Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 21, 1866, Image 4

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Photographic. FHUTUtiitAPH ALBUMS A New and Fresh Supply, Of many varieties; alao. PHOTOGRAPHICON OR PANOIliMIC ALBUM; A new, ornamental, and useful article for the parlor For sale by n 7 COOPER, OLCOTTS A FARRELL Y PROGRESS! A First-class Artist in Savannah M R E. e. TlIOMPijON.from Fsedzbicks' A Co. celebrated Gallery. N£w York, la now engage at the FORE6T CITY GALLERY, and all person* wh wish lor Good PiClnres. m the latest and best stylos of the art, are cordially invited to give him 9 Mai. Tltc Proprietors take great plea-sure In announcing the arrival of Mr. Thompson, and trnst that their ef forts to establish a first-class Gallery will be duly ap predated. • Wanted, a young man abont IT years of ago, learn the art of Photography. PERKY A LOVERIDGE, flS-f, 14u ttrcuigbton street. J. N. WILSON, Photographer, S. E. corner Bronghton and Whitaker 8trs., SAVANNAH, GA. Old pictures copied v-iU^hegreab^steare^^lH Partnerships. Dissolution. E conartnersiup hbibwiwi o Y. St uart and Henry M. Kellogg, under the style of Stuart & Co., is hereby dissolved^by mutnal ^n- HClit, S All claim® againet Stnarr. Stuart & Co., is nereny qumhhvca. mu u», - *■ it, said dissolution to date from January 1st. 18nh. claims against the old firm will be retried by L. 1. L. Y. STUART. HENRY M. KELLOGG. Notice. 1 Y STUART hogs leave to Inform the public that in future he will conduct the business or the for mer firm of Stnart & Co. under the same style, at the old s’.red. corner of Bull and Broughton streets, and resoectmllv solicits the patronage of the former cro- touiers of the firm,'and, as heretofore, guarantees en tire satisfaction to purchasers. jll L. Y. STUART. Dissolution of Copartnership. 'THE firm of Dzialynski A Slager is this day dis- 1 eolv. d by mutual consent. Mr Phidp Dzialynski is alone authorized to re- eetve and receipt for the late «™- p jq^iaLY’NSKI, JULIUS SLAGER. The business will bo hereafter conducted at the old St nn-lm PHILIP DZIALYNSKJ DiSSOLUTION. T HE firm Oi Lnfbnrrow & Timmons Is this day uissolvcd, by the withdrawal of O. H Lnfbnrrow. Either party i« authorized to sign the firm name in liquidation.' All parties indeb.ed are requested to come forward and make payment, and all parties bav in*. claims will please present them for settlement. O. 11 LU if BURROW. ERAS. E. TIMMONS. Augusta, Feb. 13, 1S6G. Having purchased the mterest of Mr. 0. H. Lufbur- riov in the Forrest City Foundry, in this city. I will continue tho business iD my name. Tliankfhl for ). ,st favors, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the lib -ral patronage heretofore extended to tho late firm. FRAS. E. TIMMONS. Having disposed of my interest in the firm of Luf- hurrow & Timmons to mv former pari ner, F. E Timmons, would solicit a continuance of the patron age extended to the late firm to my successor. fl7-2w O. U. LI FBURROW. ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, M ANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Builders’ and Locksmiths’ Hardware. Nails. Pnllles, Cord, Rim ocks and Knobs, Bntt llingos, Brass and Iron Keys and Castings, Gong Bells, Wire, 8ilver-Plating, <fcc. All orders, large or small, furnished promptly at 10 per cent, less than market prices. »rp19 6m ~J. C. KOCH, No. 30 Heckman Street, Corner of WilHam, NEW YORK, Manufacturer of Stationery, Photographic Albums, Music Paper, Folios, Books, &c. n21-3m CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, COMPOSED OF IODIDEOF POTASSIUM, WITH THE COMPOUND CONCEN TRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND HERBS. Prepared bv WM. H. GREGG. M. D., Graduate of the College rtf Physicians and Surgeons, Sew York; formerly Assistant Physician in the Blackwell's Island Hospitals. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Ha* produced a revolution in Medicine. Notice. r w. NEVTTT, or the firm of Novit, Lathrcp A • Rogers, has associated himself with Lathrop s Co. in the Dry Goods business, at the old stand oi jl-tf HENRY LATHROP <fc CO. Miscellaneous, C. K. HUSH, BENTLEY D. HASELL Greneral Partners. M. K. JESUP & CO., New York. Special Partners. HUGER &1TaTELL, NO. 4G EAST BAY STREET, • CHARLESTON, S. C., COaiJIISSION MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS’ AGENTS, AND DEALERS IN Railway Equipment and Supplies, Portable and Stationary Engines, Saw MtllH, and all kinds of Machinery required by Railroad Companies, Contractors, Manufacturers, Machinists and Agriculturalists. Advances made on consignment of Railroad Iron; also on cotton and other Produce. bentley~d7hasell, CIVIL, MINING AND CONSULTING ENGINEER ESTIMATES MADE AND CONTRACTS TAKEN. OFFICE 40 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON S. C. j23 im&twtf GREAT SOUTHERN PIPER WAREHOUSE AND Depot forPrinters’Supplies 210 Bay Street, Savannah, 6a. W ARREN A PLATNER keep constantly on hand a laigr stock, of Ledger. Writing and Wrapping i’apere, of all sizes and weights; also. Binders’ Boards, Card Boards, Printers’ Cards, Envelopes, Twines and Printing inks Having had long experience in the bnsiness, and buying our goods in large lots direct from the manu- laciuiers enables us to compete with New York prices. Agents for Wrfdc’e celebrated Printing Inks; Agents in this city for the Bath Paper Mills. Thu highest cash prices paid for all kinds of paper stock. jl* Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, 1803. For Black Black for Silk Dark Bine light Blue French Bine Claret Brown Dark Brown Light Brown Souff Brown Cherry Crimson Dark Drab Light Drab F.wu Drab Light Fawn Drab Dark Green Light Green Magenta Maize Maroon Orange Pink Purple Royal Purple Salmon Scarlet Slate Solferino Violet Yellow. Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hale. Feathers, Children’s Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. 1ST A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. For 9h cents you can color as many goods as wonld o herwise cost five tiroes that sum. Various shades u.m be produced from the same dye. The process is simple, and any one can nse the Dy» with perfect success. Directions in English, Pr-ncn and German Inside of each package. HOWE A STEVENS, 260 Broadway, Boston. For s-de by druggists and dealers generally. ecU0-6m Shoulders. ao Tiorcos, for- Bale by R MACKY. BEATTIE A CO. Building Material. \V E have on hand Lime, Rosendale Cement, Piaster ” Faria, and Hair for Plastering. For sale on Consignment. jfiz-lm CRANE A GRAYBILL. New York Advertisements. DUBYEAS’ IA1ZENA Q Z D O o. in z o - a < o z m u o ^ c >■ z at o H WAS THE ONLY “ MEPAHATWI FOI FOOD FROM INDIAN CORO” That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competition of » 1 pro- mint-nl manufacturers of ‘-Corn Starch ■ anil | ri -' pared Corn Flour ” of this and other countries not withstanding. MAZZSNA, od and luxury of the age, without a single fault, tine trial will convince the most skeptical. Makes Puddings, Cakes, O’ stards, BlancMange, <S<\. without isinglass, with few or no eggs, u| ii eiisi as tonishing tho most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bieud and Cake It is also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, pravipt* for fish and meats, soups, Jkc. For Ice cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiled in niiiK will produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, Ac Put up in one pound packages, nudt<r the trade mark Maieena, with directions for use. A most delicious article of food for children and in valids of all ages. For sale by Grocers w d Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 166 |Fnlton Street. WILLIAM DTTRYKA, j26-ly General Agent New York Advertisements. Brown’s standard Scales. U SED by the United States and Foreign Govern ments for more than THIRTY YE klis. Adapted to any branch of bnshiess for foreign or home markets. Warranted accurate and dnrahle. Sales rooms No. 3 Barclay-st., near Broadway. N. Y. scpl9 Fy BROWN. Manufacturer. Latest from Egypt! P ENNY’S NEW EXTRACT OF THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS, a new and exquisite Perfume for the handkerchief, Cleopatra and the ladies of the present day using the same perfume. THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS 11 THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS Ml Manufactured by F. A. Purer, Brooklyn, New York. B. A. LOVEJOY, Agent, flT lm «3 Fulton street McKAY, BLISS & CO., Commission Merchants, DEALERS in White Onk and Yellow Pino Timber of 1 ’ all sizes. Cash advances made on consignments of Timber, Cotton, Naval Stores, Ac. The alwve-nsmed honse offer unu.nal facilities for the sale of Southern Products, and respectfully so licit consignments. MoKAY. BLISS A CO , d21-tawtf 165 Broadway, N. Y "" CRUTCHES t lMRsTan 1 only preroinm awarded at. the American 1 Institute Fair, 1865, and State Fair ot Pa., 18C5. for Crntrties. Hartman’s Patent Elastic Rubber Crntmes are iiroiiouuced by surgeons, and everybody else, to be the very best ever invented. They are easy snd con venient, they prevent paralysis of the nerves, do away with all the weariness inseparable Itoiii the use of all others, and are in all respects unrivalled. Send for a circular. Agents Wanted everywhere LOVEJoY A TatLOH Sole Munufa- tnrors. No. 47111, Broadway N Y. (Sm-n23, MLU«ak A HU1TFIKLH, BADKERS AND CLAIM AGENTS, 51 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK. Having special facilities, particular at-ention is given to the collection of claims against the United States Government. JA-lm HAWKINS & FAY, Commission Mercltiiiithi, NO. 47 PEARL STREET, NEAR PRODUCE EXCHANGE, N. Y. wm. b. Hawkins, j. ROCKWELL FAY. Particular attention paid to buying Produce, Provi sions, Whiskies, and Cigars, on order, and u> con- signiiii nta. -PFFKPENOIW r CLINTON HUNTER, firm of Spofford, Tile«ton & Ho., New York. Kauclier A McCheancy, 5 Water-tt., New York. Picliard Kllic, 114 Water street, N* w York. Wm. R. Miles, 5W Christie s'reef, New Yo k. W. K. Mbell. 5 Wall slre« t. New York. J.ewi.-* L. Jones. 1T rtr • •• v, v s. W. Ma on & Co., Savannah. GKO. d. fowl*. FOWLE & CO., FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission Merchants. Importers of Rail road Iron and Dealers in Ruilroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, ISTKAV YORK, Oct56 6m SPRING MATTRESSES What may seem almost, incredible is, that many dis eases hUlicrto conudereil hopelessly incurable are fi queiitly cared in a few days or weeks; and we cheer lully inviie the investigations of the liberal minded and scientific to cures which have no parallel at the pres .-cut day. During the past five years we have contended obstacles and overcome opposition as herculean u.- were ever encountered by any reformers. RAPIDITY OF CURE. Some aay, -Your cures are too quick," while others ilonlit their permanence, and think that diseases can nly he cared by the “slow, recuperative process Nature.’’ This is onr reply: In health, the body, like a well balanced scale, is in a state of equilibrium But when, irom any cause, down goes one side of the scale, we have the effects of disease. What is requisite, is to r store the normal balance of the scale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Is a positive and specific remedy for all dlseuscs ori; nuting from an impure state of the Blood, and for ul hereditary) diseases transmitted from parent to child PARALYSIS. It is so universally admitted that Constitution Life Syrup is the only effective means of restoration in tile various forms of Paralysis, that we need not reiterate that it is emphatically the Great-Life-giving Power. DYSPEPSIA. Indigestion, Weight at Stomach, Flatulcnrc. Live Complaint, want of Appetite, Bad Breal h, Constipation, Bllliqusnesa. SCROFULA. Struma, King’s Evil Glandular Swellings Erysipelas. Ulceration, Salt Rheum. This taint (hereditary and acquired), filling life w ith untold misery, is, by all usual medical remedies, in curable. RHEUMATISM. [Arthritis], Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Gout, Tic Doloreanx. If there is any disease in which the Constitution Lite Syrup is a sovereign, itisin Rheumatism ami its kindred affections. The most intense pains are almi I't nsuntly alleviated—enormous swellings arc reduced. Cases, chronic or vicarious, of twenty or forty years’ standing, have been cured by us CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Purges the system entirely from all the evil effects o Mercury, removing the bad Breath, and curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use oi Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gums, and secures the Teeth u firmly asever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases ol the Skin, like Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, and all other difficulties of .his kind, which so much disfigure the outward appearance of both mal<$ and females, ofieu making them a disgusting object to themselves and their friends FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue, Spine, Forehead, ■ Scalp, no remedy has ever proved its equal. Moth Patches upon the female face, depending upon diseased action of the Liver, are very unpleasani to the yonng wife and mother. A few botl les of Consti tution Life Syrup will correct thesecretiou and remove the deposit, which is directly under the skin. Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Languor. Dizzi ness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or an ulcerated or caucerous condition of that organ, accompanied with burning or other unpleasant symptoms, will be re lieved by the use of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. As a General Blood-Purifying Agent, the Life Syrup stands unrivalled by any preparation in the world. THE RICH AND POOR Are liable to the same diseases. Nature snd science have made the Constitution Life Syrup fbr the benefit of all. PURE BLOOD IToduces healthy men and women; and if the consti tution is neglected in youth, disease and early death is the result. Do not delay when the means are so near hand, and within the reach of all CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP the poor-man’s friend, and the rich man's lib using. WILLIAM H. GREGG, M. D„ Sole Proprietor, New York. MORGAN & ALLEN. Wholesale Druggists, Agents. n22-3m 40 Cliff street. New York. J. SHAFFER, Commlawlon Doalor In all kinds of FOREIGN AND D< JMBST1C FRUITS Aim PRODUCE, Wssr Washington Mask it. Opposite 143 West sL, Bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey stsi, NEW YORK. Potatoes, Apples snd Onions constantly on hand, snd put np for the Sonthern market Ail consignments promptly attenked to. , Refers to A. L. Bradley, A Haywood, T. J. Walsh, and J. H Parsons, l» 1 * endlv Millinery Goods. LEVETT & HAWORTH, ILLINERY ‘ AT 11® Bryan Ni Branch of 2£S Arch airest, ao-iw* srn> Which fold up complete fur transporting. The inu-o coinlurlHble bed lor a warm climate; good uphol stered mid best hilir tops. M. P. KITTLE, lnlM street. New York. Every hing to complete i nd furnish a bed. The place tie buy is where the thing is made. fS-2iu Jamzs Yomoe. Important to Shippers! Great Reduction, in Freights •BY— ERWIN &, HAUDEE’M of fast, iron, fight-draft, stile-wheel Steamers, between SAVANNAH AND MACON, Via Hawkinsvilleand Brunswick It R., touching reg ulsrty at Doctortown and running in counterion with the Atlantic A Gull Railroad. LINE The following steamers being of exceedingly' light draft, and having ample and complete accommoda tion for freight and passengers, will ~ follows: legal HARDKK. Capt. R Johnson: TWO ROYS. Oftpt. Thomas Daniels, having elegant accommodations for freight and passengers, will ply regularly as abme, leaving Savannah ever. Thursday morning at 9 o’clock; Huwkiusville every Thursday morning at 9 o’clock. It Is the desire of the Agents of this line to make a permanent connection between Macon and Savannah and the landings/5n ihe Altaiuuha and Ocmulgee rivere, and with this object in view they ask the sup port of the merchants of Savannah and Macon, and the merchants and planters along the line of the above named rivers. INSURANCE EFFECTED AT THE VERY LOWEST RATES. Freight received at all times at our warehouse, foot of East Broad street. W. B. DAVIDSON, I B. A. WILCOX. Agent at Augusta | Agent at Macon. Jl) 2m SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA, And Intermediate Landings, connecting at Latter Point with the Georgia Railroad and Potato be yond. I ply regularly as Iron steamer WILLIAM G. GIBBONS, every Sat urday. Iron steamer AMAZON, every ten days. Wooden steamer LAURA, every Wedreeday. Onr Captains and Pilots are the oldest and moat experienced on the river, and no effort will be spared to meet the wants of the travelling and freighting public " “ ERWIN A HARDEE, Agents at Savannah. Commission Merchants. LAURANT. WAYNE & SWEAT. AUCTION. General Commission Forwarding Merchants, Bay st. between Whitaker and Barnard. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. S TRICT attention will be given to the purchase atid sale of General Merchandise, Cotton, Tim ber, Lumber, Real Estate, Stocks Bonds, Ac. * G LaURANT, H A WAYNE, 111-tf H4ML.I1 SWEAT, Commission Merchants. G. B. & G. W. LAMAR, General Commission Merc & ants. Forwarding and Shipping Agents, NO. 9A BAYbTKEEi', (upstairs.) Refer to Geo W. Anderson, Jno U. FerrelandG. B. Lamar, Savannah; W. E Jackson. Josiah Sibley & Sous, J. B. A J. W. Walker, Augusta. ' Consignments solicited. 6m-nov2 I. P. Podsk. W. A. Ba. ,nt. Bouse & Bryant, (Formerly of Jacksonville. Florida.) Forwarding and Commission Merchants 104 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, .... GEORGIA, W ILL give prompt attention to receiving and for warding goods sales oil consignment, and all orders. And wll aL-o keep • onst-iutly on hand a good stock •>• i.roceries, l.i.|iiors. Agricultural imple ments, 1.milling Materials. Faiibinks A (ki.’sScuk-N Ac., besides oi her golds and manuractured articles ,lor ale ell consignment and lor wh ch they are agent.. Oiders ano consignments iesp,c-fiiMv -idle* u27-::in Hznnv Yonoe. From Georgia. HEART YOiVliE & < 0., (Gjcncral Commission ifftcrtlffS; No. 11 BROAD STREET, New York, SOLICIT consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Sawed Lumber and Timber. Particular attention given to tho purchase of Rail road Supplies. ■KFEBINOrS: Hon. J. P King, President Geoigia Railroad, Augusta. William M. Wadloy. President Central Ruiltoid, Savannah. Ferdinand Phiuizy K P Cl yt, n, Augusta. Charles I lay, T. it. Bloom. Macon, lluuti r Acumrnell, .Savannah. J13 tf Ai.fkzi> R. Brenrrr, I v . Ias. C. Van Pelt, f NewYork CriAB. H. BrNNirr Kaluigh, N. C. Bennett, Van Pelt & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THK BALK of CCTTON TOBACCO, NAVAL STORES, ETC., SUIO, FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF STATE AND OU1ER STOCKS, 23 Whitehall St., New York. We have associated witli us Mr. D. W. Curtis, late Public Treasurer for North Carolina. n9-6m KENT’S EAST INDIA COFFEE A EQUAL TO JAVA! HALF THE PRICE! i gyKi GOES TWICE AS FAR 1 * Rernmucmlrd and Used by All I CLERGYMEN, PHYSICIANS and Professional Men, as the cheapest, healthiest and best beverage in the world! FOR SALK BY ALL GROCERS NORTH AND SnUTH Tne bout he- n trade, 'o which it is specially adapt, ed, supplied thiough life New York city Wholesale Grocers, or direct Irom the Manufactory. sril54!^@ NEW Y OR K. RICHARD DAVIES, Proprietor. *nd General Wholesale Denier in Teas and Coffees, Put up in ONE PoUND PAPERS, in boxes uf 36 and GO pounds. - dlfl-3m NORTH RIVER AGRICULTURAL WORKS, GRIFFING & CO., Proprietors Warehouses. 58 & 69 CortlaMt Street, NEW YORK. MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN - Plows. Burrows, Cultivators, Cotton Sweeps, Hay Presses, Co'toil Presses, I Icier Presses, Gruiu Cradles, Chnrns, Ox Boas, Ox Y'okes. Well Bm kets Sugar Mills, Corn Mills, Cider Mills, Fan Mills, Saw Mills. Corn Shelters, Store Ti ucks Wheelbarrows Sugar Puns, Shovels Spade , Hues Forks Rakes Scyibes. Hay Cutters, Sausage Cutter Vegetable Cutt Hand Curts, Mule Carts Ox Carta, Farm Wagons Horse Powers, Thi-eshing Mach's Cotton Gins, Mowers A Heap’s Ac., Ac. (■anlt’ii, Field and flower Seeds. Hoyt’s Hnpor-Phosrhate of Lime, Bone Manure, Pon drette, Plaster, Ac. Sole agents for Glasgow Fertilizer Co.’s Phnsphatk and Ammoinated Guano, and Suiier-Phosphatc ol Lime, and Bruce’s Concentrated Manure. Trade supplied. Order direct from ORIFFING A CO.. n23-3m 68 and 00 Conrtlandt st.. New York. CONSTITUTION WATER Is without doubt, the only known remedy lor DIABETES, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRICK DU8T DEPOSITS, IRRITATION OF THE NECK or THK BLADDER, INFAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, Aim AIL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES. Certificates of cures from well-known persons from ail parts of the country in circular, will be rent on ad dressing MORGAN A ALLEN, Ag’ts, 12-Sm No. 46 Cliff st. New York. Bkmky L. Jk» rrr. Jam,s I. Suroxs Jewett knitter, WHOLESALE COMMISSION Mi Ri HaNTS AND (.KnKKaL AGE ST.’S Serond Street, Aliseon, Georgia, (Between Cherry and 1’oplar.) Prompt personal attention given to all consign menus oi cotton, proouco, manuiacinres and other arrii les of merchandise. Orders and ronsIgnuiCHts solicited irom all p irt> orthe conniry. Best attention gi.-en U> orders ior puicl,using lotion. Agents for several first class Insurance Companies. JOHN L. VILLALONGA, COiTOX FACTOR, FOUWARD1AG. ANO COMMISSION HIGH- CHANT'. No. 94 Ray Street, SAVANNAH, GA. A. llCTFNNIIOFKIt, Ol Savannah, Ga. John M. W. Hill, cl Jailers .a Co., Pis. A. DUTENHOFER & CO., Shipping, Forwarding, AND COMMISSION MEKCHiiiVrS, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Prompt attention gicen to the purchase^ sale and shipment of cotton, lumber and country pro duce generally, consignments solicited, on which liberal adainces will tit made, a rnmaots: Baldwin A iu. Savannah; Hiram Rob erts, Savannah ; J. H. Zellin h Co., Macon, Ga.: Dr. N. L Angler, Lnt. Rev Col., Augusta; James M. Bull, Esq, Atlanta. On ; Wiiha ( httbulxn, Atlanta, Ga. : C. L Robins >n, Jacksonville, Flu.; F. piblile. Jark- soiiville. Fin ; • oi. W. L. Ball- y .Jeffers.>n coauty, Fla.; D. 11. Baldwin A Co., New Yo-k; Boardeu A Co, New York. Maireii Mitchell, Esq.. Louisville, Kentucky. jll Jas.T. Paterson, TIMBER, Lumber & Commission c “™“ C18a ““' a MERCHANT, No. 9 STODDARD’S LOWER RANGE. Bay Street, gavauab, AHD Darien, Georgia. E. H. VAN NESS & CO., GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS AND Produce Dealers, UNDER THE BLUFF, CORNER ABERCORN ST. Savannah, Ga* Orders from the Country Private, Families, Steamers and Sailing Vessels respectfully solicited. Produce bought and sold on commission. DA bhls Selected Apples 10O bbls Onions HA bbls Potatoes 50 bbls Extra Flonr 60 bbls Nns. 1 and 2 Mackerel 100 tabs Extra Batter 60 boxes Extra Cheese 600 kits Nos 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel 50 lhtlr-bbls Fulton Market Beef 5» bids Extra Family Pork. tf-ni JOHN s. m & CO., Forwarding 1 and Commission MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., NOS. 1 AND 2 8AMMTH’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. zd. e. zaiutia. JOHN C. FERRILL, Banker& Commission Merchant DRAVTOH STREET, SAVARRAH, BA., HAS been engaged in Mercantile and Basking XA Business in this city for upwards of thirty ye*ire; will bay and sell Cotion on commission, also purchase Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and sell M*ht Drafts on New Turk and London. Advances will he made on rhlpment of Cotton tm his friend* in New York. Liverpool and Havre. WU1 give particular attention to the collection of paper, payable in &a- vaLLiab, and remit promptly for same. RKERBS TO Messrs. Duncan, Sherman A Cds Bankers, New York; K. H. L »wrv, Bb,|., President National Bank Republic, New York; G. J. Seney, Bsq., Caahier Me- tr* pul i tan National bank, New York; Kichanl Lath us, Ksq., President Great Western Insurance Company, New York; C. H. Warner, Eeq., Cashier Bank uf Commerce, Boston. flT-lw Dry Goods. EINSTEIN t ECKMAN, Ho. 151 Compress st. Savanoali 6a. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HOUSE, Railroads, office of the Central R a j| r AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH DOMESTIC GOODS. AND H AVING Just received and opened a very large and select, stock of Fancy Drew Goods, Honse- Keeping and Domestic Goods, Blankets, Cloaks and Shawla, Also Hats, Boots ami Shoes. And ail articles nsnally found in a first c ass Dry Goods Honse. we woald m et respectfully invite our former friends and customers; also Merchants and Planters visiting the city, to call and av.tntn. onr stock before purchasing elsewhere. KIN8TE1N A ECKMAN, nov6-tf 151 Congress Street, Savannah, Ga. BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MERINOKS AND ALAPAfiAB Received and for sale cheap by II. HATH, 174 Bronghton street. NEW GOODS. JUST opening. Sew Spring Goods, latest styles; Prints and Ginghams Printed and Plain Jaconets and Lawns Bareges and Grenadlns Silks and Chaliea Housekeeping Goods. Every variety of DRY GOODS adapted to the Trade. Merchants visiting the city are respectfully Invited to call and examine onr stock. EINSTEIN A ECKMAN. fl# 161 Congress street. Cloaks, Cloaks. L ADIES'Cloth Cloaks, a fine assortment, just re ceived by steamer. u23-tf EIN8TFIN A ECKMAN. MW SPRIG DRV GOODS. T HE subscribers have received and are now open lng New Goods, consisting in part of French, English and American Prints Fren h Printed Organuies Organdie Robes, with Shawls Superfine Black Silks, for Dresses and Basques Miiuetl Muslin, for Waists White Goods, in every variety Irish Linens, Table Damasks Huck and Diaper Towels Umbrellas and Parasols Rich Black Silk Basques and 8acki Black Uimpure Laces Linen Sets, Collars and Cuffs Magic Roffell ng Black French Cloths and Cassimeres Sheppard's Plaid, for Traveling Dresses Hosiery, Gloves, Ac. Da WIT A MORGAN, H9-li • ]37 Congress street SHAWLS, SHAWLS. (i-EO. H. ARLEDGE, SHIP CHANDLER, GROCER AN1> Commission and Forwarding Merchant. 72 BAY bTREET. SAVANNAH. .128-ly A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, 92 BAY BTREET, SAVANNAH, GA. RICHARD BRADLEY, Commission 31 er chant, .100 BAY Street, Savannah, Os. will make lilieral advances on consignments of cotton or other merchandise to my friends, Messrs. Williams A Black, of New York. j3l-tf. R. BRADLEY. BLAIR&BICKFORD, LUMBER MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN TIMBER AND LUM BER OF EVERY DESCRIP- „ TION. DOORS, SASH, AVD BLINDS. Mill and Lumber Yard on Canal, near Bryan street Office 180 Bay street, d28-tf S ivannah, ris. J. 0. lUATHEWSOAf, General Commission Merchant AUGUSTA, GA., Offers for account of itentown and other Factories .- QAA BALES YARNS, assorted OUU 150 bales 4-4 Sheetings liO bales 7-8 Shirtings 1.00 bales Osnabnrgs 20ii coils Plow Lines K, % and X inch 20,100 pounds Clean Copp Waste All at very low rates to dealers. flt-6 MITCHEL & SMITHS, General Commission Merchants, THIRD 8TRKBT, Macon, Georgia. Particular attention given to the sale, pnrehhse and shipment of cotton, cotton yarns, IheeUng, shirting and genera! merchandise; also, to receiving and forwarding goods. Erwin a Hardee, Savannah Clsgborn A Cunningham.Bavaanah. J. W. J-athrop, Savannah. Aarou WiJbnr, Savannah. E. B. Long A Go., Augusta. Lloyd G. Bowers, Columbus. V. A. Gaaklll, Atlanta. William Bryce A Co., New York. A. P. Tapiey, Boston. Griffin* a Tobey, Memphis. S. G. Wood. Nashville. Guterie A Co , Louisville, Kentucky JU-2m THOS. H. AUSTIN, Forwarding and Commission Merchant Ho. Off BAY STREET, for STAIRS) Household Furniture. , NOTICE. 10 ILL WANTING FURNITURE I am opening for the inspection of the public, a line stock Of- CABINET FURNITURE CHAIRS, MAT TRESSES, &c., <Sc., To which the attention of alt is invited. . r Wsrerooma, 178 BROUGHTON 8TREET, Sher lock's o d Dry Goods store. fie-tf L. A HARRINGTON. F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FO WARDING MERCHANT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Harris’ Buildings, 2d door west of A Low A Co.’s. Refers to Messrs. Hunter A Gammell, Crane. John- vSa ®i! lr a Tb v. l .. : i BeU 'J!IF ,ny * : Both well A giLisehead; Miller, Thomas A Co.; M. A. Cohen, CIIAS. L. COLBY A CO., Shipping Commission nnd Forwarding MERCHANTS. JOKZS BLOOM, OOKHMk BAT AMD SAVANNAH, QA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCI8 °“ 1 Consignments o the firm of Cus L Oouar. of New York, or to our friends in ltis/ie ■ ItnilSOll; Mewirs Dabney, Morgan A Co.,'New York. Jarirs Slade, Eoq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edmonds, Benton. Gardner, Ksq., Boston. sep 18—0 Saddlery. E. L. NEIDLINGER, THOS. w. brooks MANUFACTURER OP FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, *** Dock Street, PkUnddpkin, Pa. All ORDKR8 sent by Mail promptly at- CORNER OF Barnard and Bronntiton Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, W°S; D p SADDLERY BUSINESS. next door to his former stand, and by strict attention and moderate Prices, hopes to rsceira a liberal slum aUmderafor “° ** prep * r8dto »P promptly HARNESS, BRIDLES, ETC. Mr- d. S. NETDIJJTGKR, will be fbuud with him, and would be glad to see kn friends. " , ' Kt TUSToi « Shaw Caps, Boots and Gaiters. Also. Irish Linens. Table Damask, Linen Towels, Table Napkins and Doyles, and a variety of Fancy Ar ticles too numerous to mention. All of which we offer at very low prices. EINSTEIN A ECKMAN, nov3-tf 161 Congress Street opened a large assortment of Zephyr Worsted vis, Sontags. Cloaks and floods, Children’ Clothing. H. HAYM, 174 Bronghton Street. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the newest styles, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, Ac. Jnat received and for sale at the lowest prices by SAVANNAH Jan„ ** Leave savannah v „ ** Arrive at Savannah... ..'j „ m -’ s mi; j, „ Leave Angxsta # ui ? D1 --»ni| 3 4 Arrive at Augusta ‘ ’' 6.6u n £" *'"> iq L ' Passage $8.«n. P ' i g J J *' foredemnareof tr^iro " K ° r XT' r .~~ -NoticeT^ Charleston 8 c [ jA- P™Periy"be”l^ipn- h !u This r"'" re ®obr.r q, utmost extent of the law. Pouted J2 odlm ^neerane^ Miscellaneous, A li persons baring Edward G. Wilson, deceaoed ,,lr’h requested to thentlcated; and all persona indebtedro Pr, .’ Wr| u ! are requested to make immediate paTm cn u, nl4 ANAIS WlLao^ —— ^ Ale and Porter^ Direct Importation. 100 ^^h® 388 ’ ceh,brated p,,le Ale - • ml>°xe*Gninne«’ Ixmdon Porter, ^ For sale in lots to suit pnrchnnere. W A liberal deduction made to the trail* fi2-eod9w CLAQH0KN 4 crasama KIDE. W E have now on hand a few Open Buzina M Rockaways, light ami neat. ttarness, which we will sell unusually law.’ BOUSE A BRYANT, _194 Baj sires. J25-tf RUBBER BEK STEAM PACKING, ENGINE HOSE, RUBBER CLOTH Kg ROOFING SLATES, BOOTS, CLOTHES WRINGERS, it For sale by UURLBERT, HOLDEN ft CO., Cor. Bay and Aberconi su. J26-im To Mechanics. P ROPOSALS will be received for the repair of lb framework between Hutchinson an.i Hu blush Application* must be addressed to the underaivnel Chairman Dock and Wharf Committee. J15 JOHN WILLIAMSON. HAIR, HAIR. A O 1 OD lot. and other mat* rials for Inilding pc poses. -For sale by BOUSE A BRYANT. d28-tf iw Bay street- Onions & Turnips. C A BARRELS ONIONS, JU 40 BARRELS TURNIPS. Landing from bark Laconia, and for sale low by ns l. j. guilmaktin a ca Notice. OCtU H. HAYM. ALEXANDRE KID GLOVES LSO, a fine assortment of Silk, Wool and Back rontlets. Just opened at EINSTEIN A BUSMAN, 161 Congress street J. W. STEELE, (Late Steele A Burbank,) 11 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, So. Ca. And comer King and George Sts., Charleston, C ALLS the attention of Wholesale and Retail Par- ’ chasers to his superior stock of Military and Naval Clothing, AMD Furnishing goods, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry and Plated Ware, Swords, Sashes, belis. Embroideries, Boots, Caps, Field Glasses, Gauntlets, Gloves, Ae„ Ac. j* —Mil Restaurants. .. - SURE CURE FOR THE CHILLS AND FEVER .AND KINDRED DISEASES at the MORNING STAR SALOON, cor ner Bay street Lane and Ball street. Positive cure in one day or no pay. d9-tf RAILROAD HOUSE, ZUUSTA.imA.NT. BAR-ROOM AND BARBER SHOP ON BRYAN ST., JOHNSON SQUARE MATILDA TAYLOR D ESPECTFULLY informs the public that the above 1.1> establishment la now prepared to famish Oys ters, Fish, Gums, Ac., at aU boors. Dinners*, Sappers will be furnished at the shortest notice, and sent to any part of tbs city. Wines of all kinds, and of the very best, always nn hand. in addition, four Dining Booms has been fitted ap In the neatest style for tM accommodation o# Ladles and Gentlemen. Excellent Cooks and accommodating Walters in attendance. Attached to the Bestaorant is extra Diring, Sitting and Be£*Koomi. A Barber Shop, with competent Bubers, is also connected with the Honse. All customers will have their private caps with their names on. Transient Boarders and Travelers will find it to to their advantage to call The patronage of the public Is solicited. ABRAM BBASUT. -tf Superintendent. THE MORNING STAR SALOON. W H: ZIMMERMAN haring publicly forbidden . any Demon’s purchasing the •• Morning Star Saloon, ” I wish to annoonoe that he never was any other than * silent-partner with me, sad that the Saloon Is not for isle. aw H. TOW. J A. GRUBB is authorizi-d to solicit advfdiig • and collect monies for the Tri-Weekly FUifi- IDA SENTINEL.. He can be fo-.-nd at 181 Bay dna „ W. A. 8HOBER. fl6-lw Editor and Proiirieia. Whiskey, Segars, Corn Seed Rice. Off BARREL* Pike’s Magnolia Whiskey ** ** U’.uoo Havana i-eg are 600 hnshels Prune Yellow Corn 1,6110 bushels Selected Seed Rice Jnst received and for sale by f!6*lw PHILLIPS A MTBH3. INDIGO. j CASE, 10 boxes, a superior quality In store and for sale by 19 CHARLES L. COLBY A CO. Raffle. A FINE STALLION, six years old the 16th of Uff next. His dam. Eclipse and Marombinu. siie to the celebrated mare Fashion, and sired by Bha Cloud. „ . List* can be found at the billiard room in Muoiw Hall, at Onr House, and at Walter O’Meais'f blbiff saloon over the Expi ess Office. Jib- 11 STEINWAY & SONS' CELEBRATED GRAND AND SQUAR* PIANOS, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. W E are sold Agents for them in the State of &or- ria AU Instrnroei to warranted and av» New Tork Factory prices. „ , „,. e JOHN C. SCHREINER A W* |27-tf Savannah, Augusta snd T Notice. f|1HE steamer Leo is discharging » tLam ‘‘C? A. Consignees wUi attend to receipt "f S 00 ^,, Consignees are lurther notified tnat ihe goow in store, landed from Virgo and Leo, »U1 be rewj delivery first clear day. .-..t f*0 OCTAVUS COHEN. Ag^ Notice. TO DESTITUTE WIDOWS, 0BPHAI® AND DISABLED SOLDIERS, RE 51 '. DENT IN CHATHAM COUNTY a LL the above persons, a* also all wW°»J e # | A. phans and disabled soldiers, who s ^pod part to support themselves, are rrquireu ^ their names to Hon. John Williamson, a ^ Honse, between 10 o’clock a. m. and - o'- ^ every ciay until Wednesday, 2sih lust, tna obtain the benefit of any appropriation an iief by the present Legislature. Certificates signed by citizens well known Court must be produced. Ry order of the Interior Conrt.^ B(JLL0CH , & feb20-S. ‘ Clerk tej^ to tW Mackerel- k n/V\ KITS No. 1 MACKEREL * W Landing per schooner HUott snd » o CHARLES L. COLBT*^. ssleW On ConsingDa ent * 66 bbls Yellow Onions 16 bbls Apples 6 bbls Figs 3 bbls Cranberries 10 half bbls Cranberries 28 half boxes Raisins 1 box Tomatoes lo kegs Batter. Jart sntmd snd for •^% BBMiae nS * ^