Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 28, 1866, Image 2

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The Savannah DaHy Herald. by s. w. mason. KAMCEL AV. MASOK KUltor, TV. T. THOfliff*SO#l,. Editor. Official Paper of the City. * LA»GE$T« IRC81AT10I IN THE CITY AMCOMTt WEDNESDAY FEBRl'ARV M, 1806. IMfi.CBJCK OF THE NEW ESGLASO STATES IN THE V. S. SENATE. The freedom witli which amendments of the Constitution have been proposed by the dominant party in Congress with a view to adapt that instrument to their peculiar po litical views aDd interests is likely to lead to . other important alterations of the organic law, which will neither be acceptable nor ms advantageous to that party. There has been for some time past, in the western or even in the middle States, a growiug jealousy of the preponderating influence existed on the legis lation of the country by the New England States, owing to the inequalities of Senatorial Representation under the present constitu tional rule of appointment. This inequality of political power in the Congress of the United States, can only be remedied by an amendment of the Constitution, aDd since a disposition has been shown by Eastern Sena tors to ‘ reconstruct” that instrument to suit themselves, Senators from the Western and Middle States seem to be disposed to avail themselves of the opportunity to correct the injustice of which they complain. In ;ne Senate on Wednesday last the “Representation Constitutional Amend ment ” being under consideration, Mr. Buck- al-w, democratic Senator from Pennsylva- nip., addressed the Senate on the general sub ject of representation in Congress under the following heads: BYTElE6RAfH~ FROM MIL.LEDGEVII.LE. Legislative Proceedings. * MiLT.EDGKvnxE, Feb. 37.—The Senate to-day passed by two majority the bUl to adjuit the equities between the bill holders and Insolvent banka. The bill pro- videa for the distritwttton of aaseta among the credi tors, and prescribes the manner of prosecuting suits against stockholders. It does not relieve stockholders from tbeir personal liability. Both Houses have agreed to adjourn on the 13th of next month. The House has postponed indefinitely the Senate Homestead bill ti» Senatorial representation of the Eastern States; st-end, the admission of Senator* and Bepre- Bentat.vas rr om (he South; third, the proposed aroead- Tva,-: to the constitution limiting representation in tbe House ior the future. The six States of the East, commonly railed the New England States, have twelve fv. n.ito-s for a total population of 3.135,283, showing a utLi o r r...i»brr of 218,173 to each Senator. The en Central and Western States represented in Cony- - during the war. beginning with New York zr. t ending with Oregon, have a population of 19,255,- 129. Dir; ting this total by thlrty-Rix the numbers of their Senators will show a ratio of 534,970. The popu lation r ' the Haver. Southern States now unrepresented isvj.C"!, showing a Senatorial ratio of 897,892, and adding ths population of all the sates together, ex- eept Neva5n, and dividing the total by the whole num ber of i'ic-ir Senators, will show a ratio for the whole cen-’-r.- of 441,972. The New England Sates fall short of this’l8'J,929, consequently her deficiency of popu- Isticn for her twelve Senators amounts to the enor- m - -> extent cf 2,30#,381. The cose will stand thus ■e i hal! the States represented; but st present the define.;..' is greater. ‘'Taking the calculation for tho Brute? trtnsHy represented In the Senate, thtt deficiency of the Eaeierh population at this timo is 2,463,324; tliat is, the East has representation in thh Senate for near ly :tvc ?rd a halt millions of persona who are actual ly located in the Central and Western States. Such is the inequality or departure from an equal appor tionment, as shown by the figures derived from the o6B-rus - I860. The power and influcuco of the East arising our representation, is shown, in the se lection cf presiding officers in the Senate in caucuses of ti.3 majority and in the construction of committees. While the East contains hut one-seventh of the popu lation of States represented in the Senate she has the chairmanship oi nine committees out of twenty-six, or cnc-third of the whole number. In the last Con gress she had fourteen chairmen out of twenty-eight, or one-ha if of the whole, including znoet of the lead ing ones. Ey e resolution of the Senate a quorum for transacting buoiness is declared to be a majority of members admitted to seats. The quorum, therefore, is cow only twenty-six, and a majority of tho quorum competent to entails'law Is barely fourteen, so that it is p issible that two votes added to the New England vc;e n>- -sqct a statute for the whole people of the Uaitc-d States. The fishing bounties have been kept in existence by the eaatem vote, and several measures of favor to that section during the war were secured by taajwIUtolptMOtt. riThe details of the IsrifT and the t<± lawV taMyy^pllMtpoliticsl and financial policy of the govsiSij|BjftjMMpeen shaped by the East. The iumgfljps-,t&flj|s’MjrBt.presentation and undue in- ffiiencebT rispHMM;—first, the admission of the SecVtore States, for by increasing the In the Senate the existing equality •- ill sink In relative importance. In the sec ond remedy will be an amendment of the Constitution readjusting Senatorial representation upon a more just basis. Let It be provided that States containing lc?3 tiisr. million inhabitants shall have one Sena tor ; States with more than ono million and less than three millions of inhabitants to Senators, and States »ith m^r;- than three millions of inhabitants three Senators. This arrangement would mate representa tion in the Senate more equal and satisfactory, while the State basis, which is one of the best features of cur constitutional system, will be retained. ARRIVAL FROM EUROPE. Tlxe French Troops In Mexico. FOREIGN MARKETS. New Yobk, Fob. 27.—The steamship Herman, from Liverpool on tAe 14th, has arrived. In the French Senate M. Forley laid that the return of the French troops from Mexico could not take place as soon as desired in France. M. Roulier apid, in behalf of tha Government, that these were only foreign opinions; the views of the Government were embodied in the address from tha throne. 4 The Liverpool cotton market was easy, quotations being barely maintained. Console 87 to 87K. U. S. 5-29'a 67 to 67>4. CONVERSATION WITH PRESIDENT JOHNSON. The Central Idea of his Policy. Hall’s Vegetable Ri< Has proved Iteeif to be thftjnoat for (he hair ever oflered to Ihgpubl Jt Is a vegetable compound, and oontafawStT tajSri-" one prepertieB whatever. it wiL^RttiOMfcttSV hair Torreoi INAL COLOR. . . . < It will keep thelAalr from falling out. J ‘ - It Cleanses the scalp and make* the hair soft, me. trous and silken. , .» It ie a splendid hair dressing,’ <. ; Vj '1 NO person, old or young; should fail to nee it IT IS RECOMMENDED AND JHKST MEDICAL AUTHORITY ’ ^IjTA'k for Fall’s Vegeta and Like no other. * B. P. HALL « CO., „ 1 v'-'1, a Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. For sale by all druggist*. BARNES, WARD A CO., New Orleans, La., 111 Southern Wholesale Agents. j. BVTHE Vegetable Sicilian Ha 1 Renewer, DIED. T7“ DOE.—On Tuesday, February 27th, I860, Mrs. Jaue Doe, wife of Mr. Jacob S. Doe. The friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. J. F Doe an,i Mr. and Mrs. Levi 8. Russell and family, are re- spec! fully Invited to attend Hie funeral. on Wednesday Morning at lo o’clock, from her.late residence, No 16 Barnard street. * ’ WasaisoroK, February 27.—Ex-Gov, Cox of Ohio, has written a letter detailing a conversation wittuthe President, in which he said that his poll ay had simply aimed at the earliest possible restoration of peace on the basis of loyalty. No Congressional having been adopted when he entered office he was forced to adopt a policy of his own. One central idea controlled Jdm on the whole matter, and that was, ftu the proper system of pacification should be one to stimulate everywhere the loyalty of the people of the South themselves and make it the spring of loyal conduct and proper legislation, rattier ‘than to impose upon them laws and conditions by the direct application of external force. New Advertisements. Georgia Chapter, Ho. 3, R. A. n. A Regular Meeting’or this Chapter will be held at Masonic nail This (Wednes day) Evening, at 7)< o’clock. Transient companions are cordially Invited to at tend. By order of ~ R. *. TURNER, H. P. Estiij., Sec. fra New York Weekly Magazine.—This popular magazine is for gate by Cooper, 01- co’ts & Farrelly, Estill & Brother, B. Mallon, and Wtn. Raokin.- It confiiata of 48 pages, making 3,228 pages per year. It only costs ten cents per week, and the number for February 24tb, the contents of which are ad vertised in another column, has a very at tractive table of contents. The Veto la the Senate. Who Washington correspondent of a Western paper says, when the private Secretary of the President ap peared in tho .Senate and a message from the Execu’ five was announced, there was a general scene of ex citement on the door and in the galleries. Several Senators glanced at the message as soon as the seal was urokeu, and the newB of the veto Bpread rapidly all over tho capifa. There was a general exodus of tile members of Uie House to the Senate to hear the reviing of the message. The most profound silence io i jwcd during the reading, but the echo of the clerk's voice had hardly ceased before a perfect storm-of ap- plaise burst furiously from the crowded galleries above, which subsided under tho vehemence of the President’s gavel, and an order-was immediately le aned to the borqi-ant-at-AruiB to'clear the galleries, for tui<, demonstration had been theBecond offence during th? afternoon. Senator Sherman appealed, but un- B ic--' SpTu'3y,-»., tbecuairtooverlook the indiscretion o:\»h« gtSteries. The galleries wore cleared of every, be d’, buTth.o reporter*, when a spicy discussion en sued >i|)on the question, “Should tho Sensto adhere to its vuiq V*Upg tho bill?” between Senators Lane, Da vis aid. TjfciibiiU, the latter gentleman exhibiting rau.'h fe-lmg over the loss of his favorite measure, re in diking in a sarcastic manner that the President either Led,not taken the time to read and study the bud or had not intelligence enough to understand It. It is tiled That during this discussion several Con- grossmed were receiving telegraphic despatches, in- fuikiiu 0 them thst tho ’’Copperheado" at their homes Were tiring guns in honor of the President’s veto, v.'h; :b, of comnt, Increased the exasperation of tho mercurial little H-nator frutot Illinois, Trie New York Press on President John- lan'i Speech. The veto and the speech of President Johnson are cordially endorsed by the Times, Herald, News. World rnd.Evenlng Tost, while they are denounced in aim at indecent terms by the Tribune. The Times sv-s of the speech:,' Lt •• That great effort of wisdom and patriotism will se cure for him the g-auiudc of his own country and the apprr—bon of the world. When this wonderful speech has been attentively read and digested by tlic Amer-ccu people, President Johnson wiil be as firmly cs—oiished in their confidence and affections as the meet popular of his predecessors. •• Their, is not a point touched !n the speech that docs not And response in Union-loving hoarts. Its re buts of traitors and -demagogues Is alike stern and, deserved.’’ 4 - , Tne Tribune contents Itself with £hc following fling at the Chief Magistrate of the Union, which we will do tha editor the courtesy to suppose was not intended for trans-Atlantic circulation: U "There fs, wo suppoao, no,impropriety in referring in a pubho 'journal, lo-what is in all men’s mouths. The extrroid&aij' spcloh of President Johnson or Thurcd y liaa b en attributed w s weffimess to which It ia univeroilly understood he Is occasionally addict ed. Despatches from jVaehjngton affirm that .the or -ccii was mado under 1 no such influence. His trr.hds, cc-itainly. will i egret to hear that the bent ex- L *- c ?U;d ba on'ored for It can no longer be plead. CoBgreas. Washington. Feb. 96—The Senate to-day discussed the concurrent resolution that no Senator or Repre sentative from any seceded State shall be admitted until Congress shall decide that such State is entitled to representation. Mr. Sherman of Ohio, maintained that the resolu tion could confer no power not already vested In Con gress. In the House, a bill was introduced to continue in- force the act to establish a bureau for froedineu'si. aflairs. Mr. McClury of Missouri, offered a resolution that it be referred to the Cominitte on Reconstruction to enquire or ascertain whether contumacy be clearly manifested by the seceding States; and if so, to en quire into the expediency of levying a contribution on the disloyal inhabitants ef such States to defray tlie extraordinary cxpencea which would be thrown on the national government in keeping up a standing army and protecting the loyal citixenB in their natural and personal rights under the Constitution. The resolution was referred without instructions. The House discussed the joint resolution proposing to amend the Constitution so as to give Congress the power to make laws to secure tothe citizens of each State all the privileges and immunities of the citizens of the several 6tates, and to all persons in the several States equal protection and rights in life, liberty and prop erty. Washington, Feb. 37.—The Senate today considered the concurrent resolution of the House relative to tho admission of tho Southern States. Mr. Dixon of Connecticut mode a speech in defence of th policy of the President and the late acts of tiie administration. Mr. Trumbull of Illinois, favored the bill before tho Senate. The House resumed tha consideration of the constj- tutional amendment granting equal rights to the citi zens of all the. States. Contract forSweepingChimneys CITYrOF FAYANNAli, \ Orrto* Ci.nx or Coo.xou.. Feb. 27, 186G.J Proposals will bo received at. this ofllce for con tracts for sweeping chimneys of the city,-uidl! Wed nesday, March 7lh, 1866. 1. E»8TESNl)m6to.v—Bast of Bull street 2. Wzstxsn Division—West of Bull street. Parties making proposals will state In tholr propo sals tho names of their securities (two to each Ijoad.) JAMES fiTEWARTi f28 td Clerk of Council. NEWENGLANDEDB.' 6 BBLS Prime New England Rum, Just rcccivi fcs-4 Just received and for Bale by, HILTON A RVNDELL. 193 Bay street. EXTRA GREAM CHEESE, “7 T BOXES choke Cream Cheese * 76 boxes state Dairy do Just received and for sale by HILTON A KANDELL. -1 193 B.iy street. 200 f BLSI 7^CH, gliding from steamship Virgo CHARLES L COLBY & CO. OYSTERS. ■ . «*- XJKCEIVED per steamship Virgo, a lot of New" .Aw / York Oysters. T. NUGENT, Jun . Corner Hull and Bryan streets. 3SF otice. A LL persons haring claims against the estate of P. J. Flanucy, late,of Chatham county, de ceased, are hereby notified to present th»m, duly at. tested, within the time pres ribed by law ; and those Inde' led Co said estate are requested to mnke inline diate payment to JOHN FLANN ERY, ft8-2a« 2w Qualified Kx’r. T1HE copartnership heretofore existing tinder the A firm name of Jaeoh Hnrky A Co. is hereby dis solved by mutual ronsent. Lewis Levi is alone au thorized to collect the dehis due the late firm, and is to settle all'claims at present outstanding - Hals to continue the business on uud for his own accouut a’ter this date. JACOB BUOKY. LEWIS LEVI. Savannah, Feb. 28, 1866. f28-3* $25 REWARD GOME rascally fellow, not having the fear of the a law or any regard to my personal aanfort, enter ed my hall on Monday evening, between seven and eight o'clock, and als meted from the hat rack two overcoats. I should liavj respected hia discrimination more had he ( taken some other articles and left me one or my coals. 1 will pay the above reward for the re turn or the coats, or for such liiformaiion as will ploc" in possession of them speedily. f9M A. WILBUR.* Foreigjv and pooBgc^jlR?, WINES, CIGARS, GROCERIES, ALE AND LA«EB, Jot, naan's Unuarf, oi>po4tfp the Pulaski House, Corner St. Juiien and Bryan Sts rFSIligant’a old Paint Stand,*; %3? ‘ Agent fo+ H. Clausen's celebratctf Pbosntx Steam Brewery. New York :■ A. M. Blnalnger A Oork Loadon Dock Ginand OMb Sanee. ! ' 11 ft ' W,e0allISDAY KV *‘ :VIS<i i FEB. 31. * Engagement for three nights only of the ponnlar young Tragedian, Mr.’ Walter JE who will appear in his great character of SOLE AGENTS AND IMftjjffttERS Ch. Fan*e Champagnes FOR THE STATE OFJJEORGIA. au30 EMPORIUM OF FASHION ■|l|RS. K. L. LOUIS respectfully informs the chl- “*• z.'ns of Savannah that she lms opened a.hmncli of M’drro Dcmoi est's Mode of Fasliioas, (if New York, uud is ready to receive orders fur all kinds of work for ladles and children. She also keeps on hand the liilest styles of patterns of every descrip. ■ ion. All kinds of ornnmemul needlework, such as Braiding; Embroidering, Stamping, Fluting, Ac., will he done at short notice. She al-o k eps on hand a handsome assortment of Dress and Cloak Trimmings, ’Embroidery, Silk and Braid, Cottons, Stamped Yolkes and Bands. Call and See (or yourself, at No. 101 CONGRESS STREET, up "airs. . 1 i3/“ Ladies are wanted for sewing and cmbrold- iug. None out good hands need apply. f28-1 ill IVIACHINERY. B RICK-MAKISG MACHINES, B ick Pleases. Tem- ■ peimg Wheels, file Machines, and every de- Planting Potatoes 400 Pink Eyes, per steamship City of For sale, to arrive, by f2Sai BRIGU^M, BALDWIN * CO. scrlptiou Brick. . - -. ry ... tehinery used in the manufacture of FRANKLIN L. CARNEI.L. No. 1844 Geini'intowii Avenue, Puiladelpliia, Pa. Red Onions. BARRELS Prime Red Onions, just received and OtJ for sale low by ’ 1 by BRIGHAM, BALDWIN ft CO. In Smmt President Johnson Endorsed Frauelsco. San Feancisco, February 26.—The duffocrats on Saturday night endorsed ihe Preiident'.^position and have called a meeting to bo held on Tuesday. The Union State Convention Committeo have adopt, ed resolutions stating that they thoy do not perceive any danger of a breach between the President and Congress. The Veto in Baltimore, Baltimore, Feb. 26.—The friends of the Presi dent s policy hold a meeting to-night. The opponents of the President have issued a o»n for a meeting on Thursday night. [SECOND DiSFAtcn.J Baltimore, Feb. 27.—An immense was held Isst night to sustain the President’s policy. Speeches were made by Senators Cowan and Doolittle and others. New York Cotton Market. New York, Feb. 27.—The cotton market shows a declining tendency. Sales today 600 bales at 44c. Naval stores dull. Gold 137. Special Notices. ed m palliation. 1 Ii» another paragraph the editor sayo after the tol- ographlc report of the President's speech was put upon the wires at Washington for transmission to New Ycrk, orders were received for its suppression, and It was cot UR about one o’clock at night that thla'order was rev eked. A Washington correspondent of the Tribune says; ■‘Some of the President’s friends are to-day en deavoring to palliate tho President's performance yes terday ou the ground that he was under the Influ ence of liquor; this,h owever. ia without foundation the President, according tothe accounts given by the most trustworthy witnesses, was entirely sober when he delivered his speech. The apology'la not availa ble Id this instance. ’’ Walein-o the Tioht Bop*.—We understand that Mr. XV’m. O’Neil will to-day walk a tight rope, soma thirty feet long tnd fifty feet high, on the Commons near the jail. He will give two perfoimances, one at two o’clock and tho other at five o'clock. At the latter there will be a collection taken up for some charitable ■ftbject. 1 CIUCUL.AU. J. I have commenced tiie work of establishing a General Agency Business, for the purchase of all ar ticles manufactured or imported into the United States ; (Liquors only excepted.) And with a view to success which depends solely upon the lntfircsts of my patrons. I have made arrangements with manufacturers. In the principal towns and cities North, as well as importers, to have their produc tions anil Imports at first and lowest prices. 1 have secured the services in New York, of a resident gen tleman sf long experience, by which lam placed on a footing with the best Jobbing houses there. Thus placing tny profits alone between tlw manufacturer and importer’s prices, and the cost ej my patron’s goods. 1 think my profit, is much less than the job ber coaid afford to work tor. And as I do not pro pose to keep any goods on band, I wil at all times, bo prepared to Invest luy patron’s money where it can be done to the best advantage, la jLhe cheapest and most desirable articles. My arrangements extend f$>m the jmrchfise or charter of Vessels, to the purchase or sale or every thing from steam engines down to tlte fit ting up of a complete Drug, Shoe, Dry Good's, Hardware or Variety Store, for stocks complete or tor filling up the assortment. I receive for sale or shipment all country produce at Savannah, or tothe careofllunt ft Bro.,Charleston, S C., or Jeffreys ft Bro., Jacksonville, Fla. Uppn the receipt of such produce or railroad receipt for cotton shipped, orders for its probable value will be promptly executed, the goodB brought to the ports of Savannah, Charleston or Jacksonville, free oi freight or insurance, then balances or overplus o iuvolrt* to be paid together with about ten per rent, added to the face of the original Invoice. Any ] inrty examining their Invoice of goods and not being satisfied with the price and quality as well as style, will not be required to take them, and their money ptromptly refunded. Parties wishing their Spring Supplies, bad letter send iu their orders and funds or prodace as early as praetf’caUe. 1 feel 0 onfident that, tosay the'leafit ofny arrange ment, n.y patrons will save their time and the ex pense of going to market I offer sis reference : Hon. B dw. C. Akdkkson, Mayor of the City. Msj. Jj:o. Screvkn, Prest. of A. ft 0 K. R. Col. M'm. M. Wadlky, Prest. of Central B. IL ft Hanking Company. f; Geo. W. Williams ft co., Mertlui||tv* Oh Alston. Jcrrnurs A Bro., Jacksonville,^Fla. * G. W. CABMAN V. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 1st, 1860. TlO-lm. NEW YORK WEEKLY MAGAZINE 48 PAGES 48 PAGES OF POPTLiR LITERATURE, •linking 2,28-1 pages a year, exclusive of covers, For Ten Cents a Week. THE CHEAPEST MAGAZINE EVER PUBLISHED! The No. for Feb. 24, Now Ready FOR SALE BY AU NEWSDEALERS. Tbe contents for this wc«k are,— The Two Valentines. A charming story. , The Colonel's Valentine. . • ; - .v • How the tnUiuku was discovered. The Night Marchers. ft v.ermnn Ta e. The Bjau-Monde and the Demi-Monde of Paris. A most graphic and inter citing sketch.' The Holy of Hurdjvar, Au East Indian skr tch. Matiiffionial Proposals : - f r i flow to make them. ,: Our Widow. A sparkling story. Katie and tin- Dell, A Bohemian gflory.’ Bradbury’s Visitor. A legend of St. Valentine's Eve. Iu Jeopardy. •' ? - i A akcUh fr.,m Dickens. Travels in Venezuela. . Happy Homes, Faces in the Fire, &c., &c. TERMS:—For one year, $4; six months, $2; throe mouths, ftL specimen copies, 10 cents. o. 11. DAIiVKY ft CO., Publishers, No. 7 Heckman St., N. Y. AGKNTS AT SAVANNAH—Cooper, Olrdtts . Farreil.v. Es lii ft Bro , If Mallon and Win. Rankin. Just Received and for Sale on Consignment, JBy KENNKIH McLKLAJic Oo 303 Bay Street: * 10(10 bhls F ns, Snpcrflne Kxtr.t, Choice Extra, and Bakers’ ami Family Flour 10 bhde very choice Clear Bacon Sides 20 Mils Break'au Bucon 6 hhdi Shoulders 26 half hols Family Mass pork ahd Beef Su bids choice Mess Hork ALSO, .9 packages choice Family Batter, m w lot AND ino buvbcle Whit-’ uud 100 bushels Yellow Corn And. of former importations; Hams. Hiifiov, Lard, SihoKod Beef Pickled n»r- r;ug. Pig bhouloere, Beane, ic., *c. f>s a Notice. 1 X '^EITHER Hie masters, owners, or conrignecs will Ax be resuonsible tor dents eniitraeno i.» a. MOLASSES. fiO HH P S Pri “® Moscovado, now landing Irom bv schooner Alice, from Cardenas. K For sale by Kg 3 COMSTOCK ft KINSEY. luonsible far dents cou|rqctud. by the wsof hritlith ship Doogfas Ca.7le, Capt. Laudi-r- ^■ccn, Britlah ship Waverly, Capt. BotiH»r ; WILDER ft FtLLARTON, 3 ' Consignees. EOR SALE, CENTRAL RAILROAD STOCK FORDYCE, ANDEBiON ft JANNEY, fi!8-tf ! ’ No.10 Stoddard’s Range. For Liverpool. The A J. American-ballt British ship ' WAYERLY, CxpL. Bonner, having tbree- y fourtiiaof her casgo engaged-ond now go. »lr,gon* * x ’ For balance ' (i(ns-8 WILDER ft FULIJtRTON. MANILLA ROPE. :T1 ■ .O'Jl ISJ . - - Of Alio A FEW COILS flret quality Manilla Hope, for sale low to dose consignment 178-3 ANDREW LOW ft OO, Empire Line. FOE NEW YORK. Atlantic SJail Nfeniiisliip Company. “PASSAGE RATES: Cabin 130 OO; Steerage $15; Deck $10 OO The new and fast side-wheel steam- ■sa-czSiSwshlp SAN SALVADOR. Atkins, mas- ,ier, wili suil as above, on Satanlny, filaTCh 3, ut 10 o’clock, a. m. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply io ’ B. n. IIARDKiJ, No. 12 Ktoddard’s Range. GARRISON * ALLEN. Agents . KS No. 5 Bowling Green. N Y. AVatahes' J ewelry! Silver and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods. &c. t T HE unflfirni^nci icspoctfnHy calls the attention of tho citizens nnil visitor* from the country lo hif* well sclented oUx k uf ’Ha’chos, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, blocks, I'aucy Goods, Spect teles, Ke- volvcrs and Pistols of the most celebrated Manufac turers. ParrlruUr Dtieution ie paid lo the Repairing of Watches, Jewelry si.d(lo(kH. liavirp none out competent uoikni.i; engaged Huti.-faGlnp in guaran teed. A. HARIG: d«*c2l5-6n» ('or. fironphit'n nml Wbilaki r Mk, geo. i>. rowtr. u M. E. HOY. JiUUU IilOK FOWLE & CO. FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission Merchants. Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NEW YORK.\ oc425 ' Cm SPRING MATTRESSES, DISSOLUTION. ■ T he Firm °f Israel R. SeaJy ft Co. was dissolved J- on the 12th Inst., by the withdrawal of Israel R. Sealy. The business wiil be conducted nntll farther notice, by T. II. Palmer, who Is (Inly authorized to .col lect and settle all business connected therewith:' - ISRAEL H. SEALY, J. P. GILSON, Agent. J15 A. S. BIGELOW. T. J. DUNBAR & CO, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS SEGARS, &C. 147 Bay Street, v SAVANNAH, GA., ff>’EXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) W E invite the attention of. the Trade and the Pub lic generally to our targe and elegant assort ment of ._ Wines, Liquor*, Cordials, Conserves, Se- gsn, ttc.ptle., which is not excelled by any similar establishment in the States. q We arc sole proprietors nf DUNBAR'S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL. Die. repntation of whi h is fuily established in ibis and fixeigu coun tries; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BITTERS, gu.minted superiot to any article of the kind, de signed ' expressly tir hotel and family use: DUN BAR’S SC.IISDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war- raDtcd of tho utmost purity, and put np expressly for our hopsc, of which w-- are sole proprietors and Importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith’s cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE, in cases and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon w HIttKEY and AR RACK BUNCHES, formerly well known throughout tho United States, put np by us in cases for axport and home consumption. T. J. D. A Co. are sole Agents tor A. ft H- W. Cutherwoudv Pore RYE WHISKIES XX andXJCX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex- -jellence. Constantly on hand, a largo and well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy i he' attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. Au assortment of SEGARS of finest grade., manufactured and Imported cxpresslyfor this bouse, which we offer at the very lowest net cash _ AT auction. 8 ^l ®r*W5'TryIIy Sc Christian. TO CLOSE A CONCERN Moloch precisely, the RL T Y BLA8.I Now plying on the Altatnaha n m played originally by him in this country, and re- (.than “her"tongth’ fe ninety^' ^ rentty played forty conreeoUve. nrgbu by EDWIN eigbr^n ,18, l&t, depth rfe ?') Si booth. 1 pn»«x Wr, iTieet toSi*? £*> taioffial 5ite Laura rales A 1, with ImfumnreL 1 ® «5j!S| booth. To conclude with a FAVORITE FARCE. Secure year seats at Schreiners Book Store. 0U Tomorrow (Thursday) Evening. COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO Mr. it. Tomorrow , MENTARY tendered by the citizens of Savannah THEATRE. boiler, . j- rales A 1, with insVjnce V Is by many Inches tha lightest ,^ ■ Utese waters, drawing oiilv ,W2?'“ rtt speed, power, and exceeitine '} •hrks^'lJ GRAND I “X 1 * a, ' a P ts her for the navieauL dra °«H«i?l M. LOUD, waters of Georgia South Carolina*^?, |{? l | 1 be seen Iu this city any time aft" 1 ? nU1 ' 1o «*tM Terms as rolI 0 wa-6nc.haff « r i h l 25 '" h* ^1 days one-fonrth ninety daya *irh ,0flc ’ ro MTi» I policies aud insurance. arl,h approwj 8 A| IftBficas and Managers IUmoid ft Haorexon THURSDAY EV’G, MARCH 1, I860. GRAND Po m p 1 i m o ntary Benefit; . J i —TO— MR. M. M. LOUD, Teruieiftl by hie Frtenax. When will be repeated for, positively, the last time, - the great Historican Drama o The Iron Mask! WALTER BENN Will appear In .his great character of GASTON | . ’(The Man in the Iron Mtfcft.) D'AORIGNB M- M. LOUD | To commence with tbe new Petit Comedy, COOL AS A CUCUMBER t PLUMPER...... M. M. LOUD 157" Tickets for sale at Schrsincr’a book store. 128-2 , - AT PRIVATE sTiT' I BY WVLLT & CHRrsTnv That splendid Farm on the Th„ , Uj ’ only one mile from th.- c»n, „. „ ,1:i,, "rt>o!t # ■ the Bilbo Farm, containing farm has been foi’the la-u f.,, 1 , - berev , 11 1 highest Blate’df cn!Uva?i«m lp “}‘f , '. n I and most elevated site ft, .TlX***' s Sift] There Is a Spring of, w-ite, , ‘ l carj aearTu^l has no superior in tiJVw , .* ! prou,1 *-^vtU I aleaae wblcbex£i rc . s Ule Steamer o. mTprttit A t ■y Bell* Wylly A Christian. ^ 15th March next «t i., . ■ front or Exchan e. will he «,L' “'M “ clr^ l for account of au concerned: ,u " u fnj| THE FTNE STEAMER P tTrrr In complete order and suitable tor ten-, river buslne-s. Ijr 'owage, . .. I THEATRE. Lessees and Managers..ILaymdnd & Hamixtor. M"me GMoni and Slg. Snsini’s 'IRINfi ITALIAN OPERA! Director............MAX. feTRAKOSCII. Mr. STEAKOACII annonnees with mnch pleasure that he has xncceeded in < ng-igiug a complete and efficient ITALIAN OPERA COMPA'Y. embracing the most eminent Artists and. complete Chorus and Orchestra, comprising the best Artlsu from New York, with whom ha will give iu Savannah, for 8JX NIGHTS ONLY. COMMENCING MONDAY, MACCH 5th, Six different O-HAND OPBRAS. A change of Opera each night, which will be given in a style unrivalled by any other management. MONDAY, March 5, Grand Opening Night, when wRl be produced Verdi’s master work, In four acts, XI Trovatore. Mead antes Ghiotii aud Palti Strakosch, Signors Maciforrt and MancnM in the princip .1 roles. Full Chorus and- Orchestra. Musical Director aDd Conduc tor. Sig P Ros-a. TUESDAY, March C, Flotow’s charming Opera, in four acts, MAhTHA. Flntt appe.trancr ofM’ile Pan- line Canissa, Signors Errani, busini and Graff Wednesday. NORMA; Thursday, KK'ANI; Frt- day, FAU8T; Saturday, UN BALLO IN MASCIIERA. PRICES*—Dress Circle and Parquette, $2; Reserved Seats, 60 cents extra ; Private Boxes, containing six persons, S2U; Family Circle, $1 50 ; Gallery, $l. Box office for the sale of Reserved Seals' for single nights^ opens on Friday, March 2d, at io a. in. at 8 feet stroke, 32-iuch cvlimh.r -n , ' u&f*£££ii V* feef ^uadtii ev Hold ; Side-wheel. ’ * fe -t 11 A I.90, On FRIDAY, 2d March mz; af i, , L , SfJ-“ <« •iatfflw I 11SS3NS2r - ww s mw , 14 U. 3. Government Wagons 28 (list, rate Planution Wagons i rnn | order, with covers ‘ n About 200 *eu Transportation ilaraesa. ALSO, Is't Hotsss. Dravs, ,i e. UNDER W RITErFUlT By Bell, Wylly fc Christian. WiUriiHon^ntS^Y.Marehuui,,,^, 8!i bales Upland Colton, damaged on board Flit from port, and sold urnier In-p ction ami i dation of the Port Wardens^ Terms I auction! Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAT. at 11 o’clock, ^ln frout of store, vu, | 30 bb|s Extra Flour, ALSO, Tne usual assortment or Groceries, Llqaors, Nails, Lard, Butter, Candies, 128 Chert* fc P’icea. BRAN DIES, GINS, WINES, CUAMPAGNRK , r * at a ’ m ,' aT and cverv descriDlion and erode .J T.inoor, I 0 J. n d' ai ; y fr om int. a ^ 1 f||“ C ’ aCd cou!lDne and every description and grade «J Foreign Liquors importeii directly by this bouse, and for sale In bond or duty paid, at lowest market rates. d20-tf I 5 p m. Doors open at ~X; Opera commences at 8 KIRLIN, BEO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINGS m LIQUORS, HER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED ft DELIVERED. au!l tf Miscellaneous. FRESH CRACKERS. B ARBELS Sugar, Soda, Boston and Rutter. Landing from steamship Virgn, and for sale by tn-S KANDELL A CO. WE ARE JUST RECEIVING A Fresh Supply of the celebrated • - ■ i t WILDER PATENT IRON POTATOES, POTATOES. By Bell, Wylly ft Christiai. To arrive by steamers Pan Salvador and Cine- For sale in lots to suit pnrclutserH. ^.3 PLANTATION FOR SALE. By Bell, Wylly ft Christian. 1,030 acre* of prime Cotton Lands, situated «. I and a half miles from No. n. Atlantic & Gall Ei, road ; 350 acres under good fi-uce and in nrutesd cultivation ; 3 acres of .Sugar Cane already plaw the remainder of the crop will be planted rate days. Fifteen able bodied freedmen have mkii contract with the proprietor to make the pmw crop for one-fourth, he to supply them with win me Improvements consists of a flue did ing, kitchen, wash house, sugar house, ham. n house and cotnm screw. For further partwla *Pf'Y nt °ur store, or to Hr. S. F. lJnpon. ra it» premises. fivl York, Williams, M.dntire | &- Co. AT PRIVATE SALE. 40 hhds New Sides and Shoulders 100 bbla kiln dried Corn Meal Just received iu prime order. SAFE, SCRANTON, SMITH&GO. Keep conetautly oa hand eboiee old BRANDI KS, . WHISKEY, GIN, WISES, die. AND EVERY VARIETY OF GROCERIES. also, a ; ; ‘ u Hay. Corn, Oats and Bran, strictly *t wholesale to PhpJanPQt Qafp In tho Wnrlfl I I Sufisrvlsing Specia 1 Agent, Treaa.' UepL, iih Jpeu I the trade, aud we flatter ourselves that we can make I Ou It/ III lilG VvUllUi J Agency. fjj.3 1 itto the interest of dealers to patronize us, at the) CUNNINGHAM, PURSE & CO., E BEST SALE OF GOVERNMENT COTTON | York, Williams, Mclntin | Sc Co- will be sold at public auction, at Lamar's esa I Press, on WEDNESDAY, Feb. 28th, I’m at 111 O’clock, A. M.: > I 61 rales Sea Island Cotton. By order ALBERT G. BROWNE. head of Bay, opposite to Jefferson street. 15-1 m Wh'ch fold np complete tor traneportlng.. The most coinforlable bed for n warm rlirnntc: good uphol stered and bett hair to; §. S. 1’. Kl’lTI.E, 150 Chat ham street. New Yolk. EveryhiDg to coirplete end furnish a hcd. The place IQ jmy is o here the thing is made. f8-2m ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 23S BOWERY, NEW YORK, ]4f ANUFACniRBRS.atid Dealers in Builders’ and ivl Locksmiths'Uardu are. Nails. 1’tillies, Cord, Rim I-ocke atid Kirnhs, ituu iiingos, Brass and Iron Key. and Caktinga Gong Belts, Wire, Silver-Plating, &c. All Orders, large or email, furnished promptly at U 1 per'cent. less Lhau market prices, srpltr Urn PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Denier In Fine Groceries, Boots sad Shoes, Clothing, For eign and Domestic Wines, Liqnors and Segars. A’so, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER. in botlle and iu wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and lish Ales, ftc. Liberal deductions made to tbe trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH, dll-tf and 62 Liberty street, W. Y. Sole Agents tor Georgia. HERRING AND CODFISH. ^^LSO, Mackerel and Salmon.^ For sale by N27-S. RANDELL ft CO.. 8 W. corner Bay aud Barnard rts. COFFEE, TEA ANDJ3UGAR3. A PULL assortment, in stertand for sale by ®7-l RANDELL ft CO. AUCTION. I By Laurant, Wayne & Sweat. [ THIS DAY, 28th Inst., at lo o’clock, In front of slot?. | will he sold; The baleace of Retail Stock, consisting In Hosier, t Boots and Shoes, Fancv Goods, Notions, China Wax [<*e., ftc. ALSO, Dry Goods, Clothings, ! and a large assortment of Jewelry. f? ... , v AUCTION SALE, Challenge to any Gentleman in »y Mendei & Lamtean. Iii'owii's standard Neales. U SED by the United StattB and Foulgn Govern- menu tor more than ■'jujfclXRfi’Y YE riliS. Adapted to any branch of bushicss for foreign or home markets. Warranted accurate and durnble. Sales rooms No. S Barrlay-rt., near Broadway. N. Y. scplff \y R. BROWN. Manufacturer. Latest from Egypt! JENNY’S NEW EXTRACT OF TnE EGYPTIAN LOTUS, a new and exqnislte Perfume for the handkerchle’, (Jloep.-itro and’he ladles of threpresent day firing lliy same perfti i e. THE KGYR'mN LOTUS! TIIE KG' PTIAN LOTUS f 1 THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS?! 1 M •nufactnred by F. A. Pfnny, Brooklyn, New York. 7 f r E. A. LOVEJOY, Agent., 93 Fulton street. CRUTCHES F irstand only premium awurded at the American I Institute Fair, 1865, and 8tate Fair ot Pa, 1865. tor Cratches. Harlmun’s Patent Rla.Uc Rubber Crutcnes i are pronounced by surgeons, and everybody else, to be the very best ever Invented. ‘They uc easy trod con venient, they prevent paralysis.’! the nerves, da away with all the weariness inseparable from the use of all others, and arc iu all respects unrivalled. Send for » circular. Agents wanted everywhere LOVRIOY ft TaYLOR, Sole Manufacturers, No- 476J4 Broadway N - Y - 6m-u23 the State of Georgia. T WILL wager $350 th-it I can produce au amateur l JL Pistol 8hotto shoot tho pistol as follows: Twenty shots at the word, or at deliberate aim; distance is paces; string measureiuMt; at the spot; shoot to rale with a.smooth-bore pistol; tho match or matches if arced ed to, must be shot at mv Gsliery : the plstoi most tie shut with tbe aid of one hand only. This i _ ,. challenge Is left open for two weeks; money ready at Mill be Kid On TUESDAY, April 3d, In front ot w I my Gallery on Bay street, over Our House, where all I Court House, a 111 o'clock .- the prellmiDaries can be arranged. If either of these North half rf Lot No. i Third Tvhine, Rcj®^ matches is seceded to, 4t must come off four daysuf- * ~ ' 1 ter agreed npon. Capt JonN TRAVIS. 100 sacks Oats, slighUy wet 200 do Com, do do 5 bbls Biscuit 5 do Dried Fruit (1 roperies, Dry Goods and Clo'hing. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. By T. J. Walsh. Sundries, QFFERED BY BRYAN, HARTRUWE ft CO.: Hxnu Yomob. Jams Yonox. From Georgia. HENRY YONtiE A €0., general Commission No. 11 BROAD STREET, New York, SOLICIT consignments of Cotton, Naval Storm. Sawed Lumber and Timber. Particular attention given to the purchase of Rail- road Supplies. pun-** u. nan nxrxarnots: Augusta/ 1 P ’ E ' D<f ' rit:,1<leut Gcorfila Railroad, MZCUAKDIbX. 8 boles Dundee Baggirg 3 libls fine old Rye Whiskey 38 hid* assorted Whiskey 7 hhds Bacon Shouide. s I bbls Hams 25 share* Musco srorsrruB. Muscogee Raifroud Stock 40 shares Atlantic ft Gulf Railroad Stock. ; BUTTER AND LARD. mOBS choice Guehen and Natural Leaf Lard. A For sale by 8T*5 . KANDELL ft CO. [AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. CANE MILLS. COTTON GIN8, SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS,. Ward, corner of Congress and Prevtun str. ets; simple Improvements—.tore cuec f’ceert-fs Drayton street and a dwelling on Drayton strew . East half of Lot No. 2 Monterey W.r.l, eehjed jo* ground rent of #21 64 per annnrn. Improvement!-- three-story brlik dwelling on Jones street. re [ through the house and a well of water in thejtre- ALSO, 39 shires Central Railroad Stock S3 shares Southwestern do ■ * shares Atlantic ft Gulf do Sold by leave of the Ordinary of Chslhant OTW a the estate of Mrs. Jane Barnett, deceaMUi ™ division among the heirs. „ Household Furniture. William M. Wadlay, President Central Kallroad, T'HF.iSubscribers, having a large and carefully ne ivannab. __ | ± leewd stock, are prepared to fill orders ai^ short (CONSTITUTION WATER Is, without doubt, tbe ouiy known remedy lor DUBBTES, 1U GftAVSl; _ BRICK DU8T DEPOSITS, . IHRITaSIOJ! Qa THE MB0K; . ’ . or thu BLADDER, INFAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OP TIIE BLADDER, _ ■„ PEMAi^iioSta'pLARntEa ; : i; Ccrtificatafl’of cureirfrtolD wtll-kno^n peraoni from all parts of the country in circular, will bo Fenton ad- dressing MORGAN ft ALLEN, Agts, No. 46 Cliff hL, New York. dli-Sm J, c, * im8 against the estate of lasftd, wall pri 5 p4c. ” deoei U«e .. aud estate wll fl2-2aw-6ff nt (uem. duly attested, yyithin ijit law;; and all persona Indebted to make payment io Wm. Burnt. WM. BURNS. ROBERT McINTIRE, Executors. Ferdinand Pbluicy, R. P Clayton. Ansnsta. Chirle* Day. T. H. Bloom. Msvon. J^ifiter ft uummell. Savannah. J13.U NOTICE. TO ALL WANTING FUHIW I am opening lor tbe inspection of the p®® 1 a fine stock of CABINET FURNITURE, CHAIIW. ^ TRESSES, &c-, &c., To which tbe attention of all l» invited- Warerooms, 178 BROl'GUTON SIRE#’ --AL,. • sgw.»» tv sill uiuvlQ at ~lvll I »WC(Wm8,llflDlWbUU ’*'- - land*/ 0Qr l0Ck * onstota or ^ w** approved J kci^Ojd l)rj Goods Store. ^ B n vR r]XGT0^ . ’ &r' Many new and improved articles, which pnaofibe obtained elsewhere h> the city, and the Bennett, Van Felt & Co., I ^UnuIacmrera/wholesaloanURetad Dealers. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 8<>ot,, 'SmS* rOBTOlAUW MTTM TBBABM, IAVAL SIMM, ETI., 1. • AIM, toll THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF STATE AND OTHER STOCKS, 23 Whitehall St., New York. We haye associated with u* Mr. Du W. Cmra. Irte Pnbile Treasurer for North cTrollna rwtm Th.orqas Dixon, aAVANis^ ;• _;; PACKER AND RE-PACKER OF COTTON, Wool, Hides, Kays, Juks, etc., ‘ X N jW- < 3m St shipplng ordcr ’ at foot of Jeffwwn st. KAWKINS & FAY, (Commiggion Merchant*, MO. 47 PEARh STREET, NEAR PRODUCE EXCHANGE, N. Y. WM. U. RAVTKIKS, J- XOCXTVXLL FAT. -Pwtientar attention | d«M, Whiskies, and Mgam^ia. CfiORCE W. REEKY A *»•' Mamfhc urers and Dealers In —-n WALNUT, CHESTNUT AND PALW CHAMBER FBRN1TUB* Refrigerators. Bureaus. Wardivbes, ^ 1 St » Holmes’ Block, Hoymarket as <36 eod-fim BOSTON— THOS. W. BBOOfi* 1 . MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND GENERA UPHOLSTERY, M*4 Dock Street, PhUkdelpb^^y y. N. a—All ORDERS sent by Man ■edfft ta . Jk^WMITFIEY^* . ..,. iu* Fancber ft -.a, 1»‘ Wardf 'street, - New B CtoteMe »w York, y- *- ,«S eU ’ * Wall street. New York. Lewis L. Jane*, vt Bro -iwAv. 1 w. Ma ou ft Co., Savannah. ’ T ; ft -, [ %HUUNRJBf HMUM *»■ L agin BARKERS AID CLAIM AGESK »S W»tert»t, vnRK. j 61 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW Y oBfL Having special fkdlitles, particnlar given to tha collection of clalir. again- States Govarnment.