Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 01, 1866, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. by s. w. mason^ BY TELE6KAPH. fcAMUKL w. MASON * Editor, AV. T. THOMFSOH, AwoeUto Kdttor. Official Paper of the City. LARQEST CI8CUUTIHI III THE CITY AllB COBjTY THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1866. THE GREAT MEETING IS SEW YORK. The mass meeting al the Cooper Institute, New York, to indorse the recent veto mes sage of President Johnson, was in every res pect a complete success. The crowd was numerous and the proceedings were inmked by demonstrations of enthusiasm and a unanimity of sentiment rarely ever witnessed ou such occasions. It Is stated that the assemblage was composed of the most res pectable classes, and that in all its details it seemed of a higher order than mass meet ings in general. In the presence of the im portant political events transpiring at Wash- ton the agitation of the public mind is al-' most unprecedented. Great causes ate ap parently at work which, it is to be presumed, will speedily produce great results—perhaps the disintegration of a powerful party, or its confirmation and rc-establishment on a firmer foundation, and the construction of a new party out of all the scattered conservative elements in the country. The restoration policy of the President, so fully and cordial ly endorsed by the meeting, furnishes a plat foi m wide enough for all patriotic, constitu tion and law-abiding citizens to assemble upon. Notwithstanding the vigorous efforts of prominent men to change the fundamen tal nature of the government by constitu tional amendments, aud to enact laws in contravention of the constitution without amending it, yet in poiut of current events, are encouraged to hope the spirit of innovation will be checked, and that wisdom, right aud better feeliDg will pervade the national councils. It is unreasonable to suppose that the people of the north as a body desire to oppress the south by the enactment of arbitrary laws i nor wilt they submit to great constitutional cn.aages at the dictation of their leaders.— The misrepresentation that the south is still iu rebellion is too transparent to last. The classes engaged in commercial and industrial pursuits at the north can have no motive to support their leaders iu an unjust aud une qual reconstruction. They are greatly in terested in the prosperity of the south and they know that political tyranny is incom patible with national advancement. It is equally apparent to wise politicians, like Mr. Seward, Mr. Raymond, Gen. Denison and other conservative Republicans who are now sustaining the President that the only hope of keeping this great confederacy together, is by the bond of love and respect and equal Iaw3. The remarks of Mr. Seward, although not as full as we expected to find them, go to show that he is firm aud determined in his attitude of resistance to the political pro gramme of Mr. Stevens. We thiuk there is no question now about bis opinions and his principles, and the only problem relates to his back bone. His friends say that he has as much of it as the President, and that he has been from the first, a steady, unwaver ing, and even enthusiastic supporter of Mr. Johnson’s restoration policy. He recognizes all the southern States as States, a3 equ ;1 and honored members of the Union, and as rightfully entitled to representation in the National Legislature. He says as much in his speech at the Cooper Iusiitute. I r this respect Mr. Seward is a tower of strength in the Cabinet: and it is fair to presume that the President leans upon him, and desires, from him the support which he so much need-i. FROM MR.LEDGEVILLE. MitLEDOETiiXE. Feb. 28.—The Senate to-day re« fused to reconsider the biU for the relief of banks by * vote of thirteen to twenty-five. The House revenue bill wu passed with slight amendments. The House reconsidered and paased the Senate homestead bill with amendments. FROM WASHINGTON. The Early Admission of Tennessee Pro bable. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. Washington, Feb. 28.—The indications are that the Committee on Reconstruction will soon make a report in favor of the admission of the representatives from Tennessee. The House has by a large majority postponed till the second Tuesday of April the consideration of the constitutional amendment giving Congress the power to make all necessary laws to secure to citizens of the several States and U> all persona in the several States equal protection iu the rights of life, liberty and prop erty. The Republicans are disagreed among them selves as to what will be the effect of thiB amendment and therefore postpone this part of the work of the Committee on Reconstruction with little chance of its ultimate success. New York Market!. , New Yoke, Feb. 28.—The cotton market shows a declining tendency. Sales to-day, 900 bales at 4S@44c. G old RICh . SUSTAINS HENRY WARD BEECHER THE VETO. Mr. Beecher recently delivered a lecture in the Academy of Music, at Brooklyn, before a large audience, in reply to the “south vic torious' of Wendell Phillips ; in which he discussed ably and elaborately the great po litical questions of the day. He declared that he had confidence in President Johnson and that he did right in veloiug the bill en larging the powers of the Freedmen’s Bu reau. ne believes that the war for the Union is a succass, that negro emancipation has been fully accomplished, and that the southern States should be readmitted into Congress at once. SpeakiDg of the pro longed exclusion of the States he says “It is weaning the citizens of these States more and more from the national govern ment. For five years they have not thonght of Washington except to curse her. They have not felt the need of it. They have not, felr any blood running throngh them that came from the national heart It is pro posed lo make them live five years more out of the Union. Is that the way to make them love it 1 Is that the way to make them feel their need of the Government ?" It is gratifying sign, when a mao of Mr. Beecher’s abilities and political influence, is heard to delare that the only cement of the Republic concerning such an immense area, is respect and veneration for a free Constitution, and mutual esteem between the two great see tions, and which never will exist if the State are reconstructed on degrading condition and unjust constitutional restrictions. NATIONAL BANKRUPT BILL. It is a remarkable tact that it wu not until the year 1800. ten years after the organization of the Govern ment, that Congress deemed it necessary and expedi ent to exercise the power with which it was clothed to establish a general bankrupt jaw, which it repealed in 1803, and, what is no less worthy of remark, that no attempt was successful to enact another law on the subject until the lapse of forty-one years, in 1841, which was repealed in 1843, and from the same identi cal cause, the abuses to which these acta had led. The necessity for repealing both acta was no less ur gent than the necessity for their enactment. This re mark applies particularly to the act of 1841. The country had jnst emerged from a state almost of gen eral insolvency. The revulsion which had overtaken nearly the whole mercantile body in 1837 had left It with a hopeless burden of debt Debtors and credit ors called on Congress for relief. Still, so prone are our people to rush into speculation and contract debt, that the restraints of the law ol 1841 were found to tc intolerable. There were, however, other oogeot reasons for its repeal. besideB the abuses to which it led. The act of 1841 was too restricted in its scope, as was that of 1800. Not following the act of 1800 in limiting its benefits to merchants and traders, but extending them to all per sons whatsoever residing in any State, District or Ter ritory of the UnitedJStstes, still the benefits of the act were limited to pereona owing debts to the amount of not less than $2,000. Whether it became unpopular from this cause we know not, but, is we have stated. It was repealed, in 1843. The great body of lawyers in the United States (many of whom are members of Congress) in tradi tionary respect for England and her system of mercan tile law, succeeded in the early stage of legislation on this subject, in copying the phraseology or the British statute of bankruptcy, which limited its benefits to merchants and traders. This was sufficient to ensure its repeal. We are sale in predicting that no American Congress will hereafter adopt a statute oi bankruptcy framed in this narrow and exclusive spirit. The present Congress will have Bhunned this error. It provides that any person residing within the juris diction Of the United States owing debts provcable under the act exceeding $500 in amount, can apply by petition to the judge of the judicial district in which he resides, setting forth his inability to pay his debts, annexing a sworn schedule of his debts, their amount and nature, with the names aud residences of tho creditors; annexing also an inventory of all property of every kind in his possession in which he has an interest, and the filing of such petition is to be an act of bankruptcy. The bill which passed the House of Representatives at the last session, and wiU now, it iB believed, pasta belli houses has, besides adopting the distinction between voluntary and involuntary bankruptcy, ami extending the benefits of the set to all persons, pro vided in addition, that all voluntary bankrupts, owing debts exceeding $500 in amount, shall be entitled to those benefits, and that “wages due an operative, clerk or house-servant to an amount not exceeding fifty dol lars, are to have priority over all the other claims of individuals, aud be first paid in full.” The two last mentioned features of the bUl, let, allowing voluntary bankruptcy not exceeding $500, and 2d. allowing operatives, clerks or house servants the ben efits of tho bill for amounts not exceeding $50, will render it popular. The act of 1841 was less technical than that of 1800, as it admiited all persons to its benefits, instead of limiting them to merchants and traders, and was fur ther improved by adopting the distinction between voluntary and involuntary bankruptcy. The present bill is rendered still more acceptable by extending these benefits to “wages due an operative, clerk or house servant, to an amount not exceeding $50, who are to have priority over all the other claims of individ uals and to be first paid in full.” This is the first time that so popular a feature has been incorporated in a bankrupt law. It is not only just in the abstract, but consonant with the spirit of ottr institutions. The principal, if not the only ob jection to it, is the additional quaantiiy of labor it will throw on the courts of the United States. Special Notfces. CIRCULAR. commenced the worlr of establishing a General Agency Business, fbrttle purchase of all ar ticles manufactured or imported into the United States; (Liquors only excepted.) Ahd with a view to success which depends Solely upon the Interests of my patrons. I have made arrangements with manufacturers, it) the principal towns and cities North, as well as importers, to have their produc tions aud importJt at first and lowest prices. 1 hnve secured the services in New York.'of a resident gen tleman or long experience, by which 1 qm placed on a rooting with tho best jobbing houses 'tliere. Thus placing my profits alone between the manufacturer and importer’s prices, aud the cost of my patron’s goods. I think my profit is rifucli less than the job ber could afford to work for. And as I do not pro pose to keep any goods on hand, I will at all times l>e prepared to invest my patron’s money where it can he done to ihe best advantage, in the cheapest and most desirable artirlps. My arrangements extend from the purchase or charter of Vessels, to the purchase or sale of every thing from steam engines down to the fitting up of complete Drug, Shoe, Dry Goods, Hardware or Variety Store, for slocks complete or for filling up the assortment. I receive for sale or shipment all country produce at Savannah, or lothe careofilunt Sc Bro., Charleston, S C., or Jeffreys ft Bro„ Jacksonville. Fla. Upon the receipt of such produce or railroad receipt Tor cotton shipped, orders for its probable value will be promptly executed, the goods brought to ttie ports of Savannah, Charleston or Jacksonville, free of freight or insurance, then balances or overplus o invoices to be paid together witli about ten per rent, added to the face of the original invoice. Any party examining tbeir invoice of goods and not being satisfied with the price aud quulity as well as style, will not be required to take them, and their money promptly refunded. Parties wishing their Spring Supplies, had better send in their orders and funds or produce as early ns practicable. I feel confident that, to say the least of my arrange ments, my patrons will save their time and the ex pense of going to market. I offer as reference : Hon. Kdw. C. Andeuson, Mayor of the City. Maj. Jxo. Screven, Preat. of A, A G R. R. Col. Wu. M. Wadlby, Prest. of Central R. R. Sc Banking Company. Geo. W. Williams a ca, Merchants, Charleston, Jeffreys a Baa, Jacksonville, Fla. * G. W. GARMANY. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 1st, 1836. ns-lm Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renever Has proved itself to be the most perfect preparation for (he hair ever offered to the public. It is a vegetable compound, and contains no injuri ous properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS OHIG INAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the scalp and makes thu hair soft, lus trous and silken. It is asplendid hair dressing. '■ No person, oid or yonng; should fail to use it. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY'. •* Hr*Ask for Fall's Vegetable Sicilian Uai Itenewir, and take no other. R. P. HALL Sc CO., Nashua, N. ir.nTTTpriutors. For sale by ail druggists. BARNES, WARD & CO., n?3-firn New Orleans, La., SouthernWbolitralo Agents. New Advertisements. NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE Of the City of New'York. Capital and Surplus, 0751,653 57 —The committee on the State Constitution, in the Texas State Convention, have reported articles provid ing that there shall hereafter be no slavery or invol untary servitude, except as a punishment for crime in that State; that negroes shall have the right to sue aud be sued, and that in suits between blacks and whites, their testimony shall be received in their own behalf. TRIBUTE OF REIFKCT. Hall op Savannah Typo. Union, No. 38, i February 24, 1866. j An Illinois paper urges tho farmers of that region to cultivate castor beans. Some years ago, when they were worth only one dollar a bushel, it was con- sidrt'id remunerative to cultivate them; but now they bring from five to six dollars per bushel, and must bo r ...,orded os a profitable crop.—.V. Y. Post. Wa have before alluded to the induce ments which the cultivation of the castor bean offers to the planters of our section. It is known to thrive here and in Florida much better than in the West, being a sure crop with very little cultivation or care. Persons desirous of planting ihe bean can obtain the best quality of Wed from Mr. J. W. Gregory of this city, who is also prepared to contract for their crops in advance. As the time is approaching when the seed should be planted, we commend the subject to the at tention of our planting friends. At a regular meeting of this Union, held this even iug, a committee was appointed to prepare a tribute of respect to the memory of our late associate and officer, Mr. WILLIAM G. FLINN. The Committee reported the following Preamble and Resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : Since our last meeting, the inexorable hand of Death to whose decrees we must all bow, has stricken down one of onr oldest and best members. While our good friend and associate, Brother WIIo LIAM G. FLINN, was engaged in his daily duties, tlie summons came to leave his case. He has len it— frame is empty—and we sadly miss the cordial grasp of hand, and the beaming smile wlib which he was wont to greet us. His place Is vacant ia onr Society, but not in our hearts, where we will long cherish the remembrance of his uniform good temper, cheerful and companionable disposition, and the many good qualities which went to make up his character as a good printer and an honest and upright man. . * r As one of the' originators of this Union, and for many yeara one of its tried and trusted officers, onr deceased friend won for himself a place in the affec tions of all who were brought into association with him. A thorough-going Union man, his earnest en deavors were bent to Becure for tlie disciples of the art lo which lie had devoted his life, the place to w hich they were entitled as gentlemen as well as operatives. This Union, as a slight tribute of respect to the memory of one whom they have long loved and re spected, adopt the following resolutions: Resolvea, That in the death of Mr. WILLIAM O. FLINN, this Union mourns the loss of an efficient officer, a good printer and an upright and honorable cirlz -n. Resolve!, That ns a furiher token of respect to his memory, the memiiera or this Union will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolvea. That a copy of the foregoing Preamble and those Resolutions be transmuted by the Secre ts ly, under seal of this Union, to the widow of our deceased brother, and also be sent to the National Typographical Union, of which he was a member, and be published iu the daily papers of this city. A. C. WALSH, Sec’y and Treas. Special Notices. IN GENERAL. —It is considered certain that General Geary wUl receive the nomination for the Governorship of Penn- —The remonstrances of Mr. Nekon, the United States Minister to Chili, with Admiral Pareja, are be- lie-fed to have saved the city of Valparaiso from bom bardment. —The United Ststes monitor iron-clad Monadnock has arrived at Rio Janeiro, where she was critically in spected by the Emperor of Brazil. Her average soeed on her ocean trip was about seven and a half knots. —Tlie Richmond Whig thinks that at least fifty thou sand young men from the southern States have set tled themselves in New York city to seek their for- Corrra Tira protect the toes of children's shoes.— One pair will outwear three without lip*. Sold every where. A CARD. Mr. WM. R. BOYD hM an tattered in my business and will take chugs of my agencies In I u to re. A. WILBUR, 89 Ray-st. I will be happy to see all my old friends and new ones, and am prepared to take Risks in the Bbmpa- nlcs represented by onr Agency on all insurable properly. WM. R. BOYD. 122 Loans ou Rond and Mortgage, being first lien on Real Estate, wortli over 60 per ceut. aliovu the amount loaned $216,000 00 Slocks. Bonds and other securities owned by tlie Company (market value) : 81,817 60 Cash In Batik aud Office 39,036 40 Loans on demand, with collateral. 39,060 00 Premiums due and outstanding 14,703 52 Cash in Agent’s bands la course of trans mission 33,080 39 Interest accrued on Seoul hies 14.nni 1 lhlls Receivable ”,818 55 Other property of Company 8,500 00 New Advertisements. Salomon’s Lodge, No. 1, A. F. M A RegnlarCommnnicalion of this Lodge will A: be held at Masonic Hall This (Thursday) Evening, at Tq o’clock. Members of the iVateuiily iu general are invited to attend. By order of RICHARD T. TURNER, W. If Estill, Secretary. ml FOR CHARLESTON VIA BEAUFORT. THE STEAMER F A. jST N IE CAPTAIN' MoNBLTY, will leave for the above places qp Thursday, March 1st, at 3 p. to. Tills boat Is In very excellent order, Ib commanded by olficurs of expereuce: and has superior state room accommodations for passengers \ While the boat is ou her tripe, freight will be re ceived and stored in fire-proof w.trehoase, free of ex. pense. Way freight paj able op wharf. For freight or passage, "pply to F. M. MYRELL, AgL ml Harris’ buildings, Ray street. _ met. Or to W. Johnson, on wharf. Household Furniture. NOTICE. TO ALL WANTING FURNITURE I am opening for the inspection of the public, a fine stock of CABINET FURNITURE, CHAIRS, MAT TRESSES, &c., &c., To whfch the attention of all is invited. Warerooms, 178 BROUGHTON STREET, Sher lock’s old Dry Goods Store. ftO-tf L. B. HARRINGTON GEORGE W. DERRY & CO., Manufne nrers and Dealers in WALNUT, CHESTNUT AND PAINTED CHAMBER FURNITURE, tiefrirjerators, Bureaus, iVnrCb-obes,<tc., 1 & ii Holmes’ Block, Haymarket Squre 123 cod-3in BOSTON. THOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, 221 Bock Street, Philadelphia, Pa N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mail promptly at- iv31-ti New York Advertisements. "YVatclies .Jewelry ! Silver and Plated Ware, fancy Goods. ftc. T HE undersigned respectfully calls the attention of tile citizens and visitors from ihe country to his well se'e, ted stock of Wa'ches. Jewelry, 8ilver and Plated Wave, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Speeticles, Re volvers and Pistols of the most celebrated Manufac turers. Parrieuiar nltr-nlinn is paid to Ihe Re]miring of Watches, J. welry and ( jinks, lluving none but competent wui km. n engaged FHti-fartion I- guaran tee I. A. HARIG: dec25-f.m (i.-r. Rronchti.-n and Whitaker sts. ueo. i>. ruWLr. WM. E. HOY. nuou zioz FOWLE & CO., Total Assets..": $751,663 57 DIRECTORS. It. W. Bleeckeu, Sec’y. Jusiali Lane, Richard M. tilatchford, Caleb Swan, Thomas W. fide, Daniel B. Fearing, Charles Williams William Whitewright, Cornelius McOoon, Wylliz tilacksluue, E. II. R. Lyman, James W. Otis. Prcs’t. Joshua J. lleiny, Acton Civil!, John Ancliiuclosn, Oliver S. Carter, William Barton, Oliver S. Shepard, James B. Johnston, Sidney Brooks, Ik-Dry Parish, John Bryan, J. Gkiswold, General Agent. THOMAS & SON, Agcnls, Savannah, Ga. WANTED. v ml-2 WHITE Cook, Washer and Iittner. Apply at R. D. WALKER’S, Corner York and Abercora sts. OATS. L ANDING from steamship Herman Livingston, Prime Mixed Oats. For sale from wharf or Prime Mixed Oats. For sale from wharf or et 'rc, in lots to suit purchasers. Apply early. mt-0 BELL, WYLLY * CHRISTIAN. T obacco. 60 BOXES TOBACCO 50 caddies do Received on con-ignment and for sale by ml 3 BRYAN. UAKTR1DGR & CO. X DISSOLUTION. T HE firm of W. H. Wlllberger l Co. Js this day dissolved by mutual con sene ' W. B. WILTilRfiGER J O. BARTELS, The undersigned will carry on the business of tlie Pulaski House in his own nunio and for his own account. ml-3 W. H. WILTI1ERGER. Notice. The Drug Store of W. W. LINCOLN will be kept open, during this month, at night and Sundays. 1 mt-2w FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., I Commission Merchants. Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NEW YORK. octOfi Cm SPRING MATTRESSES, Which fold up complete for transporting. The moat comfortable lied lor a warm climate; good nphol etrred aud best Imir tops. h. I’. KITTLE, 150 Chat ham street. New York. Every hing to complete rnd fnin'rh a bed. Tho place to buy ia where ihe tiling is mad.-. fS 2m ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, M ANUFACTURERS anil Dealers in Builders'anil Locksmiths’ Hardware. Nulla Pullles, Cord. Rim Lucks and Kinfos. Butt llingns, Brass and Iron Keys and Castings, Gong Bells, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac. All orders, large or small, furnished promptly at 10 per cent, less than market prices. srpl9 6m Latest trom Egypt! P ENNY’S N'fiW EXTRACT OF THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS, a new and exquisite Perfume for the handkcrthic’, Cleopatra and the of the present day using Ihe same pcrluiee. TI1E EGYPTIAN LOTUS! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS?! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS?it Manufactured by F. A. Penky. Brooklyn, New Vork. E. A. LOVE JOY, Agent., fi7-tm 93 Fulton street. Amusements. * JEI. <>. J.YU \V a., x Vaotivkat* Foreign, and Domestic.Liquors, WINES, CIGARS, e GROCERIES, ■ ' ' ’ ALE AND LAGER, JoJnison'y Square, opposite the Pulaski Souse, Corner St. Julien and Bryan Sts rFul'.lgant’B old Piirit Stand. BT" Agoni for If Clausen's celebrated Phoenix Steam Brewery New-York; A. M. Binninger * Ou’a London Dock Gin ; and Club Sauce. f! SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA- au30 DISSOLUTION. fTIHE Firm of Israel R. Scaly t Ca was dissolved • on the 12th inst., by tlie withdrawal ol Israel R. Sealy. The business will be conducted until farther notice, by T. II. Palmer, who irrlnly authorized to col lect aud settle allbusinessconnected therewith. ISRAEL K. SEALY, J. P. GILSON, Agent, j!5 A. S. BIGELOW. T. J. DUNBAR & €0., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS'SEGARS. &C. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA.,' (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) W E invite the attention uf the Trade and the Pub lic generally to onr large and elegant assort ment of Wines, Uqaort, Cordials, Canaerres, Be gan, etc., Me., which is not excelled by any similar establishment In We are sole proprietors »f DUNBAR’S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDI AL, lire reputation of whl :h is fully established in this and fo.eign eoan- tries; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BETTERS, guaranted superior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel and family nse: DUN BAR'S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the utmost purity, and put up expressly for our house, of wbich wh are role proprietqrs and importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith’s cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE hi cases and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK BUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United States, put up by as in cases for export" and home consumption. T. J. D. Sc Co. are sole Agents for A. ft H- W. Catherwuod’H Pure RYE WHISKIES, XX and XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large md well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade and connoisrenrs generally. An uss' nment of SEGARS of finest grades, manufactured and imported expressly for this house, which we offer at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINKS, CHAMPAGNES, and every description and grade of Foreign liquors im|>orte i directly by this house, and for sole In bond or duty paid, at lowest market rates. d-20-1 f THEATRE . , ak. Jt. Leesees and Managers. .Messrs. ItaYuoiro ft n.mtma >Uj$l THURSDAY KY»0, 9IARCYI 1,1860. GRAND Complimentary Benefit MR. M. M. LOUD, KnOerta by the Citizens of Savannah, When, by particular request of many patrons will be repeated the thrilling play of The Irdn Mask! GAsTON) afterwards the Man in the Iron Mask), WALTER BENN D’AUBIGNE 4...M. M. LOUD Ll Auction Sales. LWnT DRlFT^Sfl®^ v at auction. Bj Bell, Wylly & Clirtatian. TO CLOSE A CONCERN. a. L 4 u it a Now plylogan the Altamaha aud built in Brooklyn, N. y. In isk i. “""hth. then; her length La fiiueijlouV lOtw^SlS eighteen (18) reel, depth four ,q ^ f <*<, bJ? prtsmre boiler, IT feet long ! The Laura rates A I, with insurance J" ia by many inches lha lightest ii~V? u| JwSr* these waters, drawing only uUm ?, hl GEORGE WREN 'Has kindly volunteered, and wilT appear in one T>f his COinlc Acts. fo commence with the apmsing comedietta of COOL AS A CUCUMBER! PLUMPER M. M. LOUD Secure your seats at Schreiner’s Book Hiore. W To morroW, BENEFIT OF Mr. JOHN T. RAY MOND, when when will be presented The Duel in the Snow! THEATRE. Lessees and Managers....... .Raymond ft Hauaioif 1'me Qtaisni aif Sig. Susiii's GRAND ITALIAN OPERA! Director.... MAX STRAKOSGH. Mr. STRAKOSCU announces with mach pleasure Ihnt lie has succeeded in • ngaging a complete and efficient ITALIAN OPERA COMPANY, embracing the mo9t eminent Artiste and complete Chores and Orchestra, comprising the best Artiste from New York, with whom he will give in Savannah, for SIX NIGHTS ONLY, COMMENCING MONDAY, MARCH 6th, *^ix different GmAND OPSKAS A change of 0|>era each night, which will be given in a style unrivalled by any other management. MONDAY, Marih 6, Grand Opening Night, when will be produced Verdi’s master work, in four acta, XX Trowatore, Mefdamps Ghluni and Patti Strakosch, Signors Macsferri and Maucnsi in the princip .1 roles. Full Chores aBd Orchestra. Musical Director and Conduc tor. big F Rosa. TUESDAY, March 6, Flototv’s charming Opera, in four acta, HAhTilA. First appearance of M’lle Pan- line Canlssa, Signors Errani, basin! and Graff. Wednesday. NORMA; Thursday. KK"-'ANI; Fri day, FAUST; Saturday, UN BALLO IN MA3CHERA. * PRICES,—Dress Circle and Parquette, $2; Reserved Seats, 50 cents extra ; Private Boxes, containing six persons, $2u; Family Circle, $1 50; Gallery, $1. Box office for tile Nile of Reserved Seals for single nights opens on Friday, March 2d, at 10 a. m. at John C. Schreiner ft Sou’s music stoie, and cootinne open daily from 10 a. m. till 5 pm. Doors open at 7>J; Opera commences at 8: O’clock. 128-6 Miscellaneous. EXTRA CREAM CHEESE. BOXES choice Cream Cheese Iff 76 boxes State Dairy do Jnst received and for sale b* HILTON ft RANDELL, 128-4 l»3 Bay street. KIRLIN, BRO. & BURKE WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, VINES AND LIQUORS WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANK. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED ft DELIVERED. anil tf SCRANTON, SMITHS, CO Keep constantly on Jxnnd cboiec old BRANDI KS, WHISKEY, gum, WINES, fte. AND EVERY VARIETY OF GROCERIES. ALSO, nay. Com, Oats and Brati, strictly at wholesale to the trade, and we darter ourselves that we can make It to the Interest or dealers to patronize us, at the head of Bay, opposite to Jeffetson street. f5-lm PIERCE SKEHAiN, Wholesale and Recall Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, For eign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Began. Also, Skelian'a Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER in bottle and in wood. London aud Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. .' 1. . 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, dll-tf and 62 Liberty street, N. Y. FOR SALE. 7(1(1 BALES Prime Eastern Ray / Uu BOO sacks corn By 25,000 feet White Pino Lnmb?r 15 bbl, best Baker*' Flour 750 sacks Black Outs R. BRADLEY, 19< Bay «rreet. CARPENTERS TO repair Trunks on a Rice Plantation -within three 1 miles of the city. IL HABERSHAM ft SONS. For Sale. ^ PAIR of Stern-wheel Engines. Diameter of . length of stroke, 42 inches '; with Wheel and Locomotive Boiler complete, ready to be placed in boat For particnlars, apply to mbevdzw* UNVILLB ft GLEASON. W ANTED BY A LADY, a situation as NURSERY GOVERNESS.' Is ft 'good seamstress; can exceilet “ • - cot and fit well, and is an exceilet housekeeper. Ad dress C. B., at this office, or comer of Jefferson and Maci (enough streets. ral-i’ STAMPING^AUGHT W! -CAMERON, In 'two Mora. B Y V. -CAMERON, In two tabura. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tuught between ^he hoars of J2 N. it! 1 —stamps and Stamping Powder for sale to those In the trade* A choice assortment of an ele gant quality of Braiding and Addras Box SG& CONSTITUTION WATER la, without doubt, the only known remedy lor DIABETES, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, - BRICK DUST DEPOSITS, IRRITATION OF THE NECK or TDK BLADDER, INFAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, ANT> ALL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES. Certificate* of cures from well-known persons from all parts of the country in circular, will be eenton sd- 1 rearing — MORGAN ft ALLEN, Ag’ta, (112-301 No. 46 Cliff st. New York. FLOUR. Ofifl BBLS FLOUR; landing from steamship Virgo C\)U and for sale by f-’S CHARLES L COLBY ft CO. Notice. A IJ. persons having claims against the estate of !’• J. Flanue>y, lai,: of Chatham cotuuy, de ceased, are hereby nnlifi d to present them, duly ni trated, withtn the time i<rrs rlbed liy la« ; and th< ae inde led to said estate are requested to m-fte imme diate payment to JOHN FLANNERY, f*8-*awtw Qnallfled Ext. Notice. . r _^jtars, owners, or coa.igaees will be reapoaWble lor debt* contracted t>y the crawa or urltlsh Ship Douglas Castle, Capt. Lander- green, British ship Waverly, Capt. Bonner. WILDER ft PCLLARTON, Consignee*. f2S-3 E Singer Sewing Machines. Principal Office for the State of Georgia, TO BMVfipsOH S1BKET, H* D. HAeWLCV, Gerraraf Agent. A large assortment for sale at New York priced,. ■ Sewing Machines of all Unde repaired at abort neatly done. CRUTCHES CMRST and only premium awarded atthe American 1 Institute Fair, 1S65, and State Fair ot Pa, 1865, for _ „ Pa, 1865, for Cratches. Hartman’s Patent Elastic Rubber Cratcnea are prononnead by surgeons, and everybody else, to be the very beat ever Invented. They are easy and con venient, they prevent paralysis of the nerves, do away with All the weariness inseparable from the use of all others, and are in all respeete unrivalled. Send for a circular,- Agents wanted everywhere LOVBJOY ft TaYLOR, Sole Manufacturers, No. 47C% Broadway N - Y. 6m-n2S Hum Yoaes. From Georgia. HENRY Y0ME k CO., intend Commission ^erc^’ts. $To. it BROAD STREET,. , New York, 1 SOLICIT consignment* of Cotton, Naval Stone. Sawed Lumber and Umber. Particular attention given to tbs purchase bl »«»■ road Snpplieai Hon. J. P, King, President Georgia Railroad, Augusta. William M. Wad ley, President Central Railroad, Savannah, Ferdinand Phlnlay, R. P Clayton, Angusta. Charles Day, T. H. Bloom, Macon. ' i Hunter ft Uammell, Savannah. JlS-tf ( CuAa.iLBm.Maii, Annum R. Bromara, 1 w ,„ Yf - Jaa. C. Vah Pelt, ( New York Raleigh, N.C. Bennett, Van. Felt ft Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS roiTHIlAUOV ••TIM THAN*, IAVAL (THIS, ill., FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF STATE AND OTHER STOCKS, 23 Whitehall St., New York. We have aiaodated with naJtr^D. W.Cama,late Public Treasurer for North CaroiS Thomas Dixon, . SAVANNAH, Ga., PACKER ABD RE-PACKER OF COTTON, Wool, Hides, $ags, Juab, e*e., 1* ^PPln* order, at Hoot of Just Received and for Sale on Consignment, By- KENNETH AIcIaHLA. & Co 202 Bay Street. 1000 bbla F ne, Shperfine Extra, Choice Extra, and Bakers* and Pamily Flour 10 hhds very choice Clear Bacon Sides 20 bbl* Breakfast Bacon 6 hhds Shoulders 25 hair hbls Family Mess Pork and Ceef 30 bills choice Mess Pol k IN bushels White and 100 bushel* Yellow Corn And. of former importations; Hams, Raisins, Lard, Smoked Beef, Pickled Her ring, Pig Shoulders, Beane. Ac., ftc. izs e FOR SALE, CENTRAL RAILROAD STOCK FORDiCB, ANDBR'ON ft JANNEY, R3-tf No. 10 Stoddard’s Range. MANILLA ROPE. A FEW COILS flrtt quality Manilla Rope, for sale low to close consignment. consignment 128J ANDREW LOW ft CO. be seen in this cily an"y time , ^erM! I1 L" 0 '^. l >l Terms as foIfoWB-One-iiaff"rash"*5 “"I days, one-fonrtb ninety dajl policies aud insurance. i 1,h 5? - : AT PRIVATE SALT FT BELL, WYLLY & CHRlSTUv -That splendid Farm on ihe ThnJ^' ; ““'J ““c from ihe ceuire of tw, < i r, ’ 0,t &*, l ihe Bllno larm, containing an, rJ. Vfant-l been for the last fourteen m, “ crti - wl esuleace i farm has been *■*- U1| y fooi Iiil'lieat state Uj, u „ Ma „„ M ■ •'"••an aiul most elevated site fu» .1 it£££** ^ j. 1 S*? “ «? Water o e n S1 fc“'C OI water on the has no superior m the ton counter. ti-l *■!?!??T* 1 **'heflratda 1 ?;. | STEAMER O. M. PETTIT AT aiTd 1 By fell, Wjrlly & Christian. ' On THURSDAY, 16th March next front of Exohaii.,e, will i„. *4,1' l,.! 2 °’< i Y m « o'cifrt for account of afi concWneo • wiUl0 w rne, 1 hv-.'i 4 THE. FINE STEAMER PErm In complete order and suitable for tnK-,». nver business. r 0*5^ I ri 8 feet stroke, 32-inch cylinder -ui an 1 107 feet length, 27 q feet breadths? ‘•W hold ; side-wheel. ’ ^ f <*idqa. On FRIDAY", 2d March mxt,at 11 . I sold in front of our Store, for acco^f* 1 good onfi; 14 Jersey Top Wagons, on springs in „ 30 sets Stage Harness * ' m 1 14 U. h. Government Wagons 28 flot rate Plantation Wagons, iron », order, with covers ’ lron Wife It** | About 200 sets Transportation liamtss. ALSO, Lot Mcie3, Horses, Drays, Jc. UNDERWRITERS' FaIT Bell, Wylly & Christian. Will sell at auction THIS DAY, in f ronl of I 10 o’clock: **t I 1 CASE CANDY passapfrom°New York'fo ud*rt3 * Port Wardens. 601 * 011 “ E " ” y s Terms cash. , UNDERWRITERS’ SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Cbrhtlai. THIS DAY", at 11 o’clock. In front of store, ms a 1 CASE MATCHES Damaged on Imard the steamship ctu» „ L ■ passage from New York to this port, anti sols J! I the ^inspection and by rtcommendation of fief" | Teimscash UNDERWRITERS’ By Bell, WyOy & Christian. SALE. Will sell on THURSDAY. March 1st, al 11 o'dodt I White’s Press: 1 8.q bales Upland Cotton, damaged on board from Angod»ioi,| port, ami sold under iusp ctioii and by rrtoaar. I dation of lha Port Wardens. Terms cash. *_/ B PLANTATION for saleT By Bell, Wylly ft Christian. 1,030 acre* of prime Colton land?, situated a I and a half miles from No.-ll. Atlantic ft Gull hi I road ; 350 acres under good fence and in pnatal cultivation ; 3 acres or Sugar Cane alreadytigM I the remainder of the crop will lie planted in itri I days. Fifteen able bodied freedmen have m*i I contract with the proprietor,-to make Uiepntcl crop for one-fonrth, lie to supply tiicm wit;: tit a I The improvements consists of a fine cottas: in I ing, kitchen, wash house, sugar lionse, bant, pI house and cotton screw. For further pirttial apply at our store, or to Dr. S. F. Dnpec, ot a I premises. r. M I UNDERWRITERS SALE. York, Williams, JVI<-Iniirt| A Co. Will sell on FRIDAY. March 2, at s'ore Mill and Barnard streets, at 10 o'riock: 50 BBLS PL0UR Damaged on board brig Commerce ou bam»| from New Y'oik to this port, and sold tiyrecmas dation of the Port Warden* for account of d «| cerneU. al HERRING AND CODFISH. A LSO, Mackerel and Salmon. For rale by RANDELL ft CO.. 127-5 S W. corner Bar and Barnard sta. Challenge to any Gentleman in the State of Georgia, J WILL wager $250 that I can produce an amateur Pistol Shot to about 'he pistol as follows: Twenty shots at the ward, or at deliberate aim; dlitrnce 12 paces; string measurement; at ihe spot; shoot to rale with a smooth-bore pistol; the match or matches, if acceded to, mast be shot at my Gallery ; the pistol mnst bo shot with the aid of one hand only. This challenge is left open for two weeks; money ready at my Gallery on Bay street, over Onr (louse, where all the preliminaries can be arranged. II either of these matches is acceded to, it muat come off four days af ter agreed upon. IW-tf .Capt. JOHN TRAVIS. Sundries, QFFERED BY BRYAN, HARTRIDGB ft Cat MEBCaaxMas. 8 bales Dundee 1 2 bbl* fine old ] 36 bids assorted Whiskey T hhds Bacon Shoulders 4 bbla Hams * ' afticamza. 25 shares Muscogee Railroad Stock 40 shares Atlantic A Gulf Railroad Stock. Mtr BUTTER AND LARD: T UBS choice Gueben and Natural Leaf Lard. For sale by ltANDELL A CO. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS CANE MILLS* COTTON GINS, SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS. 'T'HE Subscribers, having a large and candidly se- X lee ted stock, are prepared to fill orders at short “ “ Onr stock consists of the most approved notice, kinds. _ Many new and improved articles, which cannot be obtained elsewhere in the city, and the beet Plows and Cotton Gins out. Send for a catalogue. J. HIX BURTON * CO., Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers. Office and Warehouse, No. 42 South Frederick street, near Pratt, Baltimore. Md. fS-lni HAWKINS & FAY, Commission Merchants, BY YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIEI I CO. Will be aold at auction ia front of store, on FEWcf March 2, at 10 o’clock ■ 6 cases L oking Glasses 2 case* Cutlery and Fancy Gods York, Williams, Mclnti«| & Co. AT PRIVATE SALE. 40 hhds New Sides and Shoulders loo bbis kiln dried Corn Meal Just received in prime order. Oi AUCTION BALE. By Mendel A Lafiitean. 100 sacks Oats, slightly wet 200 do Corn, do do 5 bbla Biscuit 6 do Dried Frnit Groceries, Dry'Goods and Cloihing. By Btun & Meyer. THIS DAY, 1st inst., at 10 o’clock, In front o1 SB | will be sold; 25 kegs choice Family Ruttrr 9 bbl*Choice Breakfast Bacon 6 hhds very choice clear Bacon Sides 50 tab* Prime Leaf Lard lo bbla White Beans 69 boxes Layer Raisins 20 bbis Onions 25 bbis Shore and Labrador Herring* loo bbis A Sugar „ ,, 179 bbl* Choice, Superfine and Eiira FamU/fa-l 100 bushels White Core, in bags ----- - 100 bushels Yellow Corn do also, An assort meatmen t of Groceries, Dry Go* tions, Jewelry, Watches, Ac., Stc. , y,xl 1 Office Desk. 1 Sola Table, 1 n.t Ract. l any French Bedstead, Bureaus, Washstrtta I ftc., Ac. orao, 1 Horae, Wagon and Haines*. BY BLUN * MEYER WUl be told on TUESDAY, 6th in?t., »l ” ***\ in front of the Court House: ■ That three-story, on a basement, nil ment. No. 4 Gordon Block, In complete I repair. Subject to a lease on the 1st I when ponsesaion can be had. Terms cash, purchaser paying for mlul FLOUR, &C-, AT AUCTI0S. By Blun ft Meyer. . 1 ■ "wut^l HO. 47 PEARL STREET, NEAR PRODUCE EXCHANGE. N. Y. WM. B. HAWKINS, J. ROCKWELL FAT. sign bunt*. to baying Produce, Provi and again, on ordvr, and to con _ CIJNTON HUNTER, firm of Ok, New York. Fanchar ft M New " ' TUeatoo ft York: Richard Bill*, 114 Water 'street *54w abnot, Near Yoik York. Lewis L. ' Co., Savaunah.' York. Wm. B. Mile*. 69 Christie atre ft. K. Sibefl, 6 Wail street. New Y Jones.? 7 Br>.-dwav, S. W- Ma Q on ft ( Auction Sales. UNDERWRITER’S HAT>y- Y'HIS DAY, ftarch I, in front of More, at 19 o'clock; will be arid, undar lospoctioa of Port Wardens: Plecas of Oaileoes Damagedoflbbard tho qfaamsMp Chara on her pimgt iRNB Hew Ton to nit port, and sold for ac count of Underwriters and nil concerned. ml On 8ATUBDAY. March Sd, will b« *4? to close consignments, at store of h Llul ft Co., 202 Bay Street: SCO bbis cheap Flour IPO bbis choice Superfine iso btatoehoie* Extra 10 hhds clear Bacon Sides . 10 package* Breakfast Bacon -Batter.Laid. Beans, ac. Al*o, toclme* “SfSSSSkwM.. . aimriRTSATOR'S SAtt front 01 ’ Mr T. 1. Walsh. ard, earaer or Congress three story brick dwelling on the T*i* throagh th* hanoe and a well of water in > _ ALSO, 30 sh*raa Central Railroad Stock 93 aharaa ffirathweetraa do 6 sham Atlantic A Gulf do . m JStSSSfi^SKl^*-*! •aasaiaJSEsvw*— Hk ■gre - x.*cnr .■'m—-