttrd. ^ Abo, (Russian) Sodenhohn, discharging—B EHertk BABZS. Ann, (Br), Redmore, discharging, Rio Janeiro- Wee 14 Cornwell. r Messina, (Br) Goswell, loading, Liverpool—F W Sims ft Co. Arbitrator, Allen, loading—Brigham Baldwin A Co W H Jenkins, (Brj Cromaln, loading, Liverpool —E A .Soullard. Maria Henry, Prince, loading, Liverpool—Chaa L Colby ft Co. Rockaway, (Br) Rossance, discharging—E a Soul- lanl. Amazon. (Swedish) SwinhuTord, walling, Leg horn. Italy—Brigliaui ft Baldwin ft Co. BRIGS. John R Plater. Post, discharging—Hunter A Qam- mell. Executive, (Bn Gosham, waiting—B E Hertz ft Co. , t, Moneca. Mitchell, waiting—Yonge ft Nixon. Clias Wesley, Ford, loading. West Indies—Sorrell Bros. Marlon, Dick, discharging, Sidney, Cape Breton— Yonge ft Nixon. W B Sawyer, Gray, discharging—Master. Bessie, (Br) Jackson, discharging—Yonge A Nixon. Geo Harris, French, waiting, Boston—Hunter ft Gammed. SCHOONERS. Artie Garwood, Van Gtlden, loading, Philadelphia —Crane ft Grnyblll. S Fisk, Davis, waiting— G I Taggart. John M Broomall, Douglass, loading, New York— Chas L Colby ft Co. Callsta, Hall, loading, New York—C L Colby ft Co. J A Brown, , Havana—J A Brown. John E Dailey, Wall, waiting—Crane ft Graybill. J G Miller, Higgs, discharging, Eleutbura, Bahama —Yonge ft Nixon. Sea Foam, E K Griffin, New York, discharging, J T Patterson. Martha, Joso, discharging—Crane ft Graybill. Jennie Morton, Freyholy, New York, discharging. Marshall ft Bro. W E Stevenson, Kemps, waiting—C E Smith. Oriental, Crocker, dlacnarglng—W H Stark. Cft ■■ - 17j FlKAlVttAL. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. stpis For sale by BRIGHAM. BALDWIN ft CO. Sight'Exchange ON NEW. YORK, to soma to suit purchasers, by •epSS-M E. P. METC ALFE ft CO VALENTINES, AT ESTILL'8 NEWS DEPOT, 'U-ll Bull-el., back of Post Office. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, SAVANNAH, CA- CAPITAL, »U Subscribed, 12,900,0001 THE Company areprepsred to take all classes of A Risks against Fire »t the usnal rates. As a Com pany belonging to tbe State of Georgia, they claim a preference over all others from other States. NO LOSS Is ever left unpaid, and all are equitably and fairly adjusted, and paid promptly. AARON WILBUR President. M. A. COHEN Secretary. DIBIOTOSS. Savannah—Andrew Low, Henry Brigham, John R. Wilder. John Klchardeon, H. W. Lathrop. J. H. Gray bill, John W. Anderson, Wm. H. Stark, Henry Lath rop, W. N. Habersham, Octavos Cohen, John Lama, A. J. Miller, E. C. Wade, Aaron Wilbur, John M. Cooper. N. A. Hardee, Joe. S. Claghorn. Augusta—John Bones, Wm. S. Roberta. Macon—E. C. Grannies, J. B. Ross. Columbm—D F. Wilcox, Daniel Griffin. Eufauia, Ala.—J. G. L. Martin. Assets, Par Value, January, 1806. Railroad and City Bonds, all good $'8,800 Railroad Stocks, “ 8,000 Bank Stocks 8,ooo Coupons, all good 10,770 Cash and Cash Items, U. 8. currency 18 132 United States Bonds and Notes 763 bills Receivable, new ( 7,166 “ oi l, 10 per cent on amount.. 6,731 Bank Bills S.822 insurance Stocks 20,300 Cotton Account 131,4:7 $237,060 Unpaid Capital Stock 2,000,000 State of Georgia Treasury Notes 03,124 (y For Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire, apply at the Office of the Company, 80 buy st. Savannah, Ga. f2 HAVANA SEGARS, PIPES, Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO. fJ»HE f subscriber has just received a large stock Havana Segars, to which he wonld Invite particular attention. He has also an extensive assortment of Meershaum Pipes, SUGAR TUBES and BRIARWOOD PIPES. The various brands of Chewing and Smoking To bacco at his Establishment are all of the first quality Please call and examine for yonrselves, at ESTABLISHED 1826a , WM. H. LEE WABE BOOHS 199 Ma Stmt, riMlPPiJo. Between Broadway ft Greenwich Street. oct27-3m PRESBYTERIAN HYMN BOOKS. Sunday SchOti Books Question Books ] Catechisms Teachers'Class Books Sunday School Requisites of mil ‘ a, kinds Foreale by a MALLON, <3-2 147 Congress st. i^reigjxts FOE ABOBSTA, T thefr'^IS^ I ^5^ re ^ f ^! x £“ lTe k»°d* st wed by lnsora ce—for sbipment^Sf 11 ? 6 *** COT ** “f “ d To BHiyPIMG. jl-tf F. CONSTANT’S, Boll st., oppoaita Post Office. ALEXANDRE KID W A LSO, a fine assortment of Silk, Wool and Back skin Gloves and Ganntlets. Jnst opened at M EINSTEIN ft KCKMAN, Tlg8 ~ tl 161 Congress street FIRE INSURANCE THOMAS & SON, AGENTS No. 117 BAY STREET, A RB prepared to write for the following Comi p inies at reasonable rates: MARYLAND, MERCHANTS’ ft MECHANICS NATIONAL, NORTH AMERICAN. CROTON, STANDARD, WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS, of Pittsfield, Muse. f3-tf Of New York. NOTICE. D ANIEL R. THOMAS has this day been associated with me in tbe Insnrance Agency. Tl-e firm will be Thomas ft Son. Savannah, let February, 1846. J. T. THOMAS, 11! Bay street. Baltimore MARINE INSURANCE COMP'Y O CEAN and INLAND RISKS taken at enrrent rate*, by THOMAS ft SON, Agents t-tf * TIT Bay street. THOMAS & SON, No. 117 BAY STREET, SPKCIAL AND LOCAL AGENTS FOR THE ' Underwriters’ Agency Of New York., CASH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars ■ ISSUE POLICIES OF ire & Marine Insurance Made payable in GOLD er CURRENCY, Negotiable end Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE All ISSUED IT Tan ASSOCIATION. ROOFING. 1 TH are now prepared to take contracts for apply, tog WARREN’S FIRE-PROOF ROOFING, to furnish the material. It possesses all tbe requisite merits, is water-tight and fire-proof, will not expand and contract with heat, and cold, is not Injuriously affected by change of temperature, will bear mure than double the heat of metal routing without damage to the boarding be neath it, is easily and quickly repaired ir injured. Gutters of the same material may be formed on the roof. The felt and cement being uon-conductoi* of heat, > roof is so cool to summer nor so warm to winter, and Its cost is much lees than that off any other FIrc*prooff Kooff now in nsc. For more detailed particulars, price of roofing, tes- tiiupnials, *e., appig to BRYANT, 13-lm H>4 Bay street. LIVERPOOL SALT & ALE, Afloat and tor sale by 13-3 BRYAN, HARTRIDGE ft CO. THE PAHA CHBJSTI, OR CASTOR OIL BEAN. AM prepared to contract with Planter*, to loan the best kind of aeed and purchase their entire crop n advance. The estimated yield to each prime hand and team is shout thirteen hundred dollars. For particulars see Circular, or address the sub scriber, care of Messrs. Wilder ft Fullarton, Savan nah, Georgia. _ _ a » J W. GREGORY. Bacon, Sides and Shoulders. 0 HHDS. Sugar Pickled Shoulders; I hhds. very fine Sides. Foreeleby jST-tf BRIGHAM, BALDWIN ft CO. HOLIDAY GOODS. Direct ImDortation from Londo and Paris. J UST RECEIVED, a large and varied assortment of Imported Ware* and Fancy Articles, soluble for the coming season, embracing to part: Statuettes—Bronze, Besqucanfl Parlor Toilet Settsj Clocks Perfumery Ladies’ Traveling Bags French Parasols Portemonnales Milliners’ Fancy WnresJI Osier Baskets And an endless variety ot Fancy G-oods, ordered for this market and Jnst received by ship County of Plcton, snd other veseels now arriving. Fancy Goods by the riginal package, to which the attention of Milliners and others ie Invited. W. W. LINCOLN, Corner Congreee and Ball streets, “21-tl Monument Square. "Wdlliam G-ill, (Successor to William B. Hawkins,) TMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer to Foreign and A Domestic Ales, Wines. Liquors, Philadelphia Por ter, Champagne Cider, 4c., No. 17G Fulton Street, Opposite St. Paol'. Church, NEW YORK. Bottler of Mile's Celebrated Ale for Shipping and Family use. Particular attention paid to Filling and Shinning Southern Orders. ^ vv All orders by mall will be promptly atteuded to. nl4-Sm Pioneer Line FOR NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! Cabin Passage, $25 OO..Deck, «10 OO Tbe new and splendid steamship CHASE, Roatli, Commander, will lesva for the above port on her regular day, Thnraday, February 8, at — o’clock. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply to f* HUNTER ft GAMMELL FOB PHILADELPHIA; CABIN PASSAGE, $25 00. Towage." Masters of Vessels Merchants. and The steamer Petti t» p‘rio^^r^ t ^era°ffime P nu’rth^ n ^ ,<Sa - reqniie her services. IO “**« »bo may Apply to J31-2w H. J. DICKERSON ft CO. The new and splendid Iron Stcamihip t CUMBRIA, FRENCH, Commander, Will sail for the above port on Tbursday, Feb. 8, at — o’clock. For freight or passage, having excellent accommo dations, apply to to HUNTER ft GAMMELL. FOR BOSTON The fa«t-8aillng brig GEO. HARRIS, having a portion of her cargo engaged, will have despatch for tbe above pert. For freight engagements, apply to HUNTRR ft GAMMELL. FOR PALATKA, VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. (Carrying the United States Mail.) The new and fast Steam Packet Ella, Capt. P. E. ROWLAND, will leave on Tuesday Morning, January 30th, to o'clock" 1116 t0 16898 refirulariy 8Vw 7 TUESDAY at ^ ^ M. A. COHEN. Fretoht payable by shippers. i2?-^m.tTfr Ved 8t ^ ti “ ea at toe Warehouse ~For PalatkaTET Fla., ST. MA SS h&uta ' ,iCK80N ' r ^ The elegant and very fast steam packet SYLVAN SHORE, Capt JAMES TUCKER, ssusassur 1 ,p * ”««• Every Tuesday Morning at 10 o’clock. All freight payable bv shippers. datfoM^nfr * v,D §n 8n P arlor accommo- at u “ offlce ' ^orida Steam Packet VV hurt, or to* m tt CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, Agents. For Augusta, STEAMER R. H, MAY, Will have dispatch for the above place. Goode receiv ed at all time and stored to fire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free of cost. __ , J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent. Office in Claghorn ft Cunningham’s. The May arrived In Angtuta from Savannah on last Friday with her full freight tf oct9 New Sugar Cured Hams. 4 A BBLSl, a very superior article. Fo- sale by J2T-tf BRIGHAM, BALDWIN ft CO. RIDE. W E have now on band a few Open Boggles and Rockaways, light and neat. Also, Sets of Harness, which we will sell unusually low. BOUSE ft BRYANT, 184 Bay street. Soluble Pacific GUANO. WI Invite the attention of Planters to this valuable vv Guano, as a matter of Importance to their In terest. It Is similar in appearance, odor snd compo sition to Peruvian Guano, differing only in the pro portions of the same elements. It contains less am monia, bat nearly oneffinndred per cent, more of Phos phate than Peruvian Guano, one-third of which is im mediately soluble. It is quite as active as Peruvian Gnano. and is iess costly. „ For lnrther information, apply to E. C. WADE ft CO., Agents, Jl-3m Savannah, Ga FOR CHARLESTON, VIA HILTON HEAD AND BEAUFORT. THE STEAMER FANNIE, CAPTAIN MoNELTY. Will leave as above from the Florida Steamboat Wharf foot of Weet Broad st. on THURSDAY next, lst Feb. at 10 o'clock a. m., and will continue to leave every Thursday following at same hour until further notice. This boat is in very excellent order, is commanded by officers of experence; snd has superior state room accommodations for passengers While the boat Is on her trips, freight will be re ceived and stored in fire-proof warehouse, free of ex pense. For freight or passage, apply to „ F. M. MYRELL. Agt, j27-lm Harris’ Buildings. Bay street. Or to W. Johnson, on wharf For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new and fast sailing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. KUifa Having been placed permanently epon this rente will leave for the above places on Friday Morning, astk, at 10 o'clock, at Mine hour. *° 16478 ^7 morning thereafter Returning, she will leave Palatka everv Snnda» sonrille^'evorv'xin e I er 7 Sunday forenoon, and Jack! naho^TSy mSra?ng m ° rni ” g ’ ,,rriving at 8aTan ' thew^ff reCelVed 8t aU warehouse oa All freight payable by shippers. mmlljH 111 0f touring splendid cabin ao- commodatton. apply at the office on Flurida Steam Packet wharf, or to CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. Agents. J24-tff For Charleston, Touching at Hilton Head and Beaufort. The steamer CROTON will leave for. the above places on MONDAY, Jan- 6th. at 8 a. m. For freight or passage, apply on board. 151* On Consingment. 55 bbls Yellow Onions 16 bbls Apples 6 bbls Figs 3 bbls Cranberries 10 half bbla Cranberries 23 half boxes Ratal as 1 box Tomatoes lo kegs Batter.. Jnst arrived and for sale by J29 L. J. UC1LMARTIN ft CO. Pilot Bread. 500 Boxes to .A.rrive. For sals by n-c RUE, WHITNEY, ft OO., 4 Harris Range, Bay-at. Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, 1863. Black Black for Silk Dark Bine Light Bine French Blue Claret Brown. Dark Brown Light Brown Snnff Brown Cherry Crimson Dark Drab Light Drub Fawn Drab Light Fawn Drab Dark Green Light Green Magenta Maize Jfaroon Orange Pink Purple ' Royal Purple Salmon Scarlet Slate ' Solfertoo Violet Yellow. REDUCTION OF RATES! HAWKINSVILE i MACON VIA DARIEN, DOCTORTOWN, And Landings on the Altamaha and Ocmulgse rivers. THE Steamer Oak, Capt. MoCan'.ey, is now loading, and will positively leave on Monday, Sth Inst., at 0 p. m. Freight received and stored in fire-proof ware-house on Old Florida Steamboat Wharf, foot of West Broad Street- This boat is to good order, built expressly for the trade, and rates A i to Insnrance offices. Transportation charges on goods to Macon and Hawklnsville paid promptly. Arrangements have been made with the Agent of the Macon ft B unswick Railroad to forward goods through to Macon on arrival of boat at Hawklnsville. without delay. Ran* or Famevr: To Macon, per 100 lbs. $2 50; do. par foot, 75c.; to Hawklnsville, per 100 lbs, $2; do., par foot, 60c. For freight, ftc., apply to J. B. PRE-DEE, Agt, 108 Broughton street _ F. M. MYRELL. to Harris’ Building, Bay st. Steamer Savannah. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS, CONSIGNEES^ OWNERS AND UNDERWRITERS. T? 0 ?, P° r P°** of making a proper spportlon- T\ «»e proceeds olf and charges on tbe the cargo saved from the above steamer, lately sank while on a voyage from Savannah to Angusta, you are partleolariy requested to present to the undersigned, within forty4lays from date hereof proof of shipment and copies, of >onr Invoices. ' J. W. WOLCOTT, Agent 2 Harris’Block. Bay st. For Doctortown IN CONNECTION WITH THE ATLANTIC AND GULF RAILROAD PER Thomasville. The Steamers Orient and Glen. Shepiey, wiU leave Savannah per Doctortown every Tuesday and Saturday morning at 7 o’clock. Returning, leave Doctortown for Savannah every Tuesday amf Satur day morning at 7 o'clock. For freight or passage apply to Id. .r L COLBT * «>.. Jo' 'tf Corner Abercom and Bay streets. For Dyeing silk. Woden and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets. Hats, Feathers, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. r A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. J* For 25 cents you cun color aa many goods as would otherwise coat five times that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye The prooeals simple, and any one can use the Dye with perfect success. Directions in English, Standi and German. inaiflft of etch package. HOWE ft STEVENS, M0 Brofcdwgy, BootoiL For sale by druggists and dealers generally, ectt 04m New Books. TUST RECEIVED: Unaline Manual Catholic Almanac Reeves’ Bible History Mosart’s Letters Dr. Thorn well’s Discourses on Truth Dr. Tyafa Forty Years’ Experience to Sunday Schools MissCarew; Miss McKenzie; The Belton Estate; Lovers and Thinkers; Ths Twins and Hearts, by Mar tin F. Tapper; Roanoke, or Where is Utopia; Mr. Stewart's intentions; Abel Drake’s Wife; A Point of Honor; A Dart Might’s Work; and others. For sale by B. MALLON. S-3 117 Congress st. Pacific flail Steamship Company’s Through Line to California, T OUCHING at Mexican Ports, and carrying the united States MalL Leave Pier No. 42 North River, foot of Canal street, at 13 b’dock noon, on the lst, nth and 21st of everv month, (except when those dates toll on Sunday, anil then on the preceding Saturday,) for Asplnwalf. con. nectlng via Panama Railway, with one of the Com pany’s steamship* from Panama for Sait Francisco, touching at Acapulco. FEBRUARY. 1st—Henry Channcev, Capt. Gray, connecting with Colorado. Capt. Watkins. 10th—Atlantic, Capt. Maury, connecting with Sacra mento, Capt. Caverly. 21st—New York, Captain Horner, connecting with Constitution, Capt. Farnsworth. Departures of lst and 21st connect at Panama with ■teamen for Sonth Pacific ports. Those of 1st touch at Manxanillo. THROUGH PASSAGE SATES IN CURRENCT. First Cabin $sco Second Cabin 200 Steerage loo A discount of One Quarter from steamers rates allowed to second cabin and steerage passengers with families. Also, an allowance of One Quarter on through rates to clergymen and their families and school teachers: soldiers having honorable dis charges, Half Fare. One hundred pounds baggage allowed each adult, tor*. Baggage received on the dock the day before ass&asriss’jsr' attendSreftS? 11 aar * eon °® bo * rd - Medicine and ism lt ta D ^n ^2? be placed on tbe line January 1, 6001 Ne w Orleans to AaplnwaUvia or ftifthcr information, apply J18 3m For Liverpool. The fire Br. ship ANN ABELL A. Adams, CjJV master, having a large portion of her car- Ssffiy go engaged and on hand, will have quick despatch for the above port. For freight' •ngagemems, apply to J3i-tff BRIGHAM. BALDWIN ft CO. For Liverpool. r-rr\_ The fine British bark ARBITRATOR* J|y2$0 Allen, master, having a large portion of bet JBEISycargo engaged, will have quick despatch for —"^ths above port For farther freighlengagements. to 1T| BRIGHAM. YIN ft CQ. FOR MACON & HAWKINSVILLE VIA DARIEN, DOCTORTOWN, AndlandldQion the Altamaha and Ocmuigee rivers. F, W 0, BELLOWS, Agent. Steamer Darlington, Capt. J. Bsocx, frloedtog this day at the Charleston Wharf, foot of West^Broad street, and will have quick despatch aa Thto boat is of light draft, in perfect order, has im- officer ^ f W>WOn ’ “ d nUm A No. 1 in toanrantto Freight* taken hy this Une at low rates. JvKS SSy 011 * 0Od * 101188011 For freight engagements, apply to _ - F. M. MYRELL, to Harris’ Buildings, Bay afreet. For LIVERPOOL. The fine new clipper bark MARIA HENRY, PRINCE, having thraa-fourths of her cargo engaged, wiU has* quick despatch. For balance ef freight, apply to CHA8. L. COLBY ft OO., Corner of Abettorn and Bay street*. Liberal allowances made on consignments to out Heads to Liverpool. jll-tf