Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 14, 1866, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. SAMliKL W. MASON, Kditor, \V. T. THOMPSON, Auociate Editor. Official Paper of the City. LARGEST CIR6DLATIIIIITHE IITV AND COUNTY WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 14, 1866. A GROWING PARTY. 11 was only a few weeks since that the free trade movement was initiated in the city of New York by an association of influential and intelligent gentlemen, whose views and objects were thus set forth : •• The Leajjne holds that men should have the right to exercise their industry, to dispose of its fruits in any market which to them shaU seem best, and with the proceeds to buy whatever and wherever they •*It oroteate against the ‘paternal’ interference of government with private pursuits, being convinced that the less government is felt and seen the bettor for aU concerned. . . , “ It believes that ‘protection’ to the producer is rob bery of the consumer, with the added hypocricy of pretending to look after the latter’s interest. The terrific onslaught upon this organiza- tion, now known as the “ American Free “ Explanatory.” “ Certain parties, to gratify apolitical grudge, having ■een proper to miarepresent am, we can «ay the editor oi the National Republican is not the only peraon that hae paid the city tax of one per cent an groes receipts under protest. We have the names of several influen tial buaineea men who have done the seme, and whoee object in eo doing will be folly developed in good time. This statement we deemed necessary to clear ourselves trona the unjust imputation that we are not disposed to acknowledge the Justice of any claim that had the approval of the business community. None can say that we are backward about meeting our obligations, but with such as are manifestly unjust—no matter by whom or on whom the imposition is practised, we shall never hesitate to speak oar disapprobation, and take such legal redress as the laws of the country af- | ford." Mn. Editob: The above extract is from the National Republican of Monday. Permit me to ask the editor of that paper the following questions: Who are the certain parties who have " a political grudge ” to gratify in misrepresent nq yon ? As yon are " sot the only person that hae paid the city tax of one per cent, on grots receipts under pro test," please state how many more “influential busi ness men have done the same.” Did you protest while paying the same tax to the military, and whloh was, as you know, imposed neces sarily to defray the governmental expenses of the city ? Are you not “backward” about meeting your obliga tions," particularly at this time, as a citizen of Sevan, uah, (if you claim to be one,) when you murmur at the aid you are called upon to contribute out of youb easily earned receipts, in order to assist in carrying on the government of that city ? As a citizen of Savannah I claim the right to ask GROCERIES, UailORI, * C., TI. Gr. HU WE, WH ILK8ALB DVALKt IB* Foreign and Domestic Liquors, WINES, CIGARS, GpOOERIES, ALE AND LAGER, Johnson’s Square, opposite the Pulaski House, Corner St. Julian and Bryan Sts fFalllgint’i old Paint Stand. Agent tor H Clausen's celebrated Phoenix steam Brewery New Turk; A. M. Binnlnger A Co's London Dock Gin ; and Club Sance. “ MARRIED. O’BRIEN—SHEEDY.—On Monday, February 12th, 1866, at 8ti John’s Cathedral, by Eev. J. F. O’Neil, P. H. O’Brien to Miss Mary Sheedy, both of this city. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Georgia Chapter, No. 3, B. A. H. A Regular Meeting of this Chapter will be held at Masonic Hall This (Wednee day) Evening, at 1% o’clock. Transient companions are cordially invited to at tend. By order of R. T. TURNER, H. P. Estill, See. fi4 DIVIDEND No. 25. SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD CO- > Macon, Ga- Feb. 8,1866 / The Board of Directors have this day declared Dividend of Four ($4) Dollars per Share on the Capital Stock, payable on and after 1st Maroh next. Stockholders in Savannah will receive their divi (lends at the office of John W. Anderson, Esq. JOHN T. BOIFEUILLET, fl4-lm Sec. A Treas. LIFE AND ACCIDENT. THE ORIGINAL Trar 1 " System ” by the numerous class of these questions, my taxes being paid in common with journals subsidized iu the interests of the “ y ^-Citizens, witimut any desire to grumble J ouusiu through the columns of a newspaper. Northern manufacturers has done it9 cause | Citizen. a service, by attracting the attention of the people to a subject, which, although of the highest importance, had been overlooked iluriug the late military conflict. We have noticed with pleasure that the people and press of the West are engaged in giving vent in mass meetings to their indignation and opposition to the exorbitant tariff upon im ported goods, by which Northern manufac turers are so enormously tavored and enriched at the expense of other sections of the coun try. Not satisfied with the immense profit they already derive, they are endeavoring to force the passage of bills through Congress for an in crease of their unjust gains. It is some comfort, however, to koow that the despotic sway of the Northern protectionists cannot last much longer. The Western and Northwestern Slates are increasing with much greater rapidity than those of the East, and after another census the Atlantic and New England States will be out-voted by the former, while the South, however reduced ia numbers and representation, will hold the balance of power This free trade movement in the great West indicates to every descerning mind that our politics must soon assume a new phase; out of the new questions about to rise into prominence, it will probably oc cupy the first rank. The currency question tends, by the growth of business and the active demand for capital in the South, to settle itself. Besides, there is no such funda mental difference of opinion or opposition of interests in relation to it as can occasion a party struggle. All admit that the volume of the currency must be reduced and that we must return as rapidly as consists with safety, to the specie basis. The only qnestions about it are mere questions of time and means; the end is universally acknowledged to be desirable. But free trade is question of quite another complexion. There is in this the elements of vigorous and protracted party struggle. The State of the country is such as to create in respect to it a tremendous conflict of in terests, as well as clash of opinions. One side already claims that the public debt has settled our policy on this subject. On the free trade side are sound principles cer tain to gain ground in proportion as they are discussed. It is certain that the struggle on this question must he a vigorious, and may be, a long one. The formation of this “Free Trade League,” which, if successful, will have its affiliated societies all over the country, is a significant sign of the times. It proves that the ten dencies of the public mind run parallel to the policy of the Democratic party. There can be no doubt that the free-trade doctrines are destined to triumph. The party that champions them is the party of the future. This the radical faction clearly foresee, and we have in it the true secret of their opposi tion to the admission of Southern Representa tives to their seats in Congress. Travelers’ Insurance Co., OF HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, - - - $500,000 Insures agalnat all kinds of ACCIDENTS. T HE TRAVELERS’ INSURANCE CO- of Hart ford, Conn., was the first to successfully Intro duce in this country the practice of Insurance against Accidents, of whatever kind, whether they occur la traveling, or In hunting, Ashing, sailing riding, skat lug, in the street, store, ottlce, or while workiti ' shops, mill.s,.factories, or on the farm. A General Accident Policy covers every possible form of casualty, Including the rl9k in traveling, also all forms of dislocations, broken hones, ruptured tendons, sprains, concnssions, crushlngs, bruises, cuts, stabs, gunshot wounds, poisoned wounds, burns and scalds, bites of dogs, unprovoked assaults of burglars, robbers or murderers—the actlou of light ning or sunstroke, the effects of explosions, cliem icals, floods and earthquakes, suffocation by drown ing or choking. This Company has now been in successful opera tion since April 1st, 1864, and np to January 1st, lset bad iBsued upwards of thirty-five thousand policies and paid over nine hundred losses—Including the large sum of $65,500 to. twenty-one policy holders ... - ._ SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. anSO DISSOLUTION. fllHE Firm of Israel H. Sealv A Co. was dissolved A on the 12th insr., by the withdrawal of Israel R. Scaly. The business will he concluded until forth.-i notice, by T. 11. Palmer, who Is duly authorized to col lect and settle all business connected therewith. ISRAEL K. SEALl - , J. P. GILSON, Agent. j!5 A. S. Bit!EI.OW. within the year, for $394 40 received In premiums. Cash Asset*, Jan- 1, 186A 9589,510 94 EX-PRESIDENT PIERCE. This gentleman has just broken long silence upon the affairs of the country by a brief address before the New Hampshire State Democratic Con vention which met on the 7th instant. He expressed the hope that the country is now emerging from the thick darkness which at one time brooded over the country. That the present time called for the calm, dispas sionate and patriotic exertions of all good men in the work of restoration. Not merely iu form, but a restoration of community in terests, fraternal feeling and equality of rights among all the States. He expressed himself | pleased with the President’s course, and thinks his steps looking to restoration have been guided by wisdom, patriotism and statesmanship. Under any circumstances he thought it would be abject to despair of the country. GENERAL ACCIDENT POLICIES. The best policy for every man, whether lie travels much or little, is a General Accident Policy, whicli insures against every possible form of casually, at all times, and times and places. An annual premium of $10 or $12 (according to oc cnpatlon), will secure a General Accident Policy for $2,000, in case of fatal accident, or $10 per week during disability caused by accident (not exceed ing twenty-six weeks for any one accident.) An anuual premium for $2 . or $30 will, In like manner, secure a policy for $5,000, or $25 per week compensation. Any other sum, from $500 to $10,000, at proportion ate rates. Where policies are Issued against loss of life only, or for compensation only, the rates are much lower. A liberal discount on three and five year policies. A. WILBUR, GREEN A FOOTMAN, THOMAS A SON, f!4-lw Agents. Vinegar. W BARRELS Superior W. W. Vinegar, In store and for sale by HILTON A RANDELL, fl4-4 193 Bay street. TO RENT. A TWO-STORY Brick House to Rent at the corner of Price and Maedonough streets. f14-2* FOR SALE. M ACHINERY for a Saw MilL complete, with Planing Machine and Grist Mill attached, hav ing been ruu only six months. Engine forty horse power. Euqnire of CHARLE8 L. COLBY A CO., f 14-tf Corner Bay and Abercorn sts. Reconstruction of thb Charleston and Savannah Railroad.—We learn from the Charleston papers that the annual meeting cf the Stockholders of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad Company will be held in Charleston on Wednesday, the 21st inst., at the Hall ol the Charleston Insurance and Trust Company, when an election will take place for ’ -esident and twelve Directors. Also that proposals-will be received by the Engineer and Superintendent of the road until the 1st day of March, for the delivery of 20.000 crosr.-ties upon the line of the Charles ton and Savauuah Railroad, between Ashe- poo aud Saltkahatchie rivers. Gen. J. B. Hood.—This gallant soldier and popular gentlemen, says the Picayune, has formed a mercantile connection with a wealthy house iu New Orleans. The Gen- i eral has left for Texas to introduce himself | to his fefiow citizens and old fellow soldiers ol that state in his new character. Masonic Books. M ACOY’S Masonic Mannal. The Freemason’s Pocket Library, by Chase. Webb's Pocket Monitor. Oliver’s History of Freemasonry. New Masonic Trestle Board, by Moore. Principles of Masonic Jurisprudence, by Symons. Digest of Masonic Law, by Chase. Masonic Jurisprudence, by Mackay. Cross’ Masonic Chart, revised by Cunningham. Also, M. M. and K. A. Diploma on paper, for fram ing, aud on parchment In tucks, at KSTILL’8 Newt Depot, (Down Stairs) Bull at. back or the Pott office. 114 CORN FOR SALE. 2 AAa bushels of prime yellow CORN, now •V"" landing from steamer North Point, for saic from wharf, in lots to suit, by fi4-i Laroche a west. FOR SALE, Central Railroad Stock. Apply to .4-3* PALMER A DEPPISH. The Waynesboro Times, a spirited and ably con ducted weekly published in Waynesboro, by E. A. Oar- lick. £eq., circulateain Burke and adjoining countiea, ^nd offers a valuable medium to our Savannah mer chants through which to make their business known in a section of the State with which onr city has in times past, enjoyed an extensive commerce. Those who desire to renew their business relations with the Family Bibles. E LEGANT American and English Faulty Bibles. For sale' by THOMAS J. STALEY, 14-2 Corner Boll and State streets. Notice. people of old Burke, will do well to advertise in the I steamer IJJO will be ready for I VA delivery on Thursday, February 16. OCTAVUS COHEN. Agent. Notice. Times Ueneeal Forbest not Left the Country.— Wc I learned yesterday, says the Memphis Appeal of the 31st, from a gentleman who bad left General Forest's plsntatlon, in Sunflower county, Mississippi, on the previous day, that this distinguished Boldier, instead /CONSIGNEES per atcamshlp NOTH POINT from of being in full flight for Mexico, as has been reported, Kj Baltimore, will p'ease attend to therecemlonof was quietly at work, preparing to plant a large crop of their goods, landing this day at Jones’Wharf Ptl ° n cotton, in connection with an ex-officer of the Federal A'l goods remaluimr on the wharf army and, iu proof of it, pointed to s lot of plantation Will be stored at the risk and expend of consi^ne« supplies being shipped on the Die Vernon, tor his use. I f!41 LaRoCHB* A WEST? Agents' T. J. DUNBAR & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, &C 147 J3ay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., (NEXT DOCK ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) W E invite the attention of the Trade and the Pub lic genet ally to our large and elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Conserves, Se gura, etc., etc., which is not excelled by any similar establishment in the States. We are sole proprietors sf DUNBAR'S OELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the n-pnlation of whi-li is fully established in lliis and foreign conn- tries; DUNBAR'S well known STOMACH BITTERS, gnaranted ^superior to any urtirio of the kind, de sign! d expressly for hotel and family "use: DUN BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, w ir- ranted of the utmost parity, and put up expressly for our bouse, of which we are sole proprietors slid Importers. Sole Ag-tits for Robert Smith's rele- hra'i'd PHILADELPHIA ALE, iu cares aud barrels; English, Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and llourbon WHISKEY and Alt- RAUK HUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United Stales, put up by us incases for export and home consumption. T. J. I). A Co. an; sole Agents for A. & H- W. Catherwunil’j Pore ltYE WHISKIE*, XX and XXX brands, guaranteed liUMirp.-w sed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large and well se lected stock of HOUKHON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade nod connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS of til e t grades, niaimf-iciuiel and imported expressly for Ibis house, which we oiler at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every description mid grade of Foreign Liquors imported directly by this noose, and for sale in bond duty pail. at. (.west market rates. d’-’U-tf KIRLIN, BR0. & BURKE, WHOLESALE I.EALERS IN ALES, Wlffi m LIQUORS WIHTAKEH STREET HAY LANE. AND ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED k DELIVERED. au21 if PURGE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Denier In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, For eign aud Domestic Wines, Liquors aud Segals. A so, Skchan'a Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AKD CHAMPAGNE CIDER. in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown 8tnut, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, dll-lf and 62 Liberty street, N. Y. Headprters District of Savannah SavannAn, Ga., Fell. 12, 186G. GENERAL ORDERS 1 No. 1. f Having received reliable information that offences of a grave and serious nature, affecting the personal safety and property of citizens of the United States are committed daily and nightly in this city by per sons wholly or partially clad in ihe uniform of the United States' soldiers, and not members of this command, the following General Order is republished for information, and all persons intereste d will take notice thereof, and govern themselves accordingly: Hxarqoabtfes Post or Savaknac, ) Savannah, Ga , Jnly 6. 1865. / Genera!. Orders 1 No. 6. ( I. Ilereaiter, any person found within the limits of this command with the uniform of tile United States soldiers, who are not legal soldiers of the army or navy, will he immediately arresied and held for trial. II. AU officers' servants will be provided with proper passes, approved by Regimental Command er*, to ident ify them as each. IU. Any pers n found guilty of purchasing United Stiitea clothing from soldiers will be immediately ar rested and held for trial before the Provost Court By command of Brevet Brig. Gen. E. P. Davis Joun Mullen, A. A. A. G. The Provost Marshal Is hereby charged with the execution of the above order, and will be answerable for its strict enforcement. By command of Col. W«. K. Kuiball. SAMUEL ROUNDS, f!3-3 1st Lieut and A A. A Gen. ALLEN & NEEDLES’ IMPROVED FERTILIZER. TIAVING received from the old established house of I Li ALLEN A NEEDLES, of Philadelphia, the Ex- | elusive gi ucy in this State for the sain of the above JUbTLY CELRBR TED FERTILIZER, I wonld call the attention of Planters, Factors, and all intetesttni, to the superiority of this article. It not only stimulates a quick a> d lieal-i y growth of vegetation, but is permanent in its crinn iu the soil, and lur-ishee the necessary pro duce HEAVY CRORS. For Cotton, Sugar Cane, Tobacco, Grain, and all root, crops, it la unsurpassed. L is no new article, having established its excel lence many years ago, the house of ALLEN A NEE DLES being the oldest Arm engaged in this line of Uai.ufactonDg. * I respectfully request those interested to call and exam toe the article. It is packed in hew bags ot 150 pounds each. Price per ton of 2,000 I be, $60. For rorther particulars, apply to A. MINIS, fl3-2 No. 3 Stoddard's Western Range. AWisuunm * DAN CASTELLO’S GEEAT SHOW And Moral Exhibition! POTATOES HE ONIONS. 200 BBLS PeaUl Blow< and Prince Aibcrt pota an bhl* Onions Landing from steamer D. & J Baker, and for sale by f'3-3 EDWIN E HERTZ A CO. ONLY FIVE DAYS MORE! THE FIRST AFTERNOON PERFORMANCE will be given on WEDNESDAY, commencing at 2 o’clock, and every afternoon during the week ; with all the great Stars. Performing Horses, Ponies and Males, also the TRAINED LIONS and LIONE8SES. Corner Montgomery and Congress Sts PRICES OF ADMISSION. Admission $1 00 Children under ten years 60 Colored Persons 76 63V Tickets can be obtained at the Pulaski House any time during the day. f!3-5 OFFICIAL. , auctions Bj Bell, Wyily & Christian."^ Tomorrow, WEDNESDAY Pei. will be sold in from oi Jtore I'„ 1 , 4th ' at io „ soconut of Underwriters r^, 3 lihil. and 6 bbls Kerosene “ cer »eiiN Parlor, Hall and HttugimTi Shades aud Wicking * Utnps ALSO, 3 cases Uou-ie-furnialiing Goods ALSO. 2 Chemists Staves, also, Bagging, Twine, 4c., am Q, EXTRACTS FROM AN ORDINANCE To prevent the re-sale in or near the public market of Savannah, of such articles and commodities as may be brought there by speculators and others, with the view of re-selling at enhanced prices. Whereas, a practice prevails on the part of specu lators aud others, of baying at and near the public market of Savannah, certnin articles and commodi ties, hereinafter ineutioned on quantities more than HUtllcient for the use of such persons and tneir fami lies, witli the view to re-sell such articles and com modities at or near said market and at advanced price*, to the injury of the large majority of persons having business at said market forremedy whereof Skc. 1. lie it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, anil the hamlets thereof, iu Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That a fine of not more'than thirty dollars shall tie inflicted ou every white person who may hereafter be convicted before the Police Court of selling, or ofl'ering or attempting to sell at or near Ihe public market of Savannah any meat, fish or poultry, game or wild fowl, eggs, vegetables, fruit, butter, cr any other article or commodity, or provisions of any kind usually brought to marketfor sale there, and which such persons may have bought at or near said market, at Hny ttme less than one week before, and sell or offer or attempt to sell. Sec. 2. And be it further ordaiued by the authority aforesaid, That it shall lie the special duty of the clerk or the market and of the City police, to re port all violations of this Ordinance, and to put the offender or offenders on the Information Docket and in every case, where the offender is not a resi dent of the city of Savannah, or does not reside within the jurisdictional and police limits, It shall be the duty of said Clerk to seize every sucli article or commodity, aud to detalu Hie same until such of fender shall enter, at the Police Station, into good security to answer for such offence ; and in case no such security be given, tlieu said articles aud comiiioditica shall be forfeited to the city, ou due proof before said Police Hon I. SEC. 3. Aud be it by Hie authority aforesaid, that all conflicting ordinances, or parts of ordinances, be, aud ihe same are hereby repealed. Ordinance paused ir. C >uncil June, 1*61. HhWaRI) c. A.\Dt.HbO,\, Mayor. Attest: James Si ewaht, Clerk of couiicii. 113-6 Jamaica Bum. T WO puncheons fFine) for sale by MACKY, BEATTIE * CO., 203 and 205 Bay street VALENTINES, AT ESTILL-8 NEWS DEPOT, >27-tf Bnll-st, back of Post Office. NEW BOOKS JUST RECEIVED AT John C. Schreiner & Sons’: 1 DEFENSE of President Rnebanan—of his Admin J J istratiou on the eve of the Rebellion Wylder’s Hand . By Sheridan La Fann, author of “ Uncle 8ilas,” *c. Onr Year. By Miss Muloch. Granville de Vigne; or, Held In Bondage. By Onida. Also, a splendid selection of other good works. 02-3 JOHN C. SCHREINER A SONS. NEW GOODS G RIRBAGE BOARDS Hart’s Squared Karo Cards Hart’s buperfiue Eagle Cards Hart’s Superfine Liuen Cards Hart’s Game or Baztque Cards Fancy Ink Stands Splendid assortment of Photographic Frames Just received by 02-3 JOHN C. SCHREINER * SONS. AMM0NIATED Super-Phosphate I Just Received, 25 FIRKINS Extra Leaf Laid THE CHEAPEST FERTILIZER IN THE WORLD! In store and for sale by CHARLES L. COLBY * CO. FISH. [ QC TONS Super-phosphate, made of Baker’s Island, a.\J and pme No. 1 Peruvian Guano. The subscriber* are prepared to sell this article I at $68 per ton of 2.000 pounds. Its superior proper ties and its cheapness entitle it to the consideration | or all Planters. For sale from store by flS-8 EDWIN K. nERTZ 4 CO. 25 DDLS Nop. 1. 2 and 3 Mackerel 50 half birreln, Nos. 1 and 3 do loo kitn No. I «lo 10 half hblp No. 1 Herring 2 • quui ter hbi* «’o loo box** bmuked llerritg In ptore And for sail* by* f9 CTIAS. L. COLBY A CO. To the Planters. W E are prepared to rnrniah. at ahnrt notice Genuine P,-rvian Guano Baugh's Raw Bone Superphosphate Lime Bo.Irian Gnano Kitilewell'a Manipulated Gnan Polaeh and Plaster, by the barrel All permanent Fertilizers Whitlock's Superphosphate Send vonr orders at once, fix im N. A. HARDEE A CO. INDIGO. CASE, 10 boxes, a superior quality In store and for sale by 19 CH \RLES L. COLBY * CO. Peruvian Guano. W E have in store genuine No. 1 Peruvian Gnano, direct importation, and will sell in quantities I to suit purchasers. fl’Mf CRANK 4 GRAYBILL. Just Received, FIRKINS CHOICE BUTTER Landing per steamship Chase, and for sale by PRIME WHITE VIRGIM HORN 5 nnn BUSHELS Prime White Virginia Corn, iUUU cargo of screw steamer B. A J. Baker, | jast received and for sale by A2-3 EDWIN E. HERTZ A CO. CHARLES L. COLUT A CO To Wharf Owners. Y OU are requested to commence, without delay, the needlnl repairs npon jour property. The washing of sand lniu the river uinat be stopped, and mooring pnat* must lie erected upon every wharf.— Yon will noun be required to repair all ihu wharves and put them in perfect order. By order of Ihe Commissi ners of Pilot.igc. fS-.w JOHN STODDARD. Cbnirman. POWDER, SHOT. CAPS. ~jc KEGS Ilaz,ard’9 R. R. Powder ID 20cases canisters, “Fairlawn Mills” Powder, 200 bags assorted sizes. Drop Shot, 160,060 G. D. Percussion Caps Jnst received aud lor sale by HILTON A RANDELL, >, fl2-6 193 Bay street. AN DRDINANCK To levy and assess taxes and raise revenue for the cl y ot Savannah, aud to amend the various tax anti revenue Ordinances of sab] city; Skc. 1. Be U ordained by the Mayor aud Aldermen of the city of Savannah in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That ou and alter the first day of January next, IS66, taxes and revenue for the support of the govern ment of the city of Savannah, and for the advantage aud benefit of the lnhabiiauts liitreof, shall be as sessed, levied and raised at and after the following rates, that is to say : 1. At the rate of one per centum per annum c_ the' valuation for the year eighteen hund.ed and sixty, of all real estate in the city limits, de ducting from snch valuation such depreciation as may have occurred by fire or military oc- | nn cupation, aud wltere no income is derived from vamf^T riv?r 7n llnfm ame , r Sav «nn»ti such property, such valuation, however,,to exist Wnriten. ^ J d un ' leriu ci«e.tin.’, , lnk iiv aud be a basis only until a Mew valuaUoa shall have 1 ’ J 01 •> been completed under the authority of Council. Provided, nevertheless, that said valuation for I860, shall be the basis for returns o! real estate on the first day of January next, and until Council shall further order. 2. One-half of one per centum on gross sales of merchandise, (including sales of liquors,) except cotton. 3. One-tenth of one per centum on gross sales of cotton. 4. One per centum on all commissions derived from any business transactions (other tUan sales of merchandise) by any factor, auctioneer, broker, for warding, shipping, or commission merchant, and .. 41 one per cento iu ou the value oi ail furnitare, jewelry Bv Bell. Wvllv Jg, r*L ■ . • and plate worth over three hundred dollars. * ’ 06 ^'Hnstlan ■ - - ' this day itiiii/ n -..i-.. , . UNDERWrUTEl^T^r By Bell, Wyily It Christian. E Tomorrow, WEDNESDAY, 14th insr hi front of store, will be soul " L ' at derwriters aud all concern.-,i : <1<; ‘-’ou at 1 case and 12 packages Tea, damaged on the voyage of lnlnn-, under the inspection of the iitj GENERAL SALlToF^oci^' THIS DAY, at 10X o’clock, in front of ' 10 bbls Bourbon Whis*.cv ' 6 tea canvassed Hams 10 firkins Batter 20 boxes Ronrbon Whiskey 15 cases Claret 2 cases Smoking Tobacco 6 boxes Chewing d„ 10 do do J0c Tobacco also, 20 cases, each 8,25 palls White I ** i 60 28 lb kegs premium Wmt" iL d ad 5 bbls Metallic Palm a Terms cash. EXECUTORS’ SALE " | By BeD, Wyily A Christian. Will be sold on WEDNESDAY v , o'clock, in front’ofaS*' 11 "T-cp The Dwelling House No. 73 Perrv no . , Jeflerson and Montgomery sireei* ' ba «h disposed of at private sale »*- The property will be sold for the benefit „r, k , and creditors oi the estate . f R cnyle'r d ^ f7-eodtd GEORGE A. CUVLiR 0 ** WrillAKD M. Ct-tUR Bxccntoti Auction. herein contained shall Interfere with the right ^ ,0 luni<;t fines or other Iierein I inTh^th District. Ware conntv‘"l sec. 3. And be it fui ther ordained by the authority B4 ’ in llie 4th n,slr “' t - PlHr '’" ’ Terms cash. ID-lw* J- J- Dili HISTORY OF THE WAR. Lard. R ECEIVED BY COOPER, OLCOTTB 4 KELLY, FAR tA Packages Prime LEAF. ♦ ID For sale by MACKY. BEVTTiE A CO.. 203 and 205 Bav sl.-eeL SOUTHERN HISTORY OF THE WAR, I complete In four volumes, by Edward A. Pollard, f 2 Building 1 Material. W E have oil hand Lime. Ronci/dnle Cement, Planter | Parid, end Hair lor Plastering. For sale on lament Z-lm CRANE A GRAYBTLL. MASELLE WIDE. F IVE cases MASELLE WINE, of superior quality For sale by B. H. HARDEE. Cider Vinegar. gEVBN BARRELS CIDER VINEGAR Landing and tor sale by LIME. I AAA CASKS LIME, now landing from schooner ■ DUD Georgia and for sale by L. J. GUILMARTIN A CO. CHARL’ 8 L COI.BY A GO. Notice. C ONSIGNEES per steamship VIRGO, from New Turk, will please attend to the reception of their goods, landing this day at Vtillis’ whsrr. All goods remaining on the wharf after sundown will tie stored at risk and expedite of owners. f!3 OCTAVUS'COHEN, Agent. TO SHIP DUSTERS. BLUNT S NAUTICAL ALMANACS for 1800, also Coast Charts, for sale al ESTILL S NEWS DEPOT, feb back -of the Post Office. ALEXANDRE KID GLOVES A LSO, a flue assortment of Silk, Wool and Back skin Gloves and Gauntlets. Jnst opened at EINSTEIN A KCKMAN, nS3-tf 161 congress street KENT’S EAST INDIA COFFEE. EQUAL TO JAVA 1 legy, S| HALF THE PRICE 1 L GOES TWICE AS FAR! ^ Recommend'd mad Used by AU t * CLERGYMEN, PHYSICIANS and Professional Men, os the cheapest, healthiest and best beverage In the world! FOR SAL* BY ALL GROCERS NORTH AND SOUTH Tne Sonthe’n trade, to which it is specially adapt ed, supplied through the New York city Wholesale Grocers, or direct from the Manufactory. 11541 N-ICW YORK. RICHARD DAVIES, Proprietor. And General Wholesale Dealer in Teas and Coffees. d!9-3m 'Watches Jewelry! Silver and Flated Ware, Fancy Goods. &c., T HE undersigned respectfully calls the attention of J the citizens and visitors from the country to hie well selected stock of Wa'ches, Jewelry, Silver and Fluted Ware. Clocks, Fancy Goods, Spect rlea, Re volvers amt Pistols of the most celebrated Manufac ture!.*. I’niriruUr attention is paid to Ihe Repairing of Watches, J.-welry and Clocks. Having none but competent wuihmm engaged sat!-fur lion i* guaran teed. A HARIG: dec25-Cm Cor. Bronghton and Whiiak, r sts. RIDE. W E have now on band a few Open Baggies and Rockaways, light and neat. Also, Sets of Harness, which we will sell nnusaully low. BOUSE 4 BliYANT, J26-tf 194 Bay street. AUGUSTA HOTEL. I: A.' WCF^} Proprietors. W E respectfully invite onr old friends and the traveling public to give us a call. Our house Is located in the heart of trade, and convenient to the depots. [18 3m] JONE8 4 RICE. CHOICE GROCERIES Just Received* Extra Honey Sjrrup Extra Golden Syrnp Fruits and Nuts of all kinds Canned Fruit* and Vegetables Stilton, Piue Apple, Holland and Eng'Lh Tairy Cheese Fresh Crackers and Biscnit H HIM. Beef Tougue aud Knllon Market Beef Smoked Herring, Salmon and llallibut Notice. C ONSIGNEES per brig BLACK FISH .re notified that s| e will commence discharging this dav at the Iron Steamboat Whurf. All goods remaining on wharf after annset will be stored at risk and expense of consignee*. 113-2 WM. H. STARK, Agent At STUART A CO 18 Family Grocers. „ - .gen... Brown’s Castilian hitters. Kerosene Oil, In barrels and cases, AT HORATIO PITCHER S, Foot of Lincoln st, Under the Bloff. NO. I PORE PERUVIAN GUANO. C A T0N8 No. 1 Pore Peruvian Guano Jnet received tiu per schooner J. B. Myer. In offering this Gnano to the public wc deal re to say that It is pare, and we will sell It lower than any one In Savannah or the State of Georgia. ri3 ' 3 EDWIN E. HERTZ * CO. Notice* I HAVE this day seized a lot of Boots and Shoes, supposed to have been stolen. Anv person bav. Ing lost any of the articles can see the same by call ing on me, at Justice Hart's office. 713-2 JOHN W. COATES, C. C. C. Onions & Turnips. CA BARRELS ONIONS, OU 40 barrels turnips. Landing from bark Laconia, and for sale low by AS L. J. GUILMARTIN * CO. FOR SALE. 70 In good shipping order. CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., Comer Bay and Abercorn its. LARD. 7f, BARRELS LARD in store. For sals ek**u, to / close consignment ns-6 b. H. HARDEE. POTATOES, POTATOES. Landing from steamer THIS DAY, and for aale by 03-3 BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. 6. One per centum on all incomes derived from salaries, and the pursu.t of any profession, faculty, trade or calling whatsoever. 6. One per centum on gross receipts of any busi ness transactions not included in the foregoing, and including all insurance companies aud agencies, gas companies, express companies, cotton presses, all receipts for freight and for passage money whicli are payable in this city, aud all hotels and restaurants. 7. One per centum on the gross earnings of every bank, bank agency and banker. 8. On every horse and male, except those actually used in wagons, drays, tracks, or other vehicles, for which badges may have been taken out, one dollar per month. Sec. 2. And be it farther ordained by the authority aforesaid, That whenever, under tins or aii^ other Ordinance of said city, any return may be required or any tax be assessed or due, by or from any non-, resident company or corporation, the return shall lie made and the tax be payable by the agent or other manager or director of such company or corporation, and for every default, exeention shall issue accord ingly; and tnati n the case of every person or persons liable ur subject to make a returu under this or auy other Ordinance, and where default may be made, execution shall issue for a double tax ou the imme diately previous' return, and if no retars she.!! have been made then the party in defaultsbail be liable io a penalty of two hundred dollara for which the City Trea surer shall fortli with issue execution.und In all casesof default in making returns or payment of taxes, exe cutions shall issue and the taxes and penalties col lected in the manner now pointed out by existing Ordinances ; and that the same rule shall apply to the cases of persons failing or refusing to takeout | vwrrt «„u badges or licenses : Provided, always, that nothing I hl heet bidder, ^n SaTFRdTy tteTt^ ,olk e right of the | Q o «.. . V .lolb Dd,Xk Aim ucu luiuict uruaiueu uy uie auummy, i °r Cu ^ ui l t - y • & prilneNoir* aforesaid,That the following persons am I parties -hall i /v ‘ " a S ou aniJ Harness, 1 Corn sshelier, 2 be compelled, and are hereby required ” to take out ' licenses annually, ou the first day of January or wilhin ten days there ifter, and Independently of the income or commission tax, and 10 pay for such li cense the earns severally hereinafter designated, that Is to say : Every auctioneer, a license annually at the price of two hnndi'ed dollars; every wholesale and wholesale and retail dealer in goods, wares, and merchandise,ex clusive of liquor license, a license annually, at the price of dfty dollars; every retail dealer an annual license, exclusive of liquor license, at the pride of twenty-five dollar. ; every bank, banker, or bank agent engaged in buying or selling exchange an an nual license at the price of one hundred dollais ; every person or bouse dealing in exchange, and e /ery broker, mouey-broker, and pawn-broker, an annual license at the pi ice of one hnndred dollar*; every insurance conipany'or agency, torelgn or otherwise, an annual license at the price of one hnndred dollars; the same tor each and every agency, every the keeper or keepers of a hotel an annual license at the price of one hundred dollar* ; every the owner or owners of a cution press, and for each and every press an annmd license at the price of one hnndred dol'ars; every the owner or owners of a junk shop or cotton picaery, an annual license at the price of two hundred dolKis; every the owner or owners or a public stable, an an nual license at tRe price ofrflfiy dollars ; every com mission merchant, or factor, an annual license at the price of fifty dollar. ; every shipping master or steve dore other than non-resident, an uuuual license at the price of fifty dollarsnon-residents, one hnndred dollar.; every tne owner owners of a coal or lumber yard, an annual license at the price of fifty dollars; every the keeper or keepers of a warehouse for the storage of cotton, merchandise, goods, Ac., for each warehouse an annual license at the price of fifty dol lar. ; every the owner or owners of a billiard table used lor hire an annuil license at the price of one bandied dollars for each table; every the owuet or owners of a ten-pin annual license at the price of fifty dollar* for cacli alley; every the owner or owners of a saw mill, plauiug mill, sash and blind factory an annual license ar the price of one hnndred dollai'9; every the owner or owners of a job printing office au annual license at the price of twenty-fine dollar. ; every master builder, mason or mechanic, taking contracts fur work an annual license at the price of twenty-five dollara; every Ihe owner or own ers of an intelligence office au annual liceuse at the price of twenty dollars ; every manufacturer of soda water an annual license at the price ol twenty-five dollars ; every soap-boiler, tanner, and founder, lor each establishment, an annual license at the price of fifty dollar* ; every gas fitter an aunnal license at the price of twenty-five dollars; every attorney at law, physician, dentist, Daguerreau artist, photographist, and anibrotyper an annual license at the price oi' twenty-fire dollar*. It being understood that iu all cases one license shall be sufficient for one firm or copai tnership. Every person selling by sample, and who is not a resident of the city or State, an an nual license at the price of one hundred dollars, on failure to take ont license shall be fined, on conviction one hundred dollars for each day’s default The license for the sale of goods, wares, or other articles irom any vessel or wharf shall be one hnndred dollars instead or fifty dollara as fixed by the Ordinance of 31st Dec-, Eighteen Hundred and Forty. Provided, always that any person required by this Ordinance to take out a license, and who may begin business alter the first day of July, in any year, shall, for that year pay only une-balf the price of snch license ; and tbefoUow- ing persons shall' be compelled to take out badges uu tbe first day of January, annu ally, or wlihin ten days thereafter, at the prices herein designated, that is to say every porter an annual badge at the price of ten dol lars: every vender of small wares, aud every hucks ter, and hawker and keeper of a cookstove or shop an annual badge at ibe price of fifteen dollars, which may be reduced one-baifil not required to be taken out un til after the first day of July ; and any peraon subject or liable to take out any such license or badge, and failing to do so for ten days after the said first day of January In each year, shall lie liable to a flue of not more than thirty dollars for every day’s default, on vlction before the police court; such licenses and 11A V AAA mi pipes, Chewing and Smokiiio TOBACCO. I r J , HE^ subscriber has jnst received a large eu Havana Segars, [ to which he wonld Invite particular attention. He has also an extensive assortment of Meershaum jPipes, 8EOARTURES and BRIARWOOD PIPES. The various brands of Chew ing and SmokiigT*. bacco at his Establishment are *11 of the dm quin Please call and ex imine for yourselves, at F. CONSTANTS, jl-tf Ball st., opposite Post once on | Just Received and for Sale Consignment, By KENNETH IMcLKA &Co, 202 Bay Street: I QA BBLS Extra Mess Beef, f >r ship Etorcs [ 600 bbls Extra-Wisconsin *nii Ohio Floor 2e0 bbls Superfine and Fine Flour, soiiadle ft country trade 24 firkins very choice Family Dairv Batter 11 do do do 45 kegs do do do It lb* air 50 kegs do do do 50 boxes Layer Raisins 12 hall bbls Fulton Market Beef 2 hits Bacon Sides 2n bids Smoked Pigs’ Shonldera 5o bbls Onions, in prime order And of former consignments: 20 bbls Sugar- cured Hams 6 tierces Wa hington Hams 3 tierces Breakfast Bacon 60 tubs L-rd 5 bbls Smoked Beef 76 bbls Labrador and Shore Herring do Ml RAILROAD HOUSE, HESTAimAN*F. BAR-ROOM AND BARBER SRI ON BRYAN ST., JOHNSON SQUAffi matilda Taylor R ESPECTFULLY informs the public that the ahon establishment is now prepared to famish Up tors. Fish, Game, Ac., st all hours. Dinners*, Suppers will be furnished at the ehor.* notice, and sent to any part of the city. Wines of all kinds, and of the verv best, alwjyi* hand. in-additlon, fonr Dinine Rooms has been fitted q badges shall be issued by the Clerk of Connell, and I ' n t * le ne »test style for the accommodation u(L»Sa the licenses shall be signed by the Mayor, attested an< * Gentlemen. . hv the Clerk, aud have Impressed on them the seal Excellent Cooks and accommodating Waiten a of the city. attendance. Sue. 4. And be it farther ordained by the authority I Attached to the Restaurant is extra Dir ing, Siffli aforesaid. That every male resident of said city, be tween the ages or twenty-one and sixty years shall be liable to a poll or capitation tax of one dollar an nually, except only such of said persons as-may be entitled to registry and to vote at city elections, and who shall register their names and pay for the same Sec. 6. And be It farther ordained by the authority aforesaid, That every owner or keeper of a dog shall pay for such dog the annual tax of three dollars. Sec. 6. And be It further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That on and after tbe first day of January next the price of a license to retail spirituous liquors for one year shall be one hundred and fifty dollar* and the applicant shall be required to submit as se curities. two responsible lreeliolders of the neighbor hood as a prerequisite to the issue of said license • and for a wholesale liquor license the price aiiall be one hundred dollars. Sec. T. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That all returns required by this Oral nance tor real estate,, income, and commissions shall be made quarterly, that is to say, on the first day or April, the first day of Jnly, the first day of Oc tober, and the first day of January of each year or witblu ten days ihereaiter, respectively, for the three months Immediately preceding such respective days and that for gross sales returns shall be made be tween the first and teuth day of each month for the preceding month, lieginning with the month ot February next, eighteen hundred and eixiy-six Sec. 8. And be u tui ther ordaiued by ii,e authority aforesaid,That alt Ordinances and parts of Ordinances so rar as they militate with this Ordinance, be, and they are hereby repealed. Ordinance passed in Connell. Dec. 27. 1866 EDW. C. ANDLHSON, Mayor. Attest: Jus. Stewart, Clerk of Council. ROOFING. and Bee-Room*. A Barber Sbo p, with competent Bubers. 1* connected with the Honse. All customer* will their private caps with their names on. Transient Boarders and Travelers will 4nu it»| to their advantage to call The patronage of the public Is solicited. ABRAM BEASLET. S-tf Superintended! Mackerel- 200 No ' 1 MACKERkL Landing per schooner Elliott and forsslstf | 19 CHARLES L. COLBY 4 CO SCRANTON,SMITHS, Keep constantly on hand choice old BRAHDIES, WHISKEY, GIN, WINES, At. AND EVERY VARIETY OP GROCER® ALSO, Hay, Com, Oats and Bran, strictly at wl, ' ,le, Lg the trade, and we flatter ourselves that we 0“ it to the interest of dealers to patronize ia a head of Bay, opposite to Jeffereon street f5-1m ' A New Fertilizer. w* are now prepared to take contracts for apply- WARKEN’S FIRE-PROOF ROOFING, or to fnrnish the material. I i! I It possesses all ihe requisite merits, is water-tight W K hRTC teen appointed agents for tne* ^ and fire-proof, will not expand and contract with heat I ” Georgia for the “Eureka Ammonisi*” .^ and cold, is not injuriously affected by chance of Super phosphate of Lime,” a new and valinnw temperature, will bear more than doable ihe heat of *” ‘ metal roofing without damage to the boarding be- neath it, Is easily and quickly repaired ir injured. Untten of the same material may be formed ou the The felt and cement being non-conductors of heat, no roof ia so cool in rammer nor so warm in winter, and Its cost Is math less than that of nay other Fire-proof Roof now in nse. For more detailed particulars, price of roofing, tes timonial*, 4c., apply to BOUSE A BRYANT, ffi-lm 194 Bay street. I llzcr, adapted to the cultivation and n genera onr soil, and .greatly increase the yield. We propose to sell on a credit np 'ti tlie ! conditions: The purchaser to give us » .lot 8 pledge that enough of his next crop will “1 "L, * fiVrav* no In Hit 41 mT nf Innnn-,. 10.1? in lllf'Ht til- “ kja ilia urA» for sale by first of January, 1817, to meet nP» | If it Is preferred, we will take factors’ k personal security; in either case iutere* 1 added. linotii'-' These accommodating terms are P ur P ft tf i ibn dr I that this article may be in the reach of s, ‘ jflgJ I sire to Increase the value and prodnetivene* ■ lands. y co. febo-lm F. W. New Books, New Books- REDUCED BY SHERRY WINE. Cooper, Olcotts & FarreW’l ilronaa (Vtovoo OilH nra mWahs # 1 . smww/vmbi .l. T/itPH v I W Packages Octaves and qrs., various grades, for sale to the trade by MACKY. BEATTIE * CO., 2Q3 and 906 Bay street. 0ORA BELMONT, or the Sineer^L^ t Crackers. NYOICE of Boston, Batter, Oyster, and Soda CRACKERS. Jnst received and for sale by MACKY. BEATTIE A CO., n ~~ 208 and 205 Bay street v dtnal’s Daughter, by Robert M. _ H , i: »- . and Dark Christmas, by Mrs. Hf nry Wpofl; D jjj e i I lion of Money, by Amelia B. Edward*: s** 1 *oitirf I the Chinese, oy Justus Doolittle; Leo n “L Ann**-1 Poem*, by Lady Chattertdn; Poems by Mrs. ^ -u Spaulding; The Bud Book ot Apin; t>ton. Ages; Miriam Rivers, tbe Lady Soldier: Coim Come Home Again, by Spencer February; Demonstl Magazine for WjjSErjwff tic Monthly tor February: Harper’s Monthly ^ rurary.