Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 02, 1866, Image 2

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nrrn- mggm gsaSSBBS The Savannah Daily Herald. by s. vt. mason. >A.'UKL W. MAWK,”-. Kdltor, W. T. THOilPlOS, Aasoclnte Editor. Official Paper of the City. lAKfiSlt IIICBLATf II THeclTTA_» 60j«TT FRIDAY^MABCH a, CIKCULATIOX or iavarsah hews- PAPKRS. The following correspondence explains it self : , onci or T*e Sayaksae Dailt Hibaxd, 1 8avak*ah, Ga., Feb. 27th. 1866. 1 Col. A. L. Habsib. Bpecial Ag’t P. O. Dep'k— Bni: Some month* fence I waA officially notified by you that the Hebau> had been awarded the publica tion of the List of Letters remaining in the Savannah Poet Office, after having proved, by eworn atate- ments. that it had the largest circulation in the city, aa reonired by the act of Congress. I observed that on Tuesday the Republican contained a copy of the offi cial list furnished to the HebaU). with the announce ment that it appeared in that journal *” “ cord ““ with the act of Congress requiring its publication in the paper having the largest circulation. I respectful ly call vour attention to thi* mis-statement.and request that you will give me your written evidence ae to whether the Hebaiui is or la not alone entitled to euch official publication. _ . In this connection I tale the liberty of referring to another announcement at the head of the Republican columns, that It has the largest paid circulation in the clt’v and county, and to request that you will state whether, in the sworn statements of the city circula tion of the two papers, the Hduld's. after easlndlng all free circulation, did not exceed the circulation of the Republican, aa rendered from that office. 1 am sir, very respeotfully. Your obedient servant, Samuel W. Masox, Publisher Savannah Hekald. Post Office, \ Savakkah, Ga., March 1, 1866. J K. W. Masox, Publisher Savaxxab Hemald. Sa vannah, Georgia. Em;—In reply to your communication of the 27th February, I beg leave to state that tha "letter list'- is published in the Herald, in accordance with the act oi »-ongress awarding the publication of uncalled for letters, weekly, to the journal having the largeet paid circulation within the delivery of the Poet Office, determined by eworn statements of the circulation of the varioue Journals by their mailing derka or proprl- etore. Very reipoctfully. A. L. Hamms, Special Ag't.. P. O. D. eflilency and coittpltteneu to iiifc eontpanr, It is especiftlly jicb it pritas donas. SlgaorR Angioliua Ottiapi is fsinger of great natural capability, ber voice exhibiting a combina tion of sweetndB and dramatic expression. Her presence is commanding, and ber pow ers, both of voice, face and action, oie £uck, as to give ber a high position among Ibc operatic celebrities of the world. She is cqjled the griai of the present day. M'lle Pauline Canissa, the frma teggiora ai the troupe, |b well kiown to feme. She i 8 both a charming vocalist and excellent act- light m, I will be happy to sec all my old feieuds.and new ones, and am pfrparpd to lake Risk* In the Compa nies represented by ear Agency cm all tnaarahln "property. . WM. B. BOYD. 122 *' •* TROUBLE IN THE WEST. It appears that the farmers in the west are in as much trouble a8 the planters ot the ouili. Tne market piice of all kinds of produco is much below what it was during tne war, and taxes press heavily, while maouiactured goods were never so costly. But the chief grievance ia«the high rate of wages demanded by farm hands; twenty and twenty-five dollars a month and found, is uow asked by the laborers who were glad to work for twelve dollars before the war. This lust exaction has incensed the farmers so much that they are holding indignation meetings, and passing resolutions against their own laborers. The secret of the matter seems to be that the disbanded soldiers arc generally settling at the South, or are making their way- to the new Terri lories to better their fortunes. To show the temper of these discussions, we give the following extract from a speech delivered by the president of a large meeting held in Illinois: Wo must do something or go under; I bolieve we have the power to rectify these abuses. It is folly to toll our farms and psy the wages we did last year. II jarapi could have agreed, anu lived up to it, to put in rWft mi«gfinginnftt ttey with such assistance as their family affords, and they will bo Utter off than to make all their lands puy tribute to hirelings. It is asked can tho laborer afford to work for thirteen dollars 7 We have nothing to do with this. Is it in our means to psy more ? Laboring men's wages heap up tho exhoroitant prices in cloth ing and manufactured goods. Manufacturer* regulate their tariffs by it. Let ns stop shipping our products* If the sheriff pounces on a neighboring fanner, lot us combine to relieve him. The greatest blessing this northwest ever reaped was from the great frost of 1861—half a crop is better than s whole one. A western journal eommmenting upon the foolish policy thus proposed, says there is reason to believe that many farmers will act upon it, and hence It is apprehended that the west will grow a smaller crop this year than last. Ic-is anticipated that the heavy de mand for laborers to go south will keep up their wages till after the planting and bar vesting seasons; which is greatly deplored render the prevalent impression that the Bouth will be clamorous for the prodncis of the west, becanse all their avail able labT will be devoted to profitable cot- on growing. We direct attention to this matter with the hope that it will suggest to the minds ot southern planters the per tinent inquiry, whether, in view of the fu ture as indicated by the incident to which we have referred, it will be wise in them to plant heavy crops of cotton and but little graia ; with the vain expectation that wes tern products will be as abundant as usual this fall. It seems to us that this develop ment in the west should not be without its influence upon the future policy of planters, as the plan of an almost exclusive cotton crop will certainly put them at the mercy of the markets. Whereas, if they wisely pro vide ns far as possible, by the liberal sowing cf grain, for their general wants much incoD - venienco and suffering wiil be prevented. It is folly for the western farmers or south ern planters to complain of the wages of their laborers—that is a matter which will adjust itself in due time, by the law of sup ply and demand. If they wish to talk to eome purpose, let them instruct their Cou- ‘gressoign to reduce the present exorbitant tariff. That would be an immediate relief to both laborers and employers, by cheapening the manufactured goods they are compelled to use. THE GRAND OPERA. v It is some years since Savannah has been favored with so Italian Opera. The war has deprived us of those amusements that ad dress themselves to the imagination and to the most refined of our senses. The Italian Opera is pre-eminently entitled to this dis tinction. The ear, eye and the intellect— the artB of the musician, the painter and the past— unite their attractions, to winour ad miration. What can boa more striking ex emplification of this fact than a well con structed drama, in which incident, character, passion combine to fascinate the senses while they touch the heart in which the genius of the composer, the talent of the artist, the strains of poetry and melody are made sub servient to the general effect. A» the opera will be brought out with every appliance that can render it effective on Monday next, the 6th Instant, a sketch of the peculiarities of the several artists will assist the'Judgment In deciding their adapl- edness to the role in which they are to ap pear. The troupe numbers over forty persons. The chortle and orchestra are such as to give M’lle. Patti Strakosch is one of those mu sical celebrities which but to name excites the most pleasant recollections. The writer of this notice beam a lively iinpressiou of her captivating powers, hikying witnessed : raauy of her performances in Charleston some years since when she was quite young. The advantages of instruction have given discipline and polish to her natural powers. Her superiority over every other compeiitor iu the great Gipsy scene in the second act of Trovatore is undisputed, and places her on an equality with Rachel In dramatic power. Signors Maccaferri and Errani have long since earned their laurels in Europe. The former is said to be the only living v tenor, be sides Timberlik, who can sing the famous “Do de PetKV’ Signor Errani, the Tenor dt Grazia, combines a mellow Voice with a handsome countenance. Signor Mancusi, baritone, needs no eulogium, he has a voice of great power and richness. Signor Mara, the other baritone, bat won the plaudits of New York audiences, repeatedly. Signor Susina shows a brilliant record in musical history. His artistic ability, both as au ac tor and singer, is beyond question. Herr Graff, basso buffo of the company, has scarcely a parallel on any stage. Here are three prima donnas, each eminent in her special province; two tenors, both excellent; two baritones, varied in their powers, and two bassos, each distinguished. Signor Rosa is one of the best musical conductors and directors which has ever vis ited this country- The Repertoire is varied, comprising pieces of established celebrity, among which are Ernani, Martha, II Trova tore, Faust, Norma and Don Giovanni. The whole is under tbe general manage ment ot that popular (impressario) Max Strakosch, who has spared neither trouble nor expense, and who will present to tbe citizens of Savannah an array of talent with out parallel in the annals ot our stage. THE TRIAL OF ADMIRAL SEMJHE8. A letter has been received in this city from a gentleman in Washington, which states there is no truth in the report that a naval court had been ordered for the trial of Mr. Sernmes, now confined at the Washington Navy Yard. It ia the intention of the Gov ernment to have that gentleman tried, but there are so many important points involved in the specifications against him, that the authorities are unwilling to take any steps in the matter without giving all the most care ful consideration. The charges and specifi cations on which it is proposed to try Mr. Sernmes are now held under advisement by the Attorney Gene r al; and it is intimated that a conviction on them “would establish a precedent Which might operate to the det riment of the country in future wars.” It is □ot unlikely that this hesitation to bring on tbe trial has been induced by the very able lHEiit,-\Villi!U‘iiak ifdtjh published, is regiirdi'3 by many as ooe of the clearest and most logi cal legal papers ever prepared- It is not generally kuown, perhaps, that the Admiral is a thorough bred lawyer, and that during a brief career as a member of the Bar iu Ala bama, he acquired much distinction for pro fessional learning and forensic eloquence. His frequent appearance as Judge Advocate before naval courts-martial prior to his re tirement from the United States service, and his assignment to the command of the first Confederate man-of-war, the “Sumter,” at test his remarkable familiarity also with naval jurisprudence and international law. tribute of respect. Solomon's Lodoe, No. L A. F. M.) Savannah, March 1st, 1866. j At a regular communication of this Lodge, held this veiling, a committee appointed for the purpose of preparing suitable resolutions in rospect to our deceaa- ed Brother P. 8. W., James Lacblison, submitted the following, which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God, fn his in. finite wisdom, to remove from amongst us our much esteemed and worthy Brother James Lacblison, Past S. Warden, who has filled tbe different offices from J D. to 8. W. of the above named Lodge; We, the officers snd members of Slid Lodge moved by due reverence and desirous of expressing our sincere sorrow, snd of * ‘nbute of respect to our deceased sad worthy brother, which his death excites, and of our appreciation Of his personal worth, and efficiency a* an officer and brother, be it maeacy as Resolved, That while we bow In humble submission tome wm of Him that doeth Ml thffig.^w'*" *® d <h«h u no ordfoary visitation, both ou account of his high respectabiUtr as * gentleman and the praiseworthy mann^ffi which ^r o7Z r I ^“r‘ ea “ “ 0ffl0,r “ d “fen. Resolved, That aa a part of the community in which bT0th ; r ttwd. we feel that byh.'e deu£ one whom they CIRCULAR. I have commenced the work of establishing.. Genera) Agency Business, for the purchase of "wfl at. tides manufactured orimpofted into < he Cnitej States ; (tiquofs only excepted.) gwl .with a view to success wt.tth depends solelj ujon the Interests of tny patrons. I havp made arrangements 'with* 4 manufacturer^ in Oie JirtocipaJ towns and cities North, as wall afclhipostisrs, to have 4heirpro<luc- tlons and Imports at first and lowest prices. 1-have secured the services In New York, of n resident'gtu- tleman of long experience, by which I am placeifon a rooting with the best jobbing houses there. Thus placing my profits alone between the manufacturer mid importer's prices, and the cost of my patron’s goods. I think my profit is much less than the job ber could affoid to work for. Aud as I do not pro pose to keep any goods on baud, I will at all times l>e prepared to invest my patron’s money where it can be done to the best advantage, in the cheapest and most desirable articles. My arrangements extend rrom the purchase or charier of Vessels, to the purchase or sale of every thing from steam engines down to the fitting up of a complete Drug, Shoe, Dry Goods, Hardware or Variety Store, for stocks complete or for filling up the assortment. I receive for sale or shipment all country produce at Savannah, or to the careof llnnt A Bro., Charleston, S C-, or Jeffreys A Bro., Jacksonville, Fla. Upon the receipt of such produce or railroad receipt for cotton shipped, orders for its probable value will be promptly executed, the goods brought to the ports or Savannah, Charleston or Jacksonville, Dee of freight or insurance, then balances or overplus o invoices to be paid together with a'tont ten per rent, added to the face of the original invoice. Any party examining their Invoice of goods and not being satisfied with the price ami quality as well as style, will not be required to take them, and their money promptly refunded. Parties wishing tbelr Spring Supplies, had better eend in tlieir orders and funds or produce as early as practicable. I feel confident that, to say the least of my arrange ments, my patrons will save their time and the ex pense of going to market. ! offer os reference : Hon. Edw. C. Asdskson, Mayor of the City. Maj. Jno.Sckevkn, Prest. of A. A G R. It. . Col. 7Ym. M. Wabley, Prest. of Central R. H. A Banking Company. Geo. W. Williams A Co., Merchants, Charleston. Jeffreys ft Buo., Jacksonville, Fla. , Li G. W. GARMANY. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 1st, I8C6. fl9-lm For sale by the lot or single barrel, at greatly re duced prices, to close consignment. ^ CUNNINGHAM, BURSE Jr Co., ' *nrtJ2i t V ^ Opposite Mariners’ ChSrthl DIVIDEND No. 25. SOUTIMVESTERN RAILROAD CO., 1 Macon, Ga., Feb. S, 1365 ) 7 be Board ST Directors have this day declared a Dlvitlcud of Four ($1) Dollars per Share on the Capital dtock. payable on and after 1st March next. Stockholders In Savannah will receive their divi dends at the office of John W. Anderson, Beq. JOHN T. BOIFECILLET, fl4-lm Sec. * Treas. Tax Notice. OFFICE U. 9. DIRECT TAX*COMM19SIONER, I Distuict op Georgia, Savannah. Jan. loth, 1866. | US' Notice Is hereby given that the tax roll for Chatham Comity Is completed, arid owners of Real Estate in said county, Lots, I.mils and improve ments, outside the city of Savannah, or Real Estate returned for Taxation in said county Iu 1S00, must pay the Taxes due thcreeu within sixty (60) days from this dale at our office, N. W. cor. South Rroad aud Lincoln streets. Savannah, or sutler the penalty T. P. ROBB, ) Notice. THE City Treasurer is prepared to receive certain of the taxes lovied by tho Ordinance passed Decem ber 27th, 1865. That la, the tax upon gross sales of merchandise and wares or every description; upon all freight aTid passage money payable in this, city, and upon horses and mules. These taxes are due be- tween the first and tenth of each month for the pre ceding month. All other taxes are payable quarterly between the same dates, in the months of April. July, Octooer and January. (*JBSON ^ City Treasurer. New Advertisements. Ceortfia Chapter, He. 3, ft, A. H. An Extra MeeHng of this Chapter will he held at Masonic Hall This (Friday) Evening, at 7>f o'clock Transient companions are dordlally invited to at tend. By order of R. T. TURNER, n' P. Ebtii.l. Sec. m2 W o.tice. XI EITHER captain uor consignees will be respon- IX e | b | e for any di bls con:ranted by tbe crew of tho Swedish bark CHRISTIAN L’JVKNE. m2-s EDWIN E. HERTZ A CO. Notice. (TIRE copartnership of Coiby, Millen A Co , at Da- I rieu, Ga.. is this day dissolved by mutoal cou- CH ARLES L. COLBY A CO., Wallace ii. mil> e.v SUGAR. On BOXES Choice Havana Sugar. C\J Just received and for sale by HILTON * HANDBLL.' ‘ m2-9 191 Hay street. Circulating Library. I N accordance with the wishes of many of our citizens I have resolved to establish a Circulating Library, nnd have therefore Set aside as a nucleus for that pnniuse 150 Volumes. The Latest Works will be added every week Just as soon as they can be obuiued trom the pub lishers. ; \s ; Toms, $10 per anuum, half of it paid lu advance. Transient customer* 20 cent 1 per week. TIIOB. J. STALEY, ftr-ebaa ‘ _ / A EORpiA—CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom U : it mav concern: Whereas, George L. Cope will apply at lhaConrt of Ordinary for l-etu-r* of Administration on the es tate of Edward Padelford, Jam, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to hc aud appear before said court to mak. objection (if any they have; on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise said letters will be grnmed. Witness my official signature this 2ith day of Feb ruary, 1866. DOMINICK A. O’BYRNB, m2 Ordinary. For Sale on Consignment. 4 AAA BUSHELS Prime M hite Corn • UUU 30 bms Prime C»ue Sy rnp 13 boxes Manufactured Tobsceo 1 case Honking Tobacco m O-3 F.RWTN A HARDEE. ~Johnson's Square, opposite the Pulasl i House, Corner St. JUlitn and Bryan Sts. Fslligtnt’s old'Paint Stand. JU«t received.. SOLE AGENTS A!VD IMPORTERS Tti.-ri 1 onhr^-4-35 aii’l ,i' €h. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. auM >>”3 i.5i vfl pissoLutpi 1 ' rilllE Firm of Israel R.’ Scaly i Co. was dissolved A ou the 12lli insL, by the withdrawal or Israel K. Spataa The business will bu eondaotpd.until further notice. i, *by T. falnr All b J15 to eol ith. ISRAEL B. 8EALY, J. P. GILSON, Agent. A. S. BIGELOW. WANTED, A SITUATION, as Wet Nhrse, by a Scotch wa- (V, man. Apply at Mrs. McLOUOHI.IN'S, m2-t* C rncr of Liberty and Lincoln sts. WHITE ST. LUCCA SILT. 1£/"|TONS befit quality White St. Lncca, Just re- IDU ccived per $wc<li*h i>ark Christian J<oTene. Uni-2 For sale by •EDWIN E. HERTZ A CO. Emigrants Can be Supplied WITHIN TEN DAY3. T IIE undersigned aro prepared to supply Planters itiul other parties who may be in want of WHITE Laborers, and have made necessary arrange ments in the North to ll'i any orders for agriculture laborers. Woodcutter*, Mcentimes, etc., within Ten the points wiierc I hay me warned at Employers' expense, aud the Employers have farther to pay a certain sum per head in advance, partly as security The rate at wlilci; Farming Laborers can be sc cured will average about $150 per year, llie Emplov era Hading them. J For further particulars apply to WM. MORVH.LE A CO., j v Jours’ Block, Ray street, One door East of gurnard streot, Savannah, Ga. RKFERLNCI'.S : Jackson & Lawton, * avanuah. John W. Anderson ft Son, Savannah. Solomon Cohen, Savannah. Jjio. o. FerriU. savannah, Nleholls, Camp <£ Co., Savannah Gect A. Cuyler, Savannah, tv. U. Fleming, savuum h, John Screven, Savannah. Brigham, Baldwin if Co , Savannah ■Savannah National Sank, Savannah, I. 0. 0. F. A Special Mealing of the different Lodges cf Savannah will be held at De Kalb Lodge Rooms This Evening, at Tj< o’clock. All Brothers of the different Lodsrr, are Invited to attend, aa bualnses of Importance will bc*tr.nsacted. P. G. JOHNN. LEWIS, N. G of Ogletnorpe Lodge, No. 1. P. Q. DAVID BAILEY, N. G. of Live Oak Lodge, No. 8. JOHN NEIL. m2 N. G. of Dekalb 'Lodge, No. 9. ' p ‘ BbIShKD FOB. XaFOBJIATlOK. Sec. 7 Ordinanc.e relative to Port Wardens. "If any person or persons other ihun ihose au- thoilzed by this Ordinance, (except appointed by order oi Court) shall uct or officiate upon aoy survey, or ,*!n * r, 5L; l,, y the duties herein required or the said Port Wardens, lie or they shall severally forfeit a cum not exceeding ihlrty dollars, to be recovered, upo» Conviction before the City council, to the use of the said Wardens ” All iiereons Interested In the above Ordlnanoe are hereby notified thatihe Port Wardens will have this Ordinance enforced; whenever they have knowledge of lu Violation. By order Unard Port Wardens. TtlOS. J. BULLOCH. Clerk. m2-8 DR. WM. SCHERZER Reepec fully ofler* his Professional servicci to the Citizens of Savannah. Office on 8 nlh Broad street, north tide, third daor cast of Barnard street. P27-lw T, J, DUNBAR & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS». &C. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) W E Invito the attention of the Trade and the Pub lic generally to our large and elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Conserves, Se gura, «»«., etc,, i which Is not excelled by any similar establishment in tbe States. ” Wc are sole proprietor* af DUNBAR'S" CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of whi *li is folly established In this and foreign coun tries; DUNBAR'S well known STOMACH BITTERS, guaninted superior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel and family use: DUN BAR'S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the utmost parity, and pot np expressly for our house, of whfoh we are.sole proprietors ana Importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith's cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALB,'in cases and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALB and PORTER, BRANDT, Scotch arid Bonrhon WHISKEY and AR RACK BUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United States, pnt np try n* In cases for export and home consumption; T. J. D. 4 Co. are aolc Agents for A. A n* W. Cathcrwobd's Pare KYE WB18KIE8, XX end XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed In quality aad ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large aad well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy 1 he attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of 8EUAR8 of finest grades, manufactured and imported expressly ibr Ibis honae, which wc offer at tlw very lowest net cash pile.*, BRANDIES, UIN8, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every ilescriptTou and grado of Foreign Liquors imported directly by this house, and for sale in bond or duty paid, at lowest market rates. d20-tf JL AT auction land Managers. .Messrs. Raniom, ft Hamilton Bj BtD, \Yy])y £ Cllri||', BENEFIT OF MR. JOHN T. RAYMOND, TWA tTER B CNN, bis*l Annan, In File Ball's i great rei thrilling and romantic drama THE DUEL IN THE SNOW. To oooclad. with «rst t ime this season) the roaring feres ot Slasher and Crasher. JOHN T. RAYMOND as. SLASHER Secure your seats at Schretncria Book Store. tar To morrow, Saturday, BENEFIT OF MI88 ISADORE CAMERON. On Monday evening. Opening Night of Urn GHIONI ft SUSINI GRAND ITALIAN OPERA TROUPE— Max Stxakosob, Director. THEATRE. Leasees and Manager. Raymond ft Hamiltoh SATURDAY EVMHtO, MARCH 3. BENEFIT OF MISS ISADORE CAMERON, When will bo presented (first^ime this season) the i presented (Hi romantic dra THE SEA 0 ICE! OGARITA (t he Wild Flower of Mexico) Mire CAMERON After which, Mire Cameron will recite the beautiful I: isli Poem of O’CONNOR'S CHILD. To be followed by the elegant comedy of The Love Chase! THEATRE. Lessees and Managers R.tmomd A H.milton M’me Gbioiii aMig. Sosini’s GRAM) ITALIAN OPERA Director .MAX STRAKOSCH. Mr. 8TRAKOSC1I announces with much that he has succeeded in engaging a. complete and efficient ITALIAN OPERA COMPANY, embracing Hie most eminent Artists and complcle Chorus and Orchestra, comprising the best Artists from New York, with whom he will give In Savannah, for SIX NIGHTS ONLY. COMMENCING MONDAY, MARCH 5th, Six different ghakts opera. A change of Opera each sight, which win be given in a style unrivalled by any other management. MONDAY, Manh 5, Grand Opening Night, when will be produced Verdi's master work. In four acts, XI Trovatore, Mesdame. Qhioni and Patti Strakosch, Signora Maciferri and Mancusi in the ptinelp .1 roles. Full Chorus and Orchestra. Musical Direst or and Conduc tor. SIg F. Rosa. TUESDAY, March 6, Flotow’s charming Opera, in four acts, MAhTIIA. First appearance efM'ile Pau line Canfepa, Signors Errani, Saslr.i and Graff. Wednesday. NORMA; Thursday. KK.'ANI; Fri day, FAUST; Saturday, TO BALLO IN MASCHERA. ■ PRICES,—Dress Circle and Parquette, $2; Reserved Seats, 50 cents extra ; Private Boxes, containing six persons, $20: Family Circle, $150; Gallery, $1. Box office for the sale of Reserved Seats for single nights opens on Friday, March 2d, at 10 a. m. at John (’. Schreiner ft Son’s music stoic, and coutiuue open daily from 10 a. m. till ip m. Doors open at 7; Opera commences at 8 o’clock. 728 5 Auction S% STKAjig^ TO CLOSE A an. sold la front of ti^!^' U dder, on w, a ,ds. „ „ J^oVlock preclsv.j, lT e **“ •r. a u u ^ Now plying on the Altun-u,, ’ built in Brooklyn, N y ? an| l O-n,., I then ; her len^h i» m' P .e? v eighteen (18) feet, depth rS®* pressure holler, it feet inn fw l S 1 Ite Lftora rates A i wi „ 4 f »t fe by many Inches th» ^ these waters, drawing , l dr,u H' PrflS'g'tfgBSates policies anil iasurauce !ai - ■ A T PRIVATES BELL, WYLLV & C Rp« I That splendid Farm ou only one mile Iroui the r^ llie Biltio Farm, coiir*inin re form has been for the |* " t "r! m 8 ? 1 ^ liiglKst state of enlliraUoii a ^ lh I “ d most elevated she ,, «a j There is a spring of w... . ^"^ncr wTf has no su|)erior in the | 0 « , which expires the fi^bS?^'«h? steamer o. m: peitit at Uv Bf Bell, Wylly k tiifcUu, A> On THURSDAY, isth Msrrh I front or Exchan e. win { 8 « 12 jJ for account of all concerned d THE FINE STE.y)(ER PBTm mSbStaeS' 1 ” aDU SUi,ab,e to<* 8 feet stroke, 32-Inch nim,L. SLf eet . i ? UK ' h , f «t noia ; aide-wheel. ^ in - # 3* lea l also, On FRIDAY. 2d March next a tn . " or saaj?jaKr-««>iwJ 14 C. S. Government Wagon, 28 first rate Plautstioti Wagons in. order, wirit covers ui lr ‘ le i Abont 200 sets Transportation ALSO, Ixit Horses. Drays. 4c PLANTATION FOiT^ By Bell, Wylly A Christian 1,030 acre, of prime Cotton i—, and a half miles from N„ h road ; 350 acres nuder g.s. cultivation : 3 acres oi },ug ir the remainder or the crop wuESSlP days. Fifteen aide ho.uil contract with the proiirietortn crop for one-fourth, he to sL.? .S* *3 The improvemcnis consists ? Ji- ng, kitchen, wash house, l house and cotn.n setew. P,‘ r apply at our store, nrtobr s. n. w l premises. ^*3 UNDERWRITERFsAlil By York, Williams, MclntirJ Co, | Will be sold at auction THIS DAY FriJit • J In rear of store, at 12 o'clut* 1 350 bales prime Eastern Hay, ■ slightly damaged on brig Chesapeake on 1* J from Portland to thfe port, andloMfeSfl all concerned. Terms cash. “ VALUABLE CITY PROPERTVlT^ TtON. By Bell, Wylly «& Christian. I Miscellaneous. KiBiiiN, bro. ‘ burke, EXTRA CREAM CHEESE. iiiEUB AMI LHjllOIIN, CORN Kit WHITAKER SUDRu jrmr ltAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED It DELIVERED. auSl Will be soid on TUESDAY, March 6th. til House: J The northern and middle Tenement, opal four story Brick Block frottUuglirsrttsnU tween State and Brouglitou street line. I Tills property offers veiy snpenur biusj persons wanting lionse9. purticaiarly timJ gage in mercantile pursuit*, or keep fekl basement can be converted iuto laiyeiMtaJ store*, while ample room is left ontkaS three fiOjrs for all the purposes of 1 am. Boarding House. Situated iu a public thoroughiare wftsikJ prccints of the business mart. I These Houses offer unsurpassed imiimJ - dealring them, either for private nasaeas Just Keceivea ana rnr sale oir “f\ BOXES choice Cream Cherre IV 76 boxes State Dairy do Just received aad for sale by HILTON ft RANDELL. 128-4 1!kl Boy street. Consignment, *J* eS0 ? Bea ’ as fttrthe *' evidence of our respect ^ f° d « e go into the usual mourning 1 ^: thirty days; that we tender to the bereaved and much afflicted family our sincere condolence, and mav tho “me .hand that has afflicted them sustain th^i^d bear thorn safely through their trouble. Md T ^* t * < ? py of th6 ®° resolutions be gent to the family of our deoeaaed brother aud ono to th« Soramiuh HEXii-D for ppbUcstioq, and that abfenk page be left on the mbmts book of the Lodge. True extract from the minutes. J. Holbbook Estill, Sec’y. Special Notices. City Licenses. CITY OF 8AVANNAH, \ Omo* Clvkx 0»CoBxcn. Feh.24,18C6./ Parties who have registered for, are noti fied that they must take them out at once; and all persons who have not applied for licenses under Or dinance of December 27th, 1866, are notified that tho police arc inetructed to put ail persons iu default on the Information Docket. ' JAMB8 STEWART, tM> Clerk of Council. ' BOOKS AND STATIONERY. G EOROE A. STALKY has tUh day been admitted Into copartners' ip with me. The buslnu** will hereafter be conducted under the firm name ,and style of STALEY BROTHERS, at the old stand, cor ner of Bnll and State stieets. A continuance of the patronage heretofore so lib erally extended, is respectfully solicited. THOMAS J. STALEY. . 8:ivnnnah. Oa.. March 1,189ft , : m2.cod»w Notice. T HE firm of Warren ft Plainer fe thfe day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Z. U. Warren having withdrawn from the concern, Mr. B-tP. Blather u- suraes'ail llabiliUet, atul will conUnak the hitsInesa. Z. C .WARREN. m2 p. P, PLATNEtL Corrxtt Tire prefect the to« ot children's shoes.— One pair wU) outwear three witbont Ups. Sold^very- PASSOVER BREAD. W H will be prepared to /aratah Faaaoier Bread, and will be glad to aec our old fr.end* and tho public generally. Order* promptly filled. m2-S A. BORt HEftT ft SON. Challenge to any Gentleman in the State of Georgia. I shots at me word, o. ttt deliberate aim ; dl.tsnra* 19 paces; string measurement; fit the spot; shoot to rule with a smooth-bote pistol; the match or inatolie, ir acceded to, must ho shot at my Gallery ; the must be shot with the aid or one hand only Thfe challenge is left open for two weeks; money ready at my Gallery on Bay street, over out House, where all the preliminaries can be arranged. If either of three matches fe acceded to. It must come rff four dsvs af ter agreed upon . ' J f>2 '- tr Capt. JOHN TRAVIS. fine cut Tobacco. LJP.YNYSIDK, Solace and Amulet. For sale by RANDELL ft CO.. BT *8. W. corner Bay and Barnard st*. EMPORIUM OF FASHiON JURS.R o5*TUM4e CHESWIT (tROFE WfllW 100 01 th “ C4let>r * tod Whiskey. For rale MACKY, BEATTIE ft Oo., * m2 2* and 906 Bay street THE Office United States Direct Tax Commission, DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, i l N rvrrnr . u , _SAya***H. Jan. 16, 1814 f 1» hereby given that the Tux Kol’ for nfiw,. 0 £5 . “’“"‘r is now completed, and owner* memo 1 eonnt Y. Iota, Unde and ImproTO- .nt n 'j » ot * 1 e I i lc bily of Savannah, or real estate re- ,h, . e D df0r i 4X4tl0n *“ Mid countV to I860 may and Lincoln^ atreufe. Savannah 1 «<>“«» Broad. T- P. ROBB, jlB-tf *’ f HOBB, 1 baT8A A8T ’ j OommiMionera, EXCHAN6E HOTEL (Formerly the Screven Honse.; ' 1 8 A ¥ ANNA This first-daw Hotel having been renovated and newly furnished, is now open for the reception of (he traveling public. m2-1 m O. MoGINLY. L. LOUIS respectfully Informs the clll- zeps iff Savannah that site has opened a branch Mbde bf Earimms,’ or New receiyo ordore for all kinds of work for ladles and children. Site also'kecps ou . ,, ~ —keeps ou band llie latest styles of patterns of every dascrlp- non. All kimfe of ornamental ueedlewotk, snclt as Braiding,Embronleriug, Stomping, Fluting, Je, will lie doue at short notice. She afeo k-eps ou hand a handsome assortment of Braid ft 8, " t •"O fraid^tfotfoae.CiMPPPii YpA9s andfiamis. Cali and see^foryourself, utNo. I111 CONGRESS STREET, np ..I®" Lmlle* are wanted for sewing, and cfobrbld sung. Nuje nwt good hands netd apply.; tis-im BOBBER BETIH6. 8TEAM PACJEONG, ENGINE HOSE, RUBBER CLOTHING, Roofing SLATES, BOOTS, CLOTHES WRINGERS, Ac. v Porsatoby ' • - ■ >. ...r . .= . . i: HU HUBERT. HOLDER * CO., Cor. But htad Abercorn fits. . 1. E. ROM. L w \ f*** 1 k Public Treasurer for North CarolfoT' T«mP 1’h.omas JDixoii, ! ... ..,, .. w j ANj^ PAINTED “H’+s'ai. oa.. r h ,u FYwaale by MACKY, BEATrtff ft CO. Rtfrioentiors, Bureaus, Wardrobes, <fc., 1 “L* H » U “ e »’ «l“k. Haysurket Dqmw, W eod^a B08XOIV. SCRANTON,SMITH&CO. Keep constantly on feniut choice old BRANDI ES, WHISKEY, «t* 0‘H-l WINKS, ftt. j »di \ ids i tiiAtri EVERY •J. 1 ? 7, S°2r Bran, strictly at wholesale to tbe trade, and we flatter ouraehres um we eon make it to tpe Interest of dealers to patronize us, at the head of Bay, opposite to Jefferson street. IS-lra PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale i«d Ketatl Dealer In Fme Groceries, Boots and Shoes; Clothing, Por- elgn and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segar*. A’so, Skchan's Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER. In bottle and lq wood. . Itondon and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Bng Itah Alee, ftc. ; Liberal deductions made to tbe trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, dll’tf and 82 liberty street, N. Y. CRUTCHES By KENNETH MoX,KLA. <fc Co., *02 Bay Street. I 1000 bbl* F ne, Superfine. Extra, Choice Extra, and ■ Bakers’ and Family Floor 10 hhde very choice Clear Bacon Sides 20 bbfe Brcak’ajt Bacon 6 hhd. Shoulders 26 half bbfe 80 bbfe choice 29 packages cl 100 bushels And. of ftirmci Hams, Raiti: ring. Fig Show F CENTRA FORD f28-tf MAN A FEW COILS tow to close FERED BY 8 hales Dun t bbfe fine 36 bbfe assort e< 7 hhda Bacon 5 bbfe Ham. is shares Mu 40 shares Atlanl jntr irk and Beef utter, ra w lot .shufe Yellow Corn Beet Pickled Her- ftc I2S-4 ALE, OADSTOCK S ft JAMXEY, Stoddard's Range. ROPE. Manilla Rope, for sale IRBW LOW ft OO. I Stock Uroad Stock. are pronounced by surgeons, and everybody else, fo be I T*Ts5" j the veiy best ever Invented. They are easy sndcom ^ - cy prevent paralysl* of the nerrS, do away lOftinill T with all I he wrarinem inseparable fedm tlifusSwi 5 ! fl lR othere, and are In all respecta unrivalled. Bend fora <>UIMuULI. Ageu'a wanted everywhere LOVEJUY ft TAYLOR, iSfeM^unracttirfw^ Kb. my, Broadway ' *' “ * 6m-n£B 1 * oa Hxkkv Yosos. *r From Georgia. - HENRY TOUCE A €0*. ! I ftommission B l%OnST, New York, roSsgSST"’ 1 ” B— “ »• WM— ^ Oa unuDon Ralli Hon. . Augusta'. Savannah. * Bail Ferdinand Phinlay, R. F Clayton, 1 Auirnata. Charles Day, T. R. Bloom, Macon. Hunter ft Uammell, Savannah. eti.Vau |el4* Co., COMMISSION MEROR^n FO* TBS 1ALB OF ^ ! MTTH TIIAMt, (AVAL STHEt, ITI. OF STATEA FOR THE S3 Whitehall ■8 CANE BEEI BehecriLeni lected stock, l t netlce. Our stuck kinds. Many I cannot be obtalne [ best Plows aul i Send for a cataio ILtoufactj Cfflce^n street near IPLEMENTS. GINS, I orders at short ^ v proved !d articles, which the dry, and the EJRTON ft CO., " — 1 Retail Dealeni. looth PredericR P26-lin toggjW^dyrem^tTlhaj tufe W BY YORK, WILLIASiS, MXd CO. : Will sell at auction THIS DAY, in fromuJ 10 o’clock: | Pollocfe' Jnat arrived 3 hhda Bacon Shooldere, prise Tomato C.usup and i’cmefel 10 half bbfe Cranberries 6 rtiesta Oolong Te ^ n^, I 40 bbfe extra Family Elpar S 0®»Hen and cansbte w oozes new Lnjer Raisin* £» Blow Potatoe. iu bbl* Onion* An Invoice of Looking Gla«ei, Fuq cutlery, ftc., Ac. UNDERWRITERS sai.f. York, Williams, Me A Co. H 111 sell on FRIDAY, March 2, at l ore nre| and Barnard street*, at 10 o'clock *> BBLS FLOUR ’ , 0B * >olird brig Commaw oi to*i ^. U * >ort ' and sc*ltijrecJ daUon or the Port Wardens for laamUil |cerned. 1 BY YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTBE | CO. WM be sold at auction In front of store, (sBJl March 9, *110 o'clock: ® cases Looking Glasses _2 cases Cattery and Fancy Gods [York, WiUiams, Mol^j & Co, AT PRIVATE SALE 40 hbds New Side* and Shoulders IOC bbfe kiln dried COru Meal t received In prime order. "AUCTIOfTtfALE | *7 Meadel & Lafiitcan. 100 racks Oats, slightly wet *00 do Corn, do do 6 bbfe Biscuit 6 do Dried Fruit Groceries, Dry Goods and Cloihing_ SALE AT AUCTION. [ BY MEHDEL ft LAFFITEAC. Will sell THIS DAY at 10 o'clock, in Shoulders, Biscuits, Ac., Potatoes and Onions Furniture, Dry Goods and Clothing Out-Horse Wagou aud Harness 100 bushels Corn 10 kegs Mackerel, Herrings, ic. i'Uffi NO. U NEAR PROD! wW. B. HAWKINS .... Particular atk. F.-iAsasr, OUNTTOI Oo., New York. Janes. 'Tj prbet, IANGE, N. Y. e ) ?. t * f KOCXWKLL FAT. : Produce, Prori- "'r'Ttl?- fford, Tlteetoa Yoik iL .Savannah. MIC * lies. PACKER „ OFCOL. Wool, IBdes, ^^ ^ ‘* lpi>Il *«‘'” Jer *» t foot of Jefferson »L net 46 damaged peasagefn sr^ T 6 port, andsoMforL. «U concerned. Term ml | by BLUN & MEYER. WiU be sold on TUESDAY, Cth inet, »t U 1 tn front of the Court House. That three-story, on a basement, brlft ment, No. 4 Gordon Block, iu complete I repair. Subject to a lease on the 1st of | when possession can be had. Terms cash, purchaser paying fcr tits* ml-td ^ FLOUR, &c., AT AUCTION ( By Blun, & Meyer. On 8ATHRDAY. Mareh Sd, will be offcreJ »l 1 to close consignment*, at siore of Kamo" * ft Oo., 269 Bay Street: 360 bhb cheap Four 160. bills choice Superfine 160 bbfe choice Extra 10 hhde clear Bacon Sides 16 pack ages Breakfast Bacon Toerraxa with iteaf »0tt«r. Urd, Beans, Ac. Also, toctoseiw“^J O tfofera Pickled Herring. ^ ADhiraiHTRATORtilALE- By T. J. Walsh. v . Will be raid oa TUESDAY, April 3d, in !rwl 01 Court House, at 11 o'clock: d North half cf Lot No. 8 Third Tylhii* ^ y Ward, earner of Oongrees and Drayton p slcspie. Improve meats—.tore corner Drayton street snd * dwelling nn Drayton *>l East half of Lot No. 2 Monterey « grossd rest of fftt 64 per annum. Imp 'SISTr t ftreoiitorr brick dwelling on Jones ' tkroegb the boose snd s well of water In the J* Atra, 39 sharer Central Railroad Stock S3 sham aouthwsstern do * as th* estat* of Mrs. Jane Barnett, d«***“• dhdfeon among the hem. tt Ternu cash, pvthsoery paying for t‘U®-