Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 12, 1866, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BY S. W. MASON. SAMVEL W. MASON Kditor, W. T. THOMPSON Associate Editor, Official Paper of the City. LAR6EST CIRCULATION II THE CITY AND 608NTV MONDAY FEBRUARY IS, 1866. SOUTHERN DEBTS. Some weeks since the New York Chamber of Commerce memorialized Congress to sus pend by a special act the operation of the statutes of limitation of the Southern States during a period equal to that of the duration of the war, so as to enable northern cred itors to enforce the collection of debts. It seems that the proposition was not fa vorably entertained by the House ot Repre sentatives. The Judiciary Committee to whom the memorial had been referred, in their report against the measure cite an act passed by the last Congress on the same sub ject, as the limit to which it is safe to go in that direction. That statute provides, as we learn from the Washington correspondent of the Picay une, that wherever, during the existence of the rebellion, in any suit, civil or criminal, the commencement of a suit, or the serving ot a process is prevented by reason of a sus pension therein of the course of Judicial pro ceedings under the laws of the United States, the period of such suspension shall not be taken as any part of the time limited by law tor the commencement ot such action. This law, it will be observed, is limited to actions commenced in the Courts of the United States. The correspondent referred to, says it is not a clear point that this act will suspend the operation of the statutes of lim itation upon uction commenced in the State Courts. The Judiciary Committee is of opin ion that it has that effect; but it is a ques tion of judicial construction on that act and on the constitutional points involved, which may as well be made on that act as a new one. It is regarded as “an open question whether the State Courts will not hold on the general principles of law, or the Stale Legislatures, on the general principles oj equity will not hold that the disability to sue, created by a state of war,and the conse- quen t forcible suspension of the right and pow er of suitors to come into courts is not as proper a ground for exemption from the op eration of the act as infancy or coverture. Tnese are questions of no ordinary inter est to a large class of Southern debtors, who will be glad to hear that the points at issue are to be settled by judicial authority, and Congress is disposed to let the law be ex pounded by the courts without legislative interference to suit particular cases. Post Office. Hr-opeuetl In Georgia. In addition to the Post Offices re-opened in Georgia- hcensea which cost $26 per year, published in this paper last December. Snecial Aoen* Henry W. Hillard, ex-member of Congress from MURDER AT DARIEN, GA. We are indebted to Mr. Charles Domm, Purser of the steamer H. M. Cool, for the particulars of a mur der which occurred on Thursday last at Darien. It appears that a captain of a ™<»n smack, at that place, sent one of his men to purchase some nails for him, and when the man came back one of the hands on the vessel asked him for some of them, which he gave him. He then went to the captain and handed him the balance, who asked bin, why he gave the nails to the man, saying: “You s—n of a b—h, why didn't yon obey orders.’' The man then said to the captain that “he had stood this thing long enough, end if he didn’t like him he hod better pay him off and let him go.” Some other words ensued when the captain struck the sailor. The tailor then turned around and gave him a severs threshing. The captain then went aft, when the sailor remarked: “I suppose you are go ing alter one of your d—d pistols," and went forward. The captain came ont of his cabin with a revolver end attempted to fire twice, but the pistol foiled to go off. The sailor then ran forward, but stumbled over some thing, when the captain aimed the third time and the pistol went off, the ball striking the man in the fore head. After suffering extreme agony for the space of ten hours, the man expired. The affair look place at the wharf at Millen’s Mill. The captain waa arrested and the coroner summoned a jury, who, after hearing the evidence, brought In a verdict that the man waa killed by a pistol shot In the hands of the captain, who is now in custody of the military authorities. We were unable to learn the names of the parties i paper last December, Special Agen A. L. Harris furnishes us the following list: F'W Office county. Postmaster. ' mtesvillo Harris Wm. Weeks. J’awsonville... .Dawson Felix G. Smith hummerville. . Chattanooga... .Columbus Phillips MulberryGrove.Harris Mrs. W . T. Smith < ampbelltou... Campbell Mrs. S. L. Burt Jnnmaston TTpson 8. p. Harris Bolleview Talbot G. A. Reedy Fair Mount Gordon EG. Trammel Glenmore Ware Raudall Bennett Mayfield Warren Mr. Tredwell Mi niitrie Colquett Amos Turner Hesaca Gordon John Hill Cotton Hill Clay John H. Harris | arrolton Carroll Henry- Ashburry . Ogeeehee Screven Henry C. Kittles Byron vi lie Dooly W. H. Bvron Gray sville Catoosa.._..... Robt.^Gjsj^ kdftfeiYifle.... Iff erriwether... ’ John " F. Mcknight Choesta Union Willis Twiggs Sebanville Ware John Barlot l. a '. ns Gwinnet Wm. A. Cain ™. n oV ‘ ; Merriwether.... R. M. Waldrop Flat Shoals Merriwether ... Jas. Freeman Hairy.laic Screven W. D. Hamilton Geneva Talbot Geo. Jourdon Horn era ville... .Clinch Gilford Lastlnger Georgetown... Quitman Richard Morris Decatur DcKalb John N. Pate Blackshear Pierce George W. Staley Colquett Miller F. M. Platt Calhoun Gordon Wm. H. Thompstm Winchester Macon John E. Brvant Monntville Troop Josiah Bradfleld Long Cane Troope John Evans Morris Station..Quitman Mr. Walker Buck Head Morgan Samuel P. Dobbins *V?. v P t Effingham George Fay Rising Fawn.. .Dade A. B. Broad River.... Elbert Edmond B. Tate Bethels Glenn John M. Tyson HnynesvUle ... .Houston J. H. Moreland Indian Spring. .Butts Bryant A. Collier -New Market....Monroe Madison Gnggan « owar '>- Taylor Marshal Brown Reynolds Taylor Henrv Hodge Conyers Newton David'T- White SUrkviUe Lee Gilbert M. Stokes Naylor. Lowndes Seborn Peters Greenfield Colquett W. W. Watkins Llherton Elbert T. J. M’Cartv Mourtan Hill. .Harries Mrs. Oliver ' v' l ia S T’ Butte JR. McCord i aldorta ....... Lowndes D. B. McDonald Marsha!]villa.. .Macon Marcus E. Sperry •Takings Watson H. Colman Talking Rock. FROM CAIRO. A Bloody Affray Fomented fox Soldiers—Several Persons 1 Wounded. Drunken liUed and IN GENERAL. —It is estimated that the receipts from customs this month will amount to upwards of eleven millions in gold. —In consequence of a large number of desertions from the regular army during the past few months, General Grant has issued an order calling on com manders of departments and regiments to take most stringent measures for checking the evil, and to cause inspections to be made to discover and remove the cause. ■A New York surgeon recently extracted a needle from an Infant’s hip by using a strong maguat —There is a child in Staunton, Va., seven weeks old, which weighs only one pound and a half. When born it could be put in a teacup and then weighed only a half pound. The little Lilliputian is “doing well.’’ —An enormous trip hammer has just been put up in the navy yard at Charleston, Mass. Its weight is one hundred and twenty-throe tons and its cost $65,000. —A Kentucky lad, aged fourteen years, has been dismissed by anthority of Congress from the naval school at Anapolis, because he had carried a gun for a few months in the Confederate army. —A number of petitions from Virginia, for compen sation for damages inflicted upon property by the in vading forces, have been reported unfavorably upon by the Committe on Claims in Congress. —The Savannah post office has been added to the list of money-order post offices, which now number 474. —A terrific “norther” has destroyed the entire cot ton crop throughout Salvador. —The whole amount of treasure exported from San Francisco during the year 1865 was $44,426,171 10, of which $20,245,37 381 was shipped to New York. —The arrivals at the four principal hotels in New Orleans continue to average over 300 daUy. —“Thou ralnest in this bosom,” as the chap said when a basin of water was thrown over him by the lhdy ha waa serenading. —The perpetrators of outrages in the Choctaw nation, on the Texas road, are not supposed to be Choctaws, but renegade white men. —The Boston Post says Hist Sumner is practising before his glass a speech on the Colorado bill —John Woods of Boston, has accepted the challenge of W. H. Davis of California, to fight for the cham pionship of America and 2,000 dollars. —W. H. Holden, Esq., the ex-Provisional Governor of North Carolina, has resumed editorial control of the North Carolina Standard. —A St. Louis paper sayB there are no Italians selling chesnuts at the street corners there, all having been secured for the opera. —An exchange says that boats plying between Sa vannah and Hawkinsville are required by the officers of the internal revenue to take out boarding house NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Xlist or F H E I Gr H T REMAINING IN THE OFFICE OF Southern Express Co., FEBRUARY 12, 1866. Bogart -T. H. Brady, J. W. Dicker-man, H. A. Ferguson, Q. L, care of S>. 8. Miller Hutchins, Rev. T. Johnson, Mrs. -J. B Boyd£ W. R. D. F. Farrell J. P. Fitch, Henry 8. H. J. K. Kipper, C., care of Mr. Wolfo L. Loel, L. Lynch, E. M. Mell, A. M. McAllister, W. O. Oliveras, B., care of F. L. Gue. P. Porter ft Putnam, care of Pohl, Randall A Co., Au^. .y S.iv. It. K. s. Schwartz, C. Mrahn, J. T. Thompson, Sergeant E. C. W. Wayne, Gen. H. C.~ Yirlle. U.ivid L. E. P. TUNISON, Agent. 33atlis! Baths! Warm, Cold and Shower Baths, i WJI L this day open Bath Rooms In conne tlon with the Pulaski House Barber Shop, corner ot Bnll and Bryan streets. These rooms have been refitted with n#*w tatw and fixture*, and easterners will be accommodated at reasonable prices. H Cold and Shuwer Baths, with the best of attention, f 3-3 B. STAMM Just Received, 25 FIRKINS Extra Leaf Lard In store and for sale CHARLES L COLBY ft CO. FISH. o K BBLS Nos. 1. 2 and 3 Mackerel M(j 60 half barrels. Nos. 1 and 3 do 160 kits No. 1 do 1» half bhls No. 1 Herring 2u quarter bbls do 100 boxes Smoked Herring In store and for sale by 19 CITAS. L. COLBY * CO. BREAKFAST BACON. t C BOXES BREAKFAST BACON 1« And SMOKED TONGUES, Landing and for sale by 19-3 HOLCOMBE & CO, INDIGO. | CASE, 10 boxes, a superior qnality In store and for "Sale by 19 CH ARLES L. COLBY * CO. Timber Carriages* T HREE Timber Carriages for nale by LaROCuk & jghnnon. flZ-2 aoo B.iy street. Alabama, now practising law at Auguata, Georgia, de livered an argument before the Supreme Court of Georgia on the 22d, agxinst the constitutionality of the act of Congress, providing for the issue of Treasury Dotes, and making them a legal tender. —The Vicksburg Herald learns that the Southern Express Company suffered a loss of $300,000 by the disaster to the steamer w. R. Carter near that city, The authorities of Hazlehurst, Miss., have decided not to issue liconses for the retail of liquors in that town. —A water locomotive capable of sailing fifty miles an hour has been invented and the patent applied for by a Freuili Canadian named Pierre Lacroix. —Letters from Toronto say the Government is now hurrying troops to the frontier from London and Hamilton. Sixty rounds of ball cartridge have been S£^?J&*^RioIgffi6nt'.s flWVjviafent a raid or invasion on the western border is expected. The general impression is that a small band of Fenians are preparing a raid upon Sarnia or Windsor, for the purpose of embroiling ’ the United States and England in difficulties that may result in war between the two countries. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MASONIC NOTICE. The Georgia Masonic Relief Association will hold Its Regular Meeting This Evening at T o’clock, at Masonic Hall, corner of Bull and Broughton streets. All Master Masons in good standing are respect fully invit'd to attend. Members will not fall to come preparad to pay Iheir dues. By order of the President, f 12-1 WM. F. PARKER, 8cc. Notice. A LL persons having claims against the estate of Mrs Mary Ann Qu.ntnck. of Chatham county, deceased, wall presentment, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law ; and nil persons Indebted li said e-tate will make payment to Wm Hums. WM. BURNS. ROGER f MoINTIRE, fl2-2aw6n * Executors. S TATE OF GEORGIA-CHATHAM COUNTY To all whom il limy concern: Whereas. James .1 Humphries will apply at the Court, of Ordinary for Let ers Di.-missniy as Kxecnmr on the estate of Emeline S. Roberta, late of said county, deceased; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if anv they havcj on or before the first Monday in September next, otherwise said let ters will be grunted. Witness my hand and official signature this luthday of February, 1S66 D. A. O’BYRNE, fl2-lain6m Ordinary. To the Planters, W E are prepared to lurnish at sh rt notice Genuine Pervian Guano Ranch's Kaiv Bone Superphosphate Lime Ho Guano Kittlewell's Manipulated Gnano potash and Piaster, by the barrel All permanent Fertilisers Whitlock's Superphosphate Send Vuur o,dels at once, flz Hu N. N. HARDEE ft CO. Peruvian Guano. direct importation, ami will sell in quantitic* to suit p'irch iser.s. fl*i-tf CRANK A GKAYnifX. Building Material. I1 T E have on hiind Lime R«wridale Cement, Plaster "" Paris, and llair lor Plubtcring. for bale on consignment fi-Mm CRANK A GRAYSI1.L. VALENTINES. Pnmir and Sontimontal, For sale by fl2-2 TflOMAS J. STALKY Corner Bull amt state streets. I AM preparedNo plant, all kinds of Shade Trees f r the cifizc nsnf Savannah, at reasonable rates For the lieceeary information, inquire of the Pity Park Keeper. [f 2-2} M. S. WALSII PRIME WHITE VIRCINIi CORN] 5 nnn BUSHELS Prune White Virginia Corn, iuUU cargo of screw steamer B. ft J. Baker, just received and for sale by G2-3 EDWIN E. HERTZ * CO. —ff^. IEO * 3sn. 29.—Last Friday at Sulpher Springs, Williamson county, two lately returned soldiers in dulged in drinking freely, and then armed themselves and commenced to hunt np Democrats, whom they denounced as worse than .armed rebels. They finally s-A ore that they would kill them all,and commenced a murderous attack on D. B. Ward, who was accompa nied by a small boy. Ward and the boy defended themselveb bravely, when the two rowdies retreated for reinforcements, and a few citizens and some re spectable soldiers went to Ward’e defense. The sol di- rs returned and again commenced the attack. They were repulsed and two were tilled ecsu Mid aj x badly wounded. Those ths* were killed were William- ton and McMahon, the original starters ine distur bance. A citizen -—***ed DalUvam and Ward were wound?' , “■**” conduct of McMahon and Burton is -mjeinned by every good citizen, especially all re spectable returned soldiers. At latest accounts all was quiet in the county, and the people were united in ihe ileterminrtioii that no more auch bloody and latal affrays should occur. Singular rumors concerning Mr. Davis are thus al luded to by some one writing from Washington: • The mmori of the rescue of Jefferson Davis from prison arc assuming s new and strange character. It is now hinted that the anthoritles desire his es cape, and that facilities have been offered him, but tliat lie won't go. There is little room to doubt the awk ward embarrassment attendant upon his confinement and rejected trial. Cheif Justice Chase does not hesi- date to say that he cannot be convicted of treason, and Tuaddeus Stevens declares that he is nothing more than a iorcign leader, about ms much amenable to the laws of tne United States as Maximilian. I have it In >m the best authority—from authority which you can.mi question- tliat Mr. Davis feels the most ample security. He said less than a week ago, “My defense if complete now. and rests solely upon the law which will be administered fairly, I know, and perfect accor dance with civil justice.” The shameful petticoat story will be put to the blush when that time arrives. Ur. Davis is at present in good health, eats heartily, reads a good deal, and possesses, as he said the other day, -a good digestion and a good conscience.” He receives letters from his wife three times a week and keeps a journal every day. ” A New Subject for NinonsL Alarm.—The witty Washington correspondent of the New York World says: “I was in the Senate yesterday, when Lane of Kan sas presented a petition for the enfranchisement of the fifteen million, of loyal, patriotic, intelligent and white females of the country, and moved its reference to the Joint Committee, who are now considering the superior claims of the blacks to the right of suffrage This rash reference may wall be viewed with positive alarm. Tne assumed powers of that committee are so omnipotent that they may attempt to “recon. the whole female population by introducing a “consti tutional amendment” which will do away with those distinctions between the sexes which the laws of na ture have heretofore deemed necessary. The peace of untold families, and the fete of unborn mfllionsTde- pend upon a timely heeding of this warning, which I trust is not too late.” GRITS MEAL CAN BE HAD IN ANY QUANTITY AT ENTERPRISE MILL, Corner of f!2-2* West Brood Streets. and Congress FOB SALS, T HOSE very valuable Lots situated on the corner or West Broad and Zubly streets, designated by the letters o, E and G, Middle Oglethorpe Ward.— Lacli Lot has a width of sixty-seven feet and six inches, and Is one hundred and eighty feet in depth. Disking an area of two hundred and two and a half feet hy one hundred and eighty. This would afford abundant room for the erection of a Hotel of exten sive proportions, or for auy kind of manufactory For any of which purposes these lots are illgibJv sit uated, being near to the Central Railroad Depot and on one of the principal streets of the city. The above Low may be treated for at private sale separately or together, and If not disposed of previously, will be offered at public sale in front of the Court House on the fli St TUESDAY in April next, by T. J. Walsh At which lime and place will also be offered Lot No. 3 , Franklin Ward, on Broughton street, and the Island of Great Warsaw, containing two thousuud acres. R. T. GIBSON, Executor, IX-2-eod of estate of Dr. C. P. Richardson. NEW BOOKS JUST RECEIVED AT John C. Schreiner & Sons’: TYEFBNSE of President Bncbanan—of bis Admin 1J istration bn the eve of the Rebellion Wylder’i Hand Book. By Sheridan La Fann, author of “ Uncle Silas,” Ac. Our Year. By MLss Molocb. Granville de Vigne; or, Held in Bondagfe. By Onlda. T Also, a splendid selection of other good wo/ks. m-3 JOHN C. SCHREINER <fc SONS. —The most remarkable coetanie at the recent “Tiger Bull ' in New York waa that of a foreign lady, for whom it was made expressly to be worn on that occasion. The dress was of a soft brown plush, striped like s tiger skin, with luminous yellow bands; it was made long, but clasps in the form of tiger's claws, fastened it up shori enough for d&ncing. The lady’s hair, which matched thu tawny stripes, hung in uncombed waves to hwr waist, and her only ornament was a collar of plain gold about the neck. NEW GOODS ^•ribbage boards V/ Tiwiv’i Squared Faro Cards vio^. 8 Superfine Ragle Cards 5 a " 8 Guperflne Linen Cards Hart a flame or Bazlqne Cards Fancy j Qk glands Just r!&ivvX a8S0,tmmt0f ^Photogrtphlc Frames m ' 3 JOHN a SCHREIf ER A SONS. RAFFLE. IfPCSfcfhA®* NORTHERN 0>W (Durham) will Raffled for at Mr. Oerfge Ott’s Hall This commencing at 4 oclnck in the afier- n0O flM ** ^ ' 196 opeB 1111111 9 o’ctock p. m. Ale and Porter. Direct Importation. 100 E -h B:l8fr ce ^ ebr ‘ itecl Pale 6 ar| d 7 do*. 60 Gniunrsg* London Porter, pints. 6 dozen each For sale in lots to *nit purchasers. A liberal (ltdnctinn made fothe trade • , CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM. f!2-eod°w POWDER. SHOT. CAPS. 7C KEGS Hazard’s R. R. Powder f J 20 cases canisters, •• Fairlawn Mills” Powder, 20y bags assorted sizes, Drop Shot, 150,000 G. I). Percussion Caps Just received and lor sale nv HILTON * RANDELL, fl3-6 193 Bay si repf. HISTORY OF THE WAR. R eceived by cooper, olcotis & far KELLY, SOUTHERN HISTORY OF THE WAR, ci.mpli'te lu four volumes, by Edward A. Pollard. EXCHANGE Sight. The undersigned are prepared to sell BANK CHECKS ON NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, in sums to snit purchasers. We are prepared also to make advances on Cotton shipped to onr friends in New York, Philadelphia snd Liverpool U-lm DUNCAN * JOHNSTON. HOLIDAY GOODS. Direct ImDortation from Londo and Paris. J UST RECEIVED, a large and va ried assortment Imported Wares nnd Fancy Articles, suitable for the coining -eason, embracing in part: Statuettes—Bronze, Besqneand Pariai Toilet Setts Clocks ^ Perfumery Ladles’ Traveling Bugs French Parasols Pnrtemonnaies Milliners' Fancy Wares Oelcr Baskets And an endless variety ot Fancy Groods, ordered for this market and jnst received by ship County of Picton, and other vessels now arriving. Fancy Goods by the riglnal package, to which the attention of Milliners and others is invited. W W. LINCOLN, Corner Congress and Roll streets, d21-tf Monument t k|naro. SHERRY WINE. Packages Octave- and qrs., various grades, for ”” sale to the trade by M.lCKY, BK ’TTIU * Co., 2 3 and 205 B iv - treet. RIDE. W E have low on hand a few Open Buggies an Rockarvays, light and neat. Also, Sets c Harness, which will sell unusually low. BOUSE A BRYANT, 191 I lav street. j25-tf A U GUST A HOTEL. t A.' rST 1 } rr “l' rie, ° rS - W E respeeifnllv invite our old friends and the traveling public to give us a call. Our house is located in the heart of H ade, and convenient to the depots. [15 Pm] JONES A KICE. o Sundries, FFERED BY BRVAN. 1IARTRIDGE & CO.: M IRC HAND I.8*. 8 bales DnncVn* Baling 2 bbls fliii* old Rye Whiskey 3ti bi»ls assorted Whiskey 7 hhds Macon shouldtvs 6 bbls liuins • SmURITII*. 25 shares Muscogee Railroad Stock 4n sharps Atlantic & Gulf Railroad Stock. J17tf SURK CUKE FOR TlJE CHILLS AND FEVER AND KINDRED DISEASES. fXQUIRE at the MORNING STAR SALOON, cor- 1. uer Bay street La tie ai.d Bull nlreet Positive cure in one day or no nay. d9-tf GRAHAH, JIII.BAVK A UNIT Fit: Lit, BANKERS AND CLAIM AfiENTS 61 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK. Havtng special facilities, partlrnlar attention is liven to tile collection of claiira against the United itates Government. i-5-lm CRUTCHES I lMRSTanl only premium awarded nl. yre American Institute Fair, 1865, and Slate KairocVa , ISCfi, for Crutches. Hartman's Patent Elastic Rubber Crutcnes are pronounced by surgeons, and everybody else, to be the very best ever inveuted. They are easy and con venient, they prevent paralysis of the nerves, do aw ay with all Ihe weariness inseparable from the use of all others, and arc in ail respects unrivalled. Send for a circular. Agents wauled everywhere LOVKJOY * TaYLOR, Sole Manufacturers, No. 476)i Broadway N - Y. 6m-n23 Just Received and for Sale on Consignment, By KENNETH McLKA <Sc Co., 20S May Street I OA URLs Extra Mess Beef, for nlitp stores C.\J *no bbls Extra Wisconsin and Ohio Flonr -i-O bbls Supe» flue and Fine Flour, euilable for country trnde 24 firkins very choice Family Dairy Batter 11 do do do 4o kegs i iu do do 12 Libs each 60 kegs do do • do 28 do 5(1 boxes Layer Raising 12 half bbls Pillion Market Beef 2 lids Bacon Bides 2" bbls Smoked Pigs’ Shoulders 50 bbls Onions, in prime order And of former consignments: 20 bbls Sugar- rured Hams 6 tierces Wa hington Hams 3 tierces Breakfast Bacon 50 tubs L-rd 5 bbls Smoked Beef To bbls Labrador anil 8hore Herring 110-6 ALEXANDRE KID GLOVES A LSO, a flue assortment or 811k, Wool and Buck skin Gloves and Gauntlets. Jnst opened at EINSTEIN ft KCKMAN, S-* 1 161 longrew street Shoulders. SO Tieroea, for Sale lay MACKY. BEATTIE ft CO. Crackers. NVOIOE of Boston, Butter, Oyster, and Soda . CRACKERS. Jnst received and for sale Ire MACKY. BEATTIE ft CO., n 203 and 206 Baj street. SCALES. A SSORTED Sizes and Patterns of Fairbanks’ Piat form and Counter Scales, which for accuracy, neatness and dnrahlliiy cannot be surpassed. Also, nest Frames, Beams, Hooks, do., for weighing Cot ton. For sale by BOUSE A BRYANT, )25-’f^194 Bay street. ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, TAJ"ANUFACTUHKItH and Dealers in Builders’ and LvA Locksmiths’ Hardware. Nails. Puilics, Cord, Him bocks and Knobs, llntt Hinges, Brass and Iron Keys and Castings. Gong Bells, Wire, Silver-Plating, &c. All orders, large or small, famished promptly at 1C per cent, less than market prices. srpl9 6m RAILROAD HOUSE, hbbtaurant. BAR-ROOM AND BARBER SHOP ON BRYAN ST., JOHNSON SQUARE GROCERIES, URUOR8, ftfa h. Gr. rtTJwns, WHOLK8AT.B DKA1JB IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors, WINES, CIGARS, GROCERIES, ALE AND LACIER, Johnson's Square, opposite the Pulaski House, Corner St. Julian and Bryan Sts fFalligant’s old Paint Stand. Agent for H. Claasen’9 celebrated Phoenix Steara Brewery New York; A. M. Binnlnger ft Go’s London Dock Gin; and Club Sauce. f7 SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. auSO DISSOLUTION. fllllK Firm of Israel R. Sealy A Co. was dissolved A on the 12th iDst., by the withdrawal of Israel R. Scaly. The business will be conducted until further nolii-e, hy T. U. Palmer, who isduly authorized to col lect aud settle all business connected therewith. ISRAEL K. SEALY, J. P. GILSON, Agent, j!5 A. S. BIGELOW. T. J. DUNBAR & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS, JC. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) W E invite the attention of the Trade and the Pub lic generally to oar large and elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Conserves, Be gan, etc., etc., which is not excelled by au; similar establishment in the Slates. We nre sole proprietors af DUNBAR’S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL. Ihe reputation of whi h is fully established in this and foreign coun tries; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BITTERS, gnaraiitcd superior to auy article of the kind, de sign! d expressly for hotel and family use: DUN BAR'S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of thn utmost pnrity, and pat np expresaly for our house, of which we are sole proprietors and importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith’s cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE iu cases and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Uonrbon WHISKEY and AR RACK BUNCHES formerly well known throughout the United States, put up hy ns in cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D. A Co. are sole Agents for A. ft H-tV. Catherwood’s Pure RYE WHISKIES, XX and XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on band, a large and well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy 1 he attention of the trade and connoisseurs geuerally. Au assortment of SEGARS of finest grades, manufactured and imported expressly for this bouse, which we offer at Ihe very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, mil every description and grade of Foreign Liquors inporleil directly by this honse, and for sale m bond duty paid, at lowest, market rates. d20-tf AMV8KHKMT,. DAM GASTELLO’S GREAT SHIV AND Moral Exh'iWtion! J. M. NIXON ; Manager. This complete Corps of Artists will have the honor of appearing before THE PUBLIC OF SAVANNAH FOR One YYeek Onlv! MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY February 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th. On the corner of Montgomery and Congress Streets. The first performance will be given on MONDAY NIGHT, MATINEE on WEDNESDAY AFTER NOON. and every AFTERNOON and EVENING dar ing the week. There will be a GRAND PROCESSION of the Companv through the principal streets, form ing a SPLENDID CORTEGE, at 11 o’clock a. m., Monday, 12th February. This Troupe will be headed by the GREAT CLOWN, DAN CASTELLO, The Jester, Humorist, Orator and Performer. KIRLIN, BR0. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS CORNER WHITAKER STREET BAY LANK- ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED II DELIVERED. aa21 if PIERCE SKEHAH, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, For eign and Domestic Wines, Liqnors and Segara. A’so, Skehan’3 Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER in bottle nnd in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stont, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH, dl1-tf nnd 62 Liberty street, N. Y. Crushed Sugar. JUST received on consignment, 30 BARRELS CRUSHED SUGAR. -3 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN ft CO. FLOUR. fin BBLS “Valley Milla” Family Flonr, jnst re- UW ceivtd on consignment and for sale low by WM. H. STARK. 9-3 Corner of Lincoln and Bay streets. BUTTER, Flour and Lard. Having received a large stock of the above, AT VERY LOW BATES, we ace able to offer great inducements to bnyere. RANDELL ft CO., Southwest comer of Bay and Barnard sts. TAYLOR DE8PC.CTFULLY informs the public tliat ihe above , * estaDHshmetit Is now prep ired to furnish uys- ters Fish, Gam-, ftc., at all hours. nner8 ®’ Suppers will Is: furnished at the shortest a °u} ce ' 1111,1 *' nt Ul any pari of the city. bsriri' nCg of “** u,1 d of the very best, always on i n til all<1 ‘ ,lon > f° nr Dining Rooms has been fitted np la , dcatest style for the aciouiiiiodatiou of Ladies and Gentlemen. attendance 1 ,1,11, ncc<imI n<xlating Waiters in and t Bei| I Room!| he Rt ® blnrant 18 extra Diring, Sittiag P> with competent Bubers, is also ronnecied with ihe House. All customers will have their private cups with their names on. . Boarders and Travelers will find It to t® theu advantage to call The patronage of the public is solicited, c ABRAM BEASLEY. ~ Superintendent TflU EYE, EAR, AND THROAT. T'X^\„5' rRIG , H ’ 1 \ of, Toronto, Canada West PhysL “ and Surgeon, Oculist and Auriat can be S^b. o . re d ,i. 0n „ I)e,irne98 ' Discharges Rom the Bar, andlAuigs! 6 Catarrb > Diseases of the Throat oAn^**? 6801 the EYE, requiringeithelr Medical or Surgical aid attended to. in J?’ Tl108 - Bucklers old office on rfi? 1 S?1“ 8treet ’ Baltimore, Md. umee hours from 9 to 12 A. M., and 3to 5 P. M. ROOFING. IjrEare now prepared to take contracts for appiy- WARREN’S FIRE-PROOF ROOFING, r to furnish the material. It possesses all the requisite merits. Is water-tight and fire-proof, will not. expand and contract with heat nnd cold, is not iujnnonsly affected by change of temperature, will hear mure than doable the heat of metnl roofing witlmnt damage lo the boarding be neath It, is easily and quickly repaired if Injured Gutters of the same material may be formed on tbe roof. Tlic felt and cement being non-conductors of heat, no roof is so cool in summer nor so warm In winter and ’ Its cost Is much less than that of any other Flrc-proof Roof now in use. For more detailed particulars, price of roofing, tes timonials, ac., apply to _ BOUSE ft BRYANT, O-lm 194 Bay street Jamaica Bum. T WO puncheons (Fine) for sale by MACKY, BEATTIE ft CO., 17 203 and 206 Bay street VALENTINES, AT ESTILLS NEWS DEPOT,' *gf-tf Bnll-st, back of Port Office. FOR HIRE. \ CABJtlAGS, with fine team, either by the day or Apply at the corner of Jefferson and York sta.. to W. D. OLTVBRIA. He will Introduce his Inimitable Performing Rus sian Horsa “C Z A Tt.” This borse was raised in Southern Russia by a Cir cassian soldier. Like the Arabians, the nomadic people of his tribe form the strangest and most in violable attachments to their unexcelled horses — They make their favorite coursers iheir special com panions, and train them to be very fleet and intelli gent. This Circassian, daring one of his wandering tours, became very needy, and soon found eager pro posers for the purchase of his splendid horse. At last lie consented to part with him. He was brought before the purchaser, and there ensued a scene that has been nsed as a subject of a poet’s pen. At a sig nal from him, the horse, “ With flowing tail and firing mane. Wlih nostrils never stretched by pain, Month bloodless to the bit or rein ; And feet that Iron never shod, And flanks unscarred by spur or rod. The bounding horse—the wild, the free— Like wave that dashes on the sea, Came proudly thundering on.” There stood the noble horse, the admiration of every lieholder. No steed of tlie Tartar, or Ukraine or Arab breed could be more beautifully formed.— Never did Landseer or Rosa Bouheur see or Imagine a more perfect animal. He will also Introduce his thoroughbred Trick Horse, “ANDY JOHNSON,” his comic pony “JANUARY,” and Ills EDUCATED MULES. He will exrente his FLYTNG LEAP, or Leap for Life, every Afternoon aud Evening. ^ auctions. SAW-MILL AT PmVATlT^^ Bell,. Wylly & Christian. Boiler and Engine (portable); diameter,, 10 Inches, length of struke la inches- re^ „? f CJ|1,1 % ALso, Saw-mill Belting and one Circular Sai"L Ncr in diameter, all new and in perfect ,.ni„ r lw 34 'Dili™ Geo. Page A Co.. Bath. Will sell either Uiade k V The Daily Constitutionalist i please copy for two weeks, and send him ^ rill EXECUTORS’ SALE. By Bell, Wylly k Chrbtian. Will be sold on WEDNESDAY, 2lst p„h, n o'clock, in Iront of stoic: raai7 ' at It The Dwelling House No. 73 Perry street. »*, , a,ul Montgomery atreefo, nalL'* 1 *** disposed of at private sale. ess cociie, The property will be sold for the benefit „r , and creditors of the estate of r unite, h h «n GEORGE A. CtlYLifi^riri. RICHARD M. CI Yi k r Ex, 'catnrs. I7-eodtd SPECIAL SALE. York, Williams, 31cluti re Will aell at auction THIS DAY. «t 10 o’cloei , of etore : K ' 10 (r “tt 15 cose* Imported Scoteh-Whiskev 8 bbls Cider Vinegar in cases Codfish 6 cases Bottled P ckles 3 Milk Cana 1 fine Set Bedroom Furniture 1 Show Case Chairs, Bedstead , and other Fnrnltnre 30 dozen Wool Socks re An invoice of Kerosene Lampe Boots and Shoes ftc.. ftc. REAL ESTATE.-CTY LOTS VrTrn TION. U By Laurant, Wayne & Sweat. On TUESDAY, 13th Instant, in front of store . o'clock, will be sold : ‘ P ’ at ‘1 1 Half Lot No. 36 Troup Ward lng 90 feel iront on Jones street aud luo i,,,“ a ‘- HalMtrsh&m streeL W fl2-2 Halmrsham street. Terms cash. PROVISIONS AT AUCTION. By Blun & Meyer. THI8 DAY, 12th Inst., at 10 o’clock, In front of er, wUl be sold ; 8,0re ' 26 bbls Pickled Herrings 26 firkins choice Bui to 6u kegs choice Family Butter, in 25 lb and no n, packages * '* 66 tubs choice Leaf Lard 6 bbls Smoked Beef 5 bbls Sugar-cured canvass-bag'd Hams lo bbls small-sized Smoked Shoulders 160 bbls cnoice Family Flour 20 boxes Layer Raisins ALSO, 25 a* Lina Lena and Reformats Segura 60 boxes Family Soap 10 boxes Boots anil shoo Dry Goods, Notions, Cutlery ALSO, 1 Leather-top Buggy, in good order 1 New Coupling Wugon BESIDES The osnal assortment of Furniture n. Auction. WILL sell the following named Property to the hie licet bidder, on SATURDAY, the 17th met., at No. 9 Atlantic ft Guif R ilroad : 1 lot ol l and, Xu. 266, In tbe 8th District. Ware counly; 1 lot Laim, Su 54, in the 4th District, Pierce conuty; 5 prime Rnl,a 1 iour-mnle Wagon and Harness, l'Coru Shellcr, aii i 1 Corn Mill. Terms cash. J. J. DALE. f9-lw* LINVILLE & GLEASON, St. Julian Street, West of Market, -A- C3r E 3V T S POH MERRITT, WALCOTT & C0. f 64 ConrtM Street, Ret Yurt. NOTICE. THESREAT MORAL EIHIBITIOS. The Manager has, at a great expense, obtained the services of HERR LENGEL, the Lion King, together with hiB WONDERFUL LIONS AND LIONESSES. This exhibition will take place prior to the com mencing of the circus performances, thereby giving visitors an opportunity of having a refect view of these “Lords of the Forest” before Herr Lengel en ters the deu, so that those who come specially to see the auimals may return home with their families. Tlie company comprise some of the fluest perform ers—male and female—either in Europe or America consisting bf ’ Equestrians, Vaults rs. Acrobat* and Gymnasts. DAN CASTELLO and Mr CHARLES PARKER, the two Great Clowns, will appear in every perform ance. Herr Lengel will enter the den at 2 and 7 % o’clock. V A corns of Ushers are engaged to seat onr patrons, and the public may he assnreil that the strictest order and decorum will be preserved. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Admission «j q,. Children under ten years 60 Colored Persons f5-tf 76 MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridge, Car, Ship or Band Hoot, — AND — BOILER BOLT, SETT SCREWS, COACH OR LAC SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUND AID SQUARE WASHERS, Turnb uclcles. Bolt Ends, Taps and Dies. Sen. KENT’S EAST INDIA COFFEE. EQUAL TO JAVA 1 g | HALF THE PRICE I Jj L GOES TWICE AS FAR I ^ Recommended nnd Used by All I CLERGYMEN, PHYSICIANS and Professional Men, as the cheapest, healthiest and best beverage In tbe woild l FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS NORTH AND SOUTH Tne Routhe'n trade, to which it Is specially adapt ed, supplied through the New York city Wholesale Grocers, or direct from tbe Manufactory. Se-61641^1 N K W YORK.. RICHARD And General Wholesale d 19.3 m inetor. Coffees. Sight Ex NEW In stuns to snit septS-tf K. Bennett, Van Pel COMMISSION MER Storehouse. ros TBS SAM OP I0TTII TIBAGCO, RAVAL S ALSO, FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OTHER STOCKS, 23 Whitehall St™ Ne We have saocisted with ns Mr. D. Public Treasurer for North Carolina. HamMnr ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CABS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS’ STORES. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, fto.; ENGINEERS' TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CHISELS, fto. TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Also Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTiNG MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS,&c. «epts tf HAVANA SEGARS, PIPES, Chewing and Smoking . TOBACCO. fJ’HE^ subscriber has Just received a large «hx* Havana Segars, to which be wonld invite particular attention. He has also an extensive assortment of IVteershaimi Pipes. SEOAR TUBES and BR1ARWOOD PIPES. _. The varions brands of Chewing and Smoking iy - bacco at his Establishment are all of the first qnalHJ- Please call and examine for yourselves, st F. CONSTANT’?- jl-tf Bull st, opposite Post Office- PURE BOLIVIAN 6IIW FOR SALE BY I. A. HARDEE ft C°’_ TO SH1PU8TEBS. BLUNTS NAUTICAL ALMANACS for 1866, also Coast Charts, for sale at ESTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, feb back of the Post Office-