Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 05, 1866, Image 4

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The Sarannah Daily Herald SAVANNAH, MONDAY FEBRUARY 8, 1866. Tile Dead Letter Office. A corrp=|)ODdent of the Boston Saturday Evening Gazette, says: “The dead letter office is one of the curios ities of Washington to the stranger, but to those engaged in it, it is a terrible drudgery. The opening, examining and sorting of 14v- • r )00 letters every six hours, involves much hard labor; but it must be done, for there are four and a half million of dead letters come to the office every year. All that are signed are returned to the writers; but so many are written by “Your affectionate Adie,”or Your loving Susy,’’that each Clerk has a huge two bushel basket by him, iuto which all letters not signed by the full name are dropped. From that receptacle they pass to the chopping mill, where they are cut into small pieceP, so that they may never be read, and from the chopping knife they go to the paper mill. The great majority of these letters are lost through the carelessness of the writers, and it surpasses rnV power of imagination to know how people can be so careless, especially when they send large sujls of money — Nearly fifty-eight thousand letters came *7 **" s office last year, enclosing bills, or checks, or bonds. And how much do you suppose those letters contained ? Over three million and a half dollars .' One letter con tained two one thousand dollar hills ; it was returned fo the writer. Another had two hundred and fitly dollars in it, but nothing to show the name of the writer- Fortunately the postmark, though partially obliterated, could still be read. The letter came from Chicago, was remailed I here and advertised, and the owner came forward, saying that when he sent the money he was in so much of a hurry that he forgot to add the name.— The most valuable letter, or rather package that turned up “dead" contained bonds worth over $20,000. All sorts of curious articles come here. 1 was standing by the other day, when the first letter contained twenty-five dollars, soon after two packages of medicine came along. Sometimes duns, daguerrotypes, postage stamps, bead bags, even snakes, bottles, &c , come through this general repository. It is an omnium r/atheram of small things. J. JUffim 1 "- ■-BBBSBSg SUM CUM FOB THE •Pi— CHILLS AMD FEVER AND KINDRED DISEASES. rxQUIRE at the MORNING STAR SALOON, cor- A lier Bay .treet Lane and Bnll street. Positive cure in one day or no pay. d9-tf * THE KIDNEYS. The kidneys ore two in number, situated at the up per part of the loin, surrounded by fat and consisting of three parts, viz. ; The Anterior, the Interior, and the Exterior. The anterior absorbs. Interior consists of tissues or veins, which serve as a deposit for the urine and convey it to the exterior. The exterior is a conductor also, terminating in a single tube and called the Ureter.. The ureters are connected with the bladder. The bladder is composed of various coverings or tissues,divided into parts,viz.: the Upper,the Lower, the Nervous, and the Mucous. The upper expels, the lower retains. Many have a desire to urinate without the ability, others uriuate without the ability to re tain. This frequently occurs to children. To cure these affections we must bring into action the muscles, which are engaged in their various func tions. If they arc negifccted. Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. The reader must also be made aware, that however slight may be the attack, it is sure to affect his bodily health and mental powers; as our flesh and blood are supported from these sources. GOUT, OR RHEUMATISM. Pain occurring in the loins is indicative of the above diseases. They occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and chalky concretions. THE GRAVEL. 'ihe gravel ensues from neglect or improper treat ment ot the kidneys. These organs being weak, the water is not expelled from the bladder, but allowed to remain; it becomes feverish and sediment forms. It is from thi9 deposit that the stone is formed and gravel ensues. . -. — DROPSY Is a collection of water in some parts of the body, and bears different names, according to the parts af fected, viz.: when generally diffused over the body; it is called Anasarca; wnen oi the abdomen, Ascites, wh*^ of the chest, Hydrothorax. TREATMENT. Helmbold’s highly concentrated compound Extract Buchu is decidedly one of the best remedies for di seases of the bladder,kidneys, gravel, dropsical swel lings, rheumatism, and gouty affections. Underthis head we have arranged Dysuria,or difficulty and pain in passing water, Scanty secretions, or small and fre quent discharges of water; Strangury or stopping of water, Hematuria or bloody urine, Gout and Bheu- watisrn of the kidneys, without any change in quan tity, but increase of color or dark water. It was al ways highly recommended, by the late Dr. Phyaick, In these affections. This medicine increases the power of digeation and incites the absorbents into healthy exercise, by which the watery or calcareous depositions and all unnatural enlargements, aa well as pain and inflammation, are reduced, and is taken by MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Directions for use and diet accompany. Philadelphia, Pa. , February 25, 1857. >1. T. Helvbold, Druggist. Dear Sir: I have been a sufferer, for upwards of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kidney affec tions, during which time I have used various medi cinal preparations, and been under the treatment of the most eminent physicians, experiencing but little relief Having seen your preparations extensively adver tised, I consulted with my family physician in regard to using your Extract Buchu. I did this because I had used all kinds of advertised remedies, and had found them worthless, and some quite injurious; in fact, I despaired of ever getting well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter unless 1 knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that it war composed of buchu, cubebs, and jumper berr ies, it occurred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, and, with his advice, after an examination of the article, and consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I commenced its use about eight months ago, at which time I was con fined to my room. From the first bottle I was as tonished and gratified at the beneficial effect,and after using it, three weeks was able to walk out. I feltmuch like writing yon a full statement of my case at that time, hut thought my improvement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer and aee if it would effect a perfect cure, knowing then itwonld be of greater value to you andmore satisfactory to me. I AM NOW ABLE TO REFOBT THAT A CUBE IS EFFECTED AFTEB USING THE REMEDY FOB FIVE MONTHS. 1 HAVE NOT USED ANY NOW FOB THBEE MONTHS, AND FEEL AS WELL IN ALL BEBPECT8 AS I EVER DID. Your Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic and invigorator of the system. 1 do not mean to be witnout it whenever occasion may require its use in such affections. M. McCOBMICK. Should any one doubt Mr. McCormick’s statement, he refers to the following gentlemen: Hon. Wm. Bigleb. ex-Governor, Pennsylvania. Hon. Thus. B. Flobenoe, Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J. 8. Blac i. Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. D. R. Pobteb, ex-Govomor, Pennsylvania. Hon. Ellis Levis, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. K. C. Grieb, Judge, United States Court. Hon. G. W. Woodward, Jndge, Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. Pobteb, City Solicitor, Philadelphia. Hon. John Bigleb, ex-Governor, California. Hon. E. Banks, Auditor-General, Washington, D.O. And many others, if necessary. Principal Depot, HEMBOLD’S DRUG AND CHE MICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 BROADWAY, METROPOLITAN HOTEL, New York. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Hr B«waro ©f Counterfeits. J) W M. Walsh, Corner Broughton & Barnard street, SOLE AGENT FOR TIIE STATE OF GEORGIA. 19-1 m Storehouse. A GOOD and convenient Storehouse for Rent — Apply at 194 Bay street. j5-tf CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, COMPOSED OF IODIDE OF POTASSIUM, WITH THE COMPOUND CONCEN TRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND HERBS. Prepared by WM. H. GREGG. M. D., Graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York; formerly Assistant Physician in tier. SladneeU's Island. Hospitals. - CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Has produced a revolution in Medicine. What may seem almost incredible is, that many dts eases hitherto considered hopelessly incurable are fie queutly cured in a few days or weeks; and we cheer fully invite the investigations qf the liberal minded and scientific to cures which have no parallel at the pres- seut day. During the past five years we have contended with obstacles and overcome opposition as herculean as were over encountered by any reformers. RAPIDITY OF CURE. Some say, “Your cure* are too quick,” while others clou lit thoir permanence, and think that diseases can only be cured by the “slow, recuperative process of Nature.” This is our reply: In health, the body, like a well- balanced scale, is in a state of equilibrinm. But when, trom any cause, down goes one Bide of the scale, we have the effects of disease. What is requisite, is to in store tlie normal balance of the Beale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Isa rosl live and specific remedy for all diseases origi n .ting from an impure state of the Blood, and for at (hereditary) diseases transmitted from parent to child PARALYSIS. It is so universally admitted that Constitution Life Syrup is the only effective means of restoration in the various forms of Paralysis, that we need not reiterate tilat it is emphatically the Great-Life-giving Power. DYSPEPSIA. Indigestion, Weight at Stomach, Flatulenre, Live Complaint, want of Appetite, Bad Breath, Constipation, Billiousneaa. SCROFULA. Struma, King's Evil, Glandular Swellings, Erysipelas, Ulceration, Salt Rheum. Title taint (hereditary and acquired), filling life with untold misery, is, by all usual medical remedies, in curable. RHEUMATISM. [Arthritis], Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Gout, Tic liolurcaux. If there is any diatase in which the Constitution Liie SyrnpiB a sovereign, it is in Rheumatism and its kiudn d affections. The most intense plains are almost instantly alleviated—euormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chronic or vicarious, of twenty or forty years' standing, have lieen cured by ns CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Purges the system entirely from all the evil effects o Mercury, removing Ihe Had Breath, and curing (be Weak Joints and Hheumatie Pains which tt.e use of Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gums, and secures the Teeth as tlnnly usever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases of tlie Skin, like Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, and all other •Jifliculfics of his kind, which so much disfigure the outward appearance of both males and females, often making them a disgusting object to themselves and their friends FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue, Spine, Forehead, or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved its equal. Moth Patches upon the female face, depending upon a diseased action of the Liver, are very unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A few bottles of consti tution Life Syrup will correct the secretion and remove tlie deposit, which is directly under the skin. Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Languor. Dizzi ness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or an ulcerated or cai cerous condition of that organ, accompanied with burning or other unpleasant symptoms, will b« re lieved by the use of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. As a General Wood-Purifying Agent, the Life Syrup stands unrivalled by any preparation in the world. THE RICH AND POOR Are liable to the same disenses. Nature and science have made the Constitution Life Syrup for the benefit of all. PURE BLOOD Produces healthy men and women; and If the consti tution is neglected in youth, disease and early death is the result. Do not delay when the means are so Dear at hand, and within the reach efall. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Is the poor man’s friend, and the rich man’s blessing. WILLIAM H. GREGG, M. D , Sole Proprietor, New York. MORGAN & ALLEN, Wholesale Druggists. Agents. n22-8m 46 Cliff street. New York YOKE, wiuiais, McrnnsE & CO., 0 jjj E H A. fr AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS 1S2 BAY STREET, SAVATOTAZZ, OA * kinds, IrVSEAirS-”- " f MERCHANDIZE and PROPERTY of all is always large and offered at thfC^£*£ ““ atleu,ion Bu y er8 “> our 8t<,ck - "hick ROBERT P. YORK. M. E. WILLIAMS. WASTED. WANTED. A GOOD tenant may he found for a comfortable house, pleasantly located, by addressing P. O. box 813, giving p irticulara. fl-tf J. R. McINTIRE. P. H. WARD. Smva.ii Brigham, Baldwin & Co. Gaden & Undkles LaRoche & West Hunter & Gam melt jS-tm ? ■ F a iv e .n c a Erwin & Hardee Hiram Roberta W. Woodbridge 3 : New York. Longstreet, Sedgwick & Co. S. T. Knapp & Bro. J. P. Boyle & Co. D- H. Baldwin & Co L. C. Norvell. Important to Shippers! Gri*eat Reduction in Freights —BY— ERWIN Sc HARDEE’S of fast, iron, light-dralt, side-wheel Steamers, between SAVANNAH AND MACON, Via Hawkinsville and Brunswick R R„ touching ree “ ituL* 4 P? cf0rtown *ud running in connection with the Atlantic A Gulf Railroad.* LINE iega Capt. R. Johnson; TWO BOYslX’apV Thomas Daniels, having elegant accommodations lor freight and passengers, will ply regularly a. above, leaving Sivanmih tfverv Thursday morning at 9 o’cl k ; HawlunsTilll; every Thursday morning at ‘’clock. It is the desire of the Agents of this line to make a ponnaueut connection between Macon anti Savannah and t he landings on the Aitamaha and Ououigee rivers, and with this object in view iliev ask the sup port of the merchants of Savannah and Macon, and the merchants aud planters along the line of the above named rivers. SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA, And Intermediate Landings, connecting at Latter Point with the Georgia Railroad am yond. PARTNER WANTED. A PLE ASANT and profitable co-partnership is of- lered to one wbo can bring a small amount of capital and some business qualifications, at Quitman, on the A. and G. R. R. Apnlv at. this office. jfil. WANTED. A WOMAN to take charge of the Laundry at the Marshall House. One fully competent required; none others need »PPb. B-8 WANTED, ^ WOMAN to do house-work. immediately. Apply at thi. office j26-tf FOR SALE A[ TO HJCNT. , Points be- The following steamers.being of exceedingly light draft, and havlDg ample andcdmplete accommoda tion for freight and passengers, will ply regularly as follows: Iron steamer WILLIAM G. GIBBONS, every Sat urday. Iron steamer AMAZON, every ten days. Wooden steamer LAURA, every Wedresday. Our Captains and Pilots are the oldest and most experienced on the river, and no effort will be spared to uieet the wants of the travelling and freighting public INSURANCE EFFECTED AT THE VERY LOWEST RATES. Freight received at alt times at our warehouse, foot of East Broad street. W. B. DAVIDSON, | B. A. WILCOX. I ERWIN A HARDEE, Agent at Macon. | Agents at Savannah. J92m Agent at Angnsta NORTH RIVER AGRICULTURAL WORKS, GiilFFING & CO., Proprietors, Warehouses. 58 & 60 Cortlaudt Street, NEW YORK, manufacturers of and dealers in Plows, lie tows. Cuirvators, Cottou* Sweeps, Hay Proses, Coi ton Pre l ider Pre Grain Cradle Churns, Ox Bows, Ox Yoke*, Well Buikets nel'qs, PreAtes, ressefk badlesk .... V Sugar Mills, Corn Mills, Cider Mills, Fan Milts, Saw Mills. Corn Shelters, Store Ti ucks, Wheelbarrows Sugar Pans, iBhuvpls," BpZdei, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, Scythes. Hay Cutters, Sausage Cntle r Vegetable Cutt Hand Carts, Mule Carts, OxCarts, Farm Wagons, Horse Powers, Threshing Mach' Cotton Gin*, Mowers A Heap’s, Ac., Ac. GREAT SOUTHERN PIPER WAREHOUSE AND JepotforPrinters’SnppIics 210 Bay street, Sayanuah, 6a. W ARREN .V PLATNER keep constantly on hand a laige stock of Ledger. Writfhg and Wrapping Papers, of at) sizes and weight*; also. Binders' boards Card Houiris, Printers’ Cards, Envelopes, Twines and Pi luting Irks. Having had long experience in the business, and luiying our goods in large lots direct from the manu facturers enables us to compete wilh New York pries Agents for Wade’s celebrated Printing Inks : Agents in this city fur the Bath Paper Mills. The highest cash prices paid for all kinds of paper stock. ji2 OFFICIAL, Notice. i CITY OF SAVANNAH, Orricz Clerk op Council, February 1st, 1866. \ A LL parties subject to take out license from (he City uuder Ordinance of December 27lh, l *65. must take out the same prior to February 10th, 186k Tills also applies to person* whoown vehicles usetl for hire, such as wagons, drays or trucks, hacks, Ac. No further time will be allowed aud the Register wilt , lie closed on that day, and the police instructed lu J T* ,L BI,ljliCI iber offers Ids property adjoining the carry out the Ordinance. liy order * city limits for sale or rent. It lots been laid off KDW. O. ANDERSON, Mayor. A VALUABLE STEAM SAW MILL AND SITE FOR SALE. i A STEAM SAW MILL, known as Collins & Shines' , Ad 111. located in Darien. Ga., is offered for sale on most desirable terms. Attached to the mill is about 17 acres of land, upon which are two House lu>t« in the limits of the city. Also, a fine Boom aud Timber Pen. From Us situation everything, even Slabs and Edgings can be sold readily. For further pyticulara, apdly to WM. Z. COLLINS, - - f Darien, Ga. For Sale. A FINE ynnng Saddle end Buggy HORSE, just from tha North—a Black Hawk Canadian. Can lie seeu at the Puiaeki House Stables. nt-3* PAVILION HOTEL For Eent. T HAT well-known, desirably located, and highly popular establishment, situated on Bull street, between South Broad and ljpll streets, occupying four entire tots of CO by 90 feet each, and the lane be tween them, and containing about forty rooms, is now offered for rent The party renting this property will be required to make the nccesshry repairs and give satisfactory se- enrity for the punctual payment of re:.t. JOHN M. COOPER uovT—tf Presff Union Society. DRY GOODS AMD CLOTHING. EINSTEIN £ ECKMAN, No. 151 Congress St. Savannah 6a. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL-KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OFFICE OF THE Central Rail road AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH * AND DOMESTIC GOODS. SAVANNHH. J.nn. *• s < b or F„i ry2#Ih ’ ,s « daily train* wnl run between^ brQ «y, t* guata, connecting in both direeH„. VailI ”“> ana the Ueorvia Railroad, as follow* 8 Wlltl Leave savannah 7 ' 011 Arrive at Savannah.. 7'nn m ’ "ml T3.1 Leave Augusta .W.y'SSl ® - *. Arrive at Angusta 6.'«o u' m ‘ ' Passage $8 un, p ' m ' and delivered at h riie P lSng r er t q' 1 ^ n ! n ’ it fore departure 0/ train. K . e .J and j * . and 6.45 L H AVING just received and opened a yery'large and select stock of Fancy Dress Goods, House- Keeping and Domestic Good*, Blankets cloaks and Shawls, Also Hats, Boots and Shoes. And all articles usually found in a first c ass Dry Goods Honse. we would most respectfully invite our former friends and customers; also Merchants and Planters visiting the rity, to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. EINSTEIN A ECKMAN, nov6-tr 151 Congress Street, Savannah, Ga. Notice. obiigationTaL'au^ari/day. 1 '"' 8 ’ " ey ^ R T-OlBSoy, nmn j24 Blankets 1 Flannels CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MERINOBS AND ALAPACAS. Received and for sale cheap by H. HAYM, SOUTHWESTERN RAIITOtD m Macon, Ga. 7’ I T HE Annnal Election for President '7 ^ rectors of tbU Company, tu eerie r""'! year wffl be held at their office! m the r ,‘ b, ‘'•"'i on Thuisday, 9th Febroary next b " yof »C* j8-td JOHN T. IXKFEriU ET. «ec>juidw Notice. Oct23 174 Broughton street. Cloaks, Cloaks. L ADIES’Cloth Cloaks, a fine assortment, just re ceived by steamer. EIN8T5TN k ECKMAN. FOR SALE OR RENT. Jas. Stewart Clerk 61 Council. J’ c;,\KL>S. THOS. W. B BOOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, *2* Dock Street, Pblladelpblw, Fa. N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mail promptly at- endedto. iy31-tt BLANCEVILLE SLATE MINING COMP’Y, VAN WERT, POLK CO., GA. Cap’l Stools., &£300,000 SHARES, $60 EACH. Dikeotous—H. Rrichsm. J. F. Dever, E. C. Gran nies, A. Wilbur and A E. Mai shall. Phksident—A. Wilbur, Savannah. Ga. Vice PureuuaiT—E. C. Grannies, Macon, Ga. bzcBETABY—A. E. Marshall, Atlanta, Ga. T HIS Company will soon lie prepared to fill any orders for Slate, however large, fur r ■ ling, lor furniture manufactured out of slate, for lintels, for pavement, and for any other nses to which slate can he applied. The quarry is conv-ui. ut to the cities of Atla. H, Augusta, Macon, Albauj and Columbus. Ga.; t<> the cities of Selma, Montgomery and Mobile. Ala.; to New Orleans, and will shortly bj to Mem phis, t’euu.. and S . Louis, Mo. The superiority of slate for rooting purposes, and its special adaptability to various articles ol furniture and forpareme t are well known. Orders may be addressed to A. E. MARSHALL. Sec’y, j8 Atlanta, Qa. UOWEL.L OOUH. JAMES JACKSON. COBB A JACKSON, Attorneys-at-Law, MACON, GEORGIA. .LAROCHE & JOHNSON, Timber&Lumber Dealers 200 BAY STREET, _ SAVANNAH, GA. Dancing School AT ST. ANDREWS HALL. ]l|R. L. LOUIS respectfully 1nh rras the citizens of Savannah tha he will open his Dancing SubOul at St. Andrews Hall on Thursday, January 4th. at 3 o’clock p. in. Honrs of instruction, for Young Ladies, Masters, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 3 o’rliK-k p. m,; aod for Gentlemen at 8 o’clock p. m„ on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, jli Brown’s standard Scales. U SED by the United States and Foi algn Govern incnts for more than THIRTY YEARS, Adapted to any branch of business for foreign or home markets. Warranted accurate and durable. Sales rooms No. 3 Barclay-sk, near Broadway. N. Y. sept9 ly K. BROWN. Manufacturer. Carden, Field and Flower Seeds. Hoyt’s Supcr-Phosrhateof Lime, Bone Manure, I’on drette. Plaster, &r_ Sole agents for Glasgow Fertilizer Co.’s Phosphath and Ammoniated Guano, and Snper-Phosphate ot Lime, and Bruce's Concentrated Manure. Trade supplied. Order direct from GH1FFING A CO.. n23-3m 68 aud CO Courtlandt st.. New Y ork. DDRYE1S' MAIZENA a z 3 O Q. Ul Z o >■ tc 1- H a •< o z m •o o c z o CRAHA9, WLBAItK & WHITFIELD, BANKERS AND CLAIM A6ENTS j 61 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK. Having special facilities, particular attention is Bken to tho collection of claims against the United Btes Government. j25-lm WAS THE ONLY PREPARATION FOI FOOD FROM INDIAN CORN” Thnt received a medal and honorable mention from tlie Royal Commissioners, the competition of ail pro minent mannlaclurers of “Corn Starch” aud “Pre pared Corn Flour ■' of this and other countries not withstanding. MAI ZEN A, The food and luxury of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the most, skeptical. Makes Puddings, Cakes, Custards, BlancMange, Ac., without isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a cost as tonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and Cake It ia also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for fish and meats, soups, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare witli It. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up in one pound packages, under the trade mark Maizena. with directions for use. A most delicious article of food for children and in valid* of all ages. For sale by Grocers and Drnggisls everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 166 Fulton Street. WILLIAM DTTRYBJA, _j*6-iy General Agent' CRUTCHTS F 1 wire.tS” 1 / P r ? mltlm awarded at >he American Cru£ UU &^M aaffiwssf! others, and are in all respite nnri valfrd s^nd for a circular Agenfs wanted everywhere LOVEJnv^je TAYLOR, Sole Manu/artnrers, No. GeKB^adway ** Cm-n23 RUBBER BELTING. STEAM PACKING, ENGINE HOSE, RUBBER CLOTHING. ROOFING SLATES, BOOTS, CLOTHES WRINGERS, &c. For sale by I1URLBBRT, HOLDEN A CO., Cor. Bay and Abercorn sis. j2n-tm GUANO. P ERUVIAN and Swan Island Guanos. Superphos phates, and the Bruce Concentrated Fertilizer nre offered to the Trade at tlie lowest wholesale prices, by GEO. K. WHITE A CO.. 66 Cliff itreet, New York. nlft-Sm IMPROVED PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, MANUFACTURED BY T. F. ROWLAND, CONTINENTAL WORKS, Greenpoint, Brooklyn. The undersigned are Agents for the above, and keep on hand, and can order at shortest notice, En gines of any power desired. Apply to jll-lm E. O. WADE A CO. THE EYE, EAR, AMD THROAT. D R. WRIGHT, of Toronto, Canada West, Physi cian and Hurgeoh, Oculist and Auri»t, tan be consulted on iiealness, Discharge* from the Ear,, in the Head, Catarrh, Diseases of the Throat ami Lungs. All diseases of the EYE. requiring eitheir Medical or Surgical aid attended to. Office So. 41, Ip Dr. Tho*. Buckler's old ofllce on Lexington street, Baltimore, Md. Office hours from 9 to 12 A. M., and 3to 5 P. M i»-tr tu 20 acre lots aud 1* the finest property for garden ipg purposes to lie found. The sou is fine and well adapted to tlie cultivation of fine cotton, and very productive. To any one desirous of cultivating sea island cotton, more than luO acres can lie put in good orde.', and made ready for the coming crop. He also offers his two plantations in Effingham county, each containing l.ouu acres. fJ-lw W. H. CUYLER. To Rent. T HE WHARF at the foot of Bull street. Apply to f2 3 BRYAN. HARTRIDGE A OO. To Rent. A STORE IN THE MOST DESIRABLE BUSINESS PORTION OF THE CITY—RIGHT IN THE CENTRE of TRADE. * For particulars, address j3I-tf Drawer 763, P. O. FOR SALE. Two Wooden Dwellings on Coneress street between Abercorn and Lincoln street.*. Apply to j27-tf BRYAN, HARTRIDGK <£• CO. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. TTJST opened a large assortment of Zephyr Worsted tM Shawls, Soutags. Cloaks and Hoods, Children* Gaps, Bont« and Gaiters. Also. Ir jsli Linens. Table Damask. Linen Towels, Table Napkins and Doyles, ami a variety of Fancy Ar- tides.too nnmerous to mention. Ail of which we offer at very low prices. „ ^ EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, nov3-tf i5i Congress Street T. A. CALLS, FRENCH TAILOR & CUTTER, H AVING opened an establishment on Whitaker, between Bryan and St. Julian streets, ia prepnr ed to execute iu handsome and fashionable style, all orders left with him. Best of materials and work manship furnished. 2w* j27 J NEVI1T, or the firm of N ev j. » Rogers, has associated him...if tllrr Si Co. in the Dry Goods business, aUI,e Jfo P E?QtY LaTHKOpj.^ _ r t „ Notice. A LL persons having uemnuu* aaaimt — Edward G. Wilson, decea-ed ofch >! eoitJI, 4 are respectfully requested to han^h,.m in "? lw ‘>t, thenticated; and all persons indclite.i tu Pri> S tr "*• are requested to make immediate^ Pa?m P m£ ** nl4 ANAIS U'lLSOX ^ Au rcuikMri, Notice. place known as Snider’s place, on Thun HI ," “* aud now occupied by me. upon pu,;. ty, ?o' ^ _HEM{y JhALfS NOTICE. "ATEITHER ihe consignecsnrr eaptuin of theBrei™ -Ll shipi Annabella will be responsible for m v i'? contracted by the crew c air any oebu j- 2 • BRIGHAM. BAI.mvin * eft Notice. To Mechanics. P ROPOSALS will be received for the repair of the framework between Hutchinson and Fig Islands. Application* must be addressed to the undersigned, chairman Dock and Wharf Committee. J16 JOHN WILLIAMSON. HAIR, HAIR. A GOOD lot. and other m aterials for Fnilding pur poses. For sale by BOUSE A BRYANT. 194 Bay street- A. C. LOMELINO, DEALER IN Groceries, Proyisions,Wines. Lienors, k AKD EVtBV OTHER ART1CI.E IN THK OR'OEEV LINK UNDER MASONIC HALL, (Comer of Bull Street and Congress Street Lane,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. YTEITHER tho captain nor coosiunecs of Ihe IT bark AMAZON will be responsible fw L contracted by the trew. * u w j23 BRI(IHA M. BALDWIN 1 fp NOTICE. M R. JOHN R. JOHNSON this day retires from the Ann ol Crane. Johnson A (Waybill, by mntuil consent. We assume al] liabilities, and will cimum* the business uuder our original firm al No 90 Bit . „ CRANE & GRaYwLl H. A. Crane, J. H. Graykill. Savannah, Feb. 1st. 1S66. fl-S H. HAYM, dl3-3m Thomas Dixon, SAVANNAH, GA., PACKER AND RE-PACKER OF COTTON, Wool, Hides, Rags, Jnnks, etc., I N the best shipping order, at foot of Jefferson st. J3o-»ni Kerosene Oil, In barrels and cases, Foot of Lincoln st., n804f AT HORATIO PITCHER’3, Under the Bluff.. ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 25S BOWERY, NEW YORK, Vf ANUFACTURKRS and Dealers In Builder*' and iu. Locksmiths' Hardware. Nail*.-Frillies, Cord. Kim Locks and Knobs, Butt HlDgea, Bra** and Iran Keys and.Castings. Gong Bell*. Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac. All urder*. large or email, furnished promptly at44L per cent. leas than market prices, srpl*'' 6m J ■ RAILROAD HOUSE, hzista.ttb.a.ivT. BAR-ROOM AND BARBER SHOP ON BRYAN ST., JOHNSON SQUARE YV" J e welry! Silver and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods. Ac., HPHK undi A tha citfEeii* erslgned respectfully calls the attention of risen* find visitors from the country to hi* well selected stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Clocks, Fancy Goods, 8peet*cles, Re volve.* and Pistols of the moet celebrated Manufac turer*. Particular attention Is paid to the Repairing of Watches, Jewelry tad Clocks. Baying none bat competent workmen engaged satisfaction is gssran. teed. AHAR1G: dec26-6m Cor. Broughton and Whitaker ats. J. N. WILSON, Photographer, S. E. corner Broughton and Whitaker Strs., SAVANNAH, GA W~ Old pictures copied with the greatest care. d!4 MATILDA TAYLOB ‘ - above oys- Diuuerss, Suppers will be furnished at the shortest notice, and e-ui to any part of tho city. Wines of all kinds, and of the veiy best, always on baud Ju addition, four Dining Rooms has been fitted np in tlie neatest style fur the accommodation of Ladies and Gentlemen. Excellent Cooks and accommodating Waiters in attendance. Attached to the Restaurant is extra Diring, Sitting and Bed-Room*. 8 A Barber Mho p. with competent Barbers, is also connected with the Honse. All customers will have their private cups wilh their names on. Transient Boarders and Travelers will find It to to their advantage to call The patronage of the public Is solicited. ABRAM BEASLEY. C - K Superintendent. Printer’s Ink. THE SUBSCRIBERS ARB AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF JOHNSON’S CELEBRATED News, Book aod fard INKS. ALSO, ^Printer’s V"arnish.- 0T Sold at Manufacturer's Prices.*S» jll COOPER. OLCOTTS A FARRBLLY. Dissolution. 'HE . heretofore existing between L. copartnership 1 Y. Stuartend Henry M. Kellogg, uhderthe style of Stuart A Co., Is hereby dissolved by mutual con- aent, said dtaeotuttob to date from January lst, 1866. All claims ugainst the old firm will h* retried by L. Y. Stuart. L. Y. STUART. HENRY M. KELLOGG. INTotice. .. L Y. STUART begs leave to inform the pahUc that in future he wilt conduct the basin ess or thtlbr- merflrm of Stuart A Co. undsr the urn* style, at the old stand, earner of Ball and Broughton streets, and respectfully solicits the patronage of the former cus- rire MtWacto^S^ST^ ,JW . L. Y. STUART. JOHN GRAY, ¥oodcn Ware, Brooms, VAILS, BRUSIIEM, MATS, Twines, Cordage, Tabs, Churns. Cradles, Wagons. Chairs, Baskets, Ac. Now. 15 Fulton, and L202 Front Sts, NEW YORK. jsn-sm WILiOGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES tc 00:, 'Wilmiiiigtoii, Delaware. IkffANUFACTURE Iron Steamboats Steam Engines U-VA Boilers, Machinery for Saw Mills, Ac. Having hod long experience in business and being provid' d With very extensive facilities for doing work of this class, are prepared to execute orders with despatch, oct!2 6m GRAHAM, DORSJfiTT & CO Successors to Hawes, Graham A Co., IMPORTKItS OP ROSEWOOD AND MAHOGANY, Nos- 174, 176 and 178 Centre St., N. Y, Keep constantly on hand the most extensive variety of finely-figured Foreign aud Domestic Woods to lie found in the United States, In Logs, Planks, Boards and Veneers, suitable for Cabin, t, llano, and Billiard Table manufacturers, and car builders; also, Ma hogany and Spanish Cedar Coffin stuff. In connection with our business we have a large Saw Mill, and the most celebrated Veneer Cutting Machine, which enables us to fill all orders enfnsteti to us with promptness, . jl9-3m SCALES. A SSORTED Sixes and Patterns of Fairbanks’ Piat form and Counter Scales, which for accuracy neatness and durability cannot be surpassed. A Iso boat Frames, Beams, Hooks, die., for weighing Cot ton. For sale by BOUSE A BRYANT, 194 Bay street. j25-tf THE DIAMOND STATE DETERSIVE SOAP I S the greatest Family Soap now in use, and for economy and utility defies MU competition. Manufactured at the Diamond State Soap Works Wilmington, Delaware. RUE, WHITNEY A CO., Sole Agents We are also constantly receiving from these works a fnll assortment of Family aod Fancy Soaps and can recommend them to the nablic. RUE, WHITNEY A CO., j!9-lm No. 4 Harris Kan„e, Bay street. s E- H. VAN NESS & CO., GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS AND Produce Dealers, UNDER TIBS BLUFF, CORNER ABERCORN ST. Savannah, Ga. Orders from the Country Private, Families. Steamers and sailing Vessels respectfully solicited. Produce bought and sold on commission. ; lhObhls Selected Applea 100 bbls Ouioos ’ 100 bbls Potatoes 50 bbi* Extra Flour 60 bbls N<«. 1 and 2 Mackerel 100 tubs Extra Butter 60 boxes Extra Cheese WM) kits Nos 1,2 and 3 Mackerel SO hfllr-bbla Fulton Market Beef 60 bills Extra Family Pork. tf-n‘ J. W. STEELE, (Late Steele A Burbank,) 11 Merchants’ How, Hilton Head, So. Ca. And comer King and George Sis., charleston, “tALLS the attention of Wholesale and Retail Par. ‘ chasers to his superior stock or lilitary and Naval Clothing, AMD furnishing goods, Watcher Ulocka, Fancy Goods, Jewelry and Plated 8aalies, Hells, Embroideries, Boots, CapA Held Glasses, Gauntlets, Gloves, *#., Ac. ^ TO PLANTERS. W 8 will keep conrtantly on hand a fall stock of Plows Hoes, Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters Axea, and other Agricultural Implementa of iSst maker* and patterns with which to supply Planted and Country Merchants, whose attenUon we towre to our stock and think we can make It to their into? eat to purchase of us. lnelr ,nter ' J26-tf BOUSE A BRYANT, 1*4 Bay street. Pickled Beef. 25 ^g£a* bSldwhi * CO. MOODY & BARRETT, Steam Soap Works, SavAunali, Ga. M essrs, moody a barkktt would respectfully announce to the pusfic that on aud after Jan uary let th-y will run from their Soap Works two wagons, wilh competent salesmen, who will visit every family’once a ivetk with Hard and Soft Soap, by the liar, box, gallon or barrel, at price* lower than U can be purchased in or out of the city. We Warrant our Soap to be free from all adultera tions aud to give eulire satisiaciion, or money re funded. ’•* SOAP EXCHANGED FOR GREASE OR SCRAPS. Special Notice. We have but one price for our goods, and that price shall be satisfactory. Persons ordering from the country will find it will save time and money by sending ua their orders; and if the goods do not aau sfy in price and quality, send them back to na at oar expense. Orders addressed to MOODY A BARRETT, or L. J. GUILMARTIN A CO., 148 Bay street, Agents, will re ceive prompt and immediate attention. j4-tf Raffle. A FINE STALLION, six yean old the 16th sf May next. His dam. Bcllpse and Marombino, sister to the celebrated man Fashion, and airod by Black Cloud. LlsU can be found at the billiard room In Masonic Hall, at Onr Honse, and at Walter O’Meara’s billiard saloon over the Express Office. jis-tf 174 Broughton Street. 171 j CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the newest styles, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, Ac. Just received and for *aie at the lowest prices by 00123 II. HATH. GEO. H. ARLEDCE, ship, GROCER AND Commission and Forwarding Merchant, 72 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. d28-ly STEINWAY & SONS’ CELEBRATED GRAND AND SQUARE PIANOS, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. W E are sold Agents for them in the State of Geor gia All lnstrumet-ta warranted and sjldii j New York Factory prices. JOHN C. SCHREINER A SONS, 12T-tt Savannah, Augusta and Macon. DISSOLUTION. ' I'HE firm of LaRoche, Gaden A Unckles was Ji» j A solved on the 1st inst. by Ihe withdrawal ol I Isaac D. LaKoclie. The business will lie coutiunei ' under the name of Gaden A, Unckles, at tlie old stand, corner Bay and Barnaii streets, J. I). LaKocbe retaining an office with us ftuSthe present. isaac nl i.akochi; BENJAMIN g. GADEN, DAVIDdbf UNCKLES. Sarannah. Dec. 1, 1865. , E. L. NE1DLINGER, CORNER OF Barnard and Broughton Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, W OULD respectfully announce to his friefld^ and tlie public generally that he hu9 reso^* tBe SADDLERY BUSINESS, next door to hfs ormer stand, and by strict 3t . Ie t D .^ j ami moderate prices, hopes to receive a liberal • “J of the trade. - He is prepared to make up pronip* j all orders for HARNESS, BRIDLES, ETC. His brother, Mr. J. S. NEIDLINGER. will befoul with him, and would be glad to see Ins friends, jl E. L. NEIDLINGER Office United States Direct Tw | Commission, “DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. I Savannah. Jan. 16, In* 1 N OTICE is hereby given that the Tax Bel ** Chalh m county is now completed, and j of real estate iu said conntv, lot*, lands and iropdaf | ments outside the city of Savannah, nr real i turned for taxation m said county in lSSfl. nmy?- I the taxes dne thereon within sixty (60) days frowj 1 date, at our .office, north-west coi ner bontk fi‘ p ‘| anil Lincoln streets. Savannas. T. P. ROBB, ) . 8. A. PANCOAST, ’-Commi?aiO ner ' J. C. BATES, ) |164-f ^ CHAMBERLAIN’S Patent Ribbon Stamp* >R Banks. Custom House. Franing ar.d, ? e r °fc- Bustuesa puriiuees. particularly adapts 110 L, ^ , celling revenue stamps and ticket, dating pin'rL j I s parts are simple, compact, durable, and eaaay lasted. COOPER, OLCOTT3 A FARRELLT. Agents frr Savw”^. PHILADELPHIA AKE UNO CRACKER BAKERY TITS Me constantly receiving from Mr. E-C^j If manufactory all kinds of Oystcr, Will tf 11 Soda Crackers, Ginger OSkes, Ac.. Ac., ami w" Phil^i. ^ ^ COm Sole Agent*. , J19-lm No. 4 Harris' RangeBay^^ Magnolia Hotel, BEAUFORT, SO. CA., On the Huropoan ]4-lm* ' JOHN ULLY, Proprietor-